#theres one milly fan
xenyart · 1 year
Heeeyy guysss, I'm going crazy abt smth..(2) 🤸
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bonethievery · 2 years
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Knives in the little waiter uniform is soo fucking silly.
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clonesupport · 2 years
no cuz they opened a cyberpunk themed ramen shop near my place and i have been religiously going there to feel something
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like y’all-
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real-total-drama-takes · 10 months
My brain is always on td23 cast and about the in universe Total Drama fandom, please have all their favourite contestants
Priya: I. I don't think Priya likes Total Drama if I'm being honest, I think she just feels that all of the contestants are just sort of bad people. If anyone, probably Jasmine? Mainly because she didn't have to watch her for too long.
Bowie: COURTNEY, OBVIOUSLY. He will defend her until the end, he has suibaited for her, he has doxxed for her, he has retweeted fan cams. He went as her for Halloween 2 years in a row.
Millie: Her entire "My generation is bad!" outlook is Zoey's fault.
Julia: She watched Dakota and took NOTHING AWAY FROM WHAT HAPPENED, she calls her a 2000s IT Girl (Even though ROTI came out in 2012) and uses her in her photo dumps as an aesthetic.
Emma: Cody, she was in the trenches defending all of his actions. She's still talking about Coderra in 2023.
Chase: Bro thinks he's Alejandro 💀 He 100% has inspirational alpha male quotes with Alejandro's picture as the background.
Zee: He hasn't seen Total Drama. His favourite RR characters are the Rockers though.
Ripper: Duncan, weirdly I think he's somehow morally a better person than Duncan despite basing his personality on him.
Wayne & Raj: Lighting and Brick respectively, at one point they had matching pfps of them with Jo awkwardly in the middle.
MK: Scarlett, she wouldn't personally do it but she respects that Scarlett wanted to win so badly she tried to kill everyone.
Scary Girl: Mal, she used to roleplay as him on the playground. Mike is her least favourite, thinks he's a pussy and has wrote fanfiction about the great DID Reset failing.
Nichelle: Met Lindsay once who's the reason she even started to watch the show.
Axel: No I'm not saying Shawn and Eva. That's too easy. It is Shawn and Eva though. Jo third.
Caleb: Trent, I can't explain it, just Trent. Claims Trent was fucked over by the editing.
-🪅PiñI think theres a figure in my room hold on
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
What would happen if Striker joined IMP if he was a good guy? It's an au.
Oh okay, the coolest part of this idea to me is that it nearly happened in canon. Blitz fully offered him a job and that only fell through because of Striker being contracted to Stella and trying to fulfill that, so let's get rid of that pesky hen's involvement and explore a little on what I feel could happen with this AU
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Striker joining I.M.P as a good guy AU
Now let me get one thing clear off the bat, Striker is still kind of an ass, He and Moxxie still get off poorly, he's still very boastful and cocky. The only difference is he was never contracted, so no actual murder attempts this time, he accepts the job and everything is hunky dory.
Also I'm conflicted on if Blitz would want him to join in on the company car pool to work, and all the scenarions that could work with, or have Striker ride Bombproof there everyday so there's a horse around. Choose which you like.
I have a feeling if he kept bullying Moxxie, Millie would eventually come to his defense, no parents around to scold her this time. So he learns to back off and be nicer to his co workers, no reason to make people who have your back in tough situation mad at you after all.
He and Blitz get along the best, after all he's the guy he really synergized with during the festival, becoming a bit of a common duo on missions. Also he has a horse which we know makes Blitz like anyone a bit more.
Not sure how his and Loona's relationship would be, she seemed cool with him so maybe she's less standoffish to him, maybe calling him over to show him something funny on her phone, idk seems like it'd be a cute little friendship.
Now if he apoligized to Moxxie, and chilled out with the teasing, I think they could be decent friends, talking bout gun stuff and music, since they both seem to like those things, Maybe something more if you want a Strixxie situation that's pretty wholesome, either way I think they'd grow to like eachother.
With Millie her only problem with him here is him antagonizing Moxxie so if he settles that she's okay with him, I can imagine they sometimes talk about her family, mainly venting since they both knew them, and while Striker seemed cool with them, I feel he'd still get her frustrations a little, plus there both Wrath grown Imps it seems so theres also something shared to talk about.
Now with Stolas... Well I feel good or not Striker wouldn't be the biggest fan of royals, as it seems to be big part of his character so he sees Stolas as a necessary thing for the book, and prefers him not to be around. He's standoffish if they interact and Stolas hasn't a clue why, and just awkwardly walks off, though eventually I think he'd see Stolas is just as much a victim of the system as he is, and he chills out, after all I also feel for the sake of another thing I feel happening here they probably should.
Speaking of that, One thing I feel very strongly about in this AU is I think Blitz is going to ask Striker out eventually, since he clearly liked him and was attracted to him, and without the falling out I feel he'd ask him out. Cause if theres any kind of universe Stritz would work healthily, it's this one.
Now interpret how this goes anyway you want, Striker could just politely decline and they remain friends, they try it out but find they don't work, or they get together long term, I feel any could work here. This doesn't disqualify any other ships tho so have a big happy polycule with the cowboy involved someway. XP
Now I could go into how Striker would work in the other episodes he just wasn't in, in canon, but this post is long enough so I might make a part 2 for that if you want it, in the mean time let me list off some random scenarios I thought up.
Striker misplacing his hat and getting the whole team to help him look, Moxxie tries to give him one of his in the meantime but it just isn't the same to him so he's still grumpy untill they find his actual one.
Whatever situation he had to house Bombproof falls through so they try to find another way, and get into shenanigans along the way.
The whole company get's treated to a fancy dinner (Probably by Stolas) And Blitz insists they go as a team bonding thing, but it has a strict dress code and Striker refuses to wear anything fancy and without his ragged hat (Blitz and Millie end up having to wrangle him into a suit)
Also in general he's just a grump when they get him to try new clothes XP
Striker discovering Blitz in his apartment constantly, and dealing with the same stuff M&M do. To the point he puts rope traps around, and it blossoms into a full goofy war between him and Blitz on who can outsmart the other. Ending with both tangled up in the traps, and they have to call M&M for help
I hope this was a good list of ideas for this kind of AU. Personally I really like the idea of a Good/Redeemed Striker, as I like him a good bit, so this was fun, also even if I don't personally ship them, the ships with Striker with one or some of the I.M.P members I've seen some cute stuff in passing, and this AU seems perfect for those.
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vashsscoreboardofpain · 6 months
Welcome back to the only sports that matter: suffering! 98 Vash surprised us all yesterday but will today be the same? Or will he go back to his average points per episode?
Episode 12 show us what you got!
After his visit to the shoe store, the contestant enjoys a nice day and lets a few shenanigans happen. And in one fast move he strikes the first point: 1 "action" point for getting sad about rem. He plays with the children for a while and-
He moved! Out of nowhere another MVP of the season appeared and now 98 vash is heading to get a bunch of points. The contestant positions himself and he strikes like a fucking typhoon (pun so intented). He hits 1 "action" point for hiding whats going on to millie while being ominous as fuck, 1 "bad event" point for getting scared by legato "killing" a kid, 1 "bad event" point for being "guilty" of the dead of a guy aka psychological torture, and 1 "bad point" for actually getting arrested for the death of the guy. The move was so quiet yet effective. The audience stays quiet for a minute and then cheer with all the energy of the world. It seems like the contestant was preparing something and now he gets the chance to show it off.
The contestant is not done tho. He may be in chains but his mind sure isnt. He hits 1 "traumatic event" point for the flashback of the dead guy and his brother. Because the point is being counted now however, it wont be counted if they explain the flashback in the future. AND HE KEEPS GOING. 1 "action" point for going from really angry to his normal calm self.
Theres no more time to think about it tho, because its gunfight time.
The contestant closes the round with 15 points, making his new total 95 points! He was so close to reach the total stampede vash got in episode 12 of stampede but its still pretty good considering the time 98 vash has left.
Is it time for 98 vash to go wild for the 2nd half of the sports season? We will find out right here
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hjemne · 4 months
Thinking about my queer telenovela Trigun WIP again, and I'm still not sure about to what extent it's a good idea to write Wolfwood as recently having left the church after coming to terms with the fact he's gay, and so has little experience with the queer community. Currently in my plan, Wolfwood starts off not really knowing anything about what it means to be trans and he is still working to unpack the homophobic Christian teachings he's internalised. He ends his years-long relationship with Milly and then meets Vash & it's his confirmation that yes okay he is definitely gay. Wolfwood doesn't know Vash is trans for a while, and Meryl is stressing out during that time because she's worried about how this recently Christian man with a limited understanding of transness might react to the guy he's been crushing on not being cis (Vash, her friend, who's been through enough already and who she wants to look out for). Meryl doesn't really know Wolfwood, and the worry is partly coming out of her habit of catastrophising, and Milly knows Wolfwood very very well and has full faith that he wouldn't be a dick about Vash being trans. But idk if I should cut these scenes because they're Too Much. For plot reasons the girls can't properly communicate with either Wolfwood or vash btw. My point is to show that Meryl is also unlearning stereotypes and her immediate assumptions about people, but I'm not sure if that justifies bringing up the fear of transphobia in a fanfic
Wolfwood finds out when he and Vash are finally about to hook up, and it takes him a moment to work through the initial surprise and confusion before going 'you're literally a man and I'm so attracted to you I think my dick might explode but also I have zero concept of what a trans man is so you might have to gimme some pointers on how this all works.' So basically there's a moment where Wolfwood is processing Vash being trans, and Vash is a little wary of him & how he'll react, but that moment almost immediately passes and then it's a case of Wolfwood being uninformed but very enthusiastic to learn.
I think it's important for me to show a character deconverting and the fact that when you deconvert you have to unlearn and relearn so many different things, but also I'm not sure whether it's a good idea for a plot point to be 'is Wolfwood going to hatecrime Vash?'.
I'd love to get some more perspectives on this. The fic setting and tone is (at the moment) fairly realistic so I don't think this would be a super weird tonal shift. In the fic the world is unfair and harsh but can be beautiful when people love and care for one another. Theres big plot points about how social and economic inequalities impact people & how people react & survive when pushed to the margins of society etc.
More things I'd like to discuss under the cut <33
Id also appreciate advice on how to write about Vash & Knives' transition. In my current plan, they were adopted by Rem and were both fairly erratic as kids bc they had trauma around something relating to Tesla (can't decide what exactly without bringing the tone massively down). Rem fully backs them when they transition (although she & knives get into a fight over him giving himself knives as his legal name) and I want to emphasise how positive the process of transitioning was for them. V+K get closer through it and knives gets a supportive group of friends which is particularly important because he's the more unstable one. But then there's tension between knives and rem because rem isn't the no 1 fan of some of his new friends (legato + elendira) and knives gets increasingly volatile as he refuses to process his trauma and his worst habits are enabled.
I think I want to say that Knives then causes an accident which kills Rem and injures Vash, but idk whether he does this deliberately, fully accidentally, or because he's experiencing a mental health crisis. Any thoughts about how to handle this would be super useful 🙏 Otherwise I might say that there was a car crash / other random accident, and that this was the tipping point because Knives can't handle being the only one to walk away without a scratch. Either way, Knives then disappears and Vash is trying to track him down and help him when Vash & Wolfwood meet in the main plot timeline.
The main plot is around Wolfwood trying to find Livio despite him having been declared dead after he ran away from their orphanage a few days after Wolfwood was kicked out and was never seen again (&so WW blames himself for Livios disappearance). WW eventually finds LR, who has been living under the name Razlo and avoided being found BC they actually ran away because their birth parent was released from prison and they FREAKED at being forced to go live with them again. LR has been forced into incredibly shit and precarious work because they have no legal identity or protection which is being taken advantage of by chapel. WW and LR bond and WW convinces and helps them to get away from chapel & get themselves un-declared dead. LR has met both Vash and Knives at various points (helped Vash w his t shot in a diner bathroom. this is also how he and Meryl met) and eventually Vash bumps back into WW, and they find Knives with LR's help, and everyone's happy. Milly and Meryl have gotten together during all this, and all 6/7(?) of them move in together because I make the rules and want them to be happy. Knives (& razlo tbh) gets the support and stability he's needed and is doing much better. Wolfwood gets to live with his bff Milly but can be out and proud. He probably proposes to Vash within the year. Vash & Wolfwood both have their brothers back and a family again. LR get official legal status again and change their last name to Razlo to separate them fully from their birth family. Milly and Meryl are the sweetest couple known to mankind and Meryl is welcomed into Milly's big Christian family. Will knives and LR get together? Haven't decided. But I think they would get on super well. And probably hook up. Also it's very important that you know that Wolfwood used to be a youth pastor in a church while with miss Melanie (who raised him in a Christian orphanage). Melanie cries when she sees LR again, and gives Wolfwood away when he and Vash get married.
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emblazons · 1 year
i read the tags you wrote about millie in a post yesterday (i think you deleted the post because i cant find it now) and i just wanted to say im glad theres someone who shares similar thoughts as me. i love millie but i cant even say anything on twitter without her toxic stans accusing me of misogyny and insulting her intelligence, even though thats not my intention.
if byler is canon, how do you think she’ll feel about it? im asking because your perspective is interesting! i think shes going to take it a bit personally because she strongly relates to her character and wants el to be on the same path as her (like getting married young). its understandable though, considering her upbringing.
!! I actually took it off my blog because the other day I resolved the issue of my tags not archiving—but when it got resolved, my blog ended up square in the middle as “top blogs” with the full mlvn name tag because I hadn’t been abbreviating their ship in the tag I used before ☠️ that said, I changed the tag to “anti mlvn” so I could keep myself out of mlvn corners, but a lot of the recent posts that I kept under the old tag are gone or private until tumblr tracks the change—hence the missing post!
Still...me and that tag rant was giving “why would you say something so controversial, yet so brave” for sure (lmao), though I certainly meant it less as a comment on her life decisions themselves and more a "I can tell by the decisions you make as a creator, producer of other films, and in general that you are not The Duffer Brother's target audience, but a lot of your fans can't" kind of way...which is still controversial in several corners of this fandom for sure. 😭
the rest of this answer under the cut because it got long lol
Like, yes, she does play a principal character in the show, but playing a character does not mean the character is modeled to you as a person—just look at Emilia Clarke playing Daenerys Targaryen, Anthony Hopkins playing Hannibal Lecter, or even Rachel McAdams playing Regina George lmao.
Despite playing El since she was a child, as Millie has come into adulthood it's become clearer that she is very different from El—and that The Duffers aren't creating Eleven's arc with Millie's own "coming of age" in mind. Her choices to create things like Enola Holmes, Damsel, and even Nineteen Steps (her new book) showing up as sharp contrasts to not only the women in Stranger Things, but in all of The Duffer's upcoming work on Death Note, The Talisman and The Boroughs prove that well enough, which would be zero problem at all...if a lot of her fans didn't conflate Millie with El is as a character.
To your point though...I honestly don't think Millie is going to be all that personally upset if El ends up single and Byler happens—she's already made clear that she loves El, but is ready to move on and tell other stories and that she would have written the story as a high school drama if she was in control of the direction of the plot (while pointing out that she's not the one in control of it) lol.
Even what she said recently in an widely published and official Seventeen interview shows that she's really just here to finish the story and move on with her career—that she's ready for her role as El (and the drama I'm 10000% sure comes with that) to be done:
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At least to me, all of that makes it seem like she is a level-headed young woman who can handle her character not being aligned with how she would live her own life—and will, when the time comes.
That said: imo the real problem is that fans of MBB are confusing Millie's own "I can be young, strong and still have a man" creative and life choices with El's "I am overcoming the bounds men have put on me to become strong by myself" storyline, which only becomes an issue when Millie jokes about things like mlvn getting married—
—and (by nature of being an influential celebrity) ends up with fans who mistake Millie's headcanons (because...honestly that's what they are) based on what she enjoys in fiction as what The Duffers are writing & planning for the ending of Stranger Things.
Basically: as an actress, it's literally MBB's job to bring life to stories that don't necessarily reflect her own values or desires, and she knows it—but because she's been playing the character on people's screens so long (and from a young age) a lot of fans have issues separating the woman from the fiction and recognizing that (as Adam Driver once said) it's not Millie's job to have a feeling about or even agree with who El is as a person—it's her job to bring El & The Duffer's vision to life, even if her life informs how she plays the role.
None of that is particularly Millie's fault (though she, like Noah sometimes, adds fuel to fandom fire with the jokes she makes lmao), though it does get irritating to navigate when you're constantly subjected to arguments rooted in nothing but headcanons when trying to make sense of The Duffer's work itself lmao.
TL;DR - Mills joking about El and Mike getting married feels the same as someone here putting their headcanon out into the world about married & domestic Byler—only, because she's the face of Eleven + has now gotten engaged young herself, people misinterpret her own "cute headcanons" as canonical fact, leaving people who love the actual canon + who enjoy the 'style of womanhood' the Duffers write to arguing with people who misunderstand the actual characters.
Millie is a woman whose had a complicated relationship with celebrity and fame since she was a very young girl, and she has certainly made different decisions than I have (and likes different fiction than I do)—but that has nothing to do with her intelligence or ability to respond gracefully to the character she's played since 12 turning out differently than she would have imagined it if she had written El herself. If and when Byler happens, I'm sure she will meet the reality of it with respect and consideration, even if her fans (and hardcore fans of mlvn) don't lmao.
Hopefully that explains it (and doesn't get me shot for saying lmao). But thanks for the ask!
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rating the fanbases in nijisanji en that im in 🤠🤘
also im not hating on yall im just talking about…… some colorful things about the fan communities im in
aight for one, kyomies. = FUCKING -18/10
im scared of like some of yall. like ongod 😭 either chill or so fucking down bad WW like oh god i watched the confessions stream YOU GUYS. ARE SCARY. PLEASE. I CANT TELL YOU HOW MANY TIMES MY JAW DROPPED WATCHING THAT STREAM. also we needa stop bullying kyo for being the shortest male in nijisanji en lmao hes coping already 💀AHEM… TO ANY OF YALL WHO GENUINELY LIKE ASTERS FEET CAM STREAM… DNI (jkjk but like keep a respectable distance from me pls 🧍✋ yall scare me enough)
kindreds!! = 5/10
yall horny as fuck. all i gotta say. we all know the gwak gwak incident, lets leave it pls. also yall are nice, everyone in chat is pretty nice, yk you get a parasocial chatter every once and a while but oh well wwww 💀💀 ehmmm theyre like the first niji en fanbase ive been in, i have a friend irl whos a kindred, theyre nice yk did not prepare me for the shitshow the online kindreds are
villions = 8/10
i know, we are all probably down bad for ber whenever he speaks korean, BUT CAN YOU BLAME US?? i wanna bet ver is half of his fanbases’ reason to learn korean (can vouch because i started to relearn kr bc of him 😭👌) ALSO HES SUCH A CINNAMON ROLL I JUST WANNA SQUISH HIM!! villions in general, yall r nice, like all i gotta say LOL
sicklings = 4/10
basically kindreds but like twice as horny and mentally ill 💀like goddamn yall listen to his yandere asmrs and go ‘he can fix me’?? is that like a thing in this fanbase? 😭 how mentally ill yall had to be to fall for a therapist [bullying myself rn] like holy shit also that one overlay incident 🫣 lets not talk about it but like anyways yall are ok, its a debatable topic also just wanted to say hex looks like the type of person to have a rice purity score of 53 idk
FaMillie = 10/10
OK SO IM BIASED BC IM ALSO A FILIPINO AND YK SWAGPINOS UNITE BUT YOU GUYS ARE FUNNY I CANT LIE, YOU HAVE GENUINELY MADE ME CACKLE SOMETIMES especially the hugot lines stream, my mom fucking got mad at me for laughing so much some of yall are unhinged like stop bullying millie LOL ik its for shits and giggles but damn, yall are being mean sometimes 😭
Quilldren = 6/10
personally, i havent been in the fanbase too much but most of you guys are chill so neutral score. havent seen too much stir from ike's fans so thats nice, good to know theres one fan base that isnt overtly chaotic [from what ive seen 👀]
scythekicks = 8/10
girl is this fanbase dead or am i just not active on twitter? probably the latter LMAO but like i barely see any doppio fans in the wild like where are yall come out come out you may be outta scythe but you aint outta my mind WWWW we all love doppio in the scythekick household, that man gets so entertained so easily
also posts are gonna be slow as fuuuck cuz schools starting and yknow we gotta COME IN DO YOU READ ME?-
im just kidding guys dont hate me for this WWW its for giggles so dont take it to heart
i think i did this wrong in so many ways but oh well LMAOO
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buckieduckie · 2 years
why i thought michael wheeler was gay before i even knew what stranger things was about - why i decided to watch ST in the first place
ok ok ok so yes i know this sounds crazy and insane and impossoble even. i mean you have to watch a show to know if the characters are gay, right? wrong.
But how'd you even know who mike was before you watched ST?
becauuuseee honeyyyy, ur a kid on the internet, you watch videos on youtube, lots of those will unfortunately be top 10 videos cause ur like 10 or 11 or sum shit. anyways, you see clips from popular shows and medias. some of those are stranger things clips and you get half way familiar with the characters so you know who millie bobby brown is and you know what mikes face looks like.
anyways, this brings me to my next... statement? point? anyways... so yeah, i cant remember what video i was watching or anything, but a clip from stranger things comes up. i knew it was ST cause it was popular and shit n duhhhh. ANYWAYS the clip was El Dumping Mike's Ass ™ and, i cant remember if it was the clip saying it or my own gaydar going off, but i think it was my gaydar, BUT i imeditately clocked mike as gay. i was what.... 6th grade? maybe? at the most.
anyways, i watched mike getting dumped and somehow, someway, i just knew. i just imediately knew. and yknow... part of me thinks it was just the fact that back then because i hadnt watched the show, i was comepletely utterly totally unbiased. like my slate was clean. i knew nothing of anything besides that clip. maybe it is more obvious than we think....
after that i just kinda forgot about it for a couple years untilllll....
OK so then... On to my next point of disgussion.
Why did I start watching Stranger Things?
OK OK OK OK OK SO- okkayy saurrrrrrrrr basically, i have a friend. her name is tina. (thats her nickname ok dw im not like leaking personal info chill) anyways. she sat with me in art last year, and i knew from sitting with her that year and knowing her in the previous years that she was a really big fan of stranger things. sooooooo yeah i sat with her in art and i guess she knew that i hadnt watched stranger things, so like... she realllllyyyyyy wanted me to watch stranger things she was like "omg you should totally watch stranger things youd like it so much theyre coming out with a new season this summer im so excited" so i was like omggggg but yk shes always trying to make me watch shit n ykyk, whatever.
one day she convinces me or- wait no i think she forced me, and i kinda like- caved or smt. anyways, we end up watching the first episode on her phone during art class. lmao slay. so we finish the first episode and im thinking it was really good like wow but my ass probably wont watch the second episode cause im terrible at getting commited like wow
and ok- so herereeeee, here comes the kicker- the slingshot into ST. like why i actually like continued to watch.
i was still in my h<3rt stopper (censoring cause it would be annoying if this was in their tag) hyperfixation, or more like i was just getting out of my HS hyperfixation. I watched the series 3 times so i was getting a bit burnt out, so i needed something else to fan over, something else to watch. but not anything, it had to be gay. because lord KNOWS we do NOT have enough gay shit to watch. like i need it. and- im sorry- but not crappy indie films (disclaimer- indie films are NOT all crappy, theres just... some .... iykyk💀) or weird.... weird ones that make no sense and are just there for like... sex and honestly i have no fucking clue.
no i needed GAYURIJRH anyways,,,,, so i dm Tina and im like "omg tinaaaa helllpp meeee 👹 i need gay stuff to watch theres no good ones 😭" and so she gives me a list of shows with gay characters in them, and then shes like "Will from Stranger Things is gay lmao" (pre season 4 btw) so im like, in my mind, im like "Cool 😃 Mike Wheeler from Stranger Things is gay 😃" no duckiebuckie she said will- "Mike Wheelr is gay 😃" *queue past memories and preconceived notions of the past now flodding forward*
so. i waited a couple days. then i watched the first episode again this time with my little brother and like the rest of season 1 (not all at once) and i, fully, utterly, comepletely, totally, full heartedly believed that Mike was gay (i mean he is but thats not the point right now) like- i just, believed it. i just simply took it as fact. literally no one ever actually told me Mike was gay. i had just like, thought it was canon. like i actually thought it was canon. like genuinley. its so fucking funny thinking about it now because i really actually dont think i ever saw anyone or anything actually stating Mike was gay or anything, like my own seld really had made it canon. like wow. icon. again, it couldve been that one video, but i kinda like also dont. YKWWWW- I LIKE- ok so i even went to the point of like, during or after watching the first episode, imagining a little coming out scenario LATER THAT SEASON with mike telling Dustin and Lucase (cant remember if- WAIT OH MY GODDDD I JUST REMEMBERED- WILL WASNT IN THE SENARIO I WAS IMAGINING BECAUSE MIKE WAS COMING OUT TO LUCAS AND DUSTIN AS GAY AND HE LIKED WILL- YALL I REALLY HAVE BEEN A BYLER SHIPPER SINCE THE BEGINNING HUH 🥹🥹 (btw i would like to mention that this was less of a head canon and more of a "oh this is probably gonna happen like this is whats happening" kinda thing LMFAOOOOOO
and then mike kissed el and i was like what the fuck 😟
and then from the end of season 1-4 v1 and v2 i was... convinced of the opposite 😔 💔 but HEY YOU CANT BLAME ME I WAS LIKE GA BACK THEN AND LIKE MIKE AND EL KISSED N SHIT WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO THINK
and then the byler heart to hearts started happening and i was like- oh wait- oh honey, mikey dear your gay is showing right now. LIKE I WAS A GA WHO THOUGHT MIKE WAS STRAIGHT AND I COULD STILLLL SEEEE THE FRUITINESS LIKE HONEEYYYYYYYYYYYY FRIENDS DONT TALK TO FRIENDS LIKE THAT but i digress.
anyways. then mike said i love you blah blah blah yk like yeah hes straight but i wasnt even really thinking about the subject that much
ANYWAYS what convinced me once again that mike wheeler was gay?
well, mainly @kaypeace21 's analysis about why they think mike is not Bi, but gay, yk, the iconic one. but what started inspection in the first place when i was a steadfast "wills 100% gay but unfortunately mike is 100% straight and its unrequited and i dont ship byler because its just a lil funky and weird because mike is OBVIOUSLY straight blah blah blah i mean its cute but its dEFINITELY not real blah blah" believer? because.... of ONE fateful tiktok.
Enter Tina again. were at her house, and we decide to watch stranger things tiktok compilations and crack videos n stuff cause yk that stuff is really funny and great.
So we see this one tiktok compilation and its stranger thins ofc and the title says (very gay) and shes like, ya wanna watch this one? and im like (my ass had already seen this same complilation, but i remembered the greatness that it held) so i agree.
so previously, i had watched the video and just kinda ignored the byler stuff cause i didnt ship (although i would like to make a disclaimer that i was not a mileven shipper either. i kinda just thought they were like cute and yk oh theyre the main couple cool ig it is what it is like this is how its gonna be ig) anyways, but this time (i think we had like briefly discussed mikes sexuality earlier, and decided he was prolly definitely just straight (but discussing it in the first place is like, kinda telling lmfao)) so it was on my mind. so this time, when the byler vid came on, i payed more attention. it was a rink o mania edit. and i saw his facial expression. i saw that fucking facial expression.
so me and Tina™ paused the video, and we were like "ok... so like, I think Mike is straight... but like that facial expression he just made. but like hes definitely straight right? yeah... but that expressionnnnnnn.... but like yeah, right? yeah.. anyways...." and then we watched the rest of the video.
and then pinterest came in and it was one piece of evidence after another and then the Kaypeace post.
the rest is history.
My Point?
The whole reason I started watching Stranger Things in the first place was because I thought Mike was gay. If Mike Wheeler is not gay, I will have watched Stranger Things for nothing. yes, i stayed and kept watching even after m*l*v*n was established because stranger things is just so good, how could you not? but my point still stands. The whole reason for me even deciding to keep watching after the first episode was because i thought mike was gay. and it seems that we've come full circle now, because once again, i believe mike wheeler is gay and my enjoyment (and ST) depends on Mike being gay.
tagging @aemiron-main because like idk i feel like you would find this interesting? amusing? maybe? lol
tagging @l0v3c0r3e @adorewillbyers cause i feel like yall would get it 🥺 also i need someone to read this shit because i did not just spend an hour and a half writing this for like 0 notes like no maaaaaaaaaaam
@the-homosphere cause they dared me to
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thedumestflower · 1 year
So in my silly remake of hb, I wanted to deepen Millie's character, and vivzepop said she had "strong family connection" or whatever and that gave me an idea for her , striker, and (to a lesser extent) Sally Mae.
Okay, and hear me out on this, what if they had a sibling rivalry? Okay let me explain. If striker , millie were siblings, that could deepen their backstory and give them an interesting dynamic.
So in my re-make, its kinda scuffed and weird but basically , they're humans who did some crime shit and now are bounty hunters/hitmen for important government company people, and stolas is like the fuckn phone operater who gives them directions and shit but blitz is still calling the shots- yeah its kinda fucked. And i know vivzepop said people don't like her because she doesn't have a fucked up backstory, and that's not true , but I'm not really making her trauma free but i'd say her backstory is alot less fucked than moxxies of blitz or loonas. So , in my head, her backstory goes a lil somthin like this:
Millie's family was kinda a bounty hunting gang turned ranch when her parents grew older, and Millie was the youngest kid in the family, with sally may being the middle child, and striker being the oldest. In her life, her siblings had always overshined her. With striker getting the most attention for being the oldest and most skilled, and sally may being praised for her technique, millie felt like she needed to work twice as hard as her siblings to keep up. eventually, her hard work and training paid off , leading to her eventually being an incredibly successful bounty hunter, almost as good as her sibling , striker, who was top of the board, and number one most wanted, though was about to be overthrown. So during a scuffle where striker and millie where hunting down the same criminal , striker took advantage and millie ended up getting thrown in prision for being wanted of,,, crime, and striker getting away scott free (dont ask how idk yet). But one of the prison overseers or whatever recognized millies strength and talent, and offered her to be in the hitman bounty hunter program for big government company, she accepts and was paired up with moxxie, they fall in love, they meet blitz, the rest is history.
and now, you might be wondering , why dosent sally may do shit? well, thats because (at the time of writing) we haven't seen much of her, so i have no fucking clue what to do with her, sorry sally may fans
Anyways, on to the character dynamics. I imagine striker and millie to hate each other, but in a fun way. I imagine in harvest moon festival, millie and striker are trying to one up each other, millie competes with striker in the competition instead of moxxie, and during one of the rest periods where moxxie is patching up millie, he askes her why her and striker seem to hate eatchother but still seem to be close, millie info dumps her backstory, but she says it in kinda a playful or lighthearted tone. Like she dosnt mind it much that striker put her in jail, like its a game to them. Because it is. its basically one big ongoing game of cat and mouse to them. So yeah, they tie for first place, striker almost end games stolas , blitz catches him, millie joins the fight, big gun shooty shooty battle scene, millie is kinda beat up but okay. and at the end of the ep, before the menacing striker scene foreshadowing his return, theres a little scene of millie getting doordashed wendys to her in her house by striker wile shes recovering, moxxie askes why the fuck he would get her wendys after he tried to end gaem her, and she revals, its kinda a tradition in their family, after a big fight happens in the family, you usually do somthing nice for the other person you fought as a show of good sportsmanship, she reflects on how they thought it was dumb as kids, since they usually had to do stuff like clean each others rooms and give eatchother money, but now its just a habbit for after they kick the shit outta eatchother, they usally go to a fast food place and eat together. reminds them that theyre family.
And so in the western energy ep, i imagine it to be just millie and blitz (ill talk abt stoliz later) to be the main dudes in the ep, and striker just snatches stolas while hes taking a smoke break because he hates confrontation , windexes him, ties him to the back of his horse or whatever, stolas calls blitz, millie recognizes striker, blitz knows stolas is in danger because he remembered striker as trying to kill him and stolas, they fuckn speed and they track down striker.Wile theyre tracking him down, striker took stolas to his cabin in the middle of the redwoods, striker tied him with some rope he made himself or whatever and tied him to a tree , and so hes taunting him and stolas taunts him back but stiker laughs repiles giddily, stating somthing along the lines of "I haven't had a fun one like ya' quite' a time now', its gonna be a bummer when i cut ya throat open so ya cant talk anymore" or some shit, striker almost kills him, stella calls him and tells him not to kill the star guy, striker tries to rough him up a little more but uhoh millie and blitz are here, big car crash gun knife forest fight scene, striker gets crushed by big redwood tree and blitz goes to get stolas and also to hopital. But wile hes doing that, millie goes over to striker, kneels down, and hands him 5 dollars and a wendys coupon, when he askes why she repies "heh' did ya forget what good sportsmanship is" or smthing like that, striker askes if she can help them get the fucking tree off of him, millie says " thats a you problem" because she knows striker will find a way out with or without her help. uhh cut to blitz cradling stolas in his arms saying somthing like "please, your all i have left i cant lose anyone else again" and millies just standing there realizing she just gave her boss's possible bf killer 5 dollars and a wendys cupon blabahblah.
One last thing i would like to mention, the striker and millie sibling dynamic would be a contrast to the barbie wire and blitzo dynamic, wile barb fucking hates blitzo for fucking up her life and never wants to see him again, millie is pretty chill with striker putting her in fucking jail, thats because millie values family over everything else in her life, yeah they did something shitty , but hey, that gives her more leverage to do something shitty in return, plus, thats her brother, the guy she grew up with, the guy she beats up/gets beat up by and then gets her wendys after, thats her fucking family.
so yeah thats my silly thing
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sludgeguzzler · 1 year
hi sludge!!! :D how have u been? I was wondering if u could tell me a bit about trigun, it looks really cool! :O do u have any recs for where I could start with the series?
CHARLIE!!!!! sorry for only getting to this ask so late i forgot to answer it.... and also OFC I CAN TELL YOU ABOUT TRIGUN
trigun has a 98 anime, a manga and a 23 anime. all of them follow the same story but its told in a distinct way on each which i think its pretty cool
its about this guy named vash the stampede, and outlaw gunslinger with a really pathetic energy about him, as he goes through increasingly more tragic shenanigans to get to his genocidal twin brother, millions knives. along his journey we get to meet meryl milly and wolfwood (my wife) and a lot of other characters
there are Themes and Imagery and im obssessed with everything about it.
although!!! each version kinda tells the story differently so if you want to Really get into it id recommend consuming all of the media but thats not mandatory
for me i started watching the 1998 anime first (just bc o fthe silly gifs and bc wolfwood looked pretty) then read the manga then watched the new anime. tbh, i feel like before watching the new anime you should read the manga or watch the old anime first, just to experience the story on its original beat (not realy a fan of trigun stampedes pacing) but i wouldnt say the new one is bad, if you want to start through it i think you should go for it
theres also a movie from 2009 i think that has Nothing to do with the plot of anything trigun but its fun i have a love hate relationship with it
anywho!!!! whichever way you choose to watch/read trigun i think youre gonna like it, its really really cool. also, for the manga, i highly recommend reading it through @/trigun-manga-overhaul, im doing my reread through them and its GREAT really good translation.
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liverpool-enjoyer · 2 years
I read your profile and yelped because you are a NYRB fan?!?! It's soo rare to see one in here and I'm so glad that you're here ❤️❤️❤️
Btw, if only MLS subscription doesn't cost a fortune, I'll definitely be watching them again :')
HAKDHSLS YES I AM!!! nyrb actually have a very very special spot in my heart as they were the first team i ever loved <3 i was a season ticket holder for God knows how many years before i moved and dads been a fan since before i was born so ive got a metric crap ton of memorabilia. im super glad to have another fan around n i look forward to seeing more of you luv!!! ive followed you for a bit n i love your content!! (and milly❤️)
also abt that subscription, the price is steep but theres always illegal streaming (not that you heard that from me) 🤫😉
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moneymasnn · 3 years
i'll come back to you.|chapter 2 |mason mount
so you can get an idea of 18 year old mase❤️
Come back to me.
chapter 2, dealing with heartbreak.
It had been approximately a 4 months since mase left, her mase. Saying she missed him would be a huge understatement, she craved his touch like the need for oxygen. She had hugged all his hoodies and other clothes of his until they no longer smell of him. Watching the odd sad fan edits of the both of them she would come across on twitter. She even went as far as to breaking down when eating her roast dinner at her nana, dropping tears all over her roast potatoes, her nan then giving her some advice about love and heart break. Explaining that if two people are really meant ti be together their souls will adventulalmy find their way back to each other, non the less that doesn't mean millie shouldn't move on with her life, 'he will come find you when your ready' she says. that's what made millie want to move in with the sidemen in the first place. Millie and Masons break up wasn't too public, but Millies fans from YouTube noticed the lack of her smiles in videos and the lack of masons presence. Seeing how mason moved to Amsterdam most fans put it together, but as the pair were so caught up in there drastic change they never thought to have to adress it publicly. Mason had only featured in a few videos, like the 'boyfriend tag' and been in the back of a couple of Millies vlogs saying a few things here and there, he was defiantly a fan favourite though. Millies fans easily noticing his disappearance. Mason personally feeling like the two never need to address the break up, he knew as soon as he was done with his year loan he would be back with the girl. Still, he assumed she has handling the loss of his presence better than him since she was still active on her social medias, he still tracked her socials like a 13 year old fan would, having all of her notifications on, re watching her old YouTube videos of them together and stalking fan pages to see what she was up too. Millie goes for coffee with masons mum every week or so, that's when millie would hear all about how well mason was doing, not that she handed been keeping her own tabs on him. She was still coming to terms with the drastic changes in her life, for example; when jj called mentioning the boys were going to start a sidemen house saying that there was a spare room if she wanted it, and to think about how good the content will be. So that's how it stared, she now lives in a huge mansion in east London with 7 boys. Millie had formed a close bond with the boys when they met a YouTube fest, coming in as a huge fan favourite when the girl would hang out with the boys or would be spotted in the back of videos.
When mason got back from a long day of training mason opened sos laptop in bed to see millie had posted a new video, she didnt post as regular as she used to, so mason loved when she did. She always has the same humour in her videos as she does in real life and he loved that, he felt like he was on FaceTime to her watching her videos. Not even glaring at the total he clicks the video and gets comfy in bed.
"er, well, hello everybody. So todays actually a really exciting one."
Mason was in awe hearing her voice and her little 'erms' and 'res' when she talks.
She had placed the camera on her dressing table all dressed up with her make up done and brown cardboard boxes behind her.
"so im actually packing right now, I haven't been very tactical about it theres shit all over the gaff" she giggles at herself.
Mason giggles at her little sayings, he misses her weird humour and the fact she would giggle at her own jokes.
"yeh im actually moving, as you probably saw in the title. With the sidemen, yeh probs not the best decision ive ever had in my life, I already know that living with seven boys is going to be hell but, it might be fun." she giggles again laughing at her own unsureness.
Masons heart pangs. 'she's moving?' 'with boys, seven of them' 'shit' The thought of her potentially living with 7 males made mason heart pang, he was supposed to be the only male she lives with. He had it all planned out they would have a flat in-between cobham and London, so it was easy for them to travel, and millie could still be close to London, knowing how much the girl loved the city.
"so yeah, im currently just chucking all my stuff in my dads van and then he's going to drive me to the house. I have seen the house, its lovely, really big, im just hoping the boys have kept it clean for when I get there" she pulls a face at the camera stating that the boys are clearly messy.
After that she shows all off her stuff now in the back of the van as she gets in the front with her dad and she chats a little bit when they drive. Mason notices she's wearing his jumper, one of his favourite ones he left it to millie to look after, his heart warm even more when he notices she is still wearing the m initial necklace he got her for the first Christmas the two had celebrated together hen they were only just 16. Laughing at a comment he had made about the necklace.
flashback memory:
A 16 year old Millie, and a 16 year old mason, sat on masons single bed in his dorm room at Chelsea academy. Their legs are crossed as they sit across from each other, both holding over decorated boxes.It was December 20th, mason was going back home to Portsmouth for Christmas, obviously. So the two of you have planned to have your own first Christmas together in his dorm room at cobham.
In front of mason, placed gently on his lap was a small square box, it was red with golden sting wrapped around it to keep it closed. He handed you the box with a huge grin plastered on his face.
“I hope you like it. Jaz helped pick it out by the way, so it has a girls opinion.”
Millie looks up into his beautiful brown eyes noticing the anxious tone laced in his voice, she then looks back down ready to open the present.
Thats until mason pipes up again causing millie sos top pulling the ribbon at a a hault.
“it’s quite basic, but you like basic-“ she snaps her head up, eyebrows furred at the boy.
“no no I mean the necklace, not you, I don’t mean basic I mean more like simple. Yeh it’s simple and I know you don’t like things to flashy or bold. Ugh shit…I’ve just told you what it is”
Millie giggles looking at your child like boyfriend, “mase, whatever it is I’m sure I’ll love it. And even if I don’t, I’ll wear it anyway, its the thought that counts I guess”
Pecking his cheek and finally pulling the string from the bow to opened the box. Millies heart melts as she opens it to see a simple golden chain with a golden M initial pendant on it.
“Awe mason i love it”
“really? Oh thank god”
She watches him release a huge breath she could tell he’s been holding in. Pulling the necklace out and dangleing it in the air, the M placed in her palm.
“Put it on me” she says passing him the necklace. Not moving her hair purposefully knowing he would have to move it for her.
“I can try, I’m not really good with these things i have fat thumbs."
“Don’t ruin the moment mason”
He very gently moved her hair into a makeshift bun her holding it up for him so he could use both hands, small peices of hair grazing her shoulder as he placed the necklace over her neck. Feeling his hot breath on her neck as her hand traces of the M on her chest.
“all done” mason kisses Millies shoulder and moving her hair back.
The girl turns to the boy in absolute awe, a loving grin on her face as she turned around and attacked him with kisses, so he’s laying down her on top of him, straddling him.
As she attacks him with loads of little kisses on his temples, cheeks and nose not missing any part of his face except for his lips. His hands gently hover over her waist as he’s giggling at the attack.
“So” she says finally sitting up.
“Is it a ‘M’ for Millie or a ‘M’ for mason?” questioning the boy as her hand traces the necklace.
“Well, I though it could be for mason, well it is for mason, but if your mum asks you can say it’s for Millie.”
Only being 16 and dating for 6 months she still hadn’t plucked up the courage to tell her mum about her boyfriend. Knowing if she did she would be more protective about when you would go stay with dec and be staying with mason too, also wanting to avoid that convocation about teen pregnancy.
“And if we ever break up, you can still wear it, people will assume it’s your name” he sits up with a smile.
Moment ruined.
“You think we’re gonna break up?” She says looking at mason.
“Well if we EVER do break up, it won’t be me breaking up with you. He looks at you clearly realising he’s said something stupid.
“oh come on the only reason we will ever break up is if you get sick of me.” Mason looks back down with a sheepish smile. A small smile creeping up on your face,
“1. I could never get sick of you or that smile, 2. I love the necklace mase, thank you.” she leans back in to kiss him again, but this time on his lips, as both of her hands hold his cheeks, she slips her tongue gently over his bottom lip then into his mouth, letting their tongues swirl together in unison.
Pulling away she looks at her boyfriend in his eyes and giggle “I love you weirdo” he just smiles and pulls her in for a hug.
Mason watched the rest of the YouTube video, a smile plastered on her face thought the video. He could see she was truly happy and that made him happy. Although he was worried she might find enough happiness and forget about him.
6 months later, Mason was doing really well at Vitesse fc, Millie knew this though, not only because his mum would update her regularly, she would illegally stream his matches when she could. It was the same for mason to really, he would watch all her YouTube videos the second they were posted, as well as all the videos she was featured in. He became slightly disheartened when he came across a few edits of her and harry (w2s) I mean he seemed like her type and that worried him. Mason had met harry a couple times when mason went with millie to one of her YouTube con things. Harry had a god sense of humour, an out of pocked one, the kind of stuff millie finds funny, harry constantly had a smile on his face, he was goofy, really awkward and would always seem to be making millie laugh in the back of videos. Mason stared to once again feel like a 13 year old girl as he searched the internet for any evidence the girl was dating harry. Feeling a lot better when he could never find any specific proof, although he couldn't lie to himself and say millie and harry didn't have good chemistry because they defiantly did. He don't know why he did it but he found himself on the phone to dec questioning him about millies relationship with harry, he defiantly hadn't planned on looking like he was still obsessed with his ex girlfriend however the urge to know if his first love had moved on bothered him, he just had to know.
So he called dec.
"maseeeeee, you alright mate" dec slurred his words, mason could hear loud bass music in the background.
"yeh, yeh im fine. Actually I just was erm well-"
"spit it out masey"
"is millie seeing anyone" mason blurted out,
'what does that mean?'
'she defiantly is seeing someone'
'shit' he thought.
"well to be honest mate I don't actually know, I don't see her a lot but erm, I'm sure is she was she would have told me" more of a serious tone kicking in his voice as he try to find a quiet space to try and talk to his mate on the phone.
"I mean she still loves you so" decs emphasis on the 'you'
Declan was clearly drunk and blabbering but mason just wanted to hear him say she loved him still again.
"how do you know that"
"arg mate all she does is go on about you, you know she watches your matches, well she used too."
'used too?' mason though, she's moving on, he still watches her YouTube videos to try and sleep to her voice.
"yeah she had to do it illegally because your in a different county, I did just tell her she could use my sky sports but, you know what she's like, she stubborn, but yeh, she used some dodge website, uno the one that has the porn pop ups," Declan giggle as he repeats the word 'porn', like a child.
"and, yeh, she got a virus, can't say I told you sooooooo"
Mason can't help but smile at the story, it does sound like something she will would do. Mason takes advantage of decs drunk stake knowing he won't remember this in the morning to ask some questions.
"what about this harry bloke"
"harry? harry who? I don't know a har- ohhhhhh, yeah what a sound bloke, yeh he's here tonight actually"
"yeh Millies here too if you want to speak to her"
"nah im alright mate, I just wanted to see how your all getting on, im gonna, yeh, im gonna go mate"
but before mason could finish and say goodbye he heard her voice
"hello?" she laughed into the mic
"dec, what the fuck, who's on the phone" she was drunk too mason could hear her laughing in the back, he loved her laugh.
"its mason, he wanted to talk to you" mason could hear dec faintly say in the back ground. 'shit dec no'
"Oh. Erm, heyyy mase. Is everything alright?" she was clearly confused.
Mason tried not to stutter at the use of his nickname coming out of her name, something he hadn't be called in months.
'erm- hah- hi, I didn't want to speek to you decs just a little pissed" 'no no no why did I say that'
"Not that im not happy to talk to you, its erm been a while"
"yeh it has" her reply were cold and blunt, he could tell she was getting upset.
"im sorry are u okay?"
"yeah, yeah, im fine, im going to go actually im- busy."
"yeah I can hear" Mason lets out an awkward giggle "alright then erm yeah bye mills, have a good night, be safe, yeh?"
"I- yeah. Thanks, bye mase"
And the line goes dead, and with that mason tried with every bone in his body to not cry. He missed her voice just as much as he missed her face, her smile, her laugh, everything about her. He kept thinking about how her high pitched happy tone dropped as soon as she realised she was talking to mason on the phone. Mason cried a little, missing his home.
Millie on the other hand was fuming.
"what the fuck dec" she said throughing the phone back onto his chest.
"he said he wanted to speak to you?" dec asked confused why millie was angry.
"no he didn't! ugh why did you do that?" she was shouting over the music. Mumbling something about how embarrassing that was fir her.
"erm yeah he did, look he misses you too." repeating to the girl what he had just previously said to the boy.
"yeah, was asking if your seeing anyone and that. Asked about harry too," dec laughs, "he's probs stalking you and come across something of you and harry"
And with that Millies eye gloss over 'he still cares'
"but- but on the phone he said he didn't want to talk to me?"
"he's lying, he asks about you more than you ask about him. Fancy another drink?" trying to change the concoction as he was the tears threatening to spill from her eyes.
"I think i'm gonna need it" is all she replied...
omg so that's cheaper two lol hope you guys liked it, it felt kind rushed I dunno but yeh sorry its so short. love u all, thanks for all the kind messages xxxxx
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furnass · 2 years
*forcibly drags you back into the SWQuest fandom* /j
Coco and Milly for the ship thing? Those two clearly have Something going on and it is Strong
Tumblr media
Hi Bugg thanks to you I’m now replaying quest good job/lh/pos
Copernica x Armilly is I think. The only ship I really am a die hard fan of in the fandom, not including any oc stuff. Fully canon, they are my otp. Wether they have romantic or platonic feelings idfc everybody has their own headcanon, but they have some kind of deep and strong connection that goes beyond just normal run of the mill friendship. theres multiple times in the game where they express care for each other, not just 'oh you're my friend' care, care of 'i know and care abt you/love you' kinda way. Also, the ship dynamic of like... the one who doesn't think x the one who does think? yeah, thats good
They're different in many ways but they just sorta fit together, yknow? Okay I'm gonna stop blabbing now LNKJSADSA thank you bugg!
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hello-yue-here · 2 years
because none of my irl friends watch stranger things/arent caught up and i need to make my predictions somewhere ive decided to share my volume 2 predictions here because i need written proof somewhere if im right:
-joyce hopper or murray is gonna die. one of the major deaths will be the three of them. my money is on joyce.
-steve and robin will survive. steve is too popular a character to kill off, people will literally stop watching if he isnt in it. plus im p sure some netflix head or producer or something said steve will never be killed off. i saw this in a screenshot of a news article on twitter that i can no longer find so its possibly fale but i still think its unlikely for steve to die. robin wont die because shes (so far) i think the only canonically confirmed lgbtq+ character and that would look BAD for the duffers. plus we need to see where she and steve work in szn 5. these two i think are safe.
-now. nancy eddie jonathan and argyle. one of them is gonna go. nancy dying would be a HUGE twist considering shes one of the strongest characters (do not tell me shes not. she is.) the end of volume one however makes me think this wont happen because we still see nancy in the trailers so either the trailers are a fake out to make her seem safe or shes actually safe. im up in the air. eddie is a classic case of likable character getting introduced and built up so his death will be more painful (remember bob and alexei? yeah. like that) BUT since hes so heavily queer coded and well liked by fans this could look like killing ur gays again and the duffers may have steered clear. in all honesty my gut is telling me eddie is safe but i know not to trust my gut so out of these four i dont think hes the most likely to die but its still possible. jonathan might go just to give will more angst but at the same time he hasnt been relevant enough this season to make it impactful. however if a jancy break up happens OR nancy dies vecna could use that against him and give him the boot as well. argyle is either totally safe and wont even be all too involved in the season or fighting and remain a comedic side character for szn five or hes gonna make a huge and shocking sacrifice that no one sees coming because of his comedic presence. its a toss up for him. out of these four i think eddie and nancy are the most likely to go because one of the four teens in the upside down is probably gonna go i think.
-dustin. im sorry yall but i think dustin is gonna die. hes been too safe this entire series. hes a lovable character and the glue of the group. they might kill him off to make everything seem hopeless until someone begins to rally behind avenging his death. the glue almost always dies people. im scared for dustin but i rlly think this is the end for him.
-were gonna get a new couple. it wont be steddie or ronance sorry to break it to ya but theyre rlly pushing stancy and honestly i think they might do stancy so steddie and ronance are out of the running. robin and vickie is a possibility for me. i think theyd go for that one.
-mileven wont break up im sorry its not gonna happen millie and finn both have said that theyre like soulmates or some shit in interviews so i dont see that happening anytime soon
-seeing as vecna has never targeted the same person twice (yet at least) i think max and will are both safe and all the theories and ‘evidence’ pointing to will being vecnad are just a red herring
-HOWEVER i do think mike is gonna get vecnad. like dustin he has also been too safe in this show and i think that if something bad happens to eleven or mike (likely) mike is gonna blame himself and vecnas gonna get him
-lucas might also get the chop. i dont have any reasoning for this other than my gut feeling. so maybe not.
-lumax gets back together before tho
-008/kali is gonna return. if not in szn 4 then szn 5. theres just so much left that could be done with her character that could be discovered.
-the painting is gonna be of mike (and possibly the rest of the gang as their dnd characters) and this is gonna lead to will coming out
-jasons gonna get the chop cuz he was what steve was originally meant to be. steve was supposed to die szn one as a typical douchy all american boy but he was too charming and layered ao they kept him. jasons gonna get the chop.
now. what do i WANT to happen?
-everyone survives. ronance. steddie. lumax. mileven break up. i dont know if i want byler to happen or not. i just dont hc mike as anything other than straight but hey if byler ever does happen id be down for it. i just think a mileven break up would be good for mikes character development. dustin and susie reunited. jason getting the chop. argyle and eddie become stoner besties. el and hopper reunion. everyone is happy happy happy. will any of this actually happen? most likely not.
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