#today i napped after finishing the first six hours it was awesome
a-moth-to-the-light · 2 years
when your alarms don't go off but you aren't exactly mad about it (dec 07, 2022)
It's been a little bit since I've done one of these! Life is hard, especially since I've been living in a triggered state for a little while now, but I appreciate getting to sit down and write, even if it's not too often!
Spotify Wrapped, 2
Today, we're talking about my Top Songs 2022 playlist, as created by Spotify! My comments, straight from my brain to your home heating system:
a. The lack of Bruce Springsteen here is surprising--I figured we might get "Lonesome Day" or "Land of Hope and Dreams" or "The River", all of which have been on my mind this year, in there somewhere, but the only Springsteen song on the list was "I'm Goin' Down" (though it was at #13, which is kind of awesome). It's a fantastic song that definitely matched my mood this year, so I'm glad it got represented-- but where's the rest of my Springsteen? How am I supposed to prove my fanboy status if Spotify does this to me :(
b. The artists tied for most songs on the list are Red Velvet & Bad Suns, each with five songs! Last year, only GFRIEND had five songs on the list--it's fun to have a tie this year! (And yes, one of those songs was "Mago"--even though we didn't know it was a goodbye song back then, there's something about it that just makes it the perfect way to finish off such a glorious career.) Perhaps most impressive is that all five Bad Suns songs are from only two albums total--I've actually only listened to two of their four albums, and yet I've already found so many classics!
c. There are four songs that have managed to make my Top Songs lists for three years straight now (my lists from 2018 & 2019 are very different, as my taste shifted a lot in 2020, so no songs have made it on more than three lists)--"As If It's Your Last" by Blackpink, "Bad Boy" by Red Velvet, "Blueming" by IU, and "Why So Lonely" by Wonder Girls (And "I Feel You" is back for its second year! Yay Wonder Girls!). Usually, when people gush about "Bad Boy" (as Reveluvs on YouTube are wont to do), I think okay, I don't really get it but I'm glad they're happy. I'm fully on team "Really Bad Boy", but apparently I like "Bad Boy" more than I thought I did. Also don't make fun of me for having "Why So Lonely" on here... yes I feel chronically empty inside and yes I need a passive-aggressive sadgirl anthem to help me through it and yes that hasn't changed in three years and probably never will! (lighthearted)
e. Both songs from Sumni's Heart Burn single made it into my top 20!
the day, in short
So I actually never fell asleep on Tuesday night, and I ended up giving up on trying to sleep around four a.m. and just heading to the gym when it opened at six! Then I had the glorious experience of age-regressing at the gym in the hell-hours of the morning: tottering around the track, watching the sunrise, and struggling to relearn how to put gloves on. Being a kid is tough, but it really did feel magical to enjoy the gym through a child's eyes, especially with the novelty of being there so early in the morning (we usually take our walks around the track right before dinner)!
After our first class, we got to take a nap! We always like falling asleep in the daytime so much better than falling asleep at night--the only issue is that people keep wanting us to do things during the day. sigh We ended up napping wayyyyy too long, though, oversleeping our alarm and missing a class (+ the start of our other class). This is what happens when we forget to take our sleeping pills--we don't sleep at all, and then, when we take one the next day, all the tiredness catches up to us. I'm pretty sad about missing those classes, since I was really excited for some of the stuff happening, but I'm glad I got such a nice nap--I'm struggling with emotion-management already, so trying to do so on even less sleep would probably have been even more hellish. My body knows what it needs; it really is looking out for me :)
And yes I know I'm switching between I & we here! That's a pretty common thing I do when talking about myself, so hopefully it's not too confusing! It just makes the most sense to me to use a mix of both, especially when I'm comfortable enough that I don't feel the need to mask! arm wave for emphasis
Quote of the Day
-- not me this time, though this is probably something i would say (embarrassed)!
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korusalka · 2 years
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osakunt · 3 years
Your blog is fuc***g awesome!! I was wondering, can you write something with msby boys and a s/o who is going to uni and has a lot of exams? Like yesterday me and my friends studied all night and we have breakfast with readbull, coffee and cereal to have the energy to study again and I want to see them with a s/o doing something similar. Thank you!
➬ 𝗠𝗦𝗕𝗬 𝟰 𝘅 𝗴𝗻!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
➬ 𝗺-𝗺𝘆 𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗴 𝗶𝘀 𝗮𝗺𝗮𝘇𝗶𝗻𝗴 😳😳 𝘆𝗼𝘂'𝗿𝗲 𝗮𝗺𝗮𝘇𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗺𝘆 𝘀𝗵𝗶𝘁𝘁𝘆 𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗴 𝗹𝗺𝗮𝗼. 𝗧𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗲, 𝗯𝗮𝗯𝘆 ‼️‼️
𝗦𝗔𝗞𝗨𝗦𝗔 kissed you before going to bed and told you to come to bed when finishing. He was knocked out - in sleepy land until he rolled over in the early hours of the morning to bring you closer to him but you weren’t there. “They can’t be” he whispers. Peeking an eye open - already knowing where you were. “Mind telling me why you’re still here and at four in the morning……with energy drinks (?) love, what the fuck ?” “Morning Omi. How’d you sleep ?” You look over your shoulder to see him frown at you.
“Don’t morning, me. Tell me that you didn’t stay up all night” he sits next to you pushing your notebook to a clear space in the coffee table. “Then I won’t tell you” you shrug giggling making him groan. “Did you at least take a break to eat ?” “No. I said I was going to do that but I completely forgot” hearing your answer ,he leaves for the kitchen and comes back with two bowls,cereal and milk. “Here this’ll keep you steady for now” he hands you your bowl nagging you to eat before you got sick. When you were done you set the bowl down and go back to picking up your notebook, however Kiyoomi had other plans.
“NOPE. You’re comin’ with me” he throws you over his shoulder, making his way to the room. “I have my day off today so we’re sleeping” he says before his head hits the pillow and arms circling around you. It didn’t take long for the both of you to fall asleep. After eight hours of cramming things into your brain, there was nothing else to expect. ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃
BOKUTO thought you’d go to sleep a few minutes after he went to bed but he had been in bed for an hour now, still awake - waiting for you to come join him to cuddle to sleep. Grabbing his phone from the night stand, he sees that it’s exactly eleven on the dot. Getting out of bed and going to where you were at the desk in the next room, he sees you sipping on coffee - reading some notes you had taken hours before. “Hey baby ? You coming to bed ?” He asks poking his head and half his body into the room
“I can’t Kou. I need to finish up this third part” putting your mug down, you look up to see him pout. “How many parts are left ?” “Two, baby”. Now, Bokuto wasn’t all too happy with you staying up - after all he only went to college for two years before getting drafted for the MSBY. He understood that you working for your career was a priority but at the moment his priority was having you in bed and in his arms, ear pressed against your chest to hear your heart beat. “Guess I’ll just stay with you” he pulls up a rolling chair settling down in it; smiling at you.
“Kou, this will take me all night.”
“I know. I’ll spend it here with you. Good thing it’s off season so I can stay up till anytime”
“That’ll mess up your sleep schedule though”
“No it won’t” and he was right. It wouldn’t mess up anything for him. It was now three in the morning and he was on your lap knocked. You even used his chest as a table for your books when you ran out of space on the desk.
He wakes up when the sound of a RedBull can opens and some of the sprit falls on his cheek. Blinking the sleep away - he stirs up from your lap, taking in the circles under your eyes. “Are you done yet ?” “No. I need to read through this article” you pull out a sheet with a pencil. “Then let’s popcorn read so you can finish this up. This studying thing annoys me. It takes you away from me” he grabs your paper and starts reading the first paragraph to help you finish faster. ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃
Atsumu’s plane landed around five and got home at six from an away game the team had. He wasn’t excepting to see you eating a bowl of cereal with your laptop propped up on your legs with a blanket over your head. “Ya waited fer me ta get home ?! Awe, angel yer so sweet ♡” “Shhh Tsumu !!! I need to hear this” you shut him up increasing the volume of your computer.
“Welcome home babe - thanks,baby! It’s great to be back - I missed ya- I missed ya too, angel” Atsumu goes back and forth with himself creating a welcome home scenario - playing both your part and his.
Making it over to the floor where you were set up, he squints his eyes seeing numbers and letters appearing on the computer screen. Face dropping even more, he sets down his duffle bag then takes your laptop away from you. “Heyy!!” “Let me see your face” he squished your cheeks with his hand to get you to stop moving.
“Ya didn’t”
“I did. And will continue” you finish up your bowl of cereal tossing it aside to grab your laptop from his hands but he yanks it away.
“How long ya’ve been at it ?”
“Since two days ago”
Hearing you say two days ago blew him away. This meant you probably hadn’t eaten anything nor taken a break. Setting down the laptop - he brings you up to the couch snuggling into you. Playing with your hair and making small talk, he feels your exhaustion overpower you - slowly carrying you into a deep slumber. A slumber that he also needed and took the chance while you were in his arms. ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃
Hinata was up studying with you. While you studied for your career, he studied his plays and next moves to make in the next game the team had. “I can jump a little higher” he pauses the video he was watching to write down a solution for his problem. Glancing over to you, he sees you handing him a glass bottle of refrigerated Starbucks. “Thanks” he smiles at you opening up the drink and looking at you again. “What time is it ?” His eyes show how bad he needed sleep, however he refused to go to bed unless he found ways to improve his plays.
“It’s ten. I think we should go to sleep. I’m pretty much finished” you suggest
“Fifteen more minutes. That way we can both finish and sleep the whole day” he says yawning.
Rubbing the sleep from your eyes you look at him and turn off the tv. “No. You were literally just falling asleep just now.”
“Y/n- but pleaseee” he gives you puppy eyes. Ones that you ignore packing up your things in their respective place. Unlike the other MSBY 3, Hinata will be the one you have to force to go to sleep because of how invested he is in finding ways to palm that ball. Though the others are also invested, Hinata is the one who has a hard time because of the excitement.
“No. Sweetheart it’s about to be noon. Let’s try to at least sleep” you grab his hand - dragging him to the shared room. “Maybe I can do that trick Atsumu did with Osamu when we were in high school. When they changed positions”
“Shut up. Sleep” you kiss his forehead resting your head on your pillow - quickly falling asleep.
“Baby ?….y/n …..oh they fell asleep” Hinata rubs his eyes, feeling the warmth of the bed - maybe a quick nap wouldn’t hurt.
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Part Eight. "If you're the imposter, you are canonically Bugsy Siegel."
warnings: swearing word count: 2k (not including pictures)
behind the screen (irl dream xf!reader) series masterlist ultimate masterlist
A/N: ahehahehoho ik sapnap didn't fly to dreams house before they moved in together but this is a fanfic and therefore what i say goes and i say he did :) hope you enjoy!!!!!!
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"SAPNAP!" Y/n yelled into her phone, smiling against the cool device.
"Bugsy!" he said with a laugh.
"You're with Dream?"
"Yeah, you wanna say hi?"
"No, give the phone to Patches!!"
"She literally hates me. She runs away when I see her."
Y/n laughed and heard a voice of protest in the background.
"Dream claims it's because she's shy but she literally hissed at me in my nightmares so I think we have bad blood."
Y/n giggled and balanced the phone between her shoulder and cheek. "You're still on for Among Us tonight, right?"
"Yeah, why? What's up?"
"I was just checking since you're visiting Dream apparently. I don't want to take away from your bro time or whatever."
"Oh, nah, it's good. I'm only here so we can look at places to live together and stuff. He told you I'm moving in with him soon, right?"
"Yeah! That's awesome!"
"Yeah. But, yeah, I love playing games with you! Besides, he has his stupid George plug-in to finish still so I'll be bored. So yes, of course I'm still playing, Bugsy!!!!"
"I've never made a lobby before so I'm just nervous," she said, the feeling evident in her voice.
"Don't worry, I'll make sure none of them pull that stupid prank we pull with Quackity all the time when we tell him we're leaving and pretend like he's muted. It always drags on for like half an hour."
"Okay, good. I'm literally so scared already I don't need hooligans messing with me."
"Don't worry, I got you, Bugsy."
"Thanks. Hey, can you tell Dream he sucks?"
Sapnap groaned. "I don't wanna be your messenger for your love letters to each other."
"Sapnap!" she exclaimed. "No, just... tell him he sucks."
She listened as Sapnap's voice became muffled and she heard him relay the message. A loud, "BUGSY!!" was heard in Dreams voice and she giggled.
"He's dramatically appalled. He said—you know what, no. You guys can talk to each other on your own phones. I'm not being a delivery boy."
"Boo, no fun. I'll let you go so you can hang out with Dream but I can't wait for the game!"
"Me too! See ya Bugsy, love you."
"Love you, Sap!!"
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Y/n drummed her fingers lightly against her desk as she waited for people to join her stream. She was muted, her viewers only left with the sounds of the music she played and the image of her commissioned "starting soon!!" screen. She double-checked the Discord call she was deafened and muted in to make sure her friends were actually there before unmuting her stream and welcoming everyone.
"Chat!!" she announced happily. "Hi! Hello! Welcome one and all to my stream!" She glanced at the chat which was filled with welcomes and announcements of everyone's excitement. She thanked everyone that had donated and gifted subs before checking her surroundings, even though it wouldn't be shown on stream.
She was bundled in a hoodie, her comforter from her bed wrapped around her and trapping her in a cocoon. The lights were off except a candle on her desk and her fairy lights around her room. It was all very serene. She was ready.
A dono came through and she laughed at the question. "Why isn't Dream joining? Um, because he said no. He doesn't have time for me," she joked, recalling them teasing each other about making time for one another. "This just in: Dreamwastaken hates BugsyGames."
Moments later, a $20 dono came through from Dream saying, "not true".
"Dream!" she exclaimed with a laugh. "You can donate and stalk my stream but not play with us? Very rude. Get off my stream and go finish coding, nerd." Despite her words, she couldn't stop smiling.
"Alright, folks! Listen up, today is gonna be so fun. We got Karl, we got Quackity, we got Tubbo, Ranboo, Sapnap, George, Schlatt, Corpse, Sykkuno," she took a dramatic breath and paused, making sure she wasn't forgetting to mention anyone. "Okay? It's gonna be so fun and I'm very excited!" She glanced at chat and smiled at all the positivity.
user5: corpse!!!!!! T_T
user2: omg watch out dream, we got another faceless man he might come for ur girl
user7: omg is this the first time bugsy is playing with tubbo and ranboo???
"Yes, I'm very excited to have Corpse and Sykkuno play today! I haven't played anything with them or Schlatt yet but I have played Minecraft with Tubbo and Ranboo not too long ago. So it should be fun!! Okay, let's join the vc!!"
She typed in the text channel that she was joining before unmuting and undeafening herself. Her headphones were immediately filled with voices speaking over each other, one louder than the rest.
"—aren't, but come on, there has to be something! We aren't blind!" It was Quackity. "Well, George is colorblind but—"
"Hey!" George protested of Quackity's fit of laughter.
"I think they'd be cute," Tubbo said.
"Me too!" Sykkuno's sweet voice rang.
"Quackity!" Karl shouted, exasperated. "I promise you they aren't actually dating! Like actually!!! She's my best friend and she would tell me if something was going on!!" His voice was desperate, almost as if he felt like Quackity was doubting his friendship with whoever he was talking about. Wait, Y/n was Karl's best friend. Were they talking about...
"Yeah, that and I'm literally in his house right now," Sapnap said. "That's two people who are close with the sources who haven't heard anything. I've literally asked Dream straight up to his face and he said no. And he's a terrible liar so I would be able to tell if he and Bugsy—"
"Hi everyone!!" Y/n said quickly, snapping out of wanting to listen to the gossip when she remembered she was streaming. She was worried about how detailed everyone would go into their theories and opinions of what sounded like her and Dream dating.
Where did they get that idea? she thought.
She didn't dare look at her chat in case they picked up on what the boys were talking about, which was very likely.
Quackity and Corpse started laughing loudly at Y/n's entrance while Tubbo stammered out an awkward, "Hel-hello Bugsy!" as if he had been caught doing something wrong. Oh, Tubbo, my sweet son, you could never do anything wrong.
"What are... you guys, haha, uh... talking about?" she asked slowly, hoping they would lie if they were talking about what she thought they were.
"The weather," Sapnap lied.
"Uh, uh, uh," Corpse stammered with a small laugh at the end.
"Tax evasion!" Ranboo shouted.
"Don't let these pricks lie to you, Bugsy," Schlatt said casually, his mouth clearly full of food. Probably a corndog or quesadilla or something. She tensed at his honestly, praying he wasn't going to blurt what they actually— "They're talking about you and Dream."
"M-me and Dream?"
"Are you dating? Yes or no?" he asked bluntly.
"Wha—n-no! No, we aren't."
"TOLD YOU!" Karl and Sapnap both yelled.
"Can we just.. play?" she asked with a laugh. She usually liked chatting with everyone before they played things on other people's streams but she was certain the topic was going to stay on her and Dream and she didn't want that. Bugsy and Dream... that has a nice ring to it, she thought before shaking her head to rid it from her mind. Weird.
"I do have one question, Bugsy," Schlatt said. "Bugsy... what is that? All I can think of is Bugsy Siegel."
"Because you're the most New York New Yorker on the planet," she groaned with a small laugh. "Bugsy just sounded cute, don't compare me to a mobster."
"Then don't name yourself after one."
"Please can we play?" Y/n groaned. "I just wanna play."
"Me too!" Tubbo agreed.
"This is why you're my favorite, Tubbo."
"Yeah, let's get this shit over with," Schlatt sighed among all the agreeing to start. "If you're the imposter, you are canonically Bugsy Siegel."
"TUBBO!" Y/n yelled as the defeat screen appeared. The boy laughed as he sputtered out a defense. "You and Ranboo?? My own sons?! How did you guys get away with that? I literally said from the beginning that it was Ranboo and NO ONE listened to me!!"
"Sorry, mother," Ranboo apologized before laughing.
"I don't trust women," Schaltt said.
"Schlatt, why would I target Ranboo or Tubbo if I didn't have solid evidence it was them? I'd blame someone like Sapnap if I was imposter, not my own sons."
Tubbo laughed loudly and George giggled.
"You can't be trusted, Bugsy!" Quackity yelled. "You lie every other goddamn round!"
"BECAUSE I KEEP GETTING IMPOSTER!" she defended as she raised out of her chair slightly. She had never been so angry than when playing Among Us. It was a dangerous game for her. Her covers were thrown off of her body, abandoned at her feet, and her hoodie sleeves were pushed up. Good thing she didn't use a facecam because she looked like she could murder someone right then. "I have no choice but to lie!!!"
A new game started and she relaxed at the sight of her being crewmate again. She had already been imposter three or four times and they had only played six rounds.
She headed straight for the reactor to do her first task, closing out to see Sapnap silently standing behind her.
"Ah!" she yelled, jumping slightly. "You scared me, dude. Why... why are you being so cryptic?" No answer. "Ssssssssap.....nap?" she asked softly, confused by his uncharacteristic silence.
George walked in and stopped. "Why are you guys just staring at each other?"
"I was doing my task and turned around and Sapnap was here and he hasn't said anything. Sap?"
Shuffling was heard from his mic before he started moving again. "Hey guys!" he chirped as if he hadn't been super creepy moments before. "I was AFK, Dream brought me Chick-fil-a."
"Oh," Y/n breathed. "You looked super sus for a minute there, bud."
"Nah, I just got food," he said, voice muffled by said food to confirm. "Dream! Come say hi to your girlfriend!"
Wasn't Sapnap one of the ones that literally just argued with the group that Bugsy and Dream weren't dating?
Without further explanation, Y/n could hear footsteps coming from Sapnap's mic before Dream's voice came through. "Hi, Bug. Hi, George."
Y/n laughed, glad he greeted George too. Maybe that's who Sapnap meant in the first place? Why did she assume they were talking about her? Ugh, everything was confusing when she had butterflies in her tummy at the mention of Dream's name.
"I'm his favorite girlfriend," George teased, circling around Y/n's character.
"Also his only girlfriend," she said.
"Oh also," Dream's voice appeared again. "Sapnap's imposter."
Y/n and George ran away screaming, heading straight for the emergency button.
Later that night, stream over and Y/n tucked into bed, she scrolled through Twitter and laughed at a Tweet Dream had posted. It was like it was made for her. She ran through her camera roll and found her favorite memes that applied to the request.
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She smiled widely and giggled at the butterflies in her stomach when moments later, she received a text from the boy himself. Looks like he wanted her number for more than just to make a cabin vacation group chat (which had yet to be made, she noted).
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tags: OPEN (at the time) (if your name is in BOLD i couldnt tag you sorry!)
@hydrate-tion​​ @loraleiix​​ @tinaswagbd​​ @charsdummb​​ @smileyyuta​​ @1ghoste1​​ @cerberus-hellhound @gaysludge​​ @queestionmark​​ @carnations-red​​ @letsloveimagines​​ @the-fictionwriters-hairdo​​ @boiled-onionrings​​ @a-cryptic​​ @fee-btheweeb​​ @erwinss​​ @just-a-stan​​ @axths​​ @kayleigh2703 @furiouspockettoad​​ @sometimeseverythingsucks​​ @powerpuffyn​​ @itshaileyn​​ @millavalntyne​​ @automaticcomputerpaper​​ @nikkineeky​​ @fivedicksinatrenchcoat​​ @sprucekot​​ @jabby16​​ @mae-musicbitch​​ @hungoverhellhound​​ @dreamyteam​​ @kuroo-icedtea​​ @stuffforreferences @menacingaesthetic @sapphic-soot​​ @fangeekkk​​ @haseulreturns​​ @queenwastaken​​ @peteysgf​​ @losingvienna​​ @bi-narystars​​ @zero-nightshade​​ @erinitoburrito @sparklykeylime​​ @youhyakuya​​ @danny-devitowo​​ @clubfairy​​ @loser-keiji​​ @oi-itsemily​​​ @alm334​​​ @the-katastrophe​​​ @wreny24​​​​ @applecakeradio @unicornblood4ever @brendalopez99​​ @spacecluster​​ @justonemoreepisode​​ @strawbrinkofdeath​​ @aikochan4859​​​ @chaotic-tieflings​​​ @dreamsofficialwife​​​ @where-thesundoesntshine​​
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crazy4dragons · 4 years
Everything Will Be Okay
Astrid comforts Hiccup after he finds out his injuries from a car accident are more serious than he thought. Pure fluff! Like Heaven AU. Hiccstrid are about 16 here.
Hearing her phone ring, Astrid turned her attention away from her homework and looked at the caller ID.
Hiccup 😜
“Hey, Hiccup,”  she greeted as she accepted the call.
“Are you busy?” came Hiccup’s voice through the speaker.
“I’m just doing homework. Why, what’s up?”
Hiccup sighed. “I had physical therapy today. You know, for my leg. And my therapist told me that I’m not making the progress he thought I would.”
“Listen, you shattered your bone pretty badly. And with the fracture in your ankle, too, it might take longer than expected for everything to heal all the way.”
“That’s the thing, Astrid. It’s not going to heal all the way.” Hiccup’s voice cracked. “The doctors are recommending I get a second surgery. And if that doesn’t work, I might have to use a wheelchair off and on for the rest of my life. Or maybe just a cane if I’m lucky, but I don’t want to be walking around like an old man with a walking stick. Do you know how much I’ll get teased at school? If I can ever go back to school?”
“But there’s also a chance the second surgery could work, right?”
“I guess, but even if it does, my limp will never go away permanently.” He sniffled.
Astrid frowned. “Hiccup? Are you crying?”
He didn’t reply.
“Are you still there? Hiccup?”
“Can you…can you come over? I need you,” Hiccup said, still sniffling. “And if it’s okay with your mom, do you think you could just stay the night?”
“I’ll ask, but she might say no because it’s a school night. Are your parents there?”
“Yeah, both of them are here. I’ll be honest with you, Astrid, I cried the whole way home from physical therapy, and cried more when we got home. My mom sat with me for a while, but she thought that maybe it would help take my mind off of everything if you came over.”
Astrid shut her laptop and, putting her phone on speaker and resting it on her desk, began to pack up her school supplies. “Yeah, I can come for at least a couple hours. I’ll check with my mom about sleeping over, too. Is there anything you want me to bring?”
“No. But if you’re down to cuddle, that would be great.”
“Of course I am.”
“Great. Well, I’ll let you go, then. Do you need my dad to come pick you up?”
“No, I can walk.”
“But Astrid, it’s freezing out. And dark.”
“I’ll be okay.”
“I’ll ask my dad come get you. I’ll tell him to be there in fifteen.”
“Okay, if you insist. I’ll talk to my mom about the sleepover and text you to let you know what she says.”
“Sounds good. See you in a bit, then.”
“See you. Bye.”
Twenty minutes later, Astrid walked into Hiccup’s house, her overnight bag over her shoulder and a pillow under her arm.
“Hello, dear,” greeted Valka. “I’m so glad you could come. Hiccup could really use a friend.”
“Is he in his room?”
“Yes, love, he’s in his room. Did you have dinner yet? Stoick made pan-seared salmon and noodles. We have leftovers if you’re hungry.”
“No, I didn’t have dinner yet. Do you mind if I bring a plate to Hiccup’s room?”
Valka looked at the things in Astrid’s arms. “Why don’t you go on up and get settled in, and I’ll bring it up to you?”
“Thank you,” smiled the blonde. She ascended the stars and knocked on Hiccup’s door. “Hey, it’s me.”
“Come in.”
Astrid twisted the doorknob and, after putting her bag and pillow down, shuffled over to where Hiccup was sitting with red eyes and a box of tissues and wrapped him in a hug. “You know, no matter what happens, you’ll still have me.”
Unable to hold back his tears, Hiccup broke out into a sob. “I just want to be normal,” he cried, burying his face into Astrid’s shoulder.
“Shhh, it’s gonna be okay. It’s gonna be okay,” repeated Astrid, running her fingers through his hair and hugging him closer. By the time Valka came upstairs with her dinner, he had stopped crying and settled back against the pillows, clutching Astrid’s hand for comfort.
“Here you go, Astrid,” Valka said, handing the blonde a warm plate of food. “And what about you, dear? How are you feeling?” She bent down and kissed Hiccup’s forehead. “Do you want any dessert? Or a soda?”
Hiccup shook his head. “No thanks, Mom.”
“Alright, well if you change your mind, just call me. I’ll be back to say goodnight in a little while. Just try not to worry too much, okay? I love you.”
“Love you, Mom.” Hiccup briefly hugged his mother before turning back to Astrid. “I’m just tired of the hospital. And surgery. And being stuck in bed. And I know the kids at school are gonna tease me if I show up with a cane. Or even a wheelchair.”
“They’re jerks if they tease you,” said Astrid, scooping noodles into her mouth. “But as for me, I’d much rather have you alive and needing a little help to walk than have you in your grave. Do you know how worried I was when I heard you were in an accident? And how scared I was when you were in your coma?”
“The coma was only two days,” Hiccup pointed out. “And seeing that I don’t remember it, it’s the least of my worries.”
“But from my perspective, all I could think about was, what if I lose my best friend?”
“And what kind of a friend will I be if I can’t do anything with you besides sit and talk?”  
“I like talking to you,” shrugged Astrid.  “And besides, you’ll be able to move around more soon. Even if it’s with some help. You���ll adapt.” She took a bite of fish. “You want any of this?”
He shook his head. “I already had some.”
“How about you put on Netflix or something so we can find a show to watch? As soon as I’m done eating, I’ll cuddle with you, too. I put on cozy clothes before I came here just for that reason.”
“What time are you getting up for school tomorrow?” Hiccup asked as he grabbed the remote.
“Six. I’ll try to leave without waking you, but I do have to give a warning that I have to set an alarm for myself.”
“Don’t worry about it. It’s not like I I can’t go back to sleep. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Are you still getting your assignments e-mailed to you?”
“Yeah. Right now I’m working on the project for my history elective, so at least I have something keeping me busy.”
“And you’re still making drawings to go with it?” Astrid asked between bites.
Hiccup nodded. “Yeah, wanna see?” He reached over and grabbed his sketchbook from the bedside table. “Here’s Thor and his hammer. And here’s some dragons. And here’s Freja and her cats.”
“They’re awesome.”
“I still have to color them in. I also have to draw Loki and Odin. And I want to do a scene of Vikings sitting in the Great Hall listening to stories. Then I have to get all these drawings on a poster and write a few paragraphs of background research for each of them. What about you? Any big projects you have to finish?”
“I have my AP bio exam coming up soon. That’s kicking my ass right now.” Astrid finished up her food and laid her plate aside. “But it’s okay.”
“And how’s it going with your boyfriend?”
“You mean David? He’s not my official boyfriend yet,” laughed Astrid. “But he is taking me out again on Friday night.”
“Is he treating you good?”
“Of course. I wouldn’t have agreed to a second date if he wasn’t.” She snuggled against Hiccup’s side. “By the way, what are we gonna watch?”
“Will you hate me if I put on Vikings? I know how much you love historical dramas.”
Astrid laughed. “Put on whatever you want. I’ll just snooze. But wake me up when this episode is over because I need a shower before bed.” She draped an arm across his middle.
Grinning, Hiccup pressed the play button before tossing the remote aside and hugging the blonde. “Your boyfriend won’t mind us cuddling, will he?” He winked.
Astrid playfully punched his bicep. “He’s not my boyfriend!” she insisted.
“That’s what you say,” teased Hiccup.
“And even if he was, he wouldn’t be any longer if he had a problem with our friendship.”
“Aww, you’d break up with your crush for me?”
“Of course. Friends come first.” She tugged the duvet over their bodies and kissed his tear-stained cheek. “I mean it. No matter what happens, I’m here for you.”
“Thanks,” returned Hiccup, squeezing her tighter and rubbing his nose against the side of her face. “And thanks for coming here tonight. This is exactly what I needed.”
“You’re allowed to kiss me, you know,” laughed Astrid as she felt him nuzzle her cheek. “You don’t have to do whatever this is.” She reached up and flicked the tip of his nose.
Smiling, Hiccup pressed kisses into Astrid’s hair and against her cheek. “There, is that enough for you?”
“I don’t know,” she shrugged playfully. “Maybe one more.”
Hiccup gave her cheek one last kiss before burying his face against her shoulder.
A warm feeling surged through Astrid’s veins as she let out a contented sigh and closed her eyes. “Alright. I’m gonna nap now. Remember, wake me up after this episode is over.”
“Maybe I will, maybe I won’t,” teased Hiccup.
“Unless you want me to walk around school smelling like a yak tomorrow, you’ll wake me.” She snuggled into his chest. “And Hiccup?”
“Everything will be okay.”
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anystalker707 · 4 years
Paintings and cuddles
Pairing: Gerard Way x Reader Genre: Fluff/comfort Summary: Gerard and reader barely have time to spend together, but that doesn’t really prevent them from having dates in the middle of the night Word count: 1 876
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Difficult. That's how it has been. I mean, not like most of the people expect to have an easy relationship with someone who they're barely able to see. While a great part of my work can be done either from my place or quickly, Gerard is so busy that we're rarely see each other. Of course we're always exchanging messages and occasionally meeting each other, but it's barely nothing considering sending messages are useless when it comes to wanting to kiss the other and when we see each other personally, it's not for long even if the times are relatively many. All of that induces us to being extremely needy when meeting up, not to mention the cheesy texts.
Lately, I'm starting to believe Gerard somehow affects on my creativity. A breathy chuckle leaves my lips as I gaze at the half done sketch over the white sheet; I just can't find how to complete it without making it worse or coming to nothing at all and whenever I try to think about a solution, my need of Gerard is everything ends up filling my mind.
It doesn't take me much to notice I've used all my daily creativity quota by now, so I let go of all my art materials, stretching myself with a groan before standing up. My eyes rest once again over the wide sheet of paper, expecting a random idea to show up in my mind - unfortunately, it never happens and I'm left frustrated as going to bed, rather early than usual. Maybe I'll have some kind of inspirational dream? Sure as hell I hope.
Well, perhaps there would have been any chances of getting an inspo dream if I was able to get some sleep in first place, but all I have been doing on my bed is rolling around for the past hours in long pauses between naps and Gerard thoughts. Immediately recognizing it's my escape from another long hour of staring at the darkness of my room, my hand flies to my phone at the moment it vibrates at the arrival of a new notification. Seeing it's a message from Gerard makes my heart flutter.
Gee❤⛓🌹🖤:  Miss u
Me: Miss u too Can I come over?
Gee❤⛓🌹🖤: I was gonna complain it's almost midnight, but I want you too much
Chuckling to myself, I place the phone aside before getting up to my feet; I just bother changing my clothes - into others that are also comfortable, but don't look like they were incessantly used for a certain period of time five years ago - then grab my things to leave. It's not like his place is too far from mine, so a small jog towards there will do. As soon as I reach his place, the cold night air is pleasantly substituted by Gerard's warmth when he throws his arms around me.
"I'm considering kidnapping you and not letting you go for a whole week." I mutter through a chuckle, tightening my arms around him as much as I can, causing him to do the same.
"Sadly, my job would be compromised and I unfortunately need to work if I want to eat something or maintain everything I need." He replies in the same joking tone, placing kisses on my cheek right after. Finally we pull away, but it's just for time enough for me to lean in and lock our lips in a kiss that mixes neediness and relief. We pull away with a last peck placed over my lips before he looks at me with a bright smile, taking my hand in his. "C'mon, it's kinda cold out here." He mutters as pulling me with him, closing the door once we're inside.
"I'm not bothering you, right?" I ask him with a small smile as letting my shoes by the door. "I know I should've asked before and all-"
He rolls his eyes, shaking his head in certain disbelief - I know the exact thought that crosses his mind, don't you know me enough? "I would've let you know." Just one side of his mouth moves when he speaks - the exact way like it does whenever he's being sassy, sarcastic or impatient - while a hand rests over his hip.
"Yeah, but that I want you too much was a reason to get suspicious." Humming, I narrow my eyes at him in a playful manner, watching his defeated face. Muttering for me to come along once more, he takes my hand in his once again and just lets go of it when we're on the couch, so we're able to cuddle. "Being away from you for too long gives me art block." I start, suddenly remembering about today's earlier events while adjusting myself next to him, under the blankets. "I sat for six hours in front of a white sheet and all I could do was nothing."
"I can't say it's easy without you either." Gerard breathes a chuckle mixed with a whine, glancing at me before returning his attention to the TV, setting something for us to watch. "If I didn't see you today, I'd probably go crazy." He furrows his eyebrows while smiling lightly; I slowly shake my head at him, leaning my head against his shoulder. "I'm not joking!" A grin cracks his lips as he turns to look at me, letting the remote control on the other side of the couch. "I wasn't even able to sleep properly!"
"I know you're serious!" I laugh at his reaction. "The same happened to me. Good thing you decided to text me." Because I definitely wouldn't do it, afraid I would disturb him or something.
"Indeed." His sweet tone makes me internally melt, even more when he places his lips over mine once again. Ugh, he better kiss me a lot to make it up for the time he's away. He just pulls away enough to disconnect our lips, still gazing at me with a need that equals itself to mine. "A question." Gerard says rather hesitantly, now with his hazel eyes flickering over my face, hidden twice due to a couple of quick blinks; he continues after I hum questioningly. "Can I... paint you?" A red color makes itself present over his cheeks, intensifying once I smile.
"Can I?" I ask in return, excited about the idea. Honestly, it feels like all the creativity just flows back in my head after his request. In response, I earn from him a shy yes, to what I answer with "Then of course you can."
Seeming happier, Gerard pecks my lips once again before standing up and disappearing in the hall, leaving me watching the TV until he's back with his art supplies - all of them neatly organized inside a paint stained briefcase. He leaves again, to the kitchen this time, but returns quickly with a glass of water. There's a big grin over his face as he sits down next to me with the palette in hands. No words are exchanged to decide where he'll start painting - we simply look at each other and his eyes move briefly to my arm then meet mine with a raise of eyebrows, earning from me a light shrug in response as I move closer, extending my arm towards him.
"So," Gerard starts, dipping the paintbrush in the black paint; it touches my skin and makes me shiver at the cold pleasant sensation. "how was your week?" With the brush gaining a rhythm of taps against my skin, I quickly get used to it.
"Oh," I breathe out, taking a moment to think while half of my attention is still taken by the TV. "it was mostly boring, but had some nice moments." And I start a ramble about how my week was full of suffering for inspiration, boring talks with costumers and a nice art exposition I got the opportunity of  going to, mentioning how he'd love it. He makes some comments now and then and it may sound stupid, but it makes me soft how he cares. By the time I finish talking, his job on my arm is done and dry. "That's beautiful!" I widen my eyes at the roses painted on my forearm, carefully moving my arm so I'm able to take a good look at it.
"I need to do my best, anyways, my canvas is you." His hazel eyes gaze at me from under his eyelashes as he cleans the paintbrush, shyly smiling. I scoff at it, silently asking for the supplies this time. He gives them to me and adjust his position on the couch so his arm can comfortably rest over my lap for me to paint it.
"What about you, hm?" I mix some of the paints on the palette until reaching the tone I've got in mind. "You were over to New York this week, right?" He's midway through his answer when the paintbrush touches his skin, making him flinch lightly and move away. That results in me chuckling while he mutters embarrassed apologies.
His week sounds far more interesting than mine and I don't hesitate in showing that, groaning about how boring my life is when he's done. "Of course not." He answers with a chuckle, pressing a kiss to my lips before finally admiring my work. I tried to do something similar to his drawings, copying all the goth punk style. Gerard playfully pulls on a judging face as scanning my painting, raising and lowering his arm to have different angles of it. "I guess it's good." His dramatic tone makes me roll my eyes, containing a grin that ends up cracking my lips when he admits finding it perfect and places a kiss on my cheek.
While the paint on Gerard's arm dries, we get immersed in another talk and, noticing my sleepy state, Gerard pulls me to lay with my head on his lap. Having him playing with my hair gets me to the edge of sleepiness and I'm able to hear him chuckling softly while caressing my cheek with his thumb. "Hey," He asks quietly, continuing once I hum in response. "can I paint your back?"
"Sounds awesome." I grin, thinking about how wonderful it may feel. As soon as I've got my top bare, I lay over his lap, facing down, with my head over a pillow and in a way my stomach is right over his lap so he can easily reach my whole back and I'm comfortable. Wow, fuck, having my back painted almost feels better than having a massage on it. He chuckles lightly at the pleased hum I release, making me smile.
It's simply amazing how he paints precisely, with a light hand and is extremely careful at what feels like the details. Even if the brush tickles lightly, it just happens when there isn't much paint on it, but feels extremely pleasant when he passes the brush over the skin after dipping it in paint once more. I wouldn't complain about having more nights like this. Soon, the moment's comfort pulls me at once to fall asleep.
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doomedandstoned · 3 years
10,000 Years Take Us Into The "Gargantuan Forest"
~Doomed & Stoned Debuts~
Review by Billy Goate
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Album Art by Francesco Bauso
Leaving the world For salvation yonder Quest for eternity To suns beyond
Gazing upon our past Out into forever To a future obscured What glory awaits?
To begin another week of awesome original content at Doomed & Stoned, we're getting you better acquainted with the Swedish juggernaut 10,000 YEARS.
Last summer, the band dropped their eponymous debut to welcome ears and in just a few short weeks 10,000 Years come roaring back with a follow-up. Y'all know I'm a sucker for a good concept album. The eight-track full-length record 'II' (2021) picks up the trail of the Albatross research vessel, which has been galavanting 'cross the nether reaches of the galaxy on a potent rocket fuel made of sludgy stoner rock and doom metal.
If that sounds epic, wait'll you get a load of what's next for our interstellar crew. It helps if you picture the following text as a Star Wars-style screen crawl, slowly working its way up the page against the backdrop of a starry night.
After narrowly escaping the confines of the strange planet and its surrounding dimension, the Albatross and its crew finally return home to Earth. The re-entry is rough and the ship crashlands in a forest. The earth that greets them is vastly different from the one that they left.
When the ship travelled back to earth through the wormhole, it created a rift in the space-time continuum which propelled them far into the future, as well as allowing the Green King and other ancient gods from the other dimension to cross over to our dimension. They have since taken control of not only the earth, but the entire solar system.
After various harrowing experiences and encounters, the truth finally dawns on the surviving members of the crew. They are indeed back on earth, but ten thousand years in the future from when they started their journey. And to make matters worse, they find evidence that the Green King has been known and worshipped by secret cults and societies on earth for millenia, since before humankind even existed.
The surviving members of the crew come to the conclusion that the only way to set things right again is to repair the Albatross and take it back through the rift again in order to close it.
Now that's a saga I'm ready to get invested in. George Lucas, eat your heart out!
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The record revs to a start with "Descent," a track that can best be described as terrific panic. It had me thinking of KOOK's "Escape Velocity" from their recent second album, though that's an eight-and-a-half minute slow burn and this is a quick twenty-six second fall from the sky. I wish this little notion had a chance to develop into something longer, but regardless what a thrilling way to open an album!
With rapt attention, I'm waiting to hear what comes next. The ship seems to have crash landed deep inside a "Gargantuan Forest." As an aside, it would be a blast to smoke a bowl o' something (anything, really) with Erik Palm (guitar), Alex Risberg (bass, vox), and Espen Karlsen (drums) just to gab it up a bit about sci-fi lit and horror flicks. I mean, check out the trove of B-movie greats referenced in their preface to the new single (which Doomed & Stoned is debuting today):
In this ABSURD (1981) video, 10,000 Years enter a FOREST OF FEAR (1980) as they access THE BEYOND (1981) and enter a BLOODBATH (1971) with THE BOOGEY MAN (1980), otherwise known as the Espbeast. The Espbeast stalks and haunts the bodies and minds of the characters in this C-grade homage to the horror movies of yesteryear.
The characters FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE (1976) through insane NIGHTMARES IN A DAMAGED BRAIN (1981). If they survive the AXE (1974) they may still end up in an INFERNO (1980) and risk being EATEN ALIVE (1976). All the same risks face the viewer, so don’t watch with the lights out, don’t watch by yourself and DON’T GO IN THE WOODS ALONE (1981). Because after all, isn’t there an Espbeast in all of us?
10,000 Years have picked the ideal setting for the music video. The forests of Sweden stand tall and dark, the ground packed with snow. Screw you, Blair Witch Project -- this is where I want the next found footage flick filmed!
The song opens with a mysterious theme on solitary electric strings, surrounded by hazy reverberation. Drums and bass accent the motif as it's repeated several times over. Dazed by their graceless fall to earth, the crew wander about, checking one another for injuries, seeing if the faithful Albatross has even hope of another journey. As the shock begins to wear off, their hopeless plight reveals itself.
Screaming from the sky Blasting through the atmosphere
Come to rest On the forest floor Still alive What fresh new hell is this?
Surrounded by swamps A strange bleeding from the earth
Giant trees A dense horror taking root Same old sun Unfamiliar rays shine down
Is there something lurking about in the Gargantuan Forest? I'm sure no one wants to wait until nightfall to find out! The so-called "Espbeast" (which the band may actually have been first to name) is more than likely some strange amalgamation of guitar and creature, ripping through foes like a berserker of sound with scraps of High on Fire's "10,000 Years" echoing perversely through the treetops as it stalks and ultimately slays you. Nobody wants to be around when the Espbeast is on the prowl.
Now see, I'm letting my imagination get carried away! Then again, maybe that's what the band had planned all along -- for listeners to join in the fantastic adventures of these cosmonauts, to see through their eyes and feel through their body as they touch foot to strange soil. What will our adventurers find next?
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The answer comes all too soon: "Spinosaurus!" This gruff beast charges angrily through the woods knocking things about, displacing rocks, snapping branches, royally pissed and ready to make somebody pay for the noise that snatched him away from a damned good nap. The repeated note riff, with its odd strumming pattern, does a nifty job of representing the crude movements of the Spinosaurus as it lumbers about the forest. Eric is a virtuosic mess of frantic tremeloes and wiry noodling against Espen's stampeding drums, as Alex narrates the scene with a terrifying shout:
Is this our earth? No time to dwell Dorsal sail cutting air Cretaceous ghost made flesh
Staring into Dead end eyes No place to hide Theropodic annihilation
Teeth into flesh!
What the crew is experiencing on their homeworld thus far seems foreign, almost ancient. Through some curse of Einstenian logic have we zipped through a wormhole only to return to the distant past? "The Mooseriders" are about to challenge our assumptions about what's possible on this Rock.
Thundering hooves crack the sky Dark robed wizards appear in the light Travellers in ether descending Protectors of the realm
These are the oath-bound eternals -- interdimensional templars, if you will -- who have arrived at this precise moment in time to take on the Green King. Complex rhythmic drumming with precisely stricken odd beats, is accompanied by a hyperactive bass and progressive metal riffmaking. Together, the band conjures the trot and hustle of the approaching entourage. A wilding guitar heralds a message from the great protectors:
The hour draws near The endgame is nigh Divine prophecy Even death may die
The mood now turns stately. A brave theme is introduced and developed with dashing prowess. This track would fit perfectly into a playlist with Mastodon, Ape Cave, and Zirakzigil. I found Alex's vocal approach especially appropriate for the frantic depiction of "antlers clashing with steel" in this battle to the finish. "Even death...may...DIE!"
"Angel Eyes" greet us on the B-side, and it's not a cover of the Jerry Cantrell song (though that would have been unexpectedly awesome). No, the hard-charging mood and raspy vocals are pointing to something far more apocalyptic.
Hooves of burning coal Let loose upon the world
Return of the warlord Eternal fire scorches the earth
Heavenly gaze Order through chaos
At times Alex seems exasperated, practically out of breath, as he gives these dire words his all. It's a style the 10,000 Years frontman owns as well as his counterpart, Simon Ohlsson of Vokonis, who has a comparable vocal attack. A bass-fortified guitar establishes a second theme that adds a Wagnarian touch of high drama, and this ushers in the song's curtain fall.
If 10,000 Years is to be compared with High On Fire at all, the rumbling riffstorm "March Of The Ancient Queen" surely merits it (to say nothing of their mutual love of alternative histories).
Her royal blood Once ruled these lands Generations Buried by time Dynasty of dust Rise from the sands Rise from the dead The Green King's servant
March Of The Ancient Queen - Single by 10,000 Years
That last lyric is uttered with the most blood-curdling all-caps conviction that I was immediately drawn into its sentiment, miming "Maaaaarrrrrch!" with my ugliest war face on every time it came up in the song. The NWOBHM-style finish is so deftly executed that it comes across as orchestral. 10,000 Years paint with big, bold strokes here.
"Prehuman Walls" is a welcome shift down, with its chugging "Bury Me In Smoke" tempo. You sludge fiends will find moments of Zen here, with riffs that bend and twist and saw 'neath the summer sun. The crew have chanced upon a temple of sorts, though not one made with human hands. Nothing seems to make sense here at all. It's like Area X from the film Annihilation (2017), where everything is a contortion of reality. Then the "truth settles in." This alien monstrosity, we find, bears the mark of the sinister Green King. We thought we'd escaped him, only to find that he both followed us and was here millenia before.
Unholy worship Feed the Green King Eyes pried open Sanity stripped away
At last, we reach the final track in our journey: "Dark Side Of The Earth". So many revelations have been made in this second chapter, so many loose ends that need to be tied off. Naturally, a third chapter must be written. "We must go back, set it right," deliberates an exasperated Albatross crew. "We must go back, whence we came."
Dimension walls broken down The fabric ripped and torn apart Thread the needle once again A journey of ten thousand years
We must go back, set it right We must go back, through the tears
Insanity the only way The dark side of the earth
Following these words, the song develops instrumentally and the mood gets quite emotional. I found myself drawing parallels between this "bastard version of earth" and our own, wondering if we ever can go back and make it right. For us, perhaps it should be about moving forward, for there is no golden age or better time to which we can return. We make this world a heaven or hell tomorrow by the choices made today.
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The album was recorded by Tomas Skogsberg at Studio Sunlight. Totally diggin the awesomely swamp landscape that Francesco Bauso of Negative Crypt Artwork created. It reminds the five-year old me of Luke's sopping wet landing on Dagobah, though guitarist Alex Risberg says the band's more inspired by Planet of the Apes than by Star Wars.
The album will be released on June 25th as a special vinyl "Green King Edition" by Interstellar Smoke Records pre-order here), a cassette tape "Forest Edition" from Ogo Rekords (pre-order here) and "Swamp Edition" from Olde Magick Records pre-order here), with the digital and compact disc formats handled by Death Valley Records (pre-order here).
10,0000 Years have in II their most accomplished album to date, with powerful moments that will stay with you long after the record's stopped spinning. Fans of High On Fire, Black Tusk, and The Sword listen up! You might just discover your next favorite band.
Give ear...
10,000 Years - Gargantuan Forest (Music Video)
Some Buzz
Having previously played together in the original lineup of Swedish underground heavyweights Pike, Erik Palm (Guitars) and Alex Risberg (Bass/vocals) found their way back to each other, musically, in early 2020. The creative fire reignited and stoked to a burning inferno and through a mutual love of heavy riffs and thundering stoner rock, doom, and sludge metal, 10,000 Years was born. Finding a drummer would prove to be an easy task and with Espen Karlsen the final piece lay firmly in place. The groove they fell into during the first rehearsal hasn’t stopped rumbling since.
After spending the first-half of 2020 writing and rehearsing, 10,000 Years recorded their self-titled debut EP during one weekend in June in the legendary Studio Sunlight with equally legendary producer Tomas Skogsberg. The self-titled EP was released on July 10th and immediately struck a chord with the heavy underground worldwide, and 10,000 Years garnered rave reviews and accolades.
10,000 Years by 10,000 Years
10,000 Years' musical and lyrical world revolves around the tale of the terran class III exploration vessel Albatross and its mission to explore the Milky Way and nearby galaxies in search for a possible new home for humanity. The EP tells the tale of its first foray into space and what happens when the crew accidentally travel through a wormhole and end up in an adjacent dimension populated by ancient gods and giant beings, ruled by the Green King. The EP ends with “From Suns Beyond,” where the crew make it off from the strange planet, back out into space in search of a way back home. The new album picks up the story as the Albatross blasts through the atmosphere of a seemingly unknown planet and crashlands headfirst into strange new adventures.
II by 10,000 Years
Now, less than a year after their first release, 10,000 Years are back with their first full-length effort, aptly titled 'II' (2021). Picking up right where the EP left off, II continues the story of the ill-fated Albatross mission and its exploration of time and space through a skull-crushing mixture of stoner rock, doom, and sludge metal. The album will no doubt continue to build on 10,000 Years' already golden reputation and prove to be an even bigger hit with the heavy masses.
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coffeecomicsgalore · 5 years
25 Days of Adrien (+6 of Marinette)
Chloe's New Year's Eve Party
Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 will be out later).
Chapter 30 – Endings
Marinette could hardly contain her excitement. Today was the New Year’s Eve party at Le Grande Hotel. It would not be the first time Marinette had attended an event with Adrien, but it would be the first one where she could wear one of her designs and where both her and Adrien could freely be themselves without Gabriel keeping an eye on them. They wouldn’t be able to be completely free – paparazzi and all taking photos of the now prominent couple, but she would be able to be a little less “uptight”.
Adrien had a planned photo shoot that would last a good portion of the morning so Marinette decided to spend the day relaxing until she needed to ready herself for the party. She never makes enough time for herself to relax. With no commissions to work on, no more Christmas gifts to make, no help needed in the bakery, and no boyfriend to attend to, Marinette decided to do just that.  
She made her way to the bathroom and started up a warm bath, placing candles around the room for a little ambiance. She dropped pink petals in the bath along with the sweet-smelling bath salts that Alya had gifted her for Christmas. Wrapping her hair up in a bun, she turned her phone on to some calming music and lowered herself in the bath, inhaling the sweet aromas that surrounded her.
Feeling herself pruned and cold as the warm bath exhausted all its heat, she wrapped herself up in her warmest lounge wear and sat in a lump on her chaise. She grabbed a few extra blankets that laid at the end of the chaise and curled up to a book that she received from her Secret Santa.
Marinette dozed off for a bit, waking up to the little pings that emanated from her cell phone. She blindly searched for it with her eyes closed, prying open one eye to see who the message was from. Surprisingly it was Chloe, reminding her of the time of the event and to make sure she brought a jacket so they could watch the fireworks from her rooftop terrace instead of watching it from the main floor of the hotel with everyone else.
Smiling for her thoughtfulness, Marinette typed up a quick ‘thanks’ for the heads up and looked at the time. She had about two hours to get ready before Adrien would pick her up and drive her to the party. As if he could read her mind, a sweet face of a blond-haired boy showed up on the screen. Smiling, Marinette answered the video call.
“Hey, princess.”
“Hey hot stuff. How was the photo shoot?”  
Adrien rolled his eyes before smiling. “The usual. At least it wasn’t outside. Four outfit changes and countless re-shoots later, I was finally able to eat lunch and rest while the photographer took photos of the other models. But, enough about that. What have you been up to without me, my lady?”
Marinette stretched out her arms to pan out her location. “Just snuggling with ten blankets on my chaise. I finally took a long bath with those bath salts Alya got me and then I put on my most snugly outfit to read a book. I took a nap until Chloe texted me about tonight.”
“I’m jealous of your day off.” Adrien smirked before furrowing his brows in confusion. “Why did Chloe text you?”
“She just wanted me to make sure we knew what time to get there for and then to make sure I brought a warm jacket for tonight.”
Adrien had to think quickly. “Oh, for the fireworks?”
“Yeah, she said while the other guests use the main floor of the lobby, the three of us could go and use the rooftop terrace. I thought that was sweet of her.”
“Yeah, that is pretty awesome. Every time I got to hang out with her during New Year’s, that’s what we did.” He stared out, presumably towards to floor, thinking of those moments. “She can really be a good friend when she doesn’t act like a brat.”
“I know. I can see she’s worked really hard to get where she is now. Even though things are still tense between us, I’m glad to have started forming a friendship with her.”
“I’m glad you guys are friends.” Adrien looked up and nodded before returning back to the screen. “Hey, I just got home. I’m going to shower before I pick you up. I’ll see you in about two hours?”
“See you soon. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
Adrien arrived at Marinette’s home right on time, running up the steps to gather his princess. Tom opened the door and wrapped him in a bear hug while Sabine tried to coax her husband to put him down lest he ruin his suit. Sabine looks over to Adrien and pats a loving hand on his arm, cooing over how handsome he looks in his black suit. Keeping the look simple, he decided to go with a silver tie to match the silver cuff links that he had in his stash.
“Marinette should be down soon. She was just finishing up a hem that came undone on her gown.” She smiled.
Adrien was excited but nervous. The ring sat comfortably in his pocket ready to be revealed when the moment was right. Chloe was in his corner to help him set the ambiance for the night. He was lucky to have a friend like her in his life.
Small talks were passed between the two men while Sabine walked up the steps to call upon her daughter. “Marinette, are you all right up there?”
“Yes, maman. I’m coming. I just need to put my shoes on!” Marinette responded loudly.
Soon footsteps could be heard and Adrien suddenly stopped breathing.  Marinette slowly walked down the steps to avoid falling and looked straight to see Adrien’s focused attention. His jaw was slacked, a silly grin started to curl on his lips. He’s the famous model and yet he was looking at her star-struck.
Marinette looked beautiful in her blush gown. The simple bangles were the perfect accessory to her outfit. She wore her hair in a low side bun, tied messily with the snowflake pinned ever so carefully to the front of it. A few loose strands straddled her face perfectly and her makeup was done to accentuate her eyes, making it even bluer - if that was even possible - with a simple eyeliner and pink eye shadow.
Adrien didn’t know when Marinette reached him, but he couldn’t believe she was right there in front of him. He finally let go of the breath he was holding and lifted her hand ever so slowly to his lips, kissing the knuckles with little pecks. A blush reached Marinette’s cheeks. “You look absolutely beautiful.”
Marinette stared lovingly to him. “You don’t look too bad yourself, mon minou.”
After a few pictures from Tom, he teared up a bit at how adorable they looked together and included a rant about the cute grandchildren he would have one day. Sabine kissed both teens and told them to enjoy the night before Marinette became too flustered at him.
The party was enjoyable. There were a few elite guests there for the Mayor. Sabrina was there spending time with Chloe. Marinette made small talk while Adrien was called over by one of the fashion icons that he would frequently converse with.
Marinette and Adrien spent a good amount of time on the dance floor, dancing to every slow song that they could until Marinette’s toes were screaming in pain. Adrien was a gentleman and grabbed two glasses of wine for him and his date, sitting beside her as they talked about the people around them.  
Chloe would look at the unsuspecting couple ever so often, looking at the clock to help set up the plan for Adrien. He requested a bottle of champagne and two flutes up to the side of the grand piano on the terrace and to make sure the setting was perfect. All she had to do was have someone finish the last touches 15 minutes to midnight so he could bring her up there at 10 of.
Adrien excused himself to see Chloe while Marinette continued to rest. “Is everything in place?” The nerves could be heard in his voice.
“I just sent Jean Claude up there to make it magical.” Chloe smiled. “She’s going to love it.”
“You’re the best, Chloe.” He wrapped his arm around her.
“Go on, go on. You have ten minutes to get up there.”
Adrien coaxed Marinette up from her seat and brought her up to the terrace.  
“Is Chloe and Sabrina coming?”
“Yeah, they will be up in a minute. Chloe just needed to grab something first before meeting us up there. She told us to go on without her.” Marinette took the white lie and linked her fingers with his as they rode the elevator up.
Marinette went wide-eyed at the view. The entire terrace was lit up from the bushes to the umbrellas. The pool had dozens of floating candles. Even the piano was adorned with lights. “Wow, Chloe likes to go all out when she decorates, huh?” Marinette said innocently.  
Adrien turned to Marinette and he blushed over how beautiful she looked under the dimmed lights. He grabbed her waist and pulled her in, leaving a light kiss to her lips. The countdown could be heard in the streets below.
Thirty, twenty-nine, twenty-eight...
He looked at her with all the love in the world. “Marinette.”
…. twenty-six, twenty-five, twenty-four...
“Hmm.” She hummed quietly as she soaked up his embrace.
… twenty-two, twenty-one, twenty...
“The last ten months were the best I ever had in my life. I haven’t been this happy since before my mother passed away. You have always been there for me, and even brought my father back into my life. I never expected that in a million years.” He cooed softly to her ear. “You reminded me how special this holiday is; you reminded me how loved I am. I don’t think I could ever repay you for everything you have done.”
...fifteen, fourteen, thirteen...
“But all good things must come to an end.”
Marinette looked confused over what he was saying. Ending? Marinette turned away from him, afraid at what he was hinting at.  
...ten, nine, eight...  
Time felt like it slowed down.
...seven, six, five...
She turned around to his calling and saw he wasn’t standing. She looked down, her hand reaching up to her mouth, tears slowly falling down her cheeks.
...four, three, two, one. Happy New Year!
10 notes · View notes
thecleverdame · 6 years
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Part Two - Control
Summary: Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader -Sam’s young, powerful and comes from one of the wealthiest families in New York. When he meets an Omega bartender who’s far from what his family expects, Sam is forced to make a series of hard choices.
Warnings: A/B/O dynamics, smut, knotting, breeding, dominance, ownership, angst, family drama
The moment you push the front door open she’s giving you a piece of her mind.
“I hope to God that’s my roommate. I’ve been praying she’s not dead in a gutter somewhere.” Donna’s disembodied voice chastises you from the kitchen.
“Sorry,” you call out, throwing your coat on the back of a ratty armchair.
“Do you have any idea of how worried I was? Two nights and you don’t call or text. I was ready to call the police.” Leaning around the corner she’s in a silk robe and head full of curlers. she stops short when she lays eyes on you for the first time. “Holey Moley, you look like death warmed over. Did you sleep on a park bench?”
“Well, don’t sugar coat it.” Dropping onto the couch you lean back and sink in.
“Seriously, are you okay?” She takes a seat on the coffee table, cupping a mug of coffee. Leaning forward she sniffs in your direction. “Yeesh.”
“Oh come on…” You roll your eyes.
“You stink like sex and Alpha sweat..” She wrinkles her nose.
“I took a shower.” Picking up the neck of your shirt you sniff it.
“You need another one.” She grins, offering you a sip. “Jesse called, said you left work early on Saturday with some guy. He’s pissed, by the way. No one could get a hold of you.”
“Shit. I need to beg his forgiveness. I left him high and dry. And I’m sorry, my phone died. It’s been a strange thirty-six hours.” You shake your head fighting the urge to curl into a ball and fall asleep.
“There better be a good story. I need something to give me hope. The land between my legs is as dry as the Sahara with no rain in sight. I can barely remember what a penis looks like.”
She giggles and you can’t help but laugh with her.
“I don’t even know where to start.” You peak at her with one eye open. “It’s been…intense.”
“But there’s a guy?”
“Yes. Most definitely a guy.”
“Well don’t clam up now. I want all the details.” Donna slides onto the couch next you.
If there’s ever been a person you can talk to, it’s Donna. From the moment you met, there was an instant friendship. And while she can be a little naive, she’s one of the few people who’s never judged you.
You tell her about meeting Sam at the bar and going home with him. You describe how intense the attraction was and is, and that you let him claim you. You even relive the horror of waking up to his asshole of a father.
She doesn’t speak until you’re done, just listens with a hand pressed over her mouth. When you’re finally finished she’s bug-eyed as if you just told you were a vampire.
Her eyes dart to your neck as she gulps. “Can I see it?”
“Yeah.” You pull your hair back giving her an up-close view of Sam’s bite.
“Holy shit.” She whispers, looking back and forth between you and the mark. “It looks…did it hurt?”
“Kinda of, I don’t remember much. It’s sort of a blur.”
“Yeah, I bet.” She scoffs, nodding slowly.
“Is that all you’re gonna say?” You ask hesitantly. Her opinion matters more she knows.
“I need to think about this. It’s a lot to hit a girl with.” Donna never shuts up so the fact that she’s tight-lipped speaks volumes. “Are you happy?”
When you answer that question, it’s an honest response.
“I think so.”
“Well, that’s all I care about.” She smiles, squeezing your forearm. “And you know I love you like the dickens, but you do need a shower.”
After a twenty minute nap and a shower, you head on to the one errand that can’t wait - the health clinic.
“I don’t think you have anything to worry about. If you weren’t in heat when you met him it’s doubtful you’d be ovulating. I’ve never seen an Omega pregnancy outside of a monthly cycle.” The doctor nods, tipping her head to the side, gauging your reaction.
“Good.” You run a hand over your stomach. “Can I get on birth control today? Things are kinda hot and heavy - I’d like to be safe.”
“Of course,” She rolls on her stool, grabbing a notepad and coming back over to you. “We’ll get you set up before you leave and you’ll be good to go in twenty-four hours.”
“Awesome.” You nod, swinging your legs as the paper on the exam table crinkles underneath you.
“I just need to double check your neck and we’ll be good.” Finishing her notes she smiles.
Before you can stop her she’s pushing your hair back only to be met with the angry, red bite.
“Oh.” The sound is soft as she recoils, looking at you apologetically. “You didn’t tell me you were claimed.”
“I didn’t think it made a difference.”
She purses her lips. You both know that’s a lie.
“I’m sorry, I can’t prescribe you birth control without the express consent your Alpha.”
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.” You’ve heard of the laws and regulations but being unclaimed until now it’s never directly affected you.
“Look, if it was up to be me I’d take care of you right now. But I could lose my medical license. The law is clear, your Alpha has sole discretion when it comes to the reproductive rights of their Omega. Unless…it wasn’t consensual? Cases of sexual assault and forced claiming are the only exceptions I’m allowed to make.”
“No, God, it’s nothing like that. I wanted it. I just wasn’t prepared.”
“These things happen and I’m more than willing to put you on something but I’ll have to get permission from your Alpha first. I’m sorry.”
The word rattles around in your skull like dice in a cup. Never in your life have you asked permission for anything. Even as a child you had trouble falling in line with normal parental expectations. And now, at twenty-five, you’re going to have to go to Sam and ask if he’ll allow it.
The entire scenario makes your blood boil.
“It’s about fucking time.” Dean hisses as Sam slides into the seat next to him. The boardroom is filled beyond capacity and the presentation is starting. Dean shoves a manilla folder toward his brother. “Quarter four prospectus. Kevin’s doing the powerpoint so it should be a real nail-biter.”
“All right guys, if everyone could turn to page five of your packets.” Kevin stands up as someone hits the lights. The door toward the back of the room opens and John walks in, taking his place at the back of the table. Sam doesn’t have to look to feel his father’s eyes boring holes into the back his head.
Dean rocks back in his chair whispering, “You’re in some deep shit.”
“Shut up.” Sam snips.
Dean is quiet for a few minutes but he can’t help himself.
“So fucked…” His sing-songs under this breath.
“Dean.” Sam hisses, shooting him a glare.
When the meeting ends John is already preparing for the next one. His schedule is jam-packed from morning to night and Sam knows he’ll be able to avoid his father, at least for the remainder of the day.
Dean follows Sam back to his office, refraining from commenting until they’re alone. Once the door clicks shut nothing holds him back.
“What the fuck?” Dean blurts, trailing Sam to his desk.
“Oh my God, I can’t get two minutes to collect myself?”
“You don’t get to pull a stunt like that and get time for yourself. Who are you and what have you done with Sam?”
Sam rolls his eyes.. “Things just happened. I don’t know what to tell you.”
“Breakfast for dinner just happens. Trips to Vegas just happen. Claiming some Omega that mom and dad haven’t met? That shit isn’t an impulse. That’s a big frickin’ deal.”
“Dean,” Sam sighs. He doesn’t know where to start but his brother doesn’t give him the chance anyway.
“I didn’t even know you were seeing anyone. You played that one close to the chest.”
“Well, I haven’t known her that long.” Sam looks up at this brother.
“How long is not that long?” Dean inquires, already taken aback.
“Here it comes.” Sam shakes his head, looking up at the ceiling. “I met her Saturday night.”
Dean’s nostrils flare, looking at Sam closely. “You’re fucking with me.”
“No,” Sam confirms. “But man, I’m telling you, she’s different, her scent - this is gonna sound crazy but Dean, I think it’s a true bond.”
“Will you please be serious for two seconds.” Dean glares at him.
“I’m trying to explain what happened-”
“You’re so full of shit.” Dean snorts. “I can not believe you claimed some girl you don’t even know. This is what happens when you don’t get out and get laid every once in a while. Blue balls make you do crazy shit.”
“Dean, I’m telling you, this wasn’t like anything I’ve ever felt before. She’s meant to be mine. I knew it from the moment I saw her.”
“Wow,” Dean absentmindedly adjusts his watch, looking at Sam like he’s a space alien. “I’ve pulled some shit in my day. But I’ve never been so drunk and so fuckin’ horny that I claimed a mate. Jesus man, this isn’t good. How are you not freaking out?”
“Because…I can’t explain to you how this feels.”
“Is her pussy made of magic dust or something?”
“Don’t, Dean.” Sam cautions.  
“You’re not making me into the asshole here little brother. Maybe I should ask - are you my brother? Toe-the-line Sam. The guy who reads a hundred yelp reviews before he picks a restaurant. The Sam who decided he wanted a new television and spent a week reading Consumer Reports. Have you seen that guy?”
“You’re not listening to me.”
“No, I’m hearing you loud and clear. Love at first sight. You know what this is? You’re thinking with your dick instead of your brain. Most guys get it out of their system in college. I bet you don’t know anything about this chick, do you?” Dean gets up from his seat and leans over Sam’s desk. “What’s her last name?”
Sam gives Dean the bitchiest stare of his life and Dean throws his hands up.
“What’s her favorite color? Does she eat red meat?”
Sam says nothing.
“Do you know anything about her?”
“I know that I’ve never wanted anything in my life the way I wanted her. The way I still want her. Dean, what happened wasn’t a choice. I had to have her.” Sam knew Dean would be a hard sell, but he expected at least a little understanding.
“Do I look like some thirteen-year-old girl to you?” Dean quips, becoming more disgusted by the minute. “Because you’re trying to feed me some line about fairytale bullshit, so I must look like I believe it.”
“I thought you of all people would cut me a little slack.” Sam points at his brother.
“Why? Because I have a history of poor choices? I may have partied my way through school and dated a stripper - which, for the record was not about pissing dad off - but you’re messing with your entire life, man. This is some serious shit.”
“I’m aware.” Spinning his cell phone in his hand Sam wishes he stayed home.
“How are you, of all people, not freaking out right now? You’ve gotta be thinking it - a hot chick like that throwing herself at one of New York’s most eligible bachelors…”
It’s a reference to an article from last month. Both Dean and Sam ended up profiled on NY Magazine’s most eligible bachelors’ list. Sam had rolled his eyes and Dead hadn’t minded the attention while their mother had been thrilled beyond belief.
“Don’t start with that again,” Sam warns.
“Girls that look like her don’t just end up with the first Alpha who takes them home. There’s a reason she let you claim her.”
“I picked her up, Dean. I came onto her. And it wasn’t just a whim, what happened between us was…powerful.” Sam’s done with this conversation. He unplugs his laptop, standing to leave.
“Where are you going?”
“I’m gonna lock myself in a conference room and get some work done. I don’t wanna be stuck here all night.”
Sam sent a text asking you to meet him for dinner at eight.
You own precisely one black cocktail dress that you found on a rack at Goodwill. It was dry cleaned right after you bought it and has been hiding in the back of your closet for nearly two years. It’s finding a set of matching undergarments that turns out to be the real challenge as you sort through a pile of clean laundry that’s been in the basket for the better part of a week.
With curled hair and polished makeup, you look significantly better than you feel. You’re still exhausted and sore, but you’re not going to let either of those things stop you.  
You arrive at Eleven Madison Park just after eight. When you invoke the Winchester name, the hostess smiles brightly and informs you that Mr. Winchester is already waiting.
Sam stands as you approach the table. He’s the gentleman you expect him to be but it’s still a novelty. Your last boyfriend wouldn’t even get you a beer from the fridge.
“Hi,” He grins, kissing your cheek. His eyes flit down his bite, the corners of his mouth twitching.
“Hello.” You reply, unable to look away.
A porter appears to take your coat and Sam’s grin widens at the sight of you in this tight little black dress.
Placing both hands on your hips he pulls you close as if you’re the only two people in the room. He kisses you softly, lips brush lips as he speaks. “You look beautiful.”
“Thank you.” You whisper as he pulls away only to offer you a chair.
“Really,” He continues, settling in across from you. His eyes are just as hungry as when he took you home. “You look breathtaking.”
“You’re not too bad yourself.” It’s not just lip service. Sam looks damn good in a suit, his tie perfectly in place. And now that you know what’s underneath his dress shirt, all that thick muscle, it’s like having a dirty secret.
“What?” He questions your gaze.
“Nothing. I like your tie.” You cover.
He’s eyeing your cleavage unabashedly because there’s no reason to be bashful at this point. He’s seen every inch of you over the last two days and you’re just as attracted to him as he is you.
He orders wine and oysters and the two you begin the process of getting to know each other. Well, right after you handle some urgent business.
“There’s something we need to talk about.” You set your glass down, fighting the urge to feel embarrassed.
“Sounds serious,” Sam smirks.
“It is.” You confirm, looking around to make sure no one is paying attention to you.
His expression grows serious as he leans in.
“I wasn’t looking for anyone when I met you, I mean - not just a mate. I never really even did the hookup thing. So, I’m not on any birth control.”
“Oh.” Sam sits back.
He’s not sure what’s coming next but he feels like a fool for not thinking of it before. The last girl he fucked bareback was his college girlfriend and they’d been together for a year before he even entertained the idea. Even then it made him nervous. He’s never been one to roll the dice. Even if it’s with his mate. Despite his recent impulsive actions Sam prefers his life planned out in painstaking detail.
“And, this is probably a conversation we should have again in the future, but I’m not ready to have children. I’m young, I have a lot of things I want to do before I think about pups.” You pause to watch Sam, his face unreadable. “I know you’re my Alpha and you’re supposed to have a say in this, but it’s not what I want.”
“I agree.” Sam offers calmly, reaching across the table to take your hand, his thumb rubbing over your knuckles. “I do want kids, someday I’d like to have a family. But not any time soon.”
Your brain gets stuck on the idea of having his children. Letting him knot you and then watching your belly grow with his baby. But logic overrules biological impulse and you shake it off and continue.
“The reason I’m bringing this up right now is that I went to the clinic this morning hoping they’d put me on something only to find out that I don’t have the authority to make my own decisions anymore.” Pausing, you collect yourself. It’s not his fault and it’s not fair to be mad at him. “You have to come with me and sign a release.”
“Okay.” Sam shifts in his seat. He knows this is just the first in a long list of responsibilities he hasn’t realized yet. You’re clearly upset by the situation and he wants you to feel comfortable, to be happy that you’re his. “We can go first thing in the morning if you want. I don’t have a meeting until ten thirty.”
After two rounds of fresh oysters, you move on to one of the best meals of your life. It’s just handmade pasta with a light sauce but the flavors are bold and a far cry from the box mac and cheese you usually throw together.
Sam eats his steak pausing between every bite to look up at you, carefully observing as if he’s taking notes for later.
“I almost Googled you.” You confess. “I had your name typed out twice but I didn’t go through with it.”
“Why not?” Sam’s eyes narrow.
“I wanted to get to know you first, form my own opinion before I read someone else’s.”
He relaxes a bit. His forearm resting on the table as stares at you. “Good.”
“If I had looked you up what would it say?”
His lip twitches as he strums his fingers on the tablecloth.
“Depends on if you look up just me or the family. But in a nutshell? Old money, ruthless father, private. My brother is more likely to turn up the interesting search results.”
“No big scandals?”
“No,” Sam laughs dryly. “My father makes sure of that. Dean’s had a few indiscretions over the years but they always disappear.”
“That sounds terrifying.”
“He’s just good at giving people what they want as an incentive to go away, which most of the time is money.”
“I think I saw a Lifetime movie like that once. Mobsters and backroom secrets.” You smile.
“It’s not nearly as interesting, I can promise you that.” Clearing his throat, Sam sits up, his jaw jutting forward as if he’s going to speak but thinking better of it.
“What I just said, about my dad, you can’t repeat that to anyone. I can’t have people in my life that aren’t discreet. I need you to know that’s a non-negotiable for me. ”
You’re offended before the sentence is even finished. Placing your hands together in your lap you lean over the table, lowering your voice.
“That’s a pretty nasty ultimatum for a first date.”
“I don’t mean to offend you. That’s the last thing I want. We belong to each other now but there are times when I don’t have the luxury of sugar coating things. There are a lot of people that would love to see my family fail, love to see John Winchester’s son go up in flames. So, while I don’t want you to be mad at me, it’s something I have to be crystal clear about. And I want to be able to talk with you openly without worrying. I need to be sure what’s said between us stays between us.”
“Message received.” You quip.
“Are you pissed at me?”
“A little.”
Your admission makes him frown, brow furrowing. “I’m sorry.”
“I’ll get over it. I’d rather have you be upfront than play games. But for future reference, I’d prefer if you assume my intentions are honorable. I’m a loyal person and you are my Alpha now. I wouldn’t betray you.
Sam can’t help the smile that grows wide, blooming ear to ear.
By the time dessert arrives you’ve moved on to a game. Each of you can ask a question that both have to answer.
“Did you grow up here, in the city?” Sam questions.
“No. I’m originally from Connecticut. I’m a small town kid who couldn’t wait to move to the city. Two months after I turned eighteen I was out of the house.” You pick at the cheesecake, watching him thoughtfully. If it’s possible he’s even more handsome than when he left you this morning.
“Why were you in such a hurry?” The best thing you’ve discovered about Sam thus far is that he asks a question because he wants to hear the answer. He’s not just waiting to respond. He wants to know who you are and the feeling is mutual.
“My parents are…conservative and my sister and I rebelled every chance we got. My dad was always preaching you live under my roof, you live by my rules. So I left his house as soon as I could because I’ve never been very good at following rules.”
Sam chuckles, raising his eyebrows as if he already knows about your wild streak. “What happened to your sister?”
“She’s in the city…I think. We’re not exactly close. She’s always had her demons to deal with.” You don’t want to ruin this perfect dinner by diving into your family dysfunction so you shift the focus back to him. “What about you?”
“My family has a place in Scarsdale. My brother and I spend most of our time there. Dad worked and my mom was MIA but we had a great nanny, Ellen. She still puts me in my place from time to time.”
Grinning you sit back, momently stuck on how long his fingers are as they rest casually on the table.
“Tell me Sam, were you a rule breaker or rule follower?”
“Follower, for sure.” He snorts. “My brother Dean was a menace and I was so eager to please my father back then. I had to be perfect at everything.”
“You’re not a follower anymore?”
“When I went to college I started to realize that I had choices. I didn’t have to do what he expected. I could say no and ultimately there wasn’t anything he could do. Once I started to become my own person my father saw it as a personal insult. I’d always done everything he wanted and suddenly I dared to buck his authority. It was never anything bad. He wasn’t going to stop my tuition because I was interested in Law instead of business, and I knew it. The more he tried to control me the more I resented him. It’s just snowballed from there.”
“What a rebel.” You tease and his cheeks flush pink. Despite engaging in some genuinely filthy sexual acts with you it’s the first time you’ve seen him display any modesty.
“My turn.” You continue, offering respite. “If you could host a dinner party with any three people, alive or dead, real or fictional, who would they be and why?”
Sam laughs accompanied by a bright toothy grin and takes a drink while he thinks. He hasn’t had this much fun in a long time. He finds himself excited, eager to see what you’ll say next and how you’re going to react to his answers.
“Well, definitely Elon Musk because he’s constantly pushing toward the future and thinking outside the box. Jules Verne, because I had an obsession with 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea in high school. And…you.”
“Oh no,” You wag your finger. “No cheating. I’m helping you host this dinner party. I’m there by default. Pick a third.”
“You’re brutal.” He chuckles, biting his lip. “Okay, Hermione Granger.”
“Harry Potter?” You lean forward. “Why?”
“Because she’s this small little person who’s brave beyond reason. I like a strong woman.” He shrugs. “I feel like she could teach me a thing or two.”
Sam is indeed full of surprises.
“Alright,” he circles his finger in your direction. “Three people. Go.”
“Kurt Vonnegut, even though I have this feeling that he would ruin my party with his dark humor. Neil Armstrong because I want to ask what it felt like to be the first man to walk on the moon and…Freddie Mercury. Because he showed up to have fun but also had depth. I like complex people.”
“Good choices.” Sam nods. “Alright. Next question. How long was your last relationship?”
You take a breath, the levity fading fast as he goes in for the kill. Of course, he wants to know about your past, it’s natural.
“Two years, give or take.” You answer honestly, not offering more.
“What happened?”
“That’s more than one question.”
“I told you I’m a rule breaker these days. Humor me.”
“He seemed great at first and ended up being…not a very nice person. He got off on making me feel bad, so I left.” There’s a lot more you’re not telling him, but that’s a story for another time. “Alright Barbara Walters, spill it.”
Sam chuckles, perhaps from nerves almost as if he hadn’t thought about the fact that he’d have to reciprocate.
“Three months. It was a doomed office romance and I should have known better. We weren’t compatible.”
“Was she an Omega?” You’re jealous, couldn’t hide it if you wanted to.
“No.” He quips, clearly hearing the change in your tone. “Beta.”
“Good.” You cross your arms across your chest.
“I have an important question for you. Probably the most important question of the night.” He looks at you with a stare that makes your thighs clench, like he’s about to eat you whole.
“You better ask me then.”
“Are you going to spend the night with me?” He’s got both forearms on the table, leaning toward you with unrelenting intensity. It never occurred to you the night would end any other way, but you like that he’s pretending there’s a question. Offering up a modicum of power in your direction.
“I’d love to.”
“I’ve been thinking about you all day.” He sets his drink down on the bedside table, turning to look at you with a smoldering stare. You freeze mid-step, watching as he rolls up his sleeves, first one, then the other.
“Me too.” You confess, feeling excitement bubbling in your belly.
“Take your dress off.” He requests softly, sitting on the edge of the bed as he loosens his tie.
Sam might be young but he has the confidence of a man twice his age. It’s an incredible aphrodisiac.
You reach behind your back, pulling at the zipper and sliding it down until the dress is loose enough to drop around your waist before falling to the ground.  
Sam’s cock springs to life in the blink of an eye at the sight of you in matching black lace and a pair of high heels. You look like something out of a pinup fantasy and the notion that you’re his is still hard to fathom.
“Come here.” He remains seated as you walk to him hips moving, swaying side to side.
Once you’re within reach he grabs the outside of your thighs with two bigs hands, pulling you to stand between his legs. He glances up momentarily before pressing a kiss to your stomach right above your navel. Your breath hitches and he does it again, dragging his lips over your skin.
“I was in a such a hurry when we were together.” He mumbles into your skin, his tongue dipping into your belly button as his fingers curl into the back of your legs. “Gonna take my time tonight.”
“Sam,” you whimper bringing both hands to his hair while he’s peppering kisses over your belly.
Both hands slide up the back of your legs, open palms ready when he gets to your ass, cupping both cheeks in tandem. He nuzzles lower, lips fluttering and pecking until he reaches the edge of your panties.
One of the hands squeezing your buttocks circles around to the front, as he swipes two fingers over your covered pussy, just a light touch that elicits a quiet moan.
“Are you wet for me Omega?” He asks, looking up with lust filled eyes.
“Yes,” you whimper as his fingers press against the material again, trailing upward where he pushes lightly over your clit.
“Better check.” He grins, kissing your belly once more.
Pushing your panties aside he slides his middle finger under the fabric, slipping between the lips of your sex and into your slick. You rock forward, moaning and grabbing his shoulders as he pushes his finger deeper, just enough to make you feel it but not enough to really be inside.
“I didn’t get the chance to touch you, taste you. I’m gonna make up for that.” His head dips down as two clever fingers hook the crotch of your underwear, yanking them out of the way as his head dips down. His tongue darts out, traveling the same route as his finger, dipping shallow into your slit, tasting how aroused you are. Sliding your hands into his hair you moan at the slippery warmth of his mouth gliding over your sex. You can feel the tip of his tongue scooping up and down, circling your clit, licking several times before he pulls away.
Your eyes pop open as his mouth leaves your body but there is no time to feel disappointed.
“Lay down.” Sam gets to his feet as you crawl onto the bed and roll on your back. He makes no move to shed his clothes despite the apparent erection straining at the crotch of his dress pants. The few items he does remove are his shoes, then his tie before he joins you, laying on his side. Propping himself up with one hand, he spreads the other hand over your belly, pressing down as stare up at him.
“I want to know your body, every inch of you. What makes you feel good, how you like to be touched. I want to always be able to satisfy you.”
You whimper, watching his mouth as he speaks. His pink lips seem to only add to the intensity of his words. With his free hand, he pulls the cup of your bra down, uncovering a hard nipple. Then does the same with other so that both your tits are exposed. Licking his lips he takes your nipple between this thumb and forefinger, pinching lightly.
You watch him touch you, wiggling as he tugs at your peak, squeezing gently.
“Too much?” he asks, waiting for your response.
“No,” you choke out. Your eyes flutter to his, only to find him watching you intently.
You’ve never felt this exposed before, this utter vulnerability as he slowly, deliberately begins his study of your preferences, the very definition of intimacy as you do what he asks, being honest about what turns you on.
“Harder.” You breathe.
He draws in a sharp breath seeming pleased by your answer. Squeezing your nipple firmly he pinches harder until it becomes nearly too much. Then he twists and your back arches off the mattress. You cry out as the pain becomes something else as it travels between your legs. Your clit is throbbing, pulsing with every beat of your heart.
He leaves one breast only to move to the other, clamping his finger around your sensitive peak and tugging as the pressure of his touch increases until you’re whimpering and writhing. He alternates between breasts, going back and forth from one to the other, plucking and twisting until both nipples are puffy and swollen. You’re convinced that if he keeps going you’re going to be able to cum from just his hands.
He continues to tug as he lowers his mouth to your tit, sucking the peak into his mouth and letting his teeth scrap over the sensitive flesh.
“Sam,” you call out, grasping at the sheets.
He takes his sweet time, sucking and licking, carefully playing the bud between his teeth until you’re sweating and ready to finger yourself just to get some relief.
Your hand moves over your lower belly only to be stopped short as he grabs your wrist and pins your hand beside your head.
“Tell me what you want.” He looks up as his mouth leaves one wet, aching nipple in favor of the other.
“I want you to touch me.” Moaning you fist a hand in his hair.
“I am touching you.” He smiles, mumbling with your breast in his mouth. “You’re going to have to be more specific.”
“Sam,” you whine, gulping and biting your lip as his mouth works your tits.
“Tell me.”
Yeah, you’re slightly embarrassed but you’re even more turned on. Every inch of your body is on fire and he’s not even touched your pussy yet.
“Touch me with your hands.” You struggle for the words.
Damn him.
“Between my legs.” You’ve never considered yourself bashful when it comes to sex but giving an explicit instruction is new territory.
One hand spreads wide under your ribcage, fingers fanning out as he slides down over your belly and then lower. He cups your crotch, the heel of his palm presses over your mound and fingers curling under, reaching nearly back to your asshole.
He is going to make you spell it.
“No, I want your fingers-”
“Like this?” He moves as fast as you speak running three fingers up the material of your panties, sliding over your slit, slowly back and forth. While it feels good, it’s not nearly enough. He’s not touching your clit or pressing hard enough and you want something to fill you up.
“God damn it- oh fuck!” Sam bites down on your nipple, rolling the flesh between pearly white teeth and you groan, twisting like a mad woman.
“Tell me how you want to be touched.”
Any self-conscious concerns fly out the window.
“Put your fingers inside my panties and fuck me with them.”
He smirks, smiling against the flesh under your breast.
“What hole?”  It’s a simple question but it makes your cunt clench.
“My pussy. Fuck my pussy with your fingers.”
“Okay.” His head pops up, watching your face as his hand disappears inside your underwear and you feel long digits pressing along the slippery opening of your sex. “How many fingers?”
“Oh, I - T-two.” You sputter.
“Anything you want, baby.” You’re both watching his hand moving under the lace of your panties when he slides two fingers quick and deep until his knuckles are against your lips. He pulls out halfway and shoves them back inside, scissoring, stretching you wide as he pumps in and out at the torturously slow pace. “You’re so fucking wet. Can’t wait to get my cock in here.”
“Fuck,” you call out as he curls his fingers upward and you see stars. You’re close to cumming but you don’t want to, not yet. There’s nothing like the build-up before a first orgasm when everything is tingling and aching with need. And as long as he’s taking instructions you’re not ready to give the feeling up.
“I want your mouth on my pussy. Suck on my clit.”
“There’s my girl,” Sam growls and pulls his fingers out of you. He gets up in record time, still fully dressed as he removes your panties. Grabbing your feet he hauls you to the edge of the bed with one flex of muscle. Then kneels on the floor and dives face first between your shaking thighs.  
And Sam takes instruction well because he does just as you asked. His lips seal around your little aching bud, engulfing the most sensitive part of you and he sucks. Your eyes roll all the way back into your skull, mouth wide open and tongue cleaving to the roof of your mouth. When he finally takes a breath, he licks the full length of your slit, getting a tongue full of your slick and groaning in satisfaction before he’s back to sucking, just as you requested.
“Gonna cum.” You gasp, fighting to speak.
“Do it.” He mumbles against your wet, quivering flesh.
“No, I don’t want-” You can’t finish the sentence without moaning loudly and he stops, his head popping up from between your legs, lips, and chin glistening.
“What’s wrong?” He asks suddenly concerned, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Nothing,” You stop to take a breath, staring at the ceiling. Propping yourself up on your elbows you look at the filthy sight of him staring at you intently from between your knees. “I want you to fuck me first. Make me cum with your cock inside me.”
The conversation you had earlier in the night floods back to you. This is a dangerous game, your body wants him inside you, to knot you and to breed you.  At this moment every inch of your being wants to bear his children. But you’re not wholly irrational. There’s still a slice of you that has the presence of mind to say something.
“You’ll have to pull out.” You gasp as his fingers slide back into your pussy, slowly swirling before spreading inside you.  
“I will.” He nods.
His grin is nothing short of wolfish as he pulls his shirt over his head. His eyes are fixed on your pussy as he unbuckles his belt, and drops his pants to the floor. His underwear must have gone with them because his huge cock is suddenly bobbing below his belly. That cock that nearly fucked the life out of you just yesterday seems like the only satisfaction you’ll ever need.
“How?” Sam tips his head, eyes darting from between your legs to meet your stare. “What position?”
“From behind.” You offer but you don’t move, instead, you’re determined to take advantage of the situation. If he wants to know what you like then you’re going to make it as clear as possible. “I want you to tell me what to do now. Fuck me as hard as you want, make me take you so deep it hurts.”
“Fuck,” Sam whispers, biting his lower lip. His nostrils flare as he fists his cock. “On your hands and knees Omega. Get your ass in the air.”
You roll onto your stomach, and push yourself up, assuming the position. There’s a dip in the mattresses as he knees his way to you. You feel one hand on your ass cheek and the other at the base of your spine.
“Curve your back.” You stick your butt up, as his hand settles along the dip in your spine. “Good, just like that.”
You feel him lineup, your aching channel easily swallowing the head of his thick shaft as he pushes into you inch by inch. He doesn’t stop until his balls rock into your clit and your lips are flush with his thatch of neatly trimmed pubic hair. There’s no way you’re ever going to get used to this. There are a lot of things that a girl can get accustomed to over time but the feeling of his girth filling and stretching your needy cunt is not one of them. He’s always going to feel this big, you’re sure of it.
“Gonna give you this cock now sweetheart.” His hands grab the flesh of your ass, kneading the skin. “You’re gonna take every inch aren’t you?”
There is a kind of inherent nonverbal communication between you. You don’t have to tell him this part, that his obscene words are precisely what you need, he just knows. He can read your body’s reactions like a roadmap that’s telling him where to go next.
“Yes,” you hiss as he leans back, letting you feel the drag of his cockhead. He pulls out all the way, leaving you painfully empty but only for a second before he’s pushing back inside, burying himself to the hilt.
“Can you feel how deep I am?” He asks, curling over your back. A hand snakes around your side and under your belly. He presses on your lower stomach, rocking his hips until you feel his cock bulging out to meet his hand. “My cock’s too big for your tight little pussy, I’m all the way in your stomach.”
“Alpha,” you moan, forehead hitting the mattress.
With a hand on each hip, he begins to pump in and out, fucking you with the entire length of his dick. One hand is suddenly in your hair, yanking back until your spine curves back and your breasts are in the air, bouncing with every thrust.
The stretch of his shaft is perfection, taking you right to the limit of what your cunt can handle without pushing over the edge. If there was any question that you were  made to fit together it’s erased as he slides in to the root.
Twisting your head to the side you want to kiss him, touch him, but in this position, it’s just the unrelenting thrust of his hips against your ass.
“Please - touch - me” you beg between breaths, panting as the speed increases, faster and harder. This time he doesn’t make you spell it out, instead, he lets go of your hair and snakes a hand under your hips to find your clit. His middle finger finds the target almost immediately and you cry out, shoving your body back into him, desperate to take all of him inside.
When you cum your whole body shakes, the pleasure winding up and exploding out in all directions. You can feel your pussy clenching around his fat cock, squeezing and bearing down on him until your body finds it’s sought after satisfaction.
When it’s over, you’re a rag doll as he holds you in place rutting into your pussy at a break-neck pace. You can feel his knot swell, thickening as he forces it in with every pump. But before it’s too late he pulls out, slapping you on the ass.
“Turn over.” He groans and you roll onto your back just in time for him to cum. He shoots wet, warm and thick over your breasts and belly, stroking more and more out until you’re covered in his seed. Mouth agape and eyes open, admiring the mess he’s made.
“Fuck.” He chuckles, flopping onto his back beside you with a shit eating grin. Running a hand down his face he turns to look at you with rosy-cheeks and the happiest smile you’ve ever seen on a man. “You’re amazing.”
“I didn’t even do anything.” You laugh, still breathless.
“You don’t need to.”
Sam watches you use the sheets to wipe yourself off and then turn onto your side to face him. He’s cupping his knot, his hand curled around the base of the shaft. You’ve not seen a knot before. Felt one, yes, but never laid on eyes on a fully popped specimen. Alpha knots don’t present from just any stimulation, hand jobs and blow jobs don’t do the trick. It is, after all, a biological response to the urge to breed. So the only time they truly reach their full size is during intercourse.
But Sam must have come incredibly close to cumming inside you because he popped for sure.
Looking up at him you’re almost embarrassed that he’s caught you staring, but not really. You’re too interested.
“Can I see it?” You ask thoughtfully.
Sam’s eyes go wide as he smirks. “Sure.”
He uncurls his hand as you slide down his body getting up close and personal with his cock and there it is in all its glory. The thick ring of muscle, a shade darker than the rest of him, the same color as the head of his dick when he’s painfully hard. It’s big, close to the size of your fist. It’s incredible that you can take that in your pussy and that he’s done it to you more than once.
“What do you think?” There’s a sly edge to his voice.
So engrossed in your exploration of his body, you almost forgot he was watching you.
“I think you’re big all over.” Slinking back up his body you nuzzle into his side. “It’s hard to believe that what feels so good. You’re huge.”
“You’re perfect.” He turns on his side to face you, running a palm down your arm and glancing over you to the clock. “It’s almost two. We should shower and sleep.”
“So responsible.” You tease. He rolls off the bed and you prop yourself up on elbows to watch him. “My rule follower.”
“Watch it.” He lunges forward, grabbing your ankles and dragging you down the bed until he can pick you up. You squeal as he throws you over his shoulder, slapping your butt and carrying you toward the bathroom.
The Next Morning
Sam is painfully out of place sitting next to you in the lobby of the clinic, dressed in his thousand dollar suit and designer overcoat. He’s fixated on his phone reading an email but he must be able to feel your nerves because he nonchalantly reaches over to take your hand.
The nurse calls your name and you follow her through the labyrinth of muted Pepto-pink walls to a small exam room.
You don’t wait long. Dr. Carter walks in, stopping momentarily at the sight of your smartly dressed Alpha. She apparently expected someone else.
“Hello,” she recovers extending her hand, introducing herself.
Sam sits on the edge of a rickety chair, placing a hand on your bouncing knee.
“Well, I’m happy you were able to come in so quickly, Mr…”
“Winchester.” Sam offers and her eyes widen. “Call me Sam.”
“Well,” she clears her throat. “Y/N came in yesterday asking for birth control and according to federal regulations she needs your permission before I can provide any sort of family planning methods.”
“Okay,” Sam shakes his head, squeezing your knee. “Give her whatever she wants.”
“I will, gladly. But I have to go over her medical history with you-”
“Really? Can’t I just sign something and she can do what she wants?”
“I’m afraid it’s more involved than that. I need in-person verbal and written confirmation the first time. You’ll sign a couple releases. From then on we can call if we need approval.”
“Okay,” Sam shrugs, “let’s do it.”
“Because of her request and her newly claimed status, we ran some blood tests-”
“Hey, you never asked me about any tests.” You protest, appalled at the notion that she’s done anything without your consent.
“I don’t have to ask and I’m not supposed to. When we’re evaluating a newly claimed Omega certain screenings are standard and required.”
“I can’t believe this.” Fighting the urge to throttle the doctor you wring your hands in your lap. Sam reaches over, placing a large palm over your knuckles, squeezing lightly.
“It’s alright.” He scrunches his mouth at you as if to imply that this is all no big deal and you want to harangue him too.
“She’s free of any of the standard sexually transmitted diseases. She was concerned about pregnancy but as I advised her I don’t think it’s anything you need to be concerned about. We can do a pregnancy test when she’s closer to her heat, but I highly doubt you need to worry.”
“Okay.” Sam just looks at her deadpan. “You’ll put her on birth control?”  
“Yes, we can do it today. Omegas normally respond better to the monthly shot. We’ve found that pills aren’t as effective in preventing pregnancy with an Alpha/Omega pairing.”
“Is that what you want?” Sam turns toward you, calmly awaiting your confirmation.
While you can’t see yourself you’re sure that your cheeks are beet red.
“Yes.” You answer softly.
“Alright, we’ll administer the first dose before you leave today. Only a few more items to review. She’s only had unprotected sex with one other partner but it’s up to you if you’d like a more thorough screening. I don’t think it’s necessary, we’ve already done the baseline STD tests.”
Sam’s hand is still over yours and at the mention at the previous partner his finger twitch.
You’re not sure if you want to throw a punch or crawl under the examination table.
“I don’t think that will be necessary.” Sam avoids your stare, looking directly at the physician. “What do I need to sign?”
He can tell you’re agitated as you both spill out onto the busy sidewalk. You turn to face him, grimacing as you fight with the zipper on your coat. It’s only late November but the frigid chill of winter came early this year.
“I’ve never been embarrassed like that before.” Sputtering you wrap both arms around yourself. “ I’m claimed so apparently I’m just your property now.”
“Hey,” Sam reaches for your scarf, wrapping it around your neck, before giving a gentle tug. “It’s just an old law. Archaic, patriarchal bullshit. After the elections next year they say things will change.”
“They’ve been saying that for a long time. I mean, I knew that there were regulations but that was humiliating. She was talking to you like I wasn’t even in the room. Like I was a damn dog at the vet.”
“For the record, it’s not exactly pleasant for me either, when she’s telling me personal things you’re uncomfortable with me knowing. You don’t know me yet, but I’ll never make you do anything you don’t want to or try to control you. That’s not who I am. So if there’s anything you want, just ask for it.”
Sam’s finds himself in a real duality of man situation. He already respects you and he’s certainly not an old conservative like his father. These laws harken back to a time when Omega women were little more than breeding mares. The failure to overturn these outdated laws is nothing but prejudice and discrimination hidden under the guise of ‘traditional values’.
But, if he’s a hundred percent honest with himself, there is a latent satisfaction in the fact that you belong to him in such an all-encompassing way. As the thought crosses his brain he chastises himself for entertaining the notion, forcing it out of his brain.
“I want to make my own choices when it comes to my body.” Shivering you allow him to pull you under his arm, rubbing your shoulders with a gloved hand.
“And you will, at least when it comes to me.” He leans over and kisses your temple, squeezing you tight. It’s a simple gesture, but the ease with which he expresses affection makes your belly swoop. “Come on, let’s get out of the cold. I’ll take you to breakfast before I go into work.”
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aerinmelina · 5 years
Birthday Pt 1
Since Kendra won the vote... here’s Kendra’s birthday. :) Probably not quite what anyone was expecting, but I’m enjoying writing Kendra and Seth as [little] kids. I hope you enjoy!
“Hey. Hey Kenny. Keeeeennnyyyyyy. Kendra. Kendra Kendra Kendra. Wake. Up.”
She swatted at something in front of her face and mumbled incoherently.
“Kendra!” A sudden weight hit her stomach. Her eyes opened and she jolted awake, then realized her brother had jumped on top of her and was laying across her midsection.
“Ow, Seth!” she shouted, complaining loudly. “What is your problem!?”
“Happy Birthday!” he exclaimed, smiling at her. “Dad made waffles!”
She moved aside the blackout curtains from her window and gazed outside to find a nice autumn day waiting for her. Maybe she’d be able to get some more soccer practice in today.
Wait. The smell of waffles and bacon finally reached her nostrils.
Her stomach grumbled.
She pushed Seth off of her and jumped out of bed as all traces of sleepiness fled from her presence. Kendra ran out of her room and down the stairs with Seth hot on her heels. Would there be strawberries? Syrup? Whipped cream? Or were they chocolate chip waffles? Banana? Blueberry?
“Good morning, sunshine,” Dad greeted when she appeared in the kitchen.
“Hi, Dad,” she replied, carefully eying the nearby stack of waffles. He’d made scrambled eggs, too!
“Happy Birthday, Kendra!” Mom called, peering around Dad’s shoulders so she could see her daughter.
“Thanks, Mom!”
“Is breakfast almost done?” Seth asked with eagerness.
“Yep, just finishing the last waffle now,” Dad answered. “Your mother is cutting up strawberries.”
Yes! Mom’s got strawberries!
“This is the best breakfast ever!” Kendra squealed.
“Well, it’s not every day that our daughter turns six,” Marla smiled while she and Scott shared amused expressions.
“It’s my birthday!” she cried. “Can Alyssa come over!?”
Dad laughed. “Yes, Alyssa can come over,” he said. “Actually, a bunch of your friends are coming over later. Remember? For your birthday party?”
“Yes!” Kendra shouted, throwing a few fist pumps into the air. “It’s my birthday!”
“It’s Kenny’s birthday!” Seth was also happy to share in the excitement and jumped up and down a few times.
Marla started transporting plates of food over to their dinner table while her children danced with happiness. “Hey, Seth, can you grab the whipped cream from the fridge and put it on the table?” she asked.
“Whipped cream!?”
Could this day get any better!?
Seth ran over to the refrigerator and pulled out the container of whipped cream, then placed it on top of the table and sat down. Kendra pulled out a chair and joined him, and both kids stared at the food in front of them in anticipation. Marla took a seat and Scott joined them shortly thereafter. They had a quick blessing over their breakfast, and then everyone dug in.
They weren’t chocolate chip or banana or blueberry waffles, but there were strawberries to put on top, and syrup, and whipped cream, too! And bacon and eggs on the side!
“Thank you for making breakfast!” Kendra called as she started eating.
“Yeah! Thanks!” Seth agreed.
“You’re welcome,” Scott and Marla responded in tandem.
Breakfast was a relatively quiet affair at first, but conversation seeped in after a few minutes.
“So, Kendra,” Marla began, “Your party is at noon today. After breakfast we need to vacuum and do dishes, and then we can hang up decorations. Does that sound good to you?”
“Yes!” Kendra looked up from her breakfast. Marla bit her lip to keep from laughing – her daughter had a whipped cream mustache.
Scott, however, could not keep from laughing. “Maybe a bath after breakfast first,” he said, then gave himself a whipped cream mustache to match his daughter’s. Seth followed suit, although he had food all over his shirt as well.
“I think you might be right about a bath,” Marla agreed.
“Mommy, you don’t have a mustache!” Seth chirped.
“Family mustache!” Kendra giggled.
Marla rolled her eyes and sighed in fake exasperation. “Family mustache? Who ever heard of such a thing?”
Kendra and Seth raised their hands and continued to giggle. “Come on, Mommy! Do it!”
“Yeah, Mom! Do the mustache!”
Marla gave Scott a pointed look, then ran her fork through the whipped cream on her plate and added a mustache to her own face. Kendra and Seth burst into laughter in reaction. Scott and Marla joined in after a few seconds; their children’s laughter was contagious.
Breakfast continued to prove to be a messy, albeit happy, affair. Both kids took quick baths afterward and, once they were dressed for the day, Scott took Seth to the supermarket to pick up a birthday cake and grab some other things while Kendra stayed at home with Marla in order to set up for her party that afternoon.
“Wow, Mommy! This looks cool!” Kendra cried in awe when they’d finished putting everything up. It was a soccer-themed birthday party. Streamers hung from the ceiling in swooping arcs, a soccer ball cloth had been placed on top of the table, posters were on the walls, and Marla had planned a few party games or activities so there were supplies for those out as well. “I love this!”
“I’m glad you do,” Marla said. She looked at the clock on the wall. “Your friends will start getting here probably in about half an hour or so. I wonder where your father is?”
The sound of the opening garage door rumbled throughout the living room. Kendra beamed. “They’re here! They’re here!” she shouted, rushing over to the door which led into the garage. She opened it in time for Seth to run into the house and announce, “We have the cake!”
“What’s it look like? Seth, what’s it look like?”
“It looks awesome! Like a big soccer ball! And Daddy got soccer candles for it!”
“Soccer candles, too!?”
Best. Day. Ever.
Scott called for help and Marla joined him. They both entered the house shortly thereafter, Marla carrying the cake (which was concealed within a pink bakery box) and Scott followed behind carrying a couple of grocery bags.
“Mint chocolate chip and cookie dough flavors,” he said to Marla as they made their way into the kitchen. “I couldn’t find that strawberry one she loves so much.”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine,” Marla said. “It’s still ice cream-”
“There’s ice cream, too!?” Kendra thought she might explode from excitement.
Marla laughed. “Told you so.” She playfully stuck her tongue out at Scott.
“Why do I foresee ten or so sugar high kids in our living room within the next hour or so?” Scott asked.
“Because it’s inevitable,” she replied. “That’s why we have outdoor games to play outside after cake and ice cream.”
“You’re a genius.”
“Thanks. You can also thank Mother Nature for the lovely day today. I thought it was going to rain, so we’ve caught a break.”
Three and a half hours later found Kendra and Seth passed out on the couch and the house otherwise devoid of visitors, minus Grandma and Grandpa Larsen, who had made it just in time for the party. Marla shook her head fondly at her sugar coma-ed kids and smiled as she felt Scott wrap his arms around her waist.  He placed his chin on top of her head and they both watched their kids sleep for a few minutes.
“We should help your parents clean up,” Scott said in a tone which clearly conveyed that he did not want to follow his own suggestion. Hank and Gloria were currently in the back yard.
“Yeah, we probably should,” Marla agreed.
Neither of them moved.
Marla sighed.
“Look at them. They’re so cute when they’re not fighting.”
“They’re cute all the time,” Marla chided. “They’re just particularly cute when they’re not fighting.”
Scott chuckled. “Fair enough.”
“Kendra was so excited today.”
“Seth was maybe even more excited than Kendra was, and it wasn’t even his birthday.”
They both laughed a little at that.
“Do you think we should move them to their beds?”
Marla shook her head. “Nah. Just let them crash on the couch for a while. Let’s just hope the sugar doesn’t turn them into cranky munchkins once they get up.”
Their light laughter turned into mutual cringing.
“Hey, I’ve got an idea,” Scott began, releasing his hold on his wife and turning so that he could make eye contact with her. “Your parents are in town.”
“Yeah? So?”
A mischievous grin crept over his face. “So… what about an impromptu date night? You and me? Leave the sugar high, potentially cranky kids with their grandparents…?”
Marla laughed and lightly slapped her husband’s arm. “Oh, you’re evil,” she said. “I love it.”
“The best part is, Gloria and Hank probably won’t mind even a little bit. And I’m sure Seth and Kendra would love to spend some more time with their grandparents.” Scott’s grin widened.
“I’m in. Help me clean up and then I’ll ask them if we can sneak out for the evening.”
“You got it, babe.” They broke apart and each rushed to pick up discarded paper plates, take down the streamers and other decorations, and put away games and unused party supplies. They’d vacuum after the kids woke up from their sugar-induced nap.
This day had turned out to be a win for all of them.
Best. Day. Ever.
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agustdef · 5 years
Here & Now - Chapter 12
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Pairing: Yoongi x OC
Genre: Fluff; Chill romance
Word Count: 2,490
Warning: None.
Banner Marker: @dee-ehn​
A/N: Posting this early because it’s my birthday and I wanted to. Another chapter will still be posted tomorrow because it’s the regular posting day (Wednesday).
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That lovely urge to burn my manuscript was back and in full force. Everything I read felt like it was already a dumpster fire, so adding actual fire wasn’t a wild concept.
I only had myself to blame for the feeling though. I’d finished the first draft in record time and Ara, the awesome woman she was, allowed me to keep the initial timeline to churn out the book. So when I had so much time left over instead of handing it over, I thought I could rewrite it so it’s less disaster. Told myself I didn’t mind having to do it and then do it however many times Ara or my editor for the series decided.
There was no greater lie.
The first ten chapters were a breeze, nothing major I needed to fix and the words just flowed out of me; better than the first draft. However, work started to hit hard and then before I knew it I’d hit a block wall with it. My music and work on other things were going fine, but the will to touch the particular story dissipated.
I’d finally reached the sixteenth chapter after a week and a half on the struggle bus that was chapter fifteen. And by some miracle, it was all flowing again. For the first time in like a month, I’d been able to pump out a rewrite in a day. It felt like heaven.
So when someone came knocking on my door like they were the police in the midst of the last five hundred word stretch I wasn’t amused.
On the other side of my door was Hals, who pushed her way inside and immediately went to my laptop. She bent down and stared for a few seconds.
“Can I help you?” I asked.
“Hm…” Another few seconds of nothing and then she turned to me. “The boys got here yesterday.”
“I know that.”
We stared at each other for several seconds, as if waiting on the other to expound on our statements. I was so deep into the fictional world that I couldn’t possibly pick up what she was putting down.
“So… you were texted that this was their day off before things got hectic and you were summoned.”
“Am I a demon?”
She rolled her eyes, clearly fed up with me. “Sometimes, but that’s not the point. The point is that you are also off today, minus the writing which I can see is almost done. Meaning you’re coming with me, since you failed to answer or look at any texts from Yoongi, Joon or the group chat.”
“I have writing to…”
“We both know that it will take less than an hour to finish that and you planned to nap the rest of the day.”
I opened my mouth to interject but had nothing. “You not wrong.”
Hals smiled, grabbing her phone and taking a seat on my couch. “Then I’ll wait and then we’ll go. Oh… you’re driving.”
Sighing, I retook my seat and got back to work. There was little time for me to internally cuss her out as I slipped back into the moment. Making sure that my main character ended the chapter full or rage and holding a knife to someone’s throat was the priority.
Before I knew it my fingers finished typing and the chapter was done. The clock on my computer alerted me it had only been fifteen minutes, which was a rare occurrence with pumping out six hundred and twenty-three words. I was pleased regardless.
“Now go change,” she said without even looking my way.
“Why am I letting you order me around?” I asked as I shut down my laptop.
“Because it would be pointless to argue with me. You’d be wasting time when we both know you want to go, even though you don’t like that I just popped up and interrupted.” The way she smiled so sweetly after made me want to throw a pillow at her.
I ended up just flipping her off and heading to my room to get dressed. With the lack of need to impress anyone, I threw on a pair of ripped gray jeans, a lilac crop top that said ‘The sky is not the limit’ and one of my million dark gray sweaters. My hair was already in two braids, so after laying my edges I grabbed a beanie and reentered the living room.
Halsey was already at the door, holding up a pair of shoes for me. I brushed her aside, grabbed the galaxy Converse I had and slipped them on. I’d swiped my phone and bag on the way to the door.
“Also you’re driving,” I said, shoving the keys into her hand and exiting the apartment.
The entire drive their she grumbled about it. It was hilarious, even more so when we pulled up at the house the boys were staying at when she jumped out without a glance my way.
We walked to the door in silence and before she could even knock Namjoon was yanking it open. The big dork was smiling way too hard when he saw us and without a word pulled us inside. I almost ended up knocking into the small table in the foyer but was able to stop myself last minute.
“Damn dude.”
“Sorry,” he said bashfully.
Shaking my head I just proceeded to kick off my shoes and then follow the two of them deeper into the house. We entered the living room/kitchen/dining room area where there were already five people: Jin, Hoseok, Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung.
They were scattered on the couches and chairs, all watching some show on the TV. When Joon clapped they all turned our way, smiles immediately gracing their faces as they got up to greet her.
Nerves kicked in immediately. Meeting people was always awkward as hell for me and I tended to overthink, so meeting five new people was weird.
While hiding I hadn’t noticed Hoseok slink over to me, arms wide and smile bright as ever. “Why are you hiding?”
The smile that tugged on my lips was because his was so contagious. Though hesitant I stepped into the hug. “Hi, Hoseok.”
Though we’d never met in person I’d spoken to him many times. First, when Joon had come over and they’d video chat while we worked. More so when Yoongi and I started, they talked often as well and when he’d returned back rap line tended to speak to me as a group. We clicked well and just like any in-person bonding it solidified and friendship.
“They’re nice,” he stage whispered to me.
We pulled away and I laughed, then realized eyes were on me now. They were all still smiling, waiting patiently.
“Hi.” I gave the most awkward wave of my life.
“Say it with you chest,” Joon said.
Whipping around to look at him I gave what I assumed was a look that said, ‘what the actual fuck.’ The man lacked shame though and just pushed me closer to the half-circle.
Sighing I put on my best, genuine smile and made eye contact with all four boys. “Hi. I’m Kendall.”
Before I knew it all four moved forward and spoke at the same time, but stopped when they realized. After several more seconds, they stared at each other and then tried again.
“Hello, I’m Jin.”
“Nice to meet you, Kendall. I’m Jimin.” He did that cute smile of his and I almost gushed.
“I’m Taehyung. Hello.”
“I’m Jungkook,” he blurted out. “I mean hi, I’m Jungkook.”
In the corner of my eye, I could see Joon roll his eyes and Hals trying not to laugh. I myself wanted to laugh, but Jungkook looked a little embarrassed.
“It’s nice to meet all of you.”
Before I could say anything else there was a jab to my side that made me jump. Whipping around my finger was already raised and inches from Yoongi’s face.
“You need to stop doing that. You pretend it’s a light poke, but it’s like your trying to push that bony finger of yours in between my ribs.”
All he did was shrug and smirk. Then he pulled me into a hug I wanted to reject but didn’t. His hugs were always nice and we always lingered longer than normal, but when I remembered where we are I casually pull away.
Hals, being the awesome person she is, directs attention to her so there’s no weird silence afterward.
“Sorry, would have been here on time but she was writing and I know better than pulling her away without finishing,” she said.
“Writing? I thought you were on a break after finishing the draft?” Yoongi asked in Korean.
I froze. Part of me thought I’d told him, but then I remembered I’d chosen not to. He’d been lecturing on taking a break of some kind because of all the projects I had, and I’d pretended to consider that.
“I’m rewriting it,” I mumbled.
“What did she say?” I heard Jin ask Joon in Korean.
Joon just shook his head, taking a step closer to me. He was only a few inches taller so he didn’t completely tower over me, but it felt like he was; staring down at me menacing. Hell, the same feeling was created when Yoongi also stepped closer and we were just about the same height.
“She said she’s rewriting it,” Joon said.
In the background, I could see Hals watching intently with a smirk on her face. The jerk knew what was coming next for me, I was very sure that the entire situation was a set-up at that point.
“Thought you were going to take a break?” Yoongi stepped closer again and I tried to step back, but Hoseok just pushed me forward again.
I made a mental note to beat his ass at a later time.
“What I said was that I would try to. But then I breezed through those last chapters and thought a rewrite wouldn’t kill me.” I tried to play it cool. Tried.
His eyes narrowed and he crossed his arms as he moved closer; Joon doing the same.
“She also is exceeding her producing limit which is three projects at a time to five as of last week. Plus she’s still working on that anthology,” Hals added.
Whipping around I glared at her. She just continued to smirk at me, especially when the boys moved even closer leaving me no escape.
“Why do I tell your punk ass anything? Why?”
Joon tapped my shoulder to bring my attention back to them and while he looked more amused than before Yoongi did not. His brow was raised and he was making that face he made when he was genuinely upset.
I was ninety-five percent sure if I made the wrong move I’d be murdered.
“Wait. It’s not that bad. Yes, it’s a lot but I’m handling it. The projects are at varying stages, two of them almost done. The anthology is just editing and rewriting certain parts of it. And I just finished the sixteenth chapter of the rewrite, leaving me with eight chapters left.”
Even though I was appealing to both of them I focused on Yoongi. I’d even given my little mercy pleading in Korean, though that hadn’t been intentional.
If nothing else showed how close I was to them and how I genuinely cared allowing them to scold me about being a knucklehead did. For over a year Joon had already been like a brother figure, we’d clicked and he’d asserted himself that way. Yoongi had made it clear at the beginning of our friendship how he’d operate if I was doing something slightly stupid. Hell, even Hoseok had grown comfortable enough to call me out on my bullshit.
For a second I thought I saw Yoongi’s expression soften, Joon’s did, but I was proven wrong.
Yoongi huffed. “You overwork your brain too much. You need to rest.”
“I promise things clear up in like a month. My mom and Marcus talked me into making myself unavailable for a month. Most of my stuff will be done by then and I’m restricted from starting new things. Plus it gives me time to truly sit and think about contract stuff.”
For a moment we just stood there, but then he sighed and he shoulders dropped. “Fine.”
With that, I let out a sigh of relief and then was aware of those around us. Most of them wore a confused expression, while Joon and Hoseok were trying not to smile. Halsey was hiding behind Joon was I couldn’t see her.
“So, back to the movie?” Jungkook asked, breaking the silence.
Everyone nodded and headed towards the seating. They all gave me brief smiles as they went by, but Jimin had this weird little smirk on his face that I didn’t have time to decipher. Hals tried to run past me quickly, but I pinched her arm and flipped her off as she went.
When Joon went past he paused to throat chop me, which I failed to block. “Stop being hard-headed.”
Hoseok walked by and I immediately punched his arm, to which he dramatically gasped. But he knew what he did, so he went on his merry way. It left me and Yoongi who just stared for a moment and then inclined his head so I would follow. I ended up on a smaller couch between him and Hoseok.
The atmosphere was nice and I got to know the other guys a little better. From my point of view, they were cool and none of them seemed to hate me. I knew I’d been awkward to start, but as time went on it became more comfortable.
We went through a few movies and ordered food at some point because no one was in the mood to cook anything. Everyone tired for one reason or another. Before I knew it though, I was drifting off to sleep on the couch. My body falling to the side and onto Yoongi’s arm. I was aware of it, but sleep had its hooks deep in me and I couldn’t move.
In my half-sleep state, Yoongi had adjusted me so I leaned comfortably on him. And just as I almost went over my phone went off, startling me awake. Fumbling for a bit I pulled it out to see it was Marcus, meaning I should answer. Before I could the phone was taken and tossed to Joon.
“Handle that,” Yoongi said.
I went to protest, but Joon was already on the phone greeting him. The haze of sleep was already reclaiming me, so I could barely make out what they were saying. I tried to shake it off, but then I was pushed back down onto Yoongi’s shoulder.
“Go to sleep, Kendall,” Yoongi said.
It was that last thing I heard before my body finally gave in.
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wildefiction · 5 years
Of Course...Mr. Collins
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Thursday came and went with little excitement, Misha leaving you to your own devices as he was briefed on that weekend’s convention schedule. You spent the day sun-bathing, napping and texting your sister about your first day in Hawaii.
Friday morning, you woke to the incessant buzzing of your phone. Cracking one eyelid, your vision slid into focus as you noted the annoying black device vibrating towards you along the table. Groaning, you winced as the backlight blinded you. It was six in the morning. 
“So much for this trip being a vacation, hah.” 
The six text messages surprised you and you began to scroll through them, expecting them to all be from Misha. Only that man would wake up six hours before the convention was due to start.
To your surprise, only five of them were from your boss. The sixth, was from Norman.
“Hey [Y/F/N], how ‘bout that ride today? ; )
Your heart fluttered for a moment, chills running down your arms. Sure, he’d said he’d text you - but you hadn’t actually expected him to. Your hands shook slightly as you typed out a quick response.
“That would be awesome! Let me get back to you after I check in with Mish. Woke up to five messages from him!”
Switching back to the group of messages from Misha, you sighed in relief when you realized they weren’t urgent. There was a picture of the sunrise and the beach where he’d gone running. The third was him letting you know the cast was getting together for drinks that night, asking if you wanted to go. Then one mentioning he was on his way back to the hotel, and finally one asking if you wanted coffee or tea since he was stopping anyhow.
The last message had been sent five minutes ago. Hurrying to respond, you asked for an earl grey latte before throwing the phone down on the bed and moving to find clothes for the day.
Fifteen minutes later, a dull thudding sound coming from across the room had you pulling the door open to see Misha, two paper cups in hand and a brown bag clenched in his teeth. Laughing, you grabbed the bag from his mouth and moved back, allowing him to join you in the room. 
“I grabbed some of those bantam bagels and a breakfast sandwich for you to go with your tea.” We’ve got a few hours of work ahead of us, but I figure if we get done by lunch, you can have the afternoon off. Did you want to go tonight?” 
Realizing you hadn’t answered that text, you quickly agreed. 
“Of course! I’m super excited to meet everyone!” Clutching the warm drink in your hand and raising it to your lips, you drank deeply of the caffeine before eyeballing the paper bag you’d set down on the table.
Misha wandered into his room to grab the laptop from his bag. 
“Here [Y/F/N], I’d like you to book us tickets to San Francisco for the first week of December and make the travel arrangements. I’m due at the convention Saturday morning, so we should probably get in Friday afternoon. The convention takes care of our hotel, but you should send the co-ordinator an email if you want your own room, they usually need a bit of notice for that kind of thing.”
With a bagel stuffed in one side of your mouth, you nodded in understanding as you pulled your tablet out and began writing a list of the things you needed to do.
“When you’re finished with that, do you think you might be able to find me something to wear to the luau tomorrow night? A fun shirt or something? I’m thinking my usual just isn’t going to cut it. Pick something nice up for yourself too while you’re out.” 
As you opened your mouth to protest, Misha held up a hand, effectively silencing you. 
“Before you say anything, just consider it a signing bonus.” “Think you can be ready by, say, nine?” 
Nodding as you scribbled the notes on your list, you moved out onto the balcony, deciding to work on booking flights in the sunshine. 
“Sounds good Misha, want to meet for lunch later?” 
“I’ll actually be out most of the day, if you need me feel free to send me a text.” Reaching into his back pocket, Misha pulled his wallet out before rifling through it for a moment and then selecting a card and handing it towards you. Taking it from him, you were surprised at the heaviness of it. The black and cobalt gradient running over the front wrapped around the metal rectangle. Flipping it over, the card number and identifying information were printed neatly in the bottom corner. 
“Kindly send me a screenshot of the flights you find before purchasing them please.” 
“How much do you want me to spend on your shirt, sir?” You were still writing notes and didn’t look up to see Misha’s body language quiet as he watched you at your task. 
“Whatever you like. I’m sure you can figure out what is and isn’t appropriate.” Snapping your head up, you rose from the chair as Misha turned from the room. 
“Uh, no. You just gave me a credit card and I’d have a hard time spending thirty dollars on a shirt, so, I mean, can I at least have a range?! And, I don’t even know your style, what are you looking for?” 
Misha turned as your cool fingers touched his skin and he smiled at the apprehension on your face. Grabbing both of your hands in his, he looked straight at you, demanding eye contact as a smile spread on his face. You stilled as you looked back at him - damn if those eyes weren’t easy to fall into…
“I have complete faith in you [Y/F/N], pick something that you’d like, doesn’t have to be fancy. And keep it under two-hundred?” “You’ll do fine.” With a final squeeze to your hands, he turned again and disappeared back into his room, leaving you with your assignments.
Settling into the table, being warmed by the morning sun you dove into searching for flights immediately, comparing the differing airlines and seat arrangements. As simple as it seems, you enjoyed this kind of work. It kept you busy while placating the organization skills that you couldn’t function without. Within the hour you’d found suitable flights for a pretty decent price and took a screenshot to send to Misha. Your phone notification sounded almost immediately; “Well that was fast,” you mused - sliding the menu screen open.
“Busy, busy eh? How about that ride?”
At first, you were confused, thinking it was Misha that had responded so quickly. Realizing it was Norman, you cursed to yourself. You’d completely forgotten to text him back. Glancing down at the clock, you noted it was only almost eight.
“Wanna meet for lunch around eleven?”
Another text. This one from Misha. 
“Try again [Y/F/N] - how can I utilize your assistance properly if you’ve put yourself in coach?” “Dates and times look good though, just update your seat and send me the confirmation.” 
He’d included his email address in the message. You sighed, but made the changes he requested anyhow before clicking on the checkout button. Buzzing twice in a row, you picked up your phone and saw that Misha had received the confirmation, and Norman had responded:
“It’s a date” ; )
Crossing the flights off of your list, you moved on to making travel arrangements. Several driving companies surrounded the airport you planned to fly into and you quickly made reservations with the best reviewed. After shooting a quick email to the convention organizers requesting two hotel rooms, you closed your laptop and gathered everything before heading back into the dim, air conditioned room.
After taking a quick shower and blow drying your hair, you stepped back into your room to get dressed. Settling on a pair of cut-offs and a Zeppelin t-shirt, you pulled a pair of boots from the closet you’d finally managed to unpack now that it was halfway through the week and laced them up over your socks. While the warm weather made wearing heavy boots less comfortable, one thing you’d remembered from growing up on the back of a bike was that you had to wear good shoes. Technically, you should’ve also worn pants, but you needed to be at least a little comfortable.
As the last hour ticked by, your nerves began worrying at you, and try as you might to calm them, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t startle when a heavy knock sounded on your door. Wiping your hands against the denim covering your thighs, you rose to answer the door.
“Hey, hey sweetheart, ya ready ta go?” Norman stood before you, dark Ray-bans wrapped over his eyes; a black hat pulled down over his shaggy auburn hair. 
Grinning widely you turned to grab your phone and wallet before closing the door behind you. 
“So, where ya wan’na go? Throwing an arm across your shoulders, he led you down the hallway.
Walking out to the parking lot, you waited as Norman swung one of his long legs over the seat of his bike, slowly backing the machine away from it’s parking spot. Looking up at you, he smirked as he waited for you to join him. Stepping up to the edge of the curb, you straddled the now rumbling monster, balancing yourself with one hand on Norman’s shoulder before seating yourself behind him. With a twist of the throttle, the bike lurched forward, and you pressed yourself against his broad back, gripping his waist with only your thighs as he accelerated out onto the main road.
Pulling into a Hawaiian barbeque place fifteen minutes later, you steadied yourself on his shoulders as you stood up from the bike. 
“Ya like bar-ba-que lady?” The deep voice reminded you of the bike you’d just stepped off of and it sent a chill through your body as the smell of smoked meat drew you to the front doors. 
“Uh, does a bear shit in the woods?” Norman laughed as he held the door open to let you pass through. 
Sitting down at the outdoor patio, you attacked the brisket and pulled pork you’d ordered from the run-down little establishment. 
“So, where’d ya learn ta ride?” Norman sat across from you, momentarily taken aback with the obscene sounds that drifted from your body as you savored the food before you, eyes screwed shut in concentration. Opening them at the question, your face reddened as the man across from you removed his sunglasses and fixed you with his light blue eyes. 
“Blue, just like Misha’s, but lighter.” You mused to yourself before answering. 
“My dad. I spent a lot of time on his bike growing up. He was a Harley guy too.” Norman grunted in appreciation as he continued eating. Eyeing your t-shirt, he rose an eyebrow, “ya like Zeppelin eh?” 
Grinning, you nodded enthusiastically, launching into an animated discussion of your favorite songs and how you liked a lot of classic and modern rock.
Over the next hour, you talked about everything from the weather to relationships - good and bad and your hobbies. You learned that, while they filmed in Georgia, Norman actually lived in New York and spent a lot of time sculpting and painting when he was home, which wasn’t very often. 
“I always wan’na be doin’ sum’thin.” “Get kin-a res’less if I’m in one place too long, ya know?” 
“Sounds like a helluvan adventure actually.” 
Rising from the table, the two of you made your way back to the front of the establishment before climbing back on the bike. 
“Ya can hol’ on ya know. I ain’t gonna bite cha…” 
“Oh, but biting’s excellent - it’s like kissing, only… there’s a winner!” You laughed, but wrapped your arms low around his waist, sliding your hands under his vest to splay your fingers over his muscled abdomen. 
“Well then, darlin’ I’ll hafta keep that in mind.”
The next several hours flew by in a blur, you and Norman spent the time driving along the coast, stopping occasionally to sit in the sand and watch the waves crash over the beach. At one point, you stopped to pluck a plumeria blossom from one of the fragrant trees that dotted the park you were walking through, carefully tucking it behind your right ear. The yellow and white flower striking against your [Y/H/C] hair. 
Reaching into your back pocket, you took your phone out and flipped on the camera, taking a picture to send to your sister back home. This island was so amazing, you almost didn’t want to go back. 
“Hey, Norman, can we take a picture? My sister will never believe me if I try to tell her what I’ve done with my day.” 
Chuckling, he ambled over, throwing an arm around your neck and pulling you harshly against his side. Taking your phone, he held it up in the air before releasing the shutter a couple of times. 
“Alrigh’, one more.” Turning the camera sideways, he squeezed you closer into his side and as you looked up into the screen, he turned and pressed his lips to your cheek right as he hit the button. Blushing to yourself, you took the phone back from him and mumbled a thank you as you busied yourself with sending her the pictures.
Upon returning to the hotel, you checked your phone again as you said goodbye to Norman, with the promise to text him later. You were surprised to see there were no messages from Misha, he must be busy you thought to yourself before heading for the outdoor shopping area.
Drifting in and out of several shops trying to decide what to pick up for Misha was pretty challenging, but you ended up settling on a blue Hawaiian print shirt that was nearly the same color as his eyes. Gods that man had beautiful eyes. You’d never seen anything like them. Perhaps you were a bit biased, but you’d always been attracted to guys with dark hair and light eyes, and that rough stubble peppered over his jaw certainly didn’t hurt.
Checking the time, you noted it was nearly seven thirty and you still had to find yourself something to wear. After trying on several things you finally asked for help from one of the sales associates in a store filled with dresses. 
“Hi, I’m looking for something to wear to a beach party tomorrow night, something nice but not too formal? Your [Y/E/C] eyes searched hers and she smiled back before bustling out from behind the counter to dig through the racks.
When your phone began ringing, you quickly answered Misha’s call, holding the device up to your ear. 
“Hey, [Y/F/N], you  gonna be ready soon?” Pulling the phone away to glance at the time, you cursed under your breath when you noticed it was quickly approaching eight. You’d never been more happy that you had showered that morning. 
“Uh, yeah, give me twenty? Oh! Wait, that stuff you wanted me to buy is for tomorrow right? Not tonight?!” He laughed through the phone and assured you that was correct. 
“Come in whatever you’re wearing now, we’re just going out to a few bars after all.” 
Promising to meet him at the room, you spent another ten minutes choosing between a couple of dresses the woman had suggested and paid for your purchase before flying back through the shopping center and up to your room.
TAGS: @jamielea81 @wings-of-a-raven
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prettymuchimagines · 6 years
The Assistant | part two
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NEW SERIES! Find the series main page here!
Word count: 938 words masterlist
Your phone vibrates on the black wood surface of your nightstand while you brush your teeth in the bathroom. Looking down at your Apple Watch, you see the notification: new message from Brandon 🐝💛
You can’t help the smile that now appears over your face, as you finish your nightly routine. Opening the message, it has his address and a GIF of him winking. You reply back to his message, rolling your eyes as you type.
[Brandon is bold italics, you are regular italics]
Did you really just use your own GIF at me?
Sure did love. Got a problem with that?
Not at all.
Good. Did you have a good first day on the job?
I really did! You all are super awesome, which helped calm my nerves.
Sweets, you shouldn’t be nervous!
Aren’t nerves good sometimes?
Yeah. Like when you see a pretty lady.
Well I should get some rest for tomorrow B. It’s a busy day.
I’ll see you in the morning.
Sweet dreams!
A giggle escapes your mouth as you see the boys looking tired as hell when you walk into the room with their Starbucks orders. “Late night boys?” Setting down your purse, you hand them each of their drinks.
“Someone wouldn’t get off the phone while I tried to sleep!” Nick glares over at Brandon.
“Shut up man. You woke up early as fuck to workout. Who does that?!” Brandon tells Nick, rolling his eyes.
Walking into the kitchen, you look at your phone. “Well, you guys get some food and get dressed, I’ll have the driver come in ten.”
New message from Brandon 🐝💛
[Brandon is bold italics, you are regular italics]
Can you help me with my outfit for today?
Did your last assistant do this for you?
I didn’t really like his fashion style. I figured you could help. 😉
Fine. I’ll be up in a minute.
“You needed my help?” leaning against the doorframe, you watch Brandon as he looks through his dresser drawers.
“That’s why I texted you, duh!” he takes your hand into his, pulling you to him. “What shirt would go with these jeans and white sneakers?”
He looks at you, while you filter through the hanging shirts in his closet. This boy did not need your help with his outfit. He’s got more of a fashion sense than you do. Deciding to play along with this game of his, you turn around holding a blue and white floral shirt. “I like this one, it matches the blue band around your boxers.” You push the shirt on his chest lightly, winking at him as you walk out of the room. Two can play this game you thought to yourself as you made your way downstairs.
Sitting on the side of the video set, you watch the guys relaxing while they aren’t being shot for the music video. You got through the radio interview, as Brandon sent flirty looks over at you the entire time when no one was looking. He really made the butterflies in your stomach take residence in you, because they haven’t left in the 36 hours you’ve met this man. You gracefully walk to Brandon who is laying down, grabbing your phone. “Good angle for a picture, right?” You smirk as you stand over him, while he yawns looking at the camera.
“Send that to me love.” His eyes are still locked on yours, and you hand your phone to him.
“You can do that, I’m getting called over to the set.” With that, you drop your phone on his chest, walking over to Zion who has paint splattered over him.
Brandon looks for the picture, sends it to himself. He bites his lip when he sees the emojis next to his name in your phone. Once he sends the picture, he posts it on his Instagram.
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Location in Los Angeles, California 16, 219 likes @brandon_arreaga I tired. I take a nap right here. okay bye 😴
It’s now 6pm and you managed to get through the video shoot for part of their 10,000 Hours music video. During the break time, you went to take a nap and play with your Corgi puppy Theodore, which he goes by Theo. Opening the camera app, you send a picture to the group chat you have with the guys.
Me: Do you want Theo to come to the studio? (sends a picture)
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Nick: Please bring him! He looks super sweet!
Me: Alright, he’s coming.
Zion: Can you get some Taco Bell too?
Me: Of course. Send me the orders. It’s not my fault if Theo eats one of your items though.
Ten minutes later you walk in with Theo on his leash and two bags full of Taco Bell for the six of you. “Should you all be eating this while you record?”
“Probably not, but oh well.” Austin says with a mouth full of his taco.
“If you get me in trouble, Theo comes after you.” You glare at them, while eating your quesadilla.
“Whatever you say Kellie.” Brandon winks at you and says, while walking into the booth.
You sit back and chat with the guys about everything. You occasionally block them out to listen to Brandon sing. His voice is like an angel and you can’t help but get lost in him while he sings. You can tell he’s happiest when he sings. The amount of passion radiating through his voice is astonishing to you. He’s singing with more emotion than you’d have if you went to a wedding.
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Last House on the Left -- {5}
{1} -- {2} -- {3} -- {4}
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You woke up the next morning feeling grumpy and sore. Why you thought napping on the kitchen floor was a good idea you don't remember now.
You remembered all your stuff laying on the kitchen floor and drug yourself out of bed to get it picked up before Minghao woke up.
You walked into the kitchen, but stopped at the entryway.
Sitting on the table was all of your materials and the board. But the board had been completed.
“Dude just saved me so much time.” You said thankfully. You took that board and added to the collection that was growing in the spare room.
You went back into the kitchen and rummaged around, trying to find something to bake.
Minghao walked into the kitchen half an hour later, while your muffins were in the oven.
“Hey dude thanks for finishing that for me. You saved me so much time.”
“I’d say about two hours.” Minghao threw out.
“You worked on that for two hours last night?” you asked.
“More like this morning. I got up at 2:30 and couldn’t fall back asleep. Sat at the table and messed with it for a little bit, and before I knew it, I was done and it was almost 5am.”
“Okay, that’s actually really nice, and really dumb.” you pointed out.
“I know. So don’t expect it again. I’m tired and grumpy now.”
“Well, that makes two of us. So shut up and sit down, muffins will be done soon.”
Minghao professing he’d never help again was a complete lie.  In the four short weeks that led up to the start of the term, he had helped you with nearly ten other projects.  He had even enlisted the help of Vernon and Seungkwan.  Not that they really helped doing much, the mostly messed around with the boards that were meant for five and six year old students.  You wondered if that said a lot about them as individuals.
Before you even realized it, you’d been living in your new home for two months.  More often than not the two of you ate your meals together when you were home.  He even started walking home on his lunch breaks to chat and have lunch.
The guys were constantly giving you guys grief about dating.  But there were no romantic feelings between the two of you.  You’d had a particularly nasty break up before you’d moved in to the house, and Minghao just wasn’t interested.  Everything between the two of you was platonic, and it made the living situation that much easier.
Minghao had quickly grown into being your best friend.  You could talk to him about all of your highs and lows.  You trusted him to keep anything a secret, and keep the savagery to a low when you were feeling sensitive.
The Friday before school started, Minghao came to your room to talk to you.
“What’s up?” you asked, He rarely came into your room, usually just waiting until you came out to talk to you.
“I have a date.” he said.
“It’s about time! Who’s the girl?” you asked, excited for him.
“She used to work at the center with me. She came in to talk to Jun quick today and I ran into her. Kind of hit it off and I asked her out.”
“That’s awesome. When are you going out?” you asked.
“Damn dude you waste no time do you?”
“I guess not. You’d be alright if we hung out here right?” he asked.
“It’s nice of you to ask, but as you always point out to me, this is your home.  Even more so than mine it’s yours, why are you asking me?”
“We’ve never talked about the whole boyfriend/girlfriend thing and how it would work. Guess I just wanted to make sure you wouldn’t be uncomfortable.” he said.
“I’m fine with it. Just ya know...let me know if I need to wear headphones to sleep.”
“You’re such a bitch.” he laughed. “I’m not that inconsiderate. Plus, the headphones wouldn’t help anyway.” he said, winking at you.
“Okay, you can leave now. I’m scarred for life and never want to hear anything about your sex life ever again.”
Later that night you were laying on the couch watching TV when you heard the front door open.
“Hey dude, Friends marathon is on all night. Wanna grab some popcorn and watch it with me?” you asked.
“Who is that?” you heard a feminine voice say.
“Oh shit.  You had the date tonight. My bad, I forgot.” you said sitting up.
Minghao rolled his eyes at your bad memory and then introduced you to his date.
“Lyn, this is Y/n, my roommate. Y/n this is Lyn.”
“Nice to meet you!” you said jumping over the back of the couch.
“You live with a girl?” Lyn asked.
“Yeah, it’s been about two months I’d say.” Minghao said. You nooded your head in confirmation.
“You guys were never like...together right?” she asked.
You couldn’t help it, you burst out laughing.  
“It’s not that funny.” Minghao said after you’d been laughing for a solid minute.
“Yeah, it definitely is.  No Lyn, there’s been nothing between Minghao and I. We just live in the same house.” you assured her.
“Oh, well I guess that’s alright.” she said, but she didn’t seem like she was okay with it.
“I’m gonna head to my room. Vernon and Kwannie were here for supper. There’s leftovers in the fridge if you get hungry. Oh, and don’t forget to set your alarm. Your dumb ass forgot twice this week and had it not been for me, you’d have been late to work the second day too!”
Minghao just rolled his eyes, but made a mental note not to forget his alarm.
“You guys seem oddly comfortable around each other.” Lyn noted as soon as your door was closed.
“She’s been living here for a little while and we’ve gotten to know each other pretty well. That’s all” he shrugged. There really was nothing more to it, and he didn’t want Lyn blowing it out of proportion.
“Guys and girls can be friends without there being more to it. That’s how it is with Y/n and I. You’re friends with Jun and have never dated him.” Minghao pointed out.
“Yeah, but I don’t live in the same house and Jun.” Lyn defended.
“This isn’t going to be an issue later, right?” Minghao asked, wanting to get it out of the way.
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“You’re not going to say you’re okay with it now, but then later it’ll be a topic of argument. That’s a whole lot of drama I don’t want. She lives here and I have no intention of asking her to leave or kicking her out. Just so you know.” Minghao said.
“Well damn, you’re blunt. This is literally our first date, what you do with your time and your house is your choice.”
Minghao heard her words, but wasn’t sure he trusted them.
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corvid-knight · 6 years
Impulsive Actions
Dirk has fries. Seagulls like fries. Dirk has no sense of restraint and utilizes the fact that seagulls like fries to fill a train car with seagulls.
This gets him punched.
By a cute guy.
(based on this!)
(Read it on ao3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13911627) 
Your name is Dirk Strider, and today seems to be the day of impulsive actions. To be fair, that describes every day when you get less than two or three hours of sleep in a night, but today is exceptionally full of shit you think of doing and then just do.
It's also full of seagulls, but that's probably because you're standing here waiting for the train and trying to eat about ten bucks worth of fries. The paper sack in your hands was completely full when you walked out of the restaurant; the poor girl at the counter had to ask you if you really wanted to fill the whole fucking bag.
You really did.
However, you do regret it now, because even with the fact that you didn't have enough sense to eat breakfast before leaving the apartment, there's no way you can finish all of these. At least the seagulls profit from your stupidity; you've got a goddamn flock gathered around your feet, flapping up to snag each potato stick you toss before it hits the cement. They're smart birds, too. Some of the bolder ones are already trying to dive down and steal the whole fucking bag.
You admire that kind of hubris. You're roughly twenty times as large as a single seagull, and yet you're willing to bet that there's not a bird here who, if given the power of human speech, wouldn't scream come at me bro and immediately attack you. All for some fries.
They do really like fries.
A seagull proves that point by snatching the next fry out of your hand before you can throw it. Damn, they're so bold. If they were human you'd find that hot.
...you really need to take a nap, since you're searching for dateworthy characteristics in birds. Maybe when you get home you'll just pass out on the couch for a couple hours.
Ten. Ten sounds like a good number.
Here's the train, too. And what do you know, it pulls up just perfectly, actually stopping so the door's aligned with you as it slides open. You take three steps toward said door, hesitate as the flock of seagulls moves with you, and then freeze in place as the worst (best?) impulsive thought you've ever had in your life hits you. It's horrible. It's wonderful.
You mentally debate it for a good minute, long enough for everyone else who's waiting to board. When you make your decision—which was really made the moment the thought occurred to you; when you're this looped for lack of sleep you tend to go with your first impulse—the doors are beeping a warning that they're about to shut.
Which is fine.
You've never been good at normal sports. Running yes, you're fast even if you look gawky and awkward as hell, anything involving climbing up shit yes, but baseball? Football? Oh hell no. You can't function on a team all that well and you can't handle a ball gracefully to save your life, both of which mean you didn't have much practice with fastballs and curveballs and whatever the fuck else kind of ways of throwing something there are.
The action of pulling back and chucking the half-full bag of fries into the train feelsboth graceful and powerful, though. It basically explodes on impact with the window on the other side; fries fly everywhere.
And the seagulls see that.
In the five seconds it takes the doors to slide all the way shut, the whole fucking flock manages to dive into the car. The birds are shrieking, people are shrieking, and you're pretty sure that the next stop isn't for six and a half minutes.
"Holy fuck," you breathe.
There's a McDonald's across the street.
You should be able to get another order of fries before the next train comes.
Your name is John Egbert and you're going to kill that blond fucker. You just spent what seemed like a really long time in a train car filled with panicked passengers and birds.
Not that you have anything against birds. They're a thing that exists; people feed them bread and whatever. This asshole was feeding them french fries. You know this because he threw the whole fucking bag of them into the train car, and half of them went straight into your bag.
You had to pick up a goddamn seagull and bodily remove it from your shopping bag. That's not normal.
On another note, seagulls are friendly. You never realized that. They like to sit on people.
As a result of you being one of the few people who didn't panic every time a seagull landed on you, you have a large stain on the shoulder of your shirt. It's wet and disgusting, and you're going to make the douchebag who caused all this buy you a new shirt.
Right after you kill him.
Realistically, the guy probably isn't going tothe same place. You do realize that, you realized that maybe two minutes after you got on the bus to go back to kick his ass. So really, this is nothing but an opportunity for you to calm down a little and have ten people stare curiously at you.
God, you probably look like a crazy person.
Oh well.
Amazingly, the guy's still standing almost where you left him, with another thing of fries. It's a more normal amount this time, though, with only a couple left in it; he's tossing them to the fifteen or so gulls circling him, completely oblivious to you as you come up behind him.
"Hey! Jackass!" He turns around when you yell, though, a bewildered expression crossing his face right before you punch him.
You've never punched anyone before. You didn't expect it to hurt quite that much. You yelp and shake your hand, and he staggers backward, trips over either a seagull or his own feet, and just completely wipes out. Doesn't even try to catch himself.
His head hits the pavement with a thump that makes you wince.
"Oh, fuck," you mutter. He's not moving; you may have just killed a guy.
Time to panic.
You're Dirk Strider, and your head hurts. Like, headaches aren't new, but this is pretty obviously the result of blunt force. Since the last thing you remember is a fist coming at your face, that's not all that surprising.
Someone's trying to talk to you; you decide that you should probably open your eyes and listen. Not in that order.
"Please please please don't be dead, shit, I wasn't serious when I said I was going to kill you, holy shit, I mean the whole thing with the stupid birds on the train was dumb but it's not like I seriously meant to—"
Okay, this guy is making absolutely zero sense. You open your eyes, blinking a couple times to see if you're going to have trouble focusing or anything. The only problem you're having with your sight is that it's brighter than is comfortable, since you're lying on your back staring up at the sky without your shades, that's not surprising.
Damn, you hope your shades aren't broken. That'd suck.
Your view of the sky is interrupted by the guy who's leaning over you. You're fairly sure he's also the guy who hit you, but you can overlook that for the moment. You've never seen anyone look quite that anxious before.
Or quite that cute.
"Damn, I want to buy you dinner," you hear yourself say. He just blinks in confusion, grabbing at your shoulder to steady you as you sit up. "Shit, be careful—you hit your head really hard, I didn't mean to—"
"Calm down." Things aren't spinning, which is a good sign. "You slugged me?"
"Um. Yeah, but—fuck." He hesitantly lets go of you, sitting back on his heels. "I had an excuse."
"Oh. Do I know you?" You definitely don't know him. There's no way you could forget somebody this attractive.
"No." He huffs and crosses his arms, then uncrosses them to grab your shades from where they'd fallen, holding them out to you. "I just had to deal with your 'friends.'"
"My what?" Ouch. The shades put pressure on the rising bruise where he punched you, and you decide to just hook them onto your shirt.
"The seagulls?" He rolls his eyes, then frowns in concern again instead of the annoyance he's been showing. "Wait, you didn't forget that, did you? From the whole head injury thing?"
"Nah, just didn't get what you were talking about is all." Head injury. You reach up to check the back of your head, and find a painful bump but no blood. "Uh...sorry, I guess?"
"You guess." That earns you a raised eyebrow, as he nods at the container of fries you dropped when he punched you out. "...were you about to do it again?"
Shaking your head also hurts.
The cute guy who punched you is grinning. "You totally were."
"Well, I'm not going to now."
"The gulls ate all the fries that were left, so you really can't." An even brighter, more wicked smile. "Not right now, anyway. If you do it again, you should just walk in after the birds and ride along. It was pretty fucking awesome, if you can get past the bird shit."
"Oh." You didn't even think of that. And he does have a stain on his shirt, now that you look. "Uh...sorry."
Another shrug. "I mean, I gave you a concussion, so I think we're even. Speaking of which, do you need to, like, go to the hospital or something?"
"I don't have a concussion."
"You should still get it checked out."
Today is the day of impulsive actions, and what you say next is no exception. "I'll make you a bet."
"What?" Pure confusion on his part. You just hope he doesn't laugh in your face or punch you again when you offer your terms.
"Come with me to get my head checked out. If I don't have a concussion, you let me take you on a date sometime."
He just stares at you for a second, then nods slowly. "Okay, I feel like that's mewinning, not you. What if you do have a concussion?"
You didn't think of an answer for that possibility. "You punch me again?"
"How about, no." He gets to his feet and offers you a hand up. "I'll choose the forfeit if I win. Deal?"
You're John Egbert, and you just spent an hour with a guy named Dirk Strider.
He has a mild concussion, because of you. However, that means you just won a bet. Your chosen prize is his phone number and a date next weekend.
And a new shirt. You're kind of planning to eventually steal one of his.
You think you got a pretty good deal here.
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jincherie · 7 years
Inheritance | Pt.5
Pairing: Yoongi x reader Genre: hybrid!au, fluff, smut (later later), Words: 4.2k+ Warnings: none in particular Notes: I wish this didn’t take so long to get out, considering it’s not that long. This is a miniseries, so there’s only going to be one or two more parts. It’s the next one, I think???? where things begin to heat up! Keep sending in what you want to see happen between MC and Yoongi!! I may or may not be preparing something extra... ;o)
After your grandmother passed she left everything to you. Her house, her fortune, and apparently… her cat? The grumpy male hybrid you encounter at her house is anything but the tame housecat you’d expected to find. Fulfilling your grandmother’s last request to look after him becomes a lot harder when he seems to be avoiding you, and your dissatisfied relatives start stirring up trouble.
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Prev. || Masterlist || Next
It was 12 o’clock. The sun was shining, the birds singing and playing in the garden outside the windows, and you were sitting on the couch in the living room, patiently awaiting the arrival of your friend. He was meant to be here half an hour ago. Considering what you knew he was like in high school, you weren’t all that surprised he wasn’t here on time. He had always been a bit absent, it was like time was a foreign concept to him and he just took to the world at his own pace regardless.
You hadn’t talked to him in a while, so when you called him earlier in the morning he’d been surprised to hear from you, but happy nonetheless. You’d given him a brief low-down on the situation and he’d agreed to come over and see what he could do to help you out. Funnily enough, he’d been the one to set the time. Maybe he’d gotten lost…?
“Is that friend of yours still not here?”
You looked over at the sound of a certain hybrid’s grumpy tone, catching sight of him leaning against one of the other couches with an unimpressed expression. You’d made him forego his nap since you were meant to be expecting company, but since your friend hadn’t even shown up on time Yoongi was a little miffed about his lost nap-time.
“Nope,” you said, popping the ‘p’. “I’m not surprised though. He was always a little late to everything.”
Yoongi still didn’t seem impressed, his expression causing you to laugh. “He’s really nice! And funny, and helpful. He’s just a bit… blonde.”
The feline rolled his eyes, before shifting around and flopping onto the couch like a pouty teen. The image brought another grin to your face. It was silent for a couple of minutes, neither of you bothering to speak and content to just sit there.
At least, you were content to just sit there. Yoongi couldn’t help but open his mouth and start up again a couple of minutes later. “Honestly, is he even coming? He’s—"
Just as began complaining again, the doorbell rang, echoing throughout the house. You shot Yoongi a grin and hopped up, rustling his hair as you walked past. He made a noise of protest but otherwise remained where he was as you went to get the door.
You were quick to unlock it, smiling widely as it swung open. “You’re here!” you exclaimed, moving forward to engulf the male before you in a hug. “Finally! I thought you got lost or something, you idiot.”
Laughter filled your ears as warm arms came up to return your embrace before you moved back. “No, not today. My boss just made me stay back a bit longer and finish some paperwork. This is such an awesome house though, y/n. When the hell did you get so rich?!”
You laughed, turning and leading him into the house, shutting the door behind you before moving to the living room where Yoongi was still waiting. “This was my grandmother’s house.” You explained, pleasantly surprised when the mention of her didn’t cause your eyes to sting faintly. “I’m not really rich but she did leave some things for me in her will.”
The male let out a noise of understanding, coming to a stop next to you in the living room. Yoongi was pointedly looking forward, and you bit back a smile as you spoke. “Yoongi, this is my friend Taehyung. Taehyung, this is Yoongi, the panther hybrid I was telling you about.”
Yoongi’s head whipped around, nostrils flaring slightly as his gaze rested on you before it was pinned on Taehyung. You saw his tail flick behind him, similar to how it usually did when he was agitated. You thought you saw him sniff before he opened his mouth to speak.
“Nice to meet you,” he said, his tone slightly more emotionless than usual. You were surprised at the intensity of his gaze directed at Taehyung.
The blonde beside you didn’t even seem to notice, beaming back with all the brightness of the sun. “Hi! It’s nice to meet you too! Wow, you’re a beautiful hybrid. Your hair is such a pure black, which is rare. Most of the panther hybrids we see usually have an undertone of dark brown, never pure black like you. Wow. It looks so soft, too.”
Just like you remembered, Taehyung’s verbal filter seemed to disengage whenever he met new people. It was cute, in a nostalgic sort of way, to see him ramble on like he used to. You two hadn’t talked as much as you wished since leaving high school.
Yoongi seemed slightly taken aback at the blonde’s words, cheeks tinting a light, bashful pink. Your eyebrows rose at this. Was he not used to getting compliments like this…? For the first time ever he seemed to be stunned into silence. You let out a laugh.
“Taehyung let him breathe, not everyone is a hardcore extrovert like you.” you said with a smile, nudging him to sit on the couch. You took a place next to Yoongi when he did.
Taehyung’s boxy smile was sheepish. “Right. Sorry. Too much too quick.” he said with a laugh, before turning to you. “So, the reason I’m here… you explained the situation, and I brought some documents and forms I think might help. But, it would also be good if I knew a bit more. Do you mind me asking some questions?”
You shrugged, turning to Yoongi since it was his information on the table. The raven-haired feline mirrored your movement, offering his own disinterested shrug. You had to bite back a smile at how he was acting. Stroppy teen indeed.
Taehyung grinned, pulling out a small notepad from the bag he’d brought with him. “Great! Well, first of all, y/n mentioned that you haven’t been with your old owners for a couple of years now. How many is that?”
Yoongi looked to be in thought. “Around five years, I think.” he said, turning his gaze to the side. That was a long time. You suddenly wondered if Yoongi ever missed anything about his old life. Obviously not his owners, but maybe something small. Maybe he had a favourite place to lay in the sun, a favourite food, a favourite blanket. He’d left it all behind, and you had to wonder if he missed any of it.
“Ah, I see.” Taehyung mumbled as he scribbled something down. “Okay, how old are you? Were they your only owners? How old were you when you were adopted?”
You thought Yoongi would be annoyed at the sudden stream of questions, but he took it all in stride. “I’m 23. My birthday… is in March, so I’ll be 23 soon.” he said, pausing a moment before continuing. “I was adopted when I was 12. They were my only owners.”
You were surprised. For a hybrid as rare as he was, you would have thought that he would have been adopted before then.
“23? That’s good, that’s very good.” Taehyung was muttering to himself, causing you to raise your eyebrows. “Okay, I think I know how we can fix this situation and stop your family.”
You shifted forward, leaning closer eagerly. Hope was blossoming in your chest. “You do?”
Even Yoongi seemed pleasantly surprised.
Taehyung smiled, before coughing nervously. “There’s one thing we can do, but I don’t know how comfortable either of you will be with it.”
You shot Taehyung an apprehensive look. “What is it?”
The blonde sent Yoongi a nervous look, coughing lightly before continuing. “Well, let me begin by explaining a little. The law states that if a hybrid is separated and apart from its owners for four years or more then that ownership becomes void and the hybrid becomes unregistered again. For hybrids under 20, that period is extended to six years, but because Yoongi is 23 we don’t have to worry about that. This means that currently, Yoongi is an unregistered hybrid. This is both a good thing and a bad thing.”
Taehyung took a deep breath. “This is bad, because it means it is incredibly easy for your family to take him. There are two ways you can claim ownership of an unregistered hybrid, one that it almost immediate, and one that takes a while longer. Your family will no doubt go for the first option, especially since their wealth will allow it.”
You tilted your head. Yoongi remained silent. “What are the two ways?”
Taehyung gulped. “The first way is to obtain a written statement from the previous owners stating they give the hybrid over. This usually entails paying over half of the hybrid’s original worth, it’s kind of like buying the hybrid from them. The court will recognise the fact that they were the previous owners of the hybrid and since there is a written statement the other person usually gets the hybrid.”
You gulped. That didn’t sound good.
“Although, that’s only in circumstances where the previous owners don’t want the hybrid back— usually, they do, and so won’t sign.” Taehyung said, tapping his pen against the notepad. “The second way, is simply to fill out the application forms for ownership and pay the fee, which is around $100. It’s a lot cheaper, but the forms take a couple of days to process— usually around 4-5. The only thing that will stop your family if they do try the first option is a current, valid ownership. The court will respect what is currently in place.”
You leant back against the couch. It was obvious which option you were going to have to take. The first one had too many variables, not to mention the fact that Yoongi’s previous owners could just refuse and take him back themselves. That was the opposite of what you wanted, and considering Yoongi had run away from them in the first place you doubted he wanted to see them again.
Taehyung watched your expression, knowing you hadn’t realised exactly what the second option meant yet. The feline however, had, and was staring at the carpet deep in thought, tail end flicking absently.
“y/n,” Taehyung began. “You do realise that either of these options entail adopting him legally.”
You jolted in surprise, mouth forming an ‘o’. “Wh—oh. Oh. Um… oh.”
Taehyung smiled at your reaction, and Yoongi had looked up to watch your expressions. You bit your lip, thinking it over. “I don’t mind doing whatever I have to do for Yoongi to be safe from them, but I think it’s up to him and whether he wants to or—”
“I don’t mind.” Yoongi cut you off, entirely surprising you. You thought he would be completely against it. Your head whipped to face him. He turned away, cheeks flushing. “I mean, there are worse things…”
Taehyung giggled. “So cute.”
Yoongi’s mood flipped and he shot him a deadly glare, Taehyung merely smiling in response. The blonde started to speak again. “So, you want to do that? The second option?”
Taking another look at Yoongi to be sure, you nodded when he gave you an affirmation. “Yeah. If Yoongi’s ok with it, then yeah.”
Taehyung beamed. “Excellent! I have the documents you need to fill out and sign right here. Once you’re done, I’ll head back down to the shelter and submit them for processing straight away.”
He pulled out a small manila folder with a bunch of black and white forms and documents, and handed you a pen. Shooting both him and the hybrid beside you a smile, you gripped the pen and began to sign.
.  . .  .  . .  .  .
“Bye, y/n! Bye, Yoongi!” Taehyung exclaimed as he gripped the door to the shelter. “I’ll call you in a day or so to let you know how it’s going, but until then~ my boss needs me! Bye!”
With that, he disappeared into the hybrid shelter where he worked. He was the manager, but his own boss still monitored his activities regularly. You looked to Yoongi with a smile to see his reaction; you weren’t disappointed, a small frown of distaste present on the feline’s lips.
After signing the forms, Taehyung had packed up to go and kindly offered you both a lift into the city to his work, since there were many shops and cafes around for you to do something. You didn’t doubt that Yoongi hadn’t been out that often, and so jumped happily on the opportunity to take him out. It also gave you an opportunity to catch up a bit with him; Taehyung was your friend and you hadn’t talked in a while— you missed his company.
The entire car trip had Yoongi sitting in the back with crossed arms and a pout, very much resembling a petulant child that was told he couldn’t have an ice cream. Which, you thought, was very ironic since that’s exactly what you were going to take him to get near Taehyung’s work. You weren’t even sure why the raven-haired hybrid was so upset, but figured it probably had something to do with the glares he sent at Taehyung whenever the blonde came too close. He kept sniffing when he was next to you, and had practically murdered Taehyung with his eyes when he’d come over to give you a hug goodbye. It occurred to you that maybe Taehyung just smelt a lot like other hybrids, since he worked in a shelter, and Yoongi was picking up on those scents and his instincts were acting up. Yoongi hadn’t been around other hybrids in years, so the new smells must have been a bit much.
You began walking down the street, explaining to Yoongi that you were going somewhere for a treat. He seemed slightly curious, slowly emerging from beneath the stormy cloud of his sour mood and lightening up. The entire way down the street Yoongi would routinely sniff the air, leaning subtly closer before leaning away with a frown. You stopped outside the ice-cream parlour, a curious look on your face.
Yoongi didn’t notice where you’d stopped, instead glancing at you in confusion about why.
“Why do you keep doing that?” you asked curiously. “Sniffing, I mean.”
Yoongi looked like a deer caught in headlights for a moment before he coughed lightly, a hand coming up to scratch behind his flicking ear as he averted his gaze. “I, uhm… You just smell like him—like Taehyung—and it… bothers me? It’s all over you. I don’t like it.”
You raised your eyebrows, did he not even know why himself? However, his words caused a couple of butterflies to dance in your stomach, heat rushing to your face. Why? He’d only said he didn’t like Taehyung’s scent.
“Oh.” Was all you could manage. You quickly changed the subject. “Well, we’re at the place I wanted to go to! Let’s go in so I can introduce you to the best ice-cream in the city.”
Yoongi let out a heavy breath, glad you’d let the question go. He didn’t know what to say if you asked why he didn’t like it, because he honestly didn’t know himself. Your guess was as good as his. He was surprised, however, that you’d taken him to an ice cream parlour. He didn’t know what he’s been expecting but it wasn’t this.
You both entered, and you smiled at how Yoongi looked around in restrained awe. You went up to the counter, and both of you spent a good couple of minutes just choosing flavours. By the time you left the parlour, almost fifteen minutes later, ice-cream in hand, you were ready to find a place to sit and enjoy the treat. You’d gone for a berry combination, one of your favourites, and Yoongi had gone for mint and dark chocolate.
Once outside you grasped Yoongi’s free hand and began leading him towards the park you knew to be nearby, completely missing the shocked look and pink tinge in his cheeks. It didn’t take long to reach it, and once you did it was just as you remembered it to be.
Far to the right there was a small lake with crystalline waters, skirted by lush green grass that stretched the expanse of the rest of the park and was only broken by a basketball court and a children’s playground. The park wasn’t packed, but a generous amount of people were still out to enjoy the beautiful day. To your left, where the basketball court was, a bunch of teenagers were having a dance-off, the music booming loudly and creating a fun atmosphere. Before you there were parents with their children, and to your left near the playground there was a group of hybrid children on what looked like an excursion. You recognised the uniform of the adults supervising them as that of one of the higher-class agencies, and understood at once why they were out on an excursion in the first place. It was a business that catered to the higher-class, and so the hybrids they raised had to be fitting of the role as high-class pet and be well educated and experienced. You didn’t agree with why, but you were glad the children got to experience the world. You wished the same could be said for all the hybrid children out there.
Just as you directed Yoongi to a seat nearby, a couple of children ran giggling past you, a fox and what looked to be a tiger hybrid chasing after him. Just as he passed you, the tiger hybrid tripped on a loose brick in the path, a small cry leaving him and his small body lurching forward at an alarming speed towards the ground. You gasped, your half-eaten ice-cream dropping to the ground as you flew forward to catch him in your arms. Your reflexes were just barely fast enough, your knees hitting the ground roughly and the skin scraping through your jeans as you took the brunt of the child’s weight in your effort to prevent his pain. You were motionless for a moment, feeling the child tremble in your arms and his stiffened tail whip about agitatedly.
As though coming back to his senses the child suddenly lurched away from you with a gasp, looking terrified as he regarded your kneeling form before him and your scraped knees. His large, golden eyes began to well with tears and his shoulders shook as he blubbered, his ears flattening against his head and tail wrapping around his leg. “I-I’m so sor-ry, M-miss!! I- I didn’t—”
Fat tears rolled down his round cheeks, his small, child-like face the picture of youth and coloured with distress. Your heart ached all at once because this child was sad when he had no reason to be.
“No, no, it’s okay!” you said with a soft smile, reaching a hand up to brush his tears away with a gentle touch. “It’s okay, I’m not hurt. Are you okay?”
The child nodded, still crying. You reached a hand to brush his soft orange hair away from his face, smiling reassuringly at him. “That’s good, I’m happy you’re not hurt! Don’t be sad though, okay? I’m not mad, and you’re not in trouble.”
He couldn’t stop his tears but they managed to slow as you held his hands and rubbed the skin soothingly until he calmed down. He gave a final hiccup, a watery smile stretching his lips. He was adorable, so adorable it made your heart ache.
“There, see?” you soothed. “It’s okay, everything’s okay. Go back to playing with your friend and have fun! Be careful not to trip now— no more tears, okay?”
The hybrid child nodded fervently, throwing his arms around you briefly before pulling away once more to join his fox friend, who was standing a couple of feet away and staring on in awe. You watched as he grasped the other’s hand, and they both ran back towards their group. The tiger hybrid offered one last smile over his shoulder before they disappeared in the bunch of children once more.
It took you a moment to bring your thoughts back to the current moment, after realising you were still on the ground you tried to stand from your kneeling position. Your knees were stiff and locked in place both from the impact of hitting the ground and staying in one position so long, and pain shot up your legs as you attempted to lift yourself. You thought you were going to fall but a firm grip found your arm and waist and helped ease you up. Your knees stung where the rough ground had scraped the skin raw and you winced.
Yoongi helped you move over to the nearby seat, easing you down gently. Your heart swelled with affection at his gentle movements and surprisingly tender touches. He sat down next to you, leaning forward to brush the dirt and leaves off your knees carefully before shifting back and nailing you with an indecipherable look, dark eyes intense as they bored into you. You offered a sheepish smile, “What?”
Yoongi didn’t seem to be aware of the words coming from his own mouth. “That was so… I… I wish there was someone like you there when I was a child…”
You stared at him with wide eyes, and he seemed to realise what he’d just said. He flinched back, his own eyes wide and cheeks burning. “I, uh, I mean, no—"
“What was your childhood like, Yoongi?” you asked before you could stop yourself. You winced internally, expecting him to shut down, but to your surprise he simply let loose a large breath.
The panther hybrid’s eyes moved from your face to the side, sharp teeth finding his lip distractedly for a moment as he organised his thoughts. “My childhood…” he murmured, watching the hybrid children from before run around and climb the playground.
His gaze returned to you suddenly, and you weren’t prepared for the intensity, or the sheer, open vulnerability. He spoke again, tone low, a soft rumble, “I was raised in a lab until I was 8 years old. After that, I was moved to another centre and caught up on education, and taught how to behave and what to do. When I was twelve, I was adopted by my previous owners. I never knew my parents, or even if I had any. I could have been made in that lab, for all I know.”
There was a pang in your chest as he spoke, and you wished to say something, but no words flowed. Yoongi continued, gaze moving absently to the children once more. “In the lab, in the centre… we weren’t people to them. I don’t think there was a caring figure in my life. It’s probably the same for most other hybrids, too. At least, the older ones. I don’t know if it’s the same now.”
“Yoongi…” you began, shuffling closer and leaning against him lightly in a show of comfort. You spoke simple and sincerely as you rested your head against his shoulder, “I’m sorry.”
The hybrid moved his gaze back to you, looking surprised. “Why? I don’t care about any of that anymore. It’s in the past, there’s nothing I can do and dwelling on it wouldn’t serve me in any way. Besides…”
He cut himself off suddenly, ears twitching in embarrassment and cheeks flushing. He averted his gaze. “If none of that happened I wouldn’t have met your grandmother, and I wouldn’t have met you… I’m glad I’m where I am right now.”
You were stunned into silence at that, warmth blooming in your chest at his words. You could feel the heat in your own cheeks. There was a comfortable silence between you as you both sat and soaked in the calm, light atmosphere around you.
After a while however, the thoughts that had been plaguing you ever since earlier in the day welled to the surface and a question bubbled to the tip of your tongue. You contemplated holding back, but ultimately decided to just ask.
“Why did you agree so easily?”
You realised after speaking that it mightn’t have been obvious what you were asking about, but when you chanced a look at Yoongi’s face and saw the embarrassed expression you knew he realised what you were referencing.
He shifted, looking embarrassed. “Because,” he started, low voice conveying his nerves. “I don’t want you to leave me. You’re the only human left that I trust and I… I want to spend my time with you.”
You were speechless, emotions welling up inside you that you didn’t have the ability to process right then and there. Instead of speaking, you shuffled even closer and looped an arm around his, leaning into his side. You stayed like that, wanting to convey just how much you had come to care for him in the short time you’d known him, yet unable to do anything but attempt to show it through actions. Yoongi sighed, nestling into you, and you knew he understood.
You both sat and watched the children play, content to simply sit and bask in the warmth of each other’s company. Your heart didn’t calm down for the rest of the day.
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