#to demonstrate the point here
mmelolabelle · 8 months
look I don’t know what award-winning journalist and author daniel molloy said to make louis look like a kicked puppy and armand to huff like a 1950s housewife whose appetisers were just insulted —
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but he was absolutely right and they deserved it
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daily-hanamura · 1 year
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#persona 4#p4#persona 4 golden#p4g#hanamura yosuke#souyo#this scene revealed so much of their relationship in one go#yosuke has already long been established as yu's confidant at this point but this moment really drove it home!#yosuke anticipates each of yu's behaviour#but even though he disagrees with it he doesn't judge yu for it#even going so far as to help yu hide it from the rest of the team#its debatable whether thats necessarily a good thing#but it demonstrates yosuke's unwavering loyalty to yu while also making clear his disappointment#and of course yosuke has much to feel sad and disappointment over - one the one hand it felt like yu didnt trust him/them enough#he phrased it as a matter of “you should trust us more” as opposed to “you should trust ME more” because talking about trust in the singula#would hit too close to home and risk making too many demands of yu. demands that yosuke didnt feel he was allowed to make#afterall why would yu trust him but not the others? but the team is made up of other more reliable people than he was#and bringing up the team gives yosuke a defensive cover#so as usual it's part of yosuke's self doubt creeping in#but theres also honesty here - yosuke wasnt here to accost him or be angry at him; he really showed up just to make sure that yu was safe#and once hes confirmed it yosuke falls back to his usual habits of cracking a joke to lighten the mood#to end the conversation on a joke feels like its as much a service for yu as it is for himself#we know yosuke tends to joke to make the people around him feel better and i think in this instance he was also trying to cheer yu up#whether it was to make up for yosuke approaching him or to alleviate any guilt yu might feel#or even to manage whatever it was that adachi might have said to yu (which yosuke undoubtedly picked up on)#yosuke doesn't let his disagreement with yu get in the way of supporting his partner#to some extent i also wonder if this loyalty was also coloured by their previous interaction with namatame and Yosuke's anger#it's been less than a week since that incident after all and i think theres this contradiction for yosuke#and i think there was probably a contradiction in Yosuke's heart in that moment: he doesn't trust himself to make good judgements#but as much as he'd rather take yu's lead in this instance he also feels like his leader was wrong here
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yakultii · 2 months
random but i'm so curious as to know how your eyes look, the way you described them in the past have me intrigued
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weird girl eyeball compilation
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jasontoddenthusiastt · 5 months
On the subject of gotham county line and batman noel and so on and so forth it’s pretty frustrating (from a watsonian pov) that anytime Bruce hallucinates Jason being loving/ caring/helpful/compassionate towards him it’s always as robin and never as his current self
#it's ironic because Jason as robin never got the chance to become as obedient & devoted (malleable) to Bruce as he currently is#which is a result of being abused/manipulated for a more prolonged period of time#“maybe if I try harder and do it right this time he'll finally see the truth”#classic abuse tactic#no matter how well the victim fits the mold set by the abuser they’ll never acknowledge it#rather if they see you trying they’ll push harder and tell you you’re not perfect#the small shreds of affection here and there are important for motivating the victim to keep trying#kelseethe#Jason initiating the hug in rhato 27 after Bruce insinuated that those beatings will be a regular occurence bc he deems it a necessity#continuing to support Bruce even after Ethiopia and sticking around to help get Damian back#eagerly cooperating with Bruce + co in event leviathan then getting surprise pikachu faced/hurt after being betrayed#making a conscious decision to comfort Bruce in gotham war after Bruce fucked him up and left him behind#having undying conern for Bruce's wellbeing while Bruce regularly endangers his life#ex. Bruce's weird habit of committing vehicular assault on Jason whenever they're on the road demonstrated both in tfz and gotham war#point being: Jason was much more psychologically fit to be defiant towards Bruce when he was robin compared to now#he's more of a “good son”™ now than he was as robin Bruce is just too used to thinking whatever he wants and never being satisfied#the only times Jason got mad/upset at Bruce during one issue and continued to stay mad until the next#other than lost days and utrh was batman 410-411 and early in aditf before Bruce helps Jason find Sheila#so much worse has happened since then and all that just magically became water under the bridge off-panel
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rxttenfish · 4 months
while aaravi remains firmly within "yeah miranda has a difficult personality and isn't very easy to get along with + has many rough edges which are slowly being worked on but still going to be an issue" after having been very much so within the camp that miranda is a Vexing Bitch upon first contact/getting to know her, she DOES go from "miranda is unpredictable and dangerous as a merfolk and large macropredator and her emotions are inscrutable and random" to "merfolk aren't very hard to understand or predict and it's very easy to stay on the safe side if you keep basic rules in mind and don't freak out the second something unexpected happens"
#all the care guide says is 'biomass'#miravi.txt#just. thinking about it!#thinking about specifically how merfolk (like most other animals) growl/hiss specifically as a deterrent#like if you start really upsetting miri and she wants space and you to Please Stop#she will probably turn her face away from the other person or turn her body away from them#while growling or hissing and pulling her fins back#and will open her mouth to bare her teeth or gape her mouth open to show her teeth (including heavily panting)#where the point is ''i will hurt you if you touch me/get closer/dont stop so please dont do that''#but a lot of people read it as her being either obtuse (if she turns away from them)#or outright aggressive for the showing of teeth and growling#when shes really not. shes being very polite in merfolk terms in giving multiple chances to avoid violence#shes going ''i am worried i might have to hurt you so please reconsider'' in a way thats very readable if youre another merfolk#who will then step away or give her her space and switch the tone of the conversation#to see whats wrong#whereas her being more deliberately aggressive/violent usually comes with minimal vocal cues at all#or (if shes specifically threatening someone such as in the case of getting aggressive over perceived threats to her social bonds)#she will often turn towards them and open her mouth and flare her fins#often deliberately closing the distance and making herself appear Extra Large#she WILL growl here but will never hiss (hissing being a more defensive sound)#and will often smack her tail against the ground or show her claws or otherwise demonstrate how large and how scary she is#as a deliberate point of ''you crossed a line and this is what is going to happen to you if you dont make it up right now''#which! both require VERY different responses but might look similar to a human!#and might end up coming off as unpredictable or random in her actions and cruelty!#when shes not! shes just doing things the way a merfolk does them#which means aaravi realizes VERY quickly after learning about all of this#just how many cues miranda gives that people are starting to make her uncomfortable and feel Not Okay#that are ignored or written off because theyre merfolk cues#merfolk are very tolerant of stress but have basically no concept of escalation of violence for that reason#because if youve ignored every chance to prevent something dangerous up until the point it goes too far
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #128
Fic where, after a security incident in which some bozo accused Peter of trespassing at Stark Tower, Happy holds an emergency briefing for the entire SI security team.
The topic of the briefing? The absolutely untouchable, vital-to-know-if-you-want-to-keep-your-job level of importance of one Peter Parker
#happy: to begin I would like you all to look to your left. look to your right. does anyone see (security guard's name)?#no? that's because he got FIRED.#here's why#power point presentation begins#irondad fic ideas#irondad and spiderson#peter parker#tony stark#happy hogan#happy at least 45 minutes into the presentation which is already happening outside of work hours: now on to exhibit 17...#exhibits 1-16 including but not limited to:#the fact that FRIDAY's top safety priority is no longer dr. stark#peter's clearance level which is equal to that of dr. stark's closest family and friends#the kid's logged interning hours. which are where? oh right- dr. stark's PERSONAL LAB#detailed explanation of what happened to the guard who harassed peter (spoiler alert: he's in jail now)#several photos of tony's face when looking at peter#one single photo of tony's face the minute he arrived on the scene of The Incident and saw his kid being mistreated#happy: and now a demonstration. hey FRIDAY?#FRIDAY: yes mr. hogan?#happy: if the boss found out anyone in this room hurt the kid how likely is it that they would be fired#FRIDAY: not including yourself- 95%#happy: and including me?#FRI: ...75%#happy: please tell the class why the chance of them being fired for hurting mr. parker is miraculously not 100%#FRI: mr. parker may ask the boss not to#entire SI security team: shook. terrified. awed. amazed#bonus: now every time peter shows up they all secretly FREAK OUT#though. it doesn't take him too long to win them over#soon it's no longer the threat of losing their jobs that makes every one of them willing to take a bullet for peter parker#if anyone ever harms this kid SI security will catapult them into the SUN
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aliveaudiencegang · 1 year
i am incapable of being sane about any version of the doctor and their companions. watching season 1? nine and rose are unbeatable. the ogs. the recipe the blue print. that insane energy crosses over to tenrose my loves. ten and martha? genius. don’t know how i’m going move on from this one. she’s the doctor’s doctor i’m not normal about that. but wait we have the comedic duo. the partners in crime. the most important person in the universe and her space man. surely it can’t get better than this??? never mind because now we have eleven and amy and rory!! they are their own make shift family. literally. the girl who waited and her boys. the doctor and his parent in laws/his best friends. the centurion and the people he fights for! oh they’re gone? don’t worry because we’re gonna deal with the absolutely insane codependent relationship that is twelveclara. one and the same but also two sides of the same coin. the whole universe is at stake when they’re together. but especially when they’re apart. what could possibly be next? only the most bizarre yet wholesome professor student relationship. where the teaching and learning goes both ways. platonic grumpy and sunshine.
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fatehbaz · 7 months
[T]he Dutch Republic, like its successor the Kingdom of the Netherlands, [...] throughout the early modern period had an advanced maritime [trading, exports] and (financial) service [banking, insurance] sector. Moreover, Dutch involvement in Atlantic slavery stretched over two and a half centuries. [...] Carefully estimating the scope of all the activities involved in moving, processing and retailing the goods derived from the forced labour performed by the enslaved in the Atlantic world [...] [shows] more clearly in what ways the gains from slavery percolated through the Dutch economy. [...] [This web] connected them [...] to the enslaved in Suriname and other Dutch colonies, as well as in non-Dutch colonies such as Saint Domingue [Haiti], which was one of the main suppliers of slave-produced goods to the Dutch economy until the enslaved revolted in 1791 and brought an end to the trade. [...] A significant part of the eighteenth-century Dutch elite was actively engaged in financing, insuring, organising and enabling the slave system, and drew much wealth from it. [...] [A] staggering 19% (expressed in value) of the Dutch Republic's trade in 1770 consisted of Atlantic slave-produced goods such as sugar, coffee, or indigo [...].
One point that deserves considerable emphasis is that [this slave-based Dutch wealth] [...] did not just depend on the increasing output of the Dutch Atlantic slave colonies. By 1770, the Dutch imported over fl.8 million worth of sugar and coffee from French ports. [...] [T]hese [...] routes successfully linked the Dutch trade sector to the massive expansion of slavery in Saint Domingue [the French colony of Haiti], which continued until the early 1790s when the revolution of the enslaved on the French part of that island ended slavery.
Before that time, Dutch sugar mills processed tens of millions of pounds of sugar from the French Caribbean, which were then exported over the Rhine and through the Sound to the German and Eastern European ‘slavery hinterlands’.
Coffee and indigo flowed through the Dutch Republic via the same trans-imperial routes, while the Dutch also imported tobacco produced by slaves in the British colonies, [and] gold and tobacco produced [by slaves] in Brazil [...]. The value of all the different components of slave-based trade combined amounted to a sum of fl.57.3 million, more than 23% of all the Dutch trade in 1770. [...] However, trade statistics alone cannot answer the question about the weight of this sector within the economy. [...] 1770 was a peak year for the issuing of new plantation loans [...] [T]he main processing industry that was fully based on slave-produced goods was the Holland-based sugar industry [...]. It has been estimated that in 1770 Amsterdam alone housed 110 refineries, out of a total of 150 refineries in the province of Holland. These processed approximately 50 million pounds of raw sugar per year, employing over 4,000 workers. [...] [I]n the four decades from 1738 to 1779, the slave-based contribution to GDP alone grew by fl.20.5 million, thus contributing almost 40% of all growth generated in the economy of Holland in this period. [...]
These [slave-based Dutch commodity] chains ran from [the plantation itself, through maritime trade, through commodity processing sites like sugar refineries, through export of these goods] [...] and from there to European metropoles and hinterlands that in the eighteenth century became mass consumers of slave-produced goods such as sugar and coffee. These chains tied the Dutch economy to slave-based production in Suriname and other Dutch colonies, but also to the plantation complexes of other European powers, most crucially the French in Saint Domingue [Haiti], as the Dutch became major importers and processers of French coffee and sugar that they then redistributed to Northern and Central Europe. [...]
The explosive growth of production on slave plantations in the Dutch Guianas, combined with the international boom in coffee and sugar consumption, ensured that consistently high proportions (19% in 1770) of commodities entering and exiting Dutch harbors were produced on Atlantic slave plantations. [...] The Dutch economy profited from this Atlantic boom both as direct supplier of slave-produced goods [from slave plantations in the Dutch Guianas, from Dutch processing of sugar from slave plantations in French Haiti] and as intermediary [physically exporting sugar and coffee] between the Atlantic slave complexes of other European powers and the Northern and Central European hinterland.
Text above by: Pepijn Brandon and Ulbe Bosma. "Slavery and the Dutch economy, 1750-1800". Slavery & Abolition Volume 42, Issue 1. 2021. [Text within brackets added by me for clarity. Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Presented here for commentary, teaching, criticism purposes.]
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time-is-restored · 1 year
btw this might be me swinging a bat at a hornets nest but like. absolutely none of my disappointment from the tl finale comes from ship baiting or any relationships that didn’t happen (though to be clear, i think the tedbecca fake outs were meanspirited and served no narrative purpose - in noted contrast to the season's earlier jamiekeeley fakeouts, for example, which were explicitly there to demonstrate jamie's growth + maturity)
tedpendant is a really fun concept for me, and i LOVE the characterisation + thematic potential there!
but as someone who personally resonated with a lot of ted’s struggles, the idea that ted could leave richmond so… seamlessly, for lack of a better word, really doesn’t sit right with me. the thesis of the shows entire first season - assuming it can be said to have only one - was about how everyone needs the love and support of a community, whether that comes in the flavour of someone who hypes u tf up or someone who will relentlessly call u on ur shit (or, as happened quite frequently, both!).
rebecca, roy, jamie are the clearest examples as the characters with the most screentime: they were all deeply isolated and disconnected from the people around them, and that was making them miserable. the connections they made with the team, the vulnerability they finally allowed themselves to express (the ghost banishing ceremony comes to mind!), and them going on to want *more* out of their life are what made their arcs about *progression* rather than *regression*. without that clear theme of compassion + community inspiring positive growth in everyone who encounters it, there is, frankly, no season one.
my personal favourite scene from season one comes right after michelle walks away from ted, when they’ve agreed to get divorced. ted sits down on the bench looking gutted, and a little shell shocked - and beard sits down with him. hands him the drink, and they sit there together. silent, but together. to me, that scene is an implicit promise from the episode, to the audience: ‘it’ll be okay. it’s going to be hard, but ted isn’t alone, and his friends won’t leave him behind.’
it also makes it clear to the audience that ted isn’t the saintly-giver-of-grace who needs nothing in return, as one might assume on first brush, but rather that he’s Also struggling with his own shit (as is everyone, always, in real life!) and he has something he needs from the people around him too.
and looking at the text of s3, and the conclusion to his arc in the finale, i just don’t believe that he got it. he wasn’t just sad that he was leaving (which would be understandable!), he was completely closed off. unresponsive to the people around him reaching out, borderline confused as to why they were trying so hard!
(side note, while i completely respect the read of ted and trents last interaction being rather rude + ooc on ted’s part, i personally read a different motive into it. for me, it was more like… he didn’t understand where trents enthusiasm was coming from? like, he read that as trent being too invested in what other people think of him, and responded in a way that he hoped would emphasise that ted doesn’t *need* to laugh at everything trent wrote, bc trent Already Knows that he’s done something really cool and kickass, and he shouldn’t value anyone else’s reactions above that. basically, based on his demeanour in the episode, i genuinely don’t think it would’ve even occurred to him that trent was more invested in HIS reaction than he would’ve been with anyone else.)
again, looking purely at the text, the show had already established that ted has really strong depressive + avoidant tendencies, as well as panic attacks (largely triggered by his fear of not being ‘good enough’ in various roles, ie: a father). we saw one area he was able to calm HIMSELF abt these fears (worry for henry, which is a Hell of a choice considering the ending…), but in literally every other heightened moment, he had to rely on his support system to help him make the choices that he WANTED to make, rather than ones inspired by avoidance and fear (ie: confronting michelle abt jake, talking to his mum abt why she was visiting + his dads death).
and to be clear, this is a GOOD THING! we’re not supposed to go through life alone, no matter how bad OR well we’re doing. rebecca and keeleys friendship isn’t worth less for all the scenes where they’re both in good places. if anything, the opposite is true - it’s lovely that they both have someone who want to celebrate the achievements in their life!
and fuck it, we’re sure as hell not supposed to go through life with exactly one (1) person whom we expect to fulfill ALL of our emotional needs at all times either! like, im sure i don’t need to labour my point here, but tying everything to one (1) person in ur life doesn’t make u any less isolated than if u were going it completely alone, whether it’s a family member, a friend, or a partner. i won’t pretend to know the first thing abt what it’s like to be a parent, but i don’t think it’s unreasonable to say that no parent would be at their best if they had absolutely no support/camaraderie/general love provided to them from Anyone other than their child.
so when ted is SPECIFICALLY shown to be in a bad place, over and over again (did he come to terms w his fear to be close to henry overnight???????), and then removed from his community? of COURSE the audience is left feeling unsettled, and like the rug has been pulled out from under them. there was no time in this finale dedicated to how ted would still be in contact with anyone from richmond. no promises of visits, or phone calls - fuck, nothing about emails!! according to the text, we might as well assume this is a clean break (and the maybe-dream-sequence does Fuck All to assure us otherwise. if ted doesn’t go to beards wedding, what WOULD he go to????). and since the show has ALSO completely failed to give us even an IMPLICATION of who/what ted’s support system would be in kansas, there’s… a reasonable argument to be made that this is It for ted. that, after two seasons doing NOTHING but attesting otherwise, the audience is supposed to suddenly believe that ted can (and SHOULD!) pull himself up by his bootstraps, and cope entirely on his own.
that, to me, is a betrayal of the show’s premise. we were promised a show about how, no matter how dark things may get, none of the characters would be left to struggle alone. and then they ended the show with ted alone.
i don’t know. i guess if i had to give this post a tldr; if anyone has any gen fic/meta/Literally Anything in the pipeline, i would absolutely love to be tagged/directed towards it. i’ll be endeavouring to write something myself, as well, but it might take a while before i can return to my WIP, lol.
#this is the most measured version of this post i was capable of fghjskdjhgfdgjhsfd#the least measured one is just the aromantic flag with the ‘we are going to beat u to death’ meme overlaid#look ik this is hardly impartial wrt very small + insular communities like nuclear families#but its fucking impossible to go into media analysis and not bring Anything from ur real life in there w u#so im trying to forgive myself for being a little hashtag Vulnerable + Opinionated on main#in the spirit of what this show could’ve been lol#if not here then where etc etc#Ted lasso spoilers#Ted lasso meta#Ted lasso critical#also just to be clear here im being dead serious abt that last point#im spiritually doing the jamie run to demonstrate to u all how badly i want gen shit#please. p l e a s e .#okay wait last ramble here but. this is also why the lack of information we got on trent was so crushing to me#like ur telling me this man went through the incredibly painful + harrowing process of breaking out of his (comfortable! safe) shell +#cynical journalist persona. came out to someone VERY important in his life. and has done nothing but face the music wrt acknowleding#his past mistakes + endeavouring to be better and kinder. and we never get to know if he has ANY support through all that? at all?#is he dating? what's his family situation like? does he have full custody? any friends from work? any friends period?????#like i can should must and will die on the beard + roy + higgins + colins are trents best friends hill but#its like the premise of the show stopped mattering just in time for him to be left in a legitimately depressing limbo#like 'yes everyone needs love + support bc life is rlly hard. but we're tired of making a show abt that so This Is All Ur Getting#+ screw anyone's personal life that u didn't already see in s1. You Know Enough.'#anyway i love u all this is a very silly show and im gonna go play t.o.t.k for a few hours o/ <3
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my-thoughts-and-junk · 3 months
love the idea of transhet laios
#random thoughts#dungeon meshi#chilchuck watches in horror as laios slowly animorphs into his second wife#'he didn't have a second wife?' not yet babeyyy#i am neutral verging on negative on trans chilchuck (negative being mainly because i see it everywhere)#i don't like it when people take the male character who looks the youngest and make him trans like 'well duh'#so he's cis to meee. and bisexual but quiet about it in the same way he's quiet about literally everything else about him#he knows what being trans is because one of his daughters is trans :] flertom#the way she treated her transition was throwing herself headfirst into gender roles like wanting to get married and worrying about her look#which laios definitely won't do (she was horrified when she saw how she would have stayed in the village and had a family in the au viewer)#but it'd be interesting to see chilchuck try to be supportive by encouraging her to try traditionally feminine things#which laios wouldn't be very interested in and probably wouldn't be able to connect the dots on her own that he's trying to be supportive#so she'd just be like. questioning why chilchuck keeps getting her weird gifts#pink and frilly and aaaaaaa#probably use some of the gifts for weird things. uses a sewing kit for taxidermy.#appreciates the new baking supplies probably#he gets her a journal which she genuinely uses#chilchuck seeing how she reacts to his gifts and knowing she doesn't get what he's doing but he's not gonna open up about it#so here have some more stuff until you get the point#btw this is unrelated but does anyone else think it's weird it's marcille who was able to put herself into the shoes of chilchuck's wife?#like she literally viewed him as a child for the longest time but now she's miss empathy???#honestly i think it'd've made more sense if laios did it? like how he put together the cannibalism thing#like i know he's not good with social cues but it could have been a chance to demonstrate how well he knows chilchuck#laios in another life would be the world's greatest detective
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mad-hunts · 4 months
here comes a list of the different levels of friends that you can be with barton, because i said that i would explain what being a ' level 2 friend ' to him would mean and i fully intend to keep that promise! so here we gooo.
level 1 friends: you're the type of friend to barton that he would wave to whenever he sees you. he would also complain about his work with you, but NEVER about his second 'business.' ( his organ trafficking && dollmaking. ) and in turn, he would let you complain about your work to him as well, or anything that might be bothering you. barton isn't really serious about your relationship emotionally, but he will encourage you and praise you for accomplishments / achievements. you two also may share a few interests, which barton enjoys talking with you about.
level 2 friends: you're the type of friend to barton that he is now moderately emotionally invested in. barton will DEFINITELY share his number with you at this stage, so expect him to call you if he needs something, or even if he just wants to talk with you. he also trusts you to a medium level and will help you reach your goals without ever being asked for it. barton does subconsciously have the expectation that you are willing to do the same for him, however, which is really neither a good thing nor a bad thing. you two go beyond just having similar interests... you share certain values with him and/or ideals, and because of that, barton sees you as someone he can depend upon. he would also save you in an emergency situation, BUT i can not say for sure that he will be willing to die for you.
level 3 friends: barton is now FULLY emotionally invested in you, so don't expect to be getting rid of him anytime soon! because you're stuck with him now, MUAHAHAH. barton will do things like raising a toast to you just because you're friends and will reach out to you himself whenever he sees that you're struggling with something. barton also lets you take a glimpse at what's really going on in his head sometimes, and in return, he'll be there for you as well whenever you need him. at this stage, literally, all you need to do is be around barton to make him smile. expect him to feel safe enough to be as silly as he wants around you and do things like give you unprompted hugs + allow you to cuddle with him. barton trusts you with his life, and he would put himself at risk of dying to protect you. so, yes, he would be willing to die for you.
#OF MONSTERS AND MEN: musings.#damn. well i'm sorry for bombarding y'all with this tearjerker of a post here but... y'all know how i am / j LOL nah i'm joking i know this#isn't sad. the last part is just so sweet that one COULD argue that it's touching depending on what kind of things move you emotionally-#though i just. i just REALLY like the concept of him being the realest friend okok and of course some people may go straight from being-#level 1 friends to being level 3 friends with him or you may click with him instantly and skip the sort of awkward phase that is level 1-#buttt yeah. this is just a general idea as to what barton would be willing to do in each 'tier' of friendship for someone though-#sometimes he would or will break away from this formula ofc because his character is a human being and ESPECIALLY if both him + your muse-#are in arkham together for example then he is willing to demonstrate kindness towards them that he might not do on the outside just based-#on the principle that they're ALL suffering in there or if he can just tell that they're not in a good spot physically or emotionally then-#barton would probably feel at least halfway obliged to help them in some way bc he does feel cognitive empathy towards people. so yeahhh#sometimes he may break away from it is what i'm trying to say here and friendships aren't always linear BUT i wanted to make this-#bc sometimes we all need a little bit of fluff in our lives you know? and what is fluffier than being close friends with barton to the#point where he would be willing to make a toast towards you <33#YOUR NEED GREW TEETH: character study.
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supercantaloupe · 11 months
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@widevibratobitch @verdiesque
can y'all either @ me or block me already this is getting exhausting
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aromanticbastards · 7 months
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showed this to my friends who tolerate me and we're all laughing and making fun of you
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[just venting a bit into the void you understand you understand 😌] Lately I've been feeling very caught between "I have a lot of thoughts on Sparrow and Normal and all that with the ending and teen talk and feel like I need to get them out and voice them for my own piece of mind and resolution" and "I am lacking the strength and energy to actually sit down and write it all out and kind of really just want to fully move on to other things (AUs, fics, anything else)" but my brain can't seem to commit to either and that's quite frustrating cause it's just left me very restless. *Sigh*. Idk! Just needed to complain about that a bit ig, it's silly but this is what has been ailing me as of late.
#Then there's also a part of me that's like “does anyone even care at this point? haven't I already talked about them too much?”#but I have seen many a take that irk me...#and perhaps at the center of it all nagging at me is that persistent conflation of love and pride#Less about that in Normal's mind so much as in Will's and the fandom's 🤔#Also that reoccurring issue of the fandom going ''Normal thinks this therefore it is The Truth'' though I believe I've discussed this befor#And... Hooks Will could have grabbed onto but didn't... Quite a few of those...#And the double standard/negativity bias in fandom of ignoring that Sparrow says both that he loves and likes Normal while doodlerized#But not treating those with the same legitimacy we do the pride thing. And ignoring Sparrow's demonstrations of love and change...#And what the love wolf scene actually implies about Sparrow (as I see it) with his own explanation of the pride thing in mind#But also!!! Also on Norm's epilogue and how despite everything taken at face value (i.e. no teen talk influence) I don't actually hate it#and I think it's plenty salvageable#And gah also that like *regardless* of how things turn out with Normal and his dad-#Well I haven't listened to much of the teen talk just the directly Sparrow-relevant clips#so I don't know quite how cynical Will is or isn't about Normal's future#But like. UGH. What I'm trying to say is even if things didn't find resolution vis-a-vis his dad#(which tbh I could go either way on- it's the meta misinterpretations of Sparrow that Bother me not so much Normal's)#(Well that's complicated. Again it comes back to the love vs. pride thing gosh this is so vague of me lol)#With all the positive influences in his life (and just the fact that life is long? and therapy is a thing?) I just don't see Normal-#being Miserable for the rest of his life. Like. I mean I won't elaborate here really but damn it no he can absolutely turn out alright stil#blugh#BUT YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN THAT'S A LOT OF STUFF AND THAT'S ONLY VAGUE RAMBLINGS ABOUT *SOME* OF IT#Like I'm proud of a lot of my essay posts (which I'm hoping to eventually compile in a masterpost eventually actually) but they take a whil#And if my heart wants to do other things... Ah idk...#ANYWAYS a vent to vent a vent to vent
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purgetrooperfox · 8 months
how come you do post much about gaza?
assuming you meant don't*? because this makes no sense otherwise? anyway
that you don't see my activism doesn't mean it isn't happening. tumblr is a terrible platform for activism, so I don't use it for that
#i won't pull up donation receipts for a fuckign tumblr anon#i won't sit here and try to explain that tumblr activism is typically restrained to tumblr. people rb the posts and never do anything else#people here notoriously do not click on links#so what i do. what i donate. where i protest. my household's boycotting. i do it and i talk to people about it but i don't do it here#because it won't do jack shit here and i'm trying to connect with people who might actually participate. for tangible results#sorry if that sounds Angry. it's because it is.#if y'all want to free palestine then you have to participate more than just reblogging. boosting voices is good but it takes more than that#tumblr rbs don't put pressure on politicians. they don't fund relief efforts. they don't pay for esims. they don't demonstrate organized#support for palestine in a Visible Manner to your city or state or country#they aren't disruptive#that's why you don't see me post on here. i'm trying to concentrate my efforts where they might do something#NOW. before you come for my throat. obviously there is nothing wrong with circulating posts about aid and resources to help#but then you should really consider like. contributing to those resources. that's key. that's the point. and some people here do! great!#i just. am more likely to be able to find and reach people who do in other places#maybe i should've said all that in the post instead of the tags but i really don't want to bring a bunch of misunderstanding down on myself#asks answered#'i wont sit here and explain' and then i did. damn
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Link to the artice: https://www.vqronline.org/essays-articles/2018/03/male-glance
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