#theres alot of situations in this episode
therandosfandos · 5 months
I can't stop thinking about something that happened in the Futurama episode "bots and the bees"
Trigger warning for SA(very bad thing that shouldn't happen whatsoever, do NOT support such a thing, it isn't right)
So, was Bender...SA'd?
Yes, before you try to correct me or ask, men can get assaulted too, it's not just women as men are very very low SA representation in the media as women are more common to be
But this scene in particular, it gives me very uncomfortable feels, as if something isn't right, like it's not...consensual
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And you know what? It really wasn't, because Bev had started it, it was supposed to be an angry fight, really, but then it got a little... intimate and it didn't seem like it was even shared consent
Bev, had started to enjoy it first and bender followed slowly after, but I think in all honesty, it could still be SA, even if the other person enjoys it after a bit
Bender didn't tell her to stop, no, but he really couldn't, and well, the scene cut off after Bender was bashed into the wall again, so there was no idea what happened directly after but bender did say twice on the sidewalk, so what I'm saying may not be true, but there is no evidence that they ACTUALLY got together, bender would be absolutely bloating about getting another girlfriend, and it wasn't even shown nor talked about
So, something about this scene just doesn't feel...like it's right, like what's happening should be happening
And before you go saying, well Bender sa'd too, no he really didn't, he always makes it consensual and other fembots he's with enjoy it, like Bender knew SA was bad, he's not that purely evil, he even showed in Beast In The Billion Backs that love needs to go both ways and happen naturally, not by force, instead this was caused directly on him
Yes, Bev did get pregnant, but she caused it herself in all honesty
And Bender didn't even talk about having the intimate moment, he'd always brag about the misdeeds in the bedsheets, but no one knew that Bev and him did it multiple times
I might be wrong, once again, but this scene just makes me feel so off, and if I'm spreading misinformation, do tell, I am deeply sorry if I am wrong and I would love to hear what actual critics know about this scene as I might be looking into it too hard instead of it being just a one/off gag
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bayon-ett · 7 months
The Bad Batch: Hunter
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I love this show and these characters, but I feel like we need more info on Hunter ya know? (he is my fave) but I feel like theres character development that needs to happen with him. Or at least diving into the character on screen more than ‘oh hey look he’s Omega’s dad’
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I like his character cuz he is the ‘leader’ and so its shown he feels responsible for everyone and he just automatically takes on the main, “parent” role for Omega. He kinda gives me the ‘king’ vibes in the whole Soldier, Poet, King dynamic because he has this sense of duty and responsibility that he maybe didn’t ask for but he will do anyway cuz he feels obligated to. Like as the big brother its obviously his job to watch out for and protect his siblings right? (maybe im projecting but I have four younger siblings)
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anyhoo I feel like this needs to be explored more, or maybe just said out loud by one of the characters. Because alot of people claim Hunter is boring or uninteresting. And hey on surface level in the show there has been some character development on-screen but I feel more could be done.
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When Hemlock threw Tech’s glasses at Hunter after his ‘death’ and said, “this must be hard on you as their leader.”
Of course Hunter feels responsible for Tech’s death, and Omega’s capture, and probably feels guilty as hell about Crosshair’s situation. Yes he is angry at Crosshair but I believe it did deeply hurt him to leave him behind, and then to watch him choose not to go with them.
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When Crosshair and Hunter were having it out in this last episode he said, “You’re just jealous Omega got escaped with my help and not yours.” Crosshair was partially right.
I don’t think Hunter was jealous I think he just felt like he failed. Like he failed Omega, failed Tech, and failed Crosshair.
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idk I just feel like the man is probably dealing with alot but its not said out-loud or explicitly shown so maybe its not noticed by everyone. I feel like he has a potential case of ‘oldest sibling syndrome’ where he feels like he MUST be useful, or MUST be capable of protecting and taking care of his siblings or else, what good is he? What is his purpose? I think maybe Hunter appears ‘boring’ on screen because he doesn’t have time to worry about himself. He comes last in his mind. And so maybe he is shown or seen as bossy and boring because he’s trying to do whats best for everyone so he doesn’t seem interesting.
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blueonwrestling · 9 months
I would like to make the arguement that nobody really deserves an award for being "booker of the year" this year when it comes to american wrestling.
I think All Japan or CMLL's booker should be the winner as they've both had a very hot year each, with my personal vote going to the CMLL booker Painco quite frankly.
Tony Khan has booked Dynamite from a 9 out of 10 weekly show down to a 8 out of 10 weekly show, and while i still think AEW is the best weekly program going in america, booking your show down, even if just by a little doesn't make you the booker of the year, along with 2 aew ppv's being quite weak this year, DoN being the 2nd worst of all time in my opinion and World's End being 3rd worst of all time I just don't think he's had the booker of the year award level good booking, it's been good, but there has been episodes that have sucked.
Also Tony Khan has booked weekly ROH as kinda just maintence booking? The PPV's for ROH have been a run away success and all 3 of them this year have been some of the best, but the weekly tv lacks quality and alot of stories, which they're starting to do more of now absolutely, but alot of ROH matches are announced at the last minute for PPVs instead of being built up.
Weekly NXT shows, I say this unironically, if you like weekly NXT shows that much that you think Shawn Michaels is booker of the year you need to get yourself checked out, how do you dress yourself in the morning, are you mentally all there, are you stupid, are you fucking mental, a horrid product with fucking terrible sub high school drama acting and fucking terrible matches that are the worst of gif wrestling.
And Raw and Smackdown, Smackdown just doesnt matter quite frankly the show doesn't matter at all, nothing happens on Smackdown, and Raw being the best of WWE's tv programmings by default is a nuts situation to say, but Triple H has done a horrible job with pretty much everything on Raw/Smackdown, Rhea has done nothing this year, the fake world title Seth Rollins has is laughable, Cody has been spinning his wheels and Roman still exists.
So theres my thoughts for this "booker of the year" stuff, gun to my head and you force me to pick an american booker im picking Tony Khan, but I still say he's booked AEW into a slightly worse position than it was last year.
Edit* When I say america, I do mean just the bigger promotions, the bois over at DPW and Chris Hero are also in the running for bookers of the year with how well they've booked their small indie promotions.
Revolver and Defy too have had strong years.
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ask #1 do you think Janeway would ever confess her feelings to chakotay
I actually think there's sooo so much of what they understand about their feelings for eachother that we never see on screen. Theres some really lovely moments in the novels in that vein (Read Isabo's Shirt. no really. youll enjoy it 😘)
But setting Beta canon *aside* and working under the assumption that they do not ever talk about feelings during the shows run
I can believe that piece easily. Until Hunters she considers herself engaged to Mark. thats an easy way to justify getting emotionally close to her first officer (for the support and companionship they both need) but never going further with it or discussing it.
And after Hunters is there ever a good moment? for the rest of the series, Chakotay is coping with the trauma of knowing all the maquis in the alpha quadrant were massacred. Something that we see BElanna struggle with but we never see Chakotay's side. We never even see Janeway learn about it.
Theres a metric fuck ton of other trauma these two go through during the show run - the Hirogen enslave and torture the crew for a whole month. Janeway grapples with depression or ptsd or whatever you interpret Night as being. Being assimilated. Memorial. That encounter with the Dauntless. oh and then of course Timeless...
Timeless seems to acknowledge their feelings but subtextually. there still is a lot left unsaid. even if I headcanon that they did have "dessert" in that episode, I think it would have been just a sexual release of the tension between them. Theres being aware that you have mutual feelings. theres acting on them... and then there is actually talking about it. And I suspect that they are both extremely aware of them and think it is only going to make it harder if they talk about it (however right or wrong they are about it).
Regardless, Timeless ending the way it does is another opportunity to spook them both back to opposite corners: not only do they not make it home but Janeway becomes painfully aware of what could have happened in that alternate future. so lets load that onto her heaping high pile of things she feels massive guilt about. Thats not a person who is going to feel free to open up about their feelings. whether it be viewed by her as something she doesnt deserve (for stranding the crew) or something that will be an added burden on Chakotay (to be her partner and her subordinate? perpetually? thats HARD) or on her (potentially needing to be responsible for his death if it happened due to her order? Thats also hard!).
My own timeless theory is that she comes to see these feeling she holds for him as toxic to their goal. she wanted to be back home and able to embrace a chance with him badly enough to overlook the clear risks of the slipstream flight. thats got to weigh heavy on her. This crews lives are in her hands and hers alone. she has to put them first. (And he KNOWS that deeply. establishing a longstanding situation where they both know about theyre feelings. theyre free to act on them and possibly have in the past. but neither feels able to begin talking about them)
The long and short of it is i can easily see them never discussing their feelings during the shows run. acting on and acknowledging them sure, but talking about them, nope. no talking here. (that also would explain his dating Seven in the final season. being in limbo with someone emotionally for that long is unsustainable)
But your question was whether they ever talk about it ever.
I think they definitely do. but it would be a huge thing to approach. theyve hurt eachother. theyve been wounded by the long mission. they are gonna have massive things to adjust to when they get home. (Ex fiance has a preschooler and wants to be friends. all the maquis are dead. family and friends have grown and changed. A whole devastating war happened without them there. Basically I think theres ALOT of more important things theyre gonna need to figure out after Voyager. And they'd do what theyve done for 7 years and lean on eachother. I think they might just wind up in a situation where they only talk about their feelings after theyve all but moved in together.
(God if two characters ever needed couples therapy without technically being a couple it would be these two. Starfleets counselors probably have a field day with everything the Voyager folks are dealing with)
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marxistgnome · 2 years
In celebration of the fucked up lizard baby episode that is threshold here is what i think some other star trek captains would do in that situation:
Captain Kirk: hed also leave them there and piss off in the enterprise cos thats what happens in every episode no matter what went on but i think hed acknowledge it a little more than janeway did. Like once they delizarded him thered be a moment on the bridge where he makes an offhand comment like "well i always wanted children" to the horror of everyone present (yes in this scenario and all following salamander m-preg is involved)
Captain Picard: once he got delizarded there would be alot of deliberation over what to do all of it DEEPLY awkward and eventually it would be decided that theyd construct some sort of scientific observation/nature reserve situation so they could keep an eye in the lizard babies. Occasionally when theyre in that area of space picard drops in to check on them. Just kind of crouches by their pool and stands up really quickly if someone walks in on him
Captain Sisko: absolutely NO CHANCE of him leaving those lizards behind. Benjamin "oooo a baby" Sisko does not care that his childrens are lizards he thinks theyre absolutely adorable and loves them just the same. He brings them back to the station and everyones kinda like uhhhh are u sure and hes like yes! :D and eventually everyone just accepts it. He makes them an enclosure with a pool in it and takes them to baseball games in a 3 tier pram
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very-feral-lesbian · 2 years
i think theres something to be said about the placement of eddie during the sneak peek of 6x11 and what picutures they have chosen to share for next weeks episode
please excuse the quality, im working on getting better screenshots
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this is part of the preview that was shown after last nights episode to tease the next episode
in this clip, each member of the 118 are passing the glass doors, something they *dont* do according to buck last season but of course their team was hurt and they keep moving in
however chim, hen and bobby all stop once they see that bucks being wheeled back
but eddie doesnt, he keeps going. his face is full of determination and hurt and most importantly, fear. he cant stop himself from wanting to follow each movement of buck to make sure he is safe. he is at the forefront of the camera, the videography making it clear that him (and bobby) are the ones in main focus right now
and then they gave us this sneak peek for next weeks episode
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i think theres alot to be said especially since this is one of only two photos released so far about the episode
we already know its going to be a dream/coma episode, but having this interaction of chris coming to the hospital to see buck during this coma speaks volumes
whether the writers like it or not, buck is chris’s second parent, it’s undeniable and this really shows that
chris has seen both of them in unspeakably terrible situations and has always always been a anchor for their recovery. it’s important to note that while is face is clearly showing that he is upset, he is also pretty neutral
and dont be mistaken, he loves buck to the depths of his soul but after seeing what eddie and buck have gone through when one of them is hurt, he knows he needs to be strong for them both
in general, i think its quite interesting that there is such a focus on this subject in the sneak peeks and i think its worth noting that nothing is unintentional
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minthe-lover · 2 years
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So got this comment which followed a few others on this post. You can go read the rest cause I don't feel like taking pictures of them all. Also gonna say this ahead of time so I don't get shit later.. just leave them alone, don't like go and try to debate them in the comments.. I don't feel like dealing with any problems that may cause.
Anyway, as for the most of their first points... I sort of agree in a way. I do think that yes Persephone rebelling is understandable for a teenager along with her view of her mother being muddled by her lack of understanding of her past... but that missed like three main points.
One, if we are supposed feel the same way as Persephone towards her mother.. why are we shown things that show us her struggles and traumas. We are shown Demeters past and her actions and we can see very well that they aren't as bad as Persephone and the story makes them out to be.
Two if persephones negative view of Demeter is from her lack of understanding of her past... why does every other character treat her like shit.. despite knowing her pass. We have hecate ignoring her worries of her daughter, Hera undermining her decisions were demeter is rightfully worried, and zeus/hades/ Poseidon horrible sexism and treatment of Demeter.
Three is tied to a point she specifically brought up with how you know persephone was being watched 24/7 and thats bad... which I see alot of fans bring up but also ignore the fact that she was only being watch constantly after she was SEXUAL ASSAULTED. Like she was manipulated into kissing and almost having sex with Ares and after the fact Demeter didn't want to risk her being alone... that is clearly something that Persephone could put together the reason Demeter wants it.
Like they say it herself that we the readers see the complexity of the situation but we the reader are still only shown a negative view of Demeter... I mean christ we have a flash back of hades completely dicking Demeter over and the next chapter we are suppose to think Demeter is a terrible person for not wanting her daughter to date him.
if the nuances I'm loosing is just that we should be feeling and following everything Persephone does and just ignore Demeters past and simply hate her along with Persephone... then whats the point? Like saying that it's kinda shitty how Demeter is treated like trash by most of the characters in this comic and framed as a terrible abuser even when we see she's not is missing the nuances that persephone feel like she's a terrible person.
Anyway.. so the last comment is the one I showed above... which is just bad. She doesn't exactly give any context on why we are bad faith actors for thinking that hades being forgive for a bunch of past abuse cause of his trauma without actually ever apologizing... Is bad-
So in the end I'mma just link a few posts for people to read where I think this stuff has already been explained pretty well.
Theres a more sarcastic post about how Demeter is demonized, a bit old but still brings up good points. here
There are episode analysis of chapter to cover thanatos and hades relationship and how hades is written to be an asshole but the story treats him as just passively rude. also it does cover some other stuff in the chapters but still. 216, and 217
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bugisawesomeasf · 9 months
Yo if you have the energy for stranger things, full on Nancy wheeler character analysis please?
uhh lol wasnt expecting this tbh but uhh sure !
so i think the main thing about nancy is that shes just idk sort of selfish in a way even if she doesn’t like mean to be, she just is (and thats fine! character flaws are cool.)
like i can’t remember what episode but i know it was before barbs death she was complaining about how inconvenient will going missing is or some shit. which yknow not the best way to react to your brother’s friend going missing (yikes)
i think like barbs death is an obvious example of her being kind of selfish, but when she realizes oh shit barbs gone shes literally does everything she can to save her (also note thats when she got involved in wills whole situation)
she gets to kill the demogorgan and it feels good getting revenge for barb
but its still not enough her best friends gone but will isnt will got saved.
and idk i think thats sort of the reason why shes very distant towards mike (why do you get to keep yours and i have to lose mine?) obviously she cant be mad at will so she has to be mad at mike.
in season 2 she like very obviously does wanna be with steve because barb’s basically haunting that relationship. she cant look at steve without feeling bad about barb (not to mention she literally has meals with barb’s parents with him)
and the her and jonathan find some sketchy shit the governments doing and so nance is like maybe if i like expose this i can avenge her again and i can stop feeling guilty all the time so she does that and she feels good for awhile but its not permanent and before she knows it she feels shitty again
in season 3 she’s dealing with alot not only is she dealing with the guilt of barbs death now she’s dealing with the patriarchy (cant she catch a break)
another thing to add is how she selfishly plans to investigate the rat thing (i forgor what exactly it was) and gets herself and jonathan fired. and her whole argument with him which was genuinely so awful of her.
she has a cute little girl power moment with her mom (its weird tbh because on one hand slay feminism on the other its like girl 🤨)
and she starts investigating again then the mind flayers back and i genuinely think a part of her was like maybe if i kill it i can actually avenge barb this time.
then her and jonathan reconcile which btw she doesn’t apologize about her oliver twist comment (idk who to blame her or the writers)
but along the way mike argues with max and yknow instead of defending your brother like a normal sister, shes on maxs side. and its just heartbreaking to see honestly.
they’re literally siblings but they act like they only know each other through a mutual friend (if that makes sense) and i just know in some universe her and mike stop talking. she has a positive relationship with literally everyone in the party except her brother :(
oh and in season 4 her whole plan to kill vecna she was like hey this is the real bitch who killed her let me avenge her again so she makes a plan where she can be the one to kill him so she can be the hero it doesn’t work
(also note the fact that she doesn’t hug mike when they reunite)
idk if i did her justice with this ‘analysis’. idk my thoughts are really scattered when it comes to her also i haven’t rewatched this show in so long so
also wanted to say this i feel like the fandom has a really black and white sense of morality when it comes to the characters which is weird because whats the fun that like flaws make character’s really good also theres this added element of her being a girl and how girls are literally not allowed to be given flaws or else they’re immediately categorized as a bitch by people
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healyh8ter · 2 years
just saw your take on the podcast and i agree. feel like even if it is satirical which some people are saying it is, there is a line and that line was crossed.
i’ve seen online that the hosts are jewish and gay so people were saying them two were allowed to make their jokes abt jewish ppl and gay ppl but honestly idk i try and stay off stan twitter because everything is taken out of context i never know what’s a good source.
listened to the whole episode myself and i only laughed once and it happened to be at matty getting caught jacking off because god that is just awkward. after that, there wasn’t anything funny in the actual episode and even if we’re all “a bunch of snowflake twitter stans” as we’re being called online like i’d rather that than be a bigot tbh.
are you staying away from the situation or are you actively debating it? i tried to share my thoughts on twitter but was told i do not understand satirical comedy or what centre-left politics are (even though i’m one of the most political and educated people you’ll meet) by some man so i left twitter for today.
not sure what to do because i am a massive fan of their music and hold it extremely close to me, it’s also my special interest as an autistic person and hard to give up easily- any advice? :)
hey there, im glad we agree on things and most people seem to agree with my take on here.
about the hosts being gay and jewish i have no clue but im literally a gay man and some of the comments he made about gay men i personally wasn’t offended? i just dont wanna be offended by such immature jokes. however everyones feelings are valid because some of the other jokes were pretty vile. im definitely not taking away from how women and other poc mentioned must feel right now. Its not great. i see u all and how horrible u must feel. im really sorry.
i agree about the twitter thing, stay outta there!! alot of information and statments wont be true or they’ll be twisted and also twitters just stressful as a whole, i saw incels attacking the 1975twt and alot ppl had to go private.
the podcast REALLY WASNT FUNNY, truly i don’t get the humour in it at alllll. i literally felt pure embarrassment and just cringed multiple times really did feel like a teenage boy conversation.
OH MY GOD! i get u about the special interest thing, it’s literally why i made this blog. i’d say dont bother debating especially on twitter. no matter what you’ll say someone will have an offhand comment to say and its not worth it. whatever you think is right stick by that. but if u do debate please be mindful of everyone and how they feel.
i know im definitely not abandoning this blog or my interest im just gonna stay vigilant of what part of the band i am supporting, i support the music and the art they make and even some points matt’s made in the past have been really good!!. i just don’t support certain things mattys said or done before and now. i’ve been a fan for a long while so theres alot i’ve stuck through in terms of matty being stupid. getting flashbacks to 2021
anyways i say do what u personally think is right. just stay respectful and mindful of others in the process!
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quarkslobes · 2 years
The Next Generation!
for the ask game!!
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
data. DATA. he is my favorite character of all time. i could write (and have written) essays on his emotions but to sum it up he has them and u cannot tell me otherwise. he's a cat lover he's an artist he's a sherlock cosplayer he's a poet, whats not to love. picard is up there as well because i love his character arc but data is forever my fave
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
geordi and data!! i don't want to repeat data in every question but geordi alone and their friendship is so cute. geordi is shaped like a friend and i just feel like hes the most genuine guy there, like he would just be your pal in any timeline. i could totally just hang with him in 2022 and the 2300s yknow
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
ro laren? troi? barclay? too many under appreciated characters to name. but i always really related to barclay and i was so happy even when i was little that they added a character with real life problems like anxiety and not just transporter accidents and all. ro was a favorite as a kid and has a really cool arc, but i dont see her talked about alot. i didn't like troi at all when i was younger but now i kinda separate the character from the writing and u know what it was not deannas fault they only gave her like one episode of character development. i adore her and the gene roddenberry vision of being in tune with emotions/therapy being so important that its on the bridge of a starship is wonderful
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
guinan!!!!!!!! any lady with a cool hat and witchy powers is my friend. she stabbed Q with a fork and basically spirit-guided picard across time, then fenced with him for ten years until he found out. queen. and other obscure fave- lal!!! my beloved baby we are completely ignoring the fact she died idc. im considering doing a rewrite fic of "the offspring" where lal lives and data realizes he has emotions
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
lore for sure. he has that morally questionable thing going on that i love. lore's backstory is so sad to me because literally if noonien had just realized he was alive he could have tried to help him. and his reaction when he finds out noonien is dying is my one and only piece of evidence that he's good but im clinging to it
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Q? picard? i love the ep where Q becomes human because its basically this prompt in canon form, putting him in a little jar and tormenting him. i do like him i just think its funny when he suffers idk. with picard he is so repressed i just wanna put him a tapestry style situation where he has to cope with one emotion and watch him go wild
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
i dont think theres even a tng character i hate? i guess the borg in general? maybe those admirals who tried to say data didn't have rights or lal had to go to starfleet
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eponymoussquared · 2 years
The only good thing Velma has done.
Velma is a train wreck. As everyone knows. It'd be an insult to the Scooby-Doo franchise if it was actually part of the Scooby-Doo Franchise, but its not. You can't have an origin story if the characters aren't in the origin. Somehow, nobody realized this.
However, Velma has done one good thing, and a very good thing at that. Let's talk about Be Cool Scooby Doo.
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I never watched Mystery Incorporated beyond a few episodes, which were admittedly very good. The old cartoons were also before my time. So this was one of the first iterations I got into. While this did-mean I didn't appreciate the in-jokes, I still loved it. It was funny, had surprisingly three-dimensional characters while also being overexaggerated caricatures at the same time, and while the story structure was formulaic, they were also willing to subvert and play with it. There was meta-humor, but ti was more characters talking about how unlikely the situation was, or how they keep meeting monsters, instead of deliberately mentioning shows.
It wasn't anything groundbreaking, but I liked it alot. However, apparently that wasn't a popular opinion. Alot of people didn't like the show because of the artstyle(apparently it reminded them of family guy, although I don't see it) and just-never watched it. Combined with Cartoon Network airing it at bad times and alot of troubled production, it kind of fell under the radar for the most part, and wasn't super well liked, especially after Mystery Incorporated being so serious, and Be Cool being so silly. Then Velma came, and people started to get nostalgic for the old shows. They also seem to have rediscovered this show along the way, and now many are wondering if they were a bit harsh towards it. Seriously, I've seen the comment "Perhaps I was a bit harsh towards you" regarding the show about one million times now. They found that the jokes were funny, the characters were likable, and everyone wasn't a jerk with no redeeming qualities. I always liked Be Cool, from the character dynamics(Shaggy and Scooby being so used to being chased by monsters they're experts at distracting them so they can escape, even spontaneously finding costumes somehow, Daphne being incredibly eccentric but also being the heart of the group, encouraging them when their down and always reassuring anyone who needs help. Its the most personality I've seen of here in-almost anything, really.) Velma(The be cool version[The 'Cool' version, if you will....you won't? Yeah, okay, thats fair]) is a bit toned down if anything, very deadpan and tired, but that makes it a lot funnier when she's actually emotional, and she is still invested in helping her friends out and having a good time solving mysteries with them. She's definitely alot more caring then her Indian counterpart. Sure she still has snark, but she's also willing to give affection and actually call the gang friends.
Then theres Fred. He's a bit meaner here,(due to spoiler reasons-yes he has reasons why, but I won't tell) but he's far from incapable of introspection, often realizing his desire to solve mysteries, and take the lead on them, can make people upset or get hurt. While he usually ends up being somewhat right, he does still learn a lot by being around the gang. I've heard some people theorize that Velma(In the eponymous show, not the Be cool version) is supposed to be seen as a jerk, so that we can watch her grow into a better person. From what little I've seen of the show(no, Im not watching it, i've heard enough horror stories), that might be true, but the fact is she's not likable enough to want to stick around for. The gang in Be cool are fun to watch, even when some of them are being jerks. And while its sad it took Velma to get people to give this show a chance, I'm very happy its starting to get some of the recognition it deserved. Stay Cool, Scooby Doo.
TL;DR: If you have a bad taste in your mouth from Velma and want some good-old fashioned mystery solving-fun with the gang, while still being able to poke fun at them a little without poking fun at YOU for watching them, watch Be Cool Scooby Doo. It's a pretty good time.
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yeahmiknight · 28 days
TW/CW theres SSO MUCH. Hi its me after having a really bad episode or something im going to tell you all my story in full detail as much as I can remember because I cant take it anymore if any of the people named see this please understand if I dont do this I might actually off myself because this has gone on too long. I wont hide anymore I wont I dont know I dont actually know lets begin can you tell im not recovered? I joined the Mark101/TBOTV community maybe a year or two ago? And met two people, a guy named Jax and a guy named Alex. I bonded with both of them quickly though Alex grew on me more because we seemed to have alot more in common than I did with Jax. I started a server for the TBOTV community known as Offbrand and it was all nice until Alex started feeding off of the times I felt vulnerable and started telling me my friends (more specifically Jax for some reason) were bad people who were actually doing bad things. My PERSECUTOR in my system (why is that in all caps?) jumped on the opportunity to hurt us or well me- the host. I did not know he existed at the time and I was gaslit in a sense to believe everything Alex was telling me. Now you might be asking fib why didnt you get away from the other guys? Because I was an emotionally unstable bastard who couldn't let go of people. Eventually I had a meltdown and deleted the server and Jax became PISSED and did something small I cant remember but it made me feel worse during my meltdown. We 'made up' I think but the relationship was toxic in a sense as I still had Alex breathing down my neck and as time went on the relationship with Jax got worse and the relationship with Alex turned into online sexual abuse and emotional manipulation which I started taking without protesting because I never thought I would get out of it. My persecutor would constantly do things to start fights with Jax and I would be left completely clueless dealing with the fights which led me to try and find reasons for why they were even happening which Jax took as excuses and only left me more confused and heartbroken. I never understood what was going on and only knew I was a horrible person despite my actions not being my own. I always wanted second chances but never understood that it would never ever ever ever ever ever end ever. I would feel genuine fear around Jax but I would struggle to leave, I felt stuck between two people and I could never say anything about what Alex was doing to me or anything remotely right about the Jax situation because I never even knew what was happening. I was completely silent, and I suffering getting my shit rocked by Jax and his friend for things Alex encouraged and my persecutor jumped on, I thought I would never be able to leave so I took it and it only made me worse. Alex told me not to tell anyone he was saying anything because he couldn't have the community attacking him for 'exposing a bigger person in the community' and told me that if I ever told anyone even my closest friend that he would not only blackmail me but come to my house, kidnap me and rape me which for further context. This guy had my address. And he knew when I was home alone because my parents would always leave at a specific time for work and we would always play games right as they left. I dont know how he got it, but he had it, and he made sure I knew he had it. I couldnt do anything, so I stayed silent forever and ever while he breathed down my neck and told me so many things so so many things I cannot share about myself about what he would do and nobody ever knew. Ontop of this with the Jax situation and I just lost it. It went on for months until it was 'stopped' when I got banned from MWD for my persecutor saying a word they should not have said. it didn't stop. Ive been living with this for so long, I know this wont reach the people who were apart of it but I want people to know this, I need people to know this. is this my resolution? Im sorry Jax Im sorry Hob Im sorry Xonxt Im sorry Mark im sorry this ever happened but it did and I will suffer for it
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rainbowkirby · 1 month
Mortal Kombat Bloodline Episode 5 Shirai Ryu
During the war between the Empress Mileena vs ShaoKhan, Dairou Took Splinter Liuchai KungJin and Silver somewhere safe.
Dairou: Come on this Way!
So Dairou use a A Portal gem that Havik Give Him and then Use it to go to the portal and Take Splinter and Silver with Him.
Kano: There's no where for you to Go.
But Unfortunately Kano Knocked Dairou Down and then Kano Tries to kill Him. But Splinter attacks Kano to Save his Brother. Silver grabs a Portal gem and put it in her pocket and tries to save Dairou and Splinter. Kung Jin and LiuChai attacks Shao's Army.
Dairou is Doing Okay Thanks to Splinter for distracted Kano. Silver But Kano Attack Splinter and Silver and Dairou Tries to attack Kano. Kano punch Splinter right to his Stomach. But Then Splinter Started immediately Feeling Nauseous Again.
Kano: Theres no way you can beat me you little Shit.
Suddenly Splinter Puke acid On Kano's Left Eye on his Face. Kano: Ahhhhhhhh
Kano Screaming in Pain, So Splinter can Get Away. Kano is Still Alive.
Luckly Splinter Dairou and Silver finally Got away.
Silver: Here, Good thing Kano didn't get it
Dairou: Thanks
So Silver Gives a Portal Gem to him and Dairou use it to Create a Portal to go a Different Realm.
Dairou use the Portal and Takes LiuChai KungJin Silver And Splinter to the other side.
Meanwhile at Shirai Ryu Scorpion Also as known as Kuai Liang teach his students Hanzo to his training.
Scorpion: You doing Great, Hanzo. Your getting there.
Hanzo: Still Making Progress But I'll get there. So tell me About your Siblings, I know Smoke is Loyal to you, but Why your Brother Bi Han, Does he Betrayed you? he was supposed to be there for you as a Brother though
Scorpion: It's Complicated to tell you.
Hanzo: You can Always tell me, You don't have to Hide Things. I'll do Anything to Protect this Place.
Scorpion: it's not the time to Talk about it right now. Come on, There a New Student who wants to join, you should meet them.
A moment later scorpion introduce Their new Student to join the Shirai Ryu.
Scorpion: I like to introduce my new Student he's here to Join you. There is Takeda, Cyrax, Cassie Cage and Cole Young.
Hanzo: Wow, I can't wait to show them to do martial arts just you taught me.
Takeda: It's nice to meet you Hanzo.
Hanzo: I'm glad for you to Join us Takeda Takahashi.
Cyrax: I'm excited to join.
Cassie: Yeah, I can't Wait to show some actions. My Dad is a Movie star and a Martial arts. Maybe one day I can Show him what I can do after the training.
Cole Young: Im glad They chose me, because I'm here to fight for my Family, so since the Master's Family and I have alot in common, there is a good chance to have this opportunity.
Cassie: Wow that's awesome. Who knows you might become a Badass Father protect the family, I love it.
Cyrax: believe it or not, this might be a good Opportunity for us.
Hanzo: Glad to Here.
Scorpion: Okay Students, It's time for the first Training, today we are about to learn to What I Teach my Son how to Do and Hanzo Can Show you.
Hanzo teach them how to do Martial Arts just like his father teach him. But then the portal interrupted by a Portal. Theres Raiden Kung Lao Fujin Kenshi and Johnny Cage. Tried to warns them About the situation of Mantro and Sinister Takes Down LiuKang in the hourglass.
Raiden: Kauai Liang, We Have a Problem, We need to Talk.
Cassie: Dad?
Johnny: Cassie, what are you Doing Here (JohnnyCage is happily to see Her)
A moment later they all sitting down chatting about the plan that what we can do to stop the shadow realm invasion what Sinister Creates.
Fujin: Mantro sending us up and started the invasion to destroy Every realm he'll get his hands on. If we don't stop Sinister and Mantro, and rescue Liu Kang and Geras we will all be doomed.
Scorpion: I don't Understand, I thought the crisis was over.
Raiden: we thought so to, scorpion we feel like the same way.
Scorpion: that's impossible.
Cyrax: How powerful is he, is he worse then Titan Havik and Titan ShangTsung.
Fujin: he is far Dangerous then a other titans.
Cassie: so what's so special about Titans anyway? Are they invincible?
Fujin: Titans are God's, Liu Kang is a god, we must rescue him so he can stop Sinister.
Raiden: perhaps, that's part of the plan. we to figure it out.
Cole Young: I can't leave my family behind, what should I do?
Raiden: I'm sure their gonna be okay, we can figure it out to get them Safe.
Cole Young: there's anything I can do to Protect Them? Please, take me Home, I need to make sure my family is okay. please!
Cassie: Easy, I'm sure Their okay. Just call them and text them.
Takeda: just Calm Down....(To Cole Young)
Cole Young: "Sigh" your Right, Sorry. I'm gonna Try to call them.
Later Cole Young trying to call his wife on the phone and trying to reach. His finally answered.
Allison: Hey, Babe, How is your experience with the Shirai Ryu?
Cole Young: It was great, I just wanna call and check on you to make sure your and my daughter okay.
Allison: Yeah, were fine, Same here. Emily and I missing you Alot.
Cole Young: I miss you guys Too.
meanwhile In Ohio, Allison and Her Daughter Emily and her Cat Sparky the Siamese Cat. They been talking about wanting to go the Shirai Ryu to See Cole Young one day.
Emily: Mom, how long he gonna be back, I wish I could come to Shirai Ryu to visit him.
Allison: Eventually, we will visit him or he can come over.
Emily: what if he's not gonna protect us?
Allison: nothing is bad gonna Happen, Sweetheart.
Sparky cuddle on Emily and comforting her.
Later it's midnight Allison and Emily sleeping in apartment but suddenly someone Breaking ti their apartment. Allison and Emily here's that noise and had no idea what's going on.
Emily: Mom what's Going on?
Allison: Stay with me. It's gonna be okay.
Suddenly there's Daegon, Mavado and Jarek arrived to a Apartment.
Daegon: Ah, the Earthrealmers, how pathetic.
Mavado: what should we do, Boss? Kill Em?
Daegon: No, Mantro Wants them Alive. And Speaking of which, we're gonna use them to become Kano's Prisoners. Just in Case we can use them to Fight Against Another Opponent.
Allison: Let us Go!!!
Daegon: How about No..
Jarek: Should We keep the Cat?
Mavado: Screw the Cat.
But Jarek take a Cat anyway The Cat Scratch Jarek's Face
Jarek: Ow you Basterd
And Jarek puts a cat in the bag.
Allison calls Cole and tell em that she and her daughter Kidnapped by the Black Dragon, Cole Finally answered. But Mavado Grabs Allison's Phone let Allison talks to Cole.
Cole Young: (on the phone) Hello?
Allison: Cole, Please, Help Us, their kidnapping us, Please.
Cole:(on the phone)Oh Shit, By Who? I'm coming Right Now.
Daegon Kidnapped Emily and Allison. Jarek Grabs Emily and Mavado Grabs Allison to take them with Daegon. To Take them to the sketchy place where the Black Dragon is. And there nothing they can do to save em. Daegon snatched Allison's Phone from Mavado and Talks to Cole.
Meanwhile in Shirai Ryu, Cole is still on the phone to see what's going on.
Cole: Allison, Talk to me....you there?
Suddenly a Deep voice respond Cole on the phone it was Daegon.
Daegon: Hello, Cole. Do you know who I am.
Cole: Who the fuck are you. WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY WIFE AND MY DAUGHTER???
Daegon: if you want to have them back, then you gonna have to come to ShangTsung's Island to get them. Besides You have been already invited. By the way I'm name is Daegon.
Takeda Cyrax Hanzo and Cassie looks Worried and they see Cole on the Phone. They are wondering what's going on.
Cassie: Hey, Everything Okay?
Cyrax: I don't Like how this is Going.
Takeda: me Either.
Cole: Fine, I'll go, Only if you don't Hurt my Family once If I get there and I will find you and I will kill you! (Reference of the movie Taken)
Cole hangs up the Phone and told to others to come with Cole to go to Shang Tsung's Island.
Cassie: Dramatic Reference Of Taken if you ask me...
Cole: guys, I just Find out that my Family is Kidnapped, I have to Save them.
Cyrax: By Who?
Cole: the red dragon and the black Dragon his name is Daegon.
Takeda: I remember him, He is one the Criminal that who killed my Mother.
Cole: Shit, Sorry to hear that. Are you coming with us?
Cassie: Are you kidding, Hell yeah, Were in.
Takeda: Same.
Cyrax: we will do what ever it takes to protect Earthrealm.
Hanzo: No Matter I want to come, but I have to be there for my master. You guys can go.
So Cole Young Cassie and Cyrax are planning to go to Shang Tsung's Island.
Meanwhile in Outworld during War Mileena Fight Against Shao Khan. They are fighting like cats and dogs. Tanya Lei Mei Kitana Tanya and Jerrod are lock in the Cage. Mileena Fights really Hard to Fight Against Shao Khan but Shao Khan is Too strong for Mileena to fight Him. So Shao Khan knocks Mileena Down.
ShaoKhan: Look at you. You call yourself a empress, look at you. You are nothing but a fool nothing but a Rat of diseases just like the others. You should of be banished to the Waste.
Reiko: Since your the emperor, General. I think you should banished her right now...
ShaoKhan: Good Idea, take Mileena and the rest of them to the dungeon. Because Now I'm am a Ruler of Outworld Now..
His Army took Mileena and the rest of em to the dungeon. And Mantro is Thrilled to see it.
ShaoKhan: Thanks to you sorcerer, for Giving me more then Perfection.
Mantro: It's been a Pleasure, General, you earn it.
ShaoKhan: I'm no longer a General. You should Call me a Emperor Shao Khan. conquer of Outworld.
Mantro: and One more thing.
Mantro use his Power to Turn the Palace into Shao Khan Palace. Baraka, Ashrah and Syzoth looks at it and not Happy about it.
Syzoth: This can't be Good.
Ashrah: Mantro must be created the world into Agony.
Baraka: I must protect My Colony in Pronto!!
After the War Fail, Shao Khan is now a Ruler in Outworld Mantro Force Posses Havik to Join Shao Khan as A Bodyguard. Posse Havik Standing next to ShaoKhan. Reiko is thrilled to see Shaokhan is now sitting in the Throne.
ShaoKhan: Reiko?
Reiko: Yes, Emperor?
ShaoKhan: You are now Become a General.
Reiko: I am more then Happy to Serve you.
ShaoKhan: and you.(To Posses Havik)
Posses Havik: Yes, Emperor anything you say.
ShaoKhan: Good
Mantro: So Do not Fail him, Havik, or will kill your Bratty Sons of Yours. ShaoKhan is now your Master
PossesHavik: Yes, Mantro. (Havik's Starting to have tears. Even he's been Possessed.)
The whole army Cheers for the new emperor Shao Khan.
ShaoKhan: Since I am the emperor, I can Now rule and now one will stop me. I AM SHAO KHAN!!!! CONQUER OF OUTWORLD!!!!!! NO ONE WILL STOP ME NOW!!!! FEEL THE POWER OF SHAOKHAN!!!!!!!
To be Continue......
Episode 6 Corrupted Forest of the Dead.
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kokocactus · 1 year
if you will indulge me in a rant: i feel like sao couldve been an incredible anime, unfortunately it trips over an insane amount of fanservice of the female characters.. whicu is where alot of animes fall into of course but like.. idk i feel like it couldve had such a rich and deeper meaning and like.. treated situations a bit heavier? idk. the fairy king is stull someone that grosses me out till this day. it might be the nostalgia talking as iirc sao was my first anime but. theres something about those few episodes in the first half of S1 where everything is kinda calm that keeps me coming back despite some major problems. kiritos and asunas relationship is very important to me. its an isakei without ridiculous fantasy truck-kun. and with the state of ai and vr tech its a very real possibility and i think it could have a strong message against the companies that take advantage of both their employees and consumers when they release potentially harmful rushed games or just straight up broken ones to their audience. which, unfortunately is happening more and more often as the demand and trend for new games rises and rises over the recent years (cough cough cyberpunk 2077, security breach, my wedding stories) though obviously indie games arent. i feel like it couldve been so much more… i cant explain it. or im just insane and need to make my own story that does that kinda thing. games and stories and art mean so much to me, can you tell
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captainwholecake · 2 years
Hey can I have a hc with zoro, ace, law x sleepy crush reader sleep in his arms and before she falls asleep she says that she feels safe in their arms?
a/n: This is gender netural, like always, because while I was gone for so long I came to terms that I’m non binary and it’s probably the reason I make everything I write gn.
warnings: fluff, GENDER NETURAL
Roronoa Zoro
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* this may be my new favorite Zoro gif
I like to imagine this happened while said person was drunk
Unlike Zoro they do not have a high tolerance for alcohol and a are cuddly drunk stfu
I like to think it’s his favorite thing about them
He just drinks while allowing them to cuddle him a like a koala
Occasionally gives them the alcohol bottle hes drinking out to take a sip despite them being wasted beyond repair because he thinks its funny
He’s just sitting there drinking and laughing at their drunken slurs when he hears it
And Zoro just melts right then and there
Portgas D. Ace
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* I’m behind on episodes so I don’t where this from but words can’t explain how happy I was to see an Ace gif I haven’t used before and how fucking cute he is
I like to imagine this relationship was already breaching the word platonic so being intimate as besties was already thing going on
That reminds of this on time in my music appreciation freshmen year where a girl who was a sophomore was sitting in her friends lap and they got in trouble by the teacher and her only defence was “what he’s gay” only for the teacher to respond “and I don’t care it against the rules” and then told us about students who did worst in his class
Anyways, what I’m saying is it wouldn’t be exactly strange to have them falling asleep in his arms after something
Just sitting there all peaceful. I think Ace would really enjoy times like this. He gets to sit there with his favorite person in the word with no care in the world
And theres no doubt he doesn’t find a way to doze off himself after awhile
He lays his head on top of theirs probably kisses it too (because fucking god Ace is soft bf material)
Then he hears it and oh boy is he over the goddamn moon. So, jsut sitting there smiling his ass off before dozing off again
Trafalgar Law
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The reason why I believe Law and them werre this situation was they couldn’t sleep and Law was like fine I’ll hold you until you fall asleep
He secretly enjoys it tell me I’m wrong
He sitting there with them in his lap while they hold him like a koala while doing something probably related to doctor shit
But hey at least his favorite person is the one doing
You know, that one heartstopper audio on tiktok that is from the audio book for nick and charlie? When charlie says things nick likes the sound felt tips make on paper??? pov thats why they like to sleep in law’s arms because I believe law would use felt tip pens
Like Ace, I believe he’d really like the peacefulness of it all. Him just writing shit down with his felt tip pen in one hand and the other hand and arm is wrapped around their waist so they don’t fall
55% sure Law definitely felt like he was dreaming when he heard what they mumbled but he also definitely smiled when he realized he wasn’t
a/n: prepare for alot of updates tomorrow, I finally got myself to fully re download tumblr and I work box office at my job tomorrow , I work in a movie theatre, and have to sit at the very front all alone and do tickets for 6 hours. So, I’ll be writing inbetween the times people come in for tickets and will reopen requests once I’m done SO PREPARE
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filmmakerdreamst · 3 years
your top 5 dasey episodes?💕
1. Home Movies
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OK. Their fight at the beginning screams UST (and also kickstarts the episode)
Casey is trying to interview Derek about the family and he surprisingly gets really pissed at her. They fight alot in this show, but this is the first time he legitimately shouts at her while being dead serious/visably hurts her feelings and vice versa.
He's clearly mad that she left him out of something that deeply effects him. Hes never been good at expressing feelings which leads to him bottling them up and letting them out in an unhealthly way (sometimes I feel this dude needs more therpy than Casey). Even though, he likes his new step-family, he still had no say in the matter at the end of the day e.g. This is not a picture perfect family Casey, this is a mess of a family thats making the best of a contrived situation.
And its very obvious to me, that he clearly loves her by this point, and he resents the fact that he does. e.g. 'My Dads decisions put me in this mess'
It gave me a slight reminder of 'Flowers in the Attic' (even though thats a totally different kettle of fish) where the two eldest siblings fall in love with eachother because of the situation they are forced under by their parents (i.e. emotional neglect etc)
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And the ending scene where they playfight over a video of Derek filming her brushing her teeth, is like my favourite moment between them ever. Its so cute and touchy feely and full of love. I tell you, in another situation, this would end in sex. (not even sorry right now)
2. Adios Derek
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This could be my top favourite (if it wasn't for 'Home Movies') because it just shows how much Derek is obssessed with his step-sister, to the point that hes told hes going to be sent away to another continent.
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The thing he pranks Casey about is strangely specific. Hes just found out she keeps a poetry column. He hacks her computer, and changes the poem she writes - to a limmick that he wrote. I dono - its just a little weird if he doesn't have feelings for her.
Also possibly my favourite moment is at the end of the episode, where he gives her an advanced copy of the school paper (without being asked) where he had her real poem published, along side funny poetry that he wrote about her. Thats peak romance for me.
3. Things that Go Bump in the Night
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This episode is such a choatic mess OMG. The way Casey is eager to impress Derek by sneaking out with him. Their married bicker in the car -- which leads to them denting the other car. Them acting like 'a couple' who might get found out by the rest of the family. I love every bit of it. I've said this before but its almost like a G rated version of them going on a date secretly and the family finding out.
4. March Break
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Very Obvious Choice. But come on. Why did George and Nora leave them alone together?
I just think its funny how this episode has a contrast of the family road trip vs Derek and Casey at home, circling each other, reinacting 'Creul Intentions'.
It just shows how the show genre is split in half. There's the family-friendly comedy of George and Nora and Lizzie, Edwin and Marti. And theres the whatevers going on with Derek and Casey. They are an genre in itself (heh heh)
5. Dinner Guest
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I love this episode for the primal reason that he calls Casey's Dad back after seeing Casey upset. I feel this is one of those pivotal moments in their relationship. And he's not even there when Casey's Dad comes back, which means he didn't even want the credit. He just wanted to see her happy. Great character development for Derek.
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