#this did not need to happen maya did not fucking deserve this
mekatrio · 3 months
oh maya fey...
#my main source of anguish with her character mainly stems from the fact that not enough ppl hate aa3 LOL#but i mean it.. if u like maya aa3 should make you furious. hence why im so weirded out by maya likers who like aa3 cuz like#what actually is it about maya do you actually like? just that shes a silly goofy girl?#cuz she has all this trauma and hardships.. that the story glosses over. entirely even at the very end#for aa3 to end its examination of her character the same way the past 2 games did:#'yeah shits happened to her but wow its so admirable that she keeps up a strong face for you and pearl! 🙂'#DISGUSTINGGGGG MOTHERFUCKER I HATE IT 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬#edgeworth gets to change gets to breakdown and fake his DEATH#gumshoe of all people has a crush to deepen his motivations#franziska leaves her resentment and pride of being a von karma#phoenix gets to be distressed and we see how that challenges him#but maya? FUCK HER MAN shes still smiling smiling! no need for critical change or examination or to treat her#like a character worthy of respect! worthy of change!#she was designed to be a silly character to make investigations more fun and thats what she'll be for the entire franchise#and people will just eat it up..... BRAHHHHH she deserved so much better#hate aa3 forever. and also aa fans ur in the line of fire now too#fucking... cant believe aa3 of all things is a top title like goddamn just play gh*st trick. just fucking play gh*st trick#wowed by aa's first attempt at a long + connected narrative.. go play gh*st trick
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chrispotatos · 2 months
quit - chris sturniolo
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summary: you had a stressful day at work so chris suggested you quit.
warning: none unless you're allergic to having chris as your bf.
a/n: i may or may not be projecting
a/n 2: i might only be able to write quick little stories like these then write smut and angst on the weekends because it takes me longer to write those generes than cute little fluffy shit.
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my whole week was bad and it consisted of the same cycle on repeat work, eat nap. i could hardly see my boyfriend and my friends because of my busy schedule and when i wasn't with at work i was in my apartment trying to recollect myself.
today was friday and i promised chris i would come over to their house and stay till monday rolls around.
don't get my wrong i was itching to get there but i wanted peace and quiet. after all my social battery was drained and it felt like any minute i could cry if someone asked 'what's wrong' the feeling of taking my anger out on my friends and boyfriend because of a stressful day made my emotions subside by a little so something like that doesn't happen
i arrived and didn't hear anything i walked up the stairs and still no talking, laughing, nothing.
i took that as a sign they weren't here at all maybe they were filming. i leave chris a text letting him know im there.
i go down to his room and pick out some clothes that got cleaned from the last time i was here. the tub in nicks room was the only one that was here so i used it, putting in epsom salt and a bath bomb with a lack of scent so my headache doesn't get even worse.
when my bath was done i went to the kitchen and got ice cold water then headed back to his room.
i tried picking a movie but my thoughts flooded with what happend today and how my manager was yelling at me even though i was confused and needed clear instructions.
the thought made tear unwillingly fill my eyes and fall, it stung remembering the harsh words the way she made me feel small and disrespected.
i heard the triplets voices, slight bickering the front door closing after, i knew chris was gonna be coming to his room shortly after so i went under the blankets.
my predictions being correct the door to his room opened and he called for my name. i hummed as a response, that not being enough he came over to my side of the bed peeling the blankets off of my body.
"y/n, baby are you okay?" he asked worry coating his expression i cover my face crying more.
that question always tipped me over the edge "no im not okay, my boss- megan no maya i mean-" a frustrated grunt is all i could get out from all the clouded confusion. "it's ok take your time" he rubbed my arm being patient with me and thats what i needed right now.
"-my manager is a bitch and she was yelling at me. im tired and i don't wanna be mean but im so stressed out" i explained, it was more of a ramble with some words getting mixed together cause of the speed i was talking in.
"im so sorry" his arms wrapped around me, pulling me towards him, and rubbed my back while whispering comforting words to me, reassuring that everything will be all right.
"you should quit" he suggested i shook my head no, i couldn't quit it wasn't gonna work if i did my life would only get worse.
"no one should get treated that way especially you, you don't deserve that and it shouldn't have a toll on you. it's fucked up"
i draw back from the hug by a bit to see the sympathetic look on his face, he really felt bad for me and i know he couldn't wrap his head around why i wouldn't just quit if im being treated in such ways.
"it's not in my cards to just quit" he smiled unbeknownst of what he was thinking i reciprocated an awkward smile "I'll take care of you, you can move in with us" he stated it wasn't an offer he wanted me to do it.
"im not letting you do that" a humorless chuckle left my lips. chris wiped the tears that were left and kissed my forehead "yeah you will" he muttered giving me a endearing smile taking the glass of water off the night stand pressing the glass to my lips, i took a few sips then he put the glass back down and tucking me in.
"I'll come back in a few, i just need to talk with matt and nick real quick then take a shower and I'll be all yours for the rest of the day"
i nodded from where i was, snuggling into the blankets "love you y/n" he said on his way out even if he couldn't hear me i said it back.
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jakeyt · 9 months
Covet: Chapter 9, Part 2 of 2 (Sneak Peek)
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a/n: ouch ouch ouch 😭 part 9 is a rollercoaster. . . that is all i'll say for now as i leave you with this little peek.
easy listening i'd recommend for this sneak peek: "Please Don't Go" by Stevie Wonder and our very special song. . . "You're All I Need To Get By" by Ms. Aretha Franklin <3
When you got back out, you were instantly met with the sight of all of the guys at the back booth you’d saved.
Your eyes, sadly, found Jake and Maya first – sitting practically on top of each other in the back corner of the booth. She was wrapped up in Jake, while engaging in a conversation with Sam. And, even though she seemed to only be halfway listening, Sammy kept on talking like she was interested in only him. 
But with the way Jake’s hand toyed with the hair over her shoulder and eventually traveled to squeeze (and hold) her waist. . . you knew why she wasn’t fully listening. Sammy would not be getting her full attention any time soon, and you knew that from personal experience. If it were you Jake was playing with like that, you would have tuned Sam completely out. 
Pushing any emotion down that threatened to boil up to the surface, you kept on walking to the booth. 
And when you got close enough, all of the attention was suddenly on you. The first one to notice you was Danny, who got up from his end seat on the booth to greet you with a giant hug. You sank into him, feeling all of the love that he was emitting sink into your sore body. 
Then, Sam was loudly exclaiming your presence, telling you that he was waiting for his own hug. 
You went around the three brothers who wanted to give you a squeeze. 
Sam hugged you especially hard, making your boobs ache like no other when he pressed hard against you. Gratefully, Josh had been paying attention when you caught his eye with a pained expression and determined that it was his turn.
After he’d grasped you from Sam and given a loose hug, you stood awkwardly. Waiting. But for what?
But. . .you knew what. . .Why.
It was Jake’s turn. 
Though, all you got was a little close-lipped smile and a half-wave with a head nod from his spot next to his supermodel girlfriend. 
You reciprocated with essentially the same response, your stomach falling to your feet as you did so. It was ludicrous to think he’d get up for a hug, too. Especially with Maya sitting next to him with her perfectly-fucking- manicured hand cupping the inside of his thigh. 
God, you needed to feel him close to you, though. You needed your hand on his inner thigh, dangerously close to a place on his body that’d been so accustomed to yours. 
And, then there was an incredibly intrusive thought. 
It told you that, for some (strange) reason, the idea of his chest pressing into your sore breasts sounded extremely appealing. (And the thought of his hands or his mouth on them? Fuck.) 
But— you knew at this point, there was a fat chance of that ever happening.
He didn’t want you near him like that. And definitely not his hands or mouth on you. 
So you were sure he did not want a measly hug either.
And right now? In this bar? At this exact time? Obviously not.
Why would he move away from perfection? For you? In your frumpy-ass outfit? As you glanced down self-consciously, you even noticed one white sock peeking way higher than the other from your high-tops. 
Small details. Small details that showed how much of a fucking mess you were in comparison to her.
When you heard his laugh cut through the wave of emotion you were feeling, you looked back up at him. Only to see that he was engaged with Maya and Sam in some hilarious conversation. 
He didn’t give two shits about you that way anymore. 
Why would he?
The terrible things you’d said to him in the kitchen were the first reason that came to your mind. Haunted you everyday, reminding you that you didn’t deserve his attention. 
You bet she, in her utter perfection and sunshiney ways, would never tell him the things you had.
He was probably relishing in the mental break she provided him. A break from the emotional thunderstorm that was you. 
But what the two lovebirds didn’t know was that you were carrying a part of him within you that she couldn’t do a thing about. 
No matter what she was to him, she didn’t have what you did. 
Though, the depressing truth of the matter was even if you were carrying his baby, Maya was still the one falling asleep next to him more nights than not. You had a piece of him, yes, but she had all of him. 
Fuck. That felt selfish. Without even thinking about it, you brought your hand up to your stomach as an effort to apologize to the little lemon-sized baby in your tummy. 
You are enough for me, you desperately thought, hoping to translate that somehow to your unborn bundle of hope. You give me plenty of joy. 
“Y/n,” Josh spoke, breaking you from your reverie. 
“Mmm?” You hummed, now staring into the space on the wall behind Maya’s head. 
Then he was leaning over, whispering so quietly in your ear. “You’re holding your stomach.”
Shit. You instantly dropped your hand, looking around to make sure no one had noticed. 
Thankfully, no one had. 
You mouthed a ‘thank you’ to your best friend, and scooted into the space he and Daniel had left for you, between them, on their side. 
Sitting again helped to balance you, as the dizziness from earlier kept coming back in tiny spurts. 
You didn’t know what it was all about, but you knew it was probably something attributed to pregnancy. It was probably something normal that you didn’t need to be worried about. 
But, you figured having someone to lean on would help to keep you steady. So, you found Josh’s shoulder, pressing against him. It was more than necessary, so you let your shoulder lazily lay against his arm. The closeness to a safe person felt overwhelmingly comforting in the otherwise emotionally-wrought headspace you were experiencing. 
About an hour later, you found yourself humming along to the music that had gotten progressively louder over the time you’d been sitting with the guys. Getting lost in the melodies felt nice. And you’d noticed, walking in that night, that it was soul music night, according to the sign on the front door of the bar.
After sitting with them for only a few minutes, making small talk with Sam and Danny to catch up, you’d essentially let yourself become an observer. You’d just listened to them talk about all of these new, sudden opportunities that were coming around for them.
So much was changing. 
They were essentially done with the smaller gigs. Their label’s management had put their foot down that they were done with those. They wanted them going to more popular, reputable places to get their name out there. The label had taken it upon themselves to work with their manager to put them in bigger venues. They’d even begun advertising the boys with promotional pictures and posters all over active streets in Brooklyn.
“We’ve had photoshoots, y/n,” Sam had boasted in wonder at one point, making sure to involve you in the conversation. “Photoshoots! Like, real rockstar things.”
“‘S fucking nuts,” Danny agreed, nodding beside you, sending you a small smile. “People working on wardrobe for us and all that shit.”
They’d also begun working on their first album (which you knew about), but its release date had officially been set in stone for May. It was daunting for you and felt huge to you, so you couldn’t imagine how it felt for them. 
It was all moving so fast. . . Which, if you were being honest, terrified you for what was to come in the near future. The little bean that was set to arrive around the time of the album’s release. Because of all of your recent . . .changes, it just felt like a terrible time for things to feel so unsure and abnormal. 
You knew it was selfish to feel that way. You did. It was just impossible to not feel worried and anxious. 
The stress inevitably started climbing up into your upper back, creating tension. And, Josh, being Josh, must’ve sensed a change in your demeanor. He’d wrapped his arm around your shoulders when you started feeling all bunched up and jittery. You’d leaned into it, needing the incredible amount of comfort in his embrace and presence. 
The music was setting your mind at ease from the tension you felt in your body. It also helped to alleviate the awkward air you felt with the proximity of Jake’s guest. 
Who sat there looking so beautiful all night. Jake’s arm hadn’t left her shoulders all night, twirling her long waves between his long fingers. You had to look away at several points. It didn’t take long for the sight to become too much. Your ever-present nausea only increased by watching them. 
So you didn’t watch. Didn’t allow yourself to look at him.
You breathed in the music.
The music saved you. You just listened to the music. The world was a blur. 
But, when they all joined in on mutual excitement, all smiles and voices getting louder, you tuned back in just slightly.
And when you did, they were talking about one particular thing they were all looking forward to: a special event of sorts that was coming up.
Apparently it was a huge thing for this event to take place. One final step before embracing the stardom. It would happen in a few months’ time — once the label execs heard a few songs, and released them as singles. Then, they would get to preview them to the public.
It would be an intimate type of event, more like old times, but for a few semi-important people who worked for the tour management team and whoever else wanted to come. It would be a listening party where the boys would play their new music. And according to the boys, it was the label’s attempt to get an idea of touring being a possibility. 
A lot of it was pinned on if the turnout was good. On how the guys interacted with the crowd. How the performed. . . It would be a sort of audition for the tour management team.
“I have faith that they’ll love us,” Sammy said, buzzing with excitement. “I’m speaking that shit into existence.”
The rest of the guys agreed.
Your eyes inadvertently snapped to Jake when he spoke next. 
“And once we start touring. . .,” Jake said, grin huge and his eyes shining at the other guys. “That’s when it all becomes fucking real. And it’ll be here before we even know it.”
Your stomach fell.
Josh squeezed your knee after he’d said it, knowing exactly what you were thinking.
Your thoughts were fucking spiraling. Looking down, you closed your eyes to will the tears away— tried your best to be subtle with your bundled up emotions. 
You felt so excited for him. You wanted it for them—for him. All along, you’d wanted him to live his dream. The one he’d had for so long.
But the idea of him going off and away. . . All of them being so far away, all of the time, right at the time your life would be inevitably changing for the rest of forever. . . It was a lot to wrap your mind around.
It had your stomach tied in fucking knots—the idea of Jake being a dad, but not getting to be one. Leaving you. Leaving the baby. It wouldn’t be a bad thing, per se, but it was going to hurt like hell. 
You swore, right then and there, that you would not let him give it up for anything. Not a baby, definitely not you (not that he’d want to abandon it for you) — it was the last thing you wanted. The last thing that would happen. 
He would live the dream. Even if you had to force him to do so.
No matter how badly you already knew you’d  want him around during that massively  transformative time. . . You were capable of doing it on your own. And Elsie would help. She would most definitely be around, you already knew. 
But. . . Jake. 
You shoved the thoughts down to the tresses of hell, literally planting your feet straight on the floor to center yourself to present time. Shifting a bit, you laid your head on Josh’s shoulder, letting your eyes drift closed after a while. 
Didn’t sleep, but you felt like you could have. Your body felt loose and weak from the night’s stress slowly leaving your body as you focused on Josh’s steady breathing and the music. 
As the night wore on, the volume had ended up getting so loud that everyone practically had to yell at one another to have a conversation, even within the close confines of the booth. 
So, you had to blink your eyes open at that point. It was too much. The over-stimulation was soon approaching. You could feel it. 
But, even with your eyes open, they were hooded. You were so tired, you felt as though you couldn’t open them much more. And the dizziness from earlier was back. 
So you focused on swaying your body a little to the rhythm of each song, tapping out the beat of each on the table. Josh had instinctively begun humming along with you while still managing to keep conversation with everyone else. He’d sneak the occasional smile to give a sign of him remaining loyal to your company as well as the others’.
The melodious harmonies of Stevie Wonder’s "Please Don't Go" had been a surprise, as it was a more unpopular hit of his. It was a welcome distraction to listen to a song you knew well over the speakers, for all ears to hear. Nothing beat hearing songs you loved, playing in public spaces. 
Oh, Stevie. His songs had historically been known to bring you peace. Always had. Always would. 
And Stevie's music never failed to meet you where you were emotionally. This song, not being an exception, and hitting extremely close to home for the present time. . .
But still, the tension you’d felt all night began to dissipate, sizzling out almost completely with the beautiful ending of the track.
Just as the heavy weight of your anxieties you’d carried all night had lifted, the next song started to ring throughout the building.
Only this time, the feeling it gave you was a far cry from the previous. 
You knew it instantly. You’d hear this song even if it weren’t blasting throughout the building.
As soon as the first note sounded, it sent a vibration straight to your heart and a swarm of butterflies (that actually felt more like bees) to your tummy. 
You hadn’t looked at him yet, but you felt Jake’s eyes piercing through you. 
You didn’t want to look at him. Not yet. 
Your hormones had been far too out of whack for that. You knew you’d cry instantly upon seeing his face while this song played at a volume that you now wish was much, much lower.
Aretha’s powerhouse voice repeated it over and over again. 
You’re all I need to get by, you’re all I need to get by, you’re all I need. . .
No, you weren’t looking at Jake. But he was still the only vision clouding your minds eye. 
You were back in your living room floor. . . his eyebrows bunched together with each heavy thrust into you, the sweat that pooled between them and dripped down to the tip of his nose.
And it was plain to see that you were my destiny. . .
His coffee colored orbs that bore into you as his body connected with yours in the most intimate way that it could’ve been.
And when I lose my will, you’ll be there to push me up that hill. . .
How he filled you so completely, so perfectly. How, in that moment, it felt like he was made to fit you. Your body, your heart, your life.
I don’t know what’s in store, but together we can open any door. . . 
Without even meaning to, your eyes met his.
And while Maya was going on about whatever she felt the need to talk about, he was watching you. His eyes were extremely thoughtful. . . So much being communicated behind them.
If you were delusional, you’d even go so far as to say he was admiring you. . . The way his eyes flashed a bit as you watched him, too.
But you weren’t delusional. 
Though, you just knew that he was thinking the same thing as you. . .
He knew. He knew this song was special.
And as much as you attempted to not wear your emotions, with your condition, it was impossible.
You felt your eyes prick with tears as the song came to an end, and you quickly put your head down for what you knew was coming. And when the small drop hit your cheek, as soon as it appeared, you wiped it away.
You looked back up, sniffing once and shaking your head.
Why did I have to fucking look?
“God, I wish they’d play music from this century here for once. Or at least something halfway decent,” Maya snickered, her attention on Jake, pulling his gaze away from you with her ignorant remark. “This song could put me straight to sleep. Music like this is meant to be left in the past where it belongs.” 
What the hell? What was even the point?
What she said had your blood boiling with red hot rage. Of course she had to pick this song to insert her disgusting opinion.
And how was Jake in a relationship with someone who thought so little of older music? How did he put up with that shit? It would be really fucking hard to hear things like that all the time if you were in his shoes.
A look of pure disgust washed over Josh’s face, and you knew he wouldn’t take her shit laying down. Not when it came to good, classic music. Not to mention, Aretha was one of his biggest vocal inspirations. 
“How can you not appreciate the Queen of Soul? She paved the way for singers of every genre, her voice is timeless and immaculate. To criticize her is to criticize all music.” 
His defensive tone had everyone silent for an almost uncomfortable amount of time.
You wanted to chime in and let her know that you agreed with everything he said. But you felt it best to keep your mouth shut given the real reason you were so pissed. 
Didn’t trust your emotions to stay steady enough to get your point across. 
This was personal.
To your shock, it was Jake that ended up breaking the awkward silence at the table. “You know, babe, some of us have some pretty significant memories tied back to music like this,” he asserted, sharply, pulling away from her, dropping his arm from her shoulders to look at her better. “This song specifically. . . At least for me.”
Your heart leapt into your throat at what he was implying. Significant? He couldn’t mean. . .? But then he flashed his eyes to you. And you knew. 
Fuck, Jake. The butterflies let completely loose in your tummy at the implication. At the look. 
He continued, his voice growing softer, while staying assertive. “And it could very possibly be hurtful to others when you say surface level shit like that.”
a/n: i love them and i love you guys and we will get through the pain together 😭 but i mean. . . . . can we talk about how Jake is pulling at my mf heartstrings with his little defense of the song?! ughhhh jakey babyyyyy </3
Tagging my taglist to give y’all hope that more is coming soon lol 🫶🏻
Taglist: @joshym, @gretavanfleetposts, @alyson814, @fretaganvleet, @lallisonl, @writingcold, @gvfpal, @twinszka, @jessicafg03, @reesetrippingthelight, @sacredjake, @laurenlovesgretavanfleet, @gretavangroove, @222headedcalf, @dreamssingold, @carbondancingthroughtime, @raviolilegs, @way-to-go-lad, @jakekiszkasmommy, @katgvf, @objectsinspvce, @jaketlover, @vanfleeter, @thetroublegetssoloud71, @seditabets, @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface, @jaketlove, @ohgodthefeeling-gvf, @starcatcher-jake, @anythingforjtk, @lucimoo, @indigostreakmorgan, @gretavanbear, @katelynn-gvf, @alwaysonthemend, @aintthatapity, @bowievanfleet, @fwzco, @takenbythemadness, @cherry-icecreamsmile, @laneygvf, @hi-hi-hello11, @sinarainbows, @jakesbarbarian, @mybussyinchrist, @becinabubblegvf, @heckingfrick, @danigvf, @pinkandsleepy1934, @derrangeddumpsterfire, @klarxtr, @josh-iamyour-mama, @abby-gvf, @cassyface, @gretavansabotage
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jotunvali02 · 2 months
Playing Turnabout Goodbyes, last part
"The second bullet was never found."
Ah-ah-ah. No, no, baby.
"Tsk, tsk" as Von Karma would say.
FEE-FEE has the second bullet. It's the FIRST one that's cleverly hidden in front of everyone.
"Sorry, Maya. I was wrong."
OMFG... are you back at being stupid, even in court??
"Maybe the bullet HIT the murderer?"
Yeaaaaaah!! Congrats for Fee-Fee who needed again the intervention of a dead woman to help him figure shit out! 🥳
"Hey Nick. Remember what Grossberg said about Von Karma and his vacation shit?"
Maya, Maya... did you just find the culprit again??
My God, YOU should be a defense attorney! YOU deserve that fucking badge! Take it and scream "OBJECTION! I am the defense now!"
"I know Von Karma. Perhaps too well." My baby 😭💔
and here comes the metal detector, gracefully lent by Daddy Gumshoe!
"Mister Von Karma, get NAKED bitch!"
omg, that loud BEEP must have frozen Edgey's heart and all of his blood vessels.💔💔💔
"Who wouldv'e thought you'd dig your own grave trying to convict Edgeworth?" = "You touch my senpai, I destroy you, bitch."😊 #yanderefeefee
What kind of reaction must one have when the man you literally saw as a father for 15 years proudly admits he is the one who killed your real father and screams that he'll "bury you"?
After he managed to convince you a few minutes earlier that you had murdered your own father?
Anyone would have burst in screaming tears.
"It's all just a good memory"??? Maya, the FUCK??? did you forget-?? Nevermind.
"Larry? What happened now?" My thoughts exactly!! X)
"Wright, there are $38 in that enveloppe." "Yeah, so?" Omffffg,
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"Edgeworth?" "Hmm?" "I love you, baby." *kiss* "I'll murder Larry and I'll come back."😘
"Where does that leave me? I've become a defense attorney because of what you two did!!"
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Wrong! Stop blaming others for your whimsy, shitty decisions, Feenie. It's not their fault if you're a lonely, emotionally-dependent and obesessive psychopath.
Oh, and Edgey and Larry agree with me!
"If I had known, I'd become a prosecutor!" Hmm, an AU prosecutor Fee-Fee, hey?🤔
"Same for me, only the other way around..." No, no, baby.😢 Don't be sad. "If I had known the truth, maybe I might have become a defense attorney." My baby!!😭😭😭
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Feenie, hug him!! WTF are you waiting for??
And stop that fucking happy tune when my baby is obviously miserable inside!!!!
"Want to switch, Wright?"
Yes!! YES!!! Follow your dreams, baby!! 😭
Aaah?? Fee-Fee didn't answer!!!! 👀👀👀
Wai-wai-wait!! So while everyone was partying and drinking their ass off, Miles was still in detention? All alone?? More than likely crying and being sad and crushed inside??
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"I couldn't help you. I was useless."
Shut up, Maya! THAT'S NOT TRUE!! You helped and you nailed it more than Phoenix!!
Yeah, not just with the bullet, Feenie. SHE also suggested out of the blue Von Karma might be the murderer while you had no clue he might be!
*gasp*?? Edgey got a hug from Daddy Gumshoe?😭 (at least, I fucking hope so! that's the least he needs!!!)
Huh? No trial for two months??
WTF did you do during that whole time, Phoenix? And just how did you pay your rents? Yeah, rentS, I suppose the Wright & Co offices aren't free to use!
*gasp*! I hope for your ass you spent them visiting and comforting your boyfriend! (in exchange for the paying of your rents, maybe? like you wanted?)
Also, when 9 years-old Miles felt unconscious, the two adults with him felt unsconcious too? Like, all the three of them, at the same time??
Either baby Miles had a prodigious endurance or the two adults with him were exceptionnally weak-bodied.
Or Takumi didn't think about sth basic as that so that Gregory's murder happens easily and smoothly. Cause bitch, HOW the fuck Yogi couldn't have recognized Von Karma then and why wouldn't have Gregory tried to defend himself? And HOW couldn't they have heard Von Karma screaming?
I've just realized that whole story of Greg's murder doesn't make any sense from the begining!
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This may be a mess, and I could very well be viewing this wrong, but here it goes.
I'm not sure if how Apollo's character has been handled in not the best way comes down to the change in writers/gamerunners or not, but I can't think about it for too long without being frustrated.
In AJ:AA, he was at least allowed to be outright resentful towards Phoenix for the bloody ace debacle as well as jerking him around with no regard to his feelings on the matter, which is something Phoenix NEVER apologizes for. Then Phoenix gives that nice little promise to Thalassa on how he'll look after Apollo because he grew fond of him.
And then Dual Destinies happens, which is where the meat of my complaints take place.
Apollo's best friend has been murdered and all the evidence is pointing towards another friend of his. He had serious injuries from the courtroom bombing and then got assaulted not long after. On a way more minor note, everyone's dunking on him and roasting him constantly, and *tinfoil hat moment*, he sees how differently Phoenix treats Athena compared to him. And outside of lipservice comments about what all he's been through, no one outside of Athena and Trucy truly seems worried about him.
Apollo takes his leave of absence, and everyone's reaction is basically the Surprised Pikachu Face meme.
That made me want to hit my head against the wall, because what the fuck did they expect? He's still recovering from his injuries, his BEST FRIEND was murdered, and he doesn't trust Phoenix to help find the truth. What did they really expect him to do? Maybe it was just bad writing, but I'm not sure.
In a similar vein, when Apollo is confronted with Nahyuta and Dhurke coming back into his life, it's treated as yet another thing to make of him about, despite him clearly not wanting to talk about them and having trauma/negative feelings associated with them. He's left in the dark YET AGAIN when it comes to Maya's kidnapping (I do like that he called Athena out on this), Dhurke DIES and no one besides Nahyuta seems to care about how it affects Apollo. Then he decides to leave the WAA for good in SOJ, everyone's clamoring for him not to go, and I'm just like, are you fucking kidding me?
Then Phoenix comes out of fucking nowhere with his "I'm so proud of Apollo" platitude, RIGHT AFTER Apollo found out that Phoenix considered him to be untrustworthy and unreliable. This is coming from a man who has used him and hid so much from him.
I love Ace Attorney, and God knows I love Apollo and his trust issues/trauma, but I wished they were properly acknowledged.
Laid out like that, yeah - most people are major dicks to Apollo most of the time. Props to Beanix for taking that uppercut on the chin - he deserved it - but that's only the beginning.
I think I've complained about how the WAA - Phoenix and Athena mainly - treat Apollo when he announces his leave of abscence. The last case he was meant to be a part of, he was blown up badly enough to need full-body bandages, passed out because of his wounds, then got hit on the head by a rock that could have just as easily killed him... and they still chew him out for leaving. I get that their focus is on him straying from the path of unconditional trust that Phoenix set up. But the man has suffered physically and lost the one person in his life he could confidently say didn't have anything to hide from him (Clay); they should not be surprised or offended in the least!
The "Phoenix treats Athena very differently from Apollo" point I have seen and I do agree with it. I do think it comes from Phoenix seeing a bit of himself in both of them and reacted in opposite directions based on his current situation. Maybe he decided to be softer on Athena because he realised he made a huge mistake with Apollo, but it doesn't seem to translate to treating Apollo that much better until he sets his mind right about Clay's death.
I guess when you've survived falling off a burning bridge into a running river, you forget that people can still be grievously hurt and might need to take time off work to heal!
That could have been an easy way to keep their concern without making them look like dicks. Phoenix could be the one encouraging a leave of abscence for the sake of recovering from the physical and psychological damage Apollo has endured, only to find he's instead fueling his own paranoia while ignoring his injuries. It's the fact that Apollo is practically torturing himself for this that should be the main source of worry, not that he's taking time off from the office at all.
Not that they aren't concerned about his mental well-being, it just comes across that like they're treating "leave of abscence" as a resignation at best and a mutiny at worst (it's neither of those things, Apollo would still be an employee under a leave of abscence).
Yeah. Yeah. The WAA's attitude around Apollo's leave really does bug me.
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angelofverdum · 6 months
Station 19 07x01
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So, we are back. Man, it's so unfair that when we finally got new showrunners they got canceled.
This episode was so meh. I know they had to establish what happened after the season finale and where this season is going but they need to stop with this crisis one thing. These cases are Boooring.
Vic is so smart, and pretty, and hot. She deserves every good thing in the world. I know Barret would kill it in an action scene, why is she getting these cases and with Theo nonetheless. I love that she didn't give a fuck about Theo making out with the other woman. And he looked so hurt ha ha loser.
Travis is so boring. He was boring, still boring, he will always be boring.
Now Captain Andy was ok, I guess. I just hate when shows believe their audience is dumb. Andy has some doubts about being captain so they decided to show it through Ghost Jack. Who, mind you, has always supported Andy in everything.
When Andy said "I support every single person that was promoted over me" mmm 🤔sort of, Maya would like a word, please.
I didn't like Maya's speech to Andy. I don't know why.
Now, I'm curious about where they are going with Jack's storyline. Is Grey Damon leaving the show or did he want to leave but now that this is the last season he is staying? Cause we barely cared about Jack, imagine now that he can't be a firefighter.
Natasha and Sullivan another snooze fest.
Now Maya and Carina, the only reason that I'm still watching this show. Like look how Maya looks at her
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Danielle you are acting choices never stop to amazed me.
First, Carina had a problem with the apartment then she didn't but she still does tho. So, they are moving to a house. I like this idea because they never tried to make the apartment look like Carina lived there, it barely looked like Maya's.
Then, they adopted a baby named Liam(?) surprising no one. But they're keeping the IVF idea.
My guess is that after a thousand seasons of trying to have a baby and Carina saying in talking about sperm and being pregnant, they didn't want to throw that storyline away.
The adoption felt rushed. They should have had at least a conversation about it because it wasn't their plan at all.
Also, it means they are rich, because a new house, a new baby, and IVF treatment all simultaneously? Honey, that's not cheap.
Having all that money and couldn't change the sheets for six seasons. But they will do it this season. It's ugly as hell but they did it.
Love Maya not caring a bit about Jack.
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Hate they chose that version of the kiss. Even though, as Danielle explained, they were fully making out. And I get it they were in a public space, Carina's job. They had to tone it down. But look at the material
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I'm not a writer AT ALL, but what if instead of having that conversation there in front of everybody, Carina took Maya to her office they had a conversation there and they could have kissed properly. Maybe, talk about adopting, just saying.
Like, you have enough creativity to have Travis having sex with Emmet, who's grieving btw, in a house where his mother is also grieving and with the door open.
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ladyantiheroine · 11 months
Someone Better To Love
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Summary: Love is a gift. And Renfield finds someone more deserving of it than his old master.
Pairing: Renfield x fem!reader
Requested by @kpopgirlbtssvt
“I’m just really worried about her.”
Maya sniffled and dabbed her eyes with a napkin. She and Renfield were standing by the refreshments tables during the support group break. The styrofoam cup had grown lukewarm in Renfield’s hand, but he was too enthralled to care.
“How long has it been since you last saw her?” he asked his friend.
“At least a week,” Maya said. She took a moment to compose herself. “Y/N always texts me back, and every time I went to her apartment, no one answered. If something was wrong, she would have told me. But she’s gone radio silent and…”
Tears gushed from Maya’s cheek. Renfield offered her his napkin to dry her face.
“I don’t want to assume the worst, but…” she swallowed. “I’m scared that…someone might have taken her.”
Renfield’s ears perked up.
“Taken her?” he asked. “What do you mean?”
Maya glanced around at the other support group members. They were scattered about the church gymnasium sipping coffee and nibbling on donut while their group leader was in the bathroom.
“Don’t tell anyone I told you this,” she said. “But Y/N has this ex-boyfriend and…he’s not a good guy. Ran with some scary people. And he didn’t take her dumping him very well. I’m worried that maybe he…”
Maya was visibly shaking. She couldn’t even speak what she imagining. But she didn’t need to. Renfield knew what she meant.
Renfield placed a gentle hand on Maya’s shoulder.
“I understand,” he said. “I’m sorry about your friend, Maya. I’m sure she’ll show up soon. Maybe there was an emergency. Maybe her phone broke.”
Maya pursed her lips and nodded.
“I hope you’re right,” she said.
“Just out of curiosity…could you tell me this ex-boyfriend’s name?”
Maya bit her lips before answering.
“Jeremy Ruth,” she said. “His friends call him ‘Ruthless.’”
At that moment, the group was called back to their seats for the rest of the meeting. Renfield turned Maya’s words around in his head. Even though he no longer worked for Dracula, his ears still peeled when he heard these stories. He didn’t like killing people, but he couldn’t bring himself to just stand back when he knew some innocent person was trapped by a bunch of brutes.
Renfield had stayed out of trouble since Dracula’s death. He had a good life now. A decent job. A nice apartment. Did he really want to jeopardize all of it for some woman he didn’t even know?
But he already knew the answer. He knew it after the meeting ended and he didn’t go straight home.
“Please don’t hurt me,” you whimpered. You long gave up trying to break the ropes that bound your wrists and ankles. The tile floor of your ex-boyfriend’s kitchen was cold and hard beneath you.
Jeremy was standing at the counter cutting an apple with a knife. He pointed the blade down at you.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he said. “But I can’t have you running out, can I?”
You clenched your teeth to weather, trying to stop the swell of tears. To think, there was a time you actually thought that Jeremy was charming. You had no idea the monster he was under the handsome face.
“Why are you doing this?” you asked. “There’s lots of girls out there. Why go to all this trouble for me?”
Jeremy turned his steely gaze to you. He walked over to where you were trembling on the floor, kneeled down, and pressed the tip of the knife to your chin.
“Because when I decide something is mine,” he said. “I don’t want it running away.”
You froze under the icy touch of the blade. You wanted to sob and beg for forgiveness. You wanted to spit on his face and call him a bastard.
But before you could do either, you heard a metallic sound of a breaking lock and a the front door kicked open.
“What the fuck!?” Jeremy hissed.
It all happened so quickly that you barely had time to register it. Some stranger—a thin, pale gentleman—bust into the kitchen and yanked Jeremy back by his neck, sending him flying to the opposite wall.
The knife slipped from your ex-boyfriend’s hand and the stranger plucked it from the floor. He pointed it at Jeremy as if brandishing a sword.
“Who the fuck are you?” Jeremy gnarled.
You could ask the same question. The stranger didn’t look like a police officer. No blue uniform, no shiny badge. He didn’t look like the kind of guy who could throw a man across the room. He was slender, dressed in a purple sweater and blue jeans, nothing to suggest he was some rescue agent.
“I should as you that,” the stranger said. British accent. Posh, like something from an old black-and-white movie. “What kind of ghastly gentleman thinks it’s acceptable to hold a lady anywhere against her will?”
“The bitch is my girlfriend,” Jeremy growled.
“The bitch is not!” you snapped.
Jeremy grabbed a flower pot off the window sill and lifted it above his head to throw it. But this stranger—whoever the hell he was—was impossibly fast. He kicked Jeremy in the chest, sending him shattering through the window. Jeremy screamed as he fell several stories to the ground below.
You screamed as you watched the window glass shatter to the ground. The stranger rushed over to the window and glanced down. His back was to you, so you couldn’t see his reaction, see if Jeremy had survive the fall or been reduced to a red puddle of bones.
The stranger turned back to face you and you froze. You shivered on the floor as he approached you.
“Please don’t hurt me,” you said.
The stranger kneeled down before you. His face was nothing like you expected from someone who just sent a man flying out the window. His face was gentle and concerned, his blue eyes looking at you like you were a wounded bird.
“I won’t hurt you,” he said. He gently wiped a smudge of dirt from your face. “Your name is Y/N, right?”
Your name in his mouth made your heart unexpectedly titter.
“Yeah,” you said. “How do you know my name?”
The stranger paused and licked his lips.
“I’m a friend of Maya’s,” he said. 
Your eyes widened.
“Maya sent you?” you said.
“Well, not technically,” the stranger said. His eyes flicked down to your ankles. He gently cupped a hand under your feet and held the knife in his other. “I’m going to cut these bonds, okay?”
You swallowed. Your boyfriend had kept you tied up for days, ever since he knocked you out and dragged you from your apartment.
“Okay,” you said. “Be careful.”
“Of course.”
The stranger brought the blade to the ropes and slowly began cutting through them.
“Maya told me you’d been missing for days,” he said. “I’m in her support group.”
Right. You forgot that Maya went to a survivors support group after she left her ex. Her ex was a raging narcissist, but at least he never tried to kidnap her.
“I guess my friends and I don’t have the best taste in guys,” you said. You dropped your head down. “I’m so stupid.”
A sob crawled up your throat, but then two fingers lifted your chin up. The stranger held your gaze.
“No, you’re not,” he said. “You had a lapse in judgment. Happens to the very best of us. But it does not mean you deserve to be mistreated. Especially not like this.”
He let go of your chin and turned back to the ropes. With a few more saws from the blade, the ropes spilled onto the floor. He undid the ropes next before helping you to your feet.
“Thank you,” you said. Then, you saw the glass glinting on the floor. “What happened to Jeremy? Is he alive?”
You rushed over to the window and dropped your eyes down to the sidewalk below. Before your eyes even registered the sight, your nose filled with the stench of fresh blood. Jeremy looked small from this height, but you could see where his skull cracked on the ground below, spilling brain matter on the concrete.
“Oh my go—“
You stumbled away from the window. God, even from a distance, the smell of overwhelming. You couldn’t shake the bloody image from your head.
“Y/N,” the stranger said. “Are you—“
His voice, and your vision, faded to black as you collapsed in his arms.
It was warm wherever you woke up. You could still feel the bruised burn from the ropes, but the cold tile floor had been replaced by a plush mattress and knitted blanket.
Your eyes fluttered open and you squinted against the sunlight peeping through the window blinds.
You sat up in bed and looked around. You expected a hospital room, or even your own apartment. Instead, you were greeted with bright orange walls covered in posters. They were all sunsets and eagles with words like “Aim high!” and “Live Laugh Love.” Even the blanket on your lap was yellow and sprinkled with flowers.
There was a knock at the door.
“Miss Y/N?” an familiar English voice called from the other side.
The doorknob turned and your rescuer’s head meekly poked inside.
“Good to see you’re awake,” he said. He stepped inside, carrying a glass of ice water. “I was worried for you after you fainted.”
He offers a small, meek smile as he brought you the water. You took the glass, your fingertips brushing his, and then brought it to your lips. You gulped the whole thing down, the icy cold renewing energy into your body.
“Where am I?” you asked, handing the stranger the glass.
“My apartment,” he said. He lifted his hands. “This isn’t a kidnapping, I promise.”
He explained what happened after you fainted: Jeremy’s friends showed up, and Renfield had to rush you out of the building to avoid more trouble. Last time he checked, the authorities had arrived to deal with the aftermath. He brought you to his apartment to treat your wounds urgently.
“I don’t mean to scare you by bringing you here,” he said. “I just…wanted to help you as quickly as possible. You’re free to leave if you’re uncomfortable.”
Despite the circumstance,s nothing about this man seemed suspicious to you. Your eyes glanced around the brightly-colored room before landing on him.
“What’s your name?” you asked.
The stranger’s eyes widened.
“Pardon me, miss, how rude of me,” he said. He straightened his back and offered his hand. “My name is Robert Montague Renfield. But you may call me Robert.”
You took his hand and shook it. Despite his snowy white skin, his touch was oddly warm.
“Thanks for your help, Robert,” you said.
“Of course,” he said. “I also called Maya and told her I found you. So, you’re no longer a missing person.”
“I guess I should thank her when I can,” you said. You tried to sit up further, but a shot of pain ran through your body. The way the ropes bound you, the pain that Jeremy inflicted, still echoed through your body.
“Are you okay?” Robert said, rushing to your side.
“I’m fine,” you lied. “I just…I don’t think I can leave yet. Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” Robert assured you. “You can stay here as long as you need. It’s no trouble.”
You pursed your lips. You weren’t used to having someone be this accommodating to you. Certainly, Jeremy would never have done this. He would have asked for a favor in return, if he allowed it at all.
“I can leave tomorrow,” you said.
You did not leave tomorrow. You stayed with Robert for several days, even after you were well enough to stand up and walk. During this time, Robert didn’t pull his attention from you. Cooking you meals, filling the bathtub, redressing wounds. This man you only just met became your full-time caretaker.
It felt strange for the first little while. You couldn’t recall the last time someone attended to you with such frequency. Checking on wounds, applying bandages, buying bags of food and sebring them to you on a tray.
And even more strangely, it seemed Robert was new to this too.
One evening, he brought you dinner in the form of a hot bowl of soup to you, along with a side of garlic breadsticks and a drink. As he lifted the spoon to your lips, you noticed a red mark on his pale wrist.
“What happened there?” you asked.
Robert glanced at his wrist.
“Oh,” he said. “Burned myself a little on the stove. You don’t wnat to actually see me in the kitchen, I’m a bit of a clutz in there.”
He was chuckling it off, but you gently took his hand in yours.
“Well, that’s not good,” you said. You reached over to the other end table by the bed and plucked the box of bandages that Robert had left there. 
“Oh, don’t worry about me, Y/N,” he said. “It’s just a little mark, I didn’t lose the hand.”
“You’ve patched me up,” you said. “Let me patch you up.”
Robert watched as you carefully slid a bandage over the burn. Something about the look on his face…puzzled you. It was just a small burn, but he was looking at you as if were sewing an open wound shut. Had no one ever given him a bandaid before?
Once you finished, you plucked a breadstick from your palte.
“Here,” you said. “I’m full from the soup, and you’ve been cooking all day. Have one.”
You playfulyl lifted the breadstick to his mouth. Robert’s eyes flicked between you and the breadstick, like he forgot how to eat for a second.
Then, a small smile sprouted on his face, and he took a bite.
Once the tray was bare, Robert took the empty soup bowl to the kitchen to clean. The spot on the bed where he sat just a second ago felt suddenly cold, and you realized for the first time that your health and wellbeing was not the only reason you wanted to stay that apartment.
Robert had forgotten how nice it was to care for someone. The last person he’d devoted so much time to another person was his old master, and that had only brought him centuries of misery. But this new friend, this Y/N, was awakening some long dormant desire in him: The desire to be needed. The desire to care for. It was something that came naturally to him.
He thought Dracula had beaten it out of him. Turns out, he was simply wasting those skills on the wrong person.
One evening, Robert and Y/N were sitting on the bed together watching a movie. You made the grave decision of watching a horror movie, which resulted in you cowering under the covers. Robert put a comforting arm aorudn your shoulder.
“Fear not, my lady,” he said in a jokingly posh voice. “I shall protect you from the chainsaw-wielding freak!”
You giggled.
“You’re not afraid of this stuff, are you?” you asked.
You were teasing, but you saw something pass over Robert’s eyes.
“Let’s just say I’m not a stranger to unsettling things,” he said.
You didn’t speak for the rest of the movie, but his words did snuggle into your brain. You tried to distract yourself by focusing on the movie, but eventually your mind wandered to his arm on your shoulder. He was warm and cozy, the kind of man your could bury yourself inside.
When the movie finished, Robert shut his laptop and stood up from the bed.
“It’s late,” he said. “I won’t deprive you of anymore sleep.” He gave you a smile. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
Something twisted in your chest, even as he said “Goodnight” in response.
Robert started heading towards the bedroom door. Before he could leave, your lips parted and you spoke.
“Robert,” you said.
Robert stopped at the doorway and turned around.
“Yes?” he said.
You nibbled your bottom lip, unsure how to ask the question.
“You’ve been staying on the couch this whole time,” you said. “Do you want to…sleep in here tonight?”
Robert starred at your for a moment, and you worried to stepped over a line. But then, that sweet smile that made your heart twist bloomed on his face.
“That movie really scare you?” he asked.
You nodded. Sure, that was it.
“Well, what kind of gentleman leaves a frightened lady scared and alone?” he said.
He saughtered over and you lifted the blanket for him to slip inside. He flicked off the lap on the end table, and in the dark you felt his arm spoon you from behind.
“Is this okay?” he asked.
Despite the pitch black dark, you nodded.
“Yes,” you said.
For the first time in what felt like forever, you slept without a single bad dream.
The bed was empty when you woke up, but the smell of syrup and the sizzling sound of bacon in the air told you that your host was in the kitchen.
You rubbed your eyes as you sauntered into the kitchen. Robert was in his frilly pink apron and moving the bacon onto two plates next to stacks of pancakes. He greeted you with a beaming smile.
“Good morning, Y/N,” he said. “Just in time for breakfast.”
You smiled and sat down at the table as Robert served you your stack with extra syrup and strawberries. The two of you ate in comfortable silence the morning sun beamed golden streaks through the window.
When you finished, Robert moved your dishes into the sink. The temperature in the room suddenly shifted. He sighed and turned to face you.
“Y/N,” he said. “I feel like I need to speak you about something.”
Your stomach tightened. “Yeah?” you said.
He paused to inhale deeply through his nose and let out a slow breath.
“I know it’s only been two weeks,” he said. “But…I like you. And I suspect my feelings are not unrequited.”
Your breath hitched for a moment. Your cheeks flushed hot. The feelings that had been swirling inside you were spoken out loud, and their realness hit with a vengeance.
“Yes,” you said. You stood up from the tabe and approached him. “Yes, I do.”
Your heart was racing in your chest, but Robert was not meeting you with the same intensity. He wouldn’t meet your eyes. Something was holding him back.
“So, what’s wrong?” you asked.
Robert bit his lip so hard it turned white.
“If we’re going to…try this…” he said. “There’s some things about me you should know.”
By the time he finished, it was late into the afternoon. You spent the whole time listening in rapt silence, your eyes widening with each reveal and revelation.
“Wow,” you said. “Like…actual Dracula?”
Robert pursed his lips and nodded.
“Yes,” he said. 
The story was impossible to believe. Vampires, mobsters, powers from eating bugs. But despite the outrageousness of the story, the thing that stuck with you was Dracula’s treatment of Robert. It sent a flare of anger in you. You wante resurrect the vampiric bastard just so you could kill him again.
“That’s awful, Robert,” you said.
“It was,” he said. He reached over and placed a hand on yours. “But you know what, Y/N? I used to think of him all the time. Even after his death. But ever since I met you…I don’t think I’ve really thought of him until now.”
He smiled and clasped your hand in both of his.
“I like being of service,” he said. “I like caring for others. It’s why I still go the support group. And…you’re the first person I’ve served without it feeling like a burden.” He bit his lower lip. “You’ve retaught me love, Y/N.”
His words sent a shimmer through your heart and soul. You looked at this man, this man as sweet as sugar and as gentle as lace, his handsome face an dhis kind eyes…
And you leaned forward to kiss him.
When your lips came apart, he was wide-eyed.
“You’re not the only one who has changed,” you told him. “I haven’t felt safe in a long time. Jeremy…he made me feel like I didn’t deserve it. That love just meant putting up with whatever whim your partner had, no matter how violent. You’ve taught me to feel safe again, Robby.”
Robert stared at you for a whole minute. A smile wavered onto his face and you swore you saw tears well in his eyes.
“Maybe we can fix each other,” he said.
You grinned and pressed your forward to his.
“Maybe we can.”
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soul-wanderer · 1 year
06x15//What Are You Willing To Lose - weekly recap
I don’t think I can cover everything in this recap, because man, there’s so much happening in this episode and I have a whole lot of feelings and thoughts about certain plots, but let’s try to get to it (aka almost one week later because man, that ep was a lot, and then I got sick, hence the slight delay, so consider this a refresher after the break between eps):
- Andy telling Ross “I can’t afford to lose you” - can we talk about this, please? Can we? This still hits me right in the feels a week later, and I don’t think I’m gonna be over that anytime soon, thanks for asking
- Ross being genuinely surprised that Andy and Maya did not tell anyone else about the photos (apart from Carina) and that they’re on her side - that moment just had it all, and I love that they have them sticking together instead of them tearing each other apart. Ross clearly did not expect that, probably didn’t think she’d ever deserve this type of loyalty, but Andy and Maya still show up for her, and my god, am I here for this. And Andy is totally right that they need someone like Ross in a position like that.
- Andy and Travis both trying to be a good friend to the other, and it’s just the silliest and cutest thing, and I’m here for that friendship, too  (especially because “hos over bros”), especially the scene in the end where Travis is there for Andy
- I’m gonna try to keep the Theo as captain recap short, but let’s just say: He was rightfully upset about the house being a trap for both the people living there and his team. It’s his job to keep the team and everyone else safe and out of burning buildings alive, and that job was made impossibly harder when he figured out what was going on. It’s not his job to be empathetic or to counsel anyone at the height of an emergency, BUT we see him backpedal one moment later, when he sees how desperate this woman is and IMMEDIATELY softens and tells her they were gonna do their best, before going back to work and that’s really all that needs to be said about this situation. Same with him having to make the decision to leave Warren behind - Ross was right there and watching him, and he cannot possibly risk more lives to save the life of one team member (+ it’s protocol, too), even if the mere idea of leaving someone behind hurts. He would have made the call, and he would have been right about it, too
- Ross owning her “mistake” in front of a bunch of dudes and giving a goddamn fantastic speech while she is at it. Man, that episode really gave us all of that. I mean: “You know, in the short time that I have been here, I have seen this union look the other way when sloppy firefighters who should have retired years ago made fatal mistakes on the job. I've seen it allow a serial sexual harasser retire with full pension instead of face discipline. And this is where you want to draw the line? [...] No, I am pro-union! I am anti a system that has a million things wrong with it. [...] I fought to drag this department kicking and screaming into the 21st century, to make your jobs safer and better", they really gave us that and I love it
- Maya being cute on her date with Carina, that’s all. That smile is gonna kill us all one day, and it’s gonna be a fucking fantastic death
- I will never, ever forgive the editors/producers for making these goddamn awful cuts between Maya and Carina in the shower and a man fucking dying in a burning house. I mean, what the hell? That was a downright horrible decision.
- Andy. My goodness, Andy. And her trauma. Like, finally? They’re finally acknowledging that trauma doesn’t simply disappear? Thank goodness. Thanks to whoever remembered. And thank you for the portrayal of such raw and heartbreaking emotions when Andy told Warren, “You fell through the roof”, that just about wrecked me in a million different ways, but in a good way, so thank you for that
- Ross telling Theo he did the right thing. Thank you for that, too. And I guess Jack confirming that wasn’t too bad either.
- And they acknowledged Carina’s trauma too, and the contrast was so beautifully portrayed. Carina wants them to be okay. She wants their marriage to be okay. But it isn’t. And she can’t pretend, and she realizes that and realizes they got more work ahead of them. And Maya just...acknowledges Carina’s pain and is there for her. It’s heartbreakingly beautiful, that’s all. Now, let’s hope Carina finally accepts some professional help as well.
- Sullivan being an ass. Honestly, will there ever be a week where I don’t have to type this out? I can only hope so, because that man is getting on my nerves, badly.
- Theo and Vic are not communicating well right now. That doesn’t make them toxic, that doesn’t mean their relationship is about to end, this doesn’t mean that they’re awful human beings. It just means they’re both fighting their own battles and they suck at talking and they’re being human and sometimes relationships just are like that, okay? They’ve been through so much and they’ve come so far, this will not be their breaking point (or at least not forever)
- last but not least: I am not here for them trying to create fake drama between Theo, Vic and Travis via that “old friend” they introduced. They need to stop recycling that storyline in Shondaland, before I flip some tables, seriously.
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englishstrawbie · 1 year
Why only Maya is apologizing and making amends?
Like, Beckett should want to make specific amends with Maya? Not only he tortured her for SIX MONTHS even before that he only called Maya "pretty", as we see at the beginning of season five.
Also, Ross didn't have the decency to call Maya to an room and have her sit and have a normal conversation about her demotion. Maya didn't get a hearing, an investigation, nothing. Just a two minutes talk in the barn.
Yeah, I agree that what Maya did was fucked up and she should apologize to Ross and to Beckett as well. But she wasn't the only one making mistakes.
Also, it's weird how they are acting as if the whole team is fine with Maya and Maya is fine with them when clearly it wasn't like that before the breakdown.
Like, Vic and Maya joking? Without a conversation between them at all? It's a bit weird.
I hope Carina has a conversation with Maya and she reminds Maya that she can have professional goals and ambitions (in a healthy way).
Because if Maya just says that she's not running for Captain because of Carina it's a bit fucked up too...
Also, also, I think it would be interesting if Carina shows up in the next episode and she has 0 patience and forgiveness to Beckett over how he treated her wife. If he isn’t in the s* route (which I hope he isn't), that could be something interesting.
All you've said about Maya, Beckett and Ross - I totally agree with you. They've told very different stories for each of them, to Maya's detriment. Absolutely, Maya needed to apologise - but she also deserves an apology back. More than an apology, tbh - she lost her job, she ended up in hospital, and no-one has been held accountable for either of those things. It's a big flaw in the storytelling, IMO.
I don't think Maya was ever in a bad place with the team, was she? There's still a big question mark over how much they know about her breakdown, what happened in the hospital and what she's been talking to Diane about.
I don't think Maya not running for captain is because of Carina in that way. More that she is still healing, still working on herself and her marriage, and isn't ready yet to 'unleash the beast' and throw herself in the race. At least, that's how I see it.
Oh, I'd love Carina to tell Beckett what she really thinks of him when she's at the station next episode. Or, at the very least, she shoots him one of her 'looks'. 😂
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silverloke · 1 year
ok so i figured i’d do more gifs from girl meets world, right? because yay adult shawn to counter up for all the young shawn? but it’s so fucking painful to go through the eps for bits to gif so excuse me but i have to shout into the void because it keeps killing me:
shawn = no way he’d leave cory for 13 years. THIRTEEN (13) YEARS. to be his own independent person??? no. couldn’t they just have had him living in another part of nyc and not hang out with cory often enough to be featured in the show? they could just have mentioned him off-hand like “yeah i was at shawn’s”. i don’t fucking believe it. him leaving cory for a lifetime?? because appearantly the reason was he doesn’t have kids?? like??????
angela = she left shawn. SHE. LEFT. SHAWN. and back when i first heard she’d be brought back for gmw i was stupid enough to think oh maybe they’ll fix it????? but even after all this time her appearance on gmw still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. she tracked him down after all this time only to ask if he thought if she was ready to become a mom, because they both had mommy issues and he’d understand? nu-uh, nope. this is the worst gmw ever did, bad enough that it sometimes hurts to see her on bmw for me. and ok sure i get they got their closure and that could be fine on its own but maya’s mom is there trying to get shawn to herself away from angela and like no back the fuck off, way to keep making bad worse
turner = i LOVE that he’s there, do not love how he and shawn doesn’t have any major scene together, like he’s just congratulating him on getting married basically??? and the most important thing he has to say about shawn is said to maya gtfo we needed as much rider+tony content we could get and that wasn’t it
maya’s mom = ugh no nope never happened, cringe cringe cringe, all to make it easy comfortable convenient happy ending for maya to get an actual dad instead of a father figure because disney magic. shawn deserved better
“I had already finished/stopped acting completely. So when they asked me to come back I was like, I’m going to do this bit. I’ll say goodbye to acting and I really want to focus on directing. Saying goodbye to Shawn for me was also saying goodbye to an acting career. So I would like to think he’s happy.”
babygirl you and shawn deserved so much more than that 😭
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Kibin?!?! How'd you get here O_O?!
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*Rantaro hoists himself upwards to his feet and catches his breath. He reaches down and pulls the wire out of Shuichi’s pocket.
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Took you long enough to show up.
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I was on break, ok? You hire me, you get what you pay for.
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Kuripa! Rantaro!
*Maya suddenly comes running in.
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The upload is almost done. We need to insert...the...wha...
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Wh-What the fuck is this...!?
*Maya stares in horror at the unconscious Shuichi and broken and bloodied Kaede.
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You’re Maya Canzanilla, right?
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I’m Kuripa’s roommate and girlfriend, Kibin. Thanks for looking after him in my absence.
*She turns to Kuripa.
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Put her down Kuripa. I think you and I both know you’ve caused enough damage today. Right? Any more and you might ACTUALLY kill her.
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Yeah...Yeah, I gotcha...
*Kuripa drops Kaede, albeit gently.
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*Everyone looks up, as Mii-Yu suddenly flies down towards them. Kuripa quickly steps back as she crouches down next to Kaede’s wounded body.
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*She reaches out and places a hand upon Kaede’s temple.
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Her vitals have diminished, but...she will not die if we can get her help quickly.
*Mii-Yu looks up at Kuripa.
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How...How could you DO this?
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They trusted you! They BOTH TRUSTED you! With EVERYTHING! And you repay their trust with THIS!?
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I am not human, Kuripa Kurafto...but clearly YOU aren’t either...! You’re a MONSTER!
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*Kuripa’s face becomes panic-stricken.
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Please tell me you know some kind of medical professional nearby?
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...Are you kidding me...!? You choose to go on this suicide mission and didn’t think to bring a FUCKING DOCTOR!?
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How would I have known you’d beat her nearly to death!?
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They may have been opposing us, but you went TOO FAR!
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I didn’t think a doctor would be necessary. I had assumed that the Future Foundation would agree to my terms and Four Kaiden would be able to help us on that front.
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That’s it! Four! She’s not as medically intellectual as Kouji, but she could still concoct something to help them!
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Then there’s only one thing for it...
*Kuripa picks up the unconscious Shuichi.
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Maya. I need you to get these two to safety.
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Find Four, and find the FF. Tell them what happened, and get Four to help Akamatsu.
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Wh-Why me!?
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You’re the only one who can do it! If Rantaro or I show up again, they’ll slap us in chains the moment they find out what happened!
*Kuripa thrusts Shuichi into Maya’s arms.
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...I know I probably deserve such a thing but...
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Not yet...Even after all of this, I’ve come too far to give up. I will not lay down and let myself be arrested until I bring Katagiri down with me...!
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But if I can get these two out of this once and for all, I’ll take that chance. Please, you HAVE to do this.
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...But I-
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I WON’T ask AGAIN...!
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*Maya crumbles, and carries Shuichi away, tears streaming down her face.
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...I’ll leave Kaede to you, Mii-Yu.
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*Mii-Yu gently lifts Kaede.
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Kuripa. I wish for you to know something. If your words are true, and that you really have deserted the Future Foundation...
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Then they will not let you off easily. You just attacked and brutally wounded one of their agents. That makes you their enemy.
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They WILL come gunning for you. For all of you.
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...I know...But forgive me if this sounds narcissistic or something...
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I welcome the challenge...If Komaru and the others think they can stop this, then I invite them to TRY...
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*Mii-Yu turns and fires up her thrusters. She soars after Maya, holding Kaede.
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...Well...That went about as well as it could have...
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I doubt we’ll be seeing Maya again...It’s a shame, we really could have used the extra pair of hands...
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...Did you retrieve the hard drive at least?
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...Of course I did.
*Kuripa waves it around.
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Let’s just get this fucking data and go home, alright! And when we do...
*He points at Rantaro.
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I want YOU to answer me a few questions...
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...I can promise that I’ll try.
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drbtinglecannon · 2 months
Miles Edgeworth for the ask thing.
Miles Edgeworth, original poor little meow meow ace attorney silly prosecutor
How I feel about this character
Man Edgeworth is one of those og blorbos. I first played the original trilogy back when they got localized and I still distinctly remember the feeling of fucking hating Edgeworth to being giddy when he was being a cringe bastard on screen. He was one of the first characters I was like "that is an asexual" about, and long before I realized my own asexuality. Edgeworth was also a continual cosplay I did back in the day when I used to cosplay, which was great because his outfit was so comfortable haha
I feel like we go way back, and it's been fun seeing how my thoughts on AA have changed over the years as I've gotten older and played newer titles. I am so excited for the investigations games I cannot wait for Kay and Gumshoe and Lang and Franziska and Ray again.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Narumitsu and Langworth
I think narumitsu needs no explanation, "unnecessary feelings" "yes daddy" "that man......." Like come the fuck on. Narumitsu are the closest to canon I feel like AA will ever get for any ship and I love it like that
Langworth is also hilarious I was so into it when I first played investigations, their horny hate flirting was absurd. While Phoenix was getting into a toxic 7yr situationship with Kristoph, Edgeworth was getting his black blown out by a furry lmao
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Edgeworth and Maya are such a funny duo, he suffers even more by her antics than Nick does but they're also both pathologically obsessed with the same kid's show haha. I also am partial to platonic gum//worth, I don't dislike that ship but I prefer them non-romantic. Especially because Edgeworth is so mean to Gumshoe he deserves a sugar daddy that pampers him haha, but like Edgeworth despite all your shit Gumshoe knows you so well and treats you so well give the man a fucking raise haha
My unpopular opinion about this character
His timeskip design is not very good, love the glasses but the rest is bad.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon
Narumitsu marriage reveal in a very very subtle way. Any of the methods this post mentioned are good
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maya-hadler · 1 year
Greetings From The Past || Self Para
“My mom’s here.” 
“What?” Jonas replies back in shock, whipping his head from side to side so he can try to catch a glance of Emilia Lang. 
It’s the night of her graduation. Not her undergrad degree, which she secured three years ago nearly to the day, but her grad degree. She’s been in school now on and off for over ten years, and it’s about damn time. She’s fucking earned this. This celebration her friends and Jonas have thrown at Hotline is well, well deserved and long overdue. Through the ups and downs, and of course with the help of her partner Jonas and friends, she made it through. 
Even after her father’s passing, and the toll grief took on her, Maya still managed to pick herself up, and move forward. Cut to now, nearly four years later, and she’s better off. So then why, oh, why the hell, has she just seen her mother in the crowd of Hotline, staring back at her? And with a look that’s so intense, it causes her heart to slow its pace? 
There are many, many questions that arise in Maya’s mind when she first sets eyes on her mother standing still in the weaving crowd. Seriously? Her attendance in general, is laughable, at best. Almost an insult to not only Maya, but her father. For years and years they struggled without her to manage medical expenses and the toll cancer took on her father’s body; and on top of Maya’s schooling, the bills, and debt that came with that. It nearly wrecked both of them mentally, physically, financially…it definitely contributed to the slow deterioration of her father’s health just before he passed away. Even now years later, Maya’s dealing with the consequences of said debt. But still, even with those expenses racking up, Maya manages to continue on and complete her undergraduate and graduate degree in architecture in under nearly four and a half years. 
It was a lot of fucking work, and a lot of sleepless nights. A lot of accidentally falling asleep at her desk, and Jonas coming home from work needing to put her to bed. A lot of forgetting to eat, needing Jonas to remind her by quite literally stuffing a bowl of soup in her face. Not that he minded, of course he says he enjoys taking care of her, but Maya never likes to feel like a burden. And then of course, a lot of rants about the current state of architecture that her partner never quite grasps, but bless his heart, he tries his best. He listens at least, and nods at all the right times. But that’s four and a half years of love and support, right there. Jonas saw Maya through her father’s death. Through his funeral, the ceremony, and the years of grief that follow.
Not once has her mother called to check in, not in all this time. Did she show up when dad passed away? Yes, briefly. Maya saw her standing in the back of the room, sunglasses covering her eyes, when she gave a eulogy at her fathers funeral shortly following his death. Emilia left not too long after without a goodbye. Predictable. In fact, she packed up and left when Maya was ten, so as far as Maya’s concerned, she’s a nonissue. A nonexistent one. 
So yeah, the first question that arises in Maya’s mind is why? 
Why are you here? 
What the actual fuck, do you think you’re doing? 
Who do you think you are? 
Once anger passes through her like a tidal wave hitting a rock, she manages to turn away and grab hold of something, the nearest thing. That thing, just so happens to be her partner of almost four years, Jonas. 
“My mom’s here.” 
“What?” He looks around a bit frantic-like, eyes scanning the crowd. Jonas is highly aware of the relationship, or lack thereof. 
“There,” Maya nods in her mother’s direction, trying not to draw attention to herself. She shifts into Jonas and his personal space, easily ducking to hide in his chest. Even with her slight height, Maya fits perfectly under her partner; so her head bumps into his chin. 
His arm slides along her waist, pulling her in closer while the other twists through strands of loose hair from her messy updo. “Hey, look at me, Maya. You don’t have to say anything to her, okay? Not if you don’t want to. You don’t owe her anything.” 
Maya blinks, her face blankly staring back at him for a moment while she contemplates. “You’re right, I don’t…” 
How does she go about this situation? Talk to her mom, or ignore her? Or option C…kick her out, cause a scene. She’d rather not have to go with option C. Looking past the crowd, and her friends, Maya looks at her mother. Their eyes meet. Fuck. She’s staring right at her. Maya looks away and instead chooses to focus on various members of her little Grid Gang. They dwindled over the years because of life, in general, getting the better of them. But a few remain in Boston; or close by. 
Their friends are scattered about; some dancing, others ordering drinks and/or drinking them, and they’re waiting for Javier’s wife, Zara, to go on stage and perform. Over the years, the infamous singer, musician, and part-time DJ grew somewhat of a following in Boston. A lot of people came to see Zara perform, and she’d invited them to have Maya’s graduation party the night of her set at Hotline to see her in action. Seeing how crowded the place is, Maya’s finally getting to see firsthand what all the hype is about. 
She’s seen Zara perform a handful of times before; she and Javier are quite close, which means Zara and Maya talk as well. They get along well enough, though they’re definitely not, and probably won’t be, as close as she and Javier are. The rest of the group consists of Riley, Bailey, June, Sal, and Sebastian, who are all off, scattered around Hotline. 
Maya smiles as she watches them simply exist, still trying to ignore her mother’s eyes wearing a hole into the side of her head. Hell, if she’s gonna be so intense about it, why not come over and have a conversation, then? Why all the intense staring from afar? What will that accomplish? 
Maya’s eye roll. “I’m trying to be the bigger person here, but she's really pissing me off. Like, I just don’t…why the hell did she even come here? Did she seriously follow us from the ceremony to here? I’m- I can’t be bothered with it. Seriously,” Maya finally gets out, hands in the air with her head shaking back and forth. 
The answer is no. No to all of it. If she can avoid her mother, she would much rather just go ahead and do that. Right now, though…she’s making it nearly impossible to ignore her. She’s standing near the exit, her back close to a nearby wall, clutching at her handbag. From where Maya stands, Emilia almost looks a little…desperate. Distraught, and uneasy. There’s something Maya sees in her eyes that makes her heart summersault. Emilia parts her lips slightly as if she’s got something to say sitting just at the tip of her tongue, threatening to spill over. It’s not like Maya could hear her from where she’s standing, feet away, anyway. Over the music, and patrons talking. 
They stare at each other over the music, which is somehow much quieter than their eyes. She can feel Jonas’ gaze on her, worried. He leans forward to press his lips gently against her cheek, skin grazing skin, raising heat. Jonas lingers there for a moment, pressing endless small kisses into her skin. 
“I can tell her to leave,” he offers gently, still eyeing her. “This is your day. You worked really hard for this.” 
“I did,” Maya agrees, nodding as she looks up at him. A soft smile presses against her lips as she leans up to capture them with hers. “And it can still be a celebration, I think,” she murmurs when they separate, letting her eyes remain closed for a moment longer. 
“I just need to go talk to her. Get it over with; break the seal, or whatever.” 
“You sure? You want me to come with you?” 
“No, no…or maybe stay a ways back just in case…” Maya bites down on her lower lip, suddenly a little more nervous than she had been moments ago. 
Shit. What the hell is she going to say to her? What the hell is her mother going to say to her? Well…‘hi,’ is a good start, she supposes. Giving Jonas’ hand a small squeeze, she takes a deep breath and starts out towards her mother, passing by a couple people she knows in the process. A cordial smile here, a wave there, even a small pat on the back, and hand hold of, ‘congratulations on graduating,’ came from a few. All the while, Emilia Lang stands still as a statue, frozen in place when her daughter finally approaches.  
A chill runs down Maya’s spine and she contemplates walking past her mother out the door. No, hold steady. You’ve got this, Maya. You’ve got this, she assures herself, taking a deep breath in and releasing it with her words. 
“Hi Emilia. Did you see the ceremony?”
“H-Hi, Maya. How…yes, yes I saw. You look lovely, dear. Beautiful. And I’m- I’m really proud of you. You’ve done so well for yourself, I mean…a masters degree in architecture.” 
“Yeah, it’s uh…it’s certainly been a journey,” Maya agrees, her hand tightening on the glass of red wine she’s holding. It takes everything in her to hold back her comments about her mother leaving them almost 20 years ago. 
Another deep breath in and out. 
“I know it hasn’t been easy, Maya,” she begins, and Maya snorts. That’s putting it lightly…looking around, she becomes highly aware of the space they're in and having the conversation they're having in it…doesn’t add up. Maya gently takes her mother’s hand and begins to lead her outside Hotline. 
“Let’s talk out here,” she reasons, as she leads the way. Once they’re outside, she lets go of Emilia’s hand once they’re finally outside, in the fresh air. 
Emilia goes on, “I can’t…I simply can’t imagine what you must have been- what you are going through. I…I know I left, but that had nothing to do with your father, or you. Your father was a good person. The best, actually.” 
Jesus… “Okay, so then why did you leave?” 
Emilia pauses. “Maya…”
“No seriously, why did you leave then?” She goes on, arms folding in front of her chest. 
“That’s…it’s a hard question to answer.”
“Well obviously it wasn’t because of dad or I. We’re perfect. We’re better than you, so it has to do with you then, right? You’re the problem?”
Maybe it’s mean or harsh, but Maya thinks Emilia needs to hear it. If not now, then when? When is the best time to tell someone the goddamn honest to God truth? Never any time like the present; and Emilia’s quiet and stunned enough into submission to listen. 
“What? You just, ‘couldn’t handle it?’ Couldn’t hack being a mom? Being responsible for someone else? Because I sure as hell know it’s got nothing to do with me. I know it. Years, and years of therapy taught me that, Emilia. Like I may doubt myself at times because I’ve got anxiety, but I know exactly who I am, and what I want. I’m loyal, I’m brave, I’m strong, I’m there for the people I care about. I don’t leave when I’m scared. I don’t bail on people I love because I’m scared. I fight through it because I’m strong. That’s how I know this thing, this rift between us? Has everything to do with you not working out whatever issues you have being there for me. Quite frankly, dad did enough for the both of you. My friends, and my partner, and myself, do that for me now. I’m there for me. That guy back there, the blonde? Jonas? He’s there for me. My friends are there for me. So you really don’t have to show up here now, to be here for me. That’s already covered. And I’m shocked you think you have the right.” 
Jesus, that came out in a bit of a word vomit. Maya breathes deeply, and silences herself while she takes a minute to examine her mother. Tears are forming in the woman's eyes and Maya can’t help but feel guilty for that. Is she angry with her mother? Yes, but she doesn’t want to see her cry, either. 
“I- I’m…sorry I raised my voice. I’m sorry I sort of just…attacked you,” Maya mutters, eyeing her mother cautiously. Tears won’t take away the fact that this woman abandoned her for over nineteen years. That fact can’t and doesn’t escape her even if she’s apologizing. 
“No, no, you…you have every right to be upset. Every right. I left you, I didn’t give an explanation, or say goodbye. This is on me, Maya, and I do know that.”
Maya wants to believe her, and she sort of does. It’s coming off as genuine. She sure as hell hopes it is, because this conversation is all she’s ever wanted, for nineteen years. It’s a long damn time coming. So she should hear her out, right? She wanted a mom for so long, but shut that want off years ago to preserve herself, for protection. Now that it’s right in front of her, an actual possibility, well…it feels like a lot. 
“I think that’s why I felt so compelled to come out here and see you. For so, so many years I let the regret and guilt of leaving keep me from trying to develop a relationship with you again. I was scared you wouldn’t accept what I had to say, or the apology I wanted to give. I’m sorry. Truly, Maya, I am. And you don’t have to accept my apology, or invite me into your life. I know I’m not owed that after what I’ve done,” the older woman finishes, wiping tears away with the back of her hand. 
Jeez…this went deep. Maya doesn’t know how to respond at first. She hasn’t forgiven her mother, not even when she apologizes can she even consider beginning to forgive her right now, after all this time…it just hurts too much. Quite frankly, she still wishes she hadn’t shown up at all, and left it the way she did. Maybe if this meeting happened before her father died, she’d feel differently. But now…well, her heart’s got walls up. She’s guarded. She isn’t as willing to let others in as she once was, and she’s definitely not as willing to trust in the same way. That scar came from her mother, when she was ten.
It took years, and years to see it before her father passed away, but it took that act for her to finally bring it to the surface. All the trauma surrounding her mother walking out and her absence after came up with the grief she had for her father. The grief she still has. It’s hard. It almost feels like her mother subconsciously feels as though Maya needs her now that her father has passed. She doesn’t. Maya has lived without her before, she can still do it now. 
It’s her father she misses. Her father who took care of her throughout her entire childhood; who raised her. Maya clears her throat and looks down. She’s unsure of what to do with her hands, so she uses one to tuck loose hair behind her ear, and the other to fold across her chest when the breeze picks up a little. Both the women shift uncomfortably where they stand. More silence passes before Maya finally speaks up.
“I appreciate you saying that, mom. I really do. But I think…I dunno. I don’t think I can forgive you yet. There’s been so much time that’s passed by now, and I can’t forget the nearly twenty years you weren’t there.” Her mother looks down when Maya says the last bit. 
“Dad may have died four years ago now, but it still feels fresh to me. I’m not gonna replace one parent with another, if that’s what you think will happen here-”
“I’m not trying to do that, Maya, never,” Emilia says almost in tandem with her daughter speaking. 
“-It won’t. Okay, well, I’m almost 30 now. Just to be clear, I can take care of myself, and have been. But…maybe one day we can try to be friends, or…something. I don’t know what, but we can try. When I’m ready. Just, not right now. I do appreciate the gesture though, I’m, um…glad, you did it. I am. It’s a step forward, at least.” And that’s all she’s willing to give her mother after this extension of an olive branch, twenty years later. Emilia doesn’t deserve it, not by a longshot. But Maya’s father would have liked to see his daughter and ex-wife rekindling their relationship all these years later. He always wanted that for them; he died wanting that. 
So for him, and right now at least, only him, she gives her mother the opportunity to make up for lost time. To redeem herself, if that’s even humanly possible. They’ll just have to wait and see, she supposes. 
“I can accept that,” Emilia nods, smiling gently towards her daughter. “I’d like for us to be friends, or something. Anything…when you’re ready. Can I…” she hesitates, but then reaches into her back pocket. 
“Can we exchange numbers? Your dad used to keep me updated, but I didn’t know…”
“My number’s the same as it always has been. Here,” Maya says, reaching over to take her mother’s phone. She types in her own name, and when it pops up, she clicks on it, and presses the call button. Once it’s connected, she hangs up, and hands the phone back to her mother. 
“There, now I have your number too. And I can um…reach out. When I’m ready,” Maya repeats with a nod of her head. 
For a moment they both just stand there in silence, looking awkwardly at the ground, and then each other. Well…that’s it then, isn’t it? Maya’s said all she can say. Now it’s time to go back inside to her graduation party; to her celebration with her friends and her partner. This is about her for once. 
“Thank you. I’ll um…I’ll see or talk to you later, then?” Again, Emilia hesitates in her movements, but eventually reaches out to hug her daughter. Maya accepts it, awkwardly, not knowing exactly how to fit into her mother’s arms.
It’s so…foreign. She really doesn’t know this person; Emilia’s practically just an acquaintance. After a moment of standing in their stiff awkward embrace, Maya breaks it, and begins to back away slowly towards the club. 
“See or talk to you later, Emilia. Nice seeing you,” she says politely as she waves goodbye and turns to walk away. Without realizing it, Maya releases the tension building in her shoulders, dropping them almost instantly when she’s back inside Hotline. Despite being outside in fresh air, it felt almost more suffocating being out there than it did here. 
“Oops!” Maya exclaims, nearly running into someone on her way back in. Oh. It’s Jonas. Immediately, her arms wrap around him. “Oh thank fuck,” she breaths into him, closing her eyes. “That was rough.” 
“You okay?” Jonas murmurs into her hair, tilting his head so his chin dips just above Maya’s  forehead. He kisses that spot gently a few times as his own arms wrap around her. “I was just coming to grab you; Zara’s going on next… that looked a little intense out there at first.” 
“Oh she is? Good timing... I’m okay, just…tired. I’m, like, exhausted now, actually. But just mentally exhausted, like I’m still extremely ready for all this,” Maya clarifies quickly. “I’m here for Zara performing okay? Like…I just need to forget about that for a little while and have fun, you know? This is my day. I worked hard for this!" Maya hypes herself up, trying to forget the slight pain of nerves growing in her chest. Seeing her mother is a lot. But it's important to her she's present in the moment for this celebration of her hard work. Her mother would not, and could not take that away from her now.
"We can talk about it later, though, because I want to. For right now though? I wanna just forget about it, about her, and I wanna dance with you.” Maybe her partner can tell something's off about her; especially after all these years of being together, he's gotten good at reading her. But he lets it go, instead choosing to believe her words and follow them through. They'll talk later.
Jonas smiles, leaning down to nuzzle his nose against hers. “I think I can manage that.”
Maya scrunches her nose when she smiles back at him, tapping his nose. “I knew you could.” 
With that, she leans forward, catching his lips softly against hers. Even if things weren’t perfect, they’d be okay. Even if the relationship she had with her mother was strained, they could begin to repair that relationship. Even though her father passed away, he’s still present in her life now. All those things are true. All of those things are true. All of those things are true. She reminds herself of this again, and again as she takes Jonas’ hand, leading him towards the dance floor just as Zara takes the stage.
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jotunvali02 · 2 months
Playing Turnabout Goodbyes, part "I don't remember which one, I've stopped counting"
And in the series of "Phoenix Wright rushes to the culprit shouting You're the culprit! while shoving the only evidence in their face", here is episode 3!!
And in the series of "Phoenix and Maya are almost brutally killed by people present in court the next day", here is episode 2!
Maya, stop!!😭 Stop saying you're useless!! 😭
You're as much as competent as Phoenix, if not more than him while you have no law training at all!!
And it's it's Fee-Fee who totally fucked up here, not you! Don't feel guilty for Feenie's klutzy incompetence!!
Both her and Edgey need a forehead kiss. From Fee-Fee of course.
Yes! The parrot!🦜
Wait , the fiancee killed herself after Yogi's arrestation? Like even before his judgement? Another character with heavy mental issues.
Karma... you don't have any grand-daughter. And your dog is Miles' dog.
"Acting for 15 years" Huh, that reminds me of a person OTHER than Mister jerk-Yogi!
"I lost everything."
Uh! Did YOU lost your fucking father, being attacked then killed in front of you?? Were YOU fucking NINE back then????
Have your "revenge" on a fucking 9 years-old boy??? A boy YOU traumatized?? What's your fucking problem??? And you "have no regrets"??
Fuck off. Really, fuck off.
Hope your parrot fiancée eat you alive. Parrot you cowardly abandoned to starve to save your ass!! Gives a window of how you probaly treated your actual fiancée and why she fucking killed herself after just your arrestation without even asking questions first or trying to get you freed first.
"Why don't you ask Mister Edgeworth yourself?"
FUCK. YOU!! You should kill yourself as a fucking MINIMAL amend!
He was 9!! Fucking 9!!!! And you have NO fucking recollection of what exactly happened either!! You can't be sure he killed his own father just like it wasn't sure you did it!
Like, you resent a motherfucking traumatized (by YOU) CHILD for not saying to a motherfucking LAW COURT "hey, I think I maybe killed my dad"???
And WHY would he, would ANYONE, have believed that while YOU attacked his father in that fucking elevator in front of him???
You have no fucking shame, no fucking sense, no fucking heart and no fucking self-respect! Your fiancée would kill you and then herself again if she heard you talk so much shit!! I bet my head you're partly responsible for her shitty mental health and that you blamed her when you behaved shittily with her!
I mean, come on! A heartless and self-centered motherfucker like that who blames a fucking CHILD for everything that's wrong in his life while EVERYTHING FROM THE BEGINNING IS ACTUALLY HIS FAULT (Miles wouldn't have thrown a fucking gun at him and MAYBE Karma wouldn't have killed Gregory and then put you in shit if YOU hadn't fucking ASSAULTED a man who did nothing wrong to you!!) just CAN'T be a loving or a healthy life partner!!
So don't go blaming, killing and framing attorneys who saved your ass (wrongly) and a fucking little boy YOU scarred for life for YOUR fucking, smelly, pukey, shitty fuck-ups!!
I swear, if Yogi was real and in front of me, I would kill him myself!! Brutally and savagely!!
I really hope Daddy Gumshoe thought the same and fucking BROKE his bones and SNAPPED his motherfucking neck after hearing so much shameless evil shit!
Like THAT:
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and I swear, I'm geniunely crying now.
No, no! Edgey, you just...
can't think the murder of Hammond is your fault! or that you deserved such a shitty treatment from a bitter self-absorbed motherfucker who blames and takes it out on children for HIS own bullshitty doings!!
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Now I think of it, it really was stupid from you to accept a shady invitation in the middle of the night, in the middle of a foggy lake from a guy who made hate defense attroneys and so your dreams. That really was a stupid decision.
"I deserve to be punished." NO!! THAT'S NOT TRUE!!
NOOOO!!! 😭💔💔💔
What you deserve is a slap to bring you some sense, a kiss from Fee-Fee and a warm group hug!!
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theghostofashton · 2 years
maya dying is so high on the list of things i will never forgive pll for 
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princessphilly · 2 years
One Night In Seattle: Epilogue
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Tag list: @hockeynshit @newlibrary @hockeywocs @2kidcrew @iangiemae @stars-canucks @huggybearmylove43 @himbos-on-ice @littlebabyboybarzal @t0xickisses2 @habsfan​, @chara-hugs @starshine-hockey-girl @whoeverineedtobe @whatishockey @not-today-sis @hiimana @abrianna14​ @thebookofmags
CW: angst, smut, spoilers for Jamila’s story, fluff
This ride is over; next fic is Karesha and PK’s fic, A Little Bit of Wonderful
WC; 1160
The wedding had been a smashing success. Desiree grinned as Jamila dabbed her eyes. Sidney and Nina were running down the aisle to cheers after being named man and wife. Most importantly, the baby in her uterus had been on perfect behavior throughout the ceremony.
As she made her way down the aisle holding Astrid’s hand, Desiree made eyes with Jamie. He always stood out, due to his height, but when their eyes locked, she shyly smiled. Jamie mouthed, “Next year.”
Next year, it will be their big wedding. They had eloped several weeks ago to Vegas with his parents, her sisters Danae and Danielle, and her line sister Joy. Astrid watched the ceremony on FaceTime, while staying with Abdul and Lisa. Desiree had feared the bright lights of Vegas would be too much for Astrid. Plus, it was a super quick ceremony.
The rest of the day seemed like it went by in a blur. There were more pictures, then the reception line. Desiree had left the reception for a bit; Astrid needed to go to bed and Desiree decided to make sure that AJ went down as well for the night.
On her way back to the ballroom, Desiree noticed Jamila quietly arguing with one of the guests. There was a frisson of anger and desire in the air between them and Desiree put two and two together. The guy left before he saw Desiree and she made her way next to Jamila.
Jamila sighed as Desiree said, “I don’t know what to think, Mila, but a couple questions just got answered for me.”
“You heard it all?”
“Enough. I guess I should be saying leave him alone and contact through lawyers but he’s fucking hot.”
Desiree wasn’t an idiot, she could admit it when she saw a sexy man. He was definitely hot. Jamila laughed. “I saw that huge guy you came in here with. I’d climb him like a tree.”
“And I’d cut your face if you did,” Desiree said with a grin. “And if Sio had approached this guy, you’d cut her too.”
Jamila shrugged as Desiree chuckled, seeing Jamie out of the corner of her eye. “Anyway, I’m not going to talk you out of your decision, whatever you decided, because you’re going to put Maya first anyway. And, you deserve to play with him after everything,” Desiree said while looking at her nails.
Jamie stated, “There you are, I’ve been looking for you. You promised me a dance, Books.”
“Books,” Jamila asked.
Desiree smiled at her friend. “I gotta go give Jamie a dance. My lips are sealed.”
As they made their way to the dance floor, Jamie asked, “What was that?”
“A secret I’m keeping for my friend,” Desiree replied. “Ask me no questions, I tell you no lies.”
“Sassy,” Jamie murmured as they spun on the dance floor, his hand straying to grab her ass. “That’s okay, I don’t need to know.”
Then there was a commotion and Desiree turned, half-afraid that Jamila had ended up causing a scene. Instead, it was Nina, Aryanna stabbing her in her thigh with an epi-pen. “Oh fucking shit!”
Sidney was barreling through people to get to his wife as Lauren talked with the hotel staff. Desiree stepped to go to her friend and line sister but Jamie held her back. “I know but give them a bit of space. Sidney looks like he got in under control.”
It seemed like a whirlwind as EMTs came in, the bride and her husband left for the hospital. Vernon grimly stepped towards them and Desiree touched his shoulder. “Mr. Vernon, what happened?”
Vernon replied, “The cake had egg in it. Nina had recently developed an allergy to eggs but she thought it was just for plain eggs. I gotta go.”
“Oh no.”
Desiree and Jamie shared a look as Mr. Vernon went past them.  Even though the band was still playing and people were drinking and partying, Desiree was done. Sharing a silent look with her husband, they quietly made their way to their hotel room for the night. Quietly undressing, they both went to bed silently, the excitement of the day leading to exhaustion quickly.
It felt like a ticklish sensation. Jamie opened his eyes in confusion to see his wife running a hand down his face with her nails. “Morning.”
Desiree grinned before giving him a fresh strip. Jamie gratefully popped it in his mouth, letting it melt before kissing his wife good morning. Lazily tangling tongues, they kissed until Desiree was on top, straddling Jamie’s abs. Breaking the kiss, Jamie asked, “Time?”
“It’s 5 AM, enough time before a child wakes up and looks for us.” Grunting, Jamie rolled them to where Desiree was on her back beneath him. “You don’t know how good you looked in that red dress last night, Desie. Fuck, it took me everything not to lift that skirt and fuck you as soon as I saw you walk down the aisle.”
“Good, that would be embarrassing,” Desiree quipped. “So caveman.”
Spreading her legs wider, Jamie settled in his favorite place on earth. “So wet, were you getting yourself ready for me while I was sleeping.”
“Maybe, possibly,” Desiree teased as she cupped her breasts, teasing her nipples. That simple act made her moan; she was so sensitive now that she was past the first trimester. “It’s been four days since you’ve been inside of me, Jamieson.”
“My poor baby, it's been too long,” Jamie drawled as he lined himself up and sank deep into Desiree’s core. “Mmm, I love how your pussy grips me so tight.”
“Because no one fucks me like you do.”
Desiree moaned as Jamie locked fingers with her, his breath by her ear. Filthy, dirty, sweet nothings were uttered between them as well as I-love-yous as they both sought their shared high. A soft bite on Desiree’s neck, heels digging into Jamie’s back, a deep kiss as they both came together in the early morning light in Hawaii.
Afterwards, Desiree reluctantly got up as soon as she could. This baby inside of her, it was making her very susceptible to infections so whenever they had sex, Desiree had to pee immediately afterwards. Once she was done in the bathroom, Jamie was lying on the bed, having pulled on some boxers after sleeping naked. There was a shirt, one of his of course, and a pair of panties for Desiree. “You know she’s coming in as soon as she wakes up.”
Desiree shrugged before putting the clothes on. Then she snuggled into Jamie, dozing off the next half hour until their door to their room in the suite opened. Astrid jumped into the bed and Desiree muttered, “Oooff.”
“I still tired, Mama,” Astrid sleepily whispered before falling asleep between Desiree and Jamie.
Desiree smiled down at her daughter before her eyes met Jamie’s. Then they locked hands before going back to sleep themselves, one big family.
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