deafinatlyme · 7 years
About me tag
Rules: tag ca. 9 people yiu want to get to know better, then tag who tagged you!! (Deafinatelyme here im just interrupting to let you know if you dont want to answer/do this that is 100% perfectly fine!!) Name and prefered pronouns: Cayle and she/her Relationship status: single Favourite color: blue or purple havent decided yet Pets: a Bearded Dragon and a Turkish Angora ( a mostly white cat breed.) Last song i listened to: (I may be deaf, but i have "remaining hearing" so i can hear a tiny bit of the music, but i can also feel the beat when its loud enough.) "Unconditionally" katy Perry, but i barely listened to it so im going to put "say you like me" by we the kings Favourite t.v. show: DOCTOR WHO *clears throat* i mean i like doctor who, its pretty cool. First fandom: My first movie obsession was Barney, but that was when I was barely a year old. The first fandom I interacted with was My Little Pony or Doctor Who, i cant remember which came first. Hobbies: Listening to music, writing and reading What else do you want people to know about you?: Ihave no idea, what are people suoost to know? I like writing i guess?? Im tagging: @starrykid @dan-yuna @sanders-sideblog @prinxietyhell @darkness-anon @anxietyismycuppatea @yayroos @theblackcollegian @wingedchickadee @noromeobro @deafchick101 I was tagged by: @greenskyoverme (Deafinatelyme here im just interrupting to let yiu know if you dont want to answer/do this that is 100% perfectly fine!!)
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theblackcollegian · 10 years
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All hail the almighty Black woman.
Ore Zaccheus, Point Park University. http://blvck-dope-empress.tumblr.com/
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Follow "The Black Collegial Experience"!
Are you:
#Blackatgwu ?
#Blackatapwi ?
#Blackincollege ?
If you can attest to being one of the three, follow the "The Black Collegial Experience" at theblackcollegian.tumblr.com.
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theblackcollegian · 11 years
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Young. Black. Fly. In college. George Washington University.
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theblackcollegian · 11 years
Although black boys across the country can see and read about successful black men in history and postmodern media, many black boys view the success of those men as something unattainable, considering they don’t have the opportunity to witness black male success up close and personal.
Antonio Maurice Daniels - Research Associate in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis (ELPA).
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theblackcollegian · 11 years
"Understanding that one doesn’t know everything is a crucial aspect of coalition building, and as marginalized individuals, we have to learn how to build coalitions and relationships between other minorities."
- Aaron, "Lessons Learned From Attending a Predominantly White Institution"
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theblackcollegian · 11 years
What Shall I Do As a Future Black Gay Male Teacher?
There is often talk about how schools can become safer spaces for queer students of color. Given that queer students of color are disproportionately impacted by poverty, homelessness, and inner city violence, this goal should certainly be one of the biggest priorities for school communities. However, creating a safe space for queer students will necessitate fearless and strong queer teachers who are willing to fight intolerance and bias within their own classrooms, and help students navigate the complexities of dealing with their own sexual and gender identities. Yet, the problem is that these corrosive and homophobic environments are often equally hostile to queer teachers as well...
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theblackcollegian · 11 years
Tulane University Celebrates the 50th Anniversary of Its Integration 
In the early 1960s, two Black students filed a lawsuit seeking admission to the graduate programs at Tulane University in New Orleans. They lost the suit. But in 1963, the Tulane University board of trustees decided to admit Black students to graduate programs.
Recently, the School of Social Work celebrated the 50th anniversary of its racial desegregation by holding a workshop featuring several of the first Black students to enroll at the university.
- The Black Collegian 
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theblackcollegian · 11 years
Black Women Are Spending Too Much Time and Effort Going to School, They Should Be Spending That Time Trying to Get Married
Such high rates of black women attending college are, at least in part, due to so few black women being married. Perhaps, instead of seeking a degree, more black women should be seeking a husband?
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theblackcollegian · 11 years
The bus ride home was hectic today. It got extremely crowded around the second stop, and the traffic made the drive lengthy and unbearable. In front of me, a young boy stood with one hand clenching on a bar above his head, and the other holding on to a novel. His body swayed back and forth during the ride, and sometimes violently as the driver made sudden stops or welcomed new passengers into the already crowded vehicle; his gaze, however, remained fixed on his book. And when elderly passengers boarded the bus, he excused himself and scoped out seats for them. Still he read, whether sitting or standing, until he exited the bus nearly a half hour later, and walked out into the streets with his head down, nose buried in his book. He could not have been more than 12 years of age.
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theblackcollegian · 11 years
Lauryn Hill - "Black Rage" #Soulful Sundays
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theblackcollegian · 11 years
There's always been an undercurrent of fear in America directed towards smart black men and women.
Brittany Lewis (Music Editor at GlobalGrind; Howard University Alumna)
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