#tim drake is the man we all deserve
*this* close to blocking the Tim Drake tag
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brucewaynehater101 · 25 days
I need you to stop me from making another Tim Drake centric fic
I got this random idea that won’t leave me alone
like what if the emotional scars and trauma people have show up physically too most commonly as little cracks on the skin and all of the bats have them
they hide them tho with make up and stuff so people don’t question it except Tim hides them from everyone maybe bc that’s what his parents taught him to do maybe bc he just doesn’t want to burden any of the bats
the bats think that Tim is fine so to them he’s invincible which leads them to treat him as such subconsciously or otherwise especially Bruce
it takes a lot for something to be bad enough that they physically manifest and Tim has A LOT bc everyone thinks he’s invincible
:) it won’t leave me alone help me I beg of you
Hmm.... Let's add on, shall we? This is a very rad idea. You should definitely write a fic about it, but no pressure.
Mind if I explore it? Also, feel free to disregard any part below you don't want/disagree with. This is just brainstorming ^^
Alright. Emotional scars are a physical mark on someone's skin.
Similar to regular scars, they can fade as a person heals.
Some may never disappear, and some only appear for a short time.
What would their color be?
Would they look like actual cracks in a person (so black-ish in color)? Would they be gold or multi-colored (different colors represent different kinds of emotional traumas)?
The level of hurt inflicted is directly proportional to the size (length and width) of the scar.
Perhaps more could be deduced from the general shape (is it jagged? A single line? Branching?)
Not all people have these marks
Most of the population manifests them. There's some prejudice against folk who don't [something something they are heartless, incapable of feelings, not able to be emotionally hurt, cold, detached, etc.], but hiding scars is also common. Therefore, it's harder to discern whether someone is hiding their marks or markless. It's a very fine line, so most people allow a smaller mark to show every once in a while. There's even a few trends to proudly display all marks.
Marks appear at the time of the emotional harm
It may not be apparent at the time due to the location, but the individual being hurt will manifest the mark at the very moment of emotional harm.
Anyways, that's the background stuff. Fun, but let's get into Tim specifically ^^
Tim's parents are part of the few who believe that showing off your scars to anyone, even your loved ones, is both a weakness and a way to guilt-trip people. Therefore, through their archeology studies, they managed to obtain magical objects to prevent the showing of emotional marks. It's similar to glamor.
Tim's object can change forms to suit his needs (so a ring at one moment and an earring the next). This ability prevents the Bats from discovering it.
Janet fakes a very small mark on her hand when she wants to discourage any rumors that's she's incapable of manifesting marks. For Tim, though, his parents wanted him to have rumors of being incapable of forming marks. It served their purpose better for him being the cunning Drake heir.
The deception started from birth, so no one but the Drakes know of Tim's ability to form marks [and the Drake parents never see the marks they leave behind on their child].
The Waynes, long before Tim entered their life, were aware of these rumors. Thus, when Tim demands to become Robin, he doesn't correct their assumptions.
Bruce is a callous fucker to Tim at the start. If Tim can't be hurt emotionally, then Bruce's ill-treatment of him is fine (which is flawed logic. The markless can be emotionally hurt, and they still deserve kindness, dignity, and respect even if they couldn't. Bruce was mentally fucked up, but it doesn't excuse his treatment).
Eventually, Bruce comes to the second realization that Tim should still be treated well even if it doesn't hurt him regardless. The man's behavior is better, but he still has the notion in mind that Tim can't be emotionally hurt. He uses this for missions and to downplay the way his other kids treat Tim (specifically Jason and Damian when they first meet Tim).
Tim gets used to a rotation of insult-names: Robot Robin, heartless, markless (said insultingly), cold-blooded, unfeeling bastard, etc.
He's also subject to a TON of misunderstandings. People are more reluctant to love him due to the belief that he can't love them back. He gets yelled at and told off for "masking/faking his emotions" when he's actually being genuine.
Which adds to his hurt :)
He also has to pretend not to grieve his parents when they die :(
Due to how rare markless are, the Bats don't meet "another" one until after the BruceQuest. When they chat with this person, they realize how many misconceptions they have about them (such as the markless being incapable of feelings. In fact, they accidentally offend that person when they tell the other they don't need to fake their emotions in front of the Bats. Safe to say, the markless individual becomes incensed when they realize how they've been treating their own markless family member).
This would be at least four (probably closer to five) years after Tim first became Robin. The entire family has a meltdown.
Tim, on the other hand, is used to the treatment the Bats have been giving him and becomes incredibly uncomfortable with them trying to care for his feelings and whatnot. It's rocky for a long while as everyone tries to seek forgiveness for something Tim bitterly doesn't hold against them (he is lying to them after all).
Tim rarely, if ever, views his own marks. The last time he checked was when he was having his identity crisis after Robin was taken from him. His entire body, from head to toe, had cracks in it. There was a giant, gaping crack on his back for the metaphorical stab in the back it was.
And we haven't even gotten to when the Bats figure out Tim was never markless :)
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You know what, we deserve a Brentwood Academy Reunion mini comic where Tim brings Bernard along and all the other guys keep sending him pitying looks because they think the poor guy should be warned that Tim will never catch onto his feelings for him.
And Bernard is like, "um, why is everyone giving me so much sympathy?" And Tim's like, "what are you talking about?" And then people literally pat him on his shoulder and tell him that they "get it" and they've "been through this too"
Bernard: What are you talking about??
Some guy from Brentwood: It's okay, man. It's practically a rite of passage at this point. You're here with Tim Drake as just a friend, right?
Tim, who heard that: Um, no? Bernard's my date
Literally everyone there: What.
Tim: Uh...yeah? He's my boyfriend
Everyone: *squeeze their wine glasses so hard they literally shatter*
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deadsetobsessions · 7 months
Batfam as characters in one of those manhwas if they each got killed and transmigrated (by themselves, there is no shipping in this post):
The Head Butler
The hidden veteran
The grandfather with a lot of money
Bruce Wayne
Tired Dad of the Villainess (bc let’s be real he’s got a pretty decent track record of making sure his kids don’t turn into outright war criminals)
Father of the male lead
Maybe the cold northern duke but this man would not be falling in love with anyone tbh
Dick Grayson
Male lead frfr
The villainess
Older brother of the villainess (he’s damn versatile)
Tragic second lead is also a good contender but only
Knight Captain of the empire or whatever but only bc Dick was a cop once
Wise mentor/friend (who’s probably an immortal)
Crown prince in disguise
Barbara Gordon
Master of the magic tower
Merchant guild leader
Spy network owner
King maker
Shadow ruler
A crown Princess, but only bc Barbara Gordon’s letting whoever the king/queen is remain in charge so she doesn’t have to deal with the annoying courtiers
Cassandra Cain
The OG female lead
The OP SAINTESS (the good ones)
THE LOVE INTEREST (bc I have a major crush on her kickassery)
The villainess’ royal ally/friend bc Cassandra deserves to be treated like royalty dammit
Crown Princess that had to take over the kingdom bc her parents sucked at their job
Aura Master who’s underestimated bc she’s small
Magician of the tower, second in command
Information Broker, maybe
Jason Todd
The villainess (good route OR bad route)
The mercenary king
The dragon slayer
The male lead that’s probably a red flag but he’s hot and totally respectful of the love interest so you just kind of poof the homicide away. What murder?
Crown Prince that raises the education levels of the kingdom
Tim Drake
The villainess. Like. THE villainess. War crimes for the good of the people? Yes.
The villainess that takes over the kingdom and overthrows her shitty king-father
Revolutionary co-leader
Prolly opens coffee franchises to make hella bank
Spy network owner?
That one male lead with the super tragic background but is also like committing crimes to help his kingdom or something
The Sleeping Beauty Prince
Stephanie Brown
The villainess that was neglected but turns everyone to her side but the end of the manhwa
Revolutionary Queen
Mercenary Queen
Aura Master/Sword Master
Legendary mage or the tower (Steph would be a menace with magic let’s be real)
Salon Owner
Duke Thomas
The main lead who is seen escaping the palace guards in the first two episodes/chapters
Roguish Crown Prince (full of respect women juice obv.)
Rebellion leader who used to be the king’s trusted knight in shiny armor
Mercenary King
Damian Wayne
Sword master, genius prince of the kingdom
Beast tamer
Dragon warrior (let’s be real, Damian would lose it over having an actual dragons)
Serious Crown Prince (with kennels of “hunting dogs” that we all know is there for him to cuddle)
Cold Northern Duke but he’s cold frfr bc his family isn’t with him
Former assassin turned Duke of the east or something
The famous painter
Alternatively, they all say “fuck it, I don’t fuck with monarchies” and start a revolution.
I wrote this pretty late so it might be off lmfao
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I know I’m *checks watch* twelve years late coming to this realization, and two years late to talking about it when it would’ve been at all relevant, but godDAMN
Young Justice wastes NO time being good after season 1. The producers really just said “hey, y’know all the characters and relationships you’ve loved seeing develop for the past 26 episodes? Well actually, fuck that, fuck them, and fuck you! Everything’s different now, everyone’s developed in new ways that you won’t get to see, but not even in a way that makes sense for a FIVE YEAR TIME-JUMP!”
Take Robin for example; in the five years that take place offscreen, Dick becomes Nightwing, Batman recruits Jason Todd as the new Robin, Jason Todd gets killed, and Batman recruits Tim Drake as the new-new Robin (oh and also Barbara Gordon becomes Batgirl). I love the Batfamily, but I can barely call it the Batfamily when we don’t ever actually see them becoming a fucking family! We don’t get to see Dick struggle with his mentor’s legacy, we don’t see Jason struggle to live up to the Robin that came before, or Barbara picking up crime fighting despite what Bruce tells her to do because fuck that guy. We don’t get to see any of them grieve Jason, we don’t get to see Bruce go off the deep-end, only to be brought back by a young Tim Drake, who shows him what makes Batman, well, Batman; helping those in need, saving people.
INSTEAD, we’re introduced to two characters we knew that are now wildly different with ZERO explanation as to why, and one that we’ve never seen before and is (so far in my watch) severely underwritten, but because they’re the characters we love from the comics we’re supposed to love them here. It’s using the iconography of the characters to get us invested without putting in any of the actual work DEVELOPING them as people. It’d be one thing if this was the first time we met any of them, but we’ve already been introduced to Barbara, and we’ve spent an entire season with Dick, but now both of them have undergone massive development we aren’t made privy to.
I read an interview with Greg Weisman talking about the time jump, and he says this;
“We wanted a big time jump between the first two seasons to truly illustrate what our series was about, i.e. GROWING UP. After that, honestly, it’s more about what feels right. There are always things we want to skip, so that they become reveals.”
Man, I wonder if maybe allowing the audience to actually watch the characters grow and change might illustrate that growing up thing better than just skipping ahead so you can make it a reveal??? Imagine a show where we get to see these characters grow up together, maybe even grow apart, some leave, some stay, some are replaced, some come back. Like, imagine getting to see Dick reckon with the fact that Batman REPLACED HIM, only to watch that replacement die! Imagine getting to see Tim Drake come to Dick for advice, instead of just skipping ahead to the point that they’re already an established team. Imagine getting to see M’gann help Gar learn to use his powers for the first time. Imagine the team throwing a goodbye party for Wally and Artemis! Imagine seeing Wally and Artemis continue to develop their relationship instead of just jumping to them being fully moved in and together! WE WERE ROBBED!!
Like I’m still gonna watch it (not in the least because my roommate’s already seen it) but I need everyone to know I’m doing it under duress. I love these characters, and they did not deserve this lazy bullshit. I do not understand how Greg Weisman made Spectacular Spider-Man because HOLY SHIT the writing decisions made on this show are pissing me off, and don’t even get me STARTED ON CONNOR AND M’GANN BECAUSE WHAT THE FU
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If becoming Robin had an interview:-
(Dick, Jason, Tim, Stephanie and Damian)
Batman- What is your motivation for becoming Batman's partner?
Dick- Robin. Batman's partner is Robin.
Batman- Right, Robin, what are your motivations?
Dick- *Scrunching up nose in concentration* Uhm- Uhhh- RIGHT! dead parents :D
Batman- WHAT?
Dick- OH! sorry, i forgot, *Grin*, seeing dead parents DIE in front of me :))
Batman- I-
Batman- *softly* Dick,
Dick- Aww, I got it wrong...
Batman- You can't-
Dick- What's your motive?
Batman- Making sure nobody else has to suffer like I did but-
Dick- My motive is to make sure nobody else has to suffer like I did, Batman sir *salute*
Batman- Dick, just because we have similar starts to our Vigilante career-
Dick- And to find Tony Zucco.
Batman- There it is-
Batman- Out of all the other kids, why should I hire you?
Jason- OUT OF ALL THE OTHER- Listen here mister-
Batman- waIT that was just to sound interviewy-
Batman- *softly* Oh Gotham...
Jason- YOU WERE THE ONE WHO WENT "hey kid, wanna punch some baddies?"
Batman- *suppressing a smile* Are you done?
Jason- THE HELL IF I AM- Y'know what, why should I work FOR YOU??? WHY NOT- LIKE- THE JOKER OR SOMETHING?
Batman- *Gruff* What are your qualifications?
Tim- Well, Photography, Stalking, and I like to think I'm quite smart but I can be stubborn at times-
Batman- *Bored* Mhm....
Tim- I-
Tim- To hell with this, If you don't hire me, I'm telling everyone you're Bruce Wayne >:(
Batman- *Raise of eyebrow* And what if I stop you?
Tim- Unless you tie me down for the rest of my life or kill me, you can't
Batman- I need your height and weight for the suit.
Tim- yES!
Batman- Any previous experience?
Stephanie- Well, I was Spoiler before, and I have a close relationship with the previous Robin-
Batman- *Interested* Hrn, would you say the previous Robin, cared for you???
Stephanie- Uh, yes sir???
Batman- Don't call me sir.
Batman- This may be a strange question, but would said person be jealous if you became Robin?
Stephanie- I suppose, but I like to think-
Batman- You're hired.
Stephanie- REALLY?????
Batman- Really.
Stephanie- Do I get paid, ma'am?
Batman- What is your opinion on killing?
Damian- Well, I suppose, hypothetically speaking,
Batman- We're not talking about hypothetically.
Damian- *under breath* interrupt me again-
Batman- Sorry?
Damian- HYPOTHETICALLY SPEAKING, I think some people deserve to die,
Batman- Well yes, but would you deliver the final blow?
Damian- *deep annoyed inhale*
Damian- *Slowly, as if remembering difficult lines* I believe that context matters,
Batman- Could you please answer the question, i have other volunteers waiting-
Damian- Excuse me?
Batman- I meant-
Batman- *Sigh* Tim wanted to volunteer for the interview just in case-
Damian- *Pushing table and standing up* OH REALLY?
Batman- *Painfully tight* Damian-
Damian- *Impassive stare*
Damian- I'm going out.
Batman- WHERE-
Damian- *Run's out*
Batman- WAIT-
Batman- *Following after* YOU'RE HIRED- DAMIAN YOU LITTLE- STOP!!!
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theoceansluvr · 3 months
Tim Drake x Baker! Reader
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warnings; threats ? not against the reader or Tim author's notes; MY ALL TIME FAV !! I LOVE YOU TIM DRAKE😞 another indulgent work bc i haven't baked in years and every time i get a new favorite character i have to project my baking habits onto them <9 i yapped a lot but he's my lil guy so he deserves it
he LIVES for your baking
literally if you make pastries he's the first one to eat one and tell you how they're amazing
you might not be Alfred but he'll be damned if he says you aren't competing with him
i feel like he really likes scones ?? idk but make those and you have his whole heart
not that you didn't already-
he's a sucker for any kind of pastry really
he loves cupcakes and cookies don't get him wrong
but absolutely nothing beats muffins in the morning he doesn't care
specifically blueberry !
if your anything like me you hate other people being in the kitchen while you bake
and as much as he'd love to help you out
he's terrified of getting yelled at for trying to sample the batter
never again
but you do let him sit at the kitchen island while you work so he doesn't mind
since he's a tragic insomniac, you usually find yourself baking so he'll have something to eat at the wee hours of the night
he gives you a big ole kiss each time as thanks !
if you sell your stuff he makes absolute sure you get your money.
has ans will threaten to ruin someone's life over this
he means business when it comes to you
which also means chasing his brothers throughout the house because they stole the cookie that was left out for him.
every single time.
you've learned to just start making extras at this point because gods know these boys don't know how to behave
not Tim related but you've probably made Damian little animal shaped cookies
you are now his favorite person because of this. not that he'll ever tell you
back to Tim !
uses that good ole Wayne money to buy you the best stuff <9
only the finest ingredients for his rose i fear !
matching aprons even though he doesn't helpT^T
he thought they were cute and you couldn't argue
drops the worst hints whenever he wants you to make something like
"Oh wow you know what would be sooo good ? *Insert whatever baked goods you'd like*. It's so tragic we don't any.."
he's the worst and i love him
you bake every single one of his birthday cakes and nobody is complaining
it saves the time and energy PLUS everybody loves your baking !
and Tim slightly gets to brag about how good you are at it
(all of the Wayne kids show off their partners if you couldn't tell-)
he would LOVE spice cake and i can't explain why ?
sure he could eat any kind
but spice cake just does it for him
tried to bake you something once and he still hasn't gotten the flour out of his hair
Alfred almost had a heart attack when he found him on the kitchen floor with a cookbook
Tim made him swear to never tell you or anybody in the house..
it's a great wedding story though
he's your favorite and best taste tester as well ! he's fairly honest about what's good and what isn't
those detective skills also come to use with this for some odd reason ? can't explain why
with all that being said !
he's my absolute favorite man ever and he's perfect and he deserves everything i have ever baked !💛
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ijustthinkhesneat · 6 months
Respectfully speaking Dick Grayson is dragging a wagon.
Cut his head off because he is letting them eat cake.
I am tired of pretending that Dick being a 10 with a fatty has nothing to do with his appeal. If he had an up and down pole body y’all would not be simping so hard.
It’s like Jason Todd killing people because of his daddy issues. We love him because we all to some extent have those daddy issues. But we also love him because that man has the biggest tits in Gotham and thunder thighs that could pop melons and skulls alike.
Also put some respect on Duke and Steph’s names. They deserve some love from the untouched masses. A blonde baddie who works in retail and has a villain for a father statistically must be drowning in DMs that radiate a sticky aura.
Dukes parents basically got the Longbottom special and are crazy now. And guess what? Neville glowed up the hardest out of like the whole cast of the Harry Potter movies. Duke is serving Neville Longbottom, over looked and under appreciated but still carrying. He also essentially started a gang/cult and everyone knows only hot people can found a social movement.
Now Tim Drake has what I as a neurodivergent cockroach have dubbed; Autistic Rizz. Like yes he is intelligent and in good shape but the fundamentals of this man are lacking. He does not sleep, which is the same for all the above, he is mentally about an inch away from sending people anthrax in the mail and he likely dresses like a punk skater who got into flash dance and emerges from a dumpster every morning. This is all to say there is nothing conventionally appealing about this disaster, but he is still the rizzler. This is because his strangeness is endearing he’s an enigma and people want to know more. He’s a rude little goblin that you love to carry around.
Cassandra Cain is the Rizz Master for the opposite reason. She takes care of herself, knows how to dress and lives a mess free life. She also dresses like a ninja. Call her Rizzy McGuire.
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siconetribal · 5 months
Put it on My Tab Part 12
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!reader
Tag: @vbecker10 @wordsfromshona @harlequin-hangout @harpy-space @tild3ath @gone-batty-fics @princessbl0ss0m @dakotali @antiquecultist
Warning: Mild swearing, Jason is in trouble, Siblings will be siblings
Everyone deserves time off, and the vigilantes of Gotham are no exception to the rule. The boys decide to take a weekend to let loose. Who knew a few drinks would lead to a stranger in bed?
Author Note:
I'll probably be out of commission for a couple weeks due to a surgery that's coming up soon. I'll try to have part 13 out before then though. Thanks for always reading!
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Timothy “Tim” Jackson Drake was gifted with high intellect since birth. Coupled with the training he has received from Batman and Nightwing, he was a force to be reckoned with and proved worthy of the Robin title time and time again. Now as the Red Robin, he continued his work with his Batfamily. 
Tonight was supposed to be nothing more than routine work. Acquire the target (most likely by force), extract the necessary information (most likely through force), and use the data to get to their true goal. As expected, things were going down the track of ‘by force’. The target ordered his henchman to try to stop them and ran when it was evident they were unable to stop them. The chase was on, and the man went flying through a window. The location mattered little since it was vacant, or so Tim thought. He noticed the barista only after he turned to speak to the first Robin. From there, everything diverted.
He silently observed the young woman who wisely chose to turn a blind eye to their work, but he also kept an eye on his partner. Nightwing showed great interest in this young woman, more so than he would any other civilian that happened to be in the vicinity of their work. The amount of time he said her name and how he said it were also telling.
He’s not warning her, so why is he constantly saying her name? When she turned her back to them to make the drinks, he turned to his eldest brother to ask him what he was thinking but stopped himself at what he saw.
 So this is the famous young lady who’s got our Grumpy in such a fix. She’s certainly cute and pretty sharp, too. Is that why he’s not given her the money yet? Nightwing gently rubbed his chin as he contemplated on what to do. This was purely a stroke of luck on his end, since Red Robin had done the tracking and surveil on tonight’s target. We can’t just leave her with a broken window. She’s even managed to stay calm enough to take our order instead of becoming a mess. What ever shall I do? The right corner of his lip slowly tipped upwards into a smirk as an excellent idea came to mind. He pulled out something and a $100 bill. He folded the bill around the other piece just before she turned around with their drinks.
“Perfect,” he smiled in approval. “Thanks again, Y/N, and here, something for your troubles.” He winked, slipping it into the tip jar before grabbing the tied up man. “Until next time,” he flashed her a grin as Red Robin held the door open and the two walked out as if they had not just come crashing through one of the windows. Red Robin watched Y/N as she slowly looked around at her surroundings. He could not help but wonder why she was so interesting.
That fateful night, Tim had made it his goal to find out what he could about her. He knew asking the elder vigilante would not produce much information, but he asked anyway. The non-answer of ‘no reason’ and ‘it’s nothing’ were provided. Red flags that meant there was indeed something. With the spelling of her name and place of employ, he began to dig. He was a detective after all, a good mystery was always enticing, and there was nothing better to do while they waited for the next move of the organization they were monitoring.
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Y/N stared at her phone for what felt like an eternity. Citlalli had been watching her for the last forty or so minutes since her loud and angry proclamation of ‘I’m going to text this ghosting hotshot pretty boy and demand he pay me the due money and leave me alone’. It was a sudden outburst in the middle of their takeout dinner that had been abnormally silent until then. It was then the young Latina had learned two things. One, he had not texted. Two, Y/N was going insane waiting for him to text, which was rare and quite entertaining.
Daaaaaamn, no text yet? It's been what, three weeks now? And she’s made no effort to reach out? There’s no way in hell she’d forget, she’s slavin’ away tryna get it cleared. But I thought he’d  have reached out by now. Poor mija, she’s really out of luck. She watched as Y/N picked up the device, angrily tapped away at the screen, read whatever she typed, paused, deleted the text, placed it back down, and slump. This is what, her sixth time? It was funny at first, but now it's just crazy. “Just text his ass already!” 
“Text him what exactly? He’s the one that texted ‘Hi’ from my phone to himself! Technically, he should be texting me!” Y/N threw her arms in the air before crossing them tightly, glaring at her phone. “Augh, forget it! I'll just text him whatever!” Grabbing it once more. 
<So, Wonder Boy, when you said you'll ‘send me the details’, was it code for ‘never gonna happen’ or are you saving some DID as the capeless crusader?> She proudly hit the send button, shoving any and all nausea and regret from anxiety down into the depths as best she could.
“That proud of your message, huh? What did you send?” Citlalli curiously asked, reaching for the phone in Y/N’s hands when it suddenly buzzed. Y/N jumped, sending it flying into the air. She juggled the little rectangle a bit as it buzzed a few more times, narrowly saving it from crashing onto the floor. “What the hell was that for?!”
“I didn’t expect it to vibrate all of a sudden,” Y/N scowled, waking the screen to see it was a text from the one and only ‘Your Hero’. She froze on the spot and Citlalli pushed her cheek into Y/N’s to see the screen and gasped.
“Holy shit, he texted back?! Are you sure he said he was going to text you first? Cause it looks like he was waiting on you.”
“I know what he said! I have no idea why he’s texting now. And some space, ya crazy!” She lightly nudged her friend to move and unlocked the thread.
<I did NOT mean to ghost you like this.>
<I swear I got busy with work. Also, what’s a DID? And didn’t I say to stop calling me that?> Y/N rolled her eyes at his texts, pulling up the keyboard.
<Didn’t you also say you’d text me details? And just so you know, it stands for Damsel In Distress.>
<Touche, lol. And noted, I’ll be sure to update the name of my file.>
<You should. It’s the official title. So says the famous kids cartoon movie. You’re still in trouble though.>
<Damn and here I thought I managed to get out of it. Should’ve known you wouldn’t let me go that easy. How about I make it up to you?>
<I’m reading.>
“What’s he saying?” Citlalli eagerly leaned in closer once more. “Don’t just sit there texting, that’s rude! I'm here, too! Don't make me get my chancla!”
“Ok, ok, relax! Sheesh, you don't always need to choose violence. He said he got tied up with work and has offered to make it up to me.”
“Oh, how so? By paying for the hotel and buying us a new apartment? What, don't give me that look! He could buy a neighborhood and still be fine!” Citlalli scoffed. “A girl can dream of a proper kitchen.” She grumbled, leaning back into the sofa. 
“I'm sure he could but I haven't gotten the chance to tell him about the bill because the last time we met, I was a little preoccupied trying to kick out trouble.” Citlalli colorfully cursed out her cousin in rapid Spanish for not only trying to trouble her best friend, but for trampling on Y/N’s chances with a Wayne.
“Cici, it’s fine! Really, I got his number at least. I'll figure out a way to bring it up in person. Deep breaths, ok?” She gently coaxed her fired up friend back into a more zen state before looking at her phone again. 
<How does lunch, you, and me sound? I’ll even recommend a few good books.>
<Consider me intrigued. Where and when?>
<TBD. I’m wrapping a few things on my end. I'll be able to give you all of my attention after that, sweetheart.>
So he did call me that last time. Is that just a thing he does, like how older waitresses and nurses tend to call people ‘sweetie’ or ‘honey’? She eyed Citlalli from the corner of her eye and shifted over, feigning getting comfortable, to avoid any misunderstanding. <I look forward to seeing how different all your attention is to now.>
<Ouch, lol! But fair, I fucked up on this one. I deserve that. You can hold me to it, just give me some time.>
<Also, you can just text me if you’re bored or wanna talk.> His next text popped up onto the screen.
<What about work?> She rolled her eyes at his new promise, though a small smile began to tug at the corners of her lips. Citlalli watched her dear friend curl up just like she did when reading a good book.
<I’ll make time for you.> 
<Even when I’m not in trouble?>
<Even then.>
<Also, text me when you’re in trouble.>
<So demanding for someone who never texted like he promised. Do you always order around the people you save?>
<Just the sassy ones. 😏>
<Keep this up and I might start think I'm special..>
<Yeah, you are. Never met a gal who charged for questions and refused to ask for my mame.>
<What can I say, I’m one of a kind. 😉>
<That you are and sadly, I need to start focusing on my job or I'll get my ass kicked.>
<Don't let me distract you and potentially endanger your fine derriere. Night, Little Lordling.> Slipping her phone into her pocket, she sat there with a smug look of victory to which Citlalli laughed.
“What happened?”
“He said he's going to let me know the details as soon as he's got work wrapped up and I'm allowed to keep him to his word.”
“Oh? Well that's promising. Seems like the two of you are getting along quite well.”
“Oh no, don't even go there, Cici. I know that look! I don't need you trying to match make me like your grandmother does. This is purely business, Platonic if more, and it's going to end once he pays the bill.
“Mmmhmmmm, sure, whatever you say, mija. On that note, we need to head to bed. We have the morning shift.”
“Must you remind me?” Y/N groans, forcing herself out of the comfortable position and stretching. “I’m just grateful Mr. D didn't take the window outta my paycheck. Thank you, security cameras for proof.”
“I still can’t believe it happened! The café was said to be in a safer part of town! The cops are due to come in some time today or tomorrow from what I know. You'll have to give them your account on what happened to get a proper report filed for compensation from the city.”
Fiddlesticks, I forgot that’s supposed to happen! What do I even say? Her shoulders sagged, and her head dropped backwards. I say one thing they don't like, and Nightwing will definitely make my life a living hell. He doesn't kill, but he does know how to torture, I’m sure of it! She wondered how they intended to get the information they wanted and what methods they would use on her. The thought made her shudder.
“Y/N, hey, are you ok?” Citlalli waved her hand in front of her face.
“Huh? Yeah, I’m fine. Just,” she paused for a moment. “Just tired, it’s crazy thinking that was just two nights ago. Never thought I’d serve one famous person, let alone two, and vigilantes at that. I should sleep, can't look like some dead zombie, or they might think we're pulling a fast one.” She forced a yawn and walked into her bedroom, wishing her friend a good night.
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The precinct office was a buzz with its usual hustle and bustle. There was rarely a dull moment thanks to the nightly work of the vigilantes that ruled the night. Many of the officers hated them, feeling as if they were failures and their pride bruised by the ‘handouts’ left at their doorstep. The commissioner was not of that mindset, though, and the newer recruits even idolized the lawbreaking individuals.
“Detective, are you ready to head out? We’ve got a bunch of shops claiming they got damaged by those masked weirdos. I rather we get this shit don't and over with as soon as possible. Those freaks in tights are more trouble than they are help!” The older detective gruffly grumbled his complaints, waiting for his partner. He was a younger detective, a greenhorn that was better than most veterans, which rubbed all the seasoned personnel the wrong way, but they had to admit it.
“Come now, they aren’t all that bad. I’d say a few of them are a bit dashing in their own rights.” The young man stood from his seat, making sure his things were in place. “Plus, I just got back from my medical leave, can’t you keep your grumbling down to a minimum? These people didn’t ask for all this damage control.”
“I did not miss your attitude.” He sneered. “C’mon, get your ass in gear. We gotta go.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming.” He scoffed, walking out of the precinct as they headed towards the first location. It was the first on the list only because it promised dome good fuel for the day.
“Hello detectives, thank you for coming on such short notice.” The man greeted them at the door, letting them into the busy establishment. “Please, follow me to my office.” He quickly led them to the back, catching the eye of one of the employees. Signaling them to follow, he let them get comfortable before the employee arrived. “This is Y/N, she was the employee who was present at the time of the incident.”
“I’ll handle it from here. Nolan, why don’t you go with the owner and get the surveillance footage?” The younger detective offered. With a grunt of approval, the two men left. “Y/N, was it? Please, have a seat. It’s a pleasure to meet you, I’m Detective Richard Grayson, but you can just call me Detective Dick or Grayson.” He flashed her a charming smile.
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Author Note:
A huge thank you and shout out to @harlequin-hangout for the amazing banners you made for me.
Please comment, like, share, and reblog! If you'd like to be added to the tag list, let me know!
If you’re new to the story, please check out the master post for the rest of the chapters or find chapter one here.
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1.) We had to read this for English my senior year. I got so mad at the way she's treated. She's the titular "shrew" of the play. She has to be married off before her younger sister can get married, because that makes sense.
Then the most dogshit man imaginable comes along, and everybody thinks they're perfect. He literally gaslights her and denies her food and water.
Fuck Petruchio and Katherine Minola deserved better!
2.) Literally the whole play is about how she is so awful that the main guy needs to change her entire personality, which he does as a challenge not because he likes her, and then proceeds to her abuse her for the rest of the play. Yet, he is portrayed as the hero, not a villain and she is shown to have "improved" at the end. People will say, oh it's open to interpretation, it can be played different ways, it's satire, but i don't find abuse funny and there is a distinct lack of commentary in the play to count as satire imo. Taming of the Shrew is a tragedy not a comedy, I will die on this hill. Kate deserves better!
3.) The title isn’t joking, ya’ll. She literally gets broken like a rebellious feral animal and it’s treated as a happy ending.
1.) Famously fridged in 1988, which was so popular with misogynists it became canon. After almost 2 decades of being one of the only disabled characters, was rebooted to a younger, more fun version of herself whose only history is that she was fridged but not disabled by it.
2.) The Killing Joke is one of the biggest comic examples of a female character getting hurt to motivate male characters. Also tbe way different cannons will trade off who her romantic intrest is out of Batfamily is pretty disturbing ranging from Bruce Wayne in Batman the Animated series universe (ew) to Tim Drake in the Arkham games (ew). Not to mention DC now is not letting her grow out of being Batgirl taking away her legacy of other young female heroes taking up her mantle and her getting to mentor them instead forcing her into a Batgirl cycle of purgatory when she was always better as Oracle (Its a little more complicated in the new Batgirl book but its still not solving the issues in a way that feels meaningful enough to make up the damage).
3.) Was shot as angst value for Bruce and her dad, implied to be sexually assaulted in The Killing Joke with absolutely no respect for her long career as Batgirl. When Alan Moore asked if he could, the editor said "cripple the bitch." She became paralyzed from the waist down. THankfully, an actually good writer picked her up from there and then wrote one of the best stories ever written (Oracle Year One: Born from Hope). Was one of the most iconic disabled characters in comic book history, hell, as Oracle, she was definitely up there as one of the most iconic disabled characters ever as well as a fantastic character, period. There were a few moments where people kept trying to make things out of her disability and had her be shitty to other women for no reason but for the most part, she was awesome. During her time In 2011, Dan Didio and some other misogynistic/ableist comic book writers were responsible for "curing" her disability and forcing her back into Batgirl, despite her having shown absolutely no desire to do so, as part of the New 52. They also made it an editorial mandate that she couldn't have glasses, a cool secret base, and her time as Oracle couldn't be referenced. This was because those writers were nostalgic for the 60s Batman show where Babs was played by an actress they all had the hots for and couldn't accept she'd grown up and moved on. That was bad enough, but over time, she's been increasingly deaged and reduced even further to just Dick Grayson's on and off again girlfriend and a generic girlboss. Batgirl of Burnsides burn in hell.
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punkeropercyjackson · 25 days
Red Hood and The Outlaws rewrite
The original post of this didn't show up in the tags but that turned out to be lucky for me as two major changes happened in mine @insomniac-jay @mayameanderings @refrigeratedboombursts @theautisticcentre @moonage-gaydream and Amrit's(sadly no longer on tumblr but still on discord)Rhato fixit we made because we love Jason and he deserves better!!Cw for super long and heavy post
It starts in 2010 and ends in 2020,runs for 120 issues and happens in-universe over 3 years
The lineup is in order of joining:Jason Todd(Red Hood and briefly a Star Sapphire),Eddie Bloomberg(Red Devil),Rose Wilson(Ravager and later Willow),Summer Kent(Ignite and briefly a Black Lantern),Thaddeus Thawne(Inertia),Pepper Jackson(Star Sapphire),Raveena 'Raven' Rothra(Blackbird),Duke Thomas(Robin),Kahali Roy(Blood Maker),Imani Javiera(Pantheress),Kyle Rayner(Green Lantern and later White Lantern),Artemis Grace(Artemis of Bana-Mighdall),Venus Parks(Star Sapphire),Mathew Kent(Superguy and briefly a Green Lanterm),Daisy Hilliard and Lilith Morningstar(Paradisia and Hex),Jennifer Williams(Batika)and Azriel Morningstar(Ghoul)
Jason,Eddie and Rose are the 'Original Outlaws Trinity' and them and Summer are the 'Dark Core Four'.Jason is the founder and leader and Summer his right hand man who takes over when he can't
Almost all of them are trans and audhd with Mathew as the token cis and Pepper as the token allistic.Jason is monoracial afro-dominican,Rose and Artemis are brownskin and browneyed,Summer is a half white afro-dominicana/afro-mejicana,Thaddeus is black/white mixed because Candice Patton is the only Iris West,Kahali and Raven are indian(tamil and sindi-bengali respectively),Imani is afro-puerto rican and Venus,Daisy,Jennifer and Lilith and Azriel are black.Jason,Summer,Pepper,Imani and Lilith are also fat and Jaysumm is tank4tank
Sometimes a found family can be 18 crazy ass vigilantes some of who weren't even vigilantes at first
The series is very goofy and silly often and in it's fundamental spirit but equally dark and layered in the same sense and is heavy on gags,jokes,violence and social talk.Putting the radicalism and intersectionalism back in comics
The canon couples are Jason/Summer,Eddie/Lilith,Rose/Pepper,Thad/Azriel,Duke/Luna Vásquez,Kahali/Tim Drake,Imani/Vicia López,Kyle/Venus,Artemis/Daisy and Mathew/Jennifer and Raven is aroace.The other adult Outlaws view eachother with very strong platonic love that can be taken as polyamorous love except Summer and Imani who are sisterly and Jason and Raven who are queerplatonic partners and the Kid Outlaws are seen as younger siblings by them with Thad also being considered their adoptive son-By Summer especially and he straight up views him as his mom
Jason is goth punk,Eddie is a metalhead,Rose is goth butch,Summer is pastel punk,Thad is skapunk,Pepper is y2k,Raven is pastel goth,Duke is a solarpunk fashionista,Kahali is whimsigoth,Imani is Aliyahcore,Kyle is losercore-i mean distinct,Artemis is a jock,Venus is ghetto fabulous,Mathew is weirdcore,Daisy is a softgirl,Lilith is scenemo,Jennifer is a prep and Azriel is kidcore
Summer is the Team Mom and Jason is the Team Dad and they're nicknamed 'Supermom and Dadhood' as a teasing joke that they only embrace post getting together(And yet somehow this dosen't stop Jason from saying Summer is a milf with complete honesty and zero hesitation).Raven is the boba aunt
Their base is called The Fortress-named by Summer obviously-and it's an old abandoned huge residence that they started living in after exorsicing it due to investigation leading them there and the moving in decision was made because the beings in it agreed to bless it with eternal running water and electricity as a thank you for helping them move onto the afterlife at last.Everyone has their own room with their own tricked out aesthetic but it's common for them to share their beds and Imani refuses to actually sleep alone,not that any of them mind after a while despite her unconventional sleeping habits
Small note:Kyle is in the same age group as Jason but because i feel he's even more interesting if he starts out being a power ring holder as a teenager and it adds extra tragedy and opportunities to his plots.And they don't actually meet until adulthood-Their mutual connection is Kyle and Summer having been a thing for a short time when they were both teens and Jason being Summer's childhood best friend since they were 11.This notion also applies to Artemis,she gets introduced as a teen hero too instead of that oversexualization bs and keeps her history but just adjusted so she's still Artemis Grace!!
As stated,Jason,Eddie and Rose were the original trio and Jason got them to become Outlaws pretty easily thanks to Eddie having been sidekick besties with him and Summer too and Rose is always up for moral grayness(and is coincedentally another one of Summer's exes-His first ever girlfriend in fact!)and Summer joined post Ember/Red Hood thanks to him and Jason reuniting in Utrh and the series being about them reconnecting as he unintentionally influenced him to become more sardonic and brutal like they were as a kid so the Metropolis media framed them as 'evil all along' and that hurt them so much combined with smear campaign Lex did against them as a kid he worked so hard to disprove for so long that they finally ran away from home and joined The Outlaws like Jason wanted him to so they'd be a team again.He gifted him a black domino mask as 'giving him a piece of himself' to finish off the new costume Summer made.After a decent while of just The Dark Four Core,Pepper came along as the fifth member because of her crush on Summer she'd gained due to their flirtatiouns back in Metropolis that he still returned and they accidentally rescued Thad from dying in a chaotic and quick incident and took him in since he had literally nowhere to go
And the Raven lore by Amrit:Her second ressurection takes place right before Under The Red Hood and the cult that did the ritual chose an indian girl's body because Azarath and Indian are closely linked.She dosen't rejoin the Teen Titans as she feels infantalized at the idea so she takes a year off but once it passes her life is still in shambles-She barely talks to any of her friends,most of her loved ones are dead and so many people are scared of her.Dick hires her to track down Jason and she loves and misses him so much she says yes so she's introduced as the first big Rhato villain but we actually don't know it's her at first and it's a grand reveal.Eddie is the only one who dosen't know who she is as Jason and Summer recognize her from their Robin and Sparks/sidekick days and her and Rose were actually friends during The Titans and the Dark Core Four help her accept her rage in a really cool fight scene,then she calls a true with them and basically becomes their field medic 2 issues later and teaches them meditation and such practices.She starts patching things up with the other people in her life but her and Dick still argue a lot and when he finds out about her teaming up with The Outlaws,they have a huge fight that ironically makes her decided to officially join them and change her codename but they do eventually repair their relathionship
Pepperose was just a natural thing that happened-They flirted on first meeting mutually and Rose was shellshocked Pepper actually hit on her back and then kinda became obsessed with in a non-creepy way her LMFAO She acts like a booktok bf💀Peps is very happy about it though and they're 'gal pals' for about 50 issues before sealing the deal and doing the official girlfriends thing.Rose calls her Pinkie Pie and Pepper calls her 'my favorite rose'.Pepper dosen't really change all that much other than improved self-eestem and getting stronger(and bustier and curvier as her hrt really hits)but she also kills Slade for good out of love for Rose and that's when Rose kisses her,no holding back anymore and they're married by the 2nd to last issue and Rose's 'Willow' mantle comes in at issue 91 and her arc is a heavy but good one that's all about her being human despite what others say
Kahali was gruesomely murdered by The Joker as he filmed the whole thing and sent a physical copy to Summer with a note that said 'history repeats are as sweet as you are,Dearie Em' because of them being intergenerational best friends and partners on the hero field as Ember and Bloody Mary and he'd even taken on the parental role in his life,not just a mentor anymore after his mom's death and his birth dad being an abusive shitstain and they kept in touch which is how The Joker found Kahali.Summer was catatonic but also stuck in his dragon/Kryptofang form and when he snapped back to conciousness,he flew to Gotham before his cremation ceremony to dunk him in the Lazarus Pit,knowing it's exact location thanks to Talia helping out The Outlaws now and then as Jason's adoptive mom and lead of Taliacorp,the reworked ex-Lexcorp she took over in her run of the same name.Kahali came back with Pit Powers much stronger than Jason's and he rubs it in his face,along with it turning his hair completely white but he still dyes it red and Summer mother hen's him more than ever for obvious reasons(well those and the additional one is Summer also got killed and ressurected by a Gotham Rogue as a sidekick)and Kahali updated himself from Bloody Mary to his current moniker.Tim and him were a very atypical couple on every level but that only made them happier with and better for eachother and Tim entered his villain era as 'Dove' over what happened because he believed Kahali was his soulmate and saviour and even had plans to marry him despite not asking him out yet and ironically enough they reunited on the battlefield without recognizing eachother at first until Tim did first and unmasked himself in shock just like Jason did to Summer in Utrh.Time stood still until they rushed up to kiss in relief and disbelief in Tim's case and they started a secret long distance relathionship after that
Artemis joined for reasons that're a bit complicated to match her origin story but the jist of it is she was living in the normal world and deemed them worthy of her companionhood despite how annoying she found them(especially Jason)and they helped her out with her emotions and better translating her mannerisms and she technically turned into a goddess permanently(and willingly)and Kyle had a lot of crazy ass Lanterns shit happen that had him be forced by his mentors to take a breather and he choose a crosscountry roadtrip and he met his teammates by almost running Eddie over because he was trying to eat freshly made ramen and it got in his eyes.He had a bit of a morals trip with his new friends and old ex boygirlfriend he's still mutually flirty with sometimes to say the least(and ends the run thee White Lantern).There's heavy featuring of his parents and past in this because hooooooo boy,he is a character of all time!!
Duke is the 5th Robin because of Summer's involvement and he got a year in pretty good but then him and Bruce nearly broke apart over a fight and he got so scared of being fired as Robin because of being only a 12 year old technical orphan(jokerized parents and Gnonom for a biodad)he followed Summer's footsteps by ditching Gotham and that was how he meet Jason,who introduced himself as his true identity to him because of Summer's positive talk of him and accepted Duke's ask for shelter and so Duke was now an Outlaw.He wasn't forced to kill but he did become pretty harsh in fights and this caused him angst only for a bit as he was reassured by the older members.In Issue 39,Jason snarks he was just 'The Replacement Robin' and Duke defensively says 'You were always my favorite Robin when i was little!I never even got to see you in action but you're my favorite for good now!' and Jason is taken back and stunned,completely clueless on how to process it and in issue 110,Duke says to Jason '.....I was never a real Robin.I've been with you guys way longer than i ever was with Bruce-' and Jason cuts him off with 'Yeah,no shit you were never Batman's Robin.You're The Outlaws' Robin-You're my Robin and you always have been and you always will be' and Duke breaks down so Jason comforts him and that's when Summer walks in with their Dairy Super and Batburger double flight orders and asks what happened but helps in further comforting him before either even get to explain with Duke thanking him for being the reason he got to take the first step to heroism to which he gets platonically bubbly and flattered and tells him he's the perfect Robin and Duke does a toothy happy grin that takes up most of the last panel in that issue.A text box reads 'Duke Thomas is happy.Jason Todd is happy again,thanks to him.They're eachother's Robin,on purpose and by choice'
All the direct longlasting exposure to so much super science-y and magic jazz and trazz made his power system escelarate and he went from light and darkness powers to straight up reality warping.He gets stuck in a pocket dimension for a hot sec but Summer and Jason pull him out with Thad's help as an expert on that situation.The universe is trying to create the N52 but Duke's Robinhood is stopping it and in an arc of 18 issues to symbolize the 18 core Outlaws,Duke,Summer,Jason,Thad,Kahali,Jennifer,Mathew,Imani,Kyle,Venus,Raven,Eddie,Rose and Pepper get the headfirst headons into helping completely erase even the slimest posibility of the N52 canonizing but ALL The Outlaws are in on it,including an unfringed Tam as our Batgyal and honorary Outlaw for two and a half months at the time!!Duke as our Robin deserves that dramatic ahh 'We love you and always want you with us,nobody else could be our Robin' storyline.Our Sunspot has earned it
Imani gets hired because of her reputation as a leathily effecient spy and she fits right in,crying herself to sleep a few times after they'd been together long enough to call eachother family.She's a gremlin from the start and influences Mathew to be the same and she's close to everybody but Summer and her are interdimensional sisters soulmates a la Percy Jackson and Hazel Levesque and he was the first one to break down her walls and they go out of their way to defend the other nonstop and this helps Summer's eldest daughter syndrome trauma.Catblooded/Vimani starts in a remastered Gotham War which is about them and The Watchers and lest to say they're perfect together and Jason,Kyle,Mathew,Lilith and Jennifer NEVER let them live it down.Lilith's intro is a parody of Batman 357-Instead of stealing his tires,she hacked Jason's computer to leak his old Undertale chats and he begged her to join in humiliating ways only for it to be revealed she only did it for fun and came to join because Summer and him were close friends in their teen years but got seperated due to Hell bussiness.She made sure to take pictures 'to send to Summie of his cringelord ass hubbie'.None of these words are denied by anyone at all
At the same time this was happening,Artemis,Azriel,Thad,Pepper and Duke were on a mission and Artemis was almost fatally wounded but Daisy came in as her angel with healing oitments made with her chlorokinesis and Artemis saw her with a glowing pink halo around her head,too enchanted by her to care about almost dying.Daisy was a duo with Lilith and had the same reasoning as her for being there but they got seperated thanks to a villain attack and they're the team hacker and team botanist.They picked Venus up at a party she was DJ'ing and she started as only an ally but joined them officially in a parallel to Teen Titans 2003!Tara Markov after an angst arc and it actually took her and Kyle a hot sec to get officially together due thinking their attraction was purely physical and her and Pepper did a toon girlypop squee sequence after she got the official Outlaw title as Star Sapphire solidarity.Mathew was having insecurities over not being as good as Summer because he's not as Clark-esque as him
This leads into 'Superguy's Breaking Out' arc,when Lor-Zod infects him with black kryptonite and it functions as an angstified mythology gag to the widely beloved Multicolor Raven Emotions from the Teen Titans cartoon as we get Superguy,Negasuper,Supernega and Guysuper in manifistations of Mat's kindness,anger,envy and creativity and a Krypton heavy arc follows as it leads to the dual swords Kaliodoton and Kryptoscade,the legendary kryptonian swords that were wielded by various kryptonian and kryptofang duos throught Krypton's history and now Mathew Kent and Summer Kent to complete their journey to fix Mat's self-eestem and uncover even more of Fantasma's backstory,the ghost of the last surviving Kryptofang that lives in Summer's head as a DID metaphor(with the following symptoms and required trauma to turn him into a system!).Their quest lasts three weeks and they return to The Fortress to the world's biggest group hug with Mathew especially misty eyed but in a happy way and have a huge cultural fusion dinner they all made together that includes previously lost kryptonian recipes
Jennifer was missing from Gotham because she'd been given Lian's teleported across time and space multiple times storyline due to an accident that happened while on a quest for Solana Banks to restore her lost home dimension Helioas because she thought she'd found an articifact that would but misenterpreted it's powers.Lucky for her,her journey only lasted 1 year instead of multiple and she crashlanded inside The Fortress literally in the middle of The Outlaws video game night.She wasn't ready to live normally again just yet so she stayed and became an official member as a result,from Batgal to Batika.And to complete our family,Azriel had the easiest and most simplistic one-Lilith asked Jason to let her join them because of how strong she is and not having many friends so he accepted and she's actually the goriest of the Outlaws beating even Thee Red Hood in it and this is part of her demonic nature and carries no secret undertones to it.Like Flowergrace,Thadzriel was love at first newbie sight and they have such a sweet middle school dating dynamic
Raven and Kahali take a trip to India to rediscover and reclaim their respective cultures and bond in the process,becoming siblings almost as close as Kahali and Summer.They get matching jhumkas while they're there!!The other ooc(Outlaws of color)all get to visit their motherlands too at some point in the story and Pepper gets a bonus with the Pepperose wedding taking place in Italy
Luna appears in a significant amount of issues but since she's Aquafam she sticks to her own territory most of the time and her and Duke are purely platonic,having met in Robin 2007,with love not blooming until Duke becomes The Signal and leads a new team he made called The Lights with Luna joining as 'Moonguide' and they have a slowburn that spans until their adults years as Eris(Duke)and Selene(Luna).Like Summer to Jason,Luna is the Starfire to Duke's Robin and an honorary Kid Outlaw
Jaysumm's dynamic is childhood best friends and sidekick partners > Enemies only in the technical sense > Best friends again but Jason flirting with Summer constantly and Summer not buying Jason isn't joking because of their history together > Being insuferably obviously in love and Summer's literally the ONLY one who dosen't know > Fwb who act like a couple already with Jason still only knowing it on his side and angst for him as a result > Sneaking off to take Jon off trick or treating in opposite costumes(fairy goddess princess and blood moon werewolf)and Summer's epiphany finally happens so he confesses when they make it home and Jason confesses back so they make out and sleep together literally > Official couple when exactly 11 issues remaining in a 120 part series LMFAO
🎶They don't give a damn about their reputation🎶 < Had to make that joke,mb kings.But yeah they generally don't care about perception from normies and ARE here to unteach propaganda as they fuck around and make people find out the systems are fucked.It's very embarrasing for certain superheroes that the eco-terrorists without the no kill code are better parents to their kids than they are to theirs and their legacy stays even post quasi-disbanment(They keep in contact forever ofc,it's just the plot needed them elsewheres and there's common reunions and video calls)
Culturally fused team,both race and species.Afrolatino and brown latino,kryptonian and amazonian,speedster abonimation and macabita demon,human and meta and so forth.Subculture fused too as they frequently participate in eachother's aesthetics and interests and they're all multilingual.Clashes between them occasionally but never too bad
The genre is like.Superhero comedy but also horror but also fantasy but also sci-fi but also urban fantasy but also surrealism but also romance drama but also psychological thriller????????It's the Homestuck of DC,everything ever happens in Red Hood and The Outlaws 2010-2020.This includes the catgirls and the hyperspecific lore and the weird ass art that's somehow good and the-
The covers always fuck NO exceptions,Summer does meta commentary telling fans to not buy their merch officially and to instead get it secondhand or they'll be dissapointing him but Pepper full on breaks the fourth wall and Jennifer gained the same power from the No N52 Mission and Lilith can too,it has it's own official opening on the official DCAU channel and a few shorts and this includes a pride video like the Bubbline one by Cartoon Network and it stars Jaysumm,Pepper is the most well-known and beloved trans DC character,they're SUPER popular in in Latin America and with latino-americans,it has multiple lego sets and The Outlaws Girls even got their own doll line and they have crossover mini series with Young Justice that's 24 issues and called 'Just Us,No Laws'
Live action cast:Aubrey Joseph as Jason,Booboo Stewart as Eddie,Chelsea Zhang as Rose,Amandla Stenberg as Summer,Lonnie Chavis as Thad,Nicole Maines as Pepper,Avantika Vandanapu as Raven,Jenna Qureshi as Kahali,Issac Ryan Brown as Duke,Trina Mcgee as Imani,Diego Tinocco as Kyle,Imaan Hammam as Artemis,Halle Bailey as Venus,Walker Scobell as Mathew,Teyonah Harris as Daisy,Ruby Baker for Lilith,Riele Dowds as Jennifer,Priah Ferguson as Azriel,Coco Jones as Tam and Shanina Shaik as Talia
The arcs names' in order:Ignite arc,In This City arc,Blood Maker arc,Cat got your tongue? arc,Man's World arc,Superguy! arc,Motherland arc,Speak of the Devil arc,StarWillow arc,Gotham-Hoods arc,Outlawed Robin arc and In with the Outs arc(finale)
There's a Scooby Doo crossover event since it's confirmed DC is canon to the Scoobertverse and it's 27 issues and titled 'Scooby Doo and The Outlaws',a graphic novel by Bryan O'Malley in the Scott Pilgrim artstyle and storytelling font called 'Jason Todd's After Afterlife' and multiple Rhato x Atsv official arts because of Summer inspiring Hobie Brown's recreation as Spiderpunk in the 2010s with Superpunk in the 1990s as a butterfly effect ala Donald Grover and Miles Morakes(and there's even one of Gayatri meeting Kahali and Jaysumm meeting Punkflower)
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nari-writes · 1 year
The thing is, Tim doesn’t realise Kon doesn’t know his secret identity until Kon sighs, looks over at him longingly, and says, “Man. You’d be so good at this.”
“Good at what?” he asks, distracted by the plans he’s got spread out in front of him. Bruce wants an update on Lex’s new office, but Tim’s been trying to figure out why the old one has an extra hallway that seems to go nowhere. The last time Lex had a hallway that went ‘nowhere’, Tim and Bart had found a cloning lab.
“All the hero stuff, you know?” Kon says, and Tim blinks. He blinks again, trying to catch up while Kon keeps talking, “Like, you’re super smart, you’re super organised, and you’re totally obsessed with mysteries. You’d make a great Robin.”
“What?” Tim asks, feeling vaguely like he’s been shoved into a mirror dimension. But his undershirt is definitely half-hanging out of his laundry basket, and the R’s on the outside, so he can’t have been transported to an alternate dimension sometime within the last two minutes of conversation. Also, wait! he thinks to himself, he’s literally working on a plan to break into Lex’s building with Conner – why would he be doing that if he wasn’t-?
“Yeah!” Kon says, gaining enthusiasm at Tim’s bafflement, “Dude, you’re awesome. We could totally make a case. Where’s your computer? I bet I could get one of your powerpoints in front of Batman. Reasons why Tim Drake should be Robin, created by Superboy and validated by Young Justice.”
“Is it even my powerpoint if you’re going to take credit on making it?” Tim asks, and Kon waves off the question with one hand.
“Well, we can’t present a biased opinion,” Kon says, “and everyone in Gotham knows Robin’s the coolest, so if it was just from a civilian Batman may not take it seriously.”
Batman may not take it seriously, Tim’s brain repeats to itself, and then Tim has to stop himself from cracking up at the thought of Bruce sitting through a powerpoint on why his current Robin would make a ‘super cool’ Robin.
Presented by Superboy.
“Kon,” he says, unable to hide the laughter in his tone. Of course his friend is trying to joke - what other option is there? That Kon doesn't realise he's Robin? “What are you talking about? I can’t give Batman a presentation on why I should be Robin.”
Kon’s mouth twists in a mulish scowl. “Don’t,” he says, sounding more annoyed than Tim would’ve thought at such a joke, “You’re amazing, Tim. You would make an awesome Robin.”
“I know,” Tim says, and tries to ignore the flip in his stomach at how solemn Kon’s expression is, the way he’s serious about every word. It’s making his face feel hot, that Kon hasn’t immediately dropped the compliments, or paired them with an overly flirtatious wink. “Come on, dude, I get it. What bought this on?”
“It just- it’d be cool to hang out with you at the tower. Or do missions with you,” Kon mumbles and Tim stops entirely.
“Kon,” he says, because before it may have been a weird joke Kon was playing, some sort of ego-boost but he knows Kon well enough to read that expression, and- “Kon, I’m Robin. I can’t get Batman a presentation on why I deserve to have my own position.”
This time it’s Kon’s turn to look shell-shocked. “-what.”
“How did you not know?” Tim asks, feeling pained and also a little bit like a bad friend – had he inadvertently lied about something, made Kon think he and Robin were different people? Was he not clear enough when he’d introduced himself to Conner and Bart and Cassie, that weekend before Jason’s attack on the tower? Did Bart and Cassie also not know? Also, wait, back to his first thought of the day: “Why- why did you think I was helping you plan a break in to Lexcorp?”
“Lex sucks?” Kon says, the words an offering, and Tim squints at him.
“You think a normal civilian would help you commit crime?”
“What! How is this a crime?”
“This is literally breaking and entering! Technically, since I’m Bruce Wayne’s ward, it’d also be considered corporate sabotage.”
“It’s not a crime if the victim sucks,” Kon mutters bitterly, and Tim’s squint gets even more aggressive, brow furrowed.
“Kon. What was your explanation for how I knew you were Superboy?”
Kon shrugs, but his face has steadily been getting more and more closed off as his embarrassment deepens. “Dude, I said you were good at mysteries. I thought you just- figured it out. I wasn’t subtle the first time we met.”
“You didn’t have a name the first time we met!”
“What? Oh-” Kon says, “no, okay, the first time I met you as a civvy?”
"Huh?" Tim asks, and Kon cocks his head to the side.
"Yeah! Remember, it was the Mudders charity thing, and Superman and I volunteered in civvies but that girl got stuck in the mud pits so after I went to get her out you helped me hose off and said 'good job Superboy', and then I freaked out and you laughed at me."
"What," says Tim. He does remember that, but there's a key difference between his memory and Kon's- "you were in civvies?"
"Why did you think I kept showing up here as Superboy!" Kon says, this time his turn for exasperation.
"Because I told you my identity?!"
"You said your name was Alvin Draper! You wore contacts!"
"You have x-ray vision! I live with Batman!"
"Tim!" Kon yells, and it's not entirely angry but Kon's suddenly in his face, his hands wrapped around Tim's biceps. "Tim I didn't know! I just thought you were my cool civvy friend who figured out my identity while I was covered in mud and- and-"
Kon's suddenly beaming, and Tim has whiplash.
"Hi, Robin," Kon says, so soft that Tim's heart crawls up his throat with sticky fingers, his face burning. Is there a connection, between the blood rushing to his cheeks, and the migration of his pulse? He knows there's a connection between Kon's palms on his skin and the movement of his heart, at least, but this is-
"Yeah?" he says, and Kon's grin gets bigger.
"I am never ever letting you forget this."
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demonictumble · 3 months
fic rec list (1/??? )
this is a fic recommendation list for whomever wants a good read. All of these are on AO3. I have not provided links, so just search them up!
If you do end up reading any of these, or really any fic in general, remember to leave the author comments!! They deserve them, esp because they do this for free and they deserve to know how beautiful their writing is and how appreciated they are.
IMPORTANT NOTE I am not a religious fan where I only like a fic when it adheres to canon characterization or texts. I can enjoy fics even when they completely throw off what's actually canon and that's okay for me, but it might not be for you. So just keep this in mind and the back button exists for a reason if you don't like something.
Buy Back the Secrets by Sundiscus (incomplete)
Tim Drake and Kon El centered!! OH MY GODS. I could rave on and on about this fic all day but I'll have to keep it brief. I've reread at LEAST 5 times. It's brilliant. The writing, the plot, the characterizations!! They are incredible. If I had to use a phrase to describe it, it would be "identity shenanigans and timkon" but that simplifies the absolute masterpiece that it is SO MUCH
Executive Assistant to the Batman by heartslogos (complete)
Tim is basically Bruce Wayne's assistant and is desperately trying to avoid letting them know that he knows. This is complete crack, but it is hilarious. The writing is so funny and It's what I need after a bad day or anything tbh. It may not be completely true to characters or whatever, but it makes up for it a thousand times over in spirit and the laughs it's produced from me.
anything (not the title because literally ANYTHING) by IzzyMRDB
I can rave about them all day because the dc/batfam fics I have seen them right are all so delicious and I devoured them far too fast and momggg its just so good. and I love their writing style <3
Reverse Robin AU by yellow_cabellero (complete)
I CANNOT DO THIS SERIES JUSTICE WITH MY WORDS. IT is a must read for me. The writer writes spectacularly and the characterization, even though its a reverse robin, feels on point, especially considering the circumstances (Im a huge believer in circumstances shape a person's personality, which is what I think occurs beautifully in all of these fics). They're just so GOOD.
Also this author has a STEPH FIC that is stunning. 10/10. Steph is a character that doesn't get the appreciation she deserves, so this fic was especially more touching for me. It was terrific seeing her girl bossing in the 90s (IT ALSO FELT SO PERIOD ACCURATE CAN WE TALK ABOUT THAT). Not to mention, the author shows off character flaws in a believable manner and nobody is a Mary Sue and it's just EVERYUTHING IS JUST *chefs kiss* by them.
The Fishbowl by LordLuxury (complete)
This is Dick Grayson centered. THEY HAVE MADE A MASTERPIECE. I genuinely mean it. Dick is constantly trying to pull the family together, he is trying to be the glue as everything tries to go the opposite. LET THIS MAN HAVE HIS FAMILY. This had me in shambles. Bad Dad Bruce hurt me, but it was just so realistic. That's what gets me. The whole dynamics portrayed in The Fishbowl are so goddamn realistic and it feels so real. Everyone is flawed in their own way and its just... PLEASE READ IT I BEG OF YOU.
Love and Bruises by Acin_Grayson and Hoebiwan (complete)
Despite what the title may suggest, this is actually funny! Jason thinks Batman is abusing Bruce. And I just remember dying of laughter as I read this. Terrific! Would read and Will read again
Marvel (I am a movies fan so most if not all fics I recommend from here on out will be probably based on movies!)
Tennessee Outreach for Spider-Man and Friends by ciaconna
GREAT FIC. Harley (potato gun kid in one of the iron man movies for those who don't remember) gets an internship with Tony stark for college application reasons and its to help Spiderman. Peter Parker and Harley whateverhislastname is such a funny duo and they made the fic spectacular. Terrific writing omg.
Peter and the Jailbirds by beautifullights
I THINK THIS FIC HURT ME. I don't really remember much bc its been a year and a half, but I think my emotions remember because I feel mildly sad when I think about it. Peter is on the raft and bonds with the ex-avengers also on the raft. The premise of a teenager possibly spending the rest of his life in prison is terrible, but I swear this fic has funny moments and the conversations that occur are to die for because the WRITING. WHEW.
O Brother, Where Art Thou? by theskeptileptic
Tony survives and it's set after No Way Home. Where I'm pretty sure the only people dead are May and Pepper. Morgan saves the day by remembering her big brother (Im a sucker for big brother Peter arc). Peter is kind of a mini Tony in this one I think, which is such an interesting take. And it's such a coming home story and its just so beautiful.
Cross Overs:
Even Heroes Have the Right To Dream by Bounemr (complete)
mlb/dc crossover!! where marinate and Jon are retired superhero and go to college together! Great writing and plot with a good ending. Fluffy for the most part as far I as I can remember (it's been a year since I've read it so you know it's good if I can still remember)
Hired Hands by neighborhood_yogurt (incomplete)
Percy Jackson/ DC crossover!! It's been a while since I've read this one too but It's stuck with me. It's hilarious and I need to reread it but Percy is accidentally on Penguin's payroll because he's just a dumb blonde at heart, but it's okay we all love him. And Shenanigans occur. I don't remember exactly what happens so reminder to read this again for myself as well!
(IDK if any of these authors have tumblrs, if they do, someone please tag them and I will forever be in your debt)
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yourmomxx · 2 years
Jason Todd / Red Hood anxious to get you under the mistletoe cause he is in love with you so bad and doesn't know what to do because he is afraid to scare you away if he confess
loving this request right now - I hope you like how it turned out!
Word Count: 2,2k
Warnings: none, 13+
A/N: author was stuck deep in a writer’s block while doing this, so if you don’t like it lmk and I’ll redo it for you <3
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You loved Christmas. Even more than every other holiday. That was a fact that everyone knew, because every year you made it everyone’s problem.
Not that they minded, you were sweet about it. Like when you started singing Christmas songs in mid November.
Or when you took Tim to a Christmas market to help him get his mind off his exams.
Yes, christmas was your favorite time of the year. And gift giving was your specialty.
Though, this year you had decided you needed to be extra careful with gift shopping than usual. Because you had a plan.
See, there was this guy you had a crush on, his name was Jason Todd.
You and him had been friends for a long time, you were even good with his family and invited to all their gatherings. So, naturally, you spent Christmas with them, too.
And this year, you had told yourself, you were going to tell Jason how you really felt about him. What better reason than the most romantic time of the year?
You were going to pull him aside while everyone was busy with the presents, you were going to give him his and then you were going to tell him you loved him.
And nothing could go wrong. Unless he rejected you. But you were secure that your friendship would survive it if your feelings were unrequited. Until then you could just hope they were not.
You took a deep breath and stepped outside into the snowy landscape to go for a walk. There were still some things to do before you had to be at Wayne Manor.
Back in an upstairs apartment in Gotham City, shielded from the snow and cold temperatures, Jason Todd was standing in the kitchen and stuffing a turkey for the upcoming Christmas dinner, while his brothers Tim Drake and Duke Thomas were draped across the sofa, taunting him.
Because they didn’t have much better to do.
Duke had his legs crossed and batted his eyelashes as he spoke in an over dramatic female voice: “Oh, Jason, you have such beautiful and strong arms I’m sure they would be great at picking me up and carrying me into the sunset!”
Cue Tim in a deep voice: “Oh now but Y/N, I can’t do that, because I’m way too scared that you’ll reject me when I tell you my real feelings!”
“I don’t sound like that,” Jason grumbled.
Tim scoffed. “You wish.”
“I’m gonna get my gun.”
“Relax Jay were just teasing you.” Tim lifted up his hands in surrender.
“Seriously it’s mistletoe-time, man,” Duke said, “They’re everywhere. Just … take them under one and kiss them. It ain’t that hard.”
“I will in fact not do that.”
“Why not?”
Jason put some spices away and wiped his hands at the dish towel hanging at his waist. “Because. It could ruin the entire friendship we have if they don’t like it, and even if, just kissing someone like that is super unromantic.”
But the truth was that Jason was scared. Yes, him, Jason Todd, and in his mind it was absolutely ridiculous. He had died and come back to life, he was a vigilante at night, he had fought the Batman himself.
And yet, what made his hands shake and heart beat faster was the thought of kissing you under a mistletoe. What made his jaw clench was the thought of someone else getting to you before he did.
And that, in his mind, was ridiculous.
Duke threw his head back and groaned. “Oh come on, you big baby. You don’t have much of a choice here anymore. I want a mom, and Bruce sure as hell isn’t gonna get on with Selina soon, so you and Y/N are my next best choice.”
“Y/N does make amazing PB&J’s,” Tim agreed.
“Silence, both of you. Or I will tell Santa that you don’t deserve your presents.”
Tim grinned. “Ha, nice try, asshole. I stopped believing in Santa when I was six.”
“That’s when everyone starts believing in Santa,” Duke said.
“Yes because you all fall victim to parent’s mind control and illusion. Couldn’t be me, suckers.”
Jason rolled his eyes. “How mature you are.” He opened the oven and carefully put the roaster inside. ”Well then, come on, you two heroes of Gotham. This turkey needs some time in the oven and I-“ He picked up his keys “-still need a few presents.”
Duke jumped up and rubbed his hands together in excitement. “Ooh, last-minute Christmas shopping. This is a Hallmark movie.”
“Shut up and put on some shoes.”
That night, at Wayne Manor, Christmas was in full swing.
From ornate chandeliers (thanks in no small part to you) to landscape art made out of fake snow on the huge windows.
The entire building smelled of cinnamon and tangerines, and small loudspeakers in the corners softly played Silent Night.
It was shortly after the huge feast together, the whole family and unofficial family members were invited.
Jason had brought his ready-made turkey, Steph brought hilariously decorated Christmas cookies, Dick and Barbara brought the appetizers.
Now everyone had gathered in the living room, in which stood the huge Christmas tree (and I mean massive, department store size), decorated in dark red and gold.
Bruce, wearing an elegant black tux, stood up, holding a glass in his hand and carefully clinking a spoon against it to get everyone's attention.
When silence fell, he raised the glass.
"My dear friends, relatives," he said, "It is my pleasure to welcome you here today. Christmas is the festival of joy, love and gratitude, and I want to thank you. For the good times we have spent together - day and night - and for always being able to count on your support when I need it." He held up his glass solemnly. "I wish Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you!"
"Merry Christmas!" It rang out in several voices, and glasses were raised and toasted everywhere.
Jason pushed past Stephanie and stood next to you.
"Merry Christmas," he said in your ear. His breath tickled your neck.
"Merry Christmas," you said back.
He looked up and down at you and you felt your heart start beating faster.
Then he grinned and leaned closer to you. "You look amazing today. Red really is your color."
Your breath caught in your throat and you looked up at him.
“Thanks,” you breathed out. You didn’t trust your voice to do much more.
He stayed focused on you for a second, dark blue eyes reflecting the light of the Christmas tree, when suddenly, the door bell rang and you winced, startled.
“That has to be the carol singers, Master Wayne,” you heard Alfred say and Bruce nodded.
“Well then, we’ll greet them. In the meanwhile, behave until we get back.” He threw a look around until he finally turned and disappeared, Alfred in tow. Cassandra also chose to join them.
Shortly after were previously interrupted conversations resumed until the babble of voices surpassed anyone's senses.
You decided that now was the best time to go through with your plan.
“Jason,” you said, slightly tugging at his jacket to get his attention.
“Hm?” “Can we talk for a second?” You asked him. “We are talking.” “You know what I mean.”
He raised his eyebrows in confusion, but gave in. A hand resting on your upper back, he guided you through the crowd until you found a small corner where no one was standing. Carefully, you put your glass down and Jason did the same. Then he raised his arms in defense.
“Look, whatever I did, I deeply apologize for it, but first of all, I didn’t suggest to cook Damian’s turkey, that was Tim.”
Now it was on you to be confused. “Jason, this is not this kind of talk.”
He visibly relaxed. “Oh.” He pursed his lips and chuckled awkwardly. “For a second there you had me worried.”
You smiled softly at him. “No, I just- I wanted to give you your present. You know, in private, so it’s more… private.”
Your heart was almost jumping out of your chest at this point. You were blabbering and stuttering before him as if you hadn’t gone through this monologue at least three times alone at home.
So get it together.
You took a deep breath and pulled out a small, wrapped present, handing it to Jason.
“Merry Christmas, Jay.”
He glanced first at the package in his hands, then at you, before slowly pulling the wrapping paper off and revealing an oblong black box.
You watched him as he pulled off the lid and took out what was laying on a red fabric pillow.
It was a quill, polished black with subtle gold decorations twining around the handle.
Jason wide-eyed the object in his grasp.
“I know you like to write,” you said. “I mean, you don’t have much time to do it, of course, but I know you like it. So, I thought you would like this. I know it’s not much and it’s actually pretty small now that I think about it-”
“I love it.” He interrupted you and looked into your eyes. “Thank you.” Jason quickly put the quill aside and swiftly pulled you into a warm hug.
You wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders and breathed in his scent of old cedar wood and whiskey and gunpowder.
“You’re welcome,” you murmured when you pulled apart. Jason’s armes remained wrapped around your waist and he was still remarkably close to you.
You could’ve counted the small freckles littered across his face. Just like before, his eyes went up and down your body. You felt your cheeks grow hot.
“Did I tell you that you look absolutely beautiful tonight?” He asked in a low voice.
You but your lip and nodded. “Yes you did,” you whispered.
His eyes were staring deeply into yours and for a moment, you felt you forgot what breathing was like.
Suddenly, the two of you heard a rustle above you and Jason looked up, coming face to face with something green.
He pointed above him. “Mistletoe.”
“But we’re not under any- “Jason cut you off by pulling you towards him and clashing your lips together with his. You let out a surprised noise but quickly wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him back.
And it felt good. You felt excitement in your stomach, spreading through your entire body at the feeling of Jason’s warm, soft lips moving slowly against your own.
When you pulled apart, Jason leaned his forehead carefully against yours.
“Hi,” he said.
“Hi,” you whispered back, biting back a smile.
From above you, you heard slow clapping. Holding the mistletoe, sitting on Dick’s shoulders was Tim, with a grin on his face.
“They did it, people!” Dick yelled. “Only took them a reason to make out.” He leaned a bit closer to Jason. “You know we have like three guest rooms, so this is now an official invitation to- ow!”
Jason shoved him away and he tumbled back, making Tim almost crash into the Christmas decoration hanging from a chandelier.
“Just gonna have to hang a mistletoe over a bed, too.”
When the man in your arms turned back at you, you were still smiling at him from ear to ear.
“I apologize for this,” he said. “You know how they can be-”
This time, he was cut off by you kissing him and was more than happy to oblige. You felt his shoulders relax as his lips moved against yours slowly.
He bit at your lower lip and slid his tongue into your mouth. You pulled him closer by his neck and tangled your hands into his hair, softly pulling at the black strands-
“Excuse me!” The distinct voice of Duke Thomas interrupted your kiss. “There are children present.” As if to make a point, he took his hand off the eyes of a scolding Damian who was sitting on the floor.
“Animals,” he whispered. Duke nodded.
“So are you guys like together now?” Steph asked and collected a punch to the arm from Duke.
“Ow! What? It’s the question we all want to know!”
“Look at them!” Duke’s eyes were wide as he gestured in your direction. “They just made out under a mistletoe in the middle of our living room, the poor guys don’t even know their own names, how can they know if they are in an established. Relationship?”
Jason pulled his eyes away from his siblings and locked them on you. “I don’t know. Are we together now?” He asked. You smiled.
“Yes I think we are.”
“Like, with hand holding and going on dates and all?” Damian didn’t seem all too excited.
“Are we together with hand holding and going on dates and all?”
Jason grabbed your hand and squeezed it. “I’d love that.”
“I’d love that, too.”
Squeezing into the room and coming to a halt in front of you, Dick clasped his hands together and wiped a fake tear. “Oh, young love.”
You two ignored him and Jason pulled you swiftly into his warm side. “Best Christmas present ever,” he mumbled into your hair.
“Wait until you get to unwrap it,” you murmured to him.
“Children, people!” Duke screeched, “Children!”
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The Bi Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown, is time I let them go...
I'm deeply sorry fellow Timstephers... I wanted to be loyal🥲, I really did but in the end... I think Steph deserves better😢 so I must embrace my other options for her because DC actually never let them fully click, at least on Tim's side and honestly this hurts, because despite everything I actually wanted them to work but now I have to accept that maybe the writers just did too much damage 🥺😞, let's start for the beginning👇👇:
I wish her identity was kept secret longer, it would have been more romantic if Tim fell for her not knowing her face and frankly the love triangle/cheating thing with Ariana (his first girlfriend) was so messed up and exhausting to read... I didn't like their first kiss was cheating! 😞 and when they finally got together they had again the stupid problem about Robin's secret identity, (I think somewhere in between there was an issue with another blonde girl, named Greta who tried to hurt Steph and I hated Tim's way of acting 😑 she even kissed him and he didn't react badly despite being with Steph 😠 in fact he smiled and said "chicks dig the cape") then Batman tells her Tim's identity, Tim gets mad then they make up, then she thinks he is cheating on her because a random girl classmate kisses him out of the blue and becomes Robin when he retired, then she dies and... He gave us a dry, tearless and unsatisfying reaction 😒, then not even a year passed (in the comics) he quickly starts having new suitors (writers can't just let him being single), like some girl named Darla, Cassie (another blonde with who he has a double rebound relationship after Superboy's death and Tim expressed a lot of more grief about Superboy, his best friend than the one who was his girlfriend, Stephanie was barely mentioned because they wanted you to forget about her) and then when he had again another civil background character girlfriend named Zoanne BOOM Stephanie comes back to the land of the living... and again... Cheating kiss! 🙄🤦‍♀️🤬 why? Just why? And of course the relationship with the boring civil girl doesn't last but he doesn't get back to Stephanie until he finished his dark emo phase in which he had a relationship with Tam Fox who dumped him because she only liked his Red Robin persona and also has a horny moment with another girl named Lynx while still being attracted to Steph 🙃🙃 What kind of ladies man is this guy?😂 (he also had a thing with jubilee from Marvel in a crossover and... Fucking marries BARBARA GORDON💀💀 in one of Batman's video games, I can't fucking believe there's an universe where Barbara gets to marry Tim but not Steph? Batman beyond doesn't count because is not confirmed the background wife is her and very spiteful I have to mention when Barbara's "death" Happened again he expresses more grief and gives more reaction than when Steph "died" But seriously WTH? In that game Dick is there too why is Tim the one romancing Babs when she is supposed to be even older than the oldest Robin? 💀💀) and finally after Stephanie wins some random tournament they get together again and almost bang but they couldn't because they were all banged up from the fight and I think that was all until the new 52 reboot...
So in the reboot they changed their origins and they met in Harper Row's house, they looked at each other Harper teased him and... They got together out of camera 😑😑 (I hate it when they do that, you skip all the development!) and they gave us this beautiful scene in young Justice
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These beautiful moments that we will never get back... I can't believe after this passionate confession of love and everything that happens in these Issues (though to be honest this moment doesn't have as much weight as it would have in the pre reboot because here we didn't see the process of them falling in love) they just separated them like nothing out of the blue in such a tacky VERY tacky and lazy way 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ but before that... Let's talk about the toxic side of their relationship pre new 52 reboot:
Stephanie once told Tim that he was too good for her in anycase when he was having insecurities about her feelings, he once asked her if she would like him even if he wasn't Robin, he was always insecure about their relationship (even thought she wanted him so hard and was so eager and straightfoward on him since he kissed her for the first time) and honestly giving how he treated her... I see so many inconsistencies 😑 or hypocrisy, I always hated how he always put her down and discouraged her from the vigilante life making her feeling she wasn't worthy or good enough (of course under the excuse of good intentions because that life is too dangerous... When he had a normal family and a good life unlike his orphan predecessors and Steph who had a shitty life with a criminal parent and drug addict mother and still demanded to be Robin because that was his dream... And then DC made him conveniently an orphan too to make things easier at the same time they tried to get rid of his girlfriend 🤦‍♀️) when he always felt exactly that way and Batman and other characters had to cheer him up constantly so where did the empathy go? No, seriously🙁 how is it that he is the one comforting her when is Batman the one making her feel that way? What about the times is HE is the one who does it? Feels so hypocritical, he held her back on her potential, I remember reading an issue when he arrogantly said that be a part of the teen Titans is out of her league when she was offered to join and had the entitlement to affirm that she can't speak for herself (and honestly I only saw him be against that because later in young Justice Cassie thought she was joining and was appraised by other members while training, they didn't look down on her but no, she was there only as moral support for Tim) and tried to shut her out a lot of times even in front other characters like Black Canary and Green Arrow's son and in his red Robin period when Bruce was believed death also treated her so bad and demanded her to never be spoiler again, the arrogant prick! I know he was very hurt and sad and what Steph did under Batman's orders was messed up but still to arrogantly demand that? Batman didn't have any right and sure as hell Tim has even less right to take away the Spoiler because is something SHE CREATED without their influence! So dude THE AUDACITY! And again how he called her useless and told her if she was playing dress up when she became Batgirl 🤦‍♀️ yes I know he later apologizes after acknowledging how much better she got at fighting but still... I don't know, all felt shallow. I never liked that she chose to become Robin after she thought he was cheating on her, I saw it as a jerk move but... I can't really blame her for feeling insecure and believe it, after all she became his girlfriend after Tim cheated with her on his first girlfriend and never saw Steph as an equal on that time so... Well I guess all this mess is what helps me to move on them 🤷‍♀️ and now let's talk about the bi disaster... and unfortunately not the good kind:
DC come here, sit with me, we need to talk... Did you hire some kind of... Wattpad fanfic writer by any chance? Because the quality of this pride special... Feels like something you could perfectly find on the lamest part of wattpad 🤦‍♀️, tacky and lazy doesn't even cover up this... and I'm so offended such writing got that amazingly good art 😤😤. So, in the process of making Tim bisexual they had to... Break up his relationship with his girlfriend when they were finally good together without drama after everything they went through for literally NO REASON (seriously there is a real literal dialogue of him explaining to some dude he broke up with his girlfriend someone he LOVES for no reason 🙃🙃) so he could have a relationship with a dude so that he could have a solid proof that he digs in both ways 🙄... This is insulting because in the pre reboot they had a lot of understandable reasons to break up but after the reboot they had a really good relationship of course I didn't like this time they started their relationship out of camera but they still gave us development and a confession I would have loved them to have in the pre reboot but then this shit happened just like that! 🙄🤷‍♀️ So much for be madly in love uh?
You can't just turn that off and then turn it on again on another random person like a switch 🤦‍♀️! Isn't kind of hilarious, people wanted him bi so he could be with Superboy but DC decided to give him instead a background NPC boyfriend created 20 fucking years ago nobody even remembered, yeah sure the guy is not unpleasant but he is so painfully irrelevant just like Ariana or Zoanne (the normal civil ex-girlfriends) but I dare to say at least Ariana provided some "entertaining" drama, exhausting to read nonetheless but still... this random guy was chosen over Superboy Conner Kent! That is literally the only character that could rivalize with Stephanie in story with Tim but noooo Superboy couldn't be Bisexual too... Oh no wait, wait a second... Didn't DC actually made a bi Superboy? Oh dear, let me get this straight (je je "straight", no pun intended 🤪) people wanted Robin Tim bi because they shipped him with Superboy Conner but the ship couldn't be because they couldn't make that Superboy bi but instead they made Bi the other Superboy Jon Kent that shouldn't be in any serious relationship in the first place because he should still be a little kid but they aged him up 🤬🤬 and paired him with another painfully boring boyfriend they think is interesting because is Lois Lane's numer 1 fan🙄🙄 and studies to be a journalist too🙄🙄 because Superman's son had to be in love with a journalist just like him🙄🙄... And he is intangible because we can't have Jon having to worry about his boyfriend being in danger and on top of that has an ugly design, sorry for those who like it but I hate his design... most of the time his hair looks like mushroom style and thick hipster glasses are just not for everyone, Barbara Gordon can pull it this guy can't, I once saw an illustration of him that looked like a pink haired with glasses angry Karen and I just can't unsee it... Seriously he needs another haircut at the very least... Ok back to the Bi Robin...
Ok so it could not be Conner it had to be a civilian, the thing is there was another character they could have used: Cullen Row! The very first appearance he made he stated to be gay and being very interested of in Tim and at the very least he has the minimum importance of being the brother of a known vigilante character, Harper Row. And Cullen and Harper are friends with Steph so I'm sure Cullen would have scolded Tim for how he treated her and pretty sure he would have threatened him to tell his sister to taser his ass if he doesn't make things right with Steph, she didn't deserve to be ghosted! To be treated coldly out of the blue without giving her a reason! Or for a good reason at all. The point is that this was an established gay character interested in Tim and knows the vigilante life, that already make things easier and also is a good excuse to see Harper Row more often even if she gave up vigilante life, it would be nice to see her again but NOOOOO we pull a forgotten character out of nowhere and without development 🙄😑, they shouldn't have slapped us with all this at once in just one pride special, they should have left hints or showing us something in the regular issues, I don't like things happening just because, ok? representation matters but that doesn't mean we have to accept lazy tacky wattpad shit, that's called pandering! why couldn't they take their time to built properly the relationship just like they did with Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn? Like I could see the process of Harley and Ivy liking each other, we also saw the process of Steph and Tim liking each other but they never showed us why Tim and Bernard like each other, what does Bernard has that he destroyed Tim's madly love for Steph so easily? Why does it feel that they weren't on the mood to work on the relationship and simply put a text saying "they've been talking to each other again after Tim and Steph broke up" And boom! They are on a date and the whole story turns into a story about Tim's sexuality 🤦‍♀️🤡, that's right his new boyfriend is a character that is nothing more than a walking proof of his bisexuality, literally that is his one and only purpose of existence and Tim went from being: "the Third Robin" "The smartest Robin" "The true perfect Robin" "The best detective that could best Batman" To literally being known as "THE BI ROBIN"🤡🤡, now the only thing that matters about him is that he was dating a girl and now he is dating a boy... (And same with Jon Kent, he is now just the Bi or Gay Superman, ajjj just make him go back to be 10 years old DC, he was more interesting as a kid with Damian) This is just how badly DC handled this in my opinion because I don't remember Batwoman to be known as the Batlesbian and Harley and Ivy are simply Harley and Ivy they aren't the Bisexual Gotham sirens and we all know Constantine is a manwhore who even banged a embodiment of a whole City but people doesn't only know him because of his sexual orientation, these characters just happened to have this sexual orientations but who they fuck isn't what makes them good characters.
And to make things worse and cringe, because yes this can get worse, on top of making Tim treat Stephanie so badly just because, they denigrated her by not allowing her to feel like a normal human being with feelings who was dumped for no reason, ghosted without a reason and easily forgotten by someone she considered her first true love would feel, you know... Sad, dejected, hurt, angry... Nope. Some idiot thought that she could only do that if she was replaced by other girl but if she is replaced by a boy she has to be nothing but a cringy supportive fangirl ex- girlfriend 🤡🤦‍♀️, that's right Tim decided that the most "sensitive and thoughtful" thing to do with the person he dumped out of the blue for nothing, and ghosted for nothing and tried to ignore her and avoid in her face when she finally confronted him until his friends forced him to behave like a minimum decent person and TALK to her was... Introduce her to his new boyfriend WITHOUT ASKING HER OR EVEN WARNING HER 🤬🤬🤬
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and the result was the absolutely cringy shitty wattpad reaction of her hugging Bernard saying "i finally get to meet you, this is the best day ever"💀💀💀💀 excuse me? The best day ever for her is the day she meets her ex's new boyfriend? After everything Tim put her through? Can someone explain to me the need of this? The need to denigrate and ridiculize Stephanie Brown? Hasn't this character suffered enough humiliation?😡😡You know Tim? Superboy at least told Cassie that she deserved a better first love than him and you see I think he never was as bad as you were to Stephanie... 😒😒 in fact I can't simply not understand the incoherence of their conversation... He literally told her: "my feelings for you, I never lied about that you were always what I wanted and more" "It wasn't about your gender, I don't like only girls" (Then he introduces her his brand new boyfriend 🤪) You were madly in love with her, she was what you wanted and more... THEN WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DUMP HER?? THERE'S NO ACCEPTABLE EXPLANATION OF THAT!!! They just said he was on a journey to discover himself phase or some shit bad executioned idea but dude even if discovering you are Bi was part of it that doesn't mean you had to end your relationship... 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️, he later tells to Connor Hawke who is also struggling because he doesn't know how to tell Green Arrow that he is not interested in banging anyone ever (he came out as asexual) that Stephanie was a reminder of his old self that he wanted to let go, suuuuure nice try to make up for a good excuse to be an asshole with her🙄😒.
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You know what's funny? I think Steph is bisexual too and I'm not saying this because of her relationship with Cassandra, I'm saying this because when she was talking with Harper Row about Catwoman she was thirsting over Selina's buttonless shirt and later when she was dating Tim she met Zatanna and the first thing she said was "wow you're hot" 😂😂😂 and THAT, simply as it is... Is literally the only proof I need of her being bi, I didn't need her to break up with her boyfriend to be with Cass or Harper (hey, they kissed in that failed show Gotham knights) to believe it, you just need to show interest in both genders 🤷‍♀️, use flirt, use blushing, use a comment mentioning it... You don't need to destroy a relationship!! 🙄🙄🙄 but what is done is done, I'm so tired of Timsteph, I give up I'm sorry fellow shippers I really I'm but this treatment to Stephanie's character is my limit. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH 🥲🥲
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And I apologize for this long long long rant but I needed it to get out of my system 🥲🥲 well, like I said Tim wants to stay with his walking Bisexuality proof NPC boyfriend PERFECT, but I need a compensation and I don't want Steph to have nothing to do with that Kyle Mizoguchi, he is as irrelevant and boring to me as Bernard and Jay Nakamura 🥱🥱🥱 I want a proper compensation so I want Steph and Jason Todd to have a slow cooked Romance. Yep you heard me, I demand JAYSTEPH as a compensation for all this mess!!
And of course I plan to make a thoroughly long post like this about why I want Jaysteph to have a chance and with nothing more to say, Bye bye and thanks for reading my post 😘😘😘
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havendance · 1 year
You know what, I want to get in on these Jean-Paul Valley lives AUs. Building off ideas from @captainragtag and @tallochar in this post.
The way I'd do this is we start by still having Jean-Paul die of Azrael disease or whatever at the end of his solo. Idk, I’ve never gotten all the way to the end.
We then bring him back like three months later in a wild Robin arc written by John Lewis probably in which Tim stumbles across a secret Order of St Dumas lair where they have just resurrected JPV using a St Dumas themed knock-off lazarus pit that they stole from Ra’s al Ghul.
After beating up the Order of St Dumas with Azrael, Tim dumps him at, hmmm, idk, let’s go with the Trappist Abbey of Gethsemane over in Kentucky where he can recover from the system among a bunch of old monks who spend their days in prayerful silence and make fudge.
JPV can also impress/horrify them with all of the absolutely wild fringe theology of the Order! Does the Order of St Dumas even have the Eucharist?
(I mean probably, since I think their origin was from the crusades, but I don’t think this has ever come up in comics…)
Anyway we proceed through War Games and Identity Crisis up until the point where Tim’s dad dies and he’s like, clearly I need a fake uncle instead of being adopted by Bruce.
Only instead of hiring an actor, he’s like, I know a guy who owes me a favor and is also in on the secret so I don’t need to hide being Robin from him
So he grabs JPV from the Abbey and rechristens him as his Uncle JP Drake.
(Jean-Paul probably comes back from the abbey being drawn with a tonsure because even though that’s not really a thing anymore because that’s how you know he’s been hanging out with monks.)
(Also I think he deserves a stupid hair style)
Bruce is like, man, who know Tim had this Uncle who looks vaguely familiar. Well, must be the family resemblance.
Jean-Paul looks exactly the same except with a stupid haircut and also possibly an eye color change from the knock-off lazarus pit.
Bruce also doesn’t know that Jean-Paul got resurrected because Tim didn’t tell him.
And then, you know, eventually he figures it out and can brood over the fact that Tim chose Jean-Paul Valley over him.
And that way Tim and Jean-Paul have built up a kind of positive relationship that we can then use to lead into the Battle for the Cowl and Brucequest AUs that other people have proposed.
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