#this is the official guy from the trailers btw
moth-tea-merchant · 4 months
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The Wayfinder
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deus-ex-mona · 7 months
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just a v e r y rough tl of lxl honeymoon 2: collab boogaloo
be sure to check out the anime (which hails from the ultimate box of the album) if you're able to!!! and support the official release!!!
all screenshots in here are from the trailer btw
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Aizo: Hi Julieta! I’m Aizo!
Yujiro: Hello Julieta, I’m Yujiro.
Aizo: Today, the two of us, LIPxLIP, are on a trip.
Yujiro: We’ve come to Izumo as a reward for completing our album.
Aizo: We’ll be sharing a little glimpse of today’s trip with you guys, so enjoy!
Yujiro: We’ve been here since yesterday, but let’s start off with our wake up call!
Aizo: You’re showing them that?!
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Yujiro: Good morning, everyone. It’s 6am. It’s still too early to have breakfast, but I’m going to show you Aizo’s sleeping face.
Yujiro: He sure is asleep, hm?
Yujiro: He’s drooling.
Yujiro: Aizo, you’ll be late. You’ll be late, you know?
Aizo: Eh? What?
Yujiro: It’s already 9 o’clock, hurry! Get up!
Aizo: Ah? It’s 9?
Yujiro: You’ll be late for work!
Aizo: Why’re you filming me?! You’re lying for sure! Stop it!
Yujiro: [laughs] And that, Julieta, was Aizo’s sleeping face!
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Aizo: And here we are at the breakfast table. We’re about to have our breakfast.
Yujiro: Aizo has woken up too.
Aizo: Wow, Yujiro, you’re having Japanese food as expected, huh? Ooh, isn’t that Izumo Soba?
Yujiro: And you, Aizo, are having Western food as expected… Wait, what the heck? You’re having pasta first thing in the morning?
Aizo: I just felt like having it today. Even you feel like having Western food in the morning sometimes, don’t you?
Yujiro: I guess so. I wouldn’t eat pasta in the morning, though.
Aizo: I’m sure the Julieta watching this will be like “I just knew Yujiro’d be eating Japanese food and Aizo’d be having Western food”, huh?
Yujiro: Maybe they will. We do give off those impressions, don’t we? Just like how we’d have either coffee or cocoa respectively.
Aizo: I got it. Wanna change the impressions we give off by trading our breakfast meals?
Yujiro: I don’t wanna. I want to eat my soba.
Aizo: Yeah, yeah.
Yujiro: Julieta, which do you prefer? Western food? Japanese food? Tell us, okay?
Aizo: Yum!
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Aizo: We don’t usually shoot vids all by ourselves, huh?
Yujiro: Though you say “usually”, this is the first time we’ve done it, right? The staff always tag along with us.
Aizo: They plan all kinds of programmes for us too, right? Yeah. So, where do we go now?
Yujiro: Ehh, I don’t know. You decide, Aizo.
Aizo: Me? You decide, Yujiro. I dunno where to go either.
Yujiro: You decide, Aizo.
Aizo: Eh?! You’re kidding! Hmm… I can’t think of anything.
Yujiro: Planning ahead sure is important, isn’t it?
Aizo: Yeah. Let’s just walk around for now.
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Yujiro: And so, we’re now at the footbaths!
Aizo: Phew, it’s hot in here!
Yujiro: We came here too last time, didn’t we?
Aizo: Yeah, back during our live tour, right?
Yujiro: Oh right, Aizo, how do you feel about the release of our second album?
Aizo: Of course I’m happy ‘bout it. I mean, releasing even just one album’s already pretty amazing.
Yujiro: Yup. The fact that we’re able to release a second album is all thanks to our Julieta, right?
Aizo: Yeah. We’ve gotta try even harder to meet their expectations, huh? How do you feel about the album, Yujiro?
Yujiro: I guess I feel differently about it than I did about our first album.
Aizo: Eh? How so?
Yujiro: I feel as though I wouldn’t have been able to do it alone. It’s all thanks to the support and expectations of our Julieta that we’re able to stand on stage. And, as that stage grows bigger and bigger, I get the feeling that I wouldn’t have been able to respond to the size of the stage all by myself.
Aizo: Yeah, I feel the same way. I’ve had thoughts like “Why are there 2 guys in LIPxLIP? I could do it by myself.” before. But this has made me realise once again that going at it alone would just mean halving our power.
Yujiro: We’re able to develop better together as a pair than we would have on our own. I'd say that we’re indispensable to each other for sure.
Aizo: Yeah, we are. Plus, things would sure get boring without a rival around, huh?
Yujiro: Yup. Aizo, the friendly rivalry between you and me… Wait a sec! This is going to be a bonus video! Isn’t this conversation getting embarrassing?!
Aizo: Yeah, it is. But isn’t it fine for us to talk about our true feelings when the two of us are on a trip together?
Yujiro: I guess so. We’re alone on this trip together, after all.
Aizo: Yeah. Aight then, let’s end this off with a word of thanks to our Julieta.
Yujiro: Thank you for getting our second album, Julieta.
Aizo: Thanks, Julieta.
Yujiro: This album is packed with our thoughts and feelings. It'll make us happy if you listen to it many times over.
Aizo: You��ll listen to it, won’t ya? We’re going to keep growing from here on out, so follow our progress, yeah?
Yujiro: Follow us, okay?
Aizo: Till we meet again, Julieta!
Yujiro: Bye bye Julieta. See you around.
Aizo: See ya!
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tatasoom · 9 months
Maybe the most hard to write analysis, because I totally understand topics like divorced parents, hardworking mother, problematic older brother and all those psychological little things someone probably didn't even notice. Day's family is like trigger bingo for me and that's... interesting.
1. Let's start with the most controversial part.
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Day and Mhok will come back home, I guess MUCH later than they planned and also with bad news about Day's eyes condition. Many people keep writing about Day's mother being too harsh, that she's always busy making money and can't understand how much Mhok loves Day.
You can see that in this scene every character has tears in their eyes. They all have their own truth as well.
Day loves Mhok and wants to be more independent and he's right.
Mhok loves Day and want to take care of him and he's right.
Day's mother loves Day and want him to not be hurt and she's right.
That's why this scene is so heartbreaking.
We already know about Mhok and Day's love, but look at Day's mother perspective! She was officially married, gave birth to two boys and still that wasn't enough for that man not to leave her for another woman letting her and her sons craving for food. Now you want this woman to accept that her completely blind younger son has a romantic relationship with a man she barely knows. Not even mentioning Mhok's background and financial status. For her the word "love" will never ever be enough to agree with this whole situation.
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So Mhok wants to quite (and that is also right), Day can't bare the thought of loosing him even for a day now that he knows how it feels to love and be loved. P'MHOK PROMISED HE WON'T LET GO OFF OF DAY'S HAND will think Day of course. However things has already changed and Mhok will be standing outside the door:
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Mhok was allowed to join this family sometimes on definite terms. Day's mother already told him that there're only three of them and those who breakes this rule is not welcomed anymore.
And for those who thinks Day and Mhok is gonna break up. Nah, not these guys. They'll be together next episode.
2. Begin again
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I really appreciate the idea of giving Mhok a chance to change his life completely. When talking about Last Twilight being a series that gives hope we need to mention that no person is qualified for only one job. No matter how old are you, no matter what you studied in the uni, you can find something new you really like to do and make it your job.
Btw, could you think of that Mhok who aggressively fixed a chair becoming a chef?! The best plot twist ever haha
Also need to mention the bag in Day's hand. I have a strong feeling that Day can leave home after arguing with his mother (not blame both of them actually).
3. Love love love
It's not Last Twilight if we don't have some funny and bright scenes after some angst like rainbow after the rain.
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They're in love, your honor!
It's pretty interesting that Day is painting something after meeting his father (who's an artist). Did you know that visually impaired people can be painters too?
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This scene also gave us a lot of BTS shots, so we can assume that Night and Phojai will be somehow there with Day and Mhok, yay!
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I like her Kiss t-shirt, she's a badass!
4. Another scene?
Now I want to tell you something about the scene we didn't see in a preview, but already have some hints for it.
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One of the most beautiful picture in the whole series. Do you remember the bag? It's here, right beside Day!
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I can't show everything with screenshots (and too lazy to make gifs so really appreciate everyone who makes it), but Mhok looks kinda sad listening to Day in this scene. Maybe Day needs to go back home? Oh maybe they just discussing some serious things? Who knows!
And that's all for this episode 10.
I don't like the idea of having ep 11 curse after having already like four or even more heart wrenching episodes... However we still didn't see that crying Mhok from the trailer. And moreover there's another hint for something terrifying, we just don't know yet if it's future or past. I don't think I'm ready for this sh*t if it's gonna happen later. Once I've noticed it I can't stop thinking of this moment and also can't make myself to discuss it. Let's just trust in P'Aof. And prepare some money for going to Thailand.
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Thank you for reading!
For more brainrot check this.
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asknarashikari · 8 months
So Kari, help me
They made ShouPhil lovechild in the ride kamens universe lmao
https://twitter.com/ride_kamens/status/1756951272664502286?t=GIEgLp6muZXQx1MIy0TjCA&s=19 (his trailer)
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I think Lance chara has DID of sorts, hopefully they made it without the trope of 'evil personality' thing cause this very interesting chara aside from momotaros expy chara and jin expy chara lmao
Other charas btw have very unique designs although very lack in.. mask lmao
I will play this game eventually cause i have ikemen gacha game addiction and i love 2d men also it's intriguing to know wtf is the lore here
Here other charas if you want to know more :
Basically momotaros expy lmao and according to the info from the official site, this momotaros expy have heated drama between man with a man named Taiten from Tower Emblem class, Taiten
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Saigo Mikami (based on Ichigo with Ichigata colours)
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Hayate, Jin Expy lmao
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Also Chaoism is this universe Shocker and Ride Kamens' Kamen Rider power source from Chaoism itself aka Chaos Stone, yep.. they made Chaos Emeralds from Sonic lmao
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And here the full 5 characters teaser before the trailers, and yes Taiten is the blonde ponytail guy lmao
Ngl i should know Lance is based on W because of his fucking eyes literally purple + green-
Uhhh ok this is a lot to take in lmao
I suppose the characters being expies of existing Riders make sense, after all it's not like they don't do that even in the show... but now I just wonder why they didn't just make a gacha with the actual riders lol. I mean, I'd jump on this game if it meant Kento or Hiromi would "flirt" with me (even if it's not their actual actors voicing them lol). Maybe it was too weird when it came to the Showa Riders lol
And I suddenly got worried because of your "ikemen gacha game addiction"...
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lividria · 3 months
some notes & clarifications under the cut btw
i doubt anybody expects ridley, kraid or weavel to be the final boss but just in case, they'd fall under space pirate
something created/caused by sylux & the space pirates would be like some kind of horrid evolved mochtroid, a monster that crawled out of a black hole the space pirates created, some sort of ancient entity the space pirates woke up/unleashed like gorea, shit like that, but probably specifically something they're not in control of and/or officially part of the crew otherwise it'd fall under space pirate because otherwise i think mecha ridley would fall under this
threat not seen in the trailer but established in the past would be like, something from the kriken empire, something created by the federation, another bounty hunter we've met before, the fucking emperor ing making a special guest appearance somehow, you get the idea
threat not seen in the trailer and new to metroid prime 4 is saying like how the ing just kinda appeared out of nowhere for metroid prime 2 independent of anything else in the franchise (even though dark samus was allied with them and the leviathan landing created dark aether iirc but you know what i mean), or could just be like a new bounty hunter rival besides sylux and the other guys from mp:h, you get the idea again
i have seen literally nobody say phazon will return after the trailer but just in case, fun fact i once found this old youtube video from several years ago for a fanmade phazon-infected sylux boss theme and i think about that a lot (though that would fall under sylux for the purposes of this poll lol)
i think a couple of these answers could overlap, just pick whichever one feels most accurate to your idea
i'd like to see specific answers beyond these categories in the comments or reblogs or something just out of curiosity but idk you don't have to lol (especially if you don't have like a specific answer like i don't)
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a new pinned is in order!
this blog is run by @samthecookielord (she/it/bun) but was originally a mystery because i thought it would be fun. (see the reveal post here) also i have layton fanart on my main if you wanna check that out
Btw, I have not yet played PLvsPW or Katrielle's game
You are welcome to send requests for characters or locations, whether it's because you like seeing them, or you need a reference, etc.! (I answer slowly though...)
Sometimes i might accidentally post repeats because i have the memory of a goldfish and despite my url i am actually manually picking out screenshots to post lol
I try to add alt text to all posts but sometimes I am forgetful or my brain just doesn't want to write T-T but I will reblog any IDs written by others on my posts! You can also ask me to go back and add alt text to a post :]
Things I post on this blog:
Frames from cutscenes (either from in-game, youtube uploads of hd cutscenes, or official trailers)
Dialogue and flavour text (usually things i find funny, interesting, obscure, etc)
Comparisons between different versions
Game illustrations
Puzzle illustrations
Game scenery and 3d cutscenes
Texture dumps from mobile/3ds titles
also also check my blog on desktop for fun things to click! i'm sure i'll add more later.
If you want to submit something for my queue, use the submissions box instead of the askbox! :] otherwise i will just do my silly thing where i try to match your screenshot as a response lol
anyways something something enjoy the fruits of my unwellness, also known as: this blog. yeah sure ill use the same fortress image
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more tag navigation under cut!! if a character isnt listed, that probably means i havent posted any screenshots of them yet, or i just didn't bother listing them here. let me know if you want any character that falls under the latter to be tagged!
Curious Village
Layton - Luke - Flora - Don Paolo - Amelie
Pandora's/Diabolical Box
Anton - Schrader - Sammy - Barton
Lost/Unwound Future
Clive - Dimitri - Claire - Delmona
Spectre's Call/Last Specter
Emmy - Clark - Brenda - Descole - Tony - Arianna - Raymond - Grosky
Eternal Diva
Miracle Mask
Randall - Angela - Henry - Masked Gentleman - Bloom - Bronev - Lucille - Roland - Nils <- my favourite little guy so he gets a spot here
Azran Legacy
Sycamore - Aurora - Umid - Swift - Rook and Bishop - Mackintosh
AA Crossover
Mystery Room
Alfendi - Lucy
Mystery Journey
Cheerful Mystery
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i-eat-deodorant · 7 months
Hello I'm the survey anon, I'm here to ask you some questións about cotl. First: how did you get into the game? Second: What's your favorite part of the game? And Third: If you could add or remove anything? What would it be? Thank you for your time, tumblr user I-eat-deodorant. Love the url, btw.(I'm not an official account or anything, just a curious guy.)
hello survey anon!
How did you get into the game?
i saw the first teaser trailer when it launched. it was recommended to me on youtube and i really liked the concept. cutesy animals blended with dark topics/body horror, very cool. then i promptly forgot about it.
i don't -quite- remember where i first saw it again, but it was a couple weeks after the game launched. saw art for it, remembered i liked the trailer, then snooped on tumblr tags for what it's about. narilamb caught my eye, and well. the rest is history.
What's your favorite part of the game?
definitely the worldbuilding potential of it all. there's a tumblr post about the "goldilocks effect" for fandoms, where stories that leave enough to wonder but little explained, tend to attract larger fandoms and i definitely think COTL falls into this category.
i'm also very interested in the...philosophical/symbolic side of it, if that makes any sense? what it means to transition from a mortal to a god, and vice versa; how to live as a vessel of death; the nature of devotion and betrayal; power imbalances and saviour dynamics. having the protag pledge themselves to a god of death of all things is just rife with implications that i haven't finished exploring after more than a year (!!) in this fandom. even now i'm still seeing people come up with new, cool parallels and it's so exciting.
If you could add or remove anything? What would it be?
remove all the poop jokes. every. single. one. i hate them, sorry.
Thank you for your time, tumblr user I-eat-deodorant. Love the url, btw.
thank you for the ask! i don't get super many so yours was a joy to see :D and asdkfajhs ty seeing people's reactions to my username gives me life
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theendofuno · 10 months
alr tumblr. i dont have a drawing for today but i can share my headcanons :3
im having to overanalyse all of uno's official arts to work over them for the animation cuz im really enthusiastic about it
so, we all know his annoncement trailer he was kinda......big up there (its inherited from me :3)
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now, onto his release art/lore art
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we can see his chest symbol, its kinda small and it points middle-down
but then his symbol goes straight onto his chest, which is confirmed by his ref sheet
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so heres the deal:
i dgaf about the mobile lore but from the crumbs of uno existence i've read onto sieg T lore, highlanders can pretty much regenerate their body very easily
except that
highlanders are pretty much human-looking guys and not...elf ears and symbols onto their chests backs eyes neck-
so, uno being a defective highlander, and a literal newborn, being weak and not knowing what to do better
dude just went and
chop chop
and his body trying to regenerate and re-create his chest, ended up deforming his chest symbol, which also ended up covering his possible scars
thanks for coming to my tedtalk (again)
*goes away staring at you waiting to be thrown tomatoes at*
(psst, since you read it all, have a sneak peek of one of the background i redrew for the animation! i really like how it is looking c:)
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btw im feeling like this is becoming less of a "drawing a character daily while waiting for him" and becoming more of a "im a middle aged single dad who is really proud of their child and wants the whole world to see him". not sure if this is bad or not. i like doing it, tho.
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sentavoarts · 11 months
sens random posting
coming back here for a sec to talk about skirk in the 4.2 genshin trailer (nothing lore related) (all opinionated and for lols on the avenue part)
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...this is skirk...? Ur joking.
no way NO FUCKING WAY. WTF BROOOOOO 😭listen the design is nice but not for skirk because i swear nono this is not THE skirk this has to be someone else. i swear guys this is just someone else. thats just her other student i promise (denial).
i swear to GOD im so fucking pissed bro. Because hyv just HAD to make her some sort of "waifu" for those people who simp for the short girl modeled people who gen look like TEENS half of the time just to be able to bait their money out. When they would actually (🤓) benefit more from people that simp for the "mommy" characters. IT JUST DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. LIKE WTF WHERE IS OUR STRONG WOMAN :(. (anger) LIKE LOOK AT THIS!!
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above is the revenue of the lowest selling short model girl and tall modeled girl (solo banners). Eula has a 5,598,415 USD difference from Kokomi. "Now this is not applicable since kokomi wasn't really well received" but Eula wasn't a well received character too because of her setup that relies on physical damage.
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above is the revenue of highest ones(solos). Now Ayaka actually has more revenue here than Raiden but this was during her Rerun when people actually found out how good she really is. And not to mention she was a character that had a lot of leaks going around even before Inazuma so she was pretty well received. BUT raidens rev is quite high and it was during her 1st release. 2,918,161 USD is their difference.
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this is also the diff of their highest selling banner (double banner). This shows that yelan was wished more than hutao during those banners. both were on reruns during that time but to give benefit of the doubt hu tao was on her 2nd rerun.
but technically the taller models prove to give more money (i think don't quote me) (bargaining)
but im gen so sad that they did her like this like????? WHY. she could have been everything but you decided her to be nothing. but out of spite i want to ignore her official design and make my own and just use that 24/7. sobbing when i saw someone say that it was skirk. she gen looks like kiana in her finality thing (i love kiana) but short. sobbie (depression)
but again this is hyv. They've done this alot (looks at nahida and furina) and i don't expect anything to change. (acceptance) This is all my opinion btw!! you can like skirk idc but don't push it onto others yaa.
thats it
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the-moon-and-sea · 1 year
Trying something new bc im bored. Please imagine all the parenthesis are footnotes.
I have decided I'm going to watch the new Ghibli movie when it comes out. I saw ads for it in Japan (just posters on the movie theater wall at the mall, they intentionally didn't advertise the movie At All before releasing it there) and it was more intriguing than some of the other movies coming out (looking at you, ghibli look-alike about a chair??? who okayed that premise) but the timing wasn't right, plus I'd have to watch it all in actual Japanese and while I could do that for something simple like Way of the Househusband (great movie btw but I didn't know enough lore apparently) I figured I'd want to follow this one a bit better. Plus, my boy Yonezu Kenshi contributed to the soundtrack, so I have to watch it to support.
This movie is the first in a while (I'm not googling to see if this is correct) with the old duo of Hayao Miyazaki and Joe Hisaishi, and while there have been....other movies in the last 10 or so years....miss little witch etc was never very compelling for me. But based on the barely-over-a-minute trailer...I'm ready. We've got the creepy soundtrack, the same solid style, but somehow a level up in the animation?! some random old ladies, cute spirits, it's got it all. What it also has, very importantly, is a war reference. We all know Miyazaki remains heavily influenced by his nostalgia of wartime Japan (and aren't all of us (Please Read/Watch In This Corner Of The World)) so it's not surprising to see some bombings here. Some fire there. I'll bet you $5 there will be a plane in there somewhere. Mans loves his planes.
Anyway add onto that the ~mystical elements~ weebs like to love about Japan (please read Orientalism by Edward Said also) and I'm sure this will sell well. And I'm also sure, I'm probably gonna love it lmao
I was reading the official description on GKids which I guess is the site of the producer and distributer in America, and they mention Yonezu, my boy, right under Miyazaki. Joe isn't there. Poor guy. Anyway they say about Yonezu: "After posting a series of Vocaloid tracks under the moniker Hachi, Kenshi Yonezu distinguished himself from the crowd with remarkable results." This is. a severe understatement. I think I might end up writing my thesis on Vocaloid and the impact it STILL has on children today in America and Japan (my kids always played popular songs during lunch/cleaning and during sports, basically anytime the broadcast club had control; some of the kids in the art club literally only drew Ms Miku fanart) and amongst that Huge Library of Music (I won't call it a genre bc thats not what it is), Hachi was like. Top 10 if not Top 5 if not Top 3 most popular. If you listened to vocaloid at all before 2016 you know Matryoshka. That's Hachi. He was a wonder to all of us middle schoolers. More recently, he came out with Sand Planet, about the way time has changed Vocaloid and the people who enjoy and produce it. It was also really cool.
I learned about his Real Name career a bit after it had happened. I stumbled on Mad Head Love one day on my youtube rabbit holes, and it slapped, and I was like oh it's that guy. But then I lost track, forgot his name, and generally wished him well from afar. And then ! I refound him! And have loved him ever since (not really some of his recent stuff is weird but - actually hang on lemme actually write this)
Recently, and I mean in the last oh 3 or so years, he's done what a lot of popular Japanese artists do - make anime music. Some of it's okay, some of it is Absolutely His Thing, and some of it is like every other anime op ever and not very impressive. Spinning Globe (the song in this movie) is Pretty Good I think. I listened to it while crying on the plane on the way back to America. The lyrics are simple and easy to understand, it's got his plodding beat and an easy background. I could probably transcribe the piano part in 15 minutes. "The day I heard a voice patting me on the back, telling me to go ahead" is like. well it was really relevant to my personal time in Japan and a lot of the issues I've been facing so maybe I'm biased!
Yonezu is so popular that he literally wrote a song for the Tokyo Olympics. He represents Japan. He has been a top singer in Japan for 10 years. This started with his landslide take over of Vocaloid music. Even my students who didn't know literally any celebrity knew him. And I know this is the English website so they probably don't expect anyone to know who he is, and don't care about the understatement, but listen. Yonezu if you're out there and you want anyone to write you PR in English. I've got u.
The Japanese title is 君たちはどう生きるか. It's based on a book of the same name from 2016. I'd literally translate that title as "How do you live" with the 'you' being plural, like 'you all'. I don't know anything about it. It's apparently semi-autobiographical. But they've chosen to translate the title as "The Boy and the Heron," the choice of which could be a thesis in itself. But I wish it had come out just a little sooner, because one of my favorite games to play with my kids was getting them to guess titles to ghibli movies in English and they would've lost their minds over this one.
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fadebolt · 6 months
Oooookaaayyy, I've checked out the stream and the news, and to say that I'm pumped would be putting things quite lightly.
Of course, it was fun to see the devs talk about stuff, some lovely folks I know from the Container popping up in the museum, and the Sanshee restock (that I'm contemplating about ordering from, even though my preordered Slugpup plushies haven't even been sent out yet).
But most importantly, we have the thing that everyone's been raving about....
A new DLC centered around Nightcat!
I very much adore this for many reasons.
The wording, as well as the screenshots in the Steam post imply that we're gonna be in a completely new area, away from the long abandoned facility grounds of LttM and FP. The new regions/areas were the absolute best part of Downpour, and having a DLC that is seemingly centered around them on an even bigger level just sounds incredible (Jadzio might also have some fun polling them, too :D).
The animation of the trailer is also pretty neat. It's short, sure, but there's just something about seeing Rain World in this new style that makes me smile. Style alternating is what makes me love League's animated media so much, and I'm very happy that RW is starting to dip its toes into that too.
The naming of the new Slugcat, as well as its stationary stealth ability... dude is a Slugcat Night Elf, fair and square. This could be a coincidence, sure, but I would absolutely not be surprised if there're some Warcraft fans amongst the devs, because that's a very obvious connection that I've made pretty much immediately. And I'm not saying that as a way of criticism - because I freaking love Night Elves, not just from a story and thematic perspective, but also their gameplay in Warcraft 3 (Terror of the Tides being an incredible campaign, and Eternity's End having a bunch of awesome moments helps a ton, too).
As for how me and the rest of the fandom will handle the Watcher in headcanons and potential content going forward, well...
It's gonna be a bit tricky, for sure. I imagine the DLC will not come out for quite a while, but it'll most likely shatter all my headcanons and lore ideas to pieces, and any plans of me writing stories about Nightcat just got even more complicated now. But I don't mind this too much, as I'm confident I'll be more than capable of figuring out how to integrate the official content into my stuff, and the same applies to the rest of the fandom, too (and if all else fails, I can always pull the "Nightcat and Watcher are two entirely different characters" card, but that sounds uncreative and boring, and I wanna avoid that, even if Enot was pretty much globally accepted as a different character, despite their color, and them mentioning 'being removed from Arena').
One other positive to mention is that Nightcat X Spearmaster might actually blow up a decent bit now. And if that happens, I'll get to claim the royal title of being someone from the original Inkblot gang, which will be amazing. Plus, more content about my favorite pair, who wouldn't be happy about that?
I just hope that the fandom isn't going to get into crazy arguments/dramas over the Watcher/Nightcat stuff. Everyone is going to change their content around the new revelations differently, and that's ok. I'm probably worrying about nothing here, but I have seen folks pick bones with creators over minor harmless stuff before, so my concerns are probably valid. Let's just let everyone have fun with whatever approach they wish to take, m'kay?
That's all my thoughts regarding the new revelations for now. If this post came off as a bit mixed, then I want to clarify that I'm still absolutely excited about the new content, and I'm very glad that this forgotten scug is getting its well deserved resurgence.
Everything is gonna be great and fun, and I am very much hyped about it! (I'm already in love with all the fan content, btw. The speed at which everyone is showing appreciation is simply staggering. You guys are impressive as all hell!)
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sappho-ilmarinen · 10 months
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I have to talk about this, or I'll explode. A couple of months back I found a game called Where birds go to sleep. It is, as of yet in development but they have a demo available. And guys. This game. Obviously I can't say any full opinions yet, but I'm obsessed with it. On their website they describe the game the following:
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This is such an interesting approach, I was instantly intrigued. It's a heavly text based game with, beautiful and I mean BEAUTIFUL art. I mean, look at this.
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Absolutly breathtaking. Stunning. I want to eat it.
The game is developed by Quiet Little Feet, which is basically just two people, a married couple. Plus they have voice actors, and my god, they're good. Cormo's voice in particular is very cool. Kind of ragged, a bit disoriented, perfect for the character.
Here is the official trailer for the game.
Everything about this just tingles my brain in a very unique way. Seriously, check it out.
Also, and this is a very big thing for me, the devs are hungarian.
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Like, a game like this coming from my country? I'm literally losing all my marbles. In a good way. I know this is kind of incoherent but I'm very excited about this. Thank you for reading.
Here is their Steam btw, where you can add it to your wishlist.
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allthemarrowoflife · 2 years
okay listen i know we're all ronance bitches (me definitely included) but also may i present to you: chrissy doesn't die, finds out about the supernatural shit along with eddie, joins the teen group and becomes robin's new crush
i mean it's canon to me that eddie and chrissy are besties (it's cool if you ship them btw i think it's cute too i just personally hc eddie as gay) so just IMAGINE
chrissy didn't die at the trailer but shit happened anyway and eddie's still wanted
jason finds out chrissy was hanging out with eddie and goes on his whole "he's the vessel to the devil and a satanic cult leader" rant, makes her parents lock her at home and convinces everyone eddie brainwashed her and that's the only reason she claims he's innocent and a good person
she runs away in the middle of the night, goes to dustin cause she knows eddie's close with him, finds about the whole upside down thing and volunteers to help them
the fruity four are now the fruity five
everything else is basically the same except with someone else cursed by vecna in the hawkins gang along with max
the fav song queued up on her walkman for emergency purposes is Don't You (Forget About Me) by simple minds because i feel like the breakfast club would be her favourite movie
robin giving chrissy her jacket to wear cause she ran away in her thin pajamas and looks cold
eddie fussing over her and freaking out about how she should have staid home and everyone is hunting him down and her boyfriend's crazy and she can't be seen with them and it's dangerous but she just smiles and says "see, you do worry. not mean and scary at all."
robin going on her pretty girl panic ramble and chrissy giggles instead of thinking she's weird
the two of them would be the ultimate "she wears short skirts, i wear t-shirts, she's cheer captain and i'm on the bleachers" trope except with the sapphic twist of said nerd and cheerleader falling in love with each other instead of the guy from the lyrics
once the fight's won and life's back to normal she officially dumps jason's sorry ass and starts hanging out with people she actually likes
she's still cheer captain and The Queen of Hawkins High, just with a nerdy and socially awkward girlfriend and a metalhead bestfriend
steve starts driving her to school too (since eddie already drives himself and max)
her and eddie go bother steve and robin at work on the weekends
they go on quadruple dates all the time: steve+eddie, robin+chrissy, nancy+jonathan, argyle+his van (or his pot or eden, depends on who's available)
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genshinlover101 · 2 years
hello! could i request lisa, ningguang, yae miko, beidou, and ei x reader but their realities are switched? they're in the real world and reader is a character in genshin impact. would they pull for reader? reaction to reader's teaser/trailer, ect. i hope this isn't too much hope you have a great day :D
Would She pull for You if You Were a Character? 
(Irl!AU Roles Reversed)
Characters: Lisa, Ningguang, Yae Miko, Beidou, Raiden Shogun x gn!reader
Warnings: None
A/n: You guys already know I’m a pure sucker for Irl AUs <3 this one in particular I feel is a really interesting headcanon just cause my sole reason to pull for characters aren’t because their kits or anything but cause I think they’re pretty 
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• Lisa is the lazy type, she doesn’t speed run events or farm for chests. She lets her primogems pill up until she finds a specific cutie that catches her eye. However whenever a cutie is released, she goes crazy for them, prefarming and everything for their materials.
• Your character in particular was teased many months prior to your release date. Just your character design awkwardly t-posing without animations was all she needed for Lisa to know who she was pulling for next. From that point on, she wouldn’t pull for any character/weapon unless it was you.
It was three minutes until the previous banner disappeared and yours would make an appearance. Lisa had exactly nine ten pulls, just enough to pull you, but not enough if she happened to lose the 50/50. She was relaxed in her chair however, her head resting in the palm of her hand which was balanced on her wooden desk. Not a sign of anxiety, she was determined that you two were fate, you were bound to belong to her. 
Two minutes left until your banner was released, she licked her lips as she looked at your teasers from Twitter on her phone. She practically had hearts in her eyes, as she prepared herself. She found herself analyzing every detail of your character on your official character art until the banner switched.
She wasted no time pressing the 10 pull option, she was confident that she didn’t even need all 90 of her wishes. Her eyes illuminated as the blue color of the screen faded from a purple color for a split second to a golden arch. “Fufufu~” she let out. She knew it was fate. 
Just three left clicks of her mouse was all it took to see you appear in a 2D form, she just had to take a picture to flex on Jean. She spammed through the other seven wishes, spiraling around your character as she looked at your 3D model that was already placed in her empty party. 
She had waited three long months for your character, excited to scroll through your friendship level one voice lines, even the smooth animations that you did whenever you completed an attack combo. Her love for Genshin was reestablished as she farmed for your artifact set for the next three months.
btw she def took your character to that ladder spot in Mondstadt where the characters walk up it slowly to the beat of that tiktok, iykyk. She just couldn’t control herself.
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• Ningguang is that stinky rich girl everyone was jealous of. Everyone thought she was daddy’s money but in reality, she just invested her money wisely. That meant you better believe she’s a Giga whale. Genshin is just a hobby for her however, she would only really play every once in a while. 
• That was until she saw a teaser of the newest character on Twitter. She’s never felt so hyped for a character, she was less invested in your playstyle and kit and more in your character design. Yes, your abilities were a perk, but she was focused on many different assets. 
Ningguang sighed as she stared at her grand total of 11 accumulated wishes. Knowing her luck in gacha games she knew she wouldn’t be able to pull you with that small amount. Because of this, she tapped her heavy, thick, black express card on her glass desk anxiously, tucking a strand of hair behind her ears as she crossed her legs. 
She bit her lip while she stared at your banner, even if the gods didn’t want you two to be united she would fight against all odds with all her copious amounts of money. With a single click of her mouse, she pulled her ten pull, the star unsurprisingly gleaming purple. She grunted “Just my luck,” before skipping her rewards and immediately going to the shop.
Buying just enough for 80 pulls, she took a deep breath. She would go insane if she had lost the 50/50, preparing for such a circumstance nonetheless. Her eyes rolled all the way back in her skull as she spent each wish to no avail. It really made her hit hard pity as she groaned once again. 
The gold star not even phasing her as she was severely disappointed that it felt like she was getting scammed by Hoyoverse. When your player card appeared in bright colors she was practically ripping her golden-hued hair out, secretly hoping if anything that she would have left over wishes for a single constellation.
Regardless she spent the next hour smirking at your 3D model in satisfaction. Watching your idle animations and your voice lines. Getting ultimate satisfaction as she clicked ‘e’ to watch your abilities. It wasn’t long till she found herself staring at your weapon banner, thinking about topping up again just because. “It would look quite weird to put a four-star weapon on a five-star wouldn’t it hmm,” she mumbled to herself while she pictured you wielding a weapon that perfectly fit your aesthetic. 
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• Yae Miko was interested in everything about the game. She rolled for whoever was cute, beneficial for her team, or just cause she liked seeing big numbers. Whenever Hoyoverse made their characters cute, strong, and interesting, that was a win-win in her book.
• When your character was released, whether you were meant to be a DPS, support, or healer, she was determined to pull for you. Impressing others, big numbers, her financial situation, nothing mattered anymore. Your character design alone was enough to entice her to pull for you.
Since your banner was teased three months prior to your actual run, she made sure she had an adequate amount of wishes for at least one copy of you. She had prepped for months, regardless of who gets a rerun or who was announced within the time that it took for you to release. She had exactly 180 wishes, ready for that small chance that she was super unlucky and hit hard pity and lose the 50/50 simultaneously.
Her sharp nails tapped against the desk in stress, with her saved wishes and scheming she was confident that you’d be finally hers. It was the matter of how many copies she could pull of you, if you were both strong at C1 and cute it would mean the world to her. 
She took a deep breath, as she clicked the 10 pull option. The wishing session began, she even had your theme music playing in the background. She firmly believed in manifestation, even going to an area on the map that meant significant importance to your character. Lastly, she had her fourth spot open just for you to auto-join her party, the other three members were characters that you interact with frequently.
All of these rituals would create the perfect conditions for you to come home to mama. To no surprise however, her first 50 wishes were to no avail, only pulling copies of the four-stars and occasional weapons. When she finally hit soft pity she began getting anxious. “Don’t be difficult with me little one,” she mumbled. Biting her lips she clenched her legs together in anticipation.
She must’ve been at least 70 wishes in to pull at least one copy of you. She had to take a breather before going after constellations, spiraling the screen around your avatar. She admired your hit animations, your elemental skills, and your voice lines. She’d probably even take you to a hilichurl camp at level one just to get one shot on accident in a world level eight with no hope and less than 500 hp.
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• Beidou isn’t rich or anything, but she is definitely a whale. She plays Genshin like it’s a new pokemon game, she has to collect them all or she doesn’t feel complete. She might even stream her pulls on twitch for all three of her loyal viewers, Ningguang, Kazuha, and Xinyan. 
• Beidou hadn’t been genuinely excited for a character in a while. But when your kit was released, your talent scaling, your constellations, she just had to C6 R5 you. She doesn’t make the rules, it was already determined the moment you released she’d drop 800 on the game. 
Beidou focused as she proceeded to purchase $500 worth of genesis crystals. Unless she was extremely lucky, it wouldn’t be enough to C6 R5 you. She wanted at least all of your constellations, and if lucky two refinements of your signature weapon. She smiled at her webcam as she prepared herself by going to her lucky corner of the map. 
She had pulled all her characters in one specific spot, strategies were nothing without a little bit of preparation and rituals. Her viewership consistied of Ningguang spamming in the chat about how ridiculously stupid and financially incompetent she was, Kazhua praying for her, and Xinyan gassing her up. As Beidou smirked at Ningguang’s rage she pulled up the wishing screen. “Watch this sugar plum,” she said as calmly and collected as possible.
She clapped her hands together once before shouting “Okay!” as a bead of sweat dripped down her forehead from the combination of nerves and humidity. She gripped her mouse in determination like it was some scene from the movies, ready to speed run through all the wishes.
It didn’t take long for her to blast through 100 wishes by pressing the skip button. Maybe if she continued another minute or two for another 100 she would be counting down her luck as she continued to hit soft pity. Regardless of if she took you up to C6 or not she at least had one copy. Switching her agenda towards the weapon banner. 
She prayed for herself, genuinely hoping she would not have to top up again, financial stability wasn’t a problem for her. It was just the teasing Ningguang in her chat that she’d have to deal with the next month if she didn’t hit her goals. Whatever the case was she exited the wishing screen, admiring your character’s idle animations before she continued to wish. “Look at this beauty eh?” she bragged with a big smile.
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• Ei probably plays Genshin because Miko forced her to. She doesn’t really have any real passion for video games, let alone Genshin Impact. Because of this, she doesn’t really farm for any primogems, wishing whenever she gets exactly 160 because she lacks the patience. 
• Ei probably pulled you on accident, she was unintentionally building pity throughout the many banners only for yours to land exactly on the 90 wish hard pity mark. Miko saw how beneficial you’d be on Ei’s team so she forced her to build you. It wasn’t until she realized how cool your character was that she actually began caring for the game.
Ei sat up in her bed lazily as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, a scowl on her face when she received a text message from her dearest friend Yae Miko to hop on Genshin Impact. Such a tedious game she felt, how pointless to farm this digital form of currency. Nonetheless, Ei searched for the Paimon insignia application on her phone, accepting the unusually fast world join request from her friend Miko.
Rolling her eyes deeply as she immediately hounded Ei to complete her commissions, even forcing her to turn them in for rewards to that strange Katheryne lady. Once she had seen that she collected exactly 160 of the star currency she ignored all of Miko’s petty teasings. Not hesitating to click on the limited banner and spend the single wish.
A single blue light shined on her screen, quickly turning a golden hue. “Huh?” She mumbled to herself, she’d pulled five stars before, but didn’t care much. Miko probably cared more now that she thought about it. It didn’t take her long before she changed her second party member, your character popping out of the blue.
Miko wasted no time facetiming Ei, only to receive her cold-hearted ignorance and a swipe up to ignore the buzzing notification. Ei didn’t understand the commotion, but she supposed your character was kind of cool. When your splash art flashed on her screen she would be in lying if she said her heart didn’t pound in momentary excitement.
Miko kept spamming her with calls, texts alike, in-game trying to explain the hype of what exactly she had just pulled. Upon hearing the confirmation that she needed from Miko, she used all the on-hand materials she had to level you up, your talents, your weapon. Even searching online the best artifact set for you, locations for your ascension materials. “Help me with the talent-book domain,” Ei typed, ignoring all of Miko’s cries in the chat.
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what we know about paw patrol the movie
now updated after the premiere of the film! but still no spoilers.
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hey guys! i wanted to create this little ICYMI article about the film. this will be updated once i get more info. don't worry, there won't be much major spoilers.
here we go:
- this was planned back in 2017
- mikros animation: let's see their take on paw patrol
- celebrity cast: tyler perry, kim kardashian west, jimmy kimmel, dax shepard, yara shahidi, marsai martin, iain armitage, randall park (there are interviews if you want to see)
- new pup named liberty
- first look was released during the KCA 2021. marsai martin, who voices liberty in the film, was the presenter
- official trailer was released on june 3 (aka the time stray kids won kingdom and i have to check out the paw patrol movie trailer right away)
- adventure bay and adventure city are different places
- the paw patrol's VAs from the series are in the film, but there are some changes:
rocky is voiced by callum shoniker, who's known for voicing copycat in the mighty pups charged up series (this got me surprised tho)
ryder is voiced by will brisbin and chase is voiced by iain armitage (i legit thought it was justin paul kelly. iain is still a pretty good choice btw)
- there are individual posters
- new gadgets: skye's wedgie drone, marshall's ladder slide, etc.
- the little turtle in the middle of the street is probably the reason why the truck driver gus got into a situation
- the books for the movie released quite early. in one of the books, titled "be brave, little pup", there's a chase and ryder backstory, as also seen in the cover. so the movie will also show that, aside from the humdinger scheme and cool rescues seen in the trailer. the backstory thing (which was also mentioned in the synopsis) actually got me interested to watch the film
- we get to see new scenes in various tv spots
- there are some references from the series (!)
- in some countries such as uk, france, and mexico, the film will premiere earlier than august 20
- movie toys available on august 1... actually, earlier than august 1! some toys and merch are available for pre order
speaking of toys, the va's of the paw patrol members shared their unboxing pics/vids of the movie toys they received (i haven't seen shayle's, maybe he didn't post?)
- a pawsome series marathon on nick
- not only one song, there are more! so far, the artists who wrote and performed original songs for the film are adam levine (good mood) and alessia cara (the use in trying)
good mood was released on august 6, and the use in trying was released on august 10
the two songs have lyric mvs
there is a new version of the paw patrol theme made for the movie
- according to kim kardashian, at first, her character delores was going to have a quite raspy voice and the crew were going to do something different, but when the producers saw how kim k naturally talks, they changed it to be more like a valley girl
- few of the cast from team u.s. attended the premiere on august 8 (kim k's family had a private screening on the 12th), and cast and crew from team canada attended the toronto premiere on august 14
- reviews are going paw-sitive!
- blu-ray release is on november 2 and digital release is on september 21. i found an article about this
- according to one interview with lilly bartlam, she had to re-audition as skye
- will brisbin shared his story about how he got the role of ryder and voice acting for the first time in several interviews
- writer and director cal brunker revealed an idea that didn't make it to the movie through this tweet
- few storyboards were released
- sequel announced! paw patrol: the mighty movie is set to premiere on october 13, 2023. synopsis was also revealed and it says that it's going to be focused on skye. there is also a spinoff coming soon
- paw patrol movie's first win! the song good mood won best song for animated film in hollywood music in media awards
- more to come!
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pleasereadmeok · 3 years
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Goode Rewatch Week 17 - Cemetery Junction 2010
This is a great little Brit coming of age movie, set in 1970′s Reading, directed by Ricky Gervais.   ‘Reading’ is pronounced Reding BTW.  Why?  God knows.  This is middle of the road England before the tech revolution happened in the M4 corridor.  Coz it is set in the 1970′s some of the language and views from some of the older generation in this movie are shocking - there is racism, homophobia and xenophobia. Even tho’ the joke is about their ignorance, it is still tough to listen to.
It is the story of four young people who are trying make their way in the world - preferably by leaving Reading.  One of the main characters is Freddie, played by Christian Cooke, who is training to sell life assurance.  That’s where Matthew’s character comes in.  He plays obnoxious Mike Ramsey who is the top salesperson who trains Freddie.  Mike is an ambitious social climber who wants to take over from the boss, played by Ralph Fiennes.  
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OMG those two are hideous examples of the male species.  I wasn’t around in the 1970′s but I think their attitude to women’s roles was outdated even then.  They are sexist, bores, money and status mad and have no redeeming features AT ALL - except that one of them looks like Matthew Goode!    They are cut throat sales guys who don’t really care about whether the customer actually needs or can afford Life assurance.  They are just horrible.   Mike is also engaged to the boss’s daughter, Julie, played by Felicity Jones.  [Or ‘No Knickers Flickers’ as Matthew calls her!  Would love to know why?]  
Even tho’ Mike is played by the adorable Matthew, I was screaming at Julie to leave that A Hole immediately!  Seeing Matthew play this awful man is so funny.   My favourite scene is where he does the most manipulative sales pitch. 
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Matthew plays it completely straight.  He just ‘gets’ how awful this man is and goes for it.  Matthew nails it coz if you met his version of Mike you would probably want to slap him - hard.   
Apparently Ricky Gervais had to make changes to the script to make sure we hated Mike.  
“We had to make sure that eventually you dislike this character. With his one liners and his charisma they’re liking him too much and they’re not meant to!”  [Ricky G to Trailer Addict featurette].
This is a fun watch for a Goode fan - Matthew is a supporting character and only in 7/8 scenes but you will enjoy watching him be so totally CRINGE.
 Side note -  I always find it interesting to see just how many of the actors Matthew has worked with multiple times - eight of them in this movie!  
Felicity Jones (Brideshead)
Tom Hughes (Dancing on the Edge and ADOW)
Ralph Fiennes (Official Secrets and The King’s Man)
Burn Gorman (The Offer)
Emily Watson (Belle)
Michael Jibson (ADOW) 
Christian Cooke (Ordeal by Innocence)
Jack Doolan (The Hatton Garden Job) 
... and those are only the obvious ones that I noticed.    They must have some great reunions.  
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