#though this is mostly about them as individuals; not ship specific
junemermaid · 2 months
nobody asked but I've spent the last week thinking about this so here are my current headcanons for the lotus trio's sexual histories/inclinations (relevant to a fic I'm working on—the waveform may collapse differently later, you know how it goes). many acknowledgments to @neekerbreeker for the joint brainstorming and most of the best lines!! 💕
li lianhua:
perfect kinsey 3. does not discriminate re: sex or gender. up for most things once and twice if he likes it. recovering from a mild case of youthful fuckboy and has relaxed into that mendacious, easygoing charisma that charms people for the one night they mostly spend with him. easy on the eyes and not above using it.
however, the hardmode part is actually divining his desires. very into (h)edging as foreplay. like a cat, may need to be beckoned by feigning indifference. will change his mind halfway through negotiations and spook at being stared at for too long (this is not a no, he just likes the byroads. hope you're into a slow build over the evening).
on that note: has fucked, does fuck, will fuck, and the other way around. no fuss over his presumed masculinity. a fairly hassle-free lover once you're past the intricate pre-sex rituals. comes with his own mobile fuck pad and will be gone the next day. will make you (dubious) breakfast and let you pet his very sweet dog. you will never see him again. has successfully avoided any feelings for a bed partner for the last ten years.
fang duobing:
hmmmm probably a kinsey 5 or so. predominantly into guys but the right girl can get it. has kissed people but is actually waiting for the right partner. the jianghu's best-read virgin. has studied the ancient chinese fuck scrolls, the taoist lore, the full length of whatever courting etiquette applies. eager to put it into practice, but only with someone he likes.
his enthusiasm for theory mid-date may need to be gently restrained. will wine and dine you properly if given the least chance. will take instruction but you may need to wrestle him for it. dives into new challenges. service top tendencies. will bewitch you with his giant doe eyes when you least expect it.
all the flair and poetry of an educated young master, but innocent and maybe oblivious to innuendo. a bit of a bleeding heart in affairs of the heart. handle with care - and then with vigour. after all, mama did not raise xiaobao to be a cad or a quitter.
di feisheng:
does the scale go this high up? will see a naked woman and look away brusquely until she can find her clothes. sex is mostly diversion and stress relief to him, no feelings apply. (his sublimated homoerotic longing for li xiangyi definitely does not apply.)
fucks mostly strangers and never the same man twice. will tell you what he wants right out of the gate. the discerning partner may notice this is as much a performance as li lianhua's ducking and weaving. the patriarchal inclinations of the jianghu have slotted him, swordmaster and sect leader, into a mould he now lets himself fall into. some swoonier admirers never see the man under the facade. sends them out dishevelled and well fucked (as he's supposed to) and that is that.
in actuality, less of an unyielding stone-faced top than his reputation/infamy suggests. full of big deep feelings that have never found an outlet. trust issues the length of the yangtze. yearns to be known with all the ferocity of li lianhua trying to avoid the same. if you can survive giving him a sincere compliment he'll need three to five ancient chinese business days to think about it while brooding on a high place. duality of man.
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carionto · 1 year
Nothing is safe from becoming "exciting"
I've read a bunch of HASO stuff and often when I'm writing something I know I'm drawing from a ton of somewheres, to the point where I can't pinpoint anything, it's all a big mush that my brain then spits out here. This one, however, I know was inspired by jpitha's writings, specifically the bit about Gene's High G Gym (I think that's the mostly correct name anyway). Shamelessly shilling their work cuz it's great, go read it!
Humanity has begun expanding their hold over their native system. Like an insect hive, ships ferry just about everything to and from Earth, building stations both in planetary orbits and around the Sun. Nearly all experimental of some kind - a lot of ideas they couldn't try built up over the thousand years they were isolated.
They do also have countless small space worthy vehicles, nearly all with varying superficial designs and patterns, but also quite a few rather different underlying mechanical principles.
Soon we noticed a lot of activity throughout the entire system not affiliated with any organization or group. Just... individuals and small family units doing their own thing. We quickly gave up trying to categorize such behavior. When we asked, they said:
"Anyone with a license to pilot their craft can go pretty much wherever that isn't restricted. For some places and activities they do need to get a permission first though."
Worryingly lax on account that many of the larger "civilian" craft are still powered by their "Mini-Suns" as they call them.
One particular individual craft got our attention. It created a spike of thermal activity in one region of their Oort Cloud, so one of us went to ask this Human. Abigail was her name:
"Yo space dudes and dudettes, what's up?" Our translators were still incorporating the various Human linguistic peculiarities, but their liaisons are very helpful. We inquired as to what she was doing here so far out.
"Oh you are gonna love it!" another phrase we are learning to be wary of. "Victor, that's this bad boy right here," she affectionately slaps the armrest of her, now that we are closer, disturbingly modified vessel. Is that a second engine cluster bolted on the back? And a... weird exposed device with a large neon label - Space BBQ. We instinctively fear her and her next words. "He and I are making a race track with these here ice cubes. I got this idea when I was a kid, and it is going to be. So. Awesome!"
All of the red flags triggered. Then, Abigail demonstrates by shooting a harpoon claw... thing... at a nearby object the size of a few skyscrapers and begins pulling it towards a cluster of other planetesimals. Normally, these kind of clouds have stabilized over billions of years and each object is thousands and millions of kilometers from one another.
There were dozens stacked so close to each other that you could barely fit an escape pod between in some places. One in particular was surrounded by a small cloud of its own.
"Ooh, that one right there." She enthusiastically pointed out its somewhat flattened ovoid shape. "Doesn't it just scream to you that it wants to be the ultimate doughnut? Hector thinks so, he's my cat by the way - Say hi Hector! [hiss] (Fine, be that way, ya bum) Love that bastard. Anyway, just gotta finish blasting a hole big enough and it'll be the perfect finish line."
Not wanting to hurt our sanity further, we decided to leave her be, but not before she proudly exclaimed over all open channels:
"Remember to tell your folks if they ever wanna race to come here to Abby's Action Asteroids [quick whisper] (trademark pending)! Soon it'll have laser obstacles!"
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outrunningthedark · 5 months
just that the fandom is proving how they are only in it for Buck and Eddie/Ryan and Oliver when they're complaining about a deleted scene on social media or claiming "queerbait" instead of asking (not demanding, that was poor word choice by me) to hear from someone else a little more often.
I don't think it's a secret that most of the fandom is only in it for Buddie though?
Not that people don't enjoy the show otherwise or wouldn't be watching without the ship, but online fandom specifically? I don't think there'd be a fandom without Buddie. It would be a show like Station 19 or Chicago Fire maybe, good ratings, a couple of people live tweet it, and a gifset would get maybe 100-500 notes on it.
Most of the online fandom is absolutely in it for Buddie, but also Buck and Eddie as individual characters, which is why the reaction to Buck/Tommy from Eddie stans is solely due to the knowledge that Eddie could have had the arc first, and if Eddie actually did come out this season the Buck stans would be letting people know how upset they are - Buddie is preferred because both sides get what they want out of it. The issue is that many in online fandom pretends to care about the other characters to the same degree to appear "better" than the folks only here for Buddie, yet their actions prove time and time again that it's not the case. Take the disrespect towards Hen as a lesbian who's been there from the very beginning. Henren gifs aren't popping up five minutes after a scene airs just so the op can (hopefully) get the most notes. People ask for Ryan to be released from "PR jail", but where are the requests to hear from Aisha? Why don't people get routinely upset when an episode *looks like* it won't focus too heavily on Hen the way they do when they feel like Eddie is being ignored? "There are more Buck/Tommy fics than Henren fics" Okay...and the Buddie tag has always outdone Henren, so....why is a different pairing a problem now? It's their friends writing the fics anyway? And they support them when it's the endgame they like? Similarly, people claimed to care about/look forward to the Madney wedding, and somehow the discussion was never about the actual event until it happened. it was about how karaoke night could lead to a secret hookup or feelings realization or TOMMY helping fandom's faves get their shit together by "noticing" something between them. In an episode about someone else's wedding. They're here for Henren and Madney and Bathena, but what's the thing everyone's blowing up social media pages about? Buddie. Whether it's complaints over being baited with the promo (something being encouraged on this very site) or sending a barrage of Buddie tweets or comments to drown out any Buck/Tommy support...people sure aren't acting like they know how to enjoy anything that isn't Buddie. I have no problem with anybody who is only/mostly in the fandom for Buddie (I myself will always feel the most connected to the Buckley-Diaz dynamic in any form for personal reasons), or anybody who might be new to us because of Bi Buck and Buck/Tommy. Just don't lie about it to make yourself look better when all it does is highlight your hypocrisy. (I mean, unless they want us to see through them that easily. Lol.)
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toutvatoujoursbien · 1 month
Do you ever feel like this is a little too much of an echo chamber of people feeding each other crazy ideas so much that it becomes truth? I am floored by the N/L chemistry and would love them together if that’s what they want but they have never said that and it is feeling weird. Sometimes I feel gaslighted! I read something on Reddit about fandoms in general following this same pattern and I wonder if I have turned into a tin-hatter myself by shipping them (first time I have ever followed celebs like this). I hope this doesn’t get me blocked. I am feeling a little uneasy lately (I really lead a very normal life with plenty of friends and family and I “touch grass”) but just wondering if I am alone.
Anon, thank you for being brave and sending this ask. I know the past 24-ish hours have been absolutely insane in the fandom and I can understand that if anyone has a different opinion, they might be hesitant to share it (and I'm talking about BOTH sides of this "argument" right now - I know people are feeling riled up right now but everyone, please take some deep breaths). I want to make sure I'm answering your ask with thoughtfulness and sincerity, so here goes:
(Also, I started answering this ask at around 11 am EDT, so before some bombs started being revealed, IYKYK. So apologies, my brain is all over the place rn.)
I think it's totally possible to enter an "echo chamber" when it comes to fandoms and shipping. I will use myself as an example with how I was getting a lot of my info when I started in this fandom at the beginning of the year. I was really only on Twitter (cringe, I know...) and because I was interacting with one specific portion of the fandom, I had a skewed view of the whole situation. You are what your algorithm gives you on social media/what you teach it 😅 And even though I don't necessarily enjoy seeing certain things on my feed or timeline, at least for me here on Tumblr, it feels mostly less toxic.
I also think it's really understandable to feel gaslighted about the entire press tour and N/L's relationship. We watched dozens and dozens of interviews, behind-the-scenes and promos and I don't think it's a coincidence that so many in the general audience started to question whether or not they were dating. Like I keep saying, the chemistry is fucking off the charts between them. (Edit to add: I also don't think so many would have stumbled head over feet into this ship if it also wasn't for the deep and long-term friendship between them. I know that's what drew me in, for sure. There is HISTORY there.)
IMO, as much as we joke about our delulu and whatnot, I feel like as long as you're respectful and keep it to the appropriate corners of the internet, I don't think you've turned into a tin-hatter. The problem is when folks take it to their pages and/or feel entitled to individuals behaving a certain way, like an expectation is the given. Another issue I see is when projection starts to overtake para-social relationships. Lastly, I also want to emphasize that fandom/shipping is supposed to be fun and if you aren't feeling it anymore, then it's perfectly okay to take a break or move on.
Your feelings of unease are totally legitimate and you're allowed to sit in your thoughts and take time to process them!
For me personally, I'm taking the latest "photographic evidence" with grains of salt. I'm just not sure I believe a narrative other than N and JD are in the same friend group - a friend group who all attended the same festival for the most part. I'm also not sure what I think about these photos being dropped a week afterwards; the timing of all the various events over the past week is enough to raise my eyebrows, for sure.
I will also say - and this is probably an unpopular opinion - but if this rumored relationship turns out to be completely true - I will have the same issues about a power imbalance between N and JD because of their age, life experience, etc. I just have a hard time believing N, a woman near my age, would ever consider dating someone so young (and yep, aware that this is projection on my part). I just can't help but wonder that Nicola, someone we've witnessed be very private about her dating life over the last several years, has been so openly "caught" with JD without it raising my suspicions. It's at least enough to make me pause and question it all, you know? I won't get too deep into my conspiracy theories (maybe for a later post).
Anyway, I'm not sure if this has made you feel better, Anon. But I want you to know that you aren't alone. I'm always here to listen if you have any further asks 💕
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On Plants, Selfhood, and Seeking a Collective
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[Image ID: Crop of several panels from TriMax volume 11 chapter 8. In this scene Chronica is interfacing with the used entity that consumed Domina. Chronica observes the mass and says "We as a species naturally do not have a concept of self, and therefor instead have a deep shared consciousness. That is why these plants are able to use without major difficulties." Then we see Chronica reach her hand toward one of the plants within and appear to gain information from her. End ID]
I told myself I was going to hold onto my Trigun thoughts until book club finished the series because I keep falling behind. Then I saw these panels and started chewing on a thought and since it's not really meta and more speculation I figured I'd write a quick little thing about Independent plants and selfhood.
Here we see Chronica interacting with the fused entity Knives made that was left behind/still attached to Domina. Chronica's comment about "We as a species naturally do not have a concept of self, and therefor instead have a deep shared consciousness." has really stuck with me and I've been trying to suss out possible implications for this, because she doesn't seem to be talking just about the dependent plants here. It's 'WE as a species', no distinction is made between different kinds of plants. Maybe it's nothing but the thought won't leave me alone SO:
I've been trying to look back at Vash and Knives through this lens to see if there's anything to glean there. Independents clearly do have a sense of self, and understand themselves to be unique individuals. They don't seem attached to any kind of hive mind the way dependent plants are, though they do have some minor telepathic powers and can communicate with dependent plants.
Mostly I was wondering if Independent plants have some instinct/predispositions toward certain needs or behaviors they cannot meet or fulfill as Independents?
(Subtopic: Does this mean there are therapists that specialize in Independent mental health, if they have specific needs/pressures that are different enough from humans?)
Knives and Vash suffered similar trauma when they discovered Tesla, and both felt sudden and violent isolation from everyone else on that ship, albeit in different ways. As adults they both isolate themselves in different ways: Knives keeps others at arms length so as to not disrupt his worldview, where as Vash's wandering lifestyle and danger-magnet-ness generally keeps him from forming lasting relationships.
Humans are social creatures and we'll generally pack-bond with anything, and it's hard to tell if it's similar for plants. Do they feel the same need to socialize/form bonds, or are Independents seeking out a collective/hivemind they instinctively seek but can never find? They clearly can feel lonely and isolated, but does it feel different for them? Does that pain come from a different place for a plant than a human?
Then there's this spread in the same chapter as the above panels:
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[Image ID: A two page spread from TriMax volume 11 chapter 8. It's a closeup of Vash, bleeding from every hole in his head, his eyes wide. He lays near the edge of a huge drop-off, and far below him is pitch darkness lit with lights like a city at night as seen from above. It is unclear if the lights below are the plants, from the human city, or something else. End ID]
Since this is in the same chapter which opens with Chronica saying the line above, I was wondering if these two moments were connected somehow. Does the reminder that there are people who depend on him, a collective who needs him? He seems surprised when Brad, Meryl, and Milly made their diversion to stop the military. He generally seems to struggle with the idea that other people want to help him. Something something Vash both is and isn't part of the human society he lives in???
To what degree does Vash see himself as a person versus something that belongs to a collective, whether that collective is humans, plants, or both? Does an inborn need/desire to serve a collective predispose him to self-destructive behavior? Same with Knives, did the trauma of losing a perceived collective (discovering Tesla and losing the sense of belonging with humans) fuel his future hate and fear of humans in a way that he wouldn't have felt if he weren't an Independent?
Maybe there's something in the next volumes I don't remember that address this somehow. Part of what's fun about this reread is rediscovering things or connections I missed the first time, and all the meta people write pointing out things I might have missed entirely on my own! (Blows a kiss to everyone who posts meta on Tumblr ya'll are great and smart and thank you for sharing!)
Like I said, there's no real conclusion I'm making here, just kicking around an idea to see if it fits. Not sure it does, but putting it out there to get it out of my head and see what other people think.
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rosethelonelyloser · 3 months
So... While it's pride month
I am an Oriented AroAce Omnisexual, and while I was casually searching things (as I regularly do), I found a few charts explaining their sexualities.
Now, there isn't anything wrong with explaining your sexuality, gosh no. This isn't a 'call out' post or whatnot, I just want to write my thoughts out cause my friends wouldn't really get it or just say 'ok' in response and change the topic fast.
I, to be honest, don't really get why it has to be overcomplicated. I just, ya know, use the label because it feels right and feels like me. But, of course, not everyone is me.
So I wanna give my personal opinions and thoughts out about AroAce-ness :)
So what is AromanticAsexual?
Aromantic is little to no romantic attraction
Asexual is little to no sexual attraction
And they are of a spectrum. Being AroAce is on a spectrum. There is no specific way to be AroAce, and not everyone has or knows their specific place on the spectrum. Being defined as AroAce alone is a blank slate (Something that has yet to be marked, determined, or developed) so, if you see an AroAce person, don't go out saying "Oh, they are AroAce, they are incapable of loving!" No. That is incorrect.
Misunderstandings of being AroAce
So, from what I've seen is there are a few if not many misunderstandings people make about AroAce people.
One of which is the classic 'inability to love.' While most AroAce individuals might not experience romantic/sexual love, there are many other ways that they do showcase love. (i.e., platonic; friendly, family; brotherly/sisterly, motherly/fatherly, etc.)
But don't take this as the definite call either, no. Some AroAce people just click differently. Some may long for a relationship or want to feel something on a personal level. A personal connection, even. But at the same time they could feel like they don't want to either.
This doesn't make them phonies, though. If an AroAce person opens up to you about feeling like that, please do not harass them and call them a fake.
Some AroAce individuals are conflicted with their own feelings. I can confirm this myself, as I have been struggling with my own feelings for a very long time. It took me years before figuring myself out and becoming comfortable with who I am and what my labels are.
But don't misunderstand! Labels do not make you queer or lgbt. It's how and who you feel attraction to :)
You don't need a label to identify as a queer individual/homosexual. If you feel as if you are attracted to a specific gender or don't have an attraction at all, or feel as if you aren't connected to your assigned pronouns, that doesn't require a label. Just do what you are comfortable with, it is your life, after all :D
Now, another misunderstanding I'd personally like to debunk is 'AroAce people cannot date.' While, yes, that has some truth to it, it is just worded wrongly. How I'd put it is 'an AroAce individual can date, most just prefer not to engage in romantic/sexual relationships.' It mostly depends on which AroAce person you're asking. Some choose to engage in romantic relationships, and some choose not to.
Now, if you ask, "How does that work?" I can not give you a certain answer as I am on the side of the AroAce community that doesn't want to engage in relationships. If you really want an answer to that, go ask an AroAce person who's on that side nicely, and do not harass them, please.
I'd also like to say that I think shipping fictional characters are okay, even if that character is AroAce. Writing an AroAce character in a relationship can be a little hard, that I get, but as long as you respect the Asexual part, then it's alright. (As long as it's a legal fictional pairing, that is.) If that character doesn't have a confirmed place on the spectrum, it's okay to headcanon and imagine, just don't make it AroAce erasure! I can confirm myself that AroAce erasure can be quite hurtful to some and even disrespectful at a rate.
Overall conclusion?
AroAce people feel little to no sexual/romantic attraction. Most don't want to be in none-platonic relationships, and some do.
There is no certain way to be AroAce. It is on a spectrum.
And despite everything, AroAce people need love too. It doesn't need to be romantic. They are only human, after all.
Lastly, you're doing great :)
Lots of love -Rose 🩷🩷🩷
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delimeful · 2 years
to know that song (and all its words) (7)
warnings: injury, misunderstandings/assumptions, threat of murder, implied violence, cliffhanger
By the time trouble caught up to them, things had settled into a strange equilibrium on Virgil’s ship.
The sense of something close to casual co-existence with three Deathworlders was about the last thing he would have ever expected, but it was undeniably present.
He knew they were dangerous, knew that he was a danger to their secrecy and thus his life had an expiration date, knew that even the friendlier members of the trio were capable of surviving things Virgil could hardly imagine.
Even so, it was hard to keep that knowledge pulled around him like a shield when the three of them treated him more like a crewmate than a hostage.
Having access to food and hygiene facilities had done wonders for the Humans, the tension knotted up in every line of their bodies fading more and more until they hardly resembled the (weary-harsh-terrified) fugitives that had originally stolen onto his ship.
Virgil had thought he’d resent the very idea of invaders being on his ship long enough to grow comfortable, but the reality was that some strange tightness in his lungs eased when he saw the Humans indulging in things other than that single-minded focus on surviving future threats.
Noisy would chatter to himself while messing with the material printer’s settings until he got exactly what he was looking for, and while he mostly printed items for utility, like specific styles of dishware and what Virgil suspected were the Human version of first-aid materials, he would also occasionally spend ages fiddling with the tiniest details until he had created a design for a small, intricate sculpture. They didn’t have any practical use, but going by the (fond-happy-treasured) reactions when he presented them to the others, they were a form of expression.
He would put hours of work into each carefully crafted art piece, his face scrunched up with the force of his (concentration-effort-patience) focus.
Heartfelt could occasionally be found sprawled out on the floor of the bio room, face turned upwards to face the light as though they were just as sustained by it as the rest of the plant life. They often dragged Noisy or Square in to lay down with them, but the first time Virgil had witnessed it, they’d been on their own and he’d assumed the worst: that they’d fallen and hurt themself, or fallen victim to one of the many toxic specimens in the room. He had worked himself into a panic that took them an embarrassingly long time to soothe, and immediately set about labeling the plants by level of danger.
Now, passing the bio room, it had become a habit to glance over and check for a Deathworlder stretched out amidst the leaves and UV lights, acting more plant than person.
Even Square had been coaxed from their standard position hunched over a display or graph in the nav room, their attention tangibly catching the moment Noisy and Heartfelt showed them the lab. They curiously inspected every inch of the space, poking through the instruments with varying levels of recognition and surveying the chemical and organic compounds in the storage cabinets with a bright glint in their eyes.
Virgil offered explanations the best he could, but the language barrier didn’t discourage them; if anything, they seemed almost delighted about the prospect of puzzling out the purpose or composition of each individual component.
Somehow, it was… nice.
The company was far different from what he was used to, and his instincts were still constantly set off by Deathworlder body language, but the trio was such a departure from what he’d initially expected from their infamous species that he’d found himself drawn into their orbit.
It didn’t help that the more Common they picked up, the more they spoke to him just for the sake of conversation, friendly and curious about nearly everything they saw.
It didn’t help that he’d taken to sleeping in their makeshift den room most shifts, far away enough that he felt the illusion of security, but more than close enough to see the way they spoke softly to each other and curled up together in sleep like fledglings.
It didn’t help that while Square was still stringent about guarding the nav room, Noisy and Heartfelt had, by all appearances, outright forgotten that Virgil was a hostage who needed to be closely supervised at all times.
He’d returned to his usual habit of wandering the ship’s halls when he couldn’t sleep, and even though it was technically a violation of one of their rules, Square had let the unsupervised pacing go uncommented on, apparently seeing the wisdom in Virgil’s decision to leave the other two’s rest undisturbed.
It was during one of these insomniac sessions that the ship was boarded.
The pirate vessel must have been cloaked, because its approach went entirely unnoticed by the autopilot sensors. If it weren’t for the very subtle vibrations it sent through the walls of his ship as it locked on to the side of it, Virgil may not have noticed the intrusion at all.
As it was, it took him far too long to understand exactly what kind of trouble he had waded into this time.
Raiders didn’t typically risk direct boarding other vessels in open space unless they were hugely profitable, often preferring to prey on those who stopped at fueling bays or cargo loading areas. Less risk of a hull breach or other catastrophic failure taking out their victims and them, that way. Virgil’s undersized little repurposed research vessel was hardly an ideal target, much less worth that much risk.
Half-convinced he’d imagined the tremors, he’d headed down the main hall to run a security check, and reached the loading bay just in time for his gaze to catch on the handle of one of the emergency jettison exit hatches, and watch it twist and yank open.
The moment he realized what was happening, he’d tried to bolt.
Unfortunately, these raiders seemed to be well-practiced in their profession, because the first thing to pass the mouth of the hatch was the muzzle of a paralyzer, and Virgil’s sprint towards the door turned into a painful collision with the ground, every muscle locked up in pain.
He lost a bit of time– Ampen were well known as one of the smallest spacefaring species, and paralyzers weren’t anything close to gentle even on the largest– and by the time he’d blinked his way back into the realm of mostly-conscious, the raid on his ship was already underway.
There were a few aliens still in the loading bay, mostly prying open cargo boxes and guarding their entrance, but most of them had delved further into the ship to search with the methodical viciousness raiders were known for. Even from here, Virgil could hear the distant crashing of things being destroyed as his home was upturned and sifted through for valuables.
It was hard to care about that, though, when he could feel the aethers of the closest raiders, and knew exactly how much (glee-want-satisfaction) greed they were saturated with.
The feelings were far too strong to be about the simple rewards pillaging a small cargo vessel would offer.
Someway, somehow, they had learned about the Humans onboard. That was their true target.
Virgil’s limbs were still mostly-numb, entirely useless to him. Panic hovered over him like a wave about to crash, only held at bay by his impotent fury at both the raiders and himself.
He couldn’t believe he’d darted for an exit so mindlessly, so predictably. He should have tried for the control panel instead, should have locked the loading bay doors and cut off the intrusion at its source, should have sought out Square the moment he had felt that first mild tremor.
Stars, Square was the only one even awake when he’d started his pacing. Virgil imagined Noisy and Heartfelt waking up at weaponpoint and was filled with hollow misery.
Deathworlders were powerful, sure, but unexpected ambushes could take down even the most dangerous opponents.
And his Humans had lost their hunted look. They’d found security in Virgil’s ship, and he dreaded watching them get caught because of it, that sense of safety stripped away.
When the raiders began trickling back in through the doorway, however, it was with empty hands and mutinous expressions. The room began to fill with (frustration-apprehension-irritation) tension thick enough that it almost overshadowed Virgil’s own stunned disbelief.
His ship was not large by any stretch of the word. All the escape pods were present and only accessible through the loading bay. Most importantly, three entire Humans were hard to miss, how had they simply… vanished?
The leader of the raiders seemed to be thinking along the same lines. He turned to Virgil with a displeased air about him, a twitch of his head directing one of his nearby underlings to hoist Virgil into the air by the scruff so that they were at eye level.
His body barely spasmed at his mental command to struggle, but his feathers fluffed out without conscious control, an automatic defense that was entirely useless at the moment. “Let… go, you… shithead,” he managed to wheeze out, his Common saturated with the whistling pitch of his home tongue.
The leader made a derisive-sounding chk-chk-chk in the back of his throat, stepping closer. “With an attitude like that, I’m even more surprised they kept you alive this long.”
“My ship,” Virgil said, straining to get his limbs to respond.
“Only as long as you’re the strongest one on it,” the leader replied, like classic raider scum. “You know what we want to know. I can’t imagine you’ve had a very pleasant stay here with those creatures.”
The only reason Virgil didn’t bristle more visibly was because his body wouldn’t let him. “Don’t know. What you’re talking about.”
“Come on, even a scrapped-together pile of junk like this has heat sensors, doesn’t it? Just give me admin access to the system, and we’ll be on our way.” The leader paused, and then leaned in a little closer, his voice coaxing but a silent threat in every motion. “This is an excellent opportunity for you, you know. We’ll leave you unharmed, with your ship securely back into your possession, free of any and all bloodthirsty intruders! All we need is a short moment of your cooperation.”
This close, all Virgil could sense was his aether. There wasn’t a single trace of trickery in it; his promise was genuine.
The offer was generous, considering who it was coming from. It was the smart choice to make, considering that Virgil had anticipated from the start that he would be a loose end to tie up the moment the Humans decided to leave his ship.
If he agreed, he could be saving his own life.
In exchange, he’d be sentencing his captors to be forced into working for– killing for raiders, locked into service against their will. And that was at best. At worst… they’d be subjected to the kind of black market horrors he’d only heard stories about.
Virgil tucked his chin down, a habit borrowed from Crav’n body language and a fairly common indicator of stubbornness in this quadrant. He made direct eye contact, intentional rudeness to compliment his next words. “I don’t… give starscourge pirates shit. Nobody on this ship… ‘cept me, anyhow.”
A ripple of mocking jeers spread through the gang surrounding him, and the leader shook his head with faux-pity. “Looks like we’ve got a liar on our hands. You think we just picked your ship randomly out of the ink, little guy? We’ve been tracking you for weeks. Ever since we checked the sec-cam footage from a conveniently-located fueling station and saw some very interesting stowaways slipping aboard this very vessel.”
Virgil’s antennae flattened back against his head, panic seeping in.
The leader whistled in a pathetic mockery of a soothing Ampen call. “Now, don’t get upset. You had to know someone would figure it out eventually, I mean, look at all this cargo. A bit strange that you abandoned all your latest deliveries with no warning, isn’t it? Unless you had something more valuable on board.”
He hadn’t been thinking about it. First, he’d been too grimly certain of his own death to worry about things like failed delivery fees, and then he’d assumed that wherever Square was headed, he was competent enough to keep suspicion off them.
“No more stalling.” A prompting shake jarred him from his growing desperation. “Admin access, birdy. Now.”
Virgil hissed lowly, jerking his head in the closest gesture he could get to a negative, and the leader’s impatience twisted abruptly into fury.
“Useless.” The hand holding Virgil up vanished without warning, the metal floor rising up to meet him. He reflexively tried to catch himself, but his arm barely jerked in response to his brain’s screaming signal, and when he landed, something gave way with a sickening snap.
He couldn’t have helped the high-pitched shriek of pain if he’d tried, and though the leader kept talking, he hardly caught any of the words.
He did catch the sound of the loading bay doors sliding open once more.
Surprise-excitement-fear jolted through the raiders, so overpowering Virgil was startled he hadn’t blacked out already.
“Well, if it isn’t exactly the beasts we’ve been looking for,” the leader said, and a frisson of worry-fear-desperation slid through Virgil before being overwhelmed by the pain and the aether once more. He tried to say something, a warning for– for someone important, but the words wouldn’t come, only a high, thin whistle to accompany each painful exhale.
“You hurt him,” someone said. The voice sounded like Heartfelt, but it couldn’t be them. They’d never spoken with such a flat numbness to their words.
“My crew is one of the most feared in the entire quadrant,” the leader replied, his pride blooming like one of Janus’s deadlier flowers. “Those who defy us don’t live long to tell the tale.”
“Similar things have been said about us,” a cool voice responded. That was Square, wasn’t it? “And yet, you still boarded our vessel.”
“This can hardly be called a proper ship for creatures as powerful as you,” the leader said, radiating enough amusement to soothe his crew’s unease. “Bigger and better accommodations is the least I’ll be able to offer you as your new employer.”
There were large steps, slow and unobtrusive, making their way towards where he lay.
That seemed important, but his attention slipped away anyhow. His mind felt thick and cloudy with aether overexposure, each thought made distant and disconnected by the pain.
“Employer,” Square echoed. “This is your idea of a job offer.”
Their voice was different, too. Icy and carefully-controlled, the way it had been back when they’d first boarded his ship. Virgil felt his feathers– why were they so extended– ruffle in quiet apprehension.
Why were they mad? Had he broken a rule?
“You’re lucky,” the leader was saying, “most crews would see you as mindless beasts, and try to put you down for parts or sell you as entertainment. I’m on the sharper side of the blade: if you’re clever enough to speak, you have enough of a mind to take orders.”
They were being hired? Oh. That was why Square sounded like that.
They were leaving, so they had to get rid of Virgil.
Those steps, again, accompanied by a shadow falling over him. The crowd around him shrank away, taking their amalgamation of rough-edged (fear-anticipation-eagerness) aether with them.
In comparison, Heartfelt’s (desolate-tender-resolved) familiar presence felt like a down-fluff blanket against his mind, and he relaxed slightly despite himself. He tried to greeting-chirp at them, and the noise came out strangely.
“We’ll have to get rid of that one,” the leader said. “He’s a stubborn thing, and not the sort of witness that’ll play witless when questioned about raiders. We wouldn’t want the authorities to come sniffing around and find someone like him, would we?”
There was the barest tremor in Heartfelt’s hands as they delicately wrapped around his sides, lifting him slowly into a hold that could almost be called a cradle. They were careful to avoid jostling his arm, their eyes growing alarmingly wet at the sight of the snapped bone.
No matter how hard he tried, Virgil couldn’t hold onto his fear. He was too relieved, the specifics of why he’d been worried in the first place escaping him. The Humans weren’t in danger, after all. They needed Virgil gone, but Heartfelt was gentle, and they would be quick about it.
He could see Square, now, as Heartfelt returned to their side. Their body was rigid with tension, but they weren’t looking at him. Virgil’s antennae flattened back in consternation. There was something strange about seeing the both of them side by side.
“Thank you for your time,” Square said. “Unfortunately, we will not be accepting the offered position at this time.”
Their voice was low and measured. Next to them, Heartfelt was entirely silent, their eyes scrunched firmly shut. Something about the quiet…
“What–,” the leader spluttered, only to be cut off by Square whistling, three short but piercing bursts of sound.
Where was Noisy?
In the next heartsbeat, everyone was plunged into an all-encompassing darkness, as though someone had flipped every light breaker switch on the mainframe all at once. The hum of the ship’s electrical grid cut off, leaving a short stretch of dead silence.
Humans could still move fairly well in the dark, Virgil remembered idly. Even better with a warning.
His consciousness finally dropped away as the first screams started.
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BatFamily: Omegaverse Edition
I have been recently re-hit by my enduring, overwhelming love for these anxious, extremely competent, disaster humans. So I'm making this post to cope with the Feelings.
This is just going to be a breakdown of the gender designations I usually give each member of the family, and why, the short version, because there's a lot of them. (Does include some more peripheral members, the only requirement to be included here is to be part of the core cast really)
I might do more in-depth posts for them on an individual basis at some point in the future.
Also this post is p much ship-neutral, with some acknowledgements of canonical relationships.
In age order...
Talia: (Becuase she is actually the oldest rip) Talia is an omega. Her relationship with Ra's in the comics is in a large part defined by his despair that she would be the perfect heir "were she not a woman" (pause for eyeroll) (Ra's is an alpha, of course. He doesn't get a full section because fuck him) This is just that scaled up. She also took control of multiple criminal organizations partly by weaponizing her femininity (but mostly by killing people and we love that for her). This also adds some layers of complication to her relationship with Damian. And also the rest of the Bats and Birds but Damian is the one she cares about.
(Also like, on a more serious note, the absolute character assassination she has undergone during her run time is horrific in a way that is very much centered around her identity as a woman, and specifically a woman of color, and I cannot in good conscience ignore that. Fuck Grant Morrison. All my homies hate Grant Morrison)
Alfred: Alfred is an alpha. Yes, I know most fics have him as a beta but I firmly believe alpha fits more with both his backstory (military and theater) and character (very protective and willing to get lethal with it.) He's a very low-key alpha, who, as the Wayne family butler, most people assume to be a beta, but his is very much an alpha.
Bruce: I write Bruce as a beta. Brucie Wayne is the epitome of non-threatening himbo and being a neutral beta helps with being not taken seriously as a danger. It also adds a wider layer of disguise for Batman, since the general consensus is that Batman has to be an alpha. (Also lets me have the trinity be "one each"* and that makes me happy. They’ll get their own post together soon)
Beta Bruce also means he gets to be consistently flummoxed by his children’s situations. He is more comfortable with alpha things, since both Alfred and his parents are/were alphas so they’re more familiar to him.
Selina: An omega. (As you can tell, Bruce may or may not have a bit of a weakness for omega women who don't take anybody's shit XD) Selina is an archetypal femme fatal (though also so much more) couldn't have her be anything else. This also adds to her reputation in Crime Alley, both in the sense of building herself into a serious faction and in her reputation as a safe space for strays.
Barbara: An alpha. More independent than the rest of her generation, only a Bat on her own terms and has never worked for Batman, only with him. As Oracle, who most people never meet in person, she is fairly genderless, though very much fem-presenting, but that counts a bit less in an omegaverse context.
Dick: Dick Grayson is an omega, the tendency towards being flattened into "sexy golden retriever and support of the family" and ignoring of the very real complexity in his character and storylines? he couldn't be anything else. (No, I'm not salty, don't @ me) Robin is genderless/gender neutral, Nightwing is an omega. (Titans era Dick Grayson did not give a flying fuck, as appropriate for a run about teenagers figuring out who they are in the world.)
Cass: I usually write Cass as either a beta or an omega. Part of her character is how she is deceptively non-threatening at first glance while being able to absolutely wipe the floor with the majority of her opponents. I usually lean beta for her, because I think it adds to her bond with Bruce. She has very firm connections with Babs, because of her support and care, so giving her that kind of mirror to Bruce helps balance out that relationship. It also allows for the continuation of Beta Batman in the Future. (Because Cass absolutely should be the next Batman I have been saying this for a decade and I stand by it)
Jason: Jason is an alpha. There is just something about the particular flavor of non-toxic masculinity that comes with Jason’s character that I think lends itself to this very well. Also something something expectations of violence and choices.
Stephanie: Steph is an omega. When I was first figuring these out (back in like, 2016-ish) I went back and forth between beta and omega for her before ultimately coming down in favor of omega. On the shallow side, it allows for the three main batgirls to hit each gender option. On the character history side I think it fits her teen pregnancy storyline she had. And it just fits her particular story imo. She fought literally everyone to be a vigilante. Everyone in her life has told her no at some point.
Tim: Works well with any gender, I usually opt for beta!Tim just because I think it lends itself well to his general perception as Bruce’s mini-me (despite how far from the truth that is in some significant ways). Usually if I’m not writing him beta I’m writing him alpha.
Duke: Duke I lean towards alpha both because it helps balance the family out (the perils of being the newcomer) and also I have a fondness for “chill but also absolutely unhinged” characters as alphas. Also, in a similar way to Jason, his gender means people tend to assume/underestimate how much his intelligence is involved in what he does (intersectionality also hits hard here let’s be real). I just really like the idea of Jason and Duke sending like, crossword puzzles back and forth to each other as a weird form of bonding okay.
Damian: Imma be honest Damian is who I go back and forth on the most. Any option gives a good story for his character, they’re just all different ones. Baby Damian would consider being an omega something to be ashamed of, being an alpha proof of his superiority, and being a beta merely acceptable (and maybe a way to relate to his father). As he grows into the person he is now, it would be either accepting his own worth, or accepting the worth of others, and figuring out how his gender identity and the social roles that come with it play into who he is as a hero and as a person.
I adore Damian so much. When I first was getting into comics he and Dick were just wrapping up their stint as Batman and Robin and they hold a special place in my heart.
Genetically, all three options are possible for him, his mother is an omega, his father a beta, and at least three out of four grandparents are alphas.
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askdacast · 9 months
since I started liking/posting stuff related to the funny boomer Minecraft Youtubers playing an improv death game, I'm probably gonna post more opinion or lore posts occasionally when I have time; the Life Series is like one of my pet obsessions I circle back to every time a new season comes up like most people.
(to my friends/other followers who have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sorry)
I don't usually watch the main Hermitcraft/other SMP videos because they aren't my thing compared to the Life Series SMPs, but I do enjoy what the creators put out and they all deserve lots of praise for the hard work they've put in (especially after a lot of unwarranted criticism lately over Secret Life + Hermitcraft Season 9)
and now for a scorching hot take that will disappoint a lot of fans
I really like the Desert Duo...but only platonically, and lemme tell you "platonic" and "Hermitcraft/Life Series fanart" go together about as well as water and oil
I'm already not a fan of shipping in general as a personal taste, but when it comes to shipping real content creators, my discomfort is doubled. If you ship them I'm not gonna hate on you or ask you to stop, you're free to do as you like and I'm not the internet police.
That being said, Grian and Scar are super close friends iRL (if you include Mumbo, I consider them a "DO NOT SEPARATE" trio) and it's honestly really heartwarming to see them in other series just goofing around and even doing RL meet-ups (mostly Grian/Mumbo). To me I've always loved seeing really close friendships like these, and I will try to refrain from snarking about how people on the internet are really bad at distinguishing Philia love (friendship, really deep friendship) from Eros (romantic love).
The point is, I kinda feel uncomfortable when I see shipping of them cuz it feels like willfully misinterpreting the bond of actual real people. I know a lot of people say "separate the CCs from their personas in the series/lore," and I understand why, but the whole practice doesn't sit well with me. It almost feels like instead of creating something actually derivative of the real people, it's like smooching two dolls that just happen to be labelled "Grian" and "Scar". And as a writer myself for other things, I really like to pay respect to the subject matter I'm writing about, and that includes real people. And considering Grian iRL is a straight married man who's said before he doesn't really like the shipping (Scar to my knowledge has not given his opinion on it), it feels even more uncomfy to me when people try to ship him with one of his actual close best friends.
Yes in a way the real people are separate from the personas they put in Hermitcraft or the Life Series. They're like actors, doing it for the job and the sake of us the audience. (Considering I'm a big fan of Vtubers, I'm very acquainted with this paradox) Even still I can't help but always be cognizant of how they're still real people trying to put out their heart and soul to the public, and we enjoy what they do with deep respect for what they're doing. Shipping, especially if they've voiced their disapproval for it (even though they haven't banned it), feels just a tinge not respecting them as actual people, and feels a bit parasocial-y.
But again these are just my personal feelings, this is NOT a hate/call-out post to anyone in the fandom or demanding anyone to stop shipping the hermits. That being said you're likely to not get any out of me for the reasons I've stated above.
and a side note to talk about lore specifically, I just think platonic Desert Duo (for the Life Series specifically) is even more interesting than taking the romantic lens, because we can still have the angst and the doomed narrative and the unsaid trust between Grian and Scar, and still be able to celebrate each of them individually as respective players/creators, without having to make every achievement they make be about 'oooo because fate'
I haven't seen anyone yet posit the theory that (CHARACTER) Grian has distanced himself from (CHARACTER) Scar not because of just trauma but also that Grian thinks Scar is perfectly capable of holding on his own (shenanigans and carelessness aside). Like he's known Scar long enough to trust that he can survive on his own, and thinks that they should try to not hold each other back, and depending on who you ask this was either a really good or REALLY REALLY BAD CALL in Secret Life (because Scar did win on his own merits, but was left all alone)
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dsmprarepairbb · 11 months
i'm very excited for this as a rarepair enjoyer! this is a great thread on the subreddit that might be a good starting point to think of cut-off qualifications: https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/comments/eohtgm/what_exactly_counts_as_a_rarepair/
while i'm very on board with this event, i think trying to say 'anything but dnf' can feel too targeted, and i don't think it's the intention at all, it might make people feel singled out or unwelcome here. for instance, i think karlnapity and quackbur are also ships that are worth disqualifying (and i say this as someone who loves those ships XD).
good luck with putting this together though! i know a lot of work goes into these things <3
I held onto this ask for a long time for a very specific reason: I really enjoy spreadsheets. I wanted to wait until after I had closed the interest check so I could go through all of the submitted ships so I could get some data to back up my reasoning.
And back up my reasoning it did.
A total of 75 ships (including DNF) were listed by people who said they were interested. I took all of these ships and looked them up on AO3. I decided to look at AO3 for this as this is going to be mostly about content creation, and I feel that utilizing the otp:true function helps a lot.
Of the 75 ships, 15 didn't show up on AO3 at all, no matter how much I looked. For the rest, however, I noted down the number of works both in the tag as a whole, and with the otp:true filter. I put this into a spreadsheet and generated a pie chart using the otp:true data that looks like this:
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Due to this discrepancy, I feel that it is valid of me to make this current rarepair big bang only exclude DNF. I am retracting prior statements of excluding XDNF, as that ship was lower than I had thought. In the future, the list will be refined, but for now, the only ship excluded is DNF.
Further reasoning below the cut.
So, this is not the only chart that I did. I also did a pie chart of the unfiltered ships as well.
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As you can see, this percentage is lower that otp:true, but you can still see that the gap is quite large. No other ship even compares. Also worth noting is that in this view, fics where a poly relationship is present can skew the results, as many chose to tag their fics not only with the poly ship, but also the individual pairings (or smaller groupings) of that ship.
I also generated a bar graph, but due to the amount of ships its very hard to read. The first label, DNF, is even pushed off the view so you can't see it, but I will attach it here anyways as reference.
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yeah its...bad lol. Its so hard to read.
I am aware that in the link you put, there are multiple ways to go about this. As I said, in the future this will be changed. I am most likely going to make a tier list of sorts for these ships based on this data. Also, I did not calculate based off of percentage of fics in the fandom itself as so many of these fics are crossovers, and I felt it was a futile effort.
Also, for those curious, I'm going to post the data I collected just for funsies. The ones with a -1 were the 15 that didn't show up at all. They had to be denoted this way to ensure that they were sorted correctly. You can see that Karlnapity (#8) and quackbur (#4) are also listed!
(I also calculated what percentage of ships tagged like that were also true because I'm a nerd who likes writing formulas lmfao)
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I love dnf! Its fun! But you gotta admit that its reach is significantly more than other ships'. Also a fun aside from a friend:
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drowningindango · 14 days
you might have made a post about it before but im dumb and dont know how to look ykyk- UHH- do you have any madaobi fic recs? your honor i looooove themm
especially darkfic, anything focusing on madaras manipulation and psychological torture of obito or just the more messed up side of it. i love when theyre complicated and messy and madara is madara and obito has that little cute bit of stockholm syndrome that makes his adult self so adorable
Well, anon, I can definitely try :) and, no, I haven't made a rec post before as far as I remember
I know you said darkfic, but since you didn’t specify whether you’re comfortable with nsfw (sex) or triggering topics, I’ll add some warnings for the individual fics anyway. 🤔 (Please also check the tags of the fic before reading)
I’m also tailoring this list to your interests mostly.
(So if anyone else wants to ask for madaobi recs that go into a different direction, like wholesome fluff, horror, any other genre, hit me up xD my personal taste goes more into the direction of them being like yin and yang, push and pull, give and take, where the power dynamic can be flipped in the blink of an eye)
oh, uh, and if you click on the fic titles it'll link you directly to the fic
Rec list:
Between Black (narzissus)
Nsfw, sexual content, canon compliant. Can definitely recommend this one for you. :)
find your way by moonlight (blackkat)
A fic that really got a nicely written messed up dynamic between them. Multiple warnings here: Obligatory nsfw and dub con/non con warning. madaobi is not the main ship of the fic and is not the endgame!!! And as far as I remember, it gets cut off very early in the story. The reason I still recommend the story is because it got exactly that complicated stockholm syndrome and manipulation going on that you want, and the story dives right into that with the first chapter. (And it’s deliciously good). …I admit that I’ve literally only read the madaobi parts xD
Sealed off (Glove)
A short fic by my good friend Glove (who has written a lot of madaobi fics and I can warmly rec them all, but I picked a few that fit your taste specifically). 💕 Sfw, gore. Features the seal on Obito's heart.
Eye to eye (Glove)
No sexual content, but non con intimacy. Very manipulative. Another short fic.
Promise of spring (Glove)
Warning: mentions of mpreg and forced pregnancy. No sexual content. Definitely contains psychological torture for Obito xD
Longing (Nalyra)
This one has other ships besides MadaObi (mind the tags), if you dislike that, skip this one. but 👀 it sure got aaaaall the manipulation, messy relationships etc. aspects for madaobi. And it does it well. Warnings: nsfw. It's smut. Lots of it. xD
Your Warmth Burns Me (DualDreamer)
Idk, I'll be so bold to throw in my own fic here, even though I don't know if it falls even remotely under your parameters. It's definitely not a darkfic. But it's dealing with complicated feelings Obito has and it's veeeeery short. Sfw.
This is my secret tip where I don't give a hoot about the parameters. xD Read any fic that's by enquiring_angel!!!!!!!! Just scroll through the madaobi tag on ao3 and if you see that name, click on it. She has such an amazing grip on the characters, I love her writing so much.
Secret tip: use online translator to read fic
Madaobi has a lot fans in the Chinese community on ao3. Can’t read Mandarin? Use a translator! Often the result will be a bit clunky but I found that once you get used to it, your brain can bridge the gap (like names that get messed up by the translator, or any grammar/sentence structure issues). There are some real gems out there. <3
Otherwise, I can only recommend looking on ao3 by yourself. If you filter out any languages you can’t read (and maybe add some tags you prefer), the number of madaobi fics is small enough and not too overwhelming to navigate. (There are probably some fics I missed because I didn’t read them/they’re not up my alley, but might be to your liking?)
I hope this list helps out for a start. ^^
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dearweirdme · 4 months
Hi Rain, I've seen some discussions about RM being bisexual because of this recent album. Specifically, in his song "Nuts," he says, "She's a pro rider" and then goes on to say, "He's a pro rider," which, you know, is basically talking about sex. So, I can honestly see where people are coming from. Especially since last year we saw him with that one guy a lot, and then mysteriously one day he decides to delete everything related to him on Instagram. But I digress.
So, my question to you is, why do you think Tae and JK aren't more vocal about their sexuality? The main consensus I've seen online for a while is that tkk (or any ship, really) can't come out or be more vocal because it could cause issues with the group or that Korea is still very homophobic. But then you have RM and Yoongi, who have been pretty vocal about liking both men and women... So, I just don't really understand it.
Hi anon!
I haven’t had the chance to do a deep dive into Namjoon’s lyrics yet.. so I can’t say much about my thoughts on those yet (doing some renovations on my house.. which are going very much Namjoon style 😂… and is quite time consuming..). From what I’ve gathered from the Minimoni interview is that Namjoon went through a lot. I think going through a breakup might have been part of that, but I also think it was probably much more than that. He mostly talks about struggling with being himself because of having been RM from BTS for so long. I think Namjoon’s struggle to get to himself and everything that entailed coming to that point is what the album is about. Maybe his sexuality is a part of that? But I don’t think that is the part that he felt the need to share the most.
So why aren’t Jk and Tae more vocal? I actually think Tae is sharing a lot. Maybe not through his lyrics, but to me the clear portrayal of queer couples in Fri(end)s was pretty huge, as was him wearing that pride Disney hoody. And there’s way more things that Tae has done that would/could indicate his feelings towards queerness all throughout the years. I think we should probably separate the idea that Tae and Jk coming out as a couple and them showing their individual sexualities are the same thing. I find the possibility of them (mostly Tae though) coming out as queer after enlistment much more likely than them announcing their relationship (and even then I don’t think it would be a hard coming out, but rather more freedom to incorporate queerness in their work (mv’s, songs). To me it’s more like a loosening of the restraints than total freedom I suppose.
In general though, I think what matters most is whether someone actually wants to share those parts of their lives. I don’t think either Namjoon or Yoongi have been clear about their sexuality in a way that makes it clear to a broader audience that they are queer. For instance, no media outlet has picked up on it (for as far as I know). I don’t think they have that freedom, but I also think they might be hesitant to make statements that huge at this moment in time themselves. The way Namjoon spoke in the Minimoni episode to me made clear that there’s so much he had to keep inside (not specifically about their sexualities, but possibly including that) it felt like a burden. Namjoon seems to have the strong urge to share some parts of himself that he could not share before as RM from BTS. He was representing the group as a whole and their songs and interviews also had to represent the group as a whole. I think there was little room for individuality. Now for some this was a struggle (Namjoon, Tae (I think), Yoongi (perhaps)) but I think others felt differently. I think Jk doesn’t feel the need to share his personal struggles and battles the way some of the other members did (at least not at this point in time.. can’t say how he would feel in the future). The way Jk spoke about Golden to me felt like he was keen to try out new things, to see what he could do and what he could accomplish, but I did not feel like Golden was his way of expressing his feelings and emotions and his own life story… neither did I feel that was something he was interested in doing but didn’t have the chance to. I think Jk very much wants to keep his personal life personal.
In general.. I don’t think we can assume that every queer artist also wants to share that part of themselves with the whole world. Sk being homophobic is a part of that ofcourse, but speaking about sexuality can also just be something a person themselves just doesn’t want to make public for all sorts of reasons.
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tautline-hitch · 3 months
trying to frame it up without writing a bad essay but pharsalia chat in the household this week has mostly been about how disorienting (& disoriented) the sea battle is
it starts out clearly enough—battle formation, sequence of events—but then something happens Wrong (Brutus offers his broadside as a trap), and abruptly everything dissolves into this directionless, disjunctive textual melee. the helmsman dies (of course). he can’t be replaced. we’re sliding around in the gore and we don’t know which ship is which or even which way is up: we move from scene to scene without an understanding of their spatial or temporal relation to one another: forward motion fails; it’s unclear where we are or are going. we tread water. corpses stack.* it’s senseless (we lose sense) and pointless (this is, after all, not the battle that matters, as we’ve just been reminded at 297). we’re swimming blind and going nowhere—  
and in the midst of this there are all these things performing the wrong function: stately ships are passive traps; ramming beaks pierce flesh instead of wood; flesh protects shield; grapples sever arteries; the sea is invisible/wood/bodies. drowning men burn to death. these ships are barely ships to begin with (510), and now they’re being stripped apart for improvised weapons: men are destroying the thing that’s keeping them alive. & there are people desperately attempting to assert their correct roles and relations (brother shielding brother; father dying before son; soldier killing enemy), but the whirlpool force of the battle is against them, and even their awful successes feel subverted. the ultimate horror of the unidentifiable corpses on the beach (which restates an image from the sullan proscriptions in book 2, 166, see also 188) muddles roman and massilian so that this too becomes overtly internecine: this is violence built on defective relationships, and though individuals attempt to assert appropriate order, they consistently fail—
and then it's over in a line and a half. a schoolboy summing-up: caesar wouldn't be so openly or grandly self-congratulatory but the echo is there in the terseness, maybe. the victor takes control of the narrative, perhaps, or we're simply invited to consider how all that gore fits into an annalistic line or two.
((*i’ve been struggling to articulate the ways in which this specific stacking-up of corpses feels different from what we get in the Aeneid (etc.); don’t know that i have a handle on it yet, but it does. these are bodies with names, not men with bodies; there’s so rarely anything of their lives in their deaths. probably there's papers on this i should read.))
postscript: jwj has a note about the names in this sequence coming from Aeneid XI, but unless i am just doing a bad job of reading, they…don’t? or at least not directly. Tyrrhenus appears, and Catus is close enough to Catillus—otherwise the sources are elsewhere. it’s still an interesting connect because of the image of the “waves” of cavalry at Aen. 11.625. also because it’s a nice example of how a battle sequence usually works, with a focus on one character or another as they move through or past their series of vignettes—a thread which the sea battle is entirely lacking. there’s a lot of back-and-forth, there, but it never feels stuck. emphasizes for me how intentionally murky and chaotic the sea battle is.
e: i should have checked my line numbers oh my god sorry. take better notes!!
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rise-my-angel · 8 months
I appreciate your takes a lot and think you are quite respectful. I am a Dany fan and would enjoy Jon and Dany together in the books if it was healthy and they were interested in each other and blah blah basically it would have to be a very specific scenario for me to enjoy it but anyway I don’t consider myself a stan of any character or ship and I’m a bit perplexed by that type of fan. I enjoy reading posts by people who disagree with me and have different interpretations of characters. I get so disappointed when I find that I’m blocked by someone just because maybe they hate Dany or they ship a ship I don’t like even though we otherwise have similar opinions and even if we don’t, isn’t it nice to see what other people think sometimes? It’s refreshing I think. I’m a big Jon fan and I’m going to enjoy posts by other true Jon fans even if they don’t like Dany. I just have a hard time seeing why everyone is so bothered. Some fans are very rude and toxic when people disagree (I have been accused by other Dany fans of secretly being a Sansa and Jonsa stan just because I said I think Dany COULD be a villain in the books and I’d be okay with it as long as it’s well written which is silly. I’d be okay with so many different outcomes as long as they’re well written because it’s not my story and I trust George to tell a good one if he ever finishes it at all). I just wish we as fans could focus on celebrating the things we do agree on and ignore it when we disagree or have respectful and thought provoking conversations instead of just blocking or being hostile
I genuinely like dissecting what about characters or ships I dislike and why. I love analyzing fiction in ways that explore what works or doesn't work about something for a story in my personal opinion and how framing certain characters can have adverse effects on fan point of views.
People talk about "hating on things" when really, I love discussing why I think Rhaegar is a peice of shit. I love explaining what about Dany I think is a tyrant. But that is very difficult with a very specific subset of this fandom.
Mostly Dany stans and Sansa stans, but this also bleeds into the general discussion of targ stans. The fact of the matter is, they are fine with trashing the other character, but as soon as I make a post that is anti that character they stan, I am hating unjustifiably. I am hating just to hate and I am looking for things to hate.
And unfortunately, that means I am always on the defensive about my Jon opinions. This fandom has an issue with discussing Jon without attaching a ship to that narrative, especially Jonsa and Jonerys stans. I do not ship him with anyone, therefore I want to discuss him as a singular character and that includes exploring what I think are problematic and toxic characters towards him. Which in my analysis, includes Dany and Sansa. But because to a lot of these people, Jon is seen as an extension of Dany or Sansa in a ship, I am clearly one or the other.
I cannot tell you how silly it is to have "Anti Jonsa, Anti Jonerys, Anti Jonrya, Anti Jongritte" in my bio, and every single one of my anti jonerys posts gets passed around as pro jonsa evidence or my anti jonsa posts gets passed around as pro jonerys evidence.
It is a subset of this fandom I hate because it has shown how impossible it is to discuss Jon as a complete individual character outside of romantic ships and it is exhausting.
It is a very persistent problem. I don't care who personally ships these things, but the fandom has made it's mark by declaring that either your with them or your their enemy and any disagreeing opinions are seen as attacks instead of discussion of media I enjoy.
People can like Dany and Jonerys, or Sansa and Jonsa, but it is the persistent screaming that opinions like mine are being unfairly hateful or delusional that piss me off. I'd rather not have such negative opinions about certain shippers, but it is the angry mob mentality they have that make me so against it.
I want to just discuss Jon as a character on his own, they only want to discuss Jon as a side companion romantic interest to their favourite female character. And I get blocked for speaking against their sacred cow, whereas I go looking through their blogs just to see what their side says so I can make a fair argument to their points when engaging in critical discussion on my own personal posts.
Me and them are not the same.
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prismatoxic · 5 months
So like,why do you ship Laios and Chillchuck? This isn't anon hate it's just a ship i never really thought about and now I'm curios and I like hearing people rant about their blorbos
for many reasons! but let's start at the beginning, shall we?
i didn't know dungeon meshi existed until early february. i'd seen some media for it in the past, but didn't know any of it was related nor was i interested enough to dig further.
the very first fanart i ever saw for dungeon meshi was this one (it was on a different site though):
i didn't know who the characters were, but the dynamic spoke to me. it reminded me of two of my partner's OCs that we've been shipping together for nearly ten years: a big buff blonde guy who loves animals and seems stupid but is just socially stunted, and a short aggressive rogue with reddish hair and brown eyes who doesn't take other people's shit and is damn good at what he does. yes, it's that specific. these are them:
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even without that foundation to work on, though, chilaios interested me. i love size differences and i love ships between nice guys and angry guys. that said, i mostly put it out of mind after nick's first fanart, but it posted some more not too long later which got me thinking about it again...
and by then more people were talking about dunmeshi because the anime was getting underway. i spotted chilchuck and laios in posts about the series and realized that was where they were from, and that there was an anime, as well as a manga. that was all i knew, but their dynamic was intriguing me more and more, so i told my partner about it and said chilchuck and laios reminded me of harry and jeffrey and showed him some of the fanart. neither of us tend to start new media very often (i'm significantly worse about it, it takes a lot to get me to try), but eventually i looked into the series and found that the anime was brand new (5 episodes at the time) and the manga was completed. both of those facts were ideal for trying to get into it.
we didn't start watching until the week episode 9 came out, not for lack of interest but because there just wasn't really any incentive to get a move on. by then we'd both recognized that we'd be insane about chilchuck in particular, because we love his character type and he's very, very cute. and we were right! you could practically hear the canned audience applause when he showed up onscreen the first time.
we didn't watch all 8 episodes in one sitting, but we did watch several of them, and i think it was clear to us both that chilchuck and laios absolutely had a fun dynamic. eventually we'd go on to read the entire manga, and we're fully caught up on the anime, watching the new episodes every thursday.
the basic thing i like about their sort of setup is the way laios respects chilchuck and never doubts their relationship, while chilchuck is frequently aggressive and critical but staunchly sticks around and keeps helping anyway. it says a lot about them as friends: laios isn't worried that chilchuck actually hates him, and chilchuck's actions speak louder than his words, always staying and doing the best he can even if he complains. he wants what's best for laios, even if he never says it, and laios trusts him completely.
i love that chilchuck cares even if he pretends he doesn't, and i love that laios has utmost faith in him. i love the little intricacies of their individual backstories and the ways they compare and contrast. i love the way their personalities collide, independent of their existing relationship (as in, i'd ship them even if they interacted less). i love their size difference. i love them individually, as really well-written and fascinating characters, and i love thinking of new ways to pair them together and seeing what everyone else does with them. i love chilaios!!!! it makes me very happy and they are a perfect ship for me.
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look at that. goddamn. the way the shot lingers. the way laios grips his hand. 10/10 effervescent would ship again
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citnamora · 10 months
pls tell me more abt ur arospec ace attorney headcanons. my personal fav is lovequeer aro phoenix wright 4 loveless aro miles edgeworth.
Lovequeer Phoenix makes me SO happy!!! AND YESSSS LOVELESS ARO EDGEWORTH!!!!!! Aro4aro Narumitsu is hands down my absolute favorite flavor of the ship!! Oh my goodness!!! ARO4ARO SO TRUE!!!! Two aros absolutely demolishing amatonormativity with their level of trust and devotion to one another <33
Seeing this ask got me so excited to indulge because I'm aro so obviously I love projecting my community's, and my own, labels onto my favorite characters! But AA is something really special because there's very little canon romance which means lots of room for interpretation!!
(So a lot of my headcanons are a result of them just looking like the flags because the arospec community is full of beautifully colored flags I can't help but see everywhere)
Phoenix is recipro to me because any time he's shown romantic interest in someone it's pretty much always been when they hit on him first. Like the idea doesn't even cross his mind until then!! From what I've seen from recipro individuals this is a really common experience which is why it Makes Sense to me! I'm generally open to any and all arospec Phoenix headcanons because they just click with me (for obvious reasons, LOL)
For me, Iris is demiro because her whole story with Phoenix just screams it to me. She probably went in only hoping to get the necklace back from her sister's next victim and then she gets to know him as this kindhearted guy who would do anything for the people he loves and she falls HARD. I don't think they were "dating" the whole time which I'm pretty sure was confirmed by Iris herself but I honest to goodness believe they were lovey dovey in those last weeks or months leading up to Dahlia stepping in! I should also confess I'm a Feenris shipper, haha, so I'm biased on that front. Demiro Iris just means A Lot to me
Maya is aroace lesbian in that she thinks girls are really pretty!! And also in how she kept moving between the aroace and lesbian labels to the point she decided she'd label herself both. This one was mostly inspired by her going "omg that girl was so pretty" to just about every girl she meets which feels very, very sapphic LOL. I hc she's romance indifferent in the sense she doesn't mind dating but it's not something she actively seeks out! Though I think she'd love the meals that come with dinner dates- she's got food on the brain 24/7 after all (just like me for real)
Mia is pan angled aroace, more specifically greypansexual aro! Because she gives me romance repulsed aro vibes at first but her relationship with Diego (and possibly with Lana) would point to her being more romance ambivalent. Pansexual Mia is a headcanon I've had for a looooong time as far back as my first AA hc document while greysexual is a recent development. She's always been aro to me! Aro plant mom <3
Franziska is quiromantic to me. I mean, she's the palette of the platoniromantic flag! This headcanon only came about because of that 4koma comic where Phoenix makes Franziska flustered by telling her Maya's being strong for her because she sees Franziska as a dear friend. I just got the vibes. Also, the colors! I honestly don't think she'd see the appeal of romance with or without the feelings she can't distinguish. She enjoys her independence and I can't see her "settling down" in the slightest
Now, I've bounced around with where I think Edgeworth is on the aromantic spectrum. But I know damn well he belongs there! Lately I've considered Edgeworth being lithro gay, whether he loses feelings upon entering a relationship or doesn't want to act on them in the first place I'm honestly not sure. (Edgeworth is an interesting case for me because I flip flop between him having feelings or being omniaromantic lol) Probably never getting married regardless. Even before the lines about it I had my doubts! I like the idea of him marrying for tax benefits but outside of that.. I can't see him ever entering a traditional marriage let alone traditional romance. It feels out of character for him
There are others but these are by far the most developed ones! Recipro Phoenix and aroace lesbian Maya are my favorites because they feel the most accurate in regards to canon but pan angled aroace Mia is also up there. I'm probably going to post more arospec headcanons as I come up with them because y'all seem to really like them and I like talking about em!!
Thank you so much for asking!
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