#this feels like a myspace bulletin
blenselche · 6 days
So I substitute and listening in on some conversations-- it's just so startlingly sad how hard kids try to appear moral with inconsequential fandom bs lest they get labeled a Bad Person.
There was a group of girls talking about a ship ("so-and-so has videos of it on tiktok can you believe that," etc) that I know for certain one of them doodles all over the backs of her worksheets and the look on her face, thinking her friends would find out she's one of The Bad People, she has to join in on the shit talking or else. And you know these kids all link their profiles together compulsively so she has to either 1. scramble to delete all traces of it off of her online presence and/or 2. never engage with it because her friends might find out. (and secret option #3. loudly hate it as a form of projection, hoping that it'll direct attention away from her should someone suspect her of being a Bad Person who Ships The Bad Thing. Subsequently this might set off the whole cycle again, making another kid feel bad.)
Fandom is supposed to be fun, esp when you're a kid and making foundational experiences and friends through it. It's just depressing.
When I was a kid and a rumor about you spread only your class would know about it. Maybe someone would make a myspace bulletin but that didn't have much reach. (plus, no one cared what you shipped back then, shipping wars were basically: "um, Naruto is a BOY, he can't like Sasuke, weirdo.") But now? A teen's peer group is the whole internet, I can't really blame them for being so on edge I guess.
I don't know. Shit's bleak.
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cyle · 1 year
I see where you're coming from, and I see why Tumblr feels a need to expand, to chase that unsustainable infinite growth. My friends who don't use tumblr don't use it because they don't have an existing community there, and I'm not enough to sway them over. It's a blogging platform at it's heart. I don't think trying to ape current trends in design is going to help. All it is going to do, has done so far, and historically has done is alienate your existing userbase, and fail to draw in new people. In fact, I'd argue that you're making your biggest competitor here. Cohost, is becoming a viable competitor of the back of Tumblr constantly implementing features that make the website more difficult to use and that frustrate and alienate it's userbase. Historically speaking, let's look at other social media that tried to pivot in this way? Myspace was Myspace, and then they tried to pivot to chase the trends of the industry, and it bombed. DeviantArt has been going through this for a while. in 2017 the site refresh launched to make it more similar to other websites, and it was frustrating for old users, removed features people liked, and didn't supplant that with anything new worth sticking around for, so it bombed. And it virtually killed the site with it, it's a shell of its former self. Do you remember twitter stories? Google Stadia, Hangouts, Duo, Bulletin, etc? New Coke?
yeah i'm extremely aware of all of these things, i've been using and studying this internet thing since MSN and AOL chatrooms were the only "social" features of the web. some people i work with have been at this since Usenet was the "social" part of the web. the rise and fall of different platforms are lessons we're always referencing and learning from and trying not to repeat, and learn the best from.
that's why i keep saying that there's a balance at play here between what makes tumblr unique and wonderful and different, which are values of the product, versus what the actual mechanics of the product are. some of the examples you're citing were "bombs" because they didn't have any core value to begin with, just a useful mechanic. or the core value wasn't understood, so it was easy to lose. some of them are cases where they changed the wrong mechanic and it broke the value, and there's no recovery from that.
the balance is successful when the mechanics are working to get new people to realize those core values quickly enough to offset those who don't realize them, or don't resonate with them. because the core values of tumblr aren't for everybody, we wouldn't be different otherwise. like you say: there's no community for them, but why is that? is there a mechanical reason why not? a perceived reason?
this is really difficult stuff, and we're trying as best we can to get it balanced. it's requiring us to try and experiment with some changes that feel really weird to me, as a long-time tumblr user. i hope the benefits of this become more obvious over time. i'm also hoping that some of the very obvious quality of life issues we're trying to address offset the fear that we're just "copying" other sites while ignoring everything else. there's a lot more to come.
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dreamyjelly · 8 months
im sorry if this is a dumb question but what is roleplayer.me? how does it work?
hi! not a dumb question at all. roleplayer.me is a one of a cluster of rp communities that are modeled after myspace 1.0. it's a pretty diverse community - there are a lot of people who have accounts to only talk ooc, but i'd say a large part do write and muse still. this can be done through bulletins, blog posts, status stream posts, and via comments, private messages, etc. personally i still prefer discord for actual writing/musing with my wp, but i think rp.me is great for posting/displaying aesthetics. if you decide to join & would like to be friends please feel free to message me!
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crumb · 9 months
grown ass adults posting their “christmas hauls” on tiktok or whatever, like…. is this myspace in 2004 and we’re all middle schoolers again? you gonna make a bulletin post listing every gift you got to try and make your classmates jealous? like honestly why would you feel the need to share all the gifts you received if it’s not for attention? you know there are many people without families or friends or ppl whose family/friends maybe didn’t have the money for gifts bc the economy is in the shitter and inflation vs income is totally fucked… like really what is the reason for making posts like that other than you having rocks for brains and an inability to read the fucking room?
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roseblushwrites · 10 months
ao3 wrapped [writer edition]
I know it's supposed to be an ask meme but I am not going to sit here and wait to be asked when I feel like just answering all of them right now! It has been like two decades since I last got to do a MySpace bulletin survey and frankly I miss infodumping about myself!!!
How many words have you written this year? 125,547. Which, quite honestly, does not seem like it could possibly be true.
How many works did you publish this year? 17
What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)? Probably Lovers in a Fable and Engraved Upon My Heart, they're my two longest one-shots and I managed to get some actual plot in with the smut for once.
What work of yours has the most hits? Lover, Be Good to Me
What work of yours got more feedback than you expected? Known in the Ache. It was the first fic I'd posted in 13 years and I was not expecting a single person to notice or care.
Favorite title you used? The Force of Forbidden Love by Jusjuli Doutgods makes me laugh every time I see it still.
If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most? Hozier.
Pairing you wrote the most for this year? Cal/Merrin
Favorite pairing you wrote for this year? This is mean. I'm going to say Cal/Merrin though because they have more content to be inspired by than Jyn/Cassian, and they didn't require me to do the work of making up an OC, like Gale/Tav. So they were just easier to write about.
What work was the quickest to write? I honestly don't remember! I feel like for the most part my one-shots take an average of the same amount of time to write.
What work took you the longest to write? Known in the Ache. I wrote all of it before I started posting, over about five months. The first draft was only from Jyn's POV and was about half as long as the final version - I rewrote almost every part of it for the second draft and added in all the Cassian POV sections at that point.
How many WIPs do you have in your docs for next year? Seven, lol. Though most likely at least one of those will get written and posted before this year is over.
What’s your longest work of the year? Known in the Ache, 41,632 words
What’s your shortest work of the year? Watch Me Unfold, 1,963 words
What WIP are you taking into next year with you? For sure Hope to the Edge, my Merrical cowboy AU... but I also accidentally wrote an outline for a smutty one-shot in the urban fantasy Merrical AU setting I thought would never exist anywhere other than my own brain, so also that one.
What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag? Aside from the obvious ones like "established relationship" and "shameless smut" and tags for various sexual acts that are basically on all of them, the answer to this is probably "consensual voyeurism"
Your favorite character to write this year? I have to say Cal. I have not loved a character the way I love him in yearrrrrssssss. He is just so earnest and I love his journey. And I just think he and Merrin deserve to fuck nasty 🤷‍♀️
The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year? Gale Dekarios. Good lord. I love this sweet man but his vocabulary and speech patterns can be so hard to get right. I think (hope?) I've mostly gotten the hang of it now, but every fic I still have to basically write the version a normal person would say in the initial draft and then "Gale-ify" it on the edit.
What’s one pairing you want to explore next year? Um... recent developments have me thinking a lot about a Karlach/Wyll/Dammon OT3. I've never written anything like that so it would be a challenge, but I am thinking about it 👀 kind of a lot 👀👀👀
Which work of yours have you reread the most? I actually have no idea. I usually reread everything I post several times in the first day it's up (and spot all the tiny edits I missed or new things I want to change 🙄) but after that I kind of... never look at it again lol.
How many kudos in total did you get this year? 2,433 😭♥️
Which work has the most comments? Known in the Ache, because it's the oldest and longest
Did you do any collaborative works this year? No 😞 maybe next year!
Did you write any gifts this year? Yes I wrote Lovers in a Fable for Sarah aka dangerwillrobinson aka @icapturedthecastle because it was her birthday and I wanted to do something nice for her 🥰 my love language is dedicating smut to my friends
Did you receive any gifts this year? Sarah dedicated free to a good home to me on my birthday because she's the best. clone club 4 lyfe
What’s your most common category? F/M
What do you listen to while writing? Most of the time it's Goodnight Moon ASMR videos because they're always so cozy and comforting but aren't the kind of ASMR that make me sleepy, but also aren't really distracting (which music tends to get for me).
Favorite work you wrote this year? My favorite is usually whichever one I just finished, so Engraved Upon My Heart at the moment.
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year? I'm going to be annoying and do lines from each character in my pairings. Favorite Cal line: “I know that first one was for you,” Cal panted into her mouth. “But this one’s gonna be for me, okay?” (Bedroom Hymns) Favorite Merrin line: “You bumbled too much for it to be lurking.” (The Force of Forbidden Love by Jusjuli Doutgods) Favorite Cassian line: “It’s okay,” he said. “I’ll keep you warm.”(Known in the Ache ch. 10) Favorite Jyn line: “Can I at least get a knife or something?” (Known in the Ache ch. 9) Favorite Gale line: “Oh, but maybe we’ve already arrived at that point.” (Lover, Be Good to Me) Favorite Tav line: "You might be made of magic, but magic is not made of you." (Engraved Upon My Heart)
Biggest surprise while writing this year? Honestly, that I could still do it 🙏
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cultbunny · 1 year
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NAME ? mads, or maddie !
PRONOUNS ? she / her .
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION ? tumblr ims or on dis.cord ( which you can always ask me for ! )
MOST ACTIVE MUSE ? i've just got nessa here on this blog, but out of the three muses i write for here on tumblr, i'd actually probably say charlie has the most goin' on .
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS ? i've been writing my entire life, as long as i can remember i wanted to be a writer, i've been roleplaying on tumblr for just about thirteen years, and before that i was writing fiction fantasy about faeries and mermaids on myspace bulletin boards .
BEST EXPERIENCE ? oh god so many honestly ! i've been doing this for so long that i have so many fun and sweet stories from all across the tumblr rpc that still bring a smile to my face. meeting so many new, interesting, dynamic writers and getting to share in this hobby with everyone has honestly just been a real treat !!
RP PET PEEVE ? i honestly want to leave this one blank because i don't really have one ?? lmao ??? i am an extremely understanding and forgiving person when it comes to this Broken Blue Hellsite we call home, so as long as you're nice to me, we're ace
PLOTS OR MEMES ? honestly, memes ! i like working off of chemistry and going with the flow of things and the Vibe of things based on what i send and get sent, but i know that isn't always everyone's preference, so i'm happy to do both
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES ? i really do try to make my replies as long as i can, but after i push publish i will realize that it's an itty bitty reply and i feel a little bad lmao but i prefer longer ones !
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES ? honestly, every one of the characters i write has a little bit of me in them. like vanessa, she's got that part of me that strives to be something bigger than she's ever been, a desire to make the most out of her life, a fear of being average. but she's also been as fun as she's been to write because she makes a lot of mistakes and choices i know i wouldn't, and that's one of the best parts about this whole thing tbh !!
TAGGED BY ? on the low by @trapton TAGGING ? you , reading this , if you haven't already done it !
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everydayesterday · 1 year
tumblr's cute little "90s" theme right now actually makes me reminisce about the good old days of the internet, before conglomeration and piracy killed everything in cold blood (so, not necessarily restricted to the 90s).
all of the ads that you see on websites, covering up 75% of the screen? those didn't exist. cookies didn't exist! your usage history wasn't tracked! sponsored items taking up 75% of search results? those didn't exist. search actually used to give more than 4 decent results; you could find pages and pages of relevant information. remember webcrawler? altavista? lycos? (you're probably too young to actually remember those.) now, we've got the deep web—most of what we use today; sites that can't be indexed because they're behind logins and/or paywalls and have no stable urls (uniform resource locators; website addresses).
the biggest sites were useful. craigslist was useful!; you could make legitimate connections for thrifting, roommates and friends and dating and random hookups (40M seeking _), the poetry of "missed connections." HoTMaiL for e-mail (back when email was hyphenated). photo-sharing on flickr (a little later, picasa before it was bought by google). eBay. these still exist, but were far more prominent.
social media? BBS/IRC channels (bulletin boards and topic-based group chats-that's where you used a/s/l). ICQ, AIM. personal space? if you were tech-saavy, you had your own livejournal, your own wordpress, your own site on geocities or angelfire. guestbooks! later, myspace. tumblr survives as a throwback to all of this.
streaming? well, playlists were simply text lists of songs. you might download files from FTP sites and then play them on winamp (with a custom skin for the UI, of course). when bandwidth allowed for it, realaudio files and radio stations. copyright wasn't an issue, because no one had even asked the question; it was all so new and small. before the pirate bay and bittorrent. before p2p like gnutella, kazaa, limewire. before napster. before youtube.
it wasn't all good, of course. viruses. you weren't sure about sending credit card information online. child porn was out in the open (people would be so bold as to post it on public BBS boards and open FTP sites). copyright did become an issue. there weren't really any "real-time" sources of headline news/information/gossip—RSS weblogs like gawker, jezebel, deadspin and gizmodo peaked a little later. connections were dial-up and slow; you'd have a dedicated phone line or you'd have to make sure no one wanted to make an actual phone call; you'd wait and wait for images to display.
that was all a long time ago. it was so innocent. today's internet just feels predatory.
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kenyatta · 1 year
Take message boards, which evolved from simple online bulletin board systems and Usenet, the first real online social network for consumers. Usenet’s layout—different pages for different topics containing posts and replies—set the standard for message boards, the primary way internet users communicated publicly in the 1990s.
By the end of that decade, however, the message board format had started to feel old and brittle. Then 1998 brought the launch of Open Diary, which offered the first online comments section, slapping a message board on the bottom of what we would now call a blog post. Large message boards like Usenet were already creaking with age and burdened with a constant influx of new users, dissolving into millions of disparate boards. Comments sections channeled that momentum, effectively creating even smaller and more niche communities.
Over the next decade, this idea would revolutionize online communication and eventually pop culture. Open Diary gave birth to the blogosphere, an interconnected ad-hoc network of writers and commenters, linking to (and more often than not fighting with) each other. Comments were also a signature feature of Myspace, which prepared the ground for all the social media that followed.
Eventually comments sections broke apart the same way message boards did, to be replaced by the centralized feed architecture of the 2010s, which is now itself breaking apart. It’s not hard to imagine more Twitter-like services populating the web, customized to fit ever smaller and more specific niches.
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unholyverse · 4 months
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MYSPACE 1.0 THEME REFRESH (originally by conkersradfurday, refreshed by unholyverse)
live previews: 1, 2 / download (pastebin)
hi! i've been using this old theme for years now because other myspace themes don't hit the same, but i've been tweaking a lot of it for personal use. i think it's been long enough since this theme has been abandoned that i can upload something that can handle itself better on modern tumblr.
main features
asks are formatted to look like myspace comments. fun!
four custom links
myspace buttons to follow, message, or block the blog owner
a bunch of info spaces so the world can know what you're about
extra font options
functional search bar (but this is tumblr so...semi functional?)
that web 2.0 ugly goodness
other features + info below the cut
new features
friend space - ever wanna show off your friends? now you can with the friend space to show off your top 8 9 friends on your blog. don't have enough friends? no worries, you can always toggle it off
image space - wanna put a bunch of blinkies somewhere? you'll need to have a bit of html and css knowledge for it, but you can go into the code and add as many images as you'd like. just look for the section and start pasting those images. it's a little tedious but tbh that's just the authentic myspace experience isn't it? but if that's not your thing, you can also toggle it off too.
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tweaked/deleted features
had to delete the music player :( sorry but it used flash and i'm not really sure how to make a music player in javascript yet
added username input because it was annoying me that your title could be your name and it didn't make sense in most cases
deleted infinite scroll because the script was super outdated
added the ability to change the "online now!" gif. the original gif will always be in the defaults of the code.
changed the text post header font to verdana because it was impact and you could not fucking read that and it wasn't accurate to a myspace bulletin anyways
deleted the feature that force showed all the pages you made on your blog. so annoying. it will look a little weird if you have asks/submissions deactivated, but i doubt many of you using the theme will have them closed anyways
changed the dead links to redirect to the actual myspace site
extra recommended add-ons
scm music player: a customizable music player with tons of different skins and tons of songs you're able to add
unblue polls by @glenthemes: what it says basically; allows you to customize the colors of tumblr polls on your blog
cursors-4u.com: i love these dinky little cursors they're so fun. great if you really wanna lean into the 2000s aspect of the theme
cursor sparkles: what else is there to say about this they're just fun
i plan on updating the theme semi-regularly if bugs are brought up and stuff (which you can tell me through my inbox)
hopefully i can work on extra tweaks as time goes on (such as figuring out how to add a footer image to videos, toggle tags, etc)
don't repost/claim as your own because it already isn't mine in the first place
like/reblog if you use!
update log
added a tags toggle + tweaked the video post sizes
made the "is in your extended network" status customizable to add different text. feel free to tell the world how many gas station boner pills you took
added an official theme link
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ominous-sunshine · 2 years
Get to know me ( Myspace Bulletin Style <3)
Feeling nostalgic and @cuteasamuntin were waxing poetic about myspace a little while ago. Back in the day, Myspace had a "Bulletin" section where you could post upcoming events but often it was used for silly questions. I am going to do one below. If you want to join in on the nostalgia or just have some fun feel free to take it and make it yours 1. What is your name? Jordan
2. What color shirt are you wearing now? Mauve, but it's a dress :)
3. What are you listening to right now? just some background fans
4. What are the last 2 digits of your phone number? 35
5. What was the last thing you ate? mashed potatoes
6. If you were a crayon what color would you be? a greenish blue.
7. How is the weather right now? somewhat sunny
8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? probably my mom
9. The first thing you notice about the opposite/same sex? probably someone's hair?
10. Favorite Food? bread - but seriously
11. Favorite Drink? chai lattes
12. Favorite Alcoholic Drink? a sloe gin fizz
13. Favorite place to shop? anywhere with cuteasamuntin
14. Hair color: light brown with a hint of red in the sunshine
15. Eye Color: blue in most lights, though some have been fooled into thinking green
16. Do you wear contacts? Not any longer, I just can't do it.
17. What did you do today? worked at home and took a lot of zoom meetings then did an absurd number of searches for myspace style bulletin posts
18. favorite month? September
19. Favorite Fast Food? Taco Bell <3
20. Last Movie you Watched? The Menu. It was pretty alright.
21. Favorite Day of the Year? Feb. 21st
22. Are you too shy to ask someone out? maybe. I mean I have loads of times in the past but I haven't in like 3 years
23. Summer or Winter? Autumn ;)
24. Hugs or Kisses? Both.
25. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla ice cream, chocolate cupcakes
26. Do you want your friends to respond back? Yes! send me yours, lets compare!
27. Who is most likely to respond? not a soul
28. Who is least likely to respond? everyone on this hell site ( affectionate)
29. What books are you reading? All Boys Aren't Blue by George M. Jophnson
30. favorite TV Show? right now - The Last of Us.
31. What's on your mouse pad? well my desk
32. Favorite board game? Terra Mystica
33. What did you do last night? Made paneer Tikka Masla, watched Vox Machina with my brother and was asleep by 9pm
34. Favorite Author? good question
35. Who inspires you? idk man, this is supposed to be a fun quiz. Let's not get too deep.
36. Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn? lightly salted/buttered
37. Dogs or cats? both are pretty neat but I am probably more of a cat person.
38. Favorite Flower? peonies
39. What do you say when you wake up in the A.M.? fuck, I have to do this again? ( staring at work slack on my phone)
40. Do you still talk to your best friends from middle school? I do not but I wish her the best. We used to send these to eachother back and forth
41. What's on your desk? two computers, two keyboards, one mouse, pens, a planner, a lamp and a lot of little stuff
42. Rock Concert or symphony? Rock concert
43. Play or Opera? Play
44. Have you ever fired a gun? no
45. Do you like to travel by plane? I hate it
46. Right-handed or Left-handed? right
47. Smooth or Chunky Peanut Butter? both have a place in my heart
48. How many pillows do you sleep with? one
49. City and State you were born? woah there, too private
50. Ever hitchhiked? sorta
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
446 of 2022
Created by joybucket
You make to-do lists. You make bucket lists. You've planned your wedding on Pinterest. You've made a bucket list board on Pinterest. You have at least three things you want to do before you die. You wish you had more money. You take vitamins every day. You enjoy dressing up for church. You've had your facebook or myspace profile hacked. You've fallen for a scam. You've had a photo shoot done by a professional. You've had colored braces. You wish fall lasted longer. You wish winter lasted shorter. You've been in love with two people at the same time. You've had a crush on one of your best friends. You've had a crush on a teacher. You've had a crush on a celebrity. You are female. You've compared yourself to other females. You think you look prettier with make-up on. You've never been in love. You've been in love with someone who didn't even know you (apart from maybe saying hi to you once or twice) You question whether you've been in love or not. You keep secrets from your best friend. ...but you plan to come clean soon ..and you are looking forward to it You like seafood. You like trying new things. You like trying new foods. You think pickles are disgusting. You are allergic to mold. You try to avoid drama. You have never taken a nude photo, because it just seems like bad idea. Time travel would be your superpower of choice. ..because you wish you could go back in time and change things You have baby names picked out already. You don't plan to have children. You care what others think of you. (be honest--I do) You think for yourself, and your opinions don't always match the majority. You've voted in a presidential election. You've felt guilty about spending money on something. You've been to the emergency room with chest pain. You own cross earrings. (yea they look good on guys) You own a cross necklace. You have a ring that you wear every day. (wedding ring) You own a class ring. You have short toes. You like your natural hair color. You like your eye color. You like your smile. You have/had braces. You've never needed braces because you have straight teeth. You own fairy wings to wear as part of a costume. You own a fairy figurine. You burn incense. You've accidentally caught something on fire. You've fallen in a pool. You own four or more hoodies. You've burnt your finger on something hot. You've burnt your neck with a curling iron or straighter. You straighten your hair. You've had a perm. You want to start your own business. Your parents disapprove of your lifestyle. (they got used to it) Your parents disapprove of your life goals. Your parents disapprove of you. You wish you had more loving parents. You wish you were more loved. You wish people weren't so mean. You wish people weren't so jealous. You wish people weren't so selfish and spoiled. You wish that there was more justice in the world. You enjoy taking surveys. You enjoy making surveys. You wish you were more popular. (be honest--I do) You are popular. You are quiet and reserved. You are a social butterfly. You think you have a high pain tolerance. You've been in severe physical pain before. You've been in severe emotional pain before. You've thought about killing yourself but then decided to wait another day. ...in case things got better You've written a letter to the editor. You truly care about people. You have a quote on the wall of your room. You have a bulletin board on your wall. You don't like the way you feel right now. You don't like the weather right now. You think you could be doing so much more with your life. You've been on a talk show. You like birds. You are wasting the days away. You could be doing so much better with what you've been given. You consider yourself gifted and talented. You have at least one thing you are good at. You love yourself. You've had a premonition. You don't think it's right how much older people hate on millennials. You were born in the 80's or 90's. You were born in the year 2000 or later. You sleep with a stuffed animal. You have a regular bedtime. You wake up to an alarm. You have chores you dislike. You own and wear a pair of yoga pants. You've been to an exercise class. You've had a gym membership. You currently feel guilty about something. You enjoy flowers in the spring. You enjoy falling leaves in the fall. You enjoy sun in the summer. You enjoy summer rain. You enjoy snow in the winter. You enjoy summer nights. You enjoy watching fireflies. You enjoy fireworks. Your ideal vacation spot is a big city. You are wearing socks. You have a sock drawer. You have too much clutter. God is good. You like Chinese food. You like renessiance faires. You like parades. You like county fairs. You like citywide events. You like craft shows. You like musicals. You like concerts. You like flower gardens. You like museums. Someone has asked you for your autograph. Someone has asked to get their picture taken with you. You have been told you look like a celebrity. You have been told you look like a model. You have been called skinny. You have been called fat. You have been called smart. You have been called stupid. You have been called a free spirit. You have been called a trendsetter. You have been called a prep. You have been called a goth. You have been called a geek. You have been called ugly. You have been called pretty. You have been called unique. You have been called creative. You have been called athletic. You have been called sporty. You have been called silly. You know that not everything you read on the Internet is true. You have plagiarized. You have started a rumor about yourself. You love life.
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cuteasamuntin · 3 years
Thanks for the tag, @gosh-emperor! 💖
How many works do you have on AO3? 10
What’s your total AO3 word count? 152,934
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they? 5: most of my fics fall under the Marvel umbrella (Spider-Man, Deadpool, Jessica Jones, Gwenpool, Venom, and Silk), but I've also written for The Witcher and drabbles for The Adventure Zone, Star Trek, and original work.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 1) Caged-Up Animal (Spideypool) - 316 2) Aftermath (Spideypool) - 292 3) Unavailing (Spideypool) - 168 4) The Story Is This (Geraskier) - 167 5) Dreadful Need in the Devotee (Teratober 2020 Challenge) - 132
Do you respond to comments, why or why not? I definitely do! Sometimes it takes me, like, a month and a half because I feel repetitive, but every comment I receive is a wonderful gift and I want my readers to know that!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? I wrote a post-Rare Species Geraskier fic about Jaskier moving on with his life, never seeing Geralt again, but carrying his shame over his feelings for the witcher with him. It's short and sad and I love it.
Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest one you’ve written? Not even a little bit lol. No shade, but I really dislike crossovers, although I do love a well-executed AU.
Have you ever received hate on a fic? No, none of my fics have enough visibility, or apparently controversy, for that.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes, yes I do. I've written a lot of gender combinations and kinds of sex, but I definitely trend toward incorporating some light kink into things because I'm writing for me.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Nope, and I highly doubt it would ever happen, but I'm also not out there looking for my work on other sites.
Have you ever had a fic translated? I haven't, but I hope that happens someday! That's how you know you've made it lol.
What’s your all-time favorite ship? Oh gosh. Okay. I'm a sucker for Geralt/Yennefer and Peter Parker/Gwen Stacy, as far as canon ships. For non-canon, I probably would have to say Spideypool.
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? I started a companion to the comic Spider-Man: Blue from MJ's point of view called Mary Jane: Blue. It's got some slight differences from canon, hence being part of my What If? series, but I really wish I had finished it when I was having Spider-Man: Blue feels instead of starting it and putting it away because I'm afraid I won't be able to get back to that place to write it.
What are your writing strengths? Cheeky bants with the lads, getting feels in my smut, getting smut in my feels, and incredibly thorough outlines and research
What are your writing weaknesses? Finishing a longfic in less than 2 years, doing too much research, and fight scenes
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? For the love of HaShem, please find someone who speaks that language to look those parts over for you. Also, please put translations of long chunks of speech either in-line in the text or hyperlink to where they are in your endnotes!
What was the first fandom you wrote for? In, like, my whole life? I definitely wrote My Chemical Romance RPF for a hot minute, including a piece with @gosh-emperor that thankfully has never seen the light of day. As an adult-type fangirl? Spideypool, babeyyyy.
What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written? I just finished a Deadpool/Weasel dubcon fic that is quite frankly fantastic, and I'm really excited to post it once my betas are done with it. The one that was the most fun to write was actually my Teratober challenge series of drabbles for the Monster Smash server!
Tagging: @full-fledged-cumberbitch, @waterme-stories, @lunastories, @atemy, and any other writers who want to hop in!
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mauvecardigans · 2 years
Get to know me! Tagged by @wicked-jade (thanks! 💖)
Favourite colour: genuinely depends on the day, but blues and purples are always solid
Currently reading: too many fanfic, but also making my way (very slowly) through Catch-22
Last song: We Are The Waiting/St Jimmy - Green Day
Last series: just watched and am currently still screaming about the last episode of What We Do in the Shadows
Last movie: Day Shift (a Netflix vampire movie; formulaic but fun)
Sweet, spicy or savoury: I have been trying to decide how to answer this since I saw the tag earlier, and I think I just have to say "yes"
What I'm working on: "working on" may be a bit of a misnomer, but after trawling through my ideas list, uh...the list is longer than I thought 😅 I've got:
an idea for a Halloween TKK/CK fic (it's very original. jk it's vampires)
a writing exercise gone rogue (that may or may not ever see the light of day (that's not a vampire euphemism) but it's fun to make your brain work a little)
a scad of ideas inspired by AV100 prompts that I couldn't hammer into drabbles but still want to play with (including crane kicks, eavesdropping, and a spice/Star Wars crossover)
a MASH/TKK crossover (I deserve everything I get for this; the definition of self-indulgent)
So...not really working on? so much as rolling them around in the rock tumbler that is my brain just to see what happens to them?
Tagging @beck-a-leck, @phoomwhoosh, @twobrokenwyngs, @bg-sparrow, and you! (apologies if you've been tagged previously)
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beebabycastiel · 3 years
Tagged by the wonderful and cool @milligar for this tag game!
Three ships: Ian/Mickey, Dean/Castiel, Sandy/Debbie
First ever ship: Ash Ketchum and Misty. Shortly followed by Gerard Way and Frank Iero. Please feel free to shove me into a locker.
Last song: Astro Zombies - The Misfits
Last film: Eclipse. Per my they/them’s Valentine’s Day request ❤️
Currently reading: my own damn fic as I am HORRENDOUSLY blocked with it and trying to figure out how to make it MOVE. My they/them and I are also reading Twilight aloud to each other because were grossly sapphic.
Currently watching: Like this moment? I have Bobs Burgers playing in the background 😂
Currently consuming: water out of a 44 ounce foam Sonic Cup because I’m white trash but I’m trying to be sustainable about it.
Currently craving: Donuts. It’s always donuts.
Tagging @kimberlovesgallavich @mmmichyyy @shameless-notashamed @shinygalaxyperson @teatimeallovertown @celestialmickey @catgrassplantdad @vintagelacerosette and shooting my shot with @smokey-mickey
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thinandbonesssss · 2 years
does anyone else remember myspace surveys we would copy & paste and answer in a bulletin post? what if i made @n4 themed surveys and posted them here? would anyone actually do it? i feel like it’d be a fun way to distract myself from snacking. hungry? i’ll just do a tumble survey instead and have a snack later.
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linzeet · 2 years
In middle and high school, I would fill composition notebook after composition notebook full of stories. Fiction novels that were bursting to get out.
When MySpace was still the thing, I would go to the bulletin board, which posted publicly for all your friends to see, and I would write a chapter of a story and post it, (secretly hoping the guy I had a crush on would see it and take the hint.)
In college, I didn’t have a lot of time for writing, but thankfully I was in art school and got my creative juices flowing in other ways. But I would still make outlines of stories I’d love to write, characters I’d love to flesh out. Hoping one day that I would be able to actually build a world out of those outlines.
All of them - every composition notebook sheet, every outline, every bulletin board post on MySpace - were love stories.
I wanted to experience love in the pages of my stories.
I wanted to imagine what it was like to have someone stare into my eyes, their eyelids fluttering slowly as if hypnotized by my irises.
I wanted to imagine my finger accidentally touching with a secret crush, and feeling the jolt of electricity in my fingers as if I had stuck them in a wall outlet.
I wanted to feel the warm breath of someone enveloping my ear as they shared a secret complement or a private joke.
I wanted to imagine the perfect person — someone who would mould with my personality, my humor, my quirks perfectly.
Isn’t that why they call it fantasy?
Because we write down on paper what we’re not willing to wait to experience. What we have a hunger and a taste for. We draw up and paint the dimensions of that place in our mind, and scribble it down so it will actually be real. If at least in our mind.
I graduated college, and was finally married to my person. Maybe not the ones in my novels — in fact, not much like the ones in my novels, but perfect for me in ways that I didn’t think could work.
Interesting that after finally stepping out of my fantasies and finding the love that I had been desiring for most of my life, I no longer had much of a desire to write about it.
It may not be that way for you. That’s okay.
But now my mind is full of stories that involve a bigger world than I had previously fantasized. Stories that can’t wait to get out, because I have this new taste, this new hunger for something that has always existed but has always taken a back seat to other priorities. But something that may not get to happen again for a while because of the current state of the world.
My mind is busy trying to come up with ways to encapsulate the wanderlust that I feel, and all the places I would dream of going.
With maybe a dash of romance.
How? It feels like it’s too much to write about. The logistics feel impossible.
But I want to try.
I’ve been sitting on it for a while. Thinking that I would probably never write the stories that I’ve always imagined. But I want to try.
Maybe this is how I’ll start. Just a little at a time. A chapter at a time. A paragraph at a time.
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