#this is 100% about ace kanej
6point5crows · 1 year
Some brain thoughts:
If you see a post about somebody’s interpretation of a character or their hopes for that character in the future, and it upsets you because it’s not the same as yours… then I suggest making your own post about your interpretation rather than going after the person who posted their thoughts and opinions.
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agir1ukn0w · 3 years
Hi there! I saw that ask you answered earlier, and as an ace person who sees Kanej as an ace couple it really meant a lot that you didn’t shoot that person down. However, there’s one thing I’m confused about- you said that they both show sexual interest in one another, and while they certainly show romantic interest in one another, I didn’t see any sexual interest between them at all. I’m curious, why do you read it that way? This isn’t meant to start a fight, I really am curious!
Hi Anon, don’t worry I get the curiosity and you’re all good😊
It’s interesting because, in the books, there are a few scenes when Kaz and Inej are definitely shown to have a physical attraction to each other, not just emotional. And because these scenes are so rare, it’s a little bit baffling to some people. The fact that they’re so close as a relationship already (friendship/partnership) means that we know that they feel comfortable around each other, but the question is, if given the chance and the removal of significant trauma...would they go for it? And with those scenes, I believe that the answer is yes, they would. However, the way that they are now, for the most part, could absolutely be interpreted as an asexual relationship, and I don’t think there’s a lot of space for them to develop romantic attraction (aside from the time that Kaz think about how lovely she is and how much he wishes he could deserve her, as if there could be a more romantic line😊). It’s all quite fluid, but the bottom line is: there are scenes that pique the interest of readers who are interested in the possibility of it becoming physical between them (again, waaaay down the line, once they’re able to settle down and actually make the decision to be together in that way). Honestly, it would be beautiful either way imo. They could remain the way they are and decide they aren’t interested in sex but still want to be together, or they could eventually make the decision together that they trust each other’s bodies enough to go further. It’s really all up to the reader.
I’m 100% fine with people interpreting it as asexual, and it’s really not up to me! I just get irritated when people say that I can’t think of a certain character/ship in a certain way because it’s just how the general fandom decrees it. I hope this makes sense, sorry for the ramble, hehe.
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