#theyre................. BATHING in that early summer heat
pinkyjulien · 1 year
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It's a slow cinnamon summer ━  your spell is pulling me under
Valentin & Mitch | 598/?? 
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acesandocs · 3 months
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The gang indulges in some unrestrained summer fun!
This has been a wip for gosh knows how long, but I managed to get it done. It started with just Maire but then everyone got to join in.
The gang mostly belongs to @libras-interactives Lottie belongs to @maryannsstrawberry i belive. So sorry for misattributing her to Libra. Who has custody of Little Lottie I'm still unsure of tho.
Individual pngs below (theyre suposed to be transparent, but i guess tumblr can just decide not to do that sometimes. free website and all that), as well as art thoughts.
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We’ll go from left to right
Jack: I feel like if Jack is going to the beach he need some protection from the sun. So along with a early 1920s style mens swimsuit, he’s also got a sun hat and a housecoat. I based it of a womans house coat as they look very light and breathable which probably helps with the heat while keeping him safe from sun. House coats were also generally not uncomon to wear on the beach. I also just like messing around with gender presentation in my art. I’m sure Marius approves.
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Marius: Marius is sporting a mens bathing suit from the late 1920s. As he is very fashion forward I felt it fit him to wear something a bit more up to date. His fur pattern does make it look like he was wearing shorts and a t shirt and got sunburned lol. I based his fur on Eveline’s and the photos of the cat he was based on. Maybe a gradient would make it look a bit less silly idk. Feel free to weigh in if you have any ideas.
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Eveline: I know Eveline prefers clothing from the late 1900-1910s more but I really loved how she looked with her hair up. I based her bathing suit on a 1920s version but added a few flairs to give it a bit more of a retro vibe for the time.
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The Lotties: I gave Lottie a bathing suit with a belt and a cap. As per the laws of the Lackadaisy-verse her ears are tucked safely into her cap. No ear holes here. I wanted to give her a beach bag but I couldn't find any type of purse specifically for that so she’s got a shopping bag instead. I felt she needed somewhere to keep little Lottie's beach toys and sun screen, speaking of: She is wearing a very normal child's bathing suit. Not much to say on it. I focused more on her posing than her fashion.
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Máire: the original name for this drawing when I was just planning on drawing her was bathing beauties… Anyway, she strikes me as someone who uses her time at the beach to relax and look good while doing it. Her swimsuit is based on something I saw on Pinterest. It had flowers painted on it which strikes me more as being ornamental. Shes also a pair of fashionable heals and a parasol.
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And last but not least Malwina: Malvina’s bathing suit is technically from 1926, so maybe she is just way ahead of the trends. Her shoes are laced beach shoes. I feel like shed take the opertunity to enjoy the fresh air, and swim in the cooling water. Maybe check out some cute boys. I think shed enjoy having a day where she can just be a normal teenager.
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Mc is probably around. Maybe off buying soda pops for everyone.
My main source for most of this was vintage dancer
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secretstorystash · 4 years
two bros chilling in a hot tub very close together cause theyre gay
sometime in early spring when the snows finally started to melt and the air wasnt quite as cold anymore, will thought about installing a hot tub. it was actually tolerable to be outside, the winds not cutting, the snows not clouding everything in white. maybe he could build something to endure the rest of the winter better. there was a meadow not far from the house on top of a hill, looking over the trees and mountains, a full view of the valley. it would be perfect for it.
he assembled as much wood as he could, leftovers from building the barn in summer and autumn, big logs they usually used for making fire. he had a whole workshop with tools at his disposal, some from the former owners, a lot he had bought before they moved here. everything he needed to cut the wood into perfect shapes and nail it all together. it would be makeshift but all he wanted was for it to hold the water in it and not letting it spill or even bursting. he knew enough about boat motors to think up something to generate the heat and keeping a hot temperature.
hannibal mostly sat inside and read his books he had reluctantly ordered from amazon some time in early winter. it wasn’t safe for them to show their faces in town, so better not risk any contact. four huge packages they were, mostly classical works and some more practical for work. at first he had seemed content to just stay in this hut and warming himself in wills company, their conversations all the fuel his mind needed. if it needed any, so elaborate was his mind palace, already a castle in youth, and then gotten bigger and bigger with every new horror, every new delight. in prison, that and his books were all he had. hannibal had said he read so much in his cell, he could nearly recite all of shakespeare now. will was inclined to believe him.
still, he read it all again. spending his time with reading and writing while will was out, sometimes hunting, sometimes chopping wood. and now, nearly the entire day in that barn. he had forbid hannibal from looking, from asking questions. it should be a surprise for him. so hannibal obeyed, naturally, working his way through his newly assembled library.
in late march will had finished cutting and shaping all the necessary ground base, a circle. and then another row of logs that was supposed to go around it. more than once he probably could’ve needed his husbands help but he was too stubborn to ask for it, too focused on the outcome and the joy it would elicit in hannibal. all throughout the winter, they had to use an outdoor shower, on the balcony, which only produced cold water. he was honestly surprised neither of them had a cold in all that time. they had gotten used to it and will especially loved walking out in the early morning, naked in front of the world, in front of nobody, because there were no people anywhere near these parts. standing in front of a black wall of trees, bathing in the cold air and rubbing himself clean with the cold water. hannibal, well, he had accepted it. adjusting more to his feral nature, rather than the aesthetics and luxuries he had gotten used to in his life, even in prison. it didn’t matter, how little they had here. they had each other.
but still, a hot bath would cheer him up immensely. and will, too. in early april, will was ready to set it all up. he had dug a platform on the hill and built a terrace there, mumbling something to hannibal about a look out spot, and that they could sit there in spring. with a twinkle in his eye, and a clear instruction that hannibal was not to go there over the next week or so while will worked on it, hammering about outdoors. he was hidden from view from the trees around it, if he wasn’t he would’ve felt very silly about his whole surprise idea. the idea was probably becoming more and more obvious to hannibal, anyway. but he stayed quiet.
two weeks into april it was finished. one platform, one hut tub. simple enough. all morning he had carried water from the well to fill it up, and then hoping the heater would work and that the temperature would stay stable. it seemed to work well enough. looking around him, dawn broke out in full splendor, from the terrace he was standing on he could see the entire valley filling with light, the birds waking up as well. it was beautiful.
he hurried back to the hut, climbing up the stairs to their cozy living room. hannibal must’ve been awake already now, as they were always woken up by the sun. he probably thought will was outside showering, or making early morning coffee, if he hadn’t noticed him leave earlier. as he rushed in the front door, hannibal was already begging to undress for the cold bath outside. “Stop!” “Will? Everything alright?” “Uhm, yeah, sure, just, stay that way. Naked i mean.” Hannibal grinned. “And come with me.” “Oh..? Another outdoor sex session? Isn’t it a bit too early for that?” Will laughed it off. “Not that. No. It’s the surprise!” “And I should be naked for it?”, Hannibal quirked an eyebrow. “Yes. That would be preferable. If it’s any consolation, i will be naked too.” and Will started pulling off his clothes. “This promises to be a very interesting day.” Hannibal quipped, but complied willingly when a naked Will took his hand and led him out the door.
“It’s freezing.” “Won’t be long now.” “How long through the snow on bare feet?” “Not longer than a minute.” “We went the entire winter without either of us getting seriously ill. You are really jeapordizing that luck now, Will.” “Stop complaining and RUN!”, he dragged Hannibal by the hand and awkwardly ran with him through the fields of snow, following the path he had treaded before. It was so fucking cold. He really hadn’t thought this through. The air practically punched their bodies and into their lungs, their feet becoming ice and then fire again. Will laughed like an idiot, while Hannibal huffed behind him, screaming something about irresponsible behaviour and his age.
Then they came through the trees and rushed towards the hill. “What is that? Oh!” “What do you think?” They now climbed the remaining way up the hill, and Will stood, panting hard, leaning against the tub with one hand. “And there i thought you wanted to try out extreme hunting.” “I’m not that desperate, yet. Fuck, let’s get in. I’m fucking freezing.” He tested out the water with his foot, it felt so hot on his icy skin it seemed to burn. He pushed through the pain and glided in with his whole body. “OH!” Hannibal plunged in after Will, breathing heavily and groaned in ecstacy when he submerged himself in the water. “This is... fantastic, Will. Brilliant. You worked on this, a whole month.” “Yes.. and you didn’t ever ask.” “I kept my mind off it. Didn’t want to guess, not even in thought.” “Mmmh. You are a perfect gift receiver.”
They floated there, high atop the mountains, while the sun claimed the sky. Arms outstretched over the rim, legs stretching over each other. “We should’ve brought wine.” Hannibal laughed. “Though it might be a bit early..” At that, Will pulled out a bottle and two glasses from behind the tub. “I knew what to bring for the occation. Cheers?” They smiled at each other, grinning like two love sick idiots. “Cheers to your impeccable wood working skills.” “Hah! Let’s see when this tub breaks apart. Not today though.” “No, not today.” Hannibal swam, or rather walked, closer to Will. There was barely enough room to sit across from each other anyway. He moved towards his face while Will set aside the wine bottle, having filled both of their glasses to the brim. Hannibal took hold of Wills hand, and the glass, and pressed a kiss to his lips. “It’s beautiful, Darling. You’ve outdone yourself. Truly.” “The little luxuries I can offer.” “You are all I need, you know that. But this is the cherry on top.” They clinked their glasses, eyes fixed on the other, their faces laced with gold, bathing in the light, wet from the hot air around them. Will couldn’t resist the urge to kiss Hannibal back on these perfect lips and hugged tight around him. “Hmm.. i’m feeling randy.” “So, it’s outdoor sex after all.” “Not too early?” “No..”, Hannibal chuckled. “Never too early for you.”
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