#this is majorly based on my observations with fox tho bc it’s the network I grew up with
bitchapalooza · 5 months
I’ve been thinking a bit recently about how screwed up our news channels and newspapers are. They blatantly lie and cover up the truth so much, they bend the truth in their favor or whoever’s high up’s favor. I’ve seen this more and more in my older coworkers and family whose main source of news is the popular biased networks on tv such as Fox. Just yesterday I had a coworker request that we pray for Israel and hope they win their war against Palestine, a devoted Christian man who just became a pastor in his spare time away from work unknowingly wished for the downfall of a whole group of people that did nothing wrong to deserve what is happening to them right now all because he got his news from a biased and lying news network. He didn’t even respond to Bethlehem being bombed Christmas Day, he came back to work criticizing Palestine and hoping Israel survives the onslaught(not his exact words, I’m paraphrasing here; still ticks me off either way).
I’ve noticed since the pandemic began that most networks that are not local like to perpetuate stereotypes and blame others, such as POC individuals or groups. They like to cause a panic and start arguments that only lead to more trouble. I remember Fox blaming covid on China and claiming it was purposeful and all apart of their strategy(or something along those lines) and then suddenly there’s an uptick in Asian hate and discrimination. Now I’m watching it happen again with Palestinians.
Israel is successfully getting away with playing victim and a huge part of why, here in the states, is because of our corrupt networks not reporting the truth. Manipulating the information so that it fits a narrative different from reality. While I watch in person Palestinian press and civilians, mostly innocent traumatized children, report their daily lives, there’s a man on another screen in a neatly pressed suit with a clean cut fresh 20$ haircut wearing an expensive brand watch telling me an entire country of people deserve this ethnic cleansing, they deserve this genocide of their race of their culture of their children and all the children that would never be allowed to be born because their lives were taken away before they could even start it. Israel cries victim as they bomb hospitals with the poor excuse of hamas being inside and no one bats an eyes. No one.
I don’t see them reporting the numbers like the Gaza press does. I don’t see them reporting the bombing aftermaths or the stories of pulling their neighbors, their mothers, their fathers, their children out of the rubble of their homes. All they do is report the actions THEY did but it’s twisted around so they look like the poor innocent victim and the good guys. And it’s sickening. The way networks are allowed to report the news in the way they choose to.
I don’t know how true this is. Im just one guy who barely understands the complexities of politics. But I do know that the way we get our information in the states is biased. Many people, older folk especially, rely on these networks and base their knowledge on what they report and how they report it. Which is why it’s so hard to get some people to really understand. To educate them and steer them in the right direction to a free Palestine.
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