#this white lady looked my sister up and down and ppl just stare out here and it’s weird
tariah23 · 3 months
My sis and I ate at Olive Garden here (I’ve never thought about going before) and damn, I never knew how good their shit was. That food put me to sleep bro.
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thedvilsinthedetails · 7 months
rosekiller band au microfic pt2
yayyy part 2 is here! (Again if there’s any typos lmk ty)
(also yeah I changed their ages slightly, the skittles r now 23 not 25 what r u gonna do about it?)
anywayssss here’s the ppl that asked to be tagged/said they wanted more so im tagging them anyway (sorry if u didn’t want that): @always-reading @lady-stardust-incarnate @lulublack90 @idk-what-to-put-here-123 @weirdtinkerbellversion @depressedtheatrekiddo @blu3stars @nikholascrow @good-oldfashioned-lover-girl @picklerab23
(As always if u wanna be tagged or not tagged pls lmk I won’t mind at all <3)
Link to Part One
Link to Next Part
Evan woke up the next morning to the harsh bleep of his phone that always managed to elicit pure terror in his body. He groaned and rolled out of bed. He’d forgotten to turn off the alarm and of course he was awake at six in the fucking morning on a Saturday.
He threw on a dressing gown over his tank top and plaid pyjama bottoms, slipped into his fluffy slippers and trudged to the kitchen for some coffee.
Once he got to the kitchen he saw Dorcas was already sat at the little island she passed him a warm cup of coffee as soon as he sat down. Dorcas had always been the earliest riser of the band, always eager to get ready quickly and get the hell out of the house, he supposed that’s what growing up as the eldest sister to four brothers did to you. 
“Heard your alarm go off, figured you’d forgot to turn it off.”
“Dorcas you lifesaver. And I mean seriously a lifesaver, I might have murdered someone without this coffee.”
Dorcas laughed.
Evan rubbed his eyes.
“Barty probably. He’s fucking annoying.”
“Any excuse to get up close to him then more like.”
Evan’s head snapped up.
Dorcas rolled her eyes.
“Please you’re shit at hiding it.”
“Don’t know what you’re talking ‘bout Cas.”
Evan mumbled, taking a long drink from his mug. 
“Please, save the crap. If you don’t have a crush on him, why do you get so worked up by people calling you a couple. It consumes your every waking thought, now why is that? Tell me.”
“Ughhh I don’t want to think about it.”
He groaned and stared into the brown murky depths of the mug he was cradling close to him.
Dorcas softened.
“Look, Marls and Barty are really close, our next tour stop is London which means she’ll obviously drop by rehearsals. I can get her to ask him if he-“
“He doesn’t.”
Evan ran his thumb over a tiny chip in the ceramic. It was a mug Barty had painted around four years ago, Dora had decided for her sixteenth she wanted to go to a pottery painting place like when they were little. Barty was- honestly pretty shit at painting. The background was covered in vast uneven strokes of black. He’d tried to paint a white ferret on it - ‘Ev this one is for you, if you were any animal I’d say you’d be a ferret.’ - thing is it looked more like a snake with legs that was also, well, a zombie. It was Evan’s most prized possession. He’d be taking it to the grave. He turned it to look inside the handle. Barty had been too lazy to paint that part so instead he’d just written crudely with the brush - ‘B + E forever bitches!’. His eyes crinkled fondly as he read it. 
“I just need to get over it.”
His expression hardened and he looked up at Dorcas again.
“Get over what?”
They both turned to find Barty in the doorway. His hair was sticking up in all directions. Fuzzy spikes of green and black. He stretched his arms all the way up as he yawned, flexing his wrist so his ‘SKITTLES’ tattoo was on full display. He had one of Evan’s jumpers on over his pyjama top. Evan really wanted to reach out and hold. Why’d he have to go and look so soft? Wasn’t fucking fair. 
“Nothing Jr.”
Barty nodded in response as he padded over and sat himself in the chair next to Evan.
“Why’re you even awake?”
Dorcas asked.
Barty dropped his head down onto the island counter dramatically.
“Forgot to turn off my alarm.”
Dorcas laughed out loud, fully threw her head back and everything.
“Two birds of a fucking stupid feather you two are.”
She got up and put her mug in the sink before heading out of the kitchen. Barty turned his head up to look at Evan as soon as she was gone.
“You don’t have to tell me anything Evan, but if you want to you can. You know that right?”
Barty lifted his head and propped it up on his hand as Evan nodded.
“Yeah. Yeah I know Barty.”
Barty shuffled his chair closer before dropping his head onto Evan’s shoulder and falling quiet. It was instinctual, the way Evan brought his arms up around him. After a few moments he looked down though, Barty was suspiciously silent.
He whispered.
“M’awake. You’re just comfy Ev. You’re really good at hugs.”
Might be ‘cause I was built to hold you.
Damn that’s a fucking stupid thing to say. Fuck I’ve turned into Reg whenever he’s around James.
Yeah Evan needed to get over this like fucking yesterday.
Barty breathed in deeply, face buried in the crux of Evan’s neck. He couldn’t help it really. Evan smelled like home. Probably a creepy thing to say, oh well wasn’t like he said it out loud. Evan was home though, plain and simple.
He didn’t want to move, probably ever. Still eventually as the rest of the group came pattering into the kitchen and things got livelier he had to shift away.
They got on the train at noon, ready to head to London. Evan took the window seat watching as the city turned to rolling hills turned to city again. Barty kept sneaking glances over at him, wasn’t really sure what he was looking for honestly but-
Evan asked finally, tone irritated.
“Nothing, just bored.”
“Oh um-“
Evan glanced around, he and Barty were in a two seater while the rest of the band sat around the table in front of them, chatting animatedly.
“S’fine Ev, not anything you can do about it, I’m gonna be bored till we get off this bloody train. Fucking buzzing.”
“Excited for tomorrow then yeah?”
Barty turned to him with shining eyes. 
“D’you remember when we were eighteen? First time at the O2 for a concert? Fuck d’you remember seeing it like that, covered in all the lights ‘n shit. Eventim Apollo doesn’t even compare.”
Evan chuckled. They’d gone to the O2 for the first time June 2019 to see a concert when Evan was still in his backstreet boys phase, something no one was allowed to talk about now under any circumstances.
“D’you remember what you said to me?”
“Look at that stage Ev. Imagine playing there. For all these people.”
Evan turned to Barty and ruffled his hair.
“One day Bee, we’ll be playing here. I promise you yeah? We’ll be playing here and it’ll all the fucking sold out.”
“You think?”
“Yeah. Yeah I do.”
AHHH I HOPE U LIKED ITTTT (idk when part 3 will be coming but hopefully soon <333333)
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drwcn · 3 years
I loved your fem lwj take on things. How would thibgs go if WWX was the lady? Other than ppl assuming she stood up for the Wens bcs she jad feelings for WN ( and that Yuan was hers)
Heyyy friend, I think I’ve seen a couple of girl!wwx fics floating around in ao3 so i certainly won’t be the first :P.
Also I completely misread your ask initially, I thought you were asking me what I think would happen if A-Yuan was WWX’s kid, and I was like oh?? But then I realize wait... I can make it worse.  
Today, I decided that my mortal soul doesn’t matter, so here we go. Let’s see how accursed I can make this idea: 
It started with Jiang Cheng. Jiang Wanyin had set out for the Burial Mount with the explicit goal of throttling speaking with Wei Wuxian, but what greeted him at the entrance of the “Demon Subduing Palace” — more of a cave than anything really — was not his martial sister, but Wen Ning. Well, what had once been Wen Ning.
Black veins ran across his pale, ashen face, down his equally ashen neck , and into the major veins beneath his clavicles covered by the collars of his black threadbare robes. Lifeless eyes, white as his skin, stared into a void the living could not see. There were talismans littering his body, and Jiang Cheng knew that when he spoke to this fierce corpse, he was not speaking to the young Wen boy, but to his mistress who controlled him with her demonic cultivation. 
Wei Wuxian refused to face him. Refused him explanation. Refused him closure.
“Er-jie!” Jiang Cheng screamed into the stony expressionless face of Wen Qionglin. “If you continue to protect them, then I can’t protect you!!” 
There was no response. 
Suddenly, just as Jiang Cheng was about to kick and fight his way into the cave, Wen Ning thrusted out his right fist, and in his grasp was a piece of purple silk. Jiang Cheng unfolded the silk, vaguely recognizing that it had been cut from someone’s robe, and saw what was wrapped within was a slip of parchment.
割袍断义*, the paper read. Tell the world that I, Wei Wuxian, first disciple of Yunmeng Jiang has forever defected (Note: 割袍断义- to rip one's robe as a sign of repudiating a sworn brotherhood (idiom)).
With this, there was nothing left to say. Hurt and furious, Jiang Wanyin threw the piece of parchment onto the dirt ground, grinded his heel down on it, and left the Burial Mount without ever having drawn Sandu. 
Inside the cave, Wen Qing held Wei Wuxian’s hand. “Why won’t you just tell him? He’s your brother; he can help you, you can —” 
Wei Wuxian’s mile long stare seemed to be gazing at something — someone — very far away. Slowly, she placed her other palm over her belly, which horrifically was already starting to round out. “Nobody can help me now, Qing-jie.”
“I can,” said Wen Qing, blunt as ever. “I can make it go away, if you want.”
“No.” A droplet of tear escaped pass long lashes. “No.” 
It continued with Jiang Cheng.
On a snowy night, the first winter after Wei Wuxian escaped with the Wen remnants to the Burial Mount, Jiang Cheng was rudely awakened from his slumber by a less-than-stealthy intruder breaking and entering into his bed chamber.
Zidian whipped through the air, lighting the room with her eerie violet glow, before the intruder could think to take one more step. It was a man, judging from his silhouette colliding against the wall and the pained groan he made in response. The very next second, the tail of Zidian coiled tightly around his neck and dragged him across the floor towards beneath Jiang Cheng’s waiting foot. 
The Sect Master of Yunmeng Jiang summoned Sandu, ready to deliver the final strike, but just as his blade sailed towards the intruder’s chest, a pale arm jutted upwards, blocking Sandu’s descent and revealing a pale hand holding a … a... 
Even in the dark, Jiang Cheng immediately recognized the mahogany comb. 
“Jiang — ! Zongzhu —!” The man croaked out urgently, throat still stomped on by Jiang Cheng’s foot. It was - it was Wen Ning?!
Jiang Cheng looked him over. He was pale, yes, but his eyes appeared human. His hair was brushed and haphazardly done up in a farmer’s top knot. He was wearing farmer’s clothing too, probably more inconspicuous for travel than his Ghost General getup.  
“Jiang-zongzhu! P—please!!”
No, impossible. 
“Wei — Wei-guniang—”
Jiang Cheng lifted his foot and dragged Wen Ning up in a split second. “What’s wrong with Wei Wuxian?!”  Wen Ning coughed and shook his head desperately. “No time to explain. My sister asked me to fetch you. Please, you have to come! Wei-guniang’s life is in danger! If you won’t come, I’ll...I’ll have to go to Gusu, and I don’t know if - if -” 
Jiang Cheng followed Wen Ning. 
For speed, they travelled by sword, but even so, dawn was breaking by the time they arrived. The crowd of Burial Mount’s villagers huddling anxiously outside of the Demon Subduing Palace parted for them upon their arrival. Jiang Cheng took a moment to gather himself and square his shoulders. Whatever it was; he was ready.  
He was wrong. None of the dozens of scenario he had agonized over on the flight here could have prepared him for what awaited him inside. 
Wen Qing, pale and drenched in sweat, was near complete spiritual collapse, and without Wen Qing’s spiritual energy sustaining her, the single tenuous thread by which Wei Wuxian’s life hung on would have undoubtedly snapped under the toil and devastation her body had been put through. 
There was so much blood, so, so much blood everywhere, and amidst the blood, there was a baby. 
Jiang Cheng transfused his sister half of his total spiritual reserve over the course of a day, while an exhausted but unrelenting Wen Qing worked diligently under blood-soaked sheets. 
Then at dusk, when the storm finally passed, Jiang Cheng sat at the mouth of the cave with a tiny, perfect little human — a girl, a niece! —  in his arms and cursed Lan Wangji’s name. 
Wen Qing was extremely clear with them: 孩子要是留在这里,养不活。
If the newborn was left to be raised at the Burial Mount, she would not live. And so, because parting was inevitable from the start, Wei Wuxian adamantly refused to hold or nurse the child. Her child. 
I can’t. If I do, I won’t be able to let her go. Those dark eyes burned with more than just the delirium of her childbed fever. For once, Jiang Cheng could not find it in himself to argue.
Thus, he took his niece home and named her Jiang Yan 江曕. The name was not his doing. His foolish, misguided, stubborn sister had stroked her daughter’s soft, baby cheek and whispered it to her as a farewell gift. 
Yan - to be bathed in daylight. In the end, when given a choice, Wei Wuxian still opted for her child to walk on broad sunny road. 
It made Jiang Cheng wonder why, then, she would choose the dark twisted path for herself instead. 
It ended with Jiang Cheng. 
The truth was simple: Jiang Wanyin killed his shijie Wei Wuxian. He did. He meant to. 
He killed her. But that did not mean he wanted her dead. 
In one day, he had lost both of his sisters, leaving two orphans in their wake. Jiang Cheng could not ignore the cruel irony of their fate: one’s father murdered by his aunt, and other’s mother murdered by her uncle. 
This was the kind of tragedy fairytales were made of, and if there were anything left in him to shed tears over it, he would.  Standing amongst Nevernight’s carnage, he could not dredge up even a single drop of tear.  
Jiang Cheng didn’t know how he could return home to Lotus Pier to face that cherub face, always so happy, so sweet, so utterly untainted by the world. She had her mother’s smile. Yan'er was starting to learn how to speak. Her first words were da-da. 
Da-da. Die-die. Father. 
He was standing beside her father now. 
Lan Wangji. Devastated. Destroyed. …Deceived.
Jiang Cheng hated him so much, so fucking much that for one insane second, he thought about telling Lan Wangji the truth just to see what would happen. Maybe he would run Jiang Cheng through with his Bichen - that would be a relief now, wouldn’t it? - or maybe he would jump after Wei Wuxian. 
Truly, if he knew, he would. Jump, that is. Jiang Cheng was almost entirely sure. Oh the utter melodrama that would inspire indeed!  
But then... 
Wei Ying birthed you a daughter, a lovely, perfect, blessed little girl, and she carried that secret to her grave. I may be damned by my actions, but you, who have done nothing for her and taken everything, why should you deserve something as sacred as the truth?
Jiang Cheng turned away. 
He was acutely aware that one day Jiang Yan may very well be the literal death of him. After all — 杀母之仇不共戴天 — one cannot tolerate living under the same sky as the murderer of one’s mother. 
Be that as it may, he would raise Jiang Yan well, just as he promised. Unlike his sister, he would not break his word. Jiang Yan was of Lotus Pier, of Yunmeng, like her mother and grandfather before her. That for him, was enough. 
Jiang Cheng clutched Sandu and gripped Zidian. Whatever his fate, he already made peace with it, and the rest was inconsequential. 
One day, he may die, but today he lives, and so as long as he lives, Jiang Yan and all of Yunmeng Jiang will be protected . So as long as he lives, they will flourish. 
[...and in between]
On the streets of Yiling, Lan Wangji tilted his head inquisitively at Wei Wuxian and the little boy at her side and asked, “This child, he...” 
In response, Wei Wuxian patted her chest in a self-declarative kind of way and announced, “Oh this child, I birthed him!” 
He stared at her in shell-shocked silence, his mind racing with panicked thoughts of but that’s impossible — that was just once — even if — the boy is too old to be —
“怎么,蓝湛,不要我们娘儿俩了?” What, Lan Zhan, you don’t want the child and I?
“Wei— Wei Ying—” 
Then of course, she had laughed, and Lan Wangji thought no more of it. 
Just a joke. A silly joke. 
In time, he would come to realize his mistake. 
[A/N]: I’m not even a little bit sorry. 
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Ur take on a malec beauty and the beast au please
ugh you got me in a difficult position here because on the one hand, i do love the idea of a beauty and the beast malec au. i just think the idea of a socially isolated person who thinks themself/is perceived as monstruous and who has locked away their heart and doesn't believe they could ever be loved fits magnus like a glove. but on the other hand, i don't want to make magnus, a brown character, animalistic, for obvious reasons. and i can't really think of a way to make him monstruous that doesn't fall into animalization/beastification (both racist tropes) or ableist tropes
so i'm thinking... maybe the spell is just that people are repulsed by him/fear him automatically? like it just creates this horrible almost impossible to ignore repulsive/fear/"fight or flight activating" aura around him for absolutely no reason and makes ppl be repulsed and/or hate him. even if it doesn't change his appearance at all. it's not really a changing or shifting spell, more like a spell of hatred
which like.... i know doesn't sound like anything poc/queer people don't already go through but there is a main difference which is that it makes it impossible to find a community. like even other brown and queer people look at him and feel this... huge disgust and even fear and might even hide and so the isolation is absolutely total and it fucking hurts. and besides it is one thing (a very bad thing) to walk around and have to be on constant alert because you never know if someone is going to be violent, and have to deal with occasional comments and disgusted reactions... it's another to consistently have like, children screaming and people cowering 100% of the time without exception, you know? he's basically living the life ppl with social anxiety think they live and he has nowhere to turn to, no one who understands or who's more likely to actually want to talk to him because of his differences. there's no one to lean on. even the people who love him aren't immune to it, even if of course they are not turning their backs on him
so anyway here are my thoughts: this was totally done by camille lol beacuse the whole backstory about being mean to an elderly lady doesn't fit magnus anyway and also i just like sprinkling camille angst where i can. so after magnus finally got himself free of her and her stupid claws she hexxed him back into isolation. both as punishment (a kinda "if you don't want me, then you have no one" logic) and just to make him more vulnerable because again, abusers want you alone and isolated and away from a support network so you are more dependant on them and more likely to buy into their thwarped logic if they can immerse you in it. so she's just trying to manipulate him into getting back with her, because she wants him and most of all his power
and basically you know the drill, if he doesn't find anyone who will love him romantically until the rose withers yada yada he will die. and again she just wants to make the spell so it constantly drives home how alone he is and how he can't find anyone who will love him (except for her), and make it so he's more and more likely to come back to her as time goes by because then the spell will be broken
(sidenote: camille obviously doesn't actually love him, because anyone who does that to someone doesn't love them. but as the one who cast the spell, she can lift it whenever she wants. so all she has to do is kiss him and lift the spell and be like "see, magnus? who else would love you like this, but me? even after all these years?". and honestly if it had come to that magnus would know she was lying because there is no way this is love, none. but anyway it doesn't come to that, that's just what her plan is)
anyway it still doesn't work because magnus is done and he won't get back to her, and he particularly doesn't want to get back with her after, you know, all this trashfire. and he just sets his jaw and is like "fine" and accepts that he will live however long he still has with his friends and people he loves and away from her, basically
and like gosh sidenote but this would have been so painful for his friends. camille very deliberately made it romantic love because she knows magnus has so many fucking people who love him, but him and the immortal squad have found family dynamics, not romantic ones. so there is nothing they can do even though their love for magnus is just... so real and pure and they hate to see him like this, hate to know that right when he finally got rid of her she made sure he still couldn't go out in the world. especially since magnus has always been so damn sociable, loved to be surrounded by people and to meet them and care for them. but here he is, walking as hidden as he can and with his head down avoiding eye contact because he knows the horror is there and some children run away screaming when they see him
and i just picture this desperate little scene with raphael in particular where he's just like.... "i'll try to kiss you. we have to try" and magnus is all, "my boy, you don't even like kissing, and she was very adamant that it had to be romantic" and raphael is almost in tears like "but i do love you, goddamn it! i should be able to undo this spell" and it's so sweet that he's trying and willing to be in this really awkward position where he kisses (yikes) magnus (which is just weird especially since magnus is kind of a father figure to him) because he's just... so desperate to have him free of her, finally, once and for all, you know?
but obviously it doesn't work, not even with dot, who had a kinda fling with him in the past but doesn't really feel Romantic Love™ for him even though she does love him, it's just... not what the spell requires. and it's unfair as hell and there are lots of tears but just the fact that magnus falls asleep surrounded in a teary cuddle pile after some of the absolute worst kisses of his life because his friends/family love him enough to put themselves in such an uncomfortable position in the hopes of making him free, is enough to make him feel a little better. and the fact that they are still there for him and obviously still love him so fiercely even though looking at him now literally evokes fight or flight instincts in them is already more than anything camille could ever give him. if anything, she's proven how loved magnus is
and that helps him get through it that day and is something he tries to hold unto in the worst days, but still, it's hard and it just... sucks. it's tiring to go out in the street and always have people staring at you and to see the horror in their faces and be so isolated and never really know what might happen, if he will be attacked or harrassed or what exactly will happen. so he isolates himself more and more and soon the only people who ever see him or visit him are his friends. and fuck, do they hate seeing him like this
things settle in a weird kind of way. magnus is still living his life and working as a wizard and etc and in a way the spell even helps him have some more credibility because you know, isolated scary person is kinda what ppl expect from wizards. but he avoids having contact at all costs and mostly sends the potions they request and stuff their way, and the only ppl he sees are his friends unless he absolutely can't avoid going outside. and he's fucking miserable. and every once in a while camille will come back to be like "so, magnus, are you ready to stop with this little tantrum of yours and come back to me now? how is the rose doing, by the way?" because god forbid he catches a break
also it turns out that magnus' adoptive streak becomes even stronger because he is 1- extra lonely; and 2- empathizing more than ever with the outcasts. don't get me wrong, he always has, he's a fucking brown, bi trans man for fuck's sake. we all see ourselves in the stray dogs and lonely people one way or another. but now this is turned up to a thousand, so, you know
so he has one (1) extra kind of contact in his life which is basically with stray animals (particularly cats cuz u know, this is magnus) that he finds around in need of help. they can all leave if they want, but a lot of them stay, particularly the black cats, disabled animals, and others that have a particularly hostile environment outside. you know
(not me again with my very specific hcs about deaf pitbulls who fall in love with my faves but LOOK pitbulls are very sweet and caring animals who don't deserve the fame of monsters that they have and if the idea of one being best friend's with magnus and them having a loving and caring relationship doesn't appeal to you then idk what the fuck to tell you)
this of course doesn't help his image cuz this guy is just going there and collecting black cats and snakes and has a huge pitbull around with him at all times but it's not like it can get any worse so magnus doesn't care, and besides, he can't just leave them out to die in the cold and harrassment of middle ages white ppl who think black cats are the worst possible thing but rats carrying deadly diseases are fine (and look, i know rats are also animals that get a lot of shit and persecution, but like, seriously, clean the streets)
and every once in a while there will be a person in need too, like a homeless person in need of a place to stay or some sick person who has been abandoned or something of the sort, so magnus brings them in as well and cares for them as well as he can, but also tries to maintain minimal contact because he's been burned too many times, okay
so like, cue alec! i know in the original BATB belle ended up with the beast to save her father's life but fuck that. i lowkey consider making it "izzy ran away from home so alec comes after her and they both end up staying with magnus" but i think i like it better if it's just alec who decided to leave. like he's done with the abuse both towards him and his sister and he wants to be able to live his life even if he's gonna have to start over in some other village all alone. anywhere but here and all that
and of course alec used to be plenty rich and he has a lot of skills that help him pass by - he's a good archer and hunter, he's a good leader and organizer so he could do wonders for a failing business, he's smart and cunning - but he also has, like, 2 gold coins to his name. maybe some more from stuff he took from home and sold, but still
initially he is living at a tavern and i guess i'm making simon, raphael, and maia tavern owners again! i don't even care anymore, it suits them. rapha is the cook and the three of them run the business and simon also makes musical appearances during dinners every once in a while, and they are living the happy queer polyamorous life of their dreams. we have no choice but to stan
anyway alec is staying with them and he becomes friends with i think maia in particular since, you know, she is the one with the most contact with the customers since rapha is in the kitchen and simon is up the stage most of the time. plus they are both the same brand of bastard and they have an easy understanding between them that just works
and look! simon, raphael, and maia are 3 trans, non-christian/non-white (unnecessary addendum: the concept of whiteness didn't exist until around the 17th century, but whiteness as a concept came basically as a substitute for christianity [link to source], so i'm counting the fact that simon is jewish and raphael and maia are not culturally european as equivalent to non-whiteness in this context) people, so it's not like they would ever kick a gay man running from an abusive home out. but you know what they also are? magnus' friends. and after a while of talking to him maia thinks he is trustworthy enough for them to send magnus' way, because magnus needs as many friends as possible. plus, he wouldn't kick a person in need out, so unlike with them magnus can't really push this newcomer away so he'd have more company. plus, the possibility that he might fall in love with magnus and undo the stupid spell is there, i'm just saying! i'm not saying it WILL happen but why not give it a fucking shot?
raphael in particular is of course super protective of magnus and he swears to god that if this guy gives him half a bad look raphael will end him, which earns him some pats on the shoulder for his troubles and "rapha, we don't want magnus to be hurt either"s. maia says that she's been assessing him for quite a while now and she's pretty positive that he won't be terrible to magnus, but if she's wrong, she'll kill him personally too. and rapha trusts maia. how could he not? she's maia
so, they send alec magnus' way. "i'm sorry alec, but we are struggling to make ends meet *hides gigantic gold stash* and the tavern is packed *raphael upstairs stomps at maximum speed to make it seem like their 13 empty rooms upstairs actually have people* and we really need your room to give to this customer *simon in a wig* BUT we have a friend who we're sure will give you shelter if you ask, it's not very far away, and once we have a free room we will let you know". and alec is just like, okay, because he's been staying there for free or considerably less than the usual fee/in exchange for some stuff he hunts for quite a while now, and they are nice, so it's not like he can complain
and they don't tell him about the spell exactly because it is not their story to tell but they do let him know what to expect re: magnus' vibes and say it's a spell. and alec's like ok i guess. alec's very practical, he doesn't really care, and it's not like it's the guy's fault anyway. which is exactly why maia is sending alec there
so they send magnus a heads up ("magnus this guy is HOMELESS and we are SOOOOO packed can you please give him shelter for a little while thx xoxo"). alec arrives there a while later carrying like 3 prime rabbits he has hunted as a thank you gift because he hates being dependant on people but it's not like jobs abound in the middle ages, and he is actually a little embarrassed to go in and ask this guy he doesn't know for shelter but he IS kinda desperate. for now
anyway he is standing there with his 3 rabbits debating whether or not to knock on the door and magnus just opens it magically like "i know you're there, dear, just come in" so alec does and awkwardly presents him the rabbits and shit and is all "thanks for letting me stay, uh. i can help you with food and taking care of the house and stuff" even though, you know, magnus has magic and doesn't need it
(and magnus appreciates it deeply, because it is tiring to do it all magically on his own but most non-magical people don't even consider that)
and like... it is very awkward at first because magnus does NOT trust at all and he mostly just wants to keep away from anyone who can... look at him. but they ARE living together (oh my god they were roommates!! just kidding they each have their own room but you get it) so it's inevitable. but like magnus' insecurity makes him keep to himself for long times and makes things awkward, kinda like how the initial days with the beast and belle the beast was rude and kinda shitty except magnus is not shitty, just... private
and maybe the subject even comes up like "thanks for the meal alec. i'll go eat it in my room" "i mean, you could eat here if you want" "and ruin your appetite? no thank you" and alec is just like "*shrug* it won't ruin my appetite. unless you are my parents, the concept of failure, or some girl wanting me to marry her, i don't think there's a lot the spell can do to make me scared. besides, you literally have a kitten on top of your head right now and you refuse to remove it and are using a spell to keep her from jostling when you move" "her name is Fluffy, and she is sleeping!" "right, my bad" "wait did you say the concept of failure?" "yea"
it's not that the spell doesn't work on alec; it does, just like it works on his friends. but he is willing to go beyond that initial repulsive reaction that he knows is illogical anyway (and alec is the kind of guy who is just like "if my feelings aren't logical, i don't listen to them" which in this case is useful lmao). and the thing is that once you get to know magnus there is nothing about him that is scary, and the feeling just becomes completely ignorable, because humans are nothing if not adaptable. but most people don't want to go through the trouble to try, and magnus himself doesn't want to let himself be vulnerable enough to give them a chance because there IS a great chance that he will be met with some level of aggression, even if it's an unintentional microaggression
and eventually they grow closer and build trust. i think this happens particularly when camille steps in for one of her regularly schedule shoving-it-in-magnus'-face visits and alec is just like. "hey why don't you just use magic to keep her away?" and magnus realizes that he never even THOUGHT of that and like, jesus, how much has he been unconsciously torturing himself? so he does it, and he ends up telling alec about the story of the spell, which might be the first time he's told someone that didn't know him before the spell was cast
(alec: "so she's basically just killing you slowly?" magnus: "don't be silly, alexander. torturing me first is the most important part". and he sounds self deprecating and almost resigned and god alec feels murderous)
ohh but wait bonus: magnus says that she will only undo the spell if he gets back with her, he doesn't mention that it technically can be undone by romantic love or whatever bullshit's going on because he doesn't believe it can happen anyway, so, who cares
anyway! time goes by. fun fact: alec and magnus get along really fucking well. magnus is so so smart and knowledgeable and he shows alec many of his inventions that never got to see the light of day or that were stolen by someone else who wasn't cursed and took all the credit. he also fascinates alec with his magic, but mostly with his personality. there's something just endlessly endearing about this guy who is so fucking proud of his puns and so so nice and gentle to every creature he encounters, be it a kitten or a pitbull, who's letting alec stay with him for no reason other than that alec needs it
and alec is so goddamn appreciative of it because like he IS and we stan! and he's always trying to give back to magnus which is kind of a rarity, but most of all he's also extremely funny beneath the whole no-bullshit attitude, he's caring and fierce and resourceful and strong (so's magnus) and they click so well. they can also talk about their similar experiences with like, abuse and trauma without making it super heavy and they're just,,, so supportive of each other. so like yeah surprise surprise they fall in love
but they don't really say anything because (on magnus' part) that's just fucking ridiculous, he's a monster; and (on alec's part) he will put magnus is a way too uncomfortable position if magnus doesn't like him that way and they will just... be living together. and magnus will feel like he has to compensate to alec somehow and alec doesn't want that. it's just complicated when one of them is dependant on the other, and besides, alec has had very little to offer magnus so far
(no, he has no idea how much his company means to magnus and has brighted his depressed ass life. he is stupid)
sometimes magnus' friends visit and they're always just so happy for him, to see how he's hanging out more and let someone into his life after so long. it earns him a lot of forehead kisses and "i'm so happy to see you like this". and over time he starts to invite them over more as well as just open up back to the people in his life :')
angsty but also kind of fluffy sidenote: i picture that every time they kiss his forehead or cheek or whatever they linger for a little while and then open their eyes slowly and sigh like "i had been hoping that it would work this time. magnus, you know i love you, right?" and magnus is all like "i know just from you saying that, darling. it's just not how the spell works" and aaa
and like to be extra clear im not saying that alec fixes him or romantic love heals him or whatever, just that having let someone in, someone who didn't know him before the spell, and have them completely accept him and realize how much he had been missing out re: touch and human contact helps him realize how much he misses his friends and how pushing them away is stupid when they've never been anything if not supportive of him. they don't care that he's cursed. and obviously magnus was already on the way to that if he even managed to let alec in anyway
anyway! dramatic healing scene. LOOK. usually i'd be all for "they don't change back actually because people don't have to look beautiful to be lovable". like the original BATB disappointed me sooo badly because i had just been hoping that he'd stay the same way and still be loved. but in this case it's not that magnus doesn't look beautiful! it's that the spell has made him be hated by people for no reason other than existing. and breaking the spell is not changing magnus himself, it's changing that hatred. so, yeah. i'm not saying it's a deep metaphor or anything, just, you know daudhasdja it's different from the usual monster thing
and i'm torn here because on the one hand i LOVE the drama of the original BATB where everyone decides to gather to kill the beast and belle saves him and shit, but idk if it fits with the vibe ive been building here. no actually @ me shut the fuck up. you know how i mentioned that they kick camille out with magic finally? i actually had no intentions of following through with this in any way but like of COURSE she would be absolutely pissed out of her mind and want to get back in some way, we already know she's vindictive. so i'm gonna use that. this is what neil gailman meant when he said that writing is just making a rough draft and then writing it again but like it's on purpose this time
anyway! so after they yeet her camille is obviously furious and fuming and it might have finally dawned on her that magnus will NOT fucking cave and she is losing power over him, not gaining it. so she decides to play a last card and get him to almost die so he kind of HAS to take her bid, you know? so she makes up some shit about how magnus has kidnapped the lightwood heir and she's only now hearing about it, and no one else is safe and yada yada. and she has "proof" because alec IS indeed there and again the spell just helps everyone easily agree with her that magnus is That Kind Of Guy or whatever, and middle ages ppl weren't exactly waiting for a good enough reason to grab their pitchforks. and they don't even KNOW about the spell, really. all they know is that he's very powerful, secluded, and they all fear and almost hate him just from one look
so camille makes up some bullshit story about how he made a deal with the devil to become extra powerful, and that the source of his powers is the rose, so they have to get rid of the rose to kill him. (sidenote: i never understood why the hell the rose was never used as a weakness against the beast. like was he keeping it super guarded and safe just for the fucking shits?) so they devise an attack so someone can sneak up and get the rose, and camille makes up some bullshit story about how they have to destroy the rose a specific way so it takes longer and she has time to manipulate magnus before he dies. man, it's easy to be a villain when your target is secluded
anyway! big attack at magnus' house. magnus' friends don't hear about it until it's too late because camille knows exactly who they are and warned them that they were on "the witch's" side. alec is maybe away hunting when it happens? camille obviously has magic in this AU so she can check for that information. maybe she even says that she will be the one responsible for finding the lightwood heir so there is minimal risk of him revealing that she lied lmao
oh no, violence! they battle and yada yada. catarina is probably the first one to realize what is happening because i figure she, madzie, and dot are the ones who live closest to magnus'. they send fire messages and get ragnor, simon, maia, raphael, and meliorn to help. oh yeah, and alec i genuinely forgot trust me to forget about romance in a romance-focused au. but alec is the only one of them without any magical resources and he's far away and on foot, so he's gonna be the last to get there, which camille had been counting on
but alec or no alec, they can keep the attackers at bay because they're all powerful and smart and shit and a lot of them have magic as opposed to the mundanes who don't, but of course that's mostly because they are holding off on attacking and the invasion is mostly a distraction because their PLAN is to use the rose. and camille tells them all to leave once the petal puckering starts so she can "protect them from any lashouts" (have her big villain speech). and it's not like any of magnus' friends is gonna leave to go after them when magnus is dying, bUT they also won't attack camille because she's his only hope. and they won't be able to get to stop the rose plucking in time because that's in another room and while she made it slower than something that the person can use to kill him in a second it's also not slow enough for them to get there on time (maybe there's a spell against magic use near where magnus keeps the rose? just for extra safety, so the ones with magic can't portal there or whatever)
anyway. big villain speech. magnus screams in pain every time a new petal is plucked. his friends are either running to the rose thing desperately or trying to get camille to stop this madness, she's going to kill him for fuck's sake. i don't know which chooses to do what so you can figure that out i guess. and for that extra drama, right when the last petal was going to be plucked, wee woo alec lightwood arrives! and he went straight for the rose because magnus had told him about it and he figured that there was a good chance the attackers might go for it. so he shoots the person's leg or something and gets them away from the rose and yay, day saved! mostly. because now there is only one petal left to fall before magnus dies, so at the very least, his lifespan has been shortened considerably. also, he is still in pain
i'm torn about what happens to camille then. on the one hand, i love killing camille! bonding activities for the whole family. on the other, she kinda is the only one who can save him now. they all know magnus won't want to get back with her, but hey, it's not like camille wants a relationship! she wants magnus to be her asset. a relationship was just the best way to get him to do that she had initially. but magnus doesn't want to cave and be dependant of her, so, you know. but maybe they can try to convince her to stop this fucking madness, god knows how
so okay yeah no camille-killing yet because they don't want to jeopardize magnus' safety, so she just leaves convinced that either way, she wins, and this might be the best possible scenario actually because magnus will have lots of times to think it over and be real desperate and come to her and strike a deal. so, yay her! she just needs to lie to the mundanes that the mission was successful or whatever, and it's not like that's gonna be hard because magnus won't want to be seen there again, so
we are all running to check up on magnus now. he's kinda like, on the ground coughing blood, but he'll live for as long as the last rose doesn't fall. still, they all settle on trying to help him, getting him in bed, tending to his wounds, etc. and thinking about what the fuck they are all going to do now. so you have raphael and maia making magnus soup, simon running his mouth as he throws around ideas on how they can fix this, ragnor, cat, dot, and madzie (who is here now that the danger is over ofc) checking and rechecking magnus' vitals for the billionth time and trying to figure out how much time they have, meliorn using their fae powers to stop his pain. and madzie is all snuggled in bed with magnus holding his hand and asking if he wants her to tell him a bedtime story, and magnus just... feels cared for and loved
alec meanwhile i think would tell what ACTUALLY happened to the person who was doing the rose thing - i actually have thought about it and think it might make sense for it to be luke. just because i love him and it kinda fits the whole "initially sided with shadowhunters, lately became a downworlder" thing. and like luke genuinely believed he was saving a person/people so alec brings him in too and magnus is all "catarina, dear, can you help heal his leg? i would, but i don't think i have enough magic right now" because he is the sweetest man immediately wanting to help the guy who almost killed him. and luke is in awe
(and alec brings him on purpose, too, because he knows that anyone who actually talks to magnus for a little while will see what an amazing person he is. and he hopes that luke, as a mundane, can tell the others that and turn them against camille)
and after that, of course, alec sits down by magnus' side and Does Not Leave. he's just there holding his hand and talking to him and magnus' friends, who are all also kind of. sitting there, trying to snuggle up in a gigantic pile of like 10 ppl to cuddle close to magnus and make sure he feels loved and cared for and that they know he is real. madzie gets special privileges in that sense because she's smaller and also a kid, so she gets to be kinda snuggled up with him. so alec has to be content with holding magnus' hand lmao (which he is, he's just happy that he's alive and okay. and he has a whole plan to get camille to undo the spell, mostly involving getting the mundanes against her and telling her that she is only safe for as long as magnus lives, because once he dies, she will have a bunch of ppl who will hunt her down to the faces of the earth to make her pay for what she did to him. the only reason they didn't do that yet is because she can still save magnus' live, so is she really going to let him die knowing that she will be next?)
so alec takes his hand and tells magnus that they will fix this, he promises, and give a little kiss on magnus' hand. just a little peck, no deep intentions, but magnus gasps a little because he feels something, and his eyes water a little bit because he's so touch starved and tired and hurt and alec kissed his hand and he can feel this kind of ache inside him, somehow a good ache, but he just can't explain it. and so alec notices his watery eyes and he very tenderly wipes his tears away and tells him that they're all on his side, will always be, and kisses him on the forehead. and this kiss? this kiss is full of adoration and love and purpose, and magnus gasps and the wounds that hadn't been healed suddenly mend together, and the petals that had fallen go back to the rose before it disappears in a beautiful flash of light, and suddenly magnus' magic is back full force and he just looks at himself for a second, and everyone erupts into joy because holy shit, the spell is broken
and alec is so confused because again! he didn't kNOW about the whole true love's kiss thing or he would have asked magnus to let him kiss him as soon as he learnt about his feelings, because even if magnus didn't feel the same way, alec could undo the spell. and he's like "why the hell didn't you tell me?? we could have fixed this months ago" and magnus is like "i didn't think it would make a difference. wait, you're in love with me? have been for months?" and alec is like "first of all, yes. second of all, i have nothing else to say, i just said 'first of all' because i was so indignant"
and magnus laughs and jumps on him and kisses him on the mouth this time and they are both smiling and laughing into it and so so happy. and raphael is kind of just peppering kisses on maia's face too, like, "you were right, he undid the spell, thank you" and maia was never sure that this would happen but she will take the credit actually please and thank you
and they all live happily ever after and kill camille together the end i guess. god this post was so long i'm so sorry
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SPN- Playthings (2.11)
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Pairing: Olive Winchester (sister OC)
Summary: After a month of searching for Ava with no results, the siblings accept a case from Ellen. Sam spirals after a secret is revealed, Olive plays caretaker, and Dean makes a promise he can’t keep.
Warnings: uh, like a ghost, the word gun is in there one time (wow), uh there’s some cursing, DOLLS ARE FUCKING CREEPY OKAY, uhh, olive says the word milf, uh like, idk?? mentions of dead ppl??
Word Count: 6079
“Yeah. Okay. Thanks, Ellen.” Sam hung up the phone as I unlocked the door, pushing it open with my foot.
“What’d she have to say?” Dean shut the door behind him.
“Oh, she’s got nothing.” Sam sighed. “Me, I’ve been checking every database I can think of. Federal, state, local. No one’s heard anything about Ava. She just… into thin air, you know?”
Dean sighed and handed Sam one of the coffee cups. Sam looked over at us with hopeful puppy eyes.
“What about you?”
Dean and I shared a look. I shook my head and turned back to Sam.
“Nothing yet. I’m sorry, bubs.”
Sam sighed. “Ellen did have one thing.”
“What was it?” Dean sat down at the table.
I dropped onto Sam’s bed and began to work at my shoes.
“A hotel in Cornwall, Connecticut. Two freak accidents in the past three weeks.”
Dean looked at me. I shrugged.
“I’m confused, what’s this have to do with Ava?”
Sam shook his head. “No, it’s just a job. A lady drowned in the bathtub, then a few days ago a guy falls down the stairs. His head does a complete one-eighty. Not exactly normal, you know. I dunno, guys, it might be nothing, but I told Ellen we’d think about checking it out.”
Sam looked at us. I shrugged again.
“Sounds good to me.”
“Wait, you did?” Dean furrowed his eyebrows.
“Yeah.” Sam frowned. “Why do you seem surprised?”
“Well, it’s just… you know…” Dean scratched the back of his neck. “Not the uh, patented Sam Winchester way. Is it?”
Sam raised an eyebrow.. “And what way is that?”
“Oh, you know, I just figured that after Ava, there’d be, uh… ya now, more angst and droopy music and staring out rainy windows and-”
Sam shot Dean a bitchface, and he chuckled.
“Okay. I’ll shut up now.”
“Look.” Sam huffed. “I’m the one who told her to go back home. And now her fiancé’s dead and some demon snatched her and took her God knows where. But we’ve been looking for a month now, and we’ve still got nothing. I’m not giving up on her, but I’m not gonna sit by and let other people die either. We’ve gotta save as many people as we can.”
“Wow.” Dean blinked. “That attitude is just way too healthy for me. I’m officially uncomfortable now. Thanks.”
Sam ducked his head and laughed. I shuffled from the bed to stand behind him. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and leaned over him. He patted my arm with a smile.
“Alright.” Dean huffed dramatically. “Call Ellen, tell her we’ll take it.”
I yawned as Dean put the Impala in park. We had stayed in the car for the night, and with Jinx and my most recent growth spurt, it proved to be more difficult than we had remembered. I kicked Dean in my sleep, and my leg had twisted up weird.
“Dude, this is sweet.” Dean grinned as we poured out of the car. “I never get to work jobs like this.”
“Like what?”
“Old school haunted houses, you know? Fog, secret passageways… sissy British accents. Might even run into Fred and Daphne while we’re inside.” Dean closed his eyes with a smile and a soft sigh. “Mmm, Daphne. Love her.”
I shook my head as we started up the porch stairs.
“Hey, wait a sec.” Sam held a hand out, stopping us both short.
I turned back down the steps, staring at an urn on the side of the stairs. Dean stopped walking and looked at us over his shoulder.
“I’m not so sure haunted’s the problem.”
“What do you mean?”
“See the pattern?” Sam squatted next to the urn and tapped a five point symbol engraved in a sun. “That’s a quincunx.”
“A five-spot.” I hummed.
“Five-spot.” Dean repeated.
“That’s used for hoodoo spellwork, isn’t it?”
“Yeah. You fill this thing with bloodweed and you’ve got a powerful charm to ward off enemies.”
“Yeah, except I don’t see any bloodweed.” Dean smacked his lips. “Don’t you think this place is a little too, uh… whitemeat for hoodoo?”
Sam huffed as we looked around. “Maybe.”
We filed into the inn one by one. Dean caught the front lady’s attention, and Sam and I took our sweet time closing the door, observing the old timey interior.
“May I help you?”
“Hi, yeah, I’d like a room for a couple of nights.” Dean smiled.
Sam and I shared a look before he stepped into the lobby. A little girl wearing an old school-uniform bumped into Sam’s legs as she ran across the room. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up straight, and Jinx barked. I knelt next to her and shushed her, smoothing her fur out.
“Hey!” The lady shouted before looking at Sam. “I’m so sorry about that.”
Sam shook his head, a dismissive frown on his face. “No problem.”
“Well, um, congratulations. You could be some of our final guests.”
“Well. Sounds vaguely ominous.” Dean huffed.
“No, I’m sorry. I mean we’re closing at the end of the month.” The lady looked over the two. “Let me guess. You guys are here antiquing?”
Dean looked back at Sam with a why not look before turning back. “How’d you know?”
“Oh, you just look the type.”
I could sense Dean’s discomfort. Sam stepped forward.
“Sorry, uh, are you guys pet friendly? She’s well trained, we just didn’t have anywhere to leave her.”
“Normally we’re not, but since we’re so close to shutting down, it’s fine.”
Sam nodded at me and I slowly brought Jinx in.
“So, uh, one king-sized bed?”
“What?” Sam blinked.
“Oh, oh, oh, uh, no. No, no, no.” I shook my head, popping in between the two. “No, two singles.” I circled my finger around the three of us. “We’re just siblings.”
“Oh.” The lady’s eyes widened. “Oh, I’m so sorry.”
Dean tilted his head. “What’d you mean that we look the type?”
She stared down while looking for something to say. Sam cleared his throat.
“You know, speaking of antiques, you have a really, really interesting urn on the front porch. Where’d you get that?”
“Oh, I have no idea.” She smiled, grateful for the out. “It’s been there forever.”
She handed Dean a room key. “Here you go, Mr. Mahagov.”
Dean gave her the classic white-people smile and took the key. “Thanks.”
The lady rang the bell on the counter. “You’ll be staying in room 237. Sherwin, could you show these fine folks to their room?”
Dean and I turned to see an old, balding man dressed formally shuffling up behind us. “Let me guess. Antiquers?”
The three of us bit our tongues as Sherwin took Dean’s bag from him and began to lead us up the stairs. Sam and I opted to keep ours on our shoulders. Sam scooped Jinx off her feet and held her to his chest as we followed Sherwin. Dean’s duffel bag wouldn’t stop clunking, and I was horrified a gun would somehow go off. Dean scratched the back of his neck.
“I could give you a hand with that bag.”
“I got it.”
“Okay.” Dean licked his lips and gave me a look.
I patted his arm. Sam cleared his throat.
“So, the hotel’s closing up, huh?”
“Yep. Miss Susan tried to make a go of it, but the guests just don’t come like they used to. Still, it’s a damn shame.”
“Oh, yeah?” Sam spoke in a tell-us-more tone.
“It may not look it anymore, but this place was a palace. Two different vice-presidents laid their heads on our pillows. My parents worked here, I practically grew up here. Gonna miss it.” Sherwin sighed as he unlocked our room and pushed the door open. “Here’s your room.”
He handed Sam the key and nodded as we shuffled into the room. Dean turned to shut the door, only to see that Sherwin was standing there, hand out.
“You’re not gonna… cheap out on me. Are you, boy?”
Dean sighed as he pulled out his wallet.
Sam ran a hand through his hair as he skimmed over the paper in his hand. I yawned and put down the paper I had just finished reading. Dean was pacing. He let out a dry chuckle, then a mumble of curses.
“What?” Sam and I didn’t look up.
“That’s normal.” Dean huffed.
I looked up as he stood next to me, arms crossed over his chest. There was an old wedding dress pinned up to the wall. I sucked in air through my teeth as Dean moved to sit on one of the beds.
“Why the hell would anyone stay here? I’m amazed they kept in business this long.” He dropped onto the bed, which sunk further under him.
“Alright, victim number one.” I spoke up, waving the paper. “Joan Edison, forty three years old. Realtor handling the sale of the hotel. Victim number two?” I looked over at Sam.
“Larry Williams. Moving some stuff out to Goodwill.”
“Well, there’s a connection. They’re both tied up in shutting the place down.”
“Yeah.” Sam hummed. “Maybe somebody here doesn’t wanna leave, and they’re using hoodoo to fight back.”
“Who do you think our witch doctor is? That Susan lady?”
“Nah.” Sam shook his head. “Doesn’t seem likely. I mean, she is the one selling.”
“Maybe Sherwin?” I offered.
“I don’t know.” Sam shrugged.
“Of course, the most troubling question is why do these people assume we’re gay?”
“Well…” Sam hummed. “You are kinda butch. Probably think you’re overcompensating.”
I snorted. “It’s cause you’re a bottom and Sam’s not.” I mumbled.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me.” I mumbled again.
“Ha fucking ha.” Dean narrowed his eyes at me with a huff.
“This place is weird.” I stuck to Dean’s side as we poked around the hallways.
“Hey, look.” Sam pulled another urn off a table. “More hoodoo.”
Dean made a face before looking around. He stalked off toward a door marked PRIVATE and knocked. Sam put the urn down and we crowded Dean in the doorway, eyes wide as we looked around.
The door opened, revealing Susan. “Hi.”
“Hi there.” Dean gave his charming grin.
“Everything okay with your room?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“Oh, yeah everything’s great.”
“Well, I was, I was just in the middle of packing.” She cut Dean off as the three of us talked over each other.
“Hey!” Dean’s face lit up as he looked past her. “Are those antique dolls? Cause this one,” he turned and picked his victim. “Sammy here’s got a major doll collection back home. Don’t ya?”
He gave Susan a polite smile that, hopefully, screamed murder to Dean. “Big time.”
“Big time. You think he could come, or we could come in and take a look?”
Susan shifted. “I don’t know…”
“Please?” Dean begged. “I mean, he loves them. He’s not gonna tell you this, but he’s uh, he’s always dressing em up in their tiny little outfits, and uh,” he shrugged, “honestly, you’d make his day. You- she would, huh?” He turned to Sam with a grin.
Sam looked sick. “It’s true.”
“Okay.” Susan stepped aside. “Come on in.”
“Alright! Alright.” Dean slapped Sam’s back as we trudged into the room.
Sam gave him another death glare and I pushed myself between the two as we looked around the room.
“Wow.” Dean hummed. “That’s a lot of dolls.” He feigned a smile. “I mean, they’re nice, ya know.” He looked down at me and mumbled. “Not super creepy at all.”
Susan laughed. “Yeah, I suppose they are a little creepy. But they’ve been in the family forever. A lot of sentimental value.”
“What is this?” Sam was on the other end of the room, walking around a huge dollhouse. “The hotel?”
“Yeah, that’s right.” Susan smiled. “Exact replica, custom built.”
Sam frowned and picked something up off the ground. “His head got twisted around.” He held a doll up so Dean and I could see.
Dean and I shared a look before turning to Susan.
“What happened to it?”
“Oh, Tyler, probably.”
We forced understanding smiles, and the second Susan turned her back, we gave each other bug eyes.
What the fuck?
“Mommy!” Tyler ran in. “Maggie’s being mean!”
“Tyler, tell her I said to be nice, okay.”
“Hey, Tyler.” Sam came over with a soft smile on his face. “I see you broke your doll. You want me to fix it?”
“I didn’t break it.” Tyler pouted. “I found it like that.”
“Oh.” Sam smiled wider. “Well, maybe Maggie did it.”
I sighed. Sometimes it broke my heart to know he’d never have a family of his own.
“No.” Tyler shook her head. “Neither of us did it. Grandma would get mad if we broke them.”
“Oh, Tyler.” Susan hummed. “She wouldn’t get mad.”
“Grandma?” Dean took a step forward.
“Grandma Rose. These were all her toys.”
“Oh, really?” Dean looked around. “Where’s Grandma Rose now?”
“Up in her room.”
“You know, I’d, I’d, uh, I’d really love to talk to Rose about her incredible doll-”
“No.” Susan cut Sam off. “I mean, I’m afraid that’s impossible. My mother’s been very sick and she’s not taking any visitors.”
We were promptly ushered out of the room, and the door was shut behind us.
“What do you guys think?” Dean began. “Dolls, hoodoo, mysterious shut-in grandma?”
“Boys, I hate to say it, I really do. But I think we’re in a horror movie.”
Sam ran a hand over his face and Dean gave me a gentle push. “Every time you say that, something goes terribly wrong. Have you realized that?”
I frowned. “No. I just kinda say things.”
Sam sighed. “Okay, well dolls are used in all kinds of voodoo and hoodoo. Curses, binding spells…”
“Yeah, maybe we’ve found our witch doctor. Alright, I’ll see what I can go dig up on booming granny. You go get online, check old obits, freak accidents, that sort of thing. See if she’s whacked anybody before.”
“Jesus Christ.” I hissed as I shut the room door behind me, leaning on it.
Sam looked up, teary eyed. “What happened?”
“Uh… lawyer. He hung himself.”
Sam pinched the bridge of his nose and looked down. His shoulders began to shake, and I felt my heart soften.
He looked up, tears falling down in streaks. “Jessica was pregnant.”
I stopped cold. “What?”
He pushed his hair out of his face. “She was pregnant. Becky called me.”
“Becky… Becky from a year ago?”
He nodded. “She knew, and she never said a thing.”
“Hold on, Sammy…” I trailed off as I sat down on the table. “When?”
He looked away. “When…” He licked his lips and let out a strangled sob. “When she died.”
He began to weep, and I scrambled to my feet, pulling him into my chest. He gripped fistfuls of my jacket, and I ran a hand through his hair as the other held his shoulders tightly.
“Sammy, I’m so sorry.” I whispered.
“I couldn’t save the lawyer. I couldn’t even save Jess.” He whimpered.
“Sams, neither were your fault.”
“I was gonna be a dad.”
“I am so sorry, Sammy.” I pressed a long kiss to the top of his head and bit back my own tears.
“I should’ve done something.”
I rubbed his back. “Sams, there is nothing you could’ve done.”
He pulled back and wiped his face. “I dreamt about it! I could’ve done something! I could’ve saved her! What if something happens to you? O-o-or to Dean? I’m useless.”
My heart shattered, and I cupped his face, bending down so that we were nose to nose.
“You are not useless. You’re my brother. Dean and I need you.”
He shook his head, pushing my hands away. “I’m gonna go for a walk.”
He stumbled to his feet, and I sighed as his breath hit my face. I grabbed his wrists and pulled him back.
“Sams, you’re drunk.”
“So? You think I won’t be able to go on a walk?” He challenged.
“No.” I whispered. “But I’m not gonna let you go out into a haunted hotel while you’re wasted.”
He huffed. “I just-”
“Do you need to be alone?”
He nodded.
“Okay.” I tugged him back toward his chair. “Stay here. I’ll go for a walk.” I glanced at my watch. “I’ll be back in half an hour. Okay?”
He nodded again as he dropped into his seat. I cupped his face again.
“I love you. Okay?”
He nodded.
“I’ll be back soon.” I kissed his head again before grabbing Jinx’s leash and calling her over.
She bolted out the door and sat in the hall. I looked over my shoulder to see Sam with his head in his hands. I sighed and shut the door.
Jinx yawned as she dropped to her stomach. I had walked her around the neighborhood, which was, like the hotel, creepy. It was picturesque, but the antique feeling was everywhere, and it was one I didn’t like.
Somebody started up the stairs, and I didn’t look up as I scooted over, trying to give them more space to walk.
I looked up to see Dean. I sighed.
“What happened? Where’s Sam?”
“Um…” I stood and avoided eye contact.
“Ol.” Dean craned his neck to catch my eye. “Why did I see a coroner’s van-”
“A lawyer hung himself.”
“Jesus.” Dean huffed.
“Look… Jess was pregnant.”
“Jessica. When she died. She was pregnant. Sam just found out.”
Dean’s eyes bugged out of his head. “Wh…”
“Just cut him some slack. Okay?”
Dean huffed. “Fine. Come on.”
We trudged up the stairs and into the lobby in silence.
“Uh, hey.” Susan caught our attention. “I’m sure you heard about the lawyer… look, if you’d like to check out, I can give you a full refund.”
I shook my head. “No. Thanks.”
“We don’t scare that easily.” Dean pulled me to keep walking.
He led the way up the stairs and pushed the door open.
“There’s been another one. Lawyer hung himself.” He called into the room.
“We know.” Sam grunted.
I shut the door and flicked the lights on.
“We’ve gotta figure this out, and fast.” Dean huffed. “What’d you find out about Granny?”
“You’re bossy.” Sam snorted out.
I cursed to myself as Dean spun around. “What?”
“You’re bossy. And short.” Sam let out a sloppy laugh.
A glare formed on Dean’s face as he looked my way, then back at Sam. “Are you drunk?”
“Yeah.” Sam laughed again. “So? Stupid.”
Dean looked around and spotted the empty bottles. His shoulders fell and he shook his head at me. I looked down at the ground.
“Dude. What are you thinking? We’re working a case.” Dean barked out.
Sam stared down at the ground, tearful again. “That guy who hung himself. I couldn’t save him.”
“What are you talking about? You didn’t know. You couldn’t have done anything, Sam.
“That’s an excuse, Dean.” Sam huffed. “I should’ve found a way to save him. I should’ve saved Ava, too.”
Dean made a face, and I grabbed his wrist. “Hey. Slack. Remember? We’re cutting him some slack.”
Dean sighed and took a few steps toward Sam. “Well, you can’t save everyone. Even you said that.”
“No, Dean, you don’t understand!” Sam slammed the table. “The more people I save, the more I can change!”
My heart fell to my stomach.
“Change what, Sam?” Dean shook his head.
“My destiny, Dean!” Sam leaned forward, his hands on his chest
Dean sighed. “Alright. Time for bed. Come on, Sasquatch.” He pulled Sam up by the shoulders. “Come on.”
“I need you to watch out for me.” Sam huffed as Dean pushed him toward the bed.
“I always do.”
“No! No, no, no. You have to watch out for me, alright? And if I ever…” Sam huffed again. “Turn into something that I’m not…”
My skin began to crawl, and Dean tilted his head.
“You have to kill me.” Sam looked over Dean’s shoulder, at me. “Either of you.”
“No!” I spat.
“Sam.” Dean’s tone was dismissive.
“Dean! Dad told you to do it, you have to.”
“Yeah, well, Dad was an ass.” Dean snarled.
Sam frowned, confusion washing over his face.
��He never should have said anything. I mean, you don't do that, you don't, you don't lay that kind of crap on your kids.” 
“No. He was right to say it! Who knows what I might become?” Sam whined. “Even now, everyone around me dies!”
“Yeah, well, Olive and I aren’t dying, okay?”
“And neither are you.” I hissed as I helped Dean maneuver Sam onto the bed. “Come on, Sams.”
He sat on the bed, but he wouldn’t lay down. He grabbed Dean’s jacket and pulled him close. “No, Dean, please!” Sam whined again. “You’re the only one who can do it. Promise.”
“Don’t ask that of me.” Dean shook his head.
“Dean, please.” Sam begged. “You have to promise me.”
Dean looked away, and I caught his eye. I shook my head, eyes wide and full of tears. Dean sniffled, tears collecting in his own eyes.
“Don’t.” I hissed.
He looked back at Sam. “I promise.”
“Thanks.” Sam reached up to grab Dean’s face. “Thank you.”
Dean batted Sam’s hand away. I climbed onto the bed and pulled Sam to lay down as Dean lifted his legs onto the bed. Sam turned and planted his face onto my chest, wrapping both of his arms around me. I hugged him back and glared at Dean as he ran a hand over his face.
“Oh god.” Sam’s voice was hoarse.
“Sams?” I whispered.
He slowly rolled onto his back with a huff. “Oh fuck.”
“Hey.” I sat up and pushed his hair out of his face.
“I’m gonna be sick.”
“Oh. Oh god, oh no.” I hissed as he scrambled off the bed, stumbling his way to the bathroom.
He barely made it as he threw up. I groaned. Taking care of the boys while they were black out drunk was one thing, but hungover and throwing up was another story.
“Oh, bambi.” I whispered, helping him settle on his knees. “Come on, let’s take your jacket off.” I eased the denim fabric from his shoulders.
“Shit.” He groaned.
“Come on. Shoes, too.” I rubbed his shoulders.
“You don’t have to take care of me.” He fussed as he kicked his shoes off.
“You always take care of me.” I knelt by his side and brushed a thumb over his cheek. “Let me take care of you.”
He gave me a soft smile, but it fell. His face drained of color, and he turned back to the toilet. I sighed as I rubbed his back. He spat into the toilet again. I shushed him soothingly.
“How are you feeling, Sammy?” Dean all but shouted as he entered the room, out of view.
Sam groaned before dry heaving. I stood up and crouched behind him, pulling his hair into a small ponytail. I tucked what didn’t stay behind his ears.
“I guess mixing whiskey and Jäger wasn’t such a gangbuster idea, huh?”
Sam ignored him.
“I’ll bet you don’t remember a single thing from last night, do you?” Dean asked, hope in his eyes.
I shot him a glare, and he cleared his throat. Sam only huffed before letting out another groan.
“No, I can still taste the fucking tequila.”
A relieved smile grew on Dean’s face, and I sighed as I rubbed Sam’s back again, sitting on the edge of the tub. He leaned down on his feet with a groan. I pulled the hand towel off the ring and wiped the sweat off his forehead. He dropped onto his butt and leaned into me, head hitting my chest. I cooed as I pushed stray hairs from his face.
“You know, there’s a really good hangover remedy.” Dean cracked a devilish grin.
“Dean.” I warned.
“It’s a, uh, it’s a greasy pork sandwich served up in a dirty ashtray.”
“Oh, I hate you.” Sam popped back to his knees to throw up.
“I know you do.” Dean laughed. “Hey, turns out when Grandma Rose was a tyke, she had a Creole nanny who wore a hoodoo necklace.” He leaned in the doorway and huffed, waving the air in front of his nose. “God, it fucking stinks in here.”
“Yeah, you’re telling me.” I grumbled back.
“Whew.” Dean hummed. “Sometimes I forget you have better senses than we do.”
“Okay, you think the nanny taught Rose hoodoo?”
“Yes I do.” Dean crossed his arms over his chest.
“Alright.” Sam stumbled to his feet. “I think it’s time we’ve talked to Rose, then.”
His breath hit my face and I held back my own gag. “Oh, Sams.” I stepped back. “You’ve gotta brush your teeth first.”
“I’ll see you guys later.” I pressed a kiss to Sam’s cheek, then to Dean’s.
“See you, baby.” Dean grinned.
“Love you, bug.” Sam gave me a kind smile.
“Love you guys too. Be safe.”
“Always, you too!” Dean called as I shut the car door and started across the parking lot.
I tugged on the straps of my backpack as I walked up the steps and into the school. I fished the crumpled schedule from my back pocket and sighed.
World geography.
I looked up to see a blond boy my age smiling at me.
“Hi.” I feigned a smile back.
“Need help finding your classes? I moved here a few years ago, I’ve got the building pretty much down.” He chuckled.
I shrugged. “Sure, why not?”
“Adam.” He held his hand out.
I shook it. “Olive.”
He chuckled. “Nice name.”
I rolled my eyes with a smile. “Thanks. My brothers love food.”
“Brothers?” He repeated as we walked. “Yikes.”
I shook my head. “Nah. They’re good. You got any siblings?”
“I’m an only child.”
I let out a low whistle. “Sucks.”
“See ya around, Olive!” Adam waved.
I put a hand up. “See ya.”
“Hey, kid.” Dean grinned as he pulled up, windows down.
“Hey, De. Hi, Sams.” I slid into the backseat.
Jinx was curled up, and our bags were on the floor. I furrowed my eyebrows.
“What happened?”
“Oh, uh…”
“We got kicked out.”
“What?” My eyes widened as I looked up. “How? Why?”
“Susan caught us trying to talk to Rose.”
“Oh god.” I rolled my eyes.
“Look, she had a stroke. There’s no way she was practicing hoodoo.”
I sighed and leaned forward as Dean drove off. “Then what’s happening at the hotel?”
The boys shook their heads. I sighed again.
“Let’s go back.”
“We can’t, sweetie.”
“Yes we can.” I scoffed.
“How?” Dean eyed me in the rearview.
I shrugged. “Easy. I’ll just tell her you guys forgot to pack some of my stuff. She seemed to like me. She’ll let me back in.”
The boys shared a brief look, and Dean sighed. “Fine. Ten minutes, in and out.”
I grinned. “Works for me.”
“Is that…” Sam squinted and leaned forward.
“Shit, Dean, stop the car!” I squeaked.
He slammed the brakes, and I pushed the door open before taking off in a sprint, tackling Susan out of the way. The car crashed into the tree on the edge of the playground and Susan panted as we sat up.
“You okay?” I asked.
“I think so.”
“Come on, come on.” Dean and Sam came scrambling.
I got to my feet, and my knee slipped out from under me. I crashed onto my ass with a grumble. Dean sighed and plucked me off the ground as Sam helped Susan up.
“Inside, let’s go.”
Sam led the way, guiding Susan by the shoulders. She huffed as we walked into the dining room.
“Whiskey.” She sat down.
“Sure.” Sam scoffed. “I know the feeling.”
Susan looked up as Dean eased me into a seat at the table. I hissed as he knelt down, rubbing my knee.
“What the fuck happened out there?” Susan demanded.
Sam and I blinked, and Dean popped my knee. I let out a curse as I shot up straight, tears in my eyes.
“You want the truth?” Dean asked.
“Of course!”
“Well, at first we thought it was some sort of hoodoo curse, but that out there?” Dean let out a whistle. “That was definitely a spirit.”
Sam handed her a glass of whiskey before sitting down next to me.
Susan stared. “You’re insane.”
“Yeah, it’s been said.” Dean hummed.
I shifted in my seat, trying to straighten my leg out. “Look, I’m sorry, Susan, but we don’t exactly have time to ease you into this. We need to know when your mother had the stroke.”
“What does that have to do-”
“Just answer the question.” Sam cut her off.
“Uh, about a month ago.”
“Right before the killings began.” Sam mumbled before looking at me and Dean. “See? So what if Rose was working hoodoo, but not to hurt anyone. To protect them.”
I sighed. “She was using the five-spots to ward off the spirit.”
“Right.” Sam nodded. “Until she had a stroke and she couldn’t anymore.”
“I don’t believe this.” Susan shook her head.
“Listen, sister, that car didn’t try to run you down by itself, okay? I mean, I guess it did, technically, but, but the spirit can… forget it.”
“Look, you can believe whatever you the fuck you want to. But the fact is that you and your family are in danger. Okay? So you need to clear everyone out of here. Your employees, your mother, your kids, everyone.”
“Uh… I only have one daughter.”
Sam squinted. “One?”
“I thought Tyler had a sister named Maggie?” Dean tilted his head.
Susan scoffed. “Maggie’s imaginary.”
Sam’s jaw twitched, Dean’s eyebrows furrowed, and I buried my hands in my head.
“Mother fucker.”
“Where’s Tyler?”
Susan’s eyes went wide before she bolted. We scrambled over each other’s feet, following her up the stairs and to her private room. She struggled with the door before pushing it open.
The floor was littered with broken dolls. Sam and Dean gave each other a look.
“Oh my god. Tyler!” Susan ran through another door, calling for her daughter.
I ducked, checking under furniture as the boys tore through the closets. Susan came back, running.
“She’s not here!”
“Okay, okay. Susan. Susan.” Sam grabbed her by the shoulders. “Tell us what you know about Maggie.”
“Um, not much. Tyler’s been talking about her ever since Mom got sick.”
“Okay, did you ever know anyone by that name?”
“Uh, no!”
“Think, think.” Dean pressured. “I mean, somebody that could’ve lived here?”
“Maybe someone who passed away?” I offered.
“Oh my god.” Susan’s face drained of color. “My mom. My mom had a sister named Margaret. She barely spoke about her.”
The three of us shared a look.
“Did Margaret happen to die here when she was a kid?”
“Yeah, she drowned in the pool.”
Dean made a face as he began to move. “Come on.”
Dean ran ahead, and Sam and I followed, Susan only a few steps behind. The dead garden seemed more eerie now than it had before. Sam reached the door first, trying to unlock it. It didn’t budge. Tyler was on the edge of the balcony inside, only a slip away from falling into the pool.
“Tyler!” Susan called.
Dean and Sam pounded on the glass, trying to break it.
“Mommy!” Tyler squealed.
She fell in with a scream.
“Is there another entrance?” Dean asked.
“Around back.”
“Okay, come on.” Dean pulled Susan away before turning to us. “Keep working.”
Sam and I continued to elbow the door, and I let out a grunt as I slammed my shoulder against the frame. It didn’t budge. Sam groaned, looking around. He stopped before grabbing something. He pushed me aside before slamming a pot into the door. The glass began to crack, and Sam began to work harder. He finally got through, the door shattering. He jammed himself through and, without hesitation, leapt over the railing, into the pool.
“Sam!” I squeaked as I ran in, leaning over the railing.
He wasted no time pushing past the plastic cover. I watched as he swam toward Tyler before scooping her up in his arms. I bolted down the steps, reaching his side. I pulled Tyler from his arms and set her down on her side. Sam clambered out of the pool as Dean and Susan burst in. I patted Tyler’s back, and she coughed. Sam helped me push her up to sit, and Susan pulled her into a bear hug.
“Mommy.” She whined.
“Yeah, baby. I’m here. I’m right here.” Susan cried.
“Tyler, do you see Maggie anywhere?” Sam gave her sympathetic eyes.
“No, she’s gone.” She snuggled back into Susan. “Mommy.”
“Don’t worry, honey, we’re leaving in two minutes. We’ve just got to get Grandma.” Susan cooed as she held Tyler against her side, moving up the stairs.
“I don’t get it.” Dean hissed. “Did Maggie just stop?”
“Seems like it.” Sam shrugged, hair dripping.
“Well, where the hell did she go?” I asked.
Susan screamed from upstairs. Sam reacted first, bolting up the steps. Dean and I followed. Sam busted through the door. Susan was holding Tyler against her side, crying. The three of us sighed when we saw Rose slumped in her wheelchair.
She was dead.
“Paramedics said it was another stroke. Do you think… Margaret could’ve had something to do with it?” Susan asked.
“We don’t know.” Dean shrugged.
“But, it’s possible.” I followed up, tugging on Jinx’s leash so that she would sit.
Sam sighed. “Susan, I’m sorry.”
She shook her head. “You have nothing to apologize for. You’ve given me everything.”
Tyler came down the steps, dressed in regular clothing. She had a small smile on her face as she joined her mother. Susan rubbed her back, and Tyler bent down to pet Jinx.
“Ready to go, kiddo?”
“Now, Tyler.” Dean bent down to be eye-level with her. “You’re sure Maggie’s not around anymore?”
“I’m sure.” Tyler nodded. “I’d see her.”
“I guess whatever’s going on must be over.” Dean shrugged as we followed Susan down the steps, to her taxi.
Sam held the door open for her, and Susan ushered Tyler into the cab.
“You two take care of yourselves, alright?”
Susan turned and pulled Sam into a hug, resting her head on his chest. Dean snorted, and I wheezed, pulling on a serious face and rubbing my nose when Susan pulled back.
“Thank you.” She looked at Sam, then at Dean and I. “All of you.”
We nodded as she shuffled into the taxi. Sam shut the door behind her and I laughed, covering my mouth.
“Dude, you could’ve just gotten some total MILF action.” I giggled as we began to walk.
“Ew, Ollie-”
“No, seriously, bud, I think she liked you.”
“Yeah.” Sam scoffed. “That’s all she needs.”
“Well, you saved the mom, saved the girl.” I patted Sam’s arm. “Not a bad day, bubs.”
“Course, I could’ve saved them myself, but I didn’t want you to feel useless.” Dean teased.
My heart sank as I remembered what Sam had said last night.
“Appreciate it.” Sam gave Dean a bitch face.
He sensed my shift in attitude and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, tugging me into his side.
“Feels good getting back in the saddle. Doesn’t it?” Dean grinned and pulled out the car keys.
“Yeah.” Sam sighed. “Yeah, it does.” He took his arm back and braced his hands against the top of the car. “But it doesn’t change what we talked about last night, Dean.”
My chest clenched and tears immediately welled in my eyes. I looked down and away, taking a shaky breath. I opened the back door and let Jinx settle in.
“We talked about a lot of things last night.” Dean tried to change the subject.
“You know what I mean.” Sam shook his head.
“You were wasted.” Dean scowled.
“But you weren’t. And you promised.” Sam shot back.
They looked at each other for a beat. Sam pulled the passenger door open first, and I slid into the middle seat, wrapping my arms around myself. Sam got in, slamming the door shut as Dean closed his, gently.
He started the car and glanced Sam’s way. Sam kept his eyes straight ahead as we pulled away from the inn.
Previous Ep: Hunted (2.10)
Next Ep: Nightshifter (2.12)
taglist: @i67​
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thehandflextm · 4 years
My Immortal...but make it Pride and Prejudice
For my final project, I decided to rewrite My Immortal (the infamous fanfiction) as if the original author were writing a Pride and Prejudice fanfiction instead of a Harry Potter one! I do not own My Immortal nor do I own Pride and Prejudice! Basically none of this is my original text, all credit goes to Tara Gilesbie and Jane Austen.
Chapter 1.
AN: Special fangz (get it, coz Im goffik) 2 my gf (ew not in that way) raven, bloodytearz666 4 helpin me wif da story and spelling. U rok! Justin ur da luv of my deprzzing life u rok 2! Dis stry is like if lizzy wuz goth so itz nut boring! MCR ROX!
Hi my name is Lizzy Dark’ness Dementia Raven Bennet and I have long curly brown hair with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-back and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Amy Lee (AN: if u don’t know who she is get da hell out of here!). I’m a vampire but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white skin. I live in a town called Longbourn with my parents, my three younger sisters, and one older sister (I’m twenty). I’m a goth (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly black. For example today I was wearing a black corset with matching lace around it and a black leather miniskirt, pink fishnets and black combat boots. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow. I was walking outside Longbourn. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of preps stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.
“Hey Lizzy!” shouted a voice. I looked up. It was…. Fitzwilliam Darcy!
“What’s up Mr. Darcy?” I asked.
“Nothing.” he said shyly.
But then, I heard my sisters call me and I had to go away.
AN: IS it good? PLZ tell me fangz!
Chapter 2.
AN: Fangz 2 bloodytearz666 4 helpin me wif da chapta! BTW preps stop flaming ma story ok!
The next day I woke up in my bedroom. It was snowing and raining again. I opened the door of my coffin and drank some blood from a bottle I had. My coffin was black ebony and inside it was hot pink velvet with black lace on the ends. I got out of my coffin and took of my giant MCR t-shirt which I used for pajamas. Instead, I put on a black leather dress, a pentagram necklace, combat boots and black fishnets on. I put on four pairs of earrings in my pierced ears, and put my hair in a kind of messy bun.
My sister, Jane (AN: Raven dis is u!) woke up then and grinned at me. She flipped her long waist-length blond hair with pink streaks and opened her forest-green eyes. She put on her Marilyn Manson t-shirt with a black mini, fishnets and pointy high-heeled boots. We put on our makeup (black lipstick white foundation and black eyeliner.)
“OMFG, I saw you talking to Mr. Darcy yesterday! Did you know he has ten thousand a year?!” she said excitedly.
“Yeah? So?” I said, blushing.
“Do you like Mr. Darcy?” she asked as we left our shared bedroom and went downstairs.
“No I so fucking don’t!” I shouted.
“Yeah right!” she exclaimed. Just then, Mr. Darcy knocked on the door! One of the servants opened the door and he  walked up to me.
“Hi.” he said.
“Hi.” I replied flirtily.
“Guess what.” he said.
“What?” I asked.
“Well, Charles Bingley and I are hosting a ball at Netherfield Park” he told me.
“Oh. My. Fucking. God!” I screamed. I love going to balls!. Dancing is my favorite thing to do, besides reading or walking or drinking blood.
“Well…. do you want to go with me?” he asked.
I gasped.
Chapter 3.
AN: STOP FLAMMING DA STORY PREPZ OK I KNO THEY DIDNT HV GOFF CLOSE N 1800S!! I JS WNT THEM TO BE GOHT! odderwize fangs 2 da goffik ppl 4 da good reveiws! FANGS AGEN RAVEN!.
On the night of the ball I put on my black lace-up boots with high heels. Underneath them were ripped red fishnets. Then I put on a black leather minidress with all this corset stuff on the back and front. I put on matching fishnet on my arms. I straightened my hair and made it look all spiky. I felt a little depressed then, so I slit one of my wrists. I read a depressing book while I waited for it to stop bleeding. I painted my nails black and put on TONS of black eyeliner. Then I put on some black lipstick. I didn’t put on foundation because I was pale anyway. I drank some human blood so I was ready to go to the ball.
I went outside. Mr. Darcy was waiting there in front of his carriage. He was wearing a his normal fancy clothes and a little eyeliner (AN: A lot fo kewl boiz wer it ok!).
“Hi Mr. Darcy!” I said in a depressed voice.
“Hi Lizzy.” he said back. We walked into hisblack carriage and drove to NetherfieldWhen we got there, we both hopped out of the carriage. We went to the dance floor and danced together.
“That violinist is so fucking hot.” I said to Mr. Darcy, pointing to him as he played, filling the room with his amazing music.
Suddenly Mr. Darcy looked sad.
“What’s wrong?” I asked as we moshed to the music. Then I caught on.
“Hey, it’s ok I don’t like him better than YOU!” I said.
“Really?” asked Mr. Darcy sensitively and he put his arm around me all protective.
“Really.” I said. “Besides I don’t even know him and he’s not even rich.” I said disgustedly.
The night went on really well, and I had a great time. So did Mr. Darcy. After the ball, we drank some wine Mr. Darcy and I crawled back into the carriage, but Mr. Darcy didn’t go back to Longbourn, instead he drove the carriage into……………………… the forest!
Chapter 4.
AN: I sed stup flaming ok lizzy’s name is LZIZY nut mary su OK! DARCY IS SOO IN LUV wif her dat he is acting defrent! dey nu eechodder b4 ok!
“MR. DARCY!” I shouted. “What the fuck do you think you are doing?”
Darcy didn’t answer but he stopped the flying car and he walked out of it. I walked out of it too, curiously.
“What the fucking hell?” I asked angrily.
“Lizzy?” he asked.
“What?” I snapped.
Mr. Darcy leaned in extra-close and I looked into his gothic red eyes (he was wearing color contacts) which revealed so much depressing sorrow and evilness and then suddenly I didn’t feel mad anymore.
And then…………… suddenly just as I Mr. Dacry kissed me passionately. Darcy climbed on top of me and we started to make out keenly against a tree. He took of my top and I took of his clothes. I even took of my bra. Then he put his thingie into my you-know-what and we did it for the first time.
“Oh! Oh! Oh! ” I screamed. I was beginning to get an orgasm. We started to kiss everywhere and my pale body became all warm. And then….
It was…………………………………………………….Mr. Bennet!
Chapter 5.
AN: shjt up prepz ok! PS I wnot update ubtil u give me goood revows!
The next day I woke up in my coffin. I put on a black miniskirt that was all ripped around the end and a matching top with red skulls all over it and high heeled boots that were black. I put on two pairs of skull earrings, and two crosses in my ears. I spray-painted my hair with purple.
In the breakfast room, I ate some Count Chocula cereal with blood instead of milk, and a glass of red blood. Suddenly someone bumped into me. All the blood spilled over my top.
“Bastard!” I shouted angrily. I regretted saying it when I looked up cause I was looking into the pale white face of a gothic boy with spiky black hair with red streaks in it. He was wearing so much eyeliner that I was going down his face and he was wearing black lipstick. He was wearing red contact lenses just like Mr Darcy’s. He had a manly stubble on his chin. He had a sexy English accent. He looked exactly like Joel Madden. He was so sexy that my body went all hot when I saw him kind of like an erection only I’m a girl so I didn’t get one you sicko. He was here with some other officers to visit my sister, Lydia.
“I’m so sorry.” he said in a shy voice.
“That’s all right. What’s your name?” I questioned.
“My name’s George Wickham, although most people call me Vampire these days.” he grumbled.
“Why?” I exclaimed.
“Because I love the taste of human blood.” he giggled.
“Well, I am a vampire.” I confessed.
“Really?” he whimpered.
“Yeah.” I roared.
We sat down to talk for a while. Then Mr. Darcy came up behind me and told me he had a surprise for me so I went away with him.
Chapter 6.
AN: stop flaming ok! i skipped time cuz the middle is boring lul so jus pretnd it al happned!MCR ROX!
I was trying to sleep when suddenly, an horrible woman with beady eyes and wrinkly skin and everything started knocking on the door! She was wearing all black but it was obvious she wasn’t gothic. It was…… Lady Catherine de Bourgh!
“No!” I shouted in a scared voice but then Lady Catherine grabbed my arm and I couldn’t run away.
“Let me go!” I shouted at her and scratched her arm. Lady Catherine fell on her but and started to scream. I felt bad for her even though I’m a sadist so I stopped.
“Lizzy.” she yelled. “Thou must not marry Fitzwilliam Darcy!”
I thought about Mr. Darcy and his sexah eyes and his black hair. I remembered that Mr. Wickham had said that Mr. Darcy was evel, but he told me himself it was all Wickham’s fault!
“No! Please!” I begged.
“Thou must!” she yelled. “If thou does not, then I shall tell everyone about how Lydia and Wickhma had sex before marriage !”
“How did you know?” I asked in a surprised way.
Lay Catherine got a dude-ur-so-retarded look on her face. “Everyone thinks that already.” she answered cruelly. “And if you doth marry Darcy, then thou know what will happen to your sister!” she shouted. Then she ran away angrily.
I was so scared and mad I didn’t know what to do. Suddenly Dracy came into the house.
“Mr. Darcy!” I said. “Hi!”
“Hi.” he said back but his face was all sad. He was wearing white foundation and messy eyeliner kind of like a pentagram (geddit) between Joel Madden and Gerard Way.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
“No.” he answered.
“I’m sorry I got all mad at you but I thought you were mean to Mr. Wickham.” I expelled.
“That’s okay.” he said all depressed “Will you mary me?”
“Yes!!” i said exitedly and we went back into Longbourn together making out.
Chapter 7
AN: well I hav noffing 2 say but evrt1 stup glamming ok!!111 if any gofik ppl r reading dis den u rok!!!11 omfg im leeving dubya pretty soon kant wait!!! Diz wil prolly be da last chaptah until I kum bak.
Mr. Darcy and I went to Jan’e swedding to Mr. Bingley and we were all happy and clapped when they kissed! Even tho I’m goth, I stil love my sister and am glad she’s happy. Mr. Darcy and I announced our engagement and everyone was happy. My mom fainted with hpapiness because she knew he was rich lolz. My dad didn’t want tme to marry him at first bcuz he though Drayc was meant to me but I told him i loved him so it wuz ok.
Whe got married and i wore al black corest, red fishnets on my legs and purple fishnets on my arms ,a blakc lace vail, and a lether black skirt. Mr Darcy told me I was beautiful and now we’re married!
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oceangl1tter · 5 years
hide in a clavicle
Okay talking honestly without bullshit even though shit’s really cheesy and I’m writing this in the car as we drive to San Diego.
Going to the beach with /  was a lot of fun. A lot of fun that I haven’t had in a long time. Actually, I think it’s the most fun I’ve had at the beach. We sit on this ledge peering out and I’m worrying about her mom somehow also being at the beach. I’m a bit paranoid. I sneak a quick kiss. It feels nice even though I got bit on the face by some bug and she got away scott-free (somehow). We go down to the beach and the waves and I chase her in the sand playing tag like we’re 5. She makes me laugh : _). Even though she’s running very hard she doesn’t go anywhere at all! Hahahaha. It’s the first time I’ve seen her express herself with her body and the space she occupies. I splosh mud on her feet and she does the same to me >:PP. We also pitch our shack/hut real estate to this random Asian lady with a nice hat on. She stares at it for a good minute or two and we’r ejust like ?? She then tells us for our real estate company that we need a name/business card people can identify us as. I can’t really tell if she’s actually serious or playing along with our joke. / also draws a maze with me!! She also spins in a circle with a stick with me. She rolls up her pants and gets in the water! It splashes her. It’s really cold! We race across the side of the waves. I wonder if other people can see us like this. What they think. How could anyone hate this? She listens to me rant about speech and debate. She tells me about high school. I lay on her lap. I forget about thinking about what others can see/can think. Now I’m a bit self-conscious being so close to her..but she pats my hair. 
ears wet://
that day we sat 
with nothing and everything to say i felt
the breaking begin to break
a stone visitor
propped up with all its might
, toppled   
by kids that still have
their eyes
off the floor
i am careful to fill
the vase i placed in your heart
being imperfect together://
some research
-you like because and you love despite
-attraction is based on what you see, infatuation is based on what you feel, but real love is based on what you know.
eclipse, i didn’t lose it://
today i got really sad because i think i lost the white sparkly clip /// bought for me at jtown :( i also can't find my wallet :( i just lose so many fucking things i know she would flip if she found out and she already knows i have a tendency to be careless
dreams:// ———- There's a projection on the screen and my family is surrounding it showing a video of me standing on the edge of a pier walkway (the wooden ones that lead into a murky lake). There is a gap and then another plank of wood slightly off screen. I chant in a quirky sing-song voice: "I'm standing on the edge, I'm standing on the edge, I'm standing on the edge before I jump and do a sort of Ophelia pose into the water while singing and I fall into the lake. As we watch this video, my mom and sisters begin laughing. I'm laughing as well and I say that I could pee from the laughter.
There are strange messages on napkins that only a child is able to decipher. The child is outside watching in on the party. An old man with a knife steals the child away. He comes in the room full of people and tries to stab my eye. I am short, small, maybe, and I push through people but no one seems to notice or stop him. I try to lose him through the crowd but he ends up catching me. I try to twist the wrist holding the knife but I'm scared of harming his wrist and breaking it. He scrapes my cheek with the knife and then
E and I uber home (in a linear fashion, I'm guessing from the party), another car is next to us. I tell them we could have just shared one to save money. I tell E to hurry up because the streets of Davis are getting more dangerous. I hurry into my house. My sister and aunt's car are here meaning they are home. The door is unlocked so I go in. My sister comes out of the room in the dining room as if half-asleep. I am upset and ask why she didn't lock the door. I get a text from ___ saying that M has a funny accent. I wonder how she knows what M sounds like. I figure it might be from the rap I linked her. I tell M and D and others that someone tried to stab at my eye. They say it doesn't even look like I was stabbed. They're right. I appear to have no bodily injuries. Someone tries to unlock the backdoor but they are strugggling. It feels as if the house is tipping over. Friends rush behind the couch. I tell them it must be my dad but I notice that his phone is home and is ringing. I try to lock the midsection door sectioning off the kitchen room and the living room we're in. It does not lock. I go back in my room to get my phone that I left after texting ___ and I hide behind the couch. I figured jumping this person with multiple people would be better than hiding and locking my room by myself.
I wake up and my right wrist is sore.
In this one someone shoots an arrow and hits a baby I know is me. I feel like I trespassed some dream rule because I didn’t wake up before contact.
To be honest, I feel fundamentally unloved. When I'm next to you, I feel unloved. I feel the most unloved I've ever been. In the middle of the night, when you are asleep, small twitches touch my skin. I creep my hand into yours. I think you are asleep but you take it anyways. I think to myself, I think: Someone actually (...)
and shelter becomes a blister://
It's christmas and peak sad gorl hours. Where does the hurt go? I feel that this may be what loss feels like. I guess I have been feeling at a loss for a long period of time. I have nothing eloquent to say anymore. I feel hopeless yea feel like my eyes are really dry and my face is all droopy just feel down just feel sad real sad i comfort myself & hug myself & love myself i wihs ic ould hug /// but the separation might be too strong @ this point that maybe its not possible anymore she told me what i needed to hear anyway i didnt believe i really didnt until that call and my heart is tired of beating itself up and im tired of feeling like a slouch ev enthough its all very heavy i am trying my very best to be good and positive but i know it takes time to mend this for myself and i would have fought for it thorugh the ugliness but i am doing it alone now and i wont stop the fight but i wish she could have come along idk just feel kidn of bad im alone but thats ok bc im not rly alone even though i may feel like it there r many ppl that care for me i need to care for me too so that i feel cared for by the person that amtters the most which is myself! !! myself! me!! me!! mysefl!! care for me too ! i care for me ok time to sleep
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