#there is a ceramics studio near me i just gotta find someone to go with bc…..
prrplefungi · 1 year
i fucking miss doing ceramics so mf badd, i miss making bowls, vases and sculptures ;0;
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juneyjubilation · 2 years
Headcanons and Drafting for Toby Rogers x F!Reader
A/N: this one is purely self indulgent, and no i will not apologize. someone's gotta support me emotionally, and i am going to be the one to do it. am i writing a self indulgent x reader for my own mental health? yes absolutely. i just hope someone else enjoys it, too. _ _ _
Reader isn’t fucking a literal baby, she is not scared of blood and gore nor does she even comment on it. She is morbid and very curious.
She owns her own ceramic studio in a small town in the woods with an apartment above it. With an annoyingly loud and stinky cat that she loves very dearly. 
Toby, after a mission finding his way through the studio's back door, assuming the building would be empty at night, collapses due to blood loss. He did not realize that the owner of the studio actively lived above it.  
Reader hears glass shattering and a thud, assuming she's being robbed, grabs a bat and goes downstairs to finally go absolutely ape shit. 
Instead of being robbed she sees an unconscious man bleeding out with goggles and a mask on and two hatchets soaked in blood next to him.
Snitches get stitches as they say– she doesn't know what this man is capable of so she runs to grab a first aid kit and begin working on him. She keeps his mask on him and such on him so that he has that anonymity but she absolutely has to fight his dead weighted body to get the sweater off in order to work on the wounds. READER HAS KNOWLEDGE OF BASIC FIRST AID. SHE IS NOT CLUELESS.
She definitely is not strong enough to move him, but after completely bandaging him she brings a throw blanket and pillow down and puts it over him along with a glass of water next to him with a sandwich in a baggie and ibuprofen. She then goes upstairs, locking the door and waiting out til morning. Once he’s gone she’ll report the damage to her insurance company.
THIS COULD BE MULTI-CHAPTERED OF HIM COMING BACK TO VISIT AND A SLOW BURN LOVE STORY. For a while it is silent stalking. I'm not going to lie to you.
I want there to be angst of her being affected lightly by the slender sickness, and Toby having to step away because he doesn’t want to hurt her more or drag her into this. 
Toby coming by finally because he just feels that somethings wrong and she's just sat in front of the kiln shell shocked, there’s no longer any screaming from inside, and she just looks at toby. “I just killed my employee.” she’s void of emotion
And this is the last thing Toby wanted for her. He wanted her to live peacefully and not have the seizing or the loss of function in her body the way he did. And he will blame himself for that later, but now is not the time. 
She needs help and support, and to not be near that fucking kiln right now. He will wrap his arms around her and bring her upstairs, sit her on the couch and he’s twitching so bad he can't stop from the sheer nerves of it all. But he knows she needs support. He sit down to give her water like she did for him, and gave her the help she gave him. To repay her kindness to him.
Once she comes down from the shock he begins to explain to her everything, the faceless man who controls people, how he knows she didn’t mean to do it, how he is sorry that this happened in the first place. That he feels guilt for dragging her closer to him, out of selfishness. Out of loneliness. But now she’s stuck and he’s stuck too. All she can do is try to continue running her shop and hope that maybe one day her and toby can live happily and peacefully.
A lot of this fic is her experiencing the worst pains in existence while Toby is trying to hide her from the other proxies for as long as he can because he doesn’t want her to have to be like him. Because once she starts it is a domino effect.
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