#time to get to the rest of the prompts djgbjdhfg
misawa · 7 years
Hi! I love ur blog! If ur taking prompts, how about a jealous Miyuki who saw a girl confessing to Eijun?
sorry for posting this so late fgjhdfdj work had me busy but here it is :Oc jealous miyuki was rlly interesting to write tbh 
rating: generalcouple: misawaword count: 1,014 wordsdescription: everything was static around him, his eyes focused on only one figure; that of a boy whose ears were cherub, whose hand moved to cover a shy smile (was that what he was hiding?) and quickly went to rub at the back of neck. honestly, miyuki kazuya would’ve been better off without witnessing the start of a love story —  or so he thought.
“hyaha! you won’t believe this!!!—” it was kuramochi that sounded the alarm, thus having a handful of people gathering at the rail outside miyuki’s room, everyone keeping their voice a hush as a miracle was taking place; sawamura eijun was receiving what had to be his first confession! from a girl nonetheless!
the third-years internalised their laughs & cheers, the fellow second-years had muted their wrath (curse you, bakamura!) and the first-years were left in awe (sawamura-san is actually getting confessed to!!) - and yet one of them couldn’t mingle in. the smile that played on his lips was poison, the teeth he hid clenching ever so. ah, what is this? miyuki kazuya, seido’s catcher and captain above all, couldn’t celebrate with his companions. unlike them, there was no happiness bubbling in the pit of his stomach, no elation erupting from his heart; no. these emotions, miyuki knew, were venom, his insides twisting into knots, his rib cage hurting as his heart felt heavier than ever. 
the girl was the epitome of pretty, that’s what he concluded as his eyes fell on sawamura’s expression. the pitcher’s eyes came with an intensity - a fire that this stranger had dimmed with a few simple words. the grin that could make even a person like miyuki smile was not in place - instead, calloused fingers hovered over his mouth, hiding what miyki thought had to be a shy smile (shy and sawamura simply don’t go together) and then his hand moved to rub at his nape (once again, something so unlike sawamura, miyuki noted). 
there was a smile there alright, a smile miyuki had probably never gotten the chance to see before. the look on the youth’s face had left everyone dumbstruck. it felt as if they were invading an intimate moment (they were). kuramochi, though first to arrive at the scene, had taken the first step to leave, the first-years following in tow. it didn’t take long for the second-years to leave, all except for a certain two. miyuki wasn’t sure whether he was surprised or not to see furuya ad haruichi stay behind and watch to the end.
“don’t worry, miyuki-senpai.” those were not the words he expected the younger kominato to utter, and yet they did leave his mouth and had washed over miyuki like cold water; just how petty was he? to feel such comfort come from no other but the pitcher’s best friend. the idea that these specific two underclassmen had noticed his qualm was a thought that he could only dread; and yet he couldn’t deny it (he was in no position to do so anyway).
miyuki kazuya had learnt what jealousy felt like. it was not the first time his mind and heart felt so rotten, oh no, miyuki enjoyed being noxious at times (he was far from being a pure-hearted maiden) and he knew the many times he had made fun of people would come biting back. hard. it was destiny laughing at him now, taking away what was miyuki’s first love and giving it to someone else. a relation between team-mates, who are both men to boot, wouldn’t work anyway! he tried to convince himself many times, but the heart of a human has its own mind. he knew he was done for when his eyes followed sawamura around, when the corners of his lips turned upwards the moment the sound of sawamura’s boisterous laugh reached his ears, when sawamura would ask him to catch his pitches and rather than turning him down he’d beat around the bushes, yet his reply would always be a positive one. he knew he couldn’t do anything to stop himself from falling.
the cold rush of air had broken his train of thoughts, pulling him back to the miserable reality that he lived in. sawamura was going to accept the confession, he would go out with the girl, they’ll fall in love. she’ll be there for him instead. 
“thank you so much for your confession!!” came the younger’s reply, unceremoniously bowing his upper body and earning a stifled laugh from the three who were still watching over him. “—but i’m sorry…” now miyuki felt yet another toxic feeling swell inside his chest. this was relief, but at what cost? the heart of another human had to be broken for him to feel like this. you’re the lowest.
“there’s someone i like actually…” the blush on sawamura’s face deepened, his lips pulling into a pout as he bit the inside of his cheek. “the other person is a bit of a jerk and annoys me all the time, but i really like him, so for that, i’m sorry i can’t accept your confession! instead we-” whatever he talked with the girl was nothing but a blur for miyuki. kominato’s ‘don’t worry.’ and sawamura’s ‘there’s someone i like’ were pieces of puzzle that connected, and the catcher knew he’d have to search for the rest of them.
the day would come when he’d find the piece which explained the reason behind sawamura’s expression after the confession, another piece which explained the meaning behind kominato’s words, and the final piece which would tell him who was the person that had won sawamura’s heart. until then however, he would not fret. he’ll spend the rest of his high school days in the presence of his team-mates, falling deeper and deeper into the warmth of sawamura’s being. until that day would come, he’ll continue hoping. maybe, just maybe, if destiny was on his side, maybe the feelings he carried for the other would be returned. 
little did he know, however, that he wasn’t the first to fall. no. sawamura eijun had been there before, had his heart broken and then mended by the same person who made him feel a plethora of emotions. little did miyuki know that he was the reason sawamura eijun had chosen to attend seido, to join the baseball team, to try even harder and train even more - to spend every single day in the presence of miyuki kazuya, the person he had went from acknowledging to admiring, to hating, to adoring.
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