#this is like 99% for me but i figured i'd post it in case anyone else is interested in these stats!
falloutbridge · 9 months
round one (play-in) stats
Total # of songs: 22
album stats
TTYG: 6 songs, 2 wins, 4 losses
Chicago Is So Two Years Ago 64.7%, 123 votes
The Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes 60.4%, 102 votes
Homesick at Space Camp 14.4%, 24 votes
Sending Postcards from a Plane Crash (Wish You Were Here) 9.8%, 26 votes
The Pros and Cons of Breathing 39.6%, 67 votes
Grenade Jumper 26%, 52 votes
FUTCT: 3 songs, 2 wins, 1 loss
Champagne For My Real Friends, Real Pain For My Sham Friends 74%, 148 votes
Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part to Save the Scene and Stop Going to Shows) 90.2%, 240 votes
XO 38.5%, 92 votes
IOH: 3 songs, 2 wins, 1 loss
The (After) Life Of The Party 85.6%, 143 votes
You're Crashing, But You're No Wave 60.3%, 117 votes
Don’t You Know Who I Think I Am? 39%, 76 votes
FOLIE: 2 songs, 2 wins
The (Shipped) Gold Standard 57.3%, 126 votes
(Coffee's For Closers) 56.9%, 120 votes
SRAR: 0 songs
ABAP: 0 songs
MANIA: 1 song, 1 win
Bishops Knife Trick 71.6%, 194 votes
SMFS: 7 songs, 2 wins, 5 losses
The Kintsugi Kid (Ten Years) 61%, 119 votes
So Much (For) Stardust 61.5%, 147 votes
Heaven, Iowa 43.1%, 91 votes
So Good Right Now 42.7%, 94 votes
I Am My Own Muse 39.7%, 77 votes
Flu Game 28.4%, 77 votes
What a Time To Be Alive 35.3%, 67 votes
poll stats
most uneven: 90.2% vs. 9.8%
Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part to Save the Scene and Stop Going to Shows) vs. Sending Postcards from a Plane Crash (Wish You Were Here)
closest: 56.9% vs. 43.1%
(Coffee's For Closers) vs. Heaven, Iowa
most votes: 271 votes
Bishops Knife Trick vs. Flu Game
least votes: 167 votes
The (After) Life Of The Party vs. Homesick at Space Camp
song stats
highest # votes: 240 votes
Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part to Save the Scene and Stop Going to Shows)
lowest # votes: 24 votes
Homesick at Space Camp
highest % of votes: 90.2%
Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part to Save the Scene and Stop Going to Shows)
lowest % of votes: 9.8%
Sending Postcards from a Plane Crash (With You Were Here)
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emeryhiro · 3 days
Hello, I always find your posts so comforting, so thank you for that, I appreciate you. I just read your post about whether to watch s1 or 2 of dd. Based on what you said about whether isabelle and daryl will go anywhere... I don't want to tell you the exact spoiler, but it does go further than you think it will. I'm finding this really hard to process. A lot of fans have given up bc they feel it disrespects carol and daryls characters. I feel similar. I'd really appreciate hearing from you about how you process this? I understand you don't know the exact details and I don't want to spoil it for you in case you'd prefer not to know in advance.
Hey Anon 😊
Thank you for the kind words; they mean a lot. And I'm so glad that you find my posts comforting; that's really one of the main reasons why I share them.
Regarding the spoiler you're hinting at, I'm aware of what happens between Daryl and Isabelle, and that's kind of what I was referring to when I said, "Daryl is confused" because I don't think he would have any other motivations for something like that, and also because I didn't want to spoil it for anyone who doesn't know and fuel the fire unnecessarily.
Regarding how I process something like that, I always try to do my research, step back for a moment, and look at the whole picture. I remind myself of what I've learned about the characters and their motivations and dynamics. And 99% of the time, I realise that, like always, when things get passed around through word of mouth, they get exaggerated, leading to unnecessary concern and undue disappointment.
Regarding what happens, It's really not something that bothers me or worries me about Caryl's potential future. I mean, Carol has done the same thing several times in the past, and we never judged her for it (which we never should) or thought that it was disrespectful, because that's what she needed in that moment, and I'll say the exact same about Daryl. They're both working through so much, and that's the whole point of season 2, to work through their trauma and, hopefully, by the end of season 2, start to figure out what (and hopefully who) they want, making it the perfect lead up to season 3.
I'd also like to point out that a moment like that could be a massive catalyst for them to finally be honest with themselves and each other. And in the end, who knows how that moment will play out on screen.
Also, not to bring more spoilers into this, which you may already know about, but specific details that were revealed through the leaked pages from the final episode emphasise my point that regardless of what happens between them, it's not going anywhere.
Lastly, just as a reminder, there were many moments hinted at in the season 1 (and basically in almost every season of TWD before) reviews that also left people disappointed and concerned, but in the end, once the season came out and we saw the scenes for ourselves, they were nowhere near as bad as they were initially described.
I hope this kind of clears up my thought process a little bit and hopefully helps some others work through what they've heard. Also, thank you for being respectful and not spoiling anything without confirming with me first 🩵🩵🩵
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irkimatsu · 3 months
Looking more into cosplay stuff... the accessories, that part's easy. There are ears, tails, and wings for Husk all over Etsy, and I've found a few options I really like. The main thing I have to consider there is transportation for wings, especially if I need to take them on a flight.
The suit, though, that may be a pain... I am a being of ample T&A, definitely not a figure meant for menswear. Losing some weight might help, but there's only so much I can do about the fact that I have tits. I'm considering binding - my partner has done binding before, I'll have them to help me out - but would it be possible for me to get something that looks good while binding, but is still salvageable if I need to take the binder off? Especially considering that peak con season is summer, with God Fuck Me heat outside? I could get a suit made from scratch, but woof, expensive... better for accuracy, though, especially on the gold wrist cuffs...
Would also be nice if we're someday allowed to see Overlord Husk's footwear. I'm sure a basic pair of black men's shoes will do the job, but for accuracy's sake, I still wanna know. (Hell, maybe he's still barefoot. Maybe go with white shoes in that case?)
For the paws, I saw cosplayers last weekend wearing black fingerless gloves with hearts on the palms. I like that idea, I'm taking that. Wonder if they sell them like that on Etsy? I'm really not one for handicrafts...
Probably won't bother with the eyebrows. Looking at photos, it doesn't look like anyone bothers with those, I can get away with it. I love Husk's expressive eyebrows but how would that work.
Face paint... I'll be honest, I don't really like having stuff on my face. Maybe I'd just do the brow hearts, maybe the tip of my nose, maybe some white on the cheeks? Might not even go that far. (I wouldn't even be wearing any basic makeup, so I'm obviously not winning any awards for this whole adventure. I just wanna wear my boyfriend's clothes, that's all.)
Won't do anything special with my hair, probably. Maybe I should slick it back for the sake of Overlord Husk? But egh, crunchy hair product, and I still have to have the ears over it. So I can leave that one alone. My hair's already short and dark, it's fine as it is.
Could get some cheap props for photos at home. I know we already have some playing cards laying around, can yoink some dice from a board game... I'm not buying whiskey just for photos, I won't drink it, but a nice glass of apple juice should be a good illusion. Maybe a fake cigar for walking around at cons?
Ah, I'm rambling. Other people could do this better, I'm sure, and there's a 99% chance I'd puss out on posting the photos anyway. But it's fun thinking about...
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disappearinginq · 1 month
Ooh for the fic-I-associate-with-you game: Once Bitten.
(also I absolutely love that fic!! It deals with the serious ramifications of Juliet's actions - which should've been addressed in the show! - and it is so fantastically written!)
I would say "this fic was inspired by rage" but that is not exactly a secret - I think I even said it in the notes on both the beginning and the end. :-) SO different factoid/secret about it....
So it's no secret I don't like Higgins for like...99% of the series. I hate people like her in the series when they exist in real life, the ones who think that their trauma trumps all others, no one has ever been hurt like they've been hurt, and that gives them a free pass to be dicks to everyone around them. From a veteran standpoint, that is some fucking bullshit.
I was at a veteran's retreat - women only - this weekend, and when I confessed that I didn't feel like I really belonged in the same group as these women - who had seen combat, who had lost dozens and more of their brothers and sisters, who lost their 'tribe' when they left the service and couldn't connect to people, and that feeling of alienation was why I never went to veterans' programs or events - one of them, without missing a beat, said "trauma is trauma. Who the fuck cares how you got it?" and it was one of the most inclusive things she could've ever said to me.
But that feeling of never having anything in common with other service members was probably why I wrote so much in Magnum fandom, because I could force that on Thomas and the guys - they were POWs. There's been like...16 in the entire 20+ years of War on Terror (aka 3 Ring Shit Show of the Middle East) and most of them died. They only have each other for someone who might even remotely understand what the other has been through. And it's why I really harp on Higgins and her stick-up-her-ass attitude towards Thomas and the Nest property for most of the series - she's supposed to be the 007 level spy, and she couldn't figure out basic dumb shit like "don't be a twat to you fellow house guest". I'd been told my whole military and post military life that I didn't have it that bad, that I was exaggerating, etc, about how terrible it was. No one believed me. And I wanted someone like Rick to stick up for me like he sticks up for Thomas here.
Also - I don't know if anyone drew the parallels here - but Rick gets really on his case about his arm and the dog bite because of what happens Bad Things Happen with Rick and the dog in Afghanistan. So Rick is working through his own trauma there.
Thank you for the opportunity to revisit the guys! (I miss them so)
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So The Drama Begins! To let people know, I'm not feeding into the petty bullshit.
They know I document everything that pertains to me concerning my homeless status; yet, there's seems to be a need of intolerable control over others that baffles the psyche of God Himself.
There has not been yet a year that the month of October has not brought a cringing loathsome array of onerous disparities. The closer it gets to Devil's Eve. Immoral social enticement laced with the influence of chemical seductions.
They await me to depress "post", as I have become aware they know all that I do within these walls. And so....
I've been up in this room for the pass ten days now. All was well for a minute. My roommate seemed nice enough. Hygiene issues I chose to ignore. A pet peeve of mind, but I worked around them seeing as she's pregnant. But, the waking awareness that grace isn't one if her benefactors. So I comply with the day's belittlement. For tomorrow will bring yet another attack, no doubt.
I'll start at the beginning:
Knowing that I'm not wanted here by word of mouth from Tempe. I've been making the same mistake over and over again. That is, thinking that if I stay to myself and mind my business. I'd stay out of the cross hairs. This is NEVER the case since forced into the illusive system they labeled "HOPE" .
From the beginning:
Entering the room for the first time, I noticed that my roommate had a clutter on her side of the room. Not my business! Keep it over there, we're fine.
I went into the bathroom... It turned my stomach. Nice big shower! Nasty as hell! The floor, I could have chiseled my name in the dirt. WTF! The shower seat was so grey I had to sit on a shirt to take a shower.
So, I went to the 99¢ Store and got a scrub brush, cleanser, broom and dust pan. They didn't have any mops. I went back several times before finally finding one just this past Friday.
So, I sat in the shower for an hour and a half scrubbing it. I put my dish drain mat at the shower, bc she had this nasty towel laid out. So when she (when I say she, I'm referring to my roommate) comes in, "oh, it smells good in here." So, later that evening she says, "I'm gonna mop the floor." Goes and gets nasty dirty wet mop. No soap! Mops all up under the beds. I'm sitting totally amazed,. I've never seen anyone mop a floor without sweeping it first.
So, as time goes on noticed that she's one of those types of gossips that really doesn't like gossip, but comes back into the room and wants to tell everybody's business. So, I figure, if she does that, she's telling what I say as well. My opinion of 85% of the homeless people I've met have been social parasitic drug addicts who truly believe that people are "suppose" to support them. The other 15% are people I don't mind helping out, that earnestly need help.
As, I'm sharing this in honesty. I'm getting back, "yep, you're right, they sure are." But then, one evening.... all conversation ceased! Then one night she comes in! And the conversation turns to her, "I do this, I do that!" And I'm thinking, I can tell. Put in my ear plugs and turn over. She was trying to let me know that the same type of street reprobate I said I don't associate with, is who she is. And worse! I wouldn't have told anybody some if the shit she told me.
So, I already know these females have nothing better to do than sit about concocting opinions based on mere speculations. I've learned that's what they do. The several of the black female staff watches me out the corner of their eye. That's because I speak truth about the black pitty party on social media. NOTHING that's being said today, hasn't been said many yesterday's ago. But blacks have been brainwashed into victim mode. You stay the victim while all other races advance. They hate hearing that, so I've become the doormat of hatred.
Anyway, this child here is sort of like the teacher's pet. Seemingly out going. While she can have her way. She came into the room one evening talking about, "these racist white bitches, somebody's gonna get kicked outta here they keep fucking wit me." I peep game then.
So, she had stopped talking to me as much recently. Okay! So, I was coming into the building the other evening. This black staff member was seated right at the door. She looked at me. So I'm like bet! I reached over and rang the bell. She sat and waited for another lady who exiting to open the door. As I entered and bypassed her I said "that was catty." She said, "whatever!" The epitome of the a black person with money. Here anyway! Because somebody told them that niggas with money act bougie. Only they don't know how, so it turns into ignorance.
Now, she's expecting to leave tomorrow Monday, tomorrow October 17th, 2022.... Had the audacity to ask me to leave the room so she can clean so she can leave the room the way it was when she moved in it. DAMN! Like you nasties up that shower the way it was? You nasties up these floors like this? Really! I need to move my scooter so she can put the table top refrigerator outside to defrost.
Here's the trip about the frig. The freezer's little flip door is off. Common sense would tell you, these small frigs get hot on the top. Nothing you stack in them to the top freezes. With the door off, the ice builds up. Now, she wiped piss up off the floor one evening when she didn't make it to the bathroom (and I've done that myself) with a towel that laid outside the door of the room for two days. She did go get the same nasty mop, and mopped the spot the next day. Yet, she would have one to believe that she NEEDS to move the refrigerator outside to defrost. Whereas, all you have to do is place a towel at the front of the frig to absorb any drainage. And put the damn door back on the freezer.
So, this black woman knocks on the door earlier, comes in..... "She wants me to get her (?), she wants to clean the room. You can come outside and sit with me for awhile." WTF! Talking as if she's speaking to some ninety year old feeble bitch. Seriously!
That didn't work! Now she's mad! Comes back in, "I can't properly clean with your scooter in the way. I need to take the refrigerator outside." On and on and on. DRAMA!
So, she's pissed now! Things aren't being done the way she wants. I guess I'm gonna be kicked out next.
If It Pleases Your Royal Highest!
For the last time! I don't do racist ass people! Black, white, brown, yellow, pink or purple. I have better ways if seeing idle time, than sitting around gossiping and relating back to gutter life. I stay to myself to stay away from bullshit! That includes catty staff members and residents. If all you have to offer is a conversation full of other people's bullshit, don't say shit to me.
God put you here to get only one person's life right! Your's!!
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
I really hope old fandom culture makes a comeback, at least the good parts like the old community feel, YKINMK, Dead Dove, and squick. I got actively into fandom a couple years after Strikethrough so I don't think I'd consider myself an old, but I've done research and dug through old LJ communities and honestly, it seems like fandom in general was more welcoming and community-based back then.
Weeeell... Fandom was pretty Cult of Nice (don't say anything mean in public but be a catty bitch behind people's backs) and the barriers to entry were high, which meant those of us who figured it out had a better time, but more people got left out.
You tend to only hear from the people who stuck around, not the ones so alienated that they noped out.
I do think YKINMK and such are great, but plenty of us like those now. That's the ethos behind bobaboard, which is a platform that's in development. That's how a number of the discord servers I'm in operate. Culture comes from people, and that kind of culture comes from very small groups of people agreeing on their shared norms.
The real problem is not having a good way to set up a space for your fandom/ship/etc. and kick assholes out.
People like sending me asks or leaving replies on my posts to interact with other people who read me, so me blocking them actually matters, but 99% of tumblr involves yelling in your own space, so other people shunning you is irrelevant and not a deterrent to anything. That's an inherently not community-based platform or mode of doing fandom.
The thing about fandom back then is you could not be anon. If you believed in YKINMK, you made those spaces by saying it loudly in namespace and defending yourself against all comers.
Like... nonnie, why do you think we were on Livejournal and not fanfiction.net? It wasn't because anyone thought journals were a good format for fic originally in 2003. (By the end of the LJ era, people were used to it and preferred it in many cases, but old archive-based fandom types thought it sucked. I still hate LJ/DW as a place to post fic.) We were there because we got tired of being shat on on other platforms and we made our own clubhouses.
You could do that now. Defend dead dove in namespace, I mean. There are costs, though, just like there were back then.
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isabellehemlock · 3 years
Hello, my dear Kat!
😂 and 🥰, please?
Wuv youuuu
Well hello wifey no. 3 (or is it 2? I'm losing track 😅)
But let's check out these asks!
😂 A fic that made you laugh out loud
Oh I'm fairly certain any crack fics by Claz have done the trick!! Poor thing, I've tagged her a lot in these asks for the last two days, so I'll spare her yet another one - but yeah, anyone feel free to check out her Richard fics . . . Which as you know, I've taped myself reading two of them as if I'm somehow in some sort of evening tv special from the 80s, like a kind of old white guy sitting in front of a fireplace-vibes, only to devolve in wheezing laughter within minutes. Eh fudge it, I'll tag her for that @tobebbanburg 😅
🥰 A fic that gives you warm fuzzy feelings
Definitly feel free to check out some previous asks, because there's a few I've read over a hundred times, and a set of fics I felt had fantastic aspec representation (scroll down the question about fics I'd love to see printed) - but just to help give even more fics the due credit they deserve, let me link and tag a few I haven't in the last few days! And of course if you're ever looking for fic recs from circa Oct 2020 through Jan 2022, here's my master post of some nine different fic rec lists.
Patron Saint of Satisfaction by @aphroditestummyrolls - I really enjoyed the characterization here and read it way back in October 2020 and still think about it! Sure on the surface level it might appear like a pwf, but just beneath you'll see it's a lovely story about one spouse offering all kinds of support for another (and that's as vague as I can be before accidently revealing spoilers haha).
Five Times Booker Broke His Excile and the One Time He Did Not by @sphinx81 - I read this back in September 2020 and I found it to be such a deeply moving exploration of Booker that I would definitely recommend for anyone wanting to read about healing after trauma. Once again without revealing spoilers, that's as much as I can say, but definitely moved me!
The L'ultimo Lupo series by malmo - one of the first and probably only Roberta x Majid fics I've read and enjoyed this thoroughly (I tend to personally prefer Roberta x Pierre), but I so enjoyed the characterization for both in this series and now having finally actually watched Wolf, I feel even more strongly about how well this captured the characters imo. Yet another case of two wounded people finding each other and moving forward together.
Basically the fics that seemed to move me the most from the ones I linked here - are about couples who are healing, and though the work is up to each person, finding solace within one another as well - solace and support as they continue to work on things (bc spoiler, access to relationships doesn't "cure" mental illness, or automatically eradicate trauma - go figure /s)
And for the ones I linked via other asks, definitely ones where my sexuality is represented because I'm starving for it - as well, as religious lgbtq+ characters - and again, people acknowledging things they need to work on, and how to help each person feel seen and heard (bc what works for you won't for another, gotta communicate people!). So basically I am moved most by fics that speak to me and my life on a personal level, which is probably what 99% of fandom is lol.
Thanks for the ask Tini!
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concubuck · 2 years
So you have gotten pregnant? and can also get others pregnant at the same time... Are condoms not used at all in hell? I understand that it seems to be a failed birth control but does anyone use condoms down here?
((I'd like to point out that Alastor has not said he got pregnant; he has only said he might have gotten other people pregnant. It might make sense for a sharp listener to wonder whether or not a potential failure in his birth control might mean he could have gotten pregnant—but like, as far as what anybody who can only see what he says ICly knows, he hasn't actually said anything like that
I realize I'm getting on ur case a bit anon, and I apologize for that—it's because i feel like saying "please stop" is rude/unhelpful if i don't try to help you understand why I'm making that request, so i wanna try to explain! And, because of the plot I've got going on here, it's important to me to keep OOC information and IC information separate.
I, as the writer, want all y'all readers to know the whole story, so I've been showing y'all everything, including his pregnancy test and taking you along to his doctor appointments and all.
But Alastor, as the character, has been trying VERY hard to keep this secret, and one of his big concerns right now is "how will people react when they find out? how long can i keep this secret? how will i reveal the information in a way that protects my reputation? or can I keep it secret until the bitter end?" The fact that his pregnancy is still secret weighs HEAVILY on him and is a major factor impacting his current emotions.
So I don't want to blur the lines between IC knowledge and OOC knowledge by letting someone who's talking to Alastor-the-character just already know. Because if somebody just KNEW he was pregnant he'd panic and wonder which doctor he needs to murder for leaking that info!!
And I'm making a whole big post about this not because I wanna yell at you, anon (sorry about that again!) but because I'd appreciate it if anyone writing in, like, bears in mind what the current status of IC knowledge is? Some RP blogs are willing to play loosey-goosey with "if it's been discussed on the blog in any context, then my character will accept it if an anon asks them about it." But on this blog, when I get an anon talking to Alastor rather than talking to me-the-writer, I treat them like that's another person living in Alastor's reality—another sinner or demon in Hell who's a fan of the Radio Demon's online modeling—which means they wouldn't know things about him that he hasn't broadcasted.
ANYWAY, i know i just wrote a big wall of "please don't do this," so lemme make it up to you by giving an OOC/worldbuilding answer to the other half of your question:
Condoms ARE available in Hell—and even though it's Hell, some people even use them!—and i figure the quality of production is a lot worse in Hell, but I imagine sometimes they even work lol. Alastor, though, rarely uses them.
This is because condoms are used for basically two reasons: to prevent the spread of disease and to prevent the spread of babies.
I headcanon that lust demons are almost completely invulnerable to STDs, because they're not a normal creature that STDs could have evolved to target; they're supernatural creatures that were designed to tempt humans into committing sins of lust. If they could spread STDs to partners, that would make committing lustful sins seem less appealing, and so that would contradict their purpose. So they're magically designed not to catch STDs. So Alastor doesn't need to worry about disease.
And Alastor was on 6 forms of long-term birth control, each one of which had from 91% to 99% effectiveness. Taken all together, that means that like,, 99% of 99% of 99% (etc) of potential pregnancies will be blocked. We're talking over 99.999% effective. In real life, people don't even DO that! No actual IRL human being is on as many birth control methods as Alastor is using. At that point, putting on a condom to prevent pregnancy is like opening an umbrella to block the rain... when you're sitting in the living room of a house with a sturdy, waterproof, leak-free roof. Like, why bother? You're not getting rained on anyway.
So Alastor rarely uses condoms—pretty much only if his partner asks for one—because they're just not necessary. ... Or so he thought.
Although let's be fair here; I put him on 6 forms of birth control so that I could undermine them and surprise him with a pregnancy anyway. Even if he'd been wearing a condom too, I'd have had it leak. No condom can save you from a malicious god.))
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Buster & Rio
Buster: I miss you Rio: Guarantee I miss you more Buster: State your case then Rio: 😍😍 Buster: That's a strong introduction, how are you gonna follow it through? Rio: 🤤🤤 Buster: I like the thread of your argument, I can't lie, but I still miss you more Buster: 'Cause a girl was flirting with me in the gym and after telling her all the ways she doesn't compare to you, how incomparable you are was, and is, all I could think about Rio: As much as I probably shouldn't encourage you to be rude to random girls Rio: I love that you do so Buster: She embarrassed herself long before I embarrassed her, reckoning she had a chance Rio: I know what you mean Rio: the stalker has been getting inventive today Buster: Tell me Rio: We're doing this whole project in comp sci about viruses and shit Rio: and they've sent a meant-to-be-creepy spam type email Rio: it's got attachments but Rio: I've not looked yet Buster: Send it to me, I'll open it for you Rio: I know it's unlikely they're that smart Rio: but what if it does have some computer-killing 👾 attached? Buster: Smart enough that we haven't worked out who they are yet Buster: but if it's a virus, I'll buy another laptop Rio: it seems ridiculous Rio: this proves it has to be someone at school now, at least Rio: it's not like I've posted about my fucking homework anywhere Buster: How big's that class? Buster: Can discount my sister and your brother already, like Rio: Don't Rio: you're about the only person I've not thought it could be at my craziest Rio: probably about 30 odd though, standard Buster: Baby, they're the crazy one and I'm not letting them drive you even slightly close to the edge Buster: Who do you know and who don't you, percentage wise? Rio: I thought I knew everyone in this school, this town Rio: you'd think if someone was as creepy as this, anyway, that you'd know, they'd fucking stick out a bit but no Buster: It ain't a film, there's no creepy music playing to give it away Rio: if it was, it'd be dragging Rio: time for the resolve and happy ending Buster: Yeah, I know Buster: You wanna try calling that helpline again? Rio: Maybe Rio: I just wanna talk to you Rio: that's more helpful Buster: It's the least bullshit lead we've had for ages, I'll find a way to narrow it down more somehow Buster: We've got an obsession with you in common, it'll be me who figures it out if any cunt can Rio: Yours is the only one I need Buster: If you need to stay here for a while I'll sort it with my parents, yours, school, whoever Buster: You know that Rio: I know Rio: it's more and more tempting to not leave every time I go Buster: I just want you to be able to take an actual deep fucking breath Buster: Like you said, the amount of time this has been going on is ridiculous Rio: I can forget about it, most of the time Rio: but it's when something new happens, unexpected Buster: I'll kill him when we work out who it is Buster: 'Til then, stay with me Buster: He never does fuck all when you're here Rio: At least that's quick Rio: too nice if anything, babe Rio: always say that about you Buster: It don't have to be quick or nice Buster: Don't underestimate me, babe Rio: 🤤🤤 I rest my case Buster: I love you, that rests mine Buster: I'd do anything for you Rio: I love you so much Rio: I'd definitely be crazy without you, stalker or otherwise Buster: There's a fair chance I'd be stalking you too if things were any different between us Buster: I'd leave better presents though Rio: and I'd know it was you always Buster: 'Course Buster: I'd want you to know Rio: hence there's no world in which we ain't a thing Buster: [has bought her the most expensive and best ever anti virus software and all that jazz so sends her the deets like there you go] Rio: this really has everything Rio: thank you Buster: He ain't gonna be smart enough to get through that, I've been reading reviews since you told me Buster: And I have it too now so you don't have to worry about sending me whatever bullshit he does to you Rio: We can open it together then? Rio: [I think it shouldn't be camgirl moments but something @school to drive that home] Buster: Yeah, on the count of three Rio: [just some creeper shots all throughout the day up until that lesson] Rio: these are today, I'm 99% sure Rio: I swapped my bag Buster: Forget going there tomorrow, I'm booking you a flight here instead Buster: I'll think of a lie to tell my parents if you still don't want anyone else to know the truth Rio: there was always the possibility Rio: but now I know it's someone I really see in person Rio: every day Rio: jesus Buster: I meant what I said, I'm gonna find out who, whatever it takes Buster: I know it feels fucked, but it's good, that it's one of 30 classmates rather than the numbers of lads who watch your streams Rio: it's true Rio: but those lads could be anywhere in the world, not in the same room as me Buster: Which is why you shouldn't be in that room until we know which sick cunt it is Buster: Just give me some time, it's not like I don't have the money to throw at it Rio: I couldn't be there if I had to Rio: I don't even want to be here at home now Buster: How soon can you be at the airport? Rio: not for a while Rio: I mean, tonight, maybe Rio: what should I tell my mam? Buster: Tell her I'm having a breakdown, it wouldn't be the first time Buster: I'll trash the house for realism if it comes to it, like Rio: it'll keep her from being worried Rio: pissed off is fine, I'll deal with that when I can Buster: Exactly Buster: And Ava's at a friend's so I don't have to worry about scaring the shit out of her with my acting Buster: 'Cause it'd be stupid not to feed my parents the same lie Rio: You don't have to go that method Rio: but I wouldn't blame you Rio: I'm trying to keep my freak out internal because I'm looking after the twins and your sister is on her way Buster: I'm glad you're not on your own, even if the company is Nance Rio: I was kinda hoping someone took the homework too seriously and was pranking the whole class Rio: but nah, the email was more specific than I let on to her, of course Rio: even before the pictures Buster: 'Course you were Buster: He'd been quiet for a while Rio: really think he'd get bored at some point Rio: I never react, respond, everything they tell you Buster: Now isn't really the time for me to reiterate how stalkable you are again when I can do better with compliments Rio: the fact you can make me smile even at this time Buster: I can do better than that too, I'll make you forget about it Rio: yeah? Buster: Yeah Rio: I need that Rio: my head is all over the place Buster: You've got it, and whatever else you need Rio: I only feel really safe when I'm with you Buster: You are safe with me, but you won't have to leave until you're also safe everywhere else Buster: I'm gonna fix it Rio: yeah Buster: I know I've said it before but this time I swear Buster: He fucked up by giving us a decent clue Rio: it does narrow it down Rio: even if it isn't the class, and it's just the school in general Rio: that's the most we've ever had to go on Buster: Exactly Rio: but what do we do Rio: if we work it out Buster: I told you, I'll kill him Rio: so you're the only one that ends up in prison Buster: I'm not a fucking amateur, babe Rio: mm Rio: 🙄😏 Buster: Hilarious Buster: Nance will be a way more receptive audience though Rio: yeah, really in the mood for this study sesh now Buster: I can easily change hers if you wanna get out of it Rio: nah Rio: I need to keep things normal Rio: only just invited her over, it'd be weird to change my mind Buster: You can blame me for that as well, I don't give a shit Rio: I can't leave yet, like you said, distraction is probably a good thing Buster: Alright, what can I do to make it a more bearable one? Buster: [loads of her fave things getting delivered to this gaff like don't be scared to answer your door, look they are all from me, here's the order confirmations] Rio: I don't deserve you Buster: You don't deserve the bullshit he's putting you through, you've always deserved me Rio: I feel like I should just Rio: stop the streams Rio: I know you aren't meant to change your lifestyle and habits for them but it wouldn't have happened if I weren't doing that shit Rio: I know you aren't meant to change your lifestyle and habits for them but it wouldn't have happened if I weren't doing that shit Buster: Fuck that, we know he's from school Buster: Being able to see you every day pre-dates anything you've done online Buster: He could've known you since primary Rio: I guess Rio: but would he be bothered if there was less out there to stalk Buster: It's not your fault, Rio Buster: It can happen to anyone, you know that Rio: it's happening to me though Buster: Not 'cause of anything you've done Buster: Come on Rio: anyway Rio: I'm gonna enjoy all these treats Buster: Good Rio: how much should I bring? Rio: when I pack Buster: As much as you want, I'll send you money for if your cases are over the weight limit Rio: don't want it to look like I'm running away too hard but Buster: You're overthinking it, you never travel light anywhere, nobody'll notice Rio: I need options Buster: I'm not mad about it and I don't care if my parents are Rio: they're going to be Rio: you'll have to go to school, be 😇 to show I'm totally not a distraction Buster: You are, but I'll still go Buster: All that matters to me is that you feel safe Rio: I will do Rio: and I'll find ways to be useful to them as well as distracting to you Buster: Winning over Ava is basically the same thing as winning them over Buster: You've had loads of practice at that Rio: kids are easy Buster: She's easier than Grace, obviously Rio: wouldn't take much on Ava's part Rio: bless Buster: She'll be distracting at any rate Rio: I can take her to school and shit, free up some time for them Buster: Yeah, and once you've had some time, we can sort out getting your assignments and shit sent over Rio: I won't miss anything important Buster: It'll be fine Buster: I'll make sure it's fine, like Rio: I know you will Buster: You gonna facetime me into this study session or what then? Rio: depends Rio: are you going to be nice? Buster: To you Rio: well you're always nice to me Buster: Are you asking me to help Nance with her homework? Rio: how much do you think she'd appreciate that? Buster: She wouldn't, so of course I'll do it Rio: I can't with you two, honestly Buster: You love me, you don't even want her to come over Rio: I'm not getting in the middle of it Buster: You already are Rio: No I'm not, shh Buster: It's okay, I know you're on my side Rio: I love you more than anyone else in the world Rio: goes without saying Buster: I still really like hearing it Rio: You know you can hear it any time you want Buster: Is she there yet? Rio: nope, you remember how long that drive takes, even in an uber Buster: I'll call you then Rio: 🥰 Buster: [does obvs] Rio: I'll just be here counting down the minutes 'til you can hold me Buster: However long it feels, you'll be staying longer Rio: promise? Buster: I swear Rio: then I'm happy Buster: If you are, I am too Rio: I haven't even asked you how your days been Rio: I'm so rude Buster: Before and after I shot down gym girl there ain't much to report Rio: what did she look like? Buster: Every other girl in this postcode Rio: Blonde and skinny Buster: Yeah Rio: vaguely equine, dresses more like a nan than nan ever would Buster: I'll have to remember all that for the next one Rio: I can tell her myself if you like Buster: If you like Rio: Me? The jealous type? Buster: The jealous type and my type Rio: I better be Rio: only type Buster: You're the only one I've ever wanted or will ever want, you definitely don't need to add that to the list of shit that's worrying you right now Rio: I just like to hear it Buster: I'll tell you again then, I want you so much Rio: even without all this bullshit Rio: it's been too long Rio: I hate every second I'm not with you Buster: I know, me too Buster: I'm not gonna say he's done me a favour, but I am glad you're coming to stay Rio: I'll say it Rio: may as well get something good from it Buster: I'd rather you didn't have to deal with any of this bullshit, obviously Rio: of course Rio: I told you, I've never thought it was you, it's okay Buster: It's not okay that I haven't been able to do fuck all about this though Buster: I'm sorry Rio: Don't Buster: It's not good enough, I know that Buster: I'm gonna do better Rio: Stop it Buster: I mean it, Rio Rio: we've done everything we can Rio: it's not fair on me or you to act like we haven't Buster: I just hate this Rio: I know, baby Buster: You're the best thing that's happened to me, this shouldn't be happening to you Rio: It really could happen to anyone Rio: it's shit Rio: but you make me feel safe, that isn't nothing Buster: I'll calm down before you get here Buster: I swear Rio: you don't have to Rio: you can be mad, I am Rio: but you don't need to blame yourself, even if it's second to him, it's all on him Buster: I am angry but you've got the wrong twin if you reckon I'm willing to make any of this about me Buster: I'm here for you Rio: Trust me, I know Rio: she seems distracted herself recently Buster: Yeah? Rio: I'll try to work it out, not had time yet Rio: she won't say anything if you're on the phone though Buster: I don't have to be, if you wanna do some investigating Rio: I know you wanna know too Buster: I know if you get her started she'll talk about herself until you've gotten all of your own bullshit exists Rio: and you're a little nosy too, you can admit it Rio: I'll get the gossip Buster: She's still my sister Buster: 'Course I wanna know if she's being stalked as well or whatever Rio: You're cute Rio: and I do not think it's that Rio: obviously Buster: You know what I mean Rio: I do Rio: that's why I wanna know too Buster: Okay, tell me when you do Rio: 🧐 Rio: wouldn't suit the hat Buster: You'd suit anything, don't lie Rio: 😊 Rio: I mean if that's your thing I'll do my best Buster: If it was that wouldn't be the first you've heard of it Rio: be mad if it was Rio: you have to tell me exactly what you like so I can be it Buster: You are Buster: And I don't have, or want to have, any secrets from you Rio: secrets are boring Rio: and hard to keep Buster: Neither of us could ever be boring Buster: And I'll do whatever it takes to keep you forever Rio: You've got me Rio: not going anywhere Buster: Only closer to where I am, not further away Buster: Soon as your mum is back and your study session is over Rio: not that I need to do this homework now Rio: just be throwing subtle hints at Nance instead Buster: Be fucking typical her if she's getting bullied there as well Rio: I'd know if she was Rio: only have the two lessons with her but contrary to what the stalker suggests, I know most people well enough that they wouldn't Buster: Well Ava'll probably get a love life before she does, Christ knows what else it could be then Rio: ugh don't Rio: it's coming up with Edie for sure Rio: Jun is like Nancy and Billie isn't bothered thank god Rio: hate it Buster: Who's bothered about Edie then? Buster: Tell me your gossip Rio: It's just like the boys she hangs with are less useless stoner and more keep your eye on them types than Billie's friends Rio: and they aren't just friends types, I don't trust 'em Buster: Maybe I should be getting on a plane instead of you Rio: at least none of them are stupid Rio: especially not Eds Rio: have to hope anyway Buster: I've taught her how to protect herself physically, I reckon she can handle lads trying to get in her head Buster: Like you said Buster: She's no stupid kid Rio: Yeah, she has all the tools and advantages she can be given Rio: 💘 and hormones still make people stupid though Buster: I remember Rio: well yeah, ignoring the fact we'd be used as prime examples in that lecture Buster: Sure we have been, never too early for mum and dad to tell Ava what not to do Rio: As if we'll have started a trend Rio: if it wasn't you it'd be a really bad idea Buster: They should want her to have this, how I feel about you, how happy I am Buster: It's not as if they can actually judge us for who it's with Buster: This family are way past that Rio: You'd think Rio: I'm way past caring Rio: it was so Rio: I wasn't me without you Buster: I feel exactly the same, you know I do Buster: The only thing I've ever done wrong was not be with you, every bad thing I did or that was done to me can be traced back to that Buster: We're free now and this stalker isn't gonna make you feel otherwise any more, I'm not letting it happen for another fucking day Rio: we can get through anything, we've got the rest stacked against us and we're still strong Rio: as long as you love me, then there's nothing anyone can say or do Buster: I really fucking love you Rio: I love you Rio: endlessly Buster: [a flight he's booked her like this is happening no matter what excuse us fam] Rio: 🙏 Rio: I cannot wait Buster: Me either Rio: you can pick me up from the airport, right? Buster: Nothing could stop me Rio: Yay 🥰🥰🥰 Buster: You need me to help you with all that luggage Rio: it will be one suitcase Rio: and a sizeable handbag, thank you 😂 Rio: but I still need you Buster: I'll be early regardless Rio: you're the best Buster: No, I do my best, you don't even have to try Rio: You don't either Rio: but I will for you and I appreciate that you do Buster: I appreciate everything that you do Rio: you will Rio: that's the plan Buster: I do, whether or not shit goes to plan Buster: You're one of the strongest people I know, the least I can do is give you the reminder Rio: Buster Rio: it won't always be this dramatic, you know Rio: being together Buster: I don't care if it is, you're worth it Buster: And I'd endure the worst suffering I can possibly imagine to be with you if any alternative meant not being Rio: now you're just being hot about it on purpose Buster: I told you I miss you, nothing's changed Rio: I miss you all the time Rio: but I'm down for all the ways you make it worse Buster: [sends her a pic from when he was at the gym earlier like okay we're testing the waters but not very much yet lol] Rio: oh Rio: yeah, I would've flirted with you too Buster: What would you have said? Rio: Hmm Rio: ask you to check my form Buster: As long as you'd have time for how thorough I'd be, I don't have any problem with that Rio: Of course Rio: I'd ask you because you're clearly an expert Buster: And there's no need for me to hold back on my expertise as you're clearly so receptive to it, not to mention deserving Rio: Don't, I want you to show me exactly how you do it Buster: Never, I wouldn't wanna leave you with more questions than answers Rio: of course, but there are some things I could show you in return for all you're going to teach me Buster: Yeah? Buster: You've got yourself a deal, babe Rio: are you going to let me come to the gym with you really Buster: If you want to Buster: I'll try not to get too distracted at the prospect Rio: you look like that, obviously I want to Buster: [a pic of how he looks now like we can also stay in this bed where I currently am chilling] Rio: 🥺🥺 GIMME Buster: You're not meant to change your behaviour or habits for that cunt, remember Buster: Say please Rio: please Rio: please let me be in that bed right now Buster: [treat that gal to some more pics boy she's had a shit day] Rio: please be with me right now Rio: in me Buster: You know that's all I want Rio: you're perfect, Buster, you know that Buster: We're perfect for each other Rio: marry me Buster: As soon as we can, I will Rio: seriously Buster: I am being serious Rio: oh Buster: Once we're both 18 nobody can stop us Rio: yeah but Rio: nobody would come Buster: I only need you to turn up Rio: technically Buster: And actually, 'cause the rest of my family won't and like you said, I'm past caring Rio: if you were going to do it Rio: you'd want the big day, the venue, the clothes, the car Rio: everything proper Buster: If you were going to do it, you'd want your family there, you can say what you really mean Rio: we can't just do all that for two people Buster: We can do whatever we want Rio: I just wish people would be happy for us Buster: I know, I haven't properly asked you yet 'cause I want everything to be perfect for you and there's fuck all I can do to give you that Rio: it'll never happen, I know that Rio: I've accepted it, it's just hard to make total peace with Buster: There was a time when I reckoned we'd never happen Rio: yeah Buster: I don't care who or how many people I have to turn my back on for you, it'll never matter as much as us being together Rio: it shouldn't have to be like this Rio: it's bullshit Buster: Yeah, but it is, and I've made my choice Buster: You know the things I'd do differently and none of 'em are about not ending up here Rio: Me too Buster: Changing their minds is as likely as us changing ours, it's an old fashioned stand off, like Rio: True Rio: it's like, they forget they're meant to be anti-us sometimes though Rio: and it's just normal, like we're any other couple Buster: Maybe when we've has as many years as my parents, it will actually be considered normal Rio: you reckon? Buster: Worked for them Rio: I guess nan and granddad are sufficiently over it Rio: had competition though, didn't they Rio: don't think that's likely to repeat itself Buster: Fingers crossed Nance is hiding a dark enough secret to take at least some of my parents' attention nevertheless Rio: in your dreams, babe Buster: Why would I dream about her downfall when I could dream about your happiness? Rio: alright 😇 Buster: We're not married yet but in regards to that, what's mine is yours, babe Buster: And vice versa Rio: you know I want it too Rio: to be married to you, and have everything we want Buster: Then I'll make it happen, exactly how you want Buster: Where there's a will there's a way, yeah? Especially when it's my will getting involved Rio: I trust that Rio: you Buster: Good 'cause you can Buster: About this and everything else Rio: then that's settled Rio: and Nance is finally here Buster: I'll still be here if you need me Rio: 🧡🧡🧡 Rio: you focus on doing everything you possibly can before I get there so you can spend as much time with me as we've got Buster: Consider it done
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chaoticgeminate · 2 years
Hi 👋 For your ask game I'm going with:
11, 14, 25
Thank you for the fun questions, and for letting me steal it 😘
Hi Siro, you're more than welcome to steal and keep the ask game going for however you want, figured the questions were more fun anyway!
These are kind of long so I'mma put a cut in but I promise anyone looking at this post it's worth a read. The first answer is probably the most insane story I could ever tell.
11. Craziest story about places you’ve lived (repair troubles, neighbor drama, etc)
Oh boy oh boy. So when I was 19 my wife and I lived in this really shitty apartment complex (I'm 99% sure the neighbor to the right of us was a drug dealer and we had two shootings happen in other buildings while we lived there).
It was shady, is what I'm getting at, but we never really felt unsafe because the dude next to us was always super polite regardless of who came through and he made sure that if he was having people over he warned us. He even walked us to the dumpsters after dark whenever we had to take trash out. ANYWAY.
So one night we're playing World of Warcraft, in the middle of a raid with our guild (so like 23 other people doing this big group event together) and we take our headsets off because we thought we heard running water falling on fabric. Turns out our hallway light fixture was DRIPPING water, like the actual glass fixture bulb was just leaking water ALL over the carpet.
We panic, naturally, and grab a pot to catch the water; look into the bathroom and realize the fluorescent fitting is also dripping water ALL OVER the bathroom floor. So we get another pot to catch that and my wife calls emergency maintenance and I go running upstairs to check in with whoever lived above us.
No answer.
Maintenance guy promises he'll be over and tells us it's our choice to call 911, either way he would have to go up and check but he wanted to have a police officer there just in case. By this point I'd beaten on the door and yelled loud enough that the rest of the building knew what was going on, everyone was scrambling to get pots and pans and try to prevent us from dealing with mass water damage... it was a mess.
I call 911, because my brain jumped to "what if someone is dead?"
It was unlocked.
Our neighbor called into the place, didn't want us near it (dude was like, a street saint) and when we got no answer he took my phone and told the operator he was going to enter the apartment. Goes in, finds absolutely nothing, whoever lived there wasn't home.
Dude had a TV on a milk crate, a bucket chair, and one pair of boots and nothing else in that whole place. Turns out the valve on his toilet had broken so water was leaking EVERYWHERE in his bathroom and soaking into the carpet, and I think the scariest thing was that we'd never MET who lived there and we never heard ANYTHING about him after that.
14. If you could have one song play every time you entered a room, what would it be?
Answered here, but it's Shine Your Way from Owl City, Croods soundtrack. Spread the love, you know? 💙
25. What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done, and why did you do it?
Fly from the US to London on my own. I have REALLY bad flight anxiety, like to the point that my first time flying to Texas when my wife finished BMT my ass was hyperventilating during the extra choppy take off.
So when she got stationed overseas for her military orders I had to fly on my own since she had to go first per her orders, and we'd already had TMO come pack up all our stuff and our cat had already been flown over so I was the last one to go.
I remember it vividly because it was two days before COVID shut down all the airlines two years ago, I was supposed to fly out the 17th but had my flight changed to the 15th so that I could actually fly over and be with her. It was worth it but it was only the third time I'd ever flown and it was my first time flying out of the country so I was TERRIFIED. And they were already distancing passengers so I didn't have anyone to talk me through the take-off panic.
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Hi guys! So, I know that Tumblr isn't best place for fundraising, but, I'm sharing this on all of my social media, so I figured that I'd give it a shot here. Since I got into my study abroad program, I figured that I would need at least some funding. I do have a job, so I am going to be setting aside what I can, and I'm also trying for some scholarships as well. However, in case that falls through, here's my GoFundMe:
Every little penny counts! Thank you all in advance!
23 notes • Posted 2021-05-28 15:47:19 GMT
Ok, so, I'm gonna be honest here. After 11 years, I'm back into Twilight. And not for the plot, or the teen drama, or even the fucking soundtrack.
No, because that would be too easy to explain. No no no. I'm back into Twilight for this motherfucker:
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Like, sir. Sir, I'mma need you to stop.
Gosh, what is wrong with me?
32 notes • Posted 2021-09-07 14:59:36 GMT
Look what I have on preorder!
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According to GameStop, he should be out January 2nd. But, I'm not taking any chances with going into a store, so I'm having him shipped directly to me as soon as they're available.
36 notes • Posted 2021-12-02 06:11:07 GMT
Memo to me, never get into an argument about who's the best representation of a concept with a friend ever again.
Long story short, I was talking to one of my buddies the other day, and we were talking about Good Omens. She talked about how that version of Pollution was her favorite and all that. I looked at her, and then I asked the one question I shouldn't have.
"You've never seen Ferngully, have you?"
And indeed, she had NOT. I was baffled. So, I remembered the song, but not the character at that exact second. And, for those of you who know what I'm talking about, I blame Tim Curry. But, like, in a good way.
For those of you who don't know, Tim Curry plays this guy
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His name is Hexxus. And he sings this song:
So, I pull up the song on YouTube, and I swear, her jaw dropped. She was a mess very quickly afterwards. I had only seen this particular reaction one other time, and we were watching Rocky Horror.
"Hot damn", she said. Hot damn indeed.
We have dubbed this the Tim Curry effect.
52 notes • Posted 2021-06-08 00:33:12 GMT
So, I've been really into Welcome to Night Vale lately, in a "just got back into it, listened to everything that I've already listened to just to make sure I wasn't skipping over anything, now I'm on to the stuff I previously haven't gotten to" sort of way.
Anyways, I got back to episode 19 (I know, I'm so far behind) and I was reminded of how much I love Kevin. Such a sunshiny boy. I wish him nothing but happiness.
That being said, I was listening to it, and a friend recommended the Magnus Archives to me. (If you've seen it from my blog, I'm gonna be genuinely confused as to how it got there, because I have not heard it).
Anyone who has heard it, is it worth a go? I mean, I've been thinking about it, but I'm a little uncertain.
53 notes • Posted 2021-07-15 04:42:31 GMT
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