#this was also heavily inspired by mausoleum by rafferty
saewokhrisz · 1 year
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Page illustration i did for Zhonchi Anthology in collaboration with @adargo​, please read the beautiful poetry they wrote for this under the cut TT
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lorei-writes · 3 years
Where a pigeon lays
Mitsuhide x MC Angst Reincarnation AU
Request: Anonymous (???) Prompt:  (???)
Whew. You know, I don’t even know how to describe this. Additional inspiration: Mausoleum by Rafferty
Content Warnings: major character(s) death, blood, hospitals, physical pain, accident, war (suggested)
He attempted to roll onto his side, his body refusing to bend to his will, various machines beeping and buzzing all around. Perhaps… Perhaps it was late, after all. The very evening of his life.
It died without his lover
So very odd, it was, the world shutting around him from all sides, darkness growing impenetrable. Mitsuhide almost smiled, thick sweet scent spilling over his tongue – how ironic, for his sense of smell to give him a mirage of taste at a time like that. He groaned, his brow slick from sweat, the droplets spilling over his brows to rush down his face, the scent of iron hanging low in the air.
He could not feel. The smoke did not burn anymore.
Let her be safe, he thought one last thought.
So strange and beautiful
It was before, before the fall and fire that she did not know would even come. Her lover curled against her side, she brushed his hair gently, puffs of air emerging out of his lungs as he breathed steadily, submerged in a deep slumber. Mai watched, completely amused and perhaps even mesmerized – for his face to look so innocent, despite everything he lived through, despite the entire world outside…
Her touch as delicate as the finest silk, she gently stroked his cheek. “Sleep well, you little trouble,” she laughed quietly.
How you gaze upon my bones
The tour guide took another turn, the group following him rapidly flooding the space by the exposition, curious eyes staring at the skeleton displayed at the place it was uncovered in. His pale ember eyes narrowed – perhaps it was the privilege of the tall to see things from afar, yet surely, it ended right at the moment where deciphering words was the task. Absorbed by what could possibly the tablet entail, he strained his sight, strange sort of shivers beginning to dance along the length of his spine. He looked around.
“The presented skeleton appears to have belonged to a woman of high status, as suggested by remains of various objects found at the site of her burial. The interesting thing about her is that, despite it being unusual for the time period her remains date back, she seemed to be wearing a primitive sort of wedding ring…” the tour guide spoke, although his voice faded into silence, the last few words ringing in his ears. The shivers did not stop – not until he noticed the little girl held up by her parents several rows away from him, staring at him intently.
Mistake a tragedy
“I don’t understand you!” her friend exclaimed, putting down her beer a bit too forcefully, the liquid washing against the very rim of the mug. “He was good-looking. He was nice. He was smart. What else could you want?!” “I don’t know,” she groaned in reply, rolling her eyes and leaning away from the table. The back of her chair struck against the railing of the balcony. “I tell you, you’re going to end up alone if you keep on being so pic –”
Thunder-like sound roared through the street below them, prompting them both to stand up and look for the source of the commotion. Motorcycles and then cars – and what vehicles there could be, all donned in white ribbons, flowers and balloons, all roaring their horns until the sound reached the very skies. She held her breath in, the soon-to-be-married couple appearing in sight, seated comfortably in a cabriolet. Her head spun – but just like that, it was all gone. Sitting down heavily in her seat, she poured herself another glass. “Hey… Are you okay?” her friend asked. “Yes, why?” “You’re crying.”
She touched her face, something wet trickling from her eyes.
Since we'd missed eachother by centuries
He attempted to roll onto his side, his body refusing to bend to his will, various machines beeping and buzzing all around. Perhaps… Perhaps it was late, after all. The very evening of his life.
His phone buzzed, a holographic screen appearing before his eyes. His son? He focused his gaze as to pick the call up. “Dad?” his child sobbed. “You’re… You’re a granddad. The hospital just called me, I have a daughter.”
Odd shivers coursing by his spine, the machine replied for him – with an elongated, high screech. A life for life.
Where a pigeon lays
It was his favourite spot, so he climbed there. It was her favourite spot, so she walked up the decaying stairs.
There was little left in this world reminding them of what it used to be, save for those walls and corrupted floors… And perhaps the wind, as it brushed against the holes left after the bombs. It caressed their skin, or much rather – his and hers, always separate until the one time that they met.
She did not notice him, for she watched the pigeon in its nest. He did not notice her, for he was preoccupied with how much distance there was to the ground below them.
Their eyes met – her head spun, her foot slipped, and there she was, falling through the clouds. He? His spine shivered as he jumped, his arms crossing behind her back. “I won’t let you go. Not this time,” he shouted through the wind. “I promise, in another life.”
They crashed. Together, at last.
Tag list: @datenoriko, @nad-zeta, @tsubaki3192, @missjudge-me, @ikemencrossedmyth, @nuttytani, @thesirenwashere, @milas-imaginarium, @kisara-16, @yukas-clover, @alerialumina , @cheese-ception , @iamryxx, @cottonfluffballofdoom, @ozziegrl71, @rikumorimachisgirl, @bestbryn, @kink-rabbithole  @ikesenfangirl @mineko811 @briars7 If you want to be tagged under my future works, let me know (any way works)! ^^ Also, do remember to specify fandoms (and characters, if you are interested only in some) :D If it ever happens that you wish to be removed from my taglist, for any reason, do let me know. I will not ask why, it’s all fine ^^
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