#the writer&039;s diary
erickaclay · 2 years
I pray nobody knows.
This is my third attempt. I first started with a podcast. It’s good for SEO. Maybe people would like the sound of my voice and hypontically end up on my site, books in their checkout basket before knowing what hit them. Or maybe I’d try YouTube. Throw on a little concelear so all the years I’ve tried and failed would be a little less noticeable under my eyes and give them seventy-two free ways…
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Is this the end of the world or do I just need a different haircut?
I have a bald spot in the back of my head and everyone is staring at it. I can feel it when I walk by. As soon as they’re out of my sight my bald-spot is in theirs. I can feel them staring at it, searing the skin around it with their attention. Look at me! it says every time a newcomer enters the room. Watch me grow! It says every time it feels a look. I have no control over the outcome of this…
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misspoken-mistaken · 4 months
Yesterday was Mother’s Day. And for many of us, Mother’s Day is not a celebration. Maybe your mother passed away and this day marks that absence. Or maybe your mother was cruel to you and there is no desire within you to celebrate that relationship. Mother’s Day is a strange day for me. So many of them have been robbed from me. When my ex and I were still together, I was often told that I was…
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tobylitt · 8 months
On a Benediction
Sharing a small benediction upon writers - in video form, with song.
This is something I’ve been yearning to share for over two years. I hope those of you who’ve been following the Writer’s Diary will understand.It’s something I’m proud of and which still moves me.Whilst I was writing the first draft of A Writer’s Diary, partly during the early lockdowns, one entry in particular came straight out as a little piece that I felt would have a wider life. I had a…
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I sing the yogurt electric.
I am a huge fan of yogurt, and when the world went Greek, I went Greek. But, dear Greece, as much as I long to visit you, you are not my #1 anymore.My #1 is skyr. To begin with, things I do not want in a yogurt:runnyartificial sweeteners, xylitol, stevia, any of that crap that fakes sweet and leaves a weird taste. No. No. No. I’d rather be hungry.Hunks of fruit. Not really a fan, I gotta say. No…
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writersbeware · 3 years
Dear Diary
            Journal writing has been popular for many, many years. Young girls were often given a diary in order to record their thoughts. They were encouraged to write every day, even if they had little of interest to report.             Diaries were often padlocked with a tiny key. The girl would hide both the diary and the key in order to prevent parents and siblings from reading their…
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lonelyleliel · 4 years
On Writing Atmosphere and Archetypes - The Violet Project Diaries - Entry 16
On Writing Atmosphere and Archetypes – The Violet Project Diaries – Entry 16
On Writing Atmosphere and Archetypes
…Is writing the second draft supposed to almost feel like you’re writing another story? Well, it doesn’t feel that extreme to me, but there’s a lot that needs to be added, changed, and polished. I don’t know why this seems strange. During this writing session there are times I feel like my first draft is a botched mess and the fact that I’m having…
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chriswolak · 2 years
Currently Reading: Three Books
Currently Reading: Three Books
Mom and her dog Suki I’m back in Connecticut after a few weeks in Illinois helping out my Mom. She had a dog leash accident and subsequent surgery that has taken her left hand out of commission for a couple months. She was also ordered not to drive until the surgeon clears her. She’s healing well and committed to doing her physical therapy exercises each day. Go, Mom! Her surgeon told her that…
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A Writer's Thoughts - the Benefits of Keeping a Journal
A Writer’s Thoughts – the Benefits of Keeping a Journal
Hello, fellow readers and writers and everyone in-between! I hope you are doing well, keeping safe and doing something wonderfully creative. I’ve been feeling a little burned out lately, mostly because I’ve been writing a lot of KLM content where I write as a contributor. It has brought me access to many things I normally wouldn’t get access to, and it has taught me a lot in a short space of…
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rijanjks-blog · 4 years
Welcome to Day 3 of THE MEMOIRS Blog Tour! @fredsdiary1981 @4WillsPub @4WP11 @RRBC_Org @Tweets4RWISA
Welcome to Day 3 of THE MEMOIRS Blog Tour! @fredsdiary1981 @4WillsPub @4WP11 @RRBC_Org @Tweets4RWISA
RRBC/RWISA Author, Robert Fear is on tour with his fabulous and diverse memoirs! It is my pleasure to host him here today. And there is a GIVEAWAY!! (1) $10 Amazon gift card Welcome to the third and final day of my 4WillsPub 3-day blog tour. During this tour, I have been sharing with you some background to the three memoirs that I have self-published. As a special offer to readers of the tour,…
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authorajalexander · 4 years
How to write a memoir about difficult times - Written By Roz Morris
How to write a memoir about difficult times – Written By Roz Morris
Roz Morris provides us with an excellent article on how to write a memoir about difficult times. Thank you very much for this great post, Roz!   I’ve had this question from Julia. I would like to write a nonfictional account of my experience as a caregiver of my 80-year-old mum during lockdown. I’ve never done any creative writing. Where do I start? A diary, a memoir? I’ve been through a lot of…
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tobylitt · 3 years
A Writer's Diary - The First Nine Days
If you'd like to catch up with A Writer's Diary, the beginning is here. It's the perfect time to join in.
If you haven’t read any of A Writer’s Diary so far, now is the perfect time to catch up. Below are the first nine days. Please sign up to follow on Substack. If you do that now, it’s free forever. Samstag 1 Januar Entered the year in Leigh’s arms, as it should be. Mum, exhausted, had gone to bed around half past eight. Dad stayed up until midnight. Big Ben on the TV. Brother texted. ‘Who…
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LET THE QUOTE BE FAMED AS WOMEN EMPOWER MEN! "Women is a blessing to the world,creator of mankind yet she is waiting for her day to blossom"
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lonelyleliel · 4 years
My Side Characters Kinda Suck, But I Can Fix Them - The Violet Project Diaries - Entry 9
My Side Characters Kinda Suck, But I Can Fix Them – The Violet Project Diaries – Entry 9
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My Side Characters Kinda Suck, But I Can Fix Them
Oh god, they’re horrible.
My first draft rendition of introducing this new group of characters reminded me how sinful it is to write cringy dialogue and that my characters should have purpose or just not exist at all. I don’t mean to be too hard on myself considering it’s the first draft, but I was disappointed to read this scene of…
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jenlowrywrites · 6 years
A Bear Spotted in the Neighborhood - No Joke!
A Bear Spotted in the Neighborhood – No Joke!
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Photo by Photo Collections on Pexels.com
I couldn’t make this up even if I tried.
Finding God in my everyday life is such a blessing. 
I started my new children’s book yesterday. Yes, another novel!
I promised you I would be writing every single day, and as you know, I am writing down my goals and going after them – so the new novel was unearthed! Thanks so much for helping me stay focused! You…
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The Writing Diaries: Struggling with Self-Doubt
BLOG POST : Struggling with Self-Doubt #CampNaNoWriMo #writing #amwriting #selfdoubt
It’s week three of Camp NaNoWrimo, and the self-doubt has kicked in. I’m stuck at 63.5k. I can see the final scene (I have written it already, so I know exactly how this story ends) and I have No. Idea. how I get from where I currently am to THAT end scene. And it’s at times like this that the self doubt really creeps in, that it really sits there, the voice in your ear, telling you “You can’t…
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