#they had the dog on leash and then they were in the elevator and the dog outside and yeah the dog died
bunnihearted · 3 months
wish i could be happy but i cant because my brain is wired to constantly think about all of the immense suffering in the world and cruelty of humanity
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fanaticsnail · 4 days
Masterlist Here.
Word Count: 1,500
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Synopsis: Sir Crocodile is out for a walk in Arabasta with his pug, and he is stopped by a curious child who desires to pet them. As you, their guardian, approaches, Sir Crocodile is intrigued by your candor.
Themes: Sir Crocodile x gn!reader, mildly suggestive themes, spice hinted but not explicit, you have a child under your care named 'Yarin', Crocodile is a secret softie, the pug has been fan-named 'Esmeralda'.
Notes: I just wanted to write for Crocodile and see where it took me today.
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Wandering the streets of Arabasta, leash in hand and peering down at the small creature attached to the end, Sir Crocodile sauntered throughout the dunes. A small, gem encrusted collar circled the neck of the timid pup, its whole body jiggling and shaking with every soft patter and touch.
As the pug puppy sniffed at a round, leafy shrubbery, a small giggle followed a high-pitched shriek of delight. Bounding happily over to both Sir Crocodile and slowly sinking to their knees, a small child sat at the base of his shiney, leather boots.
“Oh my goodness, mister! Your dog is so beautiful!” the little one spoke, Sir Crocodile taken aback by the immediate approach from the child, “May I pet them? What’s their name?”
Clearing his throat, and slowly tucking his golden hook behind his back to not frighten the child, he gently nodded down in affirmation. Immediately, the young child gestured out the backs of their knuckle for the tiny pug puppy to snortle at, waiting until the beast was ready to receive a greeting touch. At the small flicker of a pink tongue catching the child’s hand, they giggle and immediately go to scratching and enthusiastically massaging the tan and brown puppy.
“Her name is Esmeralda,” Sir Crocodile spoke out slowly, his brow arched up as he marveled at the interaction, “Or ‘Ezzy’ when she is behaving herself.” The child repeated the name back to the dog, cooing and preening at them while truly enjoying the soft bristles and snuffy nose.
“Aww, Ezzy is so cute!” they cheer up at him, “My house won't let me have any dogs there. I have always wanted one, but I haven't been able to get one-.”
“-Yarin, just what do you think you're doing?”
The child stiffened, their eyes widened in shock before a smile splits up their lips.
“I'm petting Ezzy!” Yarin calls over their shoulder while smoothing their jowls and squishing their cheeks affectionately.
Sir Crocodile peers up, his dark eyes peering at the approach of a figure rapidly sauntering towards him. He took you in, noticing your fluster and exasperation on your face. Your worn clothes were disheveled, your feet dusted with the sands of Arabasta, and your eyes were swollen with fatigue as if you had not slept for days.
“Is that what you're doing, sweetheart?” you coo down at the small child, “Yarin, I need you to help me with the shopping, okay my love? Say goodbye to your new friend and little Ezzy, and I'll be right over.”
Yarin let out a soft whine before hanging their shoulders and rising to their feet.
“Thank you for letting me pet your dog, mister,” the child expressed up at Sir Crocodile, “I really like Ezzy. I hope you have a nice day.”
“That's a beautiful thing to say, Yarin. Off you go now,” you encouraged, gesturing for them to go back towards town. Waiting until they were out of sight, you turned to the eight-foot tall, hulking mass of a gentleman clad in embellishment and wealth. Your eyes met with his, your own smile mirroring the child he allowed to pet Esmeralda with an easy elevation.
“I appreciate you humoring Yarin, sir,” you indicate with a polite bow, “There is not much joy found in a child’s life these days, and animals are truly a delight.”
“That they are,” he responded in kind. Esmeralda resumed snorting at the leaves by his feet before sitting on the yellowed sand. “Are you the child’s guardian?”
“That I am,” you again nod to him. His interest was piqued now, watching how you easily expressed your formalities with a learned politeness.
“Your landlord will not allow pets where you're staying?” he asked curiously, stilling his golden hook behind his back to shield it away from you. You narrow your eyes and quirk your head in response, attempting to read his intentions behind his question.
“No, sir. My landlord is quite controlling of his properties, to which I partially agree with.” You respond in kind, “I cannot hang a single picture frame of my family without the approval of the lord of Arabasta.” Your smile remains on your face as you now again to him, “If you'll excuse me, I must return to Yarin and ensure the groceries are handled appropriately. May you and your darling puppy, Esmeralda, have a pleasant day, sir.”
Finally turning to return to the small child, Sir Crocodile calls out softly after you. “May you and your child have the day of warmth you have blessed mine with.”
This stops your haste, turning briefly to gift him with another soft smile in gratitude to the well wishes he expressed. In lieu of the bored grimace he constantly held on his features, he reflected that warmth back onto you with a smile of his own.
This is where the unlikely friendship began between yourself and Sir Crocodile, the lord of Arabasta, landlord of your small cottage, and your current employer. Whatever you or your child needed, Sir Crocodile was the benefactor to your desires. That small kindness from a child that was not fearful of him, who saw Esmeralda before they noticed the scar splitting his face, or the hook embedded in his sleeve, became a treasured memory in his growing infatuation with you.
Lavish gifts of scholarships and school uniforms for Yarin, a new uniform for your employment beneath him, and sporadic gifts that depicted his adoration for you became a regular occurrence. Where you saw a man who cared for his employees and their families, he saw a lengthy courtship where he had an opportunity to express his kinder side. Sir Crocodile loved you, and he was happy for his romance to remain unrequited while you raised your child alone.
You never reciprocated or demonstrated your own infatuation for him, fearing you were reading into his luxurious gifts where only friendship was found. Instead, you were gracious and accepting of the comradery and rapport you found with one another. Organizing his life, ensuring he was cared for in health, and providing him with an ear to vent his frustrations was all you could offer him. This was enough for both of you, Yarin visiting your office after school to complete their homework with Miss All-Sunday, and you sitting at your desk and scheduling Sir Crocodile’s appointments.
Whatever life you fled from was smoke and forgotten memory, the new family found in an unlikely place solidified your loyalty to the lord you served.
This was enough for the both of you.
Until it wasn't.
It didn't take much prompting to land yourself on the knee of Sir Crocodile, lips colliding in a messy oscillation of need and lust. The passionate exchange continued from his office towards his bed chambers, both of you silently thanking the care Miss All-Sunday took to watch over your child while you found yourself entangled in Crocodile’s bedsheets. Flesh to flesh, heart to heart: you were his, and he was yours in each slow movement and passionate touch throughout the evening.
Morning flooded the room at the shift of curtains, the dunes of Alabaster contrasting over the horizon as breakfast was brought to the both of you.
Neither of you discussed the shift in your relationship, although his subtle lean into you and brush of his head against yours spoke volumes more than you could admit. Love, true and rich, was in the movement of his embrace with you. Breaking the silence, you turned to him and peered up at his warm gaze.
“Did you know then that this was where I would be?” Your hands found his chest, gently raking the tufts of hair donning his broad torso. Crocodile drew down his right hand to eclipse yours. Raising your knuckles to his lips, he kept eye contact while he kissed your skin.
“No,” he confessed with a twitch in his smile, “But I did know how I felt for you in that moment.”
“How did you feel for me?” you asked carefully, your smile beginning to tug up your features and elevated the swell of infatuation in your chest.
“That your warmth would ignite my blood with your presence, filling my cold heart with hope and joy as my dog gave to your child,” he whispered, releasing your hand and cupping your cheek, “And that I needed you cared for, in any capacity. Whether we were to be friends, or lovers, I craved that for you.” He drew you up to him, gently placing his lips to your forehead and stilling his breath with your own.
You arched away from his lips to your head, motioning up to press your lips slowly against his. Whatever lust there was prior, love consumed it. Lips moving softly and soothingly against one another, you found your peace in the arms and bed of the crocodile. The only thing that broke you out of your mesmiration with one another was the sound of a puppy’s bark and a high-pitched giggle of Yarin outside the door.
“We should get up,” Crocodile whispered against your lips, traveling his deep kiss down to your neck, “And see to Yarin and Esmeralda.” You nodded in response, hastily turning your head and claiming a more intentional kiss from Sir Crocodile before you allowed yourself permission to withdraw from his side.
As you tugged your attire over your body, he admired the litter of his lust that clothed your flesh. Each kiss marring your skin in a heart-shaped bruise showcased how deeply he loved you. As you spoke with Yarin outside the door, he honed in on your voice and your inflections.
He truly didn't know what to expect back then, walking his dog himself in the square. Whatever he had desired to achieve, he acquired something far sweeter than he hoped for.
He had you.
Tag list: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @since-im-already-here @gingernut1314 @writingmysanity @i-am-vita @indydonuts @feral-artistry @the-light-of-star @empirenowmp3 @racfoam @sunflowersatori @carrotsunshine @skullfacedlady @jintaka-hane @thenotsofantasticlifestory
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bunny584 · 7 months
A/N: I…guys this one is…dirty. For so many reasons. I don’t. I can’t look myself in the eye. Suguru made me do it 😅
C/W: Voyeurism, Mature themes, 18+ (Part I here)
Music inspo: This is SO Chase Atlantic coded
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They say the first step to recovery from addiction is acceptance.
Fine, then.
Suguru Geto’s addiction to you is absolute. And he has no interest in recovery.
He’s accepted it. You own him.
Granted, he didn’t realize just how tight your leash is. Not until last night.
Suguru is a logical, reasonable, creature of habit. He doesn’t need much. Really, he doesn’t.
But fucking you to sleep nightly is non-negotiable.
Or rather, fucking his hand. While watching you watch TV. And swirl a glass of Pinot noir in your gorgeous mouth. With your graceful fingers mindlessly swimming in a bowl of popcorn.
Extra butter. With tons and TONS of salt!
The first time you ordered your side snack at the movie theatre, Suguru almost keeled over.
But then he made the glorious mistake of flickering over to you, mid movie. Just as your index finger slid between those pillow soft lips. Pulling remnants of salt and butter away, leaving a trail of lip gloss behind.
He could’ve sucked it off your finger right there and then.
The way you pistoned in and out of your mouth. Doe-eyed and trained on the screen. Not a thought in your head. It was his gateway drug.
The butterfly effect.
A moment in time that rerouted fate.
His excruciatingly beautiful, platonic best friend, now a visceral need.
And just like any addiction. There were stages.
Denial: He doesn’t see you that way. No, of course not. His mind just got caught in a horny spiral. He’ll snap out of it. Things will go back to normal.
Anger: How could you do this to him? You know how disorienting you are. That smile. Always looking up at him with puppy eyes and parted lips. You’re a cocktease. Begging. Pleading. Needing him to debase you to nothing. Is that it? You want him to ruin you, don’t you? And he could. Fuck you into next week. Until you’re screaming and crying. He’d smear those tears all over his cock and fuck them back into your pouty mouth. It’s what you deserve.
Shame: It’s perverse. You call to vent about your day. He rubs himself raw while you talk. You kiss his cheek. His dick leaks. How could he do this to someone who trusts him like you do?
It was a vicious, muddled cycle. He could barely function around you.
Rushed greetings. Kurt words. Clipped responses. Avoidance.
He had to protect you from his depraved thoughts. Shield you from sordid actions taken in the dark — as if they would spontaneously materialize in the light to harm you.
And they did. But in the opposite way Suguru intended.
“Hey, HEY! Suguru, what the hell is up with you?”
You squeezed his wrist with all your might. It felt like nothing. But the weight in your tone hit him like a freight train.
“What are you talking about?”
“You’ve been distant."
“I’ve been right here.”
“You’ve been distant, Suguru.”
Quartz showers streamed down your beautiful face and his cock quivered. Drooling along his thigh. So. Fucking. Pretty when you cry.
Did you know?
How irresistible you looked?
Glassy eyes. Trembling lips. Vulnerable. Soft enough to hunt.
Did you know?
How he clawed his palm bloody to keep from gripping your neck. Shoving you to your knees. And giving you a reason to whine his name like that again.
“Why won’t you just talk to me?”
“I have to go—“
“I don’t care!”
“I don’t care!! I don’t care what it is okay? I just…I miss..I miss my best friend.”
You elevated off your heels. No where near eye level, but enough to cradle his face in your dainty hands.
And God dammit. He might as well have been wearing a dog tag with your name on it.
If lost, return to Owner.
Between your misty eyes. Swollen lips. Face like a canvas to paint with his cum. He bit back a pathetic groan. And choked out an apology.
Most importantly, he made a promise to never hollow out your friendship like that again.
So, instead he fills it. With ropes of his arousal. And fuck, it’s rhapsody.
The stages. The anger, disbelief, shame…it was worth it. Because this ecstasy? It’s sublime.
Constant ascension. Never once reaching cruising altitude.
…which made the fall agonizing.
Last night, in a sick, twisted turn of fate - his camera feed cut off.
One minute Suguru is pumping into his abused rubber cocksleeve. Sliding his eyes up and down your hips until he was dizzy in the head. Pre cum squelching out of the little space between his cock and the ring of his 5th battered toy. Unintelligible praises leaking out of him, cementing his devotion. And just as the curtains began to fall on his vision. Balls heavy and hot with his seed—
Then he saw nothing.
Suguru couldn’t recognize the man in his room last night. Fingers aching. Mind racing. Dick red, angry, pulsating for its one and only vice.
Alarm bells rang between his ears. Crash landing into an abyss. Mayday.
In that moment. He knew he needed more. More skin. More angles. More you.
And so, he’s standing outside your Pilates studio @ 7:28 PM. Two minutes until you’re done.
A Dragonfruit smoothie rests in his hand.
And a new camera system rests in his back pocket.
“Ugh, I needed that.”
You sling a cold eucalyptus towel around your neck.
“And I need him.” The comment emanates from one of your girlfriends. Both of you rounding the corner out of the studio.
You don’t have to look out the glass windows to know exactly who she is referring to.
“I mean, seriously. How can you not climb him like a—“
“Stop it!!” Your protest made less believable because of your sheepish giggles.
“We’re just friends.” You mutter. Pulling your gym bag out of the front lockers.
Yeah, who are you trying to convince? Her? Or yourself?
Your eyes flicker to your platonic, gorgeous best friend. Raven mane in a glossy, high ponytail. Freely cascading down his back. Curly wisps framing his razor sharp angles.
He stands tall. So Muscular. Quietly masculine. Despite how dreamy his hair is.
“Omg! Your hair!! Whats your routine?” - every woman who meets him, ever.
Suguru responds the same way every time with a dimpled smile. The other party is always immediately caught in his web.
His eyes. They lure you in like quicksand. Onyx. Swarming with grey and violet specks. Stormy. Perpetually faraway.
He’s the perfect gentleman. But always a little bit above it all. Just out of reach.
It’s mesmerizing.
You can’t blame the women for trying any and everything for a tiny piece.
Suguru catches your gaze. Silky smile pulls across his lips. He beckons you with one swirl of the liquid gold in his hands.
“What are you doing here, pretty boy?”
“Happy to see you too.” He counters with a low chuckle.
You coax the sweet treat away from him. It’s precisely what you need.
Suguru always has his pulse on you. Somehow he knows where to be and when. Every time.
“Mmm” your eyes flutter shut. Savoring the sickly sweet, cold mush on your tongue.
“Exactly what you wanted?”
“Exactly. Have I told you I love you lately?”
“Not nearly enough.” His baritone hovers over you. Traveling down your spine at light speed.
Has he always sounded this sultry?
You lazily pull yourself out of the sugar-induced dopamine hit.
Suguru moves into you like a storm cloud. Accentuating the comical difference in stature. The world around you slowly dissipates.
Lost in the desert mirage of his gaze. Everything feels conscious.
Your shallow breathing. The thrum of blood surging through your vessels. Heart rattling against its bony cage.
Time stops.
Then it happens all at once.
Before you know what is happening, your best friend’s well built arm is around your waist. His large, veiny hand palming the nape of your neck.
His lips. His plump rosy lips are on yours. Sweet and warm. Pulling, pushing, melding with you into play dough.
He’s delicious.
More delectable than you knew possible.
“Mmmgh” You moan and Suguru takes the space to push his tongue into your mouth. He’s blinding. Expertly tickling the ridges and corners of your mouth. As if to show off just how skilled he is with his tongue.
He pulls away far before you’re ready. Shocking you out of your lusty daze. For a moment he just rests his moist lips on yours. Exchanging breaths between each other. As if only you two are the source of oxygen around you.
“Wha…what was..”
“There’s a guy burning a crater into your back.” He finally responds. Gruff. Strained. You’ve never seen him without a tight leash around his self-command.
“I didn’t want him thinking he has a chance.”
And just like that, the familiar tame control lines his velvet baritone.
Suguru places a chaste kiss on your cheek before starting to walk in the direction of your apartment. As if the world didn’t just tilt on its axis.
You’re able to maintain a fairly normal conversation with your best friend the entire walk back to your apartment. You both laugh and joke as if he didn’t just fuck your mouth with his tongue. And as if you didn’t feel drunk off of it.
You’re just friends.
You toss your keys somewhere to your left. In the periphery you see Suguru smile and shake his head. Well aware of your messy tendencies. He leans down to take your keys and place them on the door hook.
The devil on your shoulder is deafening.
Test it.
Test him.
Your hand moves before your mind.
Your fingers hook under your sports bra. Pulling it over your head in one smooth motion. Before your mounds bounce in full view, your arm cups them against your chest.
You turn to Suguru, now topless.
“Gonna hop in the shower for a little. Are you staying for dinner?” Willing your voice to be steady and light. A casual question amidst the mayhem in your mind.
And, as expected, Suguru is the perfect gentleman.
His olive tone is even. Hands slotting into his athletic pants. Faint smile tracing on his lips, dimple apparent in his left cheek.
His eyes don’t falter below your neckline. Not even for a moment.
“Not tonight, pretty. There’s a show I want to catch. Rain check?”
Of course, you’re just friends.
Best friends.
You flash him a genuine smile. Swallowing the nagging flecks of dissappointnent beginning to weave itself within you.
“Rain check!”
And maybe 10 or so minutes after soaking in your steamy shower. Trying to wash the remnants of his kiss out of your memory, you hear your door slamming shut.
You make a mental note to ask about what show he was referring to.
Whiskey glides hot and cold down Suguru’s throat.
Back flushed against his desk chair.
Patiently awaiting his 10:00 PM viewing.
His dick is a steel rod. Blushing and moist. Draped in a pair of your used panties. He swiped them on his way out of your apartment.
Suguru drags his palm lazily up and down his shaft. Soaking your lingerie in beads of pre cum. It’s like he’s feeling you rubbing your plush cunt up and down his rod.
Fog is settling opaque in his mind. While he pets the flame stirring between his legs.
You haven’t even come into frame yet. But Suguru admires the pristine view he has of your room. Porcelain duvet messily strewn about. Half open night stand. Magenta vibrator propped against the corner of your drawer.
How often do you touch yourself?
What do you think about?
How pretty do you sound? When you milk pleasure from your dewy core?
“Fuck,” Suguru hisses.
He brings the whiskey glass back to his parted lips. The thought of seeing you work yourself to a peak drove his hand up and down his cock too fast. If he’s not careful he’ll cum before he’s ready.
Not tonight.
Tonight he wants to savor his relapse.
24 hours sober of you was unbearable. He deserves this indulgence.
Suguru tilts his chin up. Damp hair feathering his shoulders and back feels refreshingly cool against the lava circulating beneath his skin.
“You like teasing me don’t you?” He murmurs, slowly pumping his cock through his strained grip.
The way you pulled off your sports bra. Well before you reached your bathroom door. Pretty bedroom eyes raking his face. Testing him. You knew he would go home and feverishly fuck his fist for you. Didn’t you?
A siren’s melody pulls his hazy, dazed attention back to screen.
“There she is.”
Suguru leans closer to his screens. Giving himself kudos for choosing a camera system with audiovisual integration this time around.
You step in full view of his camera and his body stills. Completely statuesque. Mouth ajar. His cock drool dribbling down his stiff hand is the only source of movement in the room.
“Fuck…fucking hell.”
There you stood. Thong as richly colored as the wine in your glass. Accentuating the dramatic dip and swell of your pretty waist and hips. The wavy lines from your slender shoulders to your full tits are enough to make him seasick. Your nipples are so hard. Puffier than he imagined.
You are immaculate.
A divine being. Heaven’s incarnate.
And even if you weren’t. Even if you were the devil. He’d follow you to the depth of hell.
A thick surge of pre cum flicking back against his lower abs pulls him briefly out of his trance. Suguru didn’t realize how hard he was strangling his length. Which is violently jerking in haphazard directions.
Begging for its real owner.
Suguru drags in a deep breath. Reluctantly unraveling his needy hand away from his manhood. Another sip of icy brown liquor.
Savor this.
As if your souls are tied, you take a sip of red wine before settling in your bed. Back against your head board. Feet planted on your plush duvet. You let your knees fall to the side and Suguru nearly drools on himself.
A blooming rose.
Presenting your swollen, misty petals to him for worship. His eyes drop to your core. A thin line of fabric laid so perfectly between your folds.
Suguru has to remind himself that you aren’t in front of him.
And he can’t just dive into your dewy cunt. And nuzzle against your bud. And lap up the honey in between your folds.
You rest your head against the wall. Exposing the delicate lines of your neck. His left hand magnets back to his cock. His right hits the record function on the screen.
You are too special not to capture.
But, even if he couldn’t record you on this system, every moment right now is etched into his mind for an eternity.
Especially the way your dainty fingers travel down your chest, along your torso, beneath the hem of your panties and settle over your clit.
“That’s it, princess.” Suguru chants beneath his clipped breaths. Dragging your soaked underwear along his messy shaft.
He matches his pace to your tiny circles. Small, gorgeous pants tumble out of you.
Your other hand palms at your tits. Pinching and pulling at your pert nipples. Your hips buck at the sweet pleasure and pain.
“Good girl”
His arousal continues to collect at his base, trickling to his inner thighs. The sound of his hilt slamming into his hand fill the room.
“God. S..Suguru…”
His name thunders between his ears.
His name wrapped in that melodic, lusty falsetto of yours.
Suguru’s brain can barely register the way your tits bounce in rhythm with your hands. Pistoning your fingers in and out of your sweet cunt. Ascending to euphoria. He can barely register the way your lips are swollen and abused from your teeth. Or the light sheen of sweat along your collarbones.
“Fuck, Suguru please..” you moan. Both hands now working your flower.
Suguru is slack jawed. Completely short circuited. He cannot move.
Unblinking, he studies you. Hands at his side. Cock spearing high in the air, leaking.
His mind is flooded with the thin, featherlight moans and whines. Sticky arousal leaks from your needy opening around your fingers. Coating your inner thighs. How you twist and groan away from your own pleasure - so clearly overstimulated but not stopping your fingers, anyway.
“Say my name, pretty girl. Say my name.” Suguru rasps out. Sharp pain lightening through him from the dryness in his throat.
And you do. You moan his name when you reach nirvana. Heaving and whining and squirming in your mess. You called for him.
“God, I’m disgusting.”
You laugh through the remnants of your high and bury yourself under the duvet. Lazily tapping the bedside lamp. Bringing Suguru’s private viewing to an end.
And his smile is vulturous.
Suguru’s hand runs the length of his insatiable cock. Slow, lazy strokes. Haphazard twitches pushing out globs of cum. Begging for an encore.
You think you’re disgusting?
Ohhh, sweet girl.
You don’t know the half of it.
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vivwritesfics · 5 months
Mrs Hangman
Jake Seresin and his wife have an incredibly healthy sex life. That's how they find themselves role-playing as strangers in a bar, meeting for the first time.
Warnings: porn without plot, allusion to cheating (but not cheating), role-playing (married couple pretending to be strangers), oral (male!receiving), oral (fem!receiving), hickies, p in v, unprotected, not beta read
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She was in her prettiest dress, one her husband had bought her for their fifth anniversary. It hugged her in all of the right places, the colour complimenting all of her features in the most perfect way.
If there was something her husband knew, it was what she'd look good in.
She sipped on her drink, some sort of expensive martini, as she looked atthe men sat around her in the bar. But none of them were what she was looking for.
Until a man in a casual shirt, a pair of jeans and dog tags around his neck walked up to her. "Hey there, Georgeous," he said, gesturing to the bartender to get him another drink.
She sipped at her martini as she looked at him. "Can I help you?" She asked, trying to sound unimpressed. But she couldn’t hide that she was impressed. A pretty face and, God, that voice. He was so tall, and the way his shirt hugged his arms.
"You can," he said, sitting down beside her. "By letting me buy you a drink."
She threw her drink back, swallowing the rest of the liquid and placing her martini glass on the bar top. "Sure," she said, her manicured finger moving around the rim of the glass.
He ordered her another martini. "I'm Jake," he said, holding out his hand. She took it and shook, offering her his own name.
When she pushed her hair behind her ear, she revealed her pretty, dangling silver earrings. "I like these," he said, gently touching them.
"Thanks," she replied, wearing a sultry smile. My husband bought them for me. But she didn’t say that last bit. That would have shattered the illusion.
"Look," Jake said as the drinks were put down in front of them. "I know you're not here it sit around and look pretty," he said, voice full of confidence.
She hummed as she wiped the lipstick stain from her new drink. "You're right, Jake. I'm not just here to sit around and looked pretty." She leaned closer, pressing her red lips against his ear. "I'm here to get fucked like a whore."
The way he kissed her after that. It stole all of the breath from her lungs and certainly messed up her lipstick. But she didn’t much care as she wrapped her hands around his neck, his own hands coming to mess up her hair.
It was hot and heavy, and she wanted more.
But she pulled away and swiped her thumb over his bottom lip. "Let me go and fix myself up," she whispered and pecked his cheek.
Jake sat by the bar as she grabbed her purse and walked over to the bathroom. While she was in there, Jake finished his only drink for the night. She touched up her lipstick and did what she could with her hair.
Checking herself over one last time, she made her way back to Jake. Her heels clicked against the floor as she walked back over to the bar.
Jake couldn't deny that she looked gorgeous. But then she wrapped her fingers around the chain attached to his dog tags and, fuck, he'd never been so hard in his life. He stood up when she lightly tugged, and walked out of the bar, him following her like a dog on a leash.
He didn't need to tell her that he was staying in a hotel. She followed him through the lobby and into the elevator, letting him press the button for his floor.
If there were cameras in the elevator, they didn't much care. They were all over each other. His fingers dragged the bottom of her skirts up, not quite exposing anything just yet.
The elevator doors slid open and he pulled her down the corridor to his hotel room. The minute he had her inside, she was against the shut door, his lips attached to her neck. The little noises she was letting out were music to his ears.
He groaned, his body pressed against her own. She could feel him, hard through his jeans, pressing against his neck. It had her reaching down to cup him through the denim.
Jake pulled his lips away from her neck, throwing his head back in a groan. He temporarily released his hold on her and she sank to her knees, working on unbuttoning his jeans.
She freed Jake from his jeans and wrapped her fingers around the base of his cock. His fingers wrapped around her hair, not pulling as she moved herself forward and pressed a kiss to his cock.
She pulled back and looked at her handiwork. The lipstick stain on his cock; it was so fucking pretty.
"You little devil," Jake said through a groan, lightly tugging at her hair in a way that had her groaning, bottom lip pulled between her teeth.
This time, she wrapped her lips around his cock. She sucked at the tip, tongue swirling. He threw his head back, eyes closed as he let groans escape his lips. She hummed against him, and the feeling was like no other.
She took all of him into her mouth, breathing through her nose as she went as far as she could. Her eyes watered as she held him there for a moment, trying to get herself back under control.
As soon as she had her breathing under control, she began moving. She moved her lips up and down his cock bobbing her head. Jake tried to keep his hips still, he really did, but it was harder than it sounded.
He slowly bucked his hips. It was so small, likely he wasn't even aware that he was doing it. But, when she gagged, he stopped and pulled himself out of her mouth. "Sorry, gorgeous," he said and took her hand to pull her to her feet.
Jake swiped his thumb under her lip, gathering up the mess of lipstick, matching her movements from her bar. "My turn," he said and picked her up.
Her legs wrapped around his mid section as he carried her over to the bed. His muscles rippled under her fingers as she dragged her nails over his clothed back.
He deposited her on the bed and pushed the skirts of her pretty dressed. "No underwear?" He asked, his fingers touching her thighs. "You really were looking to get fucked like a whore, weren't you?"
She covered her face in embarrassment, but Jake pulled her hands away. "It's okay, Gorgeous," he said. "I got you."
He pulled her up and unzipped the back of her dressed. Jake took a minute to feel the material, the satin under his fingertips. He pulled it down over her hips and discarded it on the floor.
There was some level of power imbalance as he stood over her, completely dressed while she laid on the hotel sheets, wearing nothing.
She let out a whine as his thumbs touched the underside of her breasts. He circled his thumb around her nipples and let his gentle touch moved her down stomach.
His touch to her thighs were soft as he parted them and climbed between them. The feel of his lips against the skin of her thighs had her locking her legs around his head, pulling him close.
He kissed her lips and ran his tongue through her folds. She cried out as he looked at her, looked at the way she used her handle to muffle her sounds.
He wrapped his arms around her thighs and dove in, nose brushing her clit as he moved his tongue against her hole. She thrashed about, tossing her head from side to side as she cried his name again and again and again.
His hands gripped her, bound to leave a mark. The thought had him smiling against her cunt. Her legs shook against his head and, when she began babbling out something close to 'I'm coming' left her lips, Jake pulled away.
She released him, giving him a moment to shed his clothes. But, while she watched him get undressed, watched him reveal the expanse of muscle that made his body, she couldn't help but miss the feel of him, warm against her.
But, before too long, he was back on top of her, connecting his lips to her own in a rushed, feverish kiss. She ran her nails down his back as he kissed her, his hips rolling against hers.
She tugged on his hair, pulling him back. "Fuck me," she said breathlessly.
That was all Jake needed. Her head his cock and he moved forward, slowly and gently pushing through her folds. A gasp left her lips, her nails stilling against him.
He buried his face against her neck as he began moving against her. His grip on her tight as he moved his body against her own. It was slow and gentle and sweet.
But it didn't stay that way. Before too long, Jakes hips were snapping against her own, holding her thighs around his waist to keep her close. It was animalistic the way he was fucking her, his lips feverishly kissing the skin of her neck.
She cried out, a continuous string of babbling. Jake had never heard such pretty noises in his life. If he could have played them over and over again, he would have. And that high pitched whine when she came around him, cunt squeezing him.
His jaw was tight as he slowed his pace, hips rolling against her own as he chased after his own high. And, when he came, painting her insides with his cum, she left those deep scratch marks in his back, ones she'd wear with pride.
Jake collapsed beside her. He was breathless as he touched her stomach, fingertips soft. "Let's get you cleaned up," he said and sat up.
She climbed off the bed with him and sat with him while they waited for the bath to fill. "We should do this again sometime," she said, taking out her earrings.
When the bath was full, she climbed in, and Jake sat beside her. He cleaned the sweat from her body, cleaned the mess from between her thighs. He rubbed warm water and soap over the marks he had left on her skin.
As soon as they were clean and dry, they climbed under the covers, tangling their body's together. Jake wrapped his arms around her and she laid her head on his chest, exhaustion taking over.
Somebody was shaking his shoulder. "Jake, honey," she said, trying to waking him up. "C'mon, we got to go."
He groaned and rolled over, pulling her closer. "Another hour, please," he grumbled, touching her head with his lips.
"No, baby. We've got to and pick up the kids."
Jake finally opened his eyes. He sat up and looked at his wife. "Fine," he said through a groan and picked her dress up from the floor. The dress he had bought for her on their anniversary, along with those pretty earrings.
"Was last night fun?" He asked as he began getting dressed.
She nodded her head, reaching up to touch her hickies. "I like pretending you're some hot stranger in a bar," she said and wrapped her arms around his neck.
Jake kissed his wife's lips. "How about you let your hot husband take you home?"
She let out a laugh and kissed him again. "We've got to pick up those little terrors from your parents house," she said and poked him in the chest. "They get it from you, you know?"
"And that's why I'm so damn proud of them." He kissed her hand and led her out of the hotel room.
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Chapter II, The Electric Sheep
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- I should probably start by telling you who this guy is.” Said Jimmy. - His name is Cheongtae, and he is Korean. Handsome, like you, discrete, he owns a high quality hair saloon here in Gangnam.”
- Is Cheongtae your...” started the American.
- You want to ask if he is my friend, how do I know him, why did he told me all of this.” Jimmy was impatient. - But believe me, our relationship doesn’t really matter now. I trust him enough to know that the story is true in every detail. Let me tell it to you exactly how I’ve heard it from him. I will use English, since you don’t know Korean. Some nuances could be lost, please forgive me for my simple language.
This is how, according to Jimmy, Cheongtae recounted his pleasurable encounter with Karina to him.
- I was already a bit stressed when riding in her elevator. You know where she lives now, she moved in those apartments on the north river side, with the private park at the center of the towers... Her manager had texted me a couple of hours before. It was urgent, he said. Karina was supposed to make a comeback in three weeks. We already had multiple sessions scheduled at the saloon, for her and the other members. But they needed me to come at her place, right now, for a quick check-up.
Karina has a big mouth. She is not vulgar or anything, just a bit exigent. She knows what she wants. When I worked for her she kept pestering me endlessly, talking about how she had this idea for a detail of the hair style while on vacation, how she wasn’t sure if it was something I was used to do... All while I waited with scissors in hand. Once I started cutting she calmed down. She reminded me of one of those dogs that bark and fight until you finally put them on a leash. Then they behave.
That’s why I was a bit stressed on the elevator. Hair is serious in Kpop. It’s part of the reason why I like to work for idols. But if they needed me to go directly to her place it meant that the stakes were even higher. I was expecting a big meeting of some sort, probably requested by Karina herself. When I finally put my foot into the entrance I was surprised. I couldn’t hear anyone, just the calm sound of the end of an afternoon. Karina was alone.
She greets me firmly. - Oppa, finally. Come in. You really like to make women wait.” Oppa? I think. She knows I am married. Damn she is annoying. - Palli palli (- It means fast in Korean, added Jimmy: - Please learn this.), why are you moving in slow motion?” She wants to chit chat. And I am already out of it. Still, for the sake of business, I try to get into her mood: - You surely seem ready to go to a party.” She doesn’t like it. - A party? Dressed like this?” I look at her clothes, a pair of the most fluffy cargo pants, gray, and an expensive crop top, black. Nothing on her feet. She keeps going: - Please, please, please. Don’t stand there! I told you to come in.” I advance in the living room. I had never seen Karina outside of my shop, but still I had knew her for some time, I had no much interest. My focus shifted naturally on the style of the space. The living room is the only thing you can see when entering, you discover it in one striking blow. There are two, huge, sofas, that almost form a U shape. Light blue as the main color, very modern style. The floor takes a downward step to get to the sofas, it’s sophisticated. After this area you get to the windows, then a veranda. You could say that interior design is one my passions, but I see you don’t care so let’s keep going.
- Do you... like it?” Asks me Karina. - Sure, I like it. It’s good quality.” I don’t get to the veranda. I stop at the couches and turn to myself, an equally impressive open kitchen stands behind, hidden from the entrance. All the other rooms are out of sight, you get to them through corridors. By looking around I finally realize that something is missing. I can’t see Karina’s manager anywhere. I was already surprised of not seeing the whole team here, but the manager, I thought, was a given, since he was the one who wrote to me. - Where is your manager?” I ask.
- Oh, him. My manager...” Her tone floats. Her head is all over the place, I think. - He is not here.
- But how... I mean, he wrote to me, I thought it would be here. But he doesn’t have to, now that I think of it.
- Actually “I” wrote to you. I met him this morning, to discuss things, he forgot his phone here. It’s his working phone. I am going to give it back to him tomorrow.
- You wrote like if it was him. And you have my number. Why didn’t you write to me from your phone?
- I don’t know! How can I know? Maybe I thought it was more professional. Why are you asking me all these questions?! Can’t you see I am stressed already? If I manage to piss off Karina, I am cooked. - I am sorry.” I say. - It’s ok” she answers. - But really, you haven’t seen me in a while. Look at me. Can’t you see that I am stressed?” I look at her. She looks electric. It’s also because of the look. The crop top has that kind of fluffy texture that could come directly from the body of an electrical galactic sheep. I kind of like it, it is hot. Good choice on her. Not that I would expect any less, from one of the constantly ranking top 5 idols in popularity.
- What are you looking at?” She asks. - Your crop top. - Anything else?” And then I notice it. I could have done sooner, but I didn’t. Her breast had taken some sizes. Only her breast, not the rest of her body or her face. Two sizes, at least.
I nod to myself. What a reaction to have. Anyway.
- Exactly. That’s why I am stressed. Sit with me. I really need you today.
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arachine · 1 year
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cross-court . . . (๑>◡๑)
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synopsis :: after a long day of patrolling, bakugou wants nothing more than to unwind by taking his furry companion on a stroll near the park. what he doesn’t expect, though, is to run into you. genre :: mature warnings :: smut (18+), characters are in their mid-twenties, phone sex, bakugo is lowkey a creep, maybe just a tiny bit of a loser, mentions of alcohol word count:: 3.7 k note:: this is a really old fic that i edited a bit. couldn’t be asked to edit it further! just wanted to get smth out >_<
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The soreness in his bones is definitive proof of a hard day's work. He’d been summoned earlier that afternoon to patrol the perimeter of Kyushu (well, he was asked to pick up a shift for Kirishima and felt obligated to comply), and hadn’t caught a break since. Bakugou expected this much, though. The days and nights were growing warmer, which could only mean that there’d be a significant increase in crime—to his disdain. 
Although he spent most of the day chasing down criminals, there was currently only one thing occupying his mind. And if he could successfully (and quickly) get to his apartment without any obstacles, then he’d have a little more time to see…you. 
He’s not exactly sure when he first noticed you. It’s something that he tries to recall often, but he only ever comes up short, ultimately guessing that you were always there in the background on the days he wasn’t paying attention. The earliest memory of you—and the only one he can vividly remember—is sometime last spring. There you were at the community tennis court, with your racket in hand, dashing gracefully across the cement and skillfully obstructing your opponent’s strokes. 
If it were any other day, sure, he might’ve paid you no mind, but the way your eyes gleamed with determination—like you were certain that you’d win—is what made his stare linger a little longer. Your force on the court was fierce, and care-free, and all encompassing, and if he had a say, he’d say that you were in your own little bubble. So, that’s what he associates you with now. Spring. The season that brought warmth, and clear skies, and cool breezes, and cherry blossoms. 
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The elevator ride up to his apartment is short, just as short as the conversation he had with the pro hero who happened to enter the elevator with him. He responds to their attempts at small talk with half-hearted grunts, and sometimes he says nothing at all. Honestly, he doesn’t know why people even bother. Soon, the elevator arrives on his floor with a ding, and he exits without saying a word. 
“Yeah I—oh! Have a good day, Dynamite. Nice tal-” T he elevator shuts before they can finish their sentence. 
As soon as he jiggles his keys in front of the door, his ears pick up the familiar sound of heavy paws and excited barks that belong to his furry companion. Instantly, he’s greeted with slobbery kisses and licks. 
“Alright already…y’damn mutt,” Bakugou hisses, pretending to hate the affection, “quit actin’ like I haven't seen ya in days.” After a minute or two of playing around, he kisses his teeth to call the dog over to where he stands with its collar and leash. 
“Where are we going? Are we going on a walk, girl?” he smoothes a hand over her coat after adjusting the collar around her neck, “we gonna see that pretty girl? Hm, Nala? Yeah we fucking are. Let’s go.” 
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He takes this route often just to see you. It’s pathetic, really, and it’s also embarrassingly far from his apartment complex. Makes him feel like one of those creeps who frequent the park to get a glimpse at you—which was what he was kinda already doing—albeit, he liked to persuade himself into thinking his intentions were of pure heart. 
At first, he told himself that he just liked watching you because you were good. You were strong, and fast—quick on your toes and quick with your words. Sometimes, he’d pick up on the shit talking between you and your opponents, and he’d laugh. All low and hearty, nodding his head like he was on the receiving end of the jab. But then he realized one day how odd he must’ve appeared to passerbyers like himself who probably witnessed him laughing along. 
You reminded him of himself, though. And as much as he tried to tell himself that this—or whatever this really was— was just pure and unadulterated admiration, he knew it was just bullshit. Because now he wasn’t just noticing things like your strength, and your quick-wittedness, and your drive for triumph. No, he was starting to take interest in other things—other thoughts. Thoughts that were beginning to sound a whole lot like: ‘I wonder what color panties she’s wearing’ and a lot less like ‘she’s so cool’. 
Soon, every thought at the forefront of his mind was becoming sullied with fantasies of you. He was gradually becoming hyper-aware of the fact that you had a body. And yes, you had arms, and hands, and legs, and feet, and skin—in the way that everyone does—but he was starting to notice something. Your figure.
The cords of muscle in your calves (sinewy and taut, in the way that only muscles can be), your neck, the sleekness of it—a precursor to your chest, and your torso, and your ass. God, your damned ass, and your damned, stupid fucking tennis skirts. It drove him crazy. Seeing you frolick all around the court, in those little skirts that did fuck all at keeping you covered. 
And as much as he wanted to pretend that seeing a flash of your cute little panties for a modicum of a second was the biggest of his concerns…He can’t. Because regardless of his faux disdain for your prancing around in tight clothes, it’s what keeps bringing him back. And he’d keep coming back. Again, and again, and again, and…again, until he worked up the nerve to say something. 
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Today he finds that nerve quickly. Not intentionally, unfortunately, but by force. Because today? Today the odds were working in his favor. Today his dog’s dumbass ball happened to roll a little too far in your court. Far enough for it to roll all the way under the gate and to your feet, presenting itself like a silver platter.
Fucking great, he thinks. He wasn’t prepared in the slightest to talk to you, at least not today. But today wasn’t just a day; today was the worst of days, and shit was hitting the fan fare more than he would’ve liked. He’s pulled from his reverie when Nala gets the bright idea to run after the ball, and before he notices, she’s already up and tackling you over. 
So much for first impressions. He’d damn her straight to hell if he could (he wouldn’t), but then he figures he ought to thank his furry companion for piquing your interest because instead of freaking out (like a normal person would after being tackled by an unaccompanied dog), you receive her with open arms. All pets and giggles, praises and kisses. Nice, Nala. 
Now he’s standing there awkwardly, making that one ultra-specific face that owners make when their pets get loose and they don’t know whether to run pathetically after them or let them wreak havoc. Yeah, that one. All he can muster is a slanted smile and a wave of his hand, though from this far, he supposes he just looks weird. 
In a last-ditch attempt, he tries to lure Nala back to where he stands, but to no avail. She’s enamored with you. Giving you paws and kisses, exposing her tummy to you, wagging her tail–but most importantly she’s ignoring him! Maybe he would damn her to hell. 
“Phwt, Nala,” he whistles, rather badly, “stop ignoring me y’damned traitor. I’m your owner. You’re supposed to listen to me…” The last bit comes out in a whisper reserved for himself, but he guesses he wasn’t as quiet as he thought he was, because now you’re making eye contact and rising from your haunches. 
Fuck, you were coming. 
You jog over to where he stands stupidly in his tracks, yelling a loud, “hey, is this your dog?” from across the court. When you get within his proximity, he thinks you’re stretching your hand out to greet him (to which he offers his own), but your limb strategically misses his, and he freezes as he watches you drop the ball in his hand. The blond feels stupid, but he quickly fixes his composure, forcing a stiff smile on his face, trying not to gag at the amount of slobber on his hand. 
“Sorry about that, I get a little carried away whenever a dog’s around” you confess, looking down amicably at the furry giant. Bakugou shakes his head in response, mumbling a cool ‘it’s fine’ under his breath. You’re the first to initiate small talk—a pleasantry he finds vexing—but he finds himself hyper-fixating a little too hard on your lips that are spewing words of triviality. Every now and then, he remembers to nod his head, and then he subconsciously tells you his name when the question arises. 
His irises shift from your plump lips, to the dip in your collarbone, and then finally, they settle on the dew droplets of sweat that trickle down your chest. The pro hero notices that he hasn’t heard a damn thing you’ve said for the entire duration of this conversation. But now you’re looking at him, and your lips aren’t moving, and fuck, you were definitely waiting for a response. 
“Do you wanna fuck?” 
It takes him a second to register you’ve said something, and then it takes him another second to register if what he heard was truly what you’d said. 
“I'm sorry, what?” he queries, wrapping the leash around his hand once, then twice. 
“I asked if you wanted to exchange numbers?” you smile innocently, holding your phone out. 
“I've seen you and this pretty girl,” you start, bending down to pet the excited pup, “walking around for a while, and I figured…I don’t know—that I could play around with her some time. you know, if that’s alright with you…” 
Oh, so he must’ve heard you wrong the first time, he thinks. Looking down at his pup, the two make eye contact briefly before the furry companion barks in approval, wagging its tail eagerly. 
“Yeah, sure,” he nods and gestures for you to hand over your phone. After he punches his digits into your phone, you’re quick to exchange your phone for his, undergoing the same process of punching in little numbers.
When the two of you part ways, he opens his phone again to look at your contact. A small chuckle leaves his lips once he sees the name you saved your number under.
“Tennis girl,” he whispers to himself. 
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The door to his apartment swings open swiftly, and he unclasps the leash around the dog’s neck before meandering over to the fridge to grab a beer. The first sip is pure elation. He doesn't drink everyday, but he likes to keep a case of this liquid-gold relief at his disposable. 
Before he can indulge in another sip, his phone buzzes with a notification. Nobody usually has the balls to bother him after his shifts, but he doesn’t think much of it. Not until it buzzes for a second time, then a third, and now he’s agitated enough to rest his drink on the counter. 
“Fuckin’ hell,” he seethes, clobbering over to his room where he threw his phone. The screen flashes brightly from across the room and then fades to black. “Who the fuc—“
He taps the screen to see one message, two image attachments, and a voice memo, all from you. Skeptically, he opens his phone and clicks on your contact to see the messages. The first message says ‘figured you might like these’ and then his vermillion eyes flicker over to the two pictures. 
One is angled low enough to show the bottom of your ass, and the other is of you bent over with your hand pushing your panties to the side, cunt front and center, and dripping. Your face isn’t in either, but he knows it’s you because of that damned skirt. 
The longer he stares at the pictures, the more his face riddles with confusion, and the more his sweats become impossibly uncomfortable to be in. Then he remembers the voice memo. There's a brief silence before a familiar voice begins to speak. It's low and breathy.
“You know—shit—you’re so fucking clueless. I've s-seen you ogling me for months, and t-today I caught you staring at my chest,” he’s almost certain he can see you playing with your pussy with the lewd sounds that are coming through his phone. 
“I asked if you w-wanted to fuck, but you were—fuck—were too caught up in being a p-pervert. Guess you missed your chance...”
The voice note ends there. He utters a few proclivities into the air, sighing frustratedly as he falls back into the marshmallowy plush comforter of his bed. The tightness in his pants is annoying, really fucking annoying, but the dull ache in his cock is much more convincing than the small voice in his head. 
Fumbling to untie the drawstrings, he quickly pulls his sweats, along with his boxers, down to rest at the apex of his thighs. His cock is heavy against his abdomen, the mushroomy head burning scarlet and dripping with silk. God, he hated how easily he had fallen victim to your trickery. He was observant, and quick-witted, and could generally tell when a chick wanted to sleep with him. 
But this? He’d never expected this. Or whatever this really was. He'd watched you from afar all these months, overheard your many idle conversations with friends as you tied your tennis shoes on the bench, and he often caught glimpses of the smile that graced your face whenever you scored a point. You were innocent, then. at least, that’s the conclusion he came to after clandestinely peering into fleeting moments of your life—but now he figures that’s what you wanted him to see, allowed him to see. 
Bakugou's heart begins to thump a little faster with each firm tug to his length, the fixed lub-dub murmur of the organ now something completely unrecognizable. Just as he’s about to shut his eyes, he sees a flash of white from his peripheral view. It’s another text from you. 
tennis girl: left me on read :(
tennis girl: you touching yourself rn?
The boy huffs out a breath and throws his head back, continuing his ruthless ministrations on his aching cock. His ears perk up to the sound of yet another notification. 
tennis girl: want some help ;) 
“The fuck?” His eyes narrow into slits as he reads the message, but he’s too concerned with finishing to respond. When he thinks you’ve finally given up, you once again, prove him wrong. Instead of a few intermittent buzzes, his phone now rings irksomely. You’re requesting a facetime call. He stares at his reflection on the phone, uncertain if he should indulge you or finish without your ‘help’, as you put it, but impulsively picks it up. 
The camera is already flipped once the call goes through. You’re sitting on your bed with your legs spread, and a dildo nestled in your cunt. He hears the creak of the bed as your body thrashes and contorts from pleasure, and he hears the pretty moans that spill from your mouth. Of course, you’re the first to break the silence. 
“‘M so wet ‘cause of you,” your voice is sultry and sweet, “couldn’t wait to get home ’n touch myself…wanna touch you so bad.”
“Yeah?” he asks, you can’t really see him in the dimness of his room, but you know there’s mischief laced in his voice. “Y’wanna touch me? What would you do?” Bakugou squeezes his girth just before bringing a cupped hand to his mouth to spit. 
“Go on, tell me, and then I'll tell y’what I've been dying to do to you for months,” he flips the camera, smoothing the warm spit down his length. 
“Been thinkin’ about taking you to my apartment since i first saw you,” you bring the dildo out momentarily, “and you fucking me like this,” you slam the silicone back into your cunt. The dildo wasn’t nearly as big as he was, but the sight of it disappearing in and out of you made his dick jump pathetically. 
“That all, princess?” he mocks, like he’s unimpressed by your reply. You vehemently shake your head but realize he can’t see your face, so you open your mouth again to speak.
“No…I think a lot about sucking you off too,” you confess, “and how bad I want you to finish down my throat.” 
“So this whole time you’ve been thinking about me like this? What a dirty little slut,” he breathes, a light chuckle leaving his wet, bitten lips.
“Guess it’s my turn now, huh?” Your eyes flutter closed so that you can hone in on his words. 
“For starters,” he says matter-of-factly, “you might wanna get a bigger dildo, ‘cause my dick’s a lot bigger than that.”
“Really?” you pull the dildo out of your cunt and opt to use your fingers instead, resting the cold pads on the swell of your clit. Slowly, you circle the flesh, a few whimpers emitting from your throat. 
“Yeah, it’d—shit—stretch you out b-better too,” his breathing quickens as he begins to reach his peak. “Been wantin’ to dump my load in that pretty little cunt for a minute.” 
“What else?” there’s curiosity nestled under your tongue. You wanna say more to coax him on but find it rather difficult to form a coherent thought. 
“‘Bout your thighs wrapped ‘round my head, and stuffing you full of my fingers,” Bakugou’s calloused  grip is tighter now, sloppier. You assume from his occasional grunts and curses that he’s close to finishing, and judging by your intermittent pants, he comes to the conclusion that you are too. 
With determination, you continue your brutal ministrations on your clit, the nub wholly numb and engorged beneath your fingertips. For a second, you almost forget about the man’s presence, utterly too focused on reaching your own climax, not even paying mind to the fact that your eyes had been glued shut. The sound of slick skin, rubbing against slick skin, reverberates through your phone’s speaker. You’d like to imagine the expressions he’d make if he were here with you now. Would they be soft? Hard? Plain? Or would they be an amalgamation of each. Your imagination doesn’t get the chance to wander too far, because soon, he flips the camera towards his face, almost as if he’d heard your inner monologue. 
The light in his room is still dim, save for the bits of the sun peaking through the blinds that aid in exposing half of his face. Most of his features are subdued by the darkness—all but his eyes (and his flushed cheeks)—which seem to hold so much expression in them. Even with just half of his face on display, he still looks pretty. You attempt to see if you can make out any of the rest of his features, but to no avail. 
“Turn your camera around, wanna see your face,” it comes out more like a demand than a plea. You do as he says and flip your camera. When his eyes find your own, he sits up against his headboard, the second half of his face now uncovered. Seeing all of his features work harmoniously to make a lewd expression was enough to tip you over the edge, and it wasn’t helping that his open-mouthed pants were growing more and more provocative. 
“S-So close, ‘m gonna come!” 
“Fuck, go ahead, baby,” he weakly ruts into his fist, “Show me the face you make when you come.” 
You feel the knot in your lower abdomen begin to wind tighter and tighter, the pressure on your bladder becoming almost unbearable. Your flicking and circling never falter, that is, until you press down on the spot where your bladder resides beneath, and feel an abundance of pleasure wash over you like an unruly tide. The essence that drips from your core stands out starkly against the dark linen of your bed. 
Bakugou watches intently as you whimper and pant through the screen, your chest rising and falling like rose petals in the wind. Your tired, sultry eyes alone are more than enough to make him finish, but then you flip the camera to show your bed and now he’s really close. 
“Look at the mess, you did this.”
“God, you’re so f-fucking dirty,” he grits through bared teeth, “Show me your pretty pussy, yeah?” 
Once his vermillion eyes meet your cunt, dripping and convulsing, he reaches his peak. The boy releases a strangled moan, falling tirelessly onto his back as his cock streams liquid hot white onto the expanse of  his stomach. He uses whatever energy he has left to fist the appendage a few more times, groaning into his neck once he sees the globs of cum coating his knuckles. 
The gentle breeze sneaking in through the window aids in cooling down his hot skin. From the window he can see cherry blossoms dancing in the air; his heart slows as he witnesses a single petal stick to his window. Bakugou is brought back to reality upon hearing your voice. 
“Hope this isn’t the last time,” your face is softer in the afternoon glow, “don’t think I’ve ever come this hard.” There’s some lingering hope hidden in the obsidian of your eyes. He can’t help but to laugh, of course this wouldn’t be the last time. Not after he’d been dreaming of this for months.
“You won’t hafta hope for nothin’, princess. Next time you’ll be gettin’ the real thing.” 
The call ends promptly, and as soon as it does, you get a text. 
Bakugou: Free next Friday night at 8. Come to this address.
Bakugou: xxxxx xxxxx Apt.
Your lips upturn into a mischievous smile. He has no idea…
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© arachine 2023
1K notes · View notes
beababoobies · 8 months
Hi, I hope today’s going good for you! :))
Can you do a Vox x bunny-themed sinner where they belong to Valentino but Vox finds out accidentally that they didn’t want to be owned by Val, they just wanted to get closer to Vox and went about it the wrong way?
Thank you :33
This is such an interesting request! For sure. The logistics of this one had me puzzled but here we are, I suppose. Y’all love this flat screen TV, huh? :,)  WARNING I WAS SO SAD WHEN I WROTE THIS THIS IS SO ANGSTY IM SORRY FORGIVE ME
Rabbit’s Foot
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words : 1k. Strong warnings FOR, sexual assault mentions, sexual exploitation, loss of self, the basic Val stuff.
You hadn’t meant for it to turn out this way. You had just wanted to get closer to him - just be around him. But the moment you tried to apply for Vtech, you were rushed into a job offer from Valentino. Completely oblivious to what you were actually signing up for, you took his blood red pen and signed your name.
You thought you would be signing up for a tech job. It’s the Vees, you couldn’t have been signing up for something that horrific. But you were wrong. You went home in tears that day. And you’ve been going home in tears ever since, being used and abused for your bunny-like physical manifestation. Bunnies sell, darling. Val told you, watching you cry at his feet. Be a good bunny and hop back to set. He blew another cloud of pink smoke in your face. 
And so you did, only to find the reason you were in this mess standing by Val, once you looked back, eyes on you as he talked to him. Your nose twitched as you gripped your arm tightly, scared but intrigued of what might happen next. Was Vox planning to sell you out? We’re you going to be forced to be here every second you breathed? You wanted to run, but the studio light felt heavy shining down on you.
Then, without warning, Vox approached you. You swallowed your courage and self worth as he stood towering you, feeling your bottom lip tremble as he smiled down at you, tilting his head. He looked back at Val before nodding, Val offering you a wink in return. You wanted to get closer to him, yes. But this wasn’t - this wasn’t what you wanted. 
“Come with me, missy.” Vox purred, turning around on his heels as you followed him nervously, up an elevator, through a couple hallways, and up one more elevator through a shiny pair of doors without saying a word. This wasn’t what you wanted. You couldn’t - 
“Sorry to interrupt you. You just looked unbelievably anxious and I know Val wouldn’t give you a break, so i, uh…” he mumbled nervously as you stood, complacent and scared out of your mind, tilting your head curiously at him “.. wanted to relieve you of your post for a couple of minutes, so to speak.” He said with a nervous smile, watching you visibly relax a bit, a sigh of relief leaving your mouth as you fell to your knees on his cold metal floors, breathing heavily. You had just realized you hadn’t taken a breath in minutes.
“Oh dear..” he mumbled, crouching down next to you, not daring to put a hand on your shoulder incase you couldn’t handle touch at the moment, watching you hyperventilate. This wasn’t at all how you wanted to introduce yourself to Vox, this was the last thing you wanted him to see you as. Pathetic, in need of saving. You wanted him to see how strong and vicious you were before Val had taken away every last bit of person you were.
“I’m sorry..” you mumbled out quietly, tears falling down your face as you looked up at him, wanting to explain everything. Knowing that he couldn’t get you off the leash you had tied yourself so tightly to. Bunnies make me money, sweetheart. Val insisted. So Bunnies are not going to just hop away from me. 
“I’m sorry, you.. I - you’re so sweet. I didn’t want you to see me like this.” You sniffle and hiccup between words, choking on your own spit, hands gripping the metal floor as you tried to ground yourself, watching him look at you with nothing but pity and sympathy. Like a kicked dog he couldn’t rescue.
“Did this for you, you- you know?” You start explaining, closing your eyes to focus as you spoke, hearing the hitch in his voice as he tries to find something to respond with. “Thought you’d notice me. Could be closer to you.” You mumbled out, pulling your hands onto your thighs, sitting up straighter to try and look more presentable for him.
“I used to have more to offer you than.. what Val sells me out for.” You mumble, watching him pierce his lips together, eyes falling to the floor, almost scared to meet yours. “Could’ve been a great mind. ‘Stead of a used body.” You mumble out, feeling him out his hand to your chin, tilting your face up to look at him, heart breaking at the tears rolling down your cheeks.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t save you, Bunny.” He mumbles out, not knowing what to say as he stands up, offering you his hand. You take it with your shaky one, letting him help you up and lead you to the couch where you sat, one leg bouncing anxiously. He starting calling Val, and you were scared. You didn’t want to go back. 
“Hey Val?” He mumbles softly into his watch, observing the way you sat there obediently, staring at the floor, trying to do anything but make eye contact. “What do you need, darling? Bunny over there causing you some trouble, hmm?” He joked, and you watched out of the corner of your eye as Voxs face scrunched up for a second, before exhaling strongly, keeping his classic broadcaster voice up.
“Quite the opposite, actually. I’d like to keep her for the day.” Vox mumbled back, putting on a fake smile as he watched your eyes dart to all corners of his floor anxiously. “Oh, for you sweet? Anything. She doesn’t even have any.. interesting shoots lined up at the moment. Do you can have her for today.” He said back, boredom obvious in his voice. You weren’t his top seller anyways. Vox finding you entertaining was good news anyways. “Okay, thanks Val.” Vox replied, before promptly hanging up, coming to sit next to you on the couch. Watching as you flinched for a second.
“So, What’s your name?” He said with an awkward smile. You felt yourself smile for the first time in ages, bursting out into a small fit of giggles. Real laughs. Like you hadn’t felt in months. Like you didn’t know you still could do.  
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ultralightpoe · 7 months
Question? - Bucky Barnes
Authors Note : I always thought this one was unfinished so I never posted it but it's gotta be released from the drafts so here it is folks.
Word Count: 5800
Warnings: mentions of murder
Requests: OPEN
Main Master list - - Midnights Event List
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(Thank you for the gif @falcvns )
x Enjoy! x
I remember
Therapists were no help to your situation, this much you were sure. 
They tried, they really did. But there was no answer to your grief. Your family were good people and there was no doubt in you that that’s what got them killed. But you were supposed to meet the same fate as them, the only thing that went wrong was the fact that you managed to escape after watching the Winter Soldier slaughter them. 
He had a moment of hesitation, one moment of pure eye contact as his hand inched for the knife that had been meant for you, and you had bolted. 
And though the therapist tried to help you with the trauma, but there was no understanding. You watched your entire family get slaughtered, and then years later their killer would be renamed a fucking hero. 
You were cursed with the memory of it all, scarred for life. 
And the rest of the world was not. 
It was your burden to bear. 
Good girl, sad boy
Big city, wrong choices
We had one thing going on
I swear that it was something
'Cause I don't remember who I was before you
Painted all my nights
He spots you the day he moves in, carrying a simple duffle bag as he tries to hide in the back of the elevator. Sam had helped him move what little belongings he had earlier in the day, and tried his best to talk to him about what little things he had in the first place.
But Bucky didn’t listen, or tried not to. Truth was he was trying his best to add more to the collection, but it was hard. There was some stuff he couldn’t shake. And there was some stuff that Sam didn’t understand, the way people looked at him. 
It was a 50/50 most of the time. Sometimes they smiled and were excited once they recognized him. Sometimes, like his last landlord, they freak out and get rid of him as fast as they can. 
His last landlord broke his lease, as fast as he could, and Bucky struggled to find another apartment. Sam and Sarah helped him, and since the landlord was breaking the lease Bucky was able to get his rent and security deposit back. Not that it mattered since he was getting paid from the government anyways. 
The elevator was beginning to fill up, an older lady with a dog on a tiny leash followed by a younger kid with his mom. He pushes himself further back into the corner, trying not to make eye contact with the mom not wanting to scare her. An older man limps in, says something flirty to the older woman before leaning against the wall. Some kid with a ragged beard wearing a colorful hoodie comes in, his eyes red and glazed, music blasting in his headphones as he nods to everyone before turning to the front. He smells of skunk as Sam would say and Bucky has to hold his breath to stop from inhaling it. His heightened senses forming a headache quickly. 
But then there was you walking in. 
Unlike the others he watches as your eyes mark everyone, then mark all exits and safety paths in sight before entering the elevator. He watches as you cross your arms, moving to press your floor before stopping and seeing it had already been pressed. 
You must know everyone in the elevator already because when the doors start closing your head snaps to take one more look, and he watches as you spot him. He immediately casts his eyes down, keeping his hands in his pockets which makes it hard to watch your reaction. But he hears you inhale before turning back to the front. 
He lifts his eyes then, only to see that you were watching him from the reflection of the doors. Clever. 
There was something familiar, what was it about you that rung through his mind. 
His heart speeding up as his eyes narrowed, through the distorted reflection he tries to recognize you. It’s right there, right there right there. If he could see your actual face then he can- 
You whirl, eyes wide and your face flushed as if you just saw a ghost right as the doors open on the third floor. It wasn’t the right floor but within a flash you are running, sprinting from the elevator and dashing for the staircase. 
He can do nothing but watch, while the others all turn to each other with odd expressions while Bucky blinks. 
It’s clear then, it wasn’t Bucky that knew you. It was the Winter Soldier. 
A color I've searched for since
But one thing after another
Lost in situations, circumstances
Miscommunications and I
Have to say
By the way
I just may like some explanations
It wasn’t him, it couldn’t be. It was just your imagination. 
The view from the elevator was distorted, and you couldn’t actually see him but the second he narrowed those eyes, you saw him. Him that stormy night, the small step and the way his hand reached for his knife, the notch in his brow before you bolted. 
You tore through the streets, hearing people yell as you bumped into them. Your breath was wasted and your body tight as you ran and ran and ran. 
The only reason you stop is because a loud honking sounds out and a hand is snatching you back with a yell right before you get plowed by a red car driving faster than light. 
“ARE YOU CRAZY LADY?!” Someone screeches, pulling your attention to the face yelling into yours. “You nearly got killed, stupid!”
“S-sorry.” You manage to mumble out, trying to figure out where you ran to. “Where am I?”
“Jesus christ, someone call 911!” He snaps, keeping a hand on your shoulder as people crowd around. “How many fingers am I holding up?”
You couldn’t concentrate, you could barely see. The Winter Soldier was back, and he was coming for you. 
You were in trouble. 
Can I ask you a question?
Did you ever have someone kiss you in a crowded room
And every single one of your friends was
Making fun of you
But 15 seconds later they were clapping too?
Then what did you do?
“You’re being crazy.” Someone laughs, drawing Bucky’s attention from where he sat on the couch. It had been a week since he moved in and he was still on edge with the new surroundings, every sound drew his attention. The windows were still bordered up and he made sure no one could get in. 
The tv, though it was on, was kept on silent so he could keep an ear out which is what he was doing right now when he heard it. 
“I’m not being crazy.” Another voice, one thrilling enough to make his heart speed up, sounds out with a clipped tone. Defensive and hurt. “You didn’t have to walk me up, okay?”
“Oh come on. Please don’t be mad at me-”
“I’m not mad. I get it. I can’t sleep on your couch forever.” The clipped angelic voice sounds out once more. “I just….. I could have sworn that…. I’m fine.”
The sound of a door swinging open follows before both of the voices head inside and he finds himself heading closer to the door in an attempt to hear them. It’s not like he has to try hard with the super hearing, their voices catching quickly. 
“I just think you need to keep going to therapy. I know you said-”
“I am still going to therapy, okay? The only reason I called you is because the hospital wouldn’t let me be released without someone.” The voice snaps back. “Can you just go? I already feel embarrassed. So just go.”
The door opens quickly after that and Bucky finds himself peering out the peephole of his door as you lean against the door watching the other person storm off as you stay there. Once your friend is out of sight he watches as your eyes trace over all the doors in the hall, calculating and nervous, before they land on his door and you watch for a moment. 
He doesn’t know what pulls him to do it but he opens the door, pretending to be looking as if he heard a sound. 
“You hear something?” He asks, still pretending to look. He hears you inhale sharply and finally he looks up to see your eyes on his arm, tears welling up as you freeze there. “I…. um.”
What could he say? What could he say to someone he had obviously wronged but doesn’t remember it? How could he make it better?
“I’m sorry.” Good way to start. “Whatever happened I am sorry. But it’s important to know that I…. I have been cleared of-”
That snaps you out of the daze as you push back into your apartment and slam the door quickly. 
Did you leave her house in the middle of the night?
Did you wish you'd put up more of a fight?
When she said it was too much?
Do you wish you could still touch ...her?
It's just a question
A sound had woken you up from your dreams, pulling you from the deep sleep quickly and sending every bolt of fear through you.  There had been a loud bang, and you pulled from the princess sheets your mom had gotten you for your birthday, the face of snow white staring back at you as you leaned across Belle’s face to look out the window. 
A strike of lightning has you shrieking out, dashing from the bed in a your alien pajamas as you run across the hallway to your parents room, barging through the door to climb onto their bed and find your mother. They were normally in bed by now, but you were shocked to see that neither of them were there. 
So you jumped up at another strike of lightning, crying softly before running down the hall to see if they were in the living room where your sister often watched her cartoons. 
You didn’t think anything when you slipped in the red liquid by your brother's door, and you missed the red handprint swiped by the wall next to your sister's door. 
When you spot your moms figure on the couch you let the sobs free as you run to her side and force yourself under her arm to cuddle her. She doesn’t hug back, and this pulls another sob as you look up to see a red slash across her neck, reaching a hand up in the dim lighting to see pull at the necklace. 
Only there is no necklace and you soon realize it’s a cut across her neck, your hand coming back bloody and warm. A loud scream pulls from you as you stand up, looking around for you dad sti screaming your lungs out. 
That’s when you see him, slashing across your fathers throat quickly before turning to you, his blue eyes narrowing in on you right as you move. 
He takes one step forward, but then grunts as if in pain, like he was fighting himself as he stared at her. His hand reaches for the knife strapped to his thigh and like a bolt you dash out, the rain hitting you as you scream and run anywhere you can. 
Half-moon eyes, bad surprise
Did you realize, out of time
She was on your mind
With some meathead guy
That you saw that night
But you were on something
“Her family used to take in strays apparently, and had a safehouse filled with kids escaping Hydra. Dad was a scientist, and knew how to get all the kids out until Hydra caught them. Sent the Winter Soldier not long after.” Sam reads out as Bucky walks with him across the pads of the gym, keeping his eyes trained for the person they were here to look for. 
“Figured that much.” He sighs out, remembering the way you looked at him. “What are the chances I end up across the hall from her?” 
“Not high. Fate or something.” Sam sighs, closing the phone before he spots the figure. “What are you planning on doing?”
“I can’t lose another place to live, and I doubt she can either. If she’s scared there is a reason so I have to find a way to fix it. Which would be better if I knew what I did.” Before Sam could ask anything else they are upon their target, giving him hard eyes. 
“Captain Black America.” The man grunts, a smug smirk playing at his lips as he lifts more weights. “How ya doing?”
“Cut the crap.” Bucky snaps, clenching his fists. “We have some questions.”
It was one drink after another
Caught in politics and gender-roles
And you're not sure and I don't know
Got swept away in the gray
I just may like to have a conversation
You didn’t know what to do, you were stuck. 
Breaking the lease would screw you over, you couldn’t hide at your friends places forever and you couldn’t stay in your apartment forever.  The Winter Soldier lived across the hall from you. The man that slaughtered your family lived across from you. The only correct solution you could come to? Getting black out drunk.
Somehow you ended up in your apartment building,  blinking at the elevator buttons as you lean your head against the wall in an attempt to stabilize yourself. 
“Now what are you doing out so late missy? Work keep you again?” The voice of Mrs. Day sounds out, a small touch on your shoulder as she and another figure enter the elevator. You couldn’t concentrate on either of them. 
“I…. wenf ou…. The bwar… bwar… ber.. I went-tt to the b-” At some point you give up, eyebrows pinching together as you point to the buttons on the elevator. You miss your button, sliding down the wall. 
A hand shoots out to catch you before you hit too hard, making sure you land softly before pressing the level you needed. 
“Oh dear, back in my day girls never went to the bar.” 
“Screw you Mrs. Day.” You blurt quickly before you realize what you said and your hand slaps over your mouth. A deep chuckle sounds out as you shake your head. “No. I didn’t say that.”
“She didn’t.” Someone mumbles. “It was someone else.”
“It was someone else.” You agree. 
The elevator dings and the old woman scurries off as you close your eyes and lean against the wall. “I’m gonna sleep here.” 
“You okay?”
“I’m gonna sleep here. This is where I sleep now.” You slur out, waving your hand around with your eyes still closed as the elevator closes again and you lay back down. You actually manage to haze out a bit before a ding sounds out again and someone puts their hands under your shoulders and lifts you easily. 
“I live on the 5th- go to bed.” 
“Okay. I gotcha.” The voice huffs out a laugh, carrying you easily before they get to a familiar door. “You gotta key?” 
“Nooooo.” You giggle, opening your eyes a little wider. “It’s unlocked.”
“No, it isn’t. You sure you don’t have a key?” 
“No key. Call me if you need let in and I’ll be there, okay?” You mumble, pulling out your phone and lifting it to your ear. “I’m on my way to unlock the-”
But before you can finish your sentence a wave of nausea hits you, you lurch forward quickly and hit your forehead on the door harshly, sliding down the wall and onto the floor below. 
“Okay. Okay. Take it easy.” The deep voice hums out, and you are lifted once more before they walk across the hall and unlock their own door easily. 
You are wrapped with the deep scent of a calming earthen scent, with a bit of a licorice scent that makes you giggle out. “Licorishhhhh.”
“I’m gonna set you down on the couch, okay?” 
“I love licorice. Just so you know.” You continue before being set down, without question you curl up on the couch in a small ball. 
“There is a glass of water by you and a trash can. But the bathroom is down the hall. Okay?”
“Is it raining?”
“Yeah, just started.”
“I don’t like when it rains.” You whisper out, a blanket put over you gently before you pass out fully. 
Can I ask you a question?
Did you ever have someone kiss you in a crowded room
And every single one of your friends was
Making fun of you
But 15 seconds later they were clapping too?
Bucky was torn between hiding out in his room until he heard you wake up and run, but the other half of him wanted to keep camped out in the main window area to make sure you were okay. From the spot you had passed out on the couch it was the perfect vantage point for any sniper, even with the newspaper he had. 
So, after hours of deliberation, he ended up on the floor by the windows, facing you as he slept on the floor.  The surprise came when he himself passed out, on the floor by the windows. 
He slept without a single nightmare, the image of your drunken smile keeping him sated. 
He only wakes up when the sound of feet padding across the floor sounds out, sitting up quickly right as he hears your body crash onto the bathroom floor before you retch into the toilet. A grimace pulling at his face as he tries to zone it out before shuffling around and standing to trudge to the kitchen. 
He starts a pot of coffee, grabbing a couple eggs from the fridge and shuffling to the stove. Making as much noise as he can when you come waddling out, your head twisting around the corner with wide eyes as he turns to attempt a smile. 
Your face falls slack and you turn quickly. 
“Wait! Wait. Just take a second.” He rushes, holding out both his hands as you dash to grab something to hold over your head. “Please don’t throw that.”
“I’ll scream! If you’re here to kill me I’ll scream!” You rush out, stepping back, tripping over the blanket that he had thrown over you last night and nearly falling back. 
“I could have killed you last night and I didn-” He stops short as he realizes that is a terrible point to make. “Okay. Hold on, wait. Just- I can make you eggs and or coffee. Or both, you don’t have to choose. You can have both. Anything you want.”
“Why am I here?!”
“You.. you were drunk and didn’t have a key okay?”
“It’s under my door mat- WHY AM I TELLING YOU THAT?!” You blanch, stepping back again. “What is this thing? It’s weird.”
“It’s an old radio….. I stole it.”
“You stole it?”
“I stole it.”
“From where?” 
“The….. my exhibit at the…. It was mine so technically I didn’t steal it and just took it back. It’s fair.” He can’t fight the heat filling his body as you take a look around, mouth falling open as you finally take everything in. “My sister gave it to me for my birthday the year before…”
“My sister got me a radio once.” You mumble. “Well it was this princess cd player thing that played the soundtracks of princess movies. I wore down the mulan cd so much that my dad pretended to sit on it and break it because he couldn’t handle hearing the skip in the songs anymore.”
“Was your sister here the other day?”
“What? No.” You huff and he feels his chest loosen up a little bit when you seem to relax. “My sister is gone. My whole family is…..”
And just like that he watches your eyes harden again, your spine tensing as you glare. “So I got drunk and you brought me here.”
“And you slept in the same room?” 
“That’s where I always sleep. It’s… the best spot to hide from snipers and it’s in the corner so no one can sneak up on me.” He answers. “I wanted to make sure you didn’t choke on your puke too. Do you want eggs?”
Then what did you do?
Did you leave her house in the middle of the night?
Did you wish you put up more of a fight
When she said it was too much?
Do you wish you could still touch ...her?
It's just a question
If someone had told the seven year old you that you would be sitting across from the Winter Soldier on his dining room floor eating scrambled eggs and chugging straight coffee as you both played a round of 20 questions.  
“I’m sorry, who drinks straight coffee? No sugar or milk or- this is bad.”
“You want to waste your question on that? You sure?” He asks, leaning to pour you more coffee. 
“No! No. I…. why did you steal the radio back?”
“Because it was the last thing my sister gave me. And I just found out she died in a nursing home…. alone .” He shrugs, scratching at his forehead. “And…. it’s mine. They are displaying my stuff in a museum.”
“Must feel a little weird.” You nod. “They are actually displaying a gun you used in the smithsonian, the JFK shooting.”
“That’s not me. Well it is but….”
“Can I ask…. about…… “ You want to ask, so desperately, but you don’t want to piss him off. Not to mention that you hated when people asked you about your past. 
“I don’t really want to…. “ He mumbles. “But I think that you must have questions and I do owe you answers.”
“Do you remember everything?”
“No. Not at all. Which might sound cowardly when I say I’m thankful for that. They kept me in their trance.” He answers, moving to give you more eggs before you shake your head. “I…uhm - well when I moved in and you recognized me I searched you up. The person who… for lack of better term the person who used me for the task, well I got them arrested when I got out. He was the 4th person on my list.”
“Have….” You go to ask another question about his years as the soldier before you see the look in his eyes, the nervous energy leeching off of him. So you switch, giving him a break. “You ever been to rome?”
“No. Have you?” He asks back, a look of relief on his face. 
“No. But I always wanted to. There is this exhibit at the museum wh- shit. I gotta go.”  You realize, moving to snatch your purse. “Oh my god I have work. I’m sorry for leaving a mess. Thank you for….”
You stop short, realizing you are thanking the man that killed your family, blinking slowly as a wave of guilt washes over you. What would they say? They would be so disappointed in you. 
“I have to go.” He doesn’t say anything as you dash out. 
Does it feel like everything's just like second-best after that
Meteor strike?
And what's that, that I heard, that you're still with her
That's nice, I'm sure that's what's suitable
And right
But tonight..
The building you work in looked more like a morgue in Bucky’s humble opinion, but he tried to get that image out of his head as he walked through the front door. 
He didn’t know why he was here, but for some reason he was drawn to you, and he just wanted to be near you. The game of questions you had played this morning had been…. Fun. He learned a lot about you. He now knows your favorite color, dream vacation destination spot, your weird dreams about the titanic. 
“Good morning, do you have your badge?” The front desk asks, smiling at him. 
“Oh… uh no. Sorry.  I don’t work here.” He blushes, coming up to the desk. “My friend does.”
That was a blatant lie, he was sure you would not consider him a friend but he was gonna give it a shot. But a moment of fear passes through him that she might recognize the lie. 
“No problem. Can I see you I.D. and the name of the person you’re here to see?” She hums out and he nods, pulling out his I.D. and muttering your name. 
“Oh! You are here for her! She is the best. The only one that wishes me good morning and actually shows me her badge.” The girl gushes, moving to the phone and dialing an extension. “Hey this is Maya from the front desk. You have a visitor here… yes…. James Barnes?”
Her eyes widen for a second and she turns back to Bucky. “She doesn’t recognize the name-”
“Try Bucky Barnes.”
“Okay, Bucky Barnes.” She smiles through the phone and then nods before hanging up. “She will be down in one moment.”
“Great. Thanks.”  He attempts an easy smile even though his stomach is in waves, trying to even out his jacket as he waits for you to come down. His chest clenched in a panic as he tries to calm himself down, taking a deep breath and keeping his metal hand in his pocket so the receptionist doesn’t see it from where she is still staring at him from her desk. 
“How long have you worked here?” He asks after a moment, trying to release some of the awkward tension in the room. 
“Three years. I was a temp for the first couple months but now I am full time.” She explains, fixing her hair nervously. “So are you two dating? Because, not to be weird or anything, you two would be so cute.”
“Oh, no we just live in the same-”
“And she is just so nice. And you seem nice too so-” Before she can keep going in you appear from the elevators with wide eyes, your badge swinging from side to side as you march towards him. 
“Hi Maya.” You mumble out at the last second, shooting her a quick smile which makes the girl beam. Before she can say her reply you are turning back to him with those same wide eyes and snatching his elbow to lead him outside. 
“Are you crazy? Do you know how many pr people are in this building and will send a bunch of paps after you.” You snap, blinking up at him as he tries to come up with a decent reason as to why he is here. 
“I… okay well I figured you would need to leave for lunch so I came to get lunch with you.”
“If you forget about the fact that it involved a little bit of stalking then that would be nice.” You huff, shaking your head from side to side before shrugging. “I get to pick.”
“You know the area best.”
“I get to ask questions.”
“Sure. “ He answers, though he begins to get nervous, his mouth going dry. If you kept looking at him with those eyes he would answer anything, no matter what. 
“Awesome, starting with the big questions.” You smile, leading him down the sidewalk as he clears his throat to try and remain cool. “How long does it take you to clean the arm?”
Relief washes through him as he follows your lead down the street, smiling a bit. 
Can I ask you a question?
Did you ever have someone kiss you in a crowded room
And every single one of your friends was
Making fun of you
But fifteen seconds later they were clapping too?
You had no clue what you were doing, guilt and shame coated your every move as you walked with Bucky through the market, watching a mix of people turn to glare or smile at him. 
It was weird, weeks ago you would have been one to glare, hell you had glared at him through your tv hundreds of times. And here you were, walking beside him like you were the closest friends in the world as he searched for plums. 
Your days were spent questioning each other, all light stuff when the sun was out. If you were born in any other century what would it be? Do you think you’re more of a sunshine or moonlight person? 
Then when the sun goes down the questions turn deep. You learned about his memories as the Winter Soldier, you came clean about that night in your memories. 
You were betraying your family, by falling for this man you were betraying your family. It was the one thing that had been bothering you for the past 3 weeks. 
Like right now, when the biggest urge you were fighting was to grab his hand and hold onto it as you both moved to avoid bumping into people, your palm sweating as he sent a quick look your way to make sure you’re okay before moving to a stall that had plums. 
“Are you okay today?” He asks, feeling around for the perfect plum as you pick up the jars of honey not too far off. 
“Yeah. I’m fine.” You lie, setting the jar down and moving towards him to avoid talking to the worker, your hand catching on his lower back before you snatch it back. “How many plums do you need?”
“I. Like. Plums.” He scoffs. “Would you rather be a bee or a flower?”
“Flower, 100 percent.”
“That was….. A really quick answer.” He smiles, paying the stall worker before, leading you both away. “I would want to be a bee.”
“You would be a bitch of a bee. You would not last a day as a bee.” 
“I’m sorry?!” 
“Not a day.” You laugh, throwing the bag you had been carrying around over your shoulder as he looks a little closer at you. 
“You want to tell me what’s been bothering you?”
“You ever feel guilty… for like you family?” You blurt, eyes welling up. “Like you’re disappointing them?”
“Because you’re friends with me?” He asks, his voice tight. 
“Are we friends?” You blurt, it’s not meant to come out that way, but it’s the first time you’ve heard him reference you both as friends. But the second his face falls you realize your mistake. “Wait, I didn’t mean it like- wait.”
“It’s fine. I’ve got it.” He snaps out, keeping his eyes away from you. “I’ll see you later.”
“Wait. No. Okay just give me a chance to explain here.” You rush out, trying to stop him from walking away. “This has been a big adjustment, weeks ago I hated you. Okay? You killed my family so I’m sorry that this was-”
Someone bumps up into him from behind, and you have to take a step back to avoid hitting him, his eyes narrow at the movement as you blink at him. His lips curl as his head tilts, and he blinks. 
“I… I remember you.” He whispers, hands clenching. “You were wearing alien pajamas.”
“You remember?” 
“I…” And it was a remake of that night, you both staring at each other with his eyes narrowed and you getting ready to bolt. He looked green. 
And then he bolts, dashing from you so quickly you barely have time to blink. 
Then what did you do?
Did you leave her house in the middle of the night?
Did you wish you put up more of a fight?
When she said it was too much?
Do you wish you could still touch ...her?
It's just a question
He couldn’t breathe, something was bursting in his chest and it was painful, so fucking painful. 
He knew you, that hatred and fear in your eyes brought everything back. The night, when you were just a child and he had….. He had… He was going to pass out. 
His door slammed into the wall so hard it left a dent in the plaster before he slammed it shut again and dashed to his room to snatch his duffel. He needed to go, he needed to leave. Find somewhere else to be, anywhere away from you.  
He was a monster. 
He hears the door swing open, your footsteps following and you come into view soon after, your eyes wide as he continues packing. 
“Bucky. I’m sorry.” He breathes out, snatching a shirt before you come into view and snatching the shirt before it can hit the duffle bag. “Please, just give me a chance. Buck, I am sorry.”
“No. I’m sorry.” He grounds out, moving to grab something else. “I’m sorry.”
“Buck.” You try again, moving to grab his shoulders to stop him. 
“Don’t. Please don’t.” 
“Bucky, come on.” You snap, wrapping your arms around him to get him to stop. “Please don’t. Can we just talk about this. We can figure this out.” 
“I…. I can’t.”
“20 questions. Let’s play 20 questions.” You rush out. 
“No, let’s not. No more questions. We’re done here.” 
“No we’re not.” You snap out, wrapping your legs around his like a koala so he would stop trying to run away. “Would you rather be a tie or a bra?”
“I’m sorry?” “A bear or a tiger?”
“That is terrible. A bra, and a bear.” He huffs, trying not to look at you. 
“20 questions. You can’t leave now that we’ve started the game.” You mumble, staring up at him with wide eyes. 
“That’s the dumbest thing I have ever hear-” He stops when you lean up to press your lips to his softly, your eyes closing as his entire body tenses for a moment before completely melting into it, his hands moving to thread through your hair. 
You moan when he deepens the kiss and his heart just about stops before he tears away. “I never thought….”
“Neither did I.”
You play 20 questions every night, sitting together on your shared living room floor, with whatever show he wanted to catch up on playing in the background. 
He plays with your hair from where your head lays on his chest, humming softly. 
“Would you rather be a plum or a grape?” You whisper, fingers tracing a pattern on his pajama pants. 
“Plum.” He answers quickly, tugging your ear which makes you gasp. 
“I was so close to falling asleep.” You groan, slapping his hand away. “You are such a pain in my ass.” 
“But you love me.”
“That I do.” You hum, moving to sit up. “Your question.”
“Would you….. Will you….” He clears his throat, sitting up straight as you give him a weird look. “Will you marry me?”
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Police Dog: Bigby Wolf x Fem!Cop!Reader - Chapter 6
To say things were tense would be a horrible understatement.
The cab was silent, the driver kept his lips sealed after you had given him the address to the Woodlands as though he already knew why things were so strained. You felt like you were suffocating just sitting there in the backseat with him barely two feet to your left. He hadn’t said a single word to you, most likely afraid of what you might do- what you might say. He was nearly pressed up against the side of the door, brawny arms tucked, hands limp in his lap, eyes trained to look out of the window at the city passing by. He was almost still enough for pigeons to mistake him for a statue had it not had been for his knee bouncing ever so lightly, most likely afraid to shake the cavity of the cab and draw even more attention to himself.
That’s the last thing he needs right now.
You could see his hands, you could see those knuckles and nails. His knuckles were all scratched and busted open but shockingly sealed up to be light scabs, the bruising just made them look more worse for wear. His nails still had blood underneath, all crusty and dusty and needing a good long wash. It was odd to you, obviously never seeing a werewolf in real life before, that just maybe ten minutes ago those pale nails of his were just long black claws. The rest of his person was in nearly the same state as his knuckles, blood speckling the bottom hem, but he had solved that issue by tucking the loose ends into his dark slacks- though you could still spot a few little drops here and there just peeking over his belt. His tie was missing, his collar was completely rumpled and needed to be pressed again, and the top few buttons he kept closed were torn open to reveal his chest.
It felt wrong looking at his chest, heat pooling in your cheeks- from embarrassment or something a schoolgirl would feel, you couldn’t tell - and looked away, staring out your side of the cab’s windows.
Your mind was wandering; whether you let it or not, you knew it would round back to the same question: Are you really the right person for this? With how things just went down, does Bigby still want you around? You’re only here to “keep him on a leash” as Bluebeard had stated, but what all could you do with something like this?
Instead of numbing your mind with the thoughts of doubts, you instead picked at a loose stitch in the backseat of the cab, messing with it using your nail when you realized you too had blood under your nails. You tried to pick it out only to be jerked out of your haze when the cab driver stopped short and announced that you had arrived.
You exited first, Bigby only getting out when you were already closing the door. He kept his gaze low and fished in his pocket for his pack of cigarettes and his metal lighter. He lit it effortlessly as you both passed through the brassy gates of the Woodlands before heading inside. He grunted softly when you held the gate door open for him, busying himself on shoving both things back in his pockets, not that you minded the missing words. You thanked him back when he held the door open for you, the sheriff looking away, eyes still holding shame as he avoided looking at you.
The lobby was still the same lobby, nothing much had changed besides the doorman sleeping in a different position; Slumped over onto his desk where he had knocked down a cup of pens long ago, the mess getting all over the keyboard and floor.
Bigby walked past you and hit the call button for the elevator as you debated on picking up the mess when the chime summoned you.
The elevator ride was just as tense if not more than the cab. At least with the cab, there was a dull hum of the engine and the not so faint noises of Manhattan to fill in the void. In here, it was just the stale buzzing noise of the elevator and the clunking of old and probably rusted gears carrying this death trap up a few floors. That and Bigby’s breathing.
‘Say something,’ your mind chided.
You probably should. It’s not like it was his fault that it happened. You both were being attacked and you went down. It was two versing five, you’re human going against Fables. You couldn’t blame him. Besides, he was probably thinking some awful things right now if how he reacted to you nailing the tense vibes on the head your very first hour of being here proved anything.
“Hey Big-”
“I’m so-”
You both found yourselves staring at each other, eyes wide and mouths a little agape. The tension became a little more bearable. He seemed more apologetic, blowing smoke away from you and tapping the ashes off.
“You go ahead,” he offered.
“You can go,” you countered back.
“No, no,” Bigby shook his head a bit. “I interrupted you, I’m sorry.”
For someone who’s made out to be the villain in all of these scenarios, he was really acting like a gentleman. It made your stomach feel light.
“I was gonna ask if you’re alright.” Bigby didn’t answer, but he kept his eyes locked on yours. “I know you’re not supposed to do that, right? That’s the whole reason why I’m here; So you don’t werewolf out?”
“Yeah,” he stated begrudgingly.
“I don’t blame you, and I’m not scared of you if that’s what you’re worrying about. It was a shock to see it, yeah, you only ever see werewolves in movies or whatever, but I know why it happened.”
Bigby puffed out another cloud just as the elevator came to a stop. He had an unreadable expression as he left the elevator. You followed quickly behind him, keeping pace with him as best as you could.
“I’m not supposed to do that. Do you know how many years I’ve been like this? I shouldn’t lose control like that, especially after what happened the last time.” He stopped walking for a second, nearly startling you as you came close to colliding with his back. He turned to face you, cigarette now between his fingers as he looked down at you with eyes full of remorse. “I’m sorry you had to see me like that. And I’m sorry I dragged you into all of this.”
You shrugged your shoulders.
“I signed up for this.”
“You signed up without knowing you’re gonna be tethered to me; and I’m a goddamn walking trap for trouble.”
“I still signed up for this, I don’t plan on quitting anytime soon.”
He was taken back by that, shoulders slouching a bit. He took another drag on his cigarette before nodding behind him.
“C’mon, I don’t wanna keep Snow waiting. It’ll only make my ass reaming worse.”
He started back down the hall to where the Business Office was. You felt both a little hopeful and pretty standoffish. From what you heard about her, Snow seemed to be the only other voice of reason around here. But if she was going to reprimand Bigby for what happened, you would feel a bit bad about it all. Bigby opened the door to the office and held it open for you before he let it swing closed behind you.
Almost immediately you heard the faint clicking of heels on the polished floors.
“Bigby?” a woman called out. “Bigby is that you?”
“Yeah,” he chuffed out blankly as he took another drag of his cigarette.
You don’t think you’ll ever get tired of seeing this place. You stared around in awe once again, completely distracted by all of the magic going on. You caught sight of that green monkey Bigby mentioned, the little guy flying around with a bottle in his hands, perching himself in the rafters.
“So, how did it go?” her voice called from beyond the bookshelves. You spotted her stepping out just as Bigby walked up to what looked to be her desk. “Judging by your hands, I don’t think they gave you the answers peacefully.”
She was very beautiful. Tall and slender, it was no wonder she was a princess who started an entire industry for you humans. Her hair was as black as coal, her lips were blushed red almost like a rose, and her skin was unblemished and pale like snow. She wore a simple navy blue blazer with a matching pencil skirt with a light gray blouse underneath, and her hair was tucked back in a low bun.
“Not at all.”
“Do you mind putting out the cigarette, Bigby?” she chided like an exhausted mother. “Flycatcher just polished the floors.” She pushed forward an ashtray, manicured nails shined from the expensive-looking polish she wore. “I take it you didn’t get any good answers out of them?”
“They said they didn’t do.”
“Typical,” she rolled her eyes. She was busy going through her desk, messing around with papers and such. “Nothing of interest, I assume?”
“No. But (Y/n) tried asking questions before shit hit the fan.”
Snow stopped her rummaging and cocked a questioning brow.
“(Y/n)?” She suddenly bolted up, eyes wide as she finally looked over at you. “I’m so sorry!” she gasped as she hurried over to you. “Things have been so hectic around here, I’m so sorry I didn’t notice you.” She took your hand and shook it firmly. “Snow White, Deputy Mayor of Fabletown,” she introduced herself.
“(Y/n) (L/n), NYPD.”
A chirping noise came from her wrist and upon pushing her sleeve up, she scoffed at the expensive looking watch she wore.
“I’m sorry to cut things short, but I have to take this.” She shuffled around in a few more drawers of her desk before pulling out a thin folder. “I got a call from someone, I don’t know who, but there’s a male Fable that was causing trouble last night. I took down what I could, but they hung up pretty quick,” she handed the folder to Bigby. She looked to you again and offered to shake your hand once more, and you did. “It was great to meet you, and I’m sorry it’s been a rocky start to things. Hopefully, we can catch up soon.”
And with that, she was off, hurrying out the front door of the Business Office as fast as she could in her heels. You looked back at Bigby who was looking through the folder. You looked around a bit more, eyes wandering over to a small table by the near bookshelves when you noticed it had books opened regarding pirates and Neverland as well as some books seemingly used to keep track of the Fables around here.
You walked over, marveling at the books. The book on pirates was opened to Captain Hook, but he only had two pages to himself compared to the other pirates, and one page was nothing but an intricate drawing of him and his ship.
The book on Neverland was opened to Peter Pan’s little makeshift abode in The Hangman’s Tree when you noticed something obvious staring you right in the face.
“Hey, Bigby,” you called. He made a noise as he kept reading. “Can you come over here?”
You heard his heavy footfalls start to come closer to you as you kept your eyes pinned to the eight heads on the pages. He stopped right beside you and looked over at what you were staring at.
“What’s wrong?”
“How many lost boys are there?”
Bigby closed the folder in his hand and stayed quiet for a minute in serious thought when it suddenly dawned on him as well. He looked down at exactly who was missing, the blond kid in the fox clothing with that stupid smug grin on his face like he was already mocking you both.
“Fuck,” was all Bigby grit out. “I knew something was fucking wrong.”
“What are we gonna do?”
“I’m gonna go back to that fucking club and get some answers,” Bigby tossed the file onto the table. “Stay here, I’ll be back.”
You stopped in your tracks, eyes wide as you were taken back by his choice of words.
“Excuse me?”
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toasttt11 · 7 months
new city
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February 23, 2022
Vera looked around her california house before heading outside to the car, she had her driver load up with all of suitcases, Apollo and Aries followed right after their mom and hoped right into the car.
The car drove them to the airport and Vera headed up the plane stairs with her two dogs and sat down into one of the chairs waiting for takeoff.
Vera pulled out her laptop deciding to work for a few hours during the short flight.
Before she knew they were landing in New Jersey, She slipped on a hoodie before grabbing the leashes of her dogs and heading down the stairs of the plane smiling as she saw Nico leaning on the side of his car.
Vera quickly walked over and lunged at her brother burrowing herself into his arms, “Hi Neeks.” She sighed in relief as she felt his warm and comforting embrace.
“Hello Schwöschterli.” Nico gently kissed the top of her head and hugged his little sister tightly, “Ready to go to your new home?”
“Yeah.” Vera smiled slighty nodding, they got into the car and let the dogs into the backseat.
Nico drove them to the apartment building and helped Vera carry all her bags into the building. Vera headed to front desk to get all checked in and to get her key before heading up to the elevator.
Vera smiled and stood in front of the elevator buttons and hid the floor from Nico, Nico saw the doors opened and smiled realizing they are on the same floor.
Vera turned the the left of the elevator and walked all the way down the hallway to her new apartment, she put the keys in and opened the door smiling as she walked into the apartment, she let Apollo and Aries off their leashes letting them run around the apartment.
“You’re close to mine.” Nico noted as his apartment is to the right of the elevator.
“I know.” Vera smiled liking she is close to her brother but still gets her own space.
Nico started helping Vera unpack all of her suitcases and they order take out for dinner.
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Hi can I request ❛ what, am i not allowed to look at you? ❜ with coyote from the soft and sweet sentence starters? Thanks 😊
Training Accident
Summary: You get a call from Jake while you're on a walk informing you that your boyfriend Javy got into a training accident at work. This is also going to be added to my "You and Javy and his friend Jake series" I just can't seem to write anything about Javy without adding Jake bromance into it. oops. This can of course be read as a stand alone though.
Pairing: Javy "Coyote" Machado x afab!Reader
Warnings: Angst, ejection, anxiety, death, hospitals and swearing. I'm always worried that I'm forgetting something in these so please reach out and tell me if I am.
Word count:1498
Masterlist M's Hundred Celly Masterlist Series Masterlist
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The call had come in while you were walking your dogs. You had an airpod in your ear listening to a true crime podcast. The story was just getting to the darkest part when it paused. You pulled your phone out of your pocket seeing your boyfriend's best friend's name come across the screen. Nausea ripped through you as you answered it. 
“Jake?” the name came out in a whisper, you’d be surprised if he’d even heard you. Jake had called you many times before but never in the middle of a work day. Your dogs sat at your feet looking at you worriedly. Sensing something was wrong by your change in body language.
“He’s alright gorgeous, just got hurt in a training exercise. They want to keep him overnight for observation. Just wanted to call and ask if you wanted to come down and see him. He hasn’t stopped talking about you and I’m getting sick of looking at his ugly mug.” relief flooded your body as the words settled into your brain. You could hear your boyfriend somewhere in the background protesting his friend's words of insult. You shook your head at their antics. 
“I’ve got to take the dogs to the house and I’ll be on my way.” you told the blonde on the other end of the phone. You punctuated the sentence by giving your dogs a silent command to heel as you started walking again. They both came to their respective sides and followed you along. You would have to thank Jake for the double leash belt he had gotten for you for Christmas. It really came in handy as you tried to get ahold of Javy’s mother on the walk home. 
“Alright gorgeous, I’ll send you the location. See you soon.” He said reassuringly. You practically ran back to the house you and Javy had bought a year into dating each other. You threw a quick bag together making sure the dogs had food and water before you were heading out. 
“I’m here for Javy Machado.” You told the nurse at the front desk fingers thrumming across the smooth surface. He looked at you for a moment, obvious boredom in his eyes. 
“What’s your relation to the patient?” He asked you as his fingers typed on the keyboard. 
“I’m his girlfriend and emergency contact.” You replied to him sliding your ID towards him. He took it scanning the information with his eyes before handing it back to you. 
“Floor three room three thirteen.” he told you before going back to the computer in front of him. You moved towards the elevator quickly pressing the round button for the correct floor. You cracked your knuckles as the elevator dinged, alerting you to the doors opening. You stepped out and read the directions on the wall in front of you. Turning left, you found your boyfriend's room quickly. You didn’t bother knocking instead you all but swung the door open as you stomped into the room. 
“Javy Andre Machado.” you scolded him as you stood by his bed. Jake was sitting in the chair beside him giving you a big grin as you crossed your arms over your chest. 
“What the hell did you do?” You asked him pointedly. He had the sense to look a little afraid at your outburst. 
“Firstly, hello to you too Sugar. Secondly It was a training accident and I’m perfectly fine now. Right Jake?” He asked his best friend as he turned to him expectantly. You raised your eyebrow at the man.
“I ain’t gonna get in the middle of this.” He said, throwing his hands up in surrender. 
“Well, are you going to tell me what you did?” You asked him again. He huffed out a breath glaring at his wingman. Then he sat and looked at you. Taking in the running shoes on your feet. You had on a pair of leggings and one of his old academy shirts. Your hair was thrown up in a messy bun, a look he absolutely loved on you. You stood there waiting for his reply that never came.
“What the hell are you doing?” you asked him bewildered. 
“What, am I not allowed to look at you?” He asked you, giving you a teasing smile. You gave him a blank look not in the mood for his charm. 
“Don’t try to change the subject.” Jake let out a small laugh as you spoke. He quickly shut up as you glared at him. 
“I had to eject sugar. I was gonna call you but I didn’t have my phone on me. It’s still in my locker on base. Then when Jake called he refused to let me have the phone. Little asshole wanted to punish me for scaring ya both.” His hand came to run across his face as you rolled your eyes. His thought as he plummeted to the ground was how he absolutely had to survive this fall. There was no way he was leaving you and the dogs behind. 
“What the hell were you doing for that to happen?” the image of him falling from the sky flashed through your mind and the nausea from earlier rushed back through you. 
“My left engine went out and I couldn’t get it back up. I didn’t have time to land before the right one got hit with a bird strike.” He told you hesitantly reaching for your hand. You walked closer to the bed taking his hand in yours as you sat by his legs. You nodded your head in understanding. His job always had classified and redacted information you weren’t allowed to be privy to. So it was no surprise that he couldn’t give you any more information than he already had. 
“You promise you’re okay?” You asked him barely above a whisper. 
“I promise Sugar. I’ll be up in the sky again in just a couple of days.” he told you, squeezing your hand in his much larger one. 
“Can I stay with you?” You asked him hopefully, not being comfortable leaving his side.
“Of course you can.” An understanding look in his eyes as they met your own. He didn’t want you leaving his side either.
“I can stay at your place tonight and watch Gumbo and Ella for you guys.” Jake spoke up, you had pretty much forgotten about the dogs back at the house. Leave it to Jake for always being prepared and on top of things. Plus the rescues absolutely adored their godfather so you knew they were in good hands. 
“Thank you Jake.” you said as you gave him a thankful smile. Jake had always been helpful and a great friend to you since the beginning of yours and Javy’s relationship.
“Anything for you, gorgeous.” He teased you, earning a playful glare from the aviator sitting in the bed beside you. Javy knew he had nothing to worry about though. The relationship between you and his best friend was basically like brother and sister. You both got on like gas in a fire. It was one of the many things he loved about the both of you. 
Jake left not too long after, claiming he needed to run back to his apartment to grab his stuff before going to yours and Javy’s house. You laid down next to your boyfriend as comfortably as you could in the tiny hospital bed. You laid your head on his chest listening to his heart beating. He was here with you and there was nothing to worry about now you tried to reassure yourself. 
“You called Momma right?” He asked you as his mind drifted to the older women he loved so dearly. 
“Mmhmm.” You hummed in reply. Then there was a brief pause as you both enjoyed each other's company. The feeling of home had always been with each other since the moment you first laid eyes on the other. 
“You scared me ya know? I can’t live without you Javy.” you told him as the shock started to leave your body. You felt tense as you tried to steady your breathing, not wanting to hyperventilate. 
“I know and I’m sorry Sugar. You know I’ll do everything possible to come home to you and the dogs.” he told you as he ran a hand up your back a gesture he knew would soothe you as it did many times before when the anxiety of his job got to you. 
“I love you so much Javy.” you whispered into his chest as your eyes started to flutter shut. 
“I love you so much more Sugar.” He whispered back to you as his exhaustion finally took over and he was slipping into slumber. A nurse came in at one point to check on him and tell any visitors that visiting hours were over. But as she saw you laying in the bed together she decided that she didn’t get paid enough to care and left you be.
A/N: Thank you so so so much for this request darling anon! Also I made up his middle name because I fucking can.
Tags(open): @wkndwlff @sylviebell @eternallyvenus @taytaylala12 @loving-and-dreaming
155 notes · View notes
thisismeracing · 1 year
King of my heart | MS47 | part. 07
Social media version
Pairing: hamilton!reader (she/her) x mick schumacher
Warnings: curse words, mentions of food and sugar, Roscoe and Angie -doggos-, fluff, not proofread etc etc. Minors DNI!
word count: 1.7k
part. 06 | series masterlist | part 08
Summary: Mick Schumacher rode a lousy wave for quite some time, so when the sky gets cleaner and the sun brighter he just knows something terrible may be in store for him. Whereas y/n was just so magnetic, and the possibilities of life with her seemed better than anything his mind could ever create, that’s why, for the first time in forever, he throws cautious carelessly through the window, hoping to get to the finish line before it catches up on him.
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When Lewis asked if she could stay with Roscoe for two days, Y/n gladly accepted, no questions asked, although he made sure to explain to her that his dog sitter was sick and could not go out. Roscoe and Y/n were good friends as far as a dog-human relationship goes. Her brother liked to joke that Roscoe was obsessed with her since the very first day, and whoever saw the pair together would agree. The dog would always wag his small tail whenever she showed up. He would stay close to her and ask for cuddles when he saw the opportunity. 
“Roscoe, baby, could you give me some couch space? Please?” Y/n asked as if the dog sprawled on the sofa could understand her request. He stared at her for a second and, then, dropped his head on the cushions again. He would not leave. That was what he did when he wanted some love and people around were busy. Roscoe would occupy their space, either an office chair, couch, rug, or whatever would make your life a bit harder, and then wait until the human in question gave up and scooped him on their lap. 
Y/n sighs before reaching for her phone and snapping a picture to send to Mick. It was not exactly a cry for help but rather a way of striking conversation again after spending some hours texting. Rationally, she knew it was weird because they spent time together at the paddock, and it should be enough, just looking at him and smiling once a day should be damn enough, but she craved more. She wanted to spend as much time possible with him, as much time as he would offer, as much time as she had. Just with him. 
So when Mick suggested a car ride to comport Y/n, Roscoe, and Angie, whom she was meeting for the first time, Y/n was quick to accept, and of course, when the breakfast date suggestion popped, she was giggling like a schoolgirl. That’s how she found herself earlier than ever the next morning. Her natural hair was like a crown around her head. Sneakers were on her feet so she could run around the dogs if needed. She took one last look in the mirror to make sure her clothes were ok before grabbing her bag and Roscoe's leash. 
When her phone pinged, she knew it was him and could not fight the grin that took up space on her face. 
Y/n took the elevator and gasped when she saw Angie waiting outside the car by her owner. She was such a beautiful dog, and Y/n could only kneel and call her, waiting for some much-appreciated dog hugs. 
“You’re such a princess, aren’t you?” she cooed when the tail of the Australian Shepard. 
“Looks like she’s already in love with you,” Mick notes while walking closer and kneeling as well so he could pet Roscoe. 
“Who isn’t?” she jokes, and he stares at her for a second before chuckling. 
Her words took him by surprise because, well, she had a point, hadn’t she? 
After some more ear scratches, Angie let go of Y/n, who accepted Mick’s help to stand. Their eyes crossed for a second, and Schumacher wanted to dip his head and leave a kiss on her cheeks, though he knew that maybe it was not the best choice. It could possibly scare her away. It could light up some more dark corners of his heart. So it was Y/n who got on her tiptoes and again tried to reach his cheeks but failed and hit his cheekbone. Mick took the opportunity. He held her by her waist, bringing her closer, and dipped his head so his cheeks would now be close. Y/n held her breath for a second. Her bright skin close, his pink lips closer. It was just a matter of angle for their lips to touch. She had to fight her curious mind and set a quick kiss on his rosy cheeks before taking a step back. 
“Shall we?” he asked before looking down at the dogs, and Y/n just nodded, walking to his car. 
He opened the door for her and got the two dogs inside as well, before climbing into the driver's seat.
“Now, I know a small coffee shop on our way. I’m pretty sure they have vegan options and sugary stuff too.” Mick states without taking his focus off the traffic.
Y/n chuckles, “I hope they really have vegan options. Do you remember the fish date, right?” she jokes before turning on the radio, the aux automatically connecting to her phone. It was not the first time he drove her, and the idea that his car somehow recognized her warmed Y/n’s heart. 
“C’mon, it was funny!” 
She rolled her eyes playfully, remembering the other week when they went out to one of the vegan dates they planned, and the restaurant wasn’t actually vegan. Y/n had told the waitress she would go with the dish of the day (reinforcing that she was vegan, just for precaution). When the food arrived, Silakat, a small Baltic herring, Mick got red trying to hold back his laughter while Y/n explained that she was vegan, and the waitress insisted that it was a fish created in the place, and it was fish after all. It was a memorable night. Y/n got embarrassed trying to explain that vegan people did not eat fish, in fact, any animal, so it included, of course, fish and sea little friends. The joke was still on at the end of the night when, on their way home, Mick kept calling her Fishy, and it became a running quip between the two, especially when he commented fish emojis on her picture. 
“Ok, it was a bit funny.”
When Shaggy’s voice took the Aux, Y/n gasped, while Mick could only chuckle and get into her singing train. 
“I had no idea you knew the whole lyrics of It Wasn’t Me,” she turns her body to him, and he shrugs. 
“Why would you think I wouldn’t know?” 
“I don’t know, you just don’t strike me as the person who listens to Shaggy,” she confesses and then adds, “To be honest, I have no idea what kind of person you would be when it comes to music, Mouse.”
He can’t help but roll his eyes playfully both at her remark and the nickname, “I listen to Frank Ocean too.” 
“We should do one of those shared Spotify playlists!!!” The enthusiasm in her voice would make Mick do anything she asked, he realized. 
“Yeah, I would like that.”
“Can you guess what my first music will be?” she flashes her eyebrows at him, but turns to coo at Angie who barks at a passing car. 
“I am afraid to ask…” 
“Wait, I’m gonna play it just now. I have to see your reaction!” 
Y/n taps at her phone screen skimming for said song, and it’s less than a minute before it blows loud and clear through the car’s aux. Y/n sings along with a smirk on her lips, “Hey, Mick, you’re so fine.” 
Mick was so thankful he just parked because his whole body rumbled in deep laughter. He felt his neck and face hotter, an indication that he was probably red all around, “C’mon, funny pants, we gotta grab breakfast,” he goes around the car to open her door, and they proceed to get the two dogs in the backseat. 
Breakfast with Mick proved to be even better than the dinners they would share in vegan places. He vehemently refused to put ice cream on top of his pancakes the way you did with yours, he also denied coffee and went for juice, and although she knew it was probably part of his athlete diet, they talked about he just did not like sugar that much. He shared about his mom, dad, and sister while leaving space for Y/n to do the same. So she did. Y/n gushed about her brother proudly, joked about how they would fight each other when younger, and how Lewis, although petty, would always try to make up first. She showed a picture of them during Halloween and explained how she had to sleep with her parents for almost a month after a kid played her a ghost prank. 
It was a new feeling for both of them, a yearning to share and store every little detail and story about each other. To keep listening to the other's voice. To try and retain each blink of an eye, each small smile, or grimace. Such as how Mick would listen to Y/n with his lips slightly parted, as if his body wanted, not needed, to share the same air she was breathing because it was her, not because he needed the air. Or how his lips would fold after seconds parted only to form a small smile that would give life to two small dimples on his cheeks. Even how Y/n would thrill a strand of curl around her fingers to distract her mind from something, or even how she would do it automatically just because her body was so used to doing it, it felt natural. How Mick was fast to notice, she would bite the inside of her cheeks or lips when in deep thinking. Or how her skin would not turn pink the same way his kind did but rather a purplish maroon shade, which he found charming. 
They took the opportunity alone to read each other as they did with their favorite books, analyzing every word choice and questioning why the author would choose to finish the sentence as they did or why a comma and not a period, but especially taking notes in the book, leaving their marks, pieces of evidence that it passed by them.
That was exactly what sharing alone time felt like to Mick and Y/n.
As if they were the books in question, absorbing information from the other, giving permission to be read, analyzed, and loved without fear of the next chapter. Sharing history was enough for now, even if they had no idea it was a love history. 
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If you liked it, make sure to like and reblog <3 feel free to talk to me as well, my inbox is always open! In case you wanna be tagged on my stories, click here.
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legostars · 7 months
(This is going to flop anyways.. and I was bored)
You were looking for a job, for a long-long time now. You kept applying for jobs but none of them accepted you. (Bro you're just like my mom.)
One day, as you were about to give up hope. An email was sent to you, you took a glimpse and saw that you have been chosen to be an employee of the poppy playtime co. you screamed happily about it. You finally got a job! The email was long to be read, but you read it all just to be sure. At the end of the email, it said that you will be starting tomorrow morning at 6:00 Am in the early of the morning.
You set your alarm and went to bed, you slowly closed your eyes... And drifted to sleep. The next morning, you woke up from your alarm and set it off. You took a quick shower and ate some early breakfast. (Egg omelette🍳)
You rode on your motorbike (or whatever you ride idc) and drove to the poppy playtime co. a famous toy factory. You were so surprised at how big it is, You went in and was greeted by some employees. One of the employees told you that you have been put to work in playcare orphanage. You were surprised about it, a factory and also an orphanage? Well that's surprisingly cool.
You followed the other employees where they were leading you too (time skip bc I'm lazy as shi-)
You ride on some sort of an elevator, and see the whole entire area of the playcare. You saw an orphanage, a toy shop, a circus tent, a school, and a building for the employees. And in the middle of the playcare area you saw Gigantic statues of eight smiling critters that the employees told you about. They also mention that you will love your new co. Partner.
At the end of the elevator, some employees gave you the uniform you will be wearing. You put on your uniform, an orange T- shirt with a sun pin and dog ear headband. (You're a dog on a Leash now>:] )
The employees told you that you might see your co. Partner if you walk around, you nodded and just walked around a little. A child came running to you and hugged you and said "Miss dogday!"
Miss dogday? What on earth is the child talking about? Well, you decided to ignore that and gave the child a pat. "Hi there, kiddo." The child smiled and pulled your hand as she led you somewhere.
"Dogday! Dogday! They're here! They're here!"The child shouted. You were confused as the child shouted the word dogday again, you look towards where the child was looking in a direction and saw, a tall orange dog with a sun pendant. He was like 8 ft. Tall for a dog tho.
"Slow down, kiddo." You chuckled as she led you to dogday. Dogday then turned around to see you, he put on a wide smile and walked towards you and the kid and then bends down. "Alright, Tiffany.. thank you for leading them here." He smiled at the child and gave her a pat on the head as she giggled and ran towards the other children. "Well, I do apologise if the child was dragging you here." He scratched the back of his head and put on a nervous smile. You chuckled and shook your head. "It's fine, really.." You smiled at dogday, you can clearly see his tail wagging, because of it, you let out a small laugh. Dogday smiled as you laughed. "Well, come on angel. I'll give you a short tour of this place" You nodded as you followed dogday.
He showed you around, the school, the orphanage, the toy shop, the play place, the circus, and finally your office and where the other employees are. "Well, that's the end of the tour!"
(I made this during class so I had to continue it tomorrow or next week:P)
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alcinaslittlemaid · 2 months
𝓦𝓸𝓵𝓯 𝓸𝓷 𝓫𝓸𝓪𝓻𝓭
Petals x Janet! (hybrid! oc)
After a long day of tests, experiments and research Janet was growing bored of her usual enclosure, she decided to explore the ship in a deeper depth but she couldn’t do it with Jumbo and Doctor Heckles observing her 24/7.
Janet’s patience was growing thin, she hated being observed and stared at like some freak show, the klowns pressing their noses up against the glass staring in at her, like she was some zoo animal.
She glanced around for any form of a distraction, her surroundings being sharp blades, pliers, guns in holsters of the klowns costumes for a faster response time.
Janet turned around on the operating table, noticing a red ball on a shelf beside her, she smiled softly as an idea formed in her little brain.
Meanwhile Doctor Heckles and Jumbo stood outside with some other Kloctors and Klientists going over their research and making notes
CRASH! The little red ball bounced along the floor after crashing into a pile of cotton candy cocoons, knocking then over like bowling pins, Janet waited for the signal, watching in mischievous delight as a gaggle of clowns flocked over to pick up the cocoons. Her wolf tail began swishing in sadistic glee knowing the klowns are now too occupied to notice her slip away, She smirked and silently slipped out of the restrains and then out of the laboratory.
upon wandering the circuses massive halls and corridors feeling the fresh breeze of freedom, while pondering the walls her wolf ears pricked up like radars causing her to spin her head behind her, Ding! The elevator behind her rang out, the door slid open and two lather klowns emerged, she swallowed hard and leapt behind a generator looking contraption.
She hid, praying the klowns wouldn’t see her as they clomped by, their alien language just confusing Janet even more, she shook her head and watched as they left, turning the corner “Phew” She sighed, noticing a long unwinding tunnel beside her leading to more bedrooms of the ship “What the-“ She began to slither down the tunnel, neon lights igniting the way.
She reached the other end, her palms dusty and smelling of stale popcorn and candy floss, she came across 9 other doors that looked almost identical “Woah…” She whispered softly, her tail wagging a little as she examined the doors noticing they said the Klowns names on them “Mojo..” “Talls…” “Chubby..” “Fatso….” Upon closer inspection, she noticed the doors are coloured and decorated closely to the individual klowns.
“Ohhhhh Wolfyyyyyy” Doctor Heckles Called out down the corridor “Come on out puppyyyyy” Jumbo called from another room, causing Janet to slip into a room labelled “Petals + Slim ♡” The door quietly shuts behind her.
Janet stood in behind the bedroom door, staring at the room before her, Shelves upon Shelves filled with clown dolls and circus memorabilia, the walls coated in circus stripes and a medium pink coat with little blue stripes, looking almost like sprinkles on a strawberry ice cream, she started towards the bed, which had a circus bedding and pillows.
Along the walls a few collars and leashes hung proudly with a Polaroid of a balloon dog “Squeak” read out on the bottom,
Along with more Polaroids of her and Slim were scattered around the walls too.
Janet pushed down on the bed, watching as it sprung back up almost immediately, She stood back with a small squeak “ah!” Her ears went back momentarily, before pricking up again “A springy bed- huh” she clambered onto the 5ft, kingsize bed being dwarfed by its size.
She gripped the bed as it began to rock and squeak, clutching her tail in her hands she squeaked too afraid she’s broken it, she then began to move a little getting used to its comfort, she began to bounce on her ass on the bed, her tail bouncing.
Her ears pricked up again at the sound of approaching Klowns “Fuck!” She stopped waiting for them to leave “Sounds like Petals and Slim are having fun” Two klowns joked as they wandered past the room “Fuck this is my room now” Janet squeaked, laying down on the bed she could feel her body sinking into the blankets, She rolled over smelling Petals scent on the pillow “Mmmmnnrgggg” She smiled softly picking up a BAB frog plushie from her little bag cuddling it on petals side, Petals scent reminding Janet of her mother who she lost a year ago, Janet curled up and fell asleep at peace and comfort for once.
Hours into the afternoon, when the klowns began to descend into the woods to hunt, The door to petals bedroom creaked open quietly, shutting with a Click.
The larger figure started towards the bed, seeming tiresome, the soft glow of the sunset outside illuminated the figures features.
She was a large woman, blue short hair and piercing pink glowing orbs as she made her way to the bed.
“Ohh~ What do we have here?” She hummed, her voice thick yet smooth like velvet “A little wolf pup~” *She reached a large hand running a finger along Janet’s fluffy wolf ears “Awww such a simple pure little creature” She hummed getting into the blankets beside Janet, wrapping her arms around her before falling asleep herself.
Artby me!~♡
Petals belongs to @angel-blitz
Dr Heckles (1+2) belongs to @debbiesroomates
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spiritualweapons · 1 month
Miss Missing You - Chapter 2
Chapter 1 Sonny Carisi x Reader WC: 2431 AO3 I haven't written smut in a good long while so please be gentle, un-beta'd and slightly filthy. Edit: I figured out how to actually post it here lmao.
The hand on your thigh didn’t move any further but it continued its ministrations, meaning that by the time you pulled up outside your apartment building there was a pool of molten need simmering low in your stomach and you were sure your underwear were already soaked.
Sonny had ended up leaving with you after dinner, you’d told him you understood that he had to stay, that you were happy enough with having spent the time with him that you did and that you didn’t want to take him away from his work when it was so important.
“I promise it can wait, doll, besides, how am I supposed to concentrate knowing you’re heading home all by yourself.” The wink he’d sent your way as he collected his suit jacket and briefcase was cheesy but still sent a swoop of butterflies to the bottom of your stomach. “Hmm you’re acting like you already have an invitation to join me.” He pulled you by your hand until your body was pressed against his, his eyes sparkling in the dim lights of the hallway as they drifted down to look at your lips. “Do I?” he murmured, leaning down until you could feel the warmth radiating off of him and soaking into you, your lips parting of their own accord in the close proximity. “Well, I have nothing else to do.” With the strength of 30 marines you pulled yourself out of his grasp with a smirk, threading your fingers together. His groan shocked a laugh out of you but he allowed himself to be pulled along, out of the building and into your awaiting Uber. You didn’t think of yourself as a very voyeuristic person, you certainly didn’t actively enjoy making out with someone in front of other people and wouldn’t dream of doing anything further than even that, Sonny however was doing his absolute best to test you. His hand rested large and warm above your knee from the moment you got into the rideshare, thumb rubbing small circles into your skin as he slowly moved it further up your thigh, his long fingers brushing over your sensitive skin and sending electricity sparking through you. When you looked over at him to give him a warning you were met with hooded eyes that made your breath catch.
Sonny gave you a soft smile, the hand not currently making its way up your thigh reaching out and brushing your hair behind you ear before he leaned in and pressed his lips gently to yours, you parted your lips for him instantly trying to deepen the kiss to no avail, he pulled away just as quickly as he’d leaned in, the hand cupping your cheek rubbing a thumb over your lip before he sat back in his seat, turning his eyes onto the road. The hand on your thigh didn’t move any further but it continued its ministrations, meaning that by the time you pulled up outside your apartment building there was a pool of molten need simmering low in your stomach and you were sure your underwear were already soaked. You heard Sonny say a cheery goodbye to the driver but you were singularly focused, walking quickly through the lobby of your building and pressing the button on the elevator several times in your haste, Sonny laughing at you quietly. The doors to the elevator hadn’t even closed all the way before he was on you, pushing you up against the hard metal wall with his mouth hot on yours, a kiss that was all tongues and teeth. You pushed your hands into the hair at his temples and opened up under him, feeling so wound up already that when the elevator doors opened and he pushed away you actually let out a frustrated whimper. “Oh hello ma’am.” Sonny said and you felt your face flood with warmth as your neighbour stood looking between you both, her small dog jumping up to greet you as she held onto his leash. “Ms Martin, hello.” You avoided her eyes as you edged out of the elevator, feeling Sonny’s hand on the small of your back, “Um have a good night…” you trailed off fumbling for your key as your cheeks flamed. “God Sonny that was so fucking embarrassing.” You hissed as you finally got the door open. Throwing your keys on the side table you turned to him eyes narrowed at the mischief on his face, “You’re terrible I’m not going to be able to look her in the eye for months!”
He placed his briefcase on your kitchen table and took off his jacket, loosening his tie with one hand in a way that had your mouth going dry, “Look the silver lining is, she’s not home right now. Probably don’t have to worry about making too much noise.” You stared at each other for a moment, feeling the tension in the air build to something palpable before it snapped and you moved towards each other. His arms were around you again, lips pressing open mouthed kisses to your neck as you tried to get the buttons of his dress shirt open, fumbling when he started sucking lightly at your pulse point, “Fuck Sonny, I’ve missed you so much, I’ve thought about you every night.” He walked you backwards ripping his tie off and throwing it over his shoulder before helping you with the rest of his buttons, you gasped as your back hit the kitchen island, pushing his shirt off and taking in the expanse of lithe skin now on display for you. “What did you think about?” His voice was rough already, lips fuller than usual after being on you and you watched idly as he reached for the hem of your shirt, toying with it a moment before pulling it up and over your head. “You, touching me.” You sighed, your skin on fire as he reached around and unclasped your bra, pulling it off and exposing your chest, nipples hardening in the cool air of your apartment. He ducked his head again, kissing across your collar before moving to your chest, breath warm as he reached out and flicked his tongue over one of your nipples before pulling it into his mouth, sucking and nibbling at it, you lost your hands in his hair again, pressing into the sensation and clenching your legs together at the intense pressure that had been slowly building between your thighs since you’d left his office. He pulled back, “Where did I touch you? You gonna show me?” He held your eyes as he helped ease your pants down, rubbing small circles into your ankles as he pulled your shoes off too before reaching under your legs and lifting you onto the kitchen island. You hissed as your bare legs were exposed to the cold counter below that you idly thought would definitely need a deep clean tomorrow if the way Sonny was looking at you was anything to go by. He dropped your pants and shoes off to the side and stepped back to toe out of his own, hand fiddling with the belt of his pants, you could see he was hard through them already and the thought that you were the reason for it, had a rush of want surge through you so suddenly you thought you could probably pass out with it. You felt exposed, naked and laid out for him but the way he was looking at you made you feel bold, he wanted you as much as you wanted him and it spurred you on as you leaned back on one hand and started tracing the other down your body, hissing when you rubbed a nipple between your fingers, “Like this.” He was unblinking as he traced your hand with his eyes, letting out a soft curse when you swiped a finger through your folds, you were wet, a veritable mess, soaking for him and making the two fingers you gently rubbed over your sensitive nub glide effortlessly, your head falling back as a moan escaped your lips.
“Fuck, gorgeous, you look..” Sonny was looking at you in wonder, breathing heavily and belt all but forgotten about as he watched you explore yourself. You smiled wickedly at him as you moved your fingers up to your mouth, tongue licking over their slickness. He was on you in an instant, licking past your lips to chase the taste of you, kissing you like he wanted to pour himself inside your mouth, like you two could morph into one another if you both just kissed each other hard enough. You had other ideas, hands moving down to finish the job he’d started, you made quick work of his belt and unzipped his pants, reaching in and cupping him outside his underwear, revelling in the way his mouth fell open against yours as he let out a low moan and you sighed, “I thought about you fucking me too, god I used my fingers, a toy but it’s not as good as you, as the way you can make me feel.” He pulled back and you grinned as he pushed his pants and underwear down in one fell swoop, cock springing free as it hung hard and heavy between his legs, he gave it a quick pump, stepping back to look at you, his eyes black with how blown the pupils were. “You want this?” All you could do was nod and watch as he moved forwards, cupping your cheek and pressing a soft kiss to your already bruised lips, “Tell me it’s what you want.” he said softly. “I want you Sonny, please.” his eyes shut and he sucked in a ragged breath before nodding. You didn’t waste any more time, wrapping your thighs around his waist and dragging him in further. You watched in awe as he lined up with you, pushing the thick head of his cock through your folds slowly and dropping his head to your shoulder as he pushed into you. Your hands scrambled for purchase on his shoulders and back as you adjusted to the intrusion of his length, the walls of your pussy fluttering around him as he filled you to the hilt, “Fuck, Sonny.” “God you feel so good, I’ve been waiting for this, wanting to fill you up so bad.” he was all but babbling against your temple and you turned your head, kissing below his ear tenderly. “Please, move. I need you to move Sonny, god.” It was the right thing to say, the neediness in your voice giving Sonny all the ammunition he needed to begin snapping his hips against yours in kind, driving the hard length of his cock deep into you, he wrapped one arm around your waist, the other reaching up to tangle in your hair and pull your head back to look at him. He looked wrecked, eyes blown and neck and chest red with exertion, littered with marks of your doing, you leaned up and kissed him, feeling like he wasn’t close enough, even while he was buried in you bringing you closer to the edge. The press of his torso against yours brought delicious friction to your nipples and you gasped breathing into his mouth as you felt the sparking sensation of your climax get closer, “I’m so close.” “Come on sweetheart, I’ve got you, I wanna feel you come for me.” His voice was tight and his thrusts were becoming erratic, but still he moved the hand that was threaded through your hair down between your bodies to press against your clit, shocks of pleasure cresting over as you felt your orgasm crash into you, knocking the wind out of you as you rode it out, shuddering with every press of Sonny’s cock and touch of his hand. “God you’re so beautiful I can’t, I fuck…”
Your walls were still fluttering around him as you came down from your own release and you let out a whimper as you felt him spill into you, a low groan deep in his throat as he held you close to him, hips fucking into you a few more times before slowly stilling as you both caught your breath. You were the first to move, reaching back and smiling softly up at him, raising a hand up and brushing the hair that had escaped the hold of his gel back off of his face, “Hi.” You whispered, not wanting to break the quiet moment of bliss between you both, he huffed a soft laugh and leaned in pressing a kiss to your bruised lips. “Hi.” He replied, pulling back and staring at you in what you could only describe as adoration, you felt the flutter of butterflies in your stomach return with fervour. “I don’t think I’m going to be able to use this kitchen island anymore without thinking about this.” “Yeah I think I might’ve ruined breakfast forever.” Sonny looked at you for another moment before straightening up slightly, slipping out of you and causing you both to hiss at the sensation. He reached for you and helped you down off of the bench, smirking when you winced slightly from the way your ass stuck to the imitation granite. You fixed him with a glare but there was no heat in it, you clenched your legs together slightly against the onslaught of gravity and pressed yourself against Sonny for a moment, taking in his dishevelled appearance and feeling both proud and lucky for just how beautiful he was, you said as much, revelling in the pink blush that spread across his ears and chest. “Thank you.” He said softly, reaching for your hands and bringing them up to kiss your knuckles. “For what? You did a lot of the work just then.” “For reminding me that I need to walk away from work sometimes.” You began to shake your head but he squeezed your hands, “I’m serious doll, I love my job but it can’t be everything, I gotta have more than that. I want that with you and I don’t wanna jeopardise it.” His eyes were glistening, serious in their hold on you as you felt your throat constrict for a moment, you felt very lucky indeed as you pulled away, watching as Sonny’s face looked momentarily confused at your sudden absence. “Take me to bed, Sonny.” you said pulling on his hands in the direction of your bedroom, “We still have 3 other cancelled dates to make up for and I’m not done with you yet.” he looked at you for a moment in awe before quickly moving forwards and scooping you up into his arms making you yelp in surprise as he carried you to your bed, a promise of more on his lips and burgeoning love in his touches.
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arlo-venn · 2 months
The cabin was really cool and I liked it a lot, but we didn’t even get settled in before Arlo started scratching and I found fleas in the loft. The guy was fucking WEIRD about it and I no longer felt safe there (alone on a wooded property in the middle of no where with no service in the Catskills), so I packed everything back into the car and left. Which makes it all sound a lot simpler than it was.
I had his help via a golf cart and a wagon to get my stuff (heavy cooler, giant paddleboard case, multiple backpacks, etc etc) on the way in, but on the way out I no longer trusted him so I had to do it all on my own. In the heat. There was a hill. I survived. I have a migraine coming on as repercussions though. I’m in a hotel now instead, staying for two nights instead of one which was not in the budget but I’m going to need time to physically recover from the fiasco.
so in short I told him there were fleas, he didn’t believe me, he insists that it’s not possible bc no animals have been in there in over a month, didn’t believe me that they can be brought in by humans and mice. (There were also mice turds which he acknowledged; I didn’t care about that, it’s a tiny cabin in the middle of the woods that’s rarely inhabited, of course there are mice but like HELLO those are animals.) He wasn’t just gaslighting me his vibe went all weird about it. And before *I* even became concerned about his behavior, about a minute beforehand, Arlo suddenly didn’t like him anymore, either. He was fine around him going in. His vibe changed when he came to check for the fleas and Arlo was barking and lunging at him a lot, when he wasn’t, he was firmly positioned between my legs with his eyes dead set on him, which isn’t something I ever even trained him to do.
Then he started saying well maybe your dog brought them in. And like, he was just very thoroughly checked his whole body over when he was out for the dental and they found the skin infection. There were no fleas. We haven’t been in the woods or anything since. He’s on flea meds. He wasn’t itching himself at all until we got into the cabin. I wasn’t itchy until I got into the cabin. I saw fleas within milliseconds of climbing into that loft. They were there. He changed the bedding and sprayed the whole place down with rubbing alcohol (too much to keep a dog in a confined space in), claimed he saw no fleas. I placated him, told him I was putting my stuff in the car to lessen the chances of carrying anything over and that I was leaving to go find somewhere to buy flea shampoo. Then I left, drove until I had service again, and messaged him about why I left and wouldn’t be returning. I haven’t fully read his responses because I’m protecting my vibe lol but from the previews I saw him continue to gaslight me and then in a separate text he said “You left without warning.”
No I didn’t, I told him I was leaving the property to go get shampoo.
I don’t have to report my comings and goings to this man and I don’t have to be honest with him about where I’m actually going, the fuck
That’s the really abridged version. Oh AND I KEPT telling him Arlo doesn’t like other dogs and he still just let his roam freely and approach him and stuff so we couldn’t even use the land we paid for anyway. The rules said “off leash, on leash, depends who’s there” which lead me to believe that other dogs that don’t know how to give space would be leashed if necessary. Anyway, the biggest issue was that I stopped trusting him and my only connection to the outside world was his wifi that he could turn off at any time. I watch a lot of true crime lol and Arlo is scary but no match for things like guns so he’s not a foolproof protection method.
hotel’s fun. Arlo’s first elevator ride. He looooves whatever they use to wash their linens. Migraines getting worst gotta jet lol
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