#this blog is a teahouse btw just saying lmao
haikyooot · 3 years
happy sundaaay~ aurora and euphoria! (´・ω・`)
sunyayyyy~ hope yours is/was amazing <3 
aurora; what’s your star sign and do you think it fits your personality?
*rawrrr* I’m a leo! hmm i think so, in the way i’m fiercely protective of and loyal to the people i care about. i’m not the most confident person around, but when i know my stuff, i’m proud of sharing that knowledge. and most of all, i’m just a lazy lion basking under the sun~ *yawn*
euphoria; what’s something that never fails to make you happy?
a good cup of TEA..the whole process of tea brewing starting with boiling the water and picking out a cup/pot & tea of choice. the process slows me down and helps me focus on just the task of brewing tea. following the steps properly and catching the first whiff of fragrance is a joy. and the first sip warming my whole body with happy tingles... and a good sigh of relief. if i’m happy, i feel happier. if i’m sad, i feel like things will get better. if i’m overwhelmed, it grounds me and tells me: i’m okay and here 
send pretty word in ask game
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