#the typewriter daily
draculadrawalong · 5 months
May 9
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Mina is hard at work but that doesn't mean she won't find some time to gossip with her bestie.
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berenshand · 2 years
quincey morris was rootin, he was tootin, BY GOD he was shootin.... and most of all. he was kind.
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dailykafka · 8 months
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Franz Kafka wrote his letter to his father on a typewriter but the last three pages are handwritten.
You can see the original typescript here, with Kafka's handwritten corrections.
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just read that one of the first reviews of Bela Lugosi in the Broadway premiere of "Dracula" had this exact quote from The New Yorker's drama critic:
Ye who have fits, prepare to throw them now.
and I'm fully obsessed with this quote and so upset we haven't been using it to discuss Dracula Daily / Re: Dracula this whole time
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You're hurting my ears Mr. Jameson :[ can you stop screaming please
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wistaliia · 10 months
we wouldn't have dracula without mina but i just remembered quincey gave her the typewriter
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ace-succo · 9 months
Can someone be the Mina to my Jonathan? (I'm so lonley please god)
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poetry-by-post · 3 months
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some recent faves
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thisthat-ortheother · 4 months
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immediatebreakfast · 1 year
NO FOR REAL Jonathan is carrying the entire man team on his back here
He likely pisses Dracula off even more with such efficient work, thanks to Mina's foresight and mind. But he UTILISES IT and does all the hard work himself.
Someone buy HIM a drink of his preferences istg
Shout out to Arthur for bringing the dogs though!
It's really amazing how the Harkers are portrayed as this super efficent working power couple who are so in sync with eachother that in a few days they managed to track down Dracula's whereabouts like it was nothing.
By the power of the paper trail, a typewriter, and lawyering skills.
It's not an easy job either, but the way the collected everything to how Mina was transcribing, to where Jonathan is going; it really tells of a nearly perfect work harmony cultivated through years, and years of being together.
You can even see how Mina acts as a manager + secretary with all of the information that Jonathan brought her. Jonathan tracks down the raw information, and does field work, Mina analyses it then transcribes it in order of importance, and it's content. Then, she tells Jonathan where to follow.
Which is why is so frustating to see Mina fall prey of the same mistakes that ended up with Lucy dead. It's so sad, and frustating to see both Jonathan and Mina not communicating with eachother anymore thanks to their misplaced trust in Van Helsing.
On top of them being subjected for the first time in their married life to expected social gender roles of the victorian era.
"I could see from Jonathan's manner that he had something important to communicate." - Mina Harker. "it wrung my heart to think that I had had to keep anything from her and so caused her inquietude." - Jonathan Harker.
Both of them know that this new arrangement is basically destroying that strong communication they had built for years. This is just speculation, but maybe if Jonathan convinces the Suitor Squad and Van Helsing to send Mina home, then maybe they can work again in secret instead of waiting more.
Because so far I haven't seen neither anyone else do something until Jonathan arrived, nor a single mention of archiving the information that ONLY Jonathan collected today. You know, that really important task which is needed to track down the Count, that task that Mina was doing perfectly before being locked in a metaphorical tower?
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ljf613 · 1 year
The question is, did Van Helsing contact Mina purely because of her friendship with Lucy, or did something in her correspondence with Lucy make him suspect that she and/or Jonathan had had some contact with the Count? Maybe she mentioned Jonathan's visit to Transylvania?
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Hey new DracDaily fans, get ready to meet the true hero of this story ✨Mina’s Typewriter✨
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saintkeaton · 1 year
how can I
stay focused enough
to get anything
I don’t even
like shoes
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daily-prompts · 1 year
your pfp looks like a corona 3 which is sick as hell as thats the exact typewriter model i write my drafts on
Yours still works? That's impressive! Thank you for reaching out, fellow Corona owner. I wish you a great day of writing.
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cadaverousdecay · 5 months
technically a vampire question but not really:
should I write victorian era vampire au fanfiction, is there any advice you would have for writing such a setting/any resources for immersing myself in such a setting? (rlly i just want to feed my brainworms, sorry if I’m being imposing lol.)
dracula takes place during the victorian era so i would absolutely recommend that!! as for general victorian knowledge all i have is based on the horrible histories "vile victorian" segments lmao. other than that, id say u could just do a bit of research on anything that pertains to ur plot, and there are a lot of accounts of victorian vampires and vampire panics :] mercy brown was a very popular case of supposed vampirism from the victorian era (though she lived in america, not sure where your story takes place but id assume england if ur talking about the victorian era? either way the case of mercy brown is interesting id say its worth learning about)
thats about as much as i can help with the victorian era, sorry! if u have any questions about the nature of vampirism ur portraying in ur story let me know :]
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vickyvicarious · 2 years
So the recent lovely adorable Catula art got me thinking about the Dracula cast and animals. Namely, what pets they would have.
Jonathan+Mina - they both love cats, Jonathan often feeds strays, and after all that's happened they're finally able to get their own cat now that they have a stable home/money/etc. The cat and baby Quincey Harker are best friends.
Quincey Harker - The family cat of course, but later on Uncle Art gets him a dog (maybe a puppy from Lucy's pug, see below), and I think he would very much be the kind of kid who always tries to adopt random animals he finds while playing, especially if they're hurt or seem abandoned. More often than not he gets his wish since his parents are softies.
Arthur - dogs, obviously. He keeps them for hunting but also very much dotes on them and loves them. Also, I want Lucy to have had a pet pug (pre-unhealthy breeding standards) that Arthur adopts after her death, because I think that is a very adorable idea and also maybe a comfort to them both when they needed it. (The pug was just never mentioned but it was totally there all along. Lucy's mom was worried it would disturb her sleep and kept it our of her room when she was more seriously sick, which is very upsetting except it does mean it survived the final attack night.)
Quincey - He's great with horses and does love them but I don't think he thinks of them as pets exactly. At least, I really love the idea of him thinking snakes are very cute, or maybe spiders. Imagine Quincey with a pet garter snake or tarantula. If the latter, maybe he caught it as a kid and still has it (since they can live like 30 years).
Seward - He claims not to really be an animal person and not to want any pets, but there is an asylum cat that spends approximately 80% of every day napping in the sun in his office. Sometimes it steals his chair or his desk and he just goes along with it. Definitely isn't sneaking it treats or anything, no way, its job is to catch mice and he won't ruin its appetite (he says hiding meat in his pockets).
Van Helsing - I REALLY want the reason he thinks parrots are immortal to be because he inherited one from his parents. It's older than he is, and as a kid he just assumed it must be immortal and has never fact-checked this belief. The parrot speaks almost entirely in mixed metaphors using multiple languages, just like its person.
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