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thetravelerwrites · 4 years
Henry (Amphiptere Naga) Lemon
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Rating: Explicit Relationship: Female Human/Male Naga Additional Tags: Exophilia, Monster Boyfriend, Naga, Amphiptere, Best Friends to Lovers, Demisexual, Graysexual, Sex Worker, Cam Model, Mutual Pining Words: 6104
A gift from @oddacle​ to her friend/roommate! A woman moves back to her home town after an online friend offers her both a job and a place to stay. She accidentally learns an interesting secret about him that she tries, and fails, to hide. Please reblog and leave feedback! Art by @oddacle​!
The Traveler's Masterlist
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You stretched at your desk and sighed. “Well, Henry, I should get to bed,” You said. “I’ve got a lot of packing to do tomorrow.”
“Dude, I can’t wait to see you in person finally!” He said over the headset. “I’m so excited you’re coming to work in the store.”
“Me too!” You said. “It’ll be nice to see you in person! And I can’t thank you enough for giving me a job and a place to stay. Working at the grocery store was crushing my soul.”
“I get that,” He told you. “I felt so out of place when I worked construction. I’m so glad I decided to save up to open the flower shop.”
“You and me both,” You said. “Flower arranging is something I love to do. I about fell out of my chair when you said you owned a shop.”
“Two more days and you’ll get to see it yourself,” He said with a laugh. “Go get some sleep. I’ll see you soon.”
“Night, Henry,” You said, smiling to yourself as you logged off. You had met Henry while gaming almost five years ago now, and he had been one of the best friends you’d ever had. At first you just played together, but after about a year, the two of you had exchanged phone numbers, and since then you texted each other constantly and called each other once a week. Despite that, you had never actually seen what he looked like. You didn’t mind; maybe he was body-shy. You could understand that.
When you finally quit the soul-suck of a job in the back of a grocery, he was quick to offer you a place in his shop, in your own home town, no less, as well as one of the apartments above the store. You’d been homesick since you moved away with your mom when you were younger, so the idea of going back had massive appeal. Combined with your dream job and working with your best friend, it was like everything you ever wanted was just falling into place.
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That Saturday, you loaded every single thing you owned into a rental truck and headed to Santa Barbara, excited to start a new life and meet your best friend for the first time.
You pulled up to Henry’s Floral Arrangements later that evening just before sundown, driving nearly nine hours straight with only a few breaks for food, gas, and bathroom visits. You pulled out your phone and clicked Henry’s number.
“Hey, are you here?” He asked excitedly.
“Yep!” You said, stepping out of the truck. “I pulled up just now. Are you in the shop?”
“Yeah, I’m coming out! Be right there.” And he hung up.
You giggled at his enthusiasm and walked around the truck just as he came out of the shop, his face as excited as a brand new puppy with a brand new toy, and you stopped in your tracks.
He. Was. Beautiful.
He was a naga, but a rarer breed than average: an amphiptere. He had short, two pronged horns on his head and large wings on his back. His horns were teal, and the feathers of his wings were teal and ocean blue with black accents on the outside and grey on the inside, like the skin of his torso. His snake skin was teal and ocean blue as well, with giant black rings lining his back. His eyes were as golden as his nipple rings. He had lovely tattoos on his arms, neck, and back of waves and geometric shapes. He was lean and muscular, and had short black hair. He wore no clothing, so every inch of his glorious body was on full display.
You stood staring at him, unable to speak, as he slithered up to you. Oh god. This was not a possibility you had entertained. Living next to your best friend had sounded like a dream. But now… oh no, this was a disaster. How could you be attracted to him? You never felt attraction, not ever! Of all the times, of all the people, Henry had to be… this! This lovely specimen of a naga, and the best friend you’d ever had! What were you going to do?!
“You alright?” He asked, tilting his head and lowering himself down to look at your face.
You blinked and smiled breathlessly. “Yes! Yes, I’m great! It’s so nice to finally meet you!”
“You too!” He reached out for a hug and you walked into it. His skin was cool and smooth to the touch. He smelled like peonies. “Come in, come in, let me show you around!”
“What about unpacking?” You asked.
“Oh, leave that till tomorrow,” He said. “Let’s order a pizza and eat in the shop.”
You grinned. “That actually sounds amazing.”
“Come on!” He held out his hand and took yours and pulled you into the shop.
Oh, it was incredible. It had just crested into the middle of spring and the seasonal flowers were exploding all over the place. Color was everywhere. You closed your eyes and just breathed in the fragrances.
“Have I died?” You asked, your eyes still closed. “I’ve died, haven’t I?”
He laughed. “I hope not, you just got here.” He picked up his cell phone from the counter. “Pepperoni and pineapple on thin crust, right?”
“Yep!” You said, sitting at the counter, your eye catching on the decorative cherry blossom bonzai tree that you’d sent him for Christmas two years ago. You weren’t sure if he’d even like it, much less have kept it, but there it was, right next to the register where everyone could see it. It gave you a warm feeling in your chest.
He took you to the second floor, where there were two apartments, one on either side. You couldn’t help but notice one half of the stairs was covered with a ramp, likely to make it easier for Henry to get to the second story.
He led you to the apartment on the right and opened the door. It was a modest place but comfortable, and from the smell it seemed like it was recently deep cleaned and freshly painted in a pretty holly-green color with blush pink accents. There was a vase with all your favorite flowers spilling out of it on the kitchen table. It was mostly furnished with older but functional furniture, so you hadn’t needed to bring any heavy wardrobes or mattresses or anything, thankfully. Most of what you had in your old place was junk anyway.
“I love it,” You told Henry. “And I love the flowers.”
“I thought it would be a nice touch,” He said, holding his arm almost shyly. “I wanted you to feel comfortable.”
“I feel more comfortable here than I did in the two years I spent in my last place,” You said truthfully. “You know, we can leave the unpacking for tomorrow, but can we go down and get my rig and gear and hook it up while we wait for the pizza? It’s the only thing I have that I don’t want to leave in a truck overnight.”
“I get that,” He said.
The two of you managed to get your PC, laptop, gaming gear, and computer desk up the stairs in one trip. There was a flat screen TV on the wall of the living room to which you hooked up your PC. You ran a diagnostic as Henry heard the buzzer from the door and rushed down to get the pizza. Then the two of you spent an incredible evening eating pizza, watching comedies on Netflix, and solidifying the strength of your friendship.
You were comfortable, more so than you had ever been with anyone. Five years of talking to him was wonderful, but being close, seeing his smile, hearing his laugh and the way his eyes crinkled when he did was pure magic.
Magic that you didn’t want to ruin by being weird or creepy just because you suddenly felt attracted to him. Would he be weirded out by the fact that your brain turned into goo the moment you saw him? Would he think it was just because of his looks? You didn’t want that.
And you didn’t want to fuck up what was already an amazing relationship. Hell, meeting him in person and hanging out with him had already been a huge test of your friendship; working with him and living next to him would be an even greater one. You didn’t want to complicate it even further with an, in all likelihood, one-sided attraction.
By the time the pizza was gone and he headed back to his apartment for bed, you’d already decided to put the attraction or any notion of a relationship beyond friends out of your head.
But by God, he was beautiful.
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You sort of jumped into the deep end when you started in the shop: prom season was just beginning, so you spent weeks making corsages and lapel pins. Henry thankfully spared you from having to deal with spoiled teenagers, entitled moms, and annoyed jocks dragged in by their girlfriends. Henry seemed well practiced at fielding angry customers who couldn’t make up their mind.
After work, the two of you often ate dinner together, either in his place or yours. Even though you were usually exhausted at the end of the day, you still played games together at least four times a week from your respective apartments, talking to each other over headsets even though you were probably only two walls and twenty feet apart. Sometimes you took your laptop to his apartment and played at the same desk.
It went on that way for months. It was amazing and you treasured every minute you got to spend with him. Despite putting the idea of dating him away in the back of your head, it was easy to pretend like it was just the two of you, together, against the world
After prom season ended, business slowed dramatically. You weren’t as tired in the evenings, so when you weren’t playing games with Henry, you did a little writing. You were too shy to let anyone read it, even Henry, but it still felt good to have a creative outlet.
One night, as you were writing, you heard Henry’s voice over your gaming headset on the desk. The two of you had quit playing over an hour ago, so you put it on to see if he needed anything.
“You alright, Henry? Are you back online?”
He didn’t respond, so you thought maybe you were just hearing things, but as you went to pull your headset off, you heard him say, “I’m glad to see you again. I’ve missed you.” The sound of his voice was distant, like he didn’t have his headset on.
Did he have company? His voice sounded silky and sultry, a tone you’d never heard before, and you wondered briefly if he had a girlfriend, or boyfriend. Or whatever. He’d never mentioned anything like that to you, but you weren’t his mom; he was allowed to have private things he didn’t share with other people. You did, after all.
Still, the idea that he was in a relationship cut a little deeper than you would have liked.
You heard another voice, but it was strangely robotic sounding, like it was coming through a speaker, and you couldn’t quite make out what the other person was saying. Whoever they were, they sounded male. Maybe he was in a long distance relationship?
“Mm, I love it when you talk to me like that,” Henry said, a sexy lilt in his voice. “Tell me what you’d like me to do. I could touch myself. Would you like that?”
You blushed and your heart began to race. You shouldn’t be listening to this, you knew that. It was private and none of your business. But… you couldn’t take the headset off. You wanted to hear this. You wanted him to talk to you that way. Maybe through this person, vicariously, you could have an intimate moment with him. It may be the only chance you ever got.
You heard him moan over the headset, and a sparkling heat filled your body. You bit your lip at the thrill you felt, but you were unable to move, like a deer in headlights. There was a dangerous quality to this, the idea of getting caught listening in terrified you.
You heard the person on the computer say something, but you couldn’t understand them.
Henry responded, “Of course I will. I know how much you like that… mmm, that feels so good.”
Henry’s moaning over the headset made you feel both exhilarated and astonished. You felt like you could listen to him moaned for hours.
Henry grunted sharply and repeatedly, then gasped for a minute before speaking again.
“That was wonderful,” Henry said. “It always is with you.” The other person said something you couldn’t understand, and Henry answered, “Oh, I’m afraid we don’t have time for that, darling. Our date is almost over. If you’d like to purchase a ten minute extension, you can donate an additional five hundred tokens, or you can schedule another date from any of the open slots on the main website. You know I’m always happy to spend time with you.”
You sat up in your seat, confused. Tokens? Website? What was he talking about?
There were more words you could hear, and Henry tutted. “Aww, are you sure?” He pouted. “Well, alright. I hope you won’t make me wait long, darling. See you soon.”
There was some tapping on his keyboard, and there was a power-down sound. Henry sighed and you could hear him slither out of his office, closing the door behind him.
You sat for a moment, trying to wrap your head around what you’d heard. Was he getting paid to jerk off for people? You opened a web browser and typed “amphiptere cam model” into the search engine.
You knew amphiptere nagas were rare, of course, so you weren’t surprised to only have found two results. You were surprised to find Henry’s face on one of the profiles, wearing beautiful make up and a sexy underbust corset with matching opera gloves. You clicked it, and realized he was both very expensive and highly sought after, considering all of his five weekly slots were already filled for the next two months.
Henry was a cam model. And he was apparently very good at it.
You put a hand to your forehead, stunned. What was happening right now? This was something you could never have anticipated. He was hot, of course, but he always seemed like a shy, down-to-earth kind of guy to you, even after meeting him. Who knew he had this in him? You weren’t judging, it was just surprising.
You didn’t manage to get much sleep that night, and when you did, you dreamt of being on the other end of that screen and woke in a sweat.
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The next morning, you stood in the shower with your thoughts in a roil. Should you tell him you know? Would he be upset with you? Probably; listening in was a huge breach of both privacy and trust. Oh, god, what had you done? How were you supposed to act around him now? He’d know something was wrong; you could never hide your emotions well and he knew you better than anyone. Was it too late to live in a cave and cut ties with society altogether?
No, there was no internet in caves. Fuck.
You couldn’t avoid him forever; you were due downstairs for work. You could tell him that you were sick, but knowing him, he’d shut down the shop for the day to take care of you. He was so damn sweet.
No, You said, mentally slapping yourself. Don’t get distracted by his adorableness! This is a crisis!
You got out of the shower and started brushing out your hair, your stomach in knots. A knock at the door made you jump clean out of your towel. Throwing on your robe, you went to answer it. Henry was standing there with a bag and coffee, and his eyes widened when he saw your bathrobe.
“Oh, sorry, I just came to bring some breakfast. Felt like treating you a little.”
You swallowed a lump in your throat and smiled. “Thanks, this is awesome. I’ll get dressed and meet you down in the shop. You’re the best.”
He gave you a full, sharp-toothed grin and snaked his way downstairs, leaving you to grip the door to keep from falling to your knees. Did he have to be so kind? He was the worst!
You met him downstairs and tried to be normal through breakfast, but all you could think of was the way he moaned last night and tried to keep the blush off your face. Work wasn’t any better, you had all of ten customers that day, so you spent most of it talking to Henry and daydreaming about him calling you darling. It was all you could do to hold it together.
After closing the shop, he asked if you wanted to have dinner and a game at his place, but you declined, saying you were tired. He seemed concerned but didn’t press it, and you were able to escape upstairs.
You made yourself some tea to try and settle your nerves, stress-eating girl scout cookies straight from the box as you waited for the water to boil. Was it going to be like this forever? This was torture.
Another knock at the door startled you into dropping your cookies.
“Fuck!” You hissed at yourself as you bent to pick up a box. “Get your shit together!”
Henry was at the door. He had a bag from a deli.
“I brought you soup,” He said. “You seemed like you weren’t feeling well today. Is anything wrong?”
You felt incredibly guilty, staring at that bag for a solid minute, unable to talk.
“Hey,” He said, frowning and squinting into your eyes. “What’s up? Talk to me. What’s wrong?”
“I’m so sorry, Henry,” You said without thinking.
“Sorry?” He said. “For what? What happened?”
You were having a hard time articulating your thoughts. You hadn’t meant to say sorry, and once it slipped out, your mind blanked.
“Look, can I come in?” He asked plaintively. “Something is obviously wrong. I want to help.”
You scrubbed your face. “Okay.”
He followed you in and laid the soup on the table. “So… tell me. What’s going on?”
“I don’t even know how to say it,” You said, looking around helplessly. Your eyes fell on your headset. You picked it up and listened to it, and you could hear the fan from his office running. “Here,” You said, handing it to him. “Listen.”
He put the headset on, frowning with confusion.
“Do you hear anything?” You asked.
“I think that’s the fan, right?”
“Yeah, from your office,” You said.
He laughed as he took it off. “I’m an idiot, I must have forgot to disconnect last night after we were playing.”
“Right, it was active last night. All last night. I could hear you.”
His face went from confusion to blank shock, his mouth hanging open.
“...oh,” He said quietly. “Oh, god.”
“I’m so sorry,” You said. “I shouldn’t have listened. I should have taken it off and ignored it. I’m so, so sorry.”
There was a pause. “How long did you listen?”
“I think it was the whole thing. I heard you… finish.” You blushed just thinking about it.
“That was a thirty minute session,” He said, confusion back on his face. “Why did you listen so long?”
You looked away and bit your lip, unable to meet his eyes.
“Did you… enjoy it?” He asked. He sounded almost hopeful.
You couldn’t speak, but you nodded once.
“Really?” You heard a smile in his voice, and you managed to look up. He had a goofy, sappy grin on his face. “You don’t think it’s gross or anything like that?”
You shook your head. “No. I’m curious, though. Why do you do it?”
“I only do it during the off seasons,” He said. “The first year was really hard for the store and I almost lost the shop. I got into camming to make ends meet, but the money was so good I just continued to do it when business is really slow. I’ve been able to save a lot of money this way. I was even thinking of opening a second location, and I think at the end of this season, I’ll have enough.” He looked very shy. “You really don’t mind it?”
You shook your head fervently. “No, not at all.” You looked at his earnest face. He didn’t seem angry, and while you were relieved, you also felt inquisitive. “What’s it like? Does it feel weird?”
“It did at first,” He admitted. “But it’s normal now. It’s actually fun, especially getting ready and putting on the clothes and stuff. I don’t really get to wear that stuff out, so it’s the only time I get to feel… I don’t know, fancy.”
You smiled softly. “I think I get that.”
“Actually,” He said, rubbing his neck. “I was going to record a free promo to put up on the website tonight. Do you want to help me do my makeup? I sort of self-taught myself, but I can never get the eyeliner right.”
“Oh! Yeah, of course, sure!” You said. “I really liked that corset I saw you in.”
He narrowed his eyes at you and smirked. “Did you Google me?”
“I had to,” You said. “Wouldn’t you?”
He laughed. “I guess.” He took your hand and led you toward the door and his apartment. “Come on. I’ve always wanted to have someone help with this. I’m never sure which colors compliment my skin.”
“Wait, let me grab my makeup bag,” You said, running back to your bathroom, snatching it up, and returning. “Okay, let’s go.”
Helping a guy with his makeup counted as a date, right?
He took you to his bedroom, which you’d never been. There wasn’t any furniture, not even a bed. Instead there was a huge nest of fluffy pillows and soft blankets which took up most of the floor space. He had a large walk-in closet where there was a hidden vanity with fairy lights around the mirror. The hangers had various corsets, fishnet shirts, and gloves. There was another desk that seemed to be a large jewelry case.
“This must have cost a fortune,” You said, impressed. You wished you had the confidence to wear some of this.
“A small one,” He told you. “Sometimes in camming, you have to spend to make money. The customers like variety; it’s why I record a new free promo every week. I don’t want my patrons to get bored with me.”
“Who could ever get bored with you?” You blurted without thinking.
You blushed. He blushed.
“Uh… I don’t have any chairs,” He said. “But you can sit on my tail, if you like.”
“Are you sure?” You asked, looking at his tail as it made a hump for you to rest on. “Won’t I hurt you?”
“No, no, not at all,” He said. “Please. I want you to be comfortable.”
“Really, it’s okay, I’ll stand,” You said, unable to even imagine sitting on his beautiful tail. “Now, let’s see. We’ll wash your face first and then we’ll start on your make-up. What about a gold lip? That’ll make your eyes pop.”
“Ooh, that’s a good idea,” He said. “I just bought some new shades recently, and I think there’s a gold in there.”
Applying his makeup for him was a stressful experience. You were eye to eye with him, so close you could feel his breath on your skin. His lips were inches away from your own, and you were having trouble not dwelling on that fact. He was cold-blooded, and therefore generated no heat, but you wondered if he could feel yours at this distance, if he enjoyed it or was made uncomfortable by it.
You did also notice, though, that his tail had wrapped around the two of you twice. He let his arms dangle, but you noticed the muscles twitching a few times and asked yourself if you might be making him self-conscious. After all, you were the only person in his real life who knew about all this.
“Makeup done,” You said. “You look amazing. I wish I could pull off a look this daring.”
“I bet you could,” He said with a smile, looking at you fondly. “Now that I think about it, I’ve never seen you done up before. I’ll have to take you somewhere really nice so that I can see what that looks like.”
Again he blushed, even through the makeup, and pressed his lips together.
You didn’t answer that statement, trying not to read too much into it, and instead looked over at his vast array of cute garments. “How about that gold and blue underbust with the Victorian scrolling pattern? I think it would look good with your makeup.”
“Oh, yes, that’ll work nicely,” He said, grinning. “And that shrug with those gloves. I usually work a little bit of a striptease into these promos.”
You cleared your throat. “You… uh… you’ll have to let me go,” You said, gesturing at his tail.
“Oh!” He jumped and unspooled, so to speak. “Sorry. Have you ever laced a corset before?”
“Yeah, once or twice. I’ve had friends who’ve worn them before. Would you like help?”
“Yes, please,” He said. He lifted his arms to let you reach around him and position the corset, gingerly moving the feathers of his wings out of the way so that you didn’t crush them. “Thank you for this. I’ve never gotten finished so fast before. I should ask you to help all the time.”
“I wouldn’t mind,” You said, pulling the strings taut. “This was fun.”
“I’m glad you think so, too,” He said, looking over his shoulder. “If you don’t have any plans after I’m done filming and editing the video, would you like to come back over and help me take all of it off?”
You looked at him and blushed.
“I didn’t mean that in a dirty way,” He said hurriedly. “It’s just nice having someone who knows and I can talk to about it.”
“I get that,” You said as he pulled on the gloves. “Are you ready to record?”
“Yeah,” He said. “Thanks for helping.”
“Sure,” You told him. “I has happy to. I’ll let you get to it, then.”
He nodded and you saw yourself out.
When you got back to your apartment and sat down at your gaming desk, you sighed heavily, the thoughts of how good Henry looked revolving in your mind. You were both extremely attracted to him and a bit jealous that he looked better than you in all that stuff. It actually made you laugh a little bit.
“Welcome back,” You heard Henry say, and you looked down at the headset laying on your desk.
Oh jeez, he left his headset plugged in again. God you loved him, but he was such an idiot sometimes.
“I’m glad you could join me. I’m hoping your having a lovely day.” You heard the soft shhff of him taking off one of the gloves. “I always love seeing your face. I love the way your hands move. I love the smell of your shampoo when it mixes with your perfume. I love that soft little smile that you get when you arrange flowers across the shop from me.”
…what? What did he just say?
“I hope you’re listening. I’ve tried so hard to say this to you when we’re face to face, but I can never seem to find the words. This way, I can say what I want. This way, if you don’t hear me, then I haven’t risked our friendship, and if you do hear and don’t feel the same, you can ignore it, and nothing has to change. But… if you do feel the same… come back. Please. This show is for you and no one else. I’ll be waiting for you.” You heard the headset being pulled off and laid down on the desk.
You stood up and did the same. He couldn’t mean you, could he? There was no way. Stunned, you walked back toward your front door and opened it, looking across the hall at Henry’s door.
It was cracked open.
With your heart in your throat and breathing like you just ran a mile, you pushed it open and walked slowly toward his office, only to find it empty. The headset was laying on the desk and the camera was off. Looking down the hallway, you saw the light in his bedroom was on and the door was also cracked. Swallowing hard, you walked down to his room and opened the door.
He was laying there, curled up around himself, laying with his head on his arms, looking a little forlorn.
“Henry?” You asked.
He popped up immediately, his eyes widening. “You came.” He whispered. “You actually came!” Before you could respond, he rushed up and snatched you off the ground, hugging you tight. “Does this mean you want me, too? The way I want you, I mean.”
“I… yes,” You said. “I just didn’t want you to think it was because of… well… all this.”
“I don’t care about that, I’m just so happy,” He said, kissing your cheek. “I’ve been in love with you forever, even before we met in person. I was just scared that if you found out about my second job, you’d be disgusted. Knowing you don’t mind it gave me the courage to try and confess.”
“I’m glad you did,” You replied, hugging him tightly around the neck. “I’d never have been able to do it.”
He pulled back and looked at you. “Can I kiss you, please?”
You laughed at the absurdity, but you appreciated that he asked first. He was thoughtful like that. You nodded, and he didn’t waste time, pressing his lips to yours hard enough that you could feel the fangs behind them.
His kisses became hungry, and he gripped your clothes. “I… um… don’t want to assume,” He said breathlessly between kisses. “But… um…” He looked over at his bed-nest, and regarded you with a questioning look.
“It’s okay,” You replied. “I’ve wanted this for a long time, too.”
He snaked over to the nest and lay you down in it, unbuttoning your shirt.
“Should I take off the corset for you?” You asked him.
“I can leave it on, if you like,” he said seductively, kissing your neck and leaving a trail of sparkling gold lipstick on your skin.
“Would that be uncomfortable?” You asked.
“Not at all,” He replied, his kisses moving lower. “I want to look good for you.”
“I’m not a client, Henry,” You said. “You don’t have to work so hard to impress me. I’m already in love with you.”
“That’s good to hear,” He said, his lips against your breast. “But it’s not about wanting to impress you and I don’t see you as a client. I see you as the woman I want to be with. I should put more effort into my time with you than anyone else. I want you to know you’re special to me.”
“You’ve done more than enough to make me feel special,” You said. “I want to return the favor.”
Your hand went into his hair as his tongue swirled around your nipple, and the lower half of his tail moved up around your head. When you turned to look at it, you saw a swollen, puckering slit, normally hidden underneath him as he moved, that he now revealed to you. You pressed your finger along the line, and he moaned against your skin. One of his hands reached down into your pants, into your underwear, and touched you.
You gasped softly at his fingers tickling your slit, you doubled your efforts on his own, moving your head so that your tongue could reach it and licking a slow stripe upward. A strangled, broken grunt came from him.
He continued to undress you slowly and kiss your body, touching you and teasing. You writhed underneath him while sucking at the slit on his body, watching as a bright golden organ slowly peaked its way out, followed by another. You were startled at first, but it was fascinating to watch. You took one in your hand and sucked on the tip of the other, reveling in the sounds that he made.
His lips finally came back up to meet yours, the need in his body evident as he lined one of his cocks up to you, the other resting against your clit. He rose up to look at you.
“Still okay?”
You nodded. “It’s okay.”
He began to push himself inside you, kissing your forehead and cheek as he did so. You gripped his shoulders and held on as he fully seated himself, his second member resting between you. The slit was farther down on his tail, about halfway down, so the position was a little awkward at first, but the two of you pulled each other close and found a rhythm that suited you.
He lifted you up easily, his tail between your legs, undulating into and out of you, and all you could do was hang on for the ride. You moaned, held securely in his arms, his wings flaring out behind him, the light of his bedroom lamp filtering through the feathers like sunlight through clouds.
“I’m so close,” He gasped, picking you up as a flood gushed from the cock you had been riding, splashing against your leg and his tail, before he moved you onto the second one and kept going.
“That’s handy,” You said, also gasping.
“When this one is done, the other one will be ready again,” He said as you bounced on him.
“Oh, god,” You wheezed. “What have I gotten myself into?”
He laughed breathlessly and kissed you again, hitting harder and faster. You felt your own wave coming fast and you began to moan and whimper, not able to control the sounds you made.
Finally, you came, and the rush of ecstasy filled your mind. You lay your head on his shoulder as you dangled in his grasp bonelessly, his tail still moving inside you slowly.
After giving you a moment to recover, he sped up again, and you came again. It might have been hours before the two of you found a stopping point, or more precisely, and exhaustion point. He lay you down in the nest, corset and makeup still on, and the two of you slept in a sweaty pile.
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The next morning, he woke up with the makeup smeared across his face and a serious case of bed-head. You laughed.
“What’s funny?” He asked sleepily, smiling at you from the coil of his tail.
“I think I should have taken you up on the offer to help you dress down,” You said. “Let’s get that taken care of.”
You helped him out of his corset and the two of you stepped into the bathroom, three-fourths of which was just the shower. Stepping into the shower, you soaped him down and washed his long body, and he did the same for you. The two of you couldn’t help kissing and giggling and cuddling the whole time.
He ordered in breakfast as you dashed across the hall to fetch some clothes. When you got back, you said, “You didn’t get to record your promo.”
“I can do it tonight,” He said. “Will you help me with it?”
“Of course,” You said. “I’ll be your manager or assistant or whatever you’d like to call me.”
“I’d like to call you my girlfriend, actually,” He said with a smile.
“I like the sound of that,” You replied, hugging him around the waist. “Partners in all things.”
“I like that, too. Speaking of which, I think I might be able to open that second location sooner than I thought.”
“Why’s that?”
“Well, if you live with me in my apartment, we can rent out your apartment, and the extra income will help. Two birds, one stone.”
You smiled. “Sounds good to me. As long as I’m with you.”
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My Masterlist
The Exophilia Creator’s Masterlist
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starlingsrps · 5 years
lily bowen.
FULL NAME: lily morgan bowen REASONING: not really - her mother's name was violet but it was unintentional to also name her after a flower NICKNAME(S): lil PREFERRED NAME(S): lily BIRTH DATE: december 19 AGE: thirty four ZODIAC: sagittarius GENDER: cis female PRONOUNS: she/her ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: heterosexual SEXUAL ORIENTATION: heterosexual NATIONALITY: american ETHNICITY: american CURRENT LOCATION: holly point, ga LIVING CONDITIONS: i'm feeling a very cute house
BACKGROUND BIRTH PLACE: milwaukee, wi HOMETOWN: mequon, wi SOCIAL CLASS: middle EDUCATION LEVEL: b.s., biology, georgetown; m.d., emory university: residency at emory FATHER: charles bowen, 65, pediatrician MOTHER: violet (morgan) bowen, deceased SIBLING(S): n/a BIRTH ORDER: only CHILDREN: — PET(S): charlie, murder suspect/dog OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIVES: noah's family; anne bowen, 37, stepmother/step siblings: robbie, 16; eric, 14; sarah, 10 PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS: whatever there is in in the distance fuzz of Before Noah CURRENT RELATIONSHIP: noah cordell, since forever (i.e. ten years) ARRESTS?: oh no
OCCUPATION & INCOME PRIMARY SOURCE OF INCOME: gynecologist, holly point women's center SECONDARY SOURCE OF INCOME: rabblerouser CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THERE OF)?: it's all she's ever wanted and worked for. her mother died of ovarian cancer when she was sixteen and while lily was always going to be a doctor, that was what pivoted her to women's health. she's never wanted anything but this and now that residency is over? PERFECT. PAST JOB(S): intern, medical courier SPENDING HABITS: thrifty MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION: charlie?
SKILLS & ABILITIES PHYSICAL STRENGTH: B- SPEED: B INTELLIGENCE: A+++ ACCURACY: A+ - nimble AGILITY: A+ - see above. STAMINA: A - she's used to goddamn thirty hour shifts as a resident she's good for a long time TEAMWORK: good! TALENTS: she's bright, bubbly, and cares So Much SHORTCOMINGS: when lily ices you out, you're riding mammoths it's the ice age. LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: english, healthcare spanish DRIVE?: yep JUMP-STAR A CAR?: nah CHANGE A FLAT TIRE?: [points up] RIDE A BICYCLE?: yep SWIM?: yep PLAY AN INSTRUMENT?: nope PLAY CHESS?: yep BRAID HAIR?: yep TIE A TIE?: nope PICK A LOCK?: nope
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE & CHARACTERISTICS FACE CLAIM: stephanie styles EYE COLOR: hazel HAIR COLOR: blonde HAIR TYPE/STYLE: long, usually in a braid or top knot GLASSES/CONTACTS?: contacts, glasses after twelve hours just because her eyeballs itch DOMINANT HAND: right HEIGHT: 5'2 BUILD: petite EXERCISE HABITS: not bad but anything more than three days a week and she starts to get upset SKIN TONE: fair TATTOOS: nah PIERCINGS: ears MARKS/SCARS: freckles, appendectomy scar NOTABLE FEATURES: nice hair, adorable USUAL EXPRESSION: listening, pleasant CLOTHING STYLE: scrubs? nah, cute dress and fun shoes off duty. jeans sometimes but dresses are easier to hem for the short so she likes dresses. JEWELRY: sometimes yes, sometimes no; her mother's wedding band around her neck usually ALLERGIES: seasonal DIET: getting p into meal prep and cooking now that she is free PHYSICAL AILMENTS: she's got shit circulation and is cold Always
PSYCHOLOGY MORAL ALIGNMENT: lawful good TEMPERAMENT: melancholic ELEMENT: earth MBTI TYPE: ESFJ MENTAL CONDITIONS/DISORDERS: some anxiety and such but nothing major SOCIABILITY: bubbly! she loves talking to people and she'll have your life story in no time at all. EMOTIONAL STABILITY: steady PHOBIA(S): death, snakes ADDICTION(S): nah DRUG USE: nah. ALCOHOL USE: sure. PRONE TO VIOLENCE?: nope.
MANNERISMS SPEECH STYLE: pretty perky, man ACCENT: slight twang/drawl hybrid from being southern-ish QUIRKS: she’s very tidy and particular about where things are HOBBIES: movies, walks with charlie, cooking - she hasn't had a lot of free time in recent years so she's Learning. HABITS: meal prepping NERVOUS TICKS: touching her hair DRIVES/MOTIVATIONS: oh boy. good life is best. POSITIVE TRAITS: kind, capable, compassionate, enthusiastic, determined, steady NEGATIVE TRAITS: arrogant, willful, picky, melodramtic SENSE OF HUMOR: good! DO THEY CURSE OFTEN?: not especially
FAVORITES ACTIVITY: being with noah but also working. she genuinely loves her job. ANIMAL: dogs BEVERAGE: water BOOK: make trouble by cecile richards COLOR: pink FOOD: pad thai FLOWER: roses GEM: pearl HOLIDAY: summer vacation MODE OF TRANSPORTATION: drive MOVIE: you've got mail SONG: "lover" by taylor swift SCENERY: the ocean SCENT: noah smells p good SPORT: she'll get hella into whatever sport she's actually seeing live but sports on tv? naptime. SPORTS TEAM: nah TELEVISION SHOW: parks and recreation WEATHER: spring is good VACATION DESTINATION: wherever's good!
ATTITUDES GREATEST DREAM: just keep doing what she's doing on a higher and higher level GREATEST FEAR: giving bad news MOST AT EASE WHEN: burrowed against noah on the couch, half asleep. LEAST AT EASE WHEN: people are talking down to her, be it literally or figuratively. BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: suriving residency BIGGEST REGRET: she hasn't really had much of a relationship with her father since he married his second wife and started a family with her and there are times when she does regret that but kind of figures what's done is done. TOP PRIORITIES: noah, friends, work.
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mikesavagenewcanaan · 2 years
Mike Savage New Canaan | That Sixty Something in the Muscle Car
It took a whole lot of skill to drive the cars of yesteryear.
If you are sixty today, you've probably been driving for about forty five years. You probably began your driving career with cars built in the early sixties, maybe even the Fifties or Forties.
Cars were slightly different then.
We didn't have Radial Tires. If we were really lucky, we had tubeless bias-ply tires. Yet older tires had rubber tubes in them to hold in the air. Those old rubber shoes didn't have quite the grip that today's tires do. They didn't steer very well. They got a lot of flats. They blew out just every so often.
Power steering? We didn't start to really see that exciting option until around the middle sixties - and even then it was an expensive option. Oh, and of course the steering was still usually "recirculating ball." Rack and pinion? Practically unheard of.
Yeah, we did have vacuum assisted windshield wipers (when they worked) but McPhearson Struts? More of a Seventies type of thing. You were happy if your early suspension system kept you upright while you were standing still - much less at fifty miles an hour!
You could get loose (skid sideways) in half a heartbeat and if you did, the slightest wrong twitch on the steering wheel would put you upside down hanging from your seatbelt. Oops, almost forgot. Didn't have them either. Well, actually some cars did. Simple lap belts were an option. Airbags? What a concept!
Speaking of transmissions (were we?) - most cars were standard shift. Automatics were starting to happen then but they too, were expensive options. Most cars came with a third pedal -- which needed to be pushed, in order to shift gears with something called a gear shift. You needed at least a basic understanding of how a transmission works, to even pass your drivers test. Today we have countless drivers who have never even seen a clutch pedal. They get in the car, put it in Drive - and off it goes.
But horsepower? We had gobs of it. Not too much in the early fifties but by the time the sixties had rolled around, Detroit had discovered that "bigger was better" and "faster was funner". "Big-blocks" with a couple of four barrel Hollies (remember carburetors?) were definitely cool. We had plenty of horsepower if we wanted it - and often even if we didn't. She was fine, that "409".
Mike Savage New Canaan
Gas Mileage? Not a problem either, with gas at 5 cents a gallon or so. Pushing the pedal on the old muscle cars could really siphon gas out of the tank but you pulled up to the pump with a five dollar bill and got change back. (Oh, and the attendant washed your windows while the tank was filling).
Now even back then, we had slow drivers and fast drivers, but the operative word - was "drivers." Those old buggies were very unforgiving and if you didn't know how to drive them you could easily find yourself in a ditch on the side of the road.
If you were running four hundred horsepower in one of those old lovelies, you really had to know how to drive. That ditch took on a whole different meaning if you hit it at a hundred or so!
Knowing how to downshift for control, steer into a skid, pump the air out of your brake lines, or control the car during a tire blow out weren't optional driving skills. They were mandatory. There was no electronic traction control to do it for you.
If you were a slow driver, you still needed to know how to shift - just to get the car up to forty or so. If you were a "go fast" type, you really had to understand that clutch pedal, gear shift relationship thing. Missing a shift at 6,000 RPM was - well? Let's just say embarrassing!
The "go fast" in the muscle car also cared about little things like knowing how to load up his nervous suspension system, or perhaps keeping those not so sticky tires somewhere in the general vicinity of the road. Going "kinda' airborne" wasn't all that uncommon, what with old shock absorbers and leaf springs doing ninety five or better. If you hit a bump in the road you sort of wanted to know how to bring it in for a safe landing.
When you see that Senior on the Service road, you might want to pause for a moment and think about what she learned to "drive" on.
When you see that Sixty-something moseying along in that muscle car? He still appreciates performance, perhaps even more when it's "power under control". Might not want to under estimate the ole' hot-rodder though. He probably has instinctive driving skills -- you never even dreamed of.
0 notes
savagenewcanaan · 2 years
Savage New Canaan | That Sixty Something in the Muscle Car
It took a whole lot of skill to drive the cars of yesteryear.
If you are sixty today, you've probably been driving for about forty five years. You probably began your driving career with cars built in the early sixties, maybe even the Fifties or Forties.
Cars were slightly different then.
We didn't have Radial Tires. If we were really lucky, we had tubeless bias-ply tires. Yet older tires had rubber tubes in them to hold in the air. Those old rubber shoes didn't have quite the grip that today's tires do. They didn't steer very well. They got a lot of flats. They blew out just every so often.
Power steering? We didn't start to really see that exciting option until around the middle sixties - and even then it was an expensive option. Oh, and of course the steering was still usually "recirculating ball." Rack and pinion? Practically unheard of.
Savage New Canaan
Yeah, we did have vacuum assisted windshield wipers (when they worked) but McPhearson Struts? More of a Seventies type of thing. You were happy if your early suspension system kept you upright while you were standing still - much less at fifty miles an hour!
You could get loose (skid sideways) in half a heartbeat and if you did, the slightest wrong twitch on the steering wheel would put you upside down hanging from your seatbelt. Oops, almost forgot. Didn't have them either. Well, actually some cars did. Simple lap belts were an option. Airbags? What a concept!
Speaking of transmissions (were we?) - most cars were standard shift. Automatics were starting to happen then but they too, were expensive options. Most cars came with a third pedal -- which needed to be pushed, in order to shift gears with something called a gear shift. You needed at least a basic understanding of how a transmission works, to even pass your drivers test. Today we have countless drivers who have never even seen a clutch pedal. They get in the car, put it in Drive - and off it goes.
But horsepower? We had gobs of it. Not too much in the early fifties but by the time the sixties had rolled around, Detroit had discovered that "bigger was better" and "faster was funner". "Big-blocks" with a couple of four barrel Hollies (remember carburetors?) were definitely cool. We had plenty of horsepower if we wanted it - and often even if we didn't. She was fine, that "409".
Michael Savage New Canaan
Gas Mileage? Not a problem either, with gas at 5 cents a gallon or so. Pushing the pedal on the old muscle cars could really siphon gas out of the tank but you pulled up to the pump with a five dollar bill and got change back. (Oh, and the attendant washed your windows while the tank was filling).
Now even back then, we had slow drivers and fast drivers, but the operative word - was "drivers." Those old buggies were very unforgiving and if you didn't know how to drive them you could easily find yourself in a ditch on the side of the road.
If you were running four hundred horsepower in one of those old lovelies, you really had to know how to drive. That ditch took on a whole different meaning if you hit it at a hundred or so!
Knowing how to downshift for control, steer into a skid, pump the air out of your brake lines, or control the car during a tire blow out weren't optional driving skills. They were mandatory. There was no electronic traction control to do it for you.
If you were a slow driver, you still needed to know how to shift - just to get the car up to forty or so. If you were a "go fast" type, you really had to understand that clutch pedal, gear shift relationship thing. Missing a shift at 6,000 RPM was - well? Let's just say embarrassing!
The "go fast" in the muscle car also cared about little things like knowing how to load up his nervous suspension system, or perhaps keeping those not so sticky tires somewhere in the general vicinity of the road. Going "kinda' airborne" wasn't all that uncommon, what with old shock absorbers and leaf springs doing ninety five or better. If you hit a bump in the road you sort of wanted to know how to bring it in for a safe landing.
When you see that Senior on the Service road, you might want to pause for a moment and think about what she learned to "drive" on.
When you see that Sixty-something moseying along in that muscle car? He still appreciates performance, perhaps even more when it's "power under control". Might not want to under estimate the ole' hot-rodder though. He probably has instinctive driving skills -- you never even dreamed of.
0 notes
halleywars · 7 years
from element ball, this portion written by johnny Mccombs
On a vacation with Bugsby and Chris. Some awkward silence from Bugsby on this trip; he looks pale and virgin, brooding in his chicken neck. I could swear somebody’s skin is farting, maybe Chris, but probably Bugsby. God. Just looking at this guy that I pretend to be friends with singes my nose hairs. Bugsby is a skinny guy; large Adam’s Apple, small neck crooked forward beyond his body, bulging eyeballs, recessed chin, and lips which would’ve been better placed on a preteen girl. Looking at him, you could swear his skin is crawling perpetually. An insect mind. Oddly, many people ask him about Buddhism, total strangers, out of the blue. What a sight.
Chris in the back seat however, quite a gent. That might be why he asked this kid to come along with us for spring break. What a threesome. That’s Chris’s Christianity for you; thats what being a Good Samaritan gets you – a ride with a complete fucking freak. Nobody talks to this kid. Nobody likes him, and that’s just Darwin talking, man. Oh, enough bullshit – Chris is handsome. Lets just say he… breaks some of the Christian traditions. He goes down south from time to time. Oh my God, Bugsby is humming to himself over there. He’s swaying too. No wonder this kid gets bullied. You’d think Chris would break all the rest of his religious rules too, but unfortunately he truly has a heart. My hearts been blackened from these bastards years ago. Pall Mall. Cigarette gets pulled from the box. Lighter emits flame. For fucks sake, people! Time to break the silence, AGAIN!
“Cigarette, anyone?”
Bugsby clears his throat. “No thank you. You should quit that habit. Cigarettes are bad for you.” What I should do is kick your ass, little prick!
“Hey, I’ll have one, man.”
“Hey, cool! It’s Pall Mall.”
A look of satisfaction on Chris’s face after exhaling smoke. Well, that got rid of Busby’s unclean, foul odor. Grow some balls, kid. Oh shit, we must be in Nebraska. Welcome to Nebraska. What a cunt state. Who the fuck lives here? Hahaha. I bet Bugsby commutes to school from here. Wouldn’t be surprised if his alien ass is spying on me and Chris. We’re gonna get probed, man! Ooooh! Hahaha!
“These Pall Malls, man.” Chris shakes his head to the left and right, repeatedly. “Quite a cigarette.”
“They’re the only cigarette. Pall Malls are the shit, man.” Bugsby holds his hands up to his ears. “Oh, my bad, man. Forgot.”
“I forgive you.” Cunt! Cunt! Your mom’s not here anymore! She’s not fucking here anymore! Get a grip, you square whore! What, you want me to change the CD? Would fucking Buddy Holly suit your interests? It’s raining blood in my fucking heart! I wanna kick this kid’s ass so bad – God man, I need to chill out. Maybe if I just chill this trip would be a lot better. Right now its total ass. There I go again: Christ. I can barely even drive right now, because I feel so reluctant to go where we’re going. Shit. Alright, fuck chilling. I’m pissed, I have a right to be pissed, and I have a right to kick this prick out of my car if I have to.
Thomas Becker clears his throat. “Anybody getting tired of Bad Brains? I’ve also got some heavy metal, too. Bugs, you like metal?” Yeah, just shake your bloated head left and right. No need to verbalize. God, this is bad. Actually, it’s funny. Yeah, I guess I could see it that way. I guess I could if I TRIED REALLY FUCKING HARD! FUCK.
“Ashtray, Thomas?”
“Just litter, dude. It’s just Nebraska.” Thomas sneers, seemingly proud of his mock.
“Alright, I guess. Grass looks dry, is all. Wouldn’t want to –“
“Burn this sh – crap-hole down? Ask me if I care.” Bugsby holds his hands up to his ears.
“Well, there are a few lives in this state. Very few, that is.”
“No, ask me.”
“Actually ask me if I care.”
“Nah.” Chris and Thomas began to laugh. That was dumb, but it was better than silence, I guess. Shit fuck, empty tank of gas almost. I hope there’s a gas station in this shit hole. Oh, there’s one.
“I’m gonna stop at this gas station, we’re running low on gas.”
Bugsby decided to comment. “We are, are we?”
What the fuck. What the shit fuck. “Yeah, man. Okay, guys. Here’s a chance to stretch.”
Remember to wipe your fucking ass this time, kid! Shit, Bugsby is taking long enough. Fucking fuck. It’s one in the fucking morning, we’re not even past Nebraska, and this scrawny ass prick is holding us up with shitting all the worms he’s got holed up inside him. God, I don’t know why it never occurred to me to bully this kid. I’m truly too nice. I should be meaner. Teach these weak-asses their place. This world is for the strong. I am large and he is SMALL. I’ve got brains and he’s got none! I’ve got a big dick! I’ve got women! Getting rich wouldn’t even help this kid! I don’t even think he masturbates! Probably one of those celibate freaks! Click noise sounds. Well then, back to our little adventure. Oh, that’s right. We’re waiting on that freak.
Here he comes. About fucking time. Hahaha! He’s walking crooked! Probably waited a week before going to the bathroom, huh kid? Couldn’t let that video game wait on pause. Ignore the normal person’s bowel regimen. You’ve got a fucking video game to attend to. Shit, I’d desire alternate reality too. Wait, what?
Bugsby points at the nearby graveyard. “Oh, you wanna go there? What are you trying to say?”
“Dude. What’s over there to see?”
“Stones. Many stones. It’s metal, correct?”
“Dude. Maybe if there were zombies. It’s just stones. Lets get a move on.” Busby shakes his head left and right, quickly. “God. What happened in the bathroom?!” Chris and Thomas laughed heartily.
“I can make it worth your efforts.”
“Now you’re talking. How much, bro?”
“Five-hundred dollars.”
“I wanna see it. Up front.” Bugsby pulls the cash out from his side pocket. The other boys look astonished. Where the fuck did he find that? His mom sell pills or something? “Well, hell – alright! Let’s go.” Bugsby held the cash out. When Thomas grabbed it, Bugsby tightened his grip. Thomas let out a sigh, obviously annoyed. Then, Thomas tries again. Now the money is in his hands. What the hell is wrong with this kid? Fucking psycho.
“I’d rather visit the graveyard in the car, if you don’t mind.”
“Sure, any way you want. You paid, after all.” Chris and Thomas shrug at each other. Bugsby is heaving! I don’t think Chris saw that. My god, any minute now and he’ll transform! His neck is about to bulge! Frog!
What the hell, this is breaking the law. This is a sidewalk, not a fucking road! And it’s dark, and Bugsby is not even looking around. I’m starting to think he forgot his medication. Wait. Up ahead – what is that? My vision’s murky. What? That’s a man. He’s crouched down, facing us. Looks like a bull about to charge. He’s running towards us! No! Alien! Fine, wanna play games? We can play games. Full speed, buddy. Let’s see how you like… this! An alien gets struck by the car, but quickly gets back up and charges again at the same car. What the hell! He’s back! Fucking fu –.
Bugsby grabs a shovel. He looks towards the alien, now retreating back into the woods from whence he came. Bugsby decides to speak.
“Nofasu mukuloora. Jjaab!”
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sparkynekolinz13 · 7 years
Anime I’ve Watched
Okay, here’s this massive post!
My roomie/best friend, Amanda, has gotten me into watching new anime as it comes out every season. We’ve been doing this since college, either 8 or 9 years ago, and it’s accumulated in a crapton of shows that we’ve watched. Obviously I’ve liked some more than others, and I can’t remember every single show I’ve watched, and with so many to list, it’s hard to think of shows I’ve seen when people ask me.
So I’m going to use this as a way to track all the shows I’ve watched!
I’m going to list shows that I’ve seen more than just a few episodes of. There are a ton of shows I’ve started watching, but then quit. Those aren’t going to count here.
Also, I’m going to use the titles I’m used to, so there will likely be a lot of Japanese titles of shows that I’ve noticed are more popular with the English title. I honestly don’t know the English title of some of them. XD;; It’s just how I’ve watched them. I will add akas where there is more than one version of the title.
I’ve watched all of these in Japanese, unless I specify that I watched it in English. The first few shows I watched in my life were in English, and so I tend to only watch those in English even now, but now I’m a Japanese snob and refuse to watch dubs. XD
07 Ghost
91 Days
Ace Attorney (aka Gyakuten Saiban)
Ace of Diamond (aka Diamond no Ace)
Active Raid
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (aka Snow White with the Red Hair)
Akatsuki no Yona (aka Yona of the Dawn)
Aldnoah.Zero (though don’t ask me about it; I hate it; I call it “That Show”)
All Out!!
Amaama to Inazuma (aka Sweetness & Lightning)
Antique Bakery
Ao Haru Ride (aka Blue Spring Ride)
Aoharu x Kikanjuu (aka Aoharu x Machinegun)
Arcana Famiglia (aka La storia della Arcana Famiglia)
Area no Kishi (aka The Knight in the Area)
Argevollen (aka Shirogane no Ishi Argevollen)
Arslan Senki (aka The Heroic Legend of Arslan)
Atom The Beginning
Baby Steps
Bakumatsu Rock
Big Windup! (aka Ookiku Furikabutte, or Oofuri)
Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu Love! (aka Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE!)
Black Cat (in English)
Blood Lad
Boku no Hero Academia (aka My Hero Academia, or HeroAca)
Bonjour Koiaji Patisserie (aka BONJOUR Sweet Love Patisserie)
Boruto (the movie; I’ve only seen a bit of the anime)
Brave 10
Brothers Conflict
Buddy Complex
Bungo Stray Dogs
Captain Earth
Cardcaptor Sakura (in English, as Cardcaptors)
Cardfight!! Vanguard (not all of it, but enough of it to list it)
Case Closed (but only the episodes Funimation aired on their channel, in English)
Cheer Danshi!! (aka Cheer Boys!!)
Chiruran Nibun no Ichi (aka Chiruran 1/2)
Classroom Crisis
(La) Corda d’Oro Blue Sky
Cuticle Detective Inaba
Dagashi Kashi
Damekko Doubutsu
Dance with Devils
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou (aka Daily Lives of High School Boys)
Dantalian no Shoka (aka The Mystic Archives of Dantalian)
Darker than Black
Death Note
Death Parade
Devil Survivor 2 The animation
Digimon (seasons 1 and 2, and part of 4, in English)
Dimension W
Divine Gate
Dragon Ball Z (parts of it, in English)
Dream Festival!
Durarara!! (only the first season)
Earl and Fairy
Endride (about half?)
Fairy Tail (only like the first season or two, I think)
Fate/Apocrypha (still in progress, but I’m not planning on quitting atm)
Fate/stay night
Fate/Zero (I didn’t finish it, but I watched the majority of it)
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (movie)
Fireball Charming
Flying Witch
Fruits Basket (in English)
Fudanshi Koukou Seikatsu (aka The Highschool Life of a Fudanshi)
Fukigen na Mononokean (aka The Morose Mononokean)
Fune wo Amu (aka The Great Passage)
Galilei Donna
Gallery Fake (didn’t finish it, but watched about half or more)
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun (aka Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun)
Getbackers (haven’t finished it, but I want to)
Gifuu Doudou!! Kanetsugu to Keiji
Granblue Fantasy the Animation
Grave of the Fireflies (movie, in English; had to watch it for a class...never again)
Grimoire of Zero (aka Zero Kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho)
Gugure! Kokkuri-san
Gundam Build Fighters
Gundam Build Fighters Try (counting this as separate since it’s a different generation)
Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East
Hakuouki (aka Hakuoki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom)
Hanasakeru Seishounen (only about half)
HaruChika: Haruta to Chika wa Seishun Suru (aka Haruchika - Haruta & Chika)
Hataraku Maou-sama! (aka The Devil is a Part-Timer!)
Heat Guy J
Hetalia Axis Powers (not all of it)
Hibike! Euphonium (aka Sound! Euphonium)
Hikaru no Go (haven’t finished it, but I’d like to)
Hotarubi no Morie e (movie)
Howl’s Moving Castle (movie, in English)
Houzuki no Reitetsu (aka Hozuki’s Coolheadedness)
Hunter x Hunter (2011; not all of it, but a good portion)
Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha (aka Inari Kon Kon)
Inuyasha (in English; not all of it yet)
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure (aka JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken)
Joker Game
Kaichou wa Maid-sama! (aka Maid Sama!)
Kami-sama no Memo-chou (aka Heaven’s Memo Pad)
Kamigami no Asobi
Kamisama Hajimemashita (aka Kamisama Kiss)
Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi (aka Kami-Nai aka Sunday Without God)
Katekyo Hitman Reborn! (not all of it, but a good portion)
Katsugeki! Touken Ranbu
Kekkai Sensen (aka Blood Blockade Battlefront)
Kenka Banchou Otome: Girl Beats Boys
Kimi to Boku (aka You and Me.)
Konbini Kareshi (aka Convenience Store Boy Friends)
Kuroko no Basuke (aka Kuroko’s Basketball aka The basketball which Kuroko plays....that version of the title always cracks me up)
Kuroshitsuji (aka Black Butler; not all of it)
Kyoukai no Kanata (aka Beyond the Boundary)
Kyoukai no Rinne (aka RIN-NE; about a season and a half)
(The) Legend of the Legendary Heroes
Library War (aka Toshokan Sensou)
Log Horizon
Magic Kaito: 1412
Magic-kyun! Renaissance
Mahou Sensou (aka Magical Warfare)
Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro (aka Neuro - Supernatural Detective)
Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist (aka just Devils and Realist)
Makura no Danshi
Marginal#4 Kiss Kara Tsukuru Big Bang (aka MARGINAL #4 the Animation)
Medaka Box
Miracle Train - Ooedo-sen e Yookoso
Mobile Suit Gundam
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam
Moribito - Guardian of the Spirit
Nana Maru San Batsu (aka Fastest Finger First)
Naruto Shippuuden (not all of it; got tired of all the fillers and stopped watching)
Natsume Yuujin-Chou (aka Natsume’s Book of Friends)
Nijiiro Days (aka Rainbow Days)
No. 6
Nobunaga no Shinobi (aka Ninja Girl & Samurai Master)
Nobunagun (only saw about half; want to finish it someday)
Norn9 - Norn + Nonette
Nurarihyon no Mago (aka Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan)
One Punch Man
Ore Monogatari!! (aka My Love Story!!)
Orenchi no Furo Jijou
Ooshitsu Kyoushi Heine (aka The Royal Tutor)
Otome Youkai Zakuro (aka just Zakuro)
Ouran High School Host Club
Pandora Hearts (I can’t remember if I’ve seen the entire anime, or just a good portion of it)
Peacemaker Kurogane (I haven’t finished it yet...)
Peach Girl (in English)
Persona 4: The Animation
Phantasy Star Online 2: The Animation
Phi-Brain - Kami no Puzzle (aka Phi-Brain - Puzzle of God)
Pokémon (in English; only like the first two or three seasons, and the first...4? movies)
Prince of Stride: Alternative
(The) Prince of Tennis (aka Tennis no Ouji-sama; almost all of it)
Princess Mononoke (aka Mononoke Hime; movie)
Psycho-Pass (not the second season)
Rokka no Yuusha (aka Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers)
Saiki Kusuo no Psi Nan (aka The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.)
Sailor Moon (in English; a good portion of it, and the 3 movies)
Saint Seiya
Saint Seiya: Legend of Sanctuary (movie)
Saiunkoku Monogatari (The Story of Saiunkoku)
Sakamoto desu ga? (aka Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto)
Scared Rider Xechs (aka Scar-red Rider XechS; didn’t finish it)
Seikai Suru Kado (aka KADO - The Right Answer)
Sekkou Boys
Sengoku Basara (just the first season and the movie)
Servant x Service
Shingeki no Bahamut Genesis (aka Rage of Bahamut: Genesis)
Shingeki no Bahamut VIRGIN SOUL (aka Rage of Bahamut: Virgin Soul)
Shirokuma Café (aka Polar Bear’s Café)
Shoukoku no Altair (aka Altair: A Record of Battles; ongoing, but I’m not planning on dropping it)
Shounen Hollywood - Holly Stage for 49
Shounen Maid
Shonen Onmyouji
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu (and the second season, Descending Stories)
Sket Dance (not all of it, but a good portion)
Skip Beat!
Spirited Away (movie, in English)
STARMYU (aka High School Star Musical)
Starry Sky
Steamboy (movie, in English)
Super GALS! (in English; probably not even half of it, but more than just a few episodes)
Switch (OVA)
Taboo Tattoo (I watched until B.B. died; he was the only reason I watched the show in the first place)
Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge (aka Tanaka-kun is Always Listless)
Tegami Bachi (aka Letter Bee)
Tiger & Bunny (plus both movies)
Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta (aka The Pilot’s Love Song)
Tokyo Ravens
Tonari no Seki-kun
Tono to Issho (but just the original OVA, not the TV series)
Toriko (about half? maybe?)
Touken Ranbu: Hanamaru
Trickster (like...7 episodes or something?)
TsukiPro the Animation (only 3 episodes so far, but I’m definitely planning on watching all of it)
(The) Twelve Kingdoms (maybe about half?)
Uchouten Kazoku (aka The Eccentric Family)
Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari (aka Poco’s Udon World)
Ushio to Tora (aka Ushio & Tora)
Uta no Prince-sama (aka UtaPri)
Utakoi (aka Chouyaku Hyakunin Isshu: Uta Koi)
Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen (aka Utawarerumono: The False Faces; not all of it)
Vatican Miracle Examiner (aka Vatican Kiseki Chousakan)
Watashi ga Motete Dousunda (aka Kiss Him, Not Me)
Weiss Kreuz (aka Knight Hunters)
Welcome to the Ballroom (aka Ballroom e Youkoso)
Working!! (aka Wagnaria!!)
Yakitate!! Japan (maybe like 20-ish episodes?)
Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo (aka Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches)
Youkai Apaato no Yuuga na Nichijou (aka Elegant Yokai Apartment Life; still ongoing, but it’s been about 14-15 episodes now)
Young Black Jack
Yowamushi Pedal
Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files (in English; never finished it, but wanted to)
Yuri!!! on Ice
Zetsuen no Tempest (aka Blast of Tempest)
And that’s all of them! I missed a couple while I was going through, so I might be missing a couple, but...this is theoretically all of the shows I’ve watched! Well, that I’ve watched more than like 5 episodes of. There’s a ton more shows that I’ve only watched like 1-5 episodes of, haha. I don’t need to make a list of that...
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cherryrpg · 5 years
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welcome to riverside, merrick wood.
out of character.
NAME ashley AGE 29 TIMEZONE cst TRIGGERS family death (  #family death cw )* PRONOUNS she/her
in character.
CHARACTER DESIRED merrick wood CHARACTER FACECLAIM kathryn newton ( sophie turner, madelaine petsch ) CHARACTER BIRTHDAY // ZODIAC SIGN september 22, 2002 // virgo EXTRACURRICULARS // HOBBIES cheer squad, softball team ( spring seasons ), school paper POSITION ON CHEER SQUAD flyer 
writing sample.
The only time anyone could really stomach Riverside, Georgia, was when the rest of it was asleep. Or at least, that was when Merrick could, sitting in the passenger seat of her own car while Lulu drove them around, diet coke’s and cigarettes in their hands and music blasting. Or laying in the abandoned trampoline Logan only went on when he was stoned out of his mind, Merrick laughing at the various blue’s of the sky, their fingers interlaced as they whispered about their dreams for the future. Sometimes, it was her and Holly, sneaking out to the back porch just to watch the last embers of the fire pit die out, their parents fast asleep in their bedroom and unaware of what the two of them really got up to.  But Holly would be gone soon, Logan too. They really only had another year, something Merrick was trying to come to terms with. Graduation had come and gone for the class of ‘19, and in another few weeks, the college bound students would disappear. But they already had - they didn’t head to parties with them anymore, didn’t sit in the Jenkin’s living room watching Ethan roll joints anymore, wouldn’t do more than go ‘oh my god, hi!’ when they saw the current cheer squad hit the local Gas ‘N Go for their nightly snack routine that they’d spent all day running off, barely even seemed to acknowledge that just a month ago, they’d all been passing notes in class and busting their asses around the softball field with Merrick.  Everyone left. It was a fact of life, but it sucked every time.  The rain kept them indoors tonight, beating down on the roof of their giant house, Holly’s fingers running through Merrick’s wild hair. “When was the last time you ran a brush through this?”  “Does it matter?”  Two peas in a pod; their house was plastered in images of them, two blondes with crooked smiles and gap teeth from all ages showcasing just how Mayor Wood was a family woman first and foremost. ( She was lucky, Merrick mused sometimes, that the two got along. What would she have done if their differences pried them apart instead? )  “When you leave for college,” Merrick asked, sitting up so she could look her sister in the eye - the same blue shining back at her that reflected in the mirror over her vanity - “do you promise to still love me?”  “What?” Holly’s laugh was loud, the absurdity twisting Merrick’s tongue around from being able to explain herself, but Holly understood - Holly always knew her best, after all. “You’re my number one,” she whispered, tugging Merrick close until she could curl up in her lap, always the baby sister. “I’ll never stop loving you.”  Merrick didn’t know if that was exactly true - they’d seen love disappear right in front of their eyes, after all - but as her sister continued threading her fingers through Merrick’s tangled hair, she let herself think that it could be. That even when Riverside was far behind them, it would still be the two of them - sisters against the world. 
about the character.
connections ;; 
holly wood: ultimate best friend, idol, and sister. merrick pretends that they’re more distant now, but she would put her life on the line for holly without question, and while she knows deep down holly would do the same, with their different lives these days she sometimes questions it. especially where logan is concerned - she knows she technically ‘stole’ him from her sister, but it isn’t her fault holly never made a move. besides, it’s been almost four years now - if she had really wanted him, merrick would have been kicked to the side by now. 
logan norris: while they’ve been dating for years, now, logan and merrick have an ‘open’ relationship - she’s aware of his secret boyfriend, and she has flings of her own. ultimately, it’s not a big deal to either of them, since they always gravitate towards one another as well. merrick’s own sexuality has been fluid most of her life, and she isn’t one to stop logan from experimenting and figuring out where he lays either. at the end of the day, she truly loves logan, and their relationship is one of the few stable things she really has.  lulu jenkins: her BFF - on the squad, off the field and everything in between. they’ve been together since third grade, and when merrick’s feeling her most restless, it’s lulu she can drag along with her on her wild adventures. together, they’ve done stupid things like drive to the coastline just because they wanted to, set off fireworks in the middle of the night on a random tuesday, and given each other their first piercings. they’re so close it’s almost like they’re sisters, and if it wasn’t for holly, merrick would probably say lulu was her long lost sister.  wanted connection: frenemy - someone to love & hate, to be super friendly to when everyone else is around but when it’s just them, the claws come out and the animosity is known.
headcanons ;;
merrick is a writer. she’s always had journals, her first one given to her from holly when holly was unsuccessful at trying to write down her every thought and feeling. nowadays, she tries poetry and short stories, and even kicks around an idea for a novel. if she does leave riverside, it’d be to go to college for writing, but what are the chances she could really become a novelist? 
the wood’s were a former plantation family, and merrick has no falsehoods about where their money came from once upon a time. now, her mother’s the mayor and she has to plaster on pastel colors and curl her hair and be the good girl next door, a role she hates to play but does so when required. it’s part of why she rebels as soon as she’s out of the limelight - the fakeness of it all makes her sick, and she’s tired of pretending everything’s alright in their house. 
while she loves softball in the spring, her athletic passion is cheer. it surprises people, considering her habits and ‘bad attitude’, but there’s something comforting about bleacher runs and tumbling across grassy fields. while she’s a little taller than most fliers, at 5′5″, she can will her body into the air like almost no one else, and when she’s flying in the air with only her friends below to catch her, it’s better than any high she could get from the drugs constantly floating around town. 
when gigi brought up her grimoire and the witchcraft desire, merrick went along with it because it was something to do. personally, she thinks the entire thing is horseshit, but she loves watching some of the other girls get involved in it, and pretends to do so herself. she’s even begun telling everyone she’s been doing rituals on her own, and that certain events - like the recent sacking of a teacher no one liked - was her doing.
anything else.
no banned faceclaims challenge one to be posted soon. pre opening aesthetic // meet merrick wood tag.  pinterest.
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nwbeerguide · 8 years
New Belgium announces the cities for this year's Tour de Fat, including Boise.
Press Release
Ft. Collins, Colo ... New Belgium Brewing’s “Fat Tire presents the Tour de Fat” is back for its 18th season and this year without question will be the biggest and boldest yet. The traveling philanthropic beer, music, and bike festival will kick off a 33-show season May 20th in Asheville, NC and wrap up Oct. 7th in Tempe, AZ.
In addition to greatly expanding the festival’s reach to accommodate more fans, this year’s events will include world-class entertainment by the likes of The Roots, Third Eye Blind, The All-American Rejects, The Naked and Famous, Michael Franti & Spearhead, X-Ambassadors, and many more.
All events will be ticketed (price varies by city) and tickets will be available in advance online at Newbelgium.com/ tour-de-fat or at any of the box offices for Tour de Fat venues. New Belgium has raised more than $4.5 million for partnering non-profits since its inception. This summer Tour de Fat hopes to generate more than $600,000 in support of local causes.
“This is one of the greatest ways we can give back to local communities,” said Brand Manager, Sam Sawyer. “Not only do folks get a great event with top musical acts and plenty of spectacle, local non-profits get a cash injection and the opportunity to share their message. It’s like a win-win-and win-again scenario. This is without a doubt some of the most fun we have all year.”
In addition to musical headliners, a touring ensemble of artists, cirque performers, and general mayhemists will appear alongside local buskers and street performers. New Belgium Brewing will host a battle of the bands in many cities prior to the event to give local bands the chance to represent their hometown scene.
The 2017 Tour de Fat schedule is as follows:
            5/20    Asheville, NC                          Third Eye Blind             5/27    Charlotte, NC                          A Thousand Horses             5/31    Atlanta, GA                             Corey Harper             6/3      Orlando, FL                            Jamestown Revival             6/6      Baltimore, MD                        Hollis Brown             6/6      St. Petersburg, FL                    Corey Harper             6/10    Philadelphia, PA                      Plain White T’s             6/10    St. Louis, MO                          Nick Waterhouse             6/11    New Orleans, LA                    Corey Harper             6/17    Boston, MA                             AWOLNATION             6/17    Dallas, TX                               Jamestown Revival             7/1      Columbus, OH                        Smallpools             7/5      Cleveland, OH                        Rainbow Kitten Surprise             7/8      San Diego, CA                         The Naked and Famous             7/11    Sacramento, CA                      Hollis Brown             7/15    New York, NY                        The Naked and Famous             7/15    Santa Cruz, CA                        Wilderado             7/21    Oakland, CA                           Hollis Brown             7/22    Washington, DC                      Vintage Trouble             7/29    Chicago, IL                              The Roots             7/29    Grand Rapids, MI                    Nick Waterhouse             8/5      Indianapolis, IN                      The Record Company             8/12    Detroit, MI                              Skylar Grey             8/12    Boise, ID                                 Blackberry Smoke             8/12    Kansas City, KS                      Atlas Genius             8/19    Minneapolis, MN                     The Record Company             8/19    San Francisco, CA                   Vintage Trouble             8/23    Madison, WI                            Atlas Genius                            8/25    Boulder, CO                            Wilderado             8/26    Denver, CO                             Capital Cities             8/26    Colorado Springs, CO             Wilderado             9/2      Fort Collins, CO                      The All-American Rejects & X Ambassadors             10/7    Tempe, AZ                              Michael Franti & Spearhead
Ticket sales are first come, first served. Information will be updated online in the weeks leading up to each event.       
About New Belgium Brewing New Belgium Brewing, makers of Fat Tire Belgian Style Ale and a host of Belgian-inspired beers, is recognized as one of Outside Magazine’s Best Places to Work and one of the Wall Street Journal’s Best Small Businesses. The 100% employee-owned brewery is a Platinum-level Bicycle Friendly Business as designated by the League of American Bicyclists, and one of World Blu’s most democratic U.S. businesses, and a Certified B Corp. In addition to Fat Tire, New Belgium brews fourteen year-round beers; Citradelic Tangerine IPA, Citradelic Lime Ale, Voodoo Ranger IPA, Voodoo Ranger Imperial IPA, Voodoo Ranger 8 Hop Pale Ale, Dayblazer Easygoing Ale, Tartastic Lemon Ginger Ale, Sunshine Wheat, 1554 Black Ale, Bohemian Pilsner, Abbey Belgian Ale, Trippel and a gluten-reduced line, Glutiny Pale Ale and Glutiny Golden Ale. Learn more at www.newbelgium.com.
from The Northwest Beer Guide http://bit.ly/2nPVBEl
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Get Expert Tire Repair Service Done at ASE Certified Tire Shop- Moore's Auto Care Center, at 2689 Holly Street, Holly Springs, GA 30115. Call 770-345-1137
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thecardaddy · 4 years
1938 Ford Coupe 5 Window Coupe - $72,995.00
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itsworn · 6 years
2019 Detroit Autorama Painless Performance/STREET RODDER Top 100 Winners
The 67th Annual Meguiar’s Detroit Autorama Presented by O’Reilly Auto Parts was, as always, a fantastic site for the Painless Performance/STREET RODDER Top 100 award program. The quality of cars at this event is as excellent as any show on earth, thanks to the high standards of the show’s most prestigious prize: the Ridler Award.
As the show judges examined the cars in Cobo Center, clipboards in one hand, flashlights in the other, searching for the details that would distinguish one vehicle as this year’s Ridler, we hiked the main floor and basement armed only with our cameras, our impeccable subjective taste, and a pocket full of window stickers to present to ten Top 100 winners. Here they are. Do you agree with our picks?
1931 Ford Model A Coupe David Weinberg Royal Oak, MI Brothers Custom Automotive always brings something great to the Autorama Extreme portion of the event. Bill Jagenow and Autumn Riggle of Brothers said that David wanted “something bad ass.” The result is a chopped and channeled Model A coupe powered by an 8BA Flathead with Harrell heads, Navarro manifold, dual 97 carbs, and Lucky Speed Equipment air cleaners, ignited via a Roto Faze distributor. More details include E&J headlights, vintage brake backing plates, a late ’31 firewall, roll-down rear window, and green stained top wood matching the interior knobs. A ’39 Ford 3-speed toploader, torque tube, and Halibrand quick-change rear continue the traditional drivetrain. A ’36 Ford dash, leather bench, and boat steering wheel add to the interior.
1956 Pontiac Star Chief Frank Howard Venetia, PA The Pontiac was a perfectly restored original car when Frank bought it, red and white and rust-free. Frank had a custom in mind and considered a taildragger, a sled, and some other variations. Working with Tim Kilkeary at Customs By Kilkeary in Eighty Four, Pennsylvania, the owner and builder came up with a version that features many upgrades, but retains much of the original character. Mild body mods include custom headlamps, tucked bumpers, and a slight 7/8-inch chop. Evod wheels add modern flavor. The Roadster Shop equipped the car with a Fast Track chassis. Power comes from a Don Hardy-built LS engine with a Whipple supercharger, all painted with a satin finish to match the convertible top. Inside is a full-leather custom interior.
1936 Ford Roadster George Poteet Collierville, TN Winning the America’s Most Beautiful Roadster award in January made George Poteet’s ’36 roadster, built by Pinkees Rod Shop in Windsor, Colorado, ineligible for Ridler consideration, but not for a Top 100 pick. Eric Perratt and the Pinkees team modified the body from front to back, stretching the wheelbase, chopping the top, and fabricating a new hood, doors, and decklid (for starters). The one-off dash houses custom designed gauges with Classic Instruments workings. Eight-stack EFI feeds the 351 Windsor engine, dressed up with machined air boxes and valve covers. A TKO five-speed and Winters quick-change move power to the rear wheels, created by Mike Curtis. Look for Poteet’s amazing roadster on the cover of STREET RODDER later this year.
1963 Buick Riviera Ray Rezner Estero, FL After finding the bone stock 98 percent rust-free raw material for the top-shelf custom Riviera project he wanted, Ray contacted Justin Nichols at Nichols Paint & Fab in Watseka, Illinois (featured on the television show “Wrench’d”). Justin got busy transforming the Buick from stocker to show stopper. The 1 1/2 –inch chop, front air dam and rear spoiler, and 20- and 22-inch Boze wheels add an aggressive appearance. The rear window was re-angled for a fastback look. The redone interior features a ’58 Thunderbird dash and seats. Leather extends into the engine compartment, covering the Borla air horns, radiator hose, and hood. The LS3 engine is paired with a pushbutton-shifted 4L70 transmission.
1933 Ford Speedster Tim Irwin Coopersville, MI Mike Boerema of Gas Axe Garage impressed us with Tim Irwin’s “Lamont Special” speedster, an authentic ’30s style hot rod. The handbuilt body was extensively punched with louvers and fitted with an early Dodge truck grille. Nick Hardie added the lettering. The suspension is all 1933 Ford on a Model A frame. Vintage-style Firestone tires from Coker are mounted on 21-inch Model A wire wheels, stopped with mechanical brakes. The 1933 21-stud Flathead with a single Holley 94 is backed by a ’33 Ford 3-speed. A pleated leather-covered bench, F-1 steering wheel, and Stewart-Warner gauges fill the cockpit. The speedster was built as “something quick and fun to rip around in.” Tim participates in hill climbs and reliability run and is planning to attend The Race Of Gentlemen.
1956 Ford Fairlane Victoria Tony Confalone Massillon, OH Tony has owned the Victoria since 1966, and Willard Adkins restored it more than 30 years ago. For the recent rebuild, Tony took it to Willard’s son, Wes Adkins at Wild Wes Paintworks & Hot Rod Factory. This time, the build included a custom frame with a rear 4-link and Ford 9-inch plus Detroit Speed X-Gen 535 frontend. Fat Mickey Tompson tires wrap around 18-inch Schott wheels. Dual TorqStorm superchargers with Holley Sniper EFI are added to the Ford Y-block, with custom valve covers and a fabricated oil bath style air cleaner to provide some old-school style. The interior is filled with custom Thunderbird-style seats, upholstered by Jeff Elwood. The ’56 Ford made an appearance at the 2018 SEMA Show prior to its trip to Detroit.
1932 Ford Phaeton Roy & Donna Richardson New Castle, DE Brookville produced 32 two-door phaeton bodies, designed by Chip Foose. Gary Corkell of One Off Rod & Custom built number 3. After receiving a top chop, re-arched rear fenders, custom running boards, ’37 Cadillac headlights, and other exterior mods, the Hot Fudge and Easy Green body was dropped onto a Johnson’s Hot Rod Shop radius rod suspension with Posies leaf springs and RideTech shocks. Piecrust Coker tires wrap Wheelsmith spoke wheels. Paul Atkins upholstered the interior. Gary added a burl maple dash and floor mats. A knockout DeSoto Hemi is capped with six deuces with copper plated air horns. Roy and Donna are the new owners of the car, which debuted at the Grand National Roadster Show as a contender for America’s Most Beautiful Roadster.
1940 Willys Coupe Buck Creek Ranch Condon, MT American Gasser Hot Rod Shop came to Detroit with two of it’s handcrafted steel-reinforced fiberglass Willys and one 1947 Thames. Blue Creek Ranch commissioned this LS3-powered Willys. The stunning black rod rides on a Heidts frontend with a triangulated 4-link locating the 9-inch rear, rolling on Schott wheels. Pro Auto Interior upholstered the custom leather interior, equipped with Recaro seats, a Nardi steering wheel on an ididit column, Vintage Air A/C, Classic Instruments gauges, and a Pioneer stereo. The engine is as well-dressed as the rest of the car, and is tied to a Tremec T56 transmission.Looking both elegant and ominous, the BCR Willys was built as a timeless classic that will be a driver as well as a family heirloom.
1927 Hupmobile Bob Mermuys Fenton, MI Bob is a former vintage drag racer who wanted something different. A friend sold him the stock Hubmobile for a dollar and Pat Weiss in Holly, Michigan, built it as a street rod. The body is channeled over scratchbuilt one-inch tube framerails, and extends downward in back for the exhaust outlets and license plate cove. Roof wood was beautifully redone. The suicide frontend includes a ’34 Ford dropped axle and split wishbones. A 4-link rear locates a Ford 9-inch. E-T Wheels drag-style 15-inch wheels (Gassers in front and Five-Widows in the rear) continue the ’60s hot rod look. The race theme carries into the full custom interior from with custom seats. A Chrysler 354 Hemi is fed with a six-pack carb set-up. The Hupmobile was painted at Austin’s Body Shop in Holly.
1938 Lincoln Zephyr Dave Jolly Norval, ON, Canada The Zephyr started life as a coupe. Making it a convertible is one of many modifications Dave made to the original steel body. Other mods include extended fenders, vertical grille bars, ’39 Zephyr headlights, ’37 running boards, chopped windshield, and a driver’s side suicide door. The paint colors are HOK black and Cypress Pearl. A custom tube frame stretches the wheelbase two inches; the IFS and 4-bar rear utilize ShockWave suspension parts. The Lincoln 460 engine runs Super Cobra Jet heads. The Demon carb is topped with a ’38 Zephyr hubcap air cleaner cover. The 16-inch custom wheels with ’37 hubcaps are wrapped in wide white Diamond Backs. Interior attractions include ’89 T-Bird seats covered in Scottish leather and a custom extended Zephyr console.
The post 2019 Detroit Autorama Painless Performance/STREET RODDER Top 100 Winners appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network https://www.hotrod.com/articles/2019-detroit-autorama-painless-performancestreet-rodder-top-100-winners/ via IFTTT
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starlingsrps · 5 years
kate ward char. dev.
FULL NAME: kathleen grace ward (technically harper but yanno)
REASONING: nah, not really
NICKNAME(S): kate, katie, kat
BIRTH DATE: october 13, 1986
AGE: thirty three
GENDER: female
PRONOUNS: she/her
ETHNICITY: caucasian
CURRENT LOCATION: holly point, ga
LIVING CONDITIONS: small house, giant garden.
TITLE(S): no.
BIRTH PLACE: holly point, ga
EDUCATION LEVEL: associate's in business
FATHER: terry ward, 58, preacher
MOTHER: ellen ward, 57, preacher's wife
SIBLING(S): jeffrey ward, 30
CHILDREN: noooooope.
PET(S): black poodle mix named lola
OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIVES: her paternal grandmother, rosemarie. rosemarie will put the fear of god in you.
PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS: like, a few but griffin is absolutely the most major. even though she's, y'know, into her thirties, she's still got the preacher's daughter thing going and it makes dating a little tricky. also, y'know: still legally married.
PRIMARY SOURCE OF INCOME: co-owner of a yet to be named floral shop
PAST JOB(S): waitressing, church secretary
SPENDING HABITS: responsible.
PHYSICAL STRENGTH: decent enough for what she needs to do
DEFENSE: floral snips?
SPEED: she can keep up
INTELLIGENCE: big reader
ACCURACY: not bad
AGILITY: nimble
STAMINA: endless
TEAMWORK: excellent
TALENTS: floral design, generosity.
SHORTCOMINGS: the world's worst at organization
LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: english, high school french
DRIVE?: yes
SWIM?: yes.
PLAY CHESS?: nope.
BRAID HAIR?: hers and talia's but no one else.
TIE A TIE?: nope
FACE CLAIM: danielle panabaker
EYE COLOR: hazel
HAIR TYPE/STYLE: long, thick and usually wound up in a topknot.
BUILD: average
TATTOOS: her mother would lose her shit so no.
MARKS/SCARS: freckles
CLOTHING STYLE: jeans and a cute top, generally. she's got a hell of a collection of flannels but also cute af dresses for when she feels like looking adorable.
JEWELRY: earrings and a necklace, yes. bracelet and rings? nah. she keeps her rings from griffin in the waaaaaaaaaaay back of her sock drawer.
DIET: p reasonable unless her mom is cooking.
ENNEAGRAM TYPE: 9 - the peacemaker
MORAL ALIGNMENT: lawful good
MENTAL CONDITIONS/DISORDERS: not really? garden variety anxiety
SOCIABILITY: extrovert
PHOBIA(S): eh, nothing too life altering?
ALCOHOL USE: wine dog mom
PRONE TO VIOLENCE?: not at all
SPEECH STYLE: smooth and sweet
ACCENT: thick af georgia accent
HOBBIES: gardening and reading
NERVOUS TICKS: shuffling things around if they're within reach.
DRIVES/MOTIVATIONS: being her own person
FEARS: tornados
POSITIVE TRAITS: sweet, charismatic, warm, confident, responsible, team player.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: unorganized, impractical, needy, complacent
SENSE OF HUMOR: pretty much anything tbh
WEATHER: fall, for sure.
ACTIVITY: gardening, long walks, hanging out with her dog
ANIMAL: dogs
BOOK: honestly, the more romcoms the better.
COLOR: red
DESIGNER: madewell
FOOD: pancakes
FLOWER: gladiolas
GEM: pearls
QUOTE: "she lost him but she found herself and somehow that was everything"
HOLIDAY: thanksgiving
MOVIE: sweet home alabama
MUSICAL ARTIST: taylor swift
SONG: “tim mcgraw"
SCENERY: her garden in late spring
SCENT: roses
TELEVISION SHOW: the bachelor
GREATEST DREAM: keeping the business going, being the best person she can be.
GREATEST FEAR: oh boy. losing her family? like that might be about it. she's very close to her family and can't picture life without them.
MOST AT EASE WHEN: working in the shop with anjali and listening to music.
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: she's really proud of the woman she's become since griffin left.
BIGGEST REGRET: welp, since finding out those divorce papers never got signed....
BIGGEST SECRET: honestly, isn't she kind of the secret so to speak?
TOP PRIORITIES: family, friends, work.
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Hey today was one fuck of a day!!!
Idk if I should bitch about it first or talk about yesterday, cuz yesterday was pretty good. But damn. Today just fucking sucks. I think I will do that first cuz ending with happy thoughts sounds like a better idea. And I gotta get this off my chest.
So we went to biolife yesterday and couldn't donate, so we both loaded up on iron and tried again today. Nothing. Both of us got turned away for one point below safe iron levels. Idk how?? I usually have good luck with donating, only if I haven't eaten enough I get turned away, but I had plenty of food in the prior 24 hours, ate a bowl of toasty-o's (80% daily iron value???) Which usually does the trick but nah. A wasted trip up to point, planned on coming home with $50 in gas money but NOPE. Now I'm down to 13 (?) on my biolife card and $75 to my name otherwise. That's it. That's all I got. So much for getting my shit sorted out in 2k18 cuz I am waaaaaaaaaaay behind on that plan. I have money coming from uncle Tim and Kathy, plus 2 art commissions I need to kick my ass into gear for, so I'll be ok but FUCK man. It's fucking July in a week and I'm STILL fucking scraping by
And I am PISSED at Sharon but I don't know how to tell her cuz I've been trained out of being confrontational my entire life and I don't wanna lose my damn job cuz she's been an absolute bitch lately. But I'm STILL getting half fucking paychecks cuz I guess I'm still paying off the forwarded money from this winter, I wasn't aware this would be going halfway the fuck into summer, I've drained my savings paying bills and fixing my fucking car I have next to nothing left. I can't buy food. I can't buy alcohol to cope, I can't do literally anything cuz I'm motherfucking broke. I was supposed to have money saved up to take the cats to the vet, get my motorcycle liscence and start looking for a bike, save money for a road trip this fall, but fuck ALL of that cuz I'm cruzing through the year by skin of my teeth.
And the big kicker, the motherfucking cherry on top, I haven't been getting my full 40 each week. Sharon has some kind of crisis going on that she's watching her money, so I missed 5 hours last week cuz she didn't have anything for me to do??? Bull fucking SHIT there is SO MUCH that needs to be done around that fucking place but she sent me home. ON TOP OF cutting my summer hours from 10/day to 9.5 to 9.75. Which isn't a huge change but really???? Just. WHY.
And I also mentioned she's been damn near unbearable all year so far, everything I thought she wanted from me is flipped now. I started clocking in right from the start 5 mins early. Cuz she specifically sat me down and told me last year she hated me being there on the dot, that I could punch in 5 mins early. Well now I guess I clock out early too, "just in case you go over time". Which is easy enough to fucking fix, just clock out sooner next day BUT WHATEVER. IDFK SHARON.
And I didn't say anything when she first told me this shit cuz I can't process information that fast and what it means on my end so I just agree on the spot and fuck myself over.
SO. I went into work today an hour later by her request, after a whole morning of low key panicking about money and doing the nasty ass dishes. She left almost immediately after showing me what to clean up by the big garage, and after I washed the rtv I fucked off and sat in the office with Holly for an hour. Cuz I needed someone to talk to, just bs with and not anything important. And it was pretty good. I had developed a migraine on the way home from point and chilling out in the office helped it. I spent the next 7 hours weed whacking the shit outta the mess around the big garage, pulling water line tubing from the matted grass, and organizing the trash into a burn pile and pick up pile. It sped time along really fast actually, and I was actually pretty ok for most of the day, aside from itchy, sweaty and frustrated. I cleaned the bathrooms at 10 and sat around wasting time for a bit to push my time to midnight to make the most out of my night, and on the walk back to put my shit away 2 things happened.
1st Sharon texted me at 11:40 asking if I was still cleaning bathrooms. Fucking yes, I have til midnight and I came in late, I'm not going over time in anyway ffs.
2nd one of Rome's buddies caught me on my way past and asked me over for a shot of his long island iced tea, which ofc I accepted. It was good, I haven't had hard liquor in so long it was actually really good. He asked what I was up to and told me about how Sharon busted them last night at 1am having fun in the camper. Cuz it was past "quiet time". On a Friday night, really Sharon? God, no fun allowed. He offered me a ride back to put my cleaning shit away, and I mentioned that I had to clock out and head home. Immediately after getting in my car I thought wtf, I should've made better conversation?? Like, at least act like I would hang around if they invited me, cuz I totally would, I've been so socially deprived lately it's not even funny. But I didnt??? I just was like....ya...I'm headed home. And he didn't push, but like. Idk. It all boils down to I have a paranoia about my image at the campground. As stupid as that sounds. But I'm literally always doing manual labor, usually focused on a job or have headphones as earplugs in so I can't talk (not that Sharon would let me anyway) and I leave right after I clock out cuz no one invites me over cuz I don't talk to anyone. Like I feel like my presence there isn't impacting literally anyone, I'm just the Employee That Does Work and that's it. And this paranoia was cemented recently when I finally followed the Facebook page, saw how often she updates and all the pics and videos she uses have like, Bill and Holly and other campers in them, she was showing off the jump pad and stuff and like...that wouldn't be there without me. I spent days digging the fucking trench for the electric line by hand, AFTER clearing the field and leveling the plot. AND I helped roll it out and set it up. Like idk I feel like I do all the hard work but don't get to join in any of the fun? And it just feels really shitty when none of your work is acknowledged. And going back to my intial(?) point, I'm so socially deprived and downright //lonely//. And I feel bad saying it cuz Hope and I live together, we're literally always sharing space together but I feel like I have no one else. Kenzie's barely existing being dragged down by work and money stress, I try to stay in close touch but it's hard. And out of this circle? Nothing. Kenzie has Dan and her coworkers to talk to, Hope is constantly on discord talking to the chat there, she tells me all about that. And I have...no one else. I message my sisters frequently but they're both insanely busy. I'm seeing Nikki and Cassy on Wednesday to help them move, but despite Nikki and I really hitting it off we don't actually talk regularly and that kinda makes me sad. But I'm conflicted there too, I'll rant in another post about that.
And idk. I'm just so. Genuinely. Lonely. I have no one to go see (not that I'd have the fucking time lmao) no one to talk to, starting new aquaintenceships is exhausting as all hell, and when I'm not around Hope I'm alone with my own thoughts. I've always been a loner, I'm comfortable in my own company and I can have fun by myself...but it's really taking a toll on me. Especially since Hope and kenzie seem like they can't keep up with me. I'm ready to do almost anything, anytime, but Hope needs several days' warning to do anything big and kenzies always tired. We managed a friend day out a couple weeks ago, we went out to Rabbit rock and I could've explored and climbed for another 2 hours, but their legs hurt and it was hot out, and they headed back to the car while I was still on the rock. There was plenty of daylight left and I would've loved to visit the woods or go hang at the lake, but we ended up heading back home and chilling at the apartment. Which was fine. I wasn't mad or anything, I just wanted more outside time. I miss the excitement, the sense of adventure. Kenzie and I made it out to the woods once this spring, and we didn't even wander. We just drove out to scope out the trails and left. And it's getting so hard to hang out in general, our work schedules never align and we're all broke af. I'm so exausted. I'm sick and tired of working our asses off but not getting ahead. We're all fucking behind yet despite all our efforts, it's just not good enough.
I came home tonight with all these thoughts knocking around in my head and doing all I could to hold back tears. Immediately grabbed my 2 beers from the fridge and got in the shower, tried to relax myself and drown out some of the panic, but it's not feeling like it's working. I'm just mildly dizzy Andy headaches coming back from crying. Idk what to do anymore. I have plans for once in my life but even the simplest goals are continuously just out of reach. I tell myself to just keep rolling with it, try to build momentum and you'll get there eventually. But I'm so far from making any headway. I'm keeping my head up but it's getting so, so hard....
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mamosefan · 7 years
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hottytoddynews · 7 years
Scott Hoppel has been drag racing since the late 80’s and has learned the rules of the track by heart.
Some may think that drag racing is not a sophisticated sport, but to local racing fans, drag cars are a feat of engineering. With several things to consider before the race, drivers spend a lot of time and effort finding ways to push their cars to the max. 
Drag racing, a professional and legal auto-sport, is a game of distance. Two racers in souped-up muscle cars have a ⅛ mile track to show how fast they can go. While it might sound like a regular race, there are many rules that drivers must know before hitting the gas. 
“I have been racing since I was 12 years old,” Scott Hoppel, a drag racer from Abbeville, said. “You have to be very dedicated to the sport. It takes a lot of hard work, grease, sweat and determination to win.” 
Hoppel has been drag racing since the late 80’s and has learned the rules of the track by heart. Hoppel drives a 1991 Chevy S-10 with a 383 aluminum head stroker motor. He has also made other alterations to his truck to reach speeds over 170 mph. 
While speed is a key factor for races, the driver’s ability to react quickly and drive at a consistent speed is just as important. In bracket racings, one of the two main types of drag races, there are rules that ensure that every car gets a fair chance.
“Reaction time, how fast you react to the go light, and consistency, how constant your speed remains, are two important rules of the game,” Hoppel said. “If someone cuts a good light and stays consistent, anyone could win.”
Hoppel’s 1991 Chevy S-10
Before each race, drivers practice for two hours to see what their best finish time will be on that particular track. There are many factors that can influence a car’s performance such as temperature, tire pressure, and the weather. Bracket racers use their best time to determine what time they should finish in the race.
Two cars line themselves on the track, and the slower car is given a lead way advantage based on the difference in estimated finish times. If one car is predicted to reach the finish line in six minutes and the other car will finish in five minutes, the latter will get a minute delay. 
Drivers use an electrical go-light, called the Christmas tree, to indicate when to start. If a driver goes when he/she is not supposed to, a red light, they are disqualified.
If the system works, both cars should get to the finish line around the same time. If a driver beats his/her speed time, a breakout, they are disqualified. If both racers go under their times, the driver with the slower speed wins. 
To win by the rules, drivers need to beat their competition to the finish line without breaking their estimated finish time. While drivers can win by taking longer than their estimated time, drivers try to go as fast as they can without finishing too soon. 
“Everyone has the same advantage, everything is controlled by computers,” Sammy Farrell, a 32-year racing veteran, and owner of Farrell’s Transmission said. “It’s all about getting into a routine and doing everything in the same way as your time trial.”
Farrell comes from a large racing family that including his brothers and nephews. Farrell races in a 1991 small block Camaro that also runs on a 383 motor. Currently, Farrell is recovering from heart surgery, but he hopes to be back on the track by October. 
Farrell is a 32-year racing veteran who comes from a large racing family that including his brothers and nephews
“Some people call us adrenaline junkies,” Hoppel said. “Some cars go as fast as 4Gs. You just hold on to the rocket and enjoy the ride.”
Locals like racing on the race tracks in Holly Springs on Friday nights and Byhalia on Saturday night. Both tracks open their gates to the public around 6:00 p.m. and trial runs start at 7:00 p.m. The races begin at 9:00 p.m. and can last until midnight. 
“It’s something fun to get into, and it’s good for the family,” Farrell said. “It’s just good fun.”
Note: Do not participate in illegal street races. 
Allen Brewer is an intern for HottyToddy.com. He can be reached at [email protected]
The post Drag Racing Is A Game Of Distance For Local Racers appeared first on HottyToddy.com.
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