#to be fair i didnt Fully Work in it for 5 hours but in and off bc thats how my brain works
danko420 · 1 year
i dont usually make personal posts but im so frustrated at work i gotta vent
we have this spreadsheet of data we have to process and i love data entry, its all i want to do and ive been fighting for them to let me just focus on that for months... a year even?? but for fairness everyone should be equally doing all the different tasks our team manages...
anyway we are super behind on the spreadsheet, i spent Mon-Tues working on other shit i was asked to and didnt touch the data entry at all, and then Wed morning we get an email saying they "expected better from you all" because we had only processed like 60 entries, and we have like 4-5 people from another team helping... fine so i spend wed afternoon ONLY doing entries, stay an extra hour even... pretty sure by the end id processed between 50 and 60 (because I LIKE IT AND AM FAST AT IT)
anyway email this morning like "way to go team i knew we could do it! we closed 120 yesterday, great teamwork!" and im frothing because fully half of those were my work... and i dont know how to mention that without seeming petty? like iam being petty but also the numbers speak for themselves... we could be caught up if they just let me focus on the things im good at instead of spending 20 minutes answering 1 email because im BAD AT THAT.
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daisyvisions · 1 year
1. I have good news for once!! 😭
I got a raise and more hours at the job that I share with Cute Boy™ and it is enough of an opportunity/pay increase that I was able to quit my third job so now I will have a little more free time, get to see Cute Boy™ more, and won't have to deal with my really shitty boss (if I were not incredibly introverted, socially awkward, and just generally averse to confrontation irl I probably would have called HR on this dude multiple times tbh).
I put in my two weeks at the shitty job and re-did my schedule at the better job today so in two weeks time I will be a lot more relaxed (aside from everything else going on)! Also I am finally almost fully recovered from whatever the heck illness I had all of a sudden the other day so I am doing better!
2. Also, respectfully, I am going to steal your puppy. 💜 /j
3. I have read that ateez cult fanfic that anon sent and would just like to vouch for them. Formally. I cried while reading that fic. 😭 It's really good, but also really messed up. The author is very talented and insanely good at pacing, which really lends to the story a lot.
4. Hands 👀 (I am looking disrespectfully)
5. If you say "no" to spoiled rich kid Hoon, it may be the first time he's ever heard it in his life. Whether you think of this in context of you domming him (brat taming 👀) or him domming you (punishing you for saying no? 👀) is fair game. 👀
6. If I ever meet tbz I will ask Sunwoo if I can have his eyebrows. 👍🏽
7. Singapore is very cool!! I hope you have lots of fun!
omg yay I'm so happy for you! both with the job news and the cute boy news hehe looks like you get more time with him 💕
hahaha you may steal her but you gotta wait in line like everyone else 😂
oof okay I'll try to find some time to read that fic when I can!
girl, same. hands are one of my weaknesses idek why 😭
please I've thought about many scenarios of spoiled kid younghoon and I'm probably gonna write about him because I fucking need him rn ksdjnfksdjfn
HAHAHAHA he needs to share some with us please they're so luscious
Thank you! this will be me 2nd time going there. last time was for a school trip in 2019 and I didnt get to go sight seeing so now I get the chance!
I'm doing okay me thinks? just trying to catch up with lots of work and struggling to have a solid routine in my day but we're getting there ksnjdfkjnf
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fox-on-the-moon · 2 years
Sooo went over my first chapter again, with text to speech. Made some notes ill fix tomorrow (bc ive been at it for 5 hours lol) and then ill re-read it after a break! I dont think ill still do a lot of changes then, spellchecking yadda yadda and then ill have it done maaaan i am excited and yet nrvous
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wolferals · 4 years
🌸EX'S AND OH'S (part 2)🌸
arón piper imagine
Since so many people requested a part 2 and I got a lot of time right now, here it is! Im not very proud of it but i still hope y‘all enjoy🥰
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It has been 2 weeks since that weird dinner had taken place. You were still very sure your boyfriend didnt love you anymore but you were too attached to break up with him.
You had never spoken to him about that night and he didnt mention anything either.
Neither have you talked to Arón or Emma since and you werent sure if they were still together. Arón had told you he was going to break up with her soon but Emma would‘ve surely texted you about it, she was one of your best friends after all.
It was now Saturday afternoon and you were busy managing to get to the grocery story and then picking up your boyfriend from work.
So you grabbed your stuff and got into the car.
The shopping didnt take too long this time since there werent many people. Afterwards you drove to his workplace and parked the car to wait for him.
While you were busy scrolling through instagram, he got into the car and slammed the door shut.
„Hey.“ you smiled at him but he didnt even look at you.
He seemed mad.
„You okay?“
He just nodded while looking out the window.
You figured if you asked again, he‘d snap at you so you just started the engine and drove back home.
On the way there was this weird silence between the both of you until he sighed loudly and said:“We gotta end this y/n. Pull over there.“
You looked at him for a second and checked for a spot to pull over.
„What?“ you asked and stopped the engine.
„You heard me. I cant be with you anymore. Im sorry, i know thats not fair but i cant be with someone who doesnt love me anymore.“
You couldn’t believe him. „You“ didnt love him anymore?
„Its better for both of us.“ he ended and grabbed his backpack.
„What are you doing?“ you asked confused as he opened the door.
„Its better if you just pack your stuff soon. Maybe you can stay with your parents for a while.“
And he slammed the door.
Now he wanted you to move out?!
You were so mad! Not even sad. Not a single bit. You were fucking furious how he just kicked you out like this.
You could theoretically stay with your parents but you really didnt want to.
So you thought about it for a bit and tried to calm down so you could drive home.
As if the angels had spoken, your phone rang.
You looked for it in your bag and spoke:“Hello?“
-„Hey y/n.“ You heard Aróns voice answer you.
He was right on time.
„He broke up with me.“ was all you managed to say. „5 minutes ago.“ you continued.
You heard him sigh through the phone.
„Im sorry bout that. Emma and I broke up too. Yesterday. Well I broke up with her.“
You swallowed. „Are you okay?“ you softly asked him and bit your lip.
He coughed once before speaking up. „Sí, I‘m good. Do you want me to come over?“
-„Not right now. I have to pack. He kind of kicked me out.“
Arón immediately yelled:“He did what?!“
You swallowed again. „Yeah he did. He said I should move to my parents'.“
He didnt reply at first. Then he spoke:“Alright grab your stuff and come here.“
You just nodded even though he wasnt able to see it.
„Okay.“ you whispered.
„Okay.“ he softly spoke back.
Then you hung up.
And eventually managed to drive back home just to madly throw all your clothes and other things into two big suitcases. You just wanted go get out of there before he came back home.
Maybe it had all been planned by him. The whole Emma thing? I mean, you werent sure if they were a couple but the way they acted at the dinner it sure looked like it.
You then grabbed the groceries you had just bought and your two suitcases and hovered it all into you little car.
And then you took off to Arón‘s place.
On the way you quickly called him (ofc with the hands-free-device) that you‘d be there soon so he could maybe help you carry your stuff.
Once you got there he was already waiting outside the building and greeted you as he approached you.
„Hey girl.“ he said and pulled you in a tight warm hug.
„How are you feeling?“ he asked.
You nodded and replied:“I‘m okay. Thanks for all this.“
He had grabbed your suitcases and smiled at you.
„Of course. Just come on, get comfortable.“ He opened the door to his apartment and carried your stuff to his living room.
„You want a drink?“
-„Yes please.“
You both walked to the kitchen and he grabbed a bottle of tequila.
„Shots?“ You just nodded.
2 hours later
You both were now slightly drunk and joking around on his couch while soft music was filling up the tense room.
„Man I need some air.“ He spoke and got up, stumbling slightly.
„Where are you going?“
You sat up and touched your forehead.
„Come on.“
You stood up as well and he opened the balcony door.
„Fire escape.“ he said and grabbed your hand.
He was more drunk than you. He could barely walk, but you felt fine besides the slight tipsiness.
You supported him on the way up the fire escape until you were standing on the roof.
You noticed some chairs and empty beer bottles. As well as a hammock that was hanging inbetween a post and a column.
„Wow.“ you smiled and enjoyed the view over the lively business of Madrid.
„I know.“ he replied as he was standing right next to you.
You both just stared down at the lights until you felt something tickle your fingers.
Looking down you noticed that Aróns fingers were dancing around yours until he finally grabbed onto your hand to hold it tight.
„Its really beautiful.“ You managed to say while blushing as hell.
It was different than holding hands with your now-ex boyfriend. You didnt feel like it was just holding hands, it was more than that. It gave you a tingly, nice feeling.
„It is.“ he spoke and slowly pulled you to the back of the roof. In the dim lights of the city you could see a wooden bench with a small fireplace in front that looked like it hasnt been lit in ages.
„Thats my spot.“ arón explained and sat down next to you.
His hand was resting on your thigh as you both kept looking at the wonderful view over Madrid.
„Arón?“ you then asked quietly.
-„Hm?“ he asked back.
You sat up straight and looked at him.
„Why exactly did you break up with her?“
He smiled and turned his head away from you.
„You know the answer.“
You shook your head. „No I dont, thats why I asked.“
Arón chuckled cutely before replying:“Guess.“
No reason popped up in your head besides the fact that he might not have loved her anymore.
„Tell me.“ you demanded and grabbed his hand off your leg.
He laughed again and then finally looked at you.
„I could show you.“
You nodded.
And after he smiled at you once again, he brought his hand up to your cheek to caress it softly.
He kept staring into your eyes, then his brown eyes fell to your lips and back up to your eyes.
You knew exactly what he was going to do and you kind of knew it was too soon because your ex broke up with you not even 3 hours ago but it did feel like the right thing to do.
Aróns face came closer and you already closed your eyes to enjoy this moment.
Then you felt his soft lips on your and just let go.
You fully concentrated on him and this very moment. All your thoughts were gone and all you did was kiss him.
After a couple of seconds you pulled away and smiled at him.
He smiled too. Everything felt perfect until you suddenly felt very very strange.
Your stomach didnt feel good.
And before you could react, your head shot around and you threw up on the ground to your right.
Arón instantly held your hair back before you noticed him laughing.
You finished your business and came back up to him.
„Sorry.“ you apologized and wiped a bit of saliva off your mouth.
„Am I that bad of a kisser?“ he joked and stroked your red cheek.
You laughed too and replied:“Maybe. Maybe we have to do this again another time so you can improve.“
Arón took your face in his hands and said:“Alright, teach me then.“ before placing a soft kiss on your forehead and whispering one last word:“Babygirl.“
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zurilux · 4 years
Vent session 4/26/20
A couple things. First, the not so serious. 
I’ve been living with my parents for a little over a year now since the second year of my boyfriend’s ST program basically makes it impossible to work while doing the program. We decided to move our in with our parents to save money (especially since there’s no way I could support us and our two dogs on my own.) My parents are fine. They’re not perfect but they’re fine. I’ve realized as I’ve gotten older though just how different I am from a lot of my family. My parents are definitely products of their time. They dont believe in therapy. I go to therapy. I’ve gone to therapy since I was a freshman in college (When I could go without them paying for it/knowing about it) I’ve recently started Trauma counseling, trying EMDR to process past traumas and maybe stop some of my more toxic/ bad habits and the cycle of abuse. (my current relationship isn’t abusive but I’m scared that I may make it toxic because thats really all i’ve known or if it fails I’ll go back to the cycle)  
I myself have had quite a few traumatic events happen in my life. In the last few years I’ve become pretty open about my mental health, hoping that it might help others (so no one will feel the way I felt, like I was alone etc) I think a lot of my family would benefit from therapy, as now that I am so open, sometimes my family will share their stories. My parents, like I said don’t believe in therapy, and now they also believe they are too old to be fixed. Especially my mom. Which, for me, is really saddening. My mom, when overwhelmed, will hit herself in the head. Which can make it hard to talk to her about anything serious because she also takes a lot of things super personally (and I cant blame her for that. I’m sensitive AF) and it sucks that she feels she, or her inner peace, is worth it at this point. I’ve found a lot of my family just doesn’t really seem to want to better themselves and would rather just say “This is how I am, take it or leave it” 
It’s exhausting to be around people who are in that sort of mindset when you’re working very hard to be better. Trying to be happy, get my anxiety/depression/PTSD under control, process traumas....
Also. some of my traumas happened in the house, or when I was teen living here. SO, sometimes just being in this house is a struggle. Being back in this room where my ex-wife tried to kick me out and pushed me to a breaking point. Being in this room where I found out my ex-wife kissed someone else while they were deployed and decided they didnt want to be with me anymore. Being in this house where I broke down shattered, screaming and crying for the world to stop spinning, and my ex-wife yelled at me, belittled me, harassed me so much over the phone I had to get my parents involved so she wouldnt speak to me again. In this house where I had to hide so much of myself, had to pretend so many things didnt happen....Its really hard being here. especially in this time of super stress, being in Quarantine and a Pandemic due to COVID-19. 
and to add on top of that, my mother has started trying to inch me out. My grandma is supposed to move in when I move out. I guess my grandma is hounding her, so in turn, she’s hounding me. Even after I have explained that COVID has messed with my boyfriends program, and my planned summer vacation. Originally he was supposed to be done in June, and we had a FL trip planned in Sept, so we’d move out after our FL trip, to save money, and hopefully not stress the dogs out. (moving to a new place and then all of a sudden your parents are gone for 8 days might be a little much for our pups). Depending on when he started, and how much money I saved, and if my coworker would be moving in with us we could possibly move in August, gives the dogs a month to adjust to their new surroundings before we would move. BUT, now....he may have to do a summer term, to make up for the lack of ST time in ORs at different hospitals, which means he wouldn’t start working in June, he may, depending on how they do their summer term, not be done with his program till July or August...and obviously he needs to work, for at least a month or two before we could move. also, we don’t know if we’ll be able to travel to FL in September, THere isnt really a point in going if Disneyworld and Universal aren’t open/fully functioning. soooo....a lot is up in the air. The added stress of my mom constantly asking when I’ll be moving out is not helping my stress level at all. It’s irking me more than I thought. I didn’t want to admit quite how much it bothers me. oi. 
probably a month ago now...or a couple weeks I’m not sure (time is hard right now ya’ll) our dogs started fighting. Very suddenly. We’ve had Carbon since September 2018. Frank (Jake’s dog) and Carbon have never fought till this point. I’m not sure what changed because they both have lived with me (Frank and one of Jake’s parents’ dog dont get along, so he had to live with me) the entire time I’ve lived at my parents house...It seemed like we were making progress, we were able to have them out in the same room without any trouble for a few days recently. (previously we had been crating one, and switching them out about every 4 hours if we were both home) They do fine on walks together. they seemed to be doing okay, but then another fight happened a day or two ago...Jake’s suggestion is to remain living separate. I’ll move in with my co-worker, he’ll either move out on his own or with a roommate with Frank. 
to backtrack, Carbon is a almost 2 year old pit/lab mix. He was a rescue, I got him when he was 5 months old. He’s fairly mellow for his age, but he is 2, he’s young and playful. Frank is a 6/7 year old potato dog (he’s short, a little long and has a round/barrelesque body, supposedly a chihuahua, pug, staffy mix. He isn’t fat either, its solid mass. He’s older and grumpy. so maybe he just snapped at Carbon’s youthful shenanigans.  They both are very much daddy’s boys. they may have fought over his attention (now that they see him more, he has been basically quarantining at my house ) it’s kind of impossible to know. 
I don’t like the idea of living apart. I’m needy. Plus, for a majority of our relationship we have lived together already. Jake is not only my boyfriend but also my bestfriend. I’m very physically affectionate, and Jake kind of sucks at texting...Also, I’m worried that our schedules wont line up. I work M-Thurs 6:30 am to 5pm. his ST schedule could have him working 12 hour days, he could have to work on my days off. having him spend the night once a week is not enough for me, if I can help it, most of this year that’s all I’ve been getting and its been awful (Quarantine has changed that but, thats special circumstances) We already were only supposed to live apart while he was finishing his program, and now we may need to live apart another year...or more...for the rest of Frank’s life, unless Carbon passes suddenly I guess...thats a long time. I get that he doesnt want to crate them “forever” if we lived together. and if we wanted to go on a trip, we’d need specific people to help us, to be sure no fights ensued or whatever, if someone gets bit...it’s over. I understand that...it might not be fair to “crate and rotate” them for however long we need to and neither of us is giving up their dog....I thought maybe if we could get a big enough space maybe it wouldnt be so bad. we could kind of section them off away from each other...(this past year its been me and the 2 dogs in like maaaaaybe 500sq ft) but finding that might be difficult in our price range...especially since we’ll be renting and probably moving to Portland (which is expensive) it’s causing a lot of stress for me...my anxiety is causing me to overthink. Like. is this somehow a sign that we shouldnt be together? He and I got together before i was even officially divorced (granted he was supposed to just be a confidence boost, not actually a legit relationship..but we fucked up and fell in love) and he has broken up with twice over our three years...the second time really wasnt necessary because he was trying to take care of me, to not cause me to be miserable during his second year of school when he knew I wouldnt be able to see him much and that I am needy, but we ended up doing what I had suggested...which is what we are doing now..being together but living apart. sigh. I don’t know. It’s a lot going on right now. I’m not a fan....everything is super stressful as is...and now all this too...oi oi oi. sigh. it’ll work out somehow...right?
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randomsevans · 4 years
Part 1
Warning:language being used .
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The annoying bleeps of your alarm zap you back into your boring reality. Well you wouldnt really call it boring just more that nothing new ever seems to happen . But to be fair you havnt got anything to really complain about . You have a stable job down streets working in the cafe ,a good boss (who so happens to be your landlord and has let you rent the flat above at a reasonable price) , your in your final year of your 5 years of university studying law and politics . Your not gonna lie it's been hard but it will be worth it one day .while living ,working, learning in your favourite place in the world ,LONDON, yeah it's not everyone cup if tea but you love it , the busy streets , everything changing in a blink of an eye it makes you feel alive .
London was a place you always wanted to end up, from being from the north of England life is completely different and if anymore tells you different, well your not exactly the stereotypical brit .your not saying you dont enjoy home, its beautiful, peaceful and now and then you find yourself missing it, but london is now your home and hopefully forever will be .
You moved to London for your education which has been your plan since 15 and knowing law and policies was your future. You had always found your self passionate about politic during school and for a teen everyone found it strange or that you never knew what you was talking about because of your age when in reality you probably knew more on how your government works and is voted in then the people telling your too young to understand. (You swear you must of been a granny in a past life, you wasnt stereotypical british teenage on the street with cheap cider).when ever you told people (your family) your future plan, thed just laugh, you was never the most educademic ,with suffing from dyslexia, but that never stop you always determine and wanting to prove teacher wrong with there low targets and experiences of you. And you did just that and futher , coming with good grades and a big fuck you to your school . Quite literally you shout "bye mother fuckers" as you left your school gates for the last time on result day . Your not exactly the most ... how would your say this .. stereotypical British person with "thank you" and "sorry " well you do , do it (that just manners ) , your not afeared to speak your mind. , known as the mounthy bitchy one in your group of friends which followd you down to london all doingthere own thing, with the cafe being your hang out stop, friends since well as long as you can remember really most of them a mix of year 7 and 8 so 11 and 12 years old making that about a friendship of 13 years (oh god I feel old ). You didnt need to apply to every university in London but you did , you knew you wanted to be here and here you are .
As as the beeping of your alarm continues , you know it's time to get up.
"Uggghhhh" throwing your covers to one side of the bed rather dramatically, your swing your legs to the edge of the bed while your body still lays down , hoping maybe you can just float your day away. With the little energy you have , you begin your normal 6am Saturday routine.
After an hour of getting ready and sneaking your way into the cafe and making your self an iced caramel latte . So you would think of someone who works in a cafe thed love coffee , uh nope ! Hot coffee in your eyes is the devils bitter juice it's just ... awful. But iced coffee on the other hand is heaven, you don't know why you like iced some much even tho hating hot , maybe just your sweet tooth but coffee was something you could live without before moving to the city now it's a life line .
7 am rolls around and your fully ready , currently rereading your assignment due in two week , which is currently at one sentence but ha you still got time , you kept telling your self , it's on your view on ameircan policies and law and how it effect their society .And let's just say your every opinionated so this assignment will be easy enough.
After a quick glance at your assignment, it was time to open , the cafe . Today you had a long shift but you can get by . You enjoy your work as much as sometime you get the odd rude customer, every other one is nice, you enjoy the interaction. To be honest you dont see your self ever not working in the cafe , with or with out your future law degree.
Once the shutter rose and you unlocked the door , you turn to counter and began to prepare coffees and the odd drink or two for your regular that will be around shor enough.
'Ding !'
You wiped your head around , and saw you boss lucy with a big grin on her face, (probable for her new boyfriend). You never could quite understand how she would have so much energy this early in the morning.
"Good morning y/n" lucy spoke as she had her back turned to you as she opened the cashier while you worked on the drinks.
"Is it a good morning?" You questioned with your cocky tone ,you couldn't help but smirk .
"Yes it is , why you always got to be so negative?"lucy joking said .
"Is my brand , what can I say , I know no other way ."
"Yeah well maybe it's time someone taught ya "
"No thank you, I'm happy the way iam "its true you might be miserable most the time , but your happy that way , you never understand why people cant see that .
"I'm just saying maybe if you got your head away from your books , and your continues viewing of doctor who then maybe you could have more of a social life "she smirked
"Huhhh! How dare you "you dramatically turned to face her , pretending to be hurt .
"One I have social life, and two dont you ever EVER disrespect my religion "
"Doctor who is not a religion "she rolled her eyes .
"Maybe not to you . But those 12 men and one women are my gods and will worship then with ever waking moment " to be honest you went exactly joking, you fuckin love doctor who , want can you say , you love it ever since you were a kid , it give you the odd comfort, its always been there , and hopefully always will , you love for the show is strong to say the least .
"God always so dramatic "lucy laught you off. She always knew you were either reading you school booked or knees deep into a marathon of your favourite timelord .
'Ding !'
And with that the first customer of the day enters and your work begins.
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shootycatfishgame · 5 years
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Well its done, "Shooty and the Catfish Episode 2: The Spoopies" is finally out in the wild for people to play, why you can even play it yourself for free if you head on over here:   https://visitorsfromdreams.itch.io/shootycatfish-episode2 Truth be told the game has been out for 3 days now and has only been downloaded a grand total of 4 times. It might seem like a discouraging number for sure but its important to remember that this is the second episode of a series, and with the first episode itself only being downloaded a total of 124 times to date (my previous project Hazmat is sitting at 525 downloads and Flatwoods at 849 downloads) its not that surprising. In all honesty im not really expecting the series to really gain any sort of momentum until its fully finished and released as a stand alone product on Steam, and I think thats fair enough. The idea behind the episodic releases was largely so I could get the feedback to improve each episode as the project went along, and I think I have achieved that so far. So I guess you could consider this to be a post mortem. Where did things go right with Episode 2 and where did they go wrong? Well, for where things went right, development started in March and was finished in September so you could say the game had a 7 month development cycle. Looking back at it now due to the length of the episode that actually feels really excessive considering the amount of content in the actual game (which I will come back too) but compared to the first episodes 2 year development cycle it was a huge improvement. I am also pretty happy with how the games set up worked. Episode 1 played it very strait with its single town and non linear dungeon set up taken right from the standard JRPG guidebook. Episode 2 on the other hand was a little more experimental. The opening town was more about establishing a tone then a solid narrative with the Episodes dungeon being where all of the real story telling happens. While im sure this isnt a new idea, its something I havent personally experienced in any turn based RPGs. Sure, its not uncommon to find environmental story telling packed into the game world, but to have every combat encounter also be an NPC that pushes the narrative forward? I think the results were perhaps a little wordy and at times a bit on the nose, but for the most part I think it works. Episode 1 had a very non linear dungeon which worked well but it was nice working on something a little more directed as well which Episode 2's layout definitely was.
Im really happy without how the quality of life improvements in the game turned out, introducing new elements like coded doors for different kinds of keys and giving you the option of finishing the game without fighting the optional boss which, you know, actually made that optional boss optional. In fact I was so happy with those changes I went back and patched them into Episode 1 only a couple weeks back.
So where did things go wrong?
Well, to be honest, the only thing I wasnt happy with was how long it took me to get this game out. Like I said, 7 months is a big improvement compared to 2 years, but its still a lot longer than it should have been. Some of this was definitely my fault... as mentioned above there was a big push to have all the narrative put into the dungeon, but the down side of that was that it meant there was a lot more meaningful dialogue in this Episode than there was in Episode 1. The previous Episodes dialogue was mostly made up of silly gags from goofy NPCs in town, but for this Episode I had to create that ALONG with the more serious and narrative driven dialogue found in the dungeon itself. There were several weeks where I didnt touch the game at all because it all seemed so daunting. Ironically when I finally forced myself to write those sections it ended up only taking me 2 nights, so really I spent weeks if not months putting the project off out of fear of something that ended up taking collectively 6 hours tops.
So yeah... that explains some of the delay, but not all of it. The second issue that struck me during the development of this Episode was my own insecurity. The first 5 months this games development were during a time when I didnt know what was happening with my job,  I was very nervous, and with my fiance being processed through the notoriously awful Australian immigration system I was also pretty damn scared. The last few weeks of those 5 months was a massive period of crunch at work for a huge project and then immediately it was over... and I was out of a job. If I had known for sure that this was how the gig would have turned out I would have spent more of my free time trying to develop a following. I might have even been able to get my Patreon into a state that could have helped me out financially a little, or atleast thats what I liked to think I would have done, but at the time I didnt have the confidence or energy to do so. This was followed with me taking up a freelance project (well quite a few actually but most were great) which while it has definitely paid my bills over the last couple of months, it has also left me exhausted, emotionally and physically. All of this slowed down the development of the game, and perhaps even more importantly had a large impact on the writing of it.
"Shooty and the Catfish: Episode 2 - The Spoopies" deals with some pretty heavy themes, with suicide and the treatment of suicide victims being chief amoung them. Then on top of that I realised half way through development that while the idea of an office building full of ghosts of asshole business people who commited suicide after a stock market crash does have some comedic value (poor taste as it may be), the gameplay loop of systematically killing every single one of those ghosts has absolutely no comedic value and is quite possibly the most morbid thing I had ever created... Ironically not even on purpose... I found myself in a situation where I accidently created a "suicide victims ghost murder simulator". While im no stranger to creating offensive or disturbing content, for once this wasnt my intention but rather the result of the games story concept clashing with the established gameplay mechanics... and realising too late. What do you do when you set out to make a dumb comedy about 2 wise cracking idiots that kill monsters for money and instead... well here we are. What a mess... Im not going to pretend that the game handles the subject of suicide well and I also dont think I ever could approach the subject in a satisfying way. If its treatment upsets or offends anyone I think thats completely understandable and any critism I receive because of it is completely justified. Something I do think that is a positive to come out of all this however is this is the first game project I have worked on that I feel, to me personally, is a piece of "art". Well I mean... I think all games are art, but playing through this game now I can see the struggle I was going through developing it reflected through the characters and through the writing. Its almost like playing through 5 months of my own loose streamed consciousness. My stress, my depression, my insecurity, my fear, my defeatism, its all there. The game has tonal whiplash of morbid  nihilism and stupid dumb goofy comedy in a way I havent been able to pull of since my 2014 film Spilt Coffee (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jp2HSx_f9WE) which ironically serves as a prequel to this game and was created at a time of my life when again, I felt quite trapped. Episode 2 might be the worst game I have made to a lot of people and thats totally fair, but I think its also my most personal and sincere for what thats worth. Thats it for this update, I have gone on long enough as it is. So where do we go from here? Well... I made myself and my players a promise at the end of Episode 2, and thats that Episode 3 will be a fun light hearted adventure. I think after this games development I really need it, and hopefully the contents of this depressing Episode doesnt stop those players from coming with me on that adventure too. If your interested in helping me support my indie game development then why not check out my Patreon? https://www.patreon.com/VisitorsFromDreams Every little bit helps ~ <3
Thanks again to everyone who has taken the time to read this post.
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bornlistening · 5 years
working fast food cook be like
*spits in coworkers food*
*talks in a language you cant speak, about you, five feet away from you, and you knowing about half of what they said, while pretending you didnt hear any of it*
*works at the same store 7 years, so can easily forget all of the rules*
*works extra slow because im not fully responsible for the time and can blame it on someone else like that*
*pretends i didnt see the fry station so many times i actually forget its there 70% of the time and the cashiers actually do almost all of it!*
"I NEED MY HOURS (already has 36)"
"the deposit would still be 40 Cents Short though"
customers waiting over 5 minutes for food means they waited SOOOOO LOOOONG and DESERVE A REWARD FOR WAITING
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thoughtfulpaperback · 5 years
Spoilers !!!! Stayed up so I could watch Charmed 02x01!!!! Spoilers
Non spoilers stuff first.
My reaction to pretty much the whole episode
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Y'all!!!!!! Both good and bad! I was just super excited and glad for it to be back. And so shaken by all the changes and the mysteries!So in general I would give this episode 8/10. Only because I save my 9 and 10. But back to my normal format of these things. I'll start with 3 things I liked and 3 that I didnt although, I'd say it is less dislike and more on the fence.
1. Hacy moments
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For real's though, Macy's internal Harry has my theorizing mind going off and I loved all the double meanings in thier interactions (macy and real harry too) I mean the" I am not leaving you" was nice, but Delirious-Macy-mind-Harry saying "i am different do you like it?" And Macy being all like "yes".
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I mean okay various meanings here
1. Obviously it isn't really Harry so of course mind harry is different
2. Macy's perspection of Harry is changing (level of attraction to Harry is growing)
3.But --I am putting on my theorizing cap on--I feel like since the poison hit Macy but had her trying to go home then 1) mind Harry (maybe possibly evil twin Harry hmmm..) may be trying to seduce Macy to the dark side or to fully embrace her demon side since he keeps telling her to come home or 2) mind Harry is death since she was poisoned and her attempts at following the voice almost got her run over by a car. So coming home is like death saying come back since you were technically dead.
Maybe evil twin Harry, mind harry, or Death as Mind Harry has only taken Harry's form because it is the best way to get to Macy, meaning the internal attraction is already strong). So it is also an ominous "I am different" in that realm.
Who knows? I love the mystery though!
And of course while the poison siphoning scene and the "macy please" is going to drive all us Hacy fans crazy for a bit. My favorite bit of dialogue is actually the last bit before they enter the house. When Macy tells harry there is nothing here and Harry all sexy over the shoulder looks at her and says " are you sure?" . . .
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DOUBLE MEANING!!!! At least I took it both as the house, but also at thier relationship. Anyways moving on.....
2. Mel! Mel is queen. I am just gonna say that one of the things I didn't appreciate about the OG was that all the ladies (including super witch Prue) complained about thier jobs and wanted to have some normalcy. And listen I sympathized when it came to thier romantic lives (although most of it was thier own faults), sometimes it was just like "you are literally saving peoples lives, I get needing some me time but can you not act so flippantly over literal life or death of another person". So I really appreciated that Mel was ready to step up and was already acting as a leader. I know people like to compare her to Prue and for sure she shares some qualities, but Mel really is her own creature and has more openly embraced witchcraft and not complained about it (so far) unlike all the OG ladies and her sisters.
3. No powers. Okay? One of the primary issues in season 1 was that the girls were kinda over powered. I felt it was mostly Macy, but arguably Mel and Maggie as well. So now as they have to work to get them back and possibly discover new types of magic or avenues for magic, I think there is room for growth and character development as well as world building that wasnt there before. At first I was like, oh heck no! And no fair Macy is the only one powered! and obviously with either her demon side and/or evil twin Harry trying to get at her (sisters as well) she is going to have another big storyline. I just hope (and I feel confident in hoping this time) that these storylines will connect meaningfully and not just last minute. It feels like they are on a new tract and I am digging it so far
Now on to my on the fence list . . .
1) Witchness Protection. I dont mind the premise actually and think it is really clever. I just dont know how I feel about leaving Hilltown. While Hilltown wasnt really developed much the university was nice and I am sad that Lucy wont be a part of the story anymore given that Maggie cant go back and they basically are super far from home if michigan was 5 hours away. At least they get to keep the house and I assume Harry gets to live there now, unless he move into the base.
2) the Seattle setting. I think that it very much harkens to OG (which was set in san. Fran.). So I was just on the fence on how it was obviously cutting more ties to the OG and yet incorporating others. I think the san fran setting worked because since it is a real place that most people can imagine without ever visiting you can have broad shots do relatively little work trying to establish the setting. Not that it is easy, but creating fictional towns requires more work to be good. You have to establish the towns character the residents and general layout or else it might as well be any town. So in some ways the seattle base and constant travel will be easier than developing a town which will leave some more time to character and lore building. I will probably end up liking it but just on the fence while watching.
3. Evil Assassin's orbing. So I dont know if anyone noticed but it seemed to be a combination of Harry's new orbing effect and the old Dark Lighters smokey effect (arguably parker's shadow demon effect) The center was the orangy (from my screen) orb effect that Harry had (I like it better than the swirling in and out of last season). So obviously leaves lots of questions, and I an looking forward to that, but on the fence because of . . . Reasons. I'll just tell you. While I like the new orb effect better than probably the OG and the first season of the reboot, changing the effects always kind of takes me a moment to get used to. And now that the evil assassin has it's own type of orbing it is just more orbing effects and my brain is gonna take a moment to catch up.
How did y'all feel about it though? My fellow Hacy fans did I miss something? Please let me know what yall took away from it!
New to my reviewish lists (appreciation bullets). Things that I appreciated even though they are either small or not elaborated fully.
Harry still likes a good party! Nice to see Harry while getting more serious slice of the pie than the first half of the season is still funny. And I liked that he liked parties
Demon/witch war. So I mean I listed all the wars a war was the most realistic and natural course in previous posts and I cant believe I missed the one they seem to be going with. Elders offered protection as a government with them gone and whitelighters gone (arguably the hands and feet of the elders) witches are vulnerable to attacks. I new they would be and that demons would attack as the government fell but I was mostly thinking organization wise. I didnt think about the obvious omg witches didnt just lose a governing body they lost the built in protection that body provided which again should have been a DUH! Thing to realize but I miss it.
So the start of a rivalmance between Maggie and Jordan....definitely different from Parker if that is the direction they are heading. I am a sucker for a rivalmance
Love Triangle between dark Harry, Macy, and Harry. . .I didnt know I needed it until now
Wizard of oz reference. Nuff said.
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prorevenge · 6 years
Don't lie to up-sell and scam me out of my rims.
I apologize for the length, but the story was convoluted, as all good stories are. Not so much revenge, but more getting treated fairly after being mistreated by a scummy store manager. I've changed a few details and rounded $$$ values.
Over the Thanksgiving holiday, I had a minor accident driving to visit family in Podunk Town, TX. Not Small Town, TX, but big enough to have most large chains, but not much else. Anyway, I hit a pothole about 5 miles from my destination, and noticed a significant wobble in the car. It was night time, so I just parked at my grandma's place and decided to inspect the damage the next day.
Next day, I get out and look under the car and see the rim is bent. I drive a less common Japanese make, and one of their less common models. For this particular model, there is a lot of value attached to the wheels. The car is the last of it's model type, and the wheels are particularly valuable/expensive, so I'm pretty frustrated. New OEM wheels will be $400 from the dealer, used rims will be $300 and questionable, and I'm unsure about the repairability of a bent rim at this point in the story. If I don't have a matching set of original rims, the car's value is significantly diminished. However, even if I wanted to, there was no way I could find a dealer for my make within 100 miles. I'd either have to get it repaired, or get a temporary replacement. Usually in situations like this, I'd call my mechanic buddy and get his opinion. However, he works a 10 day on, 4 day off schedule, and worked his butt off to get the shift with holiday weekend off, since he never sees his kids. I didn't want to interrupt his family time, so I figured I'd call on the last day of his break, as he was heading back to work.
So, I leave the car in the driveway for Thanksgiving, and spend time with family. First thing in the morning on Friday, I wake up and go to Chain Tire Store. I've had good luck with Chain Tire Store in the past, so I figure they will be honest with me and give me a fair diagnosis. I roll into the shop first thing, and the manager immediately comes to greet me, saying he really likes my car and wishes there was a dealer nearby so he could have one of his own. Classic salesman tactic, but whatever. I show him what's wrong, he pulls the car into the shop, and a mechanic pulls the wheel off.
After looking at the wheel, the manager comes out and tells me he's sorry, but the wheel is not safe to repair. He shows me the bend, which to my eye is very slight, but he assures me they put the wheel underwater, and bubbles came out from under the tire, indicating the tire wouldn't hold air pressure. I thought this was weird, because my tire pressure gauge didn't come on, and the tire had held up fine after hitting the pothole. Still, I trusted Chain Tire Store, so whatever, I'd just need to buy a new rim.
The manager asks if I'd like to get a replacement, and I say I'm not sure, I'll need to think about it. He offers to ring me up for an estimate while I wait. So, I go outside and consider my options: buy one mismatched wheel and replace it immediately when I get home, or buy a matching set and replace the damaged wheel when I eventually sell the car.
Store manager comes out and tells me the cheapest estimate he has to get me out of the shop safely is $550. This is insane, and I'm taken aback. I ask for the write-up of the estimate, and he complies. 4 x $100 wheels and $150 in labor. I told him the cheapest option was just one wheel and labor (~$140), and his response was that clearly I drove a nice car and I'd want a full set of matching rims. He said, look I know it looks a little expensive, but I'm a nice guy and I'll personally buy your old wheels from you for $50 a piece, bringing the net price down to $350 for a whole set of matching rims. This set off warning bells, so I told him I'd need to think it over some more. After a few minutes of thinking, I realized this guy is trying to scam me out of my rims and get sales commission on a huge sale. Truly in the spirit of Thanksgiving.
He also shows me that for Black Friday, they are having a special 20% mail-in rebate if I go with 6 month financing. Considering that the price of one new wheel for my car is $400, and I could get a full new set of matching wheels for $440 after the rebate, I figured I'd get the matching set and figure out how to get back on the original rims later. I didn't really care at this point, I just wanted to be done with the scummy store manager. So I told him I'd take the full set, and I'd be doing the financing for the 20% rebate. He offered to write me a check for $200 on the wheels, but I told him I'd prefer to keep the old ones. He was visibly disappointed, but he still made a big sale and would make a lot on commission.
So I drive many hours home, fill out the form for the rebate, and enjoy my weekend off. I send a pic of the bent wheel to my mechanic buddy, and say I'm upset that I'm not driving on the original rims. He immediately responds with why not? I tell him what happened at Chain Tire Store, and he calls me immediately. He says based on the pictures I sent, the wheel was fully repairable, and it should only cost $100-$150 to do. The store manager didnt just try a sales tactic to get me to make a big purchase, he lied to me.
So I go online to find a customer service number for the company. Immediately, on the front of their web page is their guarantee:
I'm not one to take advantage of a company's guarantee, but this is a special circumstance, so I decided it would be worth it to get refunded. I go and take my bent rim to a wheel repair specialty shop, and get it back later that day. Meanwhile, I call up the Chain Tire Store and speak with the manager who sold me the wheels.
I say I'm unhappy with my wheels, and would like to work out a return. I tell him I got a second opinion on the wheel, and it turns out it was repairable. I would like to use their guarantee and receive my money back because of his negligence or dishonesty, whichever he decided to pick. He picked negligence, and then told me since I was doing financing, a large rebate, and a non-local return he would only refund me $250 of the $550 purchase price (supposedly to cover shipping and re-install of old wheels), and that the initial labor on installation was non-refundable. My options were either to accept the offer he made, or hope corporate would understand and help me iron out the details. I told him to begin the process of getting the $250 while I found a local location to have the work done. I didn't tell him I'd be sending that estimate up to corporate.
I call up corporate Chain Tire Store the next day, after receiving an email saying I'd be receiving a check for $250, assuming I could bring the wheels to a local location. I explained the situation to the person on the phone, forwarded them the email from the manager for the $250 offer, and sent them photos of the bent and subsequently repaired wheel, along with the receipt for the repair and safety tests done by the repair shop. They immediately apologized for what had happened, and said the manager did not have authority to issue a check for the partial value of a refund. They read me a policy which stated that "all refunds must be for the full purchase value", meaning the manager was not allowed to make a partial refund at all. He either had to completely deny the refund, or refund the full $550 in full. Agreeing to a partial refund had violated company policy. He was also required to issue the refund through the same means of payment, instead of writing a check, meaning I was completely off the hook for the whole $550 purchase. So on the phone, they set me up with a complimentary appointment to swap out the wheels, refunded the $550 in full, and confirmed that the manager who sold me the wheels would be reprimanded.
And for the cherry on top, I received confirmation that I will still be getting the 20% rebate in the mail later next week. It just about covers the cost of repair to my wheel.
TL;DR: After hitting a pothole, a tire store manager lied to me to up-sell me and scam me out of valuable rims. He agreed to a partial refund, which is against company policy, and I end up getting a full refund, plus 20% rebate on a $550 purchase.
(source) (story by whenyesterdaywemet)
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bi-dazai · 5 years
@ leftists saying that “no one died at tiananmen” - you have no idea what the fuck youre talking about and you need to shut up
the fact that you believe that it is “capitalist” or “trotskyist” propaganda that protesters were killed under deng xiaoping’s china (you probably dont even know who that is) is just disgusting. if you took five seconds to look past social media and read some actual research by credited historians and human rights activists you’ll find that, yes, actually, china does have and has had some pretty damn dark atrocities on their hands in the past few decades. 
im going to cover the very basics, going from an in-depth study i did into the massacre two years ago that took up half of my final year of high school. for reference i received a very high grade on this project, however i will be looking back at my sources and not at my essay itself in order to keep bias out. however it’s also important to know that you can access every one of the sources im going to use without even a university tertiary papers allowance, since i went to a public school which had no subscription of any kind to a paper database, and any papers and academic journals i would have to raid the internet for or pay for out of pocket. 
this post, despite being the basics of the situation, is also fairly long. you know why? this is a complicated fucking situation with a lot of elements at play here to understand. funny that, that you cant actually understand this kind of event by looking at a bunch of youtube videos talking about it from a political perspective without actually understanding what the fuck happened. huh.
on sourcing
this post isnt an essay. im not going to use an academic standard of reference or neutrality here. what i will do is occasionally link to some good articles throughout the essay and list all sources at the end of the post. understand that all facts and statements made in this post are from verifiable and creditable academic sources which i have evaluated, including evaluating the author of second-hand sources from a leftist perspective.
1) student protest in china
student protest is a pretty staple aspect of chinese culture and has been for a while. im not chinese myself, and im not a scholar of chinese history, but student protest has been described in many texts to have precipitated much of 20th century china’s development, one example being the student-led may fourth movement of 1919 which led to the creation of the Chinese Communist Party.
the tiananmen square protests were a series of protests which constituted, in significant amounts, university students. the history of modern, communist china is known to rest on university students, and student activisim was embraced and encouraged by mao (read the below point). for the chinese government to turn so brutally on that protest is extremely telling of a shift in doctrine and attitude, and makes the tiananmen square one of the most important moments in demonstrating the modern state of china’s relationship with criticism and protest, as well as its roots.
2) mao vs deng xiaoping
i understand that a lot of leftist ‘hesitation’ to believe that the chinese government massacred children in the late 1980s comes from the leftist appreciation for mao zedong. in the 1960s china began to shift back into a class system, and in response mao created the ‘Red Guard’, which was basically him encouraging students to follow his ideals and criticise the rise of old bourgeois and bureaucratic habits. mao didn’t want a class system reoccurring and he understood that communist china had been raised on the shoulders and hard work of chinese university academics and students. 
i just want to point out that the tiananmen square massacre happened in 1989. mao zedong died in 1976. mao zedong had been dead for over a decade when it happened.
the man in charge of china when mao zedong died was deng xiaoping, who was known for being extremely critical of mao’s followers and had a militaristic attitude and foundation - in fact, he was known for having a fair few military ties. deng xiaping fully succeeded mao by 1978, and became known for enabling further chinese economic freedom (which led to the class system returning at a much greater rate; however also proposed greater freedom to criticise the government in theory - in theory. yeah that didnt happen). deng xiaoping also put into effect the infamous one child policy (which pushed families with more than one child into further poverty and encouraged parents to abandon female babies). deng xiaoping also executed thousands of criminals in an attempt to curb crime rates. 
i could go all day into deng xiaoping’s reign over china. there were other dark effects of his rule - lower wages for academics; a widening gap between rich and poor; extreme corruption; and inflation that soared on food prices in the mid-1980s which led to many poor chinese citizens starving. this man was, to put it simply, evil. to associate him with mao at all is ridiculous. even time magazine noticed how different china had become - the september 26 1983 cover headline was literally “banishing mao’s ghost: deng xiaoping”.
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he was not mao zedong. if your taking sides with the chinese government and trying to see this from a “capitalist propaganda” perspective is because youre a maoist, then youre clearly misunderstanding who was in charge here. even before mao died he was losing power while deng xiaoping was gaining it through his military ties. the 1970s and 80s was a period of rapid transformation into hell in china. the china of the 50s and 60s is extremely different from that of the late 80s.
3) the democracy movement
the protest in early june 1989 was part of a greater student movement that had been carrying on and picking up fervour throughout the mid-to-late 1980s in china. majorly comprised of university students and academics, it sought to oppose the blaring issues and evils of deng xiaoping’s rule. protestors had been filling tiananmen square even in early 1987, their reach spanned many cities and protests often reached one million people.
the democracy movement, as it was called [there was also the peoples liberation army but the democracy movement is the overarching movement], criticised the lack of communication between protestors and the communist party, unemployment, wage gaps, and demanded democracy. the movement was tolerated, however, with little to no violent opposition. this peaceful attitude cannot be accredited to deng xiaoping - many historians have credited this to the influence of general secretary hu yaobang who was dismissed in 1986 for being too permissive. 
throughout the late 1980s and especially in 1989, the protests began to heat up and non-academic chinese citizens began to also participate. in mid-april 1989 hu yaobang died, and the catalyst for a massive intensification of the protests began. tiananmen square is considered the centre of political power in beijing - a short time after hu yaobang’s death around 600 students and teachers laid a wreath for him in the square. many others in the following days also laid wreaths for him, and the demands of the democracy movement were again enunciated.
4) the massacre lead-up
over the next few months thousands of students occupied tiananmen square, frequently holding hunger strikes while attempting still to communicate with the deng xiaoping-led communist party. millions across the country were in solidarity.
on may 20th 1989, martial law was declared against the protests, and troops began to be stationed across beijing. millions of protestors still turned up, and it was reported many troops at this period refused to shoot the protestors despite their orders.
a statue of the goddess of democracy was also raised in tiananmen square by protestors, and, ahead of a visit from mikhael gorbachev, a hunger strike also took place. these protests continued every day and gained immense amounts of support from the chinese public.
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[photo credit shelly zang]
5) the massacre
by early june the protests were still going strong and still gaining traction fast. on the night of june 3rd, the troops stationed in beijing began to mobilise, and this time the soldiers obeyed martial law. the troops were heavily armed and deng xiaoping did not hesitate to order the army to deploy military vehicles such as tanks to clear out the protesters using the violence he had used when he had executed criminals. 
if youre unwilling to believe, for some reason, blood was shed, then here: a news site by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Australia’s public news service (which is fairly left-leaning, especially in its journalists), which summarises the massacre and includes many, many pictures of the violence, suffering, and bloodshed. MASSIVE TW FOR VIOLENCE, DEATH, BLOOD, GORE
with the sheer volume of fleeing protesters and the entire force of the chinese army being pushed down on the beijing populace, many soldiers did not know or had no involvement in the killing - many, upon learning of it, immediately flew the white flag and fled. 
6) the death count
to this day, the count of the amount of civilians and protestors who died in the massacre is unknown. it will probably never be known. 
in 1989 and 1990 amnesty international human rights investigators collected testimonies from witnesses and attempted to calculate the death toll. testimonies concluded that it was highly likely that, in the early morning hours of june 5th, the army collected the bodies lying on the street, piled them into heaps, and burned them. if the death count was counted then it is likely it will never be released and/or never be able to be confirmed. it was also reported that several hundred people, mainly protesters now in hiding, were executed between june and august. in 1990 thousands were still in jail for their participation and, at this point in time, ill hazard a guess that theyre either still in there or are dead. the surviving leaders of the democracy movement fled the country almost immediately.
a safe estimation of the death toll, with both physical and witness testimony, puts the death toll of soldiers at perhaps a dozen, and the death toll of civilians between 400-several thousand. blood and burned tanks stained the streets of beijing for a time after the massacre, and a recreation of a bloodied sect of street remains in wroclaw, poland, as a response in solidarity with the victims.
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this is the memorial. this is a recreation of an actual piece of street. what you see is a bicycle, toppled and crushed, and the heavy tracks of a tank. the red paint - that’s the blood of a massacred chinese civilian.
7) general current status
now going through a lot of my old notes, i found two very good slides of quotes i made during my note-taking period that just about sums this section up:
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[full sources will be at the end of the post]
8) leftists and my interpretation
i know that it can all seem that the perception of the chinese government as bad and scary and terrible is all a capitalist propaganda piece to demonise china. some of this perception is, and a lot of this perception also falls into orientalism. however the government that was created and left by deng xiaoping is nothing short of evil, and taking its side as a stance against capitalism when the tiananment square massacred a whole heap of pro-maoist activists is...well. it’s uneducated and idiotic. its also highly offensive because these are people who would align with leftism. these people were killed by a violent, classist government that sought to become capitalism, all for peacefully attempting to negotiate openly with deng xiaoping’s policies. they were massacred, hunted down, imprisoned. there is nothing else to say here, no controversy. denying this happened is along the lines of holocaust denial and it disgusts me to see my fellow leftists engaging in such right wing conspiratorial thought. 
please, please reblog this. i think a lot of people understand vaguely what happened but dont truly understand. and while im not suggesting im an expert - all ive done is provided a basic summary with some extra explanation from a leftist perspective - and chinese history isnt even my forte - i would prefer to teach those what i know and open up discussion from proper chinese history scholars and chinese leftists themselves.
i also hope that this gives perspective to the current student protests in hong kong, and why student protests being shut down signals the proper end of the chinese communist era and china’s shift to totalitarian capitalism and fascism. 
i would love for some chinese leftists, historians, and scholars to add in if you feel.
Books, Papers, Newspaper Articles:
Amnesty International (1990) China: The Massacre of June 1989 and its Aftermath, 17th March, 1990
Harding, H. (1990) The Impact of Tiananmen on China’s Foreign Policy, National Bureau of Asian and Soviet Research, December 1990
Kristof, N.D. “A Reassessment of How Many Died in the Military Crackdown in Beijing”. The New York Times, 21st June, 1989.
Laidlaw, R. (1994) China: A Documentary History, MacMillan, South Melbourne
Richelson, J.T., and Evans, M.L. (1999) Tiananmen Square, 1989: The Declassified History [Online] Available at: https://nsarchive.gwv.edu.BSAEBB/NSAEBB16/, Accessed 1st August, 2017
Laidlaw, R. (1994) China: A Documentary History, MacMillan Education Australia, South Melbourne
Amnesty International (1990) China: The Massacre of June 1989 and its Aftermath, 17th March 1990
 Summaries and Discussions:
Leslie, T. (2014) Tiananmen Square massacre: Look back on how the crackdown unfolded [Online] Available at: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-06-04/how-the-tiananmen-square-massacre-unfolded/5496454, Accessed 8th August 2017
Nathan, A.J. (2009) The Consequences of Tiananmen [Online] Available at: www.resetdoc.org/story/00000001371, Accessed 1st August 2017
Ping, H., translated by Robertson, M. (2015) How the Tiananmen Massacre Changed China, and the World [Online] Available at: www.chinachange.org/2015/06/02/how-the-Tiananmen-massacre-changed-china-and-the-world/, Accessed 8th August, 2017
Rayman, N. (2016) 6 Things You Should Know About the Tiananmen Square Massacre [Online] Available at: https://time.com/2822290/Tiananmen-square-massacre-facts-time/, Accessed 1st August 2017
*i couldnt seem to find the “wang” source in my reference list however i do vaguely recall it being quoted amongst one of the above sources. if anyone is curious ill see if i can properly sniff it out
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wolferals · 4 years
Arón Piper imagine
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saturday, january 18th 11:22pm • Today was Monday, August 22nd and all I've seen since 8am were wannabe actors reading their stupid lines to us pretending they were fucking Johnny Depp himself. God I was so sick of it, but since I've been grounded my dad made me cast people for this movie he was going to direct. Why were you grounded, you may ask. Well let's say, we just moved to Madrid basically to the end of the world since I grew up in America all my life. Yeah, my first days of school didnt really turn out to be super great, my english teacher was super racist in my opinion. She kept making „jokes" about my country/ and at some point i just snapped and told her how she dared to be so fucking racist. My class agreed with me yet my teacher didnt and put me in detention first and then called my dad. So yeah, thats why he's making me do this.
Some might think, its not a punishment to cast people for a „super cool movie" but have u ever been in a all white room for 10 hours listening to the same sentences over and over, being read by the worst people ever? No, exactly.
Its been exactly 4 hours now, its been around 12 when we decided to take a short break to get some food. I walked around the building for a while, grabbed a iced coffee at the bar and then sat down on a couch in the foyer to immediately text my friends from back home about how horrible i was feeling.
I didnt even get to text 5 words until my dad came around the corner saying something like:"Y/n, lets go. The people wont cast themselves. I mean they'd love to but that's our job." He then laughed loudly and almost couldnt stop. One thing about my dad: He thinks he's hilarious but in my opinion he's a little too full of himself. No offense, i love him of course.
Therefore I walked back to the cruel looking white room and sat down on my chair sipping my iced coffee. „Alright, next up, we have a Joshua Hamilton reading for the part of Jamey." I rolled my eyes. Yet again another Jamey. Ive heard the line:"No way Daniel, are you insane?! Have you even thought about the fact that you could get fucking killed?" about 50 times today.
And to be honest, the only person i'd like to get killed right now would be myself.
„Hello, my name is Joshua Hamilton, I'm 22 years old and I'll be reading for the part of Jamey." The tall, skinny looking guy then spoke after *extremely happy looking* entered the room. Well no offense but super happy people make me puke.
He then read his lines, horribly. He was just too enthusiastic and grinning through the entire thing. It was supposed to be a mad Jamey yelling at his brother who was about to attack his ex girlfriend's killer.
Dad then told him, they will call him. But lets be honest here, obviously they wont. • Alright so another 4 hours passed and we had almost all important characters casted, except Jamey. The crew was getting impatient and we were all super tired. „Dad how many are left?" I then asked because I wanted nothing more than this to end. „26." he answered, sounding annoyed. So was I. „Jeez, for fucks sake." I exclaimed and leaned back in my chair. „Y/n, watch your language!" He scoffed and took a sip of his water before leaning back as well.
„Okay next off we have a Arón Piper. He is Spanish-German, which wouldnt quite match with the way we pictured Jamey. But lets get the guy, kay?" Evan, the producer spoke after reading some reviews.
„Mhm." my Dad hummed. He seemed extremely tired and messed up to be fair.
As I said, I was annoyed and super damn hungry but the second this guy walked in, all my senses were on and I couldnt help but stare at him. He was tall, had curly hair, an earring on his left ear, chocolate brown eyes and a smile that could kill. „Hola,, I'm Arón." My dad seemed to like him too because he sat up straight scanning him up and down. „How old are you Arón?" Lucy, the executive producer asked him, smiling as well. „I'm 23." The handsome guy answered calm and sent me his billion dollar smile.
fuck • I smiled back and for whatever fucking reason I just said:"You must be working out, am I right?" Everyone looked at me but I didnt care, I just looked him right in the eyes and saw him laugh. „Y/n what the hell?" My dad whispered sounding pissed yet confused. „Jamey is a fit dude, he goes to the gym 6 times a week. We have to consider the fact that the actor has to be healthy and all as well." I tried to get out of the weird situation but actually I was just wishing for him to take off his shirt to show us -okay, me- his amazing abs I bet he had. „Uhm to be honest, I just dance, thats it. But you could call that a work out since Ive been doing it since I was 7 years old."
The others seemed impressed too, so Lucy cockily said:"So if acting wouldnt work, youd become a professional dancer?" Arón laughed again and answered:"Yeah, probably. But i havent even read my lines yet."
The entire time he was acting his lines, I was just staring at his god like face, every emotion, every move, every little change in his body language was perfect. My dad looked like he was impressed too and he then, after Arón had finished, spoke:"Thank you, Arón. That was amazing!" He smiled happily and answered fully paying attention:"Oh gracias, it means so much coming from you!" He walked up to my dad to shake his hand and then took back his portfolio. „Honey what do you think? Should we put him in round 2?" I looked over to my dad, took a glance at Arón who was smiling cutely at me. „Nah."
Everyone gave me a confused look and in Arón´s eyes I could see pure fear.
„I think we should give him the part.“
My dad smiled, nodded at me and then spoke:“Alright, Arón Piper, congratulations.“
Arón walked over to me and stuck his hand out for me to shake it. I slowly took his hand and, okay that might sound weird, but it felt so damn good to touch him. God I sound like a creep. No but for real his hand was a lot bigger than mine and really warm compared to my -always cold- claws. „Gracias." he said quietly and stared directly into my eyes while smiling. I wanted to say something like:"Of course, you deserve it, you were amazing." but i just couldnt, i wasnt able to look anywhere but into his beautiful brown eyes.
My dad saw that and cleared his throat loudly. „Thank you again Arón, we will call you next week for further information. But for now, since Jamey is the main male protagonist and we will be filming most of the scenes with you, we'd like to invite you and the other main actors to a dinner party tomorrow night. We hope you're free and we would text you further dates later on today."
-„Yes I'm free, that'd be amazing! Thank you so much! See you tomorrow then, bye guys." He grabbed his jacket from off the floor and left the room smiling brightly.
-„We've got it! We found, first of all the perfect Jamey, and we finally have all the actors, people!" Lucy shouted and sighed relieved. „Alright then, lets celebrate!" My dad exclaimed happily and the others stood up after him. „I'll be right out, I'll go to the bathroom real quick." I informed the guys and just simply hit the bathroom next to the audition room. When i checked back to see if the room had been locked, I noticed that a portfolio book was left on the table. I grabbed it, opened it and and noticed it was Arón's.
Right, he grabbed it before, then shook our hands and put it down again. Then he walked out without it.
So I quickly locked the door and ran through the building, past my dad saying:"Be right back." I figured, Arón couldnt have gotten very far, so I sprinted down the stairs, out of the front door of the building and i looked around if I might spot him. I then saw a guy that looked like him walking down the street towards a silver car and i ran as fast as i could to reach him.
„Arón!" I yelled and stopped once I finally reached him. „Yeah?" he was about to get in the car but turned around. „You forgot that." I passed him his book and tried to catch my breath real quick. „Oh god, thank you! I totally forgot about that. Gracias." He took it smiling.
While I was trying to breath, he opened the car door and said:"Just a second." Me, still dying from all the running, I was now leaning against a wall. „You okay?" -„Huh? Yeah. Im.. good." I was kind of embarrassed at how unathletic i was. „U sure?" he came closer and looked actually quite concerned. „Ya dont worry. Uhm.. See you.. tomorrow..at the.. party?" i tried to play it off and stood straight again Arón smiled again and answered:"Of course. Cant wait!" He then walked back to the car and sent me another smile before getting in.
Damn, this guy.
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timeoutotour · 5 years
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Clear Sky, 13°C
A25, Portugal
Tuesday 9th April 2019
When I woke up this morning after having had a reasonable nights sleep, something was amiss. As normal I checked my watch and found it to be 0800hrs , but shortly afterwards when perusing the news on my phone, the time read 0705hrs , I was a little puzzled but it didnt take too long for the penny to drop. Portugal is in the same time zone as the UK and so yesterday when crossing from Spain we had gained an extra hour. Hurrah ! First job of the day was housekeeping, i.e. water , waste and rubbish. From research I knew there to be a state of the art commercial services just on the outskirts of the town . The facility was fully automated and even had a jet wash facility with a high rise platform so one could clean the roof of your van. I didn't feel this necessary as mother nature had been periodically jet washing the van over several days and the roof was in pretty good order. The services were time limited to four minutes for 2 Euros which included balck waste and fresh water refill. Team work was deployed with Rhian on fresh water detail and me on black waste. We were successful in completing both tasks within the time limit . Tea and medals all round. Next on the list was to travel to our next destination namely Aveiro which was about an hour away on non toll roads(more of which later) and which had been described as the Venice of Portugal. As we were arriving in the town we stumbled across a Lidl . Provisions were generally in short supply so we made a pit stop and after a light snack made our way to a car park within easy walking distance of the town centre. Aveiro was a pleasant town with a small canal system running through its centre, I think the Portuguese tourist department had been a little ambitious or even mischievous in describing it as a Portuguese Venice but there was a nice ambience , boat rides up and down the canals on powered traditional wooden craft once used for harvesting seaweed for fertilising the land. Now a little about the toll road system here in Portugal which quite frankly is an absolute nightmare and ridiculously over complex. My so far limited experience of the normal A roads is that they are of very poor quality , over congested with heavy traffic and HGVs and that the infrastructure appears to have been very much neglected to encourage use of the toll motorways. Fair enough. France and Spain have a very easy and effective system whereby you approach a manned or unmanned Peage(toll area) pull up to the machine , take a ticket and when you leave the road, insert said ticket into machine, insert debit card in machine, no PIN required , 10 seconds, job done. Portugal has a much better hi tech modern way which uses ANPR(automated number plate recognition) cameras on gantries across the motorway which scan every vehicle number plate passing beneath. As a road user in a foreign registered vehicle you have the following options
(cut and pasted)
How do I pay the tolls?
Foreign licensed vehicles
Toll Card
These are pre-paid cards that can be loaded with €5, €10, €20 or €40 credit, and have an additional service cost of 0.74€. They can be purchased online here, but also from other places including CTT post-offices, Easy Toll Welcome Points, tourist offices and the following service areas:
All within A23 highway
All within A22 highway
Celorico, Vouzela and Aveiro on the A25 highway
Viana do Castelo and Vila do Conde on the A28 highway
Almodôvar on A2 highway
Estremoz on A6 highway
Barcelos on A3 highway
Seide on A7 highway
Once purchased, cards need to be activated it by sending a text message including a code on the card and the license plate of the vehicle so that it can be associated. The cards last for one year or until the balance is exhausted, which you can check online.
Do you have remaining credit on your card? It can also be refunded within 6 months, but only if a credit card was used for the payment.
Toll Service
This is also a pre-paid product, with 2 available options:
Unlimited use for 3 days, with a cost of €20 (plus 0.74€)
A single or round trip on two pre-defined routes:
Spain – Porto Airport, via A28 or A41
Spain – Faro Airport via A22
It can be purchased online here, at CTT post-offices, Porto’s airport, or at the following Cepsa service areas:
Viana dos Castelo (A28)
Abrantes (A23)
Olhão (A22)
Easy Toll
This is the easiest option for foreign visitors, especially those driving from Spain. It can be purchased at an Easy Toll Welcome Point without having to leave the vehicle, and it associates a credit card (Mastercard, Visa or Maestro) to the vehicle’s license plate. There is sign up cost of 0.74 € and each journey has an administrative cost of 0.32 €.
!!) Because the credit card is linked to the vehicle, the membership needs to be cancelled, otherwise, the same credit card can be charged in the case of a new customer renting the same vehicle.
!!) You are not allowed to use Via Verde lanes with options 1 (Toll Card), 2 (Toll Service) nor 3 (Easy Toll), unless you have a special device called transponder (see option 4).
These are the only 4 Easy Toll Welcome Point available:
A28 – Viana do Castelo Service Area
A24 – at 3,5km from Chaves/Veribn border
A25 – Alto de Leomil Service Area
A22 – next to Castro Marim/Ayamonte border
  Easy Toll Welcome Point (source: http://www.carhirefaroairport.com/a22-toll-payment.htm)
Via Verde Visitors
Aimed at longer stays or frequent visitors, you can rent a temporary transponder device for €6 for the first week then €1.50 per week plus a refundable deposit of €27.50. You have to register a credit card with the system and tolls are automatically debited from the card. It is valid for a maximum of 90 days and can be used on electronic toll roads
You see my point ?
You may say , why use the toll roads but as previously stated many of the roads are in very poor order and the extra distance, fuel etc, make it very difficult and time consuming to avoid them. Suffice to say I visited a Post Office to purchase a prepaid ticket and expect a lengthy legal battle with the Portuguese authorities on our return to the UK ! I read an article stating that the Portuguese tourism industry are lobbying the government to make changes to the system as it is significantly affecting visitor numbers and I for one would certainly have to think very seriously about returning after this experience. Anyway using our newly purchased toll ticket we made our way about an hour south to a nice little beach aire at Praia Lavos. More of the same coastline really, big dunes , big seas. So far no plan for tomorrow
Boa Noite
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kawaiianimeredhead · 6 years
Oh right I wanted to rant. Im still on my phone so there might be typos but oh well
Edit: this got way longer and rambly than I expected oops. I hope this read more works, i never actually checked yesterday when I used it to see if it still worked on mobile so if it doesnt oops and sorry
Anyways. In september a new company took over our contract and thats a whole rant on its own. The previous lead (my dad but not important) left before the new company came and he left Sam in charge. Sam has been there for like four or five years and he's a pretty good guy. When the new cobtract started he was very quickly overwhelmed with the bs and also with the paper abd computer stuff he had to do so he stepped down. Hes still there and actually was still in charge for a bit after he stepped down because we didnt have a new lead.
And now we do have a new lead. This was apparently a Process from what ive heard. Nobody really wanted the job and im not sure how the Boss from the company even went about hiring but i heard that a couple people he considered weren't interested and then I was told that someone was hired or was going to be hired and quick before she even started. I heard these from two differenr people because one told me she qas being walked around and woukd start soon and another said she wasnt coming a day or so later. Someone was hired though and the first night he was there so was the Boss showing him around kinda. I spoke with him a bit and he seemed nice. Def better than the Boss who I cant stand beinf around for long hes got weird and annoying vibes around him.
None of this is actually particularly relevant or necessary for this rant but it came out anyways.
So this new lead has tried all thr different shifts/jobs out and and has been with us for like a month or so now maybe? The first schedule he was properly scheduled on was such a SHIT week/schedule because I went from working 5-4 days a week to 3 and instead of doing bathrooms which is 3 hours or 4 depending on if I'm also doing trash to working 2 hours one day, 2 or 3 the next, and 3 or 4 the last. And it sucks. Then, the first schedule to come out that he made (with the help of the Boss) had ALL of us on less days and hours and HE now working every day but one and working both in the morning AND at night. Now I'm not convinced this was soley his decision because I know he made this schedule with the Boss and i have a suspicion that the Boss encouraged him or persuaded him or some other kind of bull shit to do the schedule like this. And then the week after was the same schedule copied again and this week coming up is the same minus a few small changes.
Now all this is annoying and bull shit on its own but not even the main fuel to this rambling rant. With this schedule, hes scheduled to clean the bathrooms and trash every day except Sunday, which is when I am scheduled on them. Last week was the first week of this and besides the day I'm specificed to do bathrooms im not given a specific job. Imbonly told to do "extras" so ive asked Sam and hes told me to do offices one day and some windows the other. I come in Saturday ready to do the windows which ive been dying to do because they look awful and they used to be my Thing so I get really annoyed about them often but then I notice the trash hadnt been done. So I start doing that thinking maybe that was what I was supposed to be doing. Then while doing this I notice the main breakroom doesnt look particularly clean, breakrooms are a part of the bathroom persons job. This was annoying but because it wasnt Bad I left it. I then go to the next break room which is smaller and always messier because more people stay in it for longer, this one also looked dirtier than it should be. In addition, the bathroom's trash hadnt beeb taken out which is a part of the bathroom job. Bathroom trash is separate from trash trash as far as jobs go, theyre usually done together but if someone is doinf "extras" and someone else bathrooms, bathrooms normally gets bathroom trash abd extras the rest. Something felt really off about the bathroom as well and combined with the breakdowns I had a suspicion that bathrooms hadnt been done. So I decided to check the costumer bathrooms for their trash and their cleanliness. When I got there they absolutely had not been done. Which ! I hadn't planned for. I was taking my time on trash and now I had to do bathroom s.
Nobody had been called or texted about the lead not being at work. And he absolutely has our numbers. We used to sign in on a time sheet and that would have helped us noticed but we recently got a finger print time clock which, as far as I know, we cant check other peoples hours on. So we had no fucking clue he just hadnt been in the previous night.
Then this week comes along. Friday talking with Sam he mentioned something along the lines of not checking the bathrooms. Mentioning that its not really our fault if we dont abd they havent been done because since were not scheduled for them, we have no reason to assume they wouldnt be done. So I hadnt looked in the bathrooms but I did notice the break room looked a bit messy and which had me a bit concerned about a repeat of the previous week. But I didnt wanna do them and I knew Sam didnt either so I left it be but texted nick to ask if hed seen the lead the previous night. Nick confirmed hed been in and was seen cleaning the bathrooms. Yesterday, I briefly looked into the main break room and it looked not great, and then later I went to the bathroom in the smaller breakroom's bathroom (they have really nice soap they buy themselves thats not really importantto this tho) and noticed that one looked AWFUL. It absolutly hadnt been swept and I felt bad but it wasnt what I was scheduled for so I just kinda left it... Their bathroom also had 1ply toilet paper in it, which is what we had when the company first took over it its AWFUL everyone complained so we switched but the unused rolls are still in our closet. Nobody told our new lead this so he had put some of this in the bathrooms. Then later on in the morning, I noticed several trash cans had stuff in it. Not trash but like residue from trash? Like sticky spots of soda oe coffee, some gum, things like that. Basically things that pointed to him only dumping out the trash and not changing the bag. The bags dont always get changed everyday, thats not really an issue, but if theres something still kinda in them they normally are changed because thats gross and why would it just be left like that... I also noticed that up front by the entrance door none of the trash had been got. The busiest area for trash (from customers) and it was still ! There! And I had actually heard Friday or last Friday that this wasnt the first time. Again I left it because I had other things to do.
Now this morning. I worked bathrooms and trash. Trash went ok, I changed a lot of the bags becsuse I prefer to do it regardless and it was just normal overall. Then bathrooms. The bathroom cart is a mess. Which started my mood. The top is all unorganized and theres dirty water in the mop bucket. When I went go get new water, I had set the mop off to the side assuming it had already veen run out and dried because it had been in the part of the bucket where you ring it out and it had been there since yesterday morning. I finished filling the bucket and then look over and notice the puddle forming under the mop because my assumption had been wrong and worse, it smelled like pee. ! Carring on The first two bathrooms were ok, not great but fine. Then I got to the main breakroom and noticed itd clearly been cleaned, Sam worked the day shift Saturday so I assume he swept and mopped. I also swept and mopped. Then, the small break room. Sam didnt clean this one. Which is fair on his part because I think throughout the whole day at least one or more people are sitting in it with no time for someone to clean. So I start and its just the whole thing, even the bathroom floor, was so bad. Aside from the floor the bathroom part was ok, but the floor really didnt seem to have been swept. And the main floor absolutely hadnt been swept. This was obvious from the start but it kept making me madder and madder as I swept and saw how much trash was on the floor. It absolutely put me behind because I wanted to get as much as I could. The cutomer bathrooms also looked pretty bad which is had to tell who thats on, but wheb I got to them it was apparent somethibg else I hadnt fully thought of as a problem until then. Behind all the toilets, like on then but behidb the seat part, there was so much DUST. I had noticed before in the other bathrooms but didnt really think about it because of things plus i see the dust more often collect in the orher bathrooms than that one for some reason and I didnt even realize this but because it was something New in the costumer bathroom it was really noticeable now. Which made ne even madder. Its not hard to clean, were supposed to be cleaning the toilet seats anyways so getting just behind them isnt anything!
And its just so aggrivating. The longer at work i was this morning the more it pissed me off. Especially because in addition to what I was seeing, the things I had heard from others over the last couple of weeks started piling on.
With my own eyes i had seen how bad the cart had been and from sam I heard that the water in the bucket had been in there all week, he suspected that he wasnt changing it. He also commented on the rags all over the cart thinking that he wasnt using paper towels to clean and instead used the rags. I heard about how a couple of times now hed forgotten or ignore the front trash cans and some others. I heard from someone in the meat room that when he cleans it he doesnt do that grear a job and even broke a couple small things. Which is all very concerning to hear since thats a fucking sanitation issue!? And I heard from nick yesterday that he thinks that the lead isnt cleaning all thw bathrooms every day and is instead only cleaning them when they look dirty. Which I'm a bit inclinded to believe because the underside of some of the seats seemed much dirtier than id expected.
And its all infuriating! The Boss is the one who showed him all the jobs, none of us showed him any of what we do it was all the Boss. So like, did HE tell the lead not to do this or that? To do some of it to save time? I dont know but some of it is common sense regardless of what hes beeb told hes still fucking it up and hes our fucking boss. And the main one doing everything!
The store hasnt looked as clean from the start of this new contract and now it's even worse and its awful!
And I dont have a way to end this rant it got really long snd feels like it needs a good closer but I dont have one...
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Oh my goodness, I didnt see the link to your fanfic account! I am dumb. So ignore my previous ask and instead answer this one for the meme. 13, 3, 14, 1 and 2 for Happiness goes on? (I shall leave reviews on your beautiful fanfic soon I promise, they are good.)
(Hiii, sooo…this whole reply is late because I actually typed up ALL OF THIS last night, and then accidentally “x”-ed out of my browser and lost it all, because I am very very stupid. And then was too tired to retype it up before going to sleep. I hope I remember roughly everything, and apologies for that mistake.)
Oh! Haha! Alright then! Thank you! Don’t feel dumb at all for not realizing which AO3 account is mine or for your previous ask(which for others who are curious, said: “1 - 5 for all your fics! Just talk about your favs!”). I was prepared to choose 3 fics (including “Happiness Goes On” since that’s definitely the one I’m most proud of, so I guess that’s closest to a “favorite” right?), and go through the first 5 questions for each, though I won’t lie and say it wouldn’t have taken some time to answer.
BUUUT…since you said to scrap that first ask, I’ll answer these individual ones for “Happiness Goes On.” And your compliment and promise for a future review means SO goddamn much, thank you sincerely.
(WARNING / REMINDER: This is about my fic that deals with the subject of child molestation, and I do reference that a little bit in this reply. Don’t read further if it makes you uncomfortable, which I entirely understand and respect.)
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
HA! Well, American Pie obviously, for a majority of it. While brainstorming / writing / editing the epilogue? A lotta Billy Joel. ;)
The idea to use American Pie bounced into my brain when it came on the radio at the thrift shop where I volunteer, one of the rare times my own music speaker battery died. Usually a disaster, because our store radio is pretty crappy, but the sound quality wasn’t too bad that day, and I rediscovered how much I love that song and ‘Why isn’t this on my ipod again?’. Listening to the lyrics, I realized how much some of them fit the Guardians in general, and this story specifically, which I have Gamora mentally note in the fic. I was sitting and casually chatting with the manager while also thinking, ‘Google what year this came out when you get home, but I’m sure it’s the 70′s. Peter would know it, and it could be the Zune. I think it could work.’ I’m proud that I was able to reference the song so many times without actually naming it by title, but I assume most readers knew what it was, it’s just that famous. (I also couldn’t resist the light-hearted joke, later when things calmed down, of Gamora saying “This…is the longest song…I have ever heard.” and Peter smiling without even looking at her and giving a cheeky “I know.”)
In terms of using Billy Joel for the epilogue, I’m just a Billy Joel fanatic. The use of him for this story began just from the We Didn’t Start the Fire joke toward Rocket at the bar (I thought it was clever, Peter!), and later on I saw how The Longest Time fit romantically for Starmora, and some of the lyrics matched the healing themes of the overall story, and I thought ‘Maybe they’ve been playing BIlly Joel since that night; maybe that can be the joke.’ Why shouldn’t his Greatest Hits albums (at least) be on the Zune? I struggled a lot over what song should be the final one Gamora comments on before they switch artists to appease the group. I never specify which romantic Billy Joel song Peter and Gamora slow danced to during their “date night” in that six-week summary, but I like to imagine it was Just the Way You Are. I considered Keeping the Faith or Vienna for the final one, but I thought they deserved something more fun and naughty to analyze this time, so Only the Good Die Young it is. :D
In conclusion, I listened to The Longest Time, and the entire An Innocent Man studio album, a lot (as if I needed an excuse).3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
The portion in italics is my favorite line, but I’m including the entire sentence for context purposes: “She would need to grow used to him viewing Yondu as a caring parent who was extraordinarily protective of his boy, and would have hunted down this pervert to whistle a glowing arrow through her skull.”14: Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
Ohh geez, wow, that one is tough. I don’t know if it’s accurate to say this story was intended to educate, but just to explore the idea with fictional characters. I have no expertise on the subject, and would never claim such, or talk down to those who do. I didn’t intend to create a PSA. I suppose all of the “lessons” for Peter (if they can be called that) I hope all readers already know and agree on (basically a collection of “it wasn’t your fault” and “this doesn’t define you” and “trauma isn’t a competition, someone else suffering worse doesn’t invalidate your experience” and “you should feel comfortable talking about anything without judgement or shame” etc.).
Slightly lesser scale messages, there’s also reminders about the importance of communication, trusting each other, letting the other person speak in an argument, not letting one’s jealousy/instincts/bad mood interfere with fairness, not running away from a fight or staying angry, respecting boundaries and privacy, all that healthy relationship jazz that these two are still figuring out. 1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
This post is already very long, and I could probably talk for hours about the decision-making process for many scenes (of my GotG fics, this took the longest to write and publish, over 2 months), so I’ll try to condense this to a few bullet points that probably don’t fit the “inspired” criteria.
- It was originally going to be in two parts, 4 scenes each, when I thought the epilogue would be much shorter. But as the lil’ wrap-up got longer (because we needed a fluffy conclusion, dammit!), I decided to make it a separate “chapter.”
- I think the concept probably started as one of those strange, angsty “what if?” scenarios I make up in my head at night that I still can’t believe I created into a full-fledged work. I liked the idea of Peter and Gamora having this conversation and her comforting him, but I knew if I was really going to throw it out there for other fans, it had be more balanced with happier moments, too. I just know I was always going to make the offender a woman - both because it would lead to the misunderstanding that she was a past consensual hook-up when Peter was an adult to spark some irritation and jealousy in Gamora, and because it’s realistically different from other sexual assault stories, since women can be pedophiles and child predators too, and they’re just as horrible. :(
- The fanfic idea of “Gamora accidentally starts a fire while trying to cook, and Peter falsely accuses and lashes out at Rocket” was in my head before, but there were two key differences. 1) It was the entire plot, not a light-hearted subplot in the shadows of something bigger, 2) Meredith’s letter was either fully or partially burnt as a result of the fire. By the end Gamora was going to confess it was her fault, that she was trying to surprise Peter by cooking spaghetti, and he would apologize both to her and to Rocket for losing his temper and getting so angry. I hated that idea later and found it too sad (he’s already lost the Walkman and second cassette tape, why would I want him to lose even more from his mother?), and in “Spark My Memory” (the Christmas fic I wrote for “12 Days of Starmora”) the Guardians put his mother’s letter in the photo album gift for Peter, completely safe and unharmed. I like to keep all my fanfics canon-compliant and non-contradictory from each other, so the letter is fine, no burning it.
Yet “Gamora started a fire cooking” still seemed fun to me, as I like the idea that she’s so badass and skilled and intelligent, but failed at something so domestic and simple. Kinda cute. I was so excited to insert it into this, because I think it worked on multiple levels. It’s a driving force for the plot (the reason the team go to the restaurant and they stumble upon that particular waitress), the reason Gamora was already in a bad mood during her fight with Peter, it could be used as a metaphor/comparison for Peter’s anxiety and Gamora’s guilt, it was something for the Guardians to put at a higher priority to tease and mock Gamora for while oblivious to the main story, something for Peter to just break down into giggles over once they changed the subject (because he earned a good laugh after that heartbreaking and vulnerable childhood trauma story), an excuse to give Rocket so many funny lines, an overall silly and sitcommy-style subplot to fall back on, and a sweet “victory!” for Gamora to have (sort of?) conquered by the epilogue. ^_^2: What scene did you first put down?
This is easy. I’ve written all but one (8 out of 9) of my fanfics in order, except for “Just Like Everybody Else.” So ya, I wrote the opening scene first, Baby Groot’s magic trick lesson and Peter’s oh-so-cruel “can only be seen once” deception. I needed to ease readers (and myself) into the angst and heavy shit to follow, and that cute idea had also been in the back of my mind for a while. ^_^
PHEW, OKAY, ALL RE-TYPED! Thank you again SO MUCH for the lovely ask and wonderful questions, your actual interest and curiosity thrilled me! You see I wasn’t kidding about the incessant babbling. :P
Thank you also for the kudos you left on AO3, and take care!~
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stillwooozy · 4 years
im so happy be back in my apt it makes me feel guilty cuz i like being there for my siblings but
even post heart attack and covid and almost-death my mom is MEAN to me. everything i fcking do is wrong, and if ONLY i listened to her.
im a fucking train wreck, but im trying, and im functional. Idk i’ve learned to be proud of myself
I left at like 5am to “beat traffic” but rly i just needed to leave
My 12 yr old brother said he “didnt really love AoT & isnt invested in s4” but he’s giving Death Note a try so you know what. stfu.
A few hrs after i got back my sister called crying about my mom just being difficult to her. And i have problems w/ my sister but also.... come on. mom jfc. pretend to have an emotional iq for a second. My sister has always had a good relationship w/ my mom up until now. But i guess menopausal moms and their 19 yr old daughters dont get a long.
I have good moments w/ my mom. when she came home we were both got high on trams and weed & my sister was sober but hanging w/ us. My brothers were entertaining themselves and my dad was gone (dad and mom cannot be in the same vicinity of eachother, they legally married, but jfc they even live apart. it is hell when they are together) and it was so fun. i was making jokes (that i kinda regret because it was tmi) about the men i’ve hooked up w/ in the apt next door, and telling her about the “straight dads” down her residential block that are “discrete” on grindr. She thought it was hilarious. My sister allowed me to swipe for her on tindr & talk to guys and let me say - straight men really do suck. there was like 1 that was attractive & seemed to have a good personality & didnt want sex asap. & i think my sister is very pretty so she matched w/ a good amount of people. ANYWAYS straight guys either have 0 idea how to converse and/or just want to fuck right away. I mean those are grindr-gays, but tindr-gays arent looking for that - and if they are it obvious so u just swipe left if not interested in a hookup. I guess there isnt a straight-grindr but there should be. Anyways my mom was telling me stories about shrooming in college and when she hiked the TMB & hitchhiked around europe for 2 yrs, met my dad but forgot about him, and then met him in the US 2 yrs later. It was interesting, and she wasnt judging me & we were actually laughing. Ik its the drugs and that is sad. Ik she is “mentally ill” in some manner too, but i can’t control her lack of self awareness, all i can control is myself. And that is hard when i come from a long line of schizos & bpd & even a probably-APD! some diagnosed, some u just loook at and go “yea they are batshit” i mean... i also come from a family is severly traumatized ppl, either losing everything in ww2 and/or the whole israeli conflict. like jfc i do feel bad. fleeing europe to israel cuz no one else will take u, and then fighting for ur safety & really no other choice, and then finally ur offspring move to america and canada. my paternal grandpa is literally the sole survivor in his family of ww2, i mean he remembers nothing, he was the youngest and shipped off to America to live w/ a branch of the family that came a while earlier cuz they were offered business or something idk.
Im rly on too many stims. And yet. I am posting in my ~diary~. i get to work tomorrow and im actually happy cuz i like the research. although im having like.. nothing. u think grads are paid horribly (they are)?? Undergrads have to be groveling at the feet of ppl to get any kind of paid internship. i mean i had experience before cuz i did unpaid research for 2 semesters in another lab. My hours, when im not impromtu fleeing cuz my mom may die, are more than 40+ a week. i mean i have enough to pay rent and thats about it :/ as long as im not in debt im gucci. i stockpile on-sale dog food and im fine living off beans and rice so were good for a while. I have crypto that is a backup but that is either used for drugs and as an “investment”.
like i cant rly get a traditional 9-5 retail job while working in this lab. while also having full-time classes. i was doing lab work 20 ish hrs a week (unpaid ofc), managing my friends band/booking shows/promotating & getting a fair chunk from that, walking a neighbors dog 3 times a week but honestly that took 20 mins of my day & was almost a free $45 dollars a week cuz a just walked her w/ my own dogs, + full time school and.... pre-covid, i was getting into the groove of college & while not making a bunch - i was comfortable for being a 20yr old scumbag? i mean i was working my ass off for my friend but i enjoyed it and was optimistic as hell. i didnt have to cut myself off fully from the song revenue but honestly that was unusual (to my knowledge) for an indie band at all, but i accepted it ofc until covid. my best friend spiraled and 2 of the bandmates lost their jobs and like. their passive income was tiny so why tf should i take from it? shows & selling merch at said shows (for us) made the most. online merch is eh & i wont take a cut until after covid. Plus they are on hiatus and any local “hype” that was beginning to build is long dead cuz they are probably long dead. not high enough to give a shout out to my 2.5 followers cuz my identity will not be exposed hehehehe. i mean if someone rly wanted to u could figure out thru all my info dumping of my personal life on here but eh, pls dont. this is my fancy lil diary where i spew aboslute nonsense & show off how fast i can type when i type before i finish any type of concise thought in my head
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