#things I'd extrapolated from legends canon and incorporated into my portrayal of breha I am much firmer with these boundaries
brcha · 2 years
Some personal blogs have started following me, so I’m going to bring this post over from my other blog, regarding what personal blogs can and cannot reblog from me. Generally speaking, if I’ve put it in a general character tag, book tag, or other very general tag, it’s free to be reblogged. If it’s a thread or tagged as a personal headcanon, please do not reblog it. But as a helpful list:
You may reblog:
–Any of my edits, photosets, gifsets, etc, that can be found in my : my edits ( liesl makes things ) tag.
–Anything in the general character tags, book tags, or author tags. Examples: if something is tagged #breha organa or #last of the jedi or other general tags ( please note the difference between these examples of general tags as opposed to my personalized tags )
–Any of the Legends canon quotes that I post. These also fall under the ‘general character tags’ but anything in the : canon quotes ( the stuff of legends ) tag is also acceptable for reblogging.
–PS that if you like my edits you may be interested in my edits sideblog, lvminousbeings, which you, of course, may also reblog anything from.
Please do not reblog:
–My headcanons, as tagged : headcanons ( my mind turns your life into folklore ) If you really, really want to reblog one you can ask me and I may or may not say yes.
–My in character meme responses, or headcanon meme responses ( unless you sent the meme ).
–My threads with other people.
–Edits made specifically for another person and tagged with their url as an @ mention in the caption.
–Any promos I make for myself, or any promos I reblog for other rp blogs; these will be tagged as ‘promos’ or ‘sp’.
–If you are confused as to what any of those things are, feel free to ask and I’ll let you know if it’s something you may reblog or if I’m not comfortable with you reblogging it. ( I have been asked in the past about certain things being rebloggable or not and I don’t actually think I’ve ever said no when asked, unless it was a thread. )
Please ask before reblogging:
–My thinking-out-loud, for lack of a better phrase, regarding Breha/Alderaan/canon/etc. These are essentially my metas, which are something in between personal commentary on canon and headcanon. So depending on which way I personally feel like each one leans, I’ll either be fine with you reblogging it or would prefer you not to, so please ask first.
–Anything that isn’t explicitly allowed in the ‘you may reblog’ section.
If you are ever in doubt as to if you can reblog something or not, please just ask. I will never be mad at you for asking, I appreciate you asking, and appreciate those of you who who respect my boundaries and thus allow me to feel comfortable continuing to keep my blog open to personals. If you ever reblog something that I am not comfortable with being reblogged, I’ll ask you to delete it, and thus far most people I’ve encountered have been very polite and receptive to those requests. ( If I ask you to delete something and you won’t do it, or are rude to me when I ask, then you’ll be blocked. This has only happened a couple times over all the years I’ve had this blog, and I appreciate that the majority of personals who follow me are polite and receptive to my boundaries. )
thank you!
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