#they are also protector of moomin!!
anniflamma · 7 months
HELLOOO!!! I really love how you designed Hermes a lot!!! He looks so mysterious and somebody you wouldn't want to cross with when trading lol. Idk how to ask this properly but what made you want him to be cover in shadows? Like is just for fashion sense/choice or is there headcanons/lore for this? If you domt know how to answer this thats fine Im just here just enjoying your design so much [insert Hermes laugh] hahahahahahaha!! ^o^
So I use a lot of different factors for inspiration when designing the Greek gods. For Hermes, I really wanted to highlight his role as the god of thievery and travelers, which I think is such an interesting aspect of his character. He reflects what it means to be a pilgrim but also an outlaw in the wilderness. He is pretty much the personification of the stranger you meet across the street. But he is also the stranger who asks you for hospitality and refuge, and he is the host and protector of the home from thieves and burglars. He is the coin and he is BOTH sides!
My first step was to make him look like a traveler with a coat and hat. AND I LOOOOOVE characters that have a simple body silhouette with a big wide hat. Snufkin from Moomin and even La Muerte from The Book of Life were huge inspirations!
However, I initially designed him without a shadow, so he had a face and all, and I drew him with different hairstyles and even experimented with whether he was going to have wings on his head or not. Like this! Here are some dumb scrapped sketches XD
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But I also really liked how the Epic fandom pretty much unanimously decided that Hermes' eyes were always covered with a shadow. So I started to just fill in the shadow like in the final design. And that helped reinforce the idea of him being "the stranger." You don't know who it is until you come up close!
One thing, though, that I am a little bit bummed about with his design is that it doesn't really fit the vibe of the song "Wouldn't You Like." Yeah, he does bring out the same energy with his creepy smile, but oh well! I do have some ideas that he may "flash" himself and even remove his hat, because if he's gonna dance...? That hat will fly off!!
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hunsa-jars · 2 years
Hunsa I like listening to people share stuff they are passionate about, so are there any Ocs you want to share info about? 🌻
Thank you for asking, Anon!!
One of my OCs i want to share about all the time these days is Shaun (another moomin oc)
There are just.. so many little pieces i come up with when it comes to him, but not yet the big picture, you know what i mean?
The main inspiration behind his design is the Imp and the "King of California"
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And like i'm imagining Shaun would develop a white winter coat, a whole-body situation. It would cover all of him up. Have big fluff around his neck and running down his back, just like how Turned Moomintroll looked.
Also speaking of the Imp, the first time i tried to work out a backstory for Shaun, i wanted them to have a “sworn brothers no more” kind of relationship, the reason of their fallout being the Imp being a menace /derogatory, causing chaos and terrorizing other creatures and Shaun, being the protector of the helpless and punisher of crooks and other evildoers, he couldn’t let it slide.
In the end, he didn’t stop the people who sealed the Imp away, and he’s not thinking about freeing him. His disappointment and confusion would come back to him sometimes, making him want to visit the tree his late brother is bound to, but shakes the feeling off.
Gahhh, I’m always thinking about their arguments and fights and bitter memories during daydreams, it’s just *wild gestures*
Also also with the come back of Bleach i kept rotating the idea of him doing Kurotsuchi Mayuri’s speech about perfection (because that’s his head canon voice) to some unfortunate soul
HHhh i just want to make him into a little fiend /affectionate who toys with people who absolutely deserve it and want him to have fun doing so
Also also also, when he runs into travelers he always teaches them new games or reads their fortune, ask if they need anything, give them warnings if the road is not too safe ahead
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san-ppa · 2 years
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baby thats all you need to know about tootitroll!!! das all you need!!
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homunculus-argument · 3 years
I think I've said it before but I'll say it again: I do love the way in which Tove Jansson depicts men and women, and interactions between genders.
While she did rather famously live happily ever after with a woman, she had no resentment or dislike of the male sex. Men and boys in her books and comics are masculine - from adventurous boys and family patriarchs to ladies' men and stoic philosophers, but whatever flaws and faults they may have as people don't stem from it.
Childish, silly boys are differently silly from childish, silly girls, and how this takes shape reflects on the culture of the time it was written - when Moomintroll and Snorkmaiden play pretend, he wants to be a brave rescuing hero and she a beautiful but vulnerable maiden - but it is clear they are simply playing roles. In real life, Moomintroll is vulnerable and gets frightened by things and is unsure and clingy, and Snorkmaiden is determined and driven.
Moominpappa is an old-fashioned patriarch who reminisces of the wild adventures of his youth, and is regularly torn between longing to go on adventures again, but also the duty to be the family protector who deeply loves his wife, son, and the weird collection of adoptive kids his son has gathered around himself. While he makes mistakes in trying to compromise this, or going overboard, it is only out of impulsive ideas, not deliberate indifference of their wellbeing.
While Moominmamma is first and foremost genuinely content in her role as a mother, she mainly tolerates her husband's ridiculous ideas because she knows and loves him. She doesn't need a man to do all these things for her, but knows he wants to feel important, so she doesn't stop him. She is gentle and compromising to a fault, but that is a trait of her own personality, not an inherent trait of being a woman.
Both Fillyjonk and the whole Mymble clan live entirely without men (save for Snufkin, whose absent father is the only other male mymble we ever see or hear of), they aren't happy nor unhappy specifically out of the lack of them. Mrs. Fillyjonk does refer to herself as a "housewife", though she has no husband - either dead or absent one - but her anxieties about being a proper one have nothing to do with living with a man or trying to attract one, but how she is seen by other women in the valley. Explosively reproductive Mymble the elder has and needs no man, and just keeps having new children because she enjoys it.
Hemulens largely appear to be an one-gender species, each defined by a hobby or special interest, with largely traditionally masculine ones, from sailing to stamp collecting. While some of them are happy and some are not, this also has nothing to do with their relationships with the opposite sex - it is only by whether they can engage in a genuinely fulfilling special interest. The one who tried to pick one he didn't like purely because it "sounded manly" was profoundly unhappy with this, and only learned to be happier when he chose something he truly enjoyed.
While the main protagonists of The Moomins are a nuclear family consisting of a mother, father, and their son who worries about girls in an age-appropriate way, gender roles in and on themselves aren't depicted as rigid boxes one is born into and must strictly remain in, but more like a buffet where each individual can and will pick whatever they want on their plate.
Having been written and published between mid 40s and early 90s, no character is explicitly entirely outside the gender binary, but there's a vibe that were one to appear, the first question after "are you a boy or a girl?" would be "does that make you happy?"
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Sage, the lamplighter
(please don’t mind that i’m introducing a new character AND my groke head canons at the same time) 
“What does the Groke represent?”
“The Groke is both a live representation of loneliness and a psychological depiction of very lonely people who have a hard time accepting and expressing love in the right way, making them seem cold and scary to others, which, in turn, only leads to more loneliness.” - Moominwiki
She freezes everything she touches. She seeks warmth and friendship, but can’t have either. Fire and other light sources get extinguished by her and people are too terrified to approach her (hell some are even scared of the mention of her name).
So for a while I’ve been thinking... how did she become the way she is? I raise you 4 head canons
The Groke is her own identity (and there’s no one like her)
People can become grokes through a curse
People can become grokes through a magical condition linked with strong negative emotions (just like how Ninny became invisible thanks to her Caretaker)
Grokes are just a whole different species along with other magical folk in the Moomin world (i personally think of them as a type of elemental beings) 
(yeah i know i should be rambling about Sage by now but i just had to get it out of my system in a way that makes sense-)
Sage is an ancient being. He was cursed many, many centuries ago and has seen so much. Why was he cursed? By who? No one knows, he doesn’t remember, and even if he did, he probably wouldn't want to talk about it.
The old creature has memories of his earlier years tho, how he used to wander the earth, searching for warmth and compassion. It wasn’t any different from our Groke, except that his demeanor was much more.... intense than hers.
He got furious and went on rampages whenever people ran away from him or when he put out fires, no matter how hard he tried to avoid both of those situations. Never took out his anger on others, no no no. Those times he simply wrecked havoc deep in forests or mountains, so no one can see his frustration. He believed he can be saved, that people or the light can fix whatever he had become. 
Years went by and the cycle of hope, desperation, disappointment and fury repeated over and over again, till it shaped him into a mindless beast. Anger blinds you. He was lost and often forgot about the whole purpose of his search for warmth. It became an urge, a must, an addiction. And always being out of its reach made everything so much more difficult for the lone creature.
However, things took an unbelievable turn, when he found himself at a small, remote village in the mountains. Somebody was observing him without any fear. It was... comforting and alien. The more time he returned, the houses buried under the snow and the people who left food for him at the main gate became the closest thing he could call home. He got attached to the street lights, the voices belonging to people he’s never even met, and the stars he never payed too much attention to before.
And one by one, little by little, the village folk sought him out, still keeping safe distance. They sat by his side for comfort, told him stories or came to him when they just wanted to vent. Slowly, his touch became less cold and the urge to chase light or warmth left him. Regaining his speech (tho it’s still incomprehensible to some he doesn’t have a bond with) and control over his powers, he became the protector and lamplighter of the village. 
He might remain a groke for the rest of time, but he’ll always have a home to return to and people who truly care.
Some more info about him:  
was originally named “Marigold” but got changed to “Sage” to fit his post-recovery, calm and wise self
people really do treat him like an experienced, know-it-all being. got used to it over time
as well as being a lamplighter, he goes on patrols every night to make sure everyone got home safe
is also a guide to lost travelers
his emotions greatly effect his powers. if he’s furious, his touch becomes so cold it feels hot (legit you would feel like you’re burning)
only uses his abilities to defend or when it’s necessary. a true pacifist, real gentle giant
doesn’t hunt anymore (tho he still uses his old hunting song as a warning signal)
only eats fish and roots
wears a straw hat and a Shimenawa (enclosing, sacred rope), which is used for ritual purification in the Shinto religion. they’re believed to act as a ward against evil spirits and are often found at Shinto shrines, torii gates, and sacred landmarks
it’s a mystery where (or from who) he got his staff. it can create light, heal, and summon juvenile fire spirits
to strangers (or to people he deems untrustworthy/dangerous) his voice sounds like the cracking of fire, while people who know him can hear his real voice (which sounds something like The Spirit Tree from “Ori and the Blind Forest”)
after his recovery, his coat (or dress?) turned white, so it’s literally impossible not to notice him in the night (so just imagine that he looks like the Groke from 1972 Shin Moomin)
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liaisun · 3 years
Hi hope you don’t mind me asking but what is the monster therapy Au? Is it different from the other monster Au? It sounds cool whatever it is!
omg thank u for asking!!!!!! i love talking abt my aus its always welcome<3 when i saw u sent me an ask i got so excited JSJDKF also because i feel like you'd like it 👁️
yes!!! they r 2 different aus. so the monster therapy au is based off of this prompt: "You're a psychologist. Your speciality is monsters, who lack the self-confidence to actually scare anyone." and as soon as i saw it i was like BEE @ KEVIN!!!! it just clicked. honestly it does kinda have monsters inc vibes LOL, but in the sense like monster society values how scary u are.
so kevin is recently turned and undead; he's Tall, he's Intimidating but……. he's not scary. once you get to know him, what's there to be afraid of? HE'S the one who's scared. always. he's terrified. he's a coward—
once i read this thing about vampires going through the 5 stages of grief after theyve been turned and i kinda applied that here!!! even just being turned into a monster, thrust into this world u don't understand, really messes u up. most monsters are just born of the void, some are abstract and incomprehensible to the eye (powerful), some can switch between those forms and more corporeal ones, others are seen in various folklore and/or are human-like, but with other characteristics. then, people can become one after they die, either by being turned by another or being unable to rest, usually due to trauma. humans and monsters Don't coexist, so u lose everything and everyone you've ever known… compound that with some very traumatic experiences leading up to kevin's death and the death itself courtesy of one Ư̵͙̪N̵̺̲̊T̴͎̒̽H̸͎̔̉Í̸͓N̶̝̂́Ǩ̸͇̅Ä̵͕́̍B̸͇͐L̷̻̱̈́É̷̗ ̵͙͈͑̃Ň̶͓A̴̡̼̎M̸͊̊͜Ě̶̹͠ (UNTHINKABLE NAME) and bam. monster therapy time for kevin day
fear is a really big part of the story. it's what kevin tells bee is the defining characteristic of a monster; those who create it (everyone else), and those who feel it (him). ANDREW <3 his friend??? protector? small threatening omnipresent companion no one dares to cross after he devoured 4 higher souls on his first day undead? is someone who kev aspires to be. to him andrew embodies what a monster should be.
when i say kevin is recently turned i lied JSHSJF he was turned a while ago, but he was stuck as a little ball of fright (imagine the soot sprites from spirited away) in the shadows. one day andrew came across him and took him in, kept him safe and eventually…. kevin started changing. (inspired by the invisible children from moomin, kids who turn invisible after abuse but can become visible again with love and care and safety). kevin is a full being now, an actual monster, but he doesn't feel like it at all, which is where our story begins, with him talking to bee about this.
also because i am incapable of not including all three boys - neil! he is a complete shadow, dark and quiet and always moving, never taking any specific form. he's very interesting in their — kinda a mix of kandrew both. neil isn't frozen with fear like kevin was; he has bite and he isn't afraid of other monsters, has great power like andrew, but he's controlled by the past. even in a new life, he's still running, still invisible for the sake of survival.
the story isn't a romance (QUEERPLATONIC ROTATIONS) but it is full of love and trust. for example, kandrew: the dynamic between them is so important!!!!! foundation of thr au. the parallel and contrast of the times where kevin was vulnerable when a powerful person came 2 him; it destroyed kevin the first time, but now, with andrew by his side, it allows kevin 2 heal. also i think andrew became stronger while taking care of kevin in the beginning because his power wasn't running on anger and spite anymore, but protection 🥺
kevneil relationship: for kevin, i think neil entering his life in the same position kevin was/is in (but now having drew by his side) gives him new perspective . understanding . compassion too.
for neil, having people, tethers, support even in the smallest ways, makes him more real. brings him out. not in a physical sense— having a body most of the time is weird for him after changing for so long. he'll never choose or stick to one form, either. but overall, he's more settled in his existence, starts to see himself as an actual being, find his identity. even if he is Nothing, he's Nothing in the sense of a void, a black hole, and neil's been collecting bits of the world for years.
and although this au is kevin pov, i think a 2nd part with bee's pov and her different monster patients, the foxes, would be super fun :] (and more fitting of the prompt) so who knows.. . and if u want 2 know anything abt Other monster au (or any other monster au i have. so many) as well, i am here ;>
finally, here is a tidbit that doesn't fit the tone of this at all but i couldnt keep 2 myself LOL - there is a human-monster hotline u can call to speak to a liaison if u suspect monstrous activity in ur area! the number is 1-666-3005 and the Monster Identification Listing Force (MILF) is the organizer and even has an infomercial on human TV. for a generous donation of YOUR SOUL (ahem. 50¢) u can buy monster repellent. is it holy water? no, that's a common misconception - it is actually just unfiltered tap water because that stuff has so many metals in it the monsters take psychic damage near it<3 works like a charm
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shinymooncolor · 4 years
Hope you’re all doing well this fine Friday. Here’s part 2 of the sweater weather chat #13!
As usual, we owe this entire fandom and world to the amazing @lumosinlove 💓
Thank you to @frombeauxbatons and @siriuslyqueer for being so cool!
Also - to avoid confusion. A Finn is a Finnish person and Finn is our love Finn o’hara 😜
Link to part one 💖
Sergei is still mad about his hair. He’s also got sweaty glitter in his eye. Ava is adorable. Nado and Kuny hosts an after party. Their cat is adorable and spoiled. Nado is being stalked by a drone. Blizzard is a lucky man. We discuss dick pics. Logan wants to be supportive. O’Knutzy jerseys!!!!! Olli has a team of protectors cause he’s a precious moomin.
“Oh, looks like we have a young lions prospect joining us as well. Nice to meet you, young lady, what’s your name? And here we have Kris LaVolie, Pascal Dumais and Henrik Sunnquist as well”
“Jackieeee wanna pwayyyyy”
“Sure kiddo - bye”
“Seems like LaVolie junior has more important things than press. Gentlemen, hi! How’re you enjoying this event today?”
“I think it’s great! Great to be able to support charities and show some support in general and it’s always fun to be able to bring my little girl to skate”
“She looks like a natural! And you two vets - what’s it like seeing this in the nhl?”
“It’s great! We’ve, or well me and sunny, have been in the game for a long time and it seems like the league is ready to move into the 21st century with the rest of us”
“I’ve been trying to figure out what happened to Ivanov’s hair. Do you know?”
“Well I don’t personally. I do like the color - mixed with his blonde it’s nearly the color of my home. Yellow and blue”
“Did you dye his hair then?”
“I would never! You’d have to ask him yourself. Hah”
“Well he’s been avoiding me so far”
“Oi Sergei!!”
“Well with that bellow it seems we’re finally joined by the final third in the trio of lions veterans today - sergei - we’ve had a lot of viewers ask us about your choice of hair color today? Is it a statement or?”
“Is stupid prank. I’m find out and make regret. Also I’m full with glitter and it sweats into my eye”
“That sounds uncomfortable but you all four look good - are your families here as well?”
“Yes, most kitted out as well. We had some trouble with my youngest who refused to wear anything but a paw patrol onesie but other than that Celeste managed to wrangle the other three into their jerseys”
“They think it’s fun and the glitter was a hit. Sergei’s daughter dumped an entire box of glitter on Logan and kuny. It was funny”
“Thanks guys, you look like you’re ready to get back out there”
“See ya”
“Wait, Logan, interview?”
“Logan! We’ve had multiple asks about your jersey and the name which seems to be on the back off Leo Newt and Finn O’Hara too?”
“Uhm, yeah, it’s an inside thing”
“Ohh okay, our viewers were wondering. Are you enjoying today’s event?”
“Yeah. Feels good to be out and supporting you know? Like there’s a lot of kids out there who’s scared and if I can help one I want to”
“Yes definitely. We’ve had so many positive comments come in. And here we have Olli Halla joining. Or... heh well. He’s got Logan in a headlock now”
“Olli! How’re you today?”
“I’m good thank you, how’re you?”
“Very well, just been asking some questions from viewers. Are you enjoying wearing the rainbow colors? We’ve had a lot of question regarding your relationship status?”
“Ohh Ollibear is a precious, single moomin and he’s got a team of protectors. Whoever wants to woo our precious baby Finn has to go through a series of tests to even be considered”
“Shut up timmy”
“Well here we have Timmy Jones as well, joining Logan Tremblay and Olli Halla”
“I think we all look good in rainbows and I’m happy to support this cause. Mental health is important and we have to use our platforms to make sure everyone is seen and heard and validated”
“Aww Olli you’re making me cry”
“Shut up lo, go play with Finn”
“Haha you’re all just jealous cause I look best in rainbows”
“That was Logan Tremblay. Now, timmy, how’re you feeling about today?”
“Get to wear awesome colors, get to skate for fun and it was fun to do glitter wars in the locker room”
“Well with that I’m gonna end the transmission for now. Do send in more questions. We’re back after a short break”
Nadotheman: oiii glitter after party at our house!!! Bring your families and babies. Pets welcome too!!!
Blizzard: this is not another surprise party for your cat right?
RussianGod: it was anniversary for first month very important say so in lily baby book.
Prongstar: are you using our baby books to raise a cat?
KrisVolley: that explains a lot. They send me weekly updates. Do you have a baby book for her too?
Timmyforrealz: of course, I’ve seen it. You know they have a photographer every month. They do parties for her every anniversary and they went through an agency to get a cat sitter
Ollibear: it’s cute. Though I don’t need the daily updates on her mice eating skills
Nadotheman: she’s so talented! How’re you not impressed? She hunted and killed it herself... you don’t complain when we have some stupid kid party. You all breed like fucking rabbits... baby showers, christenings, birthdays ahhhh... so many babies... we get to celebrate our cat too...
Prongstar: did you steal my baby book? To raise a cat. That’s weird
Nadotheman: calm down she’s a kitty and we didn’t know how to raise her. At least my baby sleeps through the night.
Prongstar: don’t compare a kitten to my baby.
CarbO’Hara: hahahahaha poor James. His kid being upstaged by a spoilt kitten.
RussianGod: she’s not spoilt. She got good parents
Sergei_81: you are weird. Baby cat is not baby human.
Talkiewalkie: I did enjoy the circle of life themed cat name giving party. The snacks were really good!
DumoDad: celeste, Anya and linnea want to know if there’s going to be anything x-rated? Otherwise we’re all not going.
Nadotheman: that was one time and I had no idea she was a stripper
LeWilliam: how do you accidentally order a stripper?
Prongstar: it’s Nado. I wouldn’t put it past him. He did accidentally adopt a penguin in Pittsburgh and he’s joined like three pyramid schemes?
Ollibear: that’s why he’s got an accountant now 😂 that is one of the best memories of my life, when Nado’s mom came and yelled 😂😂😂
Siriusly: I spent $150 on a stupid cat present and she spent the rest of the evening playing with the box it came in... she’s definitely your cat...
RussianGod: best cat best cat parents best after party stop whiny
Logantremblayzzz: we’re in!!! Is the jacuzzi on?
Nadotheman: you’re not doing sex stuff in our jacuzzi
Newt-leo: we’ve all seen the photos of you doing it though. Little hypocritical
Nadotheman: well stupid drone stalking me.
Sergei_81: we bring vodka. And babies. They want play street hockey? Is March. They crazy
Talkiewalkie: oh I’m in for street hockey!! Also does that explain the amount of dick pics we’ve received?
Nadotheman: what happens on Snapchat stays on Snapchat... you’re all dirty voyeurs...
Ollibear: thought you promised to keep this pg-13?
DumoDad: that’s the pArty not the chat. I don’t think we’ve exhausted the topic of nado’s general sluttiness
Nadotheman: oi. I’m not a slut I’m sexually expressive and ya lot is all just jealous.
Nadotheman: also no one is chasing kuny? He’s dating around as much as me and he’s also sent dick pics
Blizzard: the difference is that Kuny is always naked or semi naked and well we’ve all seen his. And most of his bragging is in Russian anyways
Sunnysideup: hah if you understood you’d be ashamed. And also want to lock up your daughters.😂😂😂
RussianGod: is the accent. They all think they fix me hehe
Prongstar: I’m not even missing being single at all 😳
Blizzard: me neither 😜
Nadotheman: you’ve got Nat. I think you’ve won. Hands down. Your wives are all cool but Nat.... damnnnn 🙏🏻
Blizzard: id say back off but. What can I do 😜💖💖
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It’s actually just me, the lovely mod Pinks, who runs this imagines blog.  And no worries, I have time! If I ever don’t I will probably not accept requests for a bit. 
Recently posted a Snufkin one, so here are Moomin and Joxter!
Relationship Hcs ( Moomin Valley )
The sweetest feral boy there is. 
People forget how wild this dude can be. Oh he’ll show up and talk about poetry and nature, keeping up long peaceful conversations under the summer sun. This is also the dude who canonically has gone for a weapon when things go sideways.
I’m saying the s/o has the sweetest but fiercest protector they could possibly have. 
Sweet words will get him to flush, but physical affection??? The fingers pressed together??? He may have fur but under that he’s flushed, guaranteed. 
Likes to explore and spend time together the most. 
A cat. The s/o is dating a talking cat.
Don’t believe me? The man takes naps and only moves when necessary. If you open the door he’ll wander away and come back when he feels like it after wandering miles away. And if told to not touch something, not only will he touch it, he will touch, grab, push and drop it over the nearest ledge.
A cat.
He enjoys the type of day where he can lounge next to or on top of s/o, listening to them or enjoying the silence as they do something else. Bonus points if they scratch that spot on his head he likes so much.
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jancmalandra · 4 years
Moominmama On Mars
On fond farewells and happy homecomings
Early Friday morning, Snork Maiden and Little My snuck downstairs without waking up Moominmama and joined Edward and his children in their front room where they were almost finished setting up Moominmama's farewell party. All the food was freshly picked from Edward's farm, hand prepared, and carefully laid out on a dining table at the center of the room. There was a chair, plate, and a place setting for each of them around the table. Moominmama's chair was at the head of the table and was decorated with pretty ribbons in a rainbow of colors. Edward had even made a handmade cake and topped it with the first candle seen on Mars in over two millennia. Mark, Raul, and Kaori had decorated the room with handmade paper streamers and other festive decorations. They all waited for Moominmama to come downstairs very eagerly.
They didn't have to wait long for Moominmama to poke her head into the front room. They all yelled "Surprise!", and threw paper confetti over her head. Edward put a crown of colorful Martian flowers on her head and said to her, "This party is to thank you for your visit and everything that you have done for me, my family, and the Martian people! It's also to send you home again with all our blessings and heartfelt good wishes!"
"I really appreciate this wonderful surprise!", said Moominmama, "But whatever do you mean by 'the Martian people' ?"
"I'll show you! Since I first took you to see my farm I've been broadcasting everything that we've been doing together to the entire planet over the video screens. You've become the biggest hit on Mars! Everything that you've taught us about gardening and living life you've also been teaching to everyone on the planet! It's only because of the example that you've set that THIS is about to happen!", said Edward, pointing to the large screen that took up the better part of the rear wall of the front room. Images of various large crowds of Martians flashed by one at a time on the screen. Some of these crowds were standing in the streets of Martian cities, some were standing in the domed fields and forests, and some were gliding about in submarines in vast, immeasurable underwater wildlife preserves. The Martians were all yelling out their thanks to Moominmama in joy! Then, in perfect synch with each other, they all shouted, "Five! Four! Three! Two! One!". All of the protective domes over the forests and farms vanished into thin air!
It was like watching an entire planet being born and taking it's first breath on it's own. There was a rush of released air, and in the fields, forests, and jungles, countless Martian insects, birds and animals scurried about wildly as if they were celebrating their newfound freedom along with the Martian people. The crowds of Martians all shouted, cheered, jumped for joy, and danced together.
It was the most amazing sight that the three Earthlings had ever seen. Even Little My, who prided herself on being utterly unsentimental, was moved to tears.
Edward took Moominmama's paws in his, and said, "We Martians might never had the courage to let our planet go to fend for itself if it hadn't been for you. We worked so hard for so very long to restore our planet that we could very well have made the mistake of trying to protect it by controlling it forever. It's going to be so much more wonderful watching what our planet becomes without us interfering. There comes a time when all you can do for the growing things you've raised is to sit back and revel in how they grow on their own. You taught us that. We all owe this moment to you. And now, we all want to send you back to Moominvalley and your family where you belong with our love and blessings."
Moominmama was so deeply moved that she was speechless. Edward lit the candle on top of her cake and Mark, Raul and Kaori led her to it. She blew out the candle and they all clapped for her. Then, they all sat down around the dining table and began enjoying the wonderful food Edward had prepared.
After the meal, Mark, Raul, and Kaori gave Moominmama a medium sized metal box with an opening in the top big enough to put a letter into it. "You can send letters to us anytime you like with this.", explained Kaori, her voice breaking with sadness. "We can send letters to you as well. This small square on the top will light up anytime there's a letter inside it. All you have to do is press the button to open the box and get your letters. We'll write to you once a week from now on forever and ever, we promise!" At this, all three Martian children began to cry and gathered around Moominmama, hugging her powerfully. She hugged each of them in turn lovingly.
"Now, now, my dears.", said Moominmama, tears streaming from her eyes as well, "I'm going to look forward to each and every one of your letters! I'll be sure to write back and tell you about everything going on in Moominvalley. Be good and treat each other kindly. Goodbye, and may The-Protector-Of-All-Small-Beasts watch over you all!"
"Moominmama.", said Snork Maiden gently through her tears, "Are you ready to go back to Moominvalley with us?"
"Yes, Snork Maiden.", said Moominmama, hugging her reassuringly. She lifted up the key around her neck and it began to glow. Snork Maiden and Little My did the same and their keys glowed blindingly. The next thing they knew they were standing in front of the bathhouse door in Moominvalley. Moominmama looked more relieved than sad as she gazed up into the sky, looking in the direction of Mars.
"I REALLY want to see Moominpapa as soon as possible.", said Moominmama, "I really have missed him. I hope he, Moomintroll, Snufkin, and the children haven't gotten themselves into too much mischief. But that would probably be good for Papa, too." The three women headed down the boardwalk towards the beach. They were very surprised to see Moominpapa, Snufkin, Moomintroll, Tayberry, and Moomin waiting for them on the beach. Moominpapa was holding out a very large bouquet of flowers towards Moominmama, a look of regret and deep love on his face. But, how they all got there is a story for next time.
The End
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theetournesolsystem · 4 years
System Introduction
Hey guys! Introduction to our system. We are called the Tournesol system, Tournesol means sunflower in french! Our current alters are:
Danika: The host, short brown hair and brown eyes and carmel skin. She is bisexual and cis, but she doesn't care about pronouns. She loves animals, BTS, hobicore, casinocore, warrior cats, acting, writing and music. She is an otherkin and her main ID is Tigerstar from warriors. Her tag is #morningstar
Robin: Protector, curly ginger hair and brown eyes and pale skin. He is gay and cis, he/him pronouns. He loves animals, Cavetown, Tame Impala, nature, cottagecore, animal crossing, moomin, art and playing piano. He is also otherkin and his main ID is Snufkin. His tag is #redrobin
Scourge: Presecutor, Fictive of Scourge from warrior cats. They are pansexual and nonbinary, they/them pronouns please. They likes scenecore, MCR, MSI, anything emo, trendercore, invader zim and anything neon. His tag is #azote
Dolly: A maternal figure we don't know her role, long wavy blonde hair and brown eyes and olive skin. She is cis and bisexual, she/her pronouns. She loves baking, country music, nature, drinking, playing guitar and cats. Her tag is #applepie
Louis: He’s a fictive of Louis from Beastars. He is cis and gay, he/him pronouns. He loves casinocore, acting, red, velvet textures, red velvet cake, expensive things and playing flute. His tag is #flauta
Legoshi: Fictive of Legoshi from Beastars. He’s cis and bisexual, might have a slight crush on Louis. He loves tea, Danika’s pet lizards, swimming, blue, the forest and watching his source (beastars). 
Mapleshade: Fictive of Mapleshade from Warrior cats. She is cis and het, she/her pronouns. She loves sweaters, cinnamon, fluffy things, hot chocolate, fall, dogs (suprisingly), and walking around the land that our systems host’s family owns.
We are in the middle of getting a diagnosis, but we believe we might have DID. Hope to see y’all around!
DNI Transmeds, LGBTphobes, DDLG/kink 
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hello! did you get my ask about asking tips to write characters with DID? I didn't mean to push you around i just wanna make sure it came through ;u;
Oh, no! You're fine!
Now, with writing any character who's from a demographic you're not, you can write them in your story, but don't write THEIR story. Having a character with DID well written is good! However, don't take a story for a multiple to write. You can write about the issues they face, and the problems they have, but don't make a story 100% centric around them and their relationship to their disorder. That goes with anyone writing about a minority who isn't in that minority.
With being a multiple, theres several things that can cause the orgin, so if you are interested: look up the other dissociative disorders! There's OSDD-1A and OSDD-2B where you can read up on--and more--here! They both also have the aspect of alters in their conditions but are far less recognized despite also being vaild members in the community. There's some differences, of course, that make them fall into a different section, but you're writing about a multiple character and you can explore the possiblities.
These three disorders are all what falls under the Traumagenic umbrella of disorders. These disorders come from a child being in an extremely dangerous situation for a prolonged period (ie; abuse) and the brain splits apart to create a defense against what was around them. This ages vairies (from 6-11 is what I've seen folk talk about!) but it has to happen when the person is young. You cannot develop alters or a system if you are abused as a 23 year old, or get into a car crash at 30. Your personality and conscious is already formed and made and your brain will resort to other measures to protect you. But not an alter system.
Okay, okay...I personally don't like alter labels, but people use them often. Do research on them! The main ones are protector (kinda self explanatory), a little (a young alter between the ages of anything under 12!) perscutor (an alter who inflicts damage on the body and system) and there's more here! i don't like them because i feel like it puts an alter into a box of who they are, and that their existence is boiled down to just being my xyz which isn't the case? /: speaking of which--
They! Are! People! Too!
So I have a friend! They go by Ouma because they're a dumbass kinnie. They also like the Moomins, other animes, and are a wild card. They're also dating my other friends Tucker and Alan! We have an inside joke that Tucker is a yee-yee boy, and Alan cannot stand seafood but loves blue!!!!
Yeah, they're also all in my head! I'm not into Dangarompa or The Moomins, I have only one s/o and I love seafood. We all have our similarities, too! I used to really like Overwatch, and me and Alan also like the colour blue a TON! And me and Tucker have an UNDYING love for hozier but he's a lot more quiet and tame then me. Oh and we're also all gay
To write an alter character, just...make a character on the side like you would with any other character! Than make them an alter and see how they'd react to the whole situation. (Keep in mind, in headspaces, alters also have different appearances! so u can design...anything)
And I mean absolutely any deisgn or character with any backstory. I have an alter whos a 200+ year old demon (obviously like. not actually, but that's how they identify themselves) and I even have introjects from media in my system (I have Toby, for example! And he remembers being Toby!). These memories are very very real to them and it's like saying YOUR past didn't happen at all, and not every alter has a life before Being In The Flesh Vessel but respect those who do say they do because it's not just a story to them.
Headpace!!! HEADSPACE!!!!! headspaces are things that are so unique to every individual person! some people don't even have them, but a headspace is basically where all the alters are for a lack of better words. My headspace is a giant house that has some forest and a nearby neighborhood, and it took YEARS to build it that far. My headspace sometimes feels undisguinshable from reality, and its something super important to a lot of systems. Ask people about their headspaces!!!!! They're something nobody mentions but are nonetheless important!!!!
Communication...okay, if you've seen something like 50% Off (yes, the free dub) with the one guy who talks to himself a lot? Yeah that's how inner world communications work a lot. Even though it's also not DID, inside out is also a vaild comparison to how some systems communicate! Imagine the voice in your head, but you have multiple of them and it's just a back and fourth. That's how it is! It's not hallunations since dissociative disorders don't come with the package of hallunations / psychotic symptoms, but they're n o t e a b l e none the less. Also writing letters is a good way some systems talk!
If you have more questions, please ask away! But remember that you just have to ask other people what it is for them. I'm only one wittle wad in this place, and there's so many other voices! Look up what other multiples have to say about these things, and I wish you the best of luck!
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stormklinge · 5 years
11 Questions Meme
I am finally catching up on these! I apologise so much for the long wait and a very lovely thank you to the wonderful @seedlingsinner, @echoes-of-a-capricorn, @joseph-the-father-seed and @casino-lights for tagging me in this meme! I loved to read your answers to the questions! (●´□`)♡ It was so lovely to read them and get to know you all better from them!
I will answer the questions all in this one so I will put the answers below the read more line! I am so excited for this and thank you all so so much for your wonderful tags! ♡^▽^♡ 
As for who I will tag I think most have already done this! I will extend the tag to all of my amazing followers I think! If you do fill this out please feel free to tag me as I would love to read your answers and get to know you all better! (●´□`)♡
@seedlingsinner, @echoes-of-a-capricorn and @joseph-the-father-seed questions! ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
If you had to spend seven years post collapse with one Seed in their bunker, who would you pick and why? I would pick Jacob because he is my favourite of the Seeds and I think he would be a very protecting companion for survival in the Collapse era! I like to think he would be very comforting through it all too!
What would your last meal on earth be? Probably my mother’s soup because I have so many good memories of eating it with my family! ♡
Have you played any of the other Far Cry games? Oh yes! I love Primal so much! And Far Cry 3 and 4 are very good too! I have also played Blood Dragon!
If you could travel back in time for a day, where would you go? I think I would like to travel back in time to a time when I could perhaps help someone through something difficult. I am not sure of an exact day? But if I could go back and help someone through something difficult I would use it for this!
Which Gun for Hire is your favourite, and do you always travel with them? I mostly travel alone but I love Boomer and Peaches because they are so cute and I love to pet them!
Do you game on xbox, playstation or PC or a combination of the three? I play on PC! I wish I had a PS4 and I wish that I could play with my friends that play on consoles!
What is the best thing about you? I am not sure! I don’t think I am able to pick something because I am not sure!
Do you have siblings? Oh yes! I have three brothers and two sisters and they are all older than me! I love them all so much!
Whats your favourite movie genre? I love romance movies! I love romance stories a lot so the movies are my favourite too! ♡ They make me very happy!
What would the perfect date night be? This is a good question! I think that I would be happy to do anything on a date as long as I was with someone I had good feelings for and if they were happy and enjoying it this would be so perfect!
If you save Jacob, Faith or John, who would you chose to save and why? I wish I could save all of them.... but I think if I had to choose it would be Jacob just because he feels so familiar to me in so many ways and I have a great sympathy for him!
@casino-lights questions! (●´□`)♡
1. You have to live in the video game you played last. Which one would it be?
Saints Row 3! I am not sure how I feel about this one! It could be very fun but also very dangerous! 
2. If you have an OC, do you and your OC share any common characteristics?
I think that Volk shares a few things in common with me because it is familiar and comforting to have! Volk loves nature a lot like I do!
3. If you could live any place in this world, where would it be?
It is difficult to choose otherwise beside my hometown of Rovaniemi! But my heart will rest happily anywhere it may travel because this whole world is beautiful in some way!
4. John, Jacob, Joseph, or Faith. Which of the Seeds is your favorite and why?
I love all of the Seeds in their own way but Jacob is my favourite because he is very familiar and comforting to me. I feel like he has a good heart beneath the hurt and that he is a good protector to his little brothers!
5. Baking or Cooking?
Both but I am better at cooking than baking!
6. Any announced video game you’re most excited about?
Cyberpunk looks really cool and I am very excited! I also look forward to Death Stranding!
7. Do you remember your first impression about when you played Far Cry 5 for the first time?
I loved it! My brother recommended the game to me and it was such a good game! I am still very new to gaming but the environment of it and the characters are so good and I found myself playing it for very long periods of time in one go! I could not put it down!
8. First Movie Crush?
It is difficult to say? My first fictional character crush was Snufkin from Moomin!
9. Apart from drawing and writing, what are your hobbies?
I love to talk to my friends and I love to go to the gym! I also like bird watching and hiking and anything in nature!
10. Favorite Food?
Either my mother’s soup, cherries or mämmi! I look forward to Easter for it!
11. Last but not least, do you prefer long hair, or short hair?
I would like to grow my hair out but I prefer my own to be short! It can be any length on anyone else and be just as beautiful!
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muminmint · 6 years
moomin mama works so hard to mske everyone happy and she is also filled with wise advice and knowledge shes such a protector and one day i wannamake everyone as happy as she does
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1, 4, 5 & 6 for the system asks?
1 - who are your protectors?
my main buckaroo is named Tucker! He's been here kinda The Longest (he remembers our headspace being Absolutely Nothing). I have a lot of internal self helpers, mainly my Poppa! He fronts,,,,, sometimes,,,,, (it's been over a year) and he's also a main guy that a lot of all alters rely on!!
4 - what's switching like for us?
it's,, weird? sometimes its like a sneeze and i can feel it coming on for Hours but nothing happens, and that gets? stressful,, other times im just zoning out and ohohoh!!!!! im not watching YouTube anymore im in the kitchen making Ramen Noodles and there's ANIME. MUSIC BLASTING IN MY EARS AND MY MOM IS RIgHT NEXT TO ME AND K DO-
and then sometimes A Trigger Thing Happens and Oops! Here comes xyz (it's not always a bad thing! like one of my alters erin rlly likes mcr and he'll front asap listening to Black Parade or Tucker might like,,,, Lurk if he sees im looken at moomin stuff because he's a grade a loser) but with those switches it's. basically like you took a nap but u don't realise u napped so ur just????? oh wow.
5 - brief description of the inner world?
uhhhh it's like. A Giant Mansion where we all live basically? there's some Other Things but it's mainly that, and a forest that i don't think has anything idk man i don't really leave the house (ah. just like In The Outer World)
there is a small town? maybe??????? i know there's a park but yea man
6 - anything you do to make switching easier?
I TELL PPL AROUND ME SJSHWIABAA this is a v huge thing for us, and we have rules we do (ie; "who can u talk? who's safe to contact / who's not? what chores needs to be done") and god that's helpful! so if i ever get annoying w/ "oh hey i feel switchy" plz know it's only because i don't want u to be shocked if u see that "I" am talking weirdly/different (though 9.5/10 of the time they'll say it's them, esp my main guys)
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