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the-killer-clown · 12 years
Meeting of the Devil
[For Ivy and anyone in DF who loves la Joker who wants to go see Vine again....]
Joker drove, he drove for 2 hours deep into the New Jersey forests. The mist hung deep in the forest, almost to the point Joker couldn't see what was ahead of him. He sat, driving the van in silence. He didn't want to go back. He didn't want to see him. Hear his voice in Jokers head. He hated it.
He looked at Ivy, who sat in the passenger seat as they drove. Until finally he saw it. A hill, however, in the hill was a cave. This cave was explored, and known by many people in the Gotham/New York area...but what they didn't know was what was deeper down...
He put the car in gas, and gulped. He was afraid. Very much afraid. But he pulled himself together to look at Ivy and say, "This is it. He's in there." He said, nodding towards the hole that lead to the deeper caverns. 
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thespawnofthestars started following you
"Now what's this? An intergalactic squid? I thought that I had seen it all, with Chaos, Dark Gaia, The Biolizard, I thought I had seen my fair share of invincible creatures from the deep reaches of space! What on earth could YOU be doing here? This place is MINE!"
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infamous-archer-blog · 12 years
thespawnofthestars started following you
"Well, hello there. Who might you be?" She inquired, never having seen something quite like him before.
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'The prophesied?' Elaine had to repeat in her mind before a smile crept on her face, no matter how much she didn't want it to. She couldn't help it. It was just so satisfying. "Alright, look into my mind and I'll show you where we can go." she said, closing her eyes so that she could imagine it properly. She imagined a field that she had been taken to not too many years ago. It was the same place she had sparred with a friend, but that was before she received more help with her powers. The city broke off and there was the ocean of trees. She even imagined the two women leading her down the path. One was tall with long red hair, and the other was Elaine's height with long blond hair. But, she couldn't remember their faces. It wasn't too far in that there was an empty field that was about fifty yards in length. 'Outside this city is a forest. There is an empty plain passed a windy path that should be perfect. I've used it before for fighting purposes.' she thought. 'And my car is hidden just before the field.' She showed the location of the car, just a few yards off the path, covered in leaves and branches for camouflage. 'I'd like to rest in there if you don't mind.'
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