#this goes for everyone in chb too btw
anotherpjofan · 2 years
I hate the fact that Percy is sometimes reduced to an oblivious dork in fanon. Like a lot of people forget that this guy killed people. Teenagers. Who's only fault was joining the losing side cause they were sick of being unwanted. Yeah he tried to warn people on the cruise but really how many people jumped off the ship? How many would have survived the brutal ocean? And the eventual war too. Half the casualties are probably teenagers. Percy may not be an adult but never forget that he's first and foremost a soldier.
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anachronisticcrab · 4 years
Percy Being Good To Nico
I love Percy and Nico friendship, but in canon, Percy was such an ass to Nico. So here are some ideas of how that could have been changed in a canon divergent fic
After the Battle of the Labyrinth, when Nico was trying to leave CHB and Percy stopped him, Percy gave Nico his phone number and home address in case of emergency (that’s how he knew where Percy lived)
After Percy’s birthday party that Nico crashed, Sally started getting Nico to come for dinner once a month, which caused Nico and Percy to become a lot closer
This seriously cut back on Percy’s stress because he wasn’t constantly worrying about Nico (like where he was, if he was okay, how many monsters was he fighting now, how much is he eating, where is he sleeping, when was the last time he actually performed any sort of self care, etc)
Pretty quickly once a month dinners became once a week dinners, which usually ended in Nico staying overnight
When Sally and Paul got married, they moved into Paul’s apartment, and Sally gave Nico the address. When he showed up the first Friday for dinner, he almost cried of joy (they had added an extra bed in Percy’s room for Nico to stay in)
Percy throws Nico a surprise party for his birthday every year, and Nico tried baking Percy a cake for his birthday one year. Suffice to say, it didn’t end well, but Percy still ate it with a smile on his face because his little brother made it for him
After that though, Percy and Nico agreed that Percy and Sally would stick to the baking, and Nico could stick to making meals
They had a two hour conversation after the Battle of Manhattan to talk about the Styx thing. It ended with a tearful apology from Nico, and a tearful hug from Percy. Now the two of them have a conversation twice a month about their feelings and bullshit that’s happened
Percy making Nico watch an endless stream of Disney movies (Finding Nemo, Moana, The Little Mermaid, basically anything that goes along with the sea)
When Percy finds out about Nico’s love of pirates, he gets Nico to watch all the Pirates of the Caribbean movies with him
Percy feeds Nico bullshit facts about the modern century (ie. the Soviet Union renamed themselves the Cotton Candy Brigade and then disbanded, but citizens of former soviet countries are still called Munchkins)
Nico feeds Percy bullshit facts about both the 30’s and Italy (ie. Italy is known to its citizens as the Peninsula of Cazzo, and that they didn’t have cutlery or plates in the 30’s)
Sometime between botl and tlo, Nico’s feelings for Percy morphed from romantic to brotherly
When Nico had to lie to Percy about who he was in SoN, it was the hardest thing he ever had to do. Percy knew that he knew Nico, and it crushed Nico that Percy couldn’t remember him, and that he couldn’t tell Percy anything. He hadn’t seen his big brother in almost a year, and now Percy didn’t remember him, and he couldn’t remind him
When they saw each other again on the Argo 2 before Percy and Annabeth fell into Tartarus, you cannot convince me that Percy didn’t give Nico a hug
Nico genuinely didn’t have a crush on Percy by HoO, he thought of Percy as a brother. He was still really ashamed of being gay, and he loved Percy (just in a very different way). That’s why Jason wasn’t sure if Nico still liked Percy or not after the Cupid thing. He could tell that Nico was ashamed and loved Percy, but he didn’t know that Nico just loved Percy in a different way
Nico got super ticked off at Percy when he said ‘are you sure you can do this’ to the shadow travel thing at the end of HoH mostly because Percy has a bad habit of treating Nico like he’s still that ten year old geek from Westover Hall
Like really. Everyone else around Nico sees a terrifying teenager who’s summoned army’s of the undead and destroys his enemies in ten seconds flat, but Percy just sees a kid with big eyes infodumping about his favourite card game wearing armour that’s three sizes too big telling him that he’s scared
It pisses Nico off because he’s not a little kid anymore, Percy! he can take care of himself! he isn’t gonna break the second he goes to fight!
Also, by extension, Nico and Tyson are siblings and Hazel and Percy are siblings (which adds Frank into their family, cause he’s Nico’s age and dating Hazel). So when Reyna, Nico, and Hedge were caught by Leah and Dakota on the boat, Nico was super excited to see his little brother again. He wasn’t even that upset when Tyson pulled him into a hug (even though he hates hugs)
When they see each other again at CHB after the Battle, they give each other a big hug. Percy tells Nico’s that he was so worried he’d never see his baby brother again, and Nico proceeds to make fun of Percy for waking up Gaia with a nosebleed
Also, after Reyna and Nico’s hug, Percy pulls Nico aside and is like ‘what’s the deal with you and Reyna’ and Nico’s like ‘she’s my sister now’ and Percy goes ‘oh, okay, cool. bring her around for family dinner next weekend’
Same with Jason, Rachel, and Meg, too. Percy’s always down for more adoptive family being around
After Nico came out to Percy and Annabeth, and told Percy that he’s gay, Percy went to the infirmary to talk to Nico. He wasn’t allowed in at first, but he waited outside for three hours so he could speak with Nico
Of course, this led to a three hour discussion, which involved a lot of apologies from both of them, and a lot of shared stories, and laughs, and a few tears. Percy told Nico he shouldn’t be ashamed of who he is, and he should’ve told Percy sooner
When Percy went home for the school year, and to see his parents again, Nico joined him. There were lots of tears, hugging and blue cookies. Then Sally grounded them both for staying away for so long and worrying the hell out of her and Paul
When Percy sees Nico and Will interact, he makes it his goal to make them a couple. He and Jason spend hours plotting ways to get them together
Whenever Nico’s away from home for any amount of time, Percy gives Nico a big hug, ruffles his hair, and complains that he stayed away
When Nico first moves to New Rome for university, Will’s living in Massachusetts for Harvard Med School, so he moves in with Jason and Percy for a few years while he gets a degree in linguistics and anthropology
Btw, Annabeth thought Percy would distract her when she was trying to study, so she moved in with Piper and Reyna, and Percy moved in with Jason. It should’ve only taken her 4 years to get her masters in architecture, but the university offers a bunch of history, math, and design classes that she took because they were really interesting (it ended up taking her 6 years)
That’s all for now. I might make another post about this cause I live for Percy and Nico friendship. Btw,, DO NOT tag as P*rcico. This is purely familial and platonic headcanons
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dyklopces · 3 years
*pays u attention* hiiii I only go here(here being pjo) for the valzhang . Feel free 2 use this ask as a hc dump :}
lee i owe you my first born
it doesn't take leo long to say he's in love . if he makes eye contact with someone and then they smile at him ?? game over . he tells everyone he knows that he's found The One
this being said . when he sees Frank for the first time . he doesn't feel any romantic attraction
mostly cause Frank thinks he's annoying and talks 2 much . also yknow Fire Powers and franks life force being dependent on a piece of firewood
frank is seemingly the exact opposite . he falls in like a lot slower (demi Frank rights) so when he meets Leo his first thought is "why is this tiny person screaming "
don't get me wrong . Leo thinks frank is Beautiful but like , not anything to ride home about . so what if he can nail a bullseye from 100 yards and turn into a lion . Leo doesn't think he's cool or scientifically interesting or kind of funny in that weird dry way grandmas are at all, shut up
I cant remember the books plots exactly cause i haven't read them in years but like , over time as they almost die together for the millionth time , they start to trust each other instinctually. they talk to each other now , and joke around
side note, when leo makes frank laugh for the first time , he has to almost immediately run away to piper to talk thru how he APPARENTLY has a crush !! how . when did this happen . piper why are u laughing
(she tells him that she's the daughter of love and she knew from the start and leo almost lights her room completely on fire from how embarrassed he gets )
the more leo talks it thru the more he's like. oh he thinks im annoying huh . im in way too deep now ! shit !!! he hates me and im in love with him !!!!!! why do the gods hate me piper . im too sexy for this help
she comforts him cause like , she knows frank genuinely doesn't like him rn . she has Vibes but romantically speaking she knows that atm it's one sided
frank , having been Abandoned , talks 2 Hazel for a bit (they are best friends ) and is like . is this what having friends My Age is ? laughing and leaving and nearly dying ?? huh . wild.
leo decides to be himself about the whole situation and Ignore It . it is fine he is fine he's just in love with someone who hates him . he is Okay and Stable and Normal and Not Upset About Anything , Hazel , Why Do You Keep Asking .
this goes on for a few weeks and franks confused cause whenever he makes a joke leo laughs really hard and then says he has "Very important and Shipley duties to attend to . not crashing and such . bye"
and then . Leo gets sucked up or whatever and is on calypsos island for a week .
in my world they're found family and LOVE EACH OTHER , thank you very much , so they all are desperately searching for him everywhere they can think, and Jason says "he's nowhere .. " cause Jason is a repressed emo and percys like hm . Well
frank, being Distinctly upset, immediately sees when percy puts the pieces together, demands he explains . so he does , and as upset as everyone is, they decide to try and help stop the end of the world or whatever.
leo has been having a Week on calypso Island . no one's looking for him, the only human company he has hates his fucjking guts , he has no way out . its literally His Personal Hell and he spends it damning every god he can think of cause like . what are they gonna do . put him on an island where he's functionally alone and can never get off and none of his friends even care ?
as is in canon, he and calypso reluctantly bond over lost loves and dead moms or whatever I can't remember .
eventually, he tells her about Frank, and how Frank could never like him like that, let alone love him.
calypso laughs in his face .
"first of all, I bet 100 drachmas he's in love with you too . second of all . so what . I would kill to have friends like that."
this time, when he promises to find a way off the island for her, she says "Good luck with your boy, boy. May the gods be on your side"
when leo shows back up on argo II everyone's like :-D !!!! LEO !!!!!!! and piper has to Hold frank back from tackling leo in excitement . they just hug rly hard :-) (BTW at this point she knows it's requited and if she weren't so thankful leo was back safe she'd pull his ear and call him stupid)
in the final battle , yes I am skipping ahead my hands hurt , Frank gives leo his firewood and says "don't be stupid, leo . people love you . " Which is as good as a confession you're gonna get before you almost certainly die
when leo Does die, frank goes fucking insane .
he doesn't leave his cabin at the roman camp for a week and when he does, he spends all his time at the archery range . he doesn't talk to anyone but Hazel.
he and annabeth have a conversation about losing someone before you can say you love them , but he barely responds cause like . percy came back . Leo won't.
about a month passes like this , and eventually he goes to chb to pray to hades / Pluto whatever who cares, ans be like . treat him well.
leo then shows up out of the sky, on a Dragon, carrying a Random Girl who immediately hugs leo, punches percy on the arm then hugs him too, and frank faints like the KING he is
when he wakes up in the infirmary, leo is at his bedside, still w the random girl, holding a cup of nectar . he hands it to frank and starts rambling nervously, explaining where he was for the past month and apologising
frank just . grabs his hand . says "I told you to not be stupid."
leo then reaches into his belt and pulls out the firewood
they confess and kiss :-)
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shipuu · 4 years
So i find tratie adorable so this how i think they got together
We are gonna make this realistic not that “fell in love when we were 16 and somehow managed to stay together through everything”. Nothing wrong with that trope. But like i said ~~realistic
Katherine gardner - originally from washington dc. She went to gerogetown uni.
She has always been passionate about the plants and first decided to major in Agricultural Studies, but then she didnt really like it.
So she switched to environmental studies. Not exactly about plants per se. But still related to the environment.
She sees the way humans are destroying the world and genuinely wants to help
Shes got good friends in college, sleeps around a little bit. Has a good relationship with her father.
Extremely hard working. Work ethic 1000000. Graduated with honors. Got a job at an enviromental consultancy firm in new york.
Travis off to college. I believe he went to a college in ny to be close to CHB and connor. Probably a community college seeing as he couldnt afford other unis
Nothing wrong with that. His relationship with his mom is rocky. So she wouldn’t be able to help out.
Majored in business administration. He takes it lightly his first year, seeing as how he isn’t used to the education system because he lived at CHB his whole life.
He genuinely wants to be successful. To have a life for himself and connor. So after first year kicks his butt, he works hard and raised his GPA the following years.
Extremely good at math and numbers. He steal messes around, playing pranks on people but nothing harmful. Also sleeps around a lot. (Nothing wrong with that)
Malcolm pace made an offhanded comment about how travis should start a new club at uni called “how to steal” and he considers it before shoving the idea away.
During the summer, he helps chiron with any business related things (tax forms, buying shirts, selling strawberries). Connor and him still play a lottttt of pranks
Graduated with honors. Lives in brooklyn With connor who is currently attending college. They still visit CHB from time to time.
So this one time, he steals something but then gets caught. Nothing expensive. A petty offence really. He calls chiron up to save his ass but chirons like NOPE.
So he gets charged. And the court gives him community service since it really was a petty offence.
He has to work with those “plant a tree” volunteer services during the weekend.
Katie is also volunteering there for fun and mostly because during the weekend, she has time to spare.
Travis goes there and is genuinely surprised to see her since he hasnt seen her in 4 years. ( she doesnt visit CHB as often. And even when she does she doesnt see the stolls)
Katie is genuinely surprised too.
First day, they dont talk the whole morning- just planting trees. Katie is still curious as to why he is here. So by the afternoon she asks him.
Shes isnt one bit surprised about the stealing thing. She also forgave them about the Easter Bunny cabin incident as it was 8 years ago??¿¿
Hes kinda nervous and blushing when he tells her the truth. Tbh he had a tiny crush on her back when they were teens. But it sorta went away, as they didnt interact much.
They catch up and its mostly just small talk. The next day, they talk more and katie realises travis has changed. He isn’t as annoying anymore. Travis also realises that katie has changed as she doesnt lecture and scold people anymore. Shes become more chill
The volunteering thing is over so they exchange numbers, promising to keep in touch. However over text, their convo is dry seeing as they arent THAT close and with their busy adult lifes. They slowly drift apart.
Fast forward another year. Katie works at her environmental firm and they start a new project. The firms brings in business consultants because the project has to be a success. One of the consultants is obvio TRAVISSSSSS.
Again both of them are surprised to see each other. Like always they dont really talk in the beginning. Mostly small talk. But then they get paired together for a part of the project.
So then it begins, late nights, coffee runs, laughter at 11pm in the office. Trying to work on numbers and investors and getting the most out reach on this project.
They get to know each other on a much higher level. They start to like each other but wont say anything.
Travis admits katie is gorgeous. And katie admits travis is handsome (not to each other. They just think about it)
2 months later, katie invites travis over to work on the project, trying to come up with an action plan. He brings over beer. And they settle in. Its 2 am. And they both are tipsy.
The project is long forgotten, and start talking about weird things like is cereal soup? Is gucci even worth it?
Its 2 am. Katies apartment is dim because of the lighting. They are both drunk. Sitting on the floor, extremely close to each other. Travis find hers absolutely gorgeous. Her cheeks are flushed coz of the alcohol. And shes wheezing so hard coz of what he said.
Katie thinks he looks hot as hell. And with his knowledge on business she finds him 1000 times more attractive.
Travis kisses her first, he pulls back about to apologise, before katie grabs him by the shirt and kisses him back. They have drunk sex on the carpet.
When travis wakes up the next morning, he realises he fucked up. Sleeping with a coworker. What was he thinking? You dont mix business and pleasure.
So he leaves her apartment. And when katie wakes up to see him not there she is kinda hurt.
They see each other in the office next day. And travis cant make eye contact with her. Katie is super confused because she thought he had a good time.
When everyone goes to lunch. She grabs travis and pushed him into a broom closet. And practically interrogates him.
Travis admits he likes her and she says the same. They’re super close to each other(coz of the tiny closet). The electricity in the air is charged. And they kiss again.
Travis doesnt wanna have sex in a closet so he picks her up, slams her on a table in the closet, bunches her tight skirt around her hips, and goes down her.
And katies just trying not to moan loudly. But failing miserably. Travis stoll knows how to eat pussy.
The rest of the day is filled with luscious glances, slight touches, her putting her hand on his thigh under the table and slowly inching upwards.
They meet up that evening at her apartment. And they agree to start dating. They keep it lowkey not yet telling connor.
After 1 month, they tell connor who btw called it from day one. He’s extremely happy for them.
Travis gets a bit jealous when guys flirt with katie and vice versa. But the two them only have eyes for each other.
Katie gets paired with another guy from the office for some work. Travis also notices that the guy checks katie out a lot, even though she is oblivious.
because of their conflicting work schedules, and how they never get to see each other. Katie working on the project with “that guy”travis is busy with his work, and helping connor out in his senior year. Late nights where they miss each other so much
And thats when their first real fight happens. Hes yelling. Shes yelling. Travis gets insecure that katie doesnt want him anymore. Katies positive they are gonna break up.
In a last ditch effort, she goes to his place. And have a painfully truthful conversation on how they both messed up. They promise to do better and communicate more
That night they make ~~love~~ to each other. Not sex, LOVEEEEE.
After that its smooth sailing. They have fights now and then, but nothing they cant handle.
Their first “I love you’s” is a week after they made love to each other. She was making dinner ( shes a fucking amazing cook) and travis is standing behind her arms around her waist, chin on her shoulders.
And they’re talking and he says “well thats one of things i love about u” and after a second he realises what he said and practically freezes. Katie stops stirring the pasta and turns to look at him.
They both just kinda stare at each other and travis is so fucking nervous and then katie breaks out into the most breathtaking smile he has ever seen. she tells him i love u back.
Their kissing turns to making out and he picks her up, slams her on the kitchen counter and they have sex. (They also turned off the stove dw)
2 orgasms later. They finally eat dinner. And things between them are fucking amazing
After dinner they retreat back to the bedroom where katie is screaming his name and travis’ grunting heavily.
And it’s complete bliss.....
Also side note. Hermes and demeter 100% approve
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sophiexwrites · 4 years
ok, hear hear me out: a child of aphrodite that is ace/aro/both. ill prob write this myself at some point but i wanna read your take (btw i think i accidentally sent this same question to your main non-writing blog so sorry if it looks familar)
This is such a great idea, I love it: check out @troopy-writes-kinda, the asker's writing blog, if you want to see more ideas like it in the future (shameless friend plug, if that's okay)!
Cari in Camp Half Blood (please suggest a better title)
Setting: CHB, practically canon, no major differences
“And here’s the Hermes cabin, where you’ll be staying until you’re claimed.” I waved towards the cabin, a small smile on my face as I remember my time there. “If you need me, I’ll be in the Aphrodite cabin — just come on over and I’ll sort it all out. But don’t worry!” I saw the expression on the young boy’s face and rushed to reassure him. “They’re all great people, I’m sure you’ll make loads of new friends. And if somehow you don’t,” I shrugged, pale cotton of my dress rubbing against my wide shoulders, “then you still have me. Okay?”
“Okay.” Kyle replied, a small smile on his face, before wandering into the cabin. A roar came from inside and I imagined him being greeted by 10 different people, all smiling and joking to make him feel at home. The thought made me smile with them, as I wandered back to my cabin.
“Cari!” I heard the rush of pebbles on the path; a smiling face threw themselves into my vision. “Cari, you’re back from school!”
“An hour or two?!” Sarah muttered under her breath, cursing the gods for letting her spend so long in the forge. “I need to make a watch that will last through all the heat...”
“What have you been working on instead?”
“Oh, just a gift.”
“A gift?” I was interested now, Sarah didn’t make things for others everyday. “Who for?”
“Sam.” She mumbled, and I nodded quietly. She’d told me of Sam before, a longtime crush who seemed blind to any advances. Honestly? I could see myself reacting the same way - I’d never understood or felt love as more than platonic, especially not for me.
“Ah.” I bit my lip, because this was when our conversations always became awkward.
“Anyhow...” Sarah wasn’t blind or insensitive, she knew to change the subject. “I’ll see you at dinner, okay? And be nice to us when you do cabin checks!” She rushed off with a wink and some finger guns, already putting her goggles back on. It wasn’t uncommon for people to come up to me as I walked around camp, I had a reputation for being a friend and advice giver. Frankly, I enjoyed it and the purpose it gave me... what else was a child of Aphrodite supposed to do except from deal with love, even if all she could do was with the platonic?
I wandered through the pink door and remembered that maybe not everyone liked me. It wasn’t my siblings that disliked me, of course not - they loved my identity, because it was a part of me. I suppose the fact that I was no competition for a crush helps too. Our cabin was neat as ever, apart from the space under our beds, with the same cloying scent of perfume that stuck to us each time we left; same pastel pink walls and lacy curtains; the same blue, pink and green colour scheme. Everything was the same, if you ignored the white marble statue hogging the space beside my bed.
"Where did that come from?" I asked, looking around to Lacy, one of my youngest sisters and the only other one there. She stayed year round, so she probably saw it arrive.
“Not sure, it just turned up one day.” She shrugged, putting her magazine away. I glanced over her shoulder, there were some really cool dresses in there. “It’s definitely a statue of mother, though, and we tried to move it but...” The girl trailed off, pushing against the statue with no result. I wandered after her, shoving my bag under the bed with a sigh. As I knelt down to do so, however, I noticed an inscription on the pedestal.
“Lacy, have you seen this?” I asked, having her kneel beside me. It crumpled her outfit, but she didn’t seem to mind at all.
“No? I don’t think so, it’s not like we checked under your bed or anything.” 
“Okay.” I bit my lip, slightly annoyed. Here was some mysterious writing, hidden in shadow that made it illegible. “Will you help me move my bed?”
“I’m not sure we’re allowed...”
I stopped myself from rolling my eyes. She was sweet, but always a little afraid. “We can move it back afterwards, don’t worry.” Lacy nodded, after a glance behind her, and I counted down for the haul. 
“On three, okay? One, two...” We braced ourselves, because the bed surely wouldn’t be light. “Three!” We heaved, staggering because the bed was... somehow incredibly light? 
“Woah!” Lacy gasped, adjusting her grip as we carried the bed into the middle of the room. “That’s freakishly light.”
“Yeah.” I replied, shocked but not fully listening. With the bed cleared, I only had to ignore my dusty mess to see the inscription. And it was... French?
“‘Tu es ma fille; je t'aime’? What does that mean?” Lacy asked with a terrible accent, looking towards me. I studied French in school; only a weak effort to impress our mother and feel more like her child. She’d claimed me three years ago, sure, but it seemed reluctant. Aphrodite’s sign had been faint, and there was no stunning makeover like all my siblings had. Just plain, boring Cari, tall and heavily built with clumsy hands. Speaking of which, my hand shook on its way to cover my mouth, eyes watering in surprise. 
“I-it means...” I swallowed and removed my hand, letting the tears roll down my face. “’You are my daughter; I love you.’” That was a message to me? From my  mother? Saying... she loved me? I had to read it again to be sure, wiping away the tears of joy and relief and straight up emotion that ran through me, the acceptance and validation dragging the crushing weight from my chest. 
“Oh, Cari! I’m so happy for you!” Lacy squealed, arms wrapped around my waist in a hug, head barely reaching my collarbone. “Are you happy too?”
“Yes.” I breathed, inhaling and exhaling with the most glorious ease. “Yes, I am.”
I had to let someone else do cabin checks that night.
Please tell me if you liked that! I’m not ace/aro so all I’ve written about it is from research, I hope I didn’t get anything wrong or offend anyone. If I did, please tell me (only if you feel comfortable ofc) via comment/ reblog/ message/ ask (anon is on)/ literally anything, because I’ll do my best to correct it. Same goes for the French: I used two online translators but I don’t know if they’re correct. Last but not least, I had She-Ra’s Scorpia in mind for Cari’s physical build, because I’m on Season 4 and am obsessed and Scorpia’s my favourite character (and I wonder where I got Kyle’s name from, huh?). Thanks for reading!
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