#this movie is such eye candy for me they got so much cool colors in this thing
windmills123 · 3 months
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scene redraw from kamikaze girls ! ! you guys would like that movie.. (it's pretty easy to find..... ;p)
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oceanblueeyesoul · 2 years
Hoi! You can call me Ares! 🤪
I was wondering if I could request a Wednesday match up? It’s cool if not though!
Appearance: I’m quite tall at around 6’1 (I’m very proud about that) with a muscular body to match, I have have huge broad shoulders due to playing catch with kids in my neighborhood most my life (at least I think that’s where I got them).
I have dark blue eyes, along with a light medium color tan and I have short neck length sea blue hair
Personality; I’m quite shy and silent are unknown people, or newer people I’m not close with but once I trusted you I’m very goofy, loud, and talkative. I’m known for spilling interesting facts about what I’ve read randomly, along with having random questions about random things (I blame that on my ADHD)
My sense of humor can tend to be kind of dark, with watching people do stupid things and get themselves injured, and animals either twerking, picking up a knife and chasing the owners - being my favorite thing to laugh about
I tend to be stubborn and adventurous witch leads to me getting hurt a lot.
I hate seeing people cry so I try and do something to make them laugh, I either do a stupid dance which mainly involves me moving forward and looking like a chicken pecking their food (yes I do flappy wings too) it works about 75% and the other 25% I just give hugs and forehead kisses
I’m sarcastic without actually thinking or trying to be.
My most hated flaws are;
Being oblivious to the world (like new music, new popular things,)
Being a ‘Uncultured Swine’
My forgetfulness
My time management
I hate being to clingy but I love to cuddle and just give hugs and just hold somebody, be a big spoon(aka I love physical contact)
I Would give everything to everything to help someone in need
Would adopt all animals that need homes if possible
I’m a Virgo, and Gryffindor/Hufflepuff (I got two different answers the 6 times I did it
Like; reading, drawing, exploring, going on adventures, listening to music ‘all different genres’, laying in the grass watching the stars, dogs/all animals, watching tv, surfing the social media, the color blue, chocolate, blue raspberry things, candy, the simpsons, movies that make me cry, forest exploring, randomly putting a song on and dancing to it
Obsessed with;
Greek and Roman mythology
Watching documentaries
Making things
Making a play lists
Favorite animals;
Sugar gliders
Cats & dogs
And so much more
Absolutely hates;
Anything Horror related
Crying over my emotions
Anything remotely scary
People who take oh e advantage of others
Loud noises
Crowded places
I have anxiety
Any pronouns
Attracted to females, cuddles and affection, and happiness
Wears masculine clothing (suits,boxers,swim trunks,ect)
I wear glasses
I walk with a slight limp due to a surgery on my left ankle
I have a slightly deep voice
I hope you are doing okay and are having a happy holidays! ❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚
Sending hugs! 🫂🫂🫂
Hi there, Ares! I really hope you like this a lot! And happy holidays to you too!
Wednesday (Netflix) Matchup
Your Wednesday (Netflix) soulmate is...
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When you get hurt or injured, Bianca is always here with an bandage and a caring heart but warns you not to do it ever again!
Bianca is definitely will be making playlists for you on your birthday and special occasions indeed, she just wants to make you feel special to her.
You will definitely make her laugh through your ridiculous dances and forehead kisses too, she is only soft for you indeed!
Capricorn x Virgo lovebirds!
Slytherclaw x Gryffinpuff soulmates!
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hi! i was wondering if you could do a thackery binx x fem reader? you can pick the plot but just a lot of fluff!
also a max dennison x fem reader, maybe she is in place of allison, and you can pick the plot for that as well with a lot of fluff!
thanks :)
thackery’s first and last halloween party
summary: thackery has never been to a halloween party, and decides he wants to try it out! bad idea.
words: 1,536
warnings: loud, crowded party, thackery gets anxious, hurt/comfort kind of??
a/n: okay, i know, it’s been a while. i’m sorry. BUT I’M BACK NOW AND EVERYTHING IS FINE. requests are open!! i swear it won’t take me a month to get to i promise. ALSO! the max dennison x reader thing was literally fully written and deleted TWICE now and i am so sorry but i cannot go through that a third time
thackery binx has lived for over 300 years, but hasn’t experienced much. for most of his life, he was stuck as a cat. he could only observe. he had watched every year as halloween decorations were put up, pumpkins were carved, leaves changed colors and fell, and kids went trick or treating. he watched the teenagers his age party and go out with friends. they looked like they were having the time of their lives. it was cool seeing others enjoy themselves, sure, but he really wanted to be involved in something. anything, honestly. the first time he was involved in anything on halloween was last year, when a high schooler named max dennison, his little sister dani, a girl named allison, and you, who he immediately adored, accidentally brought three witches known as the sanderson sisters back from the dead. they were the witches who had sentenced them to this life of isolation, and turned him into a black cat. thackery helped the group defeat the witches, and as soon as all three of them had turned to dust, binx transformed back into a human!
that was all a year ago. now, it was halloween once again, over the passed year you and thackery had taken a liking towards each other, and not long after the witches were defeated, you two started dating! the two of you were at your house putting on your costumes, just planning to spend the night handing out candy and probably watching scary movies. thackery almost couldn’t believe what was happening. he was finally able to spend a halloween with other people. he got to dress up and eat candy and watch crappy horror movies. he got to sit on your bed while you finalized your costume, so that he could go with you to hand out candy to the younger kids in your neighborhood. he was fine spending the night in, obviously, but he wanted to maybe venture out a little bit, see what a halloween party had to offer. he was brought back to reality when he felt you sit down on the bed next to him.
“thackery! are you listening to me?” you asked, followed by a giggle. “what? sorry, no. what did you say?” he asked. you now had his full attention! “i said, do you think the white glitter or the black glitter would work better with my costume?” you showed him the swatches of both options on your arm. “the black glitter would look good with your makeup, on your face, and you could use the white as body glitter! since it’s more transparent.” he took the small containers of glitter from you and asked you to shut your eyes so he could demonstrate. you felt him put some on your eyelids, your cheekbones, and then your collarbones. he gave you the all clear to open up, and when you did, you were very pleased with the results! “thanks, binx!” you exclaimed, turning around to put the glitter back on the top of your dresser with the other makeup you’d used to get ready. “are you ready to go set up downstairs? i don’t think the trick or treaters have come out yet, but it can’t be too much longer! let’s go turn on the porch light!” you started to head down the stairs, thackery following closely behind you.
“(y/n), i was thinking, maybe, if you’re up for it, we could maybe not just hand out candy this year? we should go out! and go to a party maybe? we already have our cool costumes on! we could go to the one near allison’s house! the host is some random kid from school, but whatever! it looked fun!” he got increasingly excited as he spoke, starting to get rambley. he caught himself, “only if you wanted to, of course. we don’t have to if you don’t want. we can hand out candy! i’m sure that’s fun too!” he didn’t want you to think that he thought you were boring just because you didn’t want to go out. he didn’t want to hurt your feelings! “you actually want to go out?” you asked, a surprised expression on your face. he just nodded, smiling excitedly. “thank. god.” you exhaled dramatically. “the only reason i was going to hand out candy is because i wanted to hang out with you! and honestly, you’re one of the last people i expected to want to go out. much less go to some party.” you hugged him and then pulled away, shaking him by the shoulders. “well what are we waiting for? let’s go!!” you put the candy display you had set up back inside, and then shut and locked your front door. thackery was practically skipping down the sidewalk, eager to get to the party!!
it was only like a ten minute walk, but the chilled air and the slight breeze in nothing but your halloween costumes made it feel a little longer. it was all worth it when you got to the party. you rang the doorbell and were greeted by a student from your school who you didn’t even know the name of. most of the guests were the same. just random kids from school you hardly knew. you stepped into the house and thackery seemed hesitant. “come on, binx! it’ll be so fun!” you said, grabbing him by the hand and guiding him through the door. he instantly regretted his decision. there were so many people crammed into this small house, he wasn’t sure that any more could fit. music was blaring so loud that even though you were right next to him, he could barely make out what you were saying. if it weren’t for his grip on your hand, he’s positive he would have lost you by now in the sea of people. apparently, you were right. parties were definitely not for him. he was so in his head, and he felt anxious? and kind of claustrophobic? it was getting harder and harder for him to breath. he felt like he was being crushed by all of the people around him. you finally found a place to sit down, and so you did! you pulled him into your lap and rested your head on his shoulder. you could tell he was breathing pretty heavy.
“binx, you okay?” you asked. you pretty much had to yell for him to be able to hear you. “yeah! yeah. i’m okay.” he replied, forcing a smile on his face. “you sure? if you changed your mind we can leave! i don’t even think trick or treating has started yet.” as much as he wanted to go back to your house and just eat candy and watch tv, he didn’t want you to think he was a baby. or boring. or weird for not wanting to stay. it was his idea, and he didn’t want to be annoying by saying he ‘changed his mind.’ that’s dumb. “nope! we can stay here! this is… fun.” he said, and you just shrugged your shoulders. you were taking in the party scene, looking around to see if you recognized anyone. you scanned the room from left to right, and all of a sudden, you saw allison!! “binx, look! allison’s here! let’s go say hi!” you signaled for him to stand up and grabbed his hand once again, guiding him through the large crowd.
“hi (y/n)! hi thackery! i didn’t expect you guys to be here!” allison yelled once you’d reached her. she of course was standing right by a few speakers, making it even more difficult to hear and understand one another. thackery was squeezing your hand super tight at this point. the noise that was causing his anxiety seemed to only be getting louder. you could just tell that something wasn’t right. it was so so obvious that he just didn’t want to be there. you couldn’t sit by and watch him suffer. “yeah! um, we were just heading out and we wanted to say good night! we’re going to go home and watch a movie! right, love?” he looks confused, but just nods in agreement. anything to get out of there. “aw, well i wish i would have caught you guys sooner! have fun!” allison said as she waved. you pretty much dragged thackery through the crowd (again) to get to the door, and as soon as the door could be pried open you both tooth a deep breath. it was so hot and muggy in that house, the air was hardly breathable.
“well…” you started. “that was pretty awful.” you said laughing. thackery chuckled back, before hugging you tightly. “i’m sorry i ruined the party.” he mumbled. “binx, you did not ruin the party. i could tell you weren’t enjoying yourself. that’s not your fault!” you pulled away and kissed him on the cheek. “it was just loud and crowded and muggy and-” you grabbed his shoulders and shook him a little. “thackery, you don’t need to explain yourself. are you okay?” you asked. “yeah, i’m okay now. that party was scary.” he chuckled a little as you grabbed his hand and the two of you started to walk towards your house.
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rachaelswrites · 3 years
Fright Night
Aaron Hotchner x Daughter!reader
Word Count: 1,577
Requested By: Anonymous
can you do aaron hotchner x teen! daughter! reader where it’s like halloween and she gets kidnapped by an unsub
Warnings: Kidnapping, small mentions of violence and injury (nothing graphic)
A/N: Reader is about 15. Takes place around season 11 (this in no way follows the cm timeline but...) here’s a link to how I imagine the costumes 
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Halloween was one of you and your friend’s favorite holiday. You always did group costumes and this year, you went all out. Your group decided on dressing as the clowns from The Purge. You all bought everything you needed weeks in advance and made sure everyone had a different colored mask so it was perfect. 
You weren’t planning on trick-or-treating since most people in your school didn’t do that. Most people always went to the school’s Fright Night. It was where a bunch of students and teachers came to the school on Halloween night to watch horror films and hang out. 
Hotch was glad to hear that you’d rather stay in at a school sponsored party than out with friends or at some stranger’s house party. He knew the odds and knew you’d be much safer there than anywhere else. He would much rather prefer that you would stay home with him and Jack but he didn’t want to hinder your social life. 
Halloween rolled around and it was almost time for you to leave for Fright Night. You got dressed and grabbed the mask and your phone before heading downstairs to where your dad and little brother were. Jack had decided he was ‘too cool’ to go out tonight so he and your dad were staying in and handing out candy while watching movies.
“Remember what time you have to be home by?” Hotch asked you. 
“Eleven otherwise you’d send the team out to look for me,” you said. 
“Just be safe tonight okay? Text me if anything happens. Don’t go off with strangers and don’t take anything,” he rambled. You knew he was just trying to make sure you were safe. 
“Don’t worry I won’t do anything stupid dad,” you walked over to where he was sitting at the kitchen table and gave him a hug, “I’ll be fine. I’m at school and there are teachers who are chaperoning.”
“I know,” he said, kissing the side of your head, “I still worry but I trust you.”
You met up with your friends outside the school and you all went inside. For the first half of the event, the gym was set up like a dance. There were colored lights and loud music playing with drinks and food off to the side. You all got drinks and some snacks before going to the dance floor.
After a while of dancing and hanging out, you got tired and went to sit down at a table. You left your friends on the floor and checked your phone. You responded to a text from your dad before looking back up in the direction of your friends. You had lost track of them as a group but you spotted your friend Ashley coming up to you. 
When she reached you, she had to yell over the music so you could hear, “Do you want to get out of here? The food here sucks and I’m craving some McDonald’s.”
“As long as I’m home by eleven otherwise my dad will kill me,” you said as you stood up. You followed Ashley to the parking lot and to her car. She waited until you were buckled up before she locked the car doors and drove off. After a few minutes you passed by the restaurant, “I think you passed it Ash,” you said jokingly. 
“Oh,” she said, not taking her eyes off of the road.
“Are you going to turn around?” you asked, “Cause if we’re going to the one across town, I’m going to be home late and my dad will kill me.”
“He won’t be the only one,” she mumbled.
“Ash quit joking around, I'm serious,” you were starting to get annoyed with her. In the short time you knew Ashley, she had always in one way or another gotten on your nerves. She only just moved here so you invited her to join the group but now you were starting to regret it, “either turn around or let me out.”
“God just shut up Y/n,” she spat, “Do you ever stop talking? Especially about yourself.”
“What do you mean?” you asked her. 
She laughed darkly before turning to face you, “You act so perfect all the time Y/n but you’re not. You’re just a broken little girl and I’ll make sure everyone sees it.”
Hotch knew you weren’t one to break curfew so when it was ten minutes past eleven, he knew something was up. He called you and sent you several texts and you didn’t answer, something you never did. While he had no proof you were missing, he trusted his gut and called in the team. 
The team arrived at the school and found your friends and questioned them. Garcia stayed at the BAU with Hotch since he couldn’t work on his own daughter’s case. 
“Uh sir,” Garcia said after Hotch instructed her to track your phone, “Y/n’s phone last pinged near 56th street.”
“What was she doing over there?” Hotch asked, looking at the monitor to see if anything looked familiar. 
“I don’t know but let me check to see if any of her friends were with her,” she said as she went to work. 
All of a sudden, Hotch’s phone rang and it was Tara, who was at the school, so he answered, “Did you guys find anything yet?”
“Well Y/n’s friends say they were all together except for when she went to sit down after dancing for a while. They said their other friend Ashley disappeared shortly after that but figured the two of them went off together,” Tara explained. 
“You’re probably right. I’ll check with Garcia,” Hotch said. He turned to Garcia, “Can you check if Ashley Robert’s phone was with Y/n’s?”
Garcia checked and nodded, “Both of the girl’s phones last pinged in the same location.”
Hotch sighed before going back to Tara on the phone, “Both of their phones pinged together. We should-” he was cut off by JJ’s voice. 
“Hotch someone else said they spotted both Y/n and Ashley leaving in Ashley’s car. It’s a silver Ford with a license plate bgc5940. I think Ashley is the unsub.”
“Garcia?” Hotch knew Garcia could hear the conversation and hoped she was already trying to track it. 
“I found it sir. Her car is outside an old abandoned apartment complex on Smith Street,” Garcia said. 
“Alright Garcia, send the address to everyone and I’ll meet you guys there.”
The team arrived before Hotch did and they didn’t plan on waiting for him. They all cared about you and if they didn’t act now and didn’t want to risk you getting hurt. 
Spencer and Rossi went in first while JJ and Tara stayed back as backup. The two men went in and searched the floors until they heard footsteps from a room on the third floor. They heard your voice pleading with Ashley to stop and then another voice, Ashley’s, yelling. 
“What? Are you crying cause your daddy who’s a hero isn’t here to save you. I’ve only been here since the summer but I know what happened with your mom. She’s dead because he didn’t get there in time. 
“Seriously Ashley just stop it,” you cried, “Please I haven’t done anything to you.”
“Are you seriously that stupid?” she asked, bringing the knife she had been using on you, “You’ve ruined my chances of doing anything here. Everyone is always like ‘you must love being friends with Y/n’ or ‘aren’t you Y/n’s friend?’ and I’m tired of it. If I kill you, then everyone will forget and I can take your place.”
“You want to kill me because you’re jealous? I think you’re the stupid one,” you spat. She quickly turned to face you and stormed over to you, cutting a deep gash over the smaller ones she made on your arm, making you cry out in pain. 
Spencer and Rossi took this as their cue to enter the room, “Ashley drop the knife,” Rossi said. 
Ashley shook her head before she pulled you up from the floor and held you close to her, the knife pressing against your throat, “I can’t. I don’t want to.”
Spencer took a step forward, lowering his gun, “Ashley, if you kill Y/n, that’s all you’ll be known for. The girl who killed Y/n Hotchner. Do you really think people will want to be your friend or want to be around you? Let her go and you’ll be known as the person who saved her?” he tried to bargain with her and you could sense it was working. Her grip on you loosened and the knife soon hit the floor. 
You immediately ran from her and practically threw yourself at Spencer who wrapped his arms around you tightly, “You’re okay Y/n. You’re safe,” he whispered. He moved his hand up to your head while Rossi made sure Ashley was in handcuffs. 
“Is my dad here? I want my dad,” you asked quietly. Spencer nodded and moved his arms off of you. 
“Come on,” he held his hand out for you to take. Once you took it, Spencer helped you walk down the staircase to the first floor and out the doors where the rest of the team was. You spotted your dad and let go of Spencer’s hand and ran to Hotch. 
Hotch pulled you in tightly, making sure to be careful of your injuries.
@ssebstann @peachyprincessss @emmy-writes-sometimes @dudele @prentisswrites @laura-naruto-fan1998 @multifamdomfan12 @aquariuslavenderhoney  @vxidsti1es @waxingmoonwrites @benbarnesbussy  @hallecarey1 @freds-slut
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
since you mentioned him, why do you like mysterio so much?
Much like I mentioned in that other post, my appreciation for Mysterio is based on "pretty much everything the character's been in, comics in last place" first and foremost, mainly because comics Mysterio, while he's obviously the source and has really great, essential storylines for appreciating the character, also has a lot of moments that make him too much of a scumbag for me to enjoy the way I'd like to, particularly Guardian Devil, I really, really don't like that storyline. It's this problem everyone cursed with a love for comic book characters runs into, especially when they are villain fans who like their favorite villains a little or a lot less nasty / murdery / perverted / etc-y than how most writers prefer to use them, I think you all definitely know what I mean without me having to cite specific examples, so we can put this caveat aside.
So I can talk about how much I love Mysterio in general.
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(Art by michalivan)
First off, Mysterio has what is EASILY one of the greatest supervillain designs period, not even just for comic book characters, and I'm that they never got rid of the fishbowl or tried to permanently redesign it into something "cooler", like the fishbowl isn't already unbelievably cool, and that, even with the lengths they took to modernize and blockbuster-fy Mysterio for FFH, they didn't touch the fishbowl and instead used it as a centerpiece for some of his illusions (by far the best part of that movie, really the only thing that made me watch it, was it's depiction of Mysterio and his traps). 
It’s a design that wouldn’t look remotely out of place in a Power Rangers or Kamen Rider show and I mean that as a compliment, tokusatsu supervillain designs are generally a cut or several above comic book supervillain designs, partially because, much like how fighting game characters need to be appealing at first sight in ways other videogame characters do not need, tokusatsu villains, especially in monster-of-the-week formats, need to strike up an impression and be distinguishable and show you what kind of threat they pose or character they are, often with nothing BUT their design. And so Mysterio stands out in any line-up, next to any candy-colored criminal mastermind or deformed gangster or animal-themed superthug.
Mysterio’s look, even at it’s most basic form, strikes a weird, confusing, mystical figure. What should be a fairly obvious albeit still cool supervillain look, with that green bodysuit and purple cape and wrist ornaments, turns almost into some kind of weird abstract art piece, with the net pattern over his body and those wretched eye ornaments attaching his cape and of course the fishbowl, obscuring and dehumanizing his features beyond even the usual  monstrous mask, evoking something far less bestial than the other Spider-rogues, instead pushing it to the truly alien and dreamlike, something you’d find minding it’s business in M.C Escher rooms squirreled away in unexplored depths of subconscious, something that only bothers to look human so it can better taunt you with just how stupid and ignorant you really are about the world around you. 
And of course, Mysterio is not some grandiose, godlike alien, he’s just a theatrical asshole with parlor tricks, and his design excellently communicates both of these aspects to him, especially when the fishbowl is inevitably destroyed and suddenly the entire illusion is gone. Or is it? He always finds a way to get you the hardest when you think you’ve got him down and he’s got no more illusions to pull, and then he turns out to have a whole ensemble of extra illusions, or just good old fashioned dirty tricks, because Mysterio is nothing if not a resourceful bastard.
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I mentioned atop that I don’t like some moments where Mysterio is made too much of a bastard for me to enjoy the character as a fun supervillain, but that is in no way me saying that I don’t like Mysterio as a bastard, quite the opposite. I love that he in particular, out of most of the major Spider-Man villains, is the one with the least tragic reasons for becoming a villain. He wasn’t turned into a monster, he wasn’t screwed over unfairly out of his life’s work, he didn’t have any mental illnesses or conditions to push him to crime (which gives him less of an excuse than fucking Carnage, of all people), he didn’t even have a tragic life story prior to taking up the costume.
His backstory is that he was an accomplished VFX artist and stuntman, with steady employment, who became bored and, failing to transition into acting, decided to take up costumed supervillainy (a retcon later established that he was blacklisted after one of his special effects injured someone, but that doesn’t mitigate anything as he could have, and indeed has, found any number of workarounds for this). Even adaptations that try to give Mysterio more concrete or understandable (and sometimes less fun) reasons for becoming a supervillain don’t do anything to mitigate that this guy, while not nearly as cruel as the Goblin or the Symbiotes, or as dangerous as Doc Ock or destructive as someone like Electro or Scorpion, is a piece of shit who became a costumed terrorist purely to sate his ego, because he had the means and resources to become a supervillain and the idea appealed to him, so he did it.
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You know how Breaking Bad appears at first to be the heartbreaking story of an average, well-meaning man driven to crime out of desperate financial woes, when it turns out to be mainly the story of a gargantuan, cartoonish asshole finally finding an excuse to cut loose and go on an ego trip at the expense of everyone around him? Or Death Note and that whole joke that goes around in this site, about how Light Yagami saw the slippery slope and decided to grab a sled? That’s Mysterio. He’s the greatest example of a genuine, bonafide Saturday morning cartoon villain in Spider-Man’s rogues gallery, and often times this doesn’t at all mitigate the threat he poses, even when Spider-Man is actively aware that he’s dealing with Mysterio’s Scooby-Doo bullshit again.
If there’s a single thing that asshole’s honest about, is the why he’s doing this, and frankly I tend to like that in a villain, especially because all the other Spider-Man villains tend to be largely tragic victims, fully monstrous and irredeemable murderers, or funny assholes who are meant to be slightly sympathetic and pathetic also. In a world where the biggest villains tend to be self-deluded monsters and scumbags doing wretched things under a pretense of nobility or excused (sometimes by the narrative even) by personal tragedy, like Magneto or Dr Doom or the X-Men in the Krakoa era or MCU Thanos, I find Mysterio refreshing. Nobody’s gonna ask me to debate the morality of the mass murders and war crimes committed by Mysterio (and it helps that he’s not interested in doing those, he really just gets his kicks out of putting on a show and fucking with Spider-Man) and we’re all generally on the same page that he’s a total dipshit and kind of a joke but he’s also very cool and genuinely scary at points, and he’s generally not bad enough to the point it ruins how fun he is to watch as a cartoon villain (again, minus stories like Guardian Devil, at least for me). Nobody’s gonna come up to me in real life and argue with me that “he’s got a point” that I should consider debating over. 
Mysterio is a creature of spectacle through and through. It’s the spectacle that makes superhero comics what they are, and the true power of Mysterio as a character comes not in the ways he poses a personal threat to Peter Parker (which he does, having gone through painstakingly cruel lengths to gaslight and torment Parker’s mind in ways that other villains with direct mind-control powers couldn’t conceive doing), or a major-scale menace to the city. It’s not in the ways he poses a dark mirror to Spider-Man or a symbolic attack on his persona, that’s what you go to characters like Venom or Doc Ock or Kraven for. What makes Mysterio interesting to me, on a deeper level, is that his power lies in the spectacle that we inherently sign up for when we go to superhero stories. He may not break or acknowledge the 4th wall directly, but on some level, Mysterio displays awareness that he lives in a world of story, that he is a player on a stage like all the others around him, and that he must entertain. His very gimmick as a villain is to tell stories within stories, to insidiously take control, even if only briefly and only in the little world he lives in, of people’s lives and puppeteer them along.
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Speaking more personally, Mysterio’s always been a concept deeply appealing to me personally, a grandiose theatrical supervillain who specialized in using movie special effects and film concepts to pick fights with superheroes. I’ve wanted to become a filmmaker since I was 13 and it’s a dream I latched onto strongly my whole life no matter what, one I’ve only been able to begun achieving recently. I’ve always loved telling stories, learning about stories, taking facts and events and spinning stories out of them and getting people invested in them, I’ve been doing it even before I knew what it was, and one of the big reasons why I’ve always wanted to be a filmmaker is because film affords you more tools to work with when creating a story, and I’ve always wanted to learn more about what those tools were and how to use them. Learn the “magic”, as it were. 
And sometimes it feels weird or wrong to call it “magic”, when it’s stuff that you know how to do so mechanically, when it’s stuff you have to do for a living, when you have to do it when you don’t want to, when you got bills to pay and so parts of the “magic” become a job like any other and suddenly you have to come to terms with the idea that maybe you ended up choking your childhood dream by chasing it and it’s hard to muster up the love and excitement you need to in order to go after those dreams you’ve been putting in the backburner forever now and-
..Allright, you know what, I take it back, maybe Mysterio did have a point. A worker in the film industry, ESPECIALLY in the special effects and stunts department, choosing to become a supervillain, feels like something that doesn’t need much justification. Mysterio’s real arch-enemy wouldn’t be Spider-Man, it’d be CGI. 
Or Sony.
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(Fingers crossed that, with all the Raimi love in NWH, someday we’ll FINALLY get some justice in this world and get Bruce Campbell as Mysterio for real.)
Jokes aside though, part of the reason I always found Mysterio cool, even when I had read or watched very few stories with him in it, is the same reason so many people quote first and foremost when asked to describe why they like Batman: the ability to kick ass without superpowers. I’ve always liked to watch Mysterio fight Spider-Man for similar reasons people like to watch Batman fight Superman.
I’ve never, ever, liked the idea of Mysterio using actual magic, it runs very much contrary to his appeal as a tremendous illusionist without any magical abilities, using purely advanced technology and his own brilliant mind to run circles around superheroes (and sometimes even supervillains, even those who are actual magic users, who can’t figure out and counter what he’s doing). I didn’t want to get into film because of Mysterio, but the idea of Mysterio made filmmaking and special effects look cool to me the same way Popeye made spinach look cool or Batman makes being a detective look cool. Yeah, spinach doesn’t turn you into a fighting god (to my bitter dissappointment when I first tried it) and by all means Batman would be a pretty terrible detective, but that’s what fiction is for, and fiction is Mysterio’s power.
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Fiction is what allows Mysterio, a no-name scumbag with no superpowers, to pose a regular challenge to a superhero who leaps through buildings and juggles cars. Fiction is what allows Batman to beat up Superman, and it’s specifically the fact that it’s Mysterio’s background in film, in special effects and stunt work and acting and etc, that allows him to do all of this, that always made it really, really cool for me. One of the great things about film for me is that learning how the magic is done doesn’t destroy it, quite the opposite. Is Jurassic Park spoiled for anyone when they find out that, no, they didn’t have an actual T-Rex on set, so they built TWO GIANT ROBOTS made to look impeccably like artistic renditions of Tyrannosaurus and whole teams had to operate those under extremely precise conditions just to get seconds of footage? Of course not, that only makes it better! We all know that the Muppets are not “real”, and that doesn’t stop anyone from treating Kermit like he’s a real dude, just a little smaller and a little more green than other dudes, to the point crew members regularly describe completely forgetting that the Muppets are not actually fellow actors. You know it’s fake, and you still think of it as real anyway. Spider-Man knows everything Mysterio does is an illusion, and he still has trouble fighting him. 
Mysterio is a creature of the story who weaponizes stories, weaponizes the art, the scenery, the actions, the reactions, the character arcs, the medium itself, against the protagonist, on paper for his own benefit, but really, for our own (because Mysterio is nothing if not a performer, and a performer is nothing without an audience). His power is his ability to give us a show. Not Spider-Man. Us. Who guarantees that, beneath that fish bowl of his that betrays no line of sight, he isn’t always looking at the reader to gauge your interest and is just good at pretending otherwise, like he does with everything else? 
Mysterio may be a gimmick villain, but it’s a gimmick that makes him an extremely versatile, interesting villain nonetheless because his gimmick is that he’s a storyteller. He weaves lies, frauds, deceptions, tricks, cons, all in spectacular packages and villainous plots, fueled and sustained by magic. Not the hokey bullshit used by that goober Dr Strange to save the world, the real stuff, that which has magically influenced you to spend time, if not money also, to read or watch a story with a guy who has a fish bowl for a head fighting a guy in spider pajamas. Used and designed by a criminal whose endgoals are often as basic and unremarkable as Quentin Beck himself is when you strip away his costume, when he’s nothing but a scumbag with dirty tricks, but Mysterio? Mysterio is magic, and he’s here for us. 
Or so he would claim. He is a professional liar above all else. But he prefers the more pompous name for that, it’s called “artist”.  
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writingwithciara · 3 years
Mistletoe ~Evan "Buck" Buckley~
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summary: eddie accidentally schedules two babysitters for christopher 2 nights before christmas eve. he forgot that buck tends to misbehave when around y/n.
word count: 1.7k
pairings: evan "buck" buckley x reader
warning(s): none (that i know of)
a/n: i really wanted to write a christmas imagine and had a hard time thinking of who to write it for. then i remembered all the sweet moments of buck in the christmas episodes of 9-1-1. that smile is so precious and the way he is with christopher just melts my heart. also, this is my first piece of work for 9-1-1. hope you enjoy it.
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"Buck, I need you to watch Christopher tonight while I go shopping for his presents." Eddie looked over at his best friend.
"Sure. No problem." Buck approached his locker and put his bag inside. "Won't you need someone to help you shop?"
"No. I think I'll be good this year. Thanks though." Eddie smiled and went upstairs. He could smell Bobby's cooking from down the road and his mouth had been watering ever since. Buck just chuckled and followed his friend to the table.
After their long shift of incredibly odd calls, Eddie was ready to go get some shopping done. Buck walked over to him and they left the building together.
"Thanks again for this, man. Christopher has been bugging me to get you over there."
"He misses me that much?" Buck chuckled.
"Oh, absolutely." Eddie was about to climb into his truck but stopped when he thought of one more thing to say to Buck. "Just so you know, I'm not paying you for this."
"I figured that much." Buck got in his jeep and drove away.
When Eddie got home, there was another car in the driveway that he knew wasn't Carla's. He walked in slowly, expecting to not find Christopher. but when he walked into the living room, he saw Christopher sitting on the couch. He was alone but he was watching a Christmas movie.
"Hey, Christopher. Are you home alone? I don't know why I'm asking. There's obviously someone here."
"Y/n is here."
As if on cue, y/n walked out of the kitchen, carrying a tray of Christmas cookies and some icing, as well as some candies and sprinkles for decoration.
"Oh, hey." she offered Eddie a smile and set the tray on the coffee table. "Didn't hear you come in."
"Just got home." he looked at her as she slid onto the floor. "What exactly are you doing here?"
"You asked me to watch Christopher tonight, remember?"
"Oh, crap. I knew I was forgetting something." he started pacing and y/n stood back up to walk over to him.
"What's going on?
"I asked Buck this morning if he could watch Christopher. I totally forgot I had already asked you."
"I can go if you think it'll be a problem."
"No, it's fine. You can stay." he smiled. "But if Buck starts misbehaving, feel free to slap him or something."
"It's the Christmas season. I'm sure he'll behave."
Seconds later, Buck walked into the house and froze when he saw y/n. "Wow, Eddie. Didn't know you and y/n were this close."
"Knock it off, Buckley. I'm here because Eddie asked me to watch Christopher tonight."
"He asked me to watch Christopher." Buck turned to look at Eddie, who had already disappeared into his room to change. "Eddie, what are we going to do about this?"
"Listen, you both haven't spent a whole lot of time with Christopher. He misses you both so you should both stay." Eddie left his room and walked to the front door. "Buck, please behave yourself."
"Don't I always?"
"No." Eddie and y/n said at the same time, both earning an eye roll from Buck.
"Okay. I promise to behave myself. Have fun, Eddie."
"I'll definitely try." he chuckled and left y/n to deal with Buck alone.
"Okay, so what are we doing tonight?"
"Well, Christopher and I were going to decorate some cookies. You're more than welcome to join us." y/n walked back to the living room and sat on the floor. Christopher sat across from her and Buck sat at the end of the table.
Christopher grabbed a cookie and looked at the different colors of icing. "Would a purple tree look cool?"
Buck and y/n both nodded, causing Christopher's smile to grow as he dipped the spreader in the purple icing bowl and began decorating his cookie. Y/n reached for the red spoon at the same time as Buck.
"Ladies first." Buck chuckled awkwardly. "I'll just use the green for my reindeer."
"Thanks, Buck." she eyed him suspiciously as he began spreading the icing over his reindeer cookie. y/n slowly began to decorate her cookie, her eyes still on Buck.
Just over an hour later, almost all of the cookies were decorated. Christopher was working on the last one while Buck helped him. Y/n was in the kitchen making cocoa. As she entered the living room with the tray of drinks, Buck was in the middle of telling Christopher a story.
"-and the year before you and your dad moved here, y/n & I competed in a Gingerbread House building contest. I knew I stood no chance because her skills are the best."
"Thanks, Buckley." she smiled and sat back in her spot. Buck set the icing container back on the table and grabbed his drink, also passing one mug to Christopher. He took a sip and smiled.
"This tastes so good!" Christopher exclaimed. Buck sipped his and raised an eyebrow.
"Is there anything you're not good at?"
"Evan Buckley, are you complimenting me again? I am shocked." y/n sipped her drink and smiled while Buck just stared at her. "What? Do I have something on my face?" she set her mug down and frantically wiped her face.
"No. There's nothing on it. I'm just really blown away at how good you are at all these Christmas things."
"Flattery must be your Christmas present to me this year."
"What did you get me, Buck?" Christopher asked.
"You're gonna have to wait and see, buddy." Buck ruffled Christopher's hair, causing him to laugh. He yawned seconds later and looked at the 2 adults in charge of watching him.
"I'm tired. Can you read me a story?" he looked over at y/n. She was already beginning to clean up. Buck grabbed her wrist to stop her.
"Go put him to bed. I got it out here."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. It's not that bad." Buck chuckled and watched as y/n ran off to Christopher's room to read him a story.
Buck was still cleaning up when y/n returned to the living room. "Need any help, Buck?"
"Nope. Just about done." he picked up the tray of cookies and brought it into the kitchen. Y/n followed and looked around.
"How long was I in the room?"
"Long enough for me to clean up out there and do all the dishes in here."
"Okay, what's with you tonight?"
"What do you mean?" he looked up at her just as he put the last cookie in the container. He shoved the plastic into the pantry and leaned against the counter.
"You've been giving me nothing but compliments and you did something I have never seen you do." she watched as he crossed his arms. "What's up with that?"
"I can't be nice for one night? I do want to be on the Nice list this year, you know."
"You're a firefighter, Evan. I think you're on the nice list permanently."
"I meant on your nice list this year."
"And what do you mean by that?" this time, it was her turn to cross her arms and lean against the counter across from him.
"Every year since we've known each other, I spend months teasing you and even though I know it annoys you, I keep doing it. Then, when Christmas comes around, your attitude changes and you act like nothing happened. And for the last 2 years, we got caught under the mistletoe at every party but whenever I pointed it out, you walked away and ended up with Eddie for the rest of the night, completely avoiding me. I thought that maybe if I stopped teasing you for a while, this year would be different and you wouldn't leave me alone under the mistletoe."
"Why are you so desperate to get me underneath the mistletoe? Do you, like, have a crush on me or something?" she laughed, at first believing her question to be a joke, but when Buck just looked down t his feet, she stopped laughing.
"No, I don't have a crush on you."
"Buck, just tell me the truth."
"Okay, fine. Yes, but no." he looked up at her and she moved her hand in a way that told him to elaborate more. "It's not a crush, per say. It's more of a so-deeply-in-love feeling and I have no clue how to handle it."
"Still not following."
"How do you not get that I just want to kiss you every single time I see you? But every time I think about it, I feel like this fear is hanging over me like a dark shadow that's waiting until I just give up so it can devour me. The only times I've actually come close to facing that fear were around Christmastime. But then, you leave. It's hard to kiss you when you don't want the same thing." he sighed and stood up straighter.
Y/n looked up at him and for the first time since she's known him, he actually looked vulnerable. She also noticed that there was mistletoe hanging in the kitchen. So she walked over to Buck, stood up on her toes and placed a kiss to his cheek. The look he gave her was a look of surprise.
"What was that for?"
"Well, it's Christmas and I'm not leaving you under the mistletoe alone this year." she smiled and looked at him.
"It's not exactly what I wanted to happen under the mistletoe but I'll take it anyway because you didn't run away this year."
[i feel like this was the perfect ending. but i also added a little more for anyone who wants to keep reading. it's below the separator if you're curious to see what happened after. but for those of you who are satisfied with this ending, do not read further unless you're just super curious anyway.]
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"And why would I run away from something I really want?"
"Wait, for real?"
"Yes, Buck." she looked at him again. "Since day 1."
"Then why did you run away from me the last 2 years?"
"I don't know. Fear of failing or rejection probably."
"For the record, I would never reject you."
"The feeling's mutual." she held onto his hand and smiled.
"Is this the part where we kiss for real?" he searched her eyes for any sign of objection but when she smiled, he knew it was okay. He placed a gentle kiss to her lips. One so delicate that it was as if it didn't happen.
"Kiss me lie you mean it, Buckley." she smirked and pulled him down to her level, kissing him with all the feelings she's had for the past 4 years. For both of them, it just felt right.
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starvine · 3 years
first date headcanons
attack on titan (modern au)
summary: some first date headcanons with some of the attack on titan characters. 
warnings: none, just fluff :)
eren jaeger: movie 
a little basic but it’s all eren could come up with
besides, it was between a movie and dinner and dinner felt too formal so y’all decided on a movie
he’d let you pick the movie tho
he might argue with you if it’s something stupid and claim that it’s horribly written (as if he knows a thing) but that’s it
eren would make sure to get the BEST snacks. spicy food? check. candy? check. popcorn? check. fruits? check.
he just wants to impress you (even if he did have to confide in his friends for some advice)
he just really likes you
during the movie, you guys would start shifting closer to each other, both a little too timid to move all the way all at once
but you guys would make commentary throughout the movie, laughing when things seem too cliché or when a character says something funny
half way throughout the movie, you guys aren’t even really paying attention it it
you’re too busy throwing popcorn at each other and trying to catch it in your mouths, feeding each other candy, and giggling at each other
it’s intimate in its own relaxed way, which makes eren realize how perfect you are
you both could make the most out of a pretty average first date situation and make it into a beyond amazing first date
and that was all he needed to ask you on a second date before he dropped you off at your car, walking with you to make sure you got there safely
and ngl you’d be a bit of a fool to say no to eren
armin arlert: aquarium 
sweetheart is so nervous 
before he came to your apartment to pick you up for your date, he was a little nervous wreck 
he was fidgeting with his fingers, playing with the buttons on his shirt--he probably accidentally opened one by accident 
but once he saw you, he felt fine 
it was as if he physically melted, you just make everything okay 
once you guys got to the aquarium, he would NOT shut up
he was probably pointing things out, telling you fun facts, asking you what is your favorite marine life 
“oh, you like pufferfish? that’s cool! i like them too. they’re very... puffy.” 
he’s like a child in a candy store 
but while he’s rambling about how the digestive system of a sea cucumber basically cleans the ocean, he’s wondering how he should make a move 
he doesn’t want to scare you off or anything, but he doesn’t want you to be disappointed 
but while you guys are looking at one of those large fish tanks, the ones where you walk through a tunnel, you guys just sort of stand there and watch in awe
or rather armin watches in awe while you look at him, a soft smile gracing his pink lips as his eyes dart across the illustriously blue colored glass
and when he feels your pinky latch onto his, he’s a little shocked that you had made the first move
he didn’t not expect it per say, he just thought that he would be the one to make the first move 
but his overthinking got in the way
and when he turns to look down at your intertwined pinkies, he caught you sending him a delicate smile that made his heart squeeze until he felt as if every part of him was on fire
but it was him who finally held your hand fully 
he just needed you to give him the extra push
mikasa ackerman: book store 
it’s a very calming atmosphere, which is something you’d both need for this first date
mikasa is probably pretty anxious for the first date, and wants to make sure you’re okay and enjoying yourself while also making sure she’s okay and enjoying herself
so the calming scent of the book store and the quietness is perfect for her to multitask between mediating the two
you’d both be tasked with picking each other books and then buying them for each other
so initially mikasa was nervous because she wasn’t sure what to get you but then you asked what she liked to read and so that allowed her to ask the same, making the situation less stressful
and all while you two are walking from isle to isle, eyes scanning the various book titles and covers, she sneaks glances at you and how pretty you look
and the fact that you seem very deep in thought, heavily concentrated on getting her the right book, makes her feel less concerned on whether or not you’d rather be with her or not
the answer is obviously a yes but mikasa has a hard time understanding that sometimes
so when you give her the book you bought for her, making sure to lightly touch her fingers while you hand it to her, she already knows that another date is what she wants you both to have or else she’ll probably explode
and based off of how flushed she looks, the possibility of her exploding is not highly unlikely
you guys will sit at this little table in the corner of the store, reading your books
i can picture mikasa annotating certain lines that remind her of you, making mental notes to show you later
overall, the date is pretty lowkey and very sweet
connie springer: dave + busters/bowling
ok there’s not much of an explanation for this one besides the point that if feels right
like connie is pretty energetic and i feel like you can learn a lot about a person based off of the games they’re drawn to 
hence the arcade
i think connie really likes those racing games or the zombie shooting games
he also claims he’s really good at ski ball (he’s not, he’s trash)
so a good portion of the date consists of you just laughing at him the whole time cuz in all honestly he’s not the best at games but he enjoys them for the fun of them
he’d definitely cheer you on when you were playing or try to mess you up if it was you two against each other
but either way he’d give you a hug or a pat on the head after every game
even if u beat him
he’d probably try to sneak a kiss when you guys were in one of those shooting games that requires a booth and the curtains drawn (does that make sense?)
it’s not really romantic like at all, especially since it smells like a million different people in there, but it’s very low stress so in all honesty that’s what makes the kiss nice
and after you guys had used up all your tokens, you’d combine your tickets and pick something together
your prizes would mostly consist of candy and him insisting he get you a plastic gem ring so you can always remember your first date together
it was also his little, strange way of asking you for a second date
levi ackerman: art museum 
unlike connie, he’s not super energetic
so a museum is right up his alley
levi’s a bit awkward, he doesn’t really know how to talk to you
and especially since you’re lovely, his words jumble together and he gets all flustered
so a nice, quiet museum exhibit is perfect for him
it’s a nice balance between casual and formal, so you both dress nice but aren’t restricted by the need to be super polite and stuff
he’d probably like it when you try to imitate the poses that are shown in the paintings or sculptures
just imagine the soft chuckle he’d be unable to prevent from escaping his lips which then melts into a soft smirk
beautiful, beautiful lad
he probably wouldn’t join you though, he doesn’t want to embarrass himself
he just smiles at you and stares at the art, reading the background info they give on those little plates near them
but he would notice when you stare at him
he could be looking at some art made during the dutch golden age, but as soon as your head slightly tilted in his direction, his cheeks would HEAT up
you almost asked him if he was feeling alright he was so red
but as the date went on, levi really just thought about how much he enjoyed your presence
and he’s not a wicked talkative guy so being able to feel comfortable with someone even if you aren’t talking or doing much is pretty important to him
as the date concludes, levi finally works up the courage to place his hand on your shoulder, asking if there was anything else you wanted to see before the museum closes for the day
his face might be bright red, but the smile you give him makes him feel a little less embarrassed
what can you say, you’ve got charm 💅
hange: the fucking zoo
ok i won’t lie when i got the idea of hange taking you to the zoo for your first date i thought it was so funny and idk why
like they’d be so excited that they’d nearly forget that they’re on a date with you
they’d drag you around from exhibit to exhibit, pointing out the exact breed of tortoise or some really strange fact about the zebras without looking at the little description panel in front of the exhibit
it’s pretty comical
but then randomly, when you guys are sitting down and eating some fries from one of the concession stands, they start going on a rant about animal cruelty and how a lot of zoos don’t treat the animals properly
and you’re just sitting there like “what 🧍‍♀️” cuz they’re mood changed so quickly LMAO
and as soon as their rant started, it finishes and they’re rushing you to the reptile exhibit
they’d probably try to figure out if they could hold one of the snakes
you’d have to drag them out of there before they start harassing one of the workers into letting them hold a snake
they’d also give all of the animals names only to forget them in 2 seconds
“hey, robert, it’s good to see you again!” “hange, i thought you named them dante?” “oh... did i? 😁”
however there’s probably like one animal they absolutely despise and idk why but i feel like it’s parrots
y’all would be walking through this rainforest exhibit, birds flying from tree to tree and the whole time they’re cursing the birds under their breath for no reason at all
just an angry person walking through a rainforest exhibit, cursing out birds
pretty normal if you ask me
however, the date itself is pretty casual and almost feels like you guys are just hanging out
or it would if they didn’t ask you out on another date before dropping you off at home, kissing your cheek as their farewell
pieck finger: café
very simple and quaint
i feel like pieck has a coffee addiction and always puts her in a better mood
so what better place to go on a date then a café?
she’s definitely an iced coffee drinker, and will occasionally go for a hot drink but usually iced coffee is her go-to
and if you get a coffee or tea that she also happens to like, you’re already practically golden in her eyes
since pieck has a very soothing and lowkey nature, i can see the date being much more just like a conversation with someone you’ve known for forever instead of interview-y which is something i’ve found coffee/lunch/dinner dates to be a bit like
but pieck knows how to keep things interesting and she’s a pretty calming person to be around so all is well
i also can’t see her getting super nervous before the date
she seems pretty calm unless in high-stress situations, but even then, she’s pretty level-headed
but since she’s so calm, it makes you wonder if she really cares for the date
and of COURSE she does, she’s so excited about it
it’s just the way pieck is
but as the date continues, she’d probably start to tease you by playing footsies under the table
you gotta keep the date interesting, you know?
you guys would talk about your interests, family, friends, shows you’re watching
literally just anything and everything that’ll allow you guys to get a feel for each other
and if all goes well she’ll definitely suggest another date ;)
also don’t expect to leave without her either writing something cute on your cup, pressing a lip-stick stained kiss to your cheek that matches the one surrounding the rim of her cup, or a promise that your game of footsies will continue next time you see each other
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fayemarvels · 3 years
Backseat rider
Peter Parker x fem!reader (She/her)
Inspo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wU9lOKWFG54
I tried to write this in the second person so please tell me how you like it.
Summary: Inspired by the wonderful song Backseat Rider by Sara Kays, with my little twist on it, and with a happy ending.
You and Peter have been friends for a long time, and he promised you the first ride in his car. When you come back from your Europe trip, MJ is sitting in the passenger side. The fact that you are in love with him doesn't really help.
Or: Peter promised you a ride in his car and his stupid plan fails because he is jealous.
Warnings: angst, fluff, bad writing, grammatical mistakes,
Word count: 5.1k
English isn't my first language so please don't mind the grammar and sentence structure mistakes and stuff. If you have any suggestions on how to improve my writing, please let me know.
! Please don't repost my work anywhere without my permission. Thank you!
My masterlist *******
9. September 2013
It was the first day of school and you were standing at a bus stop just a few blocks from your new apartment. You and your parents just moved to queens and you were starting in a new school.
With your new schoolbag which you got for your 12th birthday just 3 days ago slung over your shoulders, you tapped your foot nervously against the concrete under your newly polished shoes.
You were so excited to start 6th grade in a new school, away from the people in your old one. You were always a shy kid and some of the kids from your previous school picked on you just because of that.
The school became hell and you started making excuses as to why not to go in. At first, your parents were annoyed thinking you were just lazy. But you later opened up about your struggles and they started to take action.
But before much happened, one of your parents got a job opportunity in Queens, New York, and without much thinking, took it. When you left the school, you felt like you could finally breathe. A huge boulder fell off your shoulders and you were so excited to find some new friends and meet new people. To get a new start.
Due to the traffic, the bus came with a 7 minutes delay. And as the bus rounded the corner to arrive at the bus stop, a frazzled-looking boy came crashing into you.
Before you could crash to the ground, he caught your hand and pulled you towards him in an effort to save you from crashing into the hard ground.
“I am so so sorry, I didn’t mean to I fell asleep and burned my toast and spilled toothpaste on my shirt, and ” he took a deep breath before he continued with his rambling.
“Oh god I am so sorry, I’m rambling” He scratched the back of his neck.
“It’s alright, truly. But I would really appreciate it if you let me go.” You said quietly and the boy’s eyes widened in horror.
“Sorry, sorry” he kept apologizing and mumbling underneath his breath.
“Please stop apologizing, nothing much happened,” You laughed lightly and he breathed out in relief.
“I’m Peter, by the way, Peter Parker,” he introduced himself more calmly. Now, that he wasn’t rambling and frantically running his hands through his hair, you could finally focus on his features. He was slightly shorter than you, with curly brown hair and chocolate brown eyes that were still tinted with sleep.
“Nice to meet you Peter my name is (Y/N) (L/N).” You introduced yourself and you stepped together into the bus. You looked around for two places to sit, preferably together.
“There,” Peter pointed to the back of the bus. You pushed through the crowd of people standing and made it to the seats. Peter let you sit beside the window and sat beside you.
“The public transport in new york is so horrible,” Peter whined and you raised your eyebrow.
“Is it? I just moved in like 2 weeks ago so I didn’t have much time to explore.”
“Oh, so this is your first day of a new school.” His eyes widened in realization and you nodded.
“What school are you going into?” He asked and you could see the excitement in his eyes.
“Palm tree elementary school.” You answered and Peter jumped in his seat.
“Oh my, me too, that’s so exciting, Ned will be so happy,” he squealed you smiled widely.
You talked the rest of the ride to your stop, and through the short walk to your school. This boy might just make this school much more exciting than you thought.
20. August 2019
“Okay, just wait for me outside of your apartment building I’ll come and pick you up,” Peter said into the phone and you hummed in acknowledgment.
“Okay Petey, I’ll be waiting, I missed you so much throughout the summer, I’m sorry I didn’t call” you apologized feeling guilty.
“It’s okay, I get it, I was the one to suggest it. Okay, I’m leaving, I’ll be at yours in about 10 minutes. ”
You and your family went to Europe for the majority of summer. You tried to keep in contact but of course, it was hard the time difference made it very difficult to find a time where you both can call and don’t lose sleep.
The first person to stop trying was Peter. On a rare call one night, he informed you that he didn’t want you to lose sleep just because you wanted to talk to him
“Don’t worry, you’ll tell me everything when you get back, just don’t forget to bring me souvenirs.” Peter teased and you laughed sadly. You missed him so much and the heavy feeling in your heart wouldn’t go away.
“Okay, just prepare yourself because I’ve gotten you a souvenir from every single location we went to.” You sniffled.
“Hey, don’t cry, everything will be alright nothing will change I promise.”
10 minutes later, Peter pulled up to your parking lot and your heart skipped a beat. Your smile widened and the butterflies in your stomach fluttered. This was the first time you saw Peter after a month and a half. You returned from Europe only 4 days ago so you used that time to get rid of the jet lag.
Your smile dropped when you saw a shadow sitting on the passenger side. You shook your head and moved closer to the car. Peter stepped out of the car and you flung your arms around him. He tensed for a bit before he wrapped you up in his arms and breathed in your scent.
“I missed you so much, you have no idea,” he mumbled into your neck and you pressed your lips into his hair.
“I missed you too, for the last two weeks, my parents were a pain in the ass,” you complained and Peter laughed. Then he got serious.
“Well, at least you have parents.”
“I’m just kidding, don’t worry bug,” he giggled and you hit his shoulder lightly.
“I hate these jokes,” you complained.
“I know, that’s why I make them.” He giggled and you rolled your eyes.
“Okay. C’mon, I have my classmate MJ here, I wanted to introduce you two he stepped away and you wrapped yourself around yourself.”
Peter opened the back door for you and you thanked him. When you got into the car he closed the door behind you and quickly got into the driver seat.
“So MJ, this is (Y/N). Bug, this is MJ.” He introduced you two and you waved awkwardly.
“Hi, I heard about you so much, is so nice to meet you.” MJ greeted and you smiled.
“I would like to say the same but Peter has never talked of you,” you scratched your neck shyly and MJ waved her hand.
“It’s fine, me and Peter only started hanging out about 3 weeks ago, but we’ve gotten a lot closer.” She explained and you nodded.
“So, Peter told me you are in an art school,” Mj started and you shuffled to the edge of your seat so you could hear better.
“Yeah, I do interior design, color pallets, and furniture designs.” You explained and MJ nodded her head.
“That sounds really cool, you’ll be the first I’ll contact when I’m furnishing my house” MJ laughed and you giggled.
“Yeah sure, just give me a call,”
But then, it got quiet. You just relaxed against the seat behind you and closed your eyes for a few moments.
“So, I saw the star wars movies the other day, it was so good,” MJ exclaimed and Peter laughed out loud.
“I tried to get this lady into it but she hated it. The same with star trek.” Peter said, pointing at you.
“Yeah, I hate it so much,” you chimed in but they didn’t respond. They just continued laughing and talking without you. You couldn’t help but think that they looked so much like the two of you looked when you talked about both of your favorite things.
MJ sat in the passenger seat for the next five weeks. When you traveled to school, from school, or even during the weekends.
She was there every single time Peter came to pick you up. And to be honest, it hurt just a bit more every single time you saw her sitting in the front seat of his car.
You and Peter were supposed to go to see the new astronomical exhibition today. You were getting ready in your room when your eyes drifted over a framed picture on your vanity table. It was taken last summer, before he got his car, before MJ. You had taken it with your Kodak disposable camera in a parking lot in front of your local Target. You remember it like it was yesterday.
21. July 2018
It was around 10 p.m. when you and Peter left the target with a plastic bag of candy and a brand new disposable camera that you found in the sale aisle. You tore the safety tape away from the box and pulled out the instruction manual.
“I’m so excited; I’ve never had any of these.” You exclaimed and Peter chuckled at your happy face, threw his arm around your shoulder, and pulled you in closer to him.
“You are going to love it, it’s so fun. Especially because you have no idea how the photos are gonna turn out.” He smiled and you nodded.
“I always watch the tiktoks of people’s reactions to the developed photos, and they always look so happy, I want to try it.” you declared and pulled the camera out of the box.
“First things first bug, just a quick info, you need a lot of lightning for the photos to turn out good,” Peter explained and you waved your hand mindlessly, messing around with your temporary camera.
You quickly pulled out your phone and turned on the flashlight. You put the phone on the ground in front of him and he looked at you puzzled.
“Will you do me a favor and be the first photo on this camera’s film?” You asked him and Peter nodded, acting very posh and snobby.
“It would be an honor, my lady,” he faked a bow and you burst out laughing.
“Okay smile for me,” you giggled and Peter smiled widely. He was so beautiful. Hair messy, and a hoodie a little too big on his body, with the long sleeves making cute sweater paws.
“Come onnn take the picture so we can eat the sweets,” Peter whined and you quickly snapped the picture of him. He bent down, took your phone from the ground, and turned off the flashlight.
“Come on I even got us and your fuzzy socks so your toes won’t get cold,” he said and you hugged him from behind.
“you are the best, you know that?” you mumbled and he shrugged.
“Might’ve mentioned it a few times before” You let him go and he pulled out the blanket from his backpack.
“Come on let’s sit here,” he pulled you towards the curb a few feet away from the spot you were standing at. He sat down, wrapped his arms around your legs, and rested his face on your stomach.
“Let’s sit here and eat all these delicious candies” he looked at you with wide eyes and you dragged your fingers through his hair, scratching at his scalp.
“Okay Doll, let’s do this,” you teased and he blushed hard.
“Stoop you know I blush when you call me that,” he complained and you laughed softly. You gently unwrapped his arms from your legs and sat down next to him.
“So, let dig in,” you rubbed your palms together and he put the bag between you two.
“I want the Reese��s,” you said and Peter handed them to you.
“Smiile,” you smushed your cheek against Peter’s and he smiled into the camera. The flash had gone off and you smiled to yourself.
“I bet this one’s gonna be so good.” He said and you nodded.
“So, as I was saying, May told me that she wants to buy me a car for my 18th birthday. I don’t know how she wants to do that but I’m not complaining.” Peter gushed and you wrapped your arms around his middle.
“I’m so happy for you, you deserve it.” You smiled and Peter continued.
“I want to take you on a road trip when we finish school. All around the US. From New York to L.A,” he looked at you hopefully and you smiled at him widely.
“That sounds so good, we can go to grand canyon and Zion and so much more, Oh my God, we will need so much more of these disposable cameras. Peter, we need so much food and tents and sleeping bags and maps.” You took a deep breath before you continued.
“We should make a checklist, we should start preparing, Peter why are we sitting here?” you asked and Peter gently shushed you by putting his pointer finger on your lips.
“We still have 2 years bug, no need to overthink it, everything is gonna be fine.” He assured you and you nodded.
“Come here,” he pulled you towards him and your head landed on his chest. You snuggled into his chest and breathed in his scent.
You were pulled back to reality when your phone rang. It was Peter.
“Hey (Y/N), we are nearly here, only about 4 minutes.” He informed and your breath got stuck in your throat. ‘WE’. MJ is coming with you. He didn’t ask, he didn’t inform you beforehand. He just invited her.
“Ummm Pete I’m suddenly not feeling very well, I think I should go and lay down, maybe you should go alone,” you mumbled and he hummed.
“Okay, get better alright? We can go somewhere tomorrow.” He suggested and you hummed in agreement, as you couldn’t do anything else without breaking down.
“Okay (Y/N) goodnight, get well soon. I’ll see you tomorrow” He didn’t wait for your response before he hung up.
You stared at the phone as the tears cascaded down your cheeks and you put no effort into stopping them. You slowly wiped off the makeup you put on just a few moments prior and threw out the cotton pad.
You stood up from your vanity and moved over to your bed. You couldn’t understand it. What have you done wrong? Just a few months prior, Peter would drop everything to be with you when you weren’t feeling that well. Now, he didn’t even ask what was wrong.
You cursed yourself as you tried to keep your sobs at bay. You lost him and it was all your fault. If you called more often or at least texted and kept in contact during the summer, everything would be fine. He wouldn’t be in his car with someone else but with you. But the more you thought about it the more your mind betrayed you,
‘Wait, he was the one to suggest that you two would stop the contact, did he get tired of you? Did he want to get rid of you? Is he sending signals by hanging out with MJ every single time they should be hanging out alone?’ the thoughts in your brain were running around before they suddenly stopped.
“He didn’t call me bug,” you realized. He always called you bug, never (Y/N). He only called you that when he was annoyed or angry with you. You started thinking back to every single hangout you had in the past 5 weeks to see if you could stumble upon a memory where you angered or annoyed him. Nothing.
Your shoulders sagged and you put your face in your hands.
“What should I do now,” you asked yourself as you tried to remain calm and not to let any more sobs out. As you looked around your room, slowly calming down, you saw a piece of Peter’s hoodie peeking out from your closet. In a rage of fury, sadness, and anger, you quickly gathered every single piece of clothing Peter ever gave you and put them in a cardboard box.
Taking out a piece of paper, you took your favorite pen and started writing a little note for your now ‘ex’ best friend.
Dear Peter, returning your clothes, maybe you can give them to MJ, now that she is your best friend and you don’t care about me. Could’ve at least told me you didn’t want me in your life anymore, instead of sending mixed signals and hurting me by that. Fuck you. – Love, (Y/N)
You signed it with fury coursing through your veins and closed the box with duct tape. You swiped the stray tears that fell down your cheeks and threw on a hoodie.
“Going out for a few minutes!” you shouted to your parents and closed the door, before hearing their response. After putting the hood up, you opened the window to the fire escape and you threw your legs over the window sill, taking the full cardboard box with you.
“Let’s do this,” you mumbled to yourself and dropped down to the ground.
The walk to Peter’s apartment didn’t take long, only about 10 minutes. But the walk felt so much longer this time, maybe because this would probably be the last time you would ever make it. You started tearing up just at that thought. You didn’t think this is how it would end. Six years of friendship ended just because you were too annoying. You shook your head and continued walking; you couldn’t afford to burst into tears in the middle of the road.
You stopped in front of Peter’s apartment and let out a shaky breath. This is it. You knew May would be at work, so you let yourself in with the key, underneath their doormat. You stepped into the apartment and closed the door behind you. You rushed into Peter’s room and threw the box on his bed. You didn’t want to linger around and experience the pain of remembering all of the memories you and Peter shared in this room.
You looked around one more time, and your eyes watered when you saw your favorite t-shirt thrown over his chair. You really wanted to take it but decided to against it. ‘He can do whatever he wants’ you thought and closed the door behind you.
The walk from his apartment wasn’t much better. But it was a bit shorter than the one before. You hadn’t had much time to think this time. You just came out of his building and in a few seconds, you were laying in your bed with tears streaming down your cheeks.
Now, that you calmed down a bit and your head cleared, you laid in your bed, looking at the ceiling, face blank of any emotion. You got pulled back into reality by your phone vibrating. You sat up and moved the phone closer to your face. It was Peter.
You had 6 missed calls and 26 unread messages from the curly-haired boy. But you decided to ignore them and turned on the airplane mode. You curled up into a ball and snuggled up into your fluffy blanket. It was going to get better, you will get better, the pain will subdue, the anger will not.
You were so damn angry at him. How could he do this to you, string you along when he doesn’t want you in his life anymore? Letting a few tears slip, you let your eyelids droop and let your mind wander into the darkness of sleep.
“I don’t understand, what does she mean by a new best friend? What does she mean by not want her in my life anymore?” Peter asked as he paced around his room, with your note crumpled up in his right hand.
“I think you did the opposite of what you wanted to do you know?” MJ interrupted him and he looked at her horrified.
“This is all my fault, I’m the reason she feels like this,” he mumbled and continued pacing in circles.
“Remind me why you wanted to do this again?” MJ scoffed and Peter stopped to think.
“To make her jealous,” he mumbled and MJ stood up and hit him across the forehead with a rolled-up engineering magazine she found randomly thrown under his pillow.
“You are so stupid, Peter. And I can’t believe I helped you. But at least I got the cute girl’s number,” she mumbled the last part and Peter ran his shaky fingers through his hair.
“I fucked up,” he announced and MJ glared at him.
“Yeah, no shit genius. Remind me how this started again. In detail and soak in just how stupid you are,” she growled out and he got lost in the painful memory.
It was around 3 weeks after his best friend left for Europe, he was mindlessly scrolling through Instagram when he saw a photo she posted just 4 hours ago. He went to like it but his thumb froze before he could double-tap. It was a photo of her smiling, looking as beautiful as ever, on a beach with a sunset behind her. But it wasn’t her that made him freeze, it was the boy that was standing behind her with his arms wrapped around her waist. She was grinning at him, her smile shining brighter than all of the stars in the night sky.
“Who the fuck are you?” Peter mumbled to himself as he looked over more of the photos in the post. As he scrolled, the pair of them only grew closer on the pictures. Them sharing a meal, them in the sea, them on a carnival with a huge green teddy bear in her arms. Just from the last picture, it was clear that the boy won the plushie in one of those shitty scam carnival games Peter couldn’t play even if he really wanted to.
But what really got him, was the post from her private Instagram, the boy from the previous photos was kissing her on the corner of her mouth. Tears gathered up in his eyes as he exited the app and ran his shaky fingers through his hair.
‘Could she have a boyfriend? But she didn’t tell me,’ his breathing got quicker and he had a sudden urge to puke. Before he could stop himself, he opened his contacts app and scrolled to find MJ’s phone number, she could help him.
“Hey, I know this is a lot to ask but I need you to help me make my best friend jealous.” Those words came from his mouth before he could even think about them.
“I told you before you started with this stupid plan of yours that it won’t work out,” MJ snapped him out of his mind. Peter stared into the distance before he snapped out of it.
“I need to go and see her, I need to explain,” Peter rushed out before MJ stopped him.
“You need to give her some time, she wouldn’t want to see you, and only get angry or even more upset.” She explained and Peter nodded in understatement.
“You are right, I will let her cool off for a week, and then talk to her,” Peter concluded. MJ blinked in surprise.
“Are you sure you want to give her a week? I was thinking more like 2 days, not 7,” MJ said cautiously and Peter huffed out angrily.
“God, why are you so cryptic, why can’t you just tell me and help,”
“Because this is your relationship, that is on line, not mine. And you want me to solve this for you,” MJ raised her voice and Peter rolled his eyes.
“God, this is useless” he mumbled and the girl in front of him scoffed.
“I can just leave if that’s what you want,” She stood up to leave but Peter grabbed her forearm gently.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that. I’m just really anxious and I want to see her. But you are right, I shouldn’t leave her without explanation for such a long period of time,” Peter apologized and MJ nodded.
“I need to go, mum wants to watch this new movie she saw in Target, I’ll text you okay?”
“Okay bye, enjoy the movie,” Peter mumbled and MJ walked out of his room.
“Great Parker, just great,” he mumbled to himself as he watched her leave through his window.
2 days later
Peter was standing in front of your school, waiting for you to finish. The last two days have been torture for him and he couldn’t wait to talk to you. When he heard the bell ring on the inside of the building, he stood up from the bench he was sitting on and moved closer to the main entrance, just a precaution and so he wouldn’t miss you walking out.
He started to get worried when he didn’t see you walk out even after 15 minutes.
‘Maybe they had some science lab and are cleaning up or something he thought to himself to calm down a bit. Then, he saw one of your friends, Bee, walk out and he waved at them.
“Hey, she isn’t here today,” Bee said to Peter. He only frowned. That’s weird.
“Okay, thanks Bee, do you think she could be at home? Is she sick?” Peter asked and Bee frowned at him.
“I thought you were best friends, you don’t know where she is?” Bee asked him and Peter looked down looking very guilty.
“We had a fight,” he mumbled and Bee scoffed.
“Well, I guess you fucked up pretty bad because she never misses school.”
“I know, I fucked up and I hurt her, but I just want to make it better, I gave her time to cool off and now, I need to apologize,” Peter explained and Bee nodded their head.
“Okay Parker, last chance, if you hurt her to this extent ever again, I’ll kick you in the balls.” Bee threatened and Peter nodded.
“Don’t worry, this is the first and last time this has ever happened, won’t hurt her ever again, I promise,” Peter said and Bee could tell his words were genuine.
“Fine Parker go, and if she is not at school tomorrow, you are a dead man, I’m telling you that right now.”
“Don’t worry Bee, I’m going to make this right,” Peter promised as he walked away from your school.
“Honey, someone is here to see you,” Your mom called out and you looked from under your blanket. You couldn’t function correctly for the past few days, the loss of your best friend being too much to bear.
“Tell them to go away please,” you mumbled and she shook her head sadly. You stopped crying a while ago, no tears left in your body.
You heard a gentle knock on your door.
“Hey bug,” You whipped your head towards the voice, and the tears you thought ran out, welled up in your eyes. He was there, even after he exchanged you for someone else.
“Pete,” you whispered and he quickly walked towards you and sat on your bed. You threw yourself into his arms but then quickly pulled back and furrowed your eyebrows.
“What are you doing here?” you asked and Peter shook his head.
“I came to apologize, I hurt you by my actions and made you think something, that isn’t true at all,” he explained and you tilted your head, reminding Peter of a cute, confused puppy.
“I will just tell you the truth, and hope you will be able to forgive me.”
“I was jealous. It’s simple as that, and now that I’ve said it out loud, it sounds so stupid.” He took a deep breath and slowly tangled his fingers in yours.
“The truth is, I have feelings for you. You know what? Scratch that, I’m in love with you and have been for a long time. When I saw you with the guy in Europe, being all cute and sweet together, I just lost it.” He confessed and looked up to see your face. You had an unreadable expression on your face.
“Fuck, he even got you a huge teddy bear from the carnival scam games, I could never do that for you, and I know you love that corny stuff.” He said with a shaky voice and could feel the tears push into his eyes.
“I wanted to make you jealous, but I hurt you instead and that hurts me even more than seeing you with that boy.” He said and then kneeled on the floor beside your bed. He took your other hand into his and kissed your knuckles gently.
“I’m so sorry Bug, please forgive me,” he begged as he put his forehead against your hand. The tears that gathered in his eyes flowed freely down his perfect face and it hurt you to see him like this. You took your hand away from his and you could see the quick flash of pain on his face. You caught one tear with your finger and whispered.
“Please don’t cry, I’m going to cry too,” he quickly looked up and smiled sadly, when he saw your sunken and tired face.
“I forgive you, Peter.” You said with a crack in your voice.
“And you know, it actually worked out, I was so jealous when I saw you with her.” You confessed.
“I love you too Peter, I always have” you whispered and Peter’s face lit up with joy.
“You, do?” He asked and you nodded with a slight smile on your face.
“I do, so so much,” You caressed his cheek, shuffled closer to him, and kissed him on the forehead.
“Come here and lay with me,” you demanded and Peter chuckled.
“Well, what my lovebug wants, she gets.” Peter teased and you hid your face in the blanket.
“I kinda like it,” you whispered shyly and Peter laughed lightly.
“Scoot over love, let me lay with you.” You shuffled over and Peter slipped under your blanket. He laid down and slowly maneuvered your body, to lay comfortably on his chest.
“We’ll talk more tomorrow, we’ll work it out, I promise.” You mumbled and Peter nodded and kissed the top of your head.
“I love you, Peter”
“I love you my Bug,” It was quiet for a bit before Peter spoke once again.
“So, who was the boy in the photos?”
I'm sorry I kind of disappeared for two months, but I had an extreme case of writer's block, but I am back. But I still have no ideas so if you have any ideas, I would be forever thankful if you pitched them to me.
I would also like to thank you for 97 followers, it's unbelievable.
I would really appreciate it if you gave me some feedback and told me what I can change.
Thanks for reading
- Faye xxx
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lovesanmotion · 3 years
Light - Jeong Yunho
summary: cool uncle by day but mafia boss at night, jeong yunho is ready for anything; except for falling in love.
tags: @couchpotatoaniki (yes i am tagging you bcs you blossomed this idea to me hihi)
A deep sigh left Yunho's lips, lighting up his cigarette and sticking it between his lips before releasing pearly white smoke. His once neat suit was now covered in sweat, dust and a trickle of blood from earlier events, singlehandedly killing a mafia group from the neighboring city. He lifted his wrist watch and checked the time - 10:01pm. Sandwiched between his middle and index finger, Yunho raises his cigearette stick onto his lips and puffed out a smoke.
His once cool composure broke when around the corner, the slim but curvy figure of his neighbor - y/n y/l/n came into view. She had her head hung low, shoulders drooping down and walking gloomily home. But Yunho stared at her. Around y/n, he felt like a high school boy who has a crush on her. He didn't also missed the fact that it was too late for y/n to go home. Work hours ends at 5-6pm, but 10? Yunho wondered if you took an overtime.
As y/n passed him by, he couldn't help but smile to himself. Feeling his face heating up. Getting up from the bench, he dropped his stick and stepped on it before following you home. With his hands tucked inside his pockets, Yunho wondered why you ever chose to live in a dangerous city like this. Was it because the rent's cheaper? Or to live close to your office?
He stopped his tracks and hid behind a pole, watching you get inside your home building safely. Watching you get home safely is what Yunho's been doing ever since you moved into the area and with a smile on his face, Yunho walks back home.
As the sun sets into the blue sky, Yunho packs up a lot of candies in his pocket before leaving his home and strolling to the neighborhood park. Clad in a bright red and white striped shirt and pants a bright smile on his face, Yunho would never be mistaken as someone who killed a group of guys last night. The cool breeze swept past him, causing his bangs to fly away.
As he found the children playing merrily and happily in the park, his heart swelled with an overwhelming feeling. How he wished these children would grow up into kind and humble adults. When the children saw him coming up to them, a chorus of "uncle Yunho!" greeted him, followed by all of them running up to him for a hug, some even hugging his legs.
Sitting down on the wooden bench, he gave each child a piece of candy and chocolate. Their little smiles upon tasting the fruity and sweet treats brought a smile on his lips too. However, Yunho mentally did a head count on the children.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. One was missing, and the one missing happened to be his favorite. He was about to open his mouth and ask them where y/s/n when a small but cheerful "uncle Yunho!" greeted him from behind. Turning around, his eye's widened.
His neighborhood crush, holding an ice cream cone with one hand and the other holding hands with his favorite child from the playground.
"Mommy this is uncle Yunho! He's the one who always watches us and gives us candy when we play here!" A deep shade of red plastered on Yunho's cheeks. Slowly he turned away and sunk a bit lower on his seat, feeling himself getting shy. But he was a little surprised to know that y/n has a son.
Yunho watched as y/s/n joined the other kids in the slide and on his left side became occupied by you.
"Doesn't it get a little sad when you watch them slowly grow up? One day they are only crying for attention and the next thing you know you walk with them to preschool." Y/N spoke, taking a lick on the vanilla cone.
"Do you have kids at home?" Yunho shook his head. But he would very much like to have one with y/n.
"I'm y/n by the way!" He looked at the hand extended out for him to shake before looking at your smile. Yunho's heart beated loudly inside his chest, not missing the sight of the ice cream on the corner of your lip. He slowly leaned in and raised his hand, wiping the cream away with his thumb.
"Nice to meet you, y/n. I'm Yunho." He smiled at you, seeing that pink tint across your cheeks. Yunho thanked the gods that this might be the chance for him to properly talk to y/n. He turned to his side and striked up a conversation with you, slightly getting distracted with the way how you lick your ice cream.
"Uh..hello? Earth to Yunho?" Yunho snapped out of his trance and shook his head, batting his eyelashes. Yunho stared at you. "What was that again?"
"I was asking you earlier if you wanted to have lunch with me and y/s/n. Think of it as a thank you for watching over my son." Turning his head, he saw the children leave one by one until it was your son left sitting in the swing.
"I-I would love to!" He blurted out, maybe a little too loud. Yunho suddenly backed away, suddenly feeling shy but he only found y/n chuckling at him.
"That was cute. Anyways, let's me show you where I live." As Y/N got up, so did he. He took the pleasure of carrying y/s/n in his arms as he followed you to your place, he had to pretend he didn't know where you lived. How was he going to explain that he has been following you for months already?
"Welcome to our place!" Spoke Y/N in a cheerful tone. The place didn't look half bad. As he sets y/s/n down and removes his shoes by the doorway, he took in the appearance of your place. It isn't big nor small, perfect for two people living, light wooden floors, cream colored walls, yellow and green cupboards and a mini bookshelf thats occupied by books about numbers, letters, alphabets and story books.
"This is a nice place you've got" Yunho says, sitting down on the couch only to be sunk lower as he didn't noticed how the couch was small.
"I guess I was lucky to find this one. More greenery in the province than just seeing buildings in the city." Y/N spoke, Yunho watched her enter the kitchen. He got up and excitedly followed her like a high school boy following his crush around school.
"What are you going to make there?" He asks as he stood behind Y/N making her jump a little. Yunho didn't realized how close he has gotten to her, but he felt like his heart would burst at how small she is close to him.
"Does pasta sound nice?" Y/N tilted her head to the side. If only his mornings were spent this close to y/n, Yunho would be in heaven already.
As Yunho was about to say something, in came little y/s/n holding his school bag.
"Mommy, can you help me with my homework?"
Two heads snapped to look at y/s/n who stood by the doorway of the kitchen.
"Your mom would love to!" Yunho smiled at y/s/n, held y/n by her shoulders and pushed her out of the kitchen despite her many protests against it. Yunho opened the fridge to check what ingredients were available, he grabbed whatever he needed and placed them on the counter and started cooking.
It was only like last night, he was using the very same knife to slice throats and now he's slicing meat with the same knife. But Yunho was only occupied by the merry thought of cooking for his crush.
After half an hour passed, Yunho beautifully plated three pasta bowls on the table. He gave himself a pat in the back for doing an excellent job and was about to call y/n and y/s/n to eat when he heard some talking.
"Mommy do you like uncle Yunho?" A small voice, y/s/n, as Yunho thought. His heart raced upon hearing this kind of conversation. There was a moment of silence, Yunho was fidgeting to know your answer.
"Mommy can uncle Yunho be my dad?" Yunho clutched his chest dramatically, pretending to wipe a tear from his eye. But there it was again, that silence.
"Let's see, y/s/n. Want to see uncle Yunho if he's done?"
Yunho started to get up from his spot but hit his knee in the process, an inaudible sound came out of his mouth and suddenly the door swung open. Y/N and Y/S/N stared at him with a blank yet confused looks on their faces.
"Uh..lunch is ready!" Yunho smiled and instantly stood up from the ground. As he lead them to the kitchen, he was proud to see their expressions and sat down, paying attention to y/n's reaction before eating.
"So what do you do, Yunho?" Y/N asked while twirling pasta with her fork.
Yunho racked up his brain to think of what should he say. But he choked up in between.
"I'm unemployed at the moment" He says. There was no way he is ever going to tell that he kills people, raids warehouses and factories and regulates drug deals within in and out of the country. "What about you? What do you do for a living?" Yunho gulped the food down his throat before facing you.
"I, uh...I just work at, at a very boring corporate office. They don't pay much."
"Is that why you do overtime and get home late at night?"
Yunho stared at y/n wide eyed. That was wrong of him suddenly mentioning it to you. He shook his head and carried on the conversation by changing the topic.
For the whole afternoon, Yunho stayed with Y/N and Y/S/N, watching kids movies while having a snack. Y/S/N falling asleep in the middle of the movie. Yunho took the pleasure of letting y/s/n sleep on his chest, he could get used to being a househusband. With the sun setting, Yunho thought it was best for him to go home. But was stopped by y/n to join them for dinner. On the outside, Yunho thanked you. But on the inside, Yunho was giggling.
He cooked once more in the kitchen, clogging out y/n's protests. Dinner became a happy meal as all three of them became full. While y/n was cleaning up in the kitchen, Yunho asked permission if he could take y/s/n out for a walk, promising he'd be home by 8pm.
Yunho took y/s/n to the convenient store, handing him a whole bar of chocolate in his small hands. But the little boy stared at him.
"But mommy says I can't have too much sweets" the small boy pouted.
"But your mom isn't here right? This'll be our little secret. You and me." Yunho grinned at the small boy who flashed a toothy smile in front of him.
"Uncle Yunho do you like my mommy?"
"Very much." Yunho suddenly stopped as he looked back at the child with him, now grinning at him.
"Okay, that's another secret between us. Don't tell your mommy about that too okay?" The small boy nodded his head quickly, Yunho held his hand and walked back home with him. Unaware of two eyes following them as they head back.
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(gif is not mine! credits to the rightful owner!)
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power-of-plot · 4 years
Iida, Mirio, and Aizawa dating hcs please
Of course! But holy cow apparently this seriously inspired me, i hope this is ok xd
Oh yes robot boi. Iida is someone nerdy in every aspect, his language even with close friends like Midoriya is very formal and polite, the same rule would apply when it comes to his significant other. Unlike what some would think, this doesn’t give your conversations a cold touch, on the contrary, it’d make him look chivalrous.
He’s a classic gentleman, he’d be the kind who opens the door and waits for you to walk in first or gives you his jacket when it’s too cold and you don’t have anything to cover yourself with, the second one would happen often in the classroom if you’re sensitive to cold. We are talking about U.A have you seen the measures of the classrooms and the entire area? It’s impossible they don’t have those huge air conditioners.
He highly respects the rules wich means, no PDA, on a certain level, no kisses to be specific. That doesn’t mean he won’t give you any affection, though every gear of his robotic soul is having a bad time working properly inside, he’d hold your hand or put his over your shoulder pulling you close when you’re sitting together. 
He definitely would do that thing of caressing you with his thumb. As you expected it from Tenya, this is a sort of robotic motion, his finger would move like a metronome but that doesn’t make it any less nicer, he is slow and gentle.
Honestly, he’d be nervous most of the time. ALSO! Tenya is very thoughtful, he’d ask (often verbally) if you’re okay with whatever he’d do, as times goes by the questions turn non verbal, for example he’d hold his hand above yours waiting for you to give green light or grasp it. 
“..Can i hold your hand?” “Sure!” “*DEEP INHALE AND BLUSH*” He couldn’t help to blush the first times. Specially on the firsT kiss but how would it be? A clasic scenenario after classes! And after you both have grown comfortable enough to each other’s touch. Seriously, if you like to go slow he's got you.
You two would be walking around in the campus after classes and he feels the tension grow.. he is analyzing every detail, he wants to ask but what if things get extremely awkward, he’s very tall- he’d have to bend down slightly (unless you’re nearly as tall as him) to do it so what if you flinch because it was unexpected.. he stops walking, he simply manages to say your name. You stared into each other's eye and then it happened, a big smile unexplainably forms in his lips complemented by a scarlet color across his whole face, his haircut made his head look like a strawberry.
There are going to be days you don't see him as much as you'd like, Tenya is very comitted to his hero patrols, he certainly would do extra hours from time to time or if the situation called for it. Let him know you like his hero suit! He’s thankful it has a helmet otherwise his flustered face would be exposed. 
Whatever position you cuddle in Iida would wrap his arms around you, not only that, he’d interlock his fingers so he has a nice grip. His cuddles would be the classic spooning or having your head on his shoulder with your arm over his chest and in case you worry about his arm, this guy doesn’t know limb numbness- he literally tenses and holds his arms up every five minutes.
He sends good morning/good night texts often on the weekends since you're practically living together thanks to the dormitory system, they vary depending on the day, some are a reminder to get a proper amount of sleep or! To get done with homework so you can enjoy your free time and maybe ask if he can go over to study *cough spend time together*
He'd send the classic heart emoji, very detailed but easy to comprehend videos explaining any difficult lesson and history related stuff like paint restorations or facts about iconic sculptures. Please don’t send him those videos of people accidentally breaking things on museums, he’s gonna feel like something breaks inside.
This ray of sunshine fell for you? Your luck is so big you’d get jackpot on a slot machine on the first try-. You’re undeniably going to be good friends with Tamaki and Nejire, specially her, expect to get questions one after another without the chance to reply when she finds out you’re Mirio’s significant other, Tamaki would take it way better.
Mirio’s goofyness and confidence combined with his feelings give a unique result: he literally spoke to the boss of mafia himself twice like he was the manager in a store, but, the case is different when you’re around, he’s saying and actually good joke and suddenly.. it goes away, his mind goes blank. “So what happened after Mirio..?” “Ah.. i had practiced a lot, i don’t know what happened haha my bad!”
You’re going to get tons of his jokes and something more “intense” such as the classic “What’s in your shirt?” to make you look down so he can boop your nose with his finger, you should expect some gentle headpats as well. 
If you’re shy he’s cool about it, he knows what do and adaptates to your pace, you’d start off with hand holding or rather pinky holding, he’d interwine his pinky with yours and show a bright smile. His hugs are the warmest, he doesn’t do it half-assesly, when you hug, YOU HUG, he uses both arms and slightly lifts you up! Height or strength are not a problem he’s actually one cm taller than Iida i just found out
He seems like the kind who loses their pen or eraser despite seeing it on their desk just one minute ago, if you happen to be that kind as well you’re both going to lay down your faith on poor Tamaki’s hands, i’m sure he has all his material complete.
He hardly ever gets nervous or scared by anything, things like the first kiss would go pretty smooth, instead of blushing intensely he’d just chuckle with slight disbelief, his mind is racing like “I just did that? woah!”. The biggest trouble for him would be gifts, he wants it to be perfect but asking Nejire for advice is not a good idea, roses are too formal and they don’t last long, going to the movies seems a little cliche.. his first gift would end up being a plushie of your favorite animal and a bamboo.
He’d sneak a kiss or two, specially before the class is begginning a training session, he’d send you a text telling you to go outside the changing rooms and oop! He phases through the wall poking out his head to give you a kiss kiss. If you don’t mind a prank from time to time he’d give a little scare using his quirk.
This guy is the big spoon during cuddles, no arguing! He could switch but as time goes by he’d slowly shift into the big spoon, that’s just the way he is, the most usual position would be where you’re facing each other with your limbs wrapping around the other’s body. Waking up with him would be adorable and attractive, morning and night are the only times of the day when his hair isn’t gelled into his All Might-like hairstyle, those blonde locks would frame his face, a heavenly sight.
Would send you a pic of stray animals he rescued with a “:D!” and Sir. Nighteye 'torturing' Bubble girl (half of his head visibly on a corner of the image). If you longed for a pet badly he would bring a nice dog/cat he finds around! In his hero suit to make the moment more special. 
He uses the smiling emojis and emoticons! And shares videos of animals he finds adorable, if you sent him fails videos he'd laugh as long as the falls don't seem extreme or too severe, small trips on the beach or slips on the snow are fine. Mirio sends gifs i just know.
Have you taken a look at him? You must be a big The Walking Dead fan to like him lmao. Aizawa gives me an unexplainable gut feeling that he'd prefer a civilian (perhaps quirkless?) significant other over a hero, he wouldn't want his partner to go into the same dangerous situations he does.
His affection is tired, let me explain, he'd hug you and all that physical stuff but it'd kinda feel like his arms fall limply around you, still, even with his minuscule clingyness he loves you with all his might! He doesn't fall for anyone.
Not very fond of PDA, in public he'd preferr temple/forehead kisses and having your hand on the crook of his arm instead of hand holding (thinking about it Iida would do that too), seems more discret and! you don't let go when his hands are busy. He'd initiates it by gently resting your hand on his arm and sinking his hand into his pocket.
Surprise! He does smile, not that maniactic-looking grin he has sometimes during his shifts at U.A when a student impresses him, this one is less wide but somehow more tender and sweet, he tilts his head and for once his eyes seem relaxed, a relationship would make his cheeks hurt.. either for he's not used to smile so much or he smiles more than he thought he would.
If you give him a cat.. that's a strong blow straight to one of his weakest spots, he'd stare both at you and the kitten with a dumbfounded look before picking it up in his arm like a baby, his hand gravitates towards his it's head giving some nice pets before he shows a rare and somewhat bright smile "Thank you very much." Next time have a camera ready damnit! That smile rarely shows up.
He's practical, he wants his gifts to be nice but useful as well. He’d get you those mugs with candies inside, you get the candy and you can use the mug later for your coffee or tea; a power bank with a nice color or design and in case he choses something smaller: a bamboo, those one don’t wither away. Aizawa is fine with whatever you get for him, big or small he appreciates it. Sweaters, scarfs and blankets would be his favorite thing to get though, he likes to stay warm while working late at night
He’s sneaky, as an underground hero he’s used to work at times when the streets look disolated and the dark crime has more freedom to do as it pleases, he wouldn’t want to wake you up unless you asked him to. He’d leave a note on is pillow with the time he wrote it at and a short loving phrase like “i love you, i’ll be back soon, good morning”, before he leaves he’d always lift the sheet up to your neck or drag it away if you seem to be kicking it off you and give you a small kiss.
You’d find him passed out in his sleeping bag with his laptop besides him at random spots of his appartment, if it wasn’t because of the unatura position he adopts to fit in his sleeping bag he’d give you a death scare ‘cause let’s be honest he doesn’t look one hundred percent alive even when he’s awake. “Shota..? Shota can you hear me?!” “I’m not dead.”
Hibrid of big-small spoon. Most of the times you cuddle he’s asleep and you go snuggle him, his hair is a mess so better prepare to get tickled all night. He pull you close the best way he can when you’re behind him, not very comfortable for his arm but it’s worth it. He’d have you like a pillow over him, his chin over your head and both arms around you.
This man doesn’t bother typing when he can use his voice, the only situations he uses regular text messages are when he’s on shift or with you sleeping next to him. Send him gifs of kittens and a ‘i love you’ it instanstly gives him a good mood! He’d send pics of cats he sees around and gifts he bought you, doesn’t use emojis.
*COLLAPSES ON THE GROUND* Big oof- requests are open.
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Hey love, was wondering if we could get some more mean girl x soft boy with Peter with promts 10 and 37??
Yes!! My favorite, of course, I made reader a Stark too cause spoiled rich mean girl with soft little Peter kills me. Hope you like it!
Requests are still open guys, you can use the prompts or just request whatever you want to, I write for Peter and Tom, love you guys xx
Full of Surprises
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark! Reader
Summary: Peter wants you to take him to a party, which ends up being nothing like he expected
Prompt #10 - “I don’t think you’re down for the parties I go to pretty boy.”
Prompt #37 - “You wanna sneak out?”
It would be hard to summarize (y/n) Stark in any sort of brief, meaningful fashion, she was too complicated for just a few sentences. If Peter had to call her just a few things he’d say she was complex and charismatic. She could be a little bratty, she liked getting her way, but most people still liked her, they still wanted to be around her. She was glamorous, with her designer clothes and nice cars and the paparazzi, she held the whole Stark legacy in a custom made, diamond encrusted pink birkin. Peter didn’t get the appeal of the money or the popular girl front she had at school, he thought the real her was a lot more interesting.
In getting to know her he had found she was actually a lot softer than most people thought, she just took a bit to warm up to people. He couldn’t blame her really, he’d seen firsthand the way kids at school tried to get close to her just for the exclusive invite or a Twitter follow, so he understood her hesitation. What he didn’t understand was why she wanted to be popular and famous, why she liked it all so much. It was puzzling to him, but he found both sides of her equally endearing. Even dorky little Peter couldn’t resist the pull of her glamorous life, he couldn’t deny that part of him wanted to be closer to that side of her too. He wanted to be the boy on her arm at all the parties she went to, but he had to get out of his comfort zone to do that…
“Yo Parker, you riding with me?” (y/n) turned around to face him as their final class drew to a close.
He nodded, “Yeah, if that’s cool with you.”
“I was hoping you would, I need your help,” she winked, slinging her bag over her shoulder as she stood.
He followed after her, his brows knit in confusion, “What do you need my help with?”
“There’s a party this Friday, dad said I can’t go,” she rolled her eyes, “So annoying, anyways, I was going to ask you to cover for me. I’ll tell him I’m at your place studying or something and you just tell him I’m with you if he asks. I know you're a perfect little angel, but I’ll owe you so big and I promise you won’t get in trouble with him. Plus I’ll buy you whatever you want.”
“You don’t need to buy me anything, you know that,” he blushed, biting down on the inside of his cheek as he contemplated his next move, “There is, uh, something you could do for me though…”
“Oh really?”
He nodded, “I want to go with you.”
She paused right in front of the limo and raised a brow at him, “Seriously?”
He nodded, “Yeah.”
She laughed as she climbed into the car, apparently finding the suggestion to be the funniest thing she’d heard all week, “Peter it’s a party with people and dancing and alcohol, I don’t think it’s your scene.”
“Then I’ll sneak out.”
His cheeks flushed and he frowned, “I’ve been to parties, I want to go, you always have fun don’t you?”
“You’ve been to high school parties,” she rolled her eyes, “There is no way May would let you go to this kind of party.”
“You wanna sneak out?”
“I sneak out all the time,” he reminded, “I’m probably better at it than you.”
“Point taken,” she smiled brightly at him, “Okay, why do you want to go out to parties all of a sudden?”
He shrugged, trying to seem as nonchalant as possible, “I might as well give it a try, maybe I’ll like it.”
She hummed, contemplating what to do for a moment, “Okay, I’ll take you, but no dorky t-shirts.”
“What’s wrong with my shirts?” he glanced down at himself with a frown.
“Well I think they’re cute, but they aren’t really party material. In fact I don’t know if anything you have is…”
He blushed at the compliment, “I can just wear a plain shirt then.”
“I’ll pick something out for you,” she smiled, “My arm candy has to match me.”
“Okay, but I’m not wearing the Spiderman suit.”
“You’ll wear what I tell you too babe,” she patted his cheek, smiling while his blush spread up to his ears, “Pick you up at 8?”
“Y-Yeah, sounds good.”
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
As promised, (y/n) arrived at Peter’s house at 8 sharp, holding a garment bag and dressed in a knee length tan trench coat.
“That’s what you're wearing?” Peter cocked his head in confusion, looking her up and down before quickly adding, “N-Not that you look bad or anything! I-It's just not what I normally see you wear to parties and stuff…”
His mouth went dry and he could only nod as he took it all in, “Y-Yeah, you look great.”
“I’ve got an outfit on under it, I just didn’t know if May would be home,” she pushed the garment bag into his hands with a smile.
“She’s working late tonight, I told her we’re going to the movies,” he shut the door behind her, his whole face blooming red as she tossed the trench coat off.
“Great, I look hot don’t I?” she giggled, spinning so he could admire her full outfit, a baby blue cropped cami and a matching skirt that fell just above her knee. The skirt had a slit leading up her right thigh and the whole thing was covered in a slightly darker blue Louis Vuitton monogram.
“I know,” she smiled proudly before gesturing to the bag in his hands, “Well come on, promise you’ll look hot too.”
He swallowed and opened up the bag to reveal a blazer with the same color and print as her outfit, “You don’t expect me to wear just this right?”
She burst into a fit of laughter and shook her head, “No, I was thinking just some jeans and a white shirt underneath, but hey, if you’re really feeling yourself I won’t stop you.”
“No, no, tshirt and jeans sounds great,” he pulled the blazer from the bag, “I’ll be right back.”
“Don’t keep me waiting,” she sang as he disappeared into his bedroom.
Peter was only gone for a second, returning almost immediately dressed per her instruction, “Happy?”
She nodded, “You look great, blue’s your color,” she stood, grabbing the edge of his jacket, “And red, and yellow.”
“You just listed all the primary colors,” he laughed.
“And I was right,” she moved up to his collar, flattening it out for him, “You for sure look best in yellow, but I know blue is your favorite, so I figured we’d wear blue.”
“Thanks,” he didn’t know how else to respond, “So what are we going to do there?”
“Oh come on Peter, you know what happens at a party,” she laughed, her hands moving up to his hair, tussling it slightly, “Didn’t you tell me you went to parties?”
He blushed, “Well one party, and it didn’t go great… I mean it can’t be anything that crazy right? Just like spin the bottle or beer pong or something?”
“Oh sweety,” she clicked her tongue before stepping away from him and slipping back into her coat, “If that’s when you’re hoping for then I don’t think you’re down for the parties I go to, pretty boy.”
He went wide eyed, “W-What do you mean?”
“You’ll see,” she smirked, “Ready to go?”
He nodded, his stomach beginning to fill with nerves, “I guess, I’m a little worried now though.”
“You should be,” she winked, “Not even Spiderman can save you from the night we’re gonna have.”
Her words had put Peter a bit on edge, and had him wracking his brain for every party he’d ever seen on tv. Once they got in the car he tried to drill her on the matter, but she only continued to tease him, never giving him a straight answer on anything, going as far as to tell him they were going to be summoning a demon at midnight. Something he had rolled his eyes at until they pulled around to the back of what Peter had to assume was some kind of club.
“(y/n) are you sure this is the right place?”
She nodded, “Yeah, it just looks sketchy from the back,” she flicked the car off and smiled at him, “Come on, you’re gonna love it here.”
He knit his brow in confusion as he followed her, “You sure about that?”
She rolled her eyes, “Yes, just come on,” she grabbed his hand and dragged him to the door.
He was hesitant as he followed her up to the large metal door, worried momentarily she might have been serious about the demon thing until she opened the door.
“Holy shit,” he swore as he glanced around the giant arcade.
She clenched her hands in front of her nervously, “What do you think?”
There was no party, not even close, in fact the only other people in the building were employees.
“I’m confused.”
She sighed, “I thought it was weird when you said you wanted to go to that party, I mean it’s not really your scene,” she glanced away from him, her normal confidence seeming to fade in an instant, “I don’t know, I kind of got to thinking maybe you just wanted to go because we were going together, and I thought that maybe you’d want to do something a little more personal so I rented out this old arcade,” she bit her lip, “I don’t know, maybe that was stupid, the party is real though, we can go to that instead if you want…”
Peter stared at her for a minute, trying to connect the dots, “L-Like a date?”
She nodded, “Maybe, I don’t know, it kind of seemed like that was the vibe.”
“No, no, no,” he grabbed her arms, stopping her from walking away, “I want to go on a date with you so bad.”
“So you rented a whole arcade?” he gaped.
“Oh come on Peter, you already know I’m excessive,” she groaned, “God, this was so stupid, let’s just go to the damn party.”
Her cheeks flushed, “You do?”
He nodded, “Yeah, I’m just a little shocked, you didn’t have to do this for me.”
“I didn’t really know what to do,” she fiddled with a piece of her hair, still unable to meet his eyes, “I mean you know I’m pretty sure of myself most of the time, but you make me nervous.”
“I make you nervous?” he went wide eyed while she nodded.
“I’ve never really liked a guy before, at least no this much,” she explained, “And I mean we can go to the party if you want still, but if you want this to be a first date I just thought something a little more special would be nice…”
A smile spread across his face, “There is nothing I’d like more than for this to be our first date.”
She giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck, “We haven’t even started the first one.”
“Thank god, it would have been totally humiliating if you said no,” an airy laugh escaped her lips.
“There wasn’t a chance of that happening,” he assured, “I can’t really afford to rent out an arcade, but I’ll plan our second date okay?”
“No but you went through all this trouble, I figured you’d want another.”
She rolled her eyes, “You know Peter if this relationship is gonna work I think my ego is big enough for the both of us.”
He laughed and pressed his head to hers, “We’ll see how you feel after I kick your ass at every game in here.”
“There is not a chance in hell you’re winning even one game tonight,” she leaned in just a tad, “But I’ll tell you what, if you do I’ll give you a kiss.”
He smiled and pressed a quick kiss to her nose before pulling away, “You’re on.”
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mediocre-writerr · 4 years
betty [quinn fabray]
quinn fabray x fem reader
summary: the last part of my quinn fabray mini series! this takes place in the pov of quinn and her side of the story! enjoy : )
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*not my gif*
“Quinny?” my mom poked her head through the door, “You got to get ready for school.” she says softly. 
I groaned as I shoved my head into a pillow. I didn’t want to go to school today or well ever for that matter. 
And you’re probably thinking: Quinn what teenager actually wants to go to school? 
i did...once. When I didn’t fuck up the best thing that ever happened to me. Meeting her at her locker, holding her hand down the hall, singing songs to her in glee club. All of it. But that’s all faded away like a moment in time. 
“Not today.” I mumble. 
“Quinn, honey, I let you miss so much school these past couple months. I need you to go just this once.” she whispers before closing the door. 
I let out another groan as I pulled the covers off my body. Stumbling my way into the bathroom. As I look in the mirror the pit that was in my stomach continued growing. 
I hated how I looked. I hated how I felt. I fucked up. It was all on me.
And it all started at junior prom.
“Love, dance with me!” Y/N yelled over the loud music that was playing, trying to pull me out of my seat at the table I was sitting at. 
I smiled widely at her enthusiasm before raising my eyebrows at her. She knows I hate the crowds. Sure, I was popular and wanted the attention.
But there’s a difference between walking down the hall like a bad ass than being trapped in a crowd of thousands, feeling like you’re suffocating and sweating.
“This is my favorite song.” she pouted when I gave her the look. 
I pulled the hand that she had in her hand closer to me. Giving it a sweet kiss, “Next dance, I promise.”
She pouts a little before running back off to the dance floor. I sat there drinking the spiked punch, letting the alcohol burn all the way down my throat and into my stomach. Leaving a warm sensation behind. 
I watched Y/N’s every move. She wasn’t very far away from where I was planted. Jumping up and down, doing crazy dance moves, with Sam. 
I love Sam with every bone in my body, but I was always jealous of the blonde boy. He was a nice guy, funny, good looking and super close to Y/N. 
“Looks like your girlfriend is having more fun with Sam, than she is with you.” Santana says, leaning against the chair I was sitting on.
“I don’t like the crowds. She knows that. She’s just trying to enjoy her prom.” I mumble, trying to ignore her snide remarks. 
Santana hums in response before taking a sip of her own punch, “Sure, let’s keep telling yourself that. And I’ll be the one saying ‘I told you so’ when she leaves you for him.” 
That was it. That’s what started my insecurities. 
Was I good enough for Y/N? Or will she find her own non-complicated love with Sam or Finn? Was Santana right?
After procrastinating for God knows how long, I finally made it to school. 
“Quinn!” Mercedes yelled getting my attention away from locker. 
I tried forcing on my best smile, “Hey what’s up?” 
“You’re coming to Y/N’s party tonight right? Everyone’s gonna be there! I don’t want you to miss it.” Mercedes said.
I shook my head looking down at my shoes, “No. I wasn’t planning on going. I don’t think she would want me there anyway.” I mumble.
Mercedes looked at me sympathetically, “Well I want you to come. Dig yourself out of the depressing hole you’re in and come hang out with people who care about you. Think about it, okay?” 
I nod before she goes running off to talk to Kurt. I open my locker and stare at the cardigan hanging off of one of the hooks. My eyes dart around my locker to see the pictures of the two of us hanging on the walls. 
I miss her.
The bell rings and I weave my way through the somewhat crowded walls and into my anatomy class for homeroom. I take my seat next to Jacob Ben Israel and sigh softly. 
“Alright class take your seats!” Mr. Barnson yells as he walks in the door, taking his bag off.
I look at the empty stool next to me. Y/N wasn’t in here today. She must’ve stayed home. I wish I could’ve, especially after what happened yesterday. 
“Jacob, you’re going to be Ms. Fabray’s new lab partner.” he says and I watch as Jacob’s eyes lighten up.
The afro-hair kid coming to sit next to me, “Can I smell your hair?” he asks, disturbingly. 
I shutter in disgust and raise my hand, “Yes Ms. Fabray?” 
“What happened to Y/N?” I ask.
“Ah, Ms. Y/L/N switched homerooms this morning.” he says nonchalantly while looking back at his list for attendance. 
The day went on and on, dragging like a bad movie that wouldn’t end. Until finally it did. 
I walked to school today. I’ve been walking to school the past couple months. It was a nice break to just clear my head and think about everything. Sometimes it hurt to do, but it was much needed. 
I didn’t want to go straight home today. I didn’t want to go home and just lock myself in my room, curling up into a ball of nothingness. So I walked around more. 
“Quinn? Do you need a ride?” I hear a voice ask.
I turn towards the voice to see Mike and Tina in his car, “No thanks. I think I’m just gonna walk.” 
“Okay. Well we’ll see you tonight, right? We all miss hanging out with you.” he suggests.
“I don’t know.” I say looking anywhere, but them.
“You should.” Tina says before the light turns green and they drive off with a wave. 
I continued walking until I found myself at the mall need Breadstix. I hate the mall. 
I used to love going there with Santana and Brittany back during sophomore year of high school. When I was dating Finn and head Cheerio, but now it just reminds me of everything that went wrong. 
When my insecurity was at its greatest peak. 
“Hello beautiful!” I say as I answer Y/N’s phone call, walking through the mall. 
“Hi love! I miss you so much.” she whispers and I smile softly.
I hear rustling coming from her side of the phone, another girl’s voice, “I miss you more.” I say softly, “Who are you with?”
“Oh I’m with my friend Lizzie. She’s also a intern here and we’re just having dinner! She’s really cool!” Y/N said excitedly.
The rest of the conversation was about her internship and the amazing stuff she was learning and the new people she was meeting. How much she was having.
I should have been happy for her, but all I could think about what was, how much her life is better without me? What a fun life she could have without me? 
I left the mall that I was once walking in and nothing seemed good enough to buy. I was getting closer to my house as I was walking on the broken cobblestone. Just thinking about her.
How much I just want her to come back home and into my arms. How much I want her to let me know that I’m the only one she wants and that I am good enough for her.
Someone’s car came by slowing down next to me as they rolled their window down, pulling me out of my thoughts. Santana was sitting in the driver’s seat with her sunglasses on. Her usual high pony was down which revealed her curly brunette hair. 
She looked like a figment of my worst intentions. Her lips stained with a dark red lipstick and the way she was eyeing me. It just sent shivers down my spine. 
“Quinn, get in, let’s drive.” 
And those four words was all it took. Well four words and a human full of loneliness. 
A car honks shaking me from that terrible terrible memory. Leaving me with a mind and head full of thoughts. 
Should I go to the party tonight? Will she want me there? Will I regret not going? 
There’s two ways me going would play out.
1.) I would get there and she would open the door and slam it on my face. Then she would open it again just to tell me to go fuck myself. 
I shutter at the thought of the most likely scenario. The sun was setting turning the sky into a cotton candy looking sky. What a beautiful sky for a stressful decision. 
Santana laid next to me on the grassy field of my backyard. It was a cotton candy color as the orange hue blended with the dreamy blue. 
I spent the week driving around with Santana. We would go exploring the small town in Lima or just drive around singing to random songs. 
We laid there in silence just staring up at the sky. She took my hand in hers intertwining them together. And in that moment I didn’t care. I wanted to feel something, anything. 
Anything besides this pit of loneliness. 
She turned her head towards mine. And in a beat her lips were on mine. It was soft at first yet passionate. Then the next thing I knew, clothes were flying off, and hands were roaming. 
2.) Y/N opens the door and sees me standing there. I apologize for everything, she leads me to our spot in the backyard. And kiss me in front of everyone. 
Yeah like that would ever fucking happen. 
I didn’t know what I was expecting when Y/N came back from Pennsylvania. After the many nights spent with Santana, I dropped her. Or well ghosted her I should say.
I didn’t answer her calls or her texts. I knew what I did was wrong and I decided to just end it before things could get any worse. 
Was it fucked up? 
Yes, but I did what I had to try and salvage what I had left in our relationship.
I thought I could get away with it too. Until the guilt started eating me alive. The pit in my stomach wasn’t loneliness, it was guilt. 
And then Santana told Brittany. Brittany told Artie. Artie told Tina. Tina told Mike. Mike told Puck. Puck told Mercedes. Mercedes told Kurt. Kurt told Blaine. Blaine told Rachel. Rachel told Finn. Finn told Sam. Then finally, Rachel told Y/N since no one else had the heart to. 
Y/N slammed my locker shut causing me to flinch back, “Tell me she’s lying.” she whispers, her voice breaking. 
“Who’s lying love? What happened?” I say attempting to take her in my arms, but she took a step back.
“Tell me that you didn’t hook up with Santana while I was gone. And that it’s some weird vendetta against you.” she whispers staring at me. 
I couldn’t lie to her anymore. It was killing me. I didn’t want to lie anymore. I just needed to tell her. 
I just stared at her desperately trying to find an explanation. Desperately trying to apologize and explain everything to her, but no words came out.
“You did didn’t you?” Y/N asked barely in a whisper.
I nodded sadly and a sob escaped her lips. 
“Y/N please let me-” I try to say and she shakes her head.
“No. We’re done Quinn!” she yells in between sobs running off. 
I looked up and found myself in front of Y/N’s house. 
I wasn’t trying to go here. I guess my feet just carried me here. The party was in full swing and through her window I could see her just sitting there, nursing a cup. 
Her favorite song was playing and she wasn’t dancing. She was just sitting there, trying to smile, but was struggling too. 
It hurt me, knowing that I’m the reason for her pain. 
I hesitantly knocked on the door and the door flung open. Y/N was standing there and she was shocked, but her eyes softened. But it didn’t matter anymore because she covered it up with a harder shell. 
She came out and stepped onto the porch, closing the door behind her.
“Happy birthday.” I whisper.
She mumbles, “Thanks.” 
“Can we talk please?” I ask.
She was thinking about it. I could tell. Her eyes were furrowed and she was biting her lip. She looked in deep thought before nodding and leading me to the backyard garden.
There was a bench swing hanging from the trees. And we took a seat on there together. 
This is the spot. Our spot. 
We had our first kiss here. I asked her to be my girlfriend here. Everything happened right here. 
“Y/N I’m sorry. And before you say anything I know. I know sorry means nothing and it has no excuse for what I did. But I am so deeply sorry. I don’t know much and I don’t have much to say because I wasn’t expecting to come tonight But I do know that I miss you and you were the best thing that has ever happened to me.” I whisper letting all of the tears spill. 
She lets out a shaky sigh, “I know. I forgive you.” 
I smile softly and I try to lean in to kiss her, but she immediately pulls back. Leaving me embarrassed and heartbroken.
“Just because I forgive you doesn’t mean that I want to get back together. I know you know that what you did was wrong. And I trust you when you say that it wasn’t anything special. But it doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. I love you Quinn Fabray, but I just can’t do this right now.” she whispers back.
She begins to wipe away the tears from my cheeks. I took in a deep breath before embracing the feeling of her touch. Y/N closes her eyes and rests her forehead on top of mine. 
I cup her cheeks into my hands. My thumb trying to memorize all of the crevasse, cheek bones, every little feature. 
“I will always love you and maybe we’ll be together one day. Just not today.” she whispers pulling away and kissing my cheek softly, “Goodbye Quinn.” 
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nctzanne · 4 years
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[Smut, a tiny bit of fluff]
• Ten x Reader (fm)
requests closed ♡
-You are gay, aren’t you? I mean, by the way you look at Johnny, it’s pretty obvious- You speak nonchalant, fixing your eyes on the random yaoi movie you both are watching.
-I prefer calling myself bisexual- Ten answers with no amusement- I still don’t know how it’s to have sex with a girl-
-That’s why i thought you were gay- He laughs under his breath. You turn your sight to him, just to admire his delicate face traits. Indeed, Johnny was lucky.
Being friends with Ten was something... peculiar. He is a mystery, in every possible way. When you think you know him, suddenly he appears with a personality totally different from what he chose to show you. In those 5 years of knowing eachother, Ten always had something new to uncover about him, making you feel refreshed. There was no way you could be bored with him, everything felt new, funny, dangerous. He helped you to skip your first class, to get an A on maths, how to get drunk without puking, and how to freestyle dance. You just don’t imagine your life without him.
And now, that you both live together, everything got even better. Nights reading tarot cards, laughing at some Tik Toks, and even you both escaped to make a friendship tattoo: A little butterfly under your boob and under his chest. 
Some people would say that you both look like a couple, but there is no way Ten have ever felt that way with you. Oh, but if you talk about your personal feelings...
-Uhm, __, do i have something in my face or..?- Ten whispers so suddenly you snap out of your thoughts. One side of his face is iluminated by the different colors of the sunset that it’s occuring outside your balcony window. He looks so pretty like this, how can he even be real?
-Yeah, some uglyness over there- You try to play it cool, throwing a pillow towards him, positioning it on his lap so you can rest a bit over your heavy thoughts.
He doesn’t seem to complain, and starts playing with your hair. It feels so nice to be around him, he is your comfy zone, your safe space.
-I really want to know- he mumbles.
You freeze.
-Know? What do you wanna know?- For some reason, you don’t want to look at him.
-How it’s to have sex with a woman- he sounds so damn secure about himself, like those words didn’t afect you at all. But he’s wrong, your heart speeds up a little bit, trying to figure out where this conversation was heading to. No, there is no possible way that...
-I’ve been thinking about this a long time ago, you know- his voice goes deeper this time- I know so much about sex with men, but so little with girls. I really want to try how I develop during the act- What the fuck is he talking about?
-Ten, what the f...- he grabs you by your back so you sit up and face him. You are only centimeters away from your nose to rub his.
-I want to know... ___, please let me find out- he almost sound like begging. You hold your breath trying to conect the last neurons that are functioning so you convince yourself that you are not dreaming. You can’t help but look at his lips,just waiting for his sign...
There is no movement at all, not his, not yours. The only thing you can hear is your own heartbeat buzzing on your ears, his warm hands on the sides of your cheeks, his eyes piercing your thoughts.
-Just kiss me already- Your voice trembles, almost like if you are unsure. Actually, you are, there is no way this could end in a good way.
But all of that fades away when he connects his lips with yours. For a few seconds, it’s only that, just your lips touching. But it’s enough to make your mind go fuzzy, fireworks erupting on your lower belly, feeling like this moment should’ve happened so many years ago. When you interwined your fingers while walking on the park, or when he comforted you when you broke up with Kun. But no matter how awkward this moment was, it is everything you needed.
You don’t know how longer it takes for you to experimentally open your mouth a little bit, just to lick his lower lip, tasting the waters. He moves away quickly, leaving your mouth hanging open. You think you messed something up, but before you can apologize about taking things too fast he grabs you violently by the nape of your head, so he can start to kiss you messily.
Everything is tongue, saliva and teeth. There is no control, at all. His tongue works majestically inside your wet cavity, exploring every inch of it, like he was marking your mouth as his. You let him lead everything, you just melt under his ministrations, trying to fight his tongue only to earn a deep growl from his throat. 
He grabs your hips giving you a sign to sit on his lap and you do, gasping as soon as you feel his hard clothed member against you. He janks your hair just to have your neck fully display to him, so he can start marking you up. It first starts as tongue kisses, but slowly he sucks mercyless every inch of your neck and collarbones.
-Ten, i have dance classes tomorrow- you try to stay as rational as posible, running your fingers through his dark black locks- Dont mark me up-
He looks up to you, mouth full of saliva, eyes glistening -You are acting as if you aren't mine-
It felt like somebody totally different from Ten was talking to you now. When you said that he always had something new about himself to show, you weren't kidding. His voice was always sweet as a candy cane, but now you can swear he can cut a rock with a whisper. You shiver, not knowing what its going to happen at all.
-My dear pup- what... is that... a nickname? A pool starts to grow on your panties, and you are afraid you will wet his jeans as well- Do you think i don't know how i make you feel only by looking at you? By touching you?- he lays back on the sofa where you both at, just so he can admire your fucked up state, he is loving how wrecked you are by him- Why do you think i dont fuck any other girls, huh? Because I know how to drive you insane, i know how you masturbate with your filthy vibrator everynight you see me without a t-shirt, wishing that pleasure was given by me- your mouth opens in surprise, and you suddenly want to be swallowed by the couch and just disappear. It seems that he notices- The only girl i want to pleasure my whole life is you, because you are the only one who can make me feel this- he grabs your wrist so your hand touches his dick over his pants.
You are absolutely clueless of everything. So many things happening so fast. He heard you masturbating? He masturbates himself thinking about you? Is it now even the time to wonder about those things?
Almost on queue, he kisses your lips softly, caressing your hair -Let me make you feel good, pup. I want to try everything with you, only you-
A loud moan breaks the ice between you two. You look at eachother trying to figure out where the sound is coming, until you both face the TV. Right, the Yaoi movie. The scene is so fucking explicit you couldn't help by sigh, and that doesn't slip out of Ten.
-You like watching that, don't you?- he turns you around, so now that your back is pressed against his chest. He opens up your legs and in a blink of an eye has his hands roaming the waistband of your pajama pants. -You are so filthy, what if that was me and Johnny? Would you rather watch that?- you moan not only because of the scene you just imagine, but also that his fingers start to ghost against your wet folds- Or do you prefer me fucking you, making a mess out of you?- he teases you, rubbing gently but never putting enough pressure, he only rubs your pussy lips.
You open up your legs in desesperate attempt to make him touch you more, but he just takes his time. You are not watching the movie at all, your mind wandering about all the things you can try with him.
Finally, his index finger rubs your clit slowly in a up and down motion. You hate the fact that you are too vocal when it comes to sex, but it seems that for him it tastes like glory. Using two fingers now, he decides to rub your now hard and too sensitive nub in different ways, but when he starts to do it in circles is when you close your eyes and moan his name loudly.
-Okay, that's how you like it then- and you dont notice when he starts to pick up his pace. You are so close, so damn close due to all the dirty talking, but you don't want it to end.
-Ten please, i don't want to cum yet- you rest the back of your head on his shoulder, eyes rolling back. You can hear the sounds that come down from your wetness, and it seems that he tries in all best ways possible to make those sounds louder and louder.
-Who says you have permission to cum anyways, pup?- he whispers in your ear. His eyes are fixed in how his fingers are working on you, at the same time he is listening carefully how his name slips out of your tongue everytime he slows down. 
-Ten ‘m so close, please- You don’t know what are you begging for. Your legs tremble trying to hold your orgasm but you feel like you are going to explode.
-I love when you call me by my nickname, but sometimes i think you forget about my real name- He stops his actions, making you groan in disapproval, but he hush you while introducing his fingers on your mouth. You don’t want to admit it, but you truly love your own taste. 
You suck clean his fingers, swirling your tongue around them, while trying to look at him in the eyes, though it was kinda difficult due to the position he is. He bites his lips, humming in agreement, he likes what you are doing.
-I want to hear how you scream my name while i make you cum- He starts to rub your clit again, but 10x faster. He looks like an expert rubbing you, it feels so damn good, it’s impossible that he is a “girl virgin”.- Say it-
-Chittaphon...- You feel so embarrased, and don’t know why, but you choose to let go and get consumed by pleasure. You feel it, that tight knot begging for release, your hands holding on dear life by his arm muscles, hearing his grunts on your left ear, even the year of his piercings on your cheek makes you burn and get closer and closer.
-Chittaphon im cumming- you warn him with voice cracked, you can’t hold it any longer. 
-That’s it pup, let go, cum for me- He whispers and licks your earlobe. And that’s all that takes for you to disappear from earth, being sucked in by the orgasm that is washing you. You chant his name over and over again, your inner walls clenching around nothing, the climax seems to last for hours. You feel your clit throbbing, thighs full of your own liquids, and you black out.
-____, baby, it’s okay- He hears that you are whimpering, destroyed by pleasure.- Don’t move, let me clean you up- 
In a matter of minutes, you start to get conscious, eyelashes batting fast trying to recognize where you are. The aroma of Ten invades you and suddenly you feel calm, you are in his bed, covered, with a white t-shirt and nothing else below that. He is laying besides you, hugging you by your waist, caressing your skin with his thumb.
-Hey, you woke up. I was worried, i thought i knocked you out or something- He smiles, clearly proud of the mess he just made. You slap his shoulder, letting a little laugh slip out of your mouth.
-About what?-
-I just passed out... i didn’t even suck you off- You legit feel embarassed.
-Ah, ____, i wanted it this way. It was perfect, trust me- He pecks your lips, worried that maybe you won’t believe him- This is what i asked for-
You feel your heart full. Of blood maybe, but it’s a metaphor to explain how complete this man makes you.
-So, are you bisexual or not- You try to change the subject, laying on your side so you can face him. You still don’t get used to the idea that probably, probably you both like eachother. He laughs outloud, with his perfect teeth on display, and then he bites his lip.
-Im ___sexual, for sure-
You don’t know what it’s going to happen before this. But that’s Ten’s essence, he is a complete mystery. And that’s why you are madly in love with him.
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thatesqcrush · 4 years
The Nanny, Part 2
Bryan Kneef x Reader. Follow-up to part one here. Warnings: NSFW - smut, oral (male/female receiving), squirting, daddy kink), language. WC 5.3K.
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It was early in the morning when you woke up. You stretched, arching your back and elongating your limbs, enjoying the way the expensive sheets felt against your naked body. You winced as you did so, realizing you were sore in the best way. You looked over and realized Bryan was not next to you. You knew he was up early most days as he had to deal with legal business overseas. 
You quickly redressed and made way back to the joined apartment, where after your shower, you admired the bruises and marks that decorated your body. As your fingers traced over the love bite on your breast, your mind went back to the events of the night prior. A feeling of nervousness developed in the pit of your belly - you wondered how you would get through the day - would Bryan have regretted it? Would you still have a job? Looking at the time, you realized you didn’t have much time to ponder the what-ifs. Sandrine and Jasper would be up soon and you had to get them ready for the day.
The hustle and bustle of the morning did keep your mind otherwise preoccupied. “Turn around, let me see.” You told Sandrine as you finished doing her hair. Sandrine did so and looked up at you a toothy smile. You gave her a smile in return as you brushed her bangs from out of her eyes. 
“Ms. Y/N, did you have a fun Valentine’s Day?” Sandrine asked.
“Ummm, something like that.” You murmured as you leaned to grab a hair bow to clip to her hair. You slid the purple bow and then gave her a once-over. “All set - let's go have some breakfast.”
“Did you kiss any boys?” Sandrine continued to inquire as she followed you into the kitchen. You opened your mouth to reply when you halted in your steps seeing Bryan ahead, pouring coffee.
“Morning sweetheart.” Bryan greeted, his gaze turning toward Sandrine. You tried to move discreetly past the six-year old when Bryan turned to you. 
“Morning Y/N.” Bryan winked as he sipped his coffee. He was shirtless once more, and your mind flashed to how you gripped his strong, defined arms as he came inside of you not even 24 hours before.
“Hi Bryan.” You murmured, barely meeting his gaze as you walked over to where he was. Bryan watched you as he leaned against the sink, his arms crossed. You stood on your tip-toes to reach into the cabinet to get a coffee mug. 
“Let me get that for you.” Bryan offered, stepping behind you as he placed his own mug down beside you. The feel of Bryan being pressed against you and the scent of his soap caused a shot of arousal to course through you. As a result, your pussy clenched involuntarily around nothing. Bryan’s breath was hot on your neck and you felt your skin prickle. Bryan reached around for his mug once more and leaned against the counter.
“Y/N, after you get back from drop-off, you and I need to talk.” Bryan announced quietly. 
You felt your heart drop into your stomach and your cheeks burned. “Um… sure.” You replied, hoping Bryan would not hear the shake in your voice. “No work today?” You asked. “I thought you had to go into the office?”
“Took my calls earlier and two of my cases have continuances. I have the entire day ahead of me.”
Jasper happened to catch the tail-end of the conversation as he placed his empty cereal bowl into the sink. 
“Dad, you have the day off? Can we have a movie day?” Jasper asked. Sandrine let out a squeal, hearing her brother. 
“Please, daddy, please!” Sandrine begged. “With popcorn and everything!”
Bryan smiled as he leaned over to ruffle Jasper’s hair. “Of course we can - that’s if Y/N would care to join us?”
Your brows furrowed. ‘Maybe I am not getting canned after all.’ you thought to yourself.
“Please Ms. Y/N, please!” Both children pleaded in unison. 
You shook yourself out of your thoughts and smiled brightly. “Of course I can! Now, if you’re done, brush teeth and put on shoes - we have to leave in ten minutes.” 
As the children ran off, you turned your attention back to Bryan, who was looking at you once more. His face was unreadable and you awkwardly gave him a small wave before following the children to help them finish getting ready.
You rapped on the door quietly, with your knuckles. “Bryan? You wanted to talk with me?” You called out.
You heard Bryan beckon you in and when you opened the door, you found him sitting at his desk. He looked up at you from his laptop and gave you a smile. “Please sit.” He extended his arm to the chair in front of his desk. 
Your pulse quickened and your mouth suddenly went dry. You swallowed hard and wiped your now sweaty palms on the tops of your thighs. “So you wanted to talk?”
Bryan nodded. “About last night. It - you - I…” The normally loquacious litigator found himself at a loss for words. He cleared his throat and let out a deep exhalation. “Last night was a lot of fun, but--”
“Oh that’s never a good sign.” You interjected, nervously laughing. Bryan responded with holding a sole finger up and you instantly quieted.
“We cannot let last night happen again.” Bryan continued. “I would be remiss to say I didn’t find you attractive - and really, I should be trying to find someone to replace you as we crossed an inappropriate line. That said, you are really integral to Jasper and Sandrine’s happiness, so I will keep you on unless you want to tender your resignation - which of course, would be understandable.”
You felt your cheeks burn once more and your eyes well up. What were you expecting? A proclamation of love? That he would fall for the nanny? 'This isn’t a Harlequin romance novel.’ you chastised yourself. 
You put on a brave smile. “I totally understand. I would be happy to stay on. There is no reason why we cannot go back to a strictly professional relationship.”
Bryan tapped his desk with the top of his hand. “Great. I am so relieved that we are on the same page.”
You nodded and you waited for him to continue. After a beat, Bryan gave you a pointed look and you took the hint to leave. You shut the door behind you as you left and allowed the tears to freely fall. Unbeknownst to you, Bryan had just dropped his head into his hands, defeated.
Time moved forward and the seasons changed. The freezing temperatures of winter in Chicago gave way to the blistering heat of summer. The twins birthday had arrived and turning seven was apparently a much bigger deal than when you turned seven. No expense was spared. Bryan’s home was bustling with children, caterers and party professionals. 
The spectacular event (held inside a makeshift circus tent, of course) included a “trapeze” photo op, circus-themed treats like popcorn and candy, an outdoor swing, tons of colorful balloons, a “TICKETS” booth and more. Circus performers were preparing to liven up the party. Topping everything off was a truly lavish multi-tiered birthday cake with miniature versions of the children as acrobats in front of a circus tent.
Bryan had gone to pour himself a glass of water when he caught sight of you through the kitchen window. He swallowed hard as he watched you busy yourself with the children. You had dressed up for the occasion, cosplaying as Anne Wheeler. You wore a lilac sleeveless leotard with a matching short length lilac cape. White shorts were molded to your ass and thighs. Your hair was sprayed bubblegum pink. 
Bryan swallowed his drink, desperately hoping the iced cold water would help cool him from the sudden warmth he was feeling. He decided to go outside and distract himself with some of the guests. The sun was beaming bright and hot, nary a cloud in the sky. The sounds of children giggling and shrieking filled the yard space. Bryan couldn’t help but keep you in his line of sight. You had taken off your cape and was now in just the leotard and shorts. As you danced with one of the kids, Bryan couldn’t help but watch your tits bounce. His mind was suddenly brought back to Valentine’s Day and how he got an up close shot of those tits bouncing as he fucked you. 
A hand clasped Bryan on the shoulder and he turned, seeing it was the dad of one of Sandrine’s and Jasper’s friends. Another joined, a colleague, with beers in hand. “This is one hell of a party Kneef.” The blond in a teal polo replied - Bryan vaguely recalled his name was Bryce and was opposing counsel on an old case.
“Agreed.” The other man, Derek, replied. His gaze steered to you and he let out a low whistle as you bent over to talk to one of the kids. 
“Damn Kneef, your nanny sure is something.” Derek continued. “Tell me, are you fucking her?”
“No!” Bryan denied, a bit more loudly than he intended. Derek looked at him with brows arched. Bryan shook his head. “I - I - I wouldn’t jeopardize her relationship with the twins. They really love her.” Bryan replied. “Good help is hard to come by.”
Bryce snorted before taking a swig of his beer. “If I wasn’t married, I’d be taking her home right now.”
“Hell I’m married, and I am considering taking her home.” Derek chuckled. “Lily’s away on business.”
Bryan stiffened, doing his best to swallow the urge to clock both men. He was filled with a surge of jealousy at the idea of you going off with one of them, who in his mind were just a bunch of douchebags. “Really?” he sneered, turning his attention to Derek. “You’d do that?”
“Oh fuck off Bryan. You’re one to talk. If you didn’t have the kids, this would be something you’d absolutely be doing - hell, you have done it!” Derek replied, rolling his eyes. “How many times have you been caught with your pants down and some bimbo paralegal over your desk?”
Bryan chose to not respond, as the answer was too many times to count. He was the office playboy for a number of years. The only reason he was even kept around as long as he was, was because he brought in a lot of business for the firm. 
“Neither one of you are going home with my nanny.” Bryan gritted, taking another swig of his beer. “She’s…a person, not just a piece of ass.”
Both men didn’t reply, instead just looking away. Bryan let out an audible sigh before walking over to another group of friends and colleagues. “Come on, the game should be on and I have some Cubans that need to be smoked.”
At one point the adults and kids changed and it became a pool party. You sipped on a lemonade and watched as Bryan climbed out of the pool. His body was soaking and was more toned than from even the last time you saw him naked. ‘What is he doing? Pull-ups on the scaffolding?’ You wondered as he wrapped a large towel around Sandrine and Jasper. 
Your pussy clenched, remembering how you clawed his back desperately as you came all over him repeatedly, with his cock, mouth, and hands. Arousal coursed through you and you let out an irritated sigh, knowing you’d need to rely on your battery operated boyfriend some more if you were going to survive this job.
Hours later, the festivities were over. You and Bryan each carried an exhausted twin and set them in their room, each likely down for the night. You followed Bryan out and shut the door behind you with a gentle click before making way to the kitchen. You found an empty tiered cupcake carrier and began to pack away some of the leftover cupcakes. 
“You don’t need to clean up.” Bryan commented as he opened another beer. “I hired a clean up crew for that reason.”
“I don’t mind.” You shrugged, turning to him. Bryan’s gaze fell to your breasts again, and it was apparent you weren’t wearing any bra as he could see the outline of your hardened nipples.
“Idle hands are the devil's workshop.” you continued. Some frosting got on your fingers and you sucked your finger clean, while meeting Bryan’s eyes, which were blown with lust.
“I can find something to do with your hands.” Bryan retorted, stepping towards you and closing the gap. One arm wrapped around your waist while the other brushed some hair out of your face. You gazed at Bryan’s lips, pink, soft and plush and you licked your own lips in anticipation. His mouth began to drop to yours when the sound of a voice clearing caused the two of you to jump back in response. 
It was mommy dearest herself, lips pursed in a thin line, arms crossed. “Am I interrupting?” 
“Constance.” Bryan greeted coolly, turning away from you. “What are you doing here? Party finished two hours ago.”
“I was hoping that I could be with the kids on their birthdays and give them a present.” Constance replied, her eyes still locked on you. You dropped your head and choked out an ‘excuse me’ before dashing off to your apartment. Bryan watched as your form disappeared before turning back to his ex-wife.
“Connie - we have a custody arrangement in place for a reason. You cannot just show up unannounced.” Bryan gritted as he took the gift bags from her and placed them on the breakfast bar. 
“I know, I know.” Constance stated. As she walked towards Bryan, the echoing sound of her heels against the marbled tile filled the room. She clasped her hands together, her bracelets jangling together. “I was just hoping we could make an exception for today, after all I am their mother.”
“You left us. You were never part of their lives. You may be Sandrine’s and Jasper’s mother on paper, but that’s all you are. You are lucky I was considerate enough to entertain the amount of visitation you have in place right now.” Bryan spat.
“Bryan, don’t be like that. I was young, I had a burgeoning model career that got derailed when two pink lines showed up on the test. I have more than made up for it.” Constance argued. 
Bryan pinched the bridge of his nose and blew out a deep breath in exasperation, wanting nothing more than for his ex-wife to leave. “Connie, the kids are asleep. Please just go - you have the kids next weekend. I’ll make sure they get your gifts.”
“Fine.” Constance looked at Bryan, her brow arched perfectly in judgment. “Before I go, just tell me since when did you start fucking the help?”
Bryan spat out his beer. “What you saw--”
“Please, I am not an idiot. Just wait til I let my lawyer know.” Connie threatened. 
Bryan’s blood pressure shot through the roof. A fresh swell of rage rose inside. He clenched his fists, his guts churning in turmoil. 
 “Don’t you fucking threaten me. Get the fuck out.” Bryan growled. And when Constance didn’t move, he burst in anger. “Now! Go home Connie!”
You watched from your window as Constance climbed into her Mercedes and drove off. You climbed into your bed and stared at the ceiling as you contemplated everything from the last few months. ‘What were you doing? Sleeping with your boss - then the near kiss! You are such an idiot! How did you think that was going to end?’ 
‘But there is something more’ the voice in your head said. 'Isn’t there?’ that same voice continued. ‘Or were you both just so good at pretending it was real?’ 
There was a knock on your door and you shuffled your way to the door. The knocking continued followed by the sound of Bryan’s voice. 
When you opened the door, the sight of Bryan standing there, kicked your libido up fifteen or so notches. His form was stiff, with set shoulders. 
“Hey.” You greeted, stepping aside. “Come in.” There was already an awkward tension and the two of you hadn’t even spoken yet. You took a deep breath as you shut the door and followed him into the living room. 
“Can I get you anything?” You asked nervously. “I can make some co--”
“Why’d you run out?” Bryan asked, interrupting you. His expression had hardened.
Looking away, you sighed before sitting down. Your shoulders sagged and you rubbed your face, smearing some of the glitter on your face. “It was awkward! We said we weren’t going to do anything… and then it felt like we were. And then of all people to show up, it was your ex-wife! What else was I supposed to do?”
“Not run out.” Bryan gritted. “We could have talked about this.”
“Well isn’t that what we’re doing now?” You asked, crossing your arms. You hadn’t changed and you were still in cosplay. Your breasts were pushed up under your arms and Bryan felt his cock twitch in his pants. Bryan looked around your apartment for something to distract him and his eyes settled on a picture of you and the twins at the park. He let out his own deep breath.
“You don’t need to worry about Constance. She’s just bitter - she is the type of person who shouldn’t have become a parent.” Bryan replied, taking a seat next to you. He cocked his head. “Admittedly, I was that type too.” 
You turned to Bryan. “What do you mean?”
“I won’t sugarcoat it; I had more than my fair share of partners. I met Constance at a rough time in my life and she helped settle me down. We did the whole wedding thing and she got pregnant. After the kids were born, she just had a hard time giving up her old life - it was probably some kind of post-partum thing but I was too busy prioritizing my work otherwise to notice the signs. One day she was just gone. Left me a ‘dear John’ letter and that was that.” Bryan explained. 
“But the kids see her. How did that happen?” You inquired. 
“She showed up around when they were older. Showed interest. Wanted to make amends. For the sake of the kids, we negotiated visitation. I have primary custody and there’s a schedule. She wasn’t supposed to come today.” 
Bryan continued, now pacing the length of the room. “I was cut off guard when I saw her. With her, I always feel like another shoe is about to drop.”
You walked in front of him, pausing him in mid-stride. “Oh Bryan.” You wrapped your arms around his neck and looked up at him. Bryan watched as you licked your lips and as he saw the pink of your tongue dart out, he had made his decision. He leaned down to kiss you and you met him the rest of the way. You sighed into the kiss, molding into the heat of his embrace. You felt him harden against your belly and you dropped your hand to rub him gently through his pants. 
“I thought we wouldn’t do this again. The rules.” You panted in between kisses.
Bryan broke the kiss. “Fuck the rules. Let me make sure the cleaning crew is done and then we’ll pick up where we left off.” His voice was gravelly, the tone lustful.
“Sounds like a plan.” You agreed; a shiver went up your spine and your heart quickened in anticipation of what was to come. “I’ll freshen up and meet you there.”
You let out a moan as Bryan’s lips found purchase on your neck. His hands cupped your tits from behind, squeezing your flesh. You pushed your hair to the side to allow him greater access. A hand slipped down in front of the leotard you wearing. “No bra? Naughty girl.” He murmured as his thumb and forefinger tugged and rolled your nipple, until it was at attention. You turned around and cupped his face, tugging on his beard as you drew him in for another kiss. His tongue pressed at the seam of your lips, requesting access and you opened your mouth in response. His tongue slid into your mouth, exploring and rolling against yours. Bryan’s hands cupped your ass, squeezing them through your shorts.
Bryan broke the kiss. “You in those tiny shorts - all I wanted to do was haul you off and fuck you.” 
“You should have.” You purred as you took his arms and led him to the bed. “And then you could have told the guys that you had filled me up and that my panties were dripping with your load.” You nipped his ear, causing Bryan to growl.
“You knew we were talking about you?” His green eyes were blown with lust and searched yours. 
“Of course, I did. I have eyes you know.” You rolled your eyes. “I saw how you were all staring.” 
“But now we can make up for lost time.” Bryan remarked, kissing you once more. You smiled against his kiss as you dropped his hands and walked a few steps ahead. You made a big show of removing your clothes. “See, no panties either.” You shimmied the leotard down your hips and thighs letting the material pool around your feet.
Bryan’s eyes darkened with lust as he watched you and made his own removal of his clothes. His cock sprang to attention as he pulled down his boxers and without a word exchanged, you dropped to your knees. You took the hair elastic that was around your wrist and you scooped your still-very pink hair into a ponytail. 
Bryan’s cock was painfully hard and aching, with a bead of pre-cum weeping from the head. Bryan chuckled darkly and gripped his cock, pumping it a few times before dragging it back and forth along your lips. “You want this?” He asked, as he now tapped it on your face.
You looked up at Bryan and opened your mouth wide, extending your tongue over your bottom lip. Bryan let out another chuckle as he fed you his cock. “That’s it, take daddy’s cock.” 
You relaxed your throat as Bryan continued to press his cock into your mouth. Once he had hit the back of your throat, he holds you in place, causing you to gag, and spit to start dripping from your mouth. He released himself and before you could get another deep inhalation of air, he slammed his cock into your mouth all the way again. He again held you in place and your eyes began to water as you gagged; more saliva dripped over your chin and onto the floor. Bryan withdrew again and this time you used your hand to pump him. You gathered some saliva and spit on his cock for lubrication. You gave him a few more pumps and then you took his length into your mouth once more. 
Bryan threw his head back as you closed your mouth around him, using your tongue to go over every ridge and vein. The weight of his thick cock against your tongue caused your pussy to ache with need. Bryan focused his gaze back on you, watching as his length disappeared in and out of your mouth. 
Bryan grunted and groaned, moaning your name in encouragement as you worshipped his cock. You flattened your tongue and ran it along his length before sucking on the sensitive crown, flicking your tongue against the tip. Bryan reached for your ponytail and wrapped your hair in his grip, guiding you along again. You let him set the pace and soon he was fucking your throat, the only sounds in the room being wet, slurping sounds and the obscene moans you were making from around his cock. 
“Fucking love your mouth but I love coming in that pussy more.” Bryan grunted. You let out a whine and Bryan removed himself from your mouth. With your hair still gripped in his hand, he tilted your head up. “Is that what my girl wants?”
You nodded, desperately. “Yes daddy, come in my pussy! Please.” 
Bryan helped you rise to your feet. He gripped your chin, and took in the sight of you. Chin messy with saliva, streaks of mascara down your cheeks. His cock twitched once more - you never looked more beautiful. “Bed - now. I want to feast on that pussy.”
You turned to climb onto the bed and Bryan gave you a smack on your ass, causing you to squeal. You flopped onto your back and spread your legs wide. Reaching down with your hand, you spread your folds apart, giving Bryan an ample look at your arousal.
“Have I told you that you have such a pretty pussy?” Bryan murmured against your skin. He used his fingers to spread your lips more, revealing your flesh. He stroked your pussy teasingly, gathering your arousal on his fingertips but never sinking them into where you wanted it most. As he continued to stroke your lips, he pressed kisses along your inner thighs. You reveled in the feel of his wiry beard along your skin. You recalled how Bryan liked a bare pussy and you were happy to endure repeated Brazilians in hopes of anything would come about in the future... and now it had. 
His breath was hot on your aching cunt. You cried out as he wrecked your pussy with his tongue, burying his face inside of you, sucking and licking and devouring your slick folds.. To Bryan you were like a juicy peach, with your arousal dripping into his mouth. You were delicious and he couldn’t get enough of you. He licked you with big, broad strokes, before targeting your swollen, sensitive clit, taking it between his lips, trapping it so he could torment it with his tongue, scraping just slightly with his teeth. He reached up to grab at your tits, his large hand gripping one tightly. You cried out from the sensation of how his tongue massaged your clit furiously before dipping inside you, mimicking what was to come.
You ground against his mouth, riding against his face, as pleasure coursed through you. Bryan lifted his mouth from you and you whined at the loss. It was short lived, as he sucked two of his fingers and then slid them into your tight cunt, knuckles deep. As he massaged your walls with his fingers, he used his free hand to rub your clit. 
“Gonna come for me Y/N? Gonna make a mess for daddy?” Bryan rasped as he curled his fingers, pumping them into you faster.
“Yes, fuck, yes!” You cried out, throwing your head back. Your thighs began to shake and Bryan began to rub your clitoris roughly and haphazardly. You shouted Bryan’s name as you clenched around his fingers, squirting and soaking him in the process. You began to push away from him, overstimulated but Bryan threw his large arm over you, keeping you in place.
“Oh no, no.” Bryan darkly commanded. “Daddy wants more.” He slipped his fingers back into, this time, adding one more into your fluttering cunt and began jackhammering them. He rubbed your clitoris roughly again, the squelching wet sounds filled up the room. You cried out again, feeling the pressure inside you burst, as you squirted again. Bryan lapped you, cleaning you with his tongue, enjoying your flavor. 
You barely had a chance to recover, as Bryan slid his body over yours and slid his cock easily into you. You groaned as he filled you, the slight burn sensation mixing with pleasure as you accommodated his girth. He gripped your wrists and placed your arms overhead. 
“Hold onto the rails sweetheart.” You looked back and gripped the wrought iron rails, which elongated the length of your body.  Bryan covered your mouth with his as he  began to drive into you with long, deep strokes. He pounded into you, and you could feel his balls slap against your pussy. 
“Yes, oh fuck, yes, yes, fuck me!” You cried out. Bryan leaned up, so he was sitting on his haunches and took both your legs and hooked them over his shoulder. Bryan continued to thrust into you and you let out a wrecked moan as the angle changed, causing his cock to hit your sensitive spot. A sheen of sweat coated both of your bodies as you fucked each other. You released your grips on the rails and began to play to play with your tits, pushing them together and tugging on your nipples. 
“Yes…” Bryan grunted. “Play with those titties.” 
You moaned, and continued to do so, encouraged by his words. Bryan slowed his thrusting, rotating his hips, teasing you. You let out a choked sob as he did so, and he reached down to rub your clit. “Come for me.” Your legs trembled as you felt yet another orgasm begin to build. 
“Oh fuck daddy, oh yes!” You cried out, squeezing your eyes shut as you began to tighten around his cock. Bryan paused his movements and withdrew, tapping his cock against your clit furiously. A gush of your come squirted out, covering him and soaking the bed below. You had barely caught your breath when Bryan pulled you up and flopped you onto your stomach. You looked up at him, meeting his eyes as you took his length into your mouth again, bobbing on him enthusiastically. You could taste yourself on his cock.
“My dirty slut.” Bryan cooed, as he stroked your now sweaty hair. He wrapped some of it in his fist, guiding you along. You squealed as he reached over and began to lay spanks on your ass. 
You released him from your mouth, gasping more. “Yes, daddy, spank me. I have been such a bad girl.”
“Bad girls get punished.” Bryan growled. You looked up at him and nodded eagerly. 
“Mmmm, punish me daddy!” 
He pulled you up roughly and crushed his mouth against yours - the kiss was all teeth and tongue. He broke the kiss and lightly smacked you on the face and then gripped your chin.
“Is that what daddy's girl wants? To be punished for being such a dirty fucking slut?”
You nodded again. “Yes. Please.” You begged desperately. Bryan repeated the slap and then reached down to grab your tits before also slapping them.  You let out a whimper, as the pain mixed with pleasure. You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him back down onto the bed. He rolled so you were on top. You leaned forward, rising slightly and reached down for his cock, lining it up along with your entrance.
You both groaned at the sensation. Bryan’s grip on your hips were tight and you were certain there would be marks on your hips in the morning. The room smelled of sex and sweat and the only sound were moans and groans as well as the sound of skin slapping on skin. 
You wanted one more - just one more to lessen the ache that only Bryan seemed to create. You reached down and rubbed your clit, closing your eyes as you let this final orgasm crash over you. You slumped forward, dropping your head by his ear as Bryan planted his feet up onto the bed and hammered into you, now chasing his own release. You mewled and whimpered in his ear, begging sweetly for his cum. Bryan stifferned, gripping your hips tightly as he let out an animalistic groan as he spilled his release into you. His release dripped out of you, pooling where you were connected.
You both stayed there for awhile, catching your breaths. Bryan stroked your back as you nuzzled against him. Finally, you rolled off of Bryan and curled into him, stroking his chest hair.
“You certainly know how to keep me young.” Bryan murmured, causing you to laugh. Bryan rolled onto his side, turning to face you. He pushed back the hair from your face. He observed a pink strand. “I like it - you should keep it.”
You smiled. “We’ll see.” Bryan hummed and pulled you to him, where you both fell asleep from the little party you had with one another.
Tags: @mgarner1227   @madpanda75  @tropes-and-tales @dreamlover31 @beardedmccoy @youreverycolor @neely1177 @witches-unruly-heart @mrsrafaelbarba @skittle479 @ottosuricato @sass-and-suspenders @mommakat32 @dreila03  @beccabarba @garturbo @lovebennycolonmiguelgalindo @imjustreallynosy @sweetsummertime99 @whyissvuruiningmylovelife @annabelleb49 @scarletsoldierrr @cesarofangirl78 @redlipstickandplaid @redlipstickandblacktea @zoeykaytesmom @differentshadesofgray @misssirenlove @esparza-army @bananas-pajamas @mishaissocoolike @thefanficfaerie @theenchantedgalleryofstories @catnip987 @isvvc-pvscvl @choppedgalaxynerd @pieceofshittytitty @ktiz90 @evee87 @itsjustmyfantasyroom @detective-giggles @rampantmuses @jazzyjoi @i-justreally-like-cats-okay @rachelxwayne @prurientpuddlejumper @lv7867 @permanentlydizzy​ @bisexual-dreamer02​ @madamsnape921​ @averyhotchner​ @teamsladsandgents​ @qvid-pro-qvo​ @alwaysachorusgirl​ @amelia-song-pond​ @wanniiieeee​  @tintinxtintin @law-nerd105​
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p---ink · 4 years
Author’s Note: First Chris Oneshot. It was supposed to be a blurb/drabble, but I think its a bit too long for that now. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this filth. Also you ever get that feeling, where you feel like you've came up with an idea in your head originally, but also feel like you may have seen it somewhere else? Yea that's how I feel about this piece. So if you've read something similar to this, please link it and let me know so I can edit or delete this post altogether.
Summary: Chris greets you after a long day at work, with some TLC.
Word Count: 2.9k.
Warning: Fluff and Smut. Oral (female receiving), fingering, Semi-mean Daddy Chris, over-stimulation, multiple orgasms, and I think...maybe that’s it? Please let me know if I forgot something.
Disclaimer: Gif is not mine. 
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“The kids are asleep?” You whispered, when he held his finger to his lips upon your arrival. 
“Yea, I just laid Ezra down. That is one rowdy little person.” He said chuckling, leaning down to plant a kiss on your mouth. He held you by your waist to pepper more along your face. 
“Chris baby, you are a God-send.” You sighed, leaning in to his touch. “You will not believe the shitty day I had.”
“Hold that thought and take a seat, doll” he ordered, urging you towards the living room by your shoulders. “I’ll be right back.” He promised. 
You sighed as you threw your work bag down on the love chair beside you, kicking your shoes off in the process.  When you crossed the room to drop down on the sofa, the weight of today’s events crushed you instantaneously, as you waited for your husband to return. 
You’ve been married for six years, and he’s been good to you for all of them. Great even. He always listened, and almost never complained. How could he when he was usually away, due to his job? 
He was forever busy with filming, press tours and whatnot. It made him feel guilty to leave you and your sons so often. So any time he was at home for a break, he took full advantage. He spent time with his boys, and then the rest with you, spoiling you all with his love. 
Preoccupied with your stress, you almost failed to notice Chris taking a seat in front of you. He took hold of one of your legs, and that’s when you noticed your spa-kit placed next to him. 
“Baby, you don’t have to do this.” You cried, scrunching your face in relief when he rubbed your calf in just the right spot.
Chris flashed those pretty baby blues at you, along with that signature smug smirk. “You know I do. And you know I want to.” He said, before dousing his hands with oil. 
As he firmly massaged the coconut into your skin, you couldn’t help but marvel at him. Taking a pillow into your arms to hug, and hide your giddy smile, you reply with, “What I did I do to deserve you?”
“Well I would tell you, but I don’t have enough time, because you’ve got to tell me about what’s got my girl so upset.” He informed you with a stern look that read who do I have to kill? “Before you do that,” he started, placing your newly moisturized leg down before grabbing the other, “Choose a color.” 
You tucked your bottom lip between your teeth, peering over to take a look into the open basket. It had an assorted amount of different nail polishes and products for nail care. Your favorite color currently decorated the bottom of the basket, and it made you recall the time your oldest son Jeremy spilled its contents over while playing a game of “paint” about a week ago. That boy. You thought, shaking your head playfully. Well I guess I won’t be choosing that one. 
After a moment of close examination, and scrutiny, you chose “White”, which made Chris immediately stop his measures against your legs, to peer up at you through hooded lids. 
“So its one of those days, huh.” He smirked. “I was hoping you’d pick that one.”
“What do you mean by that?” You questioned. You hadn’t known he preferred certain colors on you. 
“I’ll tell you later, but first tell me about your day baby.”
He didn’t need to tell you twice. You were dying to get it all off your chest.  You spilled out your hearts content, as your husband massaged your legs, then your feet, and in between your toes. As he delicately removed the old paint from your last session, and proceeded to paint your feet, you were almost finished relaying the message. 
“…and its just like they treat me like I’m insane! But you know what? The way i’m always overlooked, and ignored, makes me feel like I am going insane. Every time I suggest an idea, its stupid. But let some asshat say the exact same thing, and they praise him like a god.” You complain, rolling your eyes, at your memories from your work day. 
Chris offered you the occasional nod or two, humming softly at your cries of frustration when needed. And as much as he wanted to offer his two cents on the matter, he knew that what you wanted most was to be heard. You just wanted to be listened to. And while you wouldn’t of minded him beating their asses, he knew you needed his tenderness. His love. His care. And so that’s what he gave you. 
“And you know why they do it right? It’s because I’m a woman! A black one at that. Lord Jesus, it pisses me off so much.” You sigh, finally bringing your eyes down to him, after they had been trained on the air and nothingness around you; you had a habit of re-living stories as you told them. “But honey, this has really helped out a lot.” You say, cupping his chin lovingly. 
“You know I’ll do anything for you doll. And fuck those sons of bitches. They’re idiots if they can’t see how amazing you are. If you quit, like I suggested a while ago, that’ll really show ‘em.” Chris exclaimed, applying a second coat of white.
“Now you know I love what I do. I just wish I was more appreciated is all!” 
He gave you a sympathetic look before saying, “well you know me and the boys appreciate you.”, running his fingers along the ridges of your toes to remove the misapplied dye on your skin. 
“I know you do baby. I mean look at what you’re doing for me now.” You said, gesturing towards the care he took with your feet. 
Chris just smiled in response. He only felt slightly defeated when you rejected his idea to stay at home. You told him many stories about the jerks you worked with. You were among one of the only women at your company, and you paid for that fact daily. You told him, how they would talk to you, and treat you, even though you had the same amount, if not more experience as they did. He didn’t want you to have to put up with that. He wanted you to kick your feet up and enjoy the life he would provide for you and the kids you both created. But, like the supportive husband he was, he honored your wishes to pursue your passions. He knew that was what made you happier at the moment. The time would come, where he could spoil you completely, though. 
“Speaking of this,” You started, motioning towards your feet once more. “What’d you mean when you said “So it’s one of those days, huh”” You asked, putting on your best impression of him. 
Chris put on a smile that could light up a room, as a deep throaty chuckle erupted from his chest, and vibrated through your body via your feet. “Is that what you think I sound like? No matter, I’ll tell you what I meant. I can predict exactly what it is you need, and how you feel, based on the nail polish color you choose.” He said confidently, picking up a clear polish to apply the final coat.
“Is that right?” You ask, failing to take him seriously, even when he flashed that cocky grin and brow twitch that he often used to back his claims. “You’re so full of shit.”
“Seriously. I can. Listen.” He informed you, opening the clear polish, and brushing the access paint along the insides of the bottle. “I can prove it.”
“Fine! Go ahead.” You state, becoming intrigued.
Delicately holding your left foot against his knee, he starts explaining his theory while applying polish. “You see, when you choose a pale blue or orange, I know you just wanna forget about things with a movie or a cuddle session. Forest green or black, when you feel like throwing a couple of shots back with your girls at a bar. Mauve and a nude of any kind are your favorites, and you request them when you need to feel in control, classy, or sophisticated. And you always choose a soft pink, or yellow, when you need a happy reminder, or a burst of energy and inspiration. Lavender, is a color I wish you’d choose more, since it represents your happiness. Gray, is a color I wish you’d choose less, since it means you’re sad. And then there’s plum purple and candy apple red, two colors I can’t get enough of. You want those, when you’re feeling sexy. See, baby I can read you like an open book.” He declared, moving on to your second foot. Feeling quite sure of himself. 
You just stared at him in awe. Then you realized he didn’t mention, the one he just spent  ten minutes applying. “You forgot about white.”
“Oh I didn’t forget angel.” He corrected, smirking as he finally finished painting both feet. “I’m just waiting on your toes to dry.” After he says this, he begins to sensually blow cool air on your toes. 
“Chris! Tell me what it means!” You pout playfully, growing fed up with his secrecy. Also tickled from the air he blew. 
“Fine. But be quiet, you don’t wanna wake those little demons.” He warned, fixing you with a stern look that made you erupt into quiet giggles. He always made you laugh with his juxtaposed funny-seriousness. He was seriously funny. “White is my absolute favorite. You wanna know why? Its simple, and doesn’t drown out your pretty personality. It goes with every outfit, purse, and hairstyle. You wear this color, when you’re frustrated. Exasperated. Annoyed. You choose white, when you need me to wrap those pretty little legs around my neck, so I can make you cum till kingdom come. Or until you see, ‘white’. Whichever comes first”. He finished, staring at you seriously all of the sudden. A thick silence had befallen the two of you, and you almost didn’t know how to escape it. 
After a moment, you break out into a smile, despite Chris’ unmoving features. “Are you sure that’s what I want? Or is it something you want?”
“It’s what you need.” He affirmed, finally matching your expression, only his smile held a lot more lust than yours. “Tell me I’m wrong.”
“I’ll tell you something alright, Chris. I think you paint my nails entirely too much.”
He lets out a breathy chuckle, moving to pack up the spa kit, before saying “So in other words I’m right.” He rises to his feet, peering down through his long lashes with a knowing grin, before turning to leave the room. But not without saying, “Don’t worry baby, I’ll give you what you need.” Leaving you an anxious mess.
You start squirming in your seat, waiting with anticipation for him to return. You try to sit in your sexiest pose, but it makes you feel awkward. Then you start to wonder if you should remove your underwear. But you know he likes doing that. You even wonder if you smell okay, after such a long day at work. A million thoughts race through your mind, and you barely register his presence when reenters the room. You slightly jump, when you feel his warm hands brush against the nape of your neck.
“Shit baby.” Chris laughs, as he rounds the couch. “I knew it was bad, but I didn’t realize how bad. Let daddy, handle this for you.” He says kneeling back in front of you, knees tucked firmly under his person. He smoothes his hands over the expanse of your soft supple skin, leaving a burning trail of desire in his wake. When he hooks his fingers underneath the waistband of your panties, your breath hitches as the cool air hits your moistened sex. 
You lift your thighs and legs, so he can carefully remove the lace without ruining his handwork on your feet. When Chris surveys your dampened panties and inhales their scent, his grin grows wider. “You’re already this wet for me?” 
He gives you no time to answer as he’s pulling you closer to his face, by your thighs. The sudden movement caused a whimper to escape your throat, soft sound making his cock harden. He’s working his kisses up against your thighs with a quickness, ready to produce more sounds like the last. 
Your head’s position on the couch has you feeling a bit awkward, and you go to say  “This is uncom—” but cut yourself off with a moan, as he dives his thick tongue between your petals, writing love notes against the skin.
“What’s that, doll?” Chris asks, hot breath dangerously close to your bud.
You just mewl in response, wetting his beard with your juices, as he eats you like you’re his last meal. “Right there baby.” You groan, grinding yourself against his mouth when his tongue darts against your nub. 
“Right here?” He questions softly, repeating the same gestures, sending a jolt through your body that makes you buck against his face. 
Your words leave your throat, as he sucks harshly against the problem areas, shocks of pleasure emitting through your person. And just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, he adds his fingers. First two, but then three as he starts fucking your pussy. 
“D-daddy!” You cry, voice coming out shaky as you writhe against his lips and fingers. His actions have you climbing up the couch. 
Then he removes his lips, warning you to keep quiet. “My babies are upstairs, I’m gonna need you to keep your pretty mouth shut.” He commands, placing your soaked panties between your lips. 
As he quickens the pace of his fingers, and makes his tongue dart from left to right relentlessly against your clit, you approach your first orgasm of the night, and he knows it too, when your hole clenches around his fingers. 
He smiles, and tells you how proud of you he is, but he isn’t done with you yet. 
♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
Your muffled moans ring through your ears, as you clamp your teeth down around your underwear. Your jaw was becoming slack from keeping it open so long, and you were feeling sore.
Chris was still continuing his assault against your sex. He had long moved from his position on the floor, and now sat beside you on the couch. 
He had your legs sprawled open, keeping them from closing with one hand gripped on your thigh, and the other rubbed fast and hard circles against your clit, while he whispered sweet nothings into your ear.
“What number was that one, baby? Five, six? I lost count after the third time, when you squirted on daddy’s chest.” He growled, biting his lip, as he quickened his pace against your nub. “Do you think you can do that again?”
You moaned in protest, shaking your head from left to right, as you approached another orgasm. You couldn’t take anymore pleasure, your sensitive bud was going through too much.
“What’s that baby? I can’t hear you.” He teased, face as serious as it could be. He was testing you. You knew not to remove the underwear, or you’d be there all night. When you made no moves to pull them out, he did it for you, a string of spit connecting your lips to the fabric.
You immediately pleaded with him to ease up. “Daddy I don’t think I-I can take an-nymore.” You cried, now a blubbering mess.
“You don’t think you can take anymore?” Chris repeated, mocking you. “Well that’s too bad. Daddy thinks his princess looks too pretty when she’s cumming. So suck it up, because I’m not stopping until we have to replace this couch.”
You  felt that familiar coil in your stomach again, threatening to snap, as you threw your head back. You were a sweating mess now. You had hair glued to your face, and neck, and your shirt was drenched, as it clung to your stomach. But still, it wasn’t quite as drenched as your pussy, thighs, and couch cushions were. 
Chris was as hard as a rock, but you knew if you touched him, he’d get angry. He wanted to play with you, until you were begging him to stop.
“What happened today at work again baby? What was it Chad said to you? I bet if I have you fucked out like this every night, I’d be the only man on your mind.” He whispered against your ear.
Your stomach began spasming, as you clenched painfully around nothing. This would be your last one too, before your body gave up. 
Tears streamed down your cheek, as you contorted your face into the sexiest expression Chris had ever seen. And then, just before your screams of pleasure could rip through your chest, he covered his mouth over yours, as you squirted all over his hands, your thighs, and stomach. When you finally opened your eyes, you could only see white, before your vision came back into focus.
Massaging the wet, between your folds, Chris bought his fingers up to your lips and said “open.” And you did, sucking all your juices from his digits without breaking eye contact. “Attagirl.” He praised, wiping your tears away. Feel better now?” He asked, small smirk playing on his lips.
You nod tiredly, throat dry from your previous activities.
He brushes your sweaty hair behind your ears before saying, “Good. Now, let’s paint those pretty pink walls white, too.” 
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h2bakugou · 4 years
Hello! I was wondering if I could request Bakugo with a s/o who is originally from Mexico and is feeling a bit homesick due to the fact that it’s gonna be her first Christmas away from her dad and even admits to Bakugo that she was even thinking of not even attending U.A in the first place but it was her dad that convinced her to attend, at the end she gets a care package from her dad with all her favorite things ( sorry if the request is long!)
a/n: hello!! of course! i did a bit of research for this, so i hope i did alright, if there is anything that needs to be changed please feel free to correct me!! i hope you enjoy this love!! 
summary: as the holidays begin to grow near, you can’t help but feel a little homesick. missing your father and the place you grew up in, you go to bakugou for comfort.
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff
word count: 1.3k
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Plopping down onto your bed with a ‘hmph,’ you laid back and stared at the ceiling of your dorm room. You were missing home. 
It was going to be your first Christmas away from home, away from your dad, away from your cozy bed and room that was decorated as if you’d never gone away to attend U.A.
You’d been bummed out recently, especially with the nearing of Christmas itself. As the date drew closer, you missed sipping hot cocoa and watching the classic movies that you did every year with your father, sometimes around a cozy fire, or just cuddled under a nice blanket.
The knock on your door quickly pulled you away from your thoughts, bringing you back to reality where you were forced to get up and go see who was banging on the door now.
Pulling the said door back, you were met with your explosive-blonde boyfriend, Bakugou. Your expression quickly changed from agitated to somewhat less agitated.
“Hey dumbass.” Bakugou quickly leaned into your room, planting a kiss on your lips away from anyone who could possibly be in the hallway. You pulled him inside, lips still connected, shutting the door behind him.
“Hey.” You smiled, finally breaking the kiss. Bakugou wrapped his arms around you, his soft side shining through. He must’ve just got done taking a shower after training. He smelled good, and the lingering burnt sugar scent mixed with his shower gel, putting you at ease.
“You seem tense, what’s on your mind?” Bakugou commented. The tension in the air was thick and palpable. 
“Just thinking thoughts, ya know?” You returned to your spot on the bed, only this time making room for Bakugou.
You had thought about telling him, but it looks like now you need to. It was honestly sort of comforting how he’d just stopped by, almost like he could tell you were in distress. Bakugou just sort of had a way of knowing whenever you weren’t feeling good.
“Elaborate.” Bakugou sat against your wall, pulling you into his lap so your back could rest on his chest. His hands jumped to your hair, massaging your scalp as you leaned back into his touch.
“I guess I’m homesick. That’s about the only word I can say to describe how I’m feeling. I miss home. I miss being back home, with my dad. And it’s my first Christmas away from home. I just, miss it all.” You explained, closing your eyes, trying to imagine the positive side of being at U.A.
“Have you thought about writing him a letter?” Bakugou asked, raising a good option to get back in touch with him. It wasn’t like you hadn’t thought about sending him letters. You had text and call to communicate, but perhaps writing a letter would feel a little more personal.
What you’d give to see a letter with your name and a stamp from Mexico again. Much like the days you’d wait on the edge of your seat for the mail to run every year for Christmas cards addressed to your family when you were younger.
“I haven’t really, but I could definitely start.” You admit, turning to hug your boyfriend. He moved his arms to hold you in his arms, snuggling you against his chest.
“This wasn’t even my idea. All the credit goes to my dad.” You can feel your tears beginning to pour, staining Bakugou’s shirt as you clung to him. Bakugou rubbed your back, but sat confused by your words.
“What does that mean?” Bakugou asked, unsure of what you meant by ‘this.’
“Coming to U.A. I wasn’t going to attend, I didn’t really think I was cutout for it. But my dad encouraged me, and supported me through it all. He’s been there for me for as long as I can remember and I just feel alone now.” You sobbed, shaking your head trying to stop your tears from flowing. Bakugou only hugged you tighter as you cried, laying his head against your own, kissing the top of it sweetly.
“You being here is not a mistake. You’re badass. If anyone deserves to be here, it’s you.” Bakugou’s words weren’t forced despite how much you may have wanted to believe they were just a cheesy way of trying to make you feel better.
He knew that deep down, even past his own egotistical side, you were meant to be here. You were born to be here, to attend U.A., to become one of the best heroes. 
“And you’re not alone. It may feel like it, but your dad is always just a call, text, or letter away. And besides, you could always invite him over, I’d like to meet him. show him just awesome your boyfriend is.” Bakugou smirked, lifting your chin to look up at him.
You cracked a smile as you stared into his crimson eyes, kissing his lips sweetly.
“He’d love you.” You commented, smiling as you laid your head back on Bakugou’s chest, wiping your eyes.
“I love you.” Bakugou whispered, watching as you closed your eyes, laying in some calming quiet.
“I love you too.”
About a week later, a few days before Christmas, Bakugou had come barreling toward you with a large box in his hands.
“Babe.” He yelled toward you across the common room. The tips of his ears were red as your face flushed, realizing he’d yelled a little loud. Kaminari and Sero just whistled at the two of you, the sight of soft and lovey-dovey Bakugou being a rare one.
“This is for you.” Bakugou handed you the box wrapped in pretty paper. The second your eyes landed on the postal stamp, you felt like you were going to start crying. It was from Mexico, more specifically, from your father.
“Bakugou! Come here.” You pulled his wrist back, slamming him down on the empty couch cushion beside you. You quickly tore into the box, excitement pouring out of you.
Filled to the brim inside the box were all sorts of goodies. Some of your favorite candies from back home as well as some snacks, a few toys and games, and some old souvenirs from your room.
You could feel your eyes beginning to water. Happy tears of course. Bakugou only smiled as he watched you dive into the box, offering him to try some of your favorite candy.
“That’s good.” Bakugou commented, sucking on the lollypop you’d given him.
“Right?!” You smiled, opening a card from your father. As your eyes scanned over it, you could only feel your heart warming more and more.
‘There’s also a little gift for this Bakugou you tell me so much about. I hope he’s treating you well.’
Searching for the other wrapped gift, you finally find it and hand it to Bakugou.
“For me?” Bakugou asked, staring at you.
“My dad said I was for you.” You smile, excited to see what it was. Bakugou quickly opened it, a grin on his lips.
Unwrapping all the paper, it was a small All Might figurine. You snickered as you watched Bakugou’s face turn red.
“Stop laughing. You’re gonna draw attention to us.” Bakugou mumbled quickly trying to examine and both put the cool figurine back.
“I told him you liked All Might.” You laughed as he just carefully throws it back into the box, hiding it under the stuffing paper as he tackles you and places his lips on yours. You can’t help but smile, knowing a few other classmates were looking.
“Fanboy.” You tease quietly as he stands up and marches away with the box, hiding his figurine.
You couldn’t be happier. You were so thankful, and feeling a lot better. You decided to send your father a box full of things from Japan. You were excited to see what he’d think, and even more so, you were going to send him an invitation to the next big school event. You were over the moon about introducing him to Bakugou.
And Bakugou, was probably even more excited to meet him.
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