#tho i am bailing on my friends for being sick a lot already so i do feel bad
guinevereslancelot · 11 months
not my mom getting covid after avoiding it this long 😭
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“Enthusiastic Sobriety programs tearing families apart and convincing parents to kick their kids out onto the streets.” Originally posted on OnTheEmmis.com in 2004. ICECAP is the former incorporation and has since dissolved due to the efforts of OnTheEmmis.com
There is a thread on the other message board that I think the parents need to be informed about. This is about the harm that is caused to the children from parents that are still in an ICECAP program. These are true stories (not edited) just copied and pasted for you to read.
What Bob AND Joy teach parents about "tough" love and their version of "unconditional" love are just that "their version".
Does this seem as though families are being brought together and healing to you?
This is a great example of the pain that is caused when one person in the family (the child) wants to leave ICECAP and another person (the parent) believes the lies that they have been taught (that they are or will get high, can't live without being in the program, etc.) They, ICECAP, breed the fear that you as a parent have when you see them making choices that YOU don't like. What is the true meaning of letting go? Or the true meaning of unconditional love?
This is not to make any parent feel guilty for their time in an ICECAP program. I truly believe you thought you were doing the best thing. You were also a victim of the cult and it's way of thinking. That is the very reason I am posting this thread. To show the harm and hopefully save some pain for others.
Bailey [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ]
Date Posted: 13:27:44 12/22/04 Wed
Getting kicked out of your house by your once all loving supporting do anything for you family
As most of you know my family is ALL involved in Crossroads and sense I've left its been hell, Thursday night my dad and step mom freaked out on me and my dad started pushing me and threatening to "lay me the fuck out" My dad has never so much as spanked me before we used to get along great until x-roads we got high together went to concerts movies dinner and what not, But now its as tho i don’t exist to them they call me ungrateful bitch and many other names after all that happened he told me to pack a bag and he didn't want to see me anymore, Luckily i see a therapist and he talked to my dad and calmed them down they still want me out of the house tho. I cant leave now because i belong to the state until me 18th birthday which thank god isn't far off but if they kick me out or i move out i have to spend the next month and half in juvenile again, this has happened to many of my friends who have left too they end up homeless because if there not in the group they cant be at there house, i was just wondering if anyone else's parents went crazy after they left and if it does get better?
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[> Subject: It happened to me Part 1
Date Posted: 17:59:18 12/22/04 Wed
I lived threw this every time I left the group, but especially the last time.
The last time I left I bailed the group with a guy, I knew from prior experiences that my parents would not tolerate me living in their house and not be in Pathway. So I did what I knew how to do, and hopped on a bus to California. When we got there we had no money or anything. At that point and many points throughout my time in Pathway I was willing to be a street person rather than be involved in the group. To say it didn't last long was an understatement; he was scared and refused to talk to anyone. His parents agreed to fly us back to AZ. I almost did not go because I knew that upon arriving I would have no place to go. Mind you at this point I had over a year sober. I did not bail because I wanted to get high.
When the plane touched down in PHX he had people from the group waiting to take him back. They shunned me. I had been in the group for about 5 years at that point and they could care less if I had a place to go. I now know it was because my parents would not shell out even more money for me to go into IOP (that would have been the third time).
I truly did not know who to call; I had been in the group since I was 14 years old. Not many people I knew had left and were around or willing to talk to a program drop out.
I finally gathered enough courage to call a friend of mine that had left the group, I knew she was getting high but at that point I didn't care. The streets of Phoenix were a lot more cruel than the streets of Hollywood. Her mother answered the phone, she did not sound very happy to hear my voice, on a previous runaway trip I bailed the group with her daughter and a few other people and we stole her credit cards and over $1000 dollars cash if my memory serves correctly. So this was a lady that I had fucked over to say the least. This kind woman opened her home to me. More than what my own family was capable of at that point. She allowed me to stay at their house and helped me try and find a job. At the same time unknown to me she was in contact with my parents trying to convince them to take me home, that I was actually doing fine and wasn't what the group was telling them about me.
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[> [> Subject: Re: It happened to me Part 2
Date Posted: 18:00:08 12/22/04 Wed
For some reason on Christmas Eve my parents called and told me I could move back in, but I had to live in the garage. They would set up a cot in there. I would not be allowed to use anything in the house, except the bathroom but my parents had to escort me to and from it. I agreed I didn't care; I just wanted to see my father.
When we were driving to my parents house the kind mom who allowed me to stay at her house explained to me that this was all my mothers doing, my father wanted nothing to do with my and had informed her that I was dead to him. It was because of him I would be sleeping in the garage until I could find my own home (mind you I was 18 and had never held down a job, paid bills, etc.) I lost it, this man, my father, my hero wanted nothing to do with me. This was a turning point for me. This is when I decided in my crazy still experiencing the effects of Kool-Aid that I needed to get high in order to get in the house. Because, try and follow this it is way crazy thinking looking back, if I just got high I would have something to cop to, the group would take me back, I could make amends and therefore my father would allow me in his life again. Crazy I know.
Well living in the garage lasted about 2 hours before my parents (read mother) got sick of it. My father sulked in his room and wanted nothing to do with me. Christmas Eve with all the family and Christmas day were rather awkward, to say the least. My father still did not speak to me. I believe that year they even attended the round robin. I sat at home. I soon got a job and almost immediately began getting high, smoking speed, snorting coke, and shooting heroin. This went on for about 2 years. I worked therefore my parents didn't care. They had both left the program (details of that have never been disclosed to me, I do not know why or how). And my father and my relationship finally started to re solidify.
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[> [> [> Subject: Re: It happened to me Part 2
Date Posted: 18:01:09 12/22/04 Wed
Except by this time I was strung out on heroin. Believe it or not I did go back to the group. After my parents discovered my horrible habit and asked me to check myself in to a detox center, I made an appointment with the then OG counselor. He told me to that I was going to die, that I needed to go into some Step something or other. I told him I had no money. He told me to sell my cars, I told him he was on crack my parents would never let me do that. At the same moment I was absolutely terrified they would. I told him to call them and if he could convince them I was willing. From what I understand that counselor did call my father and my father told him he was full of shit. That was the day my father became my hero again and not some brain washed ego maniac. I wound up getting off heroin a few months later. My father and my relationship has been wonderful ever since, for Christ sake we even work together. My mother is still struggling with the fact that I drink . But her and my relationship is better than it ever has been my entire life.
Sorry this was so long and detailed I never knew I would share all of this. I hope this helps you to realize to hear that some else has been threw a similar nightmare.
Good luck and if you ever need anything or need to talk about the ‘rents and the evil things they can do when they are still slugging down the Kool-Aid but you are not, email me. I am more then willing to listen.
Also if a parent reads this who is considering throwing their child out on to the streets because they are no longer in the group, let me tell them from being that child: They have no place to go! The situation that they are in worsens, they feel abandoned, and the people that they turn to are usually using drugs much heavier than they are or ever have!
PLEASE DO NOT BUY INTO ICECAPS TOUGH LOVE- this is what killed Bob’s son, this is what almost killed me, and what almost killed or even did kill many people I knew.
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[> Subject: Re: Did this happen to anyone else
Date Posted: 22:27:49 12/22/04 Wed
ok bailey, i know you've already heard this but there are some who haven't... the first time i left stl i was 16. i lived on the streets and 20 dollar hotels and at my old sponsee's house. it was bad but didn't compare to when i left atl. that time i was 18. my dad had driven a car down for me. i eventually got myself kicked out. i knew it was coming. i packed up my car with at much crap as i could and then i left. i went to stl then kc. stealing gas the entire way, oh yeah and wrote a bunch of bad checks. i had to go back down to atl to pick up more of my stuff. so i took a friend with me. i got there and packed up more crap. i made it all the way back up to nashville, then my car broke down. to anyone who lives in there car it's the most important thing to you. it's your bed, your transportation, your only way to and from work. it makes your whole life work. my friend's parents wired her money and left me 60 miles south of nashville, in manchester. i took what i could from my car and started walking. i hitch hiked from there to kc. it took me 3 days almost. i looked like complete shit when i got home. think the garage is bad? my mom made me sleep on the back deck for 3 weeks. like a dog. i woke up went to work (walked my happy ass) came home and then when my mom got home from work she would let me in to go to the bathroom and shower, then i got kicked back out. when i finally proved my self she let me in the house. well that's the most important parts i guess. there's more but i wanna go to sleep. point is that things did get better. i just had to fight so hard for it. i've never had to fight for anything harder then to survive. but i'm still here. and to everyone who will ask, i never touched a truck driver, and they never asked. actually the fed me and let me sleep.
[> Subject: Re: Did this happen to anyone else
Jen from AZ
Date Posted: 02:27:25 12/23/04 Thu
It's stuff like this that really gets me riled! It bothers me that the "Family" (talk about dysfunctional families!) pushes parents to treat their own flesh and blood like animals! I'm sorry - but tough love is bullshit! As parents, we are to care for our kids - whether we love them or not - they are a gift from God and these parents ought to be damn grateful that they have children! Do these parents not realize that there are LAWS about this?! As long as their kid is under 18 they are required BY LAW to give their kids food, clothing and shelter. Parents, if you are kicking your kids out of your house - YOU DON'T DESERVE TO HAVE THEM!
I will NEVER turn my back on my child! I don't understand how any parent can do that! How can a parent look Their child in the eye - no matter how old they are - and turn their back on them? How can they sleep at night not knowing if their child is dead or alive? How can Bob and "friends" push this kind of treatment?! This is just totally beyond my comprehension! My blood is boiling right now!
I would give ANYTHING to have more kids at home! I cry almost every night because I want a houseful of children! Yes, I love my son with all my heart - but yes! I also want a houseful of laughing - hell, even screaming - children running around! And quite frankly it fucking pisses me off that parents treat their children like this! Sleeping in the fucking garage? On the damn patio!? Wake up you parents who are in ICECAP! I don't care if you believe the Bible or not - I do and I believe it with all my heart and it says in there that "whatever you do to the least of these, you have done to me". Guess what parents! When you treat your kids like this, you are treating God like that! I pity you! I pity the fact that one day you will have to answer for the way you have treated your kids! And I pray that you get the justice you deserve!
Sorry webmasters for going off and for using the language I used. I haven't talked like this in years, but this is a hot button for me. I get into a lot of trouble when I'm out and about in stores and see a parent yelling and/or cursing at their child. One of these days I'm probably going to get punched - but I will not keep silent! The treatment that ICECrAP pushes parents to do to their kids is abuse - pure and simple! And I refuse to hold my tongue when I see it going on!
To those of you who are experiencing this treatment or have in the past - please know that I am thinking of you and praying for things to change. Especially that your parents wake up and seek your forgiveness for the treatment they have given you! NOTHING a child does - NOTHING - warrants throwing your kids out on the streets! The atrocities that are out there... it just makes me shudder! And want to scream and rip out Bob's eyes with my bare hands. Not much gets me this worked up.
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starlight-parkers · 7 years
Being Tony Stark’s Daughter and Dating Peter Parker Would Include (Part 2):
Summary: Just dating Peter… and being Tony’s daughter.
Authors Note: This was highly requested in the comments and I really enjoyed making the last one, so here ya  go! <3
Warning(s): swearing and deadpool (again)
Being Tony Stark’s Daughter and Dating Peter Parker Would Include (Part 2):
•y'all “tis about to get wilD
•you and peter have a stable relationship™
-y'all don’t really fight
-if you do it’s something stupid
-“ I’m lactose intolerant Peter”
-“YOU ARE A TERRIBLE- wait you are?!?!”
-“HAHAHA SIKE” *cue you running away with the last brownie*
•Tony usually mediates your fights.
-he doesn’t want his spiderlings to be sad.
-not good for his representation in the ‘approving dad’ world
-“(Y/N) I suggest you give Peter back his brownie”
-“I ate it”
-*tony giving you the scolding parent look*
-“what do you want me to do? Shit it out?”
-*cap bursts through the door* “LANGUAGE (Y/N)
•peter still uses pickup lines on you
-“my Spidey sense isn’t the only thing that’s tingling”
-“peter do you know what that means?”
-“yes it means I feel all tingly and happy when I’m around you”
-he clearly gets these from Wade
•peter going on dad dates with Tony
-“I can’t believe you remembered our anniversary”
-“I could never forget it Mr Stark”
-“um Peter…you’re dating me?”
-“This is an A B conversation (Y/N) leave”
-your dad and Peter have probably been on more dates with each other than Peter has with you.
•you and peter are always together
-the avengers freak out when you aren’t.
-“Thor chill… he went to the bathroom”
•Peter always has his hands on you
-whether it’s holding hands, or he’s touching your shoulder, wrapping his arms around your waist.
-he likes to know that you’re always there.
•hUgS frOm BehInD
-y'all this is the only time Peter feels like he’s the big spoon
-he’ll rest his chin on your head and your back will be pressed to his chest
•peter using his height to his advantage
-he’ll hide your things in high places
-so you call for help
-usually ends in you standing on him to get what you want.
-it happened when you first showed Peter your room
-Tony told you to leave the door open but y'all didn’t let that bother you ;)
-“ father why do you not express this concern for me”
-“it’s because you’re the devils spawn”
•finally perfecting that spiderman kiss
-“how do I get down?”
- *cue peter’s web snapping*
•stealing Peter’s clothes
-old and new
-he leaves a sweater at your place?
-BAM it’s yours
-buys a new shirt?
-BaM It’s yours
-he eventually runs out of clothes
-Tony buys him a new wardrobe
•having a meme group chat with Ned
-sending memes about spiderman
-peter regrets introducing you to Ned
•going on dates to the zoo
-Peter taking pictures of you admiring things
-a passerby reports Peter to the security guard for looking like a creep
-your dad has to bail peter out
•whenever peter loses you in a large group of people he always knows how to find you.
-“yo Pete where’s your girlfriend?”
-“hold on one sec” *shakes wallet*
-“found her”
•spoiling peter bc you're filthy rich and he deserves the world
-“happy birthday baby!!”
-“(Y/N) is that a car???”
-*you smiling uncontrollably*
-”(Y/N) I can’t drive’’
-’’Its a keepsake’’ 
•convincing your dad to take peter on missions.
-instantly regretting it bc peter is a soft boi who needs protection.
-“If you die on this mission, I will kill you”
-updating the suit bc you must protec™
-“I’ve added extra padding to your suit to soften any falls”
-he literally cannot breathe now
•accidentally admitting that Tom Holland is your celebrity crush.
-“but we look exactly alike??”
-“don’t be ridiculous Peter, you look nothing alike”
•dates to museums and science exhibitions
-watching peter nerd out
-v cute™
•going out with Liz and Michelle for girls nights
-peter dropping in on you as part of ‘patrol’
-almost activating ‘instant kill mode’ when a guy talks to you
•you putting on the suit just to talk to Karan
-“am I the only one that thinks Peter smells like avocado? Like does he even eat avocado?”
-“I too have detected this unusual scent Ms Stark”
•Peter freaks tf out when you get sick
-like mental break down freak out
-he googles your symptoms
-which means he always thinks your dying.
-he brought like 50 tins of soup
-will not let you leave his sight
-“Peter I need to take a dump”
-“I’ll come with you”
•Wade is always crashing your dates
-he thinks you guys are friends
-“Wade will you ever leave us alone?”
-“Of course Peetie! When (Y/N)’s father accepts my adoption papers”
-“Why would a grown ass man need adopting?”
-“It’s to fund my expensive lifestyle”
-Wade also steals Peter’s wallet so he has an excuse to come along.
-eventually getting a restraining order on Wade.
•Star Wars marathons
-you thinking Luke Skywalker is hot
-Peter getting jealous
-he dresses up like Luke the next day.
•he finds your old spiderman fan account on tumblr
-when he does he just stares at you smugly from across the room.
-“oh nothing” ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)
-he starts texting you the ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º) face.
-“so you bet spiderman is one sexy specimen under that mask?" ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)
-you want to die
-"I will delete you from my life”
•going to Starbucks for your anniversary dates
•peter insisting you have him on speed dial just incase anything happens
-you mostly use it to get food
-“(Y/N)??? Are you okay??”
-“I’ll have a double cheeseburger and fries please.”
-“(Y/N) pls”
-“what? I’m hungry”
-“may I remind you that I am  not supposed to be used for ordering take out”
-“then what the fuck are you supposed to be?”
-“your boyfriend”
-“oh yes that too”
•you wear matching outfits to school sometimes
-you are the power couple of the school
•taking Tony’s car for a joy ride
-crashing it bc peter gets nervous and webs up the windscreen
-it’s all good tho
-you use his card to buy a new one
-and blame it on Wade
•cute goodmorning texts
-“make sure to brush your teeth, you have terrible morning breath xox ~ (Y/N)
-"please brush your hair today, yesterday you looked like a yeti that had been run over and drowned in toilet water <3 Peter”
•everyone noticing how whipped Peter is for you
-except you
-peter doesn’t even know what that means he’s so outdated
•Peter has coffee mornings with Steve
-you’re never invited
•sending each other selfies
-your ugliest ones usually end up as your lock screens
-“who’s that horrendous looking creature?”
-“my fucking boyfriend bish”
•you die when peter speaks Spanish
-“pan caliente”
-“ I don’t know what you just said but please let it be the only thing you say at my funeral”
-he said hot bread
•Peter worries about your wellbeing
-he sets up daily reminders on your phone to drink water
-irl it’s just him texting you h20 puns and jokes
•you are very territorial
-if a girl so much as looks at Peter
-you will snatch the weave
-one time you actually pulled out some girls hair
-Peter thought it was hot™
-Steve and Tony did not ™
•stony are your parents tbh
•like your dad you have a lot of issues
-you’re scared peter will leave
-but he never does
-he always comes back
•arcade dates
-Peter gives you a promise ring from a vending machine
-the avengers freak out and think it’s an engagement ring.
-Steve gives you a lecture about patience and how you should wait.
-Tony on the other hand…
-“Uh Mr Stark, we’re 17 and it’s just a promise ring”
-“You are both disappointments and disgraces to the Stark name”
•caring for him after missions
-back rubs
-Peter is very clingy at this point.
•knowing exactly what calms each other down.
•Training with Peter
-having a run on the treadmill whilst he does weights.
-you trip and hit your head
-Peter drops a weight on his foot bc he’s shook.
-you both go to hospital and agree never to workout together again.
•carnival dates
-peter sees a game and insists he wins a price for you
-he loses
-3 times
-you end up having a go and you win a fish
-peter has the fish for 4 days of the week and you have him for 3
-the fish is your son™
-his name is ‘the fish™’
•stargazing and talking about a future together
•you both trust and love each other a lot
•you love peter a lot
-although you don’t say it often
-you show it though
- but he already knows it
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aph-2p-headcanons · 7 years
2P!China Boyfriend Headcanons
⦁ wOOP WOOP WOOP ⦁ POLICE EXIT THE VEHICLE ⦁ YOU HAVE BEEN CAUGHT LOVING ZAO WANG ⦁ ALLOW ME TO READ YOUR DATING RIGHTS ⦁ im sorry i don't know whats happening deh is blasting in my ear and i can't se e ⦁ anyway ⦁ so you're dating th eman himself ⦁ mr. zao wang ⦁ w0w ⦁ memester 2.0 ⦁ zao is a masTER cuddler (as previously mentioned) ⦁ he will not let go for the world ⦁ i also feel like he secretly has shoved an intire bag of cone backflow incense up his ass at one point ⦁ his room is just a haze of incense smoke, like, you can smell it from outside ⦁ "zao you have a problem" "at least is smells good tho" ⦁ he's so supportive of all your decisions ⦁ he's cheering you on in the sidelines for whatever you're doing ⦁ he's a martial artist but he's so good at slipping on nothing ⦁ he'll like be trying to impress you with some sick kick flip or something on a skateboard and fly backwards -luckily he usually uses his gymnast abilities to backflip and land onto his hand or something ⦁ "i meant to do that" "if you hadn't've said that i would've believed you" "fuc K" ⦁ he will cook for you, but only one dish ⦁ its all he knows ⦁ "what's in it?" *loud sweating* ⦁ i cant decide if i like him better with shorter or longer hair, but his hair grows really fast so he alternates - he also probably has a bit dyed all the time ⦁ ",,,zao,," ",,," ",,you wanna match?" ",,, yes,," ⦁ he tans really easily and looks like a completely different person "where is my boyfriend" "i dont even know anymore" ⦁ he always wears hats and puts them on you ⦁ i used to hc him as sort of a fuckboi (personality and clothing), but i am 100% sure he is a virgin and is all bark - like if you put your hand on his leg when you're laughing or something he would turn 50 Shades of Maroon (TM) ⦁ he totally never wears sleeves tho - it's because he gets hot really easily, but only when his arms are covered?? ⦁ he always gives you a pen or a marker or something because he likes to be drawn on ⦁ "it's like having tattoos but you can start over if you fuck up" "it also doesn't really cost much" "eXACTLY" ⦁ he watches korean soap operas like its his religion ⦁ he's also a bitch baby like he will cry over the Titanic ⦁ he loves memes ⦁ ^thats how he flirts ⦁ like february is the worst month to date him ⦁ he'll send you those valentine card memes ⦁ he's into traditions like his 1P! and lives off of his sentiment - he kinda hoards anythign you give him ever ⦁ he used to be one of the "rawr XD" kids in his teen years and he despises that fact about himself - bring it up all the time for maximum entertainment ⦁ he will laugh at like anything ⦁ he's got a contagious laugh too ⦁ he will wink at you so much but he sucks so it's never sexy, just really cute ⦁ he secretly likes panda express ⦁ likes to take you on dates at the most inconvenient hours ⦁ 1-5AM, usually ⦁ he is such a scaredy-cat, but he likes the thrill of fear, so you guys might be going to a lot of haunted houses or abandoned buildings ⦁ ^ he also paranoys (is that a word??) himself by doing that ⦁ he probably accidentally bought a bong once because he thought it was a glassblown vase - allen laughed at him for eighteen years - he then did the same thing and matt has never laughed so hard - please protect zao from any further embarrassment and shop with him ⦁ i feel like he accidentally gets arrested all the time for no reason and will be calling you crying and pleading to bail him out ⦁ he has so much love to give but he isn't exactly the most experienced in relationships, so he will be so nervous with PDA but do it anyway ⦁ he will launch himself at you if you enter the room as a greeting and swing you around ⦁ he gets up at like 6AM every morning but he stays in his room until like 12 so everyone is like "zao sleeps forever" and the first time you come over you're super confused because you wake up at like *whatever time you wake up* and he's probably already awake like "hey i made some tea do you want any" ⦁ he is either all over the place or the chillest human being in the world - he will have such a change in mood so quickly you'll be like ??? are you okay?? - he is, he's just chilled out now ⦁ he loves TV shows but he NEVER finishes them it's so aggrivating ⦁ he's probably apart of the motorcycle gang (tm) but usually walks or skates places ⦁ anyway i hope these are satisfying for oyu ⦁ bc u will be satisfied ⦁ especially if ur dating zao wang ;)))))))))))
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Bulletin 3: Places that are other places
A collection of ‘Metamorphosing topographies of dreamland’ from the dream document - assembled by JS, 14 April
Dreamt that I arrived in Santiago de Chile by bus, except it was in southern Spain.
Late evening in London. Brother’s been arrested so I go to bail him out. When I get there he’s already out, waiting for me in a bar from the 80s Japanese movie Violent Cop.
Was in a dream last night inside a flat that contained different rooms from all the different places I stayed when I still lived in Edinburgh.
Im at S’s flat in jerusalem, it’s not the flat but it is.
Dream is set in “Brussels Archive” located in Paris.
I am in Berlin at his place tho everything looks very different than in “real life”
i am in Florida. i seem to work at Disneyland, or at least the university is situated there. we are being sent home. there is a catastrophe or something we've done wrong. with jess we want to cross country but we don’t know if we have a car. something is too late. i am in a georgian square near my parents’ house in London - some kind of remunerated sexual act with a businessman who came to pick me up one afternoon on a motorbike.
Am in a big market place, later which later becomes fixed as 19th century les Halles, but I’m in Norway, for now it is faceless
It’s Norway except it’s clearly 19th century Les Halles and Devon stitched together.
I dream in fragments, all intense, all differently city-flavoured. My mind is trying to convince itself there are still places to go?
I’m at a crowded club which is also a theatre and an airport.
We’re in a room, a big white room. No: it’s more of a zone, a situated space that turns into something else as it lands. At one point, it feels like the sandy bed of a dry river – all white sand bushes bright sky and us free exercising. And then it’s a room again. Clear huge walls, so huge we can’t see where they end and the roof starts. But we live here. Actually it’s a club and we live upstairs and we are the new roommates
The setting was based on a photograph I made of the Block Island Ferry, which I realized later. We were there, on that Long Island Sound, but this ferry boat was actually in the Mediterranean and the angle of view (frame) was different than this camera I used in the photograph of the Ferry, because I was experimenting lazily at this moment in with a 6x9 frame, but the dream frame today was more like my normal 6x7, tighter frame,
I had to meet my friend Jane at a pub in Galway and it was snowing and I was on a bike but it looked actually like a tiny Prussian-empire kinda town
all seemed to take place in M’s bedroom.  At least the house ‘compressed’ into that space, which is differently configured in the dream.
We’re heading back to the house of one of L’s relatives, in a village called Les Malades, “The Sick Ones”. I suggest cutting through the fields, rather than walking along the road, and claim that it is more direct. The field becomes a mountain
I was in Ibiza, except it was clearly Bournemouth seafront.
I am in China. It looks like a mixture of LA and an affluent North London neighbourhood. A lot of standalone houses with incredible windows.
I’m in an airport lobby, I’m going to Brazil. I am going to someone’s birthday, but the first thing I do when I get there is to go to a luncheon with one of my friends from college (IRL she is protestant and used to be very into theology, went on to work in the Economy Ministry and now has a baby girl with a French guy). A guy I hate, who used to go out with one of my best friends is also there, with his girlfriend (IRL as well as in the dream all the girlfriends he’s had since my best friend are basically always the same girl, they all look a lot like my friend, the same exact features and always super nice. They all stay the same age while he gets older and older). We talk a bit, but I don’t remember what we talked about; this guy is a class A mansplainer, but I think I was actually enjoying this conversation. We are eating black beans, wonderful feijoada and rice. My friend from college starts laughing and says that they took the lunch from the patriarchs, I realize that we are actually in some kind of farm,
I’m looking for somewhere to live on the internet, in the physical space of my dream, the room I look at adjoins directly on to the room we live in
Dreamt I was in Ms Wheeler’s maths class again. But it was in Scotland and I was doing A Levels. I see someone running along the seafront and into the water. The room I am in is in Bloomsbury anti cuts space and it is high up on a platform. (On reflection I suppose this space resembles the first floor of the CLC - community learning centre - which was built at my school in the 2000s to make it a ‘specialist learning’ school, merely because the quality of education and the grades were so bad and the school was possibly on ‘special measures’). On the east side is a garden, on the west side, an airport which is a similar rectangular room at an angle to the rectangular room we are in, or a walkway or highway leading to an airport.
I’m going to the airport. The road for the airport is on the left, it adjoins on to the room I am in. Off to the right, something else - it is like the Beirut highway city system, where you emerge up onto a highway and can see the sea.
On our way to the airport we stop by a mall, which finds itself near to the maths classroom, on the ground floor, to the North side of it.
I move home. To a big house, in an anonymous location, except the trees are like those by the Forum in Rome, and the air is sunny, slow and grainy-grey. It may be Tunbridge Wells, possibly a private school.
He was traveling back to California from Berlin, going to his parents’ home first then coming to visit me. He was on his way, in traffic, it would take about an hour and a half.
I vaguely remember walking and running around this house which looked more like a ship made of wood than my actual flat, but I felt it was my home. I knew this place very well even if all the furniture and the architecture was different. The next thing I remember is me standing in a room that kind of looked like my bedroom, but without a roof and the op bjen sky.
I was in London (that of course had nothing to do w london, and was more of a mashup between green hills and product design degree show booths
I am moving through a city in an uncertain light flickering between day and night, there is a
I dream that my parents have bought a new house during quarantine. In my dream I call it a tudor building in my head, but really, it’s a kind of suburban red brick Victorian construction, like a mixture between what you find in the North of London, next to the M25, and Victorian Gothic in Salt Lake City.
On the way to Berlin, somewhere level with the south of France there were chaotic scenes of my adolescence, changing schools, and I got caught in a loop going round and round St Pancras way and Camley street in a caravan of vehicles going through the bayou.
Some images of Cubitt street and suburbs (Cubitt st is a kind of street where the council puts all kinds of ‘social cases’, it is a kind of containment strategy of theirs), that I float through or watch from a distance. It is like Nice: lilac-y grey modernity, palm trees. It looks like an architect’s drawing, a twilight zone.
We are in my grandmother’s house. But it is not her house, it is much more English, like a house in a Wilkie Collins novel. It is more ornamented, English and gothic than her house is. She is dead.
Very briefly it’s the 2nd version, with some dispute as to who sleeps where in a series of connected messy rooms on slightly different levels of what feels both like an office building and an 18thC (?) European battle ship a la Billy Bud maybe, separated by short staircases and strewn with floor mattresses. Money is due someone - police are in the distance, invisible but working to close in on us (‘us’ is who knows).. Dissolves into what I recognise as my room.
I walked through an urban street. I felt I was both in London and a Midwestern American city. I passed under what had been a theater awning with hundreds of individual light bulbs; many were missing. I thought how nice it must've been when this city was in its heyday. I saw a black London taxicab, which suggested I was in London.
I dreamed that I visited you. Except it was Australia.
I was in central London, maybe Paris, maybe Norwich, in a place like the Southbank. There was a large concrete wall / bank which was inset with a huge array of telephone exchange connectors.
I am walking through narrowish streets in the city I’ve been living in, maybe it’s Leeds or London or Glasgow or maybe it’s just a mix but it feels more like London, and up a back alleyway, at night,
My next dream ends with looking at a map of the Firth of Clyde OS map (which hangs next to my bed) wondering where I could do a long bike ride and realising that the town of Ayr isn’t actually on the coast any more but inland, just southwest of Glasgow. Then I find myself with my friend Callie out on some marina or dock on the Clyde estuary or the sea itself.
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booksbroadwaybbc · 6 years
Don't know what to do with myself. via /r/selfimprovement
Don't know what to do with myself.
Hi. I'm 21 and still in community college, but I did get my provisional admission to this university I wanted to transfer to. I work as a runner at Din Tai Fung and I'm supposed to make bank, but I don't really know yet because I'm a new employee. Headtitle question at the bottom
I think I've lived an okay-ish life, kind of. story time, skip to the end if you dont wanna read it I come from a Korean family, can't say I remember much of my childhood except mostly being beaten and yelled at. There were good times too, but they usually ended prettily shittily. Moved around a bunch, went to a lot of schools. I've dealt with a lot of abusive stuff from both parents, but I'm not going to talk about my mom because things have gotten better and she's still here for me(?). For some extreme stuff- my dad broke my brothers toes in elementary school. In my senior year, he threatened me at knifepoint and forced it into my hands and told me to stab my brother or he would stab me. Beatings from him were pretty bad, and it's not just belts and sticks bad. I played co-ed baseball in 5th grade, so bam, there was that too. He liked to throw chairs and literally flip tables when he was angry (hes a private construction worker, so he's pretty strong). Broke a lot of his phones throwing them at us, the wall, the floor, whatever. Ive had a lot of problems with my social affairs in highschool- anxiety, being cold, being short tempered, aggressive, violent, sharp tongued. I started warming up in senior year because of this girl I dated, which was a pretty big deal because gays are not allowed in this household. And well, im bi but its the same thing to them. Can't say that went too well, because my brother found out and blackmailed me in the situation we were living in. But who cares, because siblings hate each other right? Anyways, broke up with her, broke her heart, treated her poorly and whatever two years later we made up and was able to be friends again. Back to dad- he was usually never around for things like elementary grad, middle school grad, and highschool- my mom made him come, but he sure didn't seem happy about it. In highschool, he only laid down on his phone playi ng his shitty phone games. Doesnt talk to me, doesnt talk to my brother, doesnt talk to my mom. His routine: wake up, go to work, come home, phone games, eat, phone games, sleep. If you try to talk to him, he ignores you. If you press it, he'll give you some boring answer like "go away already".
Anywho, that abusive fuck was caught cheating. Had an affair with a client's sister. Sold the house we lived in, mom moved to Newark, him to San Leandro. Mom didnt want to deal with me, so I got the boot and lived wjth acquaintances in Hayward. Couldnt afford it, so mom told me to move to San Leandro with him. I moved in with my best friend helping me and we saw the evidence. Bambam, hello lady clothing and shit. I went apeshit nuts and he tried to convince me, then threatened that I would be in big trouble if i said anything. (Parents were separated but not divorced). Alright, ill keep my big mouth shut.
I worked for his "girlfriend" at her cafe in Berkeley. Why? Well, it was easy money and i needed it to keep up with my shitty coping habits- partying and party favors, mostly e. You dont have to deal with stress if youre always out partying.
Anywho, fast forward, skip a lot of details. Mom gets a phone call one day from mutual acquaintance saying dad is sick and asks her to bring him some food. Alright. So she does because she still cares, and finds out the truth. Calls me and demands me to come right now and unlock the door- note that this is a 40 minute drive. By the time i get there, theres hella police and a window is broken and theres hella shit going on. Things settled down but being my immature ass i scream at my parents for both being immature, and they shouldve just cut things clean. I yell at my dad for being a fuckhead and cheating, you didnt raise a liar but you are one. I yell at my mom for being irresponsible and breaking things. Police grabs my shoulder but i swipe it off and bam. Im on the floor, face into concrete, chipped teeth and i cant even see where my dog is. Tbh i was more worried that he ran off because he was still a puppy and i was holding him during this whole ordeal. My glasses got knocked off my face when those two officers fucking bodyslammed me into the ground. I'm 5ft4, i weighed like 130 at this time but im just a legit smol asian girl.
What happened next? Well yknow, i got arrested and sent to jail for assaulting a police officer, nbd. Sat there for a few hours, listening to some psycho making weird noises. Finally get some call saying that my mom was waiting for me, and she bailed me out. She was crying a lot and told me that my dad didnt even bat an eye as they took me away, that he smiled and tried to fix his goddamn broken window. I believe it too, because I saw that shitty smirk on his face when i got to the scene. My mom has a bit of an uncontrollable temper so she looks psycho when the other person was the wack one. This was in January 2017.
Skip forward to the next police thing. June 2017. My mom demands that i pack all my shit and move back, and she wants to go with me. I plead no, but what am i gonna do against her? Alright, we drive and she starts saying stuff about lying and calls the bitch a slut and homewrecker and stuff, dad gets up to stand inbetween and stuff. Tells her to move than basically shoves her across the living room towards the door. **insert hysteria and bam again, screaming and each other, his hands on her, me trying to squeeze my body in between them and get his hands off of her. Doesnt really work cos he turns on me, hits me away and goes back to beat her. My screaming doesnt really help either, but i try what I can to claw his arms off of her. Nooooo, bad idea, but better me than her. He grabs me and my head is locked into his elbow so I bite down, arm. Baaaad idea again, but its in self defense imo. Im just trying to help my mom. He p much beats me up into a pulp her, grabs my shirt all the way up and yikes thats embarassing. The struggle goes on and eventually its calm again because slutface is like "honey staph"- note: only words and no actions to get close, buuuut, it works. Me and mom move to my room and start removing all my weebshit from the walls. Mom is muttering and saying a bunch of bs for him to hear and he storms into the room because hes fucking triggered and start the violence again. Oh but this is where i do the fun thing- i lunge myself at him so im like on top of him but holy shit, he legit pulls me off of him and throws me against the wall cabinets, and two hand chokes me, with his knees on my chest. Mom starts screaming at him, claws his face and soon the police are here and shit. Bitch called the police, and this is where it gets more fucked up. I legally live here, its on my license. I came back to move out, so its okay for me to be here, because i came to pack my stuff and take whats mine. So why exactly did the police not believe me? Why did my mom get arrested for putting dumb scratches on his face when he beat us, with pictures - that day- to prove that he inflicted more wounds on us. We were just defending ourselves. He put his hands on us first. Anyways, that starts my worries cos im like. Im 20, but idk what to do. How do i find money to bail my mom out? How do i even do that in the first place? But i managed.
Anywho skip forward, jackass is no longer in my life, tho i have to deal with him through my brother from time to time. Parents officially divorced Feb 2018. I've lived with my mom, she bought a cafeteria for a little bit so I worked there. Things were really hard because my mom had a lot of pent up anger that she would take out on me. My brother moved out because he went to university so he didnt really have to deal with much. Im also the older child, so bam. Anyways, we fought a lot. A LOT LOT. Like apeshit crazylot. I took a lot of beatings. It was like the weekend before Christmas of 2017 where a took a huge beating and ran away from my problems by going to my now-ex's house. He offered me to move in with him and his family, so I did. I had the choice of going back to my moms lifestyle and attempt to make up, or trying to live a different life. I lived with him from like Christmas to March 2018. We started having a lot of problems because he regret inviting me, he wasnt ready to give up his personal space and I was done babysitting someone who was older than me. Doing his laundry, doing his dishes, cleaning his room. I was done with being bored, never going out, being ignored while he did the same thing my dad did. Sit on his phone and not speak a word. Yeah, there were good times too, but they seem so fleeting when it seeps in with your own personal trauma of being ignored. Btw- when i moved to his place, my brother moved back home to fill the gap, but my brother is better with dealing with my mom and she doesnt blow up at him.
After I moved back, it was better. Yeah, shit went down sometimes but i guess overall it was better? My mom cried a lot. I would hear her talk on the phone with her family members in Korea and cry about how she was tired of everything and didn't want to do it anymore. I know exactly how that feels. Well, in the later months of 2018, we got along better and havent really had those blowups. I tried my best to stay home more instead of going out at night because she hated it. I tried to be nicer to her and more compromising. She's in Korea rn and things suck. During the whole parents thing, it sucks to feel like your parents are passing you to each other likea toy they dont want. It sucks to not really feel familial love growing up, where mom is just doing things because shes supposed to and dad just flat out pretends you dont exist. It sucks that it takes two years of partying, drugs and cons to find out
Submitted October 31, 2018 at 10:33AM by xfirelily via reddit https://ift.tt/2CRsVBn
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To The Parents who are still in the Program (and those who have left) - OnTheEmmis.com 2004
There is a thread on the other message board that I think the parents need to be informed about. This is about the harm that is caused to the children from parents that are still in an ICECAP program. These are true stories (not edited) just copied and pasted for you to read. What Bob AND Joy teach parents about "tough" love and their version of "unconditional" love are just that "their version". Does this seem as though families are being brought together and healing to you? This is a great example of the pain that is caused when one person in the family (the child) wants to leave ICECAP and another person (the parent) believes the lies that they have been taught (that they are or will get high, can't live without being in the program, etc.) They, ICECAP, breed the fear that you as a parent have when you see them making choices that YOU don't like. What is the true meaning of letting go? Or the true meaning of unconditional love? This is not to make any parent feel guilty for their time in an ICECAP program. I truly believe you thought you were doing the best thing. You were also a victim of the cult and it's way of thinking. That is the very reason I am posting this thread. To show the harm and hopefully save some pain for others. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Author: Bailey [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date Posted: 13:27:44 12/22/04 Wed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Getting kicked out of your house by your once all loving supporting do anything for you family As most of you know my family is ALL involved in Crossroads and sense ive left its been hell, Thursday night my dad and step mom freaked out on me and my dad started pushing me and threatening to "lay me the fuck out" My dad has never so much as spanked me before we used to get along great until x-roads we got high together went to concerts movies dinner and what not, But now its as tho i dont exist to them they call me ungrateful bitch and many other names after all that happened he told me to pack a bag and he didnt want to see me anymore, Luckily i see a therapist and he talked to my dad and calmed them down they still want me out of the house tho. I cant leave now because i belong to the state until me 18th birthday which thank god isnt far off but if they kick me out or i move out i have to spend the next month and half in juvenile again, this has happened to many of my friends who have left too they end up homeless because if there not in the group they cant be at there house, i was just wondering if anyone else's parents went crazy after they left and if it does get better? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] [> Subject: It happened to me Part 1 Author: Hollywood [Edit] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date Posted: 17:59:18 12/22/04 Wed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I lived threw this every time I left the group, but especially the last time. The last time I left I bailed the group with a guy, I knew from prior experiences that my parents would not tolerate me living in their house and not be in Pathway. So I did what I knew how to do, and hopped on a bus to California. When we got there we had no money or anything. At that point and many points throughout my time in Pathway I was willing to be a street person rather than be involved in the group. To say it didn't last long was an understatement; he was scared and refused to talk to anyone. His parents agreed to fly us back to AZ. I almost did not go because I knew that upon arriving I would have no place to go. Mind you at this point I had over a year sober. I did not bail because I wanted to get high. When the plane touched down in PHX he had people from the group waiting to take him back. They shunned me. I had been in the group for about 5 years at that point and they could care less if I had a place to go. I now know it was because my parents would not shell out even more money for me to go into IOP (that would have been the third time). I truly did not know who to call; I had been in the group since I was 14 years old. Not many people I knew had left and were around or willing to talk to a program drop out. I finally gathered enough courage to call a friend of mine that had left the group, I knew she was getting high but at that point I didn't care. The streets of Phoenix were a lot more cruel than the streets of Hollywood. Her mother answered the phone, she did not sound very happy to hear my voice, on a previous runaway trip I bailed the group with her daughter and a few other people and we stole her credit cards and over $1000 dollars cash if my memory serves correctly. So this was a lady that I had fucked over to say the least. This kind woman opened her home to me. More than what my own family was capable of at that point. She allowed me to stay at their house and helped me try and find a job. At the same time unknown to me she was in contact with my parents trying to convince them to take me home, that I was actually doing fine and wasn't what the group was telling them about me. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] [> [> Subject: Re: It happened to me Part 2 Author: Hollywood [Edit] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date Posted: 18:00:08 12/22/04 Wed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For some reason on Christmas Eve my parents called and told me I could move back in, but I had to live in the garage. They would set up a cot in there. I would not be allowed to use anything in the house, except the bathroom but my parents had to escort me to and from it. I agreed I didn't care; I just wanted to see my father. When we were driving to my parents house the kind mom who allowed me to stay at her house explained to me that this was all my mothers doing, my father wanted nothing to do with my and had informed her that I was dead to him. It was because of him I would be sleeping in the garage until I could find my own home (mind you I was 18 and had never held down a job, paid bills, etc.) I lost it, this man, my father, my hero wanted nothing to do with me. This was a turning point for me. This is when I decided in my crazy still experiencing the effects of Kool-Aid that I needed to get high in order to get in the house. Because, try and follow this it is way crazy thinking looking back, if I just got high I would have something to cop to, the group would take me back, I could make amends and therefore my father would allow me in his life again. Crazy I know. Well living in the garage lasted about 2 hours before my parents (read mother) got sick of it. My father sulked in his room and wanted nothing to do with me. Christmas Eve with all the family and Christmas day were rather awkward, to say the least. My father still did not speak to me. I believe that year they even attended the round robin. I sat at home. I soon got a job and almost immediately began getting high, smoking speed, snorting coke, and shooting heroin. This went on for about 2 years. I worked therefore my parents didn't care. They had both left the program (details of that have never been disclosed to me, I do not know why or how). And my father and my relationship finally started to re solidify. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] [> [> [> Subject: Re: It happened to me Part 2 Author: Hollywood [Edit] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date Posted: 18:01:09 12/22/04 Wed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Except by this time I was strung out on heroin. Believe it or not I did go back to the group. After my parents discovered my horrible habit and asked me to check myself in to a detox center, I made an appointment with the then OG counselor. He told me to that I was going to die, that I needed to go into some Step something or other. I told him I had no money. He told me to sell my cars, I told him he was on crack my parents would never let me do that. At the same moment I was absolutely terrified they would. I told him to call them and if he could convince them I was willing. From what I understand that counselor did call my father and my father told him he was full of shit. That was the day my father became my hero again and not some brain washed ego maniac. I wound up getting off heroin a few months later. My father and my relationship has been wonderful ever since, for Christ sake we even work together. My mother is still struggling with the fact that I drink . But her and my relationship is better then it ever has been my entire life. Sorry this was so long and detailed I never knew I would share all of this. I hope this helps you to realize to hear that some else has been threw a similar nightmare. Good luck and if you ever need anything or need to talk about the ‘rents and the evil things they can do when they are still slugging down the Kool-Aid but you are not, email me. I am more then willing to listen. Also if a parent reads this who is considering throwing their child out on to the streets because they are no longer in the group, let me tell them from being that child: They have no place to go! The situation that they are in worsens, they feel abandoned, and the people that they turn to are usually using drugs much heavier than they are or ever have! PLEASE DO NOT BUY INTO ICECAPS TOUGH LOVE- this is what killed Bob’s son, this is what almost killed me, and what almost killed or even did kill many people I knew. Hollywood [ Post a Reply to This Message ] [> Subject: Re: Did this happen to anyone else Author: michele [Edit] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date Posted: 22:27:49 12/22/04 Wed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ok bailey, i know you've already heard this but there are some who haven't... the first time i left stl i was 16. i lived on the streets and 20 dollar hotels and at my old sponsee's house. it was bad but didn't compare to when i left atl. that time i was 18. my dad had driven a car down for me. i eventually got myself kicked out. i knew it was coming. i packed up my car with at much crap as i could and then i left. i went to stl then kc. stealing gas the entire way, oh yeah and wrote a bunch of bad checks. i had to go back down to atl to pick up more of my stuff. so i took a friend with me. i got there and packed up more crap. i made it all the way back up to nashville, then my car broke down. to anyone who lives in there car it's the most important thing to you. it's your bed, your transportation, your only way to and from work. it makes your whole life work. my friend's parents wired her money and left me 60 miles south of nashville, in manchester. i took what i could from my car and started walking. i hitch hiked from there to kc. it took me 3 days almost. i looked like complete shit when i got home. think the garage is bad? my mom made me sleep on the back deck for 3 weeks. like a dog. i woke up went to work (walked my happy ass) came home and then when my mom got home from work she would let me in to go to the bathroom and shower, then i got kicked back out. when i finally proved my self she let me in the house. well that's the most important parts i guess. there's more but i wanna go to sleep. point is that things did get better. i just had to fight so hard for it. i've never had to fight for anything harder then to survive. but i'm still here. and to everyone who will ask, i never touched a truck driver, and they never asked. actually the fed me and let me sleep. [> Subject: Re: Did this happen to anyone else Author: Jen from AZ [Edit] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date Posted: 02:27:25 12/23/04 Thu ------------------------------------------------------------------------ It's stuff like this that really gets me riled! It bothers me that the "Family" (talk about dysfunctional families!) pushes parents to treat their own flesh and blood like animals! I'm sorry - but tough love is bullshit! As parents, we are to care for our kids - whether we love them or not - they are a gift from God and these parents ought to be damn grateful that they have children! Do these parents not realize that there are LAWS about this?! As long as their kid is under 18 they are required BY LAW to give their kids food, clothing and shelter. Parents, if you are kicking your kids out of your house - YOU DON'T DESERVE TO HAVE THEM! I will NEVER turn my back on my child! I don't understand how any parent can do that! How can a parent look Their child in the eye - no matter how old they are - and turn their back on them? How can they sleep at night not knowing if their child is dead or alive? How can Bob and "friends" push this kind of treatment?! This is just totally beyond my comprehension! My blood is boiling right now! I would give ANYTHING to have more kids at home! I cry almost every night because I want a houseful of children! Yes, I love my son with all my heart - but yes! I also want a houseful of laughing - hell, even screaming - children running around! And quite frankly it fucking pisses me off that parents treat their children like this! Sleeping in the fucking garage? On the damn patio!? Wake up you parents who are in ICECAP! I don't care if you believe the Bible or not - I do and I believe it with all my heart and it says in there that "whatever you do to the least of these, you have done to me". Guess what parents! When you treat your kids like this, you are treating God like that! I pity you! I pity the fact that one day you will have to answer for the way you have treated your kids! And I pray that you get the justice you deserve! Sorry webmasters for going off and for using the language I used. I haven't talked like this in years, but this is a hot button for me. I get into a lot of trouble when I'm out and about in stores and see a parent yelling and/or cursing at their child. One of these days I'm probably going to get punchedt - but I will not keep silent! The treatment that ICECrAP pushes parents to do to their kids is abuse - pure and simple! And I refuse to hold my tongue when I see it going on! To those of you who are experiencing this treatment or have in the past - please know that I am thinking of you and praying for things to change. Especially that your parents wake up and seek your forgiveness for the treatment they have given you! NOTHING a child does - NOTHING - warrants throwing your kids out on the streets! The atrocities that are out there... it just makes me shudder! And want to scream and rip out Bob's eyes with my bare hands. Not much gets me this worked up.
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