#this suck cause kr-bk could be a greatt ship
i-actually-never · 4 years
I think I finally get why the tod-deku ship bothers me sm (and some times the kir-baku or some ships with bakugou) don’t get me wrong in these ships they have great shared character growth and build each other up in those ships and I probably appreciate them more if this issue thing didn’t exist. Its the fact that both of these ships have a tendency to put Bakugou’s and izuku’s characters in a different boxes. 
With tddk it is easy to put Izuku as a distressed damsel thats victim to Bakugou whos normally portrayed as this messed up character with some variety of a borderline villainous trait. Or they leave out his character completely or at the very least make it seem like him and izuku dont interact at all cause shippers don’t want his personality anywhere near that ship.
Izuku never acted like a victim, he didn’t just submit to bakugous aggressiveness. He definitly was effected by his situation and he was weaker than him as well but he’s never allowed bakugous personality to break him or stop him from his goals. Bakugou in turn does not have a bad personality, he’s made some bad choices growing up but him being prideful about being strong does not make him a bad person or an idiot. 
overall ships with bakugou  rarly with bkdk but mainly other students and esp krbk shippers do a few things. Try to tame him or try to depict his personality as something fake. Idk if this is news but personalities in emotional situations tend to reveal the truth of the person. Katsuki’s tried very hard to repress his timid emotions for the sake of being strong but its pretty clear he can show how he feels. He literally smiles all the time when he’s fighting, he loves it he loves the feeling of victory. Yeah so showing his personality as some sort of front for his ‘real feelings’ just isn’t right because when it comes to it he internalizes and processes feelings then comes to a conclusion of how to react to them. I’m not too bothered by that tho its easy to misread him internalizing and being unable to word his feelings as him hiding his emotions. 
The real problem comes with the shipping for the sake of taming him like okay literally tho if you go into a relationship with this in mind this will hurt someone. Personalities are beautiful and different and trying to mold bakugou into a more socially acceptable character is just messed up. Can you imagine you S/O trying to change you because they think you talk too bluntly or tell you your face seems too angry, or they tell you to behave cause they think your personality will ruin the setting. I can’t be the only one who gets mad about this when somebody depicts this cause his personality is not a flaw.
As if being an ignorant aggressive child or having a bold personality qualifies him as an unchangeable and horrible person that should be ignored or fixed by someone. Just let him be himself and let him have his weird rivalry with Deku.
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