#this is very much part of my own selfship canon with him
Colors of you
Satoru Gojo x GN!reader Pure fluff and very self indulgent on my part. Thought of this while i was working on a crochet project.
Push through, loop, pull through, loop, pull through both loops, repeat. The process of  crocheting was a meditative one for you, something mundane but useful that could make everything else fall away. You tried to not think too hard about the colors you’d chosen for your infinity scarf. You never really wore blue but the mix of yarn you’d picked were all various shades of it. You knew it was because of a certain senpai of yours but you’d turn into a flustered mess if you thought too hard about it.
Push through, loop, pull through, loop, pull through both loops, repeat.
The music from your headphones muffles the approaching footsteps and you don’t really notice the young man in question until he’s right in front of you. You nearly jump out of your skin when he taps you on the head.  You almost fumble the scarf you’re working on.
“Don’t scare me like that!” Your voice comes out a bit more squeaky than you would have liked.
He hums, “Maybe you should be paying more attention to your surroundings.”
Heat starts to rise to your cheeks despite yourself when you realize he’s not looking at you but instead his dark glasses have slid down his nose a bit as he examines the yarn in your hands.
“I don’t think i’ve seen you wear blue before.”
A statement.
“You only ever see me in my uniform” a weak deflection.
Crystal blue eyes that make you think of the unending expanse of the sky move up to your own eyes. There’s a playful smirk tugging at his lips and you know you’re caught. Your crush on him is something you’ve held close to your chest, thinking of your senpai as someone that would never look twice at you.
You almost flinch when he reaches toward your face, his index finger resting on your brow while his thumb rests below your eye.
“I think you should make me a matching one.”
“W-what?” You can feel that your cheeks are absolutely burning. You’d bet he could feel it with how he’s still touching your face.
“You should make me a matching one. Rather one that matches you.” He pulls his hand away  standing up straight, a playful smirk on his lips. “Anyway i gotta go! Suguru and i have a mission.” He turns with a wave.
Did that really just happen?  
“He’s gotta be fucking with me..?” You mumble to yourself, reaching up and touching where he’d touched your face.
You proceed to flail for a moment out of overwhelming embarrassment and curl up. Then you continue.
Push through, loop, pull through, loop, pull through both loops, repeat.
December 7th
It’s been several weeks since that frankly weird encounter with Gojo, you’re nervously fidgeting with a wrapped box, the day is nearing it’s end. You wonder if this is a good idea. You suppose it’s now or never as you spot the birthday boy finally alone. That likely wouldn't last long and you doubt your nerves would let you do what you need to do if anyone else were around.
Tugging lightly at the blue infinity scarf around your neck you approach him. “Gojo senpai” you say as way of greeting looking anywhere but his face as you approach. Before he can even reply you’re shoving the box into his hands and it takes every ounce of your will power to not turn and run before he can open it.
“Aww  ___-chan, you got me a gift” he sing songs, his voice teasing as always. You can’t help bit think this was a mistake. You stubbornly keep yourself rooted to the spot as you hear him begin to open it.
He’s surprisingly quiet.
“Y-you don’t have to keep it if you don’t want it. I can just keep it,” you stutter out. You would probably break it back down so you don’t have to think about how stupid you were.
“Of course i’m keeping it,” his voice is surprisingly gentle causing you to finally actually look at him. He’s wrapping the scarf around his neck and shoulders when you do. A little piece of you wrapped around him. He’s giving you a genuine smile. “I almost thought you’d forgotten to be honest.  Thank you.”
Something about being thanked by him is what makes your ears burn. “Of course,” you say almost too quickly followed by a softer “happy birthday.”
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fastasheep · 11 months
asking abt ur selfship au!!!! how does eunso feel abt minyoung + vise versa? are yoosung and seven still close? does eunso like seven (do they hang out together as a group? :3)
+ bonus space to talk abt whatever u want
OH MY GOODNESS IVE NEVER BEEN ASKED AB MY SELFSHIPS BEFORE KYAAA i don't know how to format tumblr posts so i'll try to make it make sense.. hehe...
Eunseo + Minyoung:
Eunseo is a part of the RFA and has known Yoosung and Rika since she was in high school. She's a year older than Yoosung and Rika saw her potential as an author and a journalist so Rika asked her to work with the RFA!!!
Eunseo's backstory is a whole other topic I'll touch on in the next ask LOL.
Minyoung (in this universe, which I consider their "canonical" universe if that makes sense), is Saeran/Unknown's assistant and has been working alongside him for two and a half years by the time of the main plot (which follows Seven's route).
To make a long story short, Minyoung was originally supposed to be MC from Ray's route, but it follows the Bad Ending where MC refuses to be the play tester so Ray takes her back to magenta to be his assistant.
As a result, Minyoung knows about Eunseo but Eunseo doesn't know anything about her. Two years after Secret End 2 (hence the name of the AU, Secret End: After), Eunseo is working on her Master's Thesis and decides to write about Mint Eye and its previous Believers.
She sends out an online survey asking for previous members of the cult to willingly step up and attend an interview. Minyoung is the only legitimate member of Mint Eye, so Eunseo focuses her work on Minyoung for now.
Then... through Eunseo, Minyoung and Saeran meet again <3.
Eunseo + Seven:
To be honest... Eunseo has just never liked Seven to begin with. Maybe because she just doesn't appreciate his humour but tries to suck it up because Yoosung loves Seven so much lol. But I like to think that two years later, she learns to be civil with him and enjoy his presence.
Yoosung + Seven:
Yes! These two goofballs are still very close even in this AU, probably closer than ever before. I'm a YooSeven geek, so I really can't get rid of their dynamic no matter how hard I try LOL. Yoosung has matured a lot in the time that's passed though and he's actually often the voice of reason when Seven and Saeran get into fights. Yoosung understands most out of them all what it means to let people go and let them develop, I think.
As for RFA as a group, they do still often meet up in this AU. They're still Rika's Fundraising Association and they still throw parties. Jumin and Jaehee still work closely together, but Jumin has started to see things from her perspective. Thank god he doesn't overwork her anymore. Jaehee still has plans of opening her own cafe and Jumin wouldn't mind helping her out. Zen is still single as ever, but he's become less immature about it.
But thank you so much for asking about my meepy Minyoung! She's been my self insert for about three or so years now and I was really nervous about showing her off to the world. I appreciate your interest sooo much <3
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Sooo I finally got to read the Simon fic, and it was so good! You made me warm up to him more and understand him a little better. It was a nice way to save him too, I like that the protagonist isn't this perfect individual, they get jealous, a lil bit stalky, which quite honestly is very relatable and realistic. Couple questions:
Do you think there's a character that is beyond saving? Denham, Willy, Dave from Heavy (lol jk) Is there hope for everyone?
Do you plan on writing for characters that have died and if so, will you come up with a way to bring them back or have the story take place before the death or alternate universe?
Every time I get love for my fics with one of the lesser loved characters my heart grows three sizes and I want everyone to know this Q//w//Q This answer got long so I'm putting it behind a cut, I've never gotten to answer something like this before other than my Simon one from yesterday so this was a lot of fun to think about! 💗
Going into writing readers I honestly thought I'd just be writing me over and over, but as I do more of them I'm so glad that it's easy to fit someone different into whatever role the character needs them to be, which is so different from my usual stuff since I'm very used to fitting the plot around purely existing characters, or my own ocs, and getting to write up someone new who can mesh with these guys while also having that bit of me and what I hope are bits of the people who read them is so incredibly refreshing and a constant challenge I welcome 😊
I feel like some are beyond saving, but only because I have a horrible fear of getting attacked for wanting to find a way to save the unsaveable just because I'm into villains and think they're hot lmao
It's a challenge for sure, but I don't see myself being able to do any villain redemptions for Denham or Willy or even Realtor Dave since they're so surface level evil and love the hell outta it (even though my villain-lovin ass can probably still give them fully fledged proper backstories oop), unlike Simon or Kyle Slade or Logan Reeves, who all have short parts and did very bad things but also have peeks into how they got there, and I can always work with that.
I love doing deep dives and finding out how a character in the present got to where they are, figure out where they can go when they miss that One Event that made them a villain, and doing it with DD's roles has been so much fun since he loves playing rounded out characters and is always adding so much to them so they're not Just Evil, even if we get a few who're exactly that just for funsies hehe
This is why Gensan is such an interesting character to me despite The Big Flaw, because I see him get reduced to only that when there's a ton that made him that way. I'll never ship with him, the super rare character I don't since DD lures me in that easily, but I can't hate him either, and that's just the honest truth because he's so much more than Uh Oh Plot Twist because DD's such an amazing writer. This movie and Animals stuck with me the most after I watched them, I was just thinking about them for like a solid week afterwards, constantly turning over what I'd just seen in my mind whenever I stopped thinking of other things and putting those early pieces together so I could see why he reacted that way, or did what he did, and I'd love to try and watch it again soon and catch all the stuff I missed the first time.
And then there's Cam, who just really fuckin sucks lmao he's the absolute worst, 0 stars, kick to the balls, what an asshole 😂
As for characters who died, of course! Two of my biggest loves are Abner and Wojchek, and I'm also madly in love with Bob now as well, so they'll all have fully fledged fixits with my selfship sona Addy as I get back to all her plots, Abner first and foremost oh my god my heart I love him so much he needs to be alive and happy forever 😭
Outside of her, yes absolutely I'll find ways to save them for my readers, their canon endings will not stop me QwQ A lot of them don't deserve their ends with or without redemptions if they're a villain (looking at you Dwight you maniac I love you), and definitely not if they're good people who're just in the wrong place at the wrong time like Lonny or Lester or Coco now that I've finally watched BR2049. I'll probably mostly stick to saving them before their deaths rather than bringing them back or delving into aus (apart from the starting au of having the reader in their lives lol) since those kinda ideas can get away from me fast and start series, and I wanna save all the big series for my boys the Three River Phoenixes and all of Addy's plots~
This is where I'd love to get more requests, since I'm still mainly writing for who I love, so getting that random challenge to fix or save someone evil or who died before any real character of theirs was established would be hard but I know I'd have a lot of fun with them 😊💗
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truecobblepot · 4 months
i kinda get what u mean when it comes to movie afton. people mischaracterize him for the sake of sexualizing him 🤨 either because they don't like who he really is (not a good person) or they can't really understand a character who doesn't fit into some weird stereotype directly? movie william is a very complicated character to me and while i do love #sexualizing that old man, i really think people go about his character all wrong and its kind of... annoying....... And upsetting....... He's not a millennial (mentally) and a sex god or smth he's an older guy from the 50s who fucking KILLED KIDS??? kind of relates back to a post i saw the other day about how a character needs to actually exist to be part of a pairing, they hardly even do that for him. I truly believe they just like Matthew Lillard, not William Afton. It's a mischaracterization haven out there, sister, stay strong with what you believe in 🫡 don't let people being weird on your posts get you down. It's important to stay true to you, always.
thank you sooo much for sharing this
as much as i understand why they do that, it bothers me that there’s no balance between ooc interpretations and more “realistic” ones (as much as its possible for ships and fics, my own au is ooc i have to admit, but i’m aware that it is AU and not canon and i still try to stay try to the source) but there’s very little of more accurate portraits of his character
i also feel like they just like Lillard (and so do i, scooby doo movies are a core memory and i’m a scream fanatic) but as a fan of fnaf and william as a character for years now i think i have a different perspective than people who just like him because of Matt (like other fans of the game, not just me)
he got the pretty privileges after the movie and people suddenly started liking him and forgot how they disliked afton fans before imo
he’s so oversexualized and mischaracterized by MOST of the content creators/fans that it’s the only feedback i get most of the time :// (which is weird when it’s a ship art/selfship/any other art with NOT a sexual context intended)
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namazunomegami · 7 months
Who’s your fave proofreader? <333333 /j
everyone please ignore the fact that the only reason yall have to wait so much for the part 2 of the Geto fic is because said proofreader is slow af
The actual question: if you could choose only one of your faves to be with, who would you choose? >:33
Ofc you’re my fave proofreader ever~ *headpat*
Okay, I’m gonna put my delulus to the side to make a realistic choice.
First, idgaf about my selfship with Geto, I can’t pull his genocidal ass, he’s way out of my league.
Same with Kaiba, literally impossible to pull him, and even tho I know how to play duel monsters I still consider myself a beginner. I just can’t grab that man’s attention in any meaningful way.
The yandere coded characters are out. I know, sad, but I’m gonna use my brain for once.
I’m gonna respect the fuck out of Alastor’s canon identity.
Lucifer is still not over Lilith leaving him 😔😔
Blitzo’s fearful avoidant attachment style is my worst nightmare because of my anxious attachment issues.
Chrollo has a serious identity crisis.
Yumichika is out of my league 😔😔
And as the self-proclaimed prof. dr. Hirako Shinji expert, I know that man would treat me right. He respects women, he can handle his own trauma in a healthy way, very responsible and considerate.
Yupp, I’m gonna pick Shinji and abuse the hell out of that weird ass tongue piercing for the rest of my life.
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goldenworldsabound · 1 year
gimme coffee shop, college, fake dating, and crossover for THE BOY CLAYMAN >:33c also i see that ur blog is now clayman themed hehe i love it
I owed it to him at this point to Claymanify the blog fkjdashfkjdsa
[COFFEE SHOP] - How many AU's do you have between all of your f/o's? What are they?
I answered this earlier but for Clayman I have quite a few as well!!!
College AU
Modern AU
Clayman is a magical cat AU (I love my cat AUs fkjhdsa)
Rich Bitch Trio counts here
Magical Western AU
True Dragon SI AU
Clayman is the Self Shipper AU
I think that's all of them fkdjsahfkjdsa
[COLLEGE] - What is your most developed/fleshed out AU?
Well funny you should say that it's swiftly becoming College AU, though all of these are pretty damn fleshed out. But College AU also includes a ton of other characters and it's just so FUN I love it, I'm sure I'll end up writing for it eventually fkjdsahfkjds
[FAKE DATING] - How would a reverse/personality swap AU work between your f/o and s/i?
personality swap...HONESTLY I don't- it wouldn't be us then anymore I get very confused by personality swap HOWEVER role swap is pretty interesting! If I was the Demon Lord and he was the summoned human...it would sort of shift our personalities though because it's hard to be cocky and smug the way he is in canon if he's...new to the world and lost. But I would be a lot friendlier than he was initially to me because I have excellent emotional intelligence (esp compared to him fkjdhfa). I think he would end up being the sort of subordinate Yamza is to him in canon - very aggressively and ready to tell everyone else how much they suck compared to me and to praise me endlessly. I let him- fkjdshafksa as for me...well, I would certainly be very confident. I'm not really super scheming myself the way he is in canon though so I no doubt talk to Laplace and Clayman and Kazalim and seek far more feedback than Clayman tends to in canon. Results in much better thought out plans until the mind control anyway-
[CROSSOVER] - Take your f/o and s/i and put them in another fandom! What happens? What do their stories look like now? Any big design changes?
Let's consider Genshin!!! His family strikes me as one that would work with the Fatui, even if they have their own goals related to Celestia...but they keep those under wraps. They have no qualms about doing dangerous or awful things. They also aren't human - maybe they're like Klee or maybe specifically Kazalim is like Klee (and part of the Hexenzirkel even) and the jesters + Clayman are homonculi like Albedo. Clayman's role would be to hold a rich and powerful position in Fontaine which he does fantastically. His Vision would be...
Electro, for the way he follows his family's plan for eternity. And also the electrical currents can be controlled to puppet others, allowing him to remain a sort of puppeteer, though this kind is far less suited for espionage and such and is more just terribly painful I imagine. But he could manipulate and control mechanical bodies perhaps.
As for my SI, in this case I suppose they would be living a mundane life in Fontaine, up until they are accused of a crime and almost wrongly convicted. Evidence that salvages their case is found last minute, but the whole experience traumatized them (yeah totally stealing from an actual Genshin SI's bg but shhh) and perhaps led to a Cryo Vision (which they use to create ice shards much like Tensura SI's "crystalline shards" and shields, and perhaps even wings though I doubt they could actually fly with them, more as an expression of art). Their belief and trust in gods is shaken - they understand now that their archon is quite fallible.
Clayman snatches them up straight away. I imagine he attends the trials at the Opera quite often and he sees how broken I become, and sees opportunity there. And the Vision. He also sees the Vision. And also sees that I'm pretty-
Anyway you get the idea, I am initially repulsed when I learn of the terrible actions his family does but I come to accept that since Clayman has already somewhat groomed me on their motives and goals and as such I begin to be able to look past all sorts of atrocities they slowly unveil to me, and before long I am committing them as well.
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echoes-lighthouse · 9 months
📄🛡️and 👀 for Tate? :D
Hahaha I didn't notice this one was for Tate when I decided to answer the last one for him! Oh well, I'm never tired of talking about him.
dark selfship asks
📄 Are both characters on the same page about the relationship or is there a disconnect?
I think that by the time we have a relationship, we're on the same page: at first, I'm there to solve things and Tate is there to protect everyone and we think that we're working against each other, but we figure out that it's the same goal and then we mostly move in tandem for the rest.
🛡️ Does your selfship fit the vibe of the canon content or is it very different? Do you feel like it plays or expands on any of the canon themes?
Fits the canon vibe! I think that my version of AHS has some separate themes around love and horror and the way they can intertwine without cancelling each other out, but I also think my selfship plays on existing horror tropes of blurred lines (parental/romantic) and the driving questions of season one around how much the ghosts are to blame for their own fates and their own actions in the house.
👀 Is there anything about your selfship that you’re nervous to explore, whether for personal reasons or because of public perception?
There's a lot of parts of my selfship with Tate that I tend to talk around. I would feel perfectly comfortable writing them in a fanfiction, and I've actually started a Season 1 rewrite with my self-insert, but just saying them out loud feels dangerous, like I don't want to trigger people and American Horror Story has a lot of triggering content, so mentioning plotpoints off-handedly just feels weird??? But also it's important to our story?? It's a confusing one!
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the-silent-hashira · 2 years
!!! I love talking about homestuck thank you. tell me about you selfship first? what the story? what are your ghb thoughts? do you have any thoughts about kurloz that go with it? how about the clown church as a whole? have you seen the "playing with the big boys now" animatic because i think of it as a requirement to show others when they like the makaras -🔮
YESSSS, thank you so much!! im actually gonna use a readmore cuz this is gonna be LONG u can also talk to me abt any of my general headcanons or w/e, ive been a homestuck since like 2011 and lived through homestuck canon rp tumblr + the end of the series so i have Opinions^tm
my s/i for my GHB selfship is actually a troll that i lazily gave my own name (Auriel Soleil, since it fits in with the 6/6) but their title is the Producer! they're running a colony thats focused on stripping planets of their resources and registering trolls for those types of jobs, as well as training subjugs on how to successfully control and maintain order by assigning them managerial jobs over these trolls.
they originally started out as a Barzum/Baizli ancestor, but they only have Baizlis sign and part of their backstory is that prior to Ascension they were a very well trained laughassasin who had twin matesprits/kismesis that were psionic inventors, who were eventually culled due to some unknown circumstance(possibly a dispute over patent rights, they were not told)
the way they met GHB was post-ascension they had a prior mentor who was rather cocky about their abilities as they were chosen as one of the best out of their Ascension group, who brought them to a 'party' that he was also attending. at some point, someone spiked their drink with something that was a very intense stimulant, and apparently the carnage that ensued after made the Highblood so entertained that he basically told their mentor to fuck off and decided to have them work for him.
at some point they were 'gifted' the colony and attained their title, but the actual point where they became involved with him was over time they began talking more outside of mandatory reviews. they struggled very much with accepting any feelings for him, many pillows were bunny kicked in anger and frustration, but eventually he asked them to visit them and, as a mild germaphobe, spent the first day of that visit scrubbing him clean and giving him physical care.
as for my thoughts on GHB, he is a big scary man who enjoys terrorizing people, and is actually quite (morbidly) funny and likes being around people who are also like that. i DON'T think he likes the Empress or any seadwellers whatsoever, though he obviously understands that his place in the hierarchy offers him more benefit than it would if he turned against the empire.
i also think hes much like Kurloz, hes not a loud man unless hes angry or wanting to actually frighten someone and he is actually quite well composed and socially aware, able to read people very well through observation alone. he is very devoted to his religion, far more than his loyalty to the Empire, and is very strict about the rituals and rules that come with it when it comes to his self discipline.
my opinions on Kurloz as a separate entity is 'hot, terrifying, tore his tongue out for hurting his gf and drank respect women juice.' hes also how i got my girlfriend to be open to more clown stuff and now she f/os like a bunch of clowns, so thank u for ur service in making my gf sorta like clowns. you walked so i could wear facepaint without making her shit her pants.
majority of my headcanons when it comes to clown church is that the kids on Alternia fundamentally misunderstand the actual full scope of the religion itself- even those Ascending like Chahut and Marvus will not have experienced the real world of how the church works, much like how children don't understand the corruption of churches irl.
facepaint is sacred and unique. it must be applied a specific way, with specific tools, and to be seen without face paint is a major faux pas to say the least. only the troll themselves and their moirail/trusted quadrantmate should remove their face paint, in private and with a special cloth and removal materials.
culling is not something that you do on the daily, and its meant to be done in a way that either is funny, 'accidental' blind rage, or in a sacrificial manner during festivals or other such congregational meetings.
i do believe that the church, as an entity, is inherently abusive in this way even if its individual members are not. highbloods are given a lot more leniency, but this doesn't mean that the internal workings of the church itself aren't rife with judgement and personal misgivings about how someone behaves or appears.
having 'minor' deformities that wouldn't get you culled by the empire can be seen as bad, such as polydactyly which normally might not get you culled, but you will receive ridicule for it as 'its funny' which is a common thing to do similar to hazing where a newly recruited subjug will be scrutinized and have their nickname become their 'church name' and something they'll be called until they either leave that colony/congregation, or until they do something that makes them 'funnier' than having a rude nickname.
I HAVE, my moirail showed me and i felt like id been shot multiple times. they also f/o him!
heres the nonbinary icon themselves in all its shitty phone editor glory, they/them or it/its plz!
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answering the entire selfship ask meme for hugo due to sunday blues, please excuse me.
cw: everything. nsft.
forgot the link to the original lol
How well does your F/O know you? How well do you feel you know them?
he knows me better than i know myself! it's his job, after all. of course, out of character, i know a lot about him and i have very strong opinions and headcanons, but in character, he is a very mysterious presence whose primary feature is just... an overwhelming sense of authority and control.
Were there any traits or things about your F/O that you didn’t know about until after you got together?
the fact he keeps captives for his unethical experiments and that i caught his fancy as exactly that? i guess that's the big one :')
Have you influenced each other’s hobbies/interests? Do you feel you’ve “rubbed off” on each other’s personalities?
yes, most definitely.
almost all of my f/os are middle aged men, and i apparently love lots of media enjoyed by old men (especially music), so i do like to imagine that we can learn to appreciate those things together. hugo is generally a very stereotypical Well Read Villain who will reference the classics and go to the opera so i guess i would do that with him! i did study classical music, so i could keep up relatively okay
(i would be nonthreatening to his own inflated ego and belief in his own intellect, because while i can keep up with his conversations okay or at least give off that impression, i'm naive and inexperienced in ways that he can easily take advantage of, the same way most undergrads don't write groundbreaking papers because they just dont have enough context of the world at that point. he may find it tiresome to need to stroke my ego so much to gain my affection, but he'll be very excited to undo that part of my psyche, erase all that knowledge and education from my head until i can't think a word he doesn't tell me.)
i think that hugo would be interested in my fascination with and production of erotic art because it would be very relevant to my 'treatment', and it is after all such a window into the libidinal psyche, albeit perhaps an obvious one.
in some verses, i am his college student and i become very enamoured with his theories and trying to butter him up in my papers. he loves it because he loves the sound of his own voice, and i love it because he gives me headpats for being such an attentive student (metaphorically and perhaps literally too).
Does your F/O believe in astrology? Bonus: what does your astrology compatibility say about you and your F/Os signs?
no he thinks it's bullshit lol
i think like, he doesn't really like to leave anything to fate? he wants to seize his own fate and force everyone else to yield to him.
i am aries and he is a scorpio (not canon, i made it up a while back based on glancing at a horoscope stereotype cheatsheet lol. i do want to settle on a birth date so i can celebrate his birthday :') )
this is, according to google, the road towards a 'passionate and aggressive' relationship. the scorpio is usually the more low-key and introspective one whereas the aries is super emotional and fiery so they kind of balance each other out. i do think astrology is bullshit but i do fit the aries stereotypes so well and i would absolutely fucking LOVE to let him tame me.
How casual is the relationship? Has much changed since you got together?
hugo would never really call it a 'relationship' because it's really more like owning a sex doll. so, of course, he would sleep around if he gets a chance, but it's pretty much guaranteed that i am his one and only because he is a fucking freak lol. no one wants to spend much time around him. i do think, though, that earlier into my conditioning he would assure me of his loyalty in order to gain my trust.
Did you leave a good first impression on each other? What were your initial thoughts on each other?
on our first meeting i would find him beguiling, intimidating, and pompous in a way i wish wasn't so sexy and authoritative. i would get bad vibes immediately but i would ignore them because he is so attractive and because i find his thoughts on the world so interesting.
he would probably approach me at first from a professional relationship standpoint (usually he is my therapist, boss [either as a criminal, or perhaps i could be the personal assistant for his therapy clinic], professor, sug4r daddy... it always starts off professional), just another distraction with symptoms to manage... until he figures out that i am attracted to him (it's not going to be hard for him to tell), and then the cogs would be turning on how to take advantage of that and make me hang off his every word.
Would you ever move in with your F/O? If you already live with them, who suggested the idea of living together? Does one person’s interests dominate another’s in the shared living space, or are they about equally represented?
oh, i don't get a choice in that :)
What would the ideal future with your F/O look like?
my needs are simple. i just wanna live in his basement, mindbroken and dead to the world and barely human, and get taken care of and fucked.
Is there anything you’ve wanted to tell your F/O, but haven’t been able to for some reason?
i have never actually written out a love confession to him because i get sooooo embarrassed thinking about it i just wanna bury my head in my hands. i know he would be so manipulative and incisive about it. we would do that fanfic thing where i would try to avoid his gaze and he would tilt my chin and force me to look at him while i tell him how badly i want him to fix my broken brain so i can obey his every word, but i also just hope he'll kiss me sometimes.
and i want him to call me a poor pathetic thing and embrace me with open arms and promise that he will make that my destiny because i am such a good and compliant patient, and i deserve to be self-actualised.
of course, he could also just inject me with enough sodium pentothal or drop me deep so that i couldn't even hope to be embarrassed about it.
side note: one of my favourite tropes in hugo narratives is when he uses weapons from his 'therapy toolbox' on his enemies. he does use drugs occasionally for guarded patients, to help them become more sleepy and compliant and trusting uninhibited when talking.
What sorts of things do you like doing together? Have either of you picked up any new hobbies because of each other?
hugo is not really a hobbies person. he would probably not need to commit crimes against humanity if he just took up crochet (or even... regular, consensual bdsm). but he wouldn't be hugo if he did that!
so, of course, our shared hobby is to plumb the depths of my psyche and remodel it in his image. it's a mutual activity - it's so mutual that he has to make it more of a challenge for himself, so of course i would be first in line for all the radical therapeutic techniques he's developing, the side projects and the idle fascinations. im not the most useful subject for figuring out the effectiveness of a method, because of course i am so very desperate to please him, even before all of the brainwashing. these aren't useful field notes, these are... extracurricular projects, and i am the most malleable and fun to watch because being his subject is so arousing to me. it's fun to bend my personality and beliefs in all sorts of weird directions through such a dizzying amount of psychological manipulation and torture so he can see just how much he can scramble my brain like an egg.
but, i also think he enjoys wining and dining his fuckdoll, visiting social gatherings, letting me be his arm candy. making me act like a person with my own agency and intelligence while i am of course anything but and everything i do and say is only because he has allowed me to.
What’s an often overlooked or unknown trait about your F/O that you adore? What’s your special trait that they love?
he has an amazing sense of style!!! he's so like... old school in a lot of his fashion choices. a well tailored, subtly patterned three-piece suits him so well and i would be constantly complimentary of his outfits while i still had the right to speak.
he would be so excited to have someone so sexually maladapted in his clutches, someone who takes such great pleasure in psychiatric methods he very much intended to be painful. it disgusts and tempts him all at once, because while he has the impulse to erase the pathology entirely in his pursuit of the psychological norm he knows he can never exemplify himself, it also means he can do anything to me and i will ask him for more.
Would you trust your F/O for a trust fall? Could they trust you to catch them?
in either case, i wouldn't have a choice. i have to trust him, and he has ensured i will never betray him.
How much do you tell each other? Are you the type of couple that doesn’t keep secrets from each other, or do you value your privacy?
if he ever felt i wasn't telling the truth he would drug or hypnotise me until i was. eventually it becomes reflex to automatically answer him with the first answer that comes into my head. no filter, no repression. there's no psychic defences left.
he keeps lots of secrets from me, because there's plenty i don't need to know, but he also likes to confide in me the way you would confide in a rubber duck to fix a bug in your coding. there is no expectation of any response, he just likes to monologue and seethe aloud because he is a very stereotypical supervillain.
Does your F/O show you a side of themselves that nobody else gets to see?
i get to see the raw desire and anger behind the cold facade. he would take everything out on me and it would be so fucking hot knowing that im that disinhibiting for him, it's just that sexy for him to have a perfectly compliant object upon which to exact his will.
What would the ideal dream date be for you? What would be your F/O’s ideal dream date?
i would love to travel with him... occupy liminal spaces with him... go on a red eye flight with him and be programmed through headphones in my sleep while the other passengers surround us having no idea what is happening to my mind. he will stroke my leg occasionally, perhaps even stealthily play with me as i sleep with the tray tables down so no one can see...
hugo doesn't bother himself with dream dates. if he wants it, he will make it happen, one way or another.
Do you have an open or closed relationship?
open by necessity of what i am to him, which is an object. it's not like sex toys get jealous.
i think he would fuck some of the other rogues and perhaps even invite a trusted rogue to take advantage of me alongside him, or as a gift to their ongoing collaboration. when he fucks other rogues, it's kind of a whole different thing. it's like he gets to spar with them, because they're more on an equal level, and then i get to be his punching bag, unresponsive. the drives that each satisfy are different, so it doesn't feel unfaithful for either of us.
Is marriage in the cards for you, or do you prefer not to get married? If you’re already married, who proposed, and what was the wedding like?
it is more convenient for him if i am scrubbed from all government databases so no one will look for me or confirm my existence. why add another paper trail?
Would you and your F/O be interested in starting a family?
family stuff makes me SOOOO uncomfortable. we would never ever ever have kids, whether through procreating or adopting, and thats my final answer for absolutely all of my f/os. it is very uncomfortable to me to even have to acknowledge my f/os who have canonical children LOL, and i would be completely uninvolved in their upbringing because i'm not there for that!
hugo does have a biological son, but i'm not sure if that was only in new 52 canon because afaik he's only ever come up in one comic arc. i dont know if we ever find out who carried him. i personally much prefer hugo as childless, because his real children are his experimental subjects. he doesn't need family in a traditional sense, he has so much better.
i've always thought of frankenstein and the monster as having a deeply homoerotic but also deeply paternal relationship, and it would be like that with me and hugo. and it's like that with him and most of his subjects, really, but im extra special because he fucks me on the daily 🥰
a pretty early call will be to get rid of my uterus so he can [censored things that are most definitely not safe for this site]. luckily, he is a skilled surgeon and will do it himself, right in his own home. he would ONE HUNDRED PERCENT be weird about 'breeding' though, and incorporate it into his dirty talk, even after there's no chance of pregnancy happening.
What is the pet policy in the relationship? Is one of you a cat person while the other is a dog person? Are either of you allergic or disinterested in animals altogether?
as above, i do not like this. i think in both cases of having kids or having pets with my evil fucked up f/os, i do not like involving 'innocents' in my fantasies, even if they are just on the periphery. wayyyyy too close to my own trauma lol
What is your love language? What is your F/O’s love language?
i don't really think 'love languages' are real lol, and hugo is definitely soooo averse to touchy-feely pop psychology (and just regular relationship psychology too). he is an old-school psychoanalyst who prefers to find fault in the individual - it's much easier to convince them he's right that way.
but, i mean. he loves power play. so i guess his is acts of service ;) he wants to be served and worshipped like a god.
and mine is i guess physical touch and words of affirmation. i would be SO easy to operantly condition!!!
Do you celebrate anniversaries? If yes, how so?
i think that he would actually encourage me in the early stages of my captivity to keep a tally on the wall of the days as they pass. it's to give me false hope that i might one day be released - that he is just doing this for my own good, and right now i just need to endure and take my treatment so that i can get better.
both when i begin (because this in itself means i am amenable to his suggestions, even now knowing the truth about him) and when i inevitably become too brainfucked to remember to do this every day, or i just lose track of time too badly, it's a great indicator for him that it's time move to a deeper stage of conditioning.
Who is more likely to borrow the other’s clothing? Can either of you fit into each other’s sizes?
i would borrow his, he would not borrow mine. i like to dress smart, but i think he would still find my wardrobe too casual and cheap. i don't exactly have the budget for a million tailored suits and he would probably love to throw it all out and buy me a whole new wardrobe that he finds me sexy in.
his live action actor and i are around the same height so i have a chance of fitting his suits <3 i would love him to put one of his nice longcoats on me as i fall asleep somewhere unusual.
What does your F/O smell like?
expensive cologne with floral notes, tea, and a faint scent of labs and hospitals - the disinfectant they use, presumably. none of the scents are overwhelming, but they are comforting.
if he is physically, uh, exerting, i think his sweat would smell really good in that pheromonal way. so would other fluids.
How much of a pushover is your F/O for you? Would you say that your F/O could get away with murder with you?
oh he is unyielding. if i beg him for something, he would only give in if that's what he wanted to do in the first place. i don't ever get what i want unless i have been told to want it in the first place (and sometimes not even that... oh he would be soooo cruel) and it is wonderful.
Have you shared a bed before? What is sleeping with them like?
one persistent fantasy is lying in the same bed as him with a sleep mask and headphones to remind me of my role. him lazily playing with me as his voice plays in my ears on a loop reminding me to relax into it and that i am just an empty object awaiting commands. then he can also monitor if i am having any bad reactions or if im resisting too much for his liking, so he can ramp up the positive reinforcement.
How do you tell each other “I love you” without using those three words?
he would say things like "you are such a good subject" and "you are safe with me" and "this is for your own good".
and i would say things like "thank you for curing me, professor" and " "i feel much better like this" and "i obey". (god, im so cringe and tropey :'))
How sentimental is your F/O? Do they keep every little gift you give them? Do they carry your picture around with them?
he's very much like 'oh i am past the NEED for sentimental objects, everything i have is something i need' and then he so fucking isn't. he cannot keep much evidence to tie me to him, of course, so this limits his options in terms of objects he can keep. i am certain he likes to pore over the patient notes he made of me, possibly one-handed, thinking about how thoroughly he has broken me. it's like i died, but i became something better, and that is so hot to him.
How open are you both about your relationship? Is PDA allowed?
the start of our relationship is necessarily clandestine, because we are typically never supposed to be intimate... hugo's therapy office is soundproofed and keeps a strict 'do not arrive early for your appointment' policy, ostensibly to help encourage free flowing talk, but it comes very much in handy for fucking me as part of my appointments. or if i'm his student, he has to be very cold and critical to me during class until i come to his office for a little after-hours tuition. it's fun, it's a little bit of push and pull and rivalry kind of like hill and west from r3-animator, because it only adds to the sexual tension when he gets to fuck my brains out and tell me he likes me better that way.
when we can be open, as stated, he likes to play with me as though i'm there by choice. brief diversions for my caged personality to try occupying the harsher, subdued form he has carved out for me. it's fun to have him lead me with an arm around me and introduce me to his colleagues and friends while, when we have a moment alone, he is tweaking different aspects of my performance or praising me for imitating personhood so well. giving me a kiss on the cheek as a reward, or pushing one of the covert pleasure triggers he installed in me (perhaps intertwining our hands a certain way, stroking my cheekbone or simply whispering a particular trigger phrase in my ear).
Have you met your F/O’s family? Have they met yours? If not, is that something either of you are interested in?
hugo is typically depicted as an orphan, or if his parents are alive they are SHIT, so... nope.
my self insert is usually disconnected or has a found family. i would be way too nervous to explain such an unorthodox relationship to my family! so i just wouldn't, and he'd disappear me and it would make it even easier to turn into an unsolved disappearance because there would be no evidence of his involvement with me. he is very thorough and very well-connected.
Have you met your F/O’s friends? Have they met yours? If not, is that something either of you are interested in?
oh hell yeah i want to meet the other rogues. but i imagine hugo gets into lots of beef, having lorded over and tortured so many of them at 4rkham. so perhaps i can be used as his olive branch, a needy set of holes for the evil and sexually repressed, as well as a thinly veiled threat that he could have permanently mindbroken them the way he did to me if he wanted to, but he didn't, so maybe they should be grateful for the mercies he afforded them in their 'treatment'.
What is a go-to gift that your F/O knows will never fail to make you smile? What are your go-to gifts for them?
i-i don't think i can post the real answer on tumblr.................................
obviously the best gift i can give him is my devotion. i also just would not have any financial freedom to buy him anything, unless we're talking specifically the sugar d4ting au lol. but i'm sure he would appreciate handmade tokens of my affection. i could write him page after page of my own brainwashing mantras just to really nail the neural pathways down.
i'm not much of a cook, especially when it comes to the fanciful foods of the performatively affluent, but i'm sure i could be taught, and i brew very good tea. i could probably make some good blend recommendations, and that may be something he would keep close to his heart by the time he's broken me down completely. a keepsake of something that is no longer a part of me.
What is your F/O’s sexuality?
a thing that will forever make me salty is people who somehow look at this man and decide he is straight. he is SO queercoded it is unreal. (to be clear, this is a personal bugbear, you can headcanon him however you want!!)
so, i do think that hugo is mlm, and primarily attracted to masculine people. in many iterations, he is often closeted and attempting to date women, and i think some versions are definitely on the spectrum of bi or pan. i believe that i would be a nice midpoint for him. he would enjoy my androgyny because of the fact he can play around with societal restrictions and really just use me to play out all his own psychodramas around gender and sexuality. it is very useful to him that i don't have to have all that baggage, that i can just be an 'it', and that objects don't mind how they're presented, they can simply be dressed up like store mannequins.
of course, kink-wise, he is just. completely off the rails, the cruelest most fucked up sadist in the world who gets off to torturing me in every way imaginable, but if you've read this far you already know that
Does your F/O fit your usual “type”, or did your attraction to them come out of no where?
hugo is literally the epitome of my type. there is not a character that speaks to my sexuality as well as he does. i don't know if there will ever be one as strong as him. i guess probably in the sense that i needed different things from my previous character obsessions, i will one day 'outgrow' him. but right now it feels wonderful to spend hours a day imagining what it's like to be his dollthing.
Does your F/O feel safe you be vulnerable around you? Do you feel comfortable doing the same around them?
ohhhh yes. this is kind of the whole crux of our relationship. i know very little about him, he is very guarded, but as he peels back my psyche and strips it of its own free will, he will get more comfortable with revealing parts of himself he doesn't to others. his morbid sense of humour (i'm thinking about him cracking jokes while he is doing open brain surgery on an unresponsive ed), his fury, his lustful impulses, his doubts, the things that really get him off to have me do. it is all very personal and i will not remember a thing, because he cannot possibly be vulnerable to another person. he only knows how to break down their defences, and to craft very formalised kinds of vulnerability, to help his clients know in a comforting sense that they are not alone.
How much faith does your F/O have in your relationship? Is jealousy ever an issue?
i think hugo would be initially concerned about revealing what i am to others. not because he is particularly attached to me specifically, but just because he put a lot of love and work into my creation. my brainwashing is truly a labour of love and it reveals a lot about him, perhaps more than it reveals about me. i am perfectly catered to his every desire. so... i guess then it would add a little friction to those exchanges, to those who know precisely why i am there.
when he uses my body to help appease another sick twisted villain (not even supervillains, but think a high-ranking official he wants on his side, which i think is the more likely thing with hugo - pretending im a professional there of my own will, and he's willing to splurge on all the bells and whistles to grease the wheels of a power deal), he likes to remind me afterwards that i'm his. he has no need to claim me roughly. he would give me some aftercare, and reinforce my conditioning that night to remind me that i only ever service others in order to service him better.
Are you your F/O’s first relationship? Are they yours? How much experience do you both have?
mat always sleeps around, but is inexperienced with committed relationships. luckily, fucking hugo isn't really something you have to consciously commit to; he will make it your sole personality trait and it's so easy, you just have to relax into it.
hugo has definitely had relationships before, but they have always fallen apart for similar reasons. he has gotten lost in his work, they found out about his experiments, or simply taken them for granted and treated them like just... an accessory. i imagine him enjoying fwb type arrangements, and i think probably he will have fucked some of the other rogues by the time he ends up fucking with me.
of course, he often has his manikin, and i like to think of myself as the natural upgrade, a living doll. he gets the best of both worlds - the sexy, illicit nature of his control over me, but he also gets to avoid the secretive shame of fucking a lifeless doll, because i can masquerade as a human when he needs me to. i will never leave him because he has taken away my capacity to do so, and i am incredibly proud to be his accessory, his punching bag, his set of holes.
Are they more verbally affectionate, or do they believe actions speak louder than words?
like i said, he loves the sound of his own voice, and he would immediately notice that i respond well to verbal affection and approval, so of course he would flood me with that to keep me overwhelmed and needy and desperate. i am certain he would find ways to make his words even more powerful, whether by referencing my confessed trauma in all the most painful and earth shattering ways to make me sob with the catharsis of a cult exorcism, implanting trigger phrases to install total control over my emotions and sensations, and of course reinforcing my obedience with praise.
Do you or your F/O believe in love at first sight? Do you believe in soulmates?
honestly this is a tricky one to answer.
i suppose that seeing him truly was love at first sight. i always knew he would get me from the moment i found out he was a mindfucker. even with the latent sexuality of teen me, with a fetish i didnt know what to do with, i knew there was something captivating about him. i had to just wait a decade or so to come back to him and understand him fully.
i do feel to some extent that the hugo in the prey comic arc was basically made for me. there was something that just shifted within me as soon as i saw his fucking doll. something intended to make him a creep who was objectifying women the Wrong Way (as opposed to the rest of the comic, which was objectifying women the Right Way) made him infinitely desirable to me.
How do both of you take care of each other when the other is sick?
answered already! :)
What relationship tropes would you say best describe your relationship with your F/O?
okay that is actually a great question because i was thinking of fanfiction tropes, but many aren't actually relationship tropes. so for generalised fic tropes... whump, hurt/no comfort, hurt/maybe a little comfort, angst, mindbreak.
for more clearly relationship-oriented tropes: obviously stockholm syndrome, d/s (of course, but we aren't talking rack here), i guess technically enemies to lovers because he has only the worst intentions for me and has no interest in keeping me as i am, and i of course have some degree of self-preservation, maybe, and don't necessarily want to live out the rest of my life in his clutches until he convinces me it is actually the perfect and only place for me...
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dameronswife · 3 months
8, 13 + 25 for the ask game!
hey, thanks blaire!!! <333 i hope you're having a good day/night!
8. How closely do you identify with/as your s/i's, if you have any?
I touched on this a bit in my last ask, but it's a variation depending on the s/i. With Volya, I poured so much of myself into her that it feels like we're a mobius strip, I'm not sure where I end and she begins. She's the most s/i character I've ever made; she's her own person, but she's also just me, stripped down to my bare essentials.
Emilia's a really different story though, and I'm not gonna lie? I find that very interesting. I think it may have something to do with the fact that she's a lot more recent than Volya, but I definitely don't identify as strongly with her (yet) as I do Volya. That might change more in time the more I write Emilia, but she does come across to me as a lot more confident and in control of her life and her circumstances, than I am. She knows what she wants, and she's comfortable in her own body and with her own desires (I Think, anyway, she might contradict me later on this). That's still smth I struggle with, but maybe one day I'll be able to relate more strongly with her!
13. How close do you prefer to stay to canon?
It entirely depends on the 'verse. My initial universe for Volya with Poe, picks up canon and gently tosses it out the airlock. It is a hard canon divergence, starting midway through the Poe comics, and pretty drastically alter the course of the films themselves. More recent 'verses for her though, have followed a little more in-line with canon; they still shake up the timeline for the comics, but I think the movies more or less happen the same, just with the addition that Poe actually has someone in his corner.
With Emilia, I haven't played hardly at all with her 'verse with Miguel so I don't know much about that, but she only meets Marc until after the events of the first season of MK - about a year after, actually. So currently, it's also canon divergent from wherever they may go after that. I might change things later, or make another universe that stays more in line, but I also have a habit of treating the current 'verse I have for her, as not part of the m.cu, because I forget mk is part of it. I do have a timeline for her that fits the m.cu though, just in case I ever want to play with that.
25. Any favorite shipping tropes you usually love but don't like in your selfships? Or any tropes you usually can't stand but like in your selfships?
Hm. I don't think I have any tropes that I love, that I don't like for my self-ships to be honest. As for the rest of the question - I wouldn't really say they're tropes I can't stand, but they're also not tropes that I would actively seek out if I wasn't writing them. I have an AU where Poe and Leia are First Order, and he and Volya were already romantically involved when he leaves for the First Order to stay with Leia, and Volya remains with the Resistance. At some point, it becomes an objective to recruit Volya to their ranks because she's too much of an asset to the Resistance and a threat to the First Order, so Poe begins the slow going process of trying to seduce Volya over to the dark side by leaning on their feelings for each other -- they even sleep together while still enemies. Volya pretty much gets into bed with him, knowing that this is another attempt to get her to join him. It's definitely not a trope I would seek out, being as toxic and messy as it is, and it definitely should hit some squicks of mine, but since I'm writing it, it doesn't bother me yanno?
More recently, Emilia and Marc kind of shocked me because I realized that I think their relationship actually begins as fwb. I have never read any fics with that trope before, so the fact that it got stuck in my brain really surprised me. But it works really well for them and it's been a lot of fun writing it!
general self-ship asks!
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🎵🧾🌺 with reagan!! <3
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Thank you both! Also, I’m sorry these are late and if these get a little too long winded. I ended up having a lot of say apparently. ^^;
Also I don’t know why Tumblr made the space between answers so big when I pasted this from my notes app.
🎵 List three songs that remind you of your selfship.
So I don’t really listen to many songs that personally remind me of my ships, so I don’t have three songs (oops), but one song that does remind me of my ship is ‘we fell in love in october’ by girl in red! I can’t quite explain why other than it’s just a sweet song and I sometimes imagine cute scenarios between the two of us when it’s playing. :)
🧾 What’s your favorite headcanon someone else has made about your F/O?
One of my favorite headcanons is that she can fall asleep anywhere, and I mean anywhere. It’s definitely from the fact that she works so much that she barely lets herself sleep, but the idea of me walking into her lab only to see her passed out in a pile of robot parts on the floor seems very in character for her.
🌺 How do you and your F/O cuddle?
With Reagan this is an interesting one! She has some trauma related to hugs due to her father using a robot bear to do it instead (the hugs weren’t nice hugs either). After the incident at the gala, she slowly starts to warm up to hugs and other forms of physical affection. It isn’t really her first choice, though. She really had to be in the mood for it. One of the things we like to do is spoon, usually with her as the big spoon and me as the little spoon, which works because she’s taller. Another way we like to cuddle is with her laying on my stomach or chest with her arms around me while I either wrap an arm around her back or play with her hair. The big thing is that she doesn’t want to feel trapped while cuddling, and I don’t want her to feel that way either.
💌 How did you/your F/O confess your feelings to one another?
After all of the events of the dating app episode, Reagan gets the guts to ask me out at the end of the work day while I was still in my office. It was out of the blue, since I knew her goal was a partner for a bet that she had already won using the robot she created of her “true match”. She told me everything about how the robot ended up turning on her, created her own robot clone, and how she had to stop her own robot clone from going out with the guy she made the original robot of in the first place (yes that’s confusing my bad). She then explained that she realized that she was using the bet for her to find a partner as a way for her to distract herself from the fact that she had feelings for me. I could tell she was terrified as she was unloading all of this onto me. Eventually, when she popped the question and asked if I wanted to go out to dinner with her one night, I said yes immediately.
💚 Who are you most jealous of when it comes to your F/O?
The answer to this would definitely have been Ron before he also became an f/o (yahoo polyship). However, now, it would be Brett. I love the man to bits (platonically) and love his and Reagan’s friendship. However, seeing a lot of the ship art of him and Reagan, as well as the strong possibility that they would have been made canon later if the show was never canceled, makes me feel some jealousy. It doesn’t really comes to mind much though.
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starleska · 2 years
The sweeter than honey, King Candy for the ask game?
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what a wonderful ask to receive, thank you so much anon 🥺💖 he really is sweeter than honey!! answers for this ask game about King Candy are under the cut 🔥
how i feel about this character: all of you who have been around for a while know that i am in love with King Candy 🥺💖 everything about him is so delightful!! his demeanour, his intelligence, and of course that violent sadistic streak that is so masterfully revealed throughout the course of Wreck It Ralph. he's equal parts smug and demented, a real narcissist who will stop at nothing to feed his own ego...it's just fascinating watching a character so absorbed by himself and his own power. no wonder he's Tumblr Sexyman 😳
honestly WiR is a great movie that i feel is made excellent by the layers which went into making King Candy such a badass villain. his goofiness underpinned by this latent sinister attitude becomes scarier the longer you watch, and it makes the payoff for his big reveal just perfect. let alone the fact that all three of his designs slap!!! those who worked on the movie mentioned that they designed King Candy to be kind of like a mob boss, and Alan Tudyk captured that perfectly in his Mad Hatter/Sopranos-esque voice take. i love his lisp, his manic giggles, his bouncy way of moving and especially his smile...aaaah i'm getting flustered just thinking about him 🥰🥰🥰
all the people i ship romantically with this character: this is a situation where i am a hardcore selfshipper, much like many King Candy fans 😉 power to those of you who do have canon ships with him, i think that's fabulous!! i'm just a little too invested in being romanced (or negged) by King Candy myself to give him up 😉
being a huge dork, a little while ago i developed a Sugar Rush OC for this very silly selfship concept...i've always loved the idea of a character who is a video game modder, someone who is deeply invested in old gaming lore and spends a lot of time hunting cartridges and arcade cabinets. my idea was to have a character in the human world who played on the Sugar Rush game with King Candy in it regularly, only to notice after he gets deleted. they post about King Candy online and are met only with bafflement and people who think they're lying about their experience.
eventually, they end up building their own emulator arcade cabinet, duplicating the data from the original Sugar Rush game and modding themselves into the game as a Sugar Rush Racer: this OC here, Strawberta Fizzbomb. there, they end up fixing the remnants of King Candy's data and speaking to him for the first time...you can imagine how delighted King Candy would be at the prospect of sharing himself through the Internet. even better, having a human from the real world who is at his beck and call, clearly infatuated with him and willing to do whatever he wants with the hacking talents to match? well, it would be a very beneficial situation for him 🥰 i know it's very silly but i'd love to write this out properly...i have some sketches of her and King Candy that i really need to ink;;;
my non-romantic OTP for this character: you know, the villainous characters i love often come with some kind of tragic backstory, some background trauma that led them to become the way they are...Dave the Octopus and Balthazar Bratt come to mind. with that sort of backstory, it makes it a lot easier to think of possible rehabilitation and friendships building even with those they hurt, as they seem to desperately need the affection. but this isn't the case with King Candy!! i personally don't want to see him becoming buddy-buddy with Ralph, Vanellope, the Sugar Rush Racers or any of the other video game characters that aren't villainous, as i love him as a dreadful person. it would certainly be interesting to see some kind of redemption arc for him, but when i'm looking at fan content, the stuff i like the most is when he's being his usual terrible self :3c
my unpopular opinion about this character: my definitive unpopular opinion about King Candy is that i find him far more attractive in his King Candy form than his Turbo form!! absolutely no shade to those who love Turbo and his design, i think you're all very powerful and valid 🥰💖 i'm just a big fan of fruity, queercoded, brightly-dressed characters...a kind of flamboyance is always an eye-catcher. maybe it's because Turbo's design reminds me a bit too much of the Crazy Frog 🤣
one thing i wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: oh goodness, so so much!!! i think that the first Wreck It Ralph is perfect as it is, and wouldn't change a thing. however, my real gripes come with Wreck It Ralph 2, which i've talked about before. although most of my issues came from Knowsmore's potential as a villain and the gap that was left without attempting to fill King Candy's shoes, i would've killed for King Candy to have come back in another form. i think the worldbuilding of Wreck It Ralph is so fun that we fans can have a great time playing in its sandbox, whether that's wanting King Candy to have a total redemption arc and end up best pals with all the original WiR characters...or seeing him come back in a different, much-harder-to-kill form. i'm still holding out my hopes for King Candy to return in the third Wreck It Ralph, but if not...i'm very happy with what we have and how wonderful the fandom is ☺
this was really fun!! thanks so much for suggesting him anon - i am literally always down to gush about King Candy, he is such a delight 🥺💖 everyone, feel free to send in asks about him (or other characters for the ask game)!
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sand-worms · 3 years
Illuso aaaand trish for the ask game :)
o7 okie dokie
-do I like them: the “liking Illuso out of spite” to “liking Illuso for realsies” pipeline is real
-5 good qualities:
1. Very observant! He’s canonically got notes on all of bucciaratti’s group aside from Giorno so obviously he’s good at what he does, and what he does requires him to observe people most likely, given his stand ability and such.
2. Seems to be very self-confident, though I guess whether that confidence is real or a front he puts up is up to interpretation.
3. Illuso sucks so bad what do I even say about him. His hair is pretty and I want to braid it.
4. I promise I have better thoughts about Illuso when I’m actually awake. Uh. Damn Diavolo your mirror based assassin is gnc as fuck.
5. Dresses like he would be good to take a nap on. Thotty little memory foam mattress.
-3 bad qualities:
1. Overly cocky and pompous, likely drives people away from him because of it.
2. Seems like he can’t mind his own business, needs to know about everyone around him but they can’t know about him.
3. Also seems to be combative just for fun? Seems to like to push Formaggio’s buttons just because he can (at least from the anime)
-favorite episode: the one that he shows up in :) not many to pick from here!
-otp: honestly! I don’t really get into shipping outside of stuff like my friends selfships so I don’t really ship him with anyone
-brotp: would be cool to see him interacting with like… Melone maybe. I do think his friendship with Formaggio would be fun to explore.
-ot3: *******
-notp: illuabba fucking sucks man
-best quote: the part in the Netflix subtitles for vento aureo where he just like flat out says sorbet and gelato have fucked it’s really funny to me.
-head canon: he likes to play rain or ocean sounds quietly while he sleeps. He has a white noise machine specifically for traveling.
TRISH!! <3
-do I like them: YEAS <3
-5 good qualities:
1. Very smart and logically minded! I get the sense that she’s very quietly observant and things just make sense to her idk
2. Genuinely kind and caring once she starts to warm up to people a little!
3. Seems like she’s also typically very decisive. I don’t think she would debate her decisions much.
4. Her stand is really unique and interesting and I wish she would’ve kept that initial sentience she seemed to have
5. I like that she sort of stands up for herself and demands answers to things when she deserves them does this make sense. Like she seems like she doesn’t let people push her around.
-3 bad qualities
1. Seems to lash out and get bossy when she’s uncomfortable or scared
2. Literally initially just a plot device and doesn’t get a TON of character development like she deserves
3. She’s 15 and her outfit looks like that.
-favorite episode: I like the part where she’s in the elevator with Bucciarati. I wish she had gotten more focus during that part and had gotten a flashback sequence like everyone else. The BIG fight is good too.
-otp: I don’t ship her with anyone
-brotp: her and Giorno or her and Mista :) Also I’ll take any opportunity I can to push my Trish and Ghiaccio friendship agenda. I think they would’ve been friends.
-ot3: 🚫
-notp: her and anyone in bucciarati’s group. Except for like Giorno I guess since they’re the same age but DONT be fucking weird about it.
-best quote: everything she says in the whole series idk :) I like the part though where she talks about knowing that her dad sucks and was gonna kill her tbh like. Real.
-head canon: I think she’d be really good at sudoku puzzles. I think they just make sense to her and come very easily to her.
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byakuyasdarling · 3 years
This post: Me rambling about my stupid selfship at midnight because I’m happy. Except, I actually say 1 important thing about them at the start lmao.
Granted, I’m probably accidentally going to repeat what I have already established in more formal posts. I’m just spitballing here, and some of this may not even be final.
All under the cut :D
The brief and actual serious point I somehow rambled off to at one point writing this:
Of course, his main goal was always to bring the Togami family to new heights, but at this point that includes her too. She’s become part of his family vision and acts accordingly. He doesn’t see too much of an issue having one dedicated partner rather than normal Togami tradition of courting a lot of woman for heirs.
Although I probably will never make the fankids, or go that far into their story into the future, you can trust that they definitely have kids. S/I is quite motherly — she enjoys taking care of people. Byakuya, of course, wants heirs for his family too. He isn’t a fan of children, but oh gosh does he love his own (his narcissism at its finest, lmao).
This doesn’t really reflect my values, but they’ll have between 4-5 kids — y’know, trying to appease the family traditions (kinda). (On a personal note: I would not have more than 2 kids ffs lmao).
One definitely looks like a clone of his father and his name IS DEFINITELY Félix. JUST because in their fancy smancy universe Byakuya is half French, half Japanese (which GIVE ME A BREAK, that makes sense considering his complexion and the fact he knows French AND CANON NEVER SAYS OTHERWISE) and the name is French. ADDITIONALLY, EVERYTIME I WATCH THE MIRACULOUS LADYPUG PV FÉLIX LOOKS AND ACTS SO MUCH LIKE BYAKUYA, so it’s fiinnneee.
What happens with the whole “head male” tradition? Well no one gets exhiled, that’s for sure. Definitely the most competent leader out of the children will take on a similar role, but the others will probably play some role in the conglomerate either way that will play to their individual strengths, rather than to try and create a singular perfect man to lead.
Anyway, important rant over, stupid rant begins✨
More mushy than usual today! Just because I’m really happy and I just want to love him <<333
My favourite paragraph I wrote concerning them was:
“Success and wealth could only give him (Byakuya) so much happiness — it’s an expectation and a constant for him now, and has no effect on his feelings at all. But seeing her so excited and happy? Now that’s something for him to smile about.”
So I’m TALKING ABOUT THIS BECAUSE UGH... His rare smiles are just — they make me melt just thinking about it.
They’re small, and hard to see at a glance; still fairly few and far between. He normally smiles when he’s a bit lethargic and tired, while watching her just being herself; happy. S/I gets very mushy when he smiles — it definitely puts her in a natural trance-like state where she becomes a lot more unaware of what she’s doing. She’ll lean into him and just becomes putty in his arms. Soon after she’ll start pressing slow kisses into his cheek and then nuzzle her face into the crook of his neck.
She is m e g a embarrassing. Byakuya doesn’t really do anything aside from putting his arms over her and keeping her up. He may make an off-handed and slightly teasing comment of “silly girl,” and variations of that phrase.
He’s never going to directly admit he enjoys all of this: just seeing the mere effect he can have on her with a simple tug of his lips amuses him. He isn’t adverse to affection when it’s on his terms (which it pretty much always is anyway).
Byakuya has his own ways of showing he cares for her deeply. After all, she’s one of — if not the only thing in his life he doesn’t consider replaceable.
He definitely worries about her often. It doesn’t show on his face, or even in his tone — but it’s pretty blatant in his body language. If he isn’t touching her hand or whatever — he’s watching her. He’s definitely very invasive when it comes to privacy (definitely one of his faults). He doesn’t comprehend why there’s something he shouldn’t know about, he’s her partner afterall, he loves her.
Trust, honesty, and loyalty are very big with Byakuya. Not in himself mind you, Byakuya is fine with lying to get his way, but not with her. Everything must be honest so he can act accordingly — there’s no logic for her to lie to him, as there is no logic for him to lie to her. S/I doesn’t have anything to hide from him — but she can lie about the fact that her father doesn’t treat her the best at times to avoid Byakuya blowing up at him. Byakuya isn’t pleased that she does this.
In general too, when he gets her to sleep, he does hold her very close. At first he thought the sensation was odd and uncomfortable, but he got acclimated to it; now enjoying her the feeling of her being safely pressed against him. Again though, that’s his secret — he would hate if the notion of him being all soft gets out to the public, lmao.
A lot of his care also just comes out in the ways he always tries to provide everything she needs. I mean — he’s a billionaire, he’s got it, he can give it.
When it comes to talking about his own problems, Byakuya pretty much just... doesn’t...
He prefers to tackle his issues on his own. Of course S/I always asks how he’s feeling, however, his responses are pretty lacklustre; sometimes he directs that question back at her:
“Fine. Something appears to troubling you, however.”
“Satisfactory at best.”
“I’m well, darling.”
If he is running out of patience with... whatever he is dealing with, he can accidentally squeeze her hand too tight and similar things. He’s not hurting her, but it is unusual for something to break into his composure like that. He’s attempting to ground himself. S/I’s adoration does tend to calm parts of him down though.
Anyway, I’ve been rambling on about my thought about him for an hour and 30 minutes now. If you read this far, have an incredible day 💙💙 Stay amazing !!
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hi! 💜 + luna? :-)
Of course! Thank you for this!~
(question source: this post by tuff-and-fluff)
Send me a 💜 + an F/O and I’ll tell you how I came up with my ship tag name for them! - so, the name of my selfship with Luna is “void-kissed”, which is why that is also my URL for this blog. However, it’s also technically a canon URL, because Void-Kissed is the name of the most recently-released episode of Pokémon Reborn, the game Luna is from. (It’s a game, not a show, but- each of its updates have just always been called “episodes” for whatever reason. 18 episodes have been released so far, and the next one will be the last one that adds the Elite “Four”, Champion and postgame, so- the game is almost finished! which is very exciting!)
This part of the game is named as such because at the current climax of the story, the player character and their rival Cain are plunged into the Void via a black hole created by Radomus’ Gardevoir. Luna, who was on the outskirts as it was formed, decides to deliberately walk into the black hole of her own accord, and creates a path for Shade to save the player - after they have wandered through the Void for a bit and seen glimpses of others’ pasts and mostly-accurately recounted their story so far. However, Luna herself does not make it out (and, if I recall correctly, neither does Cain, though the player does meet him in there).
In the context of my selfship, where I change some aspects of the story slightly because sorry Amethyst but things are allowed to be okay sometimes, Luna had already helped rescue Cain by the time she finds Adriana in the Void, and Adri is able to bring Luna back out with her rather than letting her stay in the Void forever, since - although that may well have been her initial intention - Luna realises it’s not what she wants most anymore. However, as a result of spending so much time in that unearthly environment, both Luna and Adriana become “void-kissed” - Adri gains many freckle-like pale specks across her body and eyes, and becomes much more able to tangibly interact with her Ghost-type Pokémon, while Luna becomes a lot less noticeable when she’s not directly being looked at, almost like she’s melting into the shadows. Both of them seem to shimmer if you look at them for too long, like it’s an effort for them to stay present in the world.
So, in short, it’s a reference to the most recent episode of Pokémon Reborn, and the consequences of changing Luna’s original fate, plus a play on kisses because we’re girlfriends. You can find an old recording I did of what Luna says before entering the Void here, if you’re curious.
I hope that all that was alright! Thank you for sending this in!
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selfship-pride · 4 years
Pride Parade Spotlight #2
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Today we’ll be spotlighting our dear friend @caboosecoupled​ or the name they go by: Plex! Plex is a nonbinary artist here on tumblr with a soft and heartwarming art style!! They are a friendly person and a joy to talk to one on one! You can find their selfshipping artwork here so be sure to give them support!
They have had fictional crushes since middle school and began selfshipping in 2018! That’s a long time of loving fictional characters! Outside of selfshipping they love to draw and sing as hobbies! Talk about diverse! Plex says they’ll be a class a class of 2020 graduate and are starting college in August! Congratulations on starting your journey towards your dream job! We know you’re gonna be great!
Under the cut is an interview with Plex about pride and about their ships! Let’s give it a look!
Tell us a little bit your main ships! Anything you want!
Plex: “thank you!!! and ok! my main f/o who i'm currently fixating on is teruteru hanamura from danganronpa! he has a bad reputation among the fanbase, but he's so much more than what the fans make him out to be.
he's very romantic, and silly, and we cook together a lot! he's a world-class chef, and i'm proud of him and his cooking ability, but i struggle with the flavors and textures of "fancy" food because i'm autistic, so teruteru modifies dishes for me, which i think is really sweet of him!! he's also a huge mama's boy and his mom is really nice, which i appreciate because my own mother isn't the best person. my other main f/os are wilt from foster's home for imaginary friends and cb from starlight express ^_^”
He really looks out for you !!! That's really good of him and clearly part of his love language <3 Do you have any headcanoned sexualities/identities for your F/Os? 
Plex: “yeah! teruteru is pretty much canonically bi; he flirts with both guys and girls in the game. i headcanon cb as nonbinary and gay, and wilt as a bi trans guy!”
I see!!! Pretty diverse partners you got there!! What does Pride mean for you and your relationships then?
Plex: “pride is something that's been really special to me ever since i first realized i wasn't cishet. i was 13 when i first realized i wasn't straight, and every june since then i've celebrated that. i'm proud to be nonbinary, and i'm still figuring out my sexuality but i'm proud that i love who i love.”
How do you and your F/Os plan to celebrate pride?
Plex: “we're gonna have a lowkey pride. there's a lot going on my life right now, and self shipping is a wonderful way to cope with it, so my f/os and i are gonna be more focused on getting through this than we are celebrating pride. but we're still very aware that it's pride month and very happy about it!”
That's awesome news, I'm so glad you have them to fall back on !! For our final question: Do you find that the selfship community has been open and accepting for the LGBT+ users? Also do you think there are things we can do better as a community? 
Plex: “oh uh! i mean in the corner of the self ship community i usually occupy, pretty much all of us are lgbt in some way, so my experience in that regard has been a positive one! but the community definitely isn't perfect, and we can always focus on uplifting lgbt voices and giving lgbt self shippers, especially trans ones i think, more attention!”
Thank you to Plex for hanging out with me yesterday and answering some questions! I know you must be busy so it meant a lot that you stopped to talk! Everyone out there should give Plex a round of applause and a gander at their blog, they’ve got some really sweet stuff! Thanks everyone and tune in next time for the next spotlight!
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