#threads; maverick/delia
darkhearthorns · 1 year
The Dragon and the Demoness || Maverick & Delia @ofdemonessence
The moon hung high in the midnight sky, casting an ethereal glow upon the ancient forest where shadows danced and whispered secrets. Maverick, the brooding and enigmatic prince, stood at the edge of a moonlit clearing, his piercing eyes scanning the surroundings with a mix of caution and intrigue. The air crackled with a sense of anticipation, as if the forest itself held its breath, waiting for something or someone.
A soft breeze rustled through the leaves, carrying with it the scent of damp earth and wildflowers. Maverick's dark wings, shimmering with an iridescent sheen, unfurled behind him, their elegant span adding an air of mystery to his figure. He was a creature of the night, drawn to the shadows and the secrets they held.
As he stood there, lost in his thoughts, a flicker of movement caught his attention. His eyes narrowed, focusing on the figure emerging from the darkness. It was a young woman, her hair cascading in waves of midnight black, her eyes gleaming red with an otherworldly light. She moved with a grace that matched his own, her steps purposeful yet filled with a silent invitation.
Curiosity mingled with wariness as Maverick watched her approach, his brooding aura enveloping him like a cloak. He wondered what had brought her to this secluded place, whether she sought his counsel or harbored secrets of her own. There was no denying the magnetic pull between them, a connection that seemed to transcend the realm of mere mortals.
With a slight tilt of his head, Maverick acknowledged her presence, his voice a low, velvety timbre as he spoke. "Who dares venture into the heart of the darkness? What brings you to this hidden realm, where secrets whisper and shadows dance?"
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iincantatorum · 2 years
//i have a great need to rethink all my muse’s backstories. since tumblr made it basically impossible to edit html bios, i’ll probably make new pages on them, but here’s some ideas in the works:
nix the whole backstory on delia’s background that includes the egyptian goddess hathor. i really wanted to expand on it and plot threads on that aspect of her but it never happened. her original bio keeps resurfacing so i’ll have to rethink it and make it more concise and simple.
perhaps create a connection with delia and maverick, like they are related. like delia’s father is maverick’s maternal uncle, or they could be half siblings. they have a lot of potential if they combine their magic and resources. maverick is half fae, half dragon and delia is a succubi with psionic powers and dream travel tendencies.
ulysses needs to do something ruthless and heartless and not feel guilt and remorse for it, because people forget his original side and it’s his fault for caring too much about what others think
more about zagreus and devlin’s origins
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