yarrowseed-sims · 4 years
hey, quick question, if you don't mind? how are you posting external links and still having your posts show up in the search?
Um...I don't know, to be honest. I'm just posting via desktop and using the link tool in the post editor. Sorry I can't be more helpeful.
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chronotopes · 5 years
T: any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
i haaaate contemporary america aus especially for ds9 honestly - whoever came up with the concept of the ‘all-human’ au for fantasy and science fiction deserves to answer for their crimes. i remember seeing my friend draw ‘humanstuck’ back in 2014 and not batting an eye but here and now having read that source material and had to live with human aus of star trek shows... my only reaction is WHY. 
for ds9 specifically i hate fics that expect everyone to be Uwu Friends after the end of the show as an alternative to the show’s events, julian being a Naive Childlike Innocent in literally every area of his life instead of like a full grown adult who’s just kind of inexperienced, and the corresponding trope of Garak As Dark Tragic Mentor Who Always Had The Upper Hand. 
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thesylverlining · 6 years
thegreenthingslivebeforetheydie mentioned you on a post “i adore Frohike”
@thesylverlining HE IS! SO IMPORTANT! i can't even begin to say how much love there is in my heart for that beautiful man. when he smiles the angels sing
Heaven is a sound on earth
And it is him tenderly saying “buddy” to Langly and Byers so gently HE LOVES THEM SO MUCH he does this like every time they’re Really Upset, this is his THING THAT HE SAYS to calm them down and let them know he’s there for them
I am just really emotional about Frohike in general but “BUDDY” gets me eVERY TIME
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bigbitterenbee · 6 years
thegreenthingslivebeforetheydie replied to your photoset: get perfect beachy curls by compulsively twirling...
my straight hair is perma-wavy bc i sleep in a braid every night
see i can’t braid worth a shit, but i have strong finger gun game since my pointers get a workout every day via non-stop twirl action
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eriexplosion · 7 years
opinion: favorite Vulcan? Spock is a freebie bc he is quite rightly Beloved By All
OKAY SO REAL TALK I AM NOT SUPER INTO THE VULCANS AS A WHOLE like, I am a huge fan of Garbage and as a whole the vulcans are usually a little too button downed to catch my attention other than Spock and also my favorite show is DS9 which is... weirdly Vulcanless like, where the vulcans at in this show?
That said I’m not entirely caught up on Discovery but I do really like Sarek and his and Spock’s entire dynamic of trying to be the Least Effected By Anything is highly entertaining in TOS. Just Sarek, let yourself feel a thing, a single thing, it’ll be okay.
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thegreenthingslivebeforetheydie replied to your post: thegreenthingslivebeforetheydie replied to your...
thegreenthingslivebeforetheydie replied to your post: thegreenthingslivebeforetheydie replied to your...
and they can leave Baby Sean Astin alone too
I mean, honestly, why would you go on a podcast and just spout slanderous lies like that?
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amagurith · 7 years
thegreenthingslivebeforetheydie replied to your post: me @ my own insecure-ass self: your nb ass is...
carpe ponytail! �� i miss my man’s ponytail sometimes, but he still looks gorgeous of course. ponytails are awesome
heck yea! and the thing is i feel like i look kinda cute when i wear my hair in a ponytail which is.... not a common occurrence so i don’t really wanna give it up despite what other people will percieve me as because of it (even though it’s hard and i struggle with it hhhhh)
ponytail good
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fluorescentbrains · 7 years
thegreenthingslivebeforetheydie replied to your post: this is where straight culture gets you malcolm…...
oh it’s the underwear episode
i thought the ferengi episode was the underwear episode askjsdjkkjdsfk am i in for more starfleet underwear
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eldritchtribble · 7 years
@thegreenthingslivebeforetheydie: oh boy yeah. like... teaching Odo that it's ok to loosen up and enjoy himself would be fine, but for starters THAT IS QUARK'S JOB, THAT'S WHAT QUARK HAS BEEN ATTEMPTING FOR THEIR WHOLE RELATIONSHIP, and. what was i saying
Even discounting all the disservices they did to both Odo’s and Kira’s characters in that episode, Vic as Magic Encouragement Hologram doesn’t make the slightest bit of sense given Odo and Quark’s extensive back-and-forth on this matter. A hologram with whom Odo has little history, succeeding in a handful of days with a task Quark has been undertaking (with FAR more respect for Odo’s integrity and boundaries) for years and years?! Seems fake tbh.
also i have a feeling that 90% of answers to 35 would be/are women
I demand a spinoff with all the minor/KO’ed female Trek characters. It could be called “Tales From The Cryogenic Freezer Compartment”. :P
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autisticandroids · 7 years
thegreenthingslivebeforetheydie replied to your post “thegreenthingslivebeforetheydie replied to your post...”
this too, holy shit
..............tbh my kingdom for star trek having competent science fictional explorations of the implications of any of their technology, tbh
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transastronautistic · 8 years
mug; chamomile
Thank you!! :D
mug: when/where do you normally drink tea?
In my apartment. I usually have a cup in the morning, and then often I’ll have another after classes or in the evening. Lately I’ve been having three cups a day on average!
chamomile: comfort movie?
I’m weird about watching movies multiple times, so usually when I need a comfort movie I’ll find a new movie about sapphic gals in love to watch.
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moonmothmama · 2 years
i still get people following my main blog. @thegreenthingslivebeforetheydie. the title of the blog is "moved to a sideblog. i only post here by mistake." w h y do people follow me there
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eriexplosion · 7 years
thegreenthingslivebeforetheydie replied to your post “out of the various characters we've seen quark radiate hookup...”
i hate how interested in Gaila i am and i will never, ever make peace with it
I want to read sad fanfiction about Gaila and I hate it.
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thegreenthingslivebeforetheydie replied to your post “I just had the strongest, clearest “I want a baby” echo through my...”
borrow someone else's for a bit
Hmm, true. Might be able to borrow my baby cousins to take them to the zoo or something.
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amagurith · 7 years
thegreenthingslivebeforetheydie replied to your post: in therapy today realising my entire school...
boy oh boy
i’m so thankful i’m not in school anymore tbh
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fluorescentbrains · 7 years
thegreenthingslivebeforetheydie replied to your post “the people getting 43 on that picky eater test lefkslkkfkf;gkdg;sl”
my man only got 22 and he's been notorious for being a picky eater all his life
thegreenthingslivebeforetheydie replied to your post “the people getting 43 on that picky eater test lefkslkkfkf;gkdg;sl”
he says it's texture more often than taste
that’s usually it for me too... if i don’t like a food it’s usually because of the texture or because it tastes very bitter to me
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