#this one is kinda basic cuz its just stars but akjfakbf they deserve a non [like classical music] wedding too!!!!!!!!!!
thebrandywine ¡ 10 months
Nyohoho~ 78 + Chreon for the drabble meme? :3
Starman by Garbage!
Leon is laughing, loud and happy. The two of them are swinging around on the makeshift dance floor, alternating between maintaining distance and holding each other close as they sway. There's a cool breeze and everyone else has gone home, just the two of them left as they dance alone under the blooming stars of late April. It was a hell of a wedding. Everyone they love had been there, even those satellite relations that they see all too rarely. There had been tears of joy from the guests, laughter, semi-drunken toasts into a squealing, rented microphone that none of them had really known how to work. Now, though, it's just them.
Chris pulls Leon in again, the man in stitches after a bit too much champagne, grinning widely as Chris nuzzles close and presses a kiss to his neck. They settle like that for a long while, swaying from side to side as Leon scratches the back of Chris's neck, as Chris enfolds the man in his arms, never wanting to let him go.
"First day of the rest of our lives, right?" Leon says. He presses a hard kiss to Chris's temple, says, "Jesus. Never thought that..."
The wind picks up again and they both shiver, their jackets cast aside hours ago when the sun had still been high and they'd gotten sweaty from exertion and alcohol. Leon curls closer and Chris lifts his head up to look at the sky as the clouds are blown away. Moonlight blooms over them, the full weight of that celestial body bearing down on them, lighting the yard in full. It's a full moon tonight, which is some kind of luck-- Chris has always loved the sky, the stars, how looking up can always make him feel so cosmically small. He's sure that there's some kind of meaning to it beyond that, but to him it's just beautiful, and he's glad that they have it tonight of all nights.
"Want to go in?" he asks.
Leon grabs his hand and they separate, Leon walking backwards toward the house, moonlight glinting off his eyes and making him look like something more than human. "Ready if you are, Mister Redfield."
Grins grins, sick with how full his heart is. After a choked moment, he manages, "After you, Mister Redfield."
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