#this is the longest tower of god meta i've ever written
galelight · 8 years
Thoughts about the Princesses
Now with the appearance of Garam (finally!), I've received the motivation to make this text post.
SIU have this continued symbolism of the Zahard Princesses with shoes as the medium. We first see this symbolism/metaphor when Androssi likens herself (and by extension the rest of Zahard's princesses) as "One of the many Princesses in Zahard's cabinet of display shoes."
In this metaphor the Princesses who walks on Zahard's path are drawn wearing high heels, whereas those who have strayed from Zahard's "righteous" path wears sneakers or any sort of shoes without high heels; And those who have abandoned that path entirely are not wearing any shoes at all. Interestingly, Lo Po Bia Elaine was given the same symbolism, even though she is not a princess and the context behind the imagery is somewhat different.
For the first type we've seen three Princesses who wear high heels: Koon Maschenny Zahard, Lo Po Bia Lillial and Shilial Zahard (also Androssi herself, she was first seen wearing high heels after all). Another three Princesses who are the second type: Ha Yuri Zahard, Androssi Zahard, and Garam Zahard. Two Princesses (or technically one and a half?) for the third type: Anak Zahard and Repellista Zahard.
Now I could go on talking about why these Princesses are placed in their category but to be honest, I only started making this text post so I could talk about my love, my one and only Yuri (oh alright maybe Androssi and Garam too I guess).
The reason why Androssi wants to go to FoD is to meet Garam of course, but I don't believe she's said just why she wants to see her. I have this speculation that maybe she wants to ask Garam if it's worth it, forsaking everything and living in hiding for so long. Maybe knowing why Garam did it will either steel or break her resolve for that heavy decision (stay with Anak and become the enemy or leave her behind and continue as princess of Zahard) she will ultimately make. She could also ask Garam how to escape from Zahard if she’s going down that path. No doubt whatever reason she has, it will be an interesting reveal.
However, I have no idea of how Yuri and Garam’s meeting will go. Will it be peaceful? Disastrous? Full of intrigue or tension?? What sort of words will they be exchanging? Will there be any revelations for Yuri? Or Garam? I don’t know.
Hell, maybe they won’t even meet at all! (which will be a huge bummer ‘cause you know… they both got two 13MS)
Part of why I could not imagine their meeting is because I’m not sure where Yuri stands right now. Before, I was so sure from her actions: she’s trying to change the tower, and SIU represented it by drawing her wearing red sneakers when she made her first appearance and every other appearance after that is still her not wearing high heels. To show that she’s ‘strayed’ from Zahard’s path, and his path is to keep the status quo.
But now… ever since the start of the Name Hunt arc Yuri has been wearing high heels. It could be to symbolize that she’s still part of Zahard’s faction (no matter how she acts) when she fought against Slayer Karaka but even now when she’s in FoD she’s still wearing heels. Which struck me as odd because if she’s truly vying for change then isn’t the Floor of Death itself the embodiment of change? Because Enryu, an irregular, a herald of change killed the Administrator, the 43rd Floor is no longer part of Zahard’s empire. Heck, the mere act of killing the Administrator is already a huge change, because people used to believe that they’re immortal, and Enryu utterly wrecked that idea. So why is Yuri wearing the symbols of Zahard’s principle?
The answer to this is of course not revealed yet. I’m just hoping SIU will touch on this subject even if it is brief.
Mfw when it turns out I’m just overthinking and overanalyzing Yuri.
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