#this is for all my works combined btw not just one specific fic
swordsonnet · 1 year
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[ID: screenshot of an ao3 statistics page reading "word count: 200,787". end ID]
reached a little milestone tonight! that's a lot of words :3
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Can I get a Crosshair x Y/N comfort fic please ?
He’s my comfort clone … I love my toothpick chewing man
Okay Again
Crosshair x Reader
Summary- After spending months on Pabu recouping from the Empire, Shep gets under your skin. You blow up at the unfair treatment, and Crosshair helps you calm down.
A/N- MY FIRST REQUEST!! Thank you so much! I wasn't sure who you wanted comforting who. If you want something different or specific, feel free to send another request! BTW- I kinda changed Shep Hazard into a villain. I NEEDED IT FOR THE PLOT, SORRY!
Word Count- 2,127
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You woke up in a bad mood.
That seemed to happen a lot on Pabu.
Working late helping citizens and the burning sun that shines through your blinds, waking you up at the crack of dawn- was not a good combination.
You threw your arm across your face, groaning. You haven't gotten a good sleep in weeks. Not since the decision to stay on this island. You understood perfectly well that it was good to recoup, sort out the fine details, and grieve safely over Tech. That did not mean you had to like it.
It also happened to be that Crosshair hadn't woken up yet. For half a second you were thankful for the sun. Crosshair always woke before you. This was a rare opportunity.
Your plan was to kiss him or possibly snuggle him awake, but all plans were lost in your mind at the sight of him.
The room was mostly lit up by the damned sun, but you could see Crosshair perfectly. His relaxed face was a rarity that no one was able to see but you. And when you saw it, you had to savor it.
His eyes closed oh-so delicately, breathing in softly. His eyebrows weren't furrowed. There was no scowl. He was at peace. A peace that could only be found within a dream. As your lives were far too gruesome to be at any peace now.
He looked so soft. If anyone knew you thought that, they'd laugh. 'Not Crosshair. He's so gruff. He's always mad and mean." Well not to you. not to the people he loved most. He was mean at times, yes. He was also thoughtful, caring, and will come running to help if you called. All you had to do was say the word, he would be at your side.
The thought made you smile. How did you get so lucky. He was all yours.
You gently reached out your hand to trace his tattoo. A pastime that soothed you. Something about those lines and circle that comforted you. Just before you could get any closer-
"I can feel you staring." So he was awake. That peaceful face you longed to see dissipated. His eyes scrunched before he opened them, squinting at the sun.
You moved your head above him, looking down at him, blocking the sun.
"There's lot's to stare at." You remarked with a smirk.
You leaned on your knees to hover over him, but soon you felt a foot kick them away. You feel face-first onto Crosshair, head barely dodging his own and meeting the pillow.
He had his own smirk now, arms moving to hold you against him.
You gave a playful groan. "You almost made me hit my head" You said, no real threat to your words.
"No, I knew what I was doing. I'll always take care of you." He mumbled back, a hand rested on your back.
You laughed, turning pink.
His playful attitude slowly left with his next breath. He held you tight, soaking in the moment. The kind of moment he thought he would have never seen again.
He used to take for granted the moments you two shared, that was before the Empire. It showed him exactly what he wanted, you.
Tasks of the day flooded your mind, reminding you that you weren't on vacation.
"We have to help Shep Hazard today." You told Crosshair. Shep seemed to think that Clone Force 99 was on Pabu to do all the heavy work for the island. This included transporting crates of fish, fruit, and other supplies to the top ring of the island.
You couldn't see his face, as yours was still in the pillow, but you swore you could feel him roll his eyes.
He gave out a grumble, acknowledging he heard you. At this, you lifted up, hands propped on his chest. The blanket pooled around your waist. His own hands went to your sides, feeling just under your sleep shirt at your hips. They rested there.
The two of you sat in silence for a moment, he looked at you before closing his eyes again, getting in his last ounce of rest. After a minute, he patted your hips and sat up as well.
You let out a frustrated sigh and started to get ready.
The sun's heat pounded on you, moving the crates up and down was not fun. You resented the morning you had, wishing you were back there.
You swallowed hard, taking a minute to catch your breath. It would have been much easier to load the packages onto the Marauder, but Shep insisted on doing it 'the natural way.' Apparently the ship scared some of the elderly citizens.
Now, maybe you were just spending too much time with Crosshair, but you tended to have a sour face when Shep was around.
You didn't even get to see Crosshair for most of the day, as Shep had him managing another group of volunteers. Hunter also had his own group to manage, but you and Omega were stuck with the physical labor.
The thought made you agitated, you festered the anger into your work, and the hours passed quicker. It must have been just past mid-day, because you saw a lot of passing citizens eating lunch. Including Shep.
Your face scrunched up. Lunch wasn't offered to your group. Poor Omega was in worse shape than you, sweating profusely, red in the face. She at least, still carried her happy attitude.
For the natives of the island, food was shared freely. For the newcomers, it was a 'work for your share' kind of deal. A crappy one if you ever heard it, Clone force 99 had done more for this island than all the natives combined.
You took a moment to stop and stare at Shep. Gluttony was all you saw.
With a puff you dropped your crate of fruits down. Fruit you were ordered not to eat, mind you. Sheps gaze turned to you, as he continued to eat.
"I need some water, Omega does too." Shep just looked at you.
"Once all the crates are gone, there will be plenty for you and your team." He stated, thinking he was smart by the smirk he gave himself.
"Shep, we are dehydrated. Just look at Omega!" You gestured to her. She had her smile present, but a droopy and exhausted face.
"She looks fine to me." He claimed, turning back to his own plate. You swear he laughed when he took a drink of his own water. If Hunter had seen the exchange, you were sure Shep would have answered differently.
Rage bubbled up, and deranged words left your mouth. You weren't even sure where most of it came from, you just opened your mouth and the words flowed. Derogatory words to Shep, listing off what force 99 had done for Pabu, never getting any rest, how you were forced to labor endlessly, amongst other themes.
You were just as shocked at your own words as everyone in earshot was. Though, you spoke truth through every syllable.
Seeing everyone's eyes on you made you sheepish after your rant. You stepped back, not remembering where you were- the top level of the island.
You did however, remember immediately when you didn't feel ground beneath your foot. Your eyes barely had time to shoot open in fear. You were falling back, presumably to your death. A single breath left you.
Just as fast as it happened, it ended. A painful yank of your arm grounded your reality.
You looked down, hundreds of feet beneath you. No ground under your feet. Your head shot up to see who was grabbing you.
Crosshair, with a toothpick rested between his lips.
Another breath, this one of relief. You don't think you could live it down if it was Shep who saved you.
"I gotcha girlie." He said, smugly.
If the two of you were alone, that comment would have lead to more than an eye-roll from you.
He pulled you back up, with help from Omega who had rushed over.
The added embarrassment of falling had refiled your rage. Shep came up, false concern drooping form his lips. With all the commotion Hunter had arrived at the scene.
"Are you okay, you must have slipped!" Shep rested a hand on your shoulder, moving it to caress your upper arm. You shoved his hand away. His touch was like fire to your skin, you forcefully pulled away.
When anger flashed Shep's face, Crosshair stepped forward. He flicked his toothpick down. Cross made sure you were behind him in case anything went down.
"Hey, what's going on!" Hunters voice rang out, his commanding tone grabbed everyone's attention.
Before Hunter could scold you, you took off. Storming down the stairs of the levels on the island. From what you could tell, no one followed you.
Except Crosshair. He was hot on your tail, and eventually reached out. A hand on your shoulder. This one you'd never push away.
His grasp pulled you back, and if he wasn't as attentive as he was, you'd have fallen. He caught you, again.
"What's wrong with you?" He exclaims, seemingly rude- but you knew his true intentions.
"Everything! I'm hot, i'm hungry, i'm thirsty! We have earned our place, and Shep wants to try and convince us we haven't!" You huffed out, rambling as you got angrier. You threw your hands up, frustrated.
"I thought you hated this place." He questions, both hands on your shoulder now. He tried to reason with you.
"I do! There isn't a single thing I like here!" You felt angry tears start to flow, your mind was clouded and you were overstimulated.
You started to hyperventilate and grabbed at your hair. Something you had never done before, but you also don't think you'd ever been so upset in your life either. Your scalp burned as you pulled handfuls of hair.
Crosshair immediately pulled your hands away. His gaze turned more worried. You looked up at him, tears flowing faster. All he did was pull you into his chest. He was never one for many words.
Him, being ever-so tall, loomed over you. You rested your head onto his chest. You melted at his touch, especially when one of his hands came up to pet your hair. Things seemed okay again.
You took deep breaths, and Crosshair led you to The Marauder.
You heard the door close with a steam sound, as you huffed into the co-pilot seat. Cross was at your feet the next moment, crouching down to look up at you.
He held your hands in his, his eyes never once flashing with judgement, shame, or anger at you.
"I'm sorry. I over reacted..." You looked bashfully to the side, but Crosshair spoke firm.
"You have nothing to apologize for. Here." He handed you a canteen full of water.
He was so thoughtful when he wanted to be. With your emotions still high, you teared up again.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. We're going to sleep here tonight. Take a break from everything and everyone." You hung on every word he said, they grounded you.
You nodded after he finished, grateful for him.
"Shep just gets under my skin..." You were upset just thinking about him.
"You don't have to worry about him now." He said, soothing. He caressed your cheek with an ungloved hand. You nodded again, lost for words. You leaned down into his touch, he pulled you into his chest.
You felt much better, but still held onto him.
"I've been talking to Hunter." He started. "He agrees that this isn't the place for us. He said the people were much more accepting the first time you visited, with Phee?"
You nodded in his arms, Shep was much more inhabitable when Phee was there. He was just putting on a show.
"In a week, we're leaving." You looked up at him, eyes wide.
"I know you're miserable here... And the island is not as welcoming as Hunter once thought. I convinced him that we take on a few more jobs. Nothing crazy, just enough to finish repairs on the ship. Then we will find a new place to settle on." All you could do was kiss him.
Words were besides you, you didn't feel like you deserved this.
"Cross... I don't know what to say.." You pressed your forehead to his, a hand cupping his cheek. The other on his burn scar.
"I told you i'd always take care of you..."
You truly felt okay again, even after almost falling to your death, dehydration, arguing, and a miserable month.
All you ever needed was Crosshair. He was all you needed to be okay.
A/N- Thank you so much for reading! Not sure I like this one too much. I will probably come back and make some edits. Please LMK if there are any improvements I can make to any of my works!!
Tags- (lmk if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @knight-of-flowerss
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the bafta livestream out of context: top 60 cursed quotes.
There is nothing more cursed than the livestream I just witnessed, and I made a summary post but now I'm just going to put in quotes by the worthy maggots in the stream with no context, because BELIEVE ME THE CONTEXT DIDN'T MAKE ANYTHING BETTER. The livestream chat was NOT A PLACE OF THE LORD.
I'm going to make the quotes that were by me a different colour. Please know that I am NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR A SINGLE QUOTE OTHER THAN THOSE. SO HERE'S THE TOP 60 IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER:
Barbenhimer awakened things in me ok
aroace people the most disturbingly sexual talkers on the planet fight me on this
I feel so sorry for this woman. She's being so heartfelt and we're here thristing over a slinky that possessed a man
the urge to go to france and misgender a croissant is real
Devastated the slutty knees have gone away
So many men nowadays are so submissive and breedable like thank you lord for these men thank you
witches and murder slime tutorial
speaking of royals did the bloke who ISN'T lizzy's husband but her son apparently die yet
Turtleneck Crowley is my gender.
"Oompa loompa doopety dee, I really hated being in this movie" -Hugh grant probably
i want the kilt back this a betrayal
if someone put me in a room with kilt!david tennant one of us is walking out of that room pregnant and its not gonna be me
a lot of these words are in the bible and none of them should be in that order you need jesus
Can we vote to make david wear that kilt back? Maybe make him do a twirl this time
You mean Bildaddy? 😏
Honey what make you think a dude who roamed around with prostitutes and got himself more holes for mankind won't be calling bildad bildaddy? [this was about jesus btw.]
Show us the knees!
He looks like those fancy chocolates. Imma take a bite outta him. Think you'll leak molten goo like them?
My brain isn't working, I read "bratty couch jr"
i'm sorry the what holes
I genuinely thought it was a road typo and I thought you were threatening asmi with physical violence on the road
Combine that with the unfortunate oranges and see what happens.
That reminded me of the army video where the guy was deepthroating a 7 inch banana without a hitch.
thats why apollo had to deliver you at an illegal sushi restaurant
How long do you think it would take to get david naked from his chocolate man suit? Can we set a new speedrun category?
Big feelings about pants straps in the chat tonight
Last time i check yoire supposed to thank the lord gor his gifts
I just have a deep appreciation for ireland
Can you use suspenders as bondage gear? I mean it looks like it would be fine? I mean if you make the length a bit more they might be more comfortable than ropes. Just sayin
All i can think when i see him in the costume is the one specific ken and oppenhimer slash fic. Lord help me i can't be saved
Like a giant orange slice on her one arm.
Stop hitting the lectern geez / what if its into that?
Men who wear suspenders are such losers like why do you need so much cloth to keep your pants up. Why dont you just wear a belt. Where do you live. What is your timezone. What are you office hours
what is this suspender shaming ari chappal for you
Aziraphales office hours are: fuck off
Put me ina room with a suspender wearing man and he shall have the same fate as kilttennant
It was titled "snake in my b***" It meant butt lmfao
What if slutshaming is my kink?
I am failing
Tagging the main culprits whose tumblr handles I know:
@thearoacemess @vitrilol @queermarzipan @good-usernames-were-taken
Cheers, maggots.
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froguemorgue · 2 months
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the left is Alex btw and the right is Lafayette in my time travel fic
Alex is very academic and somewhat functional, he reuses the same pieces to make new outfits, is by no means unfashionable but definitely has less to work with than all the rich people he's friends with. The most dressed up he'll be is that outfit in the center, maybe with a blazer instead of the jacket. He prefers to understate his fashion so he always looks put-together but isn't screaming nouvaeu riche, like he's trying to be someone he isn't. He also doesn't want to look poor or like he doesn't care. Luckily for him, Mulligan is more than happy to tailor his clothes so they're not ill-fit, but more often than not, they are a little baggier than he'd like them to be, so to compensate when the weather's warm, he'll wear underclothes that are too tight and leave his shirt open so his figure is visible but the overclothes are fashionable. (He cares a lot more about how he looks than he lets on). He has a curly mullet that's shorter and shaggier, a lot more like our modern conceptions of a mullet than a true Billy-Ray-esque 80s mullet. Oh, and luckily for him, his sense of fashion and limited purchasing power is a little bit timeless so he ends up being more geared for the early 80s than he knows.
Lafayette is fun. He doesn't care what people think, he goes for crazy combinations of patterns, colors, and fabrics, huge bell-bottoms and long coats or more fashion-forward (keep in mind this is the late 70s) pleated wide-leg pants. He always has a jacket even if he's just holding it. His shoes are always just as expensive and shiny. He looks so European despite wanting to appeal to American fashion, partially because he mixes in clothes that are a liiiiiiittle bit more feminine than mainstream US men's fashion, like a women's coat here or some feminine jewelry there. It never looks bad. In fact, he always looks good, even if he's a little outside the box. Lots of jewelry, preferably gold, loves flower patterns and 60s hippie revival stuff, loves shirts made from paper-thin materials, wears silks and suedes. His hair is about shoulder-length and always styled differently. He can do a mod with sideburns but Adrienne hates it. Sometimes he'll do a little half-up hairstyle but it does NOT look good. Also, his ears are pierced and he's considering piercing his nose, too, but Washington told him it would make him look completely unprofessional and no one would take him seriously (sad). His fashion is often so specific to the trends that come the 1980s, he's going to have to have a whole new wardrobe. smh
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impossiblesuitcase · 1 year
K your requests are closed but you said you would accept my one. (Thks btw) This can take place anytime after the series (when cinder is on Luna, when they are engaged or married etc) basically the idea is that Kai starts getting extremely bad headaches one day. Like so bad that he has had to leave the room to go throw up from the pain, and is constantly zoning out etc. He doesn’t tell anyone cause he thinks he should be able to handle it. And then one day Torin is like “you know your dad had migraines too.” And he finally goes to the doctor for it. It’s mostly Kai and torin but you can certainly add as much Kaider as you want.
Elwin also received this prompt and wrote a fabulous fic. Make sure you read it!
Take What I'm Handed
My love
Hey love, feeling any better?
Not really
My love
Hows your head?
Like the entire Rampion engine is firing in my skull.
My love
My poor sweetheart. 
Have you been working?
Not this morning. I’m trying to stay away from screens before my brain bleeds out
My love
Then voice comm me so you don’t have to look at the screen
I’m in a meeting
My love
Earthen Union
My love
So not important ;)
What’s it about
Hey there missy, since when are you entitled to know?
I seem to recall you abdicating the throne seven months ago
You can’t have your cake and eat it too
My love
I will eat all the cake I want :P
It’s for mandatory declaration of status as a lunar at international borders
My love
Vargas will like that
Of course. You know Americans
My love
We know one American and that’s enough
here let me prepare an answer for you
The greater issue to consider here is how this bill will be received by the provinces. The mandatory declaration of origin at international borders has traditionally been a residual power decided on a state by state basis. Adding Lunars into this heated issue does not change legislation. If we exclude the provinces from discussions in these mandates, it could be perceived as an aggressor.  
How did I go?
“Your Majesty.”
Kai startled, ripping burning eyes from his port to the holograph. 
A line of portraits floated before the conference room—world leaders and their cookie-cutter identical representatives. The speaker’s portrait was lit up, emblazoned with a United Kingdom; as if any breathing soul could even enter such a high-ranking meeting without knowing all present. 
All present were staring at him.
Releasing his port with a jolt—and a loud thud—Kai garbled a, “Pardon, Your Majesty?”
Queen Camilla’s pencilled eyebrow quirked. It was difficult to know what she really thought under that impeccable diplomatic visage, but Kai had been raised to speak that language. It could be:
It’s your turn (kind and prompting).
It’s your turn (desperate to be freed from this tedious meeting).
It’s your turn (speak, incompetent moron).
Judging by her pursed lips, Kai guessed it was a combination of those last two.
“We are awaiting your response,” she said plainly.
“Right,” he started, with absolutely no inkling of where his words should go. “My apologies. I trust this is referring to the, uh, the mandatory declaration of status as a Lunar at international borders?”
“Yes, it isin relation to the sole topic we’ve been discussing for the past hour,” intoned Governor-General Williams of Australia, near-glaring. Kai appreciated the bluntness.
“Thank you. I just wondered if…there was…a…specific point in this matter that you were referring to. So I can verify with my notes before contributing,” he lied, knowing he hadn’t intended to present anything in this meeting. He just hoped one of the other Commonwealth representatives—ones who were currently capable of breathing without their intestines tying around their lungs—had already spoken on his behalf. “The Eastern Commonwealth’s position remains unchanged.”
“Forgive me if I misspeak, but I do believe your country is yet to offer anything on this matter thus far,” Camilla observed, tone devoid of any request for forgiveness.
Ah, so option three: speak, incompetent moron.
“Th-that is correct, my sincerest apologies again. I was referring to our position as discussed in our private meetings”—(meetings he hadn’t attended, though he’d briefly skimmed over the minutes at breakfast that morning)—“and I mistakenly assumed we had already expressed those views today. Our stance is…is…”
His eyes fell to his port, fingers primed to race for those minutes when he saw Cinder’s last message on the split screen. 
His brain barely paused to screen them before the words tumbled from his mouth.
“The greater issue to consider here,” he recited haltingly, “is as to how this bill will be received by the provinces. The mandatory declaration of origin at international borders has traditionally been a residual power decided on a state-by-state basis.” Heart calming, he eased his tone, donning the veil of a well-rehearsed speech. “Folding Lunars into this inflammatory mix does not alter legislation. If we exclude the provinces from discussions in these mandates, it could be perceived as an aggressor.”
Mind clearer as the panic subsided, he looked up gravely, concluding, “I think we can all agree that after the cataclysmic ramifications of the war, none of us desire the possibility of internal insurgence.”
A crackle of static crossed the connection. All were voiceless.
Is this not what they’d been discussing? Is it obvious he hasn’t paid attention?
Then Camilla’s nose pinched, reminiscent of a teacher’s glower when they’d pick on an inattentive student, expecting floundering, only to receive the correct answer. Smarting over the rebuff, poor concealment to save face. Yet she wasn’t disagreeing. Nor did any of the others fire back some warmed-up-leftovers retort.
“That is…not something we’ve yet considered,” she conceded.
Stars bless his woman.
Thank you.
My love
You used it?
I tried my best to sound like you
It was a lifesaver.
Though I changed a few words.
My love
Which ones?
Heated is a bit general. I used inflammatory.
My love
Ooh ill add it to my ‘fancy politician speak’ list.
“And what does the EC propose we do to prevent seditious mentalities arising from the provinces?” asked Prime Minister Kamin of Africa after several points Kai hadn’t heeded to passed.
Autopilot. “Considering this matter concerns the provinces, should we not turn to the provinces? I suggest” —Stars he is just making this up as he goes—“we first hold counsel with the province representatives individually. With impartial moderators of course.” (Nice, that’ll make it sound fleshed out.) “Once the opinions of each province are compiled, we can adjourn again to find the best strategy moving forward.”
Don’t see it as a cop-out to end this meeting. Don’t see it as a cop-out to end this meeting. This totally a cop-out.
President Vargas of the American Republic cleared his throat. The person who had introduced this bill, the person with a propensity for dragging a meeting through sleeplessness, hunger, and absolute thirst until he got his way. Kai felt everyone brace for argument, but Vargas simply commented, “That seems to be the most logical plan for the time being,” Oh, thank you, loud American man.
“I agree,” said Grand Minister Clay of Luna, always kindly looking even with the grimmest of subjects. He had been noticeably quiet this meeting; understandably, as he had held this position for less than a year and the Union were still not in the practise of including Luna in debates about Luna. “Luna only wants its citizens to interact with yours in peaceful, harmonious relations. We will do all we can from our side of the atmosphere to accommodate these adjustments in what is, as we recognise, an incendiary issue.”
A murmur of polite agreement. Good. Everyone’s happy. The end. Now. Please.
My love
I wish.
Incendiary. From Jacin’s dad.
My love
adding some flavour. It makes the list.
‘You’re welcome’ in Mandarin
My love
You’re too tired to type it out? You are sick
My love
Have you eaten yet?
Yeah. I threw up ten minutes later.
My love
Get some water into you and go to bed after youre done
Can’t. I’ve got two more meetings
My love
No you dont. Go to bed
I might feel better by then
My love
I’ll rest before then
He didn’t rest.
Kai trudged to his office, feet clawing on the carpet. His shoes were sure to be scuffed. That was all right; maybe he could throw one against his temple to knock himself out of his misery. 
The meeting had ended later than scheduled, as per usual. Then when the connections beeped out, his own staff had turned to him with ready-made speeches for the meeting after the meeting. It was terribly impolite how he’d blown them off and stumbled out to the hallway.
It was also terribly hard to care.
His hand skimmed the wall as he turned a corner. Eyes resolutely closed, he had never been so glad to live in this palace his whole life, for he knew the path just by sense. His stomach was roiling yet ravenous.
Four more steps, instinct reminded him.
Cold hands grazed a door frame. Kai fumbled, eyes still sealed, until he found the scanner and flashed his wrist, waiting for the whoosh of the sliding door.
He flashed his wrist again.
One, two, three seconds.
Hailing a thousand planets’ worth of strength, he forced his eyes open. Kai centred his wrist where the scanner’s electronic beam should lie. Except there was none. 
“It’s locked.”
He jerked and spun to the voice, surprised to be surprised to see his adviser seated in an armchair by the window. Of course—Torin had been at the Union meeting. And now he was here for the next meeting, to be held in precisely thirty-four minutes. 
“Well,” he spoke, tongue iron in his mouth. “Can…can we unlock it?”
“I locked it, Your Majesty.”
Kai smacked his lips, hand still hovering beneath the scanner. It took a significantly long moment before he uttered, “...Why?”
Torin abruptly stood, brushed down his suit and approached him. His mouth was set in a fine line, eyes enigmatic black. Kai momentarily felt that he should be bowing to this man as his superior, not the other way around.
His adviser procured something from his suit pocket, folding Kai’s fingers around it. A small silver flask, cool to the touch.
Kai held it. Stared at it dumbly.
Fingers waking under the discipline, he quickly untwisted the cap and brought the flask to his nose. He gave a cautionary sniff to scan for anything deadly—coffee would surely murder him. Finding it scentless, he drank. Water. He drank, drank, drank.
Once the flask was drained, Torin pulled it back to his possession. “This way,” he said, extending a hand towards the corridor.
Kai’s budding question died as Torin began striding away. His office door sung out to him—promising escape, promising rest. 
He could cancel that meeting. He could just not show.
But it was important. It was always so important. The mere fact that his country was still his and united and free was not to be understated.
He would take what he was handed. The burden, no, the responsibility that had been bestowed.
Three corridors in, no explanation had been offered. The hope that he was being led to his quarters was quashed on the cross-path to the sixteenth floor, where Torin diverted to the left. From the corner of his periphery, Kai noticed Torin studying him with a strong expression.
Great. He’s probably here to toss me a pack of painkillers, a ‘toughen up’ pep talk and force me into the meeting early.
Rather than do any of those things, Torin proffered him a pair of sunglasses. “Shield your eyes.”
He was frighteningly prepared. Slipping them on, Kai began blinking rapidly as the hallway was sucked of light. The sting behind his irises soothed. It did help. But his brain was still bleeding out of his ears, and every step, no matter how delicate, sent a throb up his spine. “Torin, I don’t think I can—”
“Just a moment, Kai.”
Kai was gently steered into a door that he had never noticed before, despite having walked this path countless times. Once inside, and only once he processed that they’d stopped walking, he realised it was an elevator. Not like the other elevators in the palace with their polished mahogany and dragon emblems and Edo period landscapes as the wallpaper. This was a plain stainless steel. It didn’t even have an android standing by.
“This is a servant’s elevator,” Torin supplied, expecting the curiosity. “It is a more direct route to our destination. I also believed you’d find the fewer guards along this path preferable.”
Yes. The less people who saw him like this, the better.
A disorientating swoop landed in his belly as they descended five floors. Ten. Thirteen. Then, the doors whished apart—with Kai’s genuine gasp—to blue, blue skies.
The cold hit his bones like a shockwave. The sunshine hit his skin like a prayer.
They trickled out of the lift into the immaculate paradise of the Imperial Palace Gardens. The buds were in bloom, the grass wet and dewy. Birds larked happily—the sound too beautiful to be bothersome to tired ears. Kai gaped in the wonder as they walked this unknown path, ignoring the complaints from his aching temples.
When was the last time he’d been out here?
A chilly afternoon drifted before him, the last before Cinder had left for another ambassadorial stint. They’d had a picnic lunch under the willow tree on the east side of the garden. The leaves were brown and wilting. Cinder had cosied up to him to fight the crisp wind and sprinkled bark in his hair.
He hadn’t been outside in a whole season.
“Kai,” called a calm voice. Torin was gesturing to a shady hollow amongst shrubs and trees. Slivers of sunlight flickered and shone down upon plush grass and foxglove blooms and pussy willows. In the centre of the flora was a wooden pavilion.
Torin brushed past him to set up the pillows already resting there. He patted the deck invitingly.
Kai didn’t need to be told twice. Shucking off his suit jacket and tossing it aside, he collapsed onto his back. His tendons groaned at the unforgiving mattress of wood, but Kai didn’t care. He was as content as a cooing baby in a cot.
The pavilion was small, but enough to accommodate all of Kai’s five feet and eleven inches. He gulped in the sweet scent of jasmine and breathed with the beats of the wind whistling through hollyhocks. Time passed; something vaguely prodded at him, badgering on about being back on time for his meetings.
Eh, Torin can force me back inside when he must.
At least, he assumed Torin had stayed. He was yet to hear the rustle of a wool suit and departing footsteps, though he doubted his woozy mind would notice.
Throat dry and hoarse, he tested, “How’d you know about this place?”
Birds chirped in response. Wind added its opinion. But no voice of his adviser.
He’d left.
But then, softly: “You are certainly not the first to struggle with the pressures of palace life.”
“Are you implying you’ve had moments of inability? You?” Kai laughed, rubbing his eyes. “Don’t joke, Torin.”
“I’m sure it is a great shock to you.” The response was more humoured than he’d heard in a while. The last time Torin had allowed such openness had been early in Cinder’s reign, when he’d informed her that she was not in fact bowing to the prince and princess of the United Kingdom, but the delivery florists.
(Kai didn’t think he’d laughed so hard since.)
“I am not as indestructible or unperturbed as I exert myself to appear, Kai. Nor should you have to be.”
Cracking open an eye, Kai glanced weakly at him. The perpetual frown was as present as if it were carved out of marble. Yet the slightest glimmer in his outstretched gaze warmed the stone.
“This place belonged to your father.” His voice assumed a warm, reminiscent timbre. “He and his father —your grandfather—built it together during one of Rikan’s school holidays. In later years, Rikan would come here when he required a reprieve from the necessities demanded of an emperor.”
Kai smiled at the thought of his father and grandfather together, working on a project—an idyllic image of bonding. His grandfather had died when Kai was too young to remember him, making Rikan a very young emperor. Kai had since claimed that record. His grandmother had died his last year of high school. As for his mother, her family originated from Japan and still lived there. None of them had ever been fond of his mother’s decision to marry a prince, so while his maternal grandparents sent gifts every year, they’d only promised to come visit to officially meet their granddaughter-in-law-to-be. “Why didn’t dad ever take me here?” he wondered aloud. “If he’d made it with Zǔfù…”
“Rikan was a good father. But he was also a young, troubled widower.” A sigh. “He came here to relieve those frustrations. He only ever wanted to give you the best of him; perhaps that’s why he did not bring you.”
A brown leaf blew in from the wind, a remnant from winter. Torin caught it in mid-air, crumpling it in his fist.
Kai recalled many things after his mother’s death, but the image of dad crying was obscured. The months following, Rikan had devoted himself to time with his son; outings, ice creams and bike rides, hugs and hot milk before bedtime. Kai had wondered at the time if his dad was a superhero, because he seemed to handle the pain that was suffocating Kai with such ease. Now older, a well-acquainted unwilling friend of grief, Kai guessed those tears had been shed into his mother’s pillow at night.
“He always did,” Kai confirmed, turning to his side. The breeze kissed his chin. “I wish he were here.” I wish he’d cried with me. I wish he’d let me see that it was okay.
“As do I.”
His eyes fluttered as he breathed, thinking of Cinder. More and more as he aged, he understood what his father felt when his mother died. To lose Cinder…he feared the person he would become. She was everything to him. She was everything that helped him stay him. For his father to smile and endure and lead the nation with conviction proved yet again that Rikan was a far greater man than himself.
“He was much stronger than me.”
“That is hardly true,” Torin reprimanded coldly.
A chuckle bubbled in Kai’s throat, the image of a young prince being scolded by a tall, stern-faced adviser flitting by his memories.
“Don’t laugh. Your father would not want you to believe him an infallible saint.”
“Sorry, sir.”
He exhaled loudly through his nostrils, an eye roll in Konn Torin language. “Your father struggled just as any person under such conditions would.”
“Yeah, he struggled. Me, I collapse.”
 A scoff. “Do you know what would happen when you father struggled?”
“He would develop migraines.”
Kai froze. A pointed look was aimed his way.
“Anxiety is normal. It’s healthy, in a way. It motivates you to do things well, knowing their negative results if you do not. But worrying about the anxiety, overexerting yourself in hopes of pre-empting that anxiety…”
He didn’t need to finish. Kai knew he was doing better than the eighteen-year-old orphan who had just lost his father and inherited half the world. But vast experience two more years did not make.
“You deserve respite, Kai. Do not be ashamed to take it.” Torin hesitated, an uncommon sight. “I…I won’t always be here to tell you to take care of yourself.”
A smile curled over dry lips. “Soon I’ll have an empress to do that.”
“Indeed. Still I am certain your fiancée would not want you to be overworking yourself as you are now.”
She doesn’t.
Torin opened his hand. The leaf he had claimed was now no more than a pile of brown ashes. Closing his eyes meditatively, succumbing to the cadence of the breeze, Torin seemed to be waiting. Trees kindly lowered their branches, inviting any wandering travellers to pass through.
Torin was patient. A burst of wind whistled overhead and at its loudest, he tossed the crumbs. Each piece scattered through the current, dancing a pas de deux in the exhilaration of freedom, and then they were gone.
Torin held out his empty palm. “You should always have someone you can lean upon when you struggle, Kai. But you must learn to stand up on your own.”
Planting his hands on the deck, Kai took a breath. He heaved himself upwards.
He took Torin’s hand. 
A fatherly smile, a tired smile, in tandem.
“Thank you,” said Kai.
Torin’s wrinkles creased back into that hard-set indifference. I’m proud of you, in Konn Torin language. He patted Kai’s knee. “I have postponed your meetings for today. Your office will unlock in three hours.”
“It’ll be the end of the workday by then,” Kai contested, laying back atop the pillow.
“Oh. What a shame.”
“Sarcasm?” A yawn as the suitcoat was tucked against his chest. “Cinder’s rubbing off on you.”
“We could all use a touch of her fiery spirit now and turn.”
Maybe. But right now, Kai just wanted Cinder’s icy calmness, when she’d kiss his head and pull him in her arms. Determination and drive could wait for tomorrow.
His head throbbed a quieter drumbeat, syncopated by the footsteps that clipped away on the pebbles. Kai let his face muscles slack, his mind slip away, exhaustion excusing the lack of goodbye.
Something startled him from sleep.
He mumbled incoherently, rising on instinct and squinting at the silhouetted figure.
Torin put a hand to Kai’s chest, easing him back to the deck. “Easy there,” he soothed. He nestled something by Kai’s hip.
Blearily, Kai found the flask from before, refilled. A strip of medicine lay beside it.
“You have an appointment booked with Doctor Li at 13:00 tomorrow if you wish to attend.” A final smile. “Get some rest, Kai.”
There was the goodbye.
“Thanks Torin,” he called distantly with a slow wave, eyes drooping like sleepy autumn buds.
The sounds surrounding him were numerous and beautiful. Before he’d wished to be in the void of space for blessed silence; now he dreaded it. This lulled him like his mother’s voice and his father’s low laugh and Cinder’s humming.
He would take what he was handed. The compassion, the love, the promise of endurance.
Rest he would.
Did you sic Torin on me?
My love
Let me check the controlling every aspect of Kai’s life group chat
Nope i haven’t commed in a week
My love
Did he make you sleep
My love
That’s great
He’s a good guy
I actually thought about comming him
But I kinda figured he’d be looking out for you anyway
I love you Cinder. You’re my whole world
My love
Go to bed, handsome
@cindersassasin @hayleblackburn @spherical-empirical @salt-warrior @just2bubbly @gingerale2017 @zephyr-thedragon @icarusignite @kaider-is-my-otp @slmkaider @luna-maximoff-22 @cosmicnovaflare @kaixiety @snozkat @mirrorballsss @skinwitch18 @vincentvangothic @bakergirl13 @zsysartsandfics
why was this so easy to write yet so difficult to edit? Also I will probably go through and fix this again because I just wanted it out of my drafts. Okay byyyeeee!
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v3nusxsky · 2 years
Hello, love! Hope you have a wonderful time today.
Can I request a multiverse fic where y/n (shoulder length hair, younger, slightly taller than lesso) is from the modern world and got picked by the storian to be the new professor for the newly combined school for a new subject (swords play + henchmen training), so she's neither an Ever nor a Never (if she did, she'd be a 60%Ever 40%Never reader). She's kind of a kind and playful tomboyish girl (daily wears, behaviour etc) but not above being cunningly evil while punishing students as she see fits which is how she caught Lesso's attention.
They've been bickering and bantering each other for a while now, y/n calling her Nora instead of Leo or Lady Dean instead of Lady Lesso like everyone else when she's teasing her, which Lesso secretly likes but will never admit it.
She reaches her breaking point on the night of the winterfest ball where y/n come wearing a suit looking hot and catching everyone's attention (ref: black haired Elaine Markinson). How/why she explodes is up to you (feeling is mutual btw).
You can also make it implied smut (bottom Lesso, she secretly love other people being in charge over her) and implied intersex y/n. Their nickname after being together is little raven for lesso and little pigeon for y/n.
I know this is pretty specific and might be hard for you but it's up to you if you want to omit certain details or to twist it up to your liking, I'm fine with anything!
I hope you dont find this like an essay homework or some sort 😂
Love the works you do, hun. Thank you so much for writing those stories.
Hey anon! I really enjoyed this request thank you so much for sending it and the details really helped. Thank you for your kind words I adore writing and knowing you all like what I write is the best feeling.
My very own Raven| NSFW
*Authors note~ I love how detailed this is and the descriptions just helped make this flow. I'm sorry about changing the word pigeon but I couldn't make it flow:(  I hope you enjoy this loves*
Trigger warning~ intersex reader, dominant r sub l
Prompt~ see ask^^
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Being from the Morden world, being picked to teach at the school for good and evil was a unheard of experience. Now for you this was a challenge you'd love to face head on but for it had caused some hassle from others in your life. The day you left was the day you finally felt free. Free to express yourself and be who you felt you should be.
The newly merged schools had a new list of classes for the students. Although joined, they still liked to separate themselves into their schools. Some traditions were made and some were formed. Instantly, you feel in love with the school and the students in it. But one lady in particular caught your attention. The one and only Lady Leonora Lesso.  Due to you being a new teacher you also had to be sorted into your side, however what was most concerning to everyone was that you didn't fit into either side fully. No you had come out being 60 % Never and 40% Ever. Luckily for you, you had a class that was joint of Evers and Nevers. Swords play and henchman training is what you were to be teaching the students and you couldn't help but feel the excitement bubble through you. Truly this was a subject that fascinated you and suited you down to the ground.
Truth be told you were often referred to as a tomboy, the clothes you wore tend to tight fitting pants and a top tucked into the pants. A nice pair of healed boots and your shoulder length hair was slicked back into a neat ponytail. The boots added to your height making you stand just a few inches above the Dean of Evil. The attire was absolutely perfect for your job. That provided you with the confidence you needed by making you comfortable in your own skin.
You normally held a quiet and sometimes shy demeanour, and your heart was full of kindness until the situation called for a harsher approach. Your students knew you to be fair but strict. That commanded them to mainly behave for you, but you had a few fun times where a student had overstepped, your punishment ensuring they wouldn't stray from the rules again. And those punishments are what lead to you to being in this game with the Dean. You had managed to get underneath her skin not that she would admit it, you challenged her and that was something she would not lose. You knew the effect you were having on the women watching as she glared hold in your head after you called her "Nora" instead of "Leo" or "Lesso" was exciting for you. How far would you be able to push her until she snapped?
That snap came on the night of the annual Winterfest ball. You had opted to wear a black tight fitting suit. The outfit highlighted your assets perfectly, the crisp white blouse had just enough buttons undone for the black lace of your bra to peak through. Your hair in its signature ponytail, and a black blazer that buttoned up just underneath your cleavage. The outfit paired with some nice heals and a beautiful chunky necklace. Your makeup was light, not something that anyone had seen you since your arrival. You knew you looked good, you felt confident and comfortable and that showed as you strode into the ballroom.
Eyes instantly drawn to you, as you strutted across the room to grab a drink. Slyly you snuck a glance in the direction of Lesso, pleased to see her eyes were trained on you, seemingly devouring you then and there. The gaze was anything but pure and that made  you shiver in desire. Deciding to really push it tonight you made sure to swirl your drink in your hand before taking a sip keeping eye contact with the women before sending her a cheeky wink. Next, when you were sat you made sure to sit a little unlady like, hands resting on your inner thigh as you caught her gaze once more. This time you rolled your eyes as a cue. You were bored. And quite frankly you wanted her to make a move, this cat and mouse game of bickering and one upping each other was great. But having her in a bed, you could think of many other games you truly desired to play with the women.
Something snapped in Lesso as a Ever staff member boldly flirted with you. You were hers. Well you weren't but you should be! And she was going to make damn sure you would be hers. So she approached alluding her usual sexy confident aura. The Ever teacher soon scampered away in fear of the red head. Which allowed her to drag you out of the hall and towards your chambers. Yours were closest and truthfully neither of you could wait any longer. All the teasing now overwhelming you with an unholy desire.
Your secret was hard to hide. It was rather thick and long standing proudly to attention with your need for the older women. You felt her gasp when her hand found it. With a quick glance you saw how the lust clouded her beautiful irises and she mumbled, "is that um a"you cut her off with a kiss to stop the stuttering words, her thoughts failing her as she battled with the newly found desire to be taken by you. Normally dominant, Lesso was surprisingly a innocent submissive in the bedroom and her discovery only made that need more poignant. "I'm intersex Nora" you whispered when you pulled away for air. The fear of rejection you felt was quickly squashed as a moan tumbled from her lips at the thought. You smirked. "You like it Nora" you whispered in her ear causing her to nod enthusiastically. "Please god please fuck me" she moaned for you, submitting instantly to you. "With pleasure" you mumbled before claiming her lips once more and backing her onto the bed.
It was safe to say, you'd never experienced sex to be like that. You had brought her to paradise so many times and normally that's all you'd do is pleasure your partner, but no Leonora had surprised you by sinking to her knees and taking your impressive length in her mouth. Being intersex meant you still required the protection and you did take those precautions but the older women had really made you climax more than once meaning you'd used your stash up now. That's the only reason you decided to stop for the night and settle into bed together. Lesso snuggled up onto your chest absolutely spent from the multiple orgasms you had bestowed on her. "Are you alright little raven?" You murmured before dropping kisses into her gorgeous locks. "Mmm my dove I'm perfectly well thank you my love" she whispered back dropping kisses to your bare chest as she fought sleep. Here in this moment you knew you'd found your forever despite the fact it wasn't perfect, you both would make mistakes but at the end of the day, you never wanted to lose this.
Word count ~ 1525
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I know you've been getting a lot of male reader requests and I'm so sorry to add on to it-
Could I request a fic where Jason is bullying reader about being "Eddie's boy" or something like that and Eddie gets protective and possessive?
Maybe some smut with rough but loving Eddie? Eddie's absolutely wrecking the reader but still being the sweetheart that he is
Hi! I'll be happy to do my best.
I'm building off a continuation of this blurb, "Teach Me How to Love You" and combining it with another request:
Can you do an Eddie x Male Reader smut where the reader teases Eddie all day in school which makes him really horny. Then as soon as school ends Eddie quickly drags the reader to his trailer and things just go from there. (Sub/bottom reader btw). thank you!
The goal is to try and keep myself from burnout and honor the requests that come in at the same time. Thanks for understanding. Reader is 18.
Eddie Munson x Male Reader.
CW: 18+ Content (Smut--Handjobs and blowjobs specifically)
Feel free to look through my masterlist here!
Perhaps it was also naive to think that wearing your tightest jeans was just a coincidence on the day that you and Jason had to present your scene. The entire time, while glancing between your piece of paper and the classroom, you stole glances to Eddie. When you two caught gazes, you'd smile and Eddie would send you a wink. But then his eyes would drop down to the front of your jeans and when you turned to the side, he'd tilt his head just a little to catch a side view of your ass.
At the end, after the class finishes their clapping, you lean a bit of your chair to Eddie's seat, sliding a note onto the corner of his desk. Ms. Barlowe is much too distracted by her praise to notice the pass.
You are being so obvious. Perhaps I should get you a bucket.
Eddie scoffs when he reads it, flipping you bird. You laugh, turning back into your seat to face the front as the next pair goes up to the front to talk about the scene they translated and perform it. But the entire time you're staring at pairs, you can feel Eddie's stare boring in the side of your head.
"My place?" Eddie asks at the end of the day, fingers tracing over your palm.
"I have to get my mom from work. I've got the only working car right now."
Eddie nods, understanding the necessity of your part. "Just call when you get back home, yeah? Wanna make sure you're safe."
"Absolutely." You kiss his cheek, aware of the setting though the parking lot is full, most people are too focused on themselves to quite notice. You don't want to push it though.
Eddie opens your car door and closes it once you're situated inside. You roll down the window, through which Eddie leans in. "Still coming to the show tomorrow?"
"I wouldn't dream of missing it. Not with my man performing."
Eddie grins, head lolling gently to the side. "Oh, say that again."
"In your dreams, Munson. But seriously, I gotta go."
"Yeah, yeah, drive safe," he states, stepping away from the car and letting you back out of the spot. Eddie watches until your headlights are just ghosts of themselves before he climbs into the van and starts towards Gareth for band practice. He'd offered his plan as interim and for post practice originally, hoping to get more than just a kiss on the cheek. And if Eddie had anything to do with it, he would.
You seem to make it your life's mission to find every possible piece of distracting clothing and to wear it for Eddie the entire week. When it's not the jeans, it's the tight muscle tee that you wear, Corroded Coffin's logo etched into the front of it with fabric paint, or the button up shirt that most definitely should've been button up more to hide away your chest, but none of the teachers stopped you, or the cologne that isn't one Eddie's noticed you wearing before but smells absolutely fucking delicious. When it's none of that, it's the rings you unearth from where in your closet. Rings were Eddie's thing. And that he didn't want to sharing things, but he takes notes of the way you purposefully talk with your hands more with the rings, like you want to bring attention to them.
And the entire week, because your mom's car is still down, Eddie can't have you. He can't sit you on his lap, can't tug and pull you to a release in his fist like he wants and while it's literally had him rubbing one out nearly every night in the shower, Eddie can be a patient man when he wants to be.
Because Friday night you are all his. Your mother's car is fixed and returned Thursday evening and though Eddie has Dungeons and Dragons to head, there's nothing else that can get in the way.
That is until Jason's pestering comes to a head. He'd been on your ass since you two got assigned as partners and managed to get cordial enough to actually ace the project. However, the days post the presentation, he'd found every reason to corner you.
Today, a rather dry and crisp morning, Jason finds you leaning against the hood of your car, arms folded over your chest as you wait for Eddie. "Oh, are you missing your master? Sitting here like a lost fucking puppet." A slur follows it and you really and truly only want to turn away from him.
He'd gone from bumping you in the hallways, to openly mocking you when you weren't with Eddie. The less you gave in, the harder he tried to get a reaction. Today wouldn't be any different for you.
"You deaf? You hear me talking to you?" Jason hollers. Spit flies off the end of his lip.
You say nothing, staring at him and the crew that's assembled. It would be four against one and if you managed to get a good hit on two of them, the other two would be on your ass in a heartbeat. You're no fool, even if you can feel the tick of your own jaw.
"I'm talking to you," Jason huffs. "Ain't anybody ever tell you it's rude not to talk when someone's talking to you."
"You're yelling. You're not talking."
"You're a fucking freak who's fucking a freak and it's vile," he spits.
"Did Chrissy not put out? Or is it your time of the month?" you return. You hate to bring her into this--Chrissy's always been nice to you. But you know it's going to crawl under Jason's skin and eat him alive. The two of them had been on the rocks. Everyone could see it.
And like a match only needs gasoline Jason rushes you, hands tightening around the collar of your t-shirt. "The fuck did you say to me?"
"I don't think I need to repeat myself," you laugh.
The call interrupts Jason's wild gaze and when he looks over, he spots Eddie rushing over. Eddie shoves past Patrick, who truly is the meeker of the group. How Sinclair could ever want to get in with the likes of them is beyond Eddie and though it pissed him off, Sinclair and yet to miss a campaign session so Eddie would let it slide until it became a problem. And Sinclair's not a problem, not someone Eddie thinks could be easily poison but Jason was a toxic cloud and strong enough to take almost anyone under.
Jason's grip loosen around your shirt and you swat at his hands. He steps away as Eddie steps between your body and his. "What kind of problem do we have here?" Eddie asks.
Jason grins. "Looks like we've got a freak problem right now. What do you say boys?"
You push up from the hood of the car. It's four against two, still terrible odds, but Eddie's scrappy, you've seen it. And so are you. These are odds you are willing to take and for a fleeting moment, you think the heavens you wore rings today.
You don't know who threw the first punch. It could've been Josh, maybe it was Chance. All you know is that when the gym teachers get involved to break up the fight, your lip may be busted but Josh's eye has seen better day. You're pretty sure Chance as a broken nose. Jason face seems mostly untouched as if he used the other three to shield himself from most of the damage and Patrick's eye and lip are swollen.
You let Mr. Jenkins haul you away, arms going up in defense before you look to find Eddie, who's not even looking at Mr. Polinsky but looking at you. The brawl lands you and Eddie a week of in-school suspension. Two brave witness came to attest that Jason, Chance, Patrick, and Josh instigated the fight but you know the precious Hawkin's basketball team will only get a slap on the wrist in the end.
As you and Eddie leave the principal's office, you notice how thick the silence is between the two of you. You hadn't spoken a word to each other when Eddie came up to intervene and you couldn't really say much as you took fist to your faces and the occasional foot to your rib.
"A beautiful way to start the day, huh?" you tease, nudging at his elbow with your own.
"How long has Jason been antagonizing you?" Eddie ask instead, pulling you of the direction of the nurses office where the two of you were sent with directions to go immediately to the ISS room.
You shrug. "I wouldn't call it antagonizing as much as I would call Jason pathetic."
"He is pathetic. I hate that Sinclair's going to the dark side, but you were severely outnumbered there. How long as he been on your case?"
"A couple of days."
Eddie stares at you, big eyes pleading as you can see the bruises blossoming his face.
"A week," you sigh, casting your gaze down to the ground. "Ever since we presented in English, he's been up my ass."
Your heart drops when you catch sight of the frown on Eddie's face. He speaks before you can ask about it. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"It wasn't like he'd threaten to jump me until today," you defend.
"No, but, like, why didn't you tell me when it first started happening? I could've helped."
You laugh. "You helped today."
"I'm being serious." It leaves Eddie's throat in almost a growl and he's fingers wrap around your chin tip of his thumb gingerly grazing where your lip split.
You wince just a little at the touch. "There were so many other things I had to focus on. I just--I didn't think it was a big deal."
"And now you're handsome little face is bruised to all hell," Eddie sighs. He gets that other things were higher priority for you but damn it hurts worse to see you injured.
"I'm tough," you laugh.
"You are. You've always been, but goddamn, I don't want to have to be."
You watch his face, eyes flickering over the injuries you've noticeably sustained. "Don't look at me like that," you sigh. His eyes ooze with regret and a little bit of sadness. He doesn't look at you like you're fragile, but he he does look at you like the whole world might reside in the expanse of your being. "My heart won't be able to take it," you tease.
Eddie grins, it's short lived, his face no doubt sore too. "C'mon," he states gingerly, hands interlacing with yours and pulling you in the direction of the front doors.
"We have nurse passes and then ISS."
"The school can kiss my ass. No doubt she's not done patching up the airhead jocks."
You continue to trail behind Eddie, glancing every couple of seconds to see if the doors will open again. "They're going to go to the ISS room and we're not going to be there."
"I'll call up to the nurse's office. She'll get our work."
"Don't tell me you used the Munson boyish charm on Mrs. Yeates. Poor sweet Yeates subjected to your wilds is unfair. Her late husband's been dead longer than we've been alive."
Eddie snorts at your taunts. "She's one of the few people left at this school that gives a shit about me. She scratches my back, I scratch hers."
"That--but not like that that, you know?"
"Mrs. Yeates very occasionally buys, most of the time I help her out with stuff around the office or her house."
"The school nurse?" you whisper, finding your keys in your pocket. You're thankful now that they didn't fall out or get trashed in the fight. "Buys? From you?"
"She tips well too," Eddie laughs. "Meet me at my place. You can still see, right?"
You nod. "Yeah, but I should be asking you that?"
"If you see Hopper just floor it. The man loves a good speed chase."
You're not shocked that Eddie would know that. So you leave it be and settle yourself in the driver seat before following Eddie out of the parking school lot.
At his trailer, Eddie hoists you up onto the counter. And it's less he does it all himself, you help, but when he pats the side of the sink, hands running under the water, you slip up onto it and his hands hover to make sure you don't fall.
He's gentle as he dabs off the dried blood. His warning that the cleanser is going to sting comes from softly in his chest and you grip the edge of the counter to keep from jerking away too much at the sting. It's soothed by Eddie's hand along your thigh. "You did good," he praises, flipping through the content of the first aid kit.
He fishes out the ointment, finding q-tips to apply it. The cut on your cheek is cleansed and bandaged too before Eddie works on himself in his reflection. All the while you sit and watch. His eye doesn't look nearly as bad as Josh's but it still doesn't look great. You slip down as Eddie moves to get his cuts bandaged up to find the frozen peas you know are still probably haunting the freezer for these exact purposes. Your knuckles are in great shape, but they'll be okay.
You return to the bathroom to hand the bag over to Eddie. "For your eye," you tell him.
Eddie laughs. "I can't exactly suck you off and hold a bag of peas to my face at the same time."
The brashness catches you off guard, your mouth hanging open like a fish for a moment. "What-what are you talking about?"
Eddie hooks a finger into the collar of your shirt bringing your chest firmly against his. "You have been a goddamn tease this entire week. New cologne."
"It's actually old. I only wear it fancy occasions." That isn't a lie, but it's not fully true either.
"Tight jeans."
"I-I hadn't done laundry yet." Absolutely that one is a lie, but those jeans are usually reserved for the bottom of the barrel for that specific reason. It does help that you had a feeling the outline of your bulge would set Eddie off.
"A button up that wasn't even worthy of the title of shirt considering how many buttons you had undone."
"It gets hot in the school," you defend. And that is true. Once the heat is turned on in the school, it is on and it is boiling hot.
"Rings," Eddie continues to list off.
"Okay, that was on purpose." You'll concede that point but not the others as you enjoy the way Eddie walks you out of the bathroom, pausing to get the peas back into the freezer and then continuing back to his room.
"And that goddamn tight muscle t-shirt Tuesday night."
"The bar gets stuffy, Eds." Another piece of the truth tainted in a tiny bit of a lie. You wouldn't be oblivious to the fact that the muscle tee did show off your biceps and you would, and did, use that to your advantage.
Eddie brings you, not by dragging but by stalking so you walk backwards throughout the trailer to his bedroom, kicking the door close with his foot. "Over my dead body," Eddie laughs. He closes in, like he wants to kiss you but he knows it's going to cause too much pain.
"On the bed. Now."
You debate only for a moment what you're going to do but then turn and walk to the edge of his bed before you sit. The last thing you're going to do is deny him or yourself the pleasure of this experience. Though you weren't sure how far it would or could go given your injuries, you'd take the risk of pushing the envelope.
Eddie crouches down into your space, nose gently bumping over yours. "You had and go get punched, which means in order to spare your pain I can't kiss you properly."
"I didn't ask for it," you retort, intent on keeping the story line straight. Jason had started it but you'd finish it.
"I know. I just need to know though. What will you ask for?" The question is paired with Eddie's hands tugging your shirt up and out of your tucked in jeans.
"You." It's one word that falls from your chest in a whisper but it carries with it everything.
Eddie makes quick work of your t-shirt, discarding it haphazardly to the floor. His fingers skate down your chest, teasing your nipple and you hitch up, a groan knocking at your chest at the sensation. You can feel a throbbing--now the dull ache of your sore face and hard cock mingling together as Eddie disrobes you. His touch is gentle and sure, but his pace is quick. He is tender but he is not wasting time.
You reach out for his bicep as you pushes you back further up on the bed, dull fingernails digging into the flesh and muscle. Eddie laughs at the way you moan out his name. It sounds like music, but Eddie finds glee in the way you melt for him.
"I would apologize for how hasty this is, but I think you're too blissed out to even care," Eddie whispers into the skin of your neck.
"I-" you swallow down part of the moan that works up your throat at the suckle of Eddie's plumps lips. "Fuck, I really don't care."
"Figured as much," Eddie laughs. He kisses down your chest, working your jeans and boxers down too. The sight of you, hard and leaking onto your own stomach makes Eddie's mouth salivate and his own cock to twitch in his pants. "Fuck," he whispers before taking you into his mouth.
You throw your head back, and the throbbing that he'd pushed aside for the moment comes rushing back again so you angle your head down again and huff as the work of Eddie's tongue over you. His free hand keeps tight on your pelvis, pressing you down into the mattress as everything in you wants to rut up into the warmth of his mouth. his spongy tongue runs along the underside of your cock and it makes you see stars.
It's lewd--the sounds Eddie ms making but you don't care as you join in, your groans bursting from your chest. You're not going to last long, not with the way Eddie's tongue and hand are working over you.
You teeter right on the edge before Eddie pulls away firmly. "You fucker," you huff, the last tense edge of your impending orgasm floating away.
"I want to watch you when you cum," he states. It's even and measured no hesitation or uncertainty.
Eddie spits into his hand before grasping you again and he watches, every twitch of your face, every time your jaw goes slack--Eddie watches it all and the blinding edge comes back. You can feel it in your toes.
"Shit." It's all you can muster and his name falls broken just behind it.
"That's it," Eddie encourages. "That's what I want," he smiles, when the first hot spurt hits his hand. "Give me all you've got."
His hand keeps an steady stroke over you and you don't have any air to tell Eddie you can't come anymore, that you have given everything and then he lets go and you think you've plummeted back into the stratosphere all the way down back to Eddie's bed.
The frame creaks and then something warm and soft is against you. You realize now, probably a cloth to clean up the mess you've made. It's not until Eddie returns to the bed, how he brings your naked chest up into his chest--now stripped over the t-shirt he'd put on this morning--that you start to regather your thoughts again.
"Give me five and you're next," you mutter into his chest.
"I'll give you ten so I can ice my eye."
"Sounds perfect."
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enlighten3d · 27 days
i know i said id write this post four hours ago but i had to do the merge dragons event. anyway.
WINGS ! how the fuck would they be treated on smps where theres pvp? (this is an au where Everyone has wings. and talons but well get into that Later. this is about the wings sdhkjgl)
(context post btw: here)
they are very much a weak point in combat, id saying. if you fuck someones wings up, they are done for. cant fly away, permanent damage. and theres not many ways to defend them (beyond putting armour on the flesh and bone part of the wing - which would do a lot more than it sounds like!). so i do think that it would be social taboo to go for someones wings in battle.
but even if it is social taboo.. accidents happen, and it works differently on different servers, right? and thats what this post is about ! focusing on smps where theres actual Combat (sorry hermitcrafters and kww collab fans)
first off, my beloved.. the dream smp. honestly! i think people would NOT go for the wings. there may be wars and actually genuinely fucked up stuff, but going for the wings in a fight is taking it too far. accidents have DEFINITELY happened tho, what with the sheer amount of withers and explosions. like phils wings being fucked up! yes i know thats a canon thing but im using it to prove my point here. the EXCEPTION to this 'people not intentionally going for the wings' thing is, well. c!dream. the fucker would INSTANTLY go for the wings whenever he has an opportunity. its a weak point, of course he'd abuse the fuck out of it, like. its impossible to expect anything otherwise.
lifesteal!! this ones fun to me because i think theyd have Concrete Rules on this. like they already do! from off the top of my head, i remember that netherite armour is banned, for example. i think going for the wings would just be... another thing thats banned. and no matter how deep into the Lore that people get, those rules are GEEENERALLYYYYY followed. the wings one for sure is. it may be the dEaDlIeSt SeRvEr, but theyre all there willingly. getting their wings fucked up is not something ANYONE wants. i dont know enough about lifesteal to pinpoint specific times that Accidents wouldve happened but! whatever. this is one rule that they always follow i think. (please dont kill me for this one if you disagree, i havent watched enough lifesteal)
now the life series... naturally, going for the wings is banned. ..but only nominally, really. all bets are off when youre on red, right? i really dont think there could be anything to stop people on red from going for peoples wings in fights. i mean, depending on your interpretation of the life series (as in, does being on red actually make someone Bloodthirsty like most common fanon, or is it just a Thing that lets someone attack others?), this can change, but i like the first one, so with that in mind... yeah nothing would stop people on red from going for the wings. this only gets MORE INTERESTING if you believe life series and hermitcraft to be connected in some way... with the inevitable wing injuries that would come from the life series, if they just... go back to hermitcraft and other servers afrterwards... if those injuries are permanent (which i do believe they are), then... oh that would be Something hehe. keeping this in my back pocket a fic idea, yall are free to yoink it.
and last but not least, bcs i dont actually watch that many smps (esp not with fighting) or whatever... unstable universe. pretty much what i said for lifesteal! like! i dont see any reason why itd be any different. yes unstableverse doesnt have Rules like lifesteal, but... theyre mostly the same people. if they can follow that Rule in lifesteal, combined with the social taboo thing, i think that they wouldnt really go for the wings. thats just a line you dont cross. (..also wemmbu did canonically yoink Most of the elytras on the whole server at one point, and in this context i think it would be funny if he just somehow managed to disable flight for a while, but thats a whole other thing unrelated to wings in combat lmao)
this is all headcanons !! im making shit up, as always !! o7
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tempkiriri · 5 months
For the fandom ask game, for Tiger & Bunny: could I please have 1, 3, 12, 22 for *rolls mental dice* Antonio and Ryan, and 23, please? 😊🩷
Alrighty! 1: OTP This is honestly a tricky one for both men, and people may be surprised by the answer. Who I pair Antonio with may change later since I still need to read the Manga, but I do picture him as having a 'buried so deep he doesn't acknowledge it' crush on Kotetsu and used to have one on Tomoe as well but of course kept his lips shut (which also answers the OT3 question for him as well haha). With *just* the anime taken into account, his crush on Agnes isn't belivable, you 100% need supplementary material to even have his 'I'm trying to get *Agnes* a gift' thing at the end of S2 come across as believable and not just a cheap expectation divergence for the sake of it. So right now it's kind of, no OTP for him, but Antonio/Kotetsu is crammed into a little box in the corner in my head. As for Ryan, I don't ship him with anyone too strongly bc the only 'older' (aka mid 30s at youngest in my head) women in the show are Agnes and Nathan, and whilst either could be interesting in theory I don't think it would work out for either of them lol. I'm a Ryan Milf Hunter truther, meaning I don't ship him with Karina at all. Like, I dunno man, him flirting with her mother right in front of her is kinda sending clear signals to me. Someone please write Golden Ryan x MILF!Reader fics I think that would be funny.
3: NoTP This one is also tricky. I classify a NOTP as something that is able to render me physically uncomfortable if discussed, which aside from some generally obvious child / adult ships and similar ships in here, I don't think I have that reaction to anything. Closest is for Antonio is that I think Ivan is allowed to have a crush on him but Antonio would like, nephew-zone him, much like how Kotetsu has niece-zoned Karina at least twice now. And similarly while not exactly an NOTP for Ryan, I again just don't see him with Karina, she's not in the age bracket he's interested in; too young.
12: Funniest/Craziest AU? Honestly there's not a lot of AUs I can think of that revolve specifically around a character. Antonio has a bit of a sad one I have saved for him so it's not applicable here, but for Ryan I *did* write a fic where he and Ivan go to the beach bc he wants to help Ivan 'hunt for babes', that was pretty fun to write. Molly comes with, btw. But I don't consider that an AU bc I tried to keep it canon compliant, so...yeah, don't have much for ryan, at the moment.
22: Give us a HC Antonio - He's secretly semi-fluent in Japanese because he wanted to learn due to being friends with Kotetsu and Tomoe and wanting to communicate with them in private when in public (at least when in Sternbild). Ryan - Everyone seems to make fun of just how *fake* of a shade of yellow his hair is, but it's also very hard to get it to that colour if your hair is naturally dark (everyone remember Morita's The Live Incident? Bleached his hair so hard by best he could achieve was some cherry red-brown). Naturally, Ryan is a Platinum Blond like Ivan is, but with the colour being so un-vibrant combined with Ryan's desire to stand out, he dyes it a horrific yellow.
23: Has Fav ship changed overtime? Across all fandoms and my time being alive, certainly. As a young kid I got into Avatar, as one does, and something both outright turned me off from Katara with Aang and hooked me on Katara with Zuko. I don't know, I think it's just a difference of how chemistry can be forced in terms of writing. Tunnel of Love is the bane of like 8yo me's existence is all i'm gonna say.
Next I moved onto sonic and oh man there were so many goddamn ships. Sticking strictly to Canon on Canon, I think my first fav sonic ship was Tails and Cream, and currently it's Sonic with either Blaze or Knuckles (though for Sonaze specifically I view it as starcrossed and I do have a fic idea on exploring that *evil laughs*). If anyone wants a thicker rundown of the sonic ship timeline feel free to ask for 23 again and state sonic only lolll
Then I caved into despair like lord Enoshima would have wanted and got a double whammy of Hetalia and Danganronpa around the same timeframe. For Hetalia, you can rip the old bickering married couple of France and England from my cold dead hands, and then I had several for Danganronpa but the one I think I championed for the hardest out of sheer 'it's getting drowned out by the less interesting shit' was Shuichi x Kaito. Like, my guys, Shuichi catches HIS GAY THOUGHTS ON KAITO IN THE MIDDLE OF AN FTE. I genuinely don't know how other ships have stronger bases bc of that one moment. But also, that would require the DR fandom to know how to read, so (/j).
And then came Persona 5. So many good ships in here, I still adore stuff like Joker with both Yusuke and Ryuji, and I also got a soft spot for Ryuji with Yusuke or Haru. (In fact I have an AU fic I promise I havent abandoned abt Ryukita. The two men are early 20s in the fic with jobs and Ryuji is even a single father.)
And now we arrive at present time, where these petty argument idiots have taken over my brain, send help. Honourable mention will have to go to Keith with Cis bc that episode completley destroyed me it's like a brain worm and I cannot pluck it out.
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Heyoo!! I was wondering if you could do a Magolor x reader? I don't really have any ideas in terms of what specifically, so it can be up to you on what you want to put in the drabble. Btw, I love your fanfics, they're pretty amazing!! Keep up the great work ^^
Hi! Of course I can do a Magolor x Reader! Feeling daring going random, eh? I got you covered! One random drabble coming right up! And thank you so much for the compliments, I just try my best! If you don’t mind, I’m also feeling a little daring today, so do you mind if I write a crossover fic? Thinking with Splatfest coming up this weekend in Splatoon, I’d try to combine the two! If not, just send in another ask and I’d be happy to write something else for you!
May The Best Team Win! - Magolor x GN!Reader (Splatoon AU)
“Come on, the voting boxes have been open for an entire week now! And the Splatfest starts in only a few hours!” Magolor practically dragged you by your arm to pledge your loyalty one of the three teams and to pick up your Splatfest Tee.
“Alright, alright! What even are the options this fest, anyways?” You asked. Magolor just stared at you for a good, long moment.
“You… haven’t heard? They finally gave us the fest we all predicted! It’s an ice cream themed fest— vanilla versus strawberry versus mint chip.”
You cocked your head to the side. “Interesting how they’d listen to us for once,” You smiled. “What team are you gonna choose, Magolor?” You added as you two approached the voting kiosk.
“Easy!” Magolor began typing in the player ID that was displayed on his splashtag. “I’m Mint Choco. How about you?”
You hummed, watching Magolor’s Splatfest tee be dispensed at the bottom of the kiosk. He then stepped to the side, allowing you to move forward and begin your selection. You typed in your player ID, and Magolor eagerly looked over your shoulder to see your choice.
You selected your team, and Magolor facepalmed.
“Vanilla? Really?!” He shook his head as you began laughing. “Whaaat?? It’s a classic, we get white ink, and Shiver is really cool!” You protested.
“[Name], you know that means we’ll be going against each other, right?” Magolor tried to hide his disappointment and looked down.
You frowned. “Magolor… don’t give me that face…” You looked around the kiosk area before taking a deep breath. “It’ll just be friendly competition, alright?” You decided maybe the best way to get him to perk up again was to tease him. “Are you just scared your team is gonna lose?”
“What-?! No!” You could’ve sworn that you saw him blush a bit.
“Then prove it to me by fighting hard for your team! And who knows, maybe we’ll come across each other in a match?” You cheered, and Magolor regained his determination.
“Right! I’ll go grab my splatling now, then! See you later, [Name]!” And with that, both you and Magolor rushed off to change your clothes and grab your weapons.
~ . ~
All was going well, and you were having a lot of fun! You kept going, match after match after match. Until eventually, when the splashtags showed on the side screens…
”Better-Than-You Adventurer
Magolor ☆#xxxx”
Oh NO.
You had hyped up Magolor earlier, but you knew damn well that he and his hydra splatling were absolutely KILLER. It would be a real challenge that you’re not on the same side as he.
Before you could think any further, you heard the “GO!” sound effect and was launched onto the map.
The map was Scorch Gorge. You and your teammates split up: The carbon roller stayed back to paint base, the aerospray mg took the left, and the painbrush took the right. You, however, were only left with one choice: Taking the middle.
You gripped your weapon and gulped before going for the center build. And lo-and-behold, Magolor was running over the grates to get to the center too.
A thought struck you like an e-liter, and you smiled mischievously. You would surprise Magolor, just to shake him up a little. You held your squid surge against the side of the center build, and waited.
After a few seconds, Magolor made it to the top of the center build and began inking it. But when you jumped up to surprise him, he immediately began charging his booyah bomb.
“Ah, shit…” You said to yourself as you squid rolled out of the center of the map. You made the mistake of looking back, to which you saw Magolor smirk and stick his tongue out at you before launching his booyah bomb…
directly at you.
Once you respawned on the map, you smiled with malicious intent, albeit nervously. “Oh it is SO on!” You shouted as you charged back for the center. Before you reached the midpoint you made sure your special was charged, and launched it specifically at Magolor.
This went back and forth for the whole game, until the whistle sounded to mark the end of the turf war.
Everyone turned to Judd and Lil Judd except for you and Magolor. You two smirked at each other, waiting to boast to the other about who won the so-called “friendly match”.
Judd and Lil Judd took a good look at the map, and…
Lil Judd held up the teal flag. Team Mint Choco had won this turf war, meaning Magolor won!
You sighed, and hauled up your weapon to leave the lobby and take a break. However, Magolor rushed away from his team to find you.
“Hey! [Name]! Wait up!” He ran after you, to which you stopped and turned around. “Hm? Come to brag or something?” You half smiled.
“No, no, not at all. I actually wanted to say that you put up a really good fight. And…” He blushed in embarrassment. “You were right. It was really fun fighting against you for a change.”
Your eyes widened. “…Did you just learn that phrase?” You teased.
“SHUT UP!” Magolor smacked your arm as you laughed.
“Hehehey! Just being honest, Mags!” You countered.
“Right, whatever. Anyways, wanna go grab something to eat? I heard that there’s this really good food bar by the lobby, and I think you’d like it.” Magolor offered. You smiled and nodded.
“Sure! Let’s go,” You instinctively grabbed his hand. He began blushing, and you tilted your head to the side in confusion. Upon realizing your grip on his hand, you too turned red and immediately pulled your hand away.
“Sorry! I didn’t–“ “It’s okay. I… kinda liked it.”
You two walked to the food stand, Crab-N-Go, and decided to share a pescatariat royale.
“You’ve got something on your face,” You said with your mouth full, and wiped the piece of lettuce off his cheek. “Hey! Don’t speak with your mouth full! It’s rude!” Magolor said as he went against his own words, also guilty of talking before swallowing. You both began laughing as you took a sip of your drink to wash down the meat of the dish.
“You’re so cute, you know that?” Magolor asked. You stopped in your tracks, having not expected to hear such thing from the mage. Your face became even redder than before, having already been cherry tinted from all your giggling.
“No I’m not,” You denied as you looked away, trying to hide your blushing face. Magolor turned your head to look at him and lifted your chin to be closer to himself. What was in that pescatariat royale? It sure must be something with him acting–
You were cut off as his kissed you.
On the lips.
Your face may as well have been an advertisement for Team Strawberry with how pink you looked. Magolor realized what he has just done, and his eyes went wide.
“I’m sorry! I just– I don’t know what– I can–“ He cut himself off as he hid his face in his hands. You had to admit, you had feelings for him for a while. Yet, you pushed them down to some dark place in yourself, somewhere they couldn’t come between what you and him already had.
You pulled his hands away from his face, took a deep breath, and kissed him back. Now he too was a blushing mess.
“So uh… wanna go watch Deep Cut’s live show?” You said with a sheepish smile. Magolor, still recovering from whatever-the-fuck-just-happened, nodded. You gave him a moment to process things, to which he thanked you for.
You two spent the rest of the night exploring Splatsville, and had a blast despite not being on the same team.
~ End ~ Okay I am SO sorry this took FOREVER to get out and I also may have wrote like A LOT TOO MUCH!!!!!!! But when I’m given the opportunity to go ham, I WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope this was somewhat okay, but like I said before if you don’t like it then I’ll gladly write something else for you. You’re also the first full fanfic I’ve written on this blog other than headcanons, so congrats! I’m sorry I kinda used this as a way of showing my love for Splatfests… but, um! I hope kinda enjoyed this, anon!
“If you ever want to hear more, just let me know!”
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majorbaby · 1 year
@gracehansonfailwife any specific mash character combinations you enjoy? loads. i don't think there is a third that i cannot somehow make work with trapper and hawkeye, even if the results are genuinely gross haha [nervous] like the bar is they must be a legal adult and a non-blood relative, anything else goes.
but specifically the ones i've thought about at length, have written, am writing or would like to write someday: (all but one of these is nsfw btw - sorry i'm like this)
Hawkeye/Trapper/Margaret- am currently writing this, lots of plans for them.
Hawkeye/Trapper/Oliver - wrote this, have an idea for a postwar sequel that i'd really love to do eventually. Tied for favourite with Hawk/Trap/Margaret. Genuinely do think these three could hang post-war and have a good time.
Hawkeye/Trapper/BJ - will definitely do it eventually. probably a BJ-goes-to-Maine-and-Trapper's-already-there-fraught-sex-ensues thing.
Hawkeye/Trapper/Louise - i'm finally am past my writer's block on this. i was stuck for so long because i couldn't make it work in my head, and now i'm just convinced i need to finish it, i've been working pretty hard on it recently.
Hawkeye/Trapper/Ginger - they cheer her up thoroughly after Frank gives her a hard time. It's important to me that this happened.
Hawkeye/Frank/Margaret - They all want each other on some level. I think Margaret would really like to see Frank fuck Hawkeye, or Hawkeye fuck Frank. Or both.
BJ/Hawkeye/Peg - but bad lol. I don't think BJ would last more than a week in a poly situation. I would like to write that one very terrible week.
i have this cracky BJ/Trapper/Peg/Louise AU based on the movie Score (very nsfw) I've been working on since last Christmas when I decided my Christmas movie was going to be a 70s erotic fever dream. It's heavy on the Beej/Trap and Peg/Louise but they come together at the end for an orgy. Don't know if I'll ever publish it because it's so out there but I'm having fun writing it.
also a cracky Hawkeye/Trapper/Carlye fic I'm planning out that is more dramatic and plotty than anything else on this list. It shouldn't technically be a threesome but I may not be able to resist.
Would love to do Hawkeye/Frank while BJ watches on in horror but is secretly turned on and jacks off about it later... if that counts.
the lone non-pornographic thing on this list is the postwar Radar/Sparky/Patty thing I have planned.
I've worked out a Hawkeye/Trapper/Frank/Margaret situation in my head, and I would love to write it someday. Embarrassing for all parties and they never speak of it again. The chemistry these four have on screen is unmatched imo. One big messed up family.
hard dubcon femdom Trapper/Dish/Margie situation beneath the cut
Trapper/Dish/Margie "virility kink" which I've just learned about. Trapper thinks he's having the threesome of his dreams until they tie him up, take the condom off and put the fear of god into him that he'll knock one of them up and be completely fucked over (he jokes in "Check Up" that his being "fertile" is what gave him the ulcer!). he's unfortunately very turned on by this whole situation and maybe asks them to do it again sometime.
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hi there lovely! i've read a few stories you've written and i'm absolutely smitten by your works! the way you portray simon is exactly how i imagine him to be. i really love how detailed you can write all your fics and i'm here for it!
i have a few questions + request tho if you don't mind and please you can just skip the question or request if you feel uncomfy with it! :)
my request: could you write anything for ghost x (f) reader what takes place in like 1700's/1800's (anything historical) with an angsty trope but happy ending? (i really love historical ff's)
question 1: i still haven't read the roommate series but i've seen that it has 4 chapters, did it already end or will there be more chapters? (i really want to read it when it ends because i can read it all in one sitting then lmao)
question 2: do you plan on writing another series with ghost? (i'm just really in love with that big guy and the way you write him is just... the perfect combination. please don't feel pressured! i'm just really curious)
question 3: do you have any tips for people who want to start writing? english is not my native language and i really want to start writing but i'm quite insecure:(
these were my questions and i hope i wasn't bothering you!
btw i really like how friendly you answer another anon's asks!
thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to read all of your amazing works!
keep up the great work and ily!🤍
Hi anon! Thank you so much for liking my work, you don't know how much I appreciate it. I'll just go down the list of things you sent in order and answer them!
Request: I absolutely can! I'm a huge fan of historical stuff. I will try to come up with something that would work but right now it would either be some kind of regency period drama or it could be cowboys! If you have something specific feel free to send it in my inbox!
Question 1: The Roommate Series is not over! There are still plenty of parts/extras I have planned. Sorry you might have to wait a while.
Question 2: yes!! I’ve got other ideas with the big guy that I’ll be working on eventually
Question 3: I have a few tips for new writers
Practice! I hate when people says this I know but they’re right. Just write whatever comes to mind no matter how “bad” it is. Bad is subjective which means that it might not be bad. I still practice with my writing every day
Have fun! Writing is about expression and writing is a part of yourself. Have fun with it. Write that cheesy romance, write that really easily solvable mystery. If it makes you happy and you’re having fun then that’s all that matters
Other peoples opinions don’t matter! If someone makes fun of what you write, tell them to go fuck themselves. Did they spend hours, days, years, writing something from the heart and using blood sweat and tears for it? No so why would what they say have to matter. If it makes you happy, then that’s what’s truly matters. Don’t be afraid to write something because you don’t think it’s good or because your first language isn’t English! Just have fun and let yourself be happy!
I hope that was helpful!! I like talking to you guys so keep sending in asks. Hope you have a good day anon and keep writing!!
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
6 + 16 + 25 for the reader ask game
Hey there! Thanks for the asks!
6.) What's your absolute favorite works you read this year?
Oh goshhhh!!!!! How to narrow down my loves. I'll stick to fics that were posted this year, yeah? Otherwise we'll be here all day. (I do a lot of rereads!)
~ Compulsory Figures by LilaDiurne (@liladiurne)
I hate to do this to her, but like...Okay, my friend Lila is so very gifted and I adore all of her work, but Compulsory Figures blew my socks off. Smug, famous Severus and starstruck Harry???? The smut is stupid hot. I can't tell you the number of times I've reread this fic. It's ridiculous. It's a Muggle figure skating AU!!!!! All that elegance and grace and beauty I associate with figure skating and all the questionable hotness of Severus abusing his fame and power to seduce pretty boys?? Yes please and thank you.
~ Ghosts of Christmas by PinaNaponi (@vulnerasanenturmyprince)
My sweet Nina. She has produced so many excellent fics, but this one from Adopt-a-Prompt still stands out to me. Found family fluff plus family history angst. It's set at Spinner's End (which I'm always a sucker for) and features Eileen (who I'm also a sucker for.) Postwar recovery, set during Christmastime! Combines my love of Snarry in particular with my love of Severus himself, and how that love extends to learning more about his history and exploring more of where (and who) he came from and how it shaped him.
~ A Life Worth Remembering by Writcraft (@writcraft)
This is especially special since it's established Drarry that becomes Drapery. It's very rare that I can read Harry or Snape with others, even if it's both of them with others. I have very strange, specific feelings about my OTP, okay? But I've always loved Writ's work, and I knew they were very excited to get this work finished and posted, so I couldn't resist giving it a chance. And I'm so glad I did! (Should have known I could trust them!) It's such a unique premise, and it's de-aging the only way I like it (as in: retaining an age gap!) The exploration of each individual connection (between Harry and Draco, and Harry and Severus, and Draco and Severus), and how they all work together. The struggles they face. And how real and human they all feel. And while I've been able to read the occasional Drapery in the past, this is the first one that really made me see it. This convinced me it could be real, as more than just a bit of smut to scratch an itch. (For me personally, this is just about my weirdly specific ship feels LOL.)
~ The Lamb of Tartary by eldritcher
One of few WIPs I follow! Such a strange, dark fairytale-esque story! I still owe them a comment on chapter 2, I believe...Which means I need to reread, oh no. EYES. Eldritcher always has such unique ideas and such a unique writing style and every one of their works is stellar, but this one especially captured my mind and heart, and I'm so excited for the third and final chapter to be posted!
~ The Afterlight by perverse_idyll (@perverse-idyll)
Another of the very few WIPs I follow! Listen, PI has been my biggest writing crush for the longest time. I've been reading since The White Road, okay (still one of my top fave Snarries of all time, btw.) To get several new stories from PI this year was such a treat! Social Lubricant was such a joy, and I'm so excited to see where The Threefold Death goes, but The Afterlight has my heart. We're barely in the story at all but I already have a feeling it'll end up on my faves list one day, when all is said and done. Her characterizations of Harry and Severus are, as ever, fully on point and exactly how I like them, as is their electric dynamic. Her prose is as gorgeous as ever, and the story itself is full of the grit and humanity and passion I'm forever in love with. I could not be more jazzed about this story and I about die whenever I see an update. (Speaking of which, this is another one I owe a comment on...Oops! I'll get there soon, PI, I swear!)
16.) Were you comments coherent or mostly screaming?
Ahahahahaha. People tell me I'm more coherent than I think I am, so who knows. I make solid attempts at being coherent that I feel turn into babbling, rambling nonsense.
I think my comments for my favorites all turned out to be a good combination of both? Like "this work is so great and it blew my mind and it deserves me waxing poetic, but also my brain is melted so this is hard."
25.) Do you read on your phone or on your computer?
Prior to this year, I'd have said my Kindle! I was doing so good about reading all my fics there, but I got a bit lazy this year and have been reading on my phone instead. I think I've only read on my computer for helping check fest fics, or looking over fics for friends on Google docs. I don't like "checking" fics on my phone, it's easier for me to get in the right mindset for that on my computer.
ao3 wrapped: reader's edition
answered: 5, 9; 6, 16, 25
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grayblacklight · 2 years
So, a while back- I think it was just a bit after the pop kickstarter was announced- I started to think about what pokémon teams each character in epithet erased would have, though with more emphasis on what they would actually have if they were in the world of pokémon rather than simply "what would they type in on pokémon showdown". Not that that's a bad thing, but these are teams I think would work best for say, a crossover fic I couldn't ever quite manage to piece together a coherent plot for.
Uh, point is this is a pointless combination of excessively over-thought character analysis, and considerations of how they would meet and interact with their pokemon. I made one for Molly, and one for Vincent, both of which I posted to reddit a while back but figured were good enough to post here as well, albeit with a few edits:
Molly is an extremely good trainer (being an exceptionally intelligent pre-teen protagonist, of course she is), useing Ev trained Pokemon with often competitive sets, elite four level would probably be low-balling it, but she is not well known because she is stuck working as free labor for her family, her dad won't let her challenge the gyms to because then he'd have to actually run the night shift. A much stronger trainer than Giovanni- Ahem- VINCENT MURDER, but still respects him as her boss and friend. (And for being a better dad over one night at the museum than her actual dad has basically ever.)
Her starter would be intelleon, sniping out tramatic fires from a distance. It also teaches her to use the gun Giovanni gave her with impressive proficiency (because my brain always goes back to the GunSafety!!!!AU for some reason).  I just love the idea of them doing target practice together.
She also has a Gyarados for fire types, what she bonded with after raising it from a Magikarp- this was her first mega evolution (yes she has more than one, I wasn't kidding when I said she was good). It was obtained after her dad got scammed by the Magikarp salesman when getting a gift for Lorlai, who decided it was worthless and made Molly deal with it. Molly was actually already a far more knowledgeable trainer, and knew she needed to be patient with it. It's not surprising that they bonded, given their similarities.
(Lorlai is a nearly useless trainer btw; she uses her epithet to fantasize about becoming champion instead of, I don't know, ACTUALLY TRAINING HER POKEMON. yeah she has never beaten a gym. Molly is more often than not the one caring for her pokémon)
She similarly raised a zubat Lorlai discarded for being "just another common, ugly pest" into a crobat, which proves to be an essential part of her team thanks to its speed and moves like confuse ray and fly allowing a consistent getaway. It immediately impressed Vincent and his minions.
Bewear and Ursarang (and maybe later ursaluna, but that depends on how accessible it evolution is, it might just get eviolite) would be no surprise for her team, and generally act as the muscle, both on and off the battlefield. They were both gifts from feenie after she found out that her dad would not let her go on a journey to catch all the pokemon she wanted. Because of her teddy bear like appearance and the lack of care received from her family, they are very protective of her. Notably, Bewear is normally slightly weaker then the rest of her team, but performs feats comparable to the Bewear in the sun and moon anime to protect her. (I choose these two over the other bear pokemon because they are both specifically based on teddy bears, but she likes all of them)
Her last mon is an Absol found while working with Giovanni after the museum arc (and pop) that joined her team, as she would care for it after it gets seriously injured by the locals it was trying to help, reminding her of how her family treated her. Their bond leads to her second mega. Of course it is also the coolest thing Vincent has ever seen, and anyone who says it looks like "edgy oc cringe" is going to be hit by a knife with a bat taped to it.
So yeah, Molly is low-key a Pokemon master, change my mind.
(note; I made Vincent's team like half a year after I made Molly's, so enjoy a bit of a jump in quality)
Now for Vincent, who is interesting because in some ways he is a sort of inverse of Molly. He wouldn't have a deadbeat dad shaped wall between him and catching more Pokemon, and his team reflect that he is actually nice rather than Molly having a team that somewhat reflects her dark side. There's 3 things I kept in mind for this:
Vincent would likely be a very good trainer. His genuine love for his Pokémon and high creativity would allow him to pull the same type of protagonist based shenanigans that Ash does. I'd estimate that he is around gym leader level, and I'm not talking about the weaker teams that they use when you first challenge a gym for a badge, I'm talking about their full strength, like you would see in their rematch teams. This would, quite fittingly, put him on a similar level to team rocket's Giovanni, albeit for very different reasons.
Second, he is absolutely a fairy specialist. Like, not all of then have to be fairy, but it's probably most of them. I've seen a lot of people give him fire and dark type mons, but as much as he wants his team to look like that, he's not willing to drop his favorite mons to do it.
And the third one's a bit more meta. So in some Pokémon games they'll give one of the antagonists a Crobat as a storytelling device. See crobat is a Pokémon that evolves with friendship, so it can be used to show that someone like Plumeria isn't actually that bad, or my favorite example, showing that Silver's golbat evolved a the end of the game to prove that he has learned to take care of his Pokémon.
So basically, Vincent's entire team is friendship evolutions. Because I think that's hilarious.
Sylveon; Vincent's starter Pokemon was an Eevee, and it was bound to become a Sylveon, with how much of a sweetheart Vincent is. Anyone who underestimates him is going to be in for a shock, because Sylveon is a very strong Mon. the standard hyper voice/ Shadow ball/ mystical fire is mixed up with a full power Return, which is fairy type because of pixelate. While Sylveon is a special attacker, a full power pixelate boosted return can do a fair bit of damage if the opponent gets too close.
Sylveon, like a cat, is a picky eater who won't eat normal Pokemon food, so Vincent makes special soup that contains all the essential vitamins and minerals. Sylveon loves it!
Loppuny; so fun fact about buneary: It is the only non-legendary Pokemon to have a base friendship value of zero. This thing hates you with the force of gods, making it the most difficult friendship evolution to achieve. Not that Vincent would know, he's patient about these things. This is his mega too, which is canonically achieved through a bond with your Pokemon. Add scrappy returns that hit ghost types like a truck and we have a recipe for "wow this guy's actually really nice". But don't tell anyone that!
Buneary was found loitering (a perfectly respectable crime that can be very dangerous) outside a baseball field at the same time Vincent and the boys were. Vincent realized that they wanted to play, so he decided to teach them. Loppuny is the only pitcher Vincent has met that can get any strikes with him at the bat, but he still has yet to be struck out.
Azumarill: absolute unit of a small bean. It's ability is sap sipper instead of huge power, but you certainly wouldn't know it by looking at them- Vincent trained them quite well, which makes it all the easier to trick unsuspecting grass trainers into giving a free attack boost.
This little bundle of joy hugs like a bewear (which is to say it hurts. A lot) but Vincent always returns the hugs anyway.
Togekiss: stops enemies in their tracks with parahax, because that's what togekiss does, then fly away with the loot. As simple of a one-two punch as it gets.
Togekiss has determined that the boys are precious babies that need to be protected, and has been known to trap anyone who hurts them with parahax until they apologize. Also likes to hug them at every possible opportunity
Wigglytuff: fun fact; cops are a lot easier to out-run when they're sleeping. Also knows wake up slap, just in case someone who wasn't supposed to get hit by sing needs to wake up fast.
They sing lullabies to the neo trio, and sometimes Vincent likes to join in. Generally good with children in general, and Vincent has trained them to only pull out the marker on jerks like vice principals and cops
Chimecho: yeah I had to give him at least one of James's Pokemon, It was only a matter of time. They know heal bell because safety is important, and have been trained to catch anyone who falls with physic even if Vincent doesn't give any orders. They serve as a lookout from above and alert them of any bothersome police ladies with real ass goddamn swords.
It and togekiss are good friends, and both carry an extra 'ancient potion' in case of emergencies. They're always keeping an eye on car crash in particular.
Do note, I was going to have Primarina be starter before I decided to commit to the friendship evolution bit (he would catch one if he could find one), and a comment on the original reddit post brought up the idea of him having exactly one fire type in the form of the not-very popular Semisear, which is amazing and he would probably have one as like, a house pet that helps out his mom's ala Mr.Mime in the anime.
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swagship-sideblog · 2 years
Pinned! Read for info!!
pro-fiction pro-whatever lolicon cartoon fan. dont like - dont look
[art tag]
The main things I enjoy at the moment are: Ed Edd & Eddy, Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends, Ojamajo Doremi, Mob Psycho 100, Homestuck, and whatever other shit i'm into at the moment
Read more below to see my fav ships & characters!
Current Waifus:
Senoo Aiko - my baby, my one and only, I love her so much........... I relate to her on so many levels and just love her alot... I actually have 2 different narratives in my head for this one, one where my self insert is a cute lil catboy who gets sent to her universe, and one where she magically shows up in mine. I could talk about her for hours but all you need to know is that she's my sweetheart of the whole world and I love her <333
Double Dee - i would do. so many things. i shant say...
Ships I like:
Anything ed edd & eddy - any combination of the characters works for me. I love all of them so much
MobRei - been a fan of this one for years, always been there for me and I quite enjoy it [ageswap AU is my fav <33]. Many of the fics I read of them are very cathartic to me, so these 2 hold a special place in my heart
RitMob - also love this one, it's very very cute, was there for me when I was stuck hanging out with antis but my love for mob could never be fully repressed <3
Rickorty - this one's so fucked up but my brain loves it lmao... the first time I read a fic of them I got suuuuper guilty about it the next day, but unfortunately I find guilt pretty hot so this one latched onto my brain like a virus, huge fan
Stridercest - pretty much all forms of it are right up my alley. Don't post about it as much currently but it's an absolute longtime CLASSIC and I love it. Most recently was on an alpha stridercest kick because I love dom shotas and watching Dave fight for his life
Kris x Spamton - I absolutely love the themes being developed in deltarune so far, and I feel like these 2 characters and their interactions explore the themes relating to control and freedom very beautifully... both Kris and Spamton are characters whose struggles I can relate to easily/empathize with, so some of the fics I read of them can be very cathartic and comforting... alot of complex emotions arise from this ship, and I really love it. its also really hot lol.
SaiGenos - oh man.... cyborgs...... I read a fic where some of Genos' wires get fucked up and he needs Saitama to plug them back in cuz hes basically immobile until they get fixed... and OUGH it's really hot..... I read alot more im addition to this, but this one was REALLY good
Scratch x Molly: I enjoy a veeery specific wholesome flavor of this ship, but not many people draw it the way I like (last I checked), so any fellow shippers feel free to say hi lol
Style (south park) - this one is an ABSOLUTE classic, a childhood favorite of mine, and im glad to say it lives on in my heart after all these years <3
Kyman (just a little) - I can have a little kyman... as a treat :3
And many others......
Other Waifus (for historical purposes):
Bloo: jeeeze louise he's so cute. He's such a little brat I just wanna pick him up and shake him around <3 bloo crying 10 minute compilation on loop
Dirk Strider - had a big phase of liking him lol. He's really cute <3
Eddy - I need to put him in a dress and make him cry tears of pleasure
Eric Cartman - I have a thing for little chubby boys in drag btw
Brobot - yes, the battle robot dirk made in his image. It's hot. I like to imagine giving it a personality <33
Mob - unfortunately I was hanging out with antis during my original Mob Psycho phase, so I didn't really accept my love for him & he didn't register in my brain like that... but I still had dreams of cuddling with him and fantasized of being able to meet him and comfort him (and got really high an pretended to cuddle with him using my cat lol), so I believe he still counts
Reigen. - I had a pretty substantial reigen obsession during my first mp100 phase, I have a 125 image porn collection of him from back them lmfao. He's pretty alright
Hal 9000 (2001 a Space Odyssey) - I fucking love hal
Karkat Vantas - excuse my french but I need his transboy tentacle cock in my mouth he is very cute
Mituna Captor - Mituna.......... yippee!!!
Dave Strider - he's every transmascs favorite character of course I like him... tried writing a self insert kissing practice gone wrong fanfic but I couldn't get his dialogue right so I gave up lol
Charles Calvin (Henry Stickmin) - now I know this one's pretty out of place compared to the rest but uh... yeah he was probably my BIGGEST obsession with a fictional character... like it was detrimental at some points lol. But man I really wanted to fuck this stick figure X] I actually created a Google drive folder with about 230 pictures of Henry stickmin porn, even including a document with all the sources I could find lol. If you recognize me from this information, no you don't
Genos (OPM) - god I was reeeeaaally into him when I was watching one punch man and I LOVED him. I still love him just focused on other characters atm <3
And probably some others
Other fav characters
Hunter (TOH) - bro he's just like me fr fr... quite love him and want to see him happy
Scratch (tgamm) - DUDE he's so silly funny, so goofy silly..... these so underrated and ppl need to appreciate him more >:3
Kyle (SP) - mannnn Kyle is pretty cute, some of these south park characters are nearing the waifu tier, it's going to be very silly goofy
Kenny (SP) - dude kenny is one of my classic childhood crushes, shoutout kenny lol
Spongebob (Squarepants) - another one of my childhood crushes, youll see me occasionally post about him too lol.
+ plenty others lol
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thedawningofthehour · 2 years
This might be a strange question, but how much of this fic do have already written out? I've heard that sometimes writers have a few chapters written before they post one just in case. And do you ever look back at the early chapters of doth and wish you could've changed some things?
Not a strange question at all! I actually don't have a lot written out right now-which I don't like. I really liked having a bunch of content written out for Book 1, I think it allowed me to better group scenes together and achieve a better flow. Not to mention I could go back and foreshadow more effectively. I'm actually going to try going back to how I was writing Book 1 where I was working on a few chapters at once and kind of bouncing around to whichever scene I was feeling that day, instead of just forcing myself to focus on two or three scenes because that is the Next Chapter and that must be done first. Lately writing has seemed a bit like a chore and I'm not that happy with what I'm putting out, so hopefully this'll fix that. Also I'll be able to revise stuff more.
(btw there might not be a chapter this week because of this)
Honestly, the only thing I would really change is the initial Table Scene with Donnie and Draxum. That was the first thing I ever wrote for this fic and at the time I had no intention whatsoever of posting it. I didn't know where I was going and I don't think I did either of their characters justice. Draxum's argument sucked and Donnie's is pretty stock 'reluctant hero' than anything that really screams Donnie. Also it really bugs me that I combined it with another Leo POV-I feel like it should have definitely gotten its own chapter, and that Leo scene should have gone in the next one. But at the time Leo was the only POV I'd given so far and I didn't know how ditching him entirely would go.
Other than that...I kiiiiind of wish I'd written a little more on Todd's Mutant Town, because there's a lot of references to past TMNT characters and just fun shenanigans overall. It would also make Pax's reveal a little more dramatic because right now it's kind of obvious that he'll be important since he's one of two named characters that I specifically went out of my way to introduce. But this fic is so fucking long already I really couldn't justify dedicating more time to what is essentially a giant subplot.
Oh, and I was going to write out the scene where Leo tries to fix Shelldon's charger and Shelldon eventually asks him to wait until Donnie’s home so Donnie can fix him. It was going to be very sad, complete with Leo hugging him and talking to him as his battery ran dry until he powered down in Leo's arms. But for some reason my brain was just not computing with it. Usually when I do the whole 'bounce around to whatever scene I'm feeling' method, stuff gets done because eventually, I'll be feeling that scene. I was just never feeling that one. I don't know why.
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