#this was 2014 nobody was doing 90s at the time
upperranktwo · 10 months
Got my mark back for my assignment I finished on Monday and I got 70%!!! from the grading system I fall in the second highest tier!! I was so convinced I failed!!! it was really hard and impossible for me to not compare myself to everyone else😭 really glad I actually did well!!!!
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Michael hutchience , Paula Yates and peaches Geldof
Started her career in the industry the music industry, the media and such places like that, a during this time, she would meet Bob Geldof Bob Bob that did live aid that Bob, they had three children together, Trixie, peaches and pixie, amazing, unique fun unique names she got with him when she was very young so she hadn’t experienced a lot of life yet but during this time she would obviously meet a lot of interesting people and people from all around the world and in the music industry , make friends , acquaintances and was built for this kind of life she enjoyed it and she was happy free spirited that kind of woman didn’t want to be held down. She loved her children. Yes but things must’ve been hard for her because she can’t of loved Bob anymore , I hear that she was really bashed at the time when she got with Michael of INXS 🧚🏼🧚🏼🧚🏼, on the big breakfast and you can see the appearance and they were all over each other. I wasn’t a massive fan of Paula and to be honest she is before my time because in the 90s I was a child she interviewed a lot of people and had really strong chemistry it was it was whirlwind romance 💕.
She conceived rather quickly, during this time Bob was not very happy about their romance, and she was going through the process of leaving him and being with Michael properly, her children in toe because obviously he’s from Australia so she had to take her children out of the, because Bob and his connections, she ended up being a single mother, in the 90s was a massive thing, and she was leaving saint bob ,,, so she was made to be vilified, unlike these two men who she was between, he ended up getting full custody of the children, however, in 1997 he ended up dying of a hanging which people say was done by the Masons which Bob was part of, other people say it was a auto fixation,  and then in 2000 she ended up dying of a heroin overdose, she was broken after that point and the pain was over, she lost a battle was trying to get her children, and then Bob gets custody of their child Michael and Paul is it just all seems a bit weird to me, and in 2014 , she died of a heroin overdose. I remember it happening. I remember the time I remember all of it and feeling so sad because nobody knew what happened but I did. I just started at the time a year previously or maybe just under , and I remember hearing stuff to do with her and knowing that she was a bit of a party girl and it was sad because she only just had two young , not even her youngest was two , and the youngest one was in the house with her, the heroine was 60% pure, and they found a lot of the stuff in the house. I think the husband had obviously hid a lot of the paraphernalia when he got home and found her.
He was out with the other child, The other child, been seen earlier a week earlier event, doing what she usually does, she used to go to a lot of fashion shows with her sister do, just think it weird how all of their deaths, and the fact that Bob got custody and adopts and child and he’s seen as Saint Bob. Rest in peace rest in power., Paula, Michael and peaches .
Jesus not Jesus, but Jesus was a Pisces Pisces I’m leavingin., peaches was a Pisces, but she had a gemini moon and a gemini Mars, her 8th house, which is funny because Paula is a Scorpio moon and Scorpio is obviously the eighth house🏠, peaches is a libra rising, her mother is a Taurus, which is Venus, making it hard chart ruler .📐  Paula is a their charts have a lot  t of oppositions, oppositions and oppositions, you have it with a parent makes you very very, because they’re mutable it might not serve been, as I have with my mother that fixed or cardinal, it’s Sagittarius and Gemini, Paul is Petra ruler is her Jupiter and Sagittarius no wonder she had such a love meeting people and going to social gatherings and being the life, also pleasure of the world and all types of way, using it, using drugs, trying different cultures I mean her man who is from another country that is very Sagittarius.♐️ peaches chart ruler? Is her Pisces Venus both rolled by the Jupiter planet in traditional astrology., and both love pleasure and drugs, and all sorts of that, but they both had other coaches that they loved to look into,
Looking at Michael’s chart, I get it I get why he was there so he’s a Scorpio moon 🌙 and when you’re a Scorpio 🌑 you don’t often meet of a Scorpio means I swear, there is so much, they actually are and he’s an Aquarius SUN, practically a Sagittarius of all that. no doubt these two are soulmates. He’s Venus was in Sagittarius which is how he likes his women and her chart is Sagittarius ruled., because she’s a rising rolling planet is Saturn which is in the 12th hour with his mercury and Mars, giving a pisceian and effect this is where the addiction came and play, it is a very feminine man which I think she was probably attracted to strong women  Often attracted to Well a certain type are. and then that Venus in Sagittarius making him the biggest ladies man ever. 
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paranormalmythos · 2 months
Same Place New Layout
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It had been. A rather short stroll actually when Trilby swore he saw something in the distance, what almost looked like a portion of a city jutting out of the endless white expanse. Before he could point it out to his fellow investigator Charles spoke,
"Is that Oakmont??" He took off towards the city, and Trilby quickly followed.
The city was... Impressive for appearing out of nowhere in a void. Albeit mostly flooded and appearing to almost be in ruins.
"... This isn't the entire city." Charles realized quietly, followed by, "... And some things aren't where they should be. The hotel shouldn't be next to the library."
"Well it's convenient for us, isn't it? Research and rest in one place."
"It's weird though, it's like. You said there was a replica of your work building too, right? It's like these places were put here on purpose..." Charles frowned, "Keep your guard up, we don't know what else is here."
Trilby gave a curt nod, and the two entered the library first, to find-
"... What on earth is *that*?" Charles asked, staring at a perfectly normal, albeit blocky and old, computer, a bit to the side of the front desk.
"A computer? Haven't you seen one before?" The look he received answered his question for him, "... Charles, what's the year where you're from?"
"1924, what about you?"
"... 2014." The two stood for a moment in equally uncomfortable silence. 90 years between them. And now they were standing in the same bizarre place, with a computer from the late 90s sitting in a library from the 20s.
"... I am. So tired of things beyond my comprehension." Trilby couldn't help but agree with his companion's whispered sentiment.
He however, still needed to figure out what was going on. If it was possible these locations were here for a reason, then it was possible this computer was as well. He walked over, powering on the monitor and tower, and was... Slightly confused when he didn't have to manually connect it to the internet. Or that there even *was* internet, but the little icon in the bottom corner indicated a connection. And-
A window popped up.
A window with a file, seemingly a summary on one 'Specimen 14'.
"... Didn't the radio mention this?" Charles asked.
"I think so."
The photo was of a human(was it human? It had to be, right?) with red eyes that almost seemed to glow, even in a photo the intensity of that stare sent a shiver down Trilby's spine.
The file listed the type as active, total fatalities at 38, and the method as 'chopping', which made sense considering the axe in their hands.
"A human being with an axe. While it does not appear threatening at first, extended time in the mansion has led this specimen to a state of madness where it seems to have lost its morals and become a mindless killing machine. Anyone who approaches it is met with immediate aggression and violence, as several GL Labs personnel have found out the hard way. Proven effective, only slightly more than previous specimen, likely due to subjects lowering their guard when faced with another human, if this specimen can be called that anymore..." Trilby frowned as he read.
"... That's awful... What's. GL Labs?"
"No idea, hopefully we won't find out."
"Does the uhm-what did you call it?"
"Right, does it have anything else on it?" Charles was looking over Trilby's shoulder, clearly confused by this box that seemingly showed images and text from nowhere.
"... Let me see." Opening the files, on a hunch, Trilby went to the documents section.
His stomach dropped.
He recognized far too many of these as his own work. And there were others that, if he had to guess, were likely written by Chris. Nobody else would name a government file 'Stupid fucking paperwork'. Not to mention the amount of classified documents on the Ancients. As he scrolled further down he found copies of newspapers from Oakmont, and some place called Darkwater. After that were... More of those 'CAT-DOS' files, a PDF of a book titled 'Biography Of Caspian Bay', and several files of seemingly news articles, all titled as being written by one Miles Upshur.
"... There's so much here." Charles whispered.
"... It does give us a place to start, this all has to be connected somehow." Trilby was mainly trying to assure himself.
If it wasn't connected he would have no clue what to do from here.
That thought was terrifying.
"Okay. I'll find some paper and a pencil, and we'll start going through things and taking notes."
"Sounds like a plan." Trilby agreed, and watched Charles walk off to grab said items.
They had a lot of work to do.
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Harry probably wanted to give it a try but at that time nobody knew what Harry styles would become one day and neither did Harry. Also, things can change so quickly. Who knows what his plans were in 2015. And keeping them to himself isn’t an asshole move, it’s a deliberate decision to just not talk about plans you haven’t fully thought through yet. You really think Harry was like „I’m gonna plan this big ass solo career, idc about the band“ in 2015 when the band ended and they were released from all the pressure?! He was probably relieved he could breathe for bit just like the other ones and he probably had in mind that working with Jeff was a good choice for the future regarding solo projects. Y’all always act like Harry was this evil villain who didn’t care about the band or the guys and just wanted everything for himself. It’s not black and white yall!
omg are u stupid?????????????
he signed a 3 album, 90 million dollars contract in January/Feb 2016!!! do u think those deals are made up overnight???? that shit was in the works for MONTHS, and it's A 3 ALBUMS DEAL!!! meaning at LEAST 5/6 years!! which means he had all the plans in place from way before, which makes sense considering he suggested the hiatus in 2014. God. I understand being biased but use your fucking brain for the love of God
also if he was such a good guy as u guys say why not support the guys after the hiatus like they did for him?? why act like they were dead? he had so many opportunities to show the kindness he loves to sell and yet he didn't, bc he's an asshole who's rather die than put someone's interests before his, end of story
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happinessismusic · 2 years
Sharing also the text of the WSJ article below.
Gwen Stefani and her husband, country singer Blake Shelton, have been partners in life and work for several years, after meeting as coaches on The Voice in 2014. Now that he’s gearing up for his final season on the NBC singing-competition show, Stefani, 53, is also thinking about what’s next.
Right now, the Grammy Award-winning singer is preparing for her New Year’s Eve performances in Las Vegas; working on her makeup line, GXVE Beauty; and gardening with Mr. Shelton. “We can come together on that, because I love flowers so much and he has so much land out there,” she said of the couple’s home in Oklahoma, where they live with her children Kingston, 16; Zuma, 14; and Apollo, 8, when they aren’t in Los Angeles. “We’ll do fields of things. We’re just sitting there waiting for it to rain.”
Here, Stefani speaks to WSJ. about her favorite holiday tradition, why she’s been skipping her morning coffee and whether fans can expect a No Doubt reunion.
What time do you get up on Mondays, and what’s the first thing you do after waking up?
I usually wake up at 7 a.m., because I have the kids. They go to school, so it’s the whole, “Come on, let’s go! Let’s brush your teeth!” Nobody likes Monday morning.
Do you have a go-to breakfast?
I’ve been doing a cleanse, so I just wake up and have water and lemon, which has been horrifying. I don’t get to have my coffee until the middle of the day.
How are your routines different on days when you’re filming The Voice?
We get up, we have our [hair and makeup], which is always my favorite. When you shoot, you’re shooting like five days, and then you’re just dead at the end. It’s very emotional too, each phase of it.
Did you read the story about your fan who was pushed onto the subway tracks and survived? She said she owed her life to climbing onstage at your concerts.
It’s Maddie [Cole]. I know her and I follow her. In fact, I just saw her, right when we left The Drew Barrymore Show. She’s come to a million of my shows, she dresses like me. I don’t follow a ton of fans, but a few years ago when I was doing the Vegas show, I started following people randomly. Then you think you know them because you see them every day. She happens to be one of them.
The fact that that happened to her, I was like, “You need to move out of the city.”
What’s been the most surprising thing about launching your makeup line?
The community. Blake and I will lay in bed and watch the tutorials of people that would take a palette and see what they would create with it.
I’ve gotten to dabble in so many different things, whether it be songwriting or designing fashion with L.A.M.B. and then Harajuku. This is different because it’s starting a business—those were licenses. I’m just not a business person. I grew up barely making it through high school. Everything I’ve done has been so much luck. With this, I feel almost like I’m smart enough to be able to do this now.
Do you sing in the shower?
Not really. I try to take shorter showers these days. I’m more of a bath person.
Do you have Blake’s Sexiest Man Alive People cover framed at home?
We don’t. That’s a good idea. You know what we do have? When we built our house last year in Oklahoma, [in] one of the bathrooms going out to the pool is every single tabloid cover, made into wallpaper. You go in there and you’re like, “Oh, my God.” It’s pretty funny.
What are the odds of a No Doubt reunion?
What are the odds of anything? I was just on The Drew Barrymore Show. She was one of my favorite celebrities when I was a little girl, and now I was just on the show with her. Anything can happen. I have no idea what’s going to happen with No Doubt. We haven’t really talked about doing anything, but it feels like everyone is, right? All the ’90s people—Blink-182 did an eight-month tour that sold out in like five minutes.
Do you and your family have any favorite holiday traditions?
Blake likes to make new traditions every year. We do this thing called a timpano dome, which is an Italian dome, it’s kind of like a lasagna within a pizza. We’ve been doing that ever since I met him. It was in a famous movie [Big Night]. You can put anything in it.
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horizon-verizon · 2 years
HotD and the Golden Globes
House of the Dragon may have won the Golden Globe for "Best Drama TV Series", but it doesn't validate the characterizations, the writing, or ideas present in the writing of the show. Even if Fire and Blood didn't exist, this show is not very good once you think about it. There are too many inconsistencies of logic and the show's own internal lore to see it as a well-written story. And Ryan Condal 's "theory of accidents" is not a good or logical way to characterize or set up a character's motivations since it makes them more reactive instead of active (Seth Abramson on Substack). It also reduces both agency and accountability for characters like Alicent and Aemond, while muddling their motivation and creating doubt in their ability to reason. These are not even minor charater's, either. Both are absolutely essential to how the Dance went as it did, and the first's actions against Rhaenyra is the reason why the Dance even existed in the first place.
And then, once you do take into account that this is supposed to be an adaptation, the logic, characterizations, themes, etc actually all so different or inconsistent from those things that are unbiasedly true in the canon account of the Dance of the Dragons in Fire and Blood, it is impossible to count this as a adaptation and not a poorly written fanfiction. Especially in context of the treatment of women in Westeros after Rhaenyra's death and what Daenerys "Stormborn" Targaryen does and represents in the book series A Game of Thrones and the TV adaptation Game of Thrones. @brideoffires writes this POST and @la-pheacienne writes this ONE about ASoIaF's world's misogyny.
A show getting awards does not automatically make it a good show in of itself nor prove its excellence, since it is also clear that awards like the Globes do not necessarily hand awards because the show is well-written. The Globes is a huge culprit of dirty business or susness because the people responsible for choosing who/what wins or gets nominated for any Globe -- the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, or the HFPA-- is suspect and has a real history of being bought out or "wined and dined" and excluding or snubbing much better shows and films. And some or most of those snubbed have a pattern of being PoC-written, PoC-starred, etc. Emily in Paris over I May Destroy You, anyone?
The LA Times article that I listed has this:
Over its nearly eight-decade history, the HFPA has weathered a string of embarrassing scandals, lawsuits and often blistering criticism of its membership. The group has been the butt of jokes even from the stage of its own awards show. Hosting in 2016, Ricky Gervais dismissed the Globes as “worthless,” calling the award “a bit of metal that some nice old confused journalists wanted to give you in person so they could meet you and have a selfie with you.” In a 2014 interview, actor Gary Oldman said the group was “90 nobodies having a wank” and called for a boycott of the “silly game” their awards represent.
Yet despite all this, the HFPA has managed to carve out a unique and improbable position of influence. Its members — relatively few of whom work full time for major overseas outlets — are routinely granted exclusive access to Hollywood power players, invited to junkets in exotic locales, put up in five-star hotels and, as Globes nominations near, lavished with gifts, dinners and star-studded parties. To the studios, networks and celebrities that court its favor and exploit its awards as a marketing tool, the group is at once fawned over, derided and grudgingly tolerated. (Four years after blasting the HFPA, Oldman thanked them when accepting his first-ever Globe for his turn as Winston Churchill in “Darkest Hour.”)
Now, I am not talking about Emma D'Arcy's nomination for "Lead Actress" (despite them being nonbinary), because as an performer Emma is and was great in HotD. I am talking about the show and its writing.
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girlhorrror · 2 years
god like this is going to be such a horrible emotional post because i am feeling sooooo much after this show and also umm drank half a bottle of vodka during it but like i first found mcr before 8th grade like 2014/15 ish and i had just moved across the country from one of the most major cities where i had a lot of friends to the middle of the woods on an island nobody outside of the province knkws about and i was soo lonely and isolated and lived far away from town where anything ever happened/the few friends i made in school and i was depressed and actively suicidal for the first time and dealing with seasonal depression from a horrible like 5 month long snowy winter i and never experienced before like i genuinely thought about drowning myself in the pond midway through my kilometre long driveway (lmao Rural Areas be like) and an awful home situation where i felt like i could never actually be myself a horrrroble Horribke breakup with my first girlfriend/incredibly codependent girl best friend and like i swear 90% of the music i listened to that year was just the three cheers album and it sounds so fucking cheesy especially after hearing it for so long but that album Really Did save my life and just give me a space to comfortably be myself in and like fuck flash forward to this tour where i am dealing with trying to build my life after like 8 years of that shit and the worst anxiety i’ve ver experienced and the like Subatnce Abuse Issues that have come from coping with all that and the band that saved my life is Back and they are the happoest and full of life they’ve ever been snd they are doing things on their own terms and i’ve found myself in this wonderful community of people who’ve had similar expericmes and just i love you guys all so much and o really really think we have proof now that it can get better
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lenbryant · 2 months
(LongPost, NYTimes) JD Vance, an Unlikely Friendship and Why It Ended
His political views differed from a transgender classmate’s, but they forged a bond that lasted a decade — until Mr. Vance seemed to pivot, politically and personally.
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By Stephanie Saul
Stephanie Saul, who covers education, reviewed about 90 emails and text messages spanning between 2014 and 2017. 
July 27, 2024Updated 11:29 a.m. ET
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When his book, “Hillbilly Elegy,” was published in 2016, JD Vance sent an email apologizing to a close friend from his Yale Law School days. The friend identified as transgender, but Mr. Vance referred to them in the book as a lesbian. 
“Hey Sofes, here’s an excerpt from my book,” Mr. Vance wrote to his friend, Sofia Nelson. “I send this to you not just to brag, but because I’m sure if you read it you’ll notice reference to ‘an extremely progressive lesbian.’” 
“I recognize now that this may not accurately reflect how you think of yourself, and for that I am really sorry,” he wrote. “I hope you’re not offended, but if you are, I’m sorry! Love you, JD.” 
Nelson wrote back the same day, calling Mr. Vance “buddy” and thanking him for “being sweet,” adding, “If you had written gender queer radical pragmatist, nobody would know what you mean.” Nelson asked for an autographed copy, then signed off with, “Love, Sofia.” 
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The emails, in which Mr. Vance criticizes former President Donald J. Trump both for “racism” and as a “morally reprehensible human being,” add to an already-existing body of evidence showing Mr. Vance’s ideological pivot from Never Trumper to Mr. Trump’s running mate. 
And they reflect a young man quite different from the hard-right culture warrior of today who back then brought homemade baked goods to his friend after Nelson underwent transition-related surgery. The visit cemented their bond. 
“The content of the conversation was,” Nelson said in an interview with The New York Times, “‘I don’t understand what you’re doing, but I support you.’ And that meant a lot to me at the time, because I think that was the foundation of our friendship.”
The political views of the two were sharply divergent, but their friendship would continue for a decade, strengthened by their shared Midwestern roots — Nelson grew up in Western Michigan and Mr. Vance in Ohio — and cynical views of Ivy League elitism. 
Nelson, a Tufts University graduate, had received a prestigious Truman scholarship for law school, indicating a desire to work in public service. 
At times, they exchanged messages infrequently. At other times, they would have energetic back-and-forths several times a week. And their talks reflected the history playing out around them — protests against police violence in Ferguson, Mo., the massacre of Black churchgoers in Charleston, S.C., and the 2016 campaign between Mr. Trump and Hillary Clinton. Their conversations were notable not only for Mr. Vance’s harsh comments about Mr. Trump, but also for the tenderness and thoughtful tone in the messages. 
They provide what may be a textbook example of respectful discourse, revealing a cultural willingness by Mr. Vance to accept Nelson’s gender identity, which sharply differs from the anti-L.G.B.T.Q. sentiments evident at the Republican National Convention. 
Nelson, now a public defender in Detroit, said they visited each other’s homes, talked on Zoom during the pandemic and exchanged long emails discussing a range of subjects, from the minutiae of daily life to weighty discussions of current events and public policy issues. Nelson attended Mr. Vance’s wedding in Kentucky in 2014. They pondered doing a podcast together — he suggested they call it “The Lunatic Fringe.”
But Nelson and Mr. Vance had a falling out in 2021, when Mr. Vance said publicly he supported an Arkansas ban on gender-affirming care for minors, leading to a bitter exchange that deeply hurt Nelson. 
“He achieved great success and became very rich by being a Never Trumper who explained the white working class to the liberal elite,” Nelson said, referring to Mr. Vance’s successful 2016 book. “Now he’s amassing even more power by expressing the exact opposite.” 
Now, Nelson, who opposes the Trump/Vance ticket, hopes the emails inform the opinion of voters about Mr. Vance. 
Responding to a request for comment on the emails, Luke Schroeder, a spokesman for the Vance campaign, issued a statement:
“It’s unfortunate this individual chose to leak decade-old private conversations between friends to The New York Times. Senator Vance values his friendships with individuals across the political spectrum. He has been open about the fact that some of his views from a decade ago began to change after becoming a dad and starting a family, and he has thoroughly explained why he changed his mind on President Trump. Despite their disagreements, Senator Vance cares for Sofia and wishes Sofia the very best.”
Charting His Own Path
In 2014, they were both near the beginning of their careers, about a year out of law school. 
Mr. Vance shared that he was planning to buy a house in Washington, D.C., with his wife, Usha, whom he also met at Yale.
The Vances could afford a house in Washington’s highly priced market partly because Mr. Vance was starting a job in Big Law. “Blech,” he wrote then, indicating his distaste for a career he had already decided against. He would remain with the white-shoe firm Sidley Austin for less than two years. 
In the same exchange, Mr. Vance also wrote about his wife’s interviews with justices of the Supreme Court, where she was seeking a clerkship. Mr. Vance worried that her seeming politically neutral, or lack of “ideological chops,” could harm her chances. 
“Scalia and Kagan moved very quickly,” Mr. Vance wrote, referring to Antonin Scalia, the conservative justice who died in 2016, and Elena Kagan, one of the court’s current three liberal justices, “but she was just not going to work out for Scalia.” 
Nelson wrote back, “His homophobic screeds are hard to believe in 2014.” 
“He’s become a very shrill old man,” Mr. Vance responded. “I used to really like him, and I used to believe all of his stuff about judicial minimalism was sincere. Now I see it as a political charade.” 
Mrs. Vance would end up clerking for Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. 
On Cops, Body Cams and Pride Day
Like their conversations, Mr. Vance could be surprising.
In October 2014, in the wake of the killing of Michael Brown, an 18-year-old Black man, by a white police officer in Ferguson, Nelson raised the idea of requiring that police officers wear body cameras. 
“I hate the police,” Mr. Vance said in his response. “Given the number of negative experiences I’ve had in the past few years, I can’t imagine what a Black guy goes through.”
Around the same time, the written conversation turned to a much-discussed essay by Ta-Nehisi Coates in The Atlantic making the case for reparations. Mr. Vance offered that whatever problems he had with reparations, generally, “I have at least been convinced of the virtue of compensating modern victims who’ve suffered redlining or denial of federal benefits.”
By next summer, after a shooting at the Emanuel A.M.E. Church in Charleston, the two were again discussing race. Mr. Vance said he didn’t understand why people “can’t see the connection between this person murdering innocent people and the fact that the Confederate flag — by democratic will — still flies” at the South Carolina Statehouse. “I’m not sure how to wrap my head around it.” (The flag was removed from the Statehouse in Columbia a month later.) 
“I think you’re my only liberal friend with whom I talk openly about politics on a deeper sense,” Mr. Vance wrote. 
In June 2015, Mr. Vance also revealed to Nelson that Jeb Bush’s presidential campaign had offered him a job as senior domestic policy adviser, then reneged, after discovering a negative piece he had written about George W. Bush’s economic policies. (The New York Times reached out to several former advisers to Jeb Bush’s campaign, who could not confirm that there was a job offer.) 
Mr. Vance wrote to Nelson that he was looking forward to getting together for a longer conversation with “some bourbon and puppy dogs by my side.”
In 2015, Mr. Vance moved to California for a new career in the tech industry, one he launched, he suggested, after the Bush episode. 
“It’s possible to view this entire extended foray into the California tech scene as a wound-licking exercise after my brief encounter with American politics,” he wrote.
Living in the Bay Area at the time, on June 28 that year, he wished Nelson “Happy Pride,” adding, “I’m thinking of braving the crowds in S.F. just to people watch.”
After attending the Pride Day parade, he wrote, “It felt more like a frat party than I expected. But still nice to see a lot of happy people.”
Opposing Trump 
By 2015, Mr. Trump’s rise had begun. Mr. Vance’s Yale friends, including Nelson, were not surprised that Mr. Vance, whom they regarded as a moderate Republican, was opposed to Mr. Trump’s candidacy.
Mr. Vance was rooting against Mr. Trump but also said he could not bring himself to vote for Mrs. Clinton. He vowed to cast his ballot for a third-party candidate. 
In December 2015, in emails analyzing the campaign, he wrote that Mr. Trump’s appeal was misunderstood.
“If you look at the polling, the issue where Trump gets the most support is on the economy,” Mr. Vance wrote. “If the response of the media, and the elites of both right and left, are to just say ‘look at those dumb racists supporting Trump,’ then they’re never going to learn the most important lesson of Trump’s candidacy.” 
And he said that he himself saw something in Mr. Trump.
Mr. Vance wrote that he found it exhilarating that the media and Wall Street seemed powerless against Mr. Trump, also suggesting that he partly understood the Trump appeal. 
“If he would just tone down the racism, I would literally be his biggest supporter,” he wrote. 
The next day, on Dec. 9, 2015, the two would again talk race, Mr. Trump and Muslims. 
Nelson wrote that a Muslim friend had said that women wearing hijabs no longer felt safe doing simple things like going to the grocery store. 
Mr. Vance responded, referring to Mr. Trump as a demagogue. 
“I’m obviously outraged at Trump’s rhetoric, and I worry most of all about how welcome Muslim citizens feel in their own country,” he wrote. “And there have always been demagogues willing to exploit the people who believe crazy shit. What seems different to me is that the Republican Party offers nothing that’s as attractive as the demagogue.” 
By 2016, he was touring the country promoting “Hillbilly Elegy,” part memoir and part commentary on the alienation of the white working class, many of whom supported Mr. Trump’s election. “To Sofia, a good friend, a fellow Midwesterner, and, despite being a Godless liberal, a great person,” he would inscribe in Nelson’s copy. 
In September 2016, he shared a piece on implicit bias that he wrote for The New York Times following Mrs. Clinton’s ill-fated “basket of deplorables” comment, thanking Nelson in the email for helping inform his thinking in developing the essay.
“The more white people feel like voting for Trump, the more Black people will suffer. I really believe that,” he wrote.
Not only had Mr. Vance been critical of Mr. Trump for racism, but he also said, “I’ve been very critical of other Repubs for the L.G.B.T.Q. issue, especially Rick Perry,” referring to the former Texas governor. 
In another email a month later, he called Mr. Trump a “disaster,” using a vulgarity, and added, “He’s just a bad man.” 
And then, to the amazement of many Americans, Mr. Trump won. 
Nelson sent Mr. Vance a copy of an article in The Onion, a satirical news site, that suggested liberals were clueless about the country they lived in.
“This is funny. Thank you!” Mr. Vance wrote back. 
“My zany prediction: in 20 years H.R.C. and Paul Ryan will be part of the same party,” he continued, using an abbreviation for Mrs. Clinton. “And you and I will be on the other side.”
In January 2017, he expressed more sober concern.
“I’m deeply pessimistic right now,” he wrote. “I’ve been thinking a lot about the civil rights movement and legislation in the 1960s, and I wonder if our society is healthy enough to accomplish anything of that scale (or even close to it).”
A Political Career Beckons, and a Friendship Unravels
By 2017, Mr. Vance was planning a move back to Ohio. According to Nelson, Mitch McConnell, the Senate Republican leader, had reached out and encouraged him to run as a Republican for Senator Sherrod Brown’s seat.
He kicked the tires of a race as an anti-Trump candidate against a formidable Democratic incumbent and took a pass.
It would be four years later that he would run, this time seeking Mr. Trump’s support, and win the open Ohio seat that would put him in position to be Mr. Trump’s running mate. 
Nelson communicated with the Vances over Zoom early in the pandemic, after their move back to Ohio. Their email correspondence had died down, and Nelson had noted a shift in the tone of Mr. Vance’s social media postings. In April 2021, one particularly stood out. 
On Twitter, Mr. Vance had come out in support of an Arkansas measure banning gender-transitioning care for minors. The bill was ultimately adopted over a veto by Gov. Asa Hutchinson, who had declared it an overreach, before it was overturned by a court ruling. 
“Do you support the AR legislation criminalizing providing medical care to trans kids?” Nelson texted him in April 2021. 
“I do. I recognize this is awkward but I’ll always be honest with you,” Mr. Vance responded. “I think the trans thing with kids is so unstudied that it amounts to a form of experimentation.” 
Nelson wrote back that his position “deeply saddens me.”
“I know I can’t change your mind but the political voice you have become seems so far from the man I got to know in law school,” wrote Nelson, later explaining their position “as a trans person who accessed needed health care so I could live a full life.” 
“I have a 1:30,” Mr. Vance wrote. “I will always love you, but I really do think the left’s cultural progressivism is making it harder for normal people to live their lives.”
It had been a friendship of the special type forged in young adulthood, before the accumulation of life responsibilities and fateful decisions already made. Now, it was over. 
Stephanie Saul reports on colleges and universities, with a recent focus on the dramatic changes in college admissions and the debate around diversity, equity and inclusion in higher education. More about Stephanie Saul
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porcelain-and-paper · 9 months
List of 2024
(constantly updated)
Books 📕📚📖
Julie de Lespinasse - Letters of Mlle. De Lespinasse
Agnieszka Szpila - Heksy
Jerzy Urban - Jajakobyły
Jerzy Jarniewicz - Makijaż
The Age of Innocence [1993]
Human Traffic [1999]
Whiplash [2014]
The Northman [2022]
James Bond No time to die [2021]
The Neon Demon [2016]
Galaxy Quest [1999]
Vampire's kiss [1988]
Jurassic World Dominion [2022]
The Last Night in Soho [2021]
Corsage [2022]
Natural City [2003]
Nobody [2021]
Being John Malkovitch [1999]
The Hudsucker Proxy [1994]
Tick, tick... BOOM [2021]
Babylon [2022]
Grey Gardens [2009]
Lady Bird [2017]
Asteroid City [2023]
Pig [2021]
The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent [2022]
Barton Fink [1991]
Sisu [2023]
Mandy [2018]
District 9 [2009]
Starship Troopers [1997]
Angel Heart [1987]
Scanners [1981]
Studio 54 [1998]
Things to Do in Denver when You're Dead [1995]
Fargo [1996]
Sicario [2015]
Godzilla Minus One [2023]
The Fly [1986]
Factotum [2005]
Story of O [1975]
Adaptation [2002]
Mermaids [1990]
Blade [1998]
Blade II [2002]
Blade: Trinity [2004]
The Royal Tenenbaum [2001]
The Diary of a Teenage Girl [2015]
Magnolia [1999]
Natural Born Killers [1994]
The Lighthouse [2019]
Pulp Fiction [1994]
Go [1999]
Reality Bites [1994]
9 songs [2004]
Interview with a Vampire [1994]
Egoiści (PL) [2000]
Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension [1984]
Heavenly Creatures [1994]
Singles [1992]
Wicker Park [2004]
Dune: Part Two [2024]
The Favourite [2018]
Under the Volcano [1984]
Phantom of the Paradise [1974]
In the mouth of madness [1994]
The Machinist [2004]
Prêt-à-Porter [1994]
Paris, Texas [1984]
Death Wish [1974]
Marnie [1964]
La Strada [1954]
Cover Girl [1944]
Kallafiorr (PL) [1999]
The Last Voyage of Demeter [2023]
The Gentlemen [2019]
The Menu [2022]
Lisbon Story [1994]
The Great Gatsby [1974]
Wyatt Earp [1994]
Gothic [1986]
Climax [2018]
Meg 2: The Trench [2023]
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom [2023]
Soaked in bleach [2015]
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire [2024]
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert [1994]
Pom Poko [1994]
Barbie [2023]
Legends of the Fall [1994]
Rimini [2022]
La femme publique [1984]
Ophelia [2018]
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead [1990]
Near Dark [1987]
Léon: the Professional [1994]
Boyhood [2014]
x [2022]
My Fair Lady [1964]
Blood Simple [1984]
La Reine Margot [1994]
Lisa Frankenstein [2024]
Quiz show [1994]
M for Murder [1954]
Nightcrawler [2014]
Don Juan DeMarco [1994]
Shallow Grave [1994]
5x2 [2004]
Summer of Blood [2014]
It Could Happen to You [1994]
Idiocracy [2006]
Banlieue 13 [2004]
This is Spinal Tap [1984]
Gospel According to Harry [1994]
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga [2024]
Garden State [2004]
Mean Girls [2004]
Eros [2004]
Zardoz [1974]
Little woman [1994]
Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person [2023]
Anatomie d'une chute [2023]
Madame Web [2024]
Flash [2023]
Night of the comet [1984]
Repo Man [1984]
50 first dates [2004]
Along Came Polly [2004]
Altered states [1980]
The Lost Boys [1987]
Society [1989]
Outland [1981]
Club Zero [2023]
Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire [2024]
Once Upon a Time in America [1984]
The Paper [1994]
Buffy the Vampire Slayer [1992]
Basquiat [1996]
China Moon [1994]
Send Me No Flowers [1964]
Heathers [1988]
Beetlejuice [1988]
Series 📺🖥💻
Archer season 14
Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities: Episode 7 The Viewing
Rojst Millenium
3 body problem [Netflix]
The Gentleman
Bridgertones season 3
The Boys season 4
Sausage Party: Foodtopia
The Umbrella Academy season 4
Kleo season 2 [ongoing]
Penguin [onoging]
Scents 🧯🫧🧴
Robert Piquet Bandit
Etat Libre d'Orange Attaquer Le Soleil Marquis De Sade
Natural Blossom Moon Flower
Pani Walewska
Elizabeth Arden Green Tea
Joe Malone Cologne
Joe Malone Earl Gray and Cucumber
The Library of the Fragrance Earl Gray
Current faves 💡🔥🌠
(no particular order)
brutalist, concrete architecture
Helmut Lang collections from 90s but for my everyday I choose Uniqlo and Muji
My all time favorite record is Silence is Sexy by Einstürzende Neubauten, however, honorable mention is reserved for Kruder & Dorfmeister DJ Kicks
Def some 90s nostalgia, as I was born in early 80s and I grew up then
I'm enjoying body horrors more than I wish to admit
incense perfumes
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fmhiphop · 1 year
Raising The Bar: Nas And Tobe Nwigwe Unleash TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE BEASTS Music Video - "On My Soul"
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Nas has cranked up the excitement to a whole new level by teaming up with Tobe Nwigwe and Jacob Banks for their fresh and lively jam called "On My Soul." On the splendid day of May 18, this electrifying track was unleashed via the remarkable Mass Appeal Records, a label co-founded by Nas himself in 2014. And on June 1, Houston rapper Tobe Nwigwe and Nas dropped the music video for "On My Soul,' featured in the epic TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE BEASTS film. Right from the get-go of this soulful masterpiece, Tobe Nwigwe bursts onto the scene with his signature lightning-fast delivery, releasing a barrage of lyrical genius that will leave you mesmerized. Yet there is more to come! Can You Keep Up? The Challenge Of Tobe Nwigwe's Lightning-Fast Delivery As soon as those soulful beats hit, Nwigwe storms in with his trademark rapid-fire delivery, spitting out bars so scorching you'll reach for that rewind button, desperate to savor and unravel every word. It's as if he's a poetry machine gun, blasting out rhymes like bullets, leaving you in awe of his lyrical prowess. Can you keep up? Probably not, unless you've got a time machine! 'On my soul, everybody in the clique strapped, and they all on go Keep a stick, just like branch, papi, but I ain't a troll On my mama, can't nobody out here play me for no ho Guard your grill, guard your grill Ain't nobody out here hard to kill The gat I pack go, "Pap" and peel your cap from front to back.' Nas's Mechanical Flow With a booming chorus belted out by Jacob Banks, Nas kicks it up a notch. He launches into a lightning-fast verse of his own. And he stays true to the script, spitting lyrics that will have you scrunching your face in utter disbelief. How does he manage to keep up that level of intensity? It's like he's on a mission to blow our minds with every line. Are you ready to be blown away by the incredible brilliance? 'Don't slander all the banter Just one answer, I'm an animal I'm just one man, outstandin' though Part wolf, part king, part hannibal Example, proof, I'm built like I'm mechanical On the mic, I'm a cannibal You don't know who I'm family to You don't know my team, you don't know what my mans'll do Turn it up to the maximum, gorillas in the trap.' I had to turn down the volume because this heat almost burned my house down! I guess that means the gorillas got too hot and had to escape the trap! Watch the video below: The Battle For Earth Begins! TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE BEASTS Brings Epic Action! TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE BEASTS roared into action, ready to captivate moviegoers worldwide. But this time, the Autobots are embarking on a thrilling '90s globetrotting adventure that will have you asking, "Where to next?" But with the crazy-fast speeds of the Autobots, you'll be asking, "Where were we?!" We're introducing a brand-new crew of Transformers called the Maximals, joining forces with our beloved Autobots to defend planet Earth. This film was set to rock your world when it hit theaters on June 9, 2023, under the skilled direction of Steven Caple Jr. and starring Anthony Ramos and Dominique Fishback. With an all-star cast, action-packed special effects, and a story of heroic defense, the Maximals and the Autobots will ensure that this summer blockbuster is not one to miss! If you haven't seen the movie yet, get your tickets here. Who Is Tobe Nwigwe? Tobe Nwigwe is a true enigma! His music tells the story of his challenging upbringing in Alief, TX, but it also takes you on a wild journey through the hood. You know, the place where gang violence, drug deals, pimps, and prostitution are all too familiar. But here's the catch: Tobe's music is filled with undeniable authenticity that hits you right in the feels. And despite all the hardships he's faced, he remains a beacon of positivity and kindness. How does he do it? Well, Tobe's songs not only describe shootouts and the heartbreaking loss of childhood friends. They also emphasize the power of faith and the significance of having a purpose in life. It's like he's saying, "Hey, I've been through some tough stuff, but faith and purpose can help you overcome anything." Speaking of purpose, Tobe has a singular goal that drives him every day: to make purpose popular. This first-generation Nigerian kid from Alief had dreams of playing in the NFL, with a college football scholarship and all. But then, fate intervened and handed him a career-ending foot injury during his senior year. Ouch, right? It could have been the end of the road for many people, but not for Tobe. In the depths of his despair, he turned to his faith and discovered a new calling: to teach others how to "move with purpose." Changing Lives Beyond Music Even before Tobe picked up a pen and called himself a rapper, he made an impact. He started a nonprofit foundation called TEAM GINI and began speaking to rooms full of students, enlightening them about the incredible benefits of living a purpose-driven life. Tobe changed lives even before he knew he had the power to move people with his music. And wow, did he succeed! Through constant consistency and flawless execution, Tobe has attracted fans from all corners of the globe. We're talking about big names here, like Erykah Badu, Sway Calloway, and Dave Chappelle. How awesome is that? The next time you listen to Tobe Nwigwe's music, let it take you on a trip through the hood and remind you of the power of belief and purpose. And hey, if Tobe can overcome obstacles with grace and positivity, what's stopping you from doing the same? Written by Nikiya Biggs | LinkedIn | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram Follow and like FMHipHop on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Spotify! Read the full article
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germposting · 1 year
a FRIENDS episode that takes place in 2014:
A plot: joey gets a speaking role as a character on game of thrones that he says is a reoccurring role. chandler and rachel are excited, chandler because hes a nerd who likes the show and the books, and rachel because she has a crush on jon snow. joey offers to take them to set during filming and they both eagerly agree. ross has to admit he hates the show because it’s historically inaccurate, everyone makes fun of him for getting annoyed at a show with dragons because it doesnt have dinosaurs, cue laugh track. joey says he thought dragons were dinosaurs. ross tries defending himself saying that dinosaurs and humans didnt exist together anyway, and that medieval times would’ve been much different. nobody cares. more laugh tracks.
in the B plot, phoebe’s twin sister ursula is a famous vine star and teenagers keep confusing phoebe for her sister. monica tries to become her media manager to capitalize off the success, but phoebe sucks at social media. phoebe gets cancelled instead of ursula and has to deal with the backlash but doesn’t know how to apologize for something she didnt do. monica writes and posts a notes app apology on her behalf that gets her doxxed on twitter.
back to the A plot: it turns out joeys character has two lines and then is killed by a dragon. joey is upset that he dies and then is even more upset when he finds out he doesn’t get to meet or work with an actual dragon. he tries negotiating a bigger plot arc for his character that lasts a whole season, but they don’t go for it. emilia clark and theon greyjoy guest star, rachel tries flirting with theon and bombs. chandler somehow charms emilia into a date. it goes well, but then chandler calls her danaerys during sex and it weirds her out enough to dump him. d&d make a cameo at the end and the audience is forced to clap and cheer despite 90% of them not knowing who those two lanky geeks even are. they are very bad at acting, but they play the laugh track anyway to try and convince you they’re not.
ross is still annoying the entire episode.
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metalsongoftheday · 2 years
Tuesday, March 7: Warrior Soul, “Drugs, God and the New Republic” [ENCORE]
The Today’s Metal Tune tumblr launched March 3, 2014.  To celebrate 9 years of METAL, this week we are revisiting some past favorites, showcasing memorable deep cuts from legendary and semi-legendary acts. A huge THANK YOU to everyone who’s followed, liked, reblogged and commented over the years, there is still a lot more metal to come…
“Drugs, God and the New Republic” had all the elements that made Warrior Soul an exciting proposition in the early '90s: it was a bit metal, a bit hard rock, a bit punk, and like not much else out there at the time.  Naturally, this meant that nobody really knew what to do with them, and over time Warrior Soul became increasingly bitter, and quite frankly, a chore to listen to- without forward momentum, harangues against society can very quickly turn into tilting at windmills.  But before then, Kory Clarke’s seething in unison with the band’s MC5-esque punch rode an ominous groove, giving off an irrepressible vibe of cool that seemingly went away quickly after the initial promise of the alternative metal movement dissipated.
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netflixonyourcouch · 2 years
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So, I don't feel like typing this out a million times for people, so we're going to do this once and then ride into the sunset. 🏇🏿
This actually brings together three separate but highly correlated talking points straight from the Book of Ryan. These are things I've mused about for so many years, that they might as well be like, fundamental laws of the universe or something.
1. Music is only subjective to a point.
This is the argument that many people struggle with. It is often said that music is subjective, meaning, everyone is going to see it differently. Yes, to a point. "Subjective" means that you can debate who's the better rapper, Tupac or Biggie.
But OBJECTIVELY, Tupac and Biggie are both great rappers! That is absolutely not up for debate.
So when I see petty arguments from the peanut gallery like, "Who are these people?" or "this lineup is so mid," I get bothered every time.
Which brings us to argument 2.
2. People don't know music anymore.
No really, they don't. Take it from me, I actually like music, and it's a struggle for me to keep up with everything I should. Lol, inevitably, my friends come to me because they expect me to know music and I've fallen behind so much that every other band is someone I've never heard of. So I can only imagine what the average person is dealing with here.
The Coachella lineup is headlined by Bad Bunny, Blackpink and Frank Ocean, three of the biggest names in music period. There is a large amount of people completely unfamiliar with 2 out of the 3 - again - biggest names in music.
This is going to segway into argument #3.
3. Algorithms are the antithesis of having taste.
Before Spotify took over, the primary means of finding music was through radio and music videos. This is especially relevant with the idea that you'd be exposed to something that you've never heard before. Like, if you were a fan of hip-hop in the 90s, there's still no way you could have escaped the absolute culture shift of Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit."
If Nirvana came out today, they might be relegated to a "Grunge Gems!" playlist on Spotify, featuring other similar grunge bands, and the average algorithm stan would only be able to find Nirvana if they were to click on that playlist.
This is not how music discovery is meant to work. Algorithms only ensure that they keep feeding you the things you like, but not necessarily spontaneously expose you to stuff that you don't know you're going to like until you try it. Nirvana ain't showing up on the "daily mix" of a hip-hop fan. And Biggie and Tupac wouldn't be popping up on the Nirvana fan's daily mix.
Does that make sense?
I was telling Leslie this as it pertains to Netflix, back in 2014. People always talk about "browsing" Netflix for something to watch. Fam, I'm not "browsing" Netflix at all. I'm going in with a TV show or movie I already have IN MIND to watch and not simply picking through their offerings. It's like only eating at a food court for the rest of your life. You're only going to get the food that the food court offers. You're not making your own food or trying any diverse cuisine. The restaurants might shuffle out every once in a while, but you're still at mercy of the food court.
In some twisted way, it's like the allegory of The Cave, which means if you stared at shadows your whole life and didn't realize what was making the shadows was actually behind you, you're only going to know the shadows as your lived-in reality. Nobody can tell you otherwise.
And people are at the mercy of the algorithms basically. Algorithms are reality for many people! They are not able to see that behind the shadows of the algorithms is something that can be curated manually.
The future of algorithm-based service HAS to be something to the effect of a "surprise me" button, that shows you something radically outside the shadows that you've seen your whole life, completely untargeted that's still relevant in the grand scheme of tastemakers (such as myself) around the world. This will avoid the feedback loop of only being shown stuff that's just closely related to your own biased opinion. And that very thing is the magic of life - being able to explore completely different flavors of things that you've never been exposed to before.
That's all I got man. To sum things up short and sweet:
Be very wary of people who comment on festival lineups that have objectively good (and diverse!) lineups on them. They might actually be telling on themselves. Today's climate is people who don't really know music like that, as knowing music requires a lot of time and attention and that has kind of fallen out of fashion recently. They cling to what is familiar to them and seeing names they don't know causes discomfort and causes a bit of cognitive dissonance. A big driver of this change is algorithms that only cater to what you like, but don't expose you to culturally shifting/relevant artists outside of your own taste.
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Best Stock Assets to Bring in Cash Putting resources into a Terrible Financial exchange
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Anybody can bring in cash putting resources into stocks or stock (value) assets in a decent financial exchange - yet scarcely any bring in cash putting resources into a terrible market. In the event that 2014 as well as 2015 turn revolting, there's somewhat "secret" about the best stock finances you ought to be aware assuming you are into stock financial planning.
I contended in the last CNBC global stock financial planning challenge and beat 99.9% of the opposition. This was in late 2011, and the field of contest included about around 50% of 1,000,000 venture portfolios (attempting to win the $1 million first award). The market endured a shot, and that is the very thing I was wagering on… so I stacked up on the most ideal stock supports that anyone could hope to find at that point. Secret: You don't bring in cash putting resources into values (stocks) by attempting to pick champs in a terrible market. You bring in cash by wagering against the market. Also, that is the very thing I did, exploiting all the monetary influence the challenge would permit. Most financial backers don't realize that you can wager on the disadvantage.
With the market UP around 150% since the lows of 2009, the years 2014 and 2015 could mean something bad for stock financial planning and financial backers who figure they can pick champs. In a BEAR market By far most of stocks fall and the greatest victors of yesterday turned into the present large washouts. Enough said. Fortunately nowadays the method involved with wagering against the market is less difficult than any time in recent memory. All you want is an investment fund with a significant markdown specialist. Then, at that point, the best stock assets to bring in cash putting resources into stocks in a terrible market are accessible to you at an expense of about $10 an exchange. Have a pick this site Stock market Online Training in Telugu
These best stock assets are designated "reverse value" reserves. Basically expressed, they are record finances called ETFs (trade exchanged assets) and they exchange very much like some other offers do. To consider going all in, I'll give you a model. The image SDS is a wagered that the market (as estimated by the S&P 500 File, which addresses the 500 greatest, most popular partnerships in America) will FALL in esteem. On the off chance that the financial exchange (the S&P 500 File) falls 1% in a day, SDS ought to increase 2% (backwards influence of 2 to 1). If the market overall falls half in 2014 or potentially 2015, the cost of SDS ought to increase 100 percent (a twofold).
During the economic crisis of the early 20s of the 1930s, a few financial backers got rich as the market disentangled. In 2000-2002 and again in 2007-2009, the market failed and a few people got rich by "short selling" or taking a "short position"… by wagering against the market. Today, taking a short position is simpler than at any other time… and, surprisingly, the typical financial backer can do it with backwards value ETFs. You just get them and trust the financial exchange falls. Then, at that point, you attempt to time it so you sell them for a clean benefit assuming it does. In the days of yore the most common way of undercutting was somewhat more included.
More often than not stock financial planning is worthwhile, yet like clockwork it gets terrible. You won't ever bring in cash putting resources into stocks consistently. Nobody does, and not even the best stock supports looking for the best organizations to claim come close… since they are intended to wager on the potential gain. At the point when the tide for values goes out, somewhere around 90% of stocks exchanged are failures. To beat the financial exchange you must know when to hold them and know when to crease them. To bring in cash putting resources into stocks you've additionally got to know when to short them.
These best stock assets for a terrible market (converse value reserves) are NOT for normal financial backers who are putting away cash for retirement latently. These are unquestionably the best stock assets for the individuals who need to play the securities exchange game effectively (with effortlessness) to do all that can be expected. Stock financial planning is a major piece of the game to give your cash something to do and make it develop. In the event that you can bring in cash putting resources into stocks in the terrible years you'll be Far On the ball. However, it will demand a few investment and consideration on a continuous premise.
Taking a gander at 2014 and 2015, I feel that the party might be finished. Assuming you are vigorously into stock financial planning versus securities and safe ventures, I recommend you forget about some cash. To be more forceful and attempt to bring in cash putting resources into stocks in what could be a terrible market I propose checking opposite value assets out. The monetary influence they offer is 2 or 3 to one. You can get more influence than that with investment opportunities called PUTS, however these can be a lot less secure… since here you pay a premium for time and at last they Lapse on a given date and can become useless.
What I'm calling the best stock assets for a terrible securities exchange don't lapse. They are basically stock list finances on steroids that move inverse in cost to the financial exchange overall. I propose you start by exploring different avenues regarding SDS before you attempt to bring in cash financial planning by going "short" part of your speculation procedure for 2014 and then some. On the off chance that you observe that you are not happy playing the short side - you can continuously sell and get out.
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longbestof · 2 years
Hindsight lyrics
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Nothing Else Matters broke Metallica to the mainstream in a way that has endured for decades. It’s hard to imagine early-90s Metallica being intimidated by anything, particularly given the legendary status of the Black Album as one of the best-selling rock/metal records of all-time. “I had to relearn that whole intro part to play by myself onstage, which was a little bit intimidating for me at that point.” “We kept putting it in the set and taking it out until we were certain we were actually able to play it,” Hammett told Village Voice in 2014. How could such a huge song not make it into the set? Because guitarist Kirk Hammett was worried about fucking it up, the song marking a rare time where James Hetfield handled all guitar parts in the studio. Nothing Else Matters has subsequently provided the emotional crescendo to many a Metallica show – making it all-the-more surprising that it didn’t see its live debut until the band played the Riverfront Coliseum in Cincinnati on March 2, 1992. While not as successful as lead single Enter Sandman, Nothing… still surpassed its predecessor The Unforgiven by making it to #34 on the Billboard Hot 100, #6 in the UK and even #1 in Lars’ homeland of Denmark. Sticks and stones couldn’t hope to hurt the behemoth Metallica had become however and nor could the banning of its music video on MTV during the daytime (thanks to some racy posters spotted in the background of the video’s studio footage). Now, I like Metallica but I hate metal ballads, don't you?” As NME put it at the time, “ Enter Sandman kicks ass! Sad But True kicks God ass! Nothing Else Matters is … balladified! Icky icky! And it's their new single. Back when the record had come out, a power ballad was near guaranteed chart-gold – Bryan Adams’ (Everything I Do) I Do it For You spent 16 weeks at the top of the UK singles chart for Christ’s sake – but the enormous success of Smells Like Teen Spirit coupled with an alt-rock and grunge boom meant power ballads were suddenly very, very passé. I’m very proud of that."īy the time Nothing Else Matters came out as the Black Album’s third single on April 20, 1992, the music industry was weaning itself off the power ballad. Dentists loved the Black Album! There was a musical transition when the album came out and it changed radio, because that heavy sound was now on the radio I don’t think I’ve made a record that had done that before. “It actually changed something culturally,” Rock said to Reverb in 2017. 5,000,000 copies of Metallica were sold in the US in that first year alone, the record spending four consecutive weeks at the top of the Billboard 200 while the band became a bona fide phenomenon. The band didn’t always see eye-to-eye with Rock during the recording sessions for the Black Album, but nobody could argue with the results when it was released on August 12, 1991. With composer Michael Kamen taking care of the orchestral arrangements, Nothing Else Matters was now a stirring, potent power ballad with immense emotional depth. With the benefit of hindsight – and YouTube – the early version possessed the song’s characteristic emotional depth and fragility, but also lacked the sense of enormity that would ultimately turn it into a stadium-filling anthem.įor that, they could thank producer Bob Rock, fresh from producing Mötley Crüe’s chart-topping Dr Feelgood, who had a few ideas on how they could expand their sound, suggesting they add an orchestral component to the song for an extra touch of grandiosity. Initial reservations aside, Nothing Else Matters was one of four songs the band demoed for their self-titled fifth record on August 13, 1990. (Image credit: Time Life Pictures/DMI/The LIFE Picture Collection via Getty Images)
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greysrabbit · 2 years
Davinci resolve lite reduce noise
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Davinci resolve lite reduce noise full version#
Davinci resolve lite reduce noise software#
Thanks for the great (and honest) feedback - a few quick answers/responses:ġ -Kickstarter is a good choice for us, and we thought long and hard about doing it. And since they were the best to begin with (as is probably also true of Dark Energy), nobody even considers any other program these days if their doing grading for real. They should take a look at what BlackMagic did with Resolve - slashed the price by more than 90% and GAVE the crippled version away for FREE. Labs doing film restoration - dedicated, small-to-medium businesses with proper funding - are clearly their main customers, and cinnafilm are afraid to branch out.
Davinci resolve lite reduce noise software#
And when you consider that their asking 333$ for a plug in that might arrive in 2014, versus the 300$ or so you could spend on Neat Video + Film Convert right now - programs that work on both Mac and PC, compatible with almost any NLE or Motion Graphics software - it doesn't seem like such a grand deal.Īnd when you further consider that this Dark Energy plug-in is a crippled version of their flagship product, with all sorts of developer-introduced drawbacks (no resolution above 2K, Single GPU only etc.), it seems like they just aren't willing to go mainstream with Dark Energy.
Davinci resolve lite reduce noise full version#
Considering that one of the main limitations of the lite version of Resolve is that it lacks the noise reduction features (and the high-resolution capabilities) of its big brother, adding the Dark Energy plugin to Resolve Lite could potentially make for one of the most powerful noise reduction/ color correction combinations at a fraction of the cost of the full version of Resolve.Īm I the only one here who thinks their 100k goal is wildly optimistic? I'm sure it's some of the best noise reduction available, but their program has a very specific purpose for a very small subset of people. Personally, I think that a noise reduction plugin as powerful and versatile as Dark Energy could add additional value to programs like Avid and Resolve Lite. The folks over at Cinnafilm have just started a Kickstarter campaign to port Dark Energy over to the OFX platform so that it can be used in programs like DaVinci Resolve, Nuke, and Avid. However, at this point in time, Dark Energy is only available as an AE plugin (and only on the PC). Most notably, Shane Hurlbut turned to Dark Energy in order to make the Canon 5D Mark II shine for Act of Valor, and high-end production companies around the world rely on Dark Energy for everything from noise reduction for green screen keying to film grain emulation. Cinnafilm's Dark Energy plugin for After Effects is arguably one of the best noise reduction and grain emulation tools on the market today.
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