#timelady rants
tardistimeladyyeah · 2 months
Unfortunately I have to change my pinned post because this keeps happening and I'm sick of it.
This is a Pro-Palestine blog, but if I reblog your "I'm Pro-Palestine but screw voting" post telling OTHER PEOPLE seeing the post why voting is important for Palestine and that there are other issues that will impact how we help Palestine if the wrong side (Republicans) wins and that a lot of us will be in similar situations to them if the Trump/Vance ticket wins and if you reply why I'm wrong and if you jump to a wild conclusion about the point of my post, you're blocked. I don't like waking up to that when the party that has called my friends and relatives pedophiles for being teachers/LGBTQIA+ has a chance of winning because enough people voted third party to split the vote for Clinton in swing states in 2016. I'm done with you people. I live in a state that will vote for Trump/Vance no matter what and I want other states to cancel out my stupid state's vote. I also live in a state that banned abortion, did not protect the right to contraception, repeatedly attacks LGBTQIA+ identifying people (especially the State Superintendent), and is making a quality public education harder to access (we rank last on a lot of those state education lists). There are more issues than Palestine that I care about that will be impacted if Trump/Vance wins and I seriously need people to know that you need to vote if you can because fascism is at the front door. You may not care about these issues, but I do. Congratulations on living in a blue state or in a country that is not regressing to the 1950s. Follow the local news of one of these states for a month and you'll see what I'm talking about or get off my blog.
To my regular followers who have had to endure that, I apologize deeply. I try to not be toxic but when my beliefs are challenged (which tend to just be "hey you should vote if you can and here's why") and I'm a mad and scared political science student who just wants to finish their degree in peace. Information is important, and I feel like these people aren't using it correctly. That isn't an excuse, however. I will try to be better. From now on, I'll explain why their position on the election is incorrect and then block them so I don't have to deal with their response that thinks I told them to not care about Palestine when really all I tried to tell them that 1. There are more issues than Palestine and 2. Some of those issues will impact the way we fight for Palestine and 3. One party wants to blow everything up and the other wants to negotiate.
Sorry for the rant. I just keep opening Tumblr to this and I don't want to see it anymore because it's toxic and extremely dangerous.
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lanawinterscigarettes · 5 months
I see the post about the Master(s) caring for a sick reader and raise you: reader having to care for sick Master(s)
if you think they're a lot to handle before just wait until they have the timelord equivalent of the flu kicking their ass
The reader taking care of the Masters when they're sick
Characters included: Simm, Missy/Gomez, and Dhawan
Warnings: being sick (obviously), pretty sure that's it
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Simm! Master
He's not sick, he can't be sick. He's a Timelord, and Timelords don't get sick
That's what he insisted to you over and over again, but it was a bit hard to take him seriously with how nasally and congested he sounded
At first he wants you to leave him alone (because he's not sick, thank you very much) but once it becomes clear whatever he's got isn't going away anytime soon he very begrudingly allows you to care for him
Acts like he wants to be left alone but then whines very loudly if you're gone for too long, so you're basically stuck watching him the entire time
He has terrible manners in general, which are made even worse when he doesn't feel good, so don't expect him to say please or thank you unless you press him for it
Complains about something every two minutes without fail. He's cold, so you get him a blanket. Then he throws it off because he's hot. Then he gets cold again and needs you to tuck him back in
Eventually you get tired of listening to him whine so you put on The Teletubbies in hopes that'll distract him long enough for you to sneak away and get some peace and quiet. When you return a half hour later, he's passed out in bed, sleeping peacefully while the TV continues to play in the background
Missy/Gomez! Master
She would also refuse to believe that she's sick at first, but it takes her much quicker to cave and accept your treatment
Wants to be pampered and treated like the sophisticated Timelady that she is, meaning she fully expects to be waited on hand and foot for the entirety of her illness
Such a drama queen, honestly. You so much as suggest she blow her own nose and she goes on this long rant about how she can't believe you're making her do something while she's sick, and she's much too weak and helpless to care for herself, and don't you love her?
If it works it's only because you want her to shut up (despite how nice her voice sounds, I imagine it must get to be quite tiring to hear her do nothing but whine)
After awhile she gets bored of laying around and doing nothing (despite you being there to take care of her) so she tries to sneak off and cause some trouble, hoping you won't notice
Unfortunately for her, you'd gotten used to hearing her call out your name every couple of minutes and soon grow suspicious when she doesn't. She doesn't make it far before you catch her and usher her back to bed with a firm scolding
Dhawan! Master
Oh boy. Out of the three of them, he is the whiniest, clingiest, and biggest baby yet
As soon as he wakes up and can tell he doesn't feel good, he immediately calls out for you. It could be as minor as a sore throat or the sniffles and he'll act like he's dying
At first he tries to act just as intimidating as he usually is but it doesn't work because a) you don't find him that intimidating in the first place and b) even if you did he's definitely not when he's wrapped up in multiple blankets and cuddling with a stuffed animal
Speaking of which he begs you to cuddle with him, even if it's likely that you'll catch what he has. Honestly, the two of you usually get sick back to back because of how clingy he is: if one of you has something, the other is bound to catch it at some point
He doesn't want to have his every whim catered to in an arrogant way, he's just so pathetic and pitiful when he asks for something that you can't help for feel sorry for him and find it near impossible to say no
Needs to be near you the entire time he's sick. If you disappear even for a second he begins to practically whimper with displeasure, like a small puppy who's been abandoned
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End notes: I hope you liked it anon 💗
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mirdaniaa · 6 years
rantings-of-a-timelady replied to your photo: Cynthia bought this shark for me because she is a...
That shark looks like it has reversible sequins does it actually have reversible sequins? Super cute
it does!!
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plxnet-superior · 5 years
Old wounds never heal - 1/2
Anon Ask: “Hi, I am so sorry to hear abt. Ur cat sweetie. If Ur still looking 4 dat prompt U asked abt. last night might I suggest reader is a timelady/timelord who knew the doctor and the master back on Gallifrey. She somehow gets looped into the whole Kasavin mess and there's just ANGST. (You could change this if you want too, I hope you feel better)”
I’m kinda not happy with how I wrote this one, but I hope you enjoy, I have plans for the next one, might take me a while though. Thank you again for the ask!
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A shrill ring throughout the Tardis, and everyone but the Doctor jumps.
"What is that?" Yaz, as always, is the first to question from the other side of the console.
"Better question Yaz, who is that?" The time lord stares at the phone on the console in hesitation. "No one's meant to know the number for the tardis." Her companions look between each other, and Ryan shrugs, before one of them decides to pipe up.
"Well pick it up then! Whoever it is, they might need our help. Does say it on the outside of your blue box anyway, Doc." Graham had a good point, but she was still cautious. She hadn't had a true call come through in god knows how long, so of course, the suspicion was natural as she brought the phone up to her ear.
"Hello?" There was a pause, and a thankful sigh on the other end of the line.
"Doctor, hello! Do you know how hard it is to find the number for this thing? Really need to work on that." Whoever you are, you're ranting down the phone about how bad her Tardis design must be to barely have a connection, let alone a working phone number. She doesn't appreciate it, but the ease at which you complain about her blue box feels largely familiar.
"Right, sorry, but who are you?" There was a light hint of offense in her tone, to which you couldn't help but smile. You knew you had the right number at least, no other time lord would get so defensive over you insulting their ship.
"An old friend, and we have a lot to discuss."
You'd landed in Australia, and, from the doctors explanations, it had seemed like quite a lot had gone down on your way here. Something about light beings and mi6, which to be fair, made your adventures look like a cozy night in with a cup of tea (which, let's be honest, most of them were).
Her companions were quite a lively bunch, too. Yaz, the plucky young police woman looking for adventure, and something more interesting than a mundane life. Ryan, arguably quieter than the rest, but not unsure of himself, and certainly not stupid. Then Graham, the oldest of the three, grandad to Ryan and the realist of the group, you could tell he wasn't as much one for the danger in this life.
Your introduction was brief, but it didn't take you long to get to know them with how welcoming they all seemed.
"I thought me and the master were the only ones left..." The doctor looked tired, haggard even, a very different face from the last time you'd seen the time lord, before the fall of Gallifrey. You both sat on the porch, away from the others, drinking something that was probably iced tea but definitely didn't taste like it.
"I guess you rubbed off on me too much...I followed your advice, in the end. Stole a tardis and ran off before all hell broke loose. I take it you know what happened after that?" She nodded. Your home planet was gone one moment, back the next, and neither of you knew what to think anymore. "But...doctor, there's something you should know..."
You didn't have the time, ironically, because 'O' had burst out the front door rattling off something about a code, and then the doctor was back in action, giving you a hand up. "We can continue this little chat later, yeah? It'll be nice to work with another time lord again."
"Likewise, Doctor."
The energy around the Doctor was not something you were used to anymore. Always on high, this little adventure was definitely something bigger than you'd all imagined.
Especially since she'd made you get all dressed up to infiltrate a party, bit extra in your opinion, but, you assumed, necessary.
'O' was the most interesting of the Doctors friends, that much you had noticed in the brief moments spent getting to know everyone.
"So...you're like her then?"
"Like who?"
"The doctor. You're a time lord aswell?"
"Yeah, basically." You shrugged. "Two hearts, all of my own, and a Tardis to boot... Why?" The mi6 agent seemed to be way more intrigued in your origins than you'd expected, but you guessed that's what came with having such an infatuation with the Doctor. He did own a whole shelf full of information about her, after all.
Although, you'd admit, the attention you'd gained from him wasn't exactly a bad thing.
"Sorry if that offended you...it's just, she said she was the last of her kind." You hadn't meant to come off as defensive with your question, but you did find your gaze drifting back to the other time lord at his words. It's never an easy life running from a past you can't change, even more so when you're by yourself.
"No, you didn't offend me, sorry, not used to people asking questions about me, that's all," you brushed it off calmly before carrying on, "I guess that's what she believed, and to be honest, I almost believed I was the last aswell,"
The agent was very attentive, listening to your every word, and you were really starting to understand the Doctors weird affinity for humans, "spent years trying to find her again, I'd almost given up... Maybe fate just has a funny way of bringing people together when they need them the most."
"Huh. That's a... nice way of looking at it."
This was...not what you were expecting. At all. Finding the Doctor was one thing, but finding the Master? Disguised as 'O'? That was...something else entirely, and suddenly, all of his previous questions were beginning to make sense.
"So this is what you do now? After everything!? What the hell happened between you two while I was gone!?" The Doctors got her sonic trained on the bomb, trying to slow it down atleast, and the Master's yelling in the background.
"Now, do you really think I would not make that sonic proof, Doctor!? Come on!"
"We...had a falling out! We can talk about it later, I dont know!" The Doctor's getting more wound up as the countdown doesn't stop. The Master tells you it's 'deadlock sealed, No parachutes on board'. This wasn't the same time lord you knew back on gallifrey at all, no, he was something else entirely, feeding off the chaos, and the wild look in his eyes only served to confirm it.
"Well this looks like quite the falling out to me!!" You argue back, settling once again into your old habit of calling her out after all these years.
Yaz is the only one of the Doctors companions to fire off a question despite the situation. This girl was starting to grow on you with her fiery attitude. Barton's gone, so this is definitely a death trap after all.
"Stick with me, Yaz, cos I control...everything. Even these guys." A snap of his fingers, and a spin. Dramatic, of course. That's his getaway ticket, and your cue to haul the Doctor out of the cockpit by her suit jacket, slamming the door shut behind you. The blast throws you both, and you know you're braced above her, but there's no time for embarrassment. Instead, you're glad to have atleast shielded her from the brunt of it.
However, now the plane's going down, and the Master just has to get the last word in.
"Everything you think you know... is a lie. Got you, finally." There's the split second after that last laugh, he's about to teleport, whisked away by his new 'friends', but you kick up from your position and practically leap over the Doctor to get to him in time.
You're not letting him go. Not now. Not without answers.
Your hand comes down on his arm.
You both faze out.
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thestuckylibrary · 6 years
Group Ask 53
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Please send us an ask stating which group ask and which person you are replying to. Thank you so much in advance!
wickedellie said:
Steve is missing and there’s Bucky from another dimension with a remote control to jump from world to world and find Steves that is misplaced and bring them back to their Buckys. So he works together with Sam and Bucky to find all the Steves, it a complete work with a high rating Thank you very much!
sebashtiansatan and lilyinthesnow sent in Except it Abide in the Vine by spitandvinegar (oneshot | 27,914 | M) - poly, AO3 locked
rantings-of-a-timelady said:
Hi hopefully you can help me find a certain fic. It's a modern day Bachelor au and I think Steve is a hockey player or something. Bucky isn't a contestant but works on the show. Idk I tried searching for it on ao3 but had zero luck. Thanks
the-genderman, mlmsrogers, teenagemutantninjamushroom, aceaviatrix and Anon wrote in with wholesale change by biblionerd07 (complete | 83,320 | M)
Anon 1 said:
Hey do you know where the fic that bucky and the winter soldier share the same body and steve and the winter soldier end up together but bucky and steve dont?
archipelagowritesthings sent in Ipseity by SkyisGray (series | 146,414 | E)
pinklystrange said:
I can't remember a lot about this fic, so I'm having difficulty seacrhing for it myself. Steve was a SHIELD agent, and I think they all lived in like a little housing estate (Bruce, Sharon, Tony etc). Steve's house gets blown up (by Brock? maybe) and he ends up living in this tiny little trailer type thing. Bucky I think is maybe the WS but not necessarily Hydra
marybeth-hollins sent in By Any Other Name by togina (complete | 36,955 | E)
Anon 2 said: /others
Hey I was wondering if you knew of an ABO fic where Steve is an omega and got with tony before he knew Bucky was still alive and when Bucky comes back he’s all jealous and like replaced Steve’s hat with his own. Sorry I know it’s like not much but that’s all I can remember about it lol
moon-moon2002 said:
Hey, there was this one fic, I believe, where the military saw Bucky's potential or something and put him through special training, such as sniper training and language classes, such as French and German and I believe at one point he got confused as to why they had him start learning Russian, and then sent him on some secret missions during all of which he sent Steve letters. I was wondering if you know which fic that is or if you know any that are similar to it?
orchidsrule and artinchaos1 sent in our golden age by augustbird (complete | 147,825 | E)
canigetuuuuuuhhhhhhhh said:
Hi! I read a fic aaaaages ago where Bucky ordered Steve around and Steve would do it? Like Bucky told him to stay in a specific place and Steve did for the whole day because he didn’t want to break buckys trust. Please don’t worry if you can’t find it, I know you’re already swamped with requests!! <3
brucewaysne said:
hey! I’m looking for this fic that must be 10k+, where steve regularly visits bucky while he’s recovering in therapy, and he’s in love with him but doesn’t know how to tell him... also i think there’s a part 2 where they’ve moved in together? thank you so much!
monalisamontauk sent in Life is better with friends by arxiver (complete | 65,262  | M)
rocksandpencilsarelame said:
Hi I submitted an ask a little while ago and I checked and I don’t think I missed it and I’m really sorry for asking again but I read a fic and I think it was shrunkyclunks and there was a scene with rain? And rumlow came after Bucky. I’m pretty sure Steve worked in an art museum and made coffee for Bucky. I know this is super vague so if you can’t find it no worries!!! Thank you guys so much for the amazing work you do
monalisamontauk sent in Pieces Were Stolen From Me by perfect_plan (oneshot | 17,804 | M)
Anon 3 said: /others
Hi I can't seem to find this fic anymore but it's about Steve being hired as a body guard of Bucky, he already had Tony and took a while for him to adjust to Tony but when Steve came it was easier but he did got mad at him the first time he saw him and ran out to his "fuck buddy" Pietro
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Sammieanne36912 is now rantings-of-a-timelady
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Prologues + Why I'm considering removing Arkytior and Enzea
The past week or so I haven't been posting crazy amounts, and there's a very specific reason for that. I am OBSESSED with the Master's prologue all of a sudden.
So fun fact, this originally started as just a fanfic about the Master and The Doctor. They were going to stay in the TARDIS the whole time, and it was angsty as hell. Then I decided to write a second fic on the side because I felt like exploring the Whoniverse, and created the Forest (cringiest thing ever, bear with me). Then I immediately created an insect companion as the main protagonist and POV character, because I have a "minor" obsession with beetles and bees.
Then I made Brooklyn, this competant fighter chick. I designed maybe six TARDISes for the Forest during this stage.
Then it hit me. What if I violently smashed the two stories together?? Amazing. 100% flawless plan, Storm. 10/10 would do again.
The original Angst Fest got shoved to the side as a backstory. I figured flashbacks would be enough, but changed my mind and made it a sort of prologue to the series. Then I decided that all of the Timelords should get prologues.
As of the current moment...
I plan on making a sort of miniseries. The Master's Tale will be a couple novels about the century between season 3 of the TV series and the start of the main books.
The Shaman's Tale will be a sort of half-and-half mix of the timelady's time as a dalek prisoner and flashbacks to both when she worked with Davros to save the kaleds and her time with the early Master.
The Doctor's Tale will be about his journey in the Time War, and I have a sort of concept that it would be told through the High Council talking about him, and then it flashing to scenes. And then I guess in the end they all die and it properly goes to his perspective for the final scene or something. Not sure yet.
But that brings us to the other two timelords.
Enzea was supposed to be born at the end of the first series of novels. Just a book before then, Arkytior gets involved in the action by helping take down the daleks with the Team.
So my current idea is... Maybe one of the dalek ships teleports away with Arkytior on board. And an emergency temporal shift like that, with the ship so damaged, probably ripped it apart. So we have ~plot setup~ for the next series.
And to be honest... I might remove Enzea entirely for now. I love her, but she might just need to be put to the side for the future. No clue.
If anyone has thoughts, please please please share them!!
Thanks to everyone who read all of this nonsense haha
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TL;DR: Probably getting rid of Enzea, might get rid of Arkytior for the second series plot, went on a rant about how the fic started. Also The Master's Tale is gonna be Big.
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lokidlaufeyson · 7 years
your URL is timeladv, which, you've said yourself means; "timeLADY" and you're all about ranting how upset you are that the new Doctor is female, that, Sweetie, is called HYPOCRISY, you too faced idiot.
is the doctor the only timelord out there? why not make a new character, a timelady? also we had missy, another female timelord which i loved. i don’t have problem with female characters in doctor who, i have problem with the Doctor being a female because of the reasons i mentioned in previous 20 messages. read before you write, darling.
and if you want to be taken seriously stop calling people names for disagreeing with you, that’s really immature. i’m not hurting anyone by prefering male doctor over the new female one. calm down.
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unify-my-universe · 7 years
Just a general rant about the recent Doctor Who news
Firstly I would like to say that I think it’s great that the next Doctor will be a female. I’m just really annoyed with so-called Doctor Who fans being quite frankly misogynist.
Either these people have forgotten Classic Who or just not watched it at all  seem to forget that Romana and The Rani were Timeladys so the argument about The Doctor is a Timelord not a Timelady is utter shit.
That General in the previous series of Doctor Who changed into a woman so hate to break it to you but Timelords can change genders when regenerating. Also are you forgetting that The Master turned into Missy shock horror a female? And think about how long The Master was a male for!
If you’re gonna stop watching Doctor Who just because The Doctor will be female then go ahead piss off, the fandom doesn’t need dickheads like you in it. And the ones who want David Tennant back and the same old argument about it hasn’t been the same since he left, guess what? No one is forcing you to watch Doctor Who and you can just watch David Tennant’s tenure again if you really miss him that much. I loved David Tennant as The Doctor but you don’t see me kicking up a fuss about him not being in it any more. He left seven years ago and we were lucky enough to see him in The 50th Anniversary episode, get over it.
I saw a comment about it being bad that there wasn’t going to be a male lead in it any more. So what we’re allowed to have strong female companions/characters in Doctor Who but as soon as we have a female lead it’s unacceptable?
It’s awful that people aren’t giving the poor woman a chance. It’s always the same when a new Doctor comes along. They said Matt Smith was too young and Peter Capaldi was too old (forgetting of course that William Hartnell was of a similar age when he was The Doctor), people are just never satisfied.
Just give the woman a chance already, it’s the 21st Century it’s a good thing that there will be a female lead in such a popular, long running TV series.
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woolleyhead · 7 years
I've heard a lot of different opinions over this, and so I feel like I should give mine.
Firstly, they've already set this up. We've seen two timelords turn into... timeladies I guess? Timedames? (Missy and the General in 'Hell Bent') So the people saying "UH THIS IS WRONG AND PERVERSE", I'm sorry but you haven't got much of a leg to stand on. The lore may be different way way back but frankly if we're delving into that, the show's had its discrepancies with it's own rules anyway. Hell, if we're nitpicking, he shouldn't have lived past Smith, so sometimes lorebreaking can turn out well.
Secondly, if we're really being picky, Missy was the best part of the last season. I really liked Bill and Capaldi was as striking as ever, but my favourite bits were with Missy being mental and quirky and lovable in a very strange way, so we know that they can handle female characters in Gallifreyan roles.
And finally, if you're really going rant in caps lock on the internet trying and pin sentiments and importance of gender on a fictitious show about a being over a thousand years old from another galaxy who can change their face and travel through time, I worry for you.
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tardistimeladyyeah · 2 months
I will try to make this my last post about politics but no promises (I'm anxious and a political science student).
(P.S. If you don't read this whole long post, read the last chunk).
This will make sense at the end of this post, but it deserves to go up here: We can't help people overseas if we're burning, and we're holding a match over a vat of gasoline. The voters are holding the match, the reelection of Trump is the match, and the United States is the gasoline. The ensuing flame is the Civil War they want so badly. We will have nobody to blame but ourselves if we drop that match.
Is there a genocide in Palestine? Yes. Does the United States need to separate themselves from Israel until they stop and align ourselves with stopping it? Yes. Is it worth destroying our lives at home over just because you couldn't vote for Biden? No (LET ME EXPLAIN BEFORE YOU LOSE YOUR MIND).
People protesting against the genocide will not be heard if Trump is reelected. Have you heard of Project 2025? Essentially, it is the plan to dismantle the current system that we have in the United States. This is not a good thing because it was created by the Hertiage Foundation, a far-right group that supports Donald Trump and his ambition to become a dictator (he is connected to 2025. He is lying when he says he's not connected).
What would a second Trump presidency mean? It will take away rights that most Americans have enjoyed for decades (and centuries if you're a white man). You would not be able protest against the genocide because the insurrection act may be invoked, which would deploy the military to quash protests. Trump may force social media companies to promote far-right views (meaning no more talking about Palestine and helping people by providing information) (Source: ACLU link below). A second Trump presidency would bring a lot of other things listed on both Project 2025 AND Agenda 47 (basically diet Project 2025). It would make abortion difficult to access NATIONWIDE (ban mifepristone and Plan B (the morning after pill) via the Comstock Act, it would ban birth control, it would disband federal agencies such as NOAA (and the NWS by proxy) and the Department of Education (and severely restrict other agencies), put loyalists into integral positions, fire 150,000 federal employees (and probably more), and so much more involving the LGBTQ+ community and immigrants, among other things.
Yes, you should be upset about Palestine. Yes, you should be advocating against the genocide. HOWEVER, THAT DOES NOT MAKE CALLING THE ELECTION A DISTRACTION OR MINIMIZING IT OKAY.
This election has the capability of determining the next steps forward for this country. Yes, both options aren't very appealing, but it's worth noting that, as much as you might not want to admit it, Biden has done good things. Those don't overpower helping fund a genocide, but it's also worth noting that Congress has the power of the purse (power to spend money) and the president doesn't. Do they approve the proposal? Yes. Did Biden threaten to stop funding if Israel continued? Yes. I believe he hasn't because he's worried about losing support (this election has serious consequences and I think he knows that) from people who are only voting for him because he's not Trump (a wannabe Hitler) and he doesn't have that kind of power. Executive orders can only go so far and can be thrown out by a judge in minutes.
So, what am I trying to say here? This election has consequences. Project 2025 is real and the Supreme Court gave Trump the okay to start implementing the more egregious parts of it under the guise of "official acts." We may not even know what those "official acts" will be. They likely involve nukes everywhere, including Palestine. Remember when Nikki Haley wrote something to the effect of "kill them all" on a missile being sent to Israel (or something)? Trump will do that. He will blow that entire continent up and say he stopped the tension in the middle east when really all he did was kill a bunch of people. Sure, you can say the same about Biden because of weapons and resources sent to Israel on his approval. But, he won't use America's nukes to do that. In fact, he wants to negotiate the end of the war.
If your single issue is Palestine, you shouldn't vote for a third party. You shouldn't vote for Trump. You should vote for Biden because he'll preserve your right to free speech and non violent protest. Trump won't.
Call him Genocide Joe or whatever all you want. Just know that Trump is worse and you're letting him win if you're in a swing state and vote third party. That's how he won in 2016. Enough people voted for Jill Stein in swing states to give Trump an electoral college victory. Look at the numbers (all of which came from Ballotpedia, a great resource).
Michigan gave their electoral college votes to Trump, but only by 0.2%. Who got more votes that, if they voted for Clinton, would've flipped the state for her? The other votes (including Jill Stein). Those votes were 5.2%, which may have flipped the state blue (Source: https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_battleground_states,_2016) .
Wisconsin gave their votes to Trump in 2016, with 47.2% of voters voting for him, 46.5% voting for Clinton. How many people voted for third parties? 6.3%. Once again, enough votes to flip the state for Clinton if voters decided to go with her instead. (Source: https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_battleground_states,_2016)
Pennsylvania gave their votes to Trump in 2016, with 48.6% voting for him and 47.9% voting for Clinton. How many people voted third party? 3.6%. It was close, but it wouldn't have been if people didn't vote third party. (Source: https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_battleground_states,_2016)
I'm not against third parties, HOWEVER, our government is structured as a two party system and now is not the time to test a three party system out when we're on the brink of fascism. Don't not vote either. Not voting is just as bad in this situation. In fact, not voting (unless you literally can't) is not good. I don't care if you don't think your vote won't matter. It does. Look back at the 2016 swing state numbers. It makes a massive difference.
This is not a time to tell people not to vote or to vote third party. This is a time to say that there will never be a perfect candidate and that you have to make sacrifices on policy to preserve or create new policy that is beneficial. This is a time to defeat fascism by coming together and voting for the lesser of two evils. Everyone in the United States will lose rights, some more than others. But, Project 2025 will impact everybody, especially those fighting for Palestine. Don't believe Republicans when they say they're stepping away from it. They're not. If they're voted in, they will do it. Remember, they said the same thing about Roe and look at what they did! Heck, I'm writing this from a state where abortion is illegal, surrounded by other states where abortion is illegal. It's already a crisis and it will continue to be one until we fix things at the federal level because it will stay illegal until a state question goes through (I often say that good things only happen where I live because of state questions and that is unfortunately true).
We can't help people overseas if we're burning, and we're holding a match over a vat of gasoline. The reelection of Trump is the match and the United States is the gasoline. The ensuing flame is the Civil War they want. We will have nobody to blame but ourselves.
All I can do is hope that this got to some people and made you change your mind. But know that they'll keep rebranding 2025 if they lose. You have to vote consistently against Republican presidential administration until they abandon the idea or until it blows up in their faces. Call me a Biden apologist all you want, I don't care. I'm on your side, but you don't realize how bad another Trump presidency would be. You wouldn't be able to advocate for causes like Palestine anymore. You may have to join the military. You may have to detransition. You may have to stop doing a lot of things that you took for granted if Trump wins again. Sure, some of us survived the first one, but a lot of us didn't and significantly more of us won't the second time around (oh, also, he wants to be President forever. They're going to throw out term limits if they try hard enough. They're going to fudge voting results to make elections look like something out of Russia). Nobody wants this (save for the people who advocate for it and support it) and I don't think you do, either.
Look at the breakdowns of Project 2025. If you don't want that, don't be complacent. Don't feel defeated (even though it's hard sometimes. Trust me, my state would vote for Trump even if he was a bag of rocks and it's hard to not feel an impending sense of doom until my passport gets here). Register to vote at vote.org and check your registration status if you think you're registered.
Don't vote against your own interests this election cycle. You might not get to vote for your interests ever again if the wrong person wins.
Some more important links:
Some of these articles may mention Republicans stepping back from these views. DON'T. BELIEVE. THEM. Take it from me, a person who lives in a Republican trifecta (A.K.A. one of Dante's circles of hell. I haven't decided which one, yet). Republicans lie. They lie and lie and lie so much I'm shocked their noses haven't suffocated most of the state.
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90stvqueen · 6 years
For the song ask: black sheep boy by okkervil river
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
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mirdaniaa · 5 years
rantings-of-a-timelady replied to your post “fellow genderqueer/nb/bigender folks, especially fat folks: where do...”
Literally just had this issue. I went to walmart and got mens swimytrunks and a womens sporty bikini top. Not perfect but I'm on a budget.
yeah that’s what I'm thinking I'll do
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rantings-of-a-timelady is now rantings-of-a-timeliege
After some debating (with myself) I decided it was once again time for a change. I still liked my handle but honestly the lady bit was giving myself some dysphoria.
Also as a Whovian a Timelieage sounds badass so there is that.
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