#these posts shouldnt get beyond 2 notes
vampiresinforks · 2 years
petition to A) use pictures of the same size when putting them in photoset and B) not fucking including other people's graphics and gifs in them
the rise of twilight aesthetic posts that just slap rando google pics with other people's gifs together is alarming!!! and the note counts on them are even more alarming
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hiemalstar · 2 years
niragi x reader - same thing, different font: disgusting kinks?
oh boy, this one is going to piss people off. hello tumblr, im back again to rant about alice in borderland; however, this time, it has to do with the fandom itself.  niragi x readers. lets talk about it. DISCLAIMER 1. i am aware that it is called fanfiction for a reason. this is just my opinion, and my personal views on the niragi fanfiction community.  2. todays post contains topics that may cause discomfort such as rape. now that youve read the disclaimer, lets begin.
fanfiction - what are the stereotypes?
if youve read the title, you can see this will be discussing some stereotypes. now, like i said in the disclaimer, i am aware that fanfiction can be anything, and i have nothing against those who write it; i write fanfiction too! its fun to do so. though, when it comes to niragi x readers, or any niragi fic in general, there is absolutely no fucking differences. same thing, different font. to be more specific, the same reoccurring smutfic keeps coming up. niragi is at the beach, female y/n walks in, niragi fucks around w her, he rapes her and y/n gets off on it. oh my gods i gagged a little writing that last part. 
though, the rape is not what this section is about. that will tie in later, so keep it in mind. the stereotype is a pretty average thing to find; if you try to find a flufffic of niragi, you will find likely nothing. if you look for a niragi x m!reader fic, you will probably find at most three to four posts. the same thing.  the stereotype of niragi fanfics encourages the stereotype of niragi himself and his characters image. because most of these writers try to make it as accurate as possible to the media, it usually comes across as “aggressive bitch edges girl and she likes it”. what a headline guys! 
now if youve been on my page before, you already know i have a strong opinion on niragi and i think hes a pretty complex character that people dont pay attention to enough.  with a stereotyped fanfic around a stereotyped character with a controversial fanbase you end up with something like this. though, at one point, i started to notice that people writing these fanfics were not writing this out of the intentions of something i would have, like enjoying his character outside of stereotypes. no honey, i was wrong.
rape “kink” ; the ongoing interest in niragi fanfics
trigger warning this section is absolutely fucking vile and disgusting. scroll away if you find yourself disturbed with this topic.
heres where the rape ties in. the majority of these writers were NOT into niragis character because they see beyond his stereotypes, but because of his actions and stereotypes.thats right guys! this majority of writers im talking about are into rape. thats right! rape! the thing that traumatizes and even kills people!! i even saw some creators of niragi fanfics containing rape post or note on their work that “if you dont have a rape kink, what are you even doing looking at niragi smut??”  i am not a rape victim, but i am an sa victim. you do NOT want to be raped or sa'd. it is not erotic at all. it ruins you and has long term effects on your relationships and self.  please, if you are someone claiming to have a ‘rape kink’, i am begging you, to get help. this is not a kink, and i swear it has to be some sort of mental disorder, like people who are attracted to serial killers. 
the reason why we have fanfics like this iss because of people identifying like this.  please be sure to share your opinion; i know this one wasnt exactly the most detailed, but lets be honest... i shouldnt even have to say this in general. 
anyway, considering the topic, how would u guys feel if i made niragi fanfics on ao3 outside of his stereotypes??? just an idea, if youd like to see that, lmk :) this is hiemal, signing outbye guys, make sure to leave suggestions!! <3
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sentientgopro · 10 months
Okay, so I know this might sound odd, but I kinda want to keep track of how my feelings have been changing seeing as my life just turned upside down a few days ago. Something feels weird about keeping a note to myself, idk why, For some reason I feel kore comfortable posting it to the internet. Well, I guess that is kinda the point of a blog? Anyway, if youre seeing this but not my last post on Monday, I think I cracked on Sunday Night.
That first post was comprised of how I was feeling Sunday Night- Monday Morning (10/11 Dec) and, well, I'm not going to repeat it. Monday was... weird. I didn't feel great, although thats not significantly out of the ordinary, but I was facing a difficult question I would rather not have to answer, especially when the obvious conclusion was such a difficult one to follow through and act on. It was a question Id rather die than face.
Monday evening was when I decided to start truly planning for the possibility. I may not know If Im right yet, and depending on how hard it may be, I was wondering if it was even worth it. Then I had a look at some trans timelines, and asked people about HRT options, and that was what changed my fuckin life. It was then that I saw how real this was and just how possible this was. The realisation that this was on the cards for me (after a 2 year wait) made me feel really fucking good. Like best Ive felt in a long time. Ive been running on fumes, a list of people to outlive, and "My cats would miss me" but this provided a positive reason to keep going, something to look forward to. For the first time in ages, I wanted to Carry On, not just felt like I had to. And this feeling/ realisation also helped in validating my feelings, that Im not just making it up.
And then came tuesday. The best day Ive had in a long time. I've heard people say "Transitioning may not solve all your problems, but it can make them feel worth solving" but I realised I had that in reverse. My problems are affecting my academic success, so to get out this house and get to Uni, I need to start fixing/ overcoming those problems. My problems feel worth solving so that I can get to transition. I got more done that day and focused easier than I have in a long time.
Later into Tuesday, I considered what my future could look like now. How might it affect other parts about me? I considered my Aroace identity, might it affect that? And I quickly realised I might not be Aro. Why could I see myself happily in a relationship in the future, as a girl, but not as a guy? Hell, I took the idea out of relationships, and realised I couldn't see a happy future at all as a guy. Ive known this for a while, and kinda brushed it off as "Modern society sucks ass" and "Who knows what the future holds" and shit like that, but if that was the case, I wouldnt see a happy future as a girl, which I do. This was another big help in feeling that Im not mistaken about my feelings, and also helps to explain why Ive always felt a little conflicted on my Aromanticism, because it wasn't. As for now, until I can transition, the label still fits. I still think Ill be Ace either way, but I cant know that until the time comes. It doesnt really matter, those labels can be pretty fluid, I shouldnt stress over it. The key takeaway here was that it seemed that Dysphoria was stopping me from wanting a relationship. Perhaps I was wrong about not feeling dysphoria, I think i might just have not been noticing it or understanding it.
I'm caught up to today, which hasn't really seen major developments. I acknowledged the fact that Ive been kinda subconsciously viewing myself as more feminine for years now, but I dont feel like that thought significantly leads anywhere beyond reinforcing how I feel. Most of my thought on this went towards music and lyrics, as now I have a whole new dimension of meanings to find in songs, completely changing how I see alot of them. For example, one song, that I havent been able to find any meaning to until now, has these lines across 2 different verses:
"I need time to break all the mirrors,
But my mind is in pieces and not ready to make it clearer,"
"Time to make it all clearer,
And if time never ceases I'll be ready to break the mirror"
After a quick google, the idea of "Breaking a mirror" means bad luck for years, before being okay, which can be interpreted to have fairly heavy parallels to a transition. The first version talks about needing to go through this period, but not being able to or not being ready. As much as I say I cant transition bc of living eith my controlling and transphobic parents, I also know I would not be ready to do it if that wasnt the case. But, as in the second version of these two lines, once I can make it all clearer, If I can just hold out until the end of the two years, if time keeps passing, I can break the mirror.
There are other parts of this song I like and find (questionable) trans meanings in, but these parts stand out. Song is "The Gift" by Kevin Sherwood and Elena Siegman for anyone wondering, I'd best describe it as Melodic heavy metal, heavy instrumentals courtesy of Kevin and beautiful vocal melody courtesy of Elena.
So that was pretty much my day today, finding little bits of meaning in various songs I already listen to. Although its only 2:30PM, there may be more to come later. Regardless, now that ive caught up, Im just going to be keeping every post as its own individual thought or topic. If you did actually read through this, thanks I guess? I dont know why I feel more comfortable writing this here than a private note. Ill only tag this with 196 because eh, why tf not.
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oflgtfol · 5 years
hi it’s literally common courtesy to turn your high beams off when there’s another person on the road. if you live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere with no street lights then no one’s stopping you from having your high beams on but as soon as you see someone else approaching, turn that shit off!!!
and honestly, if you’re driving in an area with street lights, i dont see why there’s any need at all to have high beams on. especially in a god damn suburban area where there’s constantly other people around you. there’s streetlights and hundreds of other cars with their own headlights on, you don’t god damn need your high beams on
frankly i’d say it’s even hazardous to keep your fucking high beams on in a suburban area. i honest to god cannot see jack shit when an oncoming car has their high beams on. literally, everything else goes black, and the only 2 things i can see are the two head lights. it’s fucking dangerous when i’m driving in a residential area at night and i cannot fucking see anything
if you have your high beams on around me i don’t respect you you’re rude as fuck and just know that i’m yelling at you inside my car
#LIKE NO ONES SAYING THAT COUNTRY FOLK CANT HAVE THEM ON SHUT UP THIS ISNT ABOUT YOU LMFAO#THE POINT IS THAT YOU SHOULDNT HAVE THEM ON WHEN YOU COULD BLIND SOMEONE ELSE#WHICH IS ESPECIALLY A PROBLEM IN SUBURBAN / URBAN AREAS WHERE THERE ARE /ALWAYS/ OTHER PEOPLE AROUND#literally on residential roads with this bullshit like. ITS SO DANGEROUS#the roads are so narrow and everybody parks in the street so when i CANT SEE ANYTHING BUT THOSE 2 LIGHTS#i could very easily just. fucking crash into a parked car that i couldnt see!#or god forbid some idiot's out walking at 9pm for some fucking reason!#OR ANIMALS IN THE STREET!! especially cause no one keeps their fucking cats inside!!#like ppl in the notes really like 'haha sorry i cant see just blind the other people and laugh B)'#like. you can momentarily switch to normal headlights and still see. i promise you#and you say 'i will purposefully blind the oncoming driver' like thats a good thing and not like its incredibly dangerous#like if you excuse this shit sorry i dont respect you and youre one of the few people on the road that i actively get pissed at#i dont get pissed at people often when driving . i only get mad when people have their stupid fucking high beams on#or when they purposefully and blatantly blow red lights#thats the ONLY shit that gets me mad as hell otherwise i just roll my eyes but im never genuinely worked up#like my mom gets pissed at every little thing when driving and like litchrally chill the fuck out. people will be idiots#if you get batshit angry over every little mistake someone makes then you're gonna die of a heart attack at 50#like its literally not worth it#so i dont get mad or even annoyed at 98% of the things that happen on the road BUT THOSE 2 THINGS PISS ME OFF BEYOND WORDS#brot posts
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Wow! So it’s been almost 2 years (like literally almost to the day) since I posted "Update 1″, and boy oh boy did a lot of shit happen.
- I went back to work - I never got that internship that woulda changed my life (oh well) - I’ve gotten to travel way more than I woulda thought possible 2 years ago (not the traveling itself, I love to travel and have access/ability to but moreso in terms of the pandemic/state of the world) - I still don’t have a great grasp on my depression. I know I have it. I know. And its definitely a rollercoaster but shit triggers me and idk what to do ya know? I end up feeling like a zombie. - I almost got my dream job. But didn’t. When I say dream job, I mean I have literally been dreaming about it since I was 12 or 13 years old. I reapplied when a reopening was posted but I think I’m just not meant to be. Like that scene in La La Land (god I love La La Land, like its my favorite movie of all time kinda love) when Mia is explaining that maybe her dreams will never pan out bc maybe shes not good enough? Or maybe she’s just one of those (many) people who has always wanted something but its just a pipe dream that needs to be moved on from. Its not like thats what I want, but its whats realistic and you cant be disappointed if your expectation is disappointment, ya know? - My sister moved out and I’m really happy for her but things seem to be happening for her and other people and it feels like everyone around me and I’m just stuck??? I’m not sure theres a better way for me to explain it other than that. Its no ones fault, but everyday of my adult like theres this slight, nagging feeling that my life is simply one long series of unfortunate events. And yes, good things are woven in and its not like everyday is some big, unbearable catastrophe but some days definitely are. I really don’t know how else to explain it. I think its beyond depression. I’d never hurt myself or someone else but I had this shit realization the other day that I don’t remember the last time I was like really, truly, unbelievably happy (not just with one thing, or day, or event) but like GENUINELY happy in life. And I don’t know that I ever will be again. Idk I sound so shitty rn. - I hate my job but love the people. I also have no other options in life it feels like. WHAT DO I DO?!
Anyways the absolute lunacy of the bullets above, I’m trying to move on in/through life as well as possible. And I wanna become better. In all facets. I gained a lot weight back. Which makes me angry and disappointed. My highest ever was 197 and the other day I was 195 again. Again. Can you believe that shit? My family while I love them are bad influences and have been for a really, really long time. I feel like I just give in bc 1) their expectation is that I’m fat and thats never gonna change so who are you kidding and 2) were all doing it (eating and being fat) so who cares? and 3) its like they think im judging them or being unfair to them when I wanna better myself. Idk. Its not intentionally malicious but the consequences feel dire.
SO ANYWAYS!!!!!!!! God I need to learn to shut up. I’ve lost 3lbs in the last week and back to 192. Slowly making progress but FOR REAL THIS TIME. And I know I said that last time, but circumstances are different and theres no more excuses.
On that note I’m gonna go to Safeway rn and go buy some fruit bc I’m hungry and if I wanna eat thats what I’m gonna let myself eat. I know I shouldnt starve but also eating like a piggly wiggly has so far gotten me no where.
I’m gonna end this here. This is therapeutic for reezie and I feel better just reflecting on this insane rambly episode I’ve just had. Yall pray for me for reezie and I shall be doing the same. LETS STOP WEIGHTING FOR CHANGE YALL!
P.S. My cat keeps walking across my chest and around the room yapping to be let out but I don’t get why he doesn’t get that I love him too much and I wanna be around him 24/7 bc he makes me feel better. But also he’s a cat and a dummy at that so I guess I should be happy he spends any time indulging me at all.
P.P.S. I, like the rest of the world, am in the middle of a Stranger Things Binge and volume 2 of ST4 was released today. V1 was released at the end of May but I waited til now to watch bc I wanted to rewatch and I wanted to be able watch all of ST4 at once and not have to wait which was deff the right call. I started V1 yesterday and finished it this morning and am now on ep 8 of 9 and idk WHAT I woulda done if I woulda had to wait a month to continue, like fuckkkkk that lmao. But anywho I’m gonna continue but I want some fruit to have so I’m gonna finish the other half of ep 8 and then ep 9 when I get back from the store (also holy shit ep 9 is apparently 150 mins???? thats 2 and 1/2 hours thats a fucking movie bro!!!!) but yeah. I’m lowkey stressed to finish it though bc 1) i lowkey dont like this whole steve/nancy plot. I know a lot of ppl do but I really like her w jonathan so yeah. and 2) I’m scared Eddie will die. He’s a really great character and I think hes really cute and its not fair that the worst has been assumed of him. I relate to that. I know some major character is expected to die in these final two eps and I really hope its not him, but also I really hope they were just lying to us bc I literally dont want anyone to die. I mean mike is prob my least fav but still i love mike and dont want him to die. also theres no way in hell theyd ever kill off finn wolfhard so thats an unrealistic expectation anyway. So heres to eddie, steve, and all those mfers bc I really do love this show and these crazy ass characters. But most of all, to my fav character, erica. BC YA CAN’T SPELL AMERICA WITHOUT ERICA BITCHHHH.
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
bella I would love a directors cut on literally any of the rilex you’ve written, but specifically it’s always her, and you, and me, or for these days you’ve been stuck in my brain 💙
OHHHHHH those are some CHOICESSSSSS lucy. fuck yeah. let’s get into it. ill link them both here but we’ll take em one at a time
it’s always her, and me, you
these days you’ve been stuck in my brain
here’s a cut for convenience cos i KNOW i’m gonna go long here.
okay! let’s start with the rilisex fic.
it’s always her, and me, and you
so like it says in the ao3 notes, this fic came from realizing just how frequently rian and alex kiss each other like, all the time? just? casually? for funsies? this was another one of those situations like i mentioned where the hook aka first line (“Rian's no expert, but he doesn't think normal friends kiss this much.”) just appeared in my head and i was like heyyy that’s a GOOD first line. i have to build from that line. that’s the hook, that’s the summary, that’s the core. 
something i discovered upon searching through the editing history of the doc: i had originally sort of intended to go a direction with this where in some other circumstance, rian would see alex giving jack a super casual friendly kiss and he’d get all sad/jealous and be like sure why SHOULDNT alex kiss jack after all its just a thing he does with his FRIENDS. but the fic ended up going a different way and honestly? im glad. i like this way better.
the role of singin in the rain in this fic actually has a HILARIOUS backstory because the night i originally wrote that conversation in the tour bus kitchen, i went into the club and said the following
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and then. the next day. rian streamed with ricky, and i asked if he’d ever seen singin in the rain, and he ANSWERED ME and said he hadn’t. so first of all i had already written the scene and i then had to rewrite it to make it so rian wouldn’t have seen it but also!!! i literally asked rian fucking dawson if he’d seen a movie for the sole reason of using that information for fanfiction!!!! and he provided me with the information i needed!!!! whole thing is just fucking hysterical to me. ANYWAY.
ANYWAY, the other reason why sitr has such a big role in the fic is because megs and i watched the movie together while i was in the middle of working on the fic, so it was extremely fresh in my mind. in fact i can probably show you this: i had this comment left for myself when i was kind of trying to figure out if i could make a real metaphor of sorts with the sitr ot3 and the Big Three of this fic. some of this ended up in rian’s wild musings in the hotel scene but i did conclude that it wouldn’t really have worked and that was definitely true but anyway. fuck it, director’s cut, here’s the kind of shit i leave for myself to refer to
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so that’s part of the reason why it became such a puzzle piece of this fic, but real talk, it’s also just because i love singin in the rain it’s one of my favorite movies lmao
briefly gonna also touch on lisa and why she’s in this fic because i realize that rian/alex/lisa is an interesting approach to rilex! first of all, i love lisa. i love alex and lisa. and it occurred to me that there was really no reason to split lisex up just to make rilex happen. plus there’s this tweet that really just pushed me over the edge of being like yeah, rilisex is extremely plausible. so that’s that on that.
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as for the scene in the hotel room while they’re watching sitr, there is a small piece of that scene - from when alex starts kissing rian’s shoulders etc to “it would defy the laws of nature not to” - that i actually wrote before anything else in that scene. that small piece got stretched out and edited quite a bit from how it started but it did function as a sort of foundation around which i built the rest of the scene, because that small section sort of ~came to me~ absolutely out of nowhere, and i really liked the Vibe it had and i wanted to include it. i THINK that was the only piece of this fic that i wrote Out Of Order - for the most part this was written chronologically.
ALSO!!! omg this is exciting, this fic actually has a deleted scene!!!!!! i hate cutting scenes but i also hate having scenes that are less than 1k and this one didn’t really contribute much to the fic. i can probably share it here right? sure why not ! hopefully you can read this. it originally took place after the scene where alex and rian call lisa for the first time. the question of “what gets left into interview videos and what gets cut” is also just interesting to me as a (fic) concept in general so...eyes emoji, but here’s my mini-exploration that i cut from the original fic. enjoy lol it’s silly <3
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oh! also one more thing!! the very final scene was included for two reasons. the first reason being that when i write getting-together fics, i really prefer to add on a scene After they Get Together because i love to write domestic established relationship stuff and i think that’s a satisfying reward for a reader who’s just slogged through all the mutual pining and bullshit to get the characters together. but the OTHER reason is that i got an anon (here it is!) and i read that ask and was immediately like well shit. now i have to fucking include this. for the anon and for myself. so you can thank that anon for that last scene. (also i wanted to include merrikat especially since i had to cut their little moment in the interview scene above.)
so....................whew. i think i’ve bled that fic dry. holy shit that’s a lot of Stuff. OKAY! let’s move on.
these days you’ve been stuck in my brain
so!!! THIS fic was the breakthrough after (what felt like) a long bout of writer’s block. long for me was maybe two weeks, but i am the kind of person who is always writing, and two weeks was a long time to go with little to no inspiration/motivation to write anything. i had also been in a weird narrative headspace because i’d been binge-watching disney shows (jessie > austin and ally > girl meets world) and i don’t know how well i can explain this but the way those shows are written is a lot snappier and cares way less for realistic and consistent character development or plots or relationships, and so i was stuck between caring a lot about including those things in my fics but also being unable to conceptualize them in writing because my brain was in Disney Writing Mode. does that make sense? this is rhetorical so let’s go with yes. so anyway. i was in a slump
actually what i ended up doing was basically googling something like “au prompts tumblr” or something and just scrolling through posts. i saw something about soulmate telepathy and i actually tried to write something totally different before i wrote this one, but the first attempt was a different concept and then the direction i took it was like......it wasn’t quite right and i realized that i was kind of writing dark disney style? there is really no way for me to explain what i mean by that because it seems really obvious to me but that’s just because i’m inside my own head so just take my word. 
anyway. attempt #1 of soulmate telepathy rilex went poorly, and this fic was attempt #2. i kinda took the soulmate telepathy thing and changed it as i saw fit and i also went back to skim helen’s telepathy fic because obviously she’s the pro and then i tried not to steal her ideas. and as i was writing it i kinda realized i was doing the whole quirky funny best friend character with jack and also doing the whole “somehow this not-very-dramatic situation with teenagers is treated as The Most Dramatic Thing Ever and that’s totally normal and nobody finds it strange” disney trope with rian and alex being soulmates and i was like (deep sigh) i have to accept that no matter how much i try to fight this, this fic is going to be tainted with disney. and that’s life
on top of that i will add that the real-life rilex were extremely inspiring during the two-day period during which i wrote this fic, because that was when the once in a lifetime video came out and in the brief pre-video livestream rilex were Beyond Married and that definitely helped in the writing of fic rilex!
hmmmm what can i tell you about this fic itself.................honestly, i don’t think there’s much to tell! rian is a band kid because in real life rian was a band kid and he’s staff manager at rita’s just like he was in real life. there is truthfully not a lot to unpack here that i can think of!
oh here’s something i guess: rian and alex go on a date in this fic! that is because watching So Much Disney made me realize that i often forget the fact that people just. go on dates. sometimes. look i clearly do not have an active romantic life but i also really liked the idea of alex and rian going on a date despite not knowing if they’d be soulmates or not and liking each other organically just by getting to know each other, rather than being victim to the whole soulmate thing. like i wanted them to build a connection so that they would want to be soulmates. and then the audience would want that for them too. stakes!! very important.
i can tell you i had a mild crisis over the title of the fic because i am not a fan of the word brain and i didnt wanna use that sticky lyric for the title when it had a word i hated but it was objectively a much better title option than the other one i had, which was “sticky just like the song in my head” but i obviously decided on the former and it has not upset me nearly as much as i expected it to so that was the right decision imo
so! i think that’s all on that! sorry (?) that it got so long although then again i don’t know what’s to be expected in a director’s cut for two long fics but thank you for asking me about these, i love them both so very much rilex is so supremely underrated but so very important
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ruffiorocks · 5 years
unpopular opinion (long post)
This might be unpopular but its irking me a little bit, im actually completely OK with Lena punching Kara in the face. 
Its not so much that Kara kept her identity a secret, that on its own doesn't warrant a smack or a punch (if they had been dating then it absolutely would) because that’s beyond disturbing behaviors, 
No for me its, as i’ve mentioned before the way that Kara treated her as Supergirl, especially in season 3. 
Now yes Kara has been lovely to Lena as Supergirl, the same as Lena has to her. they have actively saved each others arses on more than on occasion. 
BUT season 3 and 4 gave us a look at what Kara can be like when she feels her authority is being questioned. Kara was instantly p**sed at Lena for daring to keep Reign a secret, no regard for WHY just accusations. Honestly why Kara was there while they interrogated Lena is beyond me, she doesn't actually have a DEO rank? But whatever. She instantly got p**sed that Lena had some leftover kryptonite (we know she made it) and immediately took it as threat, even though Lena IS her best friend. What irked me the most about season 3 was that Kara didn't really give a lot of thought to Sam, in her beef with Lena it was always Kara, Kara, Kara. The fact that Lena did all of this FOR SAM to protect her went completely over Kara’s head. 
Kara also got p**sed that Lena dared to have tech that she didnt know of or approve of. Lena literally told Kara that the force field on Reign’s cell prevented Kryptonian’s looking through it, so what was the first thing Kara does? Why she tries to look through it and gets p*ssed that it caused a bit of pain. She instantly rounded on Lena and saw something SHE personally could nosy through as a threat. I mean Lena could literally just have used this so she wouldn't be spied on in the shower by passing Kryptonian’s. Just because Kara does have X Ray vision doesn't mean shes entitled to be able to see everythong (*cough* Batgirl *cough*) This scene was basically like telling someone not to put their hand in the fire because it will burn, only for them to instantly do it and then get upset with you for built the fire in the first place. 
I was beyond happy that Lena brought Kara down a peg or two, ive said it before but Kara is rarely seriously questioned by anyone and it seems to have gone to her head. Kara’s authority is mostly what shes bestowed on herself, much like Superman. 
But anyway, Kara seems to have realized she’s been a colossal ass and jumped to conclusions, because she has a really awkward exchange with Lena and says she hopes it wont ruin their friendship. See my issue here is that Kara thinks she can attack Lena but because she has had a change of heart its still all good? yeah... no. Lena tells her what for again, poor love tells her she has friends that trust her, not knowing the very woman she is referring to is the same woman shes talking to. 
Kara then gets pissed that Lena gives Kara whats ‘left’ of the kryptonite.  I mean you were upset she had it and now you’re upset shes giving it to you? Once again the fact that this could help her fight Reign and save Sam when she and the others have spectacularly failed goes over her head and she attacks Lena again, who quite rightly tells Kara that lots of things in the world could hurt her but she goes on with life and doesn't whine about. Kara seems to think that NOTHING on Earth should ever be allowed to exist that could hurt her or any other Kryptonian completely forgetting  recent Kryptonian attacks, one of which she did herself oh and the current one. This is pretty God like behavior. She also doesnt have issues with DEO having weapons that  can hurt other aliens, as long as it isn't her.  Kara even pulls the ‘Luthor’ card on Lena. Note through all this its always Kara who has the issue with Lena, Lena has no issues with Supergirl until she attacks her. 
Kara thinks she has the authority to tell Lena she isnt coming to the dark valley to try and save her friend Sam, i mean why is Kara calling the shots here? She does redeem herself a bit when she tells Reign to take her instead of Lena, but honestly? Kara would have done that for literally anyone, this isn't because its Lena. 
Lena even returns to the DEO the moment Kara is in danger of dying. Lena has pre-made suit that even has the House of El crest on it! 
Remember also, that even after the interrogation, Alex asked Lena to just tell her why she didnt let on about Sam and Alex was absolutely OK with Lena’s explanation and didnt harp on about it, this is Alex Danvers whose life is dedicated to protecting Kara’s. 
Kara then did the ONE thing that i thought was so below the belt. She meddled in Lena's relationship and put it at risk. She quite literally went to Lena's boyfriend, a man who not long ago wasn't going to give her the time of day and wanted her in prison no matter what and Lena had to learn to trust, and Kara asked him of all people to betray Lena’s trust. Kara could have asked any DEO agent, but no, apparently James, the one person she SHOULDNT have asked to betray Lena was the only one who would do it? Im sorry Kara you dont do that under any circumstances. Kara is dumb anyway because she trusts James! He literally breaks into L Corp, then he lies to Kara and then drops her in it with Lena? There was NO reason for him to do that, he just wanted the best of both worlds. 
Kara gets pissed that Lena dared to make Harun El for anyone other than the mighty Kryptonian’s that have decreed that this substance they dont understand, arent even close to understanding and has the power to keep civilizations alive is NOT allowed to be used for the benefit of humans, but a human is allowed to  make it for the benefit of Kryptonians and only kryptonians, Yeah, Argo would be a floating city of dead people if it wasn't for Lena managing to figure something out in about a week that the entire race of advanced scientists o Argo weren't even close to doing. The fact is Kara jumps down her throat again, but this time its Alex that comes to Lena’s defence. 
The problem when it comes down to it, is that Kara is too quick to assume the worst in Lena, when she used to be the exact opposite. This is shoddy writing and OOC but unfortunately its what happened. Kara thinks she has authority over all things and the fact is she just doesnt. 
Getting James to betray Lena was the worst one for me, and the one that warrants a smack or in this case a punch in the face. If my best friend asked my significant other to betray my trust because she decided she couldn't trust me oh and then acted like she had nothing to do with it while i vented i would think about punching her and if it was the other way round she would probably think the same, and she would justified because that isnt friendship. 
Kara was Jekell and Hyde with Lena, she even looked her nose down at her in season 2 when she and Superman landed on L Corp’s balcony to talk to Lena and Lillian, the look Kara gave Lena has stuck with me because it was so superior, like because she was now standing with Superman she had more authority? Was she trying to measure up? 
Then there’s the fact that Kara has no issue letting Lena think her ass is in danger, or letting her think shes been blown up! 
Kara knows the amount of betrayals Lena has faced, but she just kept on going  and it was wrong. If she had no intention of telling Lena and letting her be the only one in her new found family that apparently wasn't trusted enough then she should never have gotten so involved with Lena in the first place. 
Kara ignored Lena after Mon El left, then only came to her when she needed her help, essentially her money and her influence. Then once shed asked for it she fobbed off Lena’s attempt to reach out to her. Lena actually does use her power and her own money to save Cat Co and Kara is just  like ‘oh ok, but i quit’. It was using Lena and it was harsh, even if Kara did say she would go back. Then you have Kara’s blatant disregard for Lena as a boss. 
The fact is Kara picks and chooses her attitude to Lena, she should pick ONE not have multiple personalities, choosing to support her on minute, ignore her the next or accuse her of misdeeds in another. 
Now think about what Lena is thinking? Kara lied about who she is, Lena is going to know a Super came to investigate her the moment she arrived in National City, this same super integrated herself into Lena's life and they got close, but Lena is probably wondering why that was now? If Lena had befriended Kara knowing she is Supergirl you know it would have been instantly treated as suspicious. Kara treated her like she was bad even after Lena helped save her and the world several times. Kara used the relationships Lena built against her. Kara acted like she had dull authority over her, she let her think her life was in danger or she was dead more than once. Yeah id be pretty p**sed to.Lena may even wonder why Kara pushed her to date James of all people, someone who wasnt a fan of hers, but then suddenly was? Oh was that so he could stay close to Lena and be used against her? To spy o  her? Lena ‘s feeling arent something Kara can just play with depending on how the mood hits her, actions have consequences and treating people like this isnt cool.
Its a lot for Lena to process, and its not like she can ask kara about it, even when Kara knows Lena knows she cant trust the explanations Kara may give her. 
If Oliver punched Barry the fans would just be like ‘ahh man! They’ll make it up’ 
Batman and Superman fight, ‘ahh man! They’ll make up’. 
But Lena punches Kara? ‘Oh my God abuse!!’ 
i dont think Lena is punching Kara because of the secret itself, shes probably punching her because of all the s**t that came along with it. 
(if you dont agree fine, but dont send hate) 
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thekingofwinterblog · 5 years
Game Freak, Stagnation, Luck and the Refusal to Change
Its Amazing how much fucking grief Game Freak could easily have avoided if they simply said it would take a few months post launch to impliment all pokemon.
No one would have given a shit, they would have gotten away with halfassing everything else, having the A Team working on a game no one asked for, they could take their time, and all the hype would have remained at the top of the world.
Then again if they did that, it would have required actual work, and maybe expanding the company. And God forbid they actually invest any of those billions of Dollars they have earned over the Years.
Amongst all of Nintendo’s teams and Secondary companies, Game Freak is the most stagnant, and that can in Large part be contributed to their immense success. they started with around 150 people, and they currently have around 150 people. They have Stubbornly refused to expand the rooster over the year, despite the fact that they Struck gold better than literarly any other Company in the Game industry.
This in turn Lead to the Company growing stagnant, not innovating, and in general not really going foreward nearly as much as other companies.
There is a question to be made though. Was it always this way? Before this whole debacle i used to think that Game Freak used to be this amazing innovative company, that managed to score an amazing hit and pushed that for all its worth.
However after digging deeper ive kinda begun to question that at all. or Rather ive come to realise that Game Freak is a good example of how a company needs input from other sources for it to not fall into decadence, and that sometimes you need someone to come along and give you a few suggestions. Or a kick in the ass, as they need in Newer times
----GENERATION 1----
Going back all the Way to Red and Green, Nintendo gave what was quite possibly the first Mandate it Ever gave for the Pokemon franchise. This demand? Add PVP to the Game. Thats right, originally Game Freak didnt want to add PVP whatsoever. Given how Game Freak now wishes to fuck over the competitive scene permanently, the fact that they never originally didnt want to have players battle at all should not come as a great suprise.
Withouth this one feature, it seems unlikely pokemon would have been as big a hit as it became. Maybe it would have been added in the Blue and yellow versions and have been in all international releases, but this is by no means certain. Player against players would have come eventually no doubt, but its fully possible that left entierly to their own devices, Game Freak would not have implemented this feature before Gold and Silver.
How big this would have impacted the franchise in both short and long term is impossible to say, but it certainly would have drastically reduced the long term gameplay of the first Game by quite a lot.
however, i should note that im not arguing that Game Freak did not work hard for Red and Green. they did, and they worked on it to the point that right before it was released, Mew was secretly added to the game under Nintendo’s noses. but it sets the Stage for Game Freak often not implimenting the obvious, or not going out of their way to add stuff beyond their original vision of the game.
Setting the stage, we get to the first truely innovative pokemon Game. Pokemon Stadium. And as we’ll see over the course of this retrospective, the Innovative games, is not the ones made by Game Freak themselves, but instead Other companies. In this case Nintendo themselves, Hal Labratory, and its Brilliant leader Satoru Iwata, a man who as we’ll see created half of Pokemon Gold and Silver singlehandedly.
Iwata began his involvement in Pokemon History in Great Style. By taking a look at the pokemon Battle system, and memorising it withouth Code or notes. that might not seem that impressive, but he then went on to create the entire Battle System of Pokemon Stadium exclusively from his own memories, and amazingly enough he would fix things which Game Freak had fucked up in its first outing, like Focus Energy actually working and a number of other smaller mistakes Game Freak had Made being fixed for Stadium.
Stadium Would Then go on to create Pokemon Models that would be used all the way to the third Generation, where the Orre Games would simply ugrade them.
Another innovative feature was to unlock a Game Mode which let you speed up your Game Boy Game while playing it on the stadium. An Amazing tool for anyone who wants to Grind, and a really good reward for anyone who put the effort into unlocking it.
Stadium is by no means a Perfect Game. but it Set the tone for it being the Other companies Nintendo Employes being the truely innovative game makers in regards to pokemon. Iwata in particular being a truly important figure for the second Generation of Pokemon Games.
So after the golden Ticket that Game Freak had in the Original Red and Green, you would expect them to heavily invest them into making sure that when the sequels rolled around, they would have everything in place, a bigger more experienced team, and all the resources they would need to get the Second Games rolling. If you had this expectation, the actual development is actually quite a sad affair.
----GENERATION 2----
Now there was an obstacle which wasnt their fault at all, which was the game boy colour. Given its sudden and unexpected release, Game Freak now had to Port the second generation Games so they would work on both the original Game Boy and the New Version. that would have been a daunting task, but if the development was going well to begin with, they would propbably have pulled it off.
that however was not the case. Long story short, the Games were a complete Mess, they had a hundred ideas, but There seems to have been no hard leader who would wrangle them in line and decide what to cut and not cut. and as the first Release Date which they would delay another year began to creep closer, they had come to a point where they neared the end of the Capacity of the Game Boys Cartridge power to handle. yet they were only halfway through the development. It reads like an eerily similar Development which Anthem would go through around 2 decades later.
So, what happened? why did the Second Pokemon Generation not end up as a dysmal failure? the Answer is Satoru Iwata. at this Point the Brilliant Future president of Nintendo Stepped in to save the day, and he Decompressed the entire work the team had done, to such a degree that they unexpectedly had so much extra space that they decided to just port Kanto over to the newer Games.
To put it bluntly, Game Freak was about to Completely Blow it, and was only saved thanks to the genius of a single man they only had access to thanks to their bosses at nintendo.
in other words, Pure Luck and chance.
Between gold and silver, and the third generation there was Crystal and pokemon Stadium 2. Crystal very much reads like a game where game freak had more breathing room to just impliment the ideas they originally had for Gold and Silver, and while not the most expansive third Game, it certainly was a step in the Right Direction. Stadium 2, was not created by iwara, and feels more like a game where the team from the previous Game just polished up the old stuff and added more pokemon. and there is nothing wrong with that. at least they gave and delivered on the expansion of new pokemon which this update promised. i mean, its not like Game Freak would be forced to cut features from gold and Silver for their next games right?
----GENERATION 3----
Generation 3 was, and probably is the most divisive released generation of Pokemon at the time of this writing. there are a lot of Reasons for this. the first and most obvious reason, was that there was no way to port over all the pokemon from generation 1 and 2, but unlike the newest development in sword and shield, there was actual Mechanical reasons for it, as well as a generally overhaul of the way stats and mechanics worked. More Glaring is the the fact that this was the most difficult set of pokemon games Game Freak ever worked on. which shouldnt be a suprise. it was entierly now hardware after all.
Junichi Masuda famously worked himself to the abslute brink while doing work on the game, and up to the very release date he had nightmares about them completely failing and bombing. this did not happen of course. Ruby and Sapphire were great Games, even if they did miss a lot of pokemon, didnt have the day and night cycles(or at least not as obvious ones) and had completely scrapped the idea of Online capability which Crystal had dipped its toes in.
However commendable how much crunch and work the workstaff over at Game Freak were willing to put themselves through for Generation 3, one cannot help but wonder, if the entire Development hell couldnt simply have been avoided if they had hired maybe a hundred new people to work on the third generation. after all, the limited manpower undoubtedly contributed to the hell that was the development of Gold and Silver. surely they would have learned from those mistakes and prepared for the next round right? what with the billions they had made from all the pokemon sales, they surely could have afforded it. but they did not. in fact, not only did they not learn anything in regards to the limited manpower they had for Gold and Silver, but they would in fact not learn it from this debacle either. nor would they ever.
After the whole not all pokemon being a thing in Ruby and sapphire, the next few games entire role for existing would be to rectify this, and to game freaks credit, they laid the ground work for this from the beginning, by making sure that a national dex existed in the game which would be unlocked if you transferred over older pokemon that didnt exist in hoenn.
Game Freak themselves then did the remakes of Firered and Leafgreen, which are great games in their own right, but as far as innovation goes, i dont think anyone would argue that they were revolutionary in any way.
instead we turn our eye to another Game, Pokemon Colosseum for the Gamecube, the little Lunchbox that almost could. Pokemon Colosseum was made by Genius Sonority, a VERY small company owned by nintendo and The Pokemon Company. as of this writing, they have around 20 employees, dwarfed by even the modest 140-150 employees Game Freak has. they would be the first to actually challenge Game Freak as Makers of pokemon games.
Colosseum is a truly experimental pokemon game, from the way you catch pokemon, to its protagonist, to its actual difficulty. but in my opinion the thing that makes the game so much different than any other game in the franchise is its sense of idendity. its very different than any other game in the series, being in general rather dark in many ways, with a protagonist that used to be a thief which dealt with stolen pokemon, the mechanics of actually having to steal pokemon to save them from what was done to them, and an unfliching difficulty where the game was not afraid of not pulling its punches. all goes to make it a rather unique pokemon experience.
Sadly, Colosseum was not to reach true mainstream success. while it did the job of filling in the pokemon not covered by Either sapphire and ruby, nor Firered and Leafgreen, this limited array of pokemon had its price. while it was certainly not a failure by any means, and sold well, there is no denying that it simply didnt sell better, nor nearly as well as the regular pokemon games. thus Game Freak did not need to take notice of it. never the less, it was the first challenge to Game Freaks status as the main Creators of pokemon Games. it would take a while before a new contender would arise to credibly challenge them for the throne.
after colosseum, there was pokemon emerald and XD:Gale of Darkness, the sequel to collosseum. Emerald very much feels like crystal. A game where Game Freak got to take it a bit easier and add some stuff they had planned for Sapphire and Ruby, but had to scratch. the fact that they did not add day and night cycles, boggles the mind, but it would probably have been to much work. XD was a good game in its own right, but it simply lacked a lot of what made Colusseum work so well. it very much feels more like a mainstream pokemon game on the big screen, instead of a sequel to probably the game with the most unique idendity in the franchise. it also adds very little new gameplay vise.
after xd and emerald there were no other pokemon Games which werent spin offs in their own sub franchise, like Pokemon Mystery dungeon, before generation 4. which for once didnt have any major problems.
----GENERATION 4----
Generation 4 was a turning point in many ways, but not for the better. it was the first Generation which was developed withouth major problems, except a small delay to put the finishing touches on the game. some might say that is a big development mistep, but i would have said that in a vacum, this would be fine. if this had simply been the only time Game Freak had a bit of time problems, there would be nothing to complain about here. however, taken in context of the history of Game Freak as a whole, the major problem that Game Freak refuses to Expand, despite the fact that their situation very much demands they do so, rings very true here.
other than this small delay though, Generation 4 came along with no hickups. it was critically loved, it was a sales success, and in general was just a great sucess. the problem is that by now, Game Freak had discovered a way of doing things, and as far as they were concerned it worked. Diamond and Pearl being the first time they didnt have an existensial crisis developing a new generation. now the good about this is that they generally did a good job. Gen 4 is just good all around.
innovation vise though, its probably the least impressive of all the generations. unlike gen 2 and 3 it didnt introduce any new types, unlike gen 3 it didnt introduce entierly new ways of battling, and unlike generation 5 it didnt make a ridiculous leap in animation, very much sticking to the old way of doing sprites with just a bit more power.
this was in hindsight a very bad thing, because the great success of Gen 4 established a pattern that would repeat itself over time. namely the lack of innovation to things such as story, character, the way you progressed through the game. everything that was in gen 4 in this regard it had all been established in generation 1-3. The gym system was from gen 1. the evil team also dates back to gen 1, with their grandiose plans being a thing established in gen 3. the post game was established in gen 3 mostly and a bit in gen 2. safari zone from gen 1. casino from gen 1. the event pokemon system(probably the worst mechanic in the franchise) had also not changed much at all, with gen 1 being where it became a mix of pokemon you simply could not capture, and those you needed special items to capture.
in this Light gen 4 is where the pattern really established itself. it might not have been the ones who invented anything going foreward, but it was the ones that hammered out how things would work in almost all games going foreward.
after Diamond and pearl, the next non game freak game to try and contend with the mainstream ones was Battle Revolution, which was a failure of such proportions that it killed the very idea of ever there being more colosseum or stadium type games. the Game Freak Dominance stayed supreme.
following Diamond and Pearl, there was the third game, and remakes. pretty much the same story as the previous time, third game being the first two but better, while the remakes are great games in their own right, but not immensly innovative.
----GENERATION 5----
generation 5 was in many ways a geniune innovative attempt at remaking the franchise. it was also a game that unknowlingly or not, tried to establish itself as a type of successor to Colloseum, but which did not quite pull it off. while the game has an actually good story, it still didnt quite manage to divest itself from the regular pokemon formula the way Colosseum did. while the story was better well told, it was still when it came down to it, just the same beats as the two previous generations.
the big difference of course was N, the most compelling villain in the games so far. he managed to give the game a lot of grandiose which the two previous sets of leaders lacked. unfortunatly, him alone was not quite enough to make the story stand out from all the rest. it was however a great sign of innovation on Game Freaks Part, and it goes to show that at this point there was still a spark in actually wanting to improve the games fundamentals.
going along with a better story, there was also the jump to actually moving sprites, which in my opinion was the best the combat of Pokemon has ever looked. just having the sprites move and the camera being a bit more dynamic made the battles far more alive than any previous mainstream game.
not everything can be a sucess though, and as we see in the triple and rotation based battle, there were also some new concepts which simply didnt work nearly as well as intended. There was also the removal of Contests, which had always been a bit problematic, but rather than trying to fix it, Game Freak instead opted to remove it entierly. this fate would later befall the much better implemented mega Evolutions, but the pattern was already there.
after the Failure of battle revolution, no alternative to Game Freak created Games would arise this generation, which mean that the next games in the series would be the only other core RPG games for the generation. Black and White 2.
Much and more can be said of black and White 2. for one thing, it was a very good sequel to a very good game. it built upon the plot of the previous games, sold well, and while not that innovative in gameplay, none of the third games before it was such, so why should this one be critiqued for that when none of they were?
unfortunatly, this streak would not continue with the next games in the franchise. X and Y.
----GENERATION 6----
now i want to make some things clear. i like X and Y. but other than one single element, and a graphical update, it was probably the generation with the least innovation in story, character, plot and general idendity.
the biggest change was of course Mega Evolution, probably the biggest and best change since double battles. it was a game play mechanic which completely altered the way the game played, both in singles and doubles, as well as breathing new life into many old pokemon.
other than that, there was the jump to full 3d, which was okay, and the game looked nice, as well as being the first game to let you customize your trainer(though not to insane degrees, generally only clothes, hairstyles and color) made the game look far better overall(though i still prefere gen 5′s more dynamic combat.
unfortunatly, that is where the innovation ends. because pretty much everything else is pretty much rehash of older games. 
the evil team is as generic as possible. the main villain is the same as gen 3′s villains, just with a different solution. the plot is pretty much the same as gen 3 and 4. the league mechanics arent different at all from what had come before. the Game traded the 2 interesting rivals from gen 5 for a whole entourage of generic characters who all supposedly served as your rival. the only truly interesting part of the plot was  AZ, a character that was criminally underused, despite a really interesting backstory.
all in all, despite a huge change in gameplay generation 6 is probably as “standard” a pokemon game as there has ever been. following afte X and Y, there would be no third version, a first in pokemon(if one counts white and black 2) but there would be remakes, which as ive said about its predessesors, were good games in their own right, but not terribly innovative(other than having better flying than any game that came before it.). after that however, there were no other major games until the seventh generation.
----GENERATION 7 and Onwards----
there is so much good to say about generation 7 that im generally not gonna delve into it here. what i will focus on, is that what made generation 7 so innovative, was that it pretty much just took the standard pokemon guidebook, and threw it out the window, for better or worse. this has lead to a game that is truely different than the previous games, but also not quite a true successor to them. this is probably best shown in that generation 8 didnt want to follow up on the direction 7 put foreward, and instead went back to the older style.
this is not to say that generation 8 was bad by any means, but that it was never going to be the next step. it was an experiment to see how far you could stretch the boundary of the mainstream pokemon games away fromt he standard, and while it had elements that should have carried on over, it was never gonna be the definite way pokemon games would go foreward.
so after such a drastic change of pace, we only have to ask one simple question. WHAT. THE. HELL. HAPPENED?
after Sun and moon was released, the follow up was Ultra sun and moon, which was just the previous game with slight changes. it was for all intents and purposes a reskin. no third version even comes close to how much a cash grab it was.
so what the hell happened after the release of sun and moon? two words. Pokemon GO.
Pokemon Go was the first real challenge to Game Freaks exclusivity over the mainstream Pokemon RPG experience since colosseum way over a decade ago, and to say it was a bit more successful, would be like saying the mongol empire killed a few people.
Pokemon GO, or rather the way Game Freak has reacted to it, completely changed the way the pokemon franchsie would go foreward. At the time of this Writing, Pokemon GO is responsible for around 5% of the entire pokemon franchise earnings. it is to put it simply, a massive and insane success.
which is what has lead to a massive problem for Game Freak, as they have come to the rather disturbing conclusion that they can be replaced. the success of Pokemon GO has killed the myth that Pokemon Needs game freak to succed going foreward, and the stark realisation that there is literarly nothign stopping nintendo and the Pokemon Company from handing the franchise over to the hands of some other team.
the ownership of pokemon is a complicated mess between nintendo, Creatures INC, the pokemon Company and Game Freak, but the base line, is that nintendo owns it. they can hand over the franchise to any company they want if they so desire.
this is why when the time came for a sequel to sun and moon, the absolute cheapest alternative was taken. because Game Freak needed to move on to other projects.
One would think that this would mean that they would pump all their effort into making the newest Pokemon Games. alas, that is not the case, instead they sent the A Team of Game Freak over to work at an entierly new Game called The Town. this is an insane move, as they are at a critical point in regards to pokemon games going foreward. but when taken from Game Freaks point of view it makes sense. as they are desperate to prove to nintendo that they can in fact make other games than pokemon, and that even if they dont get to make more of them, they are still a valuable company under their umbrella.
again, from a purely business perspective this makes sense. from every other perspective its insane. having an already miniscule manpower pool to draw from, Game Freak cannot afford to majorly split their resources for any single major release. yet that is exactly what they are doing. 
Every bad decision taken by game freak in regards to Sword and Shield, every corner cut, every single decision, is to make this game as playable as it can be, with the miniscule amount of probably 70 or so people working on it. hence the lackluster animation, primitive looking trees, load times, the cutting of around 60% of the total amount of pokemon from previous games, the removal of mega evolutions in favor of the much simplier Dynamax.
all to get this game out knowing from experience that as long as its a standard Pokemon Game it will probably be a great success.
this hole however, is entierly their own fault. the one big release a year, could easily have been made drastically easier, if they hired a hundred people and made them exclusively devoted to the extra releases while Game Freak as a whole could focus exclusively on their big games. instead, they dug in their heels, and refused to expand on their business, even though it was clear all the way back in generation 2, that change needed to happen. that their current way of doing things simply didnt work.
the rest of the industry changed to cope with the changing market. some embraced DLC, some decided that mmo style was the only way to go, Even Nintendo themselves is finally embracing the concept of DLC, Patches, online multiplayer in large scale and so on.
Game Freak however is still operating like its the early 1990′s and they are still a small studio with no big demands on them, which they can handle on their own. they purposefully ignored the lessons that they should have learned in generation 2 and 3, namely that they needed to expand and build better infrastructure. instead they have stubbornly refused to change, until now when they fully willing to cleave their own franchise into pieces, when simply embracing the concept of a Patch or Two would have solved all their problems.
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brightlytae · 6 years
Okay okay. I'm an Exo-L and I used to be an Army but the fandom really hurt my feelings when I got into EXO. (Like fell in love but I never stopped loving Bts) I felt shunned by some Army who felt like I couldn't like Bts if I liked Exo. So I just became an Exo-L. But after seeing about Bts' new album, I really wanna get back into Bts again. But I find it really hard to do it. Maybe because of what I associate them with. But can you tell me reasons why you love them? Maybe I'll remember too!
Hey there! First I guess I want to apologise on behalf of other ‘armys’ who made you feel like you couldn’t listen to Exo. Unfortunately there is such a longggg and (very tired) rift between exo-ls and army and its just so unnecessary. As someone who listens and enjoys both groups, I believe that there is no reason for others to try and stop people from enjoying both! Kpop is meant to be enjoyed and fans shouldn’t feel like they get to control other fans! I hope that you can get back to enjoying both groups!!
I understand what its like when something effects you to the point that it turns you off from your interest. Sometimes people can be so mean and so pushy that its understandable why you would begin to distance yourself. Something I have always done in being a part of a fandom, is to keep myself away from a lot of the fandom issues- such as fanwars and toxic fans who have a little too much to say about other groups. ive said this a few times on my blog, but BTS are not their fans, and these ‘fans’ shouldnt stop you from enjoying what you want to enjoy!
why do I love BTS? for me there are many reasons:
1) Plain and simply- they make me smile. When i’m having a tough day, when i’ve been working late or something has gone wrong, i can watch a bangtan bomb or a run episode and they make me laugh so much. All of the boys are such characters that compliment each other so well and they all have a streak of humour that is just attached to my funny bone. like they’re just so chaotic and fun, they arent afraid to laugh at themselves and have a good time and that to me, is so refreshing to see. When I watch them, i just feel so connected and drawn in, they make me somehow feel a part of the jokes and i really enjoy that.
2) Their music and message. BTS songs really are pieces of art. I really love how active a role the members have in the production of the songs and i specifically love the way they use their music as an outlet to talk about very real problems that teens and young adults are facing as well as just addressing social issues in such a mature and intelligent way. Songs like no more dream and N.O from their earlier albums, songs like Paradise and Answer: Love myself from their newer albums… these are things that i feel like people like me need to hear. They have reminded me that i will be ok and that i deserve to be happy. They tell me that i am worth something even when i am confused about who i am/ what i want in life and they tell me that i am allowed to believe in myself. They use their talents to create these songs that speak to people and connect to them. When I think about Agust D and Mono i know for a fact that there are songs on those albums that have helped so many people (me included). but also songs like Baepsae and 21st century girls are just so so important too? As someone very interested in politics/class systems/society and someone who considers themselves a feminist- i just love seeing these things being brought up in music!
3) Their bond. The boys are so so so connected and that was one of the early things that really pulled me towards bts and made me stay. i noticed when watching their videos, just how considerate they are of each other, how much they look after one another, build each other up, rely on one another, remind each other that they are doing a good job… that they matter. Their friendship is so beautiful to see and for me, it makes the content they release feel so organic- they’re just so themselves around each other and its very real to me, they ways in which they are dedicated to the group. they are a family and they love each other so much!
4) They are good people. They run the Love myself campaign with unicef and several members have donated thousands to charities around South Korea. They truly want to make a difference in the world and they really want this difference to be a positive one. They’re so dedicated to giving and giving- and we dont see this often with celebrities really. 
5) they are relatable. I strongly believe that groups deserve privacy and to have a personal life but bts have always been very open with their fans and i have such a huge amount of respect for them for doing that. They have been vocal about the hard times they have faced, some of their struggles and they remind us that they are just like us.Where they have opened up, they have allowed others to feel like they too can share their concerns and that is so important! And they have torn down the fan/idol barrier in so many ways and allowed us to view them as friends or family. They really care about us all and want us to be happy- they’ve dedicated songs specifically to give us this message and they never forget to tell us just how much we mean to them.  
6) They work so so so damn hard! They dedicate hours and hours of their time to making music and practising choreography, even on their breaks they find time to record songs and covers for us, go on vlive, post on twitter and connect with their fanbase. But really the amount of work they apply to their craft shows- they’re comebacks are always so flawless and intense, I am always surprised and excited by what they are going to do next and they are never predictable! their music videos are literally some of the best things i have ever seen in my life- the artistry, the vision, the storylines…. its all on another level to me. Things are not half-assed. They make sure that when they want to show us something, that something is perfect and it really is always just. so.  damn. perfect!
7) and that leads me on to the steps bts have taken beyond just music. They dont just give us albums, they have given us a whole world! We get notes, a comic book and short films all dedicated to a whole story-line of events that (sure is confusing af) but it keeps me so intrigued! I cant help but want to always know more, find out what I can and see whats coming next! 
I think ive probably rambled at you for long enough but i just want to say that i  found bts at a time in my life where i felt very confused and unlike myself. Bts reminded me of who I was and what I like. I have to say that Taehyung especially did this for me. As i was learning about them and i saw how unapologetically himself he was, how he was so optimistic and caring, how he didnt let things bother him, he reminded me that i used to be like that and that i wanted to be like that again. He and the rest of the group helped me find myself and reconnect to a lot of my emotions. 
I hope this could help you in some way remember what it was about bts that you loved so much, and please dont hesitate to contact me again if you want to talk about this more! When the new album comes out, I hope you can get back into bts like you want to do! Im sorry again for what happened with those other army who shunned you. On this blog I will never make someone feel bad for enjoying exo or any other kpop group out there. 
Thank you for stopping by and asking me this question. It was really nice revisiting why i love bts as much as i do and reminding myself of all they have done for me!
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heavyyhearts-blog · 7 years
actually heres my side
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“ first, before getting to real stuff, aya has done this to other people in the past too. when she talked about them to me she said they abused her or abandoned her suddenly. i’ve only talked to one of these people, but they confirmed that aya actually abused, and then stalked them when they cut her off. i don’t have permission to post these logs so out of respect i won’t put them here. “
ive never been very clear in talking about my past experiences with most people. you make this sound as if every person that's ever "abandoned me" were all "abused" by me, when that's not the case. have i acted in shitty ways to some people? yes, but it never had anything to do with me being abandoned, at any point. one of these people, actually straight up disappeared from my life, and i have no idea why. they disappeared off skype and i havent seen them since. we had no problems between eachother whatsoever. a different example i can think of for someone i was talking about? they left because i was too stressful to be around. as in, i always complained too much and that kind of thing and it was too much to be around. i didnt even know them very long.  another example of a person i mentioned with that: they had really bad schizophrenia and like, trauma issues, and what happened there? they'd randomly like? actually start basically splitting on me and getting extremely angry at me out of nowhere for no reason, which i tried to be really tolerable of, until things basically got too much for either of us to handle and after a bit of dumb drama, we separated with , i believe, no hard feelings.
my point being? when i say "ive been abandoned by a lot of people" or whatever, im not literally claiming that i was abused by literally everyone and im some huge victim, lol. that last example? you could probably say i was abused due to the level of pent up anger they were throwing at me, , unprovoked
“ i’ve only talked to one of these people, but they confirmed that aya actually abused, and then stalked them when they cut her off “
first of all, this happened literal years ago. second of all, this person is still full of shit and i can't believe they still insist all of these bullshit lies. "aya stalked me" i hadnt visited your blog for months, i'd literally forgotten about you, yet you somehow still had it set in your head that i was "stalking" you. i wanted to remake my blog for a multitude of reasons, and one of them being, a more back of my mind thing, was, i didnt want you viewing my blog. so i remade. and, like, 2-3 days later, i got paranoid that you had somehow found my new blog, entirely new, so i asked my friend to go see if my new url was on there, because i didnt want to go back on your blog myself. and sure enough, there it was, my new url, even though i hadn't given it out to anyone or posted it anywhere, meaning you literally searched through notes of a post or something along those lines to find it. yeah ive explained this so many times now its fun :) not to mention your shitty friend(s) that would constantly twist my words around and lie saying i was doingthings that i didnt. and your only "proof" was logs of talking shit about me behind my back to one of my friends, you had no screenshots of me doing anything, because guess what, i never did it. wow. "i dont have screenshots because i deleted them all" okay bud. anyway
and now here's my main issue with everything: you are "calling me out" for things we have already personally talked about, that we either resolved, or i apologized for/said that i would try to stop doing so i can better myself which i have actually done? so i literally do not understand why youre calling me out for shit as if im some malicious person trying to hurt people that's just completely incapable of getting better or whatever. lets start
“i’ve tried to cut her off several times, both by trying to talk and express my want to stop talking to her first and by just blocking/ignoring her on everything. i made it clear i wanted to stop talking the first couple of times. she will spam and beg me and make new accounts if she has to. once ive added her back however she’s used that against me”
okay youre calling me out for this but you admitted what you did was fucked up too? and i dont know what else to even say to this other than im going to try to stop getting so attached to people like that so i maybe dont have such bad mental breakdowns every time i thnk someone close to me is leaving like sorry i cant. help feeling that way or control this thing specifically unless i just dont get attached like that at all, which is my fault.
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here, you post a completely out of context rant from me, where i got mad at something you did that you literally admitted was fucked up. full context!
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you even told me you had no idea what you were talking about with any of it.
“ one of the times that we weren’t talking she DMd my twitter mutuals asking them to screenshot my recent tweets. “
i told you my reason for it. i was extremely paranoid that you were talking shit about me behind my back and i wanted to know if you were or not, even though i did it in a really shitty way. i instantly felt so beyond terrible that i had done that. i was sobbing the entire time i was trying to apologize for how fucked up and wrong it was of me to do that, and even apologized for it again later after it had happened already. because i wanted to make sure you knew how sorry i was for it. i cant take something like that back.
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“recently, after getting so upset with me for doing the same thing in the past, she randomly blocked me on everything and refused to talk to me. i would understand if she hadn’t previously gotten so mad and upset at me for the exact same thing. “
?? i split really bad just like i already have been, due to , as i've already exlpained, the nonstop bad things we've had between us for months, to the point i havent been able to talk to you like normal anymore, because just seeing you pisses me off and everything you say/do will just piss me off. i cant help that. its not my fault. i cant just not split like that because we've had fucked up problems for months, that, guess what, shouldnt even be public here for all reasons ive already stated! but i also did it just because ive been deciding i need to get away from you for good, that i dont WANT to talk to you at all anymore. sucks to be treated the way you treat others right.
“ i posted on my twitter saying i wanted to drink and she instantly messaged me begging and spamming me not to “
and everything else like stalling, pressuring you etc. this is still. we talked about this. i said sorry. i got better about it. why do i have a callout.
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like this is literally all just trying to make me look bad in ways that i'm not. nice try, though!
“ when i cc’d bakugou and she tried to make me explain my trauma to make it Valid “
you're trying to make me look bad again. i was just asking because i was anxious wanted to know the reasoning for it and im sorry for pressing it at all but that doesnt mean i was trying to make you explain it so it could be "valid" shut the fuck up lol i even explained to you afterwards why it made me so uncomfortable and that it didnt bother me anymore, that i thought you were just blindly cc'ing him for no real reason like i just assumed it wasnt a coping thing or anything and thats my fault but??? youre trying to make me look bad for it so??? i'd even keep sending you fanart of him like.
“ she was extremely dependent on me and would spam me if i fell asleep before she woke up, she’d got upset and started splitting on me because i didn’t return her feelings of attraction. “
“ second, she’s blaming everything on her BPD and “not being able to help it,” or “can’t control herself” “
well, as you can clearly see, ive been anything but that??? but if you wanna keep telling yourself that, go ahead. have i said things LIKE that before? yes, when i was freaking out, over certain things i actually can't help, for example: abandonment trauma??? and like i said before: i need to try to not get so attached to people in the first place so that doesnt happen anymore! otherwise, should some sort of situation like that happen again, i can't handle getting that level of upset. so i prevent that by not getting that level of attached at all. like sorry but theres certain things nobody can help, even you. you're just trying to make it sound like this entire thing has been nothing but "i cant help it"
and lastly, we can't forget the fact that, for a long time, you wouldn't tell me anything. literally anything. i would repeatedly ask you. "what do i do that bothers you what am i doing wrong" etc and all you'd ever say was "idk" 95% of the time. i had absolutely no idea that for the longest time, i had been saying a lot of manipulative, shitty things and acting bad and etc, slash i had no idea that some of my episodes were actually affecting you that badly until way too late.
when you first told me that i had been acting so shitty, through a jpeg meme that was making fun of me, did i realize how awful i was being. i honest to god never had any idea and i explained this to you countless times. that i was  oblivious/i can be oblivious to shitl ike that and that i need you to tell me, otherwise I WONT KNOW.
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nice meme. :) but yeah clearly this is still an accurate representation of me, right?
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yeah, you got me though. im a toxic, abusive piece of shit that will never get better, all i do is hurt others, i can't change, ive never apologized, ive never gotten better. totally
and since we're playing this game,
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and now that i've said all this, i have nothing else to say. i can't make anyone believe me, but if you do, thanks.
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btsxlami · 8 years
Hey guys its your favourite Namjoon promoter here again a.k.a LAMI! My last post got a lot of notes so whoop whoop and included my personal favourite 23 Namjoon tracks which you can find here
Part 2 of my underrated Namjoon series.
Here are 23 more bc damn Namjoon has a lot of fcking songs!
1. i will include tracks that Namjoon covered
2. I will include tracks that Namjoon featured in
3. I will include tracks that I personally feel the need to be well known *so no I won’t put expensive girl even tho thats my shit*
4. This list will be a bit more laid back since I covered a lot of the most important songs in the last list sooo
5. since i covered his best and most “important” tracks in the last list theres not many left but ill probably include his REALLY early like pre debut fetus tracks with his underground rapper friends, tbh I personally don’t think they are the best but you can definitely see how he grew and where he started from
6. enjoY! and reblog kekeke
8. you can always go to BTS’s official soundcloud for unofficial official tracks yeet
9. titles with stars are ones i recommend ( i should of done this for part one yikes)
1. Voices by Rap Monster ⭐
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from his first 2015 mixtape RM > Check out the full album here >>  X  *you can refer to more mixtape songs in my previous list
I feel as if this song is the closest a fan can get with Kim Namjoon. Just listening to it you feel a bit relaxed and almost a bit sad when you start listening to the first half of the song. This song reflects a person’s tender emotions and voices that run inside of someone’s head when they are confused. I remember listening to this 2 years ago and towards the end Namjoon starts screaming out all his pain and I started crying. C R Y I N G
Namjoon had a really smooth life up until he started pursuing hip hop. He was a beyond smart student and had a happy family so why the hell would he be depressed? He had his whole life ahead of him right?
But this lyrics totally breaks that facade down
 “ I didn’t have any dreams just like my lyrics, every day in that way the functions and equations that couldn’t give me an answer in the end those things became uncountable injuries “
Despite having such amazing grades Namjoon did not know what the hell he wanted to do with his life, he didnt want to go into something academic despite being good at it, he was lost in life and his academics could not make him happy but instead hurt him even more.
“ thought I could catch the mirage known as happiness but the me in front of my desk wasn’t happy even for a moment without my mom knowing, I put a sheet of white paper between the pages of my workbook “
This verse totally broke me apart. He wanted to be happy while being in school but school sure as hell did not make him happy. His parents looked up to him as some smartass freak but without them knowing he started writing his own lyrics to cope with his hardships.
“my identity that I wrote down matched to the drum and bass a different, relaxed feeling compared to when I got my report card even when I was #1 my heart couldn’t relax”
The music brought out his true inner feelings, music brought out his true personality rather than when he was almost robot like studying with no self-identity. Despite being number one in class he still felt an emptiness that only music could fill.
“even as 7 years passed... still making my mixtape by myself in one corner of my room some say I’m fake, okay, I admit it, my dark past I can justify it, but I won’t, so that kind of problem won’t happen again the pedal that I stepped on for 7 years has finally been oiled “
Namjoon has been writing music and tried to get recognition for 7 years, despite Bangtan getting fame he is still lonely writing his own mixtape in a dark corner, kind of pathetic ehh idk, in his mixtape interview his dark past was his problematic sayings and actions. He felt the need to appropriate culture in order to rap. He then figured out that music and culture had nothing to do with eachother, music is for everyone. *I’m fake*
And finally after all the hardships after 7 years he is finally started to receive praise and attention!
2. WE ARE BULLETPROOF PT.1 by: Rap Monster, Supreme Boi, and Iron ⭐
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Composed 6-7 years ago when Namjoonie was about 15 or 16 THIS SONG IS FUCKING BOP. 
2 of Bangtans were also first members are featured here: Supreme boi (yall probably familiar with him) and Iron! (i hope iron never affiliates with Bangtan ever again tho we dont need a criminal around them yikes)
3. Hook by Supreme Boi, Iron, and Namjoon (also the track used in Yoongi’s all i do is win)
Extremely old and pre debut, but old is gold
Probably one of Namjoon’s only ‘diss’ song, he usually doesnt diss others while he raps tbvh
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4. Seventeen by Rap monster
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5. SKOOL OF TEARS By: Rap Monster, Suga, and Jin ⭐
I think its absolutely amazing how Namjoon especially writes song towards youth suffering in school, it takes a lot of guts to write against a society that has been around for decades. 
“  This is a ring called a classroom This is a stadium with no referee only an audience You know there will never be a victor everyone will lose There will be no victor everyone will lose”
“ That’s right, in the end school is like another mini society A jungle made carelessly by adults They made the weaklings weak, they made the strong powerful Of course since they were strong they made the weak suffer A society built on the teachings that friends are only for pretend The morals of adults made us step on the weak to rise to the top “
Its clear to see that Namjoon has suffered in school but also isnt afraid to address the truth.
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6. Expensive girl by Rap Monster 
“Take it off now girl just take it off (I’m a master, baby with your bra)Take it off now girl just take it off (I can help you slide those panties off)(..I’m a beat that pussy like you never ever felt before)x2″
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7. Converse High (original version SUNG by Rap Monster)⭐
Yall probably heard Bangtan’s Converse High but here was the original version written by Namjoon that was rejected bc of the swearing omg damn joonie, BUT HE SINGS SO BEAUTIFUL IN THIS YESS
(funny story in seventh grade when this came out it was the last day of school and i requested my teacher to stay after school late so i could finish listening to the whole thing)
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8. Suicide by Rap Monster
Rapmon wrote this mixtape in the point of view of a baby in his mother’s tummy. The baby’s parents are high school kids who are forced to go through abortion.
*this song was deleted bc of copyright and also the source of it is unknown but hey ITS IN ENGLISH AND DAMN NAMJOON RIGHTS DEEP SHIT*
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(tf is namjoon doing u good)
9. What am I to you by Rap Monster from the 2014 Dark & wILD ⭐
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So Namjoon used to have a girlfriend who “mistreated” him. Tbvh we really don’t know what happened but on problematic men he said it wasnt anything serious it was just she would neglect him and not spend enough time but also hang out with other men.
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(gif aint mine so gif blogs dont come at me)
But clearly the lyrics of this song are very emotional but the real reason why this song is a masterpiece is because of the rise of  emotions.
It starts off slow and cute, Namjoon mentions how he loves the girl and how their love is pure and innocent, throwing cute love phrases and the song sounds so soft, hopeful, and romantic. But in the middle the music starts to get more serious and Namjoon starts to question the relationship. He feels as if the girl thinks of this relationship as more of a task and a job, and slowly as the song comes to an end NAMJOON STARTS FUCKING SCREAMING AND BELTING! ALL THE EMOTIONS BUILD UP AND HE STARTS SCREAMING “WHAT AM I TO YOU GIRL WHAT AM I TO YOU I DO LOVE YOU CRAZY UH DO YOU” LIKE IT WAS SCARY I WAS CRYING IM LIKE NAMJOON WHO TF HURT YOU
10. Always by Rap Monster ⭐
This song is more recent and farely well known but I still felt the need to put this masterpiece here. Namjoon said not to worry about him as the lyrics are really sad and almost ???SUICIDAL??? but he said he wrote this when he was stressed last year. Its kind of a self questioning song about life and your purpose. I cried when it came out. well i always cry when i listen to namjoon is it a surprise.
I'm honestly in tears because this song goes to show how hurt Namjoon still is even after all these years. Even after all these awards, fans, and accomplishments. Depression still hurts after a long time. I can tell that this song was talking about his past. This song literally made me realize Namjoon was questioning his existence and I wanna hold him so badly. Guys...we could of lost Kim Namjoon. My absolute favourite human being in the entire world who saved my life. He is a human being who does not deserve such pain but I am so proud he endured it so well and look how far he came. One of my favourite verses "I live for the sake of understanding this world, but why hasnt the world tried to understand me atleast once" Its a really vague phrase which is why I like it. WORLD could mean destiny, fate, life, even parents.  He tries so hard to accept his life, to understand his parents wishes, sacrificing his own happiness yet fate decides to only give him the worst. "Dad please listen to me" "dead dad, your dead to me," Talking about how his dad wouldn't let him rap. I remember him mentioning that his dad once told him all that education he worked hard for was for nothing and I can’t imagine how sad Namjoon felt in that moment. "I would tell god if I ever meet him, i would hold him by the collar and tell him this life is like a coffee I never ordered" A pretty sad and a bit confusing verse, maybe leading to why Namjoon eventually became an atheist. Namjoon was in so much pain he didnt want to be born. "I wished I was dead...... I wished “Someone would kill me" No Namjoon never utter such words. My joonie mini I hope you are better and hopeful now, look at how far you came, your so successful and loved, and you made your family proud. Dont ever doubt yourself and even think about death, just keep living happily and moving forward. He honestly felt lost in this point of his life and still continues to feel lost. Namjoon you have such in important role and your existence was destined. You were born for a reason. You were born to change lives. 
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11.  J-Lim ft. Rap Monster & Iron - Ashes
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Namjoon wrote this in the beginning of his rap career when he was still trying to find where he stood as a rapper. He mentions how he isnt doing this for the fame or money and he isnt the next Nas or Tupac he just wants to rap for the love of it.
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13.  Rap Monster of 방탄소년단 (BANGTAN),Supreme Boi,i11evn,Marvel.J - You can't do that
*i suggest you skip ahead to 1:30 for namjoon fire verse, shade intended*
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14.  RAP MONSTER of 방탄소년단,Suprema,Marvel.J,Kyum2 - Rollin
I also recommend you to skip ahead to 2:40 BC DAMN BOY GOES HARD
But tbvh pre debut namjoon squad (supreme boi , young jeezy, iron are hella problematic and say the n word in this and still do so im like yikes im happy nam left you) “ They pissed, now rape me" bitch whet
yeah im just here for namjoons verse bye
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imma mufukin balla on this mufuckin beat spit mufuckin rap on this mufuckin shit got mufuckin skill so im mufuckin phat its mufuckin trick and a mufuckin track i i bet you betta stop stopin da chatter im a rapper man, and i represent BPB im juss so greater than hoes
Zico was 15 and RapMon was 13 when they rapped this, Namjoon sounds like a chipmunk BUT ZICO SOUNDS LIKE JIMIN I STG!
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16. Rap Monster- Thinking Bout you
Joonie Mini Representing Biggie smalls eyyy!
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17. Glory By Rap Monster
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"I'm a dick? Yeah, when you disturb me, I grow bigger" SO FUCKING DONE
*there was lowkey lowkey controversy bc he said he tore 4 hymens BUT DETECTIVE LAMI FIXED IT*
 In the beginning Namjoon says that people looked at him pitifully because he joined BTS,  the Underground rappers were disappointed with him which led the Underground rappers to leave him, which has ripped his hymen. Not 4 hymen of random girls. 4 and "I" sound the same in Korean
it's a bit weird but in this case he is talking about himself all the hate people showed has ripped his hymen symbolizing his innocence for music.
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A really sweet and open-minded song about Namjoon wanting a “regular girl” “Height? I don’t care. Age? I don’t mind it. When you say, “I’ll only look at you” then I’m okay. Whether your skin is light or dark it doesn’t really matter, our love is deeper than that. “
I feel as if idols are pressured to have certain ideal types and say them out in the open, Namjoon had bad influences around him *underground rappers* which also influenced his negative sayings towards certain things but he wrote this song all alone at a young age which shows that his intentions are pure, and ever since he apologized for his wrong doings you go joon.
his voice sounds like sex
okay but seriously you can see that despite being young he put a lot of effort and thought into this song!
21.  RAP MONSTER of 방탄소년단 feat.김거덕 - RAP
23. Trouble by Rap Monster 🔞 🔞
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topicprinter · 5 years
Last week a fellow entrepreneur and new OpenPhone customer (disclosure: I'm one of the founders) told me why she decided to get a business phone number. Someone called her business bank on her behalf providing her personal info and cell number. Her personal # is linked to her startup and very easy to find online.This inspired my investigation which I'm sharing here.Before I started, I couldn't imagine just how scary it is to have your personal number listed online. Now I do.I was able to find my own number linked to my home address and the list of previous numbers I've owned, in different countriesI have since removed my information from most directories and recommend others do the same. If you are still using your personal number for your company, I hope this inspires you to take control of your information and make a change before it's too late.Here's the full post - https://www.openphone.co/blog/using-your-personal-phone-number-for-business-heres-why-you-shouldnt/Would love your thoughts in the comments. Are you using your personal number or a separate business number? Do you have any experience you'd be willing to share with others?************************************1. Never-ending spam callsYou’d be surprised how many entrepreneurs list their personal cell number on their website. Even if done temporarily, it can cause a lot of headaches down the road. When your personal phone number is published online, it’ll be scrapped by data aggregators which means it’ll be listed someone on the Internet.ZoomInfo, WhitePages, Manta, Crunchbase, CB Insights are some aggregators you might have heard of.There are many others you probably have not heard of that make your personal information way too easy to find. RocketReach, for example.I found out about it when searching for my name + phone number on Google. Try it out yourself.I’ve claimed and removed my profile since, but here’s a snapshot of what information they had on me. They had some numbers I owned in the past and completely forgot about.As a founder, there are many places online where your phone number ends up in the course of building your business. Even if you don’t put it on your website.Here are some of them:Company filings with the SECUS Department of LaborDun & Bradstreet profile (you have one if you’ve created an Apple Developer account for your company or applied for a US government contract)Privacy Shield (ironic, I know)Better Business BureauWHOIS / Domain registrationFacebook + Instagram pages for your companyTerms of Service and Privacy PolicyGoogle My BusinessEmail signature + Out of office replyCustomer invoicesEvery software product you sign up forAs you can imagine, this results in your personal number being public and easy to access for pretty much anyone online.Just a piece of advice. I used my personal cell number as the company number and I still regret it a decade later (I get so many stupid calls). Don’t do what I did. - Michael Seibel, CEO at Y CombinatorSpam calls are annoying and distracting but what’s worse is the chance of having your identity stolen.As Brian X Chen mentioned in his recent piece for the New York Times, your phone number is a stronger identifier than your full name. This leads us to the next reason you should not be using your personal number for your business.2. Identity theftA phone number reveals a lot more personal information than you’d think – a home address, past addresses, past phone numbers, full names of family members and more.I tried it myself using White Pages Reverse Phone Lookup on one of my numbers and was shocked at the results.You can see what information you can find based on your own number here.It’ll cost you $2.50 per month to get 20 reports like this (though you can cancel anytime) or you could get a promo offer of $1 for 5 lookups. Nice to know there’s a Cyber Week special on my data.You’ll want to remove your personal information right away. I certainly did.There are two separate processes for removing your public information and premium (behind paywall) information.To opt-out of having your public (“free”) information shown, click hereTo remove your premium information (like your home address), submit a support request here and reference your profileOne of the new OpenPhone customers told me why she decided to get a separate business phone number after using her personal number for her company.Someone called my bank on my behalf with a whole bunch of information about me, including my phone number. Why? Because my personal phone number is all over the internet linked to my startup. This has been a nuisance for a long time (ex: I got 2 inbound calls to my personal cell today for people trying to sell me something that’s not related to my business), but this really increased the urgency. So 1) having my personal number posted all over the internet = not good; 2) results in lots of inbound calls from unknown numbers, hard to parse if personal or business; 3) security issues linked to identity theft. - Founder at Y Combinator startupAfter finding all the sources that are selling or giving away for free my own personal information, it’s clear just how vulnerable we are.3. Doesn’t scale with your businessOn a lighter note, another reason not to use your personal phone number for your business is that it doesn’t grow with your company. When your business grows beyond just you, you will want to provide access to the business number to your team.If you’re using your personal number, that will be virtually impossible. Let’s face it, you’re not going to forward all calls from your personal cell number to your team. That means they’d be getting your personal calls too.You might already have a team email inbox, so why shouldn’t your phone work that way too?4. No way to set boundariesWhen you use a personal phone number for business, a call from your bank may look the same as a call from a potential customer visiting your website. You don’t know how to respond or whether you should respond at all.With a separate phone number, you know exactly when calls are business or personal and know immediately how to handle them. You can share access to the business phone with an assistant to take that load off your shoulders.Also, you can set boundaries on when you’re available for customer calls to manage expectations much better. Don’t want to set the precedent for answering calls at midnight? Set your business hours and disconnect when you’re not working.Your time is your greatest asset and you’d rather not spend it on answering unnecessary calls.What you should do insteadStart by removing your personal number from the places that publish it online. You’ll want to completely remove your information from some and update your personal number to a business number on others.To get a business phone number you don’t need to buy a second phone, get a landline or set up a phone system. In under a minute you can be up and running with a powerful business phone number, right on top of your existing devices.You can use it both on your mobile device and laptop. This is exactly what we’ve built at OpenPhone.You can get your own business phone number here (there's a free trial so you can check it out and see how it works for you)
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bexical · 5 years
Player fantasy: A look at Niantic
A while back, I wrote a post on something important to me in game design, player fantasy. And I'm back to discuss the same topic, but this time, in the context of Niantic and their two franchise-based games, Pokemon Go and Wizards Unite1. (Note: I no longer play Pokemon Go, and never downloaded Wizards Unite, so my descriptions may occasionally be inaccurate.)
In the spirit of my last post, let me start off with some numbers: According to this article, Wizards Unite had about 400,000 installs in the first 24 hours, while Pokemon Go had about 7.6 million installs in its first 24 hours (unfortunately, I was unable to find numbers regarding current usage). Why the stark contrast? There is a wide variety of reasons, some with more explanatory power than others: its paywall is too high, or it simply wasn't different enough from Pokemon Go, or the Wizarding World brand isn't as big as Pokemon (#7 here).
This wasn’t a surprise though: I would claim that this was actually easily predictable, even as early as 2017 when we first heard rumors of a Harry Potter AR game being made by Niantic. I think it's only fair to note though that I have an immense bias against Niantic: I feel the company has a disturbing disinterest in the desires of their players (among other issues). Or, to rephrase in terms of the central topic: they have no understanding of the player fantasy and no interest in such.
It might be hard to accept that claim without hesitation. After all, Pokemon Go was immensely successful that first summer, and it still has a decent playerbase (based entirely on anecdotal evidence). Fundamentally, it does deliver on the main aspects of the Pokemon trainer fantasy: you can go out into the world and find Pokemon in the 'wild' (kind of), and you can battle your friends and train to be the very best.
But the game doesn't feel designed to deliver on that fantasy. Battling friends wasn't introduced until Dec 2018, two and a half years after the game was first launched. As for going out and finding Pokemon… the app directs players towards a Pokestop, where they can then find the Pokemon they are looking for. The experience is so disconnected from the imagined experience of going out into the world and finding Pokemon, and I would claim this is because they never intended to deliver on that experience. In fact, the game's first iteration of Pokemon tracking was much closer to that imagined experience (in which a tracker indicated the distance to nearby Pokemon), and they actually removed it in favor of the current system, which is explicitly designed to encourage exploring Pokestops.
And I get why. The CEO of Niantic, John Hanke, gave an interview to BusinessInsider back when the game was released in 2016, in which he describes the three goals of Pokemon Go: "to promote exercise, to allow people to see the world with new eyes, and to help break the ice" (alternate source, since the original interview is now behind a paywall). Their goals are evident in the design of Pokemon Go: egg-hatching correlates with exercise, Pokestops (and by correlation, the experience of catching Pokemon) promote exploring the world, and gyms and raids promote a social experience. But… there is very little overlap with the player fantasy of a Pokemon trainer.
What is that player fantasy though? To answer that, let me cite the first few lines of the Pokemon theme song:
I want to be the very best, Like no one ever was. To catch them is my real test, To train them is my cause!
How well does Niantic deliver on this? Let's see:
"I want to be the very best/ Like no one ever was." - Meanwhile, as mentioned earlier, battling went unimplemented for more than two years. How do you prove you’re the best when you can’t even compete?
“To catch them is my real test”2 - Acceptably implemented, but barely, as the experience is designed with ulterior motives. Do see the footnote though.
"To train them is my cause"3 - Training a given Pokemon involves… catching Pokemon of the same type?? It is such a nonsensical concept, and it is hard to imagine anything less related to the idea of Pokemon training.
I think I’ve reasonably established by now that Niantic has no understanding of player fantasy. They ignore the fundamental fantasy of being a Pokemon trainer and instead manipulate us into what they want - and yet Pokemon Go still succeeds because the player fantasy of walking around and catching Pokemon is so natural with AR that any failure would be impressive (not that Niantic hasn’t done their absolute best at failing).
And so Wizards Unite fails because the linking with AR just isn’t as inherent for the Wizarding World. Others have noted that the game fails to deliver on the fantasy the way that Pokemon Go does, and that really is the main reason for its failure, far beyond market timing or anything else. There might be a good WW AR game - after all, the Wizarding World is essentially an augmented reality - but Wizards Unite is not that game. The fundamental mechanic, dealing with the Foundables, is a nonsensical reskin of catching Pokemon without the appeal - no one is excited about handling Foundables (is it really anyone’s idea of a fun social activity to go out with friends and hide things from Muggles...?). Furthermore, the existence of these Foundables is new to the canon, and thus our interactions with them do not satisfy any previously existing desires for Harry Potter fans.
As strong as my disdain for Niantic is, I do want them to succeed - largely because both the Pokemon franchise and the Wizarding World are relatively dear to me, and I would be swept away in bliss if their respective games actually delivered on the fantasies of being a Pokemon trainer and being a wizard. As for whether or not it’s possible… I think it is, but it will be difficult. Pokemon Go is close, but it will still take a surprising amount of work - to fully deliver on the fantasy, I think Pokemon training needs to be entirely revamped. Catching other Pokemon to train a given one is absolutely nonsensical, and a good system would make it viable to train a Pokemon without catching hundreds just like it. And since catching Pokemon is the main gameplay, they need to move on from that in favor of other interactions.
I think exploring more interactions is actually key to improving both games, largely because one of the most important fantasies of augmented reality games in general is being immersed in that new reality. There are so many ways we can interact with the Pokemon world besides catching every wild Pokemon we see: battling these wild Pokemon is an obvious thought, but imagine an encounter like stumbling into a Kakuna nest and needing to carefully extricate yourself for fear of a swarm of Beedrill, or being confronted by an angry Rhyhorn and needing to calm it down with a berry. The Team Rocket encounters are a step in this direction, and with more of these interactions, we can be really immersed in a new world.
As I said earlier - I’d like Niantic to succeed. I want to see them pivot and start thinking about what their players want, as opposed to focusing singularly on what they want their players to do. Unfortunately, I have little hope that this will happen - they certainly won’t change because some individual wrote an angry essay. But, that doesn’t mean we can’t learn from their mistakes. As game developers, work to understand the player fantasy, and deliver on it. As artists, understand what your audience wants and, again, deliver on it - or don’t! Subvert their expectations and deliver on a different experience, one they didn’t know they wanted - but this can only be done well if you do have that fundamental understanding of your audience.
It makes me really sad that they chose to go with the gendered term of ‘wizards’, though the decision goes back to the naming of the Wizarding World. Why couldn’t they call it the Magicking World or something? On a tangent, this is something I think about on occasion with my own work - what will fans call the setting? I’m not sure there is anything quite as charming as Terry Pratchett’s Discworld, for example. Alas. ↩︎
I would argue though that the experience of catching Pokemon is actually significantly tainted by the experience of training them. Any given Pokemon I catch is unlikely to be one that I actually keep - it is simply a source of candy for the actual Pokemon that I am training, and it is thus insignificant. When it comes to catching rare Pokemon, the experience is somehow actually unexciting because well, what am I supposed to do with it? I cannot train it precisely because it is rare, given the absurd design of the training system. ↩︎
I touched upon this in the other footnote, largely because this is actually the aspect of Pokemon Go that bothers me the most. The biggest part of the Pokemon trainer fantasy for me personally is having this partner, like Pikachu to Ash - but the system heavily disincentivizes using one’s starter Pokemon. The best way to train my Bulbasaur is by catching other Bulbasaur, nearly all of which will have higher CP simply by being higher level - and after a relatively short while, one of these Bulbasaur will have better IVs than my 10/10/10 starter. It is thus nonsensical from a gameplay point of view to waste the stardust and candy on my starter, as well as immensely more difficult to do so. Furthermore, any Bulbasaur candy I obtain can inherently be saved for that high IV Bulbasaur I eventually catch, which further incentivizes finding new, strong Pokemon instead of becoming partners with any Pokemon I catch. And so, despite the introduction of battling and cosmetics and newer generations of Pokemon and despite all the excitement that these new features may bring, I will never forgive them for designing a system that relegates my starter Bulbasaur to uselessness. ↩︎
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wonderlvndx · 5 years
What Does Automated Backlink Software Mean?
We have the exact Automated Backlining Software You Need! Check it  
The Secret of Successful Backlink Software
Your concentrate shouldnt be on manipulating algorithms. Your focus should be what can I do right now to help my prospective clients or readers There isnt a single site online that cant improve User Experience (UX). There's always room give more and to assist more. A website which puts effort will earn backlinks. Links are far more powerful than author byline links. Here are a few search queries to find opportunities: NICHE + guest post NICHE + bring about NICHE + write for us NICHE + contributors NICHE + guest writer NICHE + guest post tips The Merger Technique The Merger Technique is the process of finding a relevant expired domain and 301 redirecting it to your website. However you'll get results that are better if you build links to content assets that are strong. Editorial Backlinks For a link to be editorial you have access to your connection and the site must pass editorial review. Google values backlinks that are editorial more than any other type of link. Regrettably, getting these authority backlinks can be hard. Leverage Relevant Expired Domains If you will create a PBN, then you may as well do it right. Dont buy any domain that is expired. Try to find domains that have relevant Topical Trust Flow Topics . This wont always be possible, but its worth the patience.
The Process of Best Automated Backlink Software
A endorsement can get great amounts of news coverage. Here are two examples: Google Trends Following Sarah Palin Endorsed Donald Trump Google Trends at those spikes immediately after endorsements After Glenn Beck Endorsed Ted Cruz Look. What does your site/blog have to deserve a big endorsement endorsements will compound overtime and are fine. NOTE: if you choose the gray hat route, you are increasing the likelihood of getting a penalty. None of these tactics are safe and I have seen websites get manual penalties using each of them. If there is so much danger, then why am I showing you The reason is because many of these techniques work well. I've gotten manual actions removed from customers because of web 2.0 backlinks. I recommend you avoid using these backlinks on tier one. To EARN Backlinks Many folks confuse earning backlinks with building backlinks. You have to be user-centric. Google will be pleased by you if the consumer pleases. I used to spend much of my time trying to figure out how to deceive or manipulate Google. I cant get that time back, but I have learned an important lesson: To build a business, you must concentrate on pleasing the user.
Evidence That Best Automated Backlink Software Truly Works
Second, your guest article can send referral traffic that is pertinent to your site. Bear in mind that Google frowns upon guest. That means you need to focus your efforts on creating a guest post that is valuable. There's nothing wrong with injecting backlinks to your site if you give value, then. It is a vote. Candidates from Democrats and the Republicans are fighting to make their partys nomination. There's a marketing technique at play: Endorsements, when you cut through all the media noise. The truth is. There are no laws for producing content that is great. I don't believe that each and every piece needs to rank on the first page of Google. Yes, almost all of your content should concentrate on a single keyword. The only way to acquire such endorsements (backlinks), you want to give tremendous value for the user. 2. Your Content Must Please the User You know how content marketing is in SEO the entrepreneur, and marketing businesses. Bloggers are pumping incredible pieces of content out.
The A - Z Guide Of Best Automated Backlink Software
Second, you likely need to generate quality content to get backlinks that are natural. My agency has acquired thousands of editorial backlinks at this point. We have the connections and can find these authority backlinks that are high because we've built relationships. Niche Relevant Guest Posts Guest articles are successful in two ways. You can even recreate the content if its relevant. This is evident, but the content needs to better than the first. Reach out and let the linker know about the new, revised piece of content. This strategy requires effort and time, but you get connection placements. Read. On a constant basis. Understand that: Happy users ARE your marketing. Your content will be SHARED by users . Your website will be RETURNED to by happy users. Your SEO effort will transform when you set your users first. Allow me to show you how to make backlinks. Have you ever taken a second to think about why your site even deserves backlinks Ive realized that there's only 1 way to EARN backlinks You have to become obsessed with pleasing your customers. As of late, I have become consumed with the overpowering ambition to please my users.
An Excellent Lesson about Backlink Software
The key is for the expired domain name to be 100% applicable. These domains are more difficult to come by, but it is worth it when you find one. Resource Pages This is an oldie, but a goodie. There are some diamonds in the rough although this strategy has been abused by SEOs. No matter what Google does, it can never take away your articles. You want to approach link building with a mindset in beyond and 2019. There is a compound effect of producing and promoting content on a constant basis. This is the standard in these industries. Yet, this isnt the norm in each business. Should it be. But its not. For producing content that pleases a 12, there isnt a single formula. Thats immersing yourself above. It narrows your perspective. Web 2.0s Creating web 2.0s on sites like Tumblr, Weebly, and Word Press.com is an old grey hat strategy that still works.
Advantages of Best Automated Backlink Software
Use the Check My Link plugin. When reaching out, you may use this. If there aren't any links that are broken you will need a content asset. Otherwise, youll get denied. The White Alternative to PBNs The White Hat Alternative to PBNs is simple: Instead of buying an expired domain and rebuilding it, you're going to: locate an expired domain scratch its backlinks then reach out and let the linkers know they're linking to a dead source If the expired domain is applicable, you can ask the linker to replace the deceased connection with your site. There are times when you will need to solve a problem that is micro on your content. This problem may only get 10 searches a month in Google. WHO CARES. As long as you have the intention of helping someone, it is going to enhance your website's value. There isnt a issue too big or too small.
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Additional Best Automated Backlink Software Things To Know
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The Best Way To Automated Backlink Software
Your focus shouldnt be on manipulating algorithms. Your focus should be what can I do right now to help my prospective customers or subscribers There isnt a single site online that cant improve User Experience (UX). There is always room provide more and to help more. A website that puts 100% effort will earn backlinks. Contextual links are far more powerful than author byline links. If you build links to content assets that are powerful, but you will get results. Editorial Backlinks For a URL to be editorial you cant have access to the site and your link must pass review. Google values editorial backlinks over any other type of link. Getting these high authority backlinks can be hard. Leverage Relevant Expired Domains If you are going to create a PBN, then you may as well do it right. Dont buy any expired domain name. Try to find domains that have Topical Trust Flow Topics to your market. This wont always be possible, but its worth the patience.
Simple Advice about Backlink Software
A single endorsement can get enormous amounts of news coverage. Here are two examples: Google Trends Following Sarah Palin Endorsed Donald Trump Google Trends at these spikes immediately after endorsements After Glenn Beck Endorsed Ted Cruz Look. What does your site/blog need to deserve a significant endorsement Small endorsements are fine and will chemical overtime. NOTE: if you take the grey hat route, you are increasing the probability of getting a penalty. None of those tactics are secure and I have seen sites get manual penalties using each of them. If there's so much risk, then why am I showing you The reason is because many of these techniques work well. I have gotten manual action removed from customers due to web 2.0 backlinks. I suggest that you avoid using these backlinks on tier one. To EARN Backlinks Many people doing SEO confuse earning traffic with constructing backlinks. You've got to be user-centric. Google will be pleased by you if the user pleases. I used to spend so much of my time trying to figure out how to deceive or manipulate Google.
Ways To Use Backlink Software
Second, referral traffic that is relevant can be sent by your guest post . Keep in mind that Google frowns upon guest posting. That means you need to concentrate your efforts on creating a valuable guest article. There is nothing wrong with injecting backlinks if you give value, then. It's a vote. Some of these votes are better than others. Candidates from the Republicans and Democrats are fighting to make their partys nomination. There is a marketing technique at play: Endorsements when you cut through all the media noise. The truth is. There are no laws for creating great content. I do not believe that each and every piece of content you create needs to rank on the first page of Google. Yes, most of your content should concentrate on a single keyword. The only way to get such endorsements (backlinks), you want to offer tremendous value for the user. 2. Your Content Must Please the User You know how content marketing is in marketing businesses, SEO, and the entrepreneur. Bloggers are pumping out incredible pieces of content.
What Does Automated Backlink Software Really Mean?
Second, you likely need to produce quality content to get backlinks. My agency has acquired thousands of editorial backlinks at this point. We can get these authority backlinks because we've built relationships and have the links. Promotional Relevant Guest Posts Guest posts are effective in two ways. You can recreate the content if its relevant. This is obvious, but the material needs to better than the original. Reach out and let the linker know about the revised piece of content. This strategy requires effort and time, but you get more link placements. Read more about the strategy here. On a consistent basis. Understand that: Joyful users ARE your own marketing. Happy users will EARN you backlinks. Users will SHARE your content on social networking. Your site will be RETURNED to by happy users. Your search engine optimization effort will transform when you set your users. Let me show you how you can make backlinks by being user-centric: 11 Ways to Make Backlinks 1. To EARN, means that you DESERVE backlinks. Have you ever taken a second to think about why your website even deserves backlinks Ive realized that there is only 1 way to EARN traffic You have to become obsessed with pleasing your customers. As of late, I have become consumed with the ambition to please my users.
An Excellent Lesson about Automated Backlink Software
The key is for the expired domain to be 100% relevant. These domains are harder to come by, but it is worth it when you find one. Resource Pages This is an oldie, but a goodie. There are still some diamonds in the rough, although this strategy has been abused by SEOs. No matter what Google does, it can never take away your content. You want to approach link building having a long-term mindset in beyond and 2019. I use the investing analogy often, but its true for SEO. There's a effect of promoting and producing content. This is the norm in these industries. This isnt the norm in each business. Should it be. But its not. For creating content that pleases a 12, there isnt a single formula. Thats why it can be dangerous immersing yourself above. Your perspective is narrowed by it. Here are my favorite tools for finding expired domains: Heres how you can utilize Dom Cop to find expired domains: Some other options include: Expired Domains.net and Moonsy. Web 2.0s Developing web 2.0s on websites like Tumblr, Weebly, and Word Press.com is an aged gray hat strategy that still works.
Surprisingly Efficient Automated Backlink Software
Use the Check My Link plugin. When reaching out, you can use this. If there are no links that are broken you will need a strong content advantage. Otherwise, youll get denied. The White Alternative to PBNs The White Hat Alternative to PBNs is straightforward: Instead of buying an expired domain name and rebuilding it, you are going to: find an expired domain scrape its backlinks then reach out and let the linkers know they're linking to a dead resource If the expired domain is relevant, you can ask the linker to replace the dead link with your website. There are occasions when you will need to address a problem . This micro problem may only get 10 searches per month in Google. WHO CARES. So long as you have the intention of helping someone, it will improve the value of your website. There isnt a problem too small or too large.
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Backlink Software The Proper Way
We have the exact Automated Backlining Software You Need! Check it  
Essential Methods To Backlink Software
Your concentrate shouldnt be on manipulating algorithms. Your focus should be what can I do immediately to help my prospective clients or readers There isnt a single website online that cant enhance User Experience (UX). There is always room provide more and to help more. A website that puts effort will earn backlinks. Contextual links are a lot more powerful than author byline links. Below are some search queries to find opportunities: NICHE + guest article NICHE + contribute to NICHE + compose for us NICHE + contributors NICHE + guest writer NICHE + guest article tips The Merger Technique The Merger Technique is the process of finding a relevant expired domain and 301 redirecting it to your site. However you will get even better results if you build links to content assets that are strong. Editorial Backlinks For a URL to be editorial you have access to your link and the site must pass editorial review. Google values backlinks over any other type of link. Getting these high authority backlinks can be challenging. Leverage Relevant Expired Domains If you are going to create a PBN, then you might as well do it right. Dont just buy any expired domain. Try to locate domains that have Topical Trust Flow Topics to your niche.
Take The Stress Out Of Automated Backlink Software
A single endorsement can get great amounts of news coverage. Here are two examples After Glenn Beck Endorsed Ted Cruz Look at those spikes after endorsements. Think of backlinks as endorsements for your site. What does your site/blog have to deserve a significant endorsement Small endorsements will compound overtime and are fine. NOTE: if you choose the grey hat route, you're increasing the probability of getting a penalty. None of those tactics are safe and I have seen websites get manual penalties using every one of them. If there's so much danger, then why am I showing you The reason is because many of these techniques work well. I have gotten manual actions removed from customers because of web 2.0 backlinks. I suggest that you avoid using these backlinks. Read The Art of The Super Web 2.0 to find out how to build them correctly. How to EARN Backlinks Many people confuse earning backlinks with building backlinks. You've got to be user-centric. Google will be pleased by you if the user pleases. I used to spend much of my time trying to figure out how to deceive or manipulate Google.
Some Examples Of Backlink Software
Second, referral traffic that is pertinent can be sent by your guest article . Keep in mind that Google frowns upon spammy guest posting. That means you will need to focus your efforts on producing a guest post that is valuable. There is nothing wrong with injecting backlinks to your 16, if you give value, then. It's a vote. Think of it this way: The U.S. just went through an election cycle. Candidates from Democrats and the Republicans are currently fighting to make their partys nomination. When you cut through all the media noise there is a powerful marketing technique at play: Endorsements. The truth is: Good content comes in all shapes and sizes. There are no laws for creating great content. I don't believe that each and every piece needs to rank on Google's first page. Yes, most of your content should concentrate on a single keyword. The only way to acquire such endorsements (backlinks), you need to give tremendous value for the consumer. 2. Your Content Must Please the User You know how competitive content marketing is at the entrepreneur, SEO, and marketing industries. Bloggers are pumping out pieces of content. Occasionally these content bits are more than 10,000 words.
Backlink Software - Lessons Discovered
Second, you will need to produce quality content to acquire backlinks. My bureau has acquired thousands of high quality editorial backlinks at this point. We have the connections and can get these authority backlinks because we've built relationships. Promotional Relevant Guest Posts Guest articles are successful in two ways. You can recreate the content that is initial . The original must not better than the content, although this is obvious. This strategy requires time and effort, but you get link placements. Read more about the strategy here. On a constant basis. Understand that: Happy users ARE your own marketing. Happy users will SHARE your content on networking. Happy users will RETURN to your website. Your SEO campaign will transform when you put your users first. Let me show you how to make backlinks by being user-centric: 11 Ways to Earn Backlinks 1. Have you ever taken a moment to think about your website even deserves backlinks Ive realized that there's only one way to EARN backlinks You have to become obsessed with pleasing your customers. As of late, I have become consumed with the overwhelming ambition to please my customers.
The Secret of Effective Backlink Software
The key is for the domain. These domains are harder to come by, but it is well worth it when you find one. Resource Pages This is an oldie, but a goodie. Although this strategy has been abused by SEOs, there are still a few diamonds in the rough. No matter what Google does, it can never take away your content. You need to approach link building with a long-term mindset in beyond and 2019. There is a compound effect of producing and promoting content on a consistent basis. This is the standard in these industries. However, this isnt the standard in every industry. If it be Maybe. But its not. There isnt a single formula for producing content that pleases an individual. Thats immersing yourself in the industries above. Your view is narrowed by it. Web 2.0s Developing web 2.0s on sites like Tumblr, Weebly, and Word Press.com is an old grey hat strategy that still works.
The Secret of Effective Backlink Software
Use the Check My Link plugin. When reaching out you may use this as leverage. If there are no broken links, then you will require a strong content advantage. Otherwise, youll likely get denied. The White Alternative to PBNs The White Hat Alternative to PBNs is straightforward: Instead of purchasing an expired domain and rebuilding it, you're going to: locate an expired domain scrape its backlinks then reach out and let the linkers know they're linking to a dead resource If the expired domain is applicable, it is possible to ask the linker to replace the dead link with your website. There are times when you will need to address a micro problem . This micro problem might only get 10 searches per month in Google. WHO CARES. As long as you have the intention of helping someone, it is going to enhance the value of your website. There isnt a issue too small or too big.
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