#the thom(p)sons
edorazzi · 1 year
1st-14th: Almost Tintin Day (・ิω・ิ)
15th: It's Tintin Day! (≧▽≦)
16th-31st: So long until Tintin Day _| ̄|○
On a more serious note, I love all the art you post. It's so... alive? I don't know art words, but I do like it! I'm always happy when you post (。>﹏<。)
Also, I'm very intrigued to see your take on the showerhead scene. Would that be happening some time in the future? 👉👈
Also I have no clue how tumblr culture works and if this should be an ask or message so sorry if it's wrong 🙇
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This is the sweetest message ever, omg! Thank you @dailyduring!!! 🥺
Of course I take forever to get to these things, but I really appreciate how much people look forward to Tintin Day every month. It's been a constant on my blog for so long (even if the quality varies wildly) and the fact you guys are always interested makes me so happy!
And of COURSE you get the showerhead scene, an absolute classic I kept meaning to get around to. Very strong, very powerful! 🌊
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tintinology · 1 year
Do you ever think about how if tintin suddenly disappeared at any point prior to The Crab with Golden Claws, it would probably take weeks—if not months—before anyone noticed and thought to look for him? If anyone even thinks to look for him? He just goes away on adventures with no notice so often that I don't think anyone would miss him for the longest time D:
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assortedantics · 7 months
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muined · 2 months
I NEED maleria moments, muined… drop the archive NOW 😡😡😡😡 /lh
Well, here's a sneak preview, at least! The following is from Beria's son Sergo's memoir - hence "my father" here refers to Lavrenti P. Beria:
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There's so much I love in this paragraph. Beria and Malenkov teasing each other about their national allegiances; Beria playing on the theme of Malenkov's masculinity or lack thereof with the ironic reference to Spartacus; and finally, Sergo's claim that Beria controlled Malenkov with blackmail.
(Disclaimer: reliability of these sources not guaranteed. Just havin' a little fun here, folks.)
Françoise Thom's footnotes to this translation of Beria, My Father cite a claim made by Zhukov in his own trial to corroborate the blackmail:
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This claim comes up frequently in historiography. From Stalin's Loyal Executioner, Petrov & Jansen:
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In Khrushchev's memoirs, Beria's explanation of why and how he keeps Malenkov around seem to support this idea:
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Then again, as Khrushchev tells us, Malenkov wouldn't have it any other way:
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The overall outline I have for this is: primary documents (i.e. letters), memoir, fake memoir(!), historiography/commentary, documentaries, then prose fiction, then comics, then TV and film - perhaps with a special bonus category for fanworks? Here's a question for you, Anon: how would you prefer to see this published? On Ao3? As a Google Doc I link from here? Etc.?
Another question: what about this pairing appeals to you? What do you like about 'em? I'd love to hear from a fellow shipper.
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juicy-beetle · 7 months
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I have this hc where the thom(p)sons are cat people, but like, really intense cat people. Like whenever they go visit someone with a cat, they ignore the humans and sit on the floor with the cat. THE WHOLE TIME. I also think it's funny if one of them found a stray cat and brought it home without the others consent, like, well, we have a cat now.
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thekingofgear · 8 months
‘Read The Room’ Instrumental Notes
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Jonny dramatically muting the strings of his late-70s natural finish Les Paul Standard during a performance of Read The Room in Cleveland on July 11, 2023 (Ryan J).
Read The Room starts with just a guitar through a single-repeat delay. Well, technically two guitars: the same guitar part is recorded twice, with one recording panned hard left and the other panned hard right. Each one has its own delay. Jonny almost certainly used his Boss DD200, given the clarity of the delay sound (a Space Echo would be too warm in the highs). If we count quarters at ~61.5bpm, we can hear that the delay time is set for a single quarter note.
There’s also medium overdrive and a flanging effect added to Jonny's guitar. The overdrive is probably Jonny's Boss SD1, which he's found a new affection for with The Smile (since 2007, he's used a Boss OD3 with Radiohead instead of his older SD1). The flanger is almost certainly from the EarthQuaker Devices Pyramids visible on Jonny’s board in studio photos.
At 0:09, Thom’s bass guitar enters. Based on live usage, he's probably playing his vintage, modified Gibson EB0. You can also see that bass in a photo from the the Wall of Eyes zine, which we included in our last post.
At 0:13, the drums enter, with Tom playing a stuttering pattern on the kick and snare, with occasional cymbals and open hihats for emphasis.
At 1:07, Jonny’s Sequential Prophet 5 REV4 adds a nice descending counter-melody (at least, it's probably the Prophet based on studio photos and similarity to the live tone). When the synth enters, Jonny switches to plucking muted strings on his guitar for a totally percussive sound, which leaves space for the synth to stand out. At live shows, he mutes the strings rather dramatically, sliding his hand up and down the fingerboard to vary the sound of the percussive plucks.
At 1:37-1:41 some slightly open hihats lead us to the next section...
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A photo from Jonny's home studio in Oxford, showing his Sequential Prophet 5 REV4 nestled between a 1980s Sequential Prophet 600 and an Elektron Digitone Keys. This photo by Sam Petts-Davies was originally posted on the Smile's twitter on October 31, 2023, but was definitely taken much earlier since the band were on tour at that time.
At 1:41, the song switches to a softer “chorus” section, and a center-panned acoustic guitar becomes the main rhythm instrument. However, Jonny’s left and right panned electric guitars keep playing, adding subtle swelled notes. He’s probably using the “freeze swell” trick he first used for the Skirting On The Surface outro solo — more info in this post. However, it’s hard to say for sure, given the amount of woodwinds in this section. Robert Stillman's clarinets and Pete Wareham's flutes enter more clearly at 1:53. They add a rich, undulating texture through to the end of the chorus at 2:08.
For most of the chorus, we only hear a gentle hihat pattern from Tom. But at 2:00, we first hear cymbals, then the kick and stuttering snare from the verse enter to lead us back out of the chorus.
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A photo of Pete Wareham playing flute in Abbey Road Studio 2, from the Smile's Wall of Eyes zine. Wareham previously collaborated with Tom Skinner’s past band Sons Of Kemet.
Verse 2 and Chorus 2
At 2:08-2:11, the start of the next verse, we briefly hear the main riff on the single acoustic guitar from the chorus. Then Jonny's two hard-panned electric guitars return at ~2:11. This verse (2:11-2:40) mainly repeats the instrumentation from first verse, but with more cymbals and more intense vocal delay. However, we do get a left-panned clarinet playing the counter-melody at 2:25-2:36, replacing the synth from the first verse. We also hear some fun sliding noises — seemingly from a “delay time” knob being turned — at 2:26-2:30.
The second “chorus” (2:41-3:11) brings back the acoustic guitar, swelling electric guitars, woodwinds, and gentle hihats from the first chorus. The main difference is that the winds play a richer texture, and Jonny’s two electric guitars start to add spacier delayed notes at ~3:00 (possibly with his Boss RE-202 Space Echo pedal).
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A photo of Jonny in the live room at Abbey Road Studio 2 from March or April of 2023 (Sam Petts-Davies). We can see his EHX Freeze, Boss SD1, Boss DD-200, and Boss RE-202 in the bottom row. His EQD Pyramids is at the end of the top row. For more info on his pedalboards, check out Jonny's page.
The coda begins at 3:12 with a right-panned single electric guitar from Jonny and a cymbal crash from Tom. Jonny plays a riff that initially feels pretty simple, until you notice that he keeps skipping eighth notes. There's a few ways to divide it up, but the full pattern is 22 eighth-notes long (two measures of 11/8, though it's easier to count as two measure of 6/4 with the last eighth note or each measure skipped, which also feels closer to the way the band play it).
Unlike the previous sections, this guitar has no delay or other effects. Instead of delay, Jonny’s riff makes use of open strings to give a fuller, multi-voice sound. On the studio recording, his B-string is detuned to an A for this section, allowing him to add an open “A” ringing over his riff. This is pretty notable, because the song’s main riff used an open B-string in standard tuning! At live shows, Jonny doesn’t bother with the high “A”, presumably because he has no time to detune the B-string or to switch guitars. So that's a little extra studio magic!
Jonny most likely played his late-70s natural finish Les Paul Standard for most or all of the studio recording. He's seen with other guitars in a few studio photos, but his tone on this track has a richness that's characteristic of his Les Paul through his Super Reverb — particularly his clean tone in the code.
The cymbal crash from the start of the coda slowly fades from 3:12-3:19. Then at 3:20, a couple of snare hits call in a new pattern of kick, snare, and closed hihat. The pattern is reminiscent of the "motorik" beat found in a lot of Krautrock, with a snare on 3. But the skipped eighths in the riff make the beat much more varied than in a traditional Krautrock track.
Thom adds a distorted bass guitar at 3:23, mirroring Jonny’s riff an octave below. He’s probably using his EarthQuaker Devices Plumes pedal for the added punch. In live footage, we can also see Thom and Jonny grab plectrums at the start of the coda. Thom may have been using the Plumes earlier in Read The Room, but the plectrum really emphasizes the punch.
When Thom’s vocal re-enters at 3:45, there’s a ton of vocal layers and reverb. The layers all seem to match the main vocal, so it might a dual delay setting from Thom’s Strymon DIG pedal, albeit with some heavier reverb added to the delays. At live shows played after the Abbey Road recording sessions, Thom had a drone from his Moog Matriach playing during this section, but it’s not present on the album.
At 4:05, Jonny adds a second electric guitar layer, panned hard-left and playing patterns with a new single-repeat delay. At live shows, he relied on Thom to keep the riff going. But on the studio recording, his right-panned riff guitar keeps playing too.
Tom brings back the cymbals in earnest from 4:13-4:48, bringing the song to its climax. Then, after a choirs of Thom say "everybody thinks so" at 4:48, the cymbals and vocals drop out (with a long vocal delay fade-out). The guitar, bass, and drums continue up until the track ends abruptly with another statement of "everybody thinks so".
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In this shot, from the The Smile's show in Cleveland on July 11, 2023 (Ryan J), Jonny's tech can be seen tapping in a dotted-eighth delay during the start of the coda section. Jonny only uses the delay during the second half of the coda, but his delay time is different from the rest of the song, so it needs to be adjusted while he plays the initial coda riff. Thom can be seen with his vintage Gibson EB0.
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Lol I always feel bad because I don't ever feel like I have any surprises for you Dim. 😆 I share everything with my ex-husband, that's just the kind of ex-wife I am. 😏 But I feel like since I've extended that oneshot into a full fic, I can give you the gist of what's going on there.
Indiana Jones and Holy Grail AU (sort of)- So there was this tropetember prompt: Character A’s biological family is better not spoken about. So how will A’s found family react when they show up out of the blue, disturbing any peace A has made for themselves?
And I thought! Oh, this will be a fun way to introduce my HC for Tintin and his father because Tintin has basically disowned him. Only...it didn't remain a oneshot. 🤣 So the gist is that Tintin's dad comes to Marlinspike to get Tintin to help him, but Tintin turns him away. Later, the Thom(p)sons show up and say that he has been kidnapped and ask for Tintin's help not realizing he's Tintin's dad. Tintin isn't sure exactly what to do but decides to investigate it anyways which leads them on a whirlwind Tintin typical adventure of finding the mythical island of Avalon.
Send a book to hear my ideas.
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periwinckles · 1 year
Sorry this has then me so long. I thought of a prompt for an outtake from the train back to twelve.
A snippet from a camping trip Thom and Cyrus take together sometime in the future talking about their families.
(Headsup: not canon compliant as I'm giving K and P three boys, and they are born earlier than in the epilogue. Plus Thom and Cyrus end up talking more about the Mellark's than their own families, but I hope this is still ok!)
“We need to pick up the pace, if we want to get there before nightfall.”
Cyrus is taking the lead, but I’m right behind him. I always let him take the lead on our yearly trek to the forgotten bunker of district twelve. As if I didn’t know the way by heart now. I could probably do it with my eyes closed at this point, after coming here every year for twenty three years. Which is why I know he is right. If we don't pick up the pace it will be nightfall before we reach it.
“We’re getting too old for this aren’t we?” I ask, a little out of breath.
“Nah, you know what they say about District Twelve, Thom. We’re a tough nut to crack.”
“Yeah, but you’re not really from Twelve, are you?”
The snort that comes out of Cyrus tells me he takes my lighthearted joke for what it is. It’s been a long time since Cyrus has felt the effects of prejudice against him. He might have been a peacekeeper in the old regime, but everyone considers him one of us now.
We reach the bunker just as the light is fading away. Some years we just go there but opt to sleep outside in some of the old sleeping bags, just talking nonsense until we fall asleep. But we are getting old, so tonight we’re sleeping inside. Coming here always takes me back in time, to those first few months when we had to rebuild the district and none of us really knew what we were doing. Being suspicious of Cyrus, not knowing he would become one of my closest friends. Funny how things go. 
I start to unload my backpack, fruit, a couple of beers and a meat pie Delly packed for me, and a Rosemary focaccia, courtesy of Peeta Mellark.
“You went to the bakery? Is that why you were late to our meeting point?”
“No, and yes? It’s Peeta’s, but I picked it up from Victor’s village. I dropped Summer there. The kids are having some sort of board game night at the Mellark’s.”
I really shouldn't be calling them kids, should I? Summer is twenty two years old now. It feels like I saw her in Delly’s arms for the first time only a couple of days ago. Delly and I were way younger when we started a life together. But this new generation has a completely new life than what we had. For the first time, they can enjoy their young years, not dreading the reapings, the mines, hunger. Some of them even go to college, though they still need to do it out of district. One of the things I wish I get to do before I retire as District Mayor is to start a community college. Our population is not big enough for a fancy one like the ones they have in four, or three, which is why the government keeps putting down my proposals, and offering scholarships to our students instead. I still haven't given up though.
“You’re letting your daughter hang out at Mellark’s all by herself? You think that’s safe? You know… with all that testosterone going around?”
I can't stop the chuckle. It is sort of a private (or public?) joke that District twelve’s baker always produces three sons. The firstborn, Blaze, is a couple of months younger than Summer. They’ve been sneaking around for a while now, though Delly and I have agreed along with Peeta and Katniss to pretend we haven’t noticed yet, until they are ready to come clean. We had our first suspicion this would one day happen when Delly was tutoring Summer on her math homework (Seventh? Eighth grade? Damn, I’m getting old.) and she had Mrs Mellark written all over her notebook. Oh, but it was because Katniss is such an inspiring role model , or so she tried to convince us. Peeta caught them making out behind the bakery a couple of months ago, while Blaze was supposedly on a break.
“Peeta and Katniss were there. Besides, I trust Summer. Blaze too. He's a smart kid.” 
He's more than smart. That kid's strong. Probably the circunstamces of growing up with two hunger games's survivors and war heroes as parents. Katniss and Peeta were doing a lot better by the time he was born, but being the oldest one means he still took the major load, out of all three of them. Occasionally the bakery would be closed without prior notice, and we all knew what that meant. Peeta was having a bad day. By the time Blaze was fifteen, never again did the bakery close, because he would pick up the slack and skip class to get the bakery running. I remember that leading to a lot of arguments in the Mellark household. Blaze obviously won.
“Yeah, if I were you I wouldn't be taking any chances.” Cyrus answers back.
“Your daughter was there.”
Cyrus widens his eyes in a deadly stare as he places his beer bottle on the table with a loud thump.
“They’re kids, Cyrus. She 's graduating. Let her have fun, for a bit.”
“I let her have fun all the time. But preferably with no Mellarks in sight.”
I get his discomfort. It’s not easy for a father to see his little girl grow up, and honestly? I’m kind of glad I don’t really know when Blaze and Summer started whatever they have, because I might have reacted poorly if I did. Now, I’m mostly resigned.
“They’re good kids. Which one are you worried about anyway?”
They are. They get a lot of female attention, partly due to their parents' status, partly due to their looks. But they are actually quite down to earth, and I’m actually happy for Summer. She and Blaze were always good friends, and became closer throughout the years. And if it goes well, I guess I’ll get three grandkid boys out of it.
“Well, BabyToast is too young for my Calla.”
“You mean Rye?” I think he’s fifteen or sixteen. Not that young, but for teenagers a couple of years feel like a lifetime.
“And your daughter has the older one whipped, which leaves FrenchToast.” He says with a hint of annoyance.
“Robin? What’s your problem with him?”
“None! But have you heard him sing? That kid is going places.”
It is a well known fact that Robin Mellark is the spitting image of his late grandfather, Jack Everdeen, from his laid back demeanor, right to his singing voice. Just a couple of days ago we found out he won a scholarship to college, for an Arts, Music and Performance degree. In fact the last time we had dinner at Victor’s Village all we talked about was his plans for the future. Robin not only inherited Katniss’ musical skills, but also Peeta’s way with a brush. He lives and breathes art. Cyrus is right. That kid could make a name for himself, apart from his parents' legacy.
“Calla mentioned he’s going to college. In the Capitol.” Cyrus’ finally says with a pensive look.
Twenty years may have passed, but the Capitol is still the Capitol. We don't like it. We stay away from it. We deal with them as little as we can. 
“He’s just going there to study, he’s coming back after the three years are done.”
“You don't know that.”
“Yes, I do.”
I tell Cyrus’ all about the dinner we had at the Mellarks. How Peeta approached the idea of starting an art department at our local highschool, once Robin was done with his education. Teaching art and music in district twelve: that would have been the most ludicrous idea a couple of decades ago. It still would be now, if Peeta and Katniss didn’t offer to fund it. There is no way we would have the money to back it up, but if they are willing to pay for their own son's salary, who am I to say no? 
“If you’re scared he’ll drag her away from here, you have nothing to worry about. He’s fully committed to come back and teach here.”
After a few seconds Cyrus’ breathes out with relief. 
“I’m just glad none of us have more daughters. We would probably lose them to BabyToast.”
- Blaze Mellark: Zac Efron when he was younger (because he totally has that Mellark vibe, doesn't he?)
- Robin Mellark : Tom Holland
- Rye Mellark: Josh Hutcherson, but with his dark hair. (picture him in Detention. Yeah, that's Rye Mellark.)
- Summer Campbell: Alexandra Dadario
- Calla Johnson: can't make up my mind. Suggestions welcome.
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tophatstintin · 5 months
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this series is dedicated to @haniakielbasa
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playlist for the thirtieth of november twenty twenty-three
The Good, The Bad And The Queen - The Good, The Bad And The Queen
Warren Zevon - I Was In The House When The House Burned Down
Tina Turner - Unfinished Sympathy
Johnny Cash - Belshaza
P.J. Harvey - C'mon Billy
Yo La Tengo - Big Day Coming
Cornel Campbell - Got To Tell The People
Steve Earle - Continental Trailways Blues
Rina Sawayama - Dynasty
Patti Smith - Real Good Time Together
David Bowie - Looking For Lester
Bruce Springsteen - Streets of Philadelphia
Leonard Cohen - The Smokey Life
Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft - Der Mussolini
Split Enz - Bold As Brass
The National - Lean
David Bowie - Sons Of The Silent Age
Elvis Costello - The Other Side Of Summer
Paul Simon - I Know What I Know
R.E.M. feat. Thom Yorke - E-Bow The Letter
Rufus Wainwright - The Man That Got Away
TV On The Radio - Hours (El-P Remix)
Sleater-Kinney - Price Tag
Phil Selway - The Witching Hour
Bob Dylan - Dignity
Fleetwood Mac - Man On The World
Staple Singers - Slippery People
Nina Simone - The Times They Are A-Changin'
The Cure - In Between Days
Q-Tip (feat. Demi Lovato) - Don't Go Breaking My Heart
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arbitrarygreay · 1 year
Nikita Killjoys AU
MAJOR SPOILERS FOR NIKITA 2010. DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU HAVE NOT WATCHED THAT SHOW Alexandra Seyah Udinov, a Qreshi whose family was murdered in a violent coup. Who carried out that attack? Division, a black-ops branch of the RAC, that has now gone rogue. Their modus operandi? To "recruit" those who wouldn't be missed otherwise, and create deniable assets. However, Division founder Percy has a bigger secret: his cleaner branch, and especially his Guardians, are Level Sixes, recruits who have been converted into Hullen. When Division agent Nikita's civilian fiance Daniel is murdered as a precursor to her upcoming induction into Level Six, she flees Division. Gogol is The Factory, competing against the Hullen through the pursuit of other means of bodily enhancement. Helen Collins was created out of the Green by Amanda Seyah Collins. Despite being human, she managed to murder her ancient Hullen family, and then took on her creator-sister's identity. She is haunted by the whispers of The Lady, an emmissary of an alien faction known as The Shop. Absolutely nothing changes with Michael. XD Owen is the Hullen identity of former military Sam. Birkhoff and Sonya are hackmods. Ryan Fletcher works for the United Republic, which is keeping tabs on if The Quad's political struggles will eventually spill out into other systems. Sean Pierce is an Oversight agent in the RAC, and the son of Commander Madeline Pierce, one of the few RAC Interstellar officers who is aware of Division's existence. Jaden and Thom survive and become freelance hackmods, because I said so. Cassandra still manages to work for every single faction somehow, for Reasons. And of course, Roan is Khlyen. That's the whole point of this. :P
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themagichour · 2 years
1, 11, and 16!
YESSSSSSSSSSSSS thank you my darlin
Who is your favorite character to write for and is this the character you find easiest to write for?
I am not answering with just one character, because I don't have just one, and because I can never stop talking. (Just came back to this sentence to add I went through my entire fanfic history.)
This is hard to answer, because beyond my SpongeBob fic where his pineapple was haunted not in an R.L. Stine way, but in a Shining way, my first real foray into fanfic was............... Radiohead RPF. It was 2005, and I was sixteen.
I'm............................. so conflicted over RPF, and admitting to writing Radiohead fanfic is..... UUUHHHMMMM.
So, for over a decade, my favorite character to write was an obviously heavily-fictionalized version of a real person, Thom Yorke. :| My idea of him was very easy to write. This. I. It's-- I am. Uh. This is a painful confession.
All my RH fic is lost to a Power Mac G4 Cube, time, and the eventual expiration of a 2000s archive. We were a small group, and we called it "cheesecake". I almost exclusively wrote Thom/Jonny, but the only surviving fic is a novel-length collab between myself and a friend. I.......... did not want to write Thom Yorke/Michael Stipe. It's ultimately Thom/Jonny, but. Yo. I had an unbalanced relationship with my friend, and I didn't want to write about Michael Stipe, and it wasn't a great time in my life. It's the only collab I've ever done, and I wasn't very happy doing that. I typically find reading collabs jarring, and I find writing under those circumstances more jarring.
Still, I'm proud of it. It's good writing, and we did a lot of research. Everything that sounds like the prose of someone tripped and burnt out on Red Bull while working at a pumpkin patch in Culver City is written by me. Here it is shruggy guy emoji shruggy guy emoji shruggy guy emoji I can't believe I wrote fucking Thom Yorke/Michael Stipe smut.
What else. I remember that as a young teen I wrote Mulder/Scully and Han/Leia fic that I never published because I was fourteen and I'm p. sure fanfiction.net existed but all I can think is, what, angelfire????? I wrote one House/Wilson fic that I published to livejournal. Someone copied it and posted it elsewhere and claimed it as their own. Flattered!!!!!
Then there was like.......... one Sherlock fic that never saw the light of day. I was nineteen. Forgive me. Fuk Sherlock.
Uh so BEYOND THAT, I really didn't write fic again till Hannibal. I found Will very easy to write, and I found Hannibal easy to write through Will's POV. Which I felt worked, considering his supernatural empathy. It put enough of Hannibal's mindset into it. It almost feels to me that Hannibal doesn't have an inner monologue. But in terms of understanding him as a character, here is EVIDENCE!!!!:
I swear to FUCKING GOD this is real. When the episode in which Bedelia asks Hannibal what he sees in Will aired, I said aloud, to a college friend who was watching with me live, "An opportunity for friendship." And then Hannibal fucking said, word for word, "An opportunity for friendship." It sounds like I am bullshitting beyond belief, but I swear on my favorite cat's grave. I wish I knew where that college friend is now, so they could corroborate this. They're probably married with a baby and a great career.
I have an abandoned WIP and two short fics or something, idk, but I like this one. This was before S3 and before we knew who was playing Molly. I based her upon the character in Red Dragon, and in my mind she was played by Rose Byrne. And their son was named Willy in the book, so he's named Willy there.
Then I FUCKIN committed the RPF crime again with this lil' romantic friendship Buzzfeed Unsolved fic. It got popular! I feel like I can write Shane really well. End me. anyway
I can't believe I've barely written MASH fic. I feel Hawkeye so much, but it's very difficult for me to do his POV for some reason. Which really doesn't make sense. My headcanon is that Hawk is bipolar, and I'm bipolar II, but I just can't get into his head. I can observe him well as an outsider through BJ. This is pretty much the only complete thing I've written. Though I did write a Hawk childhood fic from his mother's point of view, which I quite like. Oh and there was that time I accidentally made either Potter or Mildred eat ass when I meant cunnilingus.
NOW......... now, my friends. My most recent and most favorite character to write is Tom Wambsgans. He's so easy to write, and I don't know what this GODDAMN says about me. But this is what I'm working on.
What perspective do you write from most and/or least and why? (1st, 3rd limited, 3rd omniscient, deep pov, etc)
I write exclusively from third limited POV. I don't think I've ever written first person. I've never really thought about it before, but I think I don't write first person because I approach writing cinematically, if that makes sense? And while I empathize very much with characters, it doesn't feel at all natural to me to approach them in an "I" sense.
I write third limited because I naturally gravitate towards it, but because it also allows for an outsider's/audience's POV and for a deeply unreliable narrator, which I love. And if I'm goin REAL DEEP, I think I'm not even comfortable enough with writing a personal diary to write anyone else going "HEY I'M SAD AND/OR HORNY and here is why in poetry"
Do you have a method for getting characters to sound/feel in character?
Too much empathy and a lifelong experience of being autistic and studying people in order to understand and act like them. I also find people FASCINATING. In terms of "skill", that's what it is. But what drives the desire to use that skill is becoming obsessed with the characters and having fun with them, especially with friends! I know many find obsession with any subject that doesn't result in a successful career unhealthy -- lord knows many in my life have told me my fixations are just that -- but that's how I'm wired. And I like it. And it makes me creative, happy, and social. I met my best friends and my sister through Radiohead nearly twenty years ago. So I think fandom and fanfiction's great.
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assortedantics · 7 months
Not that I dislike Captain Haddock, but i much prefer the stories where it’s just Tintin and the Thom(p)sons chasing criminals across countries. Much more fun.
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ufonaut · 2 years
a mildly pointless quest, or my personal mission to save you from golden age misinformation
last night while checking the comicvine page for tubby watts, assistant and sidekick of johnny quick/chambers, i realised that the page’s main image didn’t show tubby by any means
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and while the blond man might certainly have been johnny (a very early one at that, since the vast majority of johnny quick’s adventures were drawn by the ever-recognisable mort meskin), his bald bespectacled companion was a mystery.
this prompted at least two hours of going through various issues of more fun comics 1936 and adventure comics 1938 looking for the source of this panel to no avail until it finally occurred to me to check the file name of the comicvine image (reverse image search had also led nowhere, of course) -- it said “ac22“. action comics! but johnny quick had never been in action comics. so, in the end, this panel mistakenly attributed to johnny quick and tubby watts is in fact tex thom(p)son/mr america and his own best friend/sidekick bob daley!
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(action comics 1938 #22, featuring a then-blond mr america)
and i’ve now gladly fixed tubby’s comicvine page to show a correct panel from more fun comics #88
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the adventures an inexplicably homoerotic 1940 comic book panel can send you on!
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