#this is still one of my fav redesigns
lukasdoodles · 2 months
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Did this a lil while ago when i was goin thru bad artblock and experimenting wif my colors again^^ Loud mouth
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angryborzois · 1 year
theres this one jjk oc that i love to pieces and as much as id love to draw her some short panels idk how to do that LMAOOO
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ofluckandmagic · 1 year
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Ryune Clawthorne-Whispers has joined ofluckandmagic!!
You can find their oc bio here
Related verses will be appropriately tagged as
#themidnightfeather-verse, in which Ryune takes the role of masked rebellion vigilante the Midnight Feather, during the height of Belos’ empire.
#forthewatchinganddreaming-verse in which Ryune recovers post finale and learns self acceptance
#togetherwestanddevidedwefall-verse - post season 2, Ryune learns to live in the human realm alongside the HexSquad
#Likemotherlikedaughter-verse - owl beast! Ryune au. Self explanatory
In character chatter will be tagged as #ryune clawthorne-whispers or #🪶
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kingspacebar · 2 years
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storm icon <3
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smolbluebeaned · 2 years
A VERY big step forward for my OCs:
I made Slowstorm look decent and I finally managed to draw Breeze in a way that's the closest to the picture of him my brain made?? It's somehow so hard to draw an oc if they're just a sketch in your mind???
It's also a big step forward cause I showed previous form of Slowstorm just few times publically and Breeze (maybe) once
So 🎉 ;_;
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prettieinpink · 5 months
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COLLAB WITH THE HOTTIE????!!!!!!! @honeytonedhottie. LMAO NOT US PLANNING THIS IN LIKE DEC THEN RELEASING IN APRIL. I luv you so much ur my fav moot. moots who collab together, stay together. Check out her post on her page too, as usual, she makes the best points so y'all better listen.
Rebranding is a process in which you redefine who you are and how others perceive you. Each journey of rebranding yourself is personal and individual. When you rebrand yourself, you further align yourself with your higher you. This post is a guide to getting started on your journey!
So, take a step back and think about who you are as an individual right now. What are your values and beliefs? Does your external self reflect your inner self? Are you comfortable in your current environment?
These questions and more will help to see which aspects of your life you may need to redefine. See if there’s anything that doesn’t align with your higher self. 
After that, pick those aspects that need to be redefined. Why do you want to change this? How has this been impacting you internally/externally? Does this aspect stem from your environment or yourself? See why this aspect needs to be improved. 
This is more of a fun step! So, using your aspects design how you want that specific thing to look and feel like. Avoid being vague or non-specific. Try to put in as much detail as you can for each aspect. 
If you’d prefer, you don’t have to use ‘aspects’ and instead use your life generally. This is your redesign, so do whatever is more comfortable and achievable for you.
Social life
Personal development (mindset, goals, improvement)
Self care
Things to include
Achievable goals
How your environment looks like
How your daily life like
How you see yourself
What do you feel after
Why this is alignment within yourself? 
You can do this any way you want. The one I would recommend for redesigning your life would be a vision board, preferably a physical one. If you don’t want to do that, there are still a lot of options such as writing it down into a pretty poster, creating a playlist that will reflect your brand, creating a pretty list, or having sticky notes around your room as reminders. 
Be creative and detailed with this. You should spend at least an hour if not more trying to redesign your life/aspects.
Goals are so important, especially when we are moving in a different direction than we were before. As we’ve got the current status of who we are and what we want to be, creating goals should be easy. 
Make your goals visible. Put a sticky note on your mirrors, put it as your laptop background, put a reminder on your phone, listen to a playlist that motivates you of your goals or anything else that will constantly remind you of your goals. 
Other than that, remember that goals have to be achievable, mindful, and flexible.
Habits are so important to rebrand yourself. Habits make up your identity. The way you act, speak, and do daily, can subconsciously influence you to be someone who isn’t in alignment with your higher self.
 As much as it’s important to establish new habits that align with you, you have to root out the habits that are pushing you off track from achieving your goals. 
The good thing is that you can do both at the same time. Replace those old habits, with brand new ones. For example, when you open your phone first thing in the morning instead of opening up TikTok, get YouTube opened and start a 5-minute meditation to start your day.
However, just because a habit is beneficial for you, it doesn’t mean it is in alignment for you. For many people, they prefer to read books as a productive alternative for leisure, however, you may not be able to read a book and focus. In that case, you may want to watch an educational video instead. You’re still getting the benefits, but just in a different way. 
Think about all the little details of how this person would act, from morning until night. Embody their actions, words, aura, and vibes. This is when having a visual of your goals is good, so you can see what you need to do.
This includes no longer indulging in things your higher self wouldn’t do. Regardless of how much comfort, entertainment, or dopamine something gives you, you have to let it go if it is destroying your mind. 
I way I recommend implementing your brand daily by creating a daily routine that focuses on a different goal each day of the week. E.g:
Monday - Practicing being mindful (meditation, journaling, connecting with your religion)
Tuesday - Fitness (pilates, weightlifting, hot girl walks)
Wednesday - Socialising (going out to meet new people/connecting with old friends)
Thursday - Productivity (Schoolwork, studying, business, workplace tasks)
Friday - Self-care (taking a slow day however you’d like)
ta-daa!! thanks 4 reading. now go follow @honeytonedhottie 💕😍
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thebrainrotsreal · 8 months
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Both a redesign for funsies and for imagining what the trio would look like when they’re a little bit older! Was fighting for my life trying to choose a shape for Tucker’s head oh my god, translating designs in my style can be an uphill battle and it is definitely not for the weak. Thoughts behind the design below!
DANNY: For my style for this, I decided pupils normally are lighter than the eye’s base color (‘cause it looks pretty) but since Danny is Schrödinger’s fav mystery, he’s got the reverse! His pupils are actually darker than the base color. Plus, space nerd gets the space jacket. And overall, keeping him grey and blue and cool, with a grey tinted shadows (while everyone is a bit warmed) and the blush thingy I do as another nod to him being a spooky. That and faint scars from battle.
TUCKER: was fighting for my life trying to translate his curved head shape in my style without wanting to gnaw off my own arm. Took away the hat and gave him classic cornrows instead, but kept the color by having him dye his hair. Button down instead of the yellow shirt, changed up his glasses, and boom! Fav primary colored lad. Still might change him a bit later on.
SAM: Easiest to do oh my god. Head shape? Got lucky it went well. Changed up her outfit slightly, gave her some bleached eyebrows, more piercings and cut her hair. Feels all like things she would definitely do, favorite design thus far.
ALL: Their ears are all pierced because they all got one piercing together! Danny’s fine with just the ones and never takes them out. Sam has plenty, and Tucker is currently vibing with two at a time and has a few different pairs. I like to think he’d incorporate some of kind of tech in one pair eventually.
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xander-wolk · 7 months
FE Engage redesign series: Alear ❤️🩵
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Design notes:
I was the most nervous about redesigning these two..Alear's official design definitely grew on me and ended up being one of my favs in game! But I still think the color combo of reds and blues is quite harsh.. so I tried toning it down with less of those as accent colors
I referenced Lumera's dragon form and gave them a bit of armor made from her scales. I really like the idea of Lumera sacrificing parts of her physical body to protect her child 🩵
For the hair I made it so just the underlayer (or inside) of their hair is red. Together with the inside of the cape, it show how they're precieved as a devine dragon on the outside, but have fell dragon blood inside.
Oh! Also, I took inspiration for their silhouette from both Marth and Corrin; especially in the sleeves (Corrin) and tunic (Marth)
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usagifuyusummer · 1 month
Family Dinner Night!
Congrats Peri(winkle) for finally getting the Godparenting license!!! 🥳🥳🥳 - from your loving parents and godbrother 💖💖💖
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More concept art and as usual my insane ramblings below.
I NEED TO GET THE CREATIVE URGES OUT OF MY HEAD!!! It has been bothering with my motivation to finish my gazillions of homeworks lmao. I have so many ideas I need to let out!!! It's suffocating. I hope this will satisfy my creative urges for a while... Or not I will yap about my FOP AU on a separate post (when I'm able).
I can't stop being sad thinking about this family lol. Timmy 😭😭😭
I am not kidding when I say that my head is just filled with so many things that I want to contribute in the FOP fanworks lol. There's a lot I want to do, but so little time...
For now, I've decided to practice my take on the FOP artstyle. I wanted to do something simple as drawing and coloring practice. That's why the coloring this time is flat with no shadings. I think the show doesn't focus on shaded colors too much (except on scenes where there's a heavy implication of day/night, for shock value, etc.).
Just wanted to draw something cute because I haven't been feeling so swell lately. Nothing too poetic or detailed this time.
Other than that, two of the outfits this time is actually inspired by @suki-na-kumo for Peri and an image I found floating around in Twitter/X (sorry I don't remember who shared it) for Timmy's design. Suki-na-kumo's FOP family redesigns are so cool and adorable! I like that they always include flowy attributes in Peri's outfits lol. It makes him look like a pampered brat (which he kinda is seeing how his family coddles him), an otherworldly prince and also a Twink TM (that is unavoidable lol). I kinda want to draw their other FOP redesigns, but I'll just go with Peri's first.
I am not sure where that 18 year old Timmy design is from, but it kinda can be his design for those who theorise him on becoming a lawyer as an adult. There's a lot of instances where Timmy is wearing a suit in the show, but this design is one of my favs due to the hairstyle change. My adult Timmy designs in the future will be influenced from this piece of official art. I wonder if there are more Timmy designs in the wild wild west out there that I haven't seen... It is certainly an interesting find (Teen AJ is also there, and his design also looks cool to me).
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Cosmo and Wanda's oufits are something that I cooked up. I don't think the coloring looks good... I just did this on a whim, and for about 13 hours. Damn, I am procrastinating on my work lmao.
Still, the context this time is, that they've had a family dinner to celebrate on Peri's achievement on finally obtaining his godparenting license!!! Good for him!!!
This is an AU if Timmy somehow was able to find a loophole in the "losing your memories of your fairy godparents after you become an adult" rule. Because of that, he continued his life as normal (as Timmy's chaotic life can be), but this time he is able to keep in contact with his fairy family even if they're not contractually obligated to stick together. Timmy does live with the Fairywinkle Cosma's around his college to early work years, but he eventually was able to move out and live on his own at where he works as a lawyer after a while in his adulthood. (His birth parents eventually went on a lifetime vacation without him or just went away for too long that Timmy just lives on his own a lot after he is 18 and above...)
Despite living on his own nowadays (In a New Wish context), Timmy does keep in contact with his fairy family and visits them when he's not busy with his job. Cosmo and Wanda still took a long vacation in this AU, first due to, yeah, Timmy is no easy feat as a godchild lol, and second, they actually want to take their time to raise BOTH of their children (even if Timmy is no longer a child/godchild) and guide them until they're stable adults. Timmy during college years actually only stays with the Fairywinkle Cosma's on holidays, so when Timmy's busy with college, that is when Cosmo and Wanda take their time relaxing lmao.
Sometimes when they really want to have some time alone or when Peri wants to see his bro, they will send Peri to Timmy's college for a day or more. Timmy babysits Peri so much during his college years lol. They both had fun though! With a lot of Peri newfound nuclear fairy power shenanigans at Timmy's college lmao. Studying law and taking the bar exam has never been more chaotic with babysitting a nuclear powered fairy child.
There's a lot more on this AU that I've been thinking, but I'll stop here for now. I need to gather my AU ideas in one post sometime later.
Also, Peri and Timmy are both adults here, Peri's around his 20's here and Timmy is on his early 30's I think. Cosmo, Wanda, and Peri are in their human disguises here, because they want to learn more about human culture (A New Wish context) while also having the desire to be more in Timmy's life.
I headcannon Timmy to be kinda short in his adulthood. This is also a nod to that episode when his fairy family used imperfect human disguises, even Poof/Peri was taller than Timmy in his human baby disguise lol. And also hey, wearing braces during his teen years paid off! (his big teeth are visible only when he opens his mouth lol)
As usual, here's some concept art and a png lineart pic if you want to use it to color it better than I did lmao. (that was a long yapping session... thanks for reading)
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serotoninzo · 7 months
to anyone who was a fan of wilbur or liked lovejoys music, here are some recommendations!!!!
(i must warn you that my music taste leans more towards rock/alt but i still have a lot of indie as well)
-djo (it's actually great, not just the tiktok song)
-TopLady (my personal fav is Green Light Red Light)
-bikini kill, my beloved.
-current joys
-beabadoobee! (specifically her song, 'talk')
-tame impala (i think their music is cool)
-brent faiyaz
-the beaches (their song blame brett is addicting, for me at least.)
-ezra furman (mainly their song, lilac and black)
-the runaways
-yot club!
-peter bjorn & john (their song young folks is good, you might have heard it in gossip girls ep1, s1)
-empire of the sun (i recommend their song we are the people)
-wolf alice! (don't delete the kisses is popular, i think)
-song telephones by VACATIONS
-vance joy
-the drums (especially their song 'money', it reminds me of yot club)
-carwash (their song striptease is sososososososo good 😊)
-pinegrove [i think this one is controversial but i can't remember:( ]
-no buses by artic monkeys (this is a classic/popular band, you probably already listen to them)
-MICKEY DARLING (recommend their song im just a buzzkill and big sad)
-ladyhawke (mainly their song 'my delirium', i must warn that this artist is under the genre pop, just incase if you aren't looking for that)
-JAWNY (if you don't know who that is, one song that is well known is, 'trigger of love'.)
-WILLIS (i like their song, 'i think i like when it rains)
-Cottonwood Firing Squad (personal fav song of theirs: hospital beach)
-the daughters of eve (a classic, especially the song 'hey lover')
-fall out boy (i love them ❤️)
-EYEDRESS (i believe their song 'jealousy' is popular)
-Dream, Ivory. (i have so many favs of theirs but my no.1 is their song 'welcome and goodbye.')
-dr.dog (this is a rock band, their song, 'where'd all the time go' is popular, especially among the outer banks fandom.)
-cocteau twins (their song cherry coloured funk is a must)
-cherry by chromatics
-big thief
-big black car by gregory alan isakov (this is folk not indie but it's still good)
-awfultune! (popular songs of theirs would be i met sarah in the bathroom but i also recommend their song redesign.)
-milky chance (their no1 hit was stolen dance)
you could also listen to the neighbourhood but less known songs (fallen star, jealou$y, etc.)
sorry if majority of these are rock/alternative, i have a variety of music genres i listen to but rock happens to be my number 1.
you might not like these recommendations but hopefully they give you an idea of what to look for.
anyway, sending lots of love and support to shelby and wilbur soot's close friends, i can't imagine what it must be like to discover someone who was a big brother, etc to you was so horrible to his own girlfriend. genuinely disgusting.
i will forever miss wilbur soot but i will not miss william gold.
i will miss the times when he'd play geoguessr or when he'd make silly jokes but i will not miss him being a literal abuser, groomer, etc.
i don't wish death on him however.
i hope he learns his lesson. i also hope he takes actual accountability, instead of whatever that shit 'apology' was. it literally overtook colleen ballinger's ukelele apology ffs 🤦‍♀️
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amethyst-marshmallow · 3 months
my computer is broken lol so i did a lot of traditional art :3
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Frisk on paper MIGHT have cooked🙏🙏🙏
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Other things under the cut
So in order the characters are
1: idk what to name them but they are an astronaut dog, they also have a space suit but I was too lazy to draw them in it lol. the picture was inspires by me listening to Grahm Cartna specifically the .temp playlist grr I love it but TMP2 is my fav
2: Camo, a fox/dog hybrid inspired by kittydogs (I LOVE THEM SM AKSHJAID) I need to rewrite their backstory but I think originally they were some sort of experement that made their eyes super sensitive so they wore a blindfold??? but they could still see through it cuz thats how sensitive their eyes were??? idk I forgor I was like 10 when i made it up lmaooo
3: Glitches (if youre an og (no one) you know them) a tv head, this sketch isnt colored, but I am redesigning them theyre an old oc aaa I dont have much to say about them lmaoo
4: a lotta people, including me trying to find out how to dress up camo cuz idk what he should wear
5 omg no way its Frisk from Undersnail aaa so crazy the picture was inspired by the song bitter choco decoration such a good song yay
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samscartoonsofficial · 2 months
Major art Dump incoming
all the MW ocs I have so far plus concept art of future ones in development.
I just want to have all my fav art pieces together in one post to track my progress :]
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So of course we got the main trio themselves :]. My pride and joy. The amigos :]
Cephany and Tungston were the very FIRST fellas me and my partner came up with.
CopyKat came later to join the group after basing them on @havockingboo 's mimic species.
The idea just stuck after realizing they are the silliest cat alien in the galaxy. Their character is literally every cat meme rolled into one.
And I love them MWAH!! 🐈
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The villains!!!
Already planning on writing a comic for the trio. So if they would have any major villains it's THESE GUYS!
Brutus and Deoxy were developed by both me and my partner after we realized that if they're gonna fight bad guys. They should have some bad guys!
Took a while to make them and figure out what exact aliens we wanted for these guys!
But orugh the final result for them so far has been good :]
Deoxy still has a long way to go.
But Brutus is perfect.
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Tagging @sammysamps 's once again because these are 4 out of theeeee...*counts fingers* 6 ocs I have based on their vampoctarion and Tremoctarion species!
The first two goobers are Oc x canon fanchildren.
The blue rocker lady is Joan
And the peachy Tremoctarion is my little princess Evangeline ✨
Me and my good friend @houseofdoodles love her and a certain crab pirate loves her too teehee :]
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Okay let's see who elllllse 🤔
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this was made by the help of another friend of mine
@coprolite-moment during a stream/magma doodle sesh! Its a Sona originally made for helluva boss. They really helped me develope and figure out this ladies color pallet/design which STILL amazes me btw HOLY shit 😭
But ALSO you should check out their dead eye comic hehehehe it's reeeeally goooooood :] *wiggles it around like I'm wiggling car keys*
Okay...who else? Uhhhhhhh
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I have ONE unicorn fella I still gotta finish..aaaaaand...*counts all these rabbits*
THESE GUYS! again, another species inspired by havoc :] /theyre multiplying send help/
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Cutler, Hartman, and...dog guy *squint*
I think I called him Richard but he's a fella I'm either gonna keep or scrap for later. Not sure yet
Same for Cutler!
But Hartman *kisses his head* I need to redesign you baby boy :]
Uhm I THINK that's it so far but honestly I know there's more! Might come back and edit the thread even more with updates!
But I got a pretty good chunk done.
I'll probably make a part 2 explaining concept for some NEW guys I've been thinking of all well.
Buuuuut thats it for now :]
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bloodreddemons · 1 month
All Hazbin Hotel Fashion Ranked w/Roasting | (imo)
(Pilot to Present)
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#20 Valentino | He literally looks like he smells of alcohol, smoke, and piss. How tf has Velvette not fixed him yet?!?! This gawdy wannabe gimp getup is NOT OK... He just strolls around naked under that Santa Claus/Zebra printed Nightmare....🤡 (I like his glasses tho imma rob him)
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#19 Adam | Dude be fucking having that moo moo dress ON. I find it hilarious that his army is dripped out more than he is. I mean his final battle moo moo dress was a bit better than the original but he really just walks around like a certain Ice King from one of my fav Cartoon Network shows lmfaooooo. ✝️
#18 Carmilla Carmine | Lackluster. I wasn't really wowed by either two of her looks all that much I guess. There's just absolutely no color I kinda wish they incorporated maybe more purple or something in her. Carmilla also got some BIG ass hands. Idk her design just kinda throws me off. It reminds me of something abstract.
#17 Vox | I really like his coat and just the overall palette of that electric blue situation but his shirt low-key is giving me Freddy Krueger tease lol. As well as Pyrocynical and that dude from the show "Villainous". I hope in Season 2 Vox serves us more looks and variety. He's not bad, he just obviously doesn't compare to others.
#16 Katie Killjoy | She got only like one outfit but man does it EAT. A bit cliche for a reporter but it's just still too cunty to turn down. The pearls, the cut, the makeup, fucking slay I guess. Miss Bryce Tankthrust still serving in hell is a MUST. 📣
#15 Lute | Ngl I was just shocked how pretty Lute was. That fucking face card and you hide it under a MASK?!?! Her eyelashes/eyes and that bob is just chef's *kiss* honestly and I actually really do think the angel uniforms are pretty hot as well. You just can't go wrong with a thigh high BOOT. Girls really get it done. 💯 (Keep the mask OFF!!!)
#14 Mimzy | I hate Mimzy with a passion but I can't deny flapper dresses are beautiful. Mimzy you absolutely devoured and the body is bodying Cheers, you're timeless lol. 🥂
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#13 Husk | Please don't hate me guys. I love Husk and all, but ever since Alastor stole his soul he also stole his swag. Man's hasn't worn a fucking shirt since that day lmao. 🤣🤣 Like where DID his suit go??? I would be depressed and wasted too if I was him. I don't hate his design or outfit, I just think it's a bit too simple compared to the other main characters. His personality and Keith David 100% make up for it tho. ♠️
#12 Rosie | Just like Mimzy but like, tripled lmao. Just timeless beauty that never dies. Mary Poppins WHO???? My favorite is honestly probably her hat, that thing is like the crown jewel. Color palette is also kinda satisfying, I stan the pink and mauve. 🌷
#11 Emily | She's like a breath of fresh air from all the red and pink tones. The baby and periwinkle blue is so beautiful and so are her features. Them big ass eyes, the freckles, & whimsical hair. I liked her dress too. Big W's for Em. 💙
#10 Niffty | Cutieeeee. I really like her redesign compared to the old one. 1950's style of fashion is also still very appealing to me as well. The pink dress she was wearing was so fucking adorable I almost had a stroke just to see it in person. She's also weirdly gorgeous covered in angel blood. 💄
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#9 Charlie Morningstar | Ngl...a lil disappointed in our girl. As the main character....to have so many just similar looking outfits with not much variety is kinda the most unsatisfying thing ever. It often feels like her fanart and photos that we rarely ever see contain better outfits than the ones that repeatedly appear in the show. However there's nothing really wrong with her final design I just sometimes really miss the old one from the pilot. I think her rounder features and the lighter pink suited her better. Final battle outfit was her best look so far tho in my opinion. 💋
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#8 Sir Pentious | Sir Pentious style sorta never changed, he's still rocking that snake do-rag and that suit top that's striped just like everybody else's. 😮‍💨 I really wish they would've made Pentious' suit a floral pattern. I know stripes might have been popular in the 1800s but floral was very popular too and it'd be something different that'd still completely match his Era. I love his steam punk style and his other creative looks but his HEAVEN outfit was just the best. Saint Pentious > Sinner Pentious!! 🤍
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#7 Velvette | Thank LUCI they changed and upgraded this girl bro. She was lowkey a hot fucking mess in my opinion before. Man did she come out SWINGING. Not just with looks but also personality I was floored. She's literally the Queen of hairdos and assembling, not many people can pull off that many patterns. Unique and trendy with the energy to back it up. Velvette you'll always be famous!! ❤
#6 Lucifer Morningstar | 6.6.6!!! Very few outfits but I never seen a moment where this man did not serve!! He's always got that fire ass coat on and he gives you the hatsssss. They're stylish while also telling you exactly who he is. It's like regal as fuck while also kinda simple. You don't have to think too much while ogling to just know that he's a dapper ass cHaD. ❤️‍🔥🍎
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#5 Cherri Bomb | Loved all of Cherri's outfits. She fucking devoured and blown away over half the competition. She is Kesha vibes. Mama is Avril Lavigne vibesss. She just gives it to you with her punk rock, y2k, fashion. (I know she's supposed to 80s Era but still lol..) Always loved her base look but the final battle outfit and the one from the addict music video were amazing. 🍒
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#4 Vaggie | Vaggie the fucking queen you areeee. Talk about versatility. She can really pull off a lot. I noticed that she experiments with her hair a lot like Velvette and I LOVE THAT. The fucking bob?!? High ponytail?!?! Great bangs and great length?!?! Vaggie teach me your wayssss. I always liked her bow and a lot of her outfits. Most of them are sexy without trying too hard. I don't think I can even pick a favorite but I'd probably go with final battle outfit and also her angel gown because that is just too cute lol. 💅🏼
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#3 Alastor | As soon as Alastor popped up on scene he was fucking slaying. Literally definition of "pink is cute but red is sexy". He got those sharp ass acrylics ON and his coat is fabulousy spooky lmfao. He also went from being bed bug red to....even more red and sharper (because that was some how possible) lol. Red and black is always an amazing combo and his deer-like appearance is kinda appealing even tho it's a demon lol. I'd venture to even say he's probably one of the most fashionable Overlord's. He's just eye catching and has that AURA. Maybe it's because he's an ancient relic with very peculiar cLaSs but it's really working for him. Keep going you psycho I will see you in hell lmao. (Johnny Depp's Willy Wonka called 🍓💀)
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#2 Angel Dust | FUCKING KING SHIT. He just serves every time without fail. He has a whole wardrobe and they all fucking bang. The clothes are sexy, the makeup is sexy, the AURA is sexy. AND IT SHOULDN'T BE TRIFLED WITH!!! It's really sad because he spends so much time to "get pretty" for pieces of shit, but it doesn't take away Angel's talent to pull off so many gorgeous and hot things. Angel will always be a standout icon and I bet Heaven will look SO good on him. 💗
#1 Lilith (Probably lol) | We barely seen her, but I just KNOW she'd devour. Point. Blank. Period. lmfao. 👑♀️
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averageludwig · 1 year
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another miraculous lb art dump... this might become a usual thing unfortunately,,, I recently discovered harriel btw omg.... they r so cute.... plus psycomedian is one of my fav episodes ever its so funny (excluding the second hand embarrassment lol) I am still redesigning Gabriel designs ik ik its an addiction... I am planning on a Monarbug one too because that design has insane potential!!! like those eyes r so cool (massive sucker for red pupils in character design) okay yada yada yada I am rambling !!!! BYE and dont look at the shadow noir design for too long.. not my best design lulz
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your-ne1ghbor · 6 months
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So I watched the new Disney movie: Wish, and oh boy. I wouldn't be redesigning or talking much about it if I liked it. So here I am. And I despised it.
So I decided to redraw/rewrite the ENTIRE story. Right now, I am redesigning the characters, starting with Asha.
One thing you notice is that she seems more like an sorcerer/princess and you will be correct on both parts. She is (in my version of the story) the daughter of Magnifico and Amaya. She has much more character and flaws than she did in the movie, and undergoes A BIG character change. To put it in perspective, she is much like Belle from Beauty and the Beast but more shy and interverted. (I dont wanna spoil her change since it is pretty unique in its own way) Plus, she loves books like Belle too lol
Anyways, design wise:
I gave her a more sunset color pallet. And as you notice, she has a POOFY BRAID. I wanted her to have a braid to make her different from the other redesigns of Asha, and so she didn't look like Isabella. And yes, the braid will seem to assosiate with either Elsa or Rapunzel, but Rapunzel doesn't have long hair any more it is short and the merch either has her in the braid or her long hair. Elsa isn't marketed with a braid anymore, she just has her hair pulled back (which I thought about doing for Asha funny enough). So technically speaking, Disney doesn't really have a MC that CONSISANTLY had a braid. Even a poofy one at that. You may also notice that I gave her more of a red-ish pink-ish color for the main part of the dress instead of maroon and the reason why is because I wanted her to stand out :D I didn't want her dress to be very big or poofy because I want her to be able to move more freely + she is a young sorcerer and needs to have more mobility. The oval shapes around her outfit is like the pumpkin seeds that would reference the fairy godmother (which is what they did in the original and I wanted to apply it here for fun).
Look, if you like the movie, I can 100% respect that. But please do not attack me for not liking the movie. Its better to be respectful than dissing on someone who has a different opinion than you. If you guys are wondering why I didn't like it, you guys can ask me in the comments if you want too. I'll post another one of my fav characters that was never in the movie later today or tomorrow.
Anyways, do you guys like my redraw? I'll take some suggestions as well if you want it to be improved and I'll still explore it! For now though, this is her final design unless I change my mind about it lol.
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disgruntleddemon · 1 month
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i'm still waiting on a copy of The Book of Bill from the library, but in the meantime, i thought i'd redraw some almost decade old art of mine. i considered redesigning Bill, i'd probaly make him more doberman esque these days (very triangular dogs), but i wanted to stick pretty close to the old design. some slight tweaks here and there tho.
i also kept true to the original and id it in ms paint. i let myself use layers for the sketch tho, since erasing certain colors specifically was a thing in paint ppl used. just a little cheat lol
colors on this were a nightmare. there is just no beige that looks good, idk what past me was thinking with that one. not to mention everything else kinda clashing too. prettyyy messy
i definetly wanna do more dogified gravity falls characters. i might do a redesign for Bill, as that's the only design i did back in the day, but i honestly still just picture him as a triangle in my dog au. he's just a geometrical guy.
it's funny i only rly used to draw Bill, he's not my fav character now or then, but i could never figure out the others, and i remember i just used to like drawing him.
anyways, always nice to do redraws, one of my fav things to do <33
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