#they're a warforged character I never got to play
harperspective · 2 years
Intro post...
Harper - Is my name.  Art - Is my game. She / They - Are my... rhyme...
Want to see some art? Gimmmme one big ol’ follow. Will it be good art? No promises. Will I post frequently? No promises. Will I consume the souls of the unworthy? Now that’s something I can commit to.
I’m working on a comic right now. It’ll be online... eventually. I swear.
Look at my art and see what kinda stuff I do. If you like it, well dang darn gimme a smooch. 
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lesserideafountain · 1 year
Ask game time! Axe, Orb, Elvish, and Masterpiece :3c
Order up! *ding*
Axe: Class you've never played but want to See the funny thing is I've played all of the thirteen official classes in one form or another. Most of them for oneshots, true, but I think I still got in some experience with them. However, if I were to play in a new campaign, I would really like to get some proper long-term experience with playing a bard. I saw Honor Among Thieves and I got inspired xD Runner ups would be rogue and barbarian.
Orb: Class you've never played and don't want to Oof. Brutal! This may be a little mean but I have no desire to play a druid anytime soon. I think they're cool and the flavour is there, I just don't think it's something for me. Maybe once inspiration strikes.
Elvish: Favorite NPC that you've played? Hehehe... I love playing villains. My favourite one has to be Zenshian, a Rakshasa demon who imprisoned himself in a ring for 400 years to escape persecution, got freed by some adventurers, and immediately made plans to start a world war. He had style. Ambition. The unflappable attitude of an immortal demon. And just so many aces up his sleeve. At one point the party even allied with him to defeat an eldritch cult leader wizard who kidnapped their friend. Marvelous!
Masterpiece: Post art of your characters Behold!
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I've put names, descriptions, and attributions in the alt text for each one, but here they are, left to right, top to bottom:
Anchor, a warforged janitor, illustrated by @tangleworm
Kuris, my half-orc paladin, illustrated by @ninjafrogofhnm
Millie, my warforged wizard, illustrated by @mirielmartell
The Visionary, an elven wizard cult leader, illustrated by @ashleyrowan
Vencyl Errant, silver dragon in disguise, illustrated by @sagensart
Zenshian, the Rakshasa demon, illustrated by @ashleyrowan
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Hi Morri! Happy blorbo blursday!
This is a semi-unconventional ask, since it’s not about the characters that you’re writing, but what is your favorite DND or ttrpg character to play and why?
// @cryptid-s-wips
NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR ASKING ME ABOUT D&D. This shit is my special interest, and has been for MONTHS.
Okay, okay, buckle your seatbelt. I have a lot to say about this. (Note: the only ttrpg I'm familair with atm is d&d 5e, so just assume everything I say is about that.)
This is going under the cut, because it's about 6 miles long.
My favorite class is rogues by far. They're just so awesome??? Like, not only do they have sneak attack (my beloved), but they also get so many amazing subclasses?? Like, swashbuckler, assassin, arcane trickster are all amazing. (I'm aware this is most definitely biased by my obsession with thief/pirate/etc. characters in writing, but idc. Let me live my dream.) I have at least 4 thief characters out of my 20 or so character concepts.
Aside from rogues I love fighters, because I love stabbing people (IN GAME, I SWEAR). I've yet to play a paladin, but that would also probably be up there because it's a good balance between fighting and magic. (Smite, my beloved.) Also, Oath of Vengeance is such a sexy concept.
I will say that Warlocks have some of the best concept possibilities, though. Just the number of possibilities. Did they sell their soul? Did they ask nicely? Did they have a choice at all? What is their relationship with their patron like? (For example, I have one warlock whose patron possesses them every so often, forcing them to do things they would never agree to do. When they come to, they've received new powers. It should be noted that they didn't ask for the pact at all. But I also have a warlock who has a decent relationship with their patron, and is very happy to have their gift, and uses it to help people.)
Also, it should be known that I have a tiefling obsession. Best race in-game, hands down. Idk, I just love them so much. The horns, the tails, the colored skin, I love it all. (It will come as no surprise that I have both tiefling rogue and tiefling warlock concepts.)
When it comes to my actual characters, I have WAY too many. (The current count for concepts is 20...) The one thing they all have in common is very complicated, always traumatic, backstories. I haven't played most of them (I've only played 3 in campaigns, and one more in a oneshot, but two of those campaigns got cut very short.)
Here's a pic of my character database that I made in notion:
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My favorite characters on that list are Laverna (who I've had as a concept for 2 years), Zen (the warlock I mentioned, the one who gets possessed), Alarion (half-drow ranger who started out as a sorcerer concept, but I realized that was Not Right for him.), Avra (shadar-kai assassin rogue!!!), Asra (human fighter with so much shit in her background), Rook (half-elf pirate swashbuckler who makes his debut on Satuday!!!!), Sabe ("what life is there for a warforged with no war?"), Elira (aka Ellie, autistic former gifted kid abjuration wizard with a cat familiar), and the Feylost Bard (wandered out of the woods/feywild with no memories whatsoever. Has a very uncanny valley aura about them.)
Okay, I promise I'll shut up now, but if you want to read more about my characters, I made a post about them all here, which I just updated for this ask. <3
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