#there is something seriously wrong at churchill downs
yamimichi · 1 year
This is unbelievably tragic and heartbreaking. And totally unheard of! I would love to know WTAF is going on at Churchill Downs.
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reinabeestudio · 2 years
That Obyn post got more love than I expected, so I’ve decided to share all information I got related to him. But that’d make it a short post, so I’m sharing my other favorite Heroes as well (Quincy, Benji and Captain Churchill)💌
I wrote down everything I could find, but I might have missed stuff or got something wrong. And don’t take these too seriously, this is something I did for myself. Nothing is set in stone!
The spirits he uses to attack return to him.
“Nature’s spirits will never be diminished, only transformed.”
Ocean Obyn is called Ocyn apparently (idk bro)
Bigger than dart monkeys!
Much older than he looks (old as the forests)
Likes taking long walks along the beach during Summer.
Second most cuddly
Goes hiking a lot
Very fuzzy
His pet (the spirit wolf cub) is called Fluffy
Likes mint ice cream
Raised by wolves??? (a mess at the dinner table)
Likes philodendrons
Favorite color is green
Likes to make fresh salads that he brings to eat at his friends’ places
Tends to supervise Gwen's visits to the forests
MIGHT do knitting and macrame (not sure of this one tho)
Tells a lot of puns.
Has a crush on Gwen! Think she’s very cool (Might be one-sided…)
Implied he already confessed (again, one-sided??)
Practises with his bow in his free time.
Or hang out with the other heroes!
Fourth most cuddly
Biggest crybaby
Needs a hug… (yes this is vital canon information)
Still hunting for that DDT (Cyber Quincy lore ig)
Has the biggest wardrobe
Loves a good photoshoot and likes to practice by striking poses lol
Gets real sad when somethings gets past his bow (F in the chat)
Tried to teach Pat how to use his bow but it was a too small.
Surprisingly buff! (Due to the draw force of his bow)
Does his own haircut
Sometimes like to use darts
All the dart monkeys like him!
Cries the most out of all the heroes
Eats banana porridge for breakfast
Favorite color is orange
Hosted a party on New Year’s Eve (everyone came!)
Apparently the best athlete (he’s very talented)
Thinks crossbows are lazy (lmao)
Shaves his eyebrow to look cool.
Big PC gamer, loves MOBAs
Wears formal clothes because likes to feel fancy
Likes to work out
Might not have went to school???
Has his own mixtape as a DJ
LOVES karaoke
Makes synthwave music, also listens to dubstep
Favorite type of sushi is California Roll
Favorite color is silver
Seems to like anime?? (apparently he watched Sword Art Online)
The Biggest Narcissit™
Hides in his room with the AC up in Summer
Might secretly listen to Mariah Carey (All I Want For Christmas is- )
Has many computers/mobile devices at his disposal
Sixth most cuddly
Yells BENJAMMIN IS IN THE HOUSE when he’s home (based)
Likes shawarma
Has a private yacht
Did helpdesk at some point!
Funnels his anger through memes (LMAO)
Captain Churchill
‘Passionate devotee of the surfboard, first monkey to ride the River Severn’s 5ft tidal bore. He even designed his own board!’
That is to say, he enjoys surfing
Bonds over old military movies with Striker Jones
Really likes driving his tank around lol
The best at chess
Uses all limbs + tail to operate his tank!
Likes black coffee with tons of sugar (sweet as him)
Third most cuddly
Wields the power of comradery (?)
Likes to play World of Tanks (lol)
Friends with Admiral Brickell! Trained together
Enjoys manga and anime (favorite anime: Fullmetal Alchemist)
Favorite color is green
Has a huge underground bunker full of tanks. Or so he says!
Tank has a secret banana stash (and who knows what else)
Third shortest, barely taller than Etienne (confirmed as a MANLET)
Sometimes plays cards with Striker Jones and Brickell
Great poker face!
Lives fairly close to Admiral Brickell and Striker Jones, tends to carpool to the army base with the latter
When he doesn’t feel like talking, he’ll slowly slide into his tank and shut the lid... funny to watch if you aren’t the one trying to talk to him.
His tank got many modifications!
Seat height adjustment, flexible antenna, a built in goggle finder (usually points to his head), and full transformation upgrades
He made the sand sculpture in Resort
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nate-shaw · 3 years
who: @alckzandria​​ when: game night, may 22nd, 2021 where: bus from luxor to carnifex
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Alek was displeased as she took a seat on the bus. The Carnifex campus wasn't somewhere she was unfamiliar with, her entire family having attended the school before it was infamously demolished by its own students, but there was something particularly nerve wracking about having to see it again. Especially in the state she imagined it to be in. "What makes us so sure this isn't just another trap?" Carnifex was unpleasant as it was, let alone in the middle of the night during a strenuous and tiring life-sized game of Cluedo. "We're literally on a bus being driven by a stranger..."
"Probably is another trap," Nate said at Alek's words, leaning forward over the back of her seat to give her a smirk. "What? You're trying to tell me you're not seriously thrilled to be going back to Carnifex? That's what people like you constantly say," he pointed out, if only to see if he could get under her skin again.
Alek nearly leaped out of her own skin with the sudden voice emerging from behind her. "God!" She gasped, turning to spot Nate and pressing her brows together in a self-resentment. With everything going on, she felt on edge, she supposed that just *had* to mean being susceptible to jump-scares. "People like me?" She said, her brows now knitted for the sheer annoyance of his words. "You know, believe it or *not,* not every rich kid agrees with the ideals of Churchill or modern-day Carnifex students..." she chirped, crossing her arms over her chest and blinking at him.
"What the fuck?" Nate exclaimed, jerking backwards at Alek's literal jump-scare. "Does my nose look that bad?" he asked, touching on to finger to it lightly, his forehead wrinkling up as she spoke. "Yes. People like you," he repeated, eyes meeting hers without so much as wavering. "It doesn't matter if you agree. When it comes down to it, you will. Trust me. Seen enough of it," he replied, shrugging up one shoulder before he draped his arms over the seat, continuing to look at Alek, her obvious irritation making this somehow entertaining for him. 
Without Alek's awareness, being fleetingly distracted by Nate's response, her brows furrowed slightly, a slight giggle escaping her lips. "I wouldn't have said anything..." she said, clearly sarcastic. It obviously had nothing to do with his nose and everything to do with The Circle's games. It wasn't long before her grin faded back into a neutral or nearly unamused expression as he continued though. She sat silently for a few seconds. Of course she could be annoyed with Nate's words but whether or not she liked it, she knew exactly what he meant. And whether or not he liked it, she still simply disagreed. At least when it came to herself. "I know what the wealthy is capable of." She said, a slight bump of the bus taking up the pause between her words. Even in the momentary silence, she couldn't help but think back to having almost referred to Nate as poor even just in front of him, as though it wasn't wrong. "And I know that a lot of the time it's on the backs of... people like you." She repeated his words back to him. "You don't know me though." She concluded simply. 
Nate just absentmindedly squeezed his fingers along the bridge of his nose, checking for the well familiar feeling of another break as Alek spoke. “Well shit, guess I should’ve listened to Rhia,” he mused. His expression turned serious, the silence that fell between him and Alek heavy, filled with what both of them weren’t saying but were clearly thinking. “Not from my vantage point, you don’t,” he finally said, turning to face forward so he didn’t look at her. “Didn’t you just get pissed at me for saying people like you? Hypocritical much?” Nate pointed out, sarcasm in his voice. “Honestly? I don’t need to know you, as far as I’m concerned,” he finally added, his eyes darting back towards his face before looking forward again. He knew enough people like her. And they were all the same, in the ways that mattered.
Alek knew that she had no idea what it would be like to be on the other end, but she would like to think that she had seen enough of it. "And you don't know it from *mine."* She said firmly. A certain kind of sneer came to her lips when he pointed out her hypocrisy. He didn't seem to have any trouble with using it. Before so, of course, she definitely knew better than to think before accidentally othering him again. "That's fine." She said with a quick shrug of her shoulders. Turning her head forward again, she stewed for a few seconds, honestly feeling it hard to breathe as the moments continued to pass. For a bit, it felt as though that would be it of their discussion, agreeing to disagree, deciding to continue on their paths, but Alek saw too much of her own resentment for the wealthy in Nate to give up so quickly. She allowed a few more seconds to pass before she hopped a bit as she turned around in her seat to face him again. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry that you've been stepped on." She knew fairly well that it likely meant nothing coming from her but even still, she turned to face ahead again; tightening her arms across her chest and draping a leg over the other - wiggling a little, her head lifting to try and uplift her own pride and get comfortable despite their looming tension.
A heavy huff of air left Nate’s nose, just shaking his head at Alek’s words, doing his best to hold back the disgust on his face from spilling out into his actual words. “I don’t need to know it from yours. I know it from people like you, and I know you said not to say that, but it is what it is. There’s a....brotherhood or some stupid shit of rich people, and it all stems from keeping people like me at a disadvantage, even when it’s not true,” Nate said, perhaps the most words he had ever said in a row at Luxor, and certainly to someone of Alek’s social class. Being accused of crashing the plane, yeah, it affected Nate in a way he hadn’t seen coming, sure it was all about to be pinned on him, and he wasn’t going to just move on from that, and the people who had *said* it was him. At Alek’s apology, he turned towards her, startled at the words. “Why?” he asked, the word slightly hoarse as he spoke, that perhaps being the last thing he would’ve expected her to say. 
There was certainly a brotherhood between the wealthy to keep everyone else at a disadvantage. Alek was surrounded by, not only those who had attended Carnifex Academy for generations upon generations but she was bred among the people who founded the very ideology that had driven Lincoln and Churchill apart: the belief that this quality of education belonged solely to those who were worthy, that those who could afford it deserved a quality of life far beyond anything Nate or anyone like him would ever know. It's what had driven her apart from her family for so long, it was exactly what had made her ashamed of the Addington name... whether or not she had grown attached to the privilege it had offered to her every whim. She couldn't argue it, and she didn't want to because as Nate even said it, she accepted it as fact. But what she couldn't accept as fact was this idea that she belonged to those very ideals... or the oppressing structure of the society as a whole. She didn't belong to anything. With the sound of Nate's question, Alek's arms loosened a bit from around her torso once more, and she took a moment to allow her gaze to drift out the window beside her. "Because I've watched my family get away with things that people should never be able to get away with." She said, gritting her teeth and eyes rolling with the deep disdain she felt toward nearly everyone outside of her immediate family. "And I..." she paused, swallowing down some of her frustrations before continuing. She sucked in a slow breath. "I know you have good reason to see them as... as evil as they are." She concluded with a small and defeated shrug of her shoulders. "I'm sorry that that's your reality." 
Nate just nodded, resting his chin on his clasped hands on the back of Alek’s seats, his eyes glazing over, unfocused instead of looking at her for any longer, not able to with this conversation. She was right. The way he had seen his rich ‘friends’ get away with petty things Nate probably would’ve gotten arrested over time and time again....it was seeing the hand that he was dealt compared with theirs over and over, and no matter what, he couldn’t change. “You say that, but...” he shrugged one shoulder, still not looking at the brunette girl. “It’s the small things that sting even more, if I’m being honest.” He offered no other details, and he saw no reason to. It was too much to explain, and even if he tried, he was used to the blank looks and the inability of people from Alek’s background to even begin to comprehend. “You know, if it had been up to our group, the rest of the students....they would’ve been happy saying I was the one who did it, if it ended this whole fucked up game. And that’s my reality.” The words came out harsh, his voice cold as he spoke, turning his head to look out the bus window. “You say you know, but that’s what I’m trying to say. You don’t. You think you do, but you don’t know what it’s actually like every fucking day,” he said, the words starting to sharpen as he got amped up, the anger he always felt rising. “You never could, and pretending you think you understand just makes that worse.”
With Nate beginning to speak, Alek turned her head slightly, still facing the window but shifting her gaze back a little as though to focus in on what he could possibly say. When he concluded that it was more so the small things that stung, Alek's brows pulled together again - truthfully, and perhaps regrettably, having no real idea of what he could even be referring to. She remained silent as she awaited for him to explain but he didn't. When he went on to explain that the rest of the students would have gladly blamed him for tampering with the plane, Alek felt herself freeze, almost feeling as though the air around her had thickened and become dense against her slow breathing. Her mind had gone blank with the idea that they could have actually blamed him for such a thing. Not simply her group wondering if he could have been the one but everyone... the entire student body actually deciding that he was the one who had done it. - And the very fact that many of them, whether or not he had actually done it, could afford to have Nate suffer the consequences. 
When he continued to speak, Alek felt her gaze drift forward again and she felt an unease come over her. When he put emphasis on the fact that she hadn't known what it was like every single day, she had the fleeting thought, nearly as regrettable as her ignorance from before, a wonder of why people like Nate even attended schools with students with the elite if they didn't like to be blamed for things they didn't do. And even as that thought casually roamed her mind, she realized how closely aligned that thought was to those of her family's, those of Carnifex students themselves. She sunk deeper in her perpetual guilt. It was all she had ever truly known. Regardless if it was something she particularly wanted to hold onto. She felt her fingers trembling a bit, feeling torn between who she innately was and how she would always be perceived. She had never felt as though she belonged to her family, or the life they had raised her into, and she knew she would never be accepted by those who her family... or people like her had wronged. 
"Well, maybe I don't know..." she said after what felt like a very prolonged silence. "But you definitely don't know what it's like to... not want to cause anyone harm and be essentially disowned by your family for that." She explained. "The people I'm supposed to *belong to,"* she said, emphasizing her words in a tone that felt like utter disgust in her mouth, "would gladly step on you, your family, anyone you care about. - They'd wipe them out of existence if they had to. They don't see people as people they see them as pawns or as minor hiccups in what greater thing they're trying to accomplish. They will get rid of anyone... they'll blame anyone to continue to their next step. They don't care about anyone. And I have to watch that." She paused just long enough to quickly catch the tears before they escaped her eyes. "It's horrible that... if The Circle hadn't had a greater message to get across that we very well could have blamed you. It's horrible that you're disregarded in that way and *maybe I don't understand it."* She said. "But you have *no idea* who I am. You have no idea what it's like to be in a family who will even disregard the people that *I* care about to serve their own 'greater good'." She fell silent again, peering out the window again for a few seconds but then closing her eyes; suddenly wanting to be far from Nate as she could be, not wanting to possibly hear the very things she had dreaded to hear from anyone throughout her entire life.
"Are you crying?" Nate said incredulously when he looked over at Alek as she spoke, his expression turning to one of the utmost horror of the thought of her crying in front of him, regardless of if it had anything to do with what he said or not. "You're seriously crying because I..." he just let his voice trail off, shaking his head angrily as he stared at her. "Here's the thing, Alek. Having a poor family doesn't mean they're a good fucking family," he hissed, his voice falling so no one else would over hear what he was saying - it was humiliating enough to admit it in front of Alekzandria Addington, of all people. He fell into silence yet again, the lack of words between them oppressive as he just stared at her, trying to quell his rage at what she was saying. "Your family might fucking suck. I'll give that to you. But everyone else? Everyone else in the whole god damn world bends over fucking backwards," he added, shaking his head. "You keep making this about you, and it's not. That's what you people, you, Helena, Sora, Savannah, what you don't  understand. It's not personal. It's just facts of life. The only people who say that money doesn't buy happiness are the people who have it," he said, his long fingers clenching the seat of the bus in front of him. 
"You think it's some wholesome story, some family who struggles through their hardships because at the end of the day, at least they have each other? That's not what it's like," he said, using his other hand to push his long hair off of his face, his jaw clenched. "My family would disregard plenty of shit too, if it would get them ahead. If it would benefit them. Maybe even more than yours, because we....we have nothing to lose." Nate paused, his eyes on hers as he took a deep inhale, knowing that it was a moot point - no matter what he said, no matter what he did, she still would't get it. If it was up to him, he wouldn't be stuck at Luxor, he wouldn't be around these people, but it wasn't, and this was the opportunity he had gotten. This was the opportunity he had to take. "The difference is that if you end up getting in the way," just as Nate was about to launch into another rant, unable to stop now that Alek had questioned it, had pushed him to this level, the bus screeched to a stop, pulling into Carnifex finally. "Forget it," he said, pushing himself to his feet and using his long stride to carry him off the bus before she could even think about catching up to him. 
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siennalieseil · 3 years
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❀ *゚ laura harrier. thirty. cis woman. she/her. heterosexual leo. ⇝ looks like sienna lieseil blew in two years ago and never left. they’ve proven themselves to be independent & alluring, but being guarded & destructive is their downfall. it’s only fitting that black sheep by gin wigmore is playing when they leave their home in the churchill gated community. rumor has it that they left salem after paralyzing someone in an accident, wonder if that’s why the unemployed moved out of their place in salem, massachusetts.
sienna is the daughter of mayor Bartholomew and sonequa lieseil’s identical twin
sienna was always compared to sonequa, who was the golden child. this lead to sienna acting out as a child. the comparisons drove a wedge between the siblings. sienna resented her sister, while sonequa didn’t understand why her sister was so mean to her.
once the twins turn 18, sonequa leaves for college while sienna does not.
sienna’s wild antics result in her driving drunk and crashing into another car. the driver is left paralyzed but this is quickly brushed under the rug by sienna’s father.
deciding he can no longer deal with sienna, she is kicked out and sienna moves to new york city.
there is no contact between sienna and her sister or father. she tells her friends in new york that she has no family.
a distant family member is who tells sienna that sonequa is missing. after realizing that something is seriously wrong, sienna arrives in salem to help with the search effort.
her relationship with her father is as strained as one would expect. except now, her father can’t look at her. she has the same face as sonequa, after all.
“i’ll only stay for a few weeks”, sienna told herself. it’s been two years now. she’s lost hope a long time ago that her sister would return, but she stays because she knows her father needs her. things are still tense between her and her father. her father tries his best to repair their relationship. he doesn’t want to lose her again, wants to see sonequa’s face in sienna’s.
personality wise, sienna is a very guarded person. she may be mostly friendly and enjoy socializing, she has trouble letting herself trust people. even those that are close to her don’t know all of her secrets. she keeps her emotions to herself, instead putting on a brave face. the off chance that she finds herself growing close to someone, she sometimes panics and tries to end the friendship.
that being said, she mostly means well although her humor can sometimes be dry and sarcastic. those very few who she trusts are people she is fiercely loyal to. she has definitely calmed down from her wild child days, although that side of her comes out every once in a while.
she carries a lot of guilt with her, from her strained relationship with her family and also the accident that she caused. alcohol is how she chooses to deal with this guilt. her father has suggested therapy but is shot down immediately by sienna.
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gstqaobc · 4 years
'I still don't believe Meghan': Piers Morgan tweets defiant Churchill message and says he stands by view that saw him quit GMB - as Susanna Reid tells morning viewers 'it's going to be very different' without him
Ranvir Singh will host Good Morning Britain with Susanna Reid today - the day after Piers Morgan stormed off
Mr Morgan faced a social media campaign over comments he made about Harry and Meghan's interview
He faced a huge online backlash after he said he 'didn't believe a word' of the Duke and Duchess' Oprah talk
Twitter users responded by sharing links to Ofcom and gave instructions on how to complain to TV regulator
Ofcom today announced it was launching an investigation following the raft of complaints from Twitter users
MailOnline editor at large, who has helped show to record ratings, had blazing row with Alex Beresford
They were discussing the Sussexes' interview with Oprah, where the couple accused Royal Family of racism
Piers Morgan today doubled down after quitting Good Morning Britain by tweeting that he still doesn't believe any of Meghan's incendiary claims to Oprah in a defiant message sent as the show began without him with Strictly star Ranvir Singh in his chair.Susanna Reid admitted it will be a 'very different' programme without her co-star of five years and told viewers this morning that he had been a 'voice for many of you' through Brexit and the coronavirus pandemic.Mr Morgan sensationally quit the show on the day it scored record ratings after he told viewers he 'didn't believe a word she [Meghan] said' to Oprah and branded her 'Princess Pinocchio' after an interview where the Duchess said she was suicidal while five months pregnant and accused the Royal Family of racism. His views sparked more than 41,000 complaints made to Ofcom.
Just after the show began at 6am this morning he tweeted to his 7.8million followers: 'On Monday, I said I didn’t believe Meghan Markle in her Oprah interview. I’ve had time to reflect on this opinion, and I still don’t. If you did, OK. Freedom of speech is a hill I’m happy to die on. Thanks for all the love, and hate. I’m off to spend more time with my opinions'.
He also shared a quote by Britain's greatest prime minister Winston Churchill, which said:  'Some people's idea of free speech is that they are free to say what they like but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage'.
On an extraordinary day for the show he also walked off set live on air after the show's weatherman Alex Beresford accused him of unfairly 'trashing' Meghan, branding him 'diabolical' and saying: 'I'm sorry but Piers just spouts off on a regular basis and we have to sit there and listen'. Mr Beresford was not on screen today, with Laura Tobin presenting the GMB weather this morning.
Hours later Mr Morgan quit, with his supporters defending his views and claiming his exit is more bad news for free speech and a sad indictment of cancel culture in Britain after critics including Labour MP Dawn Butler encouraged people to complain to ITV and Ofcom. Others have questioned whether GMB's viewing figures will hold-up without its star, who helped add a million new viewers in his time on the show.
After Ranvir Singh, a GMB reporter and star of Strictly last year, stepped in for Piers today, Susanna then gave a short speech on the tumultuous events of the past 24 hours.
Ms Reid said: 'A number of people will know the news and many of you will not and will be surprised that Piers Morgan is not here this morning. Now, Piers and I have disagreed on many things and that dynamic was one of the things viewers loved about the programme.
'He is without doubt an outspoken, challenging, opinionated, disruptive broadcaster. He has many critics and he has many fans. You will know that I disagreed with him about Meghan's interview. He himself clarified his comments about her mental health on the show yesterday.'
Reid said there are 'many voices' on Good Morning Britain and 'everyone has their say'. She added: 'But now Piers has decided to leave the programme. Some of you may cheer and others may boo.
'He has been my presenting partner, Monday to Wednesday, for more than five years and during Brexit and the pandemic and other issues, he has been a voice for many of you and a voice that many of you have railed against.
'It is certainly going to be very different but shows go on and so on we go.'
Ranvir Singh, Reid's co-presenter for the morning, replied: 'Well said.' She described Morgan as a 'big character' and said 'many viewers will be absolutely gutted'. Singh called Morgan 'Marmite' and acknowledged his role in Good Morning Britain's success. Ms Singh is amongst the favourites to take the job, but said: 'I was here anyway, don't read anything into this, I was here anyway. I've shifted seats on this brand new desk'.
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It came after 55-year-old Mr Morgan shocked viewers by walking off camera during a heated on-air row with weatherman Alex Beresford, saying 'I'm done with this' after being challenged on his position of the Duke and Duchess by his co-star. Afterwards ITV CEO Carolyn McCall - who formerly worked for the left-wing Guardian newspaper - said that the broadcaster's media and entertainment MD Kevin Lygo was speaking to Mr Morgan.And last night it was announced that Mr Morgan had quit the hugely popular ITV show - which he co-hosted with Susanna Reid.An ITV spokesman told MailOnline: 'Following discussions with ITV, Piers Morgan has decided now is the time to leave Good Morning Britain. ITV has accepted this decision and has nothing further to add.'It is understood Mr Morgan had been asked to apologise for his remarks which had been criticised by mental health campaigners but had declined.It brings to an end his six-year long association with the breakfast show, which he originally joined as a guest host in 2015, during which time he has made it must-see TV with a strong of exclusives and his strident opinions.Ironically it came the day after GMB recorded its highest ever viewing figures in the wake of Megan Markle's blockbuster Oprah Winfrey interview.It also came on the day that he had followed up with an agenda-setting interview with her father Thomas in which Mr Markle had taken aim at 'snotty' Harry, defended the British people and Royals against her claims of racism and revealed that he felt she had betrayed him, not the other way around.Earlier Morgan, who this evening Tweeted a picture of himself with former manager David Ferriter and the message 'trust your gut', also addressed his previous comments regarding the Duchess's mental health.Yesterday, he was criticised by the charity, Mind, after saying he 'didn't believe a word she said'. I wouldn't believe it if she read me a weather report,' he added.Today he addressed these remarks and said: 'When we talked about this yesterday I said as an all-encompassing thing I don't believe what Meghan Markle is saying generally in this interview and I still have serious concerns about the veracity of a lot of what she said.'But let me just state for the record on my position on mental illness and on suicide.'On mental illness and suicide these are clearly extremely serious things and should be taken extremely seriously and if someone is feeling that way they should get the treatment and the help they need every time. Every time.'And if they belong to an institution like the Royal family and they go and seek that help they should absolutely be given it.'It's not for me to question if she felt suicidal, I am not in her mind and that is for her to say.'My real concern was a disbelief frankly and I'm prepared to be proven wrong on this and if I'm wrong it is a scandal, that she went to a senior member of the Royal household and told them she was suicidal and was told she could not have any help because it would be a bad look for the family.'If that is true a) that person should be fired and b) The Royal family have serious questions that need to be answered.'But it was not enough to stop a wildfire social media campaign against him that resulted in 41,000 complaints to TV watchdog Ofcom by last night who announced they had launched a probe under their 'harms' code. The campaign featured an avalanche of tweets which criticised the host and supporting Meghan - some sharing direct links to the Ofcom complaints page. Among those launching criticism at Morgan were Labour MP Dawn Butler, who copied in the Twitter page of ITV to her Tweet.
In her social media post, which shared a comment from Mind criticising Morgan's remarks, she asked: '@ITV what have you decided to do?'Another Twitter user said: 'It took me about seven minutes to complain to fill in the Ofcom online form to complain about Piers Morgan's disgusting behaviour on mental health and race issues. It's not much, but if enough people complain they have to do something!' One Twitter user - who said: 'I am determined to get Piers off GMB Lolz. Which petitions do I need to sign?' - received a response with a link to the Ofcom complaints page.Their decision to act was in stark contrast to what happened with 24,500 people complained about dance troop Diversity's BLM-inspired routine on Britain's Got Talent last year when the watchdog refused a probe and said: 'We carefully considered a large number of complaints about this artistic routine, an area where freedom of expression is particularly important.'Diversity's performance referred to challenging and potentially controversial subjects, and in our view, its central message was a call for social cohesion and unity.'Any depictions of violence by the performers were highly stylised and symbolic of recent global events, and there was no explicit reference to any particular political organisation - but rather a message that the lives of black people matter.'Mr Morgan is also Editor at large for MailOnline and writes a twice weekly column for the website. A spokesman for MailOnline said: 'This is a very sad day for British free speech and one ITV will come to regret very quickly. We stand by Piers 120%.'  LOADS MORE ON THE DM
GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦🇬🇧🇦🇺🇳🇿
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storiesbyjes2g · 4 years
Genetics & Story Summary
Even though we all know Melany looks nothing like Kameron, she doesn’t look exactly like Brytani either. Like, most of the time, I don’t feel like I’m looking at a younger Brytani. But they look so much alike I can’t tell what the differences are. Last night I decided to find out how they are different. I found Brytani in another save and aged her down. I aged Kameron down and took off his beard and skin details so we can really see him. I also took away Mel’s details even though they don’t change her much. I made a picture with them all side-by-side to compare.
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How about I never really realized Melany had a dimpled chin! And, how cool is it to learn Kameron gave it to her! (I feel like she should write a song about him called Dimpled Chin lol) I’m guessing her cheeks come from him because Noemi also has high, cute chubby cheeks as well. Mel’s face seems to be a little longer than Brytani’s, also compliments of Kameron, but I knew that one already. There is something about their eyes though. I can’t really tell what it is, but they are not the same. Are Brytani’s wider or something?
As far as skin tone goes, Mel is right in the middle, a shade darker than Brytani and a shade lighter than Kameron. I still think it’s funny how EA measures what is light and dark, but we won’t get into that in this post...or maybe ever lol.
Story Summary
This may get long, so I’ll put it under the cut.
Recently I welcomed my new followers and told you about my story. I appreciate everyone who has hopped on for the ride! 😘 So many of you have joined in on this silly little legacy drama, and I don’t want anyone to be lost. I’m going to catch you up so you know who everyone is and what’s going on because I don’t expect you to go back to the beginning, although it doesn’t take very long. I did that a few months ago. It was fun!
Ok! So you’ve met Melany and her parents. Kameron started this whole thing as my guy to save Strangerville. Afterward, I figured I would continue playing with him and give him a much deserved good life. He had the world famous celebrity aspiration, so he started hanging out in DSV and rubbing shoulders with celebrities. That’s how he met Brytani Cho and thus creating our dear, sweet Melany. But, Brytani is not about that relationship life, and things fizzled after he attempted to propose to her.
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It didn’t take long for her to leave. Bye Felicia.
Kameron and Melany left Strangerville for a new life in Oasis Springs. He joined the intelligence branch of the military and moved up the ranks. It was tough being a single dad, but he made it work.
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Brytani was hyper-focused on her career and made very little time for Melany, and Kameron held that against her. Needless to say, their relationship was never the same, and co-parenting was no walk in the park. Melany, however, attempted to make the best of her mother’s visits, though she wished she visited more often.
Eventually Kameron moved on completely and began dating. He had a few flings and a few dates, but when he met Nadia, he was like a moth to flame.
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They messed around a lot, and it didn’t take long for him to ask her to be his girlfriend. They dated for a while before he asked her to move in. He needed to see how things would work with her and Melany. It delighted Kameron to see how well they took to each other. I mean, Melany was an exceptional kid. Who wouldn’t love her? Nadia did and took her role in Kameron and Melany’s lives very seriously once she understood the family dynamics.
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Nadia’s pregnancy and the engagement happened around the same time. They had a son named Nathaniel Courtney Pierson, whom they call Nate. Life was very busy with a new baby, new house, and new city (Willow Creek). Once life settled down a little, they were married in Sulani.
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It should be noted that Melany began playing the violin at a young age. Kameron took her to El Selvadorada once, and it rained almost the whole time. She was going through a loud phase and picked up the violin; she loved it. She completed all 5 child aspirations which gave her a boost at learning adult skills. By the time she was a teenager, she had maxed the violin skill and had written her first song! She also started a SimTube channel. Between her two celebrity parents and the videos, she was a 4 star celebrity by her teen birthday.
Teen life for Melany was pretty average—aside from the celebrity madness. She had a group of friends she loved. She was on top of her studies and made A’s. She didn’t give her parents any trouble.The only complaint she has was with her mother. Brytani retired and came around more often, but still not often enough. By this time, Melany’s little sister, Noemi Amiah Pierson, was born, and she saw what she missed by not having two parents in the same house. Nadia was an excellent step-mother. Melany didn’t want for anything, and she loved and appreciated her. But she had a mother. Why couldn’t Brytani be like Nadia? Was something wrong with her? Did Brytani love her at all? She was secretly jealous of her young siblings, and those feelings ate away at her. She became withdrawn, cried a lot and made angry videos, but it didn’t help. Brytani was still a deadbeat mom. Melany expressed her frustrations once, but Brytani couldn’t make her feel better. She wasn’t the motherly type and thought Melany would be fine with Nadia not realizing the girl just needed her mom.
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Things got slightly better in their relationship, but this would always be a thing between them. Even now, long after Brytani’s death, Melany still feels conflicted about their relationship.
The Piersons moved to Sulani. Melany aged up and went to Britechester University to study Fine Arts. She stayed in the dorms her first semester and had two roommates. That’s how she met her current best friend, Dr. Anissa Thurston. She studied biology and felt a connection with Melany immediately. Being a popular celebrity, Anissa knew everyone would be all over her and act weird. She just saw a fellow freshman nervous about being in a new place and hoping everything would be ok and made it her business to befriend Melany. Little did she know their shared Bailey Kay fandom would create a near indestructible bond.
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Like any overprotective father, Kameron struggled with Melany going to college. He wanted her to stay at home for the first semester. And, as one could imagine, he was not ready for boys. Luckily, he made a friend in an elderly gentleman named Myron Churchill. He never had an older friend who could advise him from experience—a father figure. Mr. Churchill’s friendship became precious to him and helped a great deal.
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Melany met Nick Wilkinson at a party. She felt uncomfortable about the outfit her friend made her wear on top of everyone looking at and whispering about her being a celebrity and all. Nick approached her and started a conversation. He made her feel better and was terribly cute. All they did was talk, but he definitely left an impression on her.
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Brytani died, and Melany withdrew from school for the rest of the year. Nick called to see how she was and to express his condolences, and that’s how their friendship began. He was a huge movie buff and studying drama at Foxbury Institute to become an actor. He also was a huge nerd and avid gamer. Melany is also a gamer as Kameron was a gamer geek and raised her on video games and sci-fi. They were “friends” for a long time before he asked her out. After dancing around each other for so long, it didn’t take long for them to begin an official relationship.
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They graduated, and Melany goes back home to Sulani to figure out the rest of her life. At this point she had written and licensed 7 songs and had a few small performances. She loved performing but wasn’t sure if she wanted to be a full blown artist like her idol, Bailey Kay. Also, up until this point she had only been a musician. Few know this, but Melany is also a singer. She keeps it private, but the girl is talented. Despite this talent, she never considered being a singer or writing lyrics to her songs. But sometimes she hears words in her head. They repeat themselves and won’t go away, so she began writing them down. After having this experience a few times, she felt her music life changing and needed professional advice and reached out to Bailey Kay (after much coaxing from friends and family) who gave her some wise words.
Eventually, Melany decided to live in Brytani’s mansion in Willow Creek which she inherited. The thought of living there used to give her pause, but she wanted to be closer to Nick and her friends because traveling from Sulani to San Myshuno and Del Sol Valley was getting to be too much. Besides, she was a grown woman now and needed to get on with her life. Also, she felt like she caused the problems Kameron and Nadia had briefly in their marriage. She invited Anissa to live there as her roommate because she didn’t want to live alone and wasn’t ready to have Nick move in yet. But, soon after, he approached her about the idea and she agreed it was an excellent idea.
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That’s pretty much where we are now. Melany and Nick are living their best lives together. Nick is a dynamic actor and getting more popular by the day. Anissa finally got a job as a doctor and is looking forward to dating since getting over the breakup...that Melany caused. Yikes. We’ll hear from her about that soon, so I won’t steal her thunder, but I will say it almost ruined their friendship!
I hope this was helpful for the newcomers and nostalgic for the OGs. If you have questions along the way, just ask! 
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fanfictionfans · 4 years
I Always keep my promises- Pt 2
I always keep my promises.
When Tommy’s Girlfriend y/n is broken by someone from the past, his family and himself wont stop until its taken care of. Indefinitely.
TAGS: @captivatedbycillianmurphy​
Read Part 1 Here
Part two below.....
“Has anyone seen Tommy this morning?” You asked heading down the stairs when trying to put your coat on
Polly sighed placing a plate of biscuits in front of Finn at the table “Him, John and Arthur left for the Garrison early this morning, they said they had business to attend to. You ought to go over there and see what trouble they are getting into now. Hopefully, the place is still standing”
You rolled your eyes “God only knows with them. Well I guess im stopping by there first. I have some business Tommy wanted me to attend to after”
“What business?” Finn tries asking with a mouth full of biscuit
Polly smiles sitting down next to him “hush Finn” she replies with a drink at hand 
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Walking over to him you plant a kiss on-top of the head and reply “Peaky business bub”
and with that, you where out the door.
Birmingham.. no matter what would always be you’re home. No matter where Tommy bought his next “Investment”, and how poorly you’re city was..it would always be home to you and the family. The roots you all have invested here, way to strong.
You were just about to the doors of the garrison when a man was pushed out of it and onto the dirt covered road. You rolled you’re eyes and continued walking towards it. Looking at him as you got closer you could now see he was bleeding from everywhere but it no way surprised you.
The unknown man quickly got to his knees and started crawling away on them. Rolling you’re eyes once more you walked inside
“Seriously..already causing raucous this early in the morning boys?” You asked locking the door behind you, now fully aware of the blood bath that was inside.
“oy there she is” John yelled from the counter where he was currently sitting drenched in blood from head to toe. Part of you was surprised, part you of, not so much.
“was wondering when you would make you’re appearance” Arthur said nonchalantly when wiping off his face that was also painted with blood.
“Okay, first of all Is any of the blood yours or any bullet or deep knife wounds?” You asked looking at the tree of them
“No baby, all good. Just some bruises and blood from these fine gentlemen. Right boys?” Tommy said looking at the 7 bodies on the floor then at his brothers
John and Arthur nodded and both replied “right”
“Good” you say stepping over all the bodies getting blood on you’re shoes. You head behind the counter grabbing 4 glasses and filling them up with whiskey for you and the boys.
“No questions on who these men were y/n?” John asked taking his shirt off when still sitting on the bar counter. Was he trying to get rid of the blood on it or just loved being shirtless, you honestly never knew with him. Probably more towards the loved being shirtless part, the boy loved showing off to anyone and everyone.
“No, not really” you said throwing you’re head back and downing one of the glasses
“Oh wait, I do have one question” You said in a serious tone
“why did one get away?” pouring another glass for yourself you looked at John and threw you’re smirk at him.
Tommy was in the process of lighting his cigarette but stopped to look at you for a moment, he smiled and continued lighting it. THIS was why he loved you. His Girl. Always and forever, His.
“Well, sweetheart. We needed him alive so that he could send a message back to their boss” Arthur replied downing his drink and sliding it across the bar so you could refill it again.
“And the message being..?” you downed you’re next glass and began pouring another for you and Arthur before Tommy grabbed you’re glass from you
“Baby its not even high noon yet and you have a meeting to attend. No more Whiskey until after” Tommy said putting the glass behind him and leaning against the bar parallel to you.
“I'm soooo much better when I’m drunk in meetings Tommy” you smile putting you’re hands on his hips and rubbing them in a circular motion.
“Or on the snow” john mumbles causing you to side eye him as he was downing his drink.
Tommy wasn’t aware you were back on the snow. He had told You, Arthur and Finn to lay off it. But, we never listen.
“ahh we're back on the snow again, huh baby?” Tommy said staring into you’re eyes. He was not aware of this fact until now.
“sometimes.” you reply looking back into his. Fuck..his eyes were so beautifully bright.
“Well, I’m going to send John with you to the meeting. Arthur and I have some business to attend to”
Tommy stated calmly before grabbing you by the throat with one hand using a different hold that wasn't the nice one you were so used to when having sex with him.
“Contain how much snow goes into that beautiful noise pumpkin.” Tommy said sternly
“Tommy c’mon mate, its not like we can’t afford it” John laughed
“ay” Tommy said looking at his younger brother “Did you know she was back on the snow?”
John stayed quiet as he continued eyeing Tommy. Finally, nodding to Tommy confirming he knew. Tommy turned his attention back to you
“Well baby. Contain how much goes in. Yeah?” Tommy said pulling you forward into him more
All you could do was nod. Was it wrong that even him being this forceful was turning you on?  
Tommy replied with a smile and a kiss before letting go of you.
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“Okay, on you two go. Arthur and I will get some people to clean this up”
John jumped off the counter into all the blood on the floor as you made you’re way around it to meet him
“John, go change. Don’t want people to think we are a bunch of Heathens do we?” Arthur said smiling as we walked towards the door
“Oh dear, what would give any soul that impression” You butted in as you jumped on Johns bare back
“bye Fockers” John smirked carrying you out of the garrison and back to the house to grab a shirt before heading over to the meeting.
Once you and john left Arthur turned to Tommy
“You didn't tell her?” he said in a disbelieving voice
“No and if we don't have to we wont until its time” he replied sternly
“Tommy shes going to be after blood just like we are. What if she gets angry we kept it from her until that point” He replied pouring another drink for himself
“I don't want her to have actual blood on her hands Arthur. Neither do you.” Tommy said lighting yet another cigarette
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Arthur sighed “No I don't but..”
Tommy cut him off “No buts.. she would go in full cocked and ready to rain hell fire on whoever is around. No survives period. Not that I’m opposed to it. But this needs to be done carefully”
“She really is you’re perfect woman Tommy isn't she” Arthur chuckled
Tommy ignored that comment “Once we have confirmed hes part of the employees of that business. He will be dealt with in the worst possible way.”
“We've been looking for him for a long time Tom. We are going to owe Churchill for this tip tom..you know that right.” Arthur said looking at his brother
“We have and soon, with all the pain he caused her...he will finally get his. We will owe Churchill something yes..but it will be worth it brother.”
“Amen to that brother” Arthur said raising his glass of whiskey up.
Tommy has made a lot of promises in his time. But he had made a promise many moons ago with his family.
He would fine y/n’s father and kill him.
I tried adding more GIFS but they cut me off. :/ I hope you all enjoy! What do you think so far? <3 Love you guys! xxxx
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chicagocityofclans · 4 years
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Imani Colt → Nicole Beharie → Hunter
→ Basic Information
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: September 7th
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Religion: Irreligion
→ Her Personality Imani is a stubborn and courageous woman, often putting other needs above her own. She keeps a tight rein on her emotions which is a product of her upbringing and her rigorous hunter training. Imani keeps things bottled up inside and only shares her feelings with immense pressure. As a result, she is often reserved and slow to anger, but beneath her tough exterior is someone who feels very deeply. Imani is protective and loyal to those close to her. She has intense emotions that rarely surface and are directed primarily toward the people she cares about most. Imani is knowledgeable, practical, intelligent and at times calculating. She has a talent for profiling and her skills have helped track down many well-hidden supernaturals. She is also very curious; especially when it comes to the immortal 3 (vampires, human shifters, and magic users)
Imani is a strong-willed woman capable of holding her own as a hunter. She can be ruthless to enemies and friendly to allies, making her a dangerous foe and an exceptionally reliable friend. Imani is both an experienced and capable hunter as well as a fiercely defensive maternal figure who is to be taken very seriously within the Colt and Anderson family. As the wife of the headhunter, Imani can take on the leadership position when necessary, bringing in the Anderson family person style to the Colts. As a hunter, she stays on topic. She wants to get the job done as much as anyone else. Imani prefers to gather as much information about a situation as she can before deciding on it. Through her association with the supernatural, Imani mind is open to never-ending possibilities and ideas. She is willing and able to point out the ways that ideas could go wrong, often demanding to plan for different outcomes. Imani and Blaine are incredibly good at putting the pieces together and brainstorming together. They make an amazing married couple and hunting partners.  
→ Her Personal Facts
Occupation: Senior Hunter
Scars: None
Tattoos: None
Two Likes: Neutral Colors and Hunting
Two Dislikes: Bright Colors and Venomous Snakes/Spiders
Two Fears: Gaining Weight and Meaningless Death
Two Hobbies: Learning (languages, cooking, information) and Journaling (about kills)
Three Positive Traits: Loyal, Protective, Clever
Three Negative Traits: Uncompromising, Denfinsive, Unmerciful
→ Her Connections
Parent Names:
Grant Anderson (Father): Imani has always been close to her father. He taught her everything she knows and made sure she had the best trainers. Imani knows that he wished she was a boy when she was born but cannot complain about the way she was raised and the benefits that followed. Grant is an amazing grandpa.
Candace Anderson (Mother): Imani mother is loving and smothering. Candace spoils her grandbabies and always spends them home hyper. Candace family believed in breeding for the best possible hunter outcomes. Imani does not blame her mother for running and finds her story encouraging; especially about meeting her dad. This also made Imani life hell with a clingy and opinionated mother.  
Sibling Names:
Ebony Anderson (Sister): Ebony and Imani have a common sisterly bond. They have each others backs and get along well but are also constantly fighting about stupid things and pissing each other off. Ebony encouraged Imani to start dating Blaine and has always been supportive of their relationship.
Children Names:
Bryson Colt (Son): Bryson is showing a lot of promise. At the age of 6, Bryson can recite random species traits better than the ‘Baby Shark’ song. Imani loves her oldest son and thinks he is a perfect mixture of Blaine and herself but he takes after his father in temper, ruthlessness and intelligence.
Wesson Colt (Son): Wesson is a hellion at the simple age of 4 and a half. Everyone swears Wesson is more Anderson than Colt and naming him after a gun was a horrible idea. Wesson is a handful but Imani loves him all the same.
Orion Colt (Son): Akins twin brother. Blaine and Imani were trying one more time for a girl but were surprised to find out they were having twin boys. Orion has just turned 2 years old. Imani is tempted to try again for a girl now that the boys are older, however, Orion needs more care and love than her older sons.
Akins Colt (Son): Orion twin brother. Blaine and Imani were trying one more time for a girl but were surprised to find out they were having twin boys. Akins has just turned 2 years old. Imani is tempted to try again for a girl now that the boys are older, however, Akins needs more love and attention than her older sons.
Romantic Connections:
Blaine Colt (Husband): Blaine was not love at first sight or anything gushy. When they first met she was unimpressed by the legendary Colt. To take him down a few notches she purposely went after his hunts and tried to beat him to the punch. That peaked his interest in her and hers in him. Imani learned to care and respect him and then eventually fell in love with Blaine. He is her husband and best friend. They dated for 3 years before getting married in secret. Blaine and Imani have recently celebrated their 7 year anniversary.
Platonic Connections:
Colin Colt (Brother-In-Law): Imani brought her concerns about D.W. up to Colin which he quickly found excuses for. She thought they once had a really strong relationship, but Colin’s blatant refusal to even look at evidence and suspicions she has had has really soured their bond. She is going to keep looking into it, however, because he’s family.
Elle Colt (Sister-In-Law): Elle and Imani get on like houses on fire. Elle has told Imani that she was exactly what he needed in order to get his ego deflated a bit. They talk about ideas and strategy often, and respect each other’s minds.
Alice Colt (Sister-In-Law): Alice is like a mini Blaine. She worked long hours to try and get Alice back into fighting shape. She was also the one to discover one armed archery, and helped Alice find her passion for the sport again.
Amy Colt (Sister-In-Law): Amy plays fast and loose, but a part of her enjoys it. She trusts that Amy knows what she’s doing. They get along really well and Imani feels like a part of the girl’s group.
Casper Colt (Brother-In-Law): Imani agrees with her husband about Casper. He has no future as a hunter. It’s a shame, because he might have been something if someone intervened earlier.
Megan Colt (Cousin-In-Law): Imani gives unofficial credit to Megan for getting her and Blaine together. Had Megan not suggested a collaboration, she’d never have given him more than a split second of thought.
Iris Colt (Cousin-In-Law): Imani has been teaching Iris the ins and outs of online tracking. It’s not a skill that the Colts teach their tracker, but she thinks Iris will catch on quickly.
Hailey Colt (Cousin-In-Law): Imani approves of Hailey. She thinks she is a very capable woman on her own, and would keep her cousin on his toes. They don’t often talk, but they had a great conversation about moves and techniques not too far back.
Trevon Anderson (Cousin): Trevon is Imani’s favorite cousin. They get along the best out of all the other Anderson. She does not feel like Trevon will stab her in the back since they share a lot of the same views and are willing to go above and beyond on hunt. Imani had given Trevon the thumbs up when he expressed his interest in Hailey Colt. Imani has gone as far as hinting it to Blaine and Alexus.
Nia Anderson (Cousin): Nia is the model cousin and no one else can compare. Imani knew their family did not do it on purpose but she spent her entire childhood being compared to Nia. As adults, Imani can put the past behind her and be civil with her cousin but Imani believes she sailed through life.
Marquis Anderson (Cousin): Imani feels for her little cousin. She wishes she could do more for him but the most she can do is keep her door open for him.
Raven Jenkins (Cousin): Imani is glad Raven did not turn out like her mother. She enjoys the few hunts they take together and is happy she is friends with Alice.
Alexus Anderson (Aunt): Alexus has always been a judging figure in Imani’s life. She always had to work and trained harder to try and please her aunt; which never worked. It wasn’t until adulthood did Alexus start showing her any respect and quit her unfair judgmental assumptions.
Arthur Milligan (Undefined): The Anderson works with a lot of supernatural creatures but Arthur is one of her favorites. Whenever he has an ‘untouchable’ he slides it her way and she takes care of the problem for him or the other supernatural cops.
Churchill Darling (Undefined): Imani thought she was in trouble when a known human shifter first approached her but he had a box full of cases involving untouchable humans and another box involving unpunished members of Clan Rat. Imani shared the box with the Colts and Anderson. They’ve been working on it for months. Imani is thinking of ways to show some gratitude towards him.
Hostile Connections:
Eric Lasiter (Strained Friendship): Eric believes Imani stole from him and she has tried multiple times to explain the misunderstanding without any luck.
Jazmine Anderson (Disappointment): Jazmine stole information off of Imani’s phone and ruined her friendship with Eric Lasiter; and possibly her reputation.
Tirra Jenkins (Dislike/Annoyance): Since marrying into the Jenkins family, Tirra constantly acts as if she is better than the Anderson family. Imani is annoyed that she lost one of her favorite aunts but Tirra really grinds her gears.
D.W. Colt (Distrusts): Imani instincts are going haywire in concern to D.W, she seemed like a nice enough person at first but the more Imani watched her, the more her warning bells turned into sirens. The fact that no one is taking Imani seriously in regards to D.W is pissing Imani off and making her more aggressive towards D.W.  
→ History (paragraph(s) on background)
→ The Present (paragraph(s) on how the character connects to the plot)
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alfred-braginsky · 4 years
Prompt request from an ask that was sent sosososo long ago, I apologize for the delay, but I filled both of them! 
"The food looks great but.. There’s something much more delicious i’d like to eat right now. ” & “Shut up and kiss me already. ” It took a long time to finish this up, but with the quarantine I have a lot more time since my job is having me work from home. I reblogged a series of prompts , pls feel free to shoot me an ask!
Summary: [N] // [s] // [F] // [w]  
Prompt request from tumblr. Takes place during the Yalta Conference and Alfred can't help but think about how good Ivan looks in his uniform.
|| Ao3 Link ||
The meeting dragged. It was all formality, well, for the nations at least. Arthur, Alfred, and Ivan were standing behind their seated bosses on an elevated stage with simple chairs. The world had their eyes on them. Victors of the second World War was no simple feat. The nations present on stage were dressed in their complete uniform and standing more as representatives of their nation than to have any say of what happens now.
Churchill was on the far left with Arthur standing stiff and upright behind him. Alfred resisted the urge to roll his eyes, the guy always took this shit too seriously.
‘You’d think after a few centuries he’d stop giving a shit.’
Alfred was in the middle behind Eisenhower, and to the right Stalin with Ivan towering from behind. He always liked Ivan. The man was difficult to get along with, but the two have found a mutual respect for one another. The sun was setting on the former empires that formerly ran the world; Arthur was losing his speed along with Francis and Antonio. Their legacy was starting to become overshadowed by the superpowers Alfred and Ivan were growing into.
Alfred tried so hard not to fall asleep at all the questions and discussions. He looked for anything that could possibly entertain and distract him.
"Pstt, hey, Artie."
"Piss off, Alfred. We're at a very important conference and I will not let you drag me into whatever embarrassing antics you have planned." Arthur had gritted out at him quietly beside him. Alfred huffed. Gentleman his ass, this guy has always been a prick with a stick up his ass.
Fuck, he was so bored. His eyes roamed over the audience. Boring diplomats and hungry journalist. Whatever. His eyes land on the other nation on the stage with him. Ivan. Specifically, his uniform. The way it clung to his body, those strong thighs and broad shoulders. Ivan had his eyes closed with the typical off-putting smile on his lips. He was sure that he could stare witho-
"Is there something wrong with your eyes or do you need me to help you fix them?"
Hot damn and that attitude. Ivan was practically one of the few people who could stand up to him and actually have the brawn to go toe-to-toe with him. Probably pin him against the wall, gloved hand pressed tightly against his throat. Literally breathtaking.
"Nah, just looking is all."
Almost immediately, Ivan replies.
"Looking for what?"  
Alfred wonders how far he could push the taller man. He wants to know what makes him tick, what pisses him off, what brings him to the breaking point. He wants to see those gorgeous violet eyes lit with rage.
"None of your business." there's a sly grin that curls onto his lips.
Ivan's eyes crack open his smile never faltering, his stance perfectly still as if nothing was wrong. Alfred felt the chill down his spine and the twitch of his dick. Holy shit. Excitement bubbling in his stomach. The flash of the cameras brought him back to reality, his grin dying down to a neutral expression.
Ivan added nothing more to the conversation, and once again Alfred was bored and left to his own thoughts.
“The food looks great but.. there’s something much more delicious I’d like to eat right now.” Alfred grinned deviously at the man next to him his voice low enough so that only the two of them could hear the lewd comments he made.
"People often forget Francis had a hand in your development, but at moments like these it's hard to miss." Ivan stopped mid bite at Alfred's statement.
"He speaks." cracking a satisfied grin at finally being able to catch Ivan's attention.
"Merely responding to your childish methods of seduction."
"I think you find it amusing, otherwise you wouldn't have said anything."
Their conversation was once again cut short as they remembered they are in the public eye, and their conversations were being closely monitored by anyone sitting nearby. However, that's what made this little game fun. Danger was part of their foreplay. The thought of someone finding them made their release that much sweeter.
Dinner had ended on a positive note and they were free to enjoy the band playing. People got up to dance and socialize in the same boring fashion Alfred’s seen them do it for centuries. Alfred's eyes always ended up back on Ivan. Their eyes lock through the crowd. That was it. They didn't need any other indication of what it is they both wanted in that moment.
Alfred got up from his seat, politely excusing himself to the others at the table. He headed into the crowd of people mingling with one another and dipped into a hallway, away from the noise of people with more power than they know what to do with. He's been in this building before, if he recalls correctly, he knew exactly which room Ivan took him to last time.
He waited about 20 minutes before he heard a knock on the door. Alfred continued to lean against the windows towards the end of the room. This room is a meeting hall, with a large wooden table, windows that spanned half the wall, and paintings of people he's only ever met once.
Ivan entered the dimly lit room and spotted Alfred leaning against the windowsill. Ivan’s breath caught in his throat as he saw the moonlight hit Alfred’s skin.  
"I did not think you were capable of simply sitting here and doing nothing."
"I wasn't just doing nothing; my imagination was running pretty wild."
"I won't ask about what because I truly do not wish to know."
"I wasn't gonna tell you anyways."
"Childish response, as always."
"If you're so annoyed, the door is right there."
"Do you ever stop talking?" Ivan had a hint of annoyance in his voice. The man irritated him so, but he adored that about him. He wasn’t afraid of Ivan even when the rest of the world coward. With each step he could see more and more of his features. It’s been so long. He didn’t bother to lock the door.
"Nope. But you know how to shut me up for awhile."
Ivan rolled his eyes; he and Alfred were practically inches away from one another. The moonlight shined against his eyes making them appear like those stars they used to gaze at so many years ago.
"Why must I always take initiative?"
Alfred simply stared at him.
"This an unfair amount of power imbalanc---
"Shut up and kiss me already!" Alfred cut Ivan off yanking him closer by the lapels of his coat. Alfred becoming more and more impatient, a firm look taking hold in his eyes.
Ivan held Alfred’s face in his gloved hands and roughly pulled him to an aggressive kiss as he slammed him against the wall behind them. Alfred let out a growl that released from the back of his throat and quickly ran his hand through Ivan’s silver locks, gripping tight.
Their kisses were not tender or soft, they held a roughness they knew either could endure. Their grunts, teeth, harsh sucking and shuffling of their uniforms were the only sounds in the large room. They couldn't take their time, and so Alfred made quick work of their belts as their mouths locked together. Alfred was fully erect, while Ivan semi-hard against his thigh. Ivan’s uniform really did things to him.
"Been wanting you to touch me since this thing started."  Alfred panted out breathlessly between each harsh kiss.
Ivan broke their series of kisses as he took both of their exposed cocks and pressed them together, causing them both to let out a noise of pleasure.
"You need to do better to hide your desires."
Alfred bucked his hips as Ivan stroked their slicked cocks. Alfred's breath hitched as he heard Ivan's sharp intake of air. The man was trying hard to be quiet because of where they were, but he was clearly having trouble doing so.
The shorter of the two was also having trouble keeping quiet with each firm stroke to his cock. He bit down into Ivan's shoulder and let out muffled moans into the fabric of his dark blue uniform. The fingers of his free hand dug into Ivan’s scalp while rolling his hips to the movements of the other man’s hand.
Ivan thumbs Alfred's slick slit making the other man shudder. White teeth bit into the tip of Ivan's glove as Alfred slid it off his hand. Blue eyes never let the violet ones across from him. Nothing but the sounds of pants and slick squelches. Nothing but hot breath dancing on their sensitive skin.
Alfred was the first to cum and finished Ivan off with his mouth. Sliding onto his knees and between Ivan’s thighs, Alfred licked the precum off the other man’s cock taking him completely into his mouth. The tip of his cock hit the back of his throat as he breathed in the familiar scent through his nostrils. Bobbing his head back and forth Ivan held tight onto Alfred’s hair to keep himself from bucking into his mouth.
Alfred pulled Ivan’s cock from his warm mouth, flicking his eyes up at Ivan, who looked flushed and like he was in utter bliss.
“Fuck my mouth.” His tone dropping to show the seriousness of his request. Ivan didn’t argue. He knew what the other man could take. Taking him back in Ivan slammed into Alfred’s mouth and down his throat. Alfred gurgled out a moan as Ivan sighed in pleasure. He moved Alfred head up and down and meeting them halfway with thrusts of his hips. Tears welled in Alfred’s eyes as with each thrust but the way he grabbed hold of Ivan’s ass meant he was having a good time. His thrusts sped up as the want to cum increased. Letting out a low growl, Ivan arched his back as he came deep inside Alfred’s throat. He pulled out once he caught his breath and joined Alfred on the floor.
“Are you alright?” concern lacing his voice as he brought out a handkerchief to wipe up Alfred’s mouth.
“Yeah.” His voice hoarse, but the slight smile on his lips convinced Ivan of his words taking the small gesture and wiping his lips.
“You go out first, I’ll see you there.”
“Of course.”
Both went their separate ways, and Alfred was smiling like a cat who got the cream. He’ll been feeling Ivan’s cock in the back of his throat for a while, just enough to satisfy him for the next meeting.
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anachilles · 4 years
Beautiful stranger, here you are.
"Emma’s eyes fluttered open, her heart thumping in the most telling manner. She groaned quietly and threw herself forward into her hands, heaving the heavy sigh of someone completely resigned to the inconvenient nature of their own emotions."
An introspective look into Emma's innermost thoughts and feelings throughout Mr Knightley and Jane Fairfax's duet at the Coles' party, and what may have been brought to light in the wake of it.
(( link to read on AO3: [x] ))
{a/n: thank-you so much to @bismuth-209 for being such an amazing beta ♥ i really appreciate your help!}
It was clear to see that Frank Churchill in some way unsettled Mr Knightley.
In a similar way that it was annoyingly evident to him that Emma herself was ill at ease around Jane Fairfax, Emma knew this to be true. Mr Knightley was for all intents and purposes a very amiable man, and even of the people he didn’t warm to (overwhelmingly those possessing questionable natures or outright unsavoury characters), he always treated them with the utmost polite civility and kindness. To the extent that it was quite taxing to deduce based on body language or public conduct alone when he genuinely didn’t like someone. If he did express his distaste, it was always in private conversation (oft with her), and communicated in the most diplomatic manner.
But for some reason there just seemed to be some aspect of Frank Churchill’s character which irked him greatly enough to abandon these tendencies. And to be truthful, Emma found it highly amusing to watch Mr Knightley get so worked up. Before Mr Churchill actually arrived in Highbury she had found Mr Knightley’s judgements irritating. It was like he had been casting judgement on her for merely showing interest in him, which in turn in some way made her feel small. Like a child being scolded for their choice of playmate. Admittedly, hidden away and repressed by her stubbornness was a flicker of doubt in Mr Churchill and his flightiness, only fueled by Mr Knightley’s judgements. But since he’s arrived in the flesh and seemed to be living up to every estimation set for him by the people of the village (particularly the women, it must be said), the criticisms of his character put forward by Mr Knightley just seemed… petty.
In all the preparation for the Coles’ gathering, Emma had been pondering what exactly Mr Knightley holds against Mr Churchill, and why his comments strike her this way. The only reasonable explanation she can conjure is envy. But envious of what exactly? They were both men of fortune and favourable circumstances, both physically handsome, highly eligible bachelors, and both witty and charming in conversation. Perhaps Mr Knightley had gotten too comfortable being the big fish in their small, insular pond.
It was then that Emma realised for as much as she’d always looked upon Mr Knightley as being in a complete league apart from other men, with his kind, highly obliging and agreeable nature, at the end of the day he was still a man with a masculine ego to manage.
And it just so happened that the management of said ego in relation to Mr Churchill had become highly amusing to watch in action. Rarely was anyone or anything able to fluster Mr Knightley or cause disruption to his gentle manner - so to see it happen was a treat in itself.
“And yet he spent a whole day going to London just to get his hair cut. Sixteen miles, twice over. He’s a trifling, silly fop”.
The scoff of amusement escaped her before she had any chance at all of stifling it.
“Ladies and Gentlemen;- a duet!”
Mr Cole’s announcement cut Emma’s conversation with Mr Churchill short, though she was not adverse to the interruption. She’d gotten what she’d sought from the exchange, her mind having been put at ease once more regarding the nature of his acquaintance with Jane Fairfax. The whole matter of the pianoforte had made her natural suspicions arise once again from the moment she’d been privy to gossip, immediately suspecting Mr Churchill himself to be the anonymous sender. The both of them had been far too coy about their existing acquaintance with each other and far too unwilling to divulge anything at all about it for it not to be suspicious.
But by all accounts now, he seemed (at least to Emma’s eye and ear) rather dismissive of Jane altogether in a way that she assumed one could never be regarding someone they held affection for. From how he’d cast her aside in Ford’s before, bringing up her unfortunate situation, to implying insult to her appearance tonight. So Emma chose to lather herself in the reassurance, relaxing and laughing with him as they gossiped further about who then could have so generously sent the instrument.
She crossed the room to take her place for the performance, a hint of a smile and renewed sense of poise about her, but was quickly intercepted before she could properly place herself.
“What do you say to this, Emma? I have made a match between Mr Knightley and Jane Fairfax” said Mrs Weston, looking very pleased with herself.
The statement caught Emma off-guard and gave her momentary pause, leaving her briefly unable to process it. As if on auto-pilot however, she quickly managed to correct herself. “Mr Knightley and Jane Fairfax?” she choked out in reply, briefly forcing a curious smile as if to offset the unease in her response.
“This pianoforte has been sent to her by somebody, and she’s always been a favourite with him…”
Just as Emma’s eyes rose to focus on Jane, she turned her own to Mr Knightley at her side. Emma’s gaze is just quick enough to catch her flashing him a smile which, in Emma’s opinion, looked… adoring? It couldn’t possibly be; perhaps Mrs Weston’s comments made her read into the look what wasn’t there. In any case, whatever manner it was intended in, it heightened her unease.
“...tonight, he sent his carriage for her as a courtesy, and walked himself. Was that not gallant?”
Of course, it was gallant. Mr Knightley was a very gallant man. He would have done the same for any one of their friends, would he not? Emma continued to reason with herself as Mrs Weston took her leave to find her husband, wholly unknowing of the upended state she’d left her former charge in.
Emma’s back held rigid, the cogs now turning in her mind at a frantic pace. The convivial cacophony of the room dulled around her as she rushed to re-piece together her worldview in a way that would validate (or invalidate) Mrs Weston’s assertions. She suddenly found herself second-guessing every interaction she had witnessed between the two of them; every look, every comment he’d made at Emma’s expense about Jane’s talents and accomplishments (which Emma herself had always taken as being more primarily a criticism of herself rather than an admiration of Jane)— but had that been self-centred of her to assume? Had she again been mistaken all this time? And if so, how could she have been so blind to this relationship between them?
Also, why did it bother her so?
She’d been so wrapped up in her considerations she hadn’t even noticed the music start; light, skillful piano keys accompanied by the chords of a violin. Emma implored her gaze upward and towards the front where Jane and Mr Knightley stood.
Suddenly, conjured from God knows where, Emma feels something akin to panic flood her veins. Her heart leaps into a hammering beat inside her chest and a flush of warmth rushes to her cheeks, the panic churning in her stomach like sour milk and making her feel sick. In that moment she’s overcome with the very childish notion that she was losing a long-standing and much beloved companion in Mr Knightley; or that he was in some way being taken away from her, and that of course Jane Fairfax was the reason for it. Though Emma had never once thought of Mr Knightley for herself, never in any other way than as her closest friend and confidant, somehow, the thought of someone else actually taking him as their husband was something she hadn’t seriously considered. Of course at some points in time she’d had abstract notions of him one day probably taking a wife, but with how little he spoke of the prospect or anything in that realm of thought she had been allowed to stay willfully ignorant.
The lyrics of the duet as Jane started it were heartfelt and painfully romantic, and both her skill on the piano and singing abilities were reliably sublime. Watching her perform with him, and how enraptured their audience appeared to be, Emma swallowed back this fact like a dose of bitter medicine alongside the reminder it dredged up of her own sense of lacking. Insecurity wasn’t something she felt overly often, or the feeling of inferiority which accompanied it, but when she did it was almost always in comparing herself to Jane. These feelings sat heavy in her chest, but it was a familiar discomfort, often characterised by ornate drawing rooms and the whispers of gossiping society ladies, an ache that burned for a while but was quickly soothed by the flattery of either her father, Harriet, Miss Bates, Mrs Weston, or someone else of the like. Somehow though, only tonight, there was a lingering sting of… something edging the sensation.
Jane Fairfax really was very talented and very accomplished, that Mr Knightley hadn’t been wrong about. Begrudgingly, Emma could admit that with her gentle, accommodating manner these qualities made clear that she would make a very good wife. And Mr Knightley deserved the very best of wives, more so than any man she’d ever known. So should she not then approve of such a match between the two of them? Perhaps she ought. But whether it be down to her own ill-feelings towards Jane or her selfish attachment to Mr Knightley, or maybe a combination of the two, she resoundly did not.
Her gaze must have wandered away, for the masculine lilt of Mr Knightley’s own singing voice drew her eyes instantly back to awareness of where she stood. But only to look upon him . She watched; silently implored for him to look back at her, feeling as if she’d been cast adrift and that his mere notice would buoy her and serve to reassure.
But he did not.
Vexed, though employing every effort not to appear so, Emma switched gears and desperately fixed her gaze upon Frank Churchill across the room. Though she consistently expressed aversion to the idea of marriage, claiming she had all she needed as mistress of Hartfield and wanted for nothing that matrimony could bring, she was of course every now and again tempted into imagining the different versions of what her future could look like. In terms of who she could potentially share it with, Frank Churchill was the physical manifestation of all that she expected to desire if she were to desire any man. He was handsome, witty in conversation, charming, already closely affiliated with whom she considered her family, and with a respectable social standing of his own. She’d let herself be intrigued by the mystery written into his every letter shared with her by Mr Weston, and carried away with flights of fancy. For all intents and purposes, she should fall head over heels for him. They made an unavoidable amount of sense.
But when she looks to Mr Churchill and he returns her gaze, she feels… precious little. Apart from confusion as to why she feels nothing, the thought of Frank in that moment inspired no great depth of emotion or sense of yearning, and immediately exposed to herself just how lacking in substance their connection was. What she felt for him in that moment was but a mere drop in the ocean compared to… to what she possibly felt...
Realisation curled its way into the pit of her stomach like a beautiful but exotic and possibly dangerous bloom, and all but consumed her as the performance drew to a close. She did not meet Mr Knightley’s eye for the remainder of the function, unsure of herself around him for possibly the first time ever. Maybe she could eventually reason herself out of such affections (perhaps she would even have to), but in this moment, on that evening, the ground she tread on was far too uneven and her emotions far too raw to even try.
Such ruminations plagued her for the remainder of her time spent at the function. It wasn’t long before she politely but swiftly took her leave not long after dinner was eaten, as soon as she deemed it socially acceptable to be excused. With Emma’s mind clearly elsewhere she was uncharacteristically quiet throughout the meal, and her appetite flimsy as she picked nimbly at her food and prodded it around her plate. As distracted as she was she did not catch Mr Knightley watching her covertly across the table, having noticed her peculiar mood. He approached her as she readied herself to leave, enquiring with worried glance and cautious tone.
“You do not seem yourself, Emma, are you unwell?”
She painted herself an agreeable expression for him, however much the burden of one-sided realisation weighed heavy on her consciousness.
“A mild headache, quickly onset. No need to concern yourself, rest assured. Though I thank you for it.”
He even saw her to her carriage, gentlemanly as he was despite how they’d bickered earlier. This was not unlike the usual dynamics of their friendship, quick to quarrel but also to resolution, but she couldn’t help but feel entirely different about the gesture now suspecting what she does about her feelings for him.
Later on as she prepared for bed, finally free from the invasive eyes of society and tucked up in the comforting dimness of her bedroom Emma ruminated further. It was all she’d done since she’d left the Coles’, and at this rate, she feared it was all she would continue to do at this rate. With her thoughts too occupied to attempt sleep she changed course and sat herself down at the table.
Was it really possible that she could want Mr Knightley for herself? The memory of just how wickedly the jealousy burned within her earlier made the possibility unavoidable. Emma closed her eyes and, as if dipping a toe in the water to test the temperature, she let her mind conjure images of Mr Knightley and herself stood toe to toe. They often ended up in such a position when caught in the midst of one of their famous quarrels, but in this instance all was calm. His eyes, bluer than the summer sky she longed for in the depths of the colder months, looked upon her with such a tenderness even the thought of it made her heart flutter. He was so close she could practically feel the heat from his body, saw his chest move with every inhale and exhale. With a smile threatening the edge of his lips he brought a hand up to cup her cheek. The thought of it was most entirely welcome, so much so the intensity shocked her back into reality.
Emma’s eyes fluttered open, her heart thumping in the most telling manner. She groaned quietly and threw herself forward into her hands, heaving the heavy sigh of someone completely resigned to the inconvenient nature of their own emotions.
a/n:  Thank-you so much for reading! This was my first attempt at any kind of fanfic for an Austen source text, so I'm a little/a lot paranoid about striking the right tone and getting it right, but I really hope you enjoyed it! Any comments/constructive criticism is entirely welcome. Tbh, I just had a lot of feelings watching this scene play out and all of Anya's little choices in her facial expression/mannerisms throughout really indicated a more inner story dying to be told. I was so inspired I just had to write it, lol.
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sealers100 · 4 years
PART 2: A (brief) review of every Donald Sutherland movie (so far)
Wowee welcome back. Yes I’m still on this shit and I intend to finish it because this is probably the most fun I’ve had in quarantine apart from working night shift at a waffle house. (I wish I was kidding) I will admit this one might not be as long as the last post but I promised to deliver so here we go for part two.
Dr. Terror’s House of Horrors
I had way too much fun with this movie! The story was unique and entertaining with a creepy twist without being so scary I can’t sleep at night. It’s got not only Donald, but also Sir Christopher Lee AND Peter Cushing! Like you can’t get any more badass than that. The acting is pretty great and the music goes hard (there’s a whole segment about a musician and I’m nerding out). Donald is maybe 29 or 30 years old and its one of his earliest (his 4th) film credit and oh goodness his segment is just too much. This is definitely a must see for any Hammer Film fanatics or Sutherland fans, You’ll love it!
The Dirty Dozen
Talk about a throwback to my childhood. Again an old army movie I remember watching with my parents (however watching it again I probably shouldn’t have). The movie itself its great if your into things like Tora Tora Tora! and Kelly’s Heroes. Not a whole lot of Donald in it but what we do get it so worth it. For a “serious and professional” actor, he plays silly and weird soooooo well. I will admit this one isn't nearly as lighthearted as Donald’s scenes might make it seem. It’s an actual war movie with heavy emotions and lots of violence and is quite sad at the end (no spoilers don’t worry). It might not be one to make you cry but you can’t help feeling bad for his character. Personally I loved it but its a classic in my household so I’m a bit biased. 
Start The Revolution Without Me
I quite literally choked on my coffee watching this one. Gene Wilder and Donald made a surprisingly hilarious pair and it worked so well!!! I already can’t get enough of Gene so of course this one is probably one of my all time favorite movies across the board. Basically its a switched at birth situation and takes place during the french revolution. I won’t give away too much but if you liked anything by Mel Brooks you’ll love this one. I really can’t say much without spoiling the funny bits but if you’re having a bad day, do what I did and curl up in your onesie with a bag of popcorn and let the laughter ensue.
Act of the Heart
(tw: self harm/suicide mention) Let me start out by telling you how hard it was fro me to find this damn movie and how ecstatic I was when I finally got to sit down and watch it. For anyone who doesn’t know me, my background is in vocal performance and I did a lot of work with the episcopal church in college as a soloist for churches, weddings, events and stuff so getting to see Donald as a CONCERT DIRECTOR just made my little heart explode. I was constantly geeking out at the musical parts and even got a bit of concert anxiety for the main character, Martha Hayes. She falls in love with him but of course he’s a priest (again) but this time he actually leaves the ministry for her. The movie itself is good (and the music gets my seal of approval as well) but there’s a quite a bit of triggering stuff so this one might be a bit difficult to watch for some. I will say some of these movies are quite hard to find and I had to scour the interwebs for them so if anyone wants a watch for anything on either of these lists, don’t be afraid to message me.
Little Murders
Okay so this one will be quite short because Donald is in it for a whole 10 minutes but he should have gotten a fucking oscar for it because I have never been so amazed and shocked by one of his roles as I was with this one. The movie is great if you’re into Elliot Gould (and his hair omg). But jesus Donald stole the ENTIRE MOVIE for that one brief scene. You can find clips of it on youtube just go watch it. Hell I’ll probably post it on my blog later. It’s honestly the best thing ever, and I want it played at my wedding. 
Steelyard Blues
What is it with directors and casting Jane Fonda as a prostitute? I’ll never know but Donald probably had a hand in that decision because he’s the executive producer. The movie is not great by any means but its definitely not boring. Again something about him being silly and dumb he just does so well and its so jarring in this one how silly he can get. I quite enjoyed it actually and its a real change of pace for him because while I like his character, I don’t have a whole lot of sympathy for him like I did for character’s like Casanova. I mean really he doesn’t hold back in portraying Jesse Veldini as an absolute fucking moron but I think we’re supposed to laugh at his misfortunes because they genuinely are funny (I think I just like watching him suffer) And it’s really entertaining. Again, I think Donald could have easily had a career as comedic actor but it’s nice to see how easily he can switch moods.
Another Donald and Elliot movie and this one is pretty hilarious too. (I’m loving these funny feel good movies) The two of them are CIA spies who aren’t stupid but definitely got the short stick in their agreement with the Russians. The plot makes sense but the way it’s gone about doesn’t really click. The Dynamic between him and Elliot is always fantastic and fun to watch so it makes up for the lack of sense this movie makes. Sorry this one couldn’t be longer but there would be much to say without writing a synopsis and I’m too tired to do that for any of these.
Day of the Locust
WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT! I mean jesus christ this movie was a horror show. The film itself is fine, its a great movie, but oH mY GoD!!!! Let me start by saying I didn’t watch the final scene with him in this movie because its fucking brutal and I just knew it wasn’t gonna be the kind of thing I’d needed to see. (Or anyone) Yeah I’d issue a few trigger warnings for this movie. OKAY so Donald’s character is named Homer Simpson (I’m not kidding) and my god I thought I had low self esteem, he’s literally the saddest most miserable and lonely character I think I’ve ever seen him play and he gets used by Faye Greener (Karen Black) who can go sit on a cactus for all I care, I hate that she’s the main character and the way she treats Donald is HORRIBLE AND I HATE IT. God this movie messed me up for a straight week afterward and I’m still not over it. He cries a lot in this one and just stooooooop please I can’t take it I know his character isn't accurate to the book its based on but it just makes me feel bad for him seeing Donald’s character slowly being destroyed by the toxic people around him icanttakeitanymoremovingon.
The Eagle Has Landed
I don’t know the first thing about the animosity between the Irish and the English all I know is that they don’t get along sometimes and Donald’s character this time is I think a NAzi SymPathizer?? I could be wrong but he does help them try to kidnap Winston Churchill (weird). There’s a strangely deep romance between him an a 19 year old girl (uh?) but it doesn’t really come to fruition. Overall it’s a hell of a spy movie and with fantastic performances from Robert Duvall (no I wasn’t able to recognize him) and Michael Caine. It’s a fun movie and Donald’s accent is of course, awful (just the way I like it) and steals the show yet again. 
The Disappearance 
Interesting fact, Celandine (the main character’s wife) is actually played by Donald’s real life wife, Francine Racette. So it makes for quite an interesting dynamic between the two characters that feels very realistic. This is a hitman movie that takes place in I think Montreal (hard to imagine a lot of Canadian hitmen) And has a surreal feeling about it through the whole movie. Again this was a difficult one to find at first and there is actually two version. One being 80 minutes and the other being 100min. I’m not sure why it was split like this but I’ve seen both versions and they aren’t missing anything they’re just structured differently. It does feel a bit weird watching love scenes knowing that she is is actual wife but it does feel very realistic. Overall the movie is pretty good if you want to see lots of him and his wife. Don’t worry I’m sure their relationship is a lot better than what’s portrayed in the film! 
National Lampoon’s Animal House
If you don’t know the story of Donald and this film, here it is. He was originally offered 2% of the films earnings to be in it. Thinking it would be a flop, he refused and asked for his usual flat rate of 45,000. The film was a his and his 2% could have easily been upward of 1.2 million, and this was back in 1978. He later quoted this as one of his biggest regrets of his career. Overall his scenes are quite short but oh so funny. (This list is either very serious or very funny) I like to imagine he put a lot of himself into this role. I definitely had some professors like him in college.
Come to think of it, I watched this one so long ago I think I forgot to put it on the last list I did. I was really surprised by how genuine this movie felt. Like everyone really put a lot into this movie but it didn’t get nearly the recognition it deserved. Its a medical drama so that probably why, but it’s got an adorably young Jeff Goldblum and I can’t help but love him and Donald in every scene they’re in together. They play off each other pretty well most of the time and I didn’t really see anything wrong with this film other than it might have been on the lower end of filming budgets but it wasn’t a bad movie. It deserved better.
Ordeal by Innocence
I wish I could say the same for this movie. On it’s own its an alright film. On it’s own the soundtrack is fine too. But when the put the two together It was jarring as hell. The acting and story were okay and could have been fine alone but the soundtrack really broke any chance this film had of being taken seriously. I would have loved to seen it just on it’s own. Donald’s character is for once a genuine kind of ass that I really don’t like but it’s Agatha Christie, all her characters are assholes. This film really had potential but it shot itself point blank in the foot with the music.
A Time to Kill
Jumping forward to the 90′s, this movie is a classic based on a John Grisham novel and wow did I get invested! Donald isn’t in the film a whole lot but he does feel like an integral part of the plot and I really enjoyed him and Matthew Mcconaughey on screen together. Along with Samuel L. Jackson and Sandra Bullock. This movie is just fantastic and I normally don't like court dramas. Now what’s also interesting that not only is Donald in this one but so is Keifer. Sadly these two don’t share any scenes together and I don’t think they really got to work on set together except maybe once. Also Keifer’s character is a horrible racist. If anyone gets in your face about confederate flags being “heritage, not hate” show them this movie, Kiefer will take care of that one..
Space Cowboys
And last but not least, possibly my favorite one on this list. Everyone in this movie has the best film dynamic!! It’s funny, it’s endearing, and even kinda sad at times. The whole film feels genuine between all the lead characters, especially with them al being easily over the age of 65. As for Donald, He’s a smooth talking, dirty old man who hits on anything that moves but I’m sorry it just cracks me up. I don’t think this one should be taken too seriously but I just can’t help but fall in love with this movie. Cowboys, Space, Clint Eastwood and Tommy Lee Jones mean-mugging while Donald laughs and chases after women just makes my day. 
Okay this one might have been a good bit longer than the last one so the reviews had to be a bit shorter this time. I would do some research for a lot fo the more serious film on these two lists just because I don’t have the time to issue trigger warnings for every film. I may put out a part three, at least I’m going to try to but I’m working 12 hour days lately so I don’t have as much time to watch stuff as I used to but I’m sure some of your guys do. If you’re having trouble finding a film don’t be afraid to let me know and I’ll do my best to hook you up with some *quality* content. I know I’m having a hell of a hard time finding his older credits and the movie Blood Relatives (at least a version in english) Let me know what you guys think, if you agree or disagree with my opinions. Have fun watching!
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peterjakes · 5 years
My Mad Fat Diary Fanfic - The Two Months - Chapter 2
Chapter 2 - Two Old Friends
Writing this chapter made me realise how much easier it was to write a Chop x Archie piece lol. I still enjoyed writing this chapter but not so sure about it - let me know!
Also published on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20154688/chapters/47748709#workskin
Finn and Archie had been friends for a very long time. Yeah, Finn considered him his best mate. He loved the lad and would do anything for him. The two saw each other down the chippy and Archie wasn’t looking himself. Finn thought it odd, considering everything was sorted now. He suggested going for a chat. He and Archie weren’t the best at letting people know how they feel but that was something Archie said he wanted to change. Finn wasn’t so sure. He liked being a little closed off, a little secretive, even though this meant he seemed like a right grumpy sod to outsiders. This didn’t matter though, as long as the gang and Rae understood him. They were the only real ones that did, and he was thankful for that.
Everything that had happened recently, it taught him that everyone had stuff and sometimes they didn’t want to talk about it. But sometimes that’s actually what you need the most. The chats Finn has had with Rae since everything, they’ve been open, and they’ve become closer because of it. It was weird, Finn and Rae seemed to work just as well when they weren’t together. That’s what was so good about their relationship. They were best mates. Like him and Arch. With a slight difference of course.
Finn finished football practice - one of the only things he enjoyed now that he left college and moved out. During that period, it became harder to see everyone and he missed it. Last summer, the summer of ‘96… that was the best time of his life and he wanted to get that back. He didn’t have enough time to head back to his flat to change, Archie was probably already on his way. Archie had a tendency to be stupidly early. Finn packed his kit away and took a quick shower.
Walking past the pitch, he noticed the weather changing. It wasn’t cold anymore, the sun seemed to want to come out and be enjoyed by everyone but there was something holding it back. Finn walked past a young family on the seesaw and headed for the swings. This was his most used spot in the park. It’s where he and Archie had spent so many hours talking over the years. It’s where he and Rae had that chat. It’s where he’d taken himself to be alone and just think. He plonked down on the left swing, pulling out a cigarette and lighter from his denim jacket. He felt like he hadn’t had a proper smoke in ages, something he desperately needed. He pulled a drag and watch the smoke float away. Once it disappeared, there came walking Archie.
Archie was struggling, really struggling. It was strange, he didn’t think everything would be all fine and dandy, he didn’t think it would go back to normal. What even was normal? That definitely wasn’t Archie. It’s not like he was alone, everyone had their own shit to deal with. But everyone else seemed to be able to deal with it – or at least they could just hide it. Archie had kept his secret for so long, and at first the relief he felt was immense. But recently, it was as if he was still keeping something from everyone. And it was eating away at him, which was something he didn’t think he’d be able to cope with for much longer.
Finn was someone Archie wanted to confine in, but neither of the two boys could bring themselves to do it. That awful toxic masculinity. But there was this kind of unspoken agreement between the two, which was especially evident after Archie came out, that even if they didn’t say how they felt, they would back each other. Being friends for 12 years meant something, even if they didn’t tell each other that. Finn agreeing to meeting for a chat was music to Archie’s ears, neither were much talkers but Archie needed this – otherwise he felt like he’d explode.
Archie found Finn on the swings, he brushed down the swing before sitting down on it and turned to Finn, giving him a weak smile.
“Cheers for meeting, I…I really appreciate it, Finn.”
Finn could see Archie wasn’t right, no not that he wasn’t right, but it was obvious something was going on. Finn knew what it was like, not saying anything, not letting on, when in reality he was struggling to keep it together. That only happened a few times, one being when he and Rae first split. That was fucking hard. But like everyone else, he dealt with it. Wasn’t easy, but he kept going. That’s just what everyone had to do.
“It’s ‘lright, bud.” He offered Archie a cigarette, even though he knew Archie didn’t smoke, not seriously anyway. As expected, his friend waved it away, and started to fiddle with his specs. One of the many things he knew Archie did when he was nervous. For the first time, Finn felt an awkwardness between them. After 12 years of friendship, 12 years of playing football, mucking about down the rec, going down the pub. This feeling, it wasn’t nice. He didn’t know what to do. He wanted Archie to be happy, he was his best mate and only wanted the best for him. He got that things were going to be tough for a while, it wasn’t going to be all smiles and roses. Life wasn’t like that all the time. Everyone had stuff they had to fight to deal with. But Finn didn’t like seeing any of the gang like this, especially Archie.
“You seen Chopper? He’s being a right melt at the minute, honestly don’t know how to handle ‘im. Kept going on ‘bout how we all need to see each other. Works both ways though, donit.” He offered the boy beside him a reassuring smile and lit his second cigarette of the day. He knew he had to swerve the conversation to the real reason they were meeting. “Arch, I know something’s up, I can always tell ‘ya know.”
Archie hadn’t expected Finn to linger too much on filler conversation, wasn’t a great talent of his but he didn’t blame him. He liked that about Finn. There was never any bullshit with him. Archie knew Finn only offered him a cigarette to be polite, he really only smoked to fit in. It was stupid, really. Yeah, Finn looked cool doing it, but Archie could never really pull it off. He’d stick to playing football and reading. There wasn’t going to be anymore fakery from Archie, he knew he couldn’t do it much longer.
Archie laughed at the thought of Chop.
“That’s Chop, for ‘ya. Always thinking up something.”
“Yeah, I know. I’ve been… Just been thinking about everything, ‘ya know? It’s just been a lot. I dunno, I’m being stupid really.” Archie laughed it off, it wasn’t as if anything serious was actually going on. But something did feel right, like there was a sort of disturbance in his life. It wasn’t how people were reacting to him, anyone who was originally bothered by him had kept their distance and everyone else, well, they had been brilliant. Better than he had ever thought they could be. College was much easier now; the gang was back together, and he could actually enjoy himself. Durham was in his sights. He didn’t like to brag, but it was likely he’d get in. His parents would be proud. He’d have the time of his life. But none of that seemed to matter, not in the last few days. Talking to Chop hadn’t helped, it distracted him for a few hours sure, but walking home he had time to think and he didn’t fancy that. He knew he’d had to stand up to his thoughts and feelings at some point.
Finn hated seeing anyone down, especially Archie. Only recently had everything seemed so hard. Finn also hated it when Archie just brushed off his problems, Finn wasn’t an idiot – he could tell when something was wrong, really wrong. And this seemed to be one of those times, but he didn’t want to force Archie. On the other hand, would have Archie agreed to meet up if he didn’t want to talk about it? Finn was never one for talking about things that didn’t matter. He didn’t say a lot. But when he did, he meant it.
“Arch, you can talk to meh, ya know. It’s ‘lright. Has summat happened? Whatever ‘ya thinking, s’not stupid. I promise.
Of course Finn was being ridiculously understanding. That’s what Finn did. That’s who Finn was. Archie couldn’t think of one time that Finn was unreasonable or when he’d judge you for your thoughts or actions. Finn just wasn’t the type.
“Nah, nothin’. Not really. It’s just me, isn’t it? Nothing’s ever easy is, it? It’s like Churchill said, ‘If you’re going through hell, keep going’, right. But how can you keep going when your body doesn’t want to?” Archie shook his head; he knew he wasn’t making any sense. All of his thoughts kept going around and around in his head, as if on a hamster wheel, but the minute he tried to articulate them they all seemed to disappear. This time, he wanted to tell Finn how he’d been feeling, he knew he would understand and try to help. But the words just didn’t want to form, not in the right way anyway. Archie rubbed under his nose, trying to figure out what to say. He didn’t exactly know what the problem was, or at least he hadn’t allowed himself to think about it properly to realise. He never wanted to burden Finn with his troubles, but he couldn’t do that without explaining properly what was wrong. He released himself from the right swing, feeling the cold wind on his fingertips and turned towards his Finn, who was looking slightly bemused.
“I know I’m not making sense. I’m… I’m just wasting your time, mate.”
No, Archie wasn’t making much sense in what he was saying but Finn could tell. He could always tell. There was something really bugging his friend beside him, something that Finn soon realised wasn’t just going to go away.
“Archie, just listen to meh for a minute, right. Don’t need to hear any Churchill bullocks. What is going on with ya? Ya haven’t just started being like this out of the blue, I’ve noticed, ya know. Just tell meh, please mate. It’ll be alright.”
“Churchill gave some great speeches ‘ya know.” Archie nodded at Finn, to which his friend smirked at, but this soon faltered back into the concerned look Finn always gave Archie when he thought something serious was wrong. Those puppy dog eyes, he knew how to use them, Archie would give him that. Archie wasn’t going to give him anything else. He didn’t know how to explain what was wrong. He felt like now everyone was back together, he should have felt happy. Felt fine. But that just wasn’t the case. And that’s why he felt weird. Out of place. Not quite right.
“I dunno, really. I feel like I have all of these feelings and thought inside my head and I…I just can’t get them out. Not properly. My mum, she said that I should talk to someone at college, about everything. All my revelations. Now that’s a load of bullocks. Nothing is really wrong. I guess…I dunno. Things are changing and, I’ve never been good with that, you know that.” Archie paused, allowing Finn to take it all in. His friend was nodding along to everything he was saying, but Archie highly doubted he understood anything. No one seemed to understand him. Even if Archie was being a bit dramatic.
“I just thought it would be a bit easier by now.”
“Things take time, Arch. I’m proud of you though, you handled everything with class. I’m sorry I ‘aven’t been there for ya recently, mate. I’ll make it up to ‘ya, scout’s honour” Finn gave Archie a twinkling smile, took one last drag and put out his cigarette. He got up and stood next to his old friend, patting on the back. He hadn’t been the greatest friend in the world to Archie, better than some, but definitely not the best.
“I know Chop mentioned Barney t’other day. Has this got anything to do with how ‘ya feeling? ‘Cos Chopper isn’t always the best when it comes to uncomfortable subjects. ‘ya know he didn’t mean it though. Everyone reacts differently, and he loves ‘ya to pieces. We all do.”
“Cheers, mate. That means a lot. But that doesn’t matter, not really.” Archie smiled to himself at Finn’s ‘scouts’ comment, Finn always knew how to lighten the mood when it was pretty low. He was always careful and serious, especially when it came to Archie, but he was still a joker.
Archie sat down on the patch of grass in front of the swings and motioned Finn to sit beside him, which his friend obeyed to.
“He didn’t say anything wrong; he was fine actually. Not something we say that often about him.” Chop’s heart was always in the right place, or at least it had been, but he wasn’t very good at navigating it.
“I just…I feel like I don’t how I’m gonna move forward, ya know? Got nothing to do with Chop or Barney, alright? Just struggling with everything, I guess.” This wasn’t completely untrue. He was struggling, Chop had actually made him feel better for a while and moving forward was something he was trying to do and wanted to do. But the mention of Barney, well, he had been thinking about him a little since the afternoon at the pub with Chop. He was a good kisser. He had something interesting to say. And he actually listened to Archie. He was good-looking too. They hadn’t spoken much, not since that night. Barney would appear in and out of their lives; like most of the lads, he didn’t go to college much, obviously had better things to do – unlike Archie, who was sitting here thinking about him and what he was doing, when Barney probably hadn’t even given Archie a second thought.
Archie didn’t know why he was struggling so much recently, but he did know that he couldn’t be like this forever. He needed to do something, and yeah, sometimes talking helps and he didn’t fault Finn for being a good mate and trying to help him figure it out. But maybe this wasn’t the way.
Finn wasn’t going to probe Archie to say more, their friendship wasn’t like that. He knew there was more to Archie’s problems, but if Archie wasn’t ready then Finn wasn’t going to push him. Finn would be there for him, he only knew too well that it sometimes takes time to come to terms with how you feel.
“You heard any more about Durham, then?” University was always a good subject to talk about with Archie, he could rant on for hours about how great the facilities were, how weird and wacky the lecturers were, what a great opportunity it would be for him. Finn knew this. He knew how to keep Archie’s mind off things, even if he didn’t know how to get Archie to open up properly.
Archie gave a small sigh with relief at the mention of university. This was Finn signalling that he wasn’t going to carry on asking, which Archie was grateful for.
“Mr Pens thinks I could do it, if I keep doing what I’m doing. Mum and Dad, that’s all their hoping for, to be honest. Don’t wanna bore ya with everything about the application and interview. You found a job yet?” Bore you. That’s all Archie seemed to be doing recently. Boring everyone with his stupid problems. Problems he didn’t understand himself.
“Chopper said he could get me some work in the garage, but, ya know that’s not what I wanna do.” Finn looked over at the park as he said this. What did he want to do? He wanted Archie to tell him what’s up, that’s what he really wanted but felt like today wasn’t going to be the day.
“You’ll get there mate, I know you will. Who knows, when I come back from uni you could be the richest DJ in Stamford, eh?”
“Course I will, don’t doubt it.” Finn gave Archie a small wink, which was very reminiscent of a Chop wink, one that the gang all knew too well.
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how-manygalileos · 6 years
Yes, Minister - A BoRhap Politics AU
//Chapt 1//Chapt 2
A/N: ello, ello! c’est chapter 3! me and @rachelweiszs-areawoman hope you enjoy!!
Word Count: 1842
Chapter 3
“There have been reports of more arson attacks in the main refugee camp in Calais. The Foreign Secretary is expected to make a statement, along with the Prime Minister soon” The newsreader on the TV said. Gwilym quickly switched it off and sank back in his chair. The ongoing crisis in the refugee camps on the French coast had been playing heavily on his mind for a while. As Foreign Secretary, it was his job to liaise with his French counterpart, and work out what was going to be done. With the recent spate of arson attacks within the camps, time was quickly running out. He knew he had to do something, and fast, but he didn’t know what. There was a knock at his office door.
“Come in.” he called, Ben pokes his head around the door.
“Jesus, you look stressed,” he says, chuckling slightly, “seen Red’s new placard?”
“And that is?” Gwil asked,
“Elsie Stewart, you dipshit.” Ben retorted. Gwil looked at him, somewhat disgusted.
“Christ, Ben. A nickname?”, Ben shrugged in response.
“Y’know you might find out she’s a pretty cool girl if you actually spoke to her.”
“I’ve got slightly bigger things on my mind, Ben” Gwilym replied quickly, trying to concentrate on the paperwork in front of him.
“I know, that’s what I’ve come to you to talk about. The Prime Minister needs a response and a plan from the Foreign Office as soon as possible. He’s had the French President on the blower again this morning” Ben said, putting a handful of takeout menus in front of Gwil “Have these, considering you won’t be leaving the building until this is sorted.”
Gwil all but threw the menus in a drawer of his desk, before he started pacing around the room. He had no idea what he was meant to do in this situation. He’d never been in it before. He’d never been in a situation as serious as this as a Secretary of State. He soon found himself walking in to Kick’s office.
“What do I do, Kick?” He asked as he sank down into the chair opposite the Junior Minister.
“I don’t know. We can’t use the Rhodesia solution again.” Kick replied.
“Well what options do we have?”
“The usual six, Minister.”
“Which are?”
“One - do nothing. Two - issue a statement. Three - lodge an official protest. Four - cut off aid. Five - break off diplomatic relations. Six - declare war.” Kick says, sipping her cup of tea. Gwil just stared at her.
“And which one are we going to do? You seem to know what to do, Kick. Help me out.”
“Well, if we do nothing it implies we agree with what’s happening. If we issue a statement we’ll just look foolish. If we lodge a protest it’ll be ignored. We can’t cut off aid because we’re not giving the french any, and this is technically a row with the French because they came whinging to us about it because we won’t let these refugees into the UK but it’s actually their problem because it’s on french soil.” Kick took a deep breath before she continued “We can’t break off diplomatic relations because we can’t negotiate trade agreements and considering they’re our link to the continent that would be fairly fatal, and if we declare war it’ll look a bit like we’ve overreacted.”
“Which means we do what?” Gwil asked again.
“Tell the French President to fuck off?”
“Seriously Kick, this is the biggest diplomatic crisis I’ve ever had to deal with and I have absolutely no idea what to do.” He almost pleaded.
The next four days were spent in a whirlwind of meetings and chinese takeaways. Lucy was sent to both Gwil and Kick’s houses to get extra clothes and to buy more coffee. Nobody in the Foreign Office slept. Kick and Gwil didn’t leave the building except to go to No. 10 to talk with the Prime Minister. The Secretary of State and his Junior Minister hardly left each other’s sides. An extra desk was brought into Gwilym’s office and Kick set up camp there, her office used for stress-pacing away from everybody else as so not to make them more stressed.
Eventually, after 96 long and arduous hours, they came up with a solution. The solution was sent off to the Prime Minister and implemented. It wasn’t option 6. Kick and Gwilym promptly collapsed.
Gwilym ran over to No. 10 to speak briefly with Prime Minister May, but on his return he found Kick curled up in his desk chair, fast asleep. Her knees were drawn up to her chest and her hands were clasped tightly around her sides. Gwilym took off his suit jacket and layed it over her shoulders, before sitting on the floor against his desk. He leant his head back against the hard wood and was asleep in seconds.
Ben walked into Gwilym’s office, and had to bite his tongue to stop himself laughing. Kick, curled up in Gwil’s chair, with the man himself on the floor. Ben silently pulled his phone from his pocket and snapped a photo, sending it to Kick.
‘Saw you finally slept with Gwilym x’
Ben walked back to Parliament from the foreign office, he lit a cigarette and began walking his regular route. A familiar voice grabbed his attention.
“Hey, Harrow!” Elsie shouted, the nickname poking fun at the fact he was a boarder at Harrow School. She was sat on the curb next to the Winston Churchill statue with a placard that said “REFUGEE CHILDREN BURNING, LEE DOES NOTHING!” written on it.
“Not climbing the statue today, Red?” Ben called back
“Nah, the pigs won’t let me do it anymore. Apparently I’m ‘encouraging vandalism’.” she replied doing air quotes. Ben walked over and sat next to her.
“Want one?” he asked, taking the pack from his inside jacket pocket. Elsie took one, getting her own lighter out of her coat pocket.
“Fuck you, Harrow,” she said, lighting it, “I was trying to quit.” Elsie let out her first breath of smoke and put her lighter back in her pocket. Ben laughed slightly.
“You didn’t have to take one you know.” he said, tapping some ash off the end of his cigarette
“Aye but it’s peer pressure, isn’t it.” she commented, zipping up her jacket and adjusting her beret slightly so it covered her ears a little more.
“So you consider me a peer of yours?” Ben joked, leaning back on the podium slightly a smug look on his face.
“Shut up, pal.” she started, “you know what I mean.”
“So… I’m your pal?” Ben said back, looking even more smug.
“I swear to god, Harrow, I will put this out on that bespoke suit.” he laughed slightly in response, taking a drag from his cigarette. “Anything new happening at the foreign office?” she asked
“Well,” Ben said, taking his phone from his pocket. “Our most beloved Foreign Secretary-”
“That supreme prick, Lee.” Elsie interrupted, taking another drag.
“Our most beloved Foreign Secretary and his equally fantastic junior minister-”
“Shawcross.” Elsie interrupted again.
“Are you going to let me finish, Red?” Ben asked, exasperated as he opened up his photos. Elsie raised her eyebrows and leant over to look at the phone. She saw the photo of Kick and Gwilym asleep in Gwil’s office, and burst out laughing.
“Oh, that’s class. I knew Shawcross was effectively running the Foreign office but at least I have some proof now.” she smirked mischievously.
“You’re not allowed to use this against the Foreign Secretary, Red. This stays between us.” Elsie scowled slightly, Ben rolled his eyes playfully.
“Harrow…” she pleaded, fully aware of the amount of damage this could do, should it get out with the wrong spin.
“I mean it, Stewart. You are not allowed to use it.” Ben warned now in a serious tone of voice, he replaced his phone into his pocket and put out his cigarette.
“Okay, fine.” she reluctantly said, “but when they want to go public, you have to let me break the story.”
Ben dropped his cigarette, stubbing it out with his shoe as he made his way back inside the Houses of Parliament. He was queueing for a coffee when a familiar blonde came up behind him.
“Saw you talking to that bloody protester again.” she said, sneering slightly, with a hint of playfulness. Ben turned around to see Miss Martha Bexley MP, conservative Member of Parliament for Brentwood and Ongar. The opposition.
“At least I have friends, Bexley.” Ben teased back.
“Your friend...a communist?”
“Anarchist, actually. At least I have a position within my party, unlike some people” Ben corrected.
“Have you seen what she said about the new ambassador in her latest column? Some of the allegations she was throwing out, I don’t understand how you can listen to her by choice, or how she gets away with it for that matter.” Martha commented
“I haven’t had chance to read it yet, but I imagine it’s as outrageous as always,” Ben replied, “Also she’s actually very interesting to talk to” he added
“Right… suit yourself.” Martha said, beginning to walk away from him “Goodbye Hardy, have fun consulting with criminals” Martha called as she made her way to the opposition offices, he smiled as she walked away, there was something about her but he was yet to figure it out. Ben saw a newspaper sitting on one of the cafe tables, open to Elsie’s column. He picked it up and began to read as he walked towards the Government side of the Houses of Parliament. 
Joe Mazzello: The Boy-Billionaire of New York, the title read. It made Ben chuckle slightly.
Following the retirement of Louis Susman last summer, it was the turn of boy-billionaire Joe Mazzello, or to give him his full title Staff Sergeant Joseph Francis Mazzello III, to take the position of American Ambassador to the UK. Being “unprecedentedly young” is often a quality I endorse in political figures, however we must take into account that with youth does come lack of experience. Before now, Mazzello has held no office; diplomatic or political. He is a 30-something with a business degree and more money than he knows what to do with…  
“Not even a paragraph in and already two solid insults.” Ben said to himself, Elsie had exceeded herself. He continued skim reading until he made it back to his office. He sat down, leaning back and swinging his feet up onto his desk.
…A young, rich, socialite with a fantasy of being a hotshot politician; donates a sizeable amount of money to a presidential campaign and when that campaign succeeds, the position of ambassador to a major allied nation is handed over on a silver platter. It just doesn’t sit right.
They were quite a grandiose set of accusations, admittedly not too dissimilar from her normal works. But something felt different this time, more personal and less fact-based. Ben wondered if she’d had an encounter with Joe, who’d seemed to him enthusiastic and mild-mannered, and put her spin on it as she was want to do. It was Elsie Stewart after all.
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chasholidays · 7 years
Thanks for doing this again!! I'd love to read a Dancing with the Stars Bellarke AU if possible!!
The nice thing Clarke has found about Dancing with the Stars is that, as a general rule, the less she likes her celebrity partner, the sooner she’ll be eliminated.
It’s not a purposeful thing; she always does her best with every season, she’s way too competitive to not. But it tends to be hard, to work with people she dislikes, as the root cause of her dislike is generally that they won’t fucking listen to her. When she goes out early, it’s almost because her stupid celebrity refuses to listen to her or thinks she’s too harsh or the dance is too hard. It’s not like she usually gets to know them on any deep level; they spend a few weeks together in a surreal environment, and then she never sees them again.
Finn Collins, though. Finn Collins is new.
“You could just break one of his legs,” Bellamy suggests. They’re getting drinks and Bellamy is mocking her because while Ontari is something of a nightmare, she’s at least an expected kind of nightmare. She’s a controlling former actress who wants this to reboot her career and thinks Bellamy is there to serve her, not teach her. It sucks, but they’ve all dealt with that before. “Like, casually.”
Clarke snorts. “What’s the casual way to break someone’s legs? Ski mask and a tire iron?”
“I was thinking you just trip and fall and get him with your knee as you go down, but if you’ve got a ski mask and a tire iron–”
She elbows him. “Seriously, I’m worried that if he gets to the final he’s going to propose or something. Just to get audience votes.”
“That is how he got famous, right? Deciding he was going to marry a woman he barely knew?”
“If he tries to give me a rose I actually will break one of his legs,” she grumbles, and Bellamy laughs.
Finn’s not the first “star” to make it on the program because of his experience in reality TV, but Clarke will admit she finds him one of the least impressive. He went on The Bachelor despite, apparently, having a serious girlfriend, and he was somehow hoping that she wouldn’t find out because she hated reality TV, and that he’d be able to dump her cleanly if it went well.
Instead, it all blew up in his face, as he deserved, and by three months after his engagement at the end of the show, he was single and slightly infamous, which is, admittedly, the sweet spot for people who want to continue to appear on reality TV. He’s hosted some specials, been on some morning shows, and now seems to be known mostly as a pleasant, generic attractive white guy, like they didn’t have enough of those on TV already.
“If it makes you feel better, he’s not actually a good dancer, so he should get weeded out pretty soon,” Bellamy points out, practical as always. “He’s been scraping by on charm and luck. I’m just glad the charm stopped working on you.”
She makes a face. “It wasn’t working, I was being polite.”
“Because you didn’t know anything about him.”
“I’m still being polite.”
“I’m just saying, before I told you to google him, you actually kind of liked him.”
Clarke grins and nudges him. “So you were trying to save me?”
“Friends don’t let friends date former Bachelor contestants, Clarke.”
“Especially not ones who cheated on their real girlfriends. He would have lost me pretty soon anyway. He’s just so–”
“Finn?” Bellamy supplies.
“Pretty much. How’s Ontari doing? I feel like you aren’t complaining as much.”
“Well, I wouldn’t want to cut into your time,” he teases, and she elbows him again. He ducks his head, laughing, and Clarke finds herself smiling too. He’s in a good mood today, a rarity, and it’s nice to see him so relaxed. “Honestly, she’s fine. Don’t get me wrong, she hates me, thinks she knows better than I do, and if she could just be her own teacher and partner, she’d be fucking thrilled. But the judges keep praising all the stuff I say they will, so she’s coming around. And I’d take unnecessary asshole hostility over someone trying to hit on me every time.”
“So, my life is terribleand makes you feel better about yours?”
He raises his glass. “Appreciated.”
She shakes her head, smiling. “Happy to help.”
As with so many things, the Finn situation gets worse before it gets better. He’s one of those people who, as he gains experience and confidence, also gains opinions, and while that can be a good thing, his opinions are bad, and he should feel bad.
“He thinks we need to put more Bachelor stuff into the routine,” she tells Bellamy, a week later.
“I told you he wanted to give you a rose. I tried to warn you.”
“He used the word synergy.”
That makes him wince. “Jesus, really?”
“Synergy, I swear to god. He thinks the cross-promotional synergy will really help his brand.”
“If that’s an actual quote, I might break his leg.”
“It is.” She puts her head on his shoulder with a sigh. “I never thought basic competence would be this annoying.”
“Yeah, it’s a real burden.” He pauses, thinking something over. “Did he say what he thinks his brand is? Because asshole from The Bachelor is a pretty competitive field.”
“That’s why he wants to add dancing. None of the others are dancers.”
“I’ve seen him dance, he isn’t either.”
Clarke smiles. “Doesn’t that reflect on me? I’m the one who’s supposed to be teaching him.”
“You’re doing your best with what you have to work with.”
“Ontari is actually good.”
“She’s nominally a singer, so I guess she should be.”
“Nominally, you’re such a snob.”
“I just think when you autotune that much you should lose some of the credit for your musical skills,” he grumbles. Bellamy googles everyone who signs up for the show extensively, which is how he knows things like who Finn is and what Ontari’s music sounds like. Clarke’s experience tends to be more scattershot, with some people she recognizes and some she wouldn’t know were stars unless someone told her. Which doesn’t bother her, but she’s pretty sure Bellamy is still embarrassed about his first season, when they had Roan Churchill on the show and everyone else was star struck and Bellamy mistook him for a new PA.
So now he’s an expert.
“But she does actually have rhythm and some taste.”
“Let’s not get carried away. I’m still rooting for Monty.”
“Me too,” Clarke admits. Usually she roots for her own star, and then Bellamy’s, but since both of theirs suck, they had to find other people. Monty’s kind of quiet and dorky, famous as a cartoonist of all things, and everyone expected him to fail out basically immediately, but the guy can move. It’s kind of awesome.
“So, what does Finn do with the rose in this hypothetical dance?” he asks. “How bad is it?”
“It’s in his mouth.”
“For your disco week number?” Bellamy asks, sounding dubious.
“Don’t tell me you’re against disco roses.”
“At this point I think it’s safe to say I’m against Finn,” he grumbles. “I don’t really want you to get knocked out, but–yeah, if he could got horribly injured and you had to get a new partner, I could live with that.”
“Still working on how to break his legs and make it look like an accident. But if I figure out how, I’ll let you know.”
“If you need an alibi, just ask.”
She grins, kisses his cheek. “Yeah, I know.”
Clarke and Bellamy have been professionals on the show for six seasons together, but they’ve never actually danced together. It’s not something Clarke thinks about, not something she felt like she was missing in her life. She knows Bellamy is a great dancer, one of the best she’s ever seen, and she’s always thought it would be fun, but she hasn’t danced with plenty of people.
It comes up primarily because Bellamy and Ontari somehow get eliminated before she and Finn do, which is just absurd. It’s not like Clarke likesOntari–quite the opposite–but she was without a doubt a much better dancer than Finn is, and she definitely should have stayed longer.
On the bright side, Bellamy is no longer the competition, but he’s still her friend, so he’s just hanging around offering commentary on their moves. It’s kind of cheating, probably, but it’s not like he isn’t offering commentary on other people’s routines. She’s just his favorite, and he hates Finn, so he’s doing it extra for them.
“This is impossible!” Finn finally says, in exasperation. “No one could do this!”
“That’s just bullshit,” Bellamy says, mild. “Just because you can’t doesn’t mean it’s impossible.”
“Yeah? Then you do it.”
It’s an incredibly stupid thing to say, and Finn realizes it maybe a second after he says it, but it’s too late.
“Sure,” says Bellamy. He glances at his friend Miller, who’s behind the camera today. “Assuming that’s cool.”
“I don’t give a shit,” says Miller. “They might not use the footage but go for it.”
“Clarke?” he asks, and Clarke finds that she really, really wants to.
It’s a surprise, but it shouldn’t be.
“It would probably be good to get a demonstration in. You know it?”
“Yeah, I know it.” His eyes sweep over her, just once, like he’s checking in, and then he offers his hand.
She’ll be the first person to admit the whole thing works a lot better with Bellamy than it does with Finn. It’s less that sexual attraction is required for dance–it definitely isn’t–and more that comfort with the partner helps.
But it’s also a little bit that it’s a sexy song, and a sexy dance, and given her choice between dirty dancing with Finn and dirty dancing with Bellamy, Bellamy wins every time.
The speed was what was tripping Finn up, mostly, and some of the more complicated footwork, but of course Bellamy doesn’t struggle with that. He’s light on his feet, his movements sure, and his eyes never leave hers. It’s close and hot and intimate and like no other dancing has ever been, like no other partner has ever been. Her whole life, nothing has ever been like this.
By the time they’re done, everyone is staring at them, and Clarke’s wondering if she’s allowed to drag him off somewhere and fuck him now, or if she’s required to wait until later.
Judging from his expression, he’s wondering the same thing, but he makes up his mind first. “See?” he says, to no one in particular. “Anyone can do it.”
“Yeah, that’s the lesson we learned there,” says Miller, dry.
Finn, on the other hand, is just sort of gaping at them; Clarke offers him a sunny smile. “I don’t think it’s the choreography,” she says, and that makes him close his mouth.
“No,” he says, at last. “Probably not.”
Bellamy is waiting for her when she leaves the showers after, looking like an anxious kid after his first school dance, of all things.
“Hi,” she says.
“Hi. I thought I could, uh–I thought we should talk.”
“Talk?” she asks, amused. “You want to talk?”
“What’s wrong with talking?”
“Nothing. But it seems kind of unnecessary.”
“Unnecessary,” he repeats, but there’s a smile lurking around his mouth.
“Was some part of what happened there unclear?” she asks, trailing her fingers up his chest.
“I hope not,” he says, and leans down to kiss her.
So they’re definitely on the same page.
When she and Finn get eliminated that week, she assumes that it’s partly because they included some of the footage of her and Bellamy practicing together, and nothing she and Finn did came even close to being that good.
Bellamy assumes so too, because he greets her with a kiss and, “See? We got rid of him.”
“I don’t know if that counts.”
“He’s gone and we’re together,” he points out. “That sounds like winning to me.”
It’s hard to argue with that logic, and she cuddles into his arms, warm and perfectly content, despite the loss. “Yeah,” she says. “When you put it like that.”
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theliterateape · 4 years
Four Words That Will Change Your Life (and the Internet)
by Don Hall
"If you’re not a liberal when you’re 25, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative by the time you’re 35, you have no brain."
Churchill did not say this. Attributed to him but completely inconsistent with his own political journey (Conservative at 15 and Liberal at 35) the quote joins a rather long list of quotes he was supposed to have said, but didn't.
To quote the Mandalorian, "This is the way."
As is often the case, who said it is less relevant that what was said. I mean, somebody said it even if they just made it up to falsely attribute to Churchill, right? That somebody had a point and the point is that people change their ideologies with experience. That is true no matter if it were Churchill or the batshit crazy cat lady on the street corner with the tinfoil hat and the shoes made of stuffed animals.
Experience forces perspective. If one is open to that perspective change, this new information allows the ideology to shift one way or the other.
A friend recently told me he thought I had gained a modicum of wisdom in my advancing age. He then stopped and corrected himself "Maybe it's not wisdom but age plus exhaustion. You aren't wiser so much as you are too tired to be the dumbass of your youth." There is some truth to the assessment. I am too tired to fight the same meaningless fights as I was so thirsty for in my younger days. Some of them are no longer relevant; most are just dull in repetition. 
I find myself get ginned up about some thing in the news or online. I start to write about the bigotry of Critical Race Theory or the pernicious grip Trump has on the bizarre amalgam of GOP legislators. I get bored or tired or filled with a sense of futility so I write about something I watched on Netflix or pop out 3,000 words in my draft of the book on working at the casino. The angry piece gets sidelined and I move on to something else.
I've always been a fairly angry guy but anger (usually a response to some other less proactive emotional state like fear or despair) takes a fuck-ton of energy and with age goes the energy. 
Oh, boo-fucking-hoo! When the life expectancy of the human body used to be around thirty years, you made it to fifty-five without too many dents in your fender and now you're bitching about needing more naps?
Not complaining. Just acknowledging the inevitable loss of steam to fuel the pissed-off. The other noticeable difference is that I can see clearly how my mind has been changed on so many things since I was young, dumb, and fulla cum. 
At a time of such stridency and polarization (and let's be honest here, it's almost always been like this—we just have social media to stick it in our faces at nearly every waking hour and we're all fucking addicted to our devices like truck drivers and five-dollar whores) being able to both change your mind but also admit it and move on is quite the sign of either wisdom or age+exhaustion.
Back when I was a giant fatass, if you asked me about hitting the gym, my reaction would be the derision of a true believer in delusional fitness. I was strong(ish) but horribly out of shape and strolling leisurely down the path of late-stage diabetes and heart failure at the ripe age of forty-five.
Out of nothing but vanity, I started working out regularly. I lost eighty pounds (the equivalent of four and a half bowling balls strapped to my frame) and found a sense of Zen that my otherwise lazy rage-boner could drill.
Today, while not one of those wheat-grass drinking, Instagram humping fitness cultists, I think that a bit of exercise could do everyone some good. My mantra is simple: any exercise is better than no exercise. If all you can manage is a single pathetic push-up, do it. One push-up is better than no push-ups.
In terms of a massive change of mind, this single shift is significant in that it has been life-changing. Despite my smoking (years sucking on cigarettes and now more years on pipes) and my waning tolerance for too much alcohol (a coupla beers and a shot pretty much does me in these days) I'd wager I've added at least a few years toward the finish line. 
The change Churchill decidedly did not make note of (but note was made, that can be certain) is a sign of evolution. Not growing gills or something bizarrely nineties as all that but a personal evolving from a stupid twenty year old to a slightly less stupid fifty-five year old. In the grand scheme of things, less stupid may be a low bar to clear but it's at least a goal.
In the 1990's, as with all twenty-two year olds, I thought I had it all under control. I knew the world, saw its hypocrisies, and fully believed I was as put together and confident as a frat boy with a roofie and a Scooby Doo van. I easily dismissed anyone over the age of thirty as a sell-out, anyone past forty as societally obsolete, and couldn't believe that anyone past fifty wasn't walking around asking people who shit their pants.
And, like twenty-two year olds of every decade in every generation, I was a self righteous cunt about it.
In terms of evolving, in experience changing my mind about fundamentals, it took some trudging through certain trenches and seeing the world from multiple angles to shift perspective.
“Do what you love. The money will follow.”
Bullshit. As a younger man I loved this mythological smegma on my chest but it simply isn’t true. The more correct version is “Do what you love because you will lie on your deathbed one day and if you spent your one life doing what you despise so you could buy shit, you’re a fucking moron.”
This epiphany came to me after years of experience because that's how these things go. 
The ability to change one's mind does not come from other people telling you what to do. Sure, instructions are helpful but being told what to believe is almost always a non-starter. This has been true for all time as far as I can tell. 
Two things are at play in today’s marketplace of ideas: the ability to change one’s mind and the desire to demand fealty to competing sets of beliefs. Most people have the skill to take in new information, reflect upon it, and shift perspective. Few are willing to shift perspective taking orders from others.
In the grand scheme of things, less stupid may be a low bar to clear but it's at least a goal.
When Vegas was in the early stages of COVID shutdown, I genuinely believed it was overblown and Chicken Little hysteria. “It’s just like the flu!” I recall saying to guests on the casino floor. I made jokes about licking machines and drinking Purell. Then the information started rolling out as scientists began to truly understand the gravity of the situation.
I changed my mind. I began to take it seriously. I did the reading and paid attention. 
“You said it was just like the flu a week ago!”
“I did. I was wrong.”
Those three words cannot be forced. They cannot be scolded into existence. They cannot be demanded. “What if you’re wrong?” is far less powerful than “What if I’m wrong?”
That’s really the essence of the thing. If more of us asked ourselves that question perhaps the marvel of digital communication would be less populated by wannabe neighborhood watch types vomiting out their putrid opinions on how everyone else is wrong. Maybe—just maybe—we could relax a bit and reflect on our own perspective shifts and engage in society with more grace than an angry, underserved nun with a hard-on for punishing those around her.
When I was in my twenties, I was terrified of homosexuality, I voted for Ronald Reagan, I drank until I blacked out and got into bar fights, I treated sex like it was a prize to win through manipulation. No one shamed me for these ideas. At some point, with experience and at least an ounce or two of self-reflective ability, I asked myself if I was wrong. I was wrong so I changed my mind and thus my behavior.
The goal is to become a better human before your clogged heart shuts down or a bus casually caves in your rib cage. The goal is not to focus on the guy in the Walmart parking lot screaming about the government making him wear a surgical mask to buy cheap macaroni and powdered cheese or the woman pushing the white fragility book on you. The goal is to become better at this life before it ceases to be.
To become better, ask yourself “What if I’m wrong?”
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Angel Landyn → Jack Falahee, Zazie Beetz, Steven Yeun, Vella Lovell  → Human Shifter
→ Basic Information
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday: August 16th
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Religion: Anglicanism
→ His/Her Personality Angel is exceedingly kind and caring, but also very stubborn and independent. Angel is generally an annoying presence in the human shifter clan. He is known for his underachieving personality and rebellious nature against authority. He will frequently act before thinking and often refuses to think at all. Angels coworkers often vocalize their dislike of him being around. He is quick to send quips or insults back their way, but Angel takes their insults to heart and often feels like he is a burden, which is the source of most of his insecurity; which branched years ago into self-harming and kleptomania for some time.
This sensitivity also makes it challenging to take genuine criticism and make changes. One example is his stereotypical way of “playing” his different faces. Despite attempted explanations, he refuses to change. However, those who have gotten through to him, like his bowling team, enjoy his presence. When he is not putting his foot in his mouth, he is charismatic and can talk anyone’s ear off. He is also very accepting of different species, his team being a mix of vampires and magic users.
Outsiders often get the wrong impression of Angel. They see him as the submissive, unimportant, annoying human shifter that is never taken seriously by his own. It is the story of his life. A little secret that outsiders and mortals do not know or understand, is that he loves his clan. Each and every single one of them. They may ridicule him or even avoid him but that is just family. Angel has made it clear on multiple occasions that if someone hurts his family, they will have hell to pay. When he is not being immature, Angel is very caring and a great leader who takes care of who he deems his own.
→ His/Her Personal Facts
Occupation: Police Officer and Part-Time College Student
Scars: None
Tattoos: None
Two Likes: Bowling and Spicy Foods
Two Dislikes: Being Ignored and Pain
Two Fears: Being Cursed and Black Cats
Two Hobbies: Studying the Titanic and Bowling (Team Lead)
Three Positive Traits: Independent, Sociable, Assertive
Three Negative Traits: Ignorant, Immature, Snobby
→ His/Her Connections
Parent Names:
Andreas Landyn (Father): Andreas and Aura rarely tended to their children. They were off running their clan, and their children were left to their own devices. This is one reason why Angel needs so much attention.
Aura Landyn (Mother): Andreas and Aura rarely tended to their children. They were off running their clan, and their children were left to their own devices. This is one reason why Angel needs so much attention.
Sibling Names:
Amenadiel Landyn (Brother): Angel and Amenadiel were close growing up, but haven’t really hung out in years.
Children Names:
Star Bowden (Daughter): A few years ago, Angel was being reckless and got another human shifter pregnant. She disappeared to have the baby and he didn’t know until she came back and showed him Star. He’s seen his daughter a few times, but hasn’t been able to really form a connection. He is trying to get her mother to move back to Chicago permanently so he can be better.
Romantic Connections:
Stassia Bowden (ex-girlfriend): He’d like to have Stassia come back to Chicago so they could attempt to play at having a real family, but he burned some bridges when he initially found out. He has been flying out to see them in Colorado, and thinks he may be getting her to come back around.
Platonic Connections:
Greta Bow (Friend/In Law): He and Greta will sometimes baby sit their nieces and nephews. She’s one of the few that he’s confident doesn’t hate him in the Family.
Raphael Caron (Friend/Bowling Team Member): He found Raphael off a local Facebook bowling group. It didn’t take them long to connect, and Angel asked him to join the team after their first game together.
Chai Gates (Friend/Bowling Team Member): Chai’s family has been involved with bowling for centuries. They’ve owned clubs, lounges, and alleys for years and she’s the best on the team.
Farrokh Alvi (Friend/Bowling Team Member): Farokh is just learning how to bowl competitively. He was the only one who hadn’t had much practice before playing.. Angel has been giving him private lessons on the side so he’ll feel more confident in himself and his skills.
Raul Santiago (Friend/Bowling Team Member): Chai brought Raul to practice one day, and said he was on the team. Despite being captain, Angel didn’t think he had much room to say no.
Milo Vasu ( Best Friend): Angel met Milo at college. Angel is working on his criminal justice degree, He and Milo are a part of the same fraternity and have a close relationship since they are the only supernaturals in that fraternity.
Seth Allen (New Friend): Seth is new to town and Angel was tasked with getting him fake identifications and other information. Angel invited him out for drinks and the two hit it off. Seth is coming with Gretchen and a few other hyenas to his next bowling tournament.
Gretchen Sims (New Friend): Gretchen is not bad for a mortal animal shifter. He thinks she would make a great leader of the Hyena Clan.
Arthur Milligan (New Friend): Arthur is a part of the older crew that mostly dislikes Angel. Angel is surprised that Arthur has never snapped on him.
Eli Kohen (New Friend): Eli was his partner for a total of 12 days before he was moved to someone else. Angel at first thought it was something he did but Eli seemed friendly enough after the partner transfer. Angel is unsure what to think.
Vincent Kane (Acquaintance): Vincent puts up with him but they have never gotten closer then Vincent ordering him to ‘shut up and sit down’ or to ‘hi’.
Hostile Connections:
Winston Abioye (Annoyance): Winston is very hostile towards him but Angel does not take it to heart. Winston is always vocal about the forms he chooses.
Jev ‘Patch’ Cipriano (Dislike): Everyone is in love with Patch Cipriano. Angel does not want to be someone else added to the list and has decided to hate him instead. Patch has tried one or two times to win Angel over but Angel has pushed him away. Patch seems like a nice enough person but he needs his ego deflated.
Adelaide ‘Addie’ Blanchett (Dislike): Angel may have flirted with Addie when she first showed up and may have even tried to convince her to go out with him. However, she shot him down at every chance and used the excuse of having a boyfriend. She went as far as kneeing him once when he approached her at a bar.
Churchill Darling (Fear): Church cornered him once and warned him to stop acting racist with one of his faces. Angel dropped the face the next day.
→ History (paragraph(s) on background)
→ The Present (paragraph(s) on how the character connects to the plot)
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Jake Falahee  [1][2][3]
Zazie Beetz  [1][2][3][4]
Steven Yeun  [1][2][3]
Vella Lovell  [1][2]
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