#this one bit had me more emotional than i thought i was gonna be ngl
mygeekcorner · 2 months
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I can't believe the final chapter is finally here
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helluvapurf · 4 months
*deep breathes* Sooo, those last couple mins from the latest "Full Moon" ep... lets talk about that🍵🍵
Welp, here it is folks... the ep that finally gave us that hyped up "Asmodeon crystal" exchange teased at in the S2 Pt. 2 trailer. And... hooooo boi, I have formed so. many. thoughts. upon rewatching that scene a few times. Some that are... kiiiinda on the rant-y spectrum the more I lingered on 'em, so how bout I share them here lmao
Fair warning in advance, this maaaaay not be particularly "nice" to Stolas in these rambling thoughts, so if anyone out there's a big Stolas(+itz) fan... yall might wanna skip reading ahead- lol .w.;;
Okay, so to start things off on a (semi?) positive note, the animation & lighting here is quite beautiful to look at. The glittery curtains, the shine in Blitz's eyes throughout his shifting emotions, even the shots of that one broken chandelier (which I thiiink might've been the same one him & Stolas played under as kids?) was a neat bit of symbolism ngl.
Props to Brandon Rogers as well for his voice-performance on Blitz here cause... gawd did it hit me in the heart how much hurt you feel from his yelling ;-;💔
Curious to see more of the use of Blitz's new Asmodeon crystal in future adventures (esp from that one shot in the trailer w/ him using the portal effects against the DHORK crew), it looks cool~ ✨👍
....ummmm, ok I think that about covers my positives atm. Onto the problems I have with this exchange:
Stolas... okay, you were this close to actually doing a good job ending the Full Moon deal. Admitting to how "wrong" the transaction part of their dynamic was, allowing Blitz more "freedom" via-the crystal (that could also help avoid any legal issues that the Grimoire gave), even wishing him good luck with his I.M.P. business as the night drew to a close... ...buuuuut then Stolas just had to muddle everything up by his whole "even tho you don't have to be with me, I want you with me if you want it~🥺" ...which honestly came off selfish to me than anything else?? Like, dude... if you really ARE regretful of how long you let this deal go for, and truly DO want to let Blitz go... you CAN'T throw in such sappy, lovey-dovey words on top of that?? Otherwise, how can one blame Blitz for getting as confused & flustered as he was throughout that convo... you've basically just sent even more mixed-messages in the grand scheme of things, my dude-🤦‍♀️
"I have wanted you for SO long, the fact that you couldn't believe that I might have these feelings about you, that your first instinct is that its always about sex..." ...Ummmmm Stolas... did you seriously forget HOW this whole deal of yall's started?? 🤨 Waaaay back in the initial-series pilot, to the first official ep, and pretty much the majority of Season 1:
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As far as I checked, Blitz wasn't the one who kept making everything about sex... that. was all. YOU. 😒Heck, literally one of the first things you told Blitz upon reuniting as adults in "The Circus", was that you expected he wanted to "ravish" you-
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-so like, get outta here with the whole pushing-the-perv-responsibility-bs onto Blitz... you ain't helping your case >>
Finally... like, it was already getting bad enough by the point of Blitz begging & pleading out of fear he'd lose his livelihood without the book, AND not being allowed space to breathe after getting further pushed away (and thus, more pissed off-)... but THEN on top of all this, Stolas just haaaaad to throw in this lil gem: "Blitz... I think so very highly of you. I didn't realize you think so low of me..." ...Stolas, with all due respect... stfu with that lousy, last-minute uwu-ing self-pity party crap😑Just because you TRIED to show more attentive care & concern post-"Ozzie's", outside of the typical bedroom stuff... that ain't gonna prove shit if you're not gonna be consistent with it. Where was that "high opinion" of Blitz during the two of you getting stuck in the sitcom set during "Seeing Stars", when Blitz was having that panic attack performing live, where all you ended up doing was... just hitting on him/praising his bedroom skills again?? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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Like... couldn't you have just, I dunno... TRY to actually cheer him up/comfort him like an actual friend, would? Encourage him on his jokes, "just be yourself", promising another way out of there on his own merit... literally, anything could've worked fine and it wouldn't have come off so skeezy imho >>;;
...*sighs* so, yeah... thats basically what I had to get off my chest regarding the ending of "Full Moon". Honestly, had the writers actually committed to Stolas cutting off Blitz (even if harsh), giving the crystal with no strings, then going about their separate ways afterwards, I would've been totally fine with the scene tbh. But all this... odd lowkey-blaming of Blitz thrown in, the sappy words, and Stolas not once actually-apologizing during all this (Like, literally I checked and the only utterance of "sorry" seemed to come from Blitz's end before he got kicked out... for what, I dunno- 🤷‍♀️). Sorry for the length btw, but hopefully that about covers my thoughts on the matter-
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mixterglacia · 4 months
YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. I don't like this show, and I don't pretend to. Full transparency, I'm meaner in this then any before now. This is also slightly more disjointed than normal because I was directly reacting to the episode it's self.
"I'll hear him and not the voice that says I'm not enough" Oh boo hoo bitch. You've seriously done nothing to convince me to feel bad for this stupid fucking asshole. His writing is full of holes and contradictions. It makes him feel like two different people.
"I'll set us free!" Are you quite sure that means what you think it means you stupid fucking ass.
Framed adoption certificate is a nice touch. Very cute.
Blitz is immediately not coming off how they want. I think they're -trying- to imply he has some deeply buried feelings too, but it comes off as "i didn't want this and i still don't want this, why can't it just be normal hookup shit."
"I'll die alone if this goes wrong!!" You have the emotional depth of a teaspoon and are about as interesting as one. Boo fucking hoo. BAD.
NGL this really made their wealth difference hit home. Why the flying fuck is blitz still bordering on abject poverty dude? You should be able to help him advertise send something IDK man, if you really gave a shit, why aren't you trying to actually help him in a genuine way? I'm sure he wouldn't say no if you slipped a hundred bucks or so into the book every so often. I fucking hate it here.
"Would he want me if he was free?" No. Next question. (You've done very little if anything to prove Blitz actually wants strings attached in this.)
"If he's only here as a prisoner what kind of monster does that make me?" Little late to have this realization but I'll take it. Also can we seriously stop downplaying how awful this is for BLITZ to go through? Stolas is severely over represented in Blitz's own fucking show. Why is Blitz so underdeveloped??? Why, dude? The episodes that mainly focus on him are pretty okay, but once Stolas shows up it's all fucking stupid.
If Blitz rejects him (which he should. Look how fucking anxious he is just THINKING about this.) he could lose his entire way of life. No more apartment, probably gonna get Loona taken away. Probably has to resort to prostitution or return to clowning. Stolas just gets to go about his life of luxury.
Why is Blitz's emotional well being such an after thought in this duet? THIS IS NOT STOLAS' SHOW.
"He showed me that I could choose" ...Dude. You have given no weight to swing that line at us. This isn't much of a choice in the grand scheme of things. Stolas and Stella already had the kid. The marriage never had to last. Not from the impression you've given us. He's a toddler deciding he wants chocolate milk instead of regular. We have never been shown he's actually going to lose anything of real value. He's still a prince. He's still got his money. Like are they trying to have him killed, sure but lets be real he's A PRINCE OF HELL. Assassination attempts are like...Tuesday for him.
GOD THIS SONG IS ASS. I will not allow Blitz to be painted as the bad guy here. Fuck Stolas, and fuck the team for trying to make it seem like we should feel bad for him. They both suck. BUT STOLAS IS OBJECTIVELY IN THE WRONG.
Ah yes, The Helluverse special of "let's yeet a stupid ass joke in the middle of plot, completely derailing anything." it has only been a few seconds and it's already going on for too long. Go learn from Bojack or RvB.
...........This cherub bit is throwing your entire lore off. If these idiots are having to do this shit to get by, why are they acting like heaven bound can do whatever they want in Hazbin? If all you meant by that line is the human souls in heaven, you totally screwed up the message there. Your points are murky at best, and you're contradicting yourself at every turn.
...............Are the cherubs mortal now? Like they're flying and glowing but they have to eat???? Huh? I don't think I've ever realized you're showing they eat a lot, but surely you don't actually have to eat as an angel or demon? Surely it's just a choice???? That's genuinely so fucking stupid???? WHY IS THAT EVEN A THING?
Honestly the stuff with these five would have been a fun standalone minisode. NOT IN THE MIDDLE OF ONE OF YOUR SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT EPISODES.
Bloody alleyway was a phenomenal cutaway gag. Points.
You really are not making it sound like Blitz likes this at ALL.
"If someone wants to see you less and less? Big red flag." NOT IN A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP, DUH. He's literally a prince of hell in an affair with a """childhood friend""" who was literally PURCHASED for him. The whole thing is a red flag. Not just this!
You are making it exceedingly clear Blitz's just in it because he think's he'll lose the book. I don't give a rats ass about what micro-development you're going for. You take away time needed for showing that Blitz is conflicted on more than one level to do stupid ass tertiary character shit. YOUR CAST IS OVER BLOATED. BAD.
If you wanted me to feel bad for Stolas, maybe don't show that Blitz has an Angel-esque box of sex toys because he thinks he has to impress him. Stolas should have made it very clear AGES ago that he just wants Blitz. If Blitz is this hung up on needing to impress the damned bird, something very VERY wrong is happening in the bedroom.
If you seriously want us to think Blitz has feelings/cares about Stolas (Not that he HAS to), this sex candle shop would have been a perfect place to do it. "Well, he really likes it when I do this-" "This is his favorite colour." "This is his favorite scent." Blitz clearly knows nothing about Stolas, and both of them are to blame. This relationship is never EVER going to work if they know this little about each other when they've been regularly boning for ages. He should know more about what he likes. "What's the mood!?" "I don't know!" Woof. Full stop. This is never going to work in a real scenario. Womp Womp Move on.
Like he seems to MILDLY know what Stolas likes but this should be WAY clearer. Especially if you want us to think Blitz secretly cares too.
Love Fizz's new outfit. Very cute.
Gonna be real, Fizz and Blitz are seriously adorable. Can Ozzie pick him up too and actually show Blitz what being sexually valued is like? Because clearly he pulled it off with Fizz. Because he clearly enjoys sex and it feels like Stolas is just...using him. Not enjoying him. It's gross and SHOULD feel gross, because it FUCKING IS.
This whole bit with the cherubs makes it feel like we aren't supposed to give a damn about the main plot. That it's just a silly background to TERTIARY CHARACTER NONSENSE. BAD.
So far this confrontation is good as far as the pit of dread it opened in my stomach. I still really don't feel bad for Stolas. I feel bad for blitz. Him begging tore my soul out. It's so obvious how bad this power imbalance has gotten. I refuse to entertain these two any longer. This show needs to GROW UP and get over them, leave it here and I will forgive it.
Stolas should have 100% consulted Blitz before OFFICIALLY PUTTING HIM UNDER OZZIE'S JURISDICTION THAT'S NOT OKAY. Even if he leaves him alone, that can absolutely be weaponized.
"Am I not fucking you good enough?" Doesn't come off as him wanting more. Blitz feels like he's waiting for the other shoe to drop. For the love of the gods stop stringing this POORLY WRITTEN. BADLY RETCONNED. PATHETIC ATTEMPT AT A WELL DONE TOXIC RELATIONSHIP ALONG. BAD. MOVE. THE FUCK. ON.
"I care very deeply and have for a long time" You sure as shit never showed it.
To Those in The Back. ONE GRAND GESTURE DOES NOT FIX A TERRIBLE RELATIONSHIP. This is Mr. Peanutbutter with the library thing. This is Not ROMANTIC. This IS EMBARRASSING.
If he really cared, Blitz would not be living in poverty. If he really cared, he'd make an effort to engage beyond sex. IF HE REALLY CARED HE WOULD HAVE DIVORCED HIS WIFE THE PROPER WAY AND NOT TRAUMATIZED HIS FUCKING DAUGHTER OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
Stolas is a godsawful woobified piece of shit that doesn't have the decency to acknowledge he's the problem, and when he does, has the fucking AUDACITY to behave like a pathetic child. This I was wrong speech is DOGSHIT and has no punch to it because more than half of the episode was TERTIARY CHARACTER BULLSHIT.
Blitz has EVERY RIGHT to see this as a joke. I immediately burst out laughing because YEAH. WHEN HAVE YOU GIVEN HIM ANY IMPRESSION YOU CARED BEYOND GETTING YOUR FREAK ON?
"Thank you for being here for a little while." Oh boo fucking hoo. Get over yourself. "It's just about sex" BECAUSE YOU NEVER MADE IT ANYTHING ELSE YOU FUCKING BOZO.
I am immediately cheering Blitz on in his retort. He's fucking earned it. You're not going to make me feel bad by making them show up in the room from their childhood. Blitz is completely in the right here.
If Stolas really thought so highly of him, he'd be putting in more of an effort. Stolas treats Blitz the way he treats Octavia. Like they're dolls from his childhood. If he wanted to do right by them, he would. He is FUCKING ROYALTY. There is NO reason he can't put in more effort for the people he supposedly loves. You don't love them. You love the idea of them. You can't accept that they aren't the idea in your head. This isn't love. It's abuse.
Fuck you. Blitz has NOTHING to apologize for.
It's like Stolas doesn't seem to think he's the problem. No shit, of course Blitz isn't going to react the way you thought he would. Why are you just THROWING HIM OUT RATHER THAN TALKING TO HIM? BECAUSE YOU DON'T WANT TO ACTUALLY WORK FOR YOUR RELATIONSHIPS YOU STUPID ASS OWL. YOU WANT EVERYTHING TO BE HANDED TO YOU ON A PLATE YOU RICH DUMBASS.
Fuck everyone trying to paint Blitz as the bad guy.
He's just trying to survive! He has a fucking daughter! A found family! EVERYTHING to lose!
Stolas just gets his fucking feelings hurt. He is the architect of his own undoing. Suck my entire ass. This was easily the worst episode bar none.
The tone was ALL OVER the place, and not in an effective way. The plot moved at a halt and go pace and all the fun bits were BOGGED DOWN by the supposed point of the episode! You can't tell me this shit took all that time, unless you were constantly saying "OOOO YOU KNOW WHAT'D BE COOL/FUNNY?" and shooting your production scheduled in the foot!
The rest of the portraiture being covered up is a very nice touch.
I can't believe you've gotten me to defend BLITZO of all people. But here we are. I guess I'm on his team. (He's an abusive dick, but NO ONE deserves this.)
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neverchecking · 1 year
Hi hi :)
Pretty pretty please can I request a soft sex w/ Sky? I love your writing—ngl from the very first piece of yours I read I was Uber jealous but SO in love with the way you write. Every time I see something new on my dash with your tag I legit get excited and instantly repost because damn I know it’s gonna be some good shite. Like damn I wish I could write yandere content 😭
Super duper proud of how well you’re doing so far! I 100% believe that you’re only gonna get better from here 😙
~ May
Omg- om- HI! I love you-you absolutely can!
Jealous of me? Bestie. have you read your writing?! JFIEOEJEJ- Thank you otherwise I hope I live up to your expectations!
Smut so MDNI!
Smut CW: Cavities. Like this is so soft- I can't I love Sky with my whole ass. SJSJS I LOVE THIS SO MUCH SO I HOPE YOU DO TOO <3<3
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There was certain attraction to the idea of falling.
The idea of putting his fate into the hands of Lady Luck and hoping she took pity on him was...addicting. The rush of both the wind flowing through his hair and the adrenaline burning through his veins before Crimson caught him was so heart-stopping. It was a rush unlike any other and it kept him sane in a way.
But that was physically falling.
Falling for you was a completely different plunge.
When he threw himself off the ledge of Skyloft, he had some reassurance that no matter what, Crimson would be there. When he found himself tripping over his own feet at the sight of you, he realized there was no Loftwing there to catch him. No, falling for you was an act of trust far greater than anything he had ever felt before. There was no soul bond between the two of you, guaranteeing you'd care for his, admittedly, fragile heart in the same way he would cherish yours. But, still, he found himself blinded by the rush.
It was different. There was no wind whipping hair every which way, instead dexterous fingers, nimble yet steady, combed through the locks, brushing them into place before messing with them once more. The was no chill of the world around him rushing past, instead there was the warmth you provided with your presence alone, acting as an invisible shield against anyone daring to poison his rare moments of peace.
In reality, there was no rush. There was simply the feeling of...of coming home to you. Sweet, treacly you. You, who welcomed him into your heart with open arms and fully belief that he wouldn't squander your valuable trust. You, who placed your faith in his own heart and soul and understood who he was as not only a hero, but as a person. You, who was the missing piece of his soul. The one bit he was missing to make a whole.
And how he adored you. He absolutely cherished and worshipped your every move, cataloging it in his head in a way to memorize the way you exist. He watched you at every given moment, chin on his hand as a love-sick gaze laden his eyes.
How he was gifted with you was beyond him, but he would rather fight Demise twelve times over (More if need be) just to keep you with him. Anything you wanted from him and he'd give it to you.
Without question.
Opening the door to your shared home, he took a deep inhale, taking in everything around him. From the low light lighting up the living room, to the sound of the place settling around him once more it was all familiar. From the way it smelled of whatever flower had tickled your fancy at the market and something sweet you had probably baked earlier in the day, it was what made this place home.
And he was so thankful to be home. He would have to go out again, he knew, but the others were settled in the inn up the road and he was free for the night. Free for you.
Goddess, his heart positively hummed at the thought of you. Of your eyes, that absolutely lit up with every one of your emotions, and your smile that made your face just glow. Of your cheeks that would redden with such a pretty color at the sound of his honeyed words, or your nose that would scrunch every time he pressed sweet kisses to the tip of it.
He just wanted to do it again, over and over and over again. "Song bird?" He hesitantly called, setting down Fi and whatever bags were currently on his person. His sail cloth was undone from around his neck and hung up on the nearby coat hook. Your hesitant footsteps stopped just behind the corner that turned down a hall towards your bedroom as you peaked around the corner. (You were so smart, did he tell you that? His clever little bee knowing that the lifestyle forced upon him could bring some unsavory characters. That some could follow him home and force his hand. He loved you. He loved you.)
"Link?" You breathed out, soon running into his awaiting arms. They wrapped around you tight enough he worried if you could breath properly before shoving his nose into your hair. You were his home.
He was so glad he was home.
"It's me, my dove. I'm home for tonight." He knew you would understand the underlying meaning in his words, and it broke his heart that he'd have to leave you again. But he'd cherish this time while he had it.
Small sniffles made you shake just a bit, making him hush you with a heavy hand brushing down your hair. "It's okay to cry. I'm right here. I'm home."
"I've missed you." You had cried into his arms, making his own eyes burn as he hugged you closer, bowing his head to lay on yours. "I know, my lovely nightingale. I know. I've missed you too. Goddess, I've missed you."
While he didn't plan on standing there, crying until there were no more tears to shed, he had to admit it was cathartic. Having you in his arms was a relief like no other.
Gently pulling away, he cupped your cheeks in his hands. "Oh. how I've missed you. I've missed your gorgeous laugh," He pressed a kiss to your nose, watching it scrunch just the way he expected it to.
"I've missed your eyes that show me your perfect soul." Another kiss was pressed to your forehead.
"I've missed your charming smile that never fails to brighten my day." One peck to your left temple.
"I've missed your gentle hands that hold me like I'm worthy of such a touch." One peck to your right temple.
"I've missed your way with words and how you always manage to find the right words for every situation." Your left cheek was next.
"I've missed your patience that seems truly never ending in every scenario." Then your right.
And finally, he lays his forehead on yours. "I've missed the love of my life. My very heart and soul. The bearer of my own mortality. I've missed waking up to you, those domestic mornings filled with sleepy snuggles and lazy kisses. I've missed spending my every waking moment with you, doing whatever tickles our fancy that day. I've missed my Soul Mate. I've missed telling you every day about how I love you. And every part you've given me. I love you. I love you."
You hiccupped. sniffing once before launching yourself at him, arms wrapping around his neck as your lips crashed against you. He held you tightly against him, his hands threading themselves into your hair as you gently pulled him back. He followed your every move, only breaking apart for minute breaths of air before going right back to nipping and licking at your now swollen lips.
He missed you.
Clothing was dropped carelessly to the ground, trailing behind him as you backed your way to the edge of the bed, pulling him down with you when the back of your knees hit the mattress.
He missed you.
Just the way you pulled back, head falling, with your big doe eyes watching his every move had his chest tightening with pure adoration. Your hands gently cupped his cheeks, holding him close as he nuzzled into your palm.
He missed you.
Your lips crashed against his once more with one of your hands trailing down the plane of his stomach before reaching the band of his pants. His belt had long since been discarded, dropped just as carelessly as every other piece of clothing, so there was no real obstacle stopping you from your prize.
He Missed You.
Your lips locked again as you pulled him in closer with a leg around his hip. Your hand worked in tandem with your leg, guiding him to your aching cunt as he used one hand to support his weight above you. He pulled away just as he began to prod at your entrance, using his free hand to pin both of yours under one of them. The one originally supporting his weight shifted to instead take over before returning to its place by your head, both of you groaning at the pure bliss washing over you.
His forehead rested against yours once more as his hips settled right against yours, keeping him seated deep within you. Your breathing settled alongside his own, a moment of tranquil peace settling over the room.
This was what love was all about. This was what it mean. The pure trust that was placed in another individual, the absolute proximity between two souls slowly merging into one, the feeling of pure, unadulterated sarang that being with you provided.
Goddess, he loved you.
There was nothing animalistic about this. While, yes, Sky could appreciate a good quick fuck every now and then, this wasn't the time nor place. No, this was slow and perfect. Nothing was rushed as he took the time to recommit your perfect figure to memory.
His fingers trailed fiery trails along your hips while your own laid lines of red along his back as you clung to him, trusting him to keep you grounded in any way he could.
It was the least he could do. Because while falling was a rush like no other, it wasn't falling when he was with you. No, it was coming back to familiarity and comfort wrapped up in the prettiest bow Hylia had to offer. You.
From the way you interacted with Crimson, scratching his feathers and shining his beak, to the way you cared for him, soothing his nightmares with soft hums or curing the aches that riddle the Lichtenberg figures along his skin, he knew he was irrevocably in love with you. He loved your compassion and intellect; your ability to demand respect for yourself from others and your ability to show the same to others; and he adored your limitless patience with him and all his isms and the fierce loyalty that followed. Even the things you deemed unattractive about yourself, he held close to his heart because it was a part of you. Your stubbornness and inability to think of your own self preservation before making irrational decisions for the sake of others. He even loved you when you couldn't find anything redeemable about yourself for him to love. Because in those moments, the ones where your own strength failed you, were the ones were could show you his. Where he could repay you with every ounce of love from his bleeding heart. Where he could show you how much he loves you, if only to reignite the spark of love in yourself and let it burn for you. Where he could let his love pour through his entire being and let it turn into a gentle reminder that you were you.
And there was no one else in the world he would rather have.
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neospokenworld · 3 months
So just like I did months ago with my first impressions post, here are my final thoughts on every anime I started watching that was ongoing this season. I'm gonna list them as they end to be more organized and not have it jump around, so before we start, here's a quick section about the anime I dropped:
Astro Note: I forgot it existed past the first episode not gonna lie lol, I'll probably resume it in the future since it was a fun first episode but other than that nothing else to say
High Speed Etoilé: I wanted to like this so badly, the story could've been interesting but from what I saw it never hooked me at all, plus the 3d was very rigid so overall it wasn't as good to continue
Spice & Wolf: This is one I'll surely resume in the future, I was liking what I was seeing but one day I just lost track of it and never returned. What I saw left me with a very good taste so this is one that I have to resume someday
Okay, now we can begin:
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Started watching this one when it was at episode 18 and caught up to it really quickly. I honestly wasn't expecting to like it for some reason but as soon as I started it I knew it was gonna be a fun ride altogether. Nice characters, a good story, excellent animation (I mean it's Trigger but this is like my 2nd anime from them) and food that I would 100% eat if it was real lol. I'm glad it's getting a 2nd season because I really wanna see how it continues
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This was beautiful, what else can I say? I mean I knew that this anime would be different after watching the first episode, even joking to myself while watching it ''This is premium anime'' lol. Everything from start to finish had this soothing vibe to it that I absolutely enjoyed and not gonna lie I think from episode 6 onward it knew how to push the right buttons on me to make me more and more emotional, by the time I finished the final episode I was on tears of happiness hearing the credits. I don't know how the original was but I think this is a gem of an anime that surely deserves to be talked about more
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It never stopped delivering peak, back when the first episode aired I knew it would be something special, and while it felt just a little aimless past the episode of their first concert, I think in the end it wrapped up the main points kinda nicely. This is a show that got me feeling emotional on a near weekly basis and always knew how to share banger episodes. Even if it wasn't yuri in the end it was still a beauty of an anime in my opinion, it only needs to polish a few small things here and there to be basically a masterpiece imo and hopefully the manga that is coming along with it can do it
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This was such a fun ride overall, I gotta admit back on the first episodes I had a feeling this would be something that would break me when they were close to Ikebukuro, but even if in the end it didn't it was still a really good ride from beginning to end. One thing I liked was how the conversations between the girls were a bit faster than in most anime out there, I don't know but that made them feel more natural to me, it was cool to see all of them interact with the weirdness of the world and ngl this finale actually moved me a little lol. Not the best but still a pretty good one all in all
PS: Both the Opening and Ending here are severely underrated, Ga-Ton Go-Ton is on my top 3 for OPs this season and Eureka is easily my favorite ED for the season, both of them are just so good both visually and musically it's surprising to say the least
Part 2 will come when the other 4 end, so probably early next week
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sakuracoloring · 3 months
Cami's Commentary #6 - Random
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「ようこそ!」 。。。
Good morning/afternoon/night to whoever may be reading this! It's late but I feel like writing stuff, so here we go :)
JLPT: I did the JLPT/日本語能力試験 (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) on Sunday for the N5 level for the first time :D Honestly, I feel like I went well (my main concerns were my phone ringing out of the blue, even though I had turned it off nicely and it was in silent mode, and not being able to hear the audio part, but thankfully everything went well) and I really hope to pass. If I do, I'll probably start studying for N4 as soon as possible (though I don't think I'll be prepared enough to do the December test already), but let's see how it goes ��\_(ツ)_/¯ I've never been so excited during a test before lol
MOVIESSSSS: I surprisingly woke up early today and chose to not be a lazy bum who watches youtube shorts on her bed for like 2 hours, so I decided to watch some movies! (yippeeee) :D I started out by watching Little Darlings, which I really liked. The story was pretty interesting, the main leads had believable acting (which is hella important), and shaggy hair Matt Dillon my beloved was there (which is even more important). Kinda unrelated but I feel like his shaggy hair era is a bit forgotten :( Idk, I just find more about his Outsiders era and nowadays on here and pinterest, so that's kinda the impression I get from the fandom/fanbase (Idk if I should call it that). Anyways, it was funny and emotional at the right times (and Randy was adorable), so I'd give it an 8/10. I then watched Juno, which has been on my watchlist for a pretty long time, and I loved it :3 It was better than I expected (though I did not expect to see Dwight's actor and Spiderman's J. J. Jameson's actor there lol), and the ending scene made me squeal as if I were watching a cute cat video. Solid 10/10. Finally, I watched Liar's Moon. It was pretty good ngl, (Matt looked so handsome wtf) but the whole possible incest plot twist thing was hella weird, so I'd give it a 7.5/10. Feel free to give me any movie suggestions :) (especially if Matt Dillon is in it lol)
The Outsiders on roblox: Idk if any of y'all play roblox, but I do (been using the same account from 7 years ago lol, it holds many memories) and I thought of searching ''the outsiders'' on it to see if there were any games ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and so there's these two(?) games, but only one of them is mainly played by roleplayers n stuff. So a few weeks ago, I remember going there and always seeing the same two Ponyboy and Johnny roleplayers (I even remember talking to a girl who wasn't roleplaying and she was pissed that people shipped the greasers together lol), and like, they were ALWAYS on there. I'd log in at 7am, then like 9pm of THE SAME DAY and they'd be there. I also tested this on multiple days. And just them yk, not even a Dally or TwoBit to be there too, and even now when I don't see them that often in game, I always ask myself ''are they gonna be there?'' lol Also, I've also played the Cherry Valance obby (not bad), and the beginning of the obby mentions it's based on the Darry obby, which I haven't been able to find, so if anyone has the link, please lmk :3
I have to sleep rn (doctor's appointment tomorrow), so that'll be it for today. Thank you so much for making it this far into my written yap session :) I really appreciate your attention <3
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See you next time! ☆
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skylerhyrule · 6 months
ngl I've been sitting on a lot of this for a while and now that the brainrot has come to consume me once again, I have to inflict them upon you too because this is all your fault <3
woe, htbf winter headcanosn be upon ye
They don't take as many jobs in the winter because traveling in bad weather sucks which leaves more room for lazy days where none of them have any plans other than eating together and enjoying their company
the other 3 use the time to teach touya more skills or practice old ones like knitting/sewing, smaller woodworking projects that can be done indoors (not that touya or akito mind being outside in cold weather), or touya reads his favorite mystery books out loud to them and he lives how they speculate the ending or the twist all the while he knows exactly whats going to happen since he's read it before
Touya makes himself a sweater and it's awkwardly shaped and definitely has some missing stitches in some places but he made it with materials he bought with money earned and it's all his and he's proud of it
An and Kohane cried
All of the years touya spent his winters looked up in the castle, he thought he didn't mind the cold weather when really he was just overall unable to feel the warmth that he was missing, that even now, when he had literal ice magic and is physically cold all the time due to his naturally lower body temperature, he's never felt warmer
Sobs. Anyways
Touya has seen snow and walked in it before but he's never been allowed to play in the snow
After the first big snow that sticks to the ground, akianhane plan a massive attack on their training field, they pretend theyre going to train touya during prime ice season but SIKE they have a snow fight: a full battle field built up with pre-built walls and snowballs ready to attack
They prepared ahead of time because they thought touya might have a natural advantage but he was too nervous to actually use his magic with intent to fight his family so he gets his ass kicked
they have so much fun and anhane get so cold that they get sick after and the boys have to nurse them back to health. idiots
speaking of training, touya has been using the colder temps to experiment more with what he can create and how he can create things to use to his advantage
On clearer days he tries to practice making snow the same way he did at his failed execution (insert processing trauma here) but he hasnt been able to do it. most of the time he accidentally shoots a bunch of chunks of ice in the sky or makes hail but not snow-like crystals
Somehow someone suggests trying to get touyas adrenaline running because hes only been capable of big moves like that when tensions were high (escaping guards and escaping death)
They figure if they can elicit (a healthy amount of) fear from him, he can learn how to better act on instinct and not overthink it
Out in the training field, the other 3 take turns “fighting” touya with their magic to see if that can get something out of him (insert cool fights and banter here)
When that doesn't work, they take a break lying in the snow and talk about what scares them (insert emotional connection and vulnerabilities here)
They figure out touyas most “normal” fear is heights, so naturally Kohane lifts them all however high in the air so that they can see above the surrounding treetops. Touya is CLINGING to akito but not quite fearing for his life, just scared enough because he's not actually afraid of Kohane dropping them and his trust in An and Akito to intervene if something goes wrong is too strong
But theyre like NO you have to trust YOURSELF
Kohane says "I'm gonna drop us if you dont make it snow right now and itll be all your fault
yeah right, that's a bluff, Touya's confident
She shakes the platform a bit so the edges start crumbling to the ground and he feels that fight flight or freeze instinct come in (an and akito are also freaked out now) shes not kidding (but she probably is) (but what if she isnt)
she drops the platform barely a few centimeters and touya reaches an arm out and tries
Ummm he tries a bit too well and he sends a burst of magic up high and it shimmers down as snow. He did it!
Kohane brings them down slowly and once on the ground he tries to remember what it felt like and does it again but he didn't realize how low he felt due to the adrenaline and feels faint
the other 3 walk him home and keep telling him how proud they and what a good job he did
important to note that they never make him feel like he's burdening them with having to carry him home once he starts feeling sleepy or taking so much time to train him gradually even though touya thinks that he should be somewhat sorry for passing out on them again, if he apologized they would just yell at him
he falls asleep on Akito's back and wakes up under five blankets and the fireplace burning with dry clothes on and Akito sleeping on top of him
he has just enough strength to reach for the water on their bedside table and then he passes out again
next time he wakes up, its the next morning and he is absolutely dying of too many blankets, they went overboard with trying to warm him up and now he's too warm
he rolls out of bed without disturbing the others and carries on his morning with coffee and reading until the others wake :)
So these werent actually hcs. I think I just accidentally wrote a fic in bullet form HAHA APRIL FOOLs
I have some questions also if thats okay, if you find the time
is touya able to manipulate snow and/or any frozen water or is he just able to create it and to what extent is he able to precisely create his ice?
I also have questions about the mechanics of Kohane's magic because the argument can be made that ice is technically a mineral and therefore a part of the earth? I don't mean to be annoying but I am genuinely interested in the limitations of their magic abilities.
As far as like, winter holidays go, is there something like a celebration where they could exchange gifts?
Assuming the vsingers are gods, would their “birthdays” or anniversaries be considered holidays? Like is August 31st the most holy day of the year
Another unrelated question, what is the situation of Akitos runaway sister? because in my head, I have the rough idea of a plot where Mizuki and Touya become unlikely bestest best friends for life and accidentally find her and attempt to reunite her with akito which I think adds another interesting and unique family dynamic to this series full of interesting and unique family dynamics
Okay thats all for now I have more probably but I need to write them down first thank you for your time
Ngl i don't even want to answer this so it will be in my inbox forever actually. Anyway!
YOU’RE SOBBING???? I’M SOBBING!!!! Ana… my god. These are all canon now okay. Thanks.
Touya giving prizes (food/wooden hampter DHJAH) to whoever guesses the killer/motive first… Fighting to get Touya his next favourite book…
I am also going to cry. I want to write Touya making a sweater now… don’t make me do it. I already have too many wips and now you're gonna make me want to write MORE??? Fuck you.
SHUT UP OUGHH GH You don’t know how bad it is until it’s no longer normal. When the baseline is cold, of course you’re going to think it’s perfectly fine. Until you find a fire and realise you’ve been shivering the whole time.
Touya you’re the only snow angel I need ;)
Touya’s scared he’s gonna accidentally throw a chunk of ice and kill someone.
Touya “never been sick in his life” Tenma: Why are you dying?
Akito is relegated to heater so Touya has to make soup alone and he’s freaking out but then Anhane cry when eating it and he’s like IS IT THAT BAD?? But no they’re just like… Wrow… Touya’s homemade soup… I’m cured.
Touya freezing the grass so bad it just snaps in half when they walk on it lmao. Making spiral/snowflake patterns across the grass and river. And of course. The promised ice skating.
You’re just making me want to write this entire section you know. Was this your evil plan. Bc it’s working. So well.
Touya: “I’m afraid of heights…” Akito: Your bedroom was like 20m above the ground. Touya: Do NOT remind me.
An: Can you pelt Akito with hail?
Ice shields ice shields ice shie-
Haha freeze instinct.
Thank you for the touya fainting scenarios it’s what I think about like 50% of the time. And why I want to write this. I can be trusted with fictional characters.
Ough god they love each other and have to make sure they all freaking know it.
On the couch, straight up “sleeping under it” and by “it”, haha, well, let’s just say. Blankito be upon ye
Touya not in the bed that morning and they’re all freaking out thinking he melted or smth in the night.
The best April fools prank ever actually thank u can I write this (eventually)
There appears to be a lost Victorian child asking me questions in my inbox. Of course, Victorian child, I have time.
is touya able to manipulate snow and/or any frozen water or is he just able to create it and to what extent is he able to precisely create his ice?
Later on once he has way more control he can shatter natural ice, or fling it in a direction, but he couldn’t force it into a shape or make it float in the air. He can’t do anything to snow. I suppose technically he could bc snow IS ice, but the laws of nature are irrelevant to the laws of ME. If he concentrates hard enough he could make almost anything out of his own ice, but sharper edges are easier than curves.
I also have questions about the mechanics of Kohane's magic because the argument can be made that ice is technically a mineral and therefore a part of the earth? I don't mean to be annoying but I am genuinely interested in the limitations of their magic abilities.
She can’t pick and choose btwn minerals and the components of the earth that she moves. It’s sort of just an all or nothing grab at whatever area she chooses. She can manipulate chunks of rock like a cliff face, but not in large areas. She can’t use ice. And bold of u to assume I thought these through while writing.
As far as like, winter holidays go, is there something like a celebration where they could exchange gifts? + Assuming the vsingers are gods, would their “birthdays” or anniversaries be considered holidays? Like is August 31st the most holy day of the year
I was just gonna say “generic Christmas replacement.” (Len died for your sins) But yes I like that too much. I’ll say there’s a small gift swapping at the end of the year, but Miku’s birthday is more important/the bigger celebration. HM okay wait:
The Kagamine’s birthday is actually a great replacement for Christmas. So 27/12 they do a minor gift swap in their name. Kaito 17/2 can be Day of Devotion (did not steal that from FEH. (Valentines)). Meiko 5/11 is Thanksgiving?? Harvest day??  Luka 30/1 I want to put as some Astral celebration. Like. Guaranteed star showers or smth. They eat octopus to celebrate DSJAHDHAKJ.
Another unrelated question, what is the situation of Akitos runaway sister? because in my head, I have the rough idea of a plot where Mizuki and Touya become unlikely bestest best friends for life and accidentally find her and attempt to reunite her with akito which I think adds another interesting and unique family dynamic to this series full of interesting and unique family dynamics
Ena met Kanade and Mafuyua few years after she left and lives with them. I have not thought of it beyond that tbh. I mainly just mentioned her bc I wasn’t going to pretend Akito DIDN’T have a sister. Smth smth Mafuyu is a spirit trapped/connected to a snow globe from a curse she doesn’t remember. (she was human tho) Kanade had been trying to free her. Ena accidentally stumbles upon them and sticks around bc Kanade liked her art. She doesn’t have magic. Idk if I mentioned that in the fic. Kanade can write sheet music in the air and it will just. Play. Mizutouya besties yippee. Yes please. They go to a clothing store and Touya is like. Mizuki this woman looks like Akito’s sister. “No way! Akito’s way too ugly to be related to her!” Ena whips around like did someone say AKITO?? Ruh roh. Mizuki would eventually join Ena and n25, dragging them into the connected hmds group.
Anyway you've killed me dead are you happy i'm sobbing thank you so much
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herrscherofmagic · 8 days
Tell me about Eden x Mobius
sure thing!
though as a disclaimer, I don't know 100% of the canon content between Mobius and Eden, since there are some Elysian Realm dialogues that are still locked for me, and I haven't taken the time to try and unlock them x-x
There's two interactions between Eden and Mobius that really stand out to me, since it seems to show a level of trust they have in each other.
Honestly even just those two interactions have so much for me to talk about, so buckle up! cause this is gonna a long post >.>
First was the conversation they had shortly after Eden's MANTIS surgery!
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This takes place after Eden's MANTIS surgery, and Eden was described as being in pretty poor shape, both mentally and physically. Yet despite Eden being in a bad condition and needing rest, she was taking the time to be with Dr. Mobius one-on-one, and they ended up having that conversation.
Keep in mind that this is the same Dr. Mobius that most people in Fire Moth avoided as much as they could. She's probably one of the most hated figures in that organization, but Eden willingly took the MANTIS surgery and spent more time with Dr. Mobius afterwards.
And that's not even getting into the actual substance of the conversation where they talk about "beauty". Like how Mobius seems to ask Eden about beauty in earnest, not like some flippant small-talk.
Eden gives a sorta generic response, but it's faithful to her ideals because everything she did in Fire Moth was because she wanted to inspire people and give them hope in the face of hopeless. And this is after even she herself experienced an unimaginable tragedy.
Then Eden returned the question to Mobius, and Mobius actually gave a thought-out answer of her own. I also really love Mobius' answer, and the way that she even gives Eden a smile. They have quite different views on the idea of "beauty", but they seem to have that mutual respect for each other.
The other big interaction was Eden's final song, when she declined Mobius' pleas (yes, Mobius was pleading with Eden to come back) to go back to the cryopods and be one of the Pioneers in the next era.
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Again, the respect they have for each other is utterly fascinating to me.
I know that sounds funny seeing as how Dr. Mobius (at least according to this entry) thinks of Eden's music as "glorified noise", but we need to consider that Dr. Mobius is quite literally 'built different' than a normal person.
Mobius pretty much always had difficult and unstable relationships with people her whole life. She literally came out of the womb capable of speaking (which is pretty absurd even by Honkai standards, ngl) and she ended up enduring abuse as a child.
Mobius has a strong personal ambition of pursuing the evolution of the human race, she frequently butts heads with her near-peers, and she's feared and disliked by many.
Mobius plays an incredibly important role in Fire Moth but she has to deal with unsteady funding from the higher-ups, and she's eventually supplanted by Dr. MEI- the very person she recruited into MOTH in the first place.
Mobius coped with the death of Klein (who might've been her only close friend) by making a mini robot-Klein, for crying out loud!
So to see Mobius, someone so fiercely independent and ambitious, volunteering to go to Eden and asking her repeatedly to reconsider her actions, even making an appeal to Eden's emotions?
It shows that Eden is probably one of few people that Mobius truly respects, at least in a sense of comradery (as opposed to respect out of fear).
Another thing is that this ER entry is written from Mobius' perspective, so we don't quite know Eden's thoughts on the matter. That means it's a bit ambiguous as to whether Eden is singing for Mobius, or for some other reason. But regardless of why Eden sang... it seems like she managed to break through to even someone as cold as Mobius and inspired her.
So while there's obviously not much of a strong basis in canon to ship these two, there's certainly a strong basis that shows that at least Mobius seemed to care about Eden, and that Eden showed some level of respect in turn.
I really want to explore this dynamic more in fanfic and fanart for that reason. The canon portrayals of Mobius and Eden were pretty much entirely shaped by the apocalyptic circumstances of their world, but fan content often explores other possibilities and scenarios.
There is so much potential for a deeper relationship between these two, not just in a romantic sense but from an intellectual and philosophical perspective.
I have an HSR AU with these two in mind for this very reason, since that setting has so many opportunities for interesting dynamics when it comes to both science and faith, thanks to the nature of Aeons and Paths.
But that's a rant for another time cause this post has already gotten far too long, lol
[Editing this post to add an important detail: when I talk about shipping Mobius with any adult character, I'm referring to adult Mobius and ONLY adult Mobius.
I have no problem with the whole lore behind her "de-aging" due to the MANTIS surgery, and I think it's actually kinda cool. But I have no interest in depicting Mobius in a relationship in her "child appearance" regardless of her actual age.
Like in an AU without the MANTIS surgery and de-aging, I'd write about and/or draw Mobius as an adult if she were in any sort of relationship. If I ever write about and/or draw Mobius in her child form (aka how she appears when playable), then I'd completely avoid any elements of shipping and adult relationships.
I feel like my comments about shipping Mobius with Eden might be interpreted the wrong way without this note, which is why I've added it here. It didn't even occur to me, but I'm paranoid as hell about people misunderstanding me, so I want to make it as explicit as I possibly can]
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Finding kintypes from my favorite childhood medias is actually so different for me than finding kintypes otherwise ngl
For something I'm watching for the first time, or otherwise recently? Okay, that frustrates me a bit because my list is already so long. I see the show differently now, whether or not it's ruined depends on how bad the awakening/memories are, but I move forward.
But with my childhood shows? That's a lot more fucked up. Thinking about all my lifelong memories of enjoying that show, knowing now that I was one of the characters...it genuinely puts a huge part of my life under a new lens.
In one example, I was too young to remember watching the show anyway so it didn't hit as hard, but in another example? Even as a kid, I'd find it just so strange how I'd shift around in discomfort during emotional scenes with that character. How I could feel what they were going through, not "almost" feel but actually, seriously feel. I wrote it off as being autistic and fixating on it really hard, until a few weeks ago when I saw a meme featuring the character and had an all too familiar stomach-drop reaction.
My internal thought process was "wow, I remember being a kid, watching that one DVD over and over...yeah...I'd watch it EVERY day. That one part where [character] got sick, I remember how I'd watch that scene and close my eyes and think about how I could... feel... myself in that situation... wait a damn minute now"
As you can see from my refusal to specify I'm still in denial. It's gonna be fun when that fully hits.
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yayforstuffs · 6 months
For Firemite! His new design got me all curious again! :0
12. What’s something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
46. Are they a listener or a talker? If they’re a listener, what makes them talk? If they’re a talker, what makes them listen?
52. Do they act on their immediate emotions, or do they wait for the facts before acting?
57. What’s a simple daily activity / motion that they mess up often?
58. How many hobbies have they attempted to have over their lifetime? Is there a common theme?
OH this took me ten years buT I HAVE ANSWERS!!!
12. What’s something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific! “Dear Cod.” It was something from a previous group of folks he and Razor had been hanging around for a bit- one of them fished up a rare enchant after hours of trying to get literally anything useful and made the comment “Dear God I thought I’d never get anything.” and every single other person heard him say ‘dear cod’. By then it was late at night n they were all tired and so it was the absolute funniest thing in the world made funnier by how vehemently he tried to stand firm on the fact that he’d said ‘dear God’ and not ‘dear cod’. He makes the reference sometimes still and it gets a chuckle from Razor, and whenever Razor pulls it out (though it can also be partially attributed to just how serious Razor is so he doesn’t joke much anyway) Fire absolutely loves it and laughs so hard. 10/10 comedy every time.
The first time he heard Tyr mutter it to herself when she was trying to figure out how to get one of her newer cats to cooperate out in the main room he lost it. Could not stop laughing for the next five minutes at least.
46. Are they a listener or a talker? If they’re a listener, what makes them talk? If they’re a talker, what makes them listen? I was going to say listener, but the more I thought about it the more I thought that… he might actually be a talker. If he’s fun bouncy sanguine he’s prolly a talker. So what would make him listen, then… I suppose Razor can make him listen, but that’s on virtue of being viewed as more of the decision-maker of the group, n he knows well enough that Razor usually has good ideas. Other than that, though… I suppose quiet might would make him listen- recognizing that he’s talking over someone and it’s Not Good and needs to hush. Hm. I personally think I’m more of a listener so I’m not really sure like. what would make a talker listen slkdhgkl I think that might be as good of an answer as I can give? I dunno. He listens to Razor and he listens to quiet.
52. Do they act on their immediate emotions, or do they wait for the facts before acting? Depends! If it’s more happy/positive, he’s keen to jump to action immediately, but if he’s feeling more negative- sad/angry, etc, he’ll think more on what to do or at least take a second/minute to compose himself. It’s usually bc he’s gonna try to ‘fix things’ and bring the mood back up. It… doesn’t always work though, and he kinda flounders when it doesn’t. If it doesn't, it can end up with him spending some time alone mining to clear his head a bit, and also to let whatever's going on calm down.
57. What’s a simple daily activity / motion that they mess up often? I’m gonna be honest, this is one that’s stumped me like. the most, probably. Is that something that a lot of ppl have, like something that they need to do constantly that they usually mess up? Bc ngl like…. I don’t really see him having much of anything that’s like. a simple daily thing that he messes up often. I think I’ll leave it at an “I don’t think he has one” but if I think of something later I’ll come back and edit this to include it :V
58. How many hobbies have they attempted to have over their lifetime? Is there a common theme? I think he’s the kind of person to have tried many, many different things! So there’s no common theme other than ‘is this new? Sure, I’ll try!’ He likes to go out and learn and discover and make new friends and find new things that he likes, so he’s very keen on trying stuff out. If he doesn’t like it then he at least knows he doesn’t, and if he does, then it’s a win!
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therewithinthestars · 3 months
soooo.... jade shadows......
i have........... very mixed feelings? i think i am mostly disappointed (for personal reasons) and kind of uncomfortable (also for personal reasons)
i'm not hating or anything, i just need to put my thoughts somewhere to process them - and i have noone to talk to about warframe
so first of all i went into the quest with zero expectations - i didn't keep up much with the hype/news/etc so i had no idea what this quest was gonna be about, and i was bit shocked, ngl lol also to be 100% honest, stories of this type of parenthood and pregnancy is something i am completely uninterested in. I have no desire to ever have children myself and lack this,,,, drive and understanding, so i could not relate to anything in this quest at all. which doesn't make it necessarily bad - not everything has to be for me - but it is definitely a huge reason behind my feelings of discomfort/disappointment (as Stalker IS my very favourite character and I was hoping for a relatable story)
but other than that, it felt bit.... short, for sure. I know Warframe quests are usually vague and don't tell us much, but this felt almost underdeveloped, maybe? it felt like there was almost no build up for the characters and emotions, it lacked depth - it relied a lot on the fact that there's an impossible pregnancy!! and all those big emotions that most people have subconciously connected with pregnancy/ new life/ babies. but I do not have those kind of strong emotions about this personally, and so,,, it felt kind of flat? because there are definitely stories out there that deal with similar topics, but that are written better - or in a way, where even me, can feel the emotions/the depth, if that makes sense?
like that scenes where the corpus/sisters stop the firing just because they hear a baby cry (which is good, dont get me wrong) and then they just let stalker go? no questioning where the baby came from or anything? the scene felt very... cliche, very cinematic but cliche for sure, kind of like saying "oh when a baby is involved, of course we will stop firing and of course we will let this character go, thats what any good/sane person would do" which,,,, again not saying that's a bad thing lol BUT i never understood this,,, difference between a baby and an older child/woman/older person/any person, like if he was coming with an older child held against his side, would the corpus/sisters react the same???? would it have the same depth/impact? why is it the fact that it's a baby the driving force behind the emotional impact? like yes, a newborn baby is defensless, i get that - but so would be a child, or a human person, against army, against a machine gun? does this make any sense or am i the weird one here?
also i do not like the implications of the tenno helping delivering the baby, that's like,,, i cant even comprehend?
hm, i'm really struggling with identifying my feelings, i will have to think about this more, but if you have any thoughts or points of view about this quest i would absolutely love to hear them!!! i really crave to discuss this with someone, but none of my friends play warframe so.....
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ja3yun · 4 months
my dearest aj....... I would like to start off by saying sorry if this gets far too long, I have a LOT to say.......
this has by far been one of, if not the best, series that I have ever read in my time on tumblr or, hell, even wattpad (yes, I'm going that far back because OMG). the storyline was absolutely to die for. I loved every second of it. I loved how it slowly progressed and how you gave subtle hints as to what was really going on. I also loved how you showcased all of the emotions that the boys felt towards yn; whether it was love or lust, it was STRONG. there were times when I had to actually sit down and take a moment to recollect myself because of how strong the emotions were (or the secondhand embarrassment, hehe).
everything was pieced together so perfectly. I loved how you gave the tiny hints that left everyone to come up with their own theories.
all in all, you are an amazing writer. I deeply enjoyed this series so much, and I will forever cherish it in my heart. I strive to be able to write in such depths like you one day.
god, I love jake so so so much, and you displayed him so perfectly, from the puppy-like behavior to the slight possessiveness that he showed with sunghoon in the epilogue. I'm not gonna lie as soon as it was mentioned about how strong yn and jakes connection were I was like 'they were meant to be soulmates, that's the only logical reason.' (as if there isn't a multitude of other reasons) there was something about their connection that was telling me that this goes far deeper than just the surface-level love. and how he was supposed to be a guardian angel makes so much sense with his whole demeanor. he is such a gentle, caring, kind soul that it genuinely strikes a cord within me that yn made that offer with heeseung because, ya know what? if I could have someone like jake and sunghoon by my side until my time is up, then I would do it in a heartbeat without a second thought.
now, speaking of sunghoon, god, he is honestly such a complex character, and you wrote him so well. the dark demeanor at the beginning to when he slowly started to let himself feel? all of it was amazing. the heartfelt confession in the epilogue genuinely brought tears to my eyes because imagine having such an impact on someone's life that not only do you bring back their humanity but also gives them a chance to express true love. I will be honest, though. The few moments in the beginning with him made me anxious as hell, and idk why... but all in all, he is by far one of my favorite boys in tdh.
moving on to jay... now there wasn't a whole lot that we saw of him besides his part and the little bits and pieces here and there, but he still played a huge role in all of this. if it wasn't for him, I fear that yn and jake wouldn't have been able to live together, but I still feel kind of bad for him. his whole backstory could have warranted a different, darker path, but instead, he chose to stay good, to stay pure (in a not-so-evil kind sense, haha) he stayed on this path of a nurturing and caring person who looks after his brothers diligently as well as yn. he is a kind soul that I feel was deeply wronged only because he was doing what he thought to be right.
last but certainly not least, heeseung. god, his character was so complex that I'm still baffled by him ngl. his aura was giving me chills, and I could feel that sense of uncertainty with yn. there was so much to take from his story that I am still trying to process it. when he starts to slip up and show his vulnerability, it made me start to wonder if what he was feeling for yn was more than just lust and want, but rather something deeper, not necessarily love, but just a deeper emotion than what he was letting on. how he was so quick to offer her the deal of taking soonyeol's place kind left me stuck in a limbo kinda state like he had just said he doesn't break promises, yet here he was so ready to get rid of soonyeol as soon as yn said the word. and I can see her point like if he is willing to break that promise with soonyeol wouldn't that mean he'd be just as quick to break it with yn if the chance arises? there was just a lot of uncertainty with it, and tbh, his character reminded me of someone I used to know who wasn't really a good guy, and maybe that's why I'm having such complex feelings about him... who knows.... but the epilogue where yn is standing face-to-face with him like that and not backing down takes a lot of courage especially when you just wanna tuck your tail and run. it reminds me of standing up to a bully or maybe an abusive person, and I can tell you from experience that it takes a LOT of guts and willpower to not back down.
on a different note....
DEMON PRINCE HEESEUNG CAN HAVE ME ANY DAY OF THE WEEK!!!! lord, that man is lethal in his own right, and I am living for it.
but again, aj, you are a truly exception writer, and I enjoyed every single second of reading this series!! and if you do decide to write an alternative ending where yn does take heeseung's deal, I'll be waiting first in line for those tickets to be released
I love you and all that you do; you truly deserve the love and complements that you are receiving <33 *mwah mwah*
kay i will literally start crying pls :( you are far too kind to me and your words are something i will cherish forever! i cannot thank you enough for reading and getting invested in this story 🫶🏻 you truly are so precious to me <3 i love you so much
this story has become a part of me so when people compliment it like this i feel so full :(( its a feeling i cant repay but i hope you know how appreciative i am!! i'm also glad that you could immerse yourself and see the characters for who they are!
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greatyme · 1 year
Thai BL Favorites List Tag Game
thank youuu mel @justafriend-ql for tagging me!!! And to @thatgirl4815 for creating it!
I’m so bad at picking favorites so please excuse the fact that I have like two answers per question.. since this is a Thai bl list I’m not listing gls or non Thai series or else I’d probably list like 3+ per question fnskfjfj
Favorite bl: bad buddy or not me (PLEASE DONT MAKE ME CHOOSE). They’re both very different but very important in their own ways. The bad buddy experience is incomparable and the beauty of not me and its basis in reality is historical
Favorite pairing: following suit, patpran & seanwhite. Both series weren’t just plot driven, they were character driven as well (possibly more so). Each are fantastic, though wildly different, romances.
Most underrated actor: my boy chimon! I think generally people know he can act but I wouldn’t be surprised if he gained more recognition after dangerous romance aired. (Also bonus, stealing Mel’s answer cuz sing always needs more attention he can do any and everything!! I’ll eat up any role he plays. I always do)
Favorite character: really hard to choose. maybe Sean (from not me again). I’m ngl I blocked someone once bc they talked a bit of shit abt him. He’s never done anything wrong in his life <3
Favorite side character: yok from not me. I’m gonna keep putting not me here srry but NO ONE will ever be as slutty as yok was. Not even First in only friends. He encapsulated Slut energy in such an immaculate way. (OR heartliming. They stole the show in moonlight chicken for me!)
Favorite scene: the pride flag scene from not me. It’s one of the most impactful scenes I’ve seen in any ql and I love the reason why it exists in the first place!
Favorite line: the build up to patpran’s rooftop kiss. Got me holding my breath screaming crying heart racing you know it. We’ve all been through it. I have it copied into my notes in case I ever need it (or just to. Cry idk)
Most anticipated bl and why: hmmm probably cooking crush literally just cuz of offgun in a romcom bl lmao I luv them. The pics they’ve uploaded lately have had a different vibe from the mock trailer and I’m liking it! Maybe cherry magic too as I’m curious to see how it’ll be adapted to Thailand as a remake
Healthiest relationship in a bl: patpran. Do I even need to say more? They might’ve had a little drama before they got together but you HAVE to have a healthy mf relationship to maintain it while “lying” saying you’ve broken up to your parents & some of ur friends
Most toxic relationship in a bl: vegaspete. See they’re lowkey more toxic in my head than they are on screen. Like yes vegas electrocuted Pete’s balls but he could’ve done worse and I think he should’ve! The toxic aspect was what made it fun (also who would I be if they didn’t make it on a fav Thai bl list at least Once)
Guilty pleasure series: idk what I’d consider a guilty pleasure BUT I thought the first episode of tharntype (which I actually only watched recently lmao) was kinda camp. Like it literally OPENS with Type saying he loves college except for one problem… GAY PEOPLE EXIST 😡🤬 that’s comedy. I burst out laughing. Can’t say I love the show as a whole tho
Most underrated series (mel I love that u added this bc I kno exactly what to say): SECRET CRUSH ON YOU. I NEED TO PROMOTE IT. I think people who dropped it did so bc it was so over the top but that’s exactly why you should keep going??? It’s SO saturated and the emotions are ALWAYS at 100 it’s hilarious but in the moments it gets emotional (episode 13…) it GOES ALL IN!!! The constant secondhand embarrassment made me literally start sweating but in a good way?? Ppl who reduce it to just cringe have missed all the beauty it offers. I regret not watching it live and I feel like I don’t see enough people talking about it… also I am literally toh <3
Surprisingly some of my beloved Thai bls didn’t make it onto this list but it seems that’s cuz I still have bad buddy/not me brain worms forever 🙃 I stand by what I said either way hehe
I’ll tag @joyladagang @loserlesbianongsa @jyuubin @petrichoraline @iliketodecompose <33333
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xsoulxsilencex · 8 months
I was thinking for a while how I should handle my (critical) thoughts on ep 95 on tumblr. And I decided that I will use the tags and simply hide my explanation under "keep reading" so you can choose to continue reading or stop already. Maybe some will end up agreeing with me, others might disagree and think "man, you missed the point/you don't get it" - which is fine.
So what to say about ep 95? Firstly, my opinion hasn't changed after watching it with subs: I didn't cry, I wasn't even really sad which might be weird considering I do like Nishaw and the Velgearians. (and I have cried for or was at least feeling a bit emotional about other death scenes, even in ygo so it's not like I'm just not caring enough or even cold-hearted)
But Idk... them dying didn't affect me and it might be because the "wrong" people were there to see it happen. I know this sounds mean but Asaka and Tazaki over Yudias (and the twins)? Really? And before someone says "well duh, he's not supposed to know so ofc we get nothing of him in that regard" - well, I don't like. I had a feeling from the spoiler summary that they would go down the "we don't want to upset Yudias so lets keep quiet about his comrades dying, we mean well" road and I still can't vibe with that, no matter how good the intention behind it is.
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So on one hand, Tazaki can understand the Velgearians' feelings but he also knows that Yudias should know what's going on. And at first he made me believe that he would go back to UTS and tell him the truth - but no, he changes his mind and asks Asaka if she can give him some of her employees to act as the Velgearians for a while which is a pretty meh plan imo.
Asaka's reaction to this is basically mine:
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Ngl, for a while, I thought Asaka would stay with her opinion that keeping everything a secret is a bad idea since that's not changing reality and the grief would just be postponed - and I agree with her. But it's not like she's uncaring since you see in her change of expression that it pains her too what's happening but it is how it is.
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And then I thought Tazaki might change his opinion even if he still has this dilemma of trying to respect the Velgearians' last wish and letting Yudias know.
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So, did Tazaki end up siding with Asaka? Well, we get no answer yet because Nishaw randomly shows up, looking kinda frozen. Asaka goes into explanation mode and exposes herself as a hypocrite:
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At least she knows herself that she's hypocritical.
But still, I'm disappointed. I had wished in her not changing her mind even though deep inside, I had this (bad) feeling she's gonna side with Tazaki eventually and say nothing. Because it was the most predictable outcome no matter if she had lost or won. (*side eye at Luge vs Zaion*)
Also: Asaka freezing Nishaw to prevent him from dying feels like coming out of nowhere imo. And if freezing was really her best idea then why didn't she ever think of asking Luge? You know, the guy who can turn people into ice blocks by letting them see his boring manga? (and he can still freeze people despite being transformed into a massage chair iirc) Did she think he would refuse to help her or immediately tell Yudias and co. about her idea? Ngl, I do wonder if Luge's ice would've been better to prevent the death of the Velgearians than whatever Asaka developed since the former is ice made by alien power so it might be stronger than what humans developed. But I guess I will never get an answer for that...
When the duel ends, Tazaki holds a dead Valvelgear close while Asaka can just look at them with sadness. I know that many people got emotional seeing this and here comes my issue that I mentioned earlier in my post: the "wrong" characters witnessed the deaths. I like Tazaki and I'm overall cool with Asaka but no way this duel didn't happen mainly for some "Asana vs Galient" nostalgia similar to Rovian vs Princess Minstrel being a reminder of Romin vs Princess G. Nobody can tell me it wouldn't have been way more devastating to see the episode ending with Yudias or Yuhi holding Valvelgear with a tear-stained face since those two are the ones with the strongest bond with them. Did Tazaki even have scenes with Valvelgear alone before this episode? I honestly can't remember if yes - which is why I feel like they did that scene of Tazaki wanting to feed Valvelgear like a baby at the beginning of the ep + him using Valvelgear as a duel disk (like Yuhi usually does) to show that they have a bond even though it was pretty stupid to use Valvegear when the Velgearians in it are dying aka are already weakened and so shouldn't have been running around and pushing things just to work as a duel disk.
Nishaw was barely there but considering how sad Yudias and co. already looked when hearing about the Dudi people dying, they would've been sad to see him die too ofc.
The episode ends in Yudias and co. being back to MIK, talking with Phaser about the Rush Robot. And the very last scene is Yuga caught on camera. We likely just got Yuga there because he's gonna be the reason for the Yuna vs Manabu rematch.
I'm probably starting to repeat myself but damn... if the episode had actually ended with Yudias knowing what happened to his comrades and Nishaw (and the next ep would go more into his feelings after hearing that) instead... I kinda doubt that ep 96 will give us much focus on him considering the duel match up we get but I really hope that Yudias and the twins getting the sad news told won't be done off screen or in a quick flashback. Come on, I need to see their shocked faces, their tears and potential screams because no way Yuhi will just silently cry. Heck, he might be so mad (and maybe even feeling useless again after he had promised Valvelgear to save them and failed) that either Yuamu or Yudias must bring him back to his senses. I can see Yuamu either "just" looking sad or crying but not in a loud way.
As for Yudias... I think there are two ways he could take the news: He either starts crying and blaming himself for not noticing that his comrades were already dying and be very down (which Asaka and Tazaki wanted to prevent) - or Yudias cries but surprises everyone by not being completely crushed by the news but is still determined to find a way to save (and now also revive) his people. After all, we just know that the Velgearians in Valvelgear are dead. What's with the Velgearians who are still on Velgear? Are they already dead too or still alive? Is anyone even caring to check on them? And there's Dinois, Myuda and Zwijo too ofc.
Speaking of Zwijo: I dislike how he's always gone and in the middle of an arc, he comes back because the plot needs him. Like why can't we get a glimpse of what he's doing in the meantime? Where is he right now? Did he check on Velgear? Did he have contact with Yuga? Did he find something relevant? Is he maybe already too weak to do anything? Why do we always have to wait for such information until he's the focus again? Is it so hard having a duel between some characters and still show on the side what Zwijo's up to? He's the main rival and a freaking Velgearian! His kind is dying and we don't have a freaking clue how he feels about it and where he even is.
So yeah, those were my thoughts on ep 95. Sorry if they sound mostly negative but I really wished the writers had done some different choices there. But let's see how ep 96 and the rest of arc 8 will be...
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
so this video was interesting to me for a lot of reasons. i definitely liked it more, i think, than tommy and foolish's but i think that's also bc so much more happened.
first off, i think the girls did excellent for their first investigation. they weren't too freaked out, even tho they had every right to be, and i liked their overall presence in the video. they seem pretty cool :)
now… as for the place they went to….
ngl, it seemed a bit freaky, for sure. i'm a little confused how all of the documentation of a place can be burned and yet ppl still know everything about it, but i digress lol
god knows there's probably some stuff that slipped thru the cracks and found it's way into history books.
i think the main issue i had with this video is the lack of physical evidence. i'm not one to discount other ppl's experiences. i believe them all when they say they felt something was there, or was watching them, or they saw something that the camera didn't catch. i'm not gonna argue that.
what i am gonna argue is this: if you truly feel like you are hearing things when no one else is, feeling touched or pressure on your body…. leave. step outside and center yourself. and if it seems to be a reoccurring issue, don't stay there. i feel terrible for niki bc she was getting the worse of it. but girl… walk outside. there's no way i would be chilling in a set of caves allowing ghosts to cop a feel for an hour lol i would be such a bitch about it, they would want me out of those caves asap.
but she's nicer than me so i get why she stayed.
i just feel like in places like that, where it's mostly feelings rather than evidence like devices going off, it becomes an echo chamber. one person freaks out, and bc you care about them, you start freaking out as well. and so on and so forth. and i think that's why investigations that take place in those type of locations, you need to have some form of grounding exercise or something that can center you. and not just being saged outside before walking in.
i always carry or have on two crystal necklaces that i've had for years now. i don't even know if they're real crystals, but bc they make me feel at peace, i make sure to always have them with me regardless. and i think bc none of them had anything like that, things spiraled very fast.
hell, i usually have my crystals on when i do tarot, let alone if i went into a place like this.
i don't fault any of them (except maybe snc bc they should know better by now) for not knowing what to do in situations like this. i can only imagine how fucking weird it must have felt.
the only point i want to argue is that when they were talking about "oh i feel this pressure on my chest, like it's hard to breathe"…. you're hundreds of feet down in the earth. that's gonna happen. the air in the caves is probably from the 1800s. literally body juice (ew) is leaking into the caves. it's not the healthiest air down there.
but aside from all of that, i think the video was really good. the estes methods were both interesting and creepy all at the same time. i hate when colby did the estes method and it was all sexual and pervy… no thanks. i also DESPISE that colby went into a trance for a minute when they went down into the lowest part, or hell. absolutely FUCK NO BABYYYY lol
i think the medium/guide they had was an interesting character, and i feel bad that she felt so emotional towards whatever was following them. also, it was very weird to see something want to attack colby, bc that usually happens to sam. so… i wonder why that was the case. but i have an idea as to why that happened (i'm gonna be answering an ask that talks about it in case you want to know).
overall, great video. enjoyed the collab. maybe if snc are in the uk again, they can collab with niki and gee. can't wait for the next video, which should be daz !
let me know what you guys thought about the video :)
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cantarella · 10 months
Hopping on this (well-informed) hate train to ask your thoughts on foc*llette? I noticed a lot of nvfrs make the switch as if that makes it any better. I thought it was pretty clear in Furina’s sq that Focalors was pretty much everyone’s big sister, to put it simply…
"well-informed hate train" took me out ngl but it's definitely an accurate way to describe whatever's happening here
since I've mentioned I believe furina and focalors to be different characters with different experiences and different minds technically what I think of the idea of furina and neuvi romantically doesn't apply with focalors, but I do think 1. it's deeply heterosexual and boring as hell 2. the fans are annoying and conflate it with nvfri so like even if I didn't mind it at first the fans made me dislike it and 3. it's also kinda weird for a bunch of reasons which I might as well elaborate on
so dragons in teyvat have been textually colonized by celestia, like it's a 1:1 comparison it's not particularly difficult to get that, so I'm not exactly comfortable imagining neuvi romantically invested with an archon no matter who they are. in fact I think even something like neuvi being as sad as he was during her execution scene and afterwards was kinda forced, considerng he's never hidden his resentment for celestia nor gods
you could argue he's inherently kind and felt sad she had to go to such lengths, which, well, yeah obviously. but other than what I've already mentioned there's the fact he straight up didn't know her until 5min prior so it was all a bit much
it also really undermines the fact the execution was an act of righteousness, oppressed groups don't owe gratitude to their oppressors for giving up on their privilege in the name of doing good. so the framing being entirely on how sad and tragic this sacrifice is and make the colonized character be the one to express said sorrow was... ehh a bad look. yes he's kind, and part of the emotional reaction must have been bc he learned of what furina went through and bc he finally found the answer to what he's supposed to do in his life, but it was still sketchy framing when you consider the bigger picture and the themes it touches on. ok tangent over bc this is barely relevant
you're also onto something in the way focalors is a sort of bigger sister bc she is a mentor figure, though only symbolically. in a way her leaving furina 500 years ago, revealing to neuvi her reason for inviting him to the court, handing over her powers and leaving both furina and neuvi for good ties back to the moment in a coming of age narrative in which figures that give guidance and mentorship leave and you're left by yourself to learn to stand on your own. obviously in this case it's only symbolic bc neuvi literally looks like a man in his 50s and they didn't know each other at all, but it terms of story beats it ties back into the main theme of the region. that's how I interpret it, and as always (bc I'm a romance hater) I think the canon dynamic is more interesting if kept as it is and not potrayed as romantic for the sake of it
also it's just weird bc she looks identical to furina like idk my man. I've talked ad nauseam about why I think neuvi fills the role of a guardian figure both in the text and symbolically, I'm not gonna feel comfortable imagining him romancing someone who looks like his pseudo-daughter what kind of freudian nightmare would that be😭
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