#these roles. in favor of something more equal (the car and the driver as both are required to move forward and both have the power.
wygolvillage · 1 year
honestly i think a lot of people on here are really attached to the idea that a visual motif/metaphor can only mean One Specific Thing and cant vary based on context
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paint-lady · 3 years
hey, if you don't mind, i want your advice: i'm going to be running a chronicle set in chicago (i am using the chicago by night 5e book) for players who are new to vampire for the most part in a few days and i can't For The Life of Me to come up with an interesting chronicle hook (yeah i have read the hooks in the book). any ideas/suggestions/general advice?
Hiya! I could talk your ears off on how I write my chronicles- so hopefully I have taken all my processes and reduced it down to a lovely World of Darkness jam. 
Here are two good hooks I just came up with- feel free to use them! The third is what I got for my first chronicle, and I just think its a narrative that works very well for new players.
>Option 1: Guilty Until Proven Innocent ”Chicago is a series of paradoxes and transitions, of ever changing paradigms and whimsy,” (CbN 47). Have your coterie be newbies to the city. Ask why they have come to Chicago. Power? A new start? Perhaps this is a political arrangement between the clan of one city with another. Whatever their reason, they have arrived right when a Primogen vanishes- and guess who is first on the suspect list? The fresh faces on the streets >:) The coterie, having barely settled, has to suddenly prove their innocence. And finding evidence lets them uncover something much more sinister....
This one is ideal for new players as it sets everyone on an equal footing. Even if they create a character that has been a vampire for 50+ years and has amassed several dots of influence, herd, status- whatever, they are still new to the city. And being new means you have to start all over again. (This may be frustrating to a player that invested all those points at character creation- but it is on you as the ST to make sure they have opportunities to use those dots and on them as a player to think cleverly.)
Starting the tale off with defending their innocence is actually a very engaging questline. It effectively sets the stage for the political powerhouses. It lets new players know there are rules- and those in power are watching. It also sets the consequences for failure. Understand that the Camarilla probably isnt going to outright kill the coterie if they fail- always make the punishment just harsh and grueling enough to make final death feel like a mercy. Failure isn’t the end of the story.
For new players- I would be lenient with the time it takes for them to find evidence. But within reason. Think like your Prince and Seneschal. Do you really want this coterie running around for a full week, unsupervised, making more messes? No. You don’t. (You might wanna send an npc with them to watch and keep em out of trouble. Your npc is also able to vouch for them.)
This story lends itself to be a Camarilla Chronicle very easily. You can go Anarch, but an Anarch leader suddenly vanishing and blaming the newbies is much more quickly going to end with blood spilled. Thank your local sweeper.
> Option 2: Containment Breach Blacksite 24 (Loresheet on page 264) was temporarily occupied by Operation Firstlight. It has now been transformed into a medical research facility. While most kindred of Chicago know of Blacksite 24, they have zero clue what happens inside other than bad news for them- the less they know the safer they are. The chronicle opens with a car crash. The captured soon-to-be coterie was in transit to this feared medical facility. The crash did kill the driver and the agent in charge of transporting them. The crash did not fully break their restraints, but it did enough damage that first responders are freaking out. They are all at hunger 3. The chronicle is a hunt. The coterie should have some knowledge of what had happened to them and how lucky they are to have escaped. Operatives are already on their way to recapture them. They must hide in this city- and do their best to survive and stay out of sight.
The point of this story is to invoke dread. I highly recommend one player either being a thin-blood (or an npc) with the Daydrinker merit, or a player to have a ghoul. If they decide to not have a daywatch, they increase their chance of being found.
This story also sets up a feeling of desperation. They would be willing to take shelter from anyone- anyone. Eventually the other kindred will catch on that these guys are on the run from something. Any sane kindred would toss them out to protect themselves. A compassionate kindred who takes them in will suffer the final death as a compassionate fool- or join them in captivity. 
This story lends itself to be an Anarch Chronicle much more easily. This is the time the Camarilla will likely be a bit more paranoid and bloody. While they might not outright kill the coterie- they will send them somewhere that is a death trap. They wont dirty their hands with this. After all, you do not want any evidence to fall into the hands of the SI if you hired the hit.
This story is ideal for newbies without background merits. No allies, no influence, no herd. Let them take more mythic merits such as bloodhound and unbondable (Consider finding some from V20 too! There are some really awesome supernatural merits!). These powers would certainly be more fascinating for a medical team to study- not how many instagram followers they have. This kind of story also lets your players feel more powerful- but out of the loop. It lends itself to them forging alliances and getting caught in one-sided favors a lot more quickly. 
The challenging aspect of this story is that is starts with a masquerade breach. New players may not know how to handle such a blatant breach and thats okay. I would let the crash slide- and the Camarilla in the background handles it. Breaches after the crash need to be handled with proper consequences. 
> Option 3: New Blood This is what my storyteller did to me and my first time players (and its also very close to the plot of CoNY). We were shovelheads. Embraced to make a huge mess for the Camarilla and die quick deaths. We were all thin-bloods. The last thing the pcs remember is the sweet rush of ecstasy washing over them, before clawing out of the earth and driven mad by an insatiable hunger. The thrill of the hunt, and the sweet, warm blood on their tongue, nothing was going to be better. All three will awake next to each other, surrounded by the corpses they drank dry in their frenzy. What a way to play the name game! The players have three nights were they figure out their new condition or coverup their tracks (if they think to do it). They contend with their hunger and hatred of sunlight, wrestle with accidentally drinking their family member dry. After three nights, the Scourge comes knocking. Rather than outright killed, they are dragged to Elysium. For some reason, they are adopted by an upstanding member of the Camarilla- or the Prince orders a political rival care for them (hoping they fail). The players are the errand childer of this kindred, and slowly they figure out what they have been gathering through all these errands....
This one lets the characters all have the moments where they discover their disciplines and powers- and bestial tendencies. It naturally flows to allow players to slowly discover the rules and mechanics as well. All players must play fledglings for this tale. 
This story is much more a personal tale than a political one. Eventually politics makes its way in...but it does not have to be a focus. 
This story has less of a hook and more of a “Figure it Out” survival mode until the errands begin. The story is how the character’s react to their condition. It very quickly lends itself to a narrative of finding your own path in the night, rather than mindlessly obeying.
So here are a few questions that I ask myself when crafting a chronicle story:
1. What kind of story do you want to tell? Not asking for a plot hook, I’m asking for a general concept. Is it a tale of good triumphing over evil? (Not necessarily a wrong answer, but if you wanna play good guys...vampire is not the best game for that). Is this a chase? Is this a race against time? 
2. How do you want your story to make your players feel? Do you want to tell a story that invokes as much dread as possible in your players? Do you want them to feel ultra powerful? Vampire is both a power fantasy and a dread inducing game- it can do both. 
3. If you don’t know what kind of story you want to tell, switch gears to worldbuilding. CbN has so many NPCs with the rumors already written for you. Its your setting, perhaps switch two rumors around with prominent NPCs. Decide which ones are true in your setting- Maybe Primogen Annabell did kill her predecessor. Perhaps the Lasombra are attempting to infiltrate the Camarilla as everyone fears- but no one is able to prove it or stop it. Deciding what is true, false, and undetermined usually blossoms into hooks and stories worth investigating.
4. What is a historical event of the city that the Vampires would have endured/ scars would have remained? For example, in my chronicle set in Richmond, the tale of the Richmond Vampire is true. Depending on who you ask, it is the Camarilla’s best or sloppiest cover up. Have the chronicle coincide with the events and the coterie live through them. No one said this must take place in 2021- you can do 2015, 2008, -hell go back the 1990s. Its actually super fun if you set your chronicle in the 90s and your Malkavian is using phrases from 2020.
5. One of my things I do when writing scenes and moments is play Dread by myself. Dread is a role playing game played with jenga. There are no dice rolls, if you want to attempt something, you have to pull pieces from the tower. If the tower falls, you die. If there is a moment where I really really really dont want to pull from the tower, though the reward for succeeding is so so sweet- I keep the moment. If its really easy to shrug and go eh, I can live without performing that action- go back and rewrite it. If you have no incentive to pull from the tower, why would they?
6. Examine your player’s desires and ambitions- and do not neglect them in your chronicle. The plot wont magically allow all of them to achieve their ambitions. However, provide opportunities for them through the plot. Its on them to strive for what their character wants- its on you to make them struggle but have the path to get there. For example, if a player wants to become a Baron, provide a political opening. Perhaps then by announcing their power, they have made a bigger name for themselves and it has become harder to hide. Perhaps by doing this, the kindred they owe a favor is suddenly much more vocal about it. 
Here are some suggestions for handling new players:
> You are going to have to handhold them through some things. New players to vtm won’t be able to see the cascading political web and how the consequences of their actions will ripple into waves. I like to use Wits+Insight and call it Common Sense. Common Sense was a merit in V20- and damn is it WONDERFUL. All they need is just 1 success (they can take half) to have you explain how whatever plan they just thought of is actually a TERRIBLE idea. 
> Do your RPG consent list. Know what is safe to discuss and what is off the table. I highly recommend utilizing something my Storyteller used for my first chronicle, and subsequently I use for all my ttrpgs now: Invoking the Veil. The metaphor is that you are slowly lessening the intensity of a scene- as if raising the opacity or looking through layers of fabric. Eventually, there is too much fabric and you can no longer see the scene. If something is too intense, the ST or the player may announce they are invoking the veil. Reduce the scene by lowering music, speaking in third person, or avoiding heavy descriptors. You can reduce it further to just dice rolls. Role play stops, and the consequences of the scene are solely dictated by the dice. Or fade to black. If a player is repeatedly fading to black on something- ask to talk to them about it. Clearly something is too intense and they are not having as much fun as they can. Debriefing after a session is also a good idea. Do something silly! Share and check all the memes in the discord chat. Its important to make sure you and your players know that at the end of the night- its all just a game.
> I find the sabbat and new players don’t tend to mix well. You may absolutely still use the sabbat in your chronicle! But the dogma and philosophical ideals of the sabbat can be offputting and downright upsetting to a first time player. You may absolutely build to it- that’s what I did to my players. And in the moment of the truth, they chose to cling to humanity. 
> The taking half mechanic is your friend! V5 says players may announce how many dice they are rolling- and if the dividend is greater than the DC- they auto succeed. This streamlines play. Of course, you as the Storyteller may say this is a roll they are not allowed to take half on. Usually these are contested rolls (combat).
> The three turns and out rule keeps combat intense but not too lengthy. It actually streamlines encounters super super well. 
> My ST used a phrase, “The quickest way to kill Cthulhu is to give it a healthbar.” If Methuselahs and Elders are involved in your game- avoid giving them stat blocks. This cultivates a conflict that new players must find a way to overcome without brute force combat. It makes them think critically and defy these super old antagonists through narrative means. This also gets the notion out of your and their heads, “if they die, its over.” Its never that easy. Never. 
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dunnystuff · 3 years
Take the time to read this. Great analysis of what our population is being subjected to.
Wokeness will be the end of us if we don’t wake up
A friend notes:
Brainwashing is best accomplished when you have no idea that it is being done but simply occurs as part of the fabric of your life. While you may "feel" that something is wrong, you are being programmed nonetheless. Think about TV Commercials and shows with these facts in mind.
US population 334 million consisting of 57.8% white, 18.7% Latino, 12.1% Black and 11.4% Asian or other.
Then break that down to about 10% of all existing marriages that are interracial including those of all races, and only 5.6% of the population that identifies as LGBT. You would expect the same ratio's in TV commercials if they represented America but here's what you see instead, taken from a log of TV commercials over a 4 month period, which is quite different.
For TV, white men as the majority of Americans have all but disappeared. When they are in commercials they are either old, ugly and sick or they are the partner of a black woman and have no speaking part. In 3 of the commercials the white men are doing laundry and always paired with a little girl to whom they are delivering the clean clothes. In other words, less than 10% of the population is driving 90% of the narrative.
There were zero commercials of White fathers and sons. None! So while 75% of white children live with both their parents, including their fathers, we choose instead not to model that that in favor of the 62% of black children that do not live in a two parent household? This is our new normal in their eyes? As acceptable? Is this the healthy "normal" image we want to model to our population?
Equally disturbing, young white boys and teens have also disappeared, unless they were flagrantly new age gay, as though that represents the "majority" instead of the pitifully small minority. What distorted perception of reality does that serve? The study found a majority of the children were white girls with a black "brother" even though this represents the smallest percentage of any reality discussed thus far! The MAJORITY of TV commercial couples consist of a white woman with a black man, when in reality these make up about 6% of the 30% of blacks that are married or about 2% of our population. Are you starting to see how ridiculous, yet pervasive this extraordinary brainwashing is? Exactly what are they trying to program into us with this relentless deluge of non-reality?
Surprisingly, in the month of December there was an uptick (but not a majority) in good looking white male models, but research determined that in each and every case it was a cologne commercial and every one of those commercials were made in Europe where they still use white men in their commercials. Here, on the other hand, they prefer to portray young white males as so mind-numbingly stupid as being incapable of delivering their lines and couldn't even say "Liberty Mutual", the insurance company featured in the commercial.
Over a period of 4 months it concluded that while the African American population in America is only 12% they were in 94.3% of the commercials. Black males are only 5% of our population yet were in 89.7% of the ads. Then you have to ask, where are the Asians and Latino's that make up nearly THREE TIMES the black population? Are they in THREE TIMES the number of ads or is something severely skewed here in the minds of Hollywood and Madison Avenue?
The fact is that while white males make up the largest segment of our population, they were in only in 4% of the TV commercials! In most of those cases they are in their 60's to 80's and were pushing medication for debilitating diseases, reverse mortgages (Tom Selleck) or Medicare plans. While the study had many, many more alarming facts, one that really stands out is that virtually every ad campaign for new cars featured a woman driver except for Lincoln. In the commercials for automobiles there were more black women drivers than white women. Again, Europe was the exception here where Mercedes and BMW had NO VISIBLE DRIVERS!! They showed the cars cruising highways but never allowed a view where the driver was visible. I found that very interesting. Are they more interested in selling the product while we appear to be more interested in selling the political/racial message?
And it is not just our commercials that offer this skewed media driven unreality. It is also nearly impossible to turn on a show that doesn't have a gay couple or LGBT component, yet in reality only one in eighteen should, if they want to accurately represent the less than 5.6% of the population that fall in this group. The results of this brainwashing are dramatic and very successful. Despite the low percentage in real life, when polled, Americans have been brainwashed to believe that 24% of all Americans are LGBT! Based on commercials, they must also believe that the "average" American family is biracial, that white men barely exist and Latinos/Asians do not exist at all. That is the magic and the tragedy of the fake, dishonest and unrealistic "woke" TV that we watch and are affected by 24/7, even though it is far afield from our reality. Ditto for the "woke" minority that follow mindlessly in its wake, thinking that this bizarre narrative is in fact real or justified, when it is merely an illusion and fabrication. They truly do control our entire thought process and will distort our perception of reality, if we allow them to.
While it is one thing to erase the stigma of single parenthood, biracialism, or unusual sexual preferences, it is another thing completely to portray them as the "Role Model" or "Norm", as representative of our entire society, especially at the expense of true normality or realism. In this case, it looks like White, Latino, Asian and straight lives don’t matter according to them, and Black privilege with a side of LGBT has taken us over! Keep your head and don't fall for it.
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likeanemployee · 6 years
Twisted Ankle
I finally got around to the second fluff prompt I like this one too Weiss being worried about Ruby and it making her the spazzy one instead of Ruby was a fun role switch. The Ruby interacting with the staff bit at the beginning ended up way longer then I originally planned but I think it's sort of a neat thing even if its not necessary for the orginal prompt.
“oof” Ruby said falling out of the limo “Oh way to go Ruby, world class huntress fights monsters for living. Killed three, THREE, Nevermores yesterday and you can’t get out of a stupid car without falling over” Ruby mumbled on to herself as both the driver and doorman rushed over to help her up.
“Are you alright ma’am” The doorman asked arriving first and offering her a hand.
Ruby smiled impishly back up at him “oh yeah I’m fine.” She said coloring slightly from embarrassment Ruby still wasn’t used to all this limo and mansion and rich people stuff. It was nice sometimes and she knew Weiss was thrilled to have back some of the comforts of her childhood but there were parts of the whole thing Ruby just really didn’t understand. Like what the two of them, who had shared a single room for years, could possibly need 30 rooms for. There were 8 bedrooms, 8! For just the two of them and they shared the master bedroom, which was big enough to hold three of the dorm rooms they had back in beacon, and that didn’t even count the ballroom or the massive entrance hallway. It was absurd and Ruby still got lost on occasion.
“Please ma’am let us help you up” the driver said arriving a moment after the doorman. He took longer as he didn’t realize Ruby had fallen right away but he had been on his way anyway as he was supposed to open the door and help her out of the limo. That was another thing Ruby didn’t understand, she was a huntress she could, literally, run circles around these two, what did she need their help for. Then again, she thought I did just fall out of the car so maybe I do need their help.
“Thanks” Ruby answered grabbing both of their outstretched hands and pulling herself up just to fall again as soon as she put weight on her right foot. The driver standing on her right side reacted quickly catching her as she fell “Thanks again.” Ruby said with a half-smile. She gingerly tested her foot grimacing slightly as she put weight on it “I’m fine” she said again “I think I just twisted my ankle.” She tried to smile like it didn’t bother her, but she was clearly favoring her left leg and these two had been with the Schnee family through first Winter and then Weiss, they recognized the “tough huntress” routine when they saw it.
“please Ms. Rose let us help you inside” The doorman offered
“no, it’s fine I can walk on my own” Ruby replied defiantly she was not about to let herself be so disabled she couldn’t walk because she fell out of a car.
“at least let us get your bags and the doors for you” The driver answered. Ruby looked rebellious for a moment she always insisted on carrying her own bags she could do it herself after all why should they have to, but she leaned slightly more on her right leg and grimaced.
“well ok I guess” Ruby answered and the two men smiled at each other, they learned long ago you were only going to be able to convince these proud young ladies of so much, they even understood why that was to some extent, but they also learned a few tricks along the way and that particular tag team was yet to fail. The driver went to get Ruby’s bags as the doorman led Ruby to the front door and held it open. She didn’t even notice in all the movement that the driver had very carefully taken Crescent Rose from her as well or that the doorman had held her hand and allowed her to lean on him as she climb the stairs to the door.
“Thanks, I think I can manage from here” Ruby said as she entered into the large entrance hall.
“Of course, Ms. Rose” the doorman answered with a slight bow and went to help the driver with her bags
“She didn’t even give her customary awkward comment about the “unnecessary bowing” did she?” The driver asked with a slightly worried expression as he handed the doorman a bag.
“No” he replied in an equally worried tone “her ankle must have been even worse than she let on or perhaps she had another lingering injury from her mission.”
They shared a worried glance before the driver sighed and said with the air of a man trying to look on the bright side “well I’m sure whatever was wrong the young Miss Schnee will take care of it as soon as she see’s Ms. Rose is in pain.”
The statement earned him a laugh from his companion “I’m sure!” the Doorman answered “In fact “take care of it” may be the least Miss Schnee does”
“Ow! Ow! Ow!....” Ruby said as she limped down the hall toward the comfortable study she and Weiss often spent time in. She was barely half-way there when Weiss appeared in the hall in front of her
“Ruby” she called “I’m so glad you’re home. Oh no, What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” she asked rushing toward Ruby as she noticed her limp.
“It’s, ow, nothing” Ruby said, “I just, ow, twisted my ankle getting out of the car.”  
“You what?!?” Weiss exclaimed wrapping Ruby’s arm around her shoulders and leading her toward the study
“It’s nothing I’m fine” Ruby said trying to shake Weiss off “you all need to stop worrying about me I’m a huntress, I’m not going to be hurt by getting out of a car!”
Weiss refused to let Ruby shake her away “you are not fine you big dolt!” she exclaimed “It’s ok accidents happen, everybody trips sometimes, admittedly you trip more then most people but you are clearly in pain, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Just sit down and let me look at it.” She finished setting Ruby into a big comfy arm chair. Ruby huffed as she sat down but she didn’t fight Weiss as she bent over to examine Ruby’s ankle. “You’ve got bruises all over! and look at this scratch!” Weiss said, “it goes all the way up the side of your leg.”
“Those aren’t from the fall.” Ruby replied moodily crossing her arms and generally pouting “those are from the Nevermores.”
“What Nevermore!?!” Weiss asked in shock
“not Nevermore, Nevermores” Ruby answered stressing the s “There were three of them on my mission. It was just a little fight I got a few scratches and bruises. I’m fine.”
“Little fight!? Ruby, that was a scouting mission you weren’t supposed to do any fighting let alone take on three Nevermores all by yourself” Weiss complained worried about Ruby
“Well, it’s not like I asked the grim to show up!” Ruby answered defensively but Weiss just looked back with a disapproving glare “Ok fine maybe, I might have waited a little too long to start running away but everything worked out just fine. I didn’t even have to use my silver eyes.”
“Just fine? You were injured! You could have been killed!” Weiss nearly shouted back with worry
“Weiss, come on, I got a couple of scrapes and I was never in any serious danger. We’ve both come back from missions with far worse injuries before it’s part of the job. I mean come on I hurt myself worse getting out of the car!” Ruby answered
“I know but I worry when your gone.” Weiss admitted “it can be really hard.”
Ruby sighed deeply she wanted to be fed up with all the babying she was getting but she understood Weiss’ problem she hated being stuck at home while Weiss was on a mission. “yeah I know” Ruby said “I always worry too when you’re not home. But I really am fine Weiss, I just need to go easy on my ankle for a little while and take a day or two to rest, that was the plan anyway.”
“ok” Weiss answered she had moved a little closer and was kneeling next to Ruby with one hand laying on top of Ruby’s on the arm rest of the chair. She stood now leaning forward to kiss Ruby on the forehead as she did. “you just sit here and rest then.” Weiss gave a short “ok then” style sigh as she came fully upright and her demeanor changed suddenly “I’ll get you a stool to rest your foot on. Oh and some ice!” She said quickly rearranging the furniture she turned to go for ice but barely made it a step before she turned back around “Those clothes are kinda dirty maybe we should get you into something cleaner and more comfortable first.”
“No Wiess that’s fine..” Ruby tried to say but Weiss continued failing to take not of Ruby’s comments
“Or maybe you should take a shower, not that I think you need one that bad! I just know one of the first things I always like to do after a mission is get clean. Oh but showering might be hard with your ankle I guess I could help you if that wouldn’t be weird or you know no you could just take a bath the heat would help relax your muscles, well but you probably want ice for your bruises and swollen ankle.” Weiss paced back and forth as she spoke.
“Weiissss…” Ruby practically whined helplessly from her chair as Weiss rambled on.
“You’re right let’s scrap the bath idea” Ruby wasn’t sure if that was actually a response to her or just Weiss moving to her next scheme “I’ll get you a bunch of blankets and get a fire going in the fire place. We can put Ice on your ankle and have coffee and… cookies no, no tea and cookies, tea goes better with cookies. Tea and cookies and you can sit in front of the fire and relax and..”
“HEY! Weiss!” Ruby nearly shouted trying to get her attention
“Oh Ruby, did you need something what is it, can I get it for you?” Weiss answered
“Weiss, I don’t need any of that stuff! I just need you to come sit over here with me.” Ruby answered scooting over to make room in the big arm chair. “Just you know be careful of my foot”
Weiss smiled back at her “Of course Ruby.” Weiss replied sliding into the chair and cuddling up against her “will this do?” she asked nuzzling up against Ruby’s neck.
“it’s perfect” Ruby replied tucking herself into Weiss as best she could “although...” she added after a few moments “now that I think about it...”
“You want the cookies and tea too.” Weiss finished for her
“well it just seems like it would be perfect for snacking on while we cuddled” Ruby reasoned
“oh of course, you couldn’t have thought of that before you had me come snuggle up here with you though!” Weiss said in a teasingly frustrated tone.
“Hey, isn’t that what you keep telling me we have Kline for!” Ruby answered in a devious tone
“True.” Weiss replied, “and I suppose as long as I’m having him do that I should also have him start the fire and bring blankets and ice too?”
“I mean it couldn’t hurt.” Ruby answered sheepishly
“Dolt” Weiss replied lovingly planting a kiss on Ruby’s cheek before pulling out her scroll “hi, Kline yes Ruby’s back and we’re spending the rest of the evening together so could you please cancel any business I have for the rest of the day and while I’m sure it was already handled can you double check her things got put away. Excellent, thank you and when you’re done with that we need a few things brought to the study…”
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diveronarpg · 6 years
Tumblr media
Congratulations, GHOST! You’ve been accepted for the role of OTHELLO with a faceclaim change to Oscar Isaac. Admin Kaitlin: Oh man, Ghost, you have no idea how long I have been waiting for an Odin to bless our dashes. I’m not sure exactly what it is about him, but he’s one of those characters that has just always been enchanting to me, and I am so so so stoked that we’re finally going to have him on our dash. I absolutely loved the version of him that you gave us in this application, and I can’t wait to see where you take him from here! Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
Out of Character
Alias | Ghost
Age | Twenty-four
Preferred Pronouns | She/Her
Activity Level | I haven’t been on tumblr, more specifically the rp world, in like a long ass time so it might take me a couple weeks to get back into the swing of things (this goes for writing too) but I am going to be on at the very, very least 3-4 times a week and that’ll be on a bad week tbh.
Timezone | EST
Current/Past RP Accounts | Yikes. These. Are. Old. They were all hard to find because my memory (and liking to weird and complicated urls) is a little foggy and 3 are from the same rpg but here you go! The last I had deleted interactions off of but it has A LOT of character building posts I made for her.
In Character
Character | Othello; Odin Bello. Can I use Oscar Isaac, please?
What drew you to this character? | I was originally looking at Delilah when she was auditioned for an taken up by the perfect player. So, I decided to read him and I fell in love. I love broody “bad” boys who are also hella loyal and lost. I like his mix of brutality and passion. There is so much room for him to develop and I always look for that in characters. The last bit of his bio also sums up perfectly what I see in Odin. A constant battle with himself, really.
All must learn a little bit of cruelty in a time where there is no room for kindness. All must learn to be a little kind in a time where the world only knows to be cruel.
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? |
I. Bellamy. Out of all Odin’s connections, I feel I could have the most fun with this one and this is why this is a major plot idea I have stirring in my noggin. That is, of course, if it is ever feasible. It also plays into his and Bellamy’s connection to Pandora. He obviously wants to use Bellamy to potentially have a connection to the Montagues, to have someone inside to give him whatever information he needs. He also wants to take Pandora down. They are equal, but to him there could only be one brutal entity running around Verona. I’m sure he knows Bellamy’s annoyance with Pandora and what better way to find a way to tear her down than through Bellamy? If the blood is not on his own hands, how could he be guilty? If it wasn’t a Capulet that were to be Pandora’s demise, then there’d be no need for an outcry of more war. It seems to be the perfect concoction for a messy ending, but for who???
II. Delilah… I want Odin to regret the day he ever met her and not because of her supposed unfaithfulness, but because he was never man enough to love her right. I want him to watch her succeed and truly KNOW that he fucked up. I want him to try and make up for it and I want him to fail. Honestly, I am a sucker for hurting my own characters and what better way than giving Othello a taste of his own medicine?? It will also prove Ivan’s disloyalty to him and that would add a whole new level whenever this man comes into the picture in Diverona. I want Delilah to succeed so bad if you can’t tell.
III. PICK A SIDE ODIN!!! I want him to become one or the other. His mother or his father. I want there to be a downfall so hard that he either gives up all hope and becomes the monster people knew he would become or for him to see the errors in his way and try to make emends for them. No more broody, brutal and crying Othello. No more bloodshed. No more war. Every action has a consequence and so far he has gotten away free of harm. I want to tatter him up, strip him down and still see if he thinks brutality and kindness could have ever shared a home in the same body.
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? | Bring it on!
In Depth
What is your favorite place in Verona?
Odin took in a breath of fresh air, filling his lungs with the oxygen he knew he needed to survive. Some people say they don’t need a thing in this world to survive the bitter taste of reality. Yet, he knew as long as he was alive, he knew what it was like to need something so badly you would die for it. He felt he needed oxygen just as much as he neededVerona. To pick and choose a favorite place was like asking him if he’d rather go deaf or blind. He’d choose both over losing any spot or step he had in this city.
“I didn’t come back to this home to be asked to favor one area in it over the other,” He licked his lips, eyes looking around him. It was the closest thing he ever had to a home. “Would you pick a favorite child out of ten if you had them?” He laughed, something hollow and telling of the answer he already knew.
Because when it comes to something you love, you love all of it, not just the pieces that bring you the most happiness or contentedness. Through all the ugly you love it. Just like through all the blood and glorious battle, Othello loved his fair Verona.
What does your typical day look like?
***6:00 AM: The alarm on his bedside table goes off, but he is already awake. The muscles in his shoulders ache from a sleepless night, but he reaches over and dismissing the tone before sitting up in bed. His feet hit the cold floor beneath him as he stretches out his body, groaning in what seems like pain. They tell you about the hurting and then the healing, but somehow he missed the healing.
6:05 AM: Hot water runs in the shower, the steam filling the room and fogging up the mirror. He stands, forehead against tile as his skin burns beneath the water. He prepares his mind for the day that follows. He remembers his father, his stern glare and harshness. He remembers how he is just like him and it helps his mind to adjust to the world he is about to enter. He reminds himself that kindness only gave him the hurting. He wonders when the healing will ever come.
6:30 AM: He is dressed in uniform, sitting in the driver’s seat of his vehicle. He waits for the cold to leave his bones, but it never does. He adjusts the mirrors and his walkie-talkie before starting his car and driving off. Verona seems still, but he knows the facade way too well to believe it to be true.
6:47 AM: A running car is parked on the side of the road, driver’s side open, body splayed out over the top of the hood. He puts his lights on and pulls over. When he comes up to the person, it is clear they are no longer a part of the land of the living. EDM pounds through the speakers of the car, the hood covered in rose-gold chromatic dust. He takes in a deep breath before going back to his car.
6:50 AM: Odin comes back with a bag of white powder, some wipes and a plan. There are no known users of what the Capulets call il sangue di Faerie and there is good reason for that. Even he doesn’t know much about the dust, but he’d protect his family no matter what. He might have been cold and hardened over, but he had always been a faithful man. His loyalties were concrete. So, he did what he could to hide the truth. He cleaned up the mess of Faerie’s Blood before wiping the cover-up drugs over unbreathing nostrils, sprinkling the rest over the hood that once shined like the lights of the night life that hid these secrets as well.
6:53 AM: “Dispatch, we have a problem,” He spoke calmly into his walkie-talkie, eyes never leaving the corpse in front of him. “We have an overdose victim on the side of the road about 3 miles away from The Dark Lady. Send medics immediately. Suspect appear to be dead. ” He waited only moments for a response that help was on the way. At least this person didn’t have to experience the hurting. If only he was able to stick around for the healing.
7:30 AM: The car door shuts. Odin watches what’s left of the scene before him. His heart rate is steady and his mindset unaffected by what just happened. This city was a battle field and there were bound to be fatalities along the way. Accidents happen, especially when it comes to Faerie’s Blood cocaine addiction…
8:00 PM: The rest of his day was uneventful. He comes home to silence, slipping out of uniform and kicking it to the side. There is a twinge in his chest that he can’t quite describe as he pulls the blankets aside and climbs into bed. He remembers and feels the hurting and thinks about the healing. He thinks about how if your dead you can never hurt and then there would be no need for the healing. Even if you’re only dead on the inside, it still counts. He is content enough then to slowly drift into a slumber.***
Odin laughed, taking in a deep breath. “You think being a law enforcement officer would be more interesting, but it really isn’t. On a bad day we catch a thief trying to steal some cigarettes or catch someone driving under the influence. Gotta keep the streets and people of Verona safe, yeah?” He licked his lips, knowing very well his real day-to-day life was more of a glorified cop show where something was always happening. If it wasn’t covering up drugs… it was covering up a murder.
Othello drew in a deep breath. “But if you really want to know. There’s never a dull day with the family. Do you think I dawn the uniform now because I fight for justice? Maybe for them, but it is a good disguise. What officer isn’t morally corrupt nowadays? It just seemed to work.” He also needed the boost after his discharge. “I became a hero and found a place I belong. So, in the end, who gives a fuck what I do in my day?”
What has been your biggest mistake thus far?
The answer was simple. No matter how much he hated to admit it and to reveal his heart, he knew no other answer to give. His jaw clenched with a whisper of pain, but what else was a strong and calloused man to do but than to swallow it down in one heavy gulp. “Falling in love,” His father also made the same mistake. “What else has it brought me other than betrayal and hurt?”
The Bello men weren’t made for love, his father made that clear, but sometimes the heart is stronger than the mind. Only his fists were never stronger than his heart when it came to Delilah. Even Odin was man enough to choose words over fists, but no one had ever told him that they could hurt all the same. His tongue always lashed out and he could see the pain in her eyes every single fucking time. The words still haunted him.
“You’re nothing but a harlot. Who will love you now, Delilah?”
But maybe his biggest mistake wasn’t actually falling in love, but letting other’s make him believe in the lies he also told. The same mistake that led to ruining a good name– hurting a beautiful and kind woman. He never deserved her and he never will. He was his father and she was his mother. Black and white. Cold and warm. Cruel and kind. They were the spitting image of what he grew up watching and everyone now had the answer to the question they asked for years. The question he even had deep beneath his ribs.
Which do you think he’ll turn out to be?
Which will I turn out to be?
What has been the most difficult task asked of you?
***“Bello.” his upper said sternly, making it known that he was serious in his decision. “You’re being discharged.” He knew words could hurt, but not like this. It was what was going to happen and had no control over it. He had been reckless and care free, but this was his way out of having to live brutally and lost. Yet, he wasn’t the soldier they needed with war on the horizon. “It’s for the best.”
“That’s what you think, but what if it’s not for the best?” He asked, tone slightly aggravated. He could feel his fists and jaw clench all the same. With a familiar anger he saw growing up. The same anger that swam through his veins. “This is where I belong.”
The other man shook his head, resting a hand on Odin’s shoulder. As if it were supposed to be comforting. As if it were going to fix things. “Sometimes where we think we belong is just a stop sign along the way to find your real home.”
Odin scoffed, pushing his uppers hand off of his shoulder. “Don’t pull that bubblegum bullshit with me. I’m not in the mood.”
“You need to leave. Before this gets out of hand.”
Out of hand? Them discharging him was out of hand, but he swallowed back the news like razors sliding down throat. He raised his arms in surrender before grabbing his things to leave. “You’ll regret this one day.” He said in a tone devoid of anything but anger.
At least he knew, even with the disappointment of this entire situation, that no one in this world could ever disappoint him more than himself. He thought the obstacles he tumbled through in his life before now were hard? Try losing the last thing you believed could fix you. Try leaving behind the only life you grew to love and care about. It was the hardest thing he was ever asked to do and it ended up being the thing he was best at… leaving.***
“Fuck this question.” He sighed, adjusting his shirt and standing up a little taller to make it seem as if it weren’t that big of a deal. “Being asked to leave the army was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I lost a lot.” He shrugged, like he always did when he wanted to brush off all the seriousness and hide that he was human– one who felt pain all the same. “But look at where I am at now. I wouldn’t be here if that didn’t happen, so, in a way I guess it was meant to be.”
What are your thoughts on the war between the Capulets and the Montagues?
“We’ve been fighting to choose sides for centuries.” Othello never bit his tongue when it came to his thoughts. Especially on war. “We’ve been battling, shedding blood, winning and losing for centuries. What makes now any different? I’ve seen all sides of war, this is just the same as the rest.” He shrugged, head tilting in a systematic sort of way. As if every question he was asked came with a question in return.
Shouldn’t you already know the answer?
“It’s human nature. If you really dig down deep, deep beneath the world’s kindness– it is built off of brutality and death. No resolution came without the conflict.” He laughed. “But sometimes people like the conflict a little too much to ever meet in the middle. Am I right? When have you last seen a war go on this long, if not to revel in the destruction?”
Extras: N/A
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totallyrhettro · 6 years
Territorial, chapter 9
Word Count: 2908 Rating: This chapter: PG. Overall story rating: explicit Warnings: None Summary: After finally realizing their shared love for one another, all internetainers Rhett and Link had to do was live happily ever after. Unfortunately, as it turns out, that’s a lot harder to do in a world of werewolves. Notes: Takes place 1 year after Animalistic began. Still no wives; Rhett and Link are in an established relationship. This is a sequel to that fic. You don’t have to read that first, but it is highly recommended.
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Theo drove Rhett and himself deep into the Sequoia National Forest, over three hours North of Los Angeles. Once they left the main road in favor of less-marked trails, the taller man tried to keep track of every turn. Tried, but the dirt path broke up again and again, each turn looking just like the last. A right, a left, two more rights then a sharp curve almost backtracking to where they began. It was impossible to keep up, but surely that was the point. Werewolves easily found were more easily killed and, like any werewolves, the mutts wanted to stay hidden and alive.
Eventually the trail faded away completely, and Rhett was sure they were driving where no car was meant to go. Only when they finally came upon a few other cars did he realize that they had arrived at last. There was no sign of a welcome party, but maybe it was too much to expect one.
“They’re still in a-ways,” Theo noted, as if reading Rhett’s thoughts. “Not too far, but we’ll have to walk the rest of the way. Leave your cellphone.” Those last words, spoken just as Rhett was getting out the car, gave him pause. He didn’t like being without his phone, and not just because he was used to being connected to the internet 24/7. He wanted to have it close by should Link need anything and for a moment, he hesitated to comply. “No phones,” Theo insisted, throwing his own cell onto the driver’s seat. “It keeps people from recording the meetings.” With a heavy sigh, Rhett removed his phone from his back pocket and dropped it on the seat. He hoped he would not need it. He hoped Link wouldn’t call and be despaired at the lack of answer.
Walking a few hundred yards away from the parking area, Rhett started to see something emerge in the dense forest of sequoia trees. The smell of burning wood met his nose only a few minutes before he actually saw the small campfire and the small gathering of tents set up around it. Some people were standing nearby, looking like folks going to a funeral from their solemn expressions. As he and Theo got closer, one of them looked up and Theo raised a hand in greeting.
The man, tall enough to give Rhett a run for his money, had broad shoulders and about three days growth worth of beard. His dark blond hair hung down just past his ears and his blue eyes had an almost ferocious intensity. With his tan field jacket and blue jeans, he looked like all he needed was a shotgun and he’d be set for hunting. Although, it was probably a sure thing he didn’t really need a gun to hunt when he wanted to.
“Alistair,” Theo greeted. Rhett noticed the bartender didn’t offer his hand, so he held his own back as well. It felt strange, but he assumed there were different customs in the werewolf world, and he didn’t want to offend anyone from the get go. “This is Rhett.”
“Hi,” Rhett said with a nod. He felt that same, tingling sensation down his back as Alistair looked him over. The same uncomfortable feeling that he got when Seth was around. He tried not to look intimidated, but even though the man was just a few inches shorter than him, he did appear quite built. Rhett would not want to get into a fist fight with this man, werewolf or no.
“Where’s the other one?” Alistair asked, turning to Theo.
“Does it matter?” Theo replied. Rhett was very grateful he didn’t have to explain Link’s lack of appearance. Maybe Theo was right, though. Maybe it wasn’t important to say why. Alistair seemed to agree and stepped back to introduce the two other people standing near the fire.
“This is Nathan-” he motioned towards a scrawny man with pale skin- “and that’s Kendra.” The woman gave a brief nod, keeping her dark gaze focused on Rhett like a laser beam. They were both dressed like people out to go camping. Rhett wondered if it was to keep up appearances, should anyone uninvited stumble upon the site. Theo gave each of them his own nod, in greeting, then turned back to Alistair.
“I was expecting more. Where is everyone else?”
“No one else wanted to talk to you,” Alistair explained. “You should be grateful anyone showed up at all, after what happened.” He turned to Rhett. “You do know why they most mutts hate him, right?”
“He said he used to be an enforcer for Seth’s pack,” Rhett recalled. Nathan scoffed and pointed a skinny finger at Theo.
“He’s a murderer, is what he is,” he growled. “Do you even know how many people you killed? Can you even count that high?” Kendra grabbed Nathan’s shoulder and held him back, but she looked equally angry at Rhett’s simplification.
“He’s just the knife; Seth’s lap dog. It’s not him we want.” Rhett could feel the anger radiating in the man beside him, and see the veins in his neck pulse. He had never seen Theo get so worked up before, and he wasn’t sure if he should intervene or let it play out.
“Those mutts were dangerous,” he began, his voice on the edge of shouting. “We had to do something!”
“You killed them in cold blood!” Nathan yelled.
“They killed my brother!” Rhett felt exposed, like he was about to witness a bar fight, and he wasn’t sure if he was on the right side. Luckily, Alistair stepped between Theo and Nathan, his hands held out trying to keep them apart.
“Stop it! There’s bad blood on both sides. We’re not here to talk about that.” Nathan still looked like he wanted to fight, like a junkyard dog on a chain, but Theo stepped back. He ran his hands through his curly hair and turned away from the others, collecting himself before coming back. “We can’t start this again, not now.” Alistair looked down at Nathan, giving him a look and finally, the scrawny man backed away.
“I’m sorry,” Theo muttered, not looking up at anyone. “I didn’t come here to fight.” Alistair nodded. His expression was like steel, yet there was understanding in his eyes.
“I know. Why don’t you tell us why you called this treaty?” With a sigh, Theo walked around to stand before the campfire. Nathan and Kendra stepped carefully to the other side and Alistair took his place between them. Rhett, feeling a bit awkward, stood next to Theo, waiting patiently to find out what his part in all of this was. He had been told, earlier, a bit about what this meeting was, at least in tradition. A new moon treaty was a gathering of werewolves from different packs. It was during these meetings that peace could be brokered, or lines of territory debated. Theo told him they rarely happened these days, mostly because the number of packs had dwindled in the past few centuries.
“I know I’m probably the last person you’d want to think of as an ally,” Theo started. “I’ve done many things in the past I regret, and for those things many of you and your kin hate me. I don’t blame you or them.” He gave a look for Nathan and Kendra, his face soft and his eyes filled with remorse. “I did what I thought was best for our kind.” At this, Nathan mumbled something obscene under his breath, but Alistair shot him another look, and he just shook his head.
“I was wrong, okay?” Theo continued. “I fucked up, and I’m sorry. I came here because… because I want to make things right. I want to help you, whether you believe it or not.”
“There are many who wouldn’t want your help,” Alistair stated, “even if you have the best intentions, but I think we could really use it. I think there has been too much blood shed, on both sides, and if we can avoid more, I’m all for it.” He looked over at the two mutts beside them and, after a moment, they nodded in agreement. Nathan didn’t looked pleased in the slightest, but he couldn’t deny the wisdom in his colleague's words.
“That’s good to hear.” Theo cleared his throat a bit, glanced at Rhett, then turned back to the others. “Now, as I’m sure you’re all aware, Seth Lowell has come down with his brothers on Devon’s orders. He says he’s worried about the ‘mutt problem’.” Nathan twitched a bit at the term, but said nothing. “Having worked with them for years, I know what he’ll want to do to fix this problem. His brother Caleb has already talked to me on numerous occasions. He wanted to know where I was hiding the rogue wolves.”
“What did you tell him?” Kendra demanded.
“I didn’t tell him anything. I don’t know where you all are, and even if I did I wouldn’t say. He thought I was in contact with you, hiding you from the pack or some shit. Hell, I didn’t know anything about you guys until Alistair contacted me, later.” At this, the woman shot a glare at Alistair, who Rhett now saw as more than just another werewolf. Apparently, he had some sort of leadership role among the mutts.
‘Maybe he’s their pack leader,’ he wondered.
“You knew about Seth?” Kendra accused, while Rhett was in his own thoughts.
“I knew he was in town, yeah,” Alistair admitted, “but not why. I should have guessed.”
“Yes, you should have,” Nathan barked. “Of course they’re here for us. They want us all to join the pack or die.” Rhett looked to Theo. Surely, that couldn’t be true. Maybe they would be willing to kill one mutt who was hurting people, but a whole group of them? Were these mutts really that much of a threat?
“What about him?” Nathan pointed at Rhett, his dirty hand shaking slightly as he did so. “Why is the pup here?”
“Because he’s like you. Because Seth wants to recruit him against you. Because…” Theo tried to read Rhett’s face, his voice faltering for a moment. After a split second he threw caution to the wind and finished his thought. “... he’s my friend.” Rhett could feel his uncertainty, and he knew the reason for it. Sure they had known each other for months, and had been through a lot, but so much had been brought to light just in the past few minutes… Was he really willing to still call Theo a friend?
Maybe Link was right. Maybe Theo was not to be trusted. His dark past was even darker than either man had believed, with blood on his hands from what seemed to be more than a few innocent souls. It could be that he was no more than a hit man, a cold stone killer, and not the kind-hearted man they had been led to believe. As Rhett looked into the man’s face, his doubt dissolved almost immediately. No. Theo was his friend, even with his past. Obviously he had done things that no man should be asked to do, but so had Rhett. There was more to his actions than the mindless hatred of a murderer. Those things, awful though they were, he had done because he thought it was the right thing to do. Because he had been told it was the right thing to do. Everything was all there, in his eyes.
Rhett didn’t have to say a word. With just a simple nod, he confirmed Theo’s words and friendship. Whatever was to come, he wanted to help if he could. He just didn’t know how.
“What are we talking here, anyway?” Rhett glanced at the others before looking back at Theo. “Going to war with the Lowells? I killed once. I… I don’t think I can do it again.”
“Is Seth really that dangerous?” he asked. He hoped not. He prayed not.
“He can be. By himself he’s just another wolf, but like real wolves, they become more dangerous in a pack. It’s really just him and his brothers. When the three of them hunt together, they can be a force to be reckoned with. The rest of the pack is innocent, I have to believe that.”
“So,” Nathan perked up. “We take them out and the pack will leave us alone?”
“It can’t be that easy,” Alistair contended. “I’m sure if we kill three of his pack, Devon would rain down a world of hurt on all of us. There has to be another way.”
“That’s my hope,” Theo agreed.
“Maybe we can talk to him,” Rhett suggested. “There has to be some sort of-”
“I did talk to him,” the bartender interrupted. “I’ve talked to him for years, and I talked to him at length when he barged into my bar a few weeks ago. He doesn’t believe free ranged mutts have any rights. He sees them… you… us…” Theo sighed. “If he had his way we would all be put down.”
“Or join his pack,” Kendra added. “As far as Seth believes, it’s join us or die.” Rhett shook his head.
“That’s a little over dramatic, don’t you think?”
“It’s a crude way to put it,” Theo admitted, “but she’s basically right. Here’s the thing: deep down I understand the reasons behind it. There needs to be order, there need to be rules. As part of the pack, you have to follow those rules. Seth, Devon, all of them in charge of the pack… they don’t see mutts as following their rules. If we don’t follow the pack rules, we’re a liability. Now, I know Devon. He’s not like Seth. He’s much more willing to live and let live, but Seth’s got his ear, always has. If Seth tells him that the only solution to the ‘mutt problem’ is to kill us all…”
“What about me and Link?” Rhett felt his throat grow very tight at the thought of anyone hurting his dearest love. “What if we tell Seth we just want to be left alone?”
“He won’t take it well.”
“He wouldn’t…?” Theo didn’t answer but his face said it all. “What would he do? He wouldn’t hurt him, would he?”
“He doesn't like to get his hands dirty,” Kendra interjected. “He’ll probably make Caleb do it. He's been the pack hitman since Theo left. That man has no conscience. Last mutt he was ordered to kill, he flayed him like a fish.”
“We’re here to keep that from happening, Rhett,” Theo assured his friend. “and Link knows better than to-”
“He’s at their cookout. At their house.” At these words, everyone fell silent. It was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop.
“In the belly of the beast,” Nathan quoted. Rhett felt faint. For a moment the world seemed to be spinning around him.
“But… he- he’ll be fine? Right? I mean, he can handle himself…”
“He’ll probably lock him in his dungeon,” the pale man sneered, “and starve him first.”
“Shut up, Nathan!” Theo shouted.
“Theo,” Rhett begged. “It can’t be true…” His friend turned his full body to face Rhett, his expression cold as stone.
“Do you know why these meetings are called new moon treaties?” Rhett shook his head no. “Our ancestors chose to gather during the new moons because that’s when we’re weakest, mutts doubly so. That’s why Alistair and I chose to meet now, as as sign of peace. It’s no coincidence Seth chose to bring Link to his house at the same time. He knew this is when mutts are at our most vulnerable. Rhett-” Theo didn’t have to continue; his friend was already moving. Rhett’s only thoughts now where to get back to Link. He had to make sure he was alright. “Rhett!”
Tearing the car door open, Rhett snatched up his phone and immediately dialed Link’s number. No answer. He called again. Nothing. Why wouldn't Link answer? He dialed once more.
‘Please, Link. Just… just pick up.’ Meanwhile, Theo came up behind him, looking very concerned.
“Rhett, calm down.” Rhett turned and grabbed Theo’s collar in one fluid motion.
“He’s got Link,” he snarled. “If he hurts Link…” Theo raised his arms defensively.
“Whoa, hey, I’m on your side, remember? Let me give you a ride, huh?” Panting, Rhett let his friend go. He was too worried to feel guilt over his actions. He couldn’t think straight at all. As Alistair and his friends watched, Theo got into the driver’s side, and Rhett into the other. There was no need for explanation; they understood.
“He better not hurt Link,” Rhett mumbled, mostly to himself, as they drove back down the road.
“I know, Rhett. I know. I won’t let him.” Theo glanced at his friend, a man he never expected to look up to when he first saw him naked and wrapped in a blanket before him last year. Never expected to feel just respect and admiration for this man, but then, no one since Max had shown him such understanding, such tolerance. After everything he’d done, Rhett still wanted to be his friend. It was not something to be taken lightly. “If it’s within my power, I won’t let him lay a hand on Link. You have my word, my friend.” Not just his friend. His alpha.
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Why You Should Insure Your Mercedes Benz Car? Drivers who want cheap insurance rates should take a look at . They offer some of the cheapest auto insurance quote options. Your car is valuable by itself. A higher body-force is a factor that reduces the likelihood of an accident. That lower body-force puts you at risk for an accident. Auto insurance companies typically consider when determining car insurance rates. The vehicle that you drive plays a large (and probably significant) role in your insurance costs. The following are steps to determine what level of car insurance you need. If your car does have a safety feature, insurance providers may take into account it in determining your premium. Keep in mind that driving behaviors like running lapses or letting your car cruise can increase your auto insurance. If you drive a car that is inoperable on a license, insurance companies assume that your car is a total loss should you collide with someone else’s property. In other words, if your car is repaired after the time it has been in the garage to.
Mercedes Benz Insurance
Mercedes Benz Insurance claims process can make all the difference when it comes to your own personal car insurance benefits. The company does both on and off the phone. As part of its policy, it will pay up to $3 million in car or truck damage that is covered within the policy. Car insurance claims don’t have the cheapest rates, which is not surprising from a few AAA car insurance claims reviews. These insurance claims are mostly for car theft, and AAA doesn’t have an online claim site. However, even in these instances, we found that an AAA car insurance claim is a great start. You can file any claim online and receive your full reimbursement. If your claim includes coverage for a damaged or stolen car, you can request a policy claim review by calling the claims department at You can save up to $1,100 if you sign up for an AAA car insurance policy. The company does this for you, but not for yourself. All AAA offers coverage to cover the costs of your vehicle.
Things a Car Insurance Covers For Any Mercedes Benz Car
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thenextidea-blog · 6 years
The Next Idea Restaurant and Food Forecast for 2019
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The Next Idea (TNI) anticipates 2019 to be a uniquely pivotal year as the restaurant and food terrain adjusts itself towards an increasingly confident, exploratory, and discerning consumer.
As we enter 2019 our world is uncertain; Brexit, trade wars, volatile US political landscape, populism, global warming, rising world population, and so it goes on. This may seem a disconnect from 2019 eating out trends, but in reality, our Planet and all of its transformations will have a significant impact on how we eat.
It is clear to most that the impact on our food eco-system by Earth’s planetary changes are significant; many factors involving farming methods, where food is grown, the deployment of pesticides and fertilizers, livestock feed, and so on, affect the environmental impact of the food we buy and eat. The significant changes in weather patterns, population, and geo-politics is now impacting what we eat; and this theme will transcend the coming years.
For example; approximately 86% of world food consumption is generated from rice, maize, sugar, wheat, barley, soy, palm and potato. Across the globe diets are actually becoming increasingly similar, both in the food types, and also the varieties of those food types that are consumed. This results in increasing exposure to shortages in the event of a large-scale natural disaster.  For example, food shortages in 2007/8 were caused by a yield loss in Australia of less than 1% of global food supply, however the net effect created spikes in food pricing and political unrest in certain parts of the world. As economists tried to make sense of the problem, the one primary metric was obvious: world population growth [Demand] vs shrunken availability [Supply] was out of balance.Combine the world’s macro issues at localized levels and we begin to see shifting and emerging trends in both food production and consumer demand.
Talking of the consumer, what are the 2019 consumer’s expectations? This is of course deeply complex and fluctuates by age, income and demographic, however one theme appears to have emerged since the great recession – consumers want a relationship not a transaction. They covet their chosen brands that leverage situational and behavioral data as the primary foundation of their brand engagement. But it goes further, consumers expect their brand experience to be seamless across all engagement points and when it fails, which is inevitable at some stage, recovery will be based on the quality and speed of service and ability to address whatever the failure may be.
When it comes to food and restaurants, consumer expectations have never been higher. With the ability to post their feedback on Trip Advisor, Yelp and Zomato, to name a few, consumers have immense power over brands to ensure they comply, and in some cases exceed, their promise. Indeed, consumers have an unprecedented ability to access or experience food and restaurant products and share this information via all social media platforms.
The modern 2019 consumer has a set of 6 primary values when it comes to food; summarized as follows:
Health Awareness
Social Consciousness
Trust & Honesty
Technology Integration
The above value structure is defining trends and demand, accelerating disruption throughout the food chain, and creating a new environment for food sellers and restaurant operators to acclimate their business models.
Evaluating further, the following summarizes each consumer value:
Health Aware
Health continues to be the primary propelling consumer value. When glancing ahead into 2019, expect consumer health and wellness targets to reach new levels. Consumers are increasingly treating their bodies like ecosystems, understanding nutrition valuations and how different foods affect them. They are even customizing their diet based on DNA and Genetics. Food is increasingly viewed as nutritional therapy for all consumer types.
TNI has reported on the change in Consumer behavior since the great recession in 2008/9, whereby demand for honesty and transparency was fueled by perceived brand and corporate deceitfulness. Since then, this value has permeated throughout the food & restaurant world with consumers requiring guarantees on food hygiene, ethics, labelling, and sustainability standards. Traceability from farm to fork, through labelling and general information, is a significant demand by the consumer, and has forced a democratization of both nutritional data and overall ingredient history.
Sustainability has become a major consumer concern over the past twenty years, but never more than now. After experiencing the effects of global warming in 2018 and hearing major scientific reports coming from the United Nations, consumers are acutely aware of their individual impact on Planet Earth, and what the future might look like should they not act.
From the enhanced management of waste reduction, through to renewable packaging in materials and shorter food supply chains, consumers are placing increasing demand on food producers and restaurants to act in the interest of the environment.
Social Consciousness
Consumers now care; it’s that simple. Consumers want to know what supermarkets are doing with their wasted food, how each restaurant supports the community they serve, and how their dollar will be used to support worthwhile causes. This especially applies to the millennial population who demand socially aware food and restaurant brands, or they shop and eat elsewhere.
Trust & Honesty
Consumers are increasingly wary of corporate America, whom they believe have no incentive to act in the consumer’s best interest. Consumers are increasingly fact checking the corporations they choose to do business with. Equally, consumers’ brand loyalty is switching from household names to local and small businesses whom they can better relate to.
Honesty is not just about businesses being truthful, it’s a devotion to genuineness that the consumer seeks: Brands that talk about their roots, and demonstrate their commitments through social responsibility policies, are on trend in 2019.
Technology Integration
Technology within food and food service is not new and the app-centric global society is being serviced well by technology availability. However, technology is becoming increasingly sophisticated and advanced. Artificial Intelligence is being introduced throughout food service and provides predictive technology for restaurant food ordering. Technology runs deep into all forms of food production given the vulnerabilities in farming due to climate change. New blockchain technologies will allow farming to move into warehouses and even underground, through the availability of open source hardware and software platforms for sensor controlled hydroponic and aeroponic agricultural systems. Consumers are welcoming these technologies and availability as it speaks to their interest in sustainability, and in many cases provides something to talk about on social media.
Trend changes in the Food and Restaurant market
The market is changing at unprecedented velocity, this is demonstrated by the multiple emerging trends within all markets. Veganism, *Entomophagy, Lab grown meat, 3d food printing, Food being Medicine, CBD and THC infused products, Nut and grain-based milks, Drone and self- driving car delivery, street food innovation, and the regeneration of food waste, represent the major trends that will prevail through 2019 and after. In the main, these trends will circle around a major theme in food trends over the past 20 years; Health!
Indeed, it is the consumer that will be 2019’s champion for change as, through their combined buying and social media sovereignty, the consumer’s voice will be more powerful than ever.
So, this elusive consumer, what do they actually want? Well, naturally not all consumers are made the same; age, ethnicity, income, and overall demographics all share their role in segmentation. With that said, today’s consumers possess one value that they increasingly collectively care about, and that is their health. While it may seem obvious, consumer health is one of the primary drivers in emerging and materialized food trends, and it is igniting a full array of sub-trends that form 2019’s food and restaurant trend roadmap.
Of course, healthy eating is not a new trend, but the rapidity at which consumer eating habits have shifted towards healthier eating represents the difference. Both at home and in restaurants, consumer food choice has migrated with a greater emphasis on ‘clean’ and ‘healthy’ dishes and is metamorphizing the eating out landscape at an extraordinary rate.
Historically, ‘healthy eating’ was limited in options and generally considered a less than favorable culinary experience. However today, consumers have a far more informed opinion and choice when it comes to ‘healthy food’ options. This is generally due to the swath of cooking channels along with the exponential increase in digital and social media engagement, and creative chefs who have made health food look enticing and fun.
Putting this into perspective, the global health and wellness food market was valued at 707.12 billion U.S. dollars in 2016 and projected to increase up to 811.82 trillion U.S. dollars by 2021. Organic food is another example: The U.S. organic food market size is expected to reach 70.4 billion U.S. dollars by 2025 as a result of increasing demand from consumers.
Organic food is another example: The U.S. organic food market size is expected to reach USD 70.4 billion by 2025 as a result of increasing demand from consumers.
Combined with intensified interest in global flavors, superfood ingredients, and Instagram-ready dishes, retail food ranges and restaurant menus will increase focus on dietary needs and concerns while elevating innovation using foods from the past.
As we head into 2019, there are eight primary themes when establishing 2019’s food trends:
Food as Medicine
CBD and THC infused products
Milk is not Milk
Food delivery
Regeneration of food waste
These themes relate to all future food trends, in some cases at multiple levels, and as such are the foundation to current and future trends.
2019 Food and Restaurant Trends
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Not even ten years ago, vegan cuisine was generally considered fodder for hippies, yet in 2019 it is undoubtedly the prevailing overall culinary trend in the US.
The Vegan landscape now includes established restaurant brands; Veggie Grill, Amy’s, Native Foods, Southern California-based Plant Power, and recently re-named Viva Vegan, to name a few. All have all demonstrated the power of this trend and are experiencing above average market growth.
However, the carnivore brands are fast jumping on the bandwagon; Carl’s Jr. announced it was launching a burger made with a Beyond Meat [vegan] quarter-pound patty. White Castle now sells its plant based Impossible Sliders in all of its 377 locations, Del Taco has expanded its Beyond Taco trial to over 20 of its locations, and McDonald’s has been introducing a Vegan burger in its international markets and is eyeing the US market to launch in 2019.
This trend has been fueled by consumers eating less red meat combined with the discernible health benefits and product innovation. What is interesting is that there is not necessarily a significantly elevated vegan population, instead there is a new consumer breed widely known as a flexitarian.
The label ‘flexitarian’ has been applied to the consumer group who purposefully interchanges between eating meat and vegan foods.
In order to be familiar; vegan restaurant and food brands are taking traditionally meat-based products, such as burgers, pizza, and tacos, and converting them into a plant-based alternative.
Take *Viva Vegan’s menu for example. They offer a Famous Works Burger, a blend of 27 plant-based ingredients, and spaghetti and meatballs, which includes gluten and soy free pasta with bean and grain-based meatballs with a plant-based sauce.
Some Statistics
In the USA there has been a 600% increase in people claiming to be vegans in the last three years.  In 2014, 1% of U.S. consumers professed to be vegan in 2014 whereas in 2017, that number rose to 6%.
Source: Global Data
Google Trends details worldwide increase in the interest in veganism from 2004 to 2018. Seven percent or about 3.5 million people now identify as vegan in Great Britain. The U.S. and U.K. round out the top 2 vegan countries by percentage, India takes the first spot with veganism encompassing 27% of the population.
Google Search reports that veganism is now experiencing virtually 3 times more interest than vegetarian and gluten free searches.
A study by Oxford Martin School, (part of Oxford University), stated: ‘A global switch to diets that rely less on meat and more on fruit and vegetables could save up to 8 million lives by 2050, reduce greenhouse gas emissions by two thirds, and lead to healthcare-related savings and avoided climate damages of $1.5 trillion (US)’.
Technomic reports that 50% of operators are embracing plant-based eating trends when developing new menu items.
Of course, given TNI is a Los Angeles based agency, it would be amiss if we didn’t discuss our Hollywood friends – Ariana Grande, Zac Efron, Gisele, Ellie Goulding, Natalie Portman, Daryl Hannah, Woody Harrelson, and mega star, Beyonce, are all self-declared Vegans.
The Future...
Veganism will grow exponentially. For example, the *global meat substitutes market is expected to generate in excess of $5bn in revenue, representing compound annual growth (CAG) rate of 8.4% between 2015-2020. ** Vegan Cheese has forecasted global sales of around $4bn by 2024, a CAG of 7.6% from 2016 to 2024.
Expect vegetable versions of kung pao chicken, charcuterie, cured heirloom carrots, sushi, tacos, and even steak.
Food as Medicine
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We are what we eat – and consumers now know this! The Food as Medicine philosophy aims to manage or even cure chronic illness by changing what people consume. Nielsen reported in 2018 that 39% of American households have someone who suffers from a particular ailment. The US aging population is increasing, chronic diseases will only grow in the coming years. However, rather than relying 100% on prescription and over-the-counter medicines, a growing base is looking at natural remedies that include very precise culinary diets and nutrition plans.
The food as medicine trend derives from consumers taking greater personal responsibility for their own health and wellness. Food production and food service industries have responded favorably by providing healthy and sustainable food that has made the healthier food choice the easiest one. For example, Hormel and Nestle have both announced their intent to develop nutritional products that will help their customers manage any personal ailments. AREEA, a biotechnology business, has produced a ready to drink beverage containing an enzyme that detoxes the body from daily pollution effects. In January 2019,Phood Farmacy, a brand committed to food as medicine launches its first virtual kitchen in North Hollywood, California. Phood Farmacy offers a spectrum of exciting yet nutritionally infused meals in addition to specific medical condition-based meal plans. All meals are made from clean ingredients combined with comprehensive nutritional planning.
“Naturally Functional” is a new buzzword behind the success of many foods now known as “Super Foods” such as blueberries, pomegranate, chia seeds and goji berries, to name a few. This endorses consumers search for foods and ingredients that they perceive as naturally healthy and provide essential health benefits.
Food education and mindfulness have become growth trends for 2019, mainly through the accessibility of information, but also through food hubs and online communities such as Food + Tech connect, and the Food Tank. Thus, consumers now understand the nutritional value of natural food ingredients and how each ingredient reacts with themselves specifically; consequently, they are seeking out specific ingredients to assist in their personal wellness and being.
The concept of Food as Medicine will permeate throughout the industry as consumers, therapists, and doctors increasingly appreciate the relationship between food intake and  wellness.
We should expect to see prescriptions of specific diets of foods and recipes that enhance the healing process, elevate immunity, and address specific medical conditions with patients.
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Examples of high value foods include:
Kelp: Rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, and iodine – helps keep thyroid levels balanced
Shiitake mushrooms: Contains lentinan which may fight cancer and slow tumor growth
Moringa: Possesses powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and tissue-protective properties
Rooibos tea: Contains antioxidants that can protect against cancer, heart disease and stroke
Garlic: Rich in vitamin C, B6 and manganese, supports the heart and reduces blood pressure
Ginger: Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties
Basil: Contains eugenol, keeps intestines safe
Many “medicinal” foods such as apple cider vinegar, kefir, and turmeric are now mainstream. This trend is young; many more foods will reach the forefront as consumers seek out natural remedies for conditions like inflammation, fatigue, digestive issues, joint pain, depression and the multitude of other medical conditions that can be supported by a specific mix of foods and natural supplements.
Entomophagy,consumption of insects
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As the planet journeys towards a population of 9 billion people, the food industry is driven to unearth new and sustainable food sources. Insects represent a relatively untapped food-type in the west yet are established in diets or snack culture in other parts of the world. For example, in parts of central Africa, around 50% of protein is derived from insects. During the springtime in Ghana, when food is scarce, Ghanaians rely on termites as their main source of protein. Thailand’s popular Jing Leed is deep-fried crickets with a soy based dipping sauce. Thais also love snacking on grasshoppers, crickets and woodworms. In Mexico, chicatanas, or pan-roasted ants with lime, are as mainstream as tacos. Edible insects contain high quality protein, amino acids and vitamins, and even mass consumption has a small impact environmentally.
Companies like Entocube provide technology to farm insects and process them as an ingredient to the food industry and Bugsolutley produces cricket-based pasta. Presently, crickets are the most common insect type being used in the US. Mainly for the production of cricket flour and protein products. However other insect types are also expected to become available, including caterpillars, different beetle species, and larvae. Even termites are under experimentation.
In the US, Meat Maniac, a Texas based company, provides a broad range of insect based snacks, such as: hot Mealworms, Emperor Scorpions and Earthworm Jerky. The entomophagy trend is still in its infancy in the west, however it will gain traction and expect to see this sector exceed revenues of $1bn by 2025.
TBC and THC infused Products
Cannabis is still illegal at the federal level, and due to its classification as a Schedule 1 drug the amount of research that can be conducted in this sector is limited. However, as cannabis is legalized state by state, the overall industry continues to grow at a profligate rate. This has resulted in the augmentation of cannabis-based edibles, oils, and beverages.
Given the presently unclear federal position on the future legalization of Cannabis, national statistics are unclear, nevertheless we only have to look at the market and product availability to identify the escalating trends in cannabis and cannabis infused products. There is now a swath of CBD infused confectionary, with brands like Camino and Dr Norm. Mixed CBD and THC infused products include: brownies (of course!), mints, cookies, cakes and chocolate bars.
The cannabis infused beverage sector is also anticipated to grow in 2019. Yet beverage market share is predicted to be less impressive until 2020 or 2021. By 2022 this market is estimated to be a $600 million business as larger manufactures tweak and launch their products.
2019 will also experience a new wave of cannabis cafes and lounges in various states. Notably in 2018, West Hollywood approved a range of cannabis cafes and consumption lounges to open in 2019. The City spent 7 months screening over 300 applicants for highly-coveted cannabis licenses, setting a new bar in cannabis recreation and starting a new wave in cannabis tourism.
In short, Cannabis growth will go higher and higher in 2019!
The changing face of dairy
Plant-based milk alternatives revenues have grown by 61% over the past five years, with
*15 – 25% growth expected by 2022. In fact, the alternative milk industry is already around $2bn in annual revenue.
Almond milk (64 percent market share), soy (13 percent market share), and coconut (12 percent market share), represent the leaders in the sector. However new variations are generating considerable interest. Pecan, quinoa, cashew, hazelnut, sunflower seed, and rice milks are all gaining traction in this young but high growth market.  In addition, there are non-dairy milks made from hemp, peas, bananas, cassava, oats and potatoes, with others under development also.
The fuel behind this trend is again Health, with *1 in 5 Americans citing health reasons to explain their switch from regular to plant-based milk. Interestingly, Vegans and Vegetarians account for only 15% of this market, with the primary consumer being flexitarians or **lessitarians.
Its not just the milk industry that is transforming; yogurt made with almonds, coconut and cashews have become prominent in health food and mainstream grocery stores. Brands such as The Coconut Cult, Ripple and Coco Rico are all significant brands in this arena.
Other traditionally dairy products such as ice cream and cheese, have non – dairy alternatives, chauffeuring the overall Dairy Alternative Market to around *$35bn by 2024.
*Grand View Research
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Food Delivery
The recent convergence between food, technology and portability has been dramatic and literally changed the restaurant industry topography. In 2019, the average revenue per user (ARPU) in the restaurant-to-consumer delivery segment is estimated at *$232.05, with a market volume of *$16.16bn.
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Convenience was always thought to be the driver behind the food delivery phenomenon, however there are multiple reasons for this monumental market shift including: variety, saves time, ability to order at any time, and visibility of options, all of which are significant.  The worldwide gross revenue of US$82.7 billion in 2018 is expected to increase to US$137.6 billion by 2023.
Since 2014, online ordering and delivery has grown 300% faster than dine-in-traffic. In fact, most casual dining and fast casual brands have seen a decline in their dine-in numbers as groups like Grub Hub, Postmates, Uber Eats, and Doordash, basically eat into this market and change consumer eating out behavior.
Generational consumer habits have helped fuel the delivery trend, however while 37% of online food delivery consumers are between 25 to 34 years of age, 26% are between 35 to 44 and 11% are 45 to 54. Therefore, demand is spreading across all age groups. Higher income consumers are the largest user group representing 43.1% of the market vs 25.9% for lower income buyers.
The food delivery sector will grow through consumer demand. However, advances in delivery technology will be a major growth factor. For Example, drone delivery and driverless delivery vehicles are in test by several delivery operators, and even the convenience of Alexa will have an impact: a leading c-store brand, Sheetz, announced that its “made to order foods” from all 564 stores can be ordered on Alexa.
This sector will ultimately change the operational structure of a restaurant, and TNI advises restaurants to get on board or be left behind.
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Regeneration of Food Waste
Food waste has become a hot topic in restaurants and viewed as a critical economic and social concern in 2019 by many consumers. Indeed, whereas food waste was historically a profitability issue, it has now become a matter of principal.
Chipotle, for example, announced its goal to divert 50% of its restaurant’s waste from landfills by 2020, through a program of operational improvements, leftover food donations, and general food sustainability training.
However, it is the local level that is leading the way. Independent restaurants are using left over food waste for compost, and innovation is abound: Silo restaurant converts its whey from cheese-making into a sauce for potatoes and turns leftover bread crusts into miso soup, Phood Farmacy uses all scraps from vegetable preparation for vegetable stock and its discarded chilli seeds into chili powder.  Viva Vegan plans to dehydrate and convert its discarded juice pulp into crackers and energy bars.
Restaurants are increasingly eco-conscious in order to engage customers, save money and comply with tightening diversion regulations. Composting, converting waste into ingredients, donating leftovers, and swapping single-use items for reusable ones are all signals that food waste no longer needs to be wasted.
While it is hard to find a news outlet today that doesn’t discuss Sustainability, this restaurant trend is still in its infancy. At a general level, restaurants today, (especially brands), are very environmentally unfriendly through the high consumption of power and water, packaging, and waste output.
The World Resources Institute reported ‘approximately one-third of all food produced in the world intended for human consumption is lost or wasted. This inefficiency equates to a loss of $940 billion per year and contributes to 8% of annual global greenhouse gas emissions’
The National Restaurant Association’s State of Restaurant Sustainability 2018 report, states that ‘food waste reduction has become one of the top sustainability issues for restaurants. About half of all restaurants track the food waste they generate, while more than one in 10 compost their food waste, the report found’. However, this is just the tip; some restaurants have moved from oil fried products to air fried products thus eradicating the need for oil and the damage used oil creates in the environment, while others have introduced sustainable fish programs. Packaging, a huge environmental challenge, has seen prodigious changes in the past 5 years. The switch to Hemp, sugarcane and bamboo-based packaging, has resulted in restaurants removing over 47,000 kg of PET plastics from packaging life cycle per year.
TNI Design, a leading restaurant design firm has developed a program that uses hemp-based materials in around 45% of its restaurant finish materials, and reclaimed wood for its furniture recommendations. Lighting is only LED, and research into capital affordable solar power for restaurants has been underway with their new recommended program expected to be launched in 2020.  Another example is The Cheesecake Factory, who installed 20, 4-foot-by-10-foot solar energy collectors on the rooftop of its Pleasanton, Calif., location and saves nearly 60,000 pounds of CO2 produced by the restaurant per year.
Going forward, sustainable wall coverings, re-used wood and stone, hardened and processed used plastic, utility saving applications and low energy lighting will all be the norm in building sustainable restaurants.
Technology & Artificial Intelligence
Today’s technology plays such an essential part the food and restaurant industries, it is not possible to report on trends without its’ inclusion.
Restaurant related technologies have previously included online ordering, advance ordering, tablet-based table orders, social media integration, guest-facing technology platforms, and product menu information. Next phase developments with blockchain, digital twin, and artificial intelligence will change consumer interface dramatically over the next ten years (albeit many can’t exactly say how).
Think about a smart menu driven by artificial intelligence, whereby a customer’s food order is based on historical ordering patterns, nutritionally bolstered by the customer’s body type and medical history, produced by a 3d printer, priced based on the consumer’s blockchain credit assessment, paid for by a cryptocurrency, and delivered by an interactive robot. Not Possible – think again!
In 2019 the technologies that will trend most are anticipated as follows:
Blockchains deployed for tracking within the food chain (as well as other areas)
Technology in custom nutrition-based diets
Robotic chef kitchens
Drone delivery
Driverless delivery vehicles
Restaurant cryptocurrencies
Google Eyewear with face recognition software
Enhanced intelligence applications with prediction technology
Voice-controlled virtual assistant
Predicting the long-term horizon where the US restaurant industry is transformed by blockchain and AI is challenging. However, given the momentous oscillation of automation the possibilities are infinite. For example, one German company is developing the world’s first fully-automated, blockchain-powered pizza operation, what would Dominos do with that?
Current On-Trend Food and Drinks to Watch Out For
Ayurvedic food - Indian practice of holistic medicinal remedies infused with regular daily food
Drinking vinegar and vinegar infused drinks
Quinoa derivatives eg: chocolate-covered quinoa snacks, pasta and milk
Moringa, a superfood powder and/or oil now available in bars, snacks and teas
Functional mushrooms
Cucumber infused drinks
Sparkling coffees and sparkling sap-based water drinks
Algae and algae-based products
Ancient grains (Sorghum being one of the most popular)
Sea Vegetables
Street Food; still a growth trend, a great example being The Hungry Trader in Los Angeles, where street food from the silk routes has been modernized while keeping its heritage and authenticity.
About the Author, Robert Ancill
ROBERT ANCILL is the founding partner and owner of The Next Idea Group, an international food and restaurant consulting group based in Los Angeles, CA. He is considered one of the most authoritative voices on restaurant and food trends and has consulted on launching and positioning many new and existing brands in the USA as well as international emerging and frontier markets.
Editor:             Thelma Weaver        Senior Marketing Consultant, The Next Idea
About The Next Idea
The award-winning Next Idea [TNI] is an international restaurant & hospitality concept development and management group of companies. Based in Los Angeles, TNI works across the world specializing in concept creation, development, and management. Everything from research, strategy, brand and product development, franchising through to design, execution, systems and operations, marketing and communication.
The TNI team has consulted with some of the world’s most eminent chefs and upscale restaurant groups in addition to working with clients in entertainment, casual dining, fast casual dining, resorts, theme parks, and travel. In each project, TNI has been involved in all areas of the business and has delivered programs and plans that have targeted the elevation of concept positioning, product and menu, design, operating standards, infrastructure, and overall quality.
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Best End-to-End Hospitality Business Consultancy (Travel Hospitality Awards) 2017 & 2018
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Research sources for this report include:
The Next Idea ground team
The Next Idea marketing department
The Farmacists at Phood Farmacy
Allied Market Research
Bharat Book
Oxford Martin School (Oxford University)
Co Bank
The World Resources Institute
Grand View Research
Label Insight
Fast Company
National Restaurant Association
Photography and Graphics:
Robert Ancill
Various internet sources
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mastcomm · 5 years
After the Oscar Glare, These Filmmakers Went Their Own Way
PARK CITY, Utah — When the writer-director Benh Zeitlin was unexpectedly thrust into the middle of the Oscar melee in 2012 with his debut feature, “Beasts of the Southern Wild,” it was a surreal, discomforting experience filled with stiff tuxedos and awkward small talk — light years away from his ragtag existence in New Orleans, where he makes lyrical, atmospheric movies with his friends.
Zeitlin was soothed somewhat by the people he met on the trail: a sit-down with Daniel Day-Lewis, a kind word from Sally Field, an interaction with Martin Scorsese, who was struggling at the time with his edit of “Wolf of Wall Street.”
“It was cool to see someone that legendary be just as stressed as me when I was cutting ‘Beasts,’” said Zeitlin, a Hollywood outsider who before his Oscar run had only visited Los Angeles once in his life.
Eight years later, this one-time Oscar wunderkind finally popped back up at this year’s Sundance Film Festival with his sophomore effort, “Wendy,” a grass-roots “Peter Pan” seen through the eyes of a liberated, adventurous Wendy Darling. Where had he been?
The pressures of the Oscar spotlight can be enormous. As nominees this year have surely discovered, becoming part of the Hollywood ecosystem comes with its own set of challenges, ones that often require you to conform to specific expectations rather than to pursue your own creative endeavors. Zeitlin and another director who went through a similar experience, Tom McCarthy of “Spotlight,” resisted that pressure — and at Sundance this month, the results of their decisions were on display.
Zeitlin’s time among the glitterati had crystallized what he wanted his future to look like, and it was nothing like theirs. As the recipient of two highly coveted nominations — best director and best adapted screenplay (his film also drew a best picture nomination) — Zeitlin had earned an invitation into the club. He could have easily parlayed his success into a hefty studio payday. Yet he chose a decidedly different route. He did hire an agent, temporarily, to fend off incoming offers, including the opportunity to work on a mega-budget “Pirates of the Caribbean” movie for Disney. “He served as my bouncer,” said Zeitlin, now 37, who instead took his newfound cachet and created his own pirate adventure.
“When it became clear that we were going to have this opportunity to make whatever we wanted, we were like, ‘O.K., we got to make the craziest one now, because who knows if they’ll ever let us back in,’” he said.
The Oscar visibility did buy him something: a bigger budget, a more ambitious palette and significant development money from his new studio partner, Fox Searchlight — the company that secured a first-look deal with the auteur when it paid $2 million for global rights to “Beasts.”
He filmed on the islands of Montserrat and Antigua, Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula and in Louisiana. Postproduction lasted close to two years. And the film was made using the same unconventional approach he employed for “Beasts���: writing and rewriting all the way through production with his sister, Eliza Zeitlin, who also served as the production designer; casting nonactors to play the roles; preferring practical magic — like using a thermite mixture to create underwater fire — to computer graphics.
Zeitlin debuted his film on Sunday to mixed reviews. The Playlist’s Greg Ellwood said “Zeitlin’s talent to soar cinematically remains intact,” while Leah Greenblatt of Entertainment Weekly wrote, “By the ninth montage of cliffs and shore and joyful screaming down a hill, it all starts to feel a little like a film-school reel.”
Zeitlin’s decision to spend so much time on his own arts-and-crafts project left many shaking their heads. They may be equally perplexed to see the writer-director Tom McCarthy, who took on the Catholic Church in the best-picture winner “Spotlight” (2015), return to Sundance with “Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made,” a kids’ movie co-starring a computer-graphic polar bear that will debut on Disney Plus next week.
“I’ve seen a lot of people win Oscars, win best pictures, do that thing, and then it’s like they’re almost trying too hard to go back to the well,” McCarthy said. “I didn’t want to do that.”
The awards race marathon — which this year concludes on Feb. 9 — is a boon for the industry: Studios spend gobs to promote their best films, and the Hollywood ecosystem froths from the trickle-down economics. Everybody from trade publications to florists to limo drivers benefits from the awards industrial complex — everyone, except maybe the talent. Yes, their star power rises in both ephemeral and concrete ways, but for those hellbent on creating their own destiny, the months away from their work can be dispiriting.
Zeitlin had been away from his New Orleans home for most of the year following the Sundance debut of “Beasts.” “I was both desperate to get home and desperate to get to work,” he said. “It was the first year I hadn’t created anything, and that was the most intense feeling.”
McCarthy too had moved his family temporarily to Los Angeles for his awards-campaign obligations. It was a “wholly uncreative” time, he said.
The 53-year old director, who began his career as a character actor, had been warned years earlier that this would happen. Back in 2004, he had a toe-dip experience with the awards race when his directorial debut, “Station Agent,” vied briefly for accolades against Peter Jackson’s final “Lord of the Rings” installment. McCarthy kept running into the New Zealander on the campaign trail, and Jackson’s frenetic pace didn’t align with the rest of the nominees’ behavior. His secret: In between all the glad-handing he would hole up at a hotel in Los Angeles writing “King Kong” with Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens.
“He said to me, ‘If you can, cling to the work,’” McCarthy recalled.
Cut to 2016, and McCarthy found his creative reprieve two weeks before the Oscars, when his New York theater friend Brian Yorkey asked him to help out on a new Netflix series “13 Reasons Why.” A surprising follow-up to “Spotlight”? Maybe. But the project was set to start shooting soon, and McCarthy could dive in, writing and directing on what would become one of the streaming giant’s most popular series.
“I really just wanted to work,” McCarthy said. “I didn’t have another movie ready, and I didn’t want to just jump into another movie.”
That same ethos has now returned McCarthy to Sundance, 17 years after the festival launched his directing career. His friends have given him grief for giving up his indie cred; one text message read, “See you’re keeping it real at Sundance with your Disney movie.” He, too, is aware of the irony. For “Station Agent,” his producers gave out beef jerky as the film’s party favor. For the “Timmy” premiere, Disney created an ice sculpture of a polar bear.
Still, McCarthy finds no shame in making a kids’ movie. To him, chronicling the adventures of a quirky, complicated kid detective was just as invigorating as depicting the Boston Globe newsroom in “Spotlight.”
“This film was still a tremendous challenge, dealing with what does it mean to make a movie for 10-year-olds, and what does it mean to have a polar bear in the movie? Whenever I’m engaged like that, I’m happy,” he said.
Zeitlin’s grand experiment of keeping Hollywood at arm’s length has also meant he could maintain his single-minded approach to making movies. It helps that he’s changed very little in his life since “Beasts.” He moved into a different rented house, though not a nicer one. He’s single. He doesn’t own a car, or even a pet.
“My biggest fear is not being able to make my art,” he said. “If people don’t like my movie or whatever, knowing that I can always go home and live, and make things that I want to make has always been really important to me. So, I’ve never taken on anything that would be a real problem if I lost it.”
from WordPress https://mastcomm.com/after-the-oscar-glare-these-filmmakers-went-their-own-way/
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eddiejpoplar · 7 years
BMW 6 Series Gran Turismo – FIRST DRIVE
BMW’s niche models business is a lucrative one. Between the X4 and X6, Gran Turismo and Gran Coupe models, BMW has sold 1.13 million units. One of those niche units was the 5 Series Gran Turismo which sold nearly 25,000 units globally. But the 5 GT was one of the most design controversial cars since the famous Bangle-butt 7 Series, mostly because us, the Americans, simply dislike hatchbacks and anything resembling one.
With that in mind, BMW has set out to create the successor of the 5 Series GT by offering a more attractive design in a similar package, but with the latest BMW design updates. The car is now called the BMW 6 Series Gran Turismo, which essentially it’s the only 6 Series model to be sold, at least for a while.
We’ve seen the first 6 Series GT models at the 2017 Frankfurt Motor Show and interesting enough, they have attracted a lot of visitors at its stand. Simply observing the crowd around the 6 GT, one would notice their immediate interest in the interior design and its cargo space, some traits that are typical for an European customer.
At almost 5.1 meters long, the new 6 Series GT sits between a 5 and 7 Series sedan in length, and its 3070mm wheelbase will improve the cabin space.
Our second encounter with the new Gran Tourer took place in Portugal where BMW invited selected journalists to sample the 640i GT xDrive.
Dimensions and Proportions
At almost 5.1 meters long, the new 6 Series GT sits between a 5 and 7 Series sedan in length, and its 3070mm wheelbase will improve the cabin space, enough to make it even more desirable in one of its largest markets – China. The owners of a 5 Series GT will find the new hatchback to even more spacious in the rear seat, as BMW has ditched the previous individual seats in favor of a lower rear bench. This allows for more headroom and legroom.
Multi-contour seats, active seat ventilation and a massage function can be ordered for the driver and front passenger. You can also opt for adjustable backrests, which tilt electronically by up to six degrees for greater comfort on long journeys, something we got accustomed to in the new 7 Series.
Furthermore, the boot gives you 40 liters more cargo space than the 5 Series Touring with the 40:20:40 back seats in use, and a massive 110 liters more than the 5 Series GT, enough space to fit pretty much every conceivable travel bag and a lot of golf bags.
Luxurious and Spacious Cabin
The cabin of the 6 Series GT is every bit as brilliant as the new 5 Series. While it isn’t the an exact replica of the 7 Series, it’s certainly luxurious enough to satisfy almost any customer. The materials are rich, the design and ergonomics are spot on and the technology is superb. For 6 Series GT duty, the interior comes as-standard with Dakota Leather, rather than being an optional extra on most BMWs. Quilted Nappa Leather is available in Ivory White, Black and Mocha, as well.
The optional Bowers & Wilkins Diamond Surround Sound System features a fully active 10-channel amplifier with an output of 1,400 watts, plus dynamic sound equalizing, and 16 partially illuminated speakers.
Two non-metallic and 10 metallic color shades are available for the all-new BMW 6 Series Gran Turismo. Customers can choose from a total of 3 different light-alloy wheels (19-inch and 20-inch). The Original BMW Accessories range also includes 21-inch light-alloy rims. The infotainment system has been lifted entirely from the 5 Series, and can be operated via the 10.25-inch touchscreen or iDrive wheel, as well as by using the car’s voice or gesture control systems. All cars come with Professional Nav, a parking camera, a 20GB hard disk and Bluetooth connectivity.
From the front, it’s clear that this new 6 Series Gran Turismo share familial attributes with the 5 Series.
Improved Exterior Design
So while the interior quality and tech has never been an issue with the previous GT, exterior design has. Even in the less flattering white color – we believe darker shades do the 6 GT more justice – the new tourer is a more resolved and tight package than its predecessor. It certainly still has that awkward styling – one expected in its segment and constrained by proportions and exact requirements – but it’s clearly an improvement over the 5 GT.
From the front, it’s clear that this new 6 Series Gran Turismo share familial attributes with the 5 Series. Both the grilles and headlights are almost identical to the 5er, apart from being a bit bigger. It has a sleeker nose and from the side, a coupe-like styling and sweeping roofline. Out back, the taillights look similar to the new 5 Series, but slightly beefier, yet with the same beautiful graphics. It also has a pretty typical rump for a BMW Gran Turismo model, especially with the now-expected active rear spoiler.
The side hockey stick with air breathers is now functional and contributes to the aerodynamic coefficient (0.28Cd).
Driving Dynamics
The new BMW 6 Series GT is built upon the platform of the short wheelbase 7 Series, so it takes advantage of BMW’s latest innovations in lightweight construction. The 6 Series GT is as much as 115 kg lighter than its predecessor, because it uses the same high-strength steel and aluminum chassis.
The model we sampled in Lisbon, Portugal was fitted with BMW’s award winning B58 3.0 liter six-cylinder engine. The engine produces 340 hp and maximum torque of 450 Nm (332 lb-ft), enabling the new BMW 640i Gran Turismo to accelerate to 100 km/h (62 mph) from rest in 5.4 seconds, while the new BMW 640i xDrive Gran Turismo is a tick faster at 5.3 seconds.
It is paired with a ZF eight-speed automatic gearbox and, as the xDrive part of the name suggests, four-wheel drive.
Also fitted to the 640i as standard is BMW’s Integral Active Steering which essentially is a rear-wheel steering with wheels moving opposite to the fronts at low speed and the same direction above 60km/h.
As soon as you get behind the wheel, you will immediately notice the raised driving position which will satisfy those that are not ready to jump into an SUV, but would like some of its driving characteristics. As experienced in other BMW ’40i models, the engine is smooth with decent throttle response that doesn’t aim to throw you back into the seat of the GT. Which likely wasn’t the goal for this Gran Tourer either.
Driving dynamic engagement levels aren’t particularly high in the 6 Series GT, but BMW never meant to turn the hatchback into a weekend track warrior. It can though, as we proved with the 550i GT.
The cabin is nearly silent, thanks to excellent sound absorption that keeps road and wind noise to an absolute minimum.
The emphasize is put on comfort during short or long commutes, hence why standard you will find the adaptive air suspension on both axles, with dynamic damper control. The steering feedback is less crisp than in a 5 Series sedan, but that’s likely due to the GT’s large proportions.
There is also a little more body lean than the sedan, which could be somewhat mitigated if you opt for the Sport mode – lowers the ride by 10 mm and tightness its suspension and steering. The cabin is nearly silent, thanks to excellent sound absorption that keeps road and wind noise to an absolute minimum.
On the smooth and curvy Portugal roads, the 6 Series GT demonstrated its character – a comfortable, spacious and extremely comfortable cruiser – that knows its place in the BMW family and its role in your daily life. BMW executives from Performance Junk Blogger 6 http://ift.tt/2yFJRcT via IFTTT
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diveronarpg · 5 years
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Congratulations, GHOST! You’ve been accepted for the role of OTHELLO. Admin Rosey: We’re so happy you returned to us! Othello has always been one of my favorite characters because of his complexity and depth. The voice that you’ve given to emphasizes the humanity, which hurts all the more. You have no idea how ecstatic we are to see him return and watch him claim the throne.  The version of him that you’ve portrayed for us gives us such hope that he will swindle all of our hearts ruthlessly. Who else is ready for some Othello and Desdemona to ruin our lives? Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.*
Out of Character
Alias | Ghost
Age | Twenty-four
Preferred Pronouns | She/Her
Activity Level | I don’t have a job anymore so I’m back \m/ about a 6.5 this time around.
Timezone | EST
Current/Past RP Accounts | Yikes. These. Are. Old. They were all hard to find because my memory (and liking to weird and complicated urls) is a little foggy and 3 are from the same rpg but here you go! The last I had deleted interactions off of but it has A LOT of character building posts I made for her.
In Character
Character | Othello; Odin Bello. 
What drew you to this character? | I was originally looking at Delilah when she was auditioned for an taken up by the perfect player. So, I decided to read him and I fell in love. I love broody “bad” boys who are also hella loyal and lost. I like his mix of brutality and passion. There is so much room for him to develop and I always look for that in characters. The last bit of his bio also sums up perfectly what I see in Odin. A constant battle with himself, really.
All must learn a little bit of cruelty in a time where there is no room for kindness. All must learn to be a little kind in a time where the world only knows to be cruel.
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? |
I. Bellamy. Out of all Odin’s connections, I feel I could have the most fun with this one and this is why this is a major plot idea I have stirring in my noggin. That is, of course, if it is ever feasible. It also plays into his and Bellamy’s connection to Pandora. He obviously wants to use Bellamy to potentially have a connection to the Montagues, to have someone inside to give him whatever information he needs. He also wants to take Pandora down. They are equal, but to him there could only be one brutal entity running around Verona. I’m sure he knows Bellamy’s annoyance with Pandora and what better way to find a way to tear her down than through Bellamy? If the blood is not on his own hands, how could he be guilty? If it wasn’t a Capulet that were to be Pandora’s demise, then there’d be no need for an outcry of more war. It seems to be the perfect concoction for a messy ending, but for who???
II. Delilah… I want Odin to regret the day he ever met her and not because of her supposed unfaithfulness, but because he was never man enough to love her right. I want him to watch her succeed and truly KNOW that he fucked up. I want him to try and make up for it and I want him to fail. Honestly, I am a sucker for hurting my own characters and what better way than giving Othello a taste of his own medicine?? It will also prove Ivan’s disloyalty to him and that would add a whole new level whenever this man comes into the picture in Diverona. I want Delilah to succeed so bad if you can’t tell.
III. PICK A SIDE ODIN!!! I want him to become one or the other. His mother or his father. I want there to be a downfall so hard that he either gives up all hope and becomes the monster people knew he would become or for him to see the errors in his way and try to make emends for them. No more broody, brutal and crying Othello. No more bloodshed. No more war. Every action has a consequence and so far he has gotten away free of harm. I want to tatter him up, strip him down and still see if he thinks brutality and kindness could have ever shared a home in the same body.
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? | Bring it on!
In Depth
What is your favorite place in Verona?
Odin took in a breath of fresh air, filling his lungs with the oxygen he knew he needed to survive. Some people say they don’t need a thing in this world to survive the bitter taste of reality. Yet, he knew as long as he was alive, he knew what it was like to need something so badly you would die for it. He felt he needed oxygen just as much as he needed Verona. To pick and choose a favorite place was like asking him if he’d rather go deaf or blind. He’d choose both over losing any spot or step he had in this city.
“I didn’t come back to this home to be asked to favor one area in it over the other,” He licked his lips, eyes looking around him. It was the closest thing he ever had to a home. “Would you pick a favorite child out of ten if you had them?” He laughed, something hollow and telling of the answer he already knew.
Because when it comes to something you love, you love all of it, not just the pieces that bring you the most happiness or contentedness. Through all the ugly you love it. Just like through all the blood and glorious battle, Othello loved his fair Verona.
What does your typical day look like?
***6:00 AM: The alarm on his bedside table goes off, but he is already awake. The muscles in his shoulders ache from a sleepless night, but he reaches over and dismissing the tone before sitting up in bed. His feet hit the cold floor beneath him as he stretches out his body, groaning in what seems like pain. They tell you about the hurting and then the healing, but somehow he missed the healing.
6:05 AM: Hot water runs in the shower, the steam filling the room and fogging up the mirror. He stands, forehead against tile as his skin burns beneath the water. He prepares his mind for the day that follows. He remembers his father, his stern glare and harshness. He remembers how he is just like him and it helps his mind to adjust to the world he is about to enter. He reminds himself that kindness only gave him the hurting. He wonders when the healing will ever come.
6:30 AM: He is dressed in uniform, sitting in the driver’s seat of his vehicle. He waits for the cold to leave his bones, but it never does. He adjusts the mirrors and his walkie-talkie before starting his car and driving off. Verona seems still, but he knows the facade way too well to believe it to be true.
6:47 AM: A running car is parked on the side of the road, driver’s side open, body splayed out over the top of the hood. He puts his lights on and pulls over. When he comes up to the person, it is clear they are no longer a part of the land of the living. EDM pounds through the speakers of the car, the hood covered in rose-gold chromatic dust. He takes in a deep breath before going back to his car.
6:50 AM: Odin comes back with a bag of white powder, some wipes and a plan. There are no known users of what the Capulets call il sangue di Faerie and there is good reason for that. Even he doesn’t know much about the dust, but he’d protect his family no matter what. He might have been cold and hardened over, but he had always been a faithful man. His loyalties were concrete. So, he did what he could to hide the truth. He cleaned up the mess of Faerie’s Blood before wiping the cover-up drugs over unbreathing nostrils, sprinkling the rest over the hood that once shined like the lights of the night life that hid these secrets as well.
6:53 AM: “Dispatch, we have a problem,” He spoke calmly into his walkie-talkie, eyes never leaving the corpse in front of him. “We have an overdose victim on the side of the road about 3 miles away from The Dark Lady. Send medics immediately. Suspect appear to be dead. ” He waited only moments for a response that help was on the way. At least this person didn’t have to experience the hurting. If only he was able to stick around for the healing.
7:30 AM: The car door shuts. Odin watches what’s left of the scene before him. His heart rate is steady and his mindset unaffected by what just happened. This city was a battle field and there were bound to be fatalities along the way. Accidents happen, especially when it comes to Faerie’s Blood cocaine addiction…
8:00 PM: The rest of his day was uneventful. He comes home to silence, slipping out of uniform and kicking it to the side. There is a twinge in his chest that he can’t quite describe as he pulls the blankets aside and climbs into bed. He remembers and feels the hurting and thinks about the healing. He thinks about how if your dead you can never hurt and then there would be no need for the healing. Even if you’re only dead on the inside, it still counts. He is content enough then to slowly drift into a slumber.***
Odin laughed, taking in a deep breath. “You think being a law enforcement officer would be more interesting, but it really isn’t. On a bad day we catch a thief trying to steal some cigarettes or catch someone driving under the influence. Gotta keep the streets and people of Verona safe, yeah?” He licked his lips, knowing very well his real day-to-day life was more of a glorified cop show where something was always happening. If it wasn’t covering up drugs… it was covering up a murder.
Othello drew in a deep breath. “But if you really want to know. There’s never a dull day with the family. Do you think I dawn the uniform now because I fight for justice? Maybe for them, but it is a good disguise. What officer isn’t morally corrupt nowadays? It just seemed to work.” He also needed the boost after his discharge. “I became a hero and found a place I belong. So, in the end, who gives a fuck what I do in my day?”
What has been your biggest mistake thus far?
The answer was simple. No matter how much he hated to admit it and to reveal his heart, he knew no other answer to give. His jaw clenched with a whisper of pain, but what else was a strong and calloused man to do but than to swallow it down in one heavy gulp. “Falling in love,” His father also made the same mistake. “What else has it brought me other than betrayal and hurt?”
The Bello men weren’t made for love, his father made that clear, but sometimes the heart is stronger than the mind. Only his fists were never stronger than his heart when it came to Delilah. Even Odin was man enough to choose words over fists, but no one had ever told him that they could hurt all the same. His tongue always lashed out and he could see the pain in her eyes every single fucking time. The words still haunted him.
“You’re nothing but a harlot. Who will love you now, Delilah?”
But maybe his biggest mistake wasn’t actually falling in love, but letting other’s make him believe in the lies he also told. The same mistake that led to ruining a good name– hurting a beautiful and kind woman. He never deserved her and he never will. He was his father and she was his mother. Black and white. Cold and warm. Cruel and kind. They were the spitting image of what he grew up watching and everyone now had the answer to the question they asked for years. The question he even had deep beneath his ribs.
Which do you think he’ll turn out to be?
Which will I turn out to be?
What has been the most difficult task asked of you?
***“Bello.” his upper said sternly, making it known that he was serious in his decision. “You’re being discharged.” He knew words could hurt, but not like this. It was what was going to happen and had no control over it. He had been reckless and care free, but this was his way out of having to live brutally and lost. Yet, he wasn’t the soldier they needed with war on the horizon. “It’s for the best.”
“That’s what you think, but what if it’s not for the best?” He asked, tone slightly aggravated. He could feel his fists and jaw clench all the same. With a familiar anger he saw growing up. The same anger that swam through his veins. “This is where I belong.”
The other man shook his head, resting a hand on Odin’s shoulder. As if it were supposed to be comforting. As if it were going to fix things. “Sometimes where we think we belong is just a stop sign along the way to find your real home.”
Odin scoffed, pushing his uppers hand off of his shoulder. “Don’t pull that bubblegum bullshit with me. I’m not in the mood.”
“You need to leave. Before this gets out of hand.”
Out of hand? Them discharging him was out of hand, but he swallowed back the news like razors sliding down throat. He raised his arms in surrender before grabbing his things to leave. “You’ll regret this one day.” He said in a tone devoid of anything but anger.
At least he knew, even with the disappointment of this entire situation, that no one in this world could ever disappoint him more than himself. He thought the obstacles he tumbled through in his life before now were hard? Try losing the last thing you believed could fix you. Try leaving behind the only life you grew to love and care about. It was the hardest thing he was ever asked to do and it ended up being the thing he was best at… leaving.***
“Fuck this question.” He sighed, adjusting his shirt and standing up a little taller to make it seem as if it weren’t that big of a deal. “Being asked to leave the army was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I lost a lot.” He shrugged, like he always did when he wanted to brush off all the seriousness and hide that he was human– one who felt pain all the same. “But look at where I am at now. I wouldn’t be here if that didn’t happen, so, in a way I guess it was meant to be.”
What are your thoughts on the war between the Capulets and the Montagues?
“We’ve been fighting to choose sides for centuries.” Othello never bit his tongue when it came to his thoughts. Especially on war. “We’ve been battling, shedding blood, winning and losing for centuries. What makes now any different? I’ve seen all sides of war, this is just the same as the rest.” He shrugged, head tilting in a systematic sort of way. As if every question he was asked came with a question in return.
Shouldn’t you already know the answer?
“It’s human nature. If you really dig down deep, deep beneath the world’s kindness– it is built off of brutality and death. No resolution came without the conflict.” He laughed. “But sometimes people like the conflict a little too much to ever meet in the middle. Am I right? When have you last seen a war go on this long, if not to revel in the destruction?”
Extras: N/A
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mastcomm · 5 years
After the Oscar Glare, These Filmmakers Went Their Own Way
PARK CITY, Utah — When the writer-director Benh Zeitlin was unexpectedly thrust into the middle of the Oscar melee in 2012 with his debut feature, “Beasts of the Southern Wild,” it was a surreal, discomforting experience filled with stiff tuxedos and awkward small talk — light years away from his ragtag existence in New Orleans, where he makes lyrical, atmospheric movies with his friends.
Zeitlin was soothed somewhat by the people he met on the trail: a sit-down with Daniel Day-Lewis, a kind word from Sally Field, an interaction with Martin Scorsese, who was struggling at the time with his edit of “Wolf of Wall Street.”
“It was cool to see someone that legendary be just as stressed as me when I was cutting ‘Beasts,’” said Zeitlin, a Hollywood outsider who before his Oscar run had only visited Los Angeles once in his life.
Eight years later, this one-time Oscar wunderkind finally popped back up at this year’s Sundance Film Festival with his sophomore effort, “Wendy,” a grass-roots “Peter Pan” seen through the eyes of a liberated, adventurous Wendy Darling. Where had he been?
The pressures of the Oscar spotlight can be enormous. As nominees this year have surely discovered, becoming part of the Hollywood ecosystem comes with its own set of challenges, ones that often require you to conform to specific expectations rather than to pursue your own creative endeavors. Zeitlin and another director who went through a similar experience, Tom McCarthy of “Spotlight,” resisted that pressure — and at Sundance this month, the results of their decisions were on display.
Zeitlin’s time among the glitterati had crystallized what he wanted his future to look like, and it was nothing like theirs. As the recipient of two highly coveted nominations — best director and best adapted screenplay (his film also drew a best picture nomination) — Zeitlin had earned an invitation into the club. He could have easily parlayed his success into a hefty studio payday. Yet he chose a decidedly different route. He did hire an agent, temporarily, to fend off incoming offers, including the opportunity to work on a mega-budget “Pirates of the Caribbean” movie for Disney. “He served as my bouncer,” said Zeitlin, now 37, who instead took his newfound cachet and created his own pirate adventure.
“When it became clear that we were going to have this opportunity to make whatever we wanted, we were like, ‘O.K., we got to make the craziest one now, because who knows if they’ll ever let us back in,’” he said.
The Oscar visibility did buy him something: a bigger budget, a more ambitious palette and significant development money from his new studio partner, Fox Searchlight — the company that secured a first-look deal with the auteur when it paid $2 million for global rights to “Beasts.”
He filmed on the islands of Montserrat and Antigua, Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula and in Louisiana. Postproduction lasted close to two years. And the film was made using the same unconventional approach he employed for “Beasts”: writing and rewriting all the way through production with his sister, Eliza Zeitlin, who also served as the production designer; casting nonactors to play the roles; preferring practical magic — like using a thermite mixture to create underwater fire — to computer graphics.
Zeitlin debuted his film on Sunday to mixed reviews. The Playlist’s Greg Ellwood said “Zeitlin’s talent to soar cinematically remains intact,” while Leah Greenblatt of Entertainment Weekly wrote, “By the ninth montage of cliffs and shore and joyful screaming down a hill, it all starts to feel a little like a film-school reel.”
Zeitlin’s decision to spend so much time on his own arts-and-crafts project left many shaking their heads. They may be equally perplexed to see the writer-director Tom McCarthy, who took on the Catholic Church in the best-picture winner “Spotlight” (2015), return to Sundance with “Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made,” a kids’ movie co-starring a computer-graphic polar bear that will debut on Disney Plus next week.
“I’ve seen a lot of people win Oscars, win best pictures, do that thing, and then it’s like they’re almost trying too hard to go back to the well,” McCarthy said. “I didn’t want to do that.”
The awards race marathon — which this year concludes on Feb. 9 — is a boon for the industry: Studios spend gobs to promote their best films, and the Hollywood ecosystem froths from the trickle-down economics. Everybody from trade publications to florists to limo drivers benefits from the awards industrial complex — everyone, except maybe the talent. Yes, their star power rises in both ephemeral and concrete ways, but for those hellbent on creating their own destiny, the months away from their work can be dispiriting.
Zeitlin had been away from his New Orleans home for most of the year following the Sundance debut of “Beasts.” “I was both desperate to get home and desperate to get to work,” he said. “It was the first year I hadn’t created anything, and that was the most intense feeling.”
McCarthy too had moved his family temporarily to Los Angeles for his awards-campaign obligations. It was a “wholly uncreative” time, he said.
The 53-year old director, who began his career as a character actor, had been warned years earlier that this would happen. Back in 2004, he had a toe-dip experience with the awards race when his directorial debut, “Station Agent,” vied briefly for accolades against Peter Jackson’s final “Lord of the Rings” installment. McCarthy kept running into the New Zealander on the campaign trail, and Jackson’s frenetic pace didn’t align with the rest of the nominees’ behavior. His secret: In between all the glad-handing he would hole up at a hotel in Los Angeles writing “King Kong” with Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens.
“He said to me, ‘If you can, cling to the work,’” McCarthy recalled.
Cut to 2016, and McCarthy found his creative reprieve two weeks before the Oscars, when his New York theater friend Brian Yorkey asked him to help out on a new Netflix series “13 Reasons Why.” A surprising follow-up to “Spotlight”? Maybe. But the project was set to start shooting soon, and McCarthy could dive in, writing and directing on what would become one of the streaming giant’s most popular series.
“I really just wanted to work,” McCarthy said. “I didn’t have another movie ready, and I didn’t want to just jump into another movie.”
That same ethos has now returned McCarthy to Sundance, 17 years after the festival launched his directing career. His friends have given him grief for giving up his indie cred; one text message read, “See you’re keeping it real at Sundance with your Disney movie.” He, too, is aware of the irony. For “Station Agent,” his producers gave out beef jerky as the film’s party favor. For the “Timmy” premiere, Disney created an ice sculpture of a polar bear.
Still, McCarthy finds no shame in making a kids’ movie. To him, chronicling the adventures of a quirky, complicated kid detective was just as invigorating as depicting the Boston Globe newsroom in “Spotlight.”
“This film was still a tremendous challenge, dealing with what does it mean to make a movie for 10-year-olds, and what does it mean to have a polar bear in the movie? Whenever I’m engaged like that, I’m happy,” he said.
Zeitlin’s grand experiment of keeping Hollywood at arm’s length has also meant he could maintain his single-minded approach to making movies. It helps that he’s changed very little in his life since “Beasts.” He moved into a different rented house, though not a nicer one. He’s single. He doesn’t own a car, or even a pet.
“My biggest fear is not being able to make my art,” he said. “If people don’t like my movie or whatever, knowing that I can always go home and live, and make things that I want to make has always been really important to me. So, I’ve never taken on anything that would be a real problem if I lost it.”
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