#this has it all: Kaine being cryptic
fancifulplaguerat · 3 months
reveal the tma au
Alrighty. This is deeply unserious just something fun for the kids (me)
It would be set c. 1820s, with Daniil and Artemy as medical students at the same questionable academy. I like the idea of Daniil and Artemy getting up to nefarious grave-robbing and so forth for Daniil’s various attempts at Victor Frankensteining It and One Fateful Night TM Artemy and Daniil end up exhuming a corpse that has some manifestation of the flesh, to a degree it almost seems alive, so Daniil is like “UM pack that up Artemy we gotta sneak into the anatomy theatre and take a little looksie at that.” Said person is very much dead and Daniil ends up disappointed with a “that was weird. that’s suspicious” attitude and carries on, graduates, etc. Daniil then goes to the Capital to try and open up his little laboratory and gets involved in some questionable scientific circles to you know. Try and get investors and so forth. So there he meets Victor and Nina; the Kains run a Magnus-like paranormal research institute, with Simon as the head but Victor as really the acting head since Simon is always up to weird shit and Georgiy is in the background as his alchemist’s apprentice and all that; I also imagine him being a Jurgen Leitner Type tbh. OBVIOUSLY the Kain brothers + Maria are avatars of Beholding, but Nina is one of the Web (tee hee Beholding/Web couple makes me want to pass out ((affectionate))) and Kaspar is Slaughter-aligned but not quite there given his whole soldier/fuck my family deal.
So anyway Victor Knows immediately that Daniil has had an encounter with the Flesh which is oh so very interesting to him because I’m using the TMA canon that the Flesh was nascent as a fear in Jonah/Smirke’s time. Nina also in her Web wisdom is immediately like “yes he has potential for our nefarious deeds” so Victor convinces him (and maybe Artemy as well) to give a statement to the Institute, and Daniil would probably mock him for it but Victor would hit him with that “ummm how is this that much different than what you’re doing? 🤨 aren’t you literally also mocked for trying to find the scientific in the improbable 🤨” and Daniil is like. “Hmm. Maybe he’s right I am weirdly into this place. Anyway” and that’s that on that. Also I think Daniil would be very Curious when he eventually hears about the Fears and the potential for there to be unseen forces beneath reality, which he is more inclined to believe given the Flesh situation with Artemy. I perchance imagine him seeing them as an answer to his Destroy Death Adventure and he continues cozying up to the Kains and meets the Stamatins, who are the Smirke fill-ins who helped build the Institute and are currently constructing the panopticon + tunnels under the Institute (which the Rat Prophet 100% infests); and they are also trying to balance the Fears through architecture while perhaps likewise designing something that would work for a Focus. Except they are soooo into it and not at all cringe like Smirke. I also didn’t think of a precise ritual but it would not be the thing that Jonah did, just utilize a panopticon.
Anyway Daniil ends up opening Thanatica, doing his groundbreaking research, but THEN calamity ! The lab gets shut down for the same reasons as in canon and then in disgrace Daniil is scooped up by the Kains to be their archivist because. They reason “hey man you want to stay hidden and away from the public eye just do the filing for us until you get back on your feet” and Daniil agrees to much delight all around for the Kains that Daniil joined their fucked up fear factory. As for the archival team…. probably Yulia (Web, but too ‘we’re doomed’pilled to do anything about it), Maria, and Eva (End, given that Victor quote about her and the generally everything of her behavior in canon). Side note I just think it would be funny for Maria and Yulia to constantly be saying cryptic prophetic shit and Daniil just live laugh losing his marbles every second of every day. Eva/Yulia can be our touching office romance.
Clara I imagine would be an avatar of the Stranger with her twin as an avatar of the Corruption who wreak havoc on the institute to try and stymie their efforts, because I imagine Katerina would be in the know. Not sure which fear I would put her with, though. Either way, Clara would just end up giving Daniil both those marks.
Nothing else in-between really planned, but big fan of some ridiculousness wherein Nina is secretly in love with Victoria as a catastrophic Web Duet who are going to bring down the institute because hey. How could I resist, seriously. Mother of Puppets ???? Please. So perhaps when the Kains are finally going to go through with their Beholding ritual Nina stabs out her eyes to leave the Institute and she and Victoria win in the end you know how it is.
Sorry it is such a mess just something I think about amusedly from time to time
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“The Truth is Out There!” Spider-Man (Vol. 1/1990), #60.
Writer: Howard Mackie; Penciler: Tom Lyle; Inkers: Scott Hanna and Josef Rubenstein; Colorist: Kevin Tinsley; Letterer: Richard Starkings
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arysthaeniru · 5 years
Pathologic Wife Ranking
Eva Yahn: Cute, pretty, supportive and sweet, you’d never have any problems with Eva as a life partner and friend. Filled with hidden depths, you’d have excellent conversations about death and life over wine at night. Always down to Party!!!! Would never judge your body, but would judge your star sign. Does she know how to do any household chores however? No, you’re on your own, Eva has never seen a dishwasher in her life, she is an emotional rock only, only. If you’re okay with being married to a building later on in life: 8/10, sweetest girl next door. 
Maria Kaina: Dark goth gf, very sexy, one of the most gorgeous women in town. Very confident in her own body and herself, will only backhandedly compliment you. Knows all of your weaknesses before you tell her, and will exploit them. She is up to no good, and will drag you into it, are you okay with being an accomplice to Kain bullshit? At some point, you Will have to give up your body for her, if you’re prepared for that: 7/10, please stomp your doc martens on me, queen.  
Yulia Lyuricheva: Cool, confident, competent, an incredibly attractive distinguished lady from afar. She knows how to do everything and will only (slightly) judge you about your own incompetence. Will serenade you with her cello, and by talking math to you until you fall asleep. The rare gay who can drive, she will take you places. Don’t argue with Yulia, however, she will fall into fatalism, and how it was inevitable that you would fail, and you will feel endlessly guilty. If you can accept that she will always love Eva more than you, 9/10, probably the best wife you could have. 
Lara Ravel: Incredibly competent, put together and helpful, Lara is desperate to please and be useful. Funny, confident and sardonic, you will likely have a lot of good time together, debating philosophy, philanthropy and the future of the town. Has a survival army knife and knows how to fix everything around the house. Great with kids! Lara, however, is the definition of lesbians who can’t communicative. If you do even one thing to annoy her, she will be passive-aggressive until the end of eternity, and you will never hear the end of it. Also, her parental issues are overwhelming, but if you also have parental issues, you’re set. 7/10, don’t let her have a gun.
Anna Angel: Gorgeous lady, with a super sweet voice, you will be instantly charmed and fall in love. However, marrying Anna is like marrying a Victorian lady, you will have to sit five foot apart from her, always wear gloves, and you both sleep in separate rooms. Does NOT like children, dirt, or anything that isn’t artistic, and she is undoubtedly evil. Will criticize you for if your room isn’t spotless, while her side of the house is a disaster zone. She will write multiple page long letters about all of your mistakes and publicize it to the town. 4/10, marry Harley Quinn instead, and save yourself the trouble. 
Aspity: Marrying a literal demon from the Earth should not be as attractive as it is, but Aspity is a gorgeous, trash lady. Will sing to you with her husky voice. Will make you warm milk if you have nightmares, and talk you through them. Will also accompany you to anti-capitalist rallies, and incite rebellion constantly. However, you will wake up at night to her just staring at you, Edward Cullen style, and the taste of dirt will never leave your mouth. 7/10, destroy the establishment together and live in a yurt. 
Katerina Saburova: A tormented, goth wife, with a tragic past, what’s not to love? However, marrying Katerina means also marrying Alexander and the Rat Prophet, who have latched onto her side and will not let go, not worth it. Also, she will attempt to cleanse you in holy water at some point. If you can deal with rantings about heretics, 6/10, kill her hangerons, and it’s better. 
Aglaya Lilich: Cold, calm and confident on the streets, sweet and sentimental in the sheets, Aglaya is the ideal lady. Also, she is very tall, and can both reach things on high shelves, and untwist any difficult jars, so she’s just about perfect. However, she will give you multiple existential crises and breakdowns every time she speaks. 8/10, do not betray her.  BONUS ROUND: Dead Wives
Nina Kaina: Actually just the manifestation of evil come to life, Nina Kaina is a chaotic force of power that will destroy your life. Will it be fun? Yes. Will you be left an absolute shell of a human being afterwards? Yes. 5/10, being stepped on is not worth being an accomplice to cultural genocide.
Victoria Olgimskaya: Sweet, bright, and kind, Victoria Will be your sugar mommy, if you so desire. Only plays creepy piano at 3am, however, and does have the ability to destroy you. If you are okay with being second-best to Nina Kaina, 7/10. 
Nara: Gorgeous, cryptic and wild, do not marry her, it will end in tragedy, 8/10. 
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kog0ruhn · 7 years
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Mortanius, the Necromancer
Mortanius is... well, he’s not exactly pleased with the direction his life has taken. You see, he started out with the best of intentions (not every necromancer is a wicked creature), but it’s only a matter of time before you get burned when you play with fire. Delving into ancient secrets and Shade-lore tends to backfire in wondrous, awful ways and, lo and behold, Mortanius is now, ah, stuck.
In servitude.
To a... psychopathic and ominously powerful dragon that he’s not entirely sure is a dragon at all.
It began with Mortanius desiring to know the worst of the worst so he could figure out how to fight it (understand the enemy, and all that), but his pursuits caught the attention of Elder, the last “dragon” anyone would ever want to cross paths with. He desired Mortanius’ help in a plot that, honestly, Mortanius doesn’t wholly understand. He can guess that it’s bad--it seems pretty bad--but Elder’s brain operates on a wavelength that he can’t quite comprehend. However, since his gut instinct told him to refuse, he refused.
And now he helps Elder anyway, because magical bondage is totally a thing that very powerful sorcerers can use to enslave others. 
He’s not a very willing servant, though, unlike the others he’s had to work with (Azimuth immediately comes to mind), and he’s found subtle ways to subvert Elder and his intentions. In particular, he’s taken to “stalking” Kain, the one dragon who he thinks can understand the danger Elder poses, under the guise of trying to assassinate him... and typically throws the fights while offering cryptic, roundabout warnings and hints.
His end goal? A potential uprising against Elder that will knock the vile creature down a notch and end his slavery.
What he figures is the most likely ending? He will die. Horribly. But that’s preferable to being held against your will, isn’t it?
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sparda3g · 5 years
Kingdom Chapter 622 Review
While I can’t recall every chapter in the series, I read this chapter really quick; perhaps the quickest yet. Does that mean it’s bad? No, considering this is designed as atmospheric. It’s not a silent chapter, but my word, does it get my blood pumping from excitement. There may not be anything to discuss aside of the fight itself, but if its job is to get you incredibly hyped to the point you start to rumble like a maniac, it did a hell of a job.
I’m glad Hara leaves a room to exploit the reactions from Hi Shin Unit veterans toward the losses, including Kyogai. It did happen out of nowhere, so sudden, so it makes sense for them to react this late in the hour when the field cleared just for a bit. With that said, it’s pretty disheartening. They were busy fighting from afar. It’s only now that they reached to where the others were; sadly, none of them made it out alive.
I know fodders are expected to die, but it doesn’t take away the grim sensation of fallen comrades. There’s nothing but bodies on the ground; in parts no less. They found Kyogai’s body or what’s left of him. It’s still somewhat surprising to see a named character from Hi Shin to go out like that. It’s like we’re expecting him to come back together; but no, he’s really dead. Shin is there while holding Kyou Kai. Thank God she’s not dead at least. Even so, I felt the pain for Shin to see how much he has lost.
It’s amazing how the sorrowful sensation is helped by Bihei out of all people. That’s how you write a comic relief character with a convincing soft spot. I actually felt sorry for him. I can’t blame him for not wanting Shin to fight. How much losses can he take? But when he takes a look at him, no way in hell Houken will be spared.
It’s also amazing that we don’t see Shin’s face entirely, yet not only can we sense that he’s absolutely pissed, but the amount of chills is unmeasurable. The recollection of all the fallen, wounded and dead, is sheer hype-inducing. The emphasis of those panels are deeply felt; left a moving impact. All it was missing was a hype soundtrack. Seeing Duke and Ouki had me watery; such great characters. For a long time fan, this is remarkable. The double-page spread with Houken and Shin is pure beauty. I haven’t felt this feeling since dare I say, the live-action commercial. The build leaves me believing that this is truly it; Houken must fall here and now.
Speaking of Houken, he too has his own share of chill-inducing. With the sight of Glaive, it’s enough to remind him of the great one, Ouki; roaring out of rage, and ready to settle this for good. Hara is in his A-game with its visual. Everything feels so meaningful. It may have taken so much space, but if it has me absorbed, shaking to the core, then by all means, it’s well worth it. If this is really the end of the feud and it better be, the circle will be completed. What a time to be a fan.
The action is incredibly intense right from the get-go. It’s a heart-skipping shot with Shin blocks Houken’s devastating swing right at the very second. A page of an attack is worth hundreds of exchange. Shin gets blown away, at least better than flying off in pieces, and lands where Zhao’s men are standing. If those guys thought they were safe, they will be dead wrong; pun intended. This fight is no holds barred with Houken goes for another swing and in the process, kills two of his comrade; if you can really call them that. At least Shin blocked it, which matters the most, but holy crap, that was insane. Only two swings and this fight is already crazy.
I know fans aren’t thrilled with Houken, but his character’s design is of a monster. The task is to wreak havoc, which he does a really good job. Plus, it’s pretty convincing with legitimate difficulty to take him out. That being said, it wouldn’t hurt to add more to his character, and maybe that’s what the closing segment is implying. Kaine and others are lost in belief; only then, she questions his being. Riboku replies with some cryptic words that Houken represents them and all of mankind. I have no idea what he meant. Is he speaking like a philosopher or does he meant that literally? It’s not guaranteed for a backstory in the next chapter, but it would be very interesting if it is.
This was incredibly hype-inducing chapter. This review may be short, probably the shortest in the series, but the presentation, the memories and its emphasis, and the action were sensationally outstanding. This must be the endgame for Houken; I can’t imagine a better hype than this. The recollection of everything revolving with Houken and Shin highly suggested it. I can be wrong, but this time, I wish not to be. In any case, the next chapter will be exciting, whether it’s Houken’s backstory or the fight resume. What a hell of a time for the fans.
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ramialkarmi · 7 years
What it's like to have a surprise dinner with Mark Zuckerberg (FB)
About two weeks ago, Daniel Moore received a cryptic phone call.
The 57-year-old resident of Newtown Falls, Ohio was told that a billionaire philanthropist from California wanted to meet and have dinner with his family.
“I thought it was a prank phone call," Moore told Business Insider during a recent interview. "I almost hung up.”
Moore pressed the person on the other end of the phone to reveal his employer's identity. While the staffer refused to give a name, he teased that 90% of Americans use his boss's product every day. Moore agreed to the visit.
A few days later, another staffer showed up at Moore's house for a "preliminary visit." He walked around Moore's property, took pictures, and asked to come inside and help decide where his boss would have dinner with Moore's family.
After a few more days of planning that involved the billionaire's staff arranging the dinner menu and catering from a local restaurant, another employee arrived at Moore's house on the evening of the planned visit. Moore was informed that the identity of his mystery dinner guest would be revealed just 15 minutes before he arrived.
And like clockwork, 15 minutes after Moore was finally told the name of his guest, a convoy of black SUVs drove through Moore's quiet neighborhood, pulled into his driveway, and parked in his front yard.
Out stepped Mark Zuckerberg.
When Zuck comes to town
Facebook's 32-year-old CEO has given himself a personal goal of visiting the roughly 30 U.S. states he hasn't been to yet by the end of 2017. The reason why? To "get out and talk to more people about how they're living, working and thinking about the future," he wrote in a Facebook post from January.
Moore, who works in a Russian-owned steel mill as an engineer, described Zuckerberg as a “real down to earth, outgoing guy” with “good manners" who asked to take his shoes off before he entered the house.
The guest list included Moore's wife and kids, as well as a few local friends.
Moore wanted to seat the Facebook CEO at the head of the table, but a staffer told him that Zuckerberg preferred otherwise. "He does not feel comfortable at the head. He likes to be surrounded by people,” Moore recalls being told. So instead Zuckerberg sat at the middle of the dining room table, with his staff in the kitchen, pecking away at their laptops during the meal.
As everyone ate dinner over plastic plates, Moore asked Zuckerberg to explain what brought him to northeast Ohio.
Zuckerberg said he was on a “fact-finding mission," according to Moore, and that last year it "dawned on me that I don’t know my own country."
The elephant in the room quickly became President Trump. Moore is a self-described political activist and independent who voted for Obama twice before voting for Trump. His wife Lisa is a school teacher who also voted for Trump on his promise to abolish Common Core.
After Zuckerberg asked them why they had voted for Trump, Moore turned the tables and asked if Zuckerberg had spoken with Trump since he was elected. Zuckerberg, who was noticeably absent from Trump's meeting with tech leaders in December, said he had in fact talked with Trump multiple times on the phone.
Presidential speculation
Zuckerberg's statesman-like, cross-country tour immediately sparked more speculation that he was preparing to run for president, a rumor that's refused to die over the past year.
Zuckerberg has helped fuel the speculation by regularly posting photos on his Facebook page that look like they're from a campaign trail. He's been photographed working the assembly line at a Michigan Ford factory, hanging out with firefighters, and even feeding a calf on a farm in rural Ohio.
But if there's one message Zuckerberg and his dozens of staffers want to get across, it's that this U.S. tour is not an elaborate publicity stunt designed to set the stage for his eventual run for office. After his surprise dinner with Zuckerberg last week, Daniel Moore said he was instructed by the CEO's spokeswoman to "hammer home" to anyone who asked that Zuckerberg had no aspirations to make a presidential bid.
Even still, Zuckerberg has surrounded himself with numerous former government officials who accompany him on his trips.
Amy Dudley, the chief spokeswoman for his philanthropic fund The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, was previously the communications director for Hillary Clinton's running mate and Virginia senator Tim Kaine. The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative's director of travel operations, James Eby, previously served in the same role for the Department of Defense.
The list even extends to Zuckerberg's personal photographer, Charles Ommanney, who worked for the White House during both Obama terms. The eight bodyguards and roughly half-dozen aides who accompanied Zuckerberg to Moore's house for dinner were all identified as former Secret Service members, Moore told Business Insider.
Zuckerberg himself has publicly said that he has no plans to run for president. He shared the same sentiment in private to Moore and his family over dinner last week.
“I have absolutely no interest in running for president of the United States.," Moore recalled Zuckerberg saying. "I’m very happy running my own company. I believe I can make a huger impact through my company and through the initiatives I’m rolling out."
Scouting for ideas
Clad in his trademark gray T-shirt, Zuckerberg discussed his remarkable journey from the Harvard dorm room where he created Facebook thirteen years ago.
“Never in my wildest dreams did I think Facebook would be where it is today, I never expected to make this amount of money," Moore says Zuckerberg told him.
Zuckerberg has committed to giving away 99% of his roughly $60 billion net worth through the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, which he runs with his wife Priscilla Chan. He's so far invested in education startups and pledged $3 billion to aide curing the world's diseases.
“Just think, if I was in Washington D.C., how much could I do?" Moore remembered Zuckerberg saying over dinner. "How much progress could I make there?”
A Chan Zuckerberg spokesperson said that while some of Zuckerberg's trips are organized by Facebook, many are organized through his fund as a way to see potential areas of investment.
"The chance to meet people in communities across the country informs work being done by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to advance human potential and promote equality in communities across the country," the spokesperson told Business Insider.
Zuckerberg's visit to Ohio last week included a community college's machine learning lab, an opioid addiction clinic, and a juvenile detention center, according to the spokesperson. Each of the stops could be seen as hints towards areas of future investments. The spokesperson declined to comment on the specifics of what Zuckerberg said at Moore's house or why they were selected for a visit.
While Moore admitted to knowing little about Zuckerberg before the visit, he says he is a frequent user of Facebook. And he's now one of the CEO's 90 million followers on the social network.
“There’s a lot more to Mark Zuckerberg than just Facebook," he said.
SEE ALSO: Mark Zuckerberg wants to kill the smartphone so Facebook can control what comes next
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NOW WATCH: Here's the first thing Mark Zuckerberg does every morning
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My favourite Let’s plays list
So i decided to make a list of all my favourite and most watched let’s plays. Idk about you, but when i’m doing art, cleaning my room,feeling sad, or just can’t stop thinking too much, i tend to stick on some let’s plays to watch. Most of these are youtube videos, but there will be some text & screenshot Let’s plays too.
I’ll try to add as many trigger warnings as i can remember, and add some info about the game, LPer and their work too, but i apologize if i miss something out.
Onto the Let’s Plays!
<u>Soothing and interesting Let’s Plays:</u>
<a href=“https://www.youtube.com/user/anamardoll“><b> Ana Mardoll </b></a> - The owner of the site <a href=“http://anamardoll.com”> Ana Mardoll’s ramblings </a>, she plays a lot of visual novels and story driven games, some of which double as walkthroughs (although updates mean some no longer work). Her videos are usually extremely long, often between 1-2 hours per video.
She’s a great one to watch or listen to, because she is always very invested in the worlds and lives of all the characters, and talks in depth about various story elements. She also analyzes and reviews books on her website, which is always worth checking out!
Warnings: Ana herself is brilliant but some of the games have the normal kind of thing: violence, murder, etc. In particular “The Royal Trap” has instances of Transphobia and racism.
<a href=“https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0knZ0OjXYIQ&list=PLaEje4Qf_FwrqdyORCK4okrRlpWnJs8qR&index=5“> <u> Long live the Queen - Naval battle </u> </a> This is the 5th video she has done for Long live the Queen, showing off how to win the game by winning the Naval battle. This is one of my favourite videos in the series! It’s the video where she gains momentum after mastering the mechanics of the game, so she’s much more confident. Earlier videos have her talk a great deal about story elements which are new to her though, so they’re worth watching too! 
Long live the Queen stars Princess Elodie, a 14 year old who has just lost her mother and will have to claim the throne as Queen when she turns 15. She has the whole year to make decisions about her country, learn vital skills at school, maybe learn magic, repel an invasion and hopefully survive to reach her coronation! Although it’s really cutesy and any deaths Elodie suffers are rendered in chibi style, it’s a really tough game, with some mean choices.
Warnings for this series in general: Lots of murder and death, references to incest and sexual abuse (not explicit), abuse.
<a href=“https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLX-Fc_GVTA&index=18&list=PLaEje4Qf_FwrJ_5Bqbm2IwJQLGqRz9Jeq“> <u>The Royal Trap - Dolores walkthrough </u> </a> Sliiightly more action orientated than Long live the Queen and made by the same people! This video is the shortest in the playlist and definitely my favourite, even though many of the game’s secrets aren’t uncovered in this route. I recommend watching another playthrough, maybe the Callum route, before this to understand the story although it can stand alone.
In this game, Madeleine is your main character, a woman who is a teacher, servant and friend to Prince Oscar, as well as overall badass who can climb walls and fight with daggers. It’s a visual novel that’s...kind of a dating sim, but it has it’s share of mysteries, political intrigue and action. Madeleine and Oscar arrive in another land to attend the coming of age ball of Princess Cassidy, and hopefully win her hand in marriage, but things start to go wrong when she goes missing.
Warnings: Transphobia, really awful parenting, murder, racism, ableism, abuse
<a href=“https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL240F838BF69FDA54“> <u> EVO: search for Eden Let’s Play by Ssskinner </u> </a> Kind of an old let’s play now, but still interesting. Gaia, daughter of the sun and embodiment of the Earth, creates you and tells you that you must journey through several periods of time spanning a billion years, evolving into different creatures as you go, to earn the right to enter Eden and become her immortal partner. Possibly as a terrifying dinosaur fish hybrid. It’s a weird game.
Ssskinner’s LP is awesome - she researched a lot about various animals from different periods, and has a lot of interesting info to say about them. Her voice and the information is incredibly relaxing, so i find it great for watching when i’m anxious, as long as you don’t mind dinosaurs eating each other. All the creatures you can turn into are really cool too, so it’s a great thing to watch if you love dinosaurs or animals in general.
Warnings: A lot of animals die in this game. I...think that’s it?
<a href=“https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8F47C6867017A55“> <u>The void/Turgor Let’s Play by CannibalK9 </u> </a> Oh man, this LP. This is a long, long game but totally worth watching. This game is made by Ice-pick Lodge, Russian developers who also made Pathologic. It’s a cryptic game, with little being explained fully. It’s pretty arty, with an incredibly haunting soundtrack and sprinklings of poetry throughout.
In this game the player is a soul without a name, lost in a barren place called The void. It’s a place that’s described as a link in a chain of worlds, where there are worlds below and worlds above. Unfortunately, you’re in the world above absolute death (basically hell) and the Void you’re in is dying, so the goal is to collect enough resources (in this game, that’s colour. It’s interesting) to either escape, or sacrifice yourself so someone else can.
It’s a adventure type game with resource management that is incredibly hard, but also gorgeous aesthetically. I love this LP especially, because CannibalK9 has a very soothing and haunting tone which absolutely fits this world. He tends to wax poetic about various philosophical things and it’s pretty great.
Warnings: body horror (the brothers, oh wow), suicide ideation, suicide, A whole heap of nudity (there are characters called sisters who have little clouds that try to censor their jiggly bits but it mostly fails), references to abuse and disturbing themes. 
<u>Exciting and humorous Let’s Plays:</u>
<a href=“http://lparchive.org/author/The%20Dark%20Id“><b>The Dark ID</b> </a> A let’s player who has a youtube channel but mostly does screenshot and text LPs. He can be really funny, but he can also be very offensive, so watch out. Special mention goes to his Dirge of Cerberus LP where he constantly refers to Vincent as autistic and makes jokes about it.
<a href=“http://lparchive.org/Drakengard/“> <u> Drakengard! </u> </a> My favourite of his LPs! It’s a hilarious 100% playthrough of a game with terrible combat and an awesome, completely messed up story.
Drakengard tells the story of a murderous prince called Caim who is trying to win a battle and save his sister, but gets mortally wounded. In this world, people can form pacts with creatures to sustain their lives, but it comes at a price (voice, sight, hearing etc.) so he forms a pact with a dying dragon and goes off to save the world! But...uh...things don’t really go as you expect them to? This series is weird and has so, so many screwed up things. Caim’s party consist of a racist old man, a cannibal elf, a pedophile, a little boy and Caim’s sister, who is in love with him. 
Warnings: Not much from The Dark ID themself, but the game has...a lot.
Racism, murder, child soldiers, references to pedophilia, necrophilia, child abuse and incest, neglect, demonic? possession, abuse, casual violence, probably ableism.
<a href=“http://lparchive.org/Drakengard-3/“> <u> Drakengard 3 </u> </a> One of my favourite games! Also extremely messed up, but a lot more self aware and comedic than the last (he’s also covered Drakengard 2 but....it’s not that weird and it’s pretty cookie cutter, tbh).
This game stars a girl called Zero who is an intoner (a goddess like being who uses the power of song to cast magic) and also murderous and wants to kill all of her 5 sisters to steal their powers. Alternate universes are also involved. Saying anything else is spoilery, but it’s definitely not that normal or straight forward. Also the music is fantastic especially the fourth sister’s battle music and Zero’s theme song, kuroi uta.
Warnings: A lot of toilet humour, murder, possession, ableism, body shaming, slut shaming, violence, references to torture, mental illness, rape, neglect,child abuse and a relationship that isn’t consensual. 
<a href= “http://lparchive.org/NIER/“> <u> Nier </u> </a> Another of my favourite games! It takes place some time after Drakengard’s ending D. Nier is a middle aged man with a daughter called Yonah who is slowly dying from an incurable disease called the black scrawl. The game is his attempt to save her life, while saving his world from the threat of monsters called shades, but as usual for Drakengard things do not end as you hope.
Your party consists of Kaine, a bloodthirsty girl who is part shade, a sarcastic, Alan Rickman sounding book who can cast magic, and a little boy who wears a blindfold because looking into his eyes turns people to stone.
It’s slightly less WTF than other entries in the series, but it’s definitely still odd and definitely worth reading. The music is also incredible omg, look it up on youtube, it’s beautiful.
Warnings: transphobia, murder, death, child murder and endangerment, torture
<u>Things that aren’t technically Let’s Plays but are also good:</u>
To be added!
I will try and update this b/c i have more to add, but this is it for now =D
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