#this song was my favourite song in all of kpop until 2020 when Answer was released
maximura · 1 year
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Vintage Favourites of a Vocal God: Baekhyun in Overdose, EXO (May 2014)
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countdown-to-love · 3 years
*✧・゚:* P1ece Tag Game *✧・゚:*
Since some of you said they want to see my answers too (@momobani, @tranquilpetrichor and @nfly5), I will do this as well!! (I say this as if I’m not super happy about a chance to freely rant about these boys kasdjlfkas)
My answers are under the cut, cause this got a bit long :’)
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1. Since when have you been a P1ece?
Since predebut! Like... August 2020 or so? I know that as soon as information about the members started releasing I was like “I NEED to stan the FNC babies!!”
2. What made you decide to stan P1H?
Their logo performance, because I was really impressed by their dance skills when I first watched that only a few days after it was released! But also being a Fantasy made me want to adopt SF9′s little brothers :’) I just didn’t expect I’d call them my ult group a year later ;;
3. Who is/are your bias(es)? Is your first bias still your current bias? If not, who was it before that?
Intak. And technically I was going to bias Theo at first but that.. never really happened kasjdflksa so yeah, my first bias is still my current bias^^
4. Your favourite era so far?
Oof... I think I’ll have to go with the current era, simply because I have high hopes for them and I’m looking forward to see all the content we’ll get this era!!
5. Your favourite title track/MV?
Siren forever ✊😌 I still remember the first time I heard it and I was sooo blown away by their vocal skills??? Their performance skills??? The way this song is probably one of the best debuts in kpop imo???? And how this group is this good and harmonious already when it’s only their debut??? Wow, I actually got chills thinking about all of this again now... 
(Ok but tbh Scared and DILT are impressive too... they started off so well and just keep getting better!!!)
6. Your fav P1H choreo?
Peacemaker. I’d have probaby chosen smth else but somehow when I saw them perform this at the showcase it legit made me cry. It’s just so nice to see this group who did mostly very strong concepts so far to also be able to dance like that and to put so much emotion behind their moves??? Another pleasant surprise by the piwons....
7. Your fav b-sides?
That’$ Money, Before the Dawn, Ayaya, That’s It, If You Call Me. Honestly I love all their songs, and I could add on to this list until it’s almost their full discography, but I think I’ll leave it at these 5. 
8. Your fav cover of theirs?
The Then, Now and Forever cover, anyone?? Keeho’s All Of Me cover? Their Billie Eilish performance???? Maniac?? I don’t think I can just choose one tbh??? Keeho and Theo doing Needy?? Intak just covering the entirety of Resonance?? 
If I was forced to choose I’d probably say Maniac though, but really, everything they cover is so good because they really manage to put a part of themselves into these songs, and I keep rewatching all their covers every once in a while!!
9. Any P1H video you keep coming back to?
Probably the Maniac cover? I love it, and also it has something really calming to me so ;; (also Theo’s “You maniac” is still kinda hot, don’t even try to convince me otherwise kadsjfklas)
10. Have you watched their little STAGE + performances? What’s your favourite?
I have seen all of them... multiple times aksjödfklsa I think my favourites have got to be this and this. Just.... watch and let them speak for themselves. They really are a group full of main and lead dancers, istg
11. Your favourite Saessak Harmony episode? (If you haven’t seen any, I highly recommend!!!)
The first one? Where they have to remember that nursery rhyme jsadkfasdlj but also ep. 5 where they get drenched in water whenever they say a forbidden word :’)
Honestly I love all of Saessak Harmony though, and their other series too!! It’s really nice to see them become more open and joke around more from one show to the other!
12. Most iconic P1H tiktok in your opinion? (Again, if you haven’t seen any, please go watch them, these boys istg-)
Soul’s tiktok where he pours an ungodly amount of jam into his yoghurt? and Soul with the shoe.... and in general everything Soul does akldsjöfkas
Also I love the one with Jiung and Intak and the sausage.... idk how to explain this better but I remember watching this during my early P1ece days and just finding it so irrationally funny fkldjssfkl 
I could add on to this list until forever too but,,, I shall have self control for once in my life :’)
13. A P1H moment you love? (Or several, if you’re indecisive like me)
New Broccoli.
14. Is there anything they’ve helped you with/you learned from them?
There are way too many things tbh? I think there’s a lot you can learn from them, and I guess every member has something different to teach. 
One thing, for example, is that Soul’s personality and the way he acts reminds me a bit of how I acted back in school? And looking back on myself I used to be ashamed of being the “weird kid”, but seeing him being his weird self so confidently and being loved for it I started thinking that maybe the way I used to be wasn’t so wrong after all.
15. A concept you want to see them do in the future?
A happy summer concept!!! Also something elegant like SF9′s Tear Drop in the far future? Because I’m sure they could pull it off and also I like death :)
16. A collab you’re hoping for?
SF9 Juho making a song for them! Also maybe a collab with N.Flying? I feel like these two groups would work well together^^
17. Fav member combination from the partner vlives?
This is a really tough question kaljdfkas I remember watching Keeho and Theo building those marshmallow structures and then setting the poor marshmallows on fire. That was fun :’). But Jiung and Intak also have a very wholesome dynamic, and their dance lives are,,,,,, a lot.
18. Fav lyric if you have one?
I wrote this question with a line in mind tbh kasdöjflkas
“난 사랑의 빵을 크게 부풀려” from If You Call Me (which roughly translates to “I raise the bread of love”) because it sounds really cute and also how do you even come up with that jskdlfsa in general I love the lyrics to this song because of its backstory!! 
Unfortunately I haven’t looked into p1h lyrics as much as I want to yet, but from what I can catch and understand while listening, they have a lot of very creative lyrics and they seem to think about how to phrase what a lot!
19. Fav vocal, rapper and dancer? (I know, I know, these are all super hard questions...)
Fav vocal is Keeho, fav dancer is Intak, fav rapper.... who am I to choose...?
20. The moment you fell in love with your bias?
Right here. (((But also bold of anyone to assume I’m not still falling in love with him a bit more each day, just watching him exist.)))
21. A member you can’t help but get wrecked by?
Jiung... but like... because he’s so ksjflsajfksf adorable??? And I love everything about him so much and he is also just a very relatable introvert akdjfklas 
22. Something you love about each member? (Can be one thing or a whole rant, whatever you feel like^^)
Okay, here we go, some random things I love about everyone!
Keeho: His voice!!! How confident and handsome he is (which is funny because with him I went from “visually not my type” to “HE! IS! SO! HANDSOME!!!!”). The way he still manages to continuously give his members a culture shock with some of the things he does and says :’). How outspoken he is. How he’s not afraid to stand up for himself and his beliefs. The way he feels like P1eces’ best friend. His jokes and humor!! The way he adores the other members so obviously and shows that every chance he gets. How whiny and embarrassed he sometimes gets when things aren’t going his way afjakjadkfa. The way he always makes sure to translate things to english as much as he can, so the international fans who don’t speak korean can understand what’s happening too! 
Theo: Again, his voice!! The way I feel like he can do anything he sets his mind to. How he improves his dancing so fast!!! And even though his singing was already really good to begin with, it feels like he’s also still continuously improving in that area! His humor too - the way he does not miss a beat when it’s about roasting his members (especially Keeho). The way he goes absolutely crazy when anyone even remotely mentions Big Bang :’). What a fun and open person he really is once he lets you in. The way he overcame his fear of cameras and how brightly he shines on stage now!! The Shocked Theo Face™. How he won’t hesitate to make fun of himself too, if it’s for the sake of entertainment (like when he drew himself as a bird in his self introduction). Drink Rice (his jokes are just my favourite kind of humor).
Jiung: His smile!!! His face!!! His expressions!!! Everything!!! Choi Jiung perfect boi!! How sweet his voice sounds (I know I know I say I love his voice about everyone but I really do love all their voices so much???). What a warm-hearted person he is. How he does everything at his own pace. How much thought he puts into everything. The way he can come up with a well thought out freestyle dance on the spot??? How in tune with himself he seems. His sincerity. Have I mentioned he makes me feel very warm inside? The way it’s obviously hard for him to express affection but he still does his best to let the other members and his fans know how much he appreciates and loves them. The songs he makes and always plays for fans in his vlives! His impersonations of everything, including a cockroach?? The way he talks. How he bursts out into the brightest, biggest laughter.
Intak: I don’t even know where to start?? His confidence, his passion, and the way he radiates it. The way he dances. How he manages to have his feelings on display when he dances. The way he talks. His pronunciation is so nice to listen to for some reason? The way he writes his lyrics. How he always makes sure to choose just the right words when he explains how he feels about something. Just the way he’s an absolute mess sometimes. His fuckboi antics?? But also what a genuinely sweet person he is? The way he takes care of himself and of others. The Big Brother Energy™ that he radiates when he’s with 05-line, but Soul especially? His expressions. How playful he can be, especially in the way he raps. But also what an absolute softie he is? His fire!
Soul: The dancer this boy is!! The unreal control he has over his own body and his movements. How relatable he is when the others are talking over each other in korean and he has no idea what’s going on anymore so he just kinda sits there and smiles :’). His angelic vocals that I hope we will get to hear more often in the future;;. The way he just lives for himself and for his passion for performing. How he doesn’t seem to afraid even a little bit, despite living far away from home and in a country where he doesn’t speak the language perfectly yet. The way he’s so unapologetically himself. His humor!!! His completely fucked up humor!!! The weird things he does and the strange answers he comes up with. He lives in his own sphere and I just admire him for everything he is and stands for. 
Jongseob: His maturity. I lovelovelove his flow when he raps! Also have you seen him dance? Like have you seen him??? He seems like such a sweet kid and his smile is one of the prettiest I’ve seen. The way he thinks so deeply about his words, this is something I noticed during their debut showcase and I’ve loved about him ever since! How his experience on stage shows whenever he performs. ASMR king!! How he’s such a nice and smiley boy, but when it’s about exposing his members he gets ready to kill lol (like that one time when Keeho owed everyone coffee but hadn’t bought it yet). Sits like an anime girl?? His lightness he puts behind everything he does!! How easily embarrassed he gets. In general, when he’s being all professional and confident in front of a camera and then something happens that makes his shy side jump out for a little while.
23. Something you love about being a P1ece?
Being able to support six very talented and kind young people!! Also that it’s still a relatively small fandom. Small fandoms are really comfortable to me, because there’s barely any big fanwars or other troubles among the fans, and it feels very familiar. I also love watching our boys grow, and they’re the first group I’ve been stanning since predebut, so it feels like I really get to walk their whole journey as idols with them, and that’s kinda nice^^
Bonus: Anything P1Harmony-related that you want to recommend to your (non-P1ece) followers or to new P1eces?
If you can and want to afford it - they did a little series of interviews with Wonderwall during Scared era. Those are fun to watch, and give you some deep insight into their working and thought process, and it gets pretty personal at times. Also not to shamelessly self-promote here, but,,,, *glances at my content guides* (I try to put every video of theirs that I can find in there, so there might be stuff you haven’t seen yet and want to check out^^)
And then also this, because the world needed it, and the first part makes me cry because it’s so beautiful and also how dare anyone even think about covering my favourite Taemin song.
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I already tagged a bunch of people on my original post, but if you come across this and haven’t been tagged yet, feel free to make your own post and answer the questions too!!! I’m always happy to see P1eces gushing about our boys;;
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haechanitboy · 4 years
questions tag!
tagged by; @shawtythatsyou; thank you!! uwu
rules; answer 10 questions, make 10 questions, tag 10 people! 
1. if you had the entire world’s attention for 1 minute, what would you say?
if you’re a bigot i’ll eat your kneecaps. jk but i’d say to just try putting yourself in other people’s shoes and treat others the way you want to be treated!
2. which idol is your spirit animal?
hmm uh either mark or johnny!
3. your ideal day off?
i write a buuuuunch with intermittent dance parties and yummy snacks! when i’ve tired myself out, i watch a bunch of funny movies and videos that make me laugh until i cry :D
4. soty for 2020? (from the ones that have come out yet)
oh boy i don’t think i can pick one!! i’m gonna,,, i’m gonna say basquiat by pentagon!
5. what can you can talk about for hours on end?
my cats asjfjsfdgs i love them so much
6. any hobby that you had, but don’t get the time to practice anymore?
i used to knit :( i plan to use that really fat yarn and arm knit myself a blanket one day hopefully!!
7. favourite (non - kpop) artist(s)?
oooh uh i love megan thee stallion and tori kelly and lately i like lauv!!
8. what genre would the movie on your life be? who’d play you?
it’d be a comedy hopefully with some romance in there 👀 ummmm good question bc i can’t think of any actresses that i look like :p 
9. if you could have an endless supply of one thing, what would it be?
i almost said boba like a fool but then i realized. money can be used to acquire goods and services so i’m gonna say money!!
10. which song would be the soundtrack of your life?
hmmmmmmm you stumped me i can’t think of a song that encompasses my emotional rollercoaster!!
my questions;
1. who was your very first bias in all of kpop?
2. tell me about your first childhood crush!
3. out of all your hyperfixations, what’s been your most cringeworthy?
4. who’s your favorite youtuber?
5. what’s something you’ve always wanted to try? (it can be a food, an activity, any way you interpret this is valid!)
6. what’s your happiest moment?
7. if you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be?
8. what do you think your best quality is?
9. what’s something you love to shop for?
10. what genre do you most like to read in fics? to write? 
tagging; @okmingyu, @lovingyong, @minghaoss, @gentledreaming, @gohyuck, @moonlit-jeno, @jaemallow, @wongyuism, @nanasarea, @fydream !!!
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