#the silliest of beans
hart-on-my-sleeve · 8 months
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Lance Russel's Nose... Before it became Barbara Streisand's nose for Outrageous Conduct and Terry Funk's Great Texan.
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madalenadrops · 10 months
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Silliest, silly... tumblr seggsyman? ( O.O )
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kanene-yaaay · 2 years
Childish Fights and Loud Laughter
Kanene’s notes: For some reason I am going back to my old fandoms? dfghyygtfdf anyway I re-watched atla once again last month and finally got some time and energy to write a tickle fic for it! Yesh!!!!
Warnings: Zuko’s general grumpiness, but only that. Switch!Zuko and Switch!Aang. I have no idea when that happens but it’s before the Sozin’s Comet. Around 3500 words.
Aang was staring at him.
Not that being stared at was something new in his life. Zuko grew rather accustomed to it, being the first heir of the Firelord and having a gigantic scar that covers half of your face usually made you the most interesting person in a crowd.
Still, it didn't mean that Zuko had to like it. Actually, he didn’t even understand why Aang was paying such a close attention to him now. After months of being friends, he should already be used to Zuko's presence in their group. Was he having second thoughts about accepting him as his teacher? Why? Was it because of the mistake in their morning training? 
It wasn’t even a gigantic thing. Aang just got a way too light hit in his side that made him lose his concentration of his firebending and flinch away from the strange, electric sensation on his side.
(If that told him something about Aang's improvement or about Zuko's own lack of skills it was unclear.)
In the end, the reason for the staring didn't matter. It wouldn't be the first time Zuko would lose everything for a single mistake. He just needed to prove to the Avatar that he was still a worthy ally and teacher.
He got up.
"Break's time is over. Come on, let's spar and then run through your katas again. From first to tenth." 
As always, the authority in his voice made Aang immediately jump to his feet, although no more moves were made to follow the instructions, the boy was still watching him for something.
"What!" He bristled.
"Did you injure your side?"
"With your weak hit? You just got me off guard, that is all." Zuko readied himself in an offensive stance, beginning his attack. "Let's see if you can do it again, and no more holding back your punches. You won't have this mercy when it comes to the Firelord."
"I know, I know." But instead of the defeated look that always took over the younger's face every time he mentioned his father, Aang's expression quickly bounced back to a curious expression, dodging from his flames and attacks with fluid moves (it was both weird and interesting to see how much fo the other elements affected his actions even when he wasn't using his bending). 
"Are you sure you're not injured, though? You did jump pretty high back there."
Zuko felt like there was something hidden in the other’s voice. A kind of light reflected in his eyes, a different way that he seemed not worried at all in trying to fight back, an extra bounce in his step. 
And for some reason, now the Avatar keeps smiling at him. Which, when the subject was about how he possibly was or not injured, didn't make Zuko very confident about his safety.
"I am not hurt." Irritation began filling his words. "Take this seriously! Fight back!"
"I will! I will! I am just curious, why did you jump away?"
"For no reason! It doesn't matter."
"No one squeals and jumps away for no reason." Was he getting closer?
"I did not squeal!" Zuko widened his stance and with a circling gesture, moved his arms until his palms were facing the ground, ceasing the fire attacks before adjusting himself to a standing position. "And if you rather keep mocking me than really focusing on your training, then I suppose that you can continue mastering your firebending alone."
He turned away, feeling strangely out of place, before fast steps put Aang right in front of him, arms in a placating gesture and his expression full of alarm and a bit of regret.
"No, wait! I wasn't mocking you, I swear." Aang then took a respectful stance and bowed, with his thumb poking out from his closed fist resting on his open palm. "Please don’t give up from me yet, Sifu Ho-" at Zuko's glare, he bit back the 'hotman'. "Uhhhhh, Sifu Zuko."
The older one took a deep breath, wondering if his uncle also felt the same feeling of old all the times Zuko kept pushing his proper training off to complain about capturing the Avatar and restoring his honor.
Life really comes to a full cycle, doesn't it?
He bowed, as well, mirroring Aang's gesture and respect, letting his usual irritation wash away, a common pinch of guilt that always came when he let his angry outbursts control his decisions appearing once again.
His point still stands, though.
"Alright." His tune was tough, but not unkind, a soft kind of relaxation taking over his gestures. He should at least try to have the same patience as his uncle. "Let's try again. Firs-"
"I am just really curious!" Aang cut him, basically bouncing on the same place, his energetic big smile back to his face now that the misunderstanding had been cleared. "If you're not injured, does that mean you're ticklish?"
For some reason, Aang seemed about to launch himself straight to the sky with how much he was beaming. In a blink, Zuko remembered old memories of his and his mother's laughter, of Lu Ten's surprise attacks and Mai's playful touches before he threw everything away to fulfill his own destiny.
And, in another bewildered blink, abruptly, Aang's smile and actions made complete sense. Zuko looked at him with wide eyes.
Before the prince could answer, however, the avatar jumped at him, not wasting a single second as he locked on his sides with a horrible scribbling that made he feel like there was thousands of feathers teasing his sensitive torso, following his body even when the surprise attack made him fall on his back, holding his reactions with all his will power.
"I knew it. You are!" The scribbling quickly evolved to a series of light pinches and squeezes that almost made him jump away as they traveled too much close to his stomach, giggles beginning to bubble in his throat. "I can't believe you never told us about it before!"
"W-why-" He bit back a squeal, refusing to fall for such childish play. "Why would I snkr e-ever tell you tha-ah!" 
Aang beamed even more at the muffled yelp that came when he experimentally scratched at his belly, deciding that it was a perfect place to dance and wiggle his fingers freely. 
"Because it is fun! And it would be nice to see your smile. I don't think we ever heard you truly laugh since you joined the group!"
"I don't need to laugh." He gritted through his firmly pressed lips, turning his face away, feeling his features getting hot at the hopeful and bright expression from Aang at the giddiness slipping through the tears in his barriers. "We need to t-t-train. Don't!"
Zuko maybe, if he wasn’t totally concentrated in not dying because anywhere - absolutely any other place - would be better than that spot, would definitely feel mortified by the honest to Agni high pitched plea that fled from his mouth when the other poked his bellybutton curiously.
Aang smiled even wider, somehow.
"You also have a ticklish bellybutton?" He poked the tickle spot again and again, giggling in delight when Zuko wiggled from one side to another with even the slightest hint of a touch. "Just like Sokka! He would go totally crazy when we tickled his belly. Katara even had this secret technique she did when..." Suddenly, he stopped.
Zuko could see the exact moment the Avatar got an evil idea.
"No.” Aang didn’t move. “Don’t you even think about it!" 
He tried to roll away, legs too weak to help him in a chase. Nevertheless, the other's playful hands followed him, pulling him back and straddling his waist so he could rest his index fingers and thumbs at each side of his bellybutton, making Zuko take a wobbly gulp of oxygen.
"Aang-" He tried to push the hands away but the Avatar was as immovable as a rock, grinning at him a tad manically. "Aang, I am g-going to make you do so many katas you will keep doing them in your sleep! Don't you dare!"
The Avatar, the bridge between the spiritual world, the one responsible to bring peace and balance to the four nations, the only one in the world able to master all the elements, the agent of evil snickered and did, in fact, dare.
For Zuko's complete mortification and immediate defeat, he began squeezing.
It was horrible. It was unbearable. Each squeeze made his entire body spasm with the sheer force of keeping his laughter inside, face growing more and more red as the tickling just did not stop.
That was when Aang's voice cut through air.
"Hey, actually, this gives me an idea! Wanna see a cool trick?" Zuko shook his head and Aang laughed. "Okay, I will show you anyway! It goes like this: 'Hello, I'm Mister Bellybutton and I am supeeeeeer ticklish!"
He was squeezing said tickle spot as if it was a mouth, pretending it was speaking and even making a goofy voice for it as if they were both tiny kids and not the future firelord and the one destined to end a one hundred year war, full of responsibilities and posture to uphold and Zuko…
"Squish! Squish, squish, squish, squishsquishsquishsquish-"
Zuko exploded in a loud, boisterous laughter. 
Whether it was for the sheer absurdity of it all, the awful and playful impersonation of a silly voice or the tickly shocks that filled all his nerves and senses he couldn't say. Actually, other than becoming a mess of laughter and sounds that were supposed to be words but were too lost in crackles to be understood, he wasn’t able to say much.
"Oh my god!!! Zuko, this is your laughter?! It's so nice! I can't believe we never tried to tickle you before!"
Zuko realized that he couldn’t do anything to stop the unfair tickle attack on his stomach, especially when Aang focused on using his other fingers to prod the sensitive skin and buzz on it, pulling a series of startled snorts that made the prince immediately hide his flaming face on his hands.
"Noooo, come on, not fair! You can't hide your smile, that is against the rules!"
"Of course there it is! Every tickle fight has rules. Like: no hiding your smile, no covering your face, and especially…"
The younger relented his attack giggling together with the other's remnant and uncontrollable titters as Zuko tried to recompose himself, feeling yet still a bit dazed with the sudden joy and adrenaline that were still running in his veins.
Wait. Why was it so quiet? Aang was saying something, wasn't he?
"Never leave a tickle spot unprotected unless you want it to be tickled!"
Suddenly fingers began kneading his ribs and Zuko's arms shot down in a too late attempt to protect them, a loud yelp announcing the comeback of an unstoppable mix of fast, airy giggles and eventual squeaks that didn’t wait to mingle in such a rare and beautiful melody. 
"Here is it!" Zuko wasn't sure how, but he could swear that Aang somehow got more than two hands, because in a blink the wiggling fingers that were prodding and drawing circles on his ribcage were not only assaulting his neck and ears with a skillful spidering scratches and nimbly scribbling but also, even before he could lift his arms and try to pry them from there before another high pitched chortle came out of his mouth, were worming and digging awfully on his armpits, obliging him to clue his arms to his sides once more and starting the whole cycle started again and again.
No spot was left without a proper, tickly and tingly attention. Every squeeze on his knees, scratch on his soles, kneading on his sides and light tapping on his palms (how did he even discover about his palms-) pulled all sorts of loud crackles, bubbly giggles, bouncy titters, wobbly squirms, tired kicks and a boisterous belly laughter that left him without energy, a "stop" ready in the tip of his tongue when the younger decided that it was enough and relented the energetic tickle attack.
The prince of the Fire Nation turned around, still giggling, still blushing and still feeling the ghost feeling of dancing fingers buzzing right under his skin, leaving a permanent giant smile on his face.
He wiped the few tears that accumulated on the corner of his eyes, taking deep breaths and trying to not get embarrassed by the couple of giggles that continued to fill the air.
"See, I told you it was fun!" Aang snickered. "I didn't expect you to be so ticklish, though. You're almost as bad as meEEK!"
With a swift roll and quick reflexes Zuko jumped and pushed - not necessarily gently but also not with all his strength - the Avatar down, pinning his arms upwards with a hand.
Wide grey eyes stared at him, a drop of alarm on them.
"Uhhhh, Zuko, you're not really angry are you? It’s just that you never said to stop and-"
Zuko lifted his hand and with a gasp, the other cut his babbling.
He began wiggling his fingers.
"Almost as bad as you, you say?"
"Waitwaitwait!" Aang kicked and laughed joyfully, suddenly free of any drop of fear in his gaze as he wiggled like a madman on his hold, trying with all his might to put as much distance as he could from the offending silly fingers. 
Seeing the older one loosening up was rare, but to see him loosen up, smile and be playful on the same day? Aang felt like he was the luckiest person in the world. He couldn’t wait to tell everyone else about how nice Zuko's laughter is. 
I mean, if he survived the payback. Aang tried to lightly pull his arms back, but the grip was firm. He watched with trepidation the hand that was getting closer and closer to his sides, sucking his belly as much as he could.
Golden and gray eyes found each other for a moment.
Zuko stopped, his tiny smirk being overthrown by a frown and Aang felt his arms being freed. 
The butterflies in his belly stopped batting their wings and the smile on his face fell. He tried to not feel too disappointed.
They would eventually get Zuko to participate in more of their shenanigans. One day. When he was ready. Even if today wasn't the day, he still got him to laugh.
An unbearable light feeling on his palm made the shorter yelp and jump away, one of his wrists being held back before he could pull it to his chest.
Golden and gray found each other again. Zuko smiled triumphantly.
"I knew it." He said, and Aang watched with a giddy feeling as blunt nails began scribbling on his palm, following the lines of his hands, drawing on the tip of fingers, contouring and spiraling across the entire sensitive skin to his wrists. Soon enough, his airy, fast and giggly snickers were filling the space, amidst his wiggles and half-heartedly attempts to pull his arm away. "I was wondering how did you discovered about my hands. It's because yours are sensitive as well."
"Yehehehes!" An 'eee' sound stretched the word and he snorted, kicking and squirming more, his other hand flapping non stop in an attempt to free himself of all the energy running in his veins. "Ihihihi realized that when I stahaharted to bend firehehe. It makes them so ticklihihish!"
"Must be rough for you." 
"Hehey! But yours are ahahahalso tick- no!" 
Not minding the other's protest, Zuko lifted the captured arm and attacked the unprotected armpit, being careful to tase and drum his fingers in every available inch of skin, feeling extremely smug at the shriek he got from the Avatar with the drastic change from such a soft to more playful tickle attack, his squirming getting so strong that he pushed himself back to a sitting position.
Zuko remembered something Lu Ten used to do with him all the time. It was childish and silly and not at all fitting for the future Firelord, but it used to drive Zuko over the palace’s walls all the time, and if Aang had at least half of his reaction…
He was just really glad that they went to train in a far area alone.
"What? Not here?" He made sure to focus on the weakest spot of the pit, poking and digging there for a good measure. "Not right here? Are you sure?"
"OK then." The tickling came to a stop.
Aang continued to laugh softly at the attack, his smile big and wobbly and eyes shining with excitement. "Wohohow, you're ruthless."
Zuko merely hummed in reply, watching him for the exact moment where he would relax and lower his guard…
"Hm, I changed my mind." He went right back at the merciless attack.
"And stop calling me that! Do you like being tickled, by chance? Becoming a mess of laughter and squeals?"
Zuko blinked, the tickling faltering for a bit and fishing a mess of tittering and soft squealing before resuming his quicker pace. "Really?….Why?"
"Ihihihit's fun!" Aang squealed and arched his back when Zuko got bored and decided to worm his fingers to his back ribs, spidering and stretching on the space in between each bone. For a piece of moment nothing but laughter filled his mind, thoughts and senses and all Aang could do was squeal until his mind got a bit clearer. 
"You like it too!"
The shout that came out from the prince's lips was a mix of embarrassment and surprise. "I do not!" 
"Do too!"
"Shut it!" The playful glint on the other's eyes only got stronger at the color flooding once again Zuko's cheeks. He grumbled in a grump protest. "If you can still tease me then I am not doing a good job. You must have a death spot somewhere, don't you?" He held the boy by his shoulder, starting to wiggle and prod his back in a search.
It was a good thing that his hand was still keeping the boy still because as soon as the sentence came out from his mouth the other began wiggling like his life was on the line.
"Wait, wait, Zuko! Not there! You can tickle my hands again or even my sides, they're pretty bad, but, wait!"
"Is your back really that ticklish or-" Zuko's teasing was cut when he pressed the highest space in between his shoulderblades (being very careful to not accidentally touch the scar) and, after a loud shout, an extremely low belly laughter filled the air.
He stopped. Aang stopped, hands flying to hide his mouth. 
"That was you?"
"No, of course not!" With a muffled voice the Avatar tried to wiggle away from the touch, only the tip of his smile appearing behind his palm. "What was what? I didn't hear a thing. Ah! It’s getting so late, I think that Katara is calling meeEEEHEHEHE!"
Zuko pressed once again at the middle of his shoulder blades, thumb incessantly tasering on the same spot as he watched with drops of surprise and amusement as the youngest usual higher voice became much lower and stronger, his guffaws making his entire torso beam with the force of the laughter.
"Your voice gets rougher when someone tickles your back?" Poke, poke, poke, prod, tase, tase. "How does that even work?"
Seeing that the boy seemed unable to stop bouncing in the same place with the sheer amount of ticklishness and energy running across his entire torso, Zuko decided to listen to him, stopping his tickles and eyeing his lower back with curiosity.
If just that tiny spot on his shoulder blades were so bad he wondered if his spine…
With an only one index finger, the older one ran the tip of the finger across Aang's spine.
He got exactly to the middle of it before the airbender shot straight to the sky with a high pitched, ear splitting squeal.
Zuko quickly jumped to a standing position, wide eyes searching the sky until his gaze finally found the hope of the world, the bridge between the material and the spiritual world, clutching his belly and historically giggling while kicking the air just like a kid in a tantrum, floating from a side to another, way too lost in ghost tickles and tittering snorts to control his airbending and stop spinning in the air with each laugh.
The future firelord sighed, ignoring how fond he felt for being the one responsible in making the smaller look as happy as this.
He forced his face to go back to his usual scowl, even if a playful, silly kind of feeling softened most of it and even when the entire gang already knew how to see right through it.
"Your training is not over yet, stop fooling around and come back! You still have to do katas until sunset."
Aang's remanent joyful laugh rang like a bell across the air. Somehow, Zuko felt like they wouldn’t do a lot of training today.
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inkedberries · 9 months
I've been seeing some folks tag that one superbat comic strip of mine with 'holy musical b@man' and i decided to check it out. i finished watching it and yep, checks out😆
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Day six hundred eighteen 618 Stunfisk
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jackobbit · 1 year
From the weekly Magna! Used the color pallet board this time, super fun!
His wire snapped :)
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[ID: A Magma drawing of Hive Moon colored using purples, blues and magentas, he looks upward with wide eyes as he falls, a cord holding him in the air snaps above him. Moon is placed against a gradient background also consisting of blues, purples, and magentas. Moon is an animatronic with a circular head that wears baggy pants, socks with paw beans on the bottom, long fingerless gloves, a large bell around his neck and a fluffy rimmed night cap. /End ID]
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personinthepalace · 1 year
Chris Bean Apology Dance
thanks to @the-irrelevant-trumpeter and the mischord for inspiring this :)
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happi4eve · 1 month
Silly named bean, he somehow managed to conquer a whopping 30+ worshippers and free nitro.
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Coolest silly ever
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soft-serve-soymilk · 1 year
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🍧❄️🧁 --- Inigo's abrupt departure is met with similarly haughty words. A voice as sweet as the cascade of cupcake crumbs around them, and an impression as bitter as the coffee he had been given too. "Aww, you've got some icing on your mouth," Dism says, cloyingly, "Huh? Why are you crying?" Bonus:
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Full installation + 2021 vs 2023 :')
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foolishlovers · 9 months
you + me = 🏡
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hart-on-my-sleeve · 6 months
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Why is he so silly 🥰🥰🥰
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linkneol091 · 2 years
Donnie in new trailer was ADORABLE JUST LOOK AT THIS
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I took screenshots from paramount channel and filmspit channel on youtube
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nonhumen · 1 year
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he's a certified genius.
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justobsessedwithvic · 8 months
I’m bored so
Mine are (not in order):
Måneskin, Girl in Red, Melanie Martinez
Moot (no pressure!!) Tags:
@caress-your-envelops-softly @millthegreat @ninja-grace @royakahoshiart @silliest-soldierrr @norius-here-to-sips-tea @bakedpotatossss @victorious-quiddity @bean-t @leihhaa @aliyahgracedrawing @waterworks-sobs @alex-just-vibing @wigglingallday @cherrynene @batty-boba @overwhelmingly-blue @str0yberries @universalkuzey @ur-local-remy-kinnie
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as-i-watch · 1 year
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It's amazing how Zoro on his own is, by far, the coolest mf you're gonna see in your life
But as soon as he is within a 10 miles radius from Luffy he turns back into the silliest murder bean ever, i love him for that
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smokerswifey · 5 months
Guys I had a dream last night where adult Nasiens and Percival leave Brittania after the war against Arthur to settle in a little territory/land like God's Finger .
They get married and have a little girl with dark green hair, the prettiest golden/brown eyes you've ever seen and a smile so bright she could light up the entire room .
She's the absolute love of their life . Percival is ( obviously) a girl dad and let's her messily braid his long hair or paint his face atrociously with makeup . Despite the sparkly mess on his face he'll always gasp in delight when she proudly holds up her rhinestone orned mirror to his face and hug her tightly saying " Thanks kiddo I look beautiful 😊😊 "
He's very obviously lying but the toothy grin abd the hug that he gets from his little girl is worth it .
She's basically a mini Percy but with darker hair and brown eyes .
And Nasiens gosh Nasiens loves their little girl ( I'm using they cause I don't know if in the future he's going to remain a he or a she, so I'm keeping the pronouns neutral for know ) who runs on her wee little legs to hug his knees tightly and say the most adorable things ever like " You're so prettyy Mama/Papa" or " I love you so so much more than the whooooole world " .
And Nasiens eats it allll up, plucking the little girl from the floor to tuck her into their arms and to kiss her fluffy hair adoringly .
She's a very energetic little bean, running and bouncing around at every second . A very curious and sharp kid tooo always asking questions. Like... always 💀.
She's also very good at hand to hand combat, her and Percy roughouse all the time much to Nasiens dismay .
For her magic tho I haven't really figured put what it is and I would really appreciate some ideas :))
As for her race she technically has human/life spirit ??/ giant and fairy blood running through her veins so there are a lot of options for her magic lmao .
Zeldris and Gelda are crazy about her .
Zel actually burst into tears when they announced that they were expecting.
He burst into tears when he heard that she was born .
And he burst into tears when he saw her for the first time .
( he was very embarrassed and forbids everyone from speaking about it but Meliodas heard and calls him crybaby now 💀 )
Anywas he's always asking Persiens to babysit her, like all the fucking time .
P : Dad its been three times in a row, we can find another sitter if ya want ?
Z : Nonsense son * plucks the baby out of Percy's arms and pulls her gently into his * You and Nasiens need some alone time hmm ?
N : Alone time can wait, Zeldris-San we really don't want to bother you-
Z : Bother me ??? * dramatically puts a hand over the baby's ears as is he wanted to shield her from what Nasiens said even tho she can't understand *Bothering me with this angel ?
* gazes into her big eyes adoringly.*
Never .
*looks to the couple*
To be honest I'm doing this more for myself than for you guys lmao, I just want to spend time with my beautiful grandaughter, isn't that right my little monster?
B : *coos happily *
Z : * strokes her cheek softly * You two can go now have fun *he says dismissively and turns around * You want grandpa to read you a story about how he killed a thousand godesses in one day ??
P : Please don't Dad .
Z : *pretends he can't hear* oh son you're too far, love you, have fun, byeee.
He would be the silliest grandpa .
And Gelda, Diane and King would have an amazing relationship with her naturally .
My imaginative juice has ran out for today but please expect ro hear more about Persiens daughter 🥰🥰.
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