#the silliest looking fish ever
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Day six hundred eighteen 618 Stunfisk
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Proposal In The Pumpkins
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2000 words | No warnings
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He was nervous. Oh, so nervous. His hands trembled as he fidgeted with the gloves that adorned them. The entire day had been filled with mutters to himself, deep breaths and shuddered sighs, even an anxiety attack in a dingy broom closet. 
He’d laid beside you as you slept, looking at you for most of the night, the hearts forming in his eyes and he was sure if you woke up you’d even see ones floating around his head. You were so pretty, so beautiful, and he wanted to enjoy this night especially; just in case it was the last he shared with you in his bed.
Today was the big day.
The day he’d looked forward to for months, the day he’d feared as well as dreamed off every night he’d fall asleep next to you. And now, as his time arrived, painfully slowly, he wondered if he would even manage. The longest three minutes of his life, he noted, checking the slow ticking clock for the 20th time this past minute. Another ‘last’ checkover in the mirror, scanning his paints, the rat bitten trousers he knew you loved on him and his frilly black dress shirt tucked neatly tucked in them. He’d had his dress shoes cleaned especially for this, he even wore new gloves. 
Copia straightened his back, smoothing his palms over the nonexistent wrinkles in his shirt and running a hand over his hair to smooth back strands the air had ruffled when he’d paced around for a good couple of minutes. He wasn’t too scared you’d say no… Well, that's what he’d like to believe, anyway. Deep down though he knew that was the source of his fears. He could almost hear your voice ringing in his head; ‘’I- No.‘’ It was a terrible mixture of shock, awkwardness and disgust. Disgusted with him, disgusted with the idea he thought he had a chance.
What if you did say no? What would his life be without you?
He pushed it down, his chest heaving with a deep breath.
You weren’t like that, he knew. You were polite, no. That wasn’t correct. You were lovely, perfect even. In his eyes you were. You were the one who supported him through his times as cardinal, his facial surgery, his ascension to papa, the fuckload of paperwork that only ever seemed to grow. You were there, and you were here now.
And he loved you.
He loved you more than anything in this world. More than performing, more than the whole ministry, more than his religion, more than life itself. He’d drop anything and everything if it meant spending forever with you, both here, in life, and in whatever you’d face together afterward.
Copia pushed the door to the hall open, shooting a glance around to check for any siblings; usually, not many walked the hall near the papal chamber, but he just wanted to be sure, an interaction about work in the possibly final moments of happiness and light in his life was the last thing he needed.
The door to the front steps of the Abbey came into view soon, and as he pushed open the heavy doors he let out a sigh of relief to see you weren’t waiting for him yet - even if he was at least fifteen minutes early. He fixed his gloves, reaching into his pocket to fish out his phone, checking frantically for any text that you might cancel, that you might-
A pair of hands snaked onto his broad shoulders from behind him and he jerked, his phone plummeting to the ground when he stiffened. Relaxation was almost immediate as soon as he heard your endearing giggle, the same giggle that never failed to bring a stupid blush to his face, even now, even though he’s heard it countless times. ‘’Scared ya?’’ You hummed, moving your way to stand in front of him. Instinctively he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer and nuzzling the tip of your nose to his. ’’Dolcezza! You’re early.’’
‘’So are you.’’ You beamed, pecking a quick kiss to the corner of his mouth, then his cheek, then the tip of his nose. He wore the biggest, silliest grin ever, his worries quickly forgotten with you around. ‘’Well, I couldn’t wait. I have been looking forward to this evening all day, Tesoro.’’ He explained, his eyes closing and his body melting into your kisses.’’nervous or something?’’ you teased, raising your hands to smooth again over his shoulders before running one through his thick, soft hair. He squinted a playful challenge at you.‘’Not at all. Shall we head off, then?’’ You nodded, and Copia offered you his arm to walk you toward his car. He had specifically not wanted a ghoul to drive you both; he wanted this to be special, something separate from the ministry. He wasn’t Papa with you, he was Copia, just Copia; the love of your life and your best friend. 
Placing your hand in the crook of his arm, you gave him a small grin. ‘’Lead the way, good sir.’’  
He walked you to his car, parked somewhere further down the large parking lot, sharing words about the day you’d had. His hand came to cover yours folded in his elbow. Quickly enough the white LeSabre came into view, and as soon as you reached it Copia pranced with you to the passenger side to hold the door for you with an over dramatic bow, lifting his head to flash you that winning smile of his. There were a couple of siblings nearby, along with a ghoul who must have driven them into town. They shot you both glances, giggling at their papas theatrics. 
Your door shut and Copia pranced around to the drivers side of the car, hopping in and starting it up. He rummaged through his glove box for a brief moment to find a nice CD to play, and settled on some old Italian love songs. He was humming along by the time the car hit the main road; you always loved how he looked so attentive when he drove, checking his mirrors, eyes wide yet so calm, a couple of stray strands of hair flailing around with the wind.
You both settled on a comfortable silence after a while of driving till his hand came to rest on your thigh, thumb tracing over the material that covered it. His hand moved up and down, caressing the flesh there. The CD played a steady tune still, and, one hand on the wheel, Copia looked over to you. You could see the hearts dancing in his eyes as his adoring gaze swept over your seemingly perfect features, your nose, your beautiful eyes, your soft lips.. He had to pry his gaze away from you with quite a lot of effort to look back at the road, a dumb little grin pulled at his lips. ‘’Almost there, Amore.’’ He hummed, giving the plush of your thigh a gentle squeeze, followed by some endearing little pats. He slowly moved his hand back to the wheel, eyes switching in favor of glancing at you every now and again. He had to focus or he might crash the car.
He parked the car into a small lot at the side of an empty road, the place you had settled for your date; a small pumpkin patch. Copia knew you loved October. The rain, the sun finally setting a bit later, the pretty orange hued leaves where they slowly drifted to cover the grounds, and most of all Halloween. You loved seeing the kids in the ministry dress up as ghouls and get their faces painted like their papas, you loved the nice atmosphere and of course the scary movies. Fall was your favorite season, and he wanted to make this as special for you as he could.
The sky was mostly dark and cloudy, but there were a few narrow holes that allowed the sun to shine through, giving the dark clouds pretty shades of yellow and orange. His fingers trailed down your arm to find your hand, twining your fingers together and leading you into the patch, watching you as you giggled and picked up little pumpkins, declaring you’d name this one some name he couldn’t remember, saying that one could look cute on his desk for company. He just trailed next to you like a lost puppy, mindlessly agreeing with what you were saying.
His heart was pounding as you walked and walked you unknowingly let him to the place he’d planned this all to happen. 
Surely enough, as you walked the broad path you came to a little clearing, a neat line of carved pumpkins to the left of you. You were amazed for a moment by a large pumpkin in the complete opposite direction until you spotted the row of four, nearly identical ones that looked to be carved with much care. The carving wasn’t perfect, but you could see someone tried their absolute best. It was only when you read what was carved, one word per pumpkin, that you let out a giggle. How cute! 
You heard shuffling behind you, and you turned to face Copia. You looked straight over his head, confused until your eyes flicked downward. What was he doing down there? It clicked as soon as you saw him opening a small, black box, his eyes nervously flicking all over your face. You looked back over your shoulder at the message written out over the pumpkins.
Will You Marry Me?
You looked back at Copia, back at the message, then back to Copia. A hand covered your mouth, tears pricking at your eyes as you looked at the small Silver ring and the little Diamond fancily secured in the middle. All you could do was nod your head yes frantically, and he took the ring out of the box, still down on one knee, and slid it onto your finger gently. You met his eyes just as he was getting up, glistening with his own tears, too, and you wrapped your arms around him. Maybe a little too hard.. You both tumbled to the ground, Copia landing with a painful ‘’Uff!’’ on his back, you following suit right on top of him. It wasn’t the most comfortable position to lay in, especially on the hardened dirt but you didn’t care. Your hair curtained around your face, arms wrapped around his waist and your legs between his. He looked at you, doe eyed and dazed from his fall and the mere situation playing out right now. You surged forward and kissed him, urgent but slow and it took him a moment to regain control over his body. He propped himself up heavily on his elbows to support the both of you, one hand moving your hair out of your face and cupping your cheek as he moved his lips against yours. His chest felt warm and there were butterflies fluttering around in his belly like he was some lovesick fool. Perhaps he was.
Finally breaking the kiss for air, you rested your forehead to his, the biggest beaming smile playing at both your and his kiss-swollen lips. ‘’Well?’’ he squeaked, still lost for air.
‘’Absolutely yes, Copia. Yes, yes, yes!’’ you giggled, sitting up and straddling his hips so he could sit up too. Once he straightened he kissed you again, and you looped your arms around his shoulders. He deepened the kiss, his tongue urgently prodding at you for entrance, his hands caressing wherever he could.
‘’Ti amo, Cara mia.’’ he mumbled against your lips before pulling back farther. ‘’I always thought Fiancé sounded better than girlfriend, anyway.’’ He pecked the corner of your mouth again before shooting you a wink. ‘’Or should I say Fearancé..’’
You couldn’t help rolling your eyes at his stupid pun, lightly smacking his chest. ‘’Shut up and kiss me again, idiot.’’
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A/N: I loved this request! Working on the other ones I got sent in as we speak, they'll be shorter but I'll try to get them finished in the coming days.
Crediting: @ramblingoak for the great title & @delullu for the amazing 'Fearance' pun!
Taglist: @sweatandwoe @copias-girl @papasmicstand @lightbluuestars @random-bl-fan @dearlymrme @thew0man
(Want to be added or removed from/to the taglist? Send an ask or dm!)
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Unconditionally (hanjisung)
You climb out of your car with a flounder, the taxing 8 long hours of work catching up unto your body as you shakily put on foot in front of the other, little pieces of confetti and cookie crumbs suddenly falling to the ground like little reminders of what working with small children does to you: it leaves you in shambles, very colorful, sticky and happy shambles.
You loved working at a daycare, little hands reaching for you, brightly colored paint smudged fingerprints all over your clothes, the tiny tug at your jeans whenever a baby wanted to be picked up from the floor. The piercing headaches from all the crying and screaming. Yeah that was the best part for sure.
You ease the key in the door lock and step inside, immediately dropping your bag to the ground and shrugging your jacket off your shoulders as you walk over into the living room where you stop abruptly: all curled up on the couch, lips parted slightly in the cutest pout, messy dark hair all fluffy and rumpled, Jisung was sleeping peacefully, looking just like one of the babies you cared for today. Just a bit larger. But not even that much.
You quietly chastise yourself for leaving your bag in the hallway, for your phone would have come in so much handy right now, you have this urge to snap a pic of your cute boyfriend right now, it's almost too compelling. You grunt, completely giving into your silliest desire, and quietly walk back and fish your hands inside the mess that is your bag, pulling out the expected wallet and car keys and gums that have their usual home in there along with the odd business card you had no idea how it ended in there or the fuchsia pink lighter that you also have no idea why it's in there considering you don't smoke and none of your friends and loved ones do either.
At last, the cracked screen of your white iPhone pops out of the loose pocket that definitely needs to patch up, you open your camera and walk back into the living room and immediately snap a few pictures. Few pictures as in you circle around the couch to take photos from every possible angle and end up filling your camera roll with no less than 12 new additions.
Once you're satisfied with your photos you start to scroll through them, trying to pick one to set as your new home screen cause how could you not? You cover your mouth with your hand, trying to muffle the sound of your own giggling and that's when you see Jisung stirring in his spot, slowly blinking himself awake, looking like the sweetest most adorable creature you've ever seen: "hi sweetheart", you coo, your baby voice kicking in instantly as if you were still at the day care talking to actual babies and not your full grown adult of a boyfriend.
Jisung mumbles something incoherent, he rubs his lips together and sighs softly as he pouts again, his big brown eyes reduced to two little drowsy, shiny slits that cross a little as he still blinks so so slowly, the fluffy hair and chubby, rosy cheeks making him look ever so tiny and cute you want to cradle him and give him the biggest smooch.
"Hi", he greets you in his low, raspy, sleep ridden voice that contrasts strikingly with how tiny and vulnerable he looks at the moment, he spreads his legs and his arms out, silently inviting you to him and you waste no time, you trot to him happily, all the exhaustion from the day evaporating with your every step as your crawl over and lay right on top of him, nuzzling your head in the crook of his neck as his arms lace around you the minute you're touching him.
Now, is Jisung still sleepy as fuck and not fully able to form coherent thoughts yet? Yes. Is your body weight crushing down deliciously on him as his uncomfortable butt is stuck awkwardly on the seam in between the couch cushions? Also, yes. Is the waistband of his boxer becoming increasingly tighter with you inadvertently pressing down on him to the point where he is now getting a little too hard too fast? Absolutely. Will he do anything about it and make you move? Not in a million years. The man will literally die before he asks you to remove yourself from him.
"How was your day? You smell nice, you smell like flour and sugar", he asks quietly in your hair, placing fluttery kisses along your crown and your forehead, and you chuckle, squeezing him tighter in your embrace, positioning yourself with your ear over his steady heartbeat, "t'was good. Tiring but good. We made cookies today. I would have saved you some but when some of the dads came over to pick up their kids they polished the plates clean. Left no crumbs at all", you explain placidly, your body becoming progressively more pliable and warm as you sink into Jisung's chest and the familiar feel of his hands carding through your hair, his arms keeping a gentle but firm hold on you, his soft, buttery lips tracing invisible marks on your skin as he slowly makes his way down on your temples and your eyelids.
It feels so good. Too good, almost. To be held like that, to be cuddled so gently, it's like he slowly pouring himself out for you, emptying his honey filled heart for you so you can swim in his sweetness. "Did you have a long day? You were napping so well when I came in" you asks after a little while, propping yourself up just a little, resting your chin on top of your crossed arms displayed on his chest, poring into his pretty eyes as they become more and more awake and alert.
"Worked on a few new tracks, had two zoom meetings with the company, went back to the tracks, started writing another one, helped Changing hyung out of a writing rut, went and got groceries for Seungminnie and dropped them at his place, also retrieved new strings for his guitar since he's coming down with a bad cold and didn't feel like doing his own errands. I also briefly went shopping with Hyunjin hyung cause Jeongin dropped his ass last minute... ", he says quietly, trailing off in the end when he notices you're looking at him funny: " what? What did I say? ", he chuckles and you cup his smooth cheeks and brush them with your thumbs," you are so sweet Hannie. You cared for everyone but yourself today. Even now, I'm pretty sure you're cramping down there, and you still haven't told me to move".
Jisung shifts ever so slightly while still holding you in place, not letting you move a single inch out of his grasp as he grins at you, he loves how observant you are, loves how you pick up on every little thing about him, like how you sensed he was tired and had had a long day, how he still prioritized you being comfortable in his arms over anything else.
"No big deal. They're my brothers. And you're my baby, and my baby comes first", he declares, leaning in to kiss you slightly, "you always come first", he winks at you suggestively and you burst into giggles, burying your face in his chest abashedly as he laughs too at his own pun. Giggles rake through your bodies for a little while, the both of you so tired you end up in a chain reaction that makes you both laugh spontaneously just by looking at each other faces, and the lightness, the brightness of your laughs reverberates through your chests and you feel so happy. So in love.
It dawns on you then, settles in so stealthily yet so blatantly: you love this man unconditionally. You love this man so much you want to fill the rest of your life up with his laughter and his kisses and his colors. You want to make a life with him, in every sense.
"Jisung... I want a baby". It tumbles out of your lips so fast, so abruptly you don't even realise you said that until you see the shocked reflection of yourself into your boyfriend's eyes that seem to be just a second away from popping out of their sockets: "you... You want a baby? With me?", he speaks in tiny, his voice so high pitched, slightly quivering from the immense shock.
"Yeah... not-not right now. I mean... Sometimes in the near future? I don't know. I just know I want a a baby with you. I love you. I love you so much it's ridiculous. I think you are such a sweet, caring person, you are so sensitive and selfless. You love so intensely yet so softly all at once and you have this way of bringing everyone up when they need that the most even if it comes at your own expense, you spread so much lightness and joy and-and.. ", you bite down your lip out of nervousness, stumbling on your words as you feel your heart slowly but surely cracking up in your chest from all the emotion you're pouring out right now.
Jisung cups your cheeks, grinning so incredolously as he listens intently to every word you're saying, "and... I could probably spend the next three hours listing all the reasons why I love you and why I think you'd be a great father but point is: this is me telling you I'd love to start a family with you. Out of pure love. Some day. Whenever you're ready".
Jisungs snaps out of his trance like stare once you're done rambling and immediately crashes his lips to yours, kissing you like his whole life depends on it. Now he's fully awake and excited like you've never seen him before, "I love you. I love you I love you! You want a baby with me?!!", he keeps repeating in between kisses, his voice going squeakier and squeakier, as his hands squish your cheeks in the flurry of emotions currently pervading him, "oh my god you want a baby with me, you want my baby! My baby wants my baby!", he shouts excitedly and at this point you are laughing so much you're crying tears of joy.
"I'll give you all the babies. Give it a couple more years and I'll give you so many babies, so many babies we won't know where to fit them in hour home", he states, peppering your face with so many kisses you could pass out, even blowing raspberries on your neck and your collarbones, making you giggles so much your stomach hurts.
You both settle down after a little while, both of your heartbeats still running wildly in your chest as you can clearly tell by the fast beating underneath your palms when you rest your hands back down over your boyfriend's chest: Jisung looks so out of it right now. In the best way possible.
He holds you to his chest, breathing heavily, looking out into the nothingness and he mindlessly grins and kisses the top of your head, "you know... When I came home today i took these", you mumble, slowly reaching into your pocket to pull out your phone and show him the pics you snapped earlier, "I kept looking at you and thinking back about the children at my work and it didn't hit me then but the moment your held me like that and talked about your day and how caring you had been with the guys it just clicked. Like an epiphany. I look at those tiny babies and see how their dads interact with them everyday and I feel like I stored so many heartwarming moments inside my memories they all started to mesh into one another, like this sort of warm wave, sweeping me under, I just started thinking of you every time they resurface. I don't know if that makes sense".
Jisung tucks the hair behind your ears and looks at the photos first and then back at the happy look painted all over your face, his eyes a little shiny with withheld tears, "it makes perfect sense to me. You make perfect sense to me, I don't think I've ever told you but I've always wanted to come to work with you for a day. Sometimes I just picture you picking up a crying baby and gently patting their head and cradling them close to you and them calming down immediately, a bit like what you do with me when I get my monthly anxiety breakdowns".
He smiles fondly before continuing, his eyes getting lost and distant as he speaks, "and then I picture myself just laying down on the floor of their little playground and just letting them crawl all over me and play with my hair and holding them and giving them so many cuddles", he trails off quietly, his eyes beaming back down at you, "I want that with you. I always did. You have a way of nurturing those around you that is just so rare. Those kids are so lucky, I'm so lucky. I can't wait for you to be a mom, I can't wait to have a baby with you".
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not-5-rats · 3 months
(I've got so much to ask, I'm so sorry (no I'm not))
1) Acting AU
Has your bug ever improvised a scene? If so what scene was it?
2) What's the 'silliest' thing that irritates your bug?
3) Can your bug dance? 🐛🕺<- I love this sm
If yes, where did they learn
If no, would they like to learn?
4) Daisy (Chez's youngest sister) comes running up to them and pushes a bunch of daisies into their hands
"You's nice, you take flowers for being nice"
She then runs away to get more daisies, gives you those flowers, goes to get more, repeat
5) You know I can't ask questions without some form of angst :3 (tw headless corpse ig)
(A/N bug is referring to your bug cba writing 'your bug' eveytime)
Your bug and Chester are out in the swamps fishing, they're having nice conversation, discussion interests, the Gator Boys and the other bugs
They had had pretty good luck today, as shows by the basket of fish sitting in the middle of their boat. Bug suddenly felt their fishing line hook onto something, they assumed it was a clump of seaweed or something to reeled it in to clear it and throw whatever muck it had caught back into the water
When they pulled it up they were initially a bit puzzled but when they saw the whole thing they realised the mortifying truth, it was a rotting corpse, a headless rotting corpse.
They pulled the body onto the boat and Chez looked down at it, at first he was concerned because...well who wouldn't be concerned at finding a corpse but then he took a closer look at the rotting body and realised something about it
The scars covering the bodies shoulders and sides, the partially disintegrated pouch stuck to it's side and the barely visible tattoo of a fox's silhouette on the top of their back...
Chester seemed mortified, he scurried to grab something from the pouch and what he pulled out confirmed his suspicions...a rusty pocket watch with the initials M.M carved into the back. He stares at the watch before mumbling to the other bug, not looking away from the watch
"Milo...this is my brother...Milo, he died years ago, I found his head but until now I'd not found the body..."
Your bugs reaction?
(This is how he finds out his brother wasn't killed by the half-bloods, cause the scars on the neck stump don't match those on his head (will write this later))
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@rozeliyawashereyall @willowve01 @asmrbrainrot @kaiamtt @iistxrmyskyii @insignificant-anarchy @stxph-artist @aspenm00n @keyaartz @fangsshadow @rustycopper4use @piffany666 @dreamyshape @idontevenknow7878 @lunaritychuwolf @littlesiren79 @castbracelet240 @strayharmony943 @tiefling-chaos @astralbulldragon13 @threeweekinsomnia @recated @wilderrorcard @diamondzoey @fennaboysenberry @lunnats @lightdragon789 @pinkcocopuff-aqualoid @itsargyle
@puffin-smoke you will never escape the angst now
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frenchkisstheabyss · 1 year
♡ the best part ♡
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♡ Pairing: husband!kihyun x fem!chubby!reader
♡ Summary: A romantic afternoon spent at a botanical garden with the love of your life
♡ Genre: the fluffiest of fluff
♡ Word Count: 990
♡ Warnings: kissing and unbearable cuteness
♡ A/N: I wrote this request for my Kihyun loving anon. As a Hyungwon biased babe, I know how hard it is out here for us Monbebes. I stand in solidarity with you my sweet darling 💚
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Kihyun guides you across the stone path with hands softened by honey and shea butter. You cling to them for dear life, the straps of your high heels looped around your wrist. A dozen koi fish dance in circles beneath you, occasionally splashing cool water onto your toes. Kihyun fights to hide his laughter but his quivering bottom lip and perky cheeks are a dead giveaway.
“Stop laughing!” you pout, “I just don’t wanna fall in and hurt them.” “I’m sorry. I can’t help it. You’re so cute when you’re worried.” Blushing, you feel your nerves settle, and allow him to help you the rest of the way. Even relaxing enough to allow your mind to drift around the rest of the pond, admiring the emerald green pads with ivory lilies sprouting between them. 
It tickles when your feet finally touch the grass, moistened blades sneaking between your toes. “Stay right here” he instructs, taking a few steps back and pulling out his phone. Every new place you visit he needs a picture of you. The emotions of these moments will linger eternally, that he’s sure of, but he wants something to look back on. Something to remind you, when you’re old and gray, of the life you lived so beautifully together.
“How do you want me to pose, Mr. Photographer?” you ask, striking the silliest pose that comes to mind. Kihyun snaps the shot, winking at you, “Perfect.” “What? No! Take it again!” you demand but his phone’s already back in his pocket. “Why? I loved it. I think I’ll frame it. Put it in the living room. What do you think?” he teases, making his way toward a short set of stone stairs leading deeper into the garden.
He makes a sudden turn onto another pathway cloaked in lush trees, disappearing altogether before you can catch up to him. “Kihyun!” you call out, skipping up the stairs. Nothing. Only the sound of water rushing from a nearby fountain. Heading in the direction you saw him turn in, you walk a few feet without seeing him. You’re ready to call his name again when you notice a paper lotus on the ground with something written on it in his handwriting.
And it’s not the only one. There's more dropped every few feet leading towards the sound of the fountain. They’re placed near spots where bees land on marigolds and birds hum around zinnias. You collect them one by one, reading them individually, and then altogether. 
To my love. My wife. My moon and my stars, In our vows, I said that marrying you was the best day of my life. I meant it more than I ever meant anything before. But I was wrong. If tomorrow I couldn’t hear, I’d remember the sound of your voice until my dying day. If tomorrow I couldn’t see, I’d be able to describe every detail of your face down to the way your nose crinkles when you smile. I’ve committed so much of you to memory, your scent, your breathing, the way your heart beats against mine, that I could find you in the dark. The best day of my life can’t be narrowed down to one because every day that you’re mine is the best day of my life.
In your mind, you curse him for making you feel all mushy inside. You feel so loved, so cherished, that you can barely keep it together. It’s why you fell in love with him though. Your sweet, sentimental KiKi. No matter how much of a brat he can be at times, let’s be real you both can be a pain in the ass, you never question how much you mean to him. And if you ever did, even for a second, he’d stop the earth on its axis to make sure you know how special you are.
Holding the stack of papers close to your chest, you finally reach the fountain where your husband watches water trickle down the statue of a Greek goddess carved in marble. A blanket’s spread out in the grass, lined with 24 individually wrapped slices of cake, labeled with their own unique flavors. Raspberry Chocolate Truffle. Caramel Apple. Pink Champagne.
“What is all of this?” you gasp, settling down at the edge of the blanket to read the other flavors. Kihyun cuddles up beside you, picking a tulip along the way to tuck behind your ear. “I know that we didn’t get to try all of the flavors you wanted to before our wedding day so I figured why not do it now?” “Oh my god, you’re too perfect. What are you? A serial killer or something?” you tease.
Kihyun grabs a fork from the basket at the center of the blanket and hands it to you, “Would you divorce me if I were?” “No” you answer without hesitation, “Don’t get caught though. I’d make a terrible prison wife.” “Noted” he laughs, beginning to unwrap the slice marked Chocolate Orange Blossom. 
“Kihyun,” you whisper. 
“Thank you.”
You lunge at him, knocking him back into the grass. With your legs on either side of him, fingers tangled in his hair, you kiss him for every word written on those paper orchids. Kihyun’s hands are at your waist, caressing your plush hips through your sundress, clinging to you as if you’ll fly away if he lets go. This feels like a fairytale. The type you read as a little girl that you’d come to think of in womanhood as nothing more than daydreams.
You aren’t sure if it’s the fresh scent of the water or the fragrant flowers. It could be the singing of the birds or the warm sun against your skin. But most likely it’s the man beneath you, your sun and your clouds, the best part of every day, staring up at you whispering gently, “Baby, when did you get so strong? I definitely broke something.” 
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green-nerd-showdown · 2 months
Clian (pokemon) vs Geronimo Stilton (from the series with the same name)
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Knows everything there is to know about everything within the canon of the anime.
Major fanboy energy. For cooking, for trains, for Pokémon. His wiki says “Cilan is a superbly eccentric boy. He enjoys the intricacies of life, making him cheerful almost all his parts in the anime. His connoisseur catchphrase is "It's evaluating time!" and honestly that takes his nerd score off the charts imho.
He's got so many different interests that he's so dang passionate about that you can't help but feel compelled to like him - the anime gives him infinitely more characterisation than the games could ever and I love that for him. He loves cinema. He loves trains. He loves fishing and science and all the fun stuff. There's a running gag where he becomes a detective for the episode and figures stuff out. In my honest opinion, he's arguably one of the silliest fellas in the entire Pokémon canon. In conclusion this silly green guy is so multifaceted with his billion interests outside of being a Pokémon Connoisseur - hot damn if he doesn't compel me with his possibly autistic charm.
mild-mannered mouse writer who keeps getting dragooned into the wildest-ass adventures
He’s an icon of book nerds’ childhoods for over 20 years. A wonderful little writer with so, so much anxiety. He truly is someone you’d look at for one second and yell “NERD!!” also he is a mouse which is very important in general
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viperfizz · 7 months
I can’t stop imagining a scene in your mermaid AU where Xara waves Ellie over. Ellie walks closer and crouches near the water, unsure of what to expect. And Xara proceeds to reach into the murky water in front of her and pull out the silliest little brindled madtom catfish ever and hold it up to Ellie like “look at what I have!”
awww absolutely!! mer!xara likes to show off her prized possessions to ellie. it’s her odd way of showing affection and building trust. and she also just never gets to show people anything she finds bc she never interacts with any humans so it’s very exciting when she meets ellie!
mavis is one of those prized possessions
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truth be told if mavis was a catfish in this au xara might just eat her the first time she encounters her. she’s a wild animal after all. she eats fish 🤷 though i do love the idea of her being like “i like this one i’ll let it live”
however i am debating on how i wanna approach the concept of xara being able to transform herself and walk on land. so if i did ever incorporate mavis somehow, she might just be the same lil tortoiseshell cat that she is in the normal xaragaard au. that way she would have a better chance of being spared (again, xara is still a wild animal. she would probably have the temptation to strike, but would hold back cause wait a minute this creature isn’t familiar to my diet and it’s kinda cute)
xara might find a boat nearby with the name “mavis” on it and think you know what this slaps actually
i might just not have mavis involved in this au though cause it breaks my heart thinking about xara seeing her sweet baby as potential prey. maybe she’ll have a cameo appearance instead :)
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safe-ship-harbored · 2 months
rain world tumblr dash simulator except its my beloved unlore iterators
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❌ Rotten-Masquerade Follow
I have learned a new word. Slaytastic. Apparently it means something is wonderful?
☕️ Silliest-Cafe-Owner
♠️ I-Have-A-Cool-Overcoat Follow
hehe :3
#I should teach Crime funny words!! idk if hes on this website tho :(
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❗ Your-Favorite-NPC Follow
Anyone know what this creature is? It doesn't look like any other creature that I've seen before
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⌛ The-Time-Being
hi thats me
❗ Your-Favorite-NPC Follow
what?. what do you mean by this. and your tags????
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#I have seen a lizard before!! you just don't look like one #have YOU ever seen a lizard? #also why did this get so many notes is this "time being" person really popular or smth
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☕️ Silliest-Cafe-Owner
ugh its so annoying being based on a character from other media
☕️ Silliest-Cafe-Owner
🦀 Gravities-Biggest-Hater
#you still haven't told me who Chuuya is
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🦈 Shattered-Waters Follow
Yearning again.
🌊 Red-N-Blue-Rivers Follow
just talk to them!! it can't be that difficult, right?
🦈 Shattered-Waters Follow
It's really difficult Peril.
🎤 speak-up-pls
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🦈 Shattered-Waters Follow
hey no that was meant to stay in tags.
#your font hurts to look at...
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🦀 Gravities-Biggest-Hater
I hope I don't have to fight my evil brother today
☄️️ Stardust-Tossed-Aside Follow
🦀 Gravities-Biggest-Hater
no fucking way.
#I'm pretty sure he died to the rot #but still. nice joke
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🐟 fish-posting
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🐟 fish-posting
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it's so dark down here.
#FISH HAS BEEN REAL QUIET SINCE HE POSTED THIS anyways i think this should be tagged with unreality and eyestrain #<- prev im in the void. what is unreal about this? i'll still tag it though. Thank you for pointing that out.
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thefanciestborrower · 9 months
do you have prey link hc's i am BEGGING spare vore
YEAH here you go! These are mostly gonna be B0TW and T0TK Link since that's who I talk about most on here, but if you want any other version I'd be happy to do that too. Okay so it might actually take Link a second to warm up to being eaten in a friendly manner if I'm being honest because there are. SO many monsters that would love to make him into a proper meal so in his mind it's a bad thing. At least...until it's very firmly established as something affectionate and kind of silly a few of his friends can do. Then once he warms up to it he's an absolute menace. Cannot ever sit still in someone's insides and I mean he absolutely CAN'T. It's impossible he's just too fidgety and can't keep his hands to himself to save his life. That I feel like is true of every Link, but especially our lovely B0TW/T0TK gremlin boy because look at him. Even his idle animations show him constantly stretching, bouncing, and shaking his little hands, so staying still in a stomach really isn't an option. Unless he falls asleep of course which is, a very big probability. Especially if he's bored. Something I think might be a little funny is how easy it would be to startle him by just, grabbing him up. For a normally rather stoic hero it seems very easy to catch him off guard in the games, and I feel like that would very much apply to any time a friend decided to grab him for a snack, even if they hadn't meant to scare him. He'll make the silliest shocked little face before he realizes what happened and chills out. The biggest culprits of just snatching him would probably be Si.don and Dar.uk because, well look at them they're huge.
For Sid.on it's more of an affectionate Z0ra thing I think. It feels like something they would use to transport very young Z0ra still in their tadpole stage if they had to and a lot of fish use mouth brooding anyways to care for their eggs, so it stands to reason that eating someone might be a fairly understood and acceptable thing. Especially looking at all the stuff that happened with Jabu Ja.bu in previous games. Sooo Sid.on has a tendency to eat Link as a way of catching up with his friend after going a while without seeing him, and honestly Link never really minds it. His insides are soft and make a great bed, and they're warm too, so Link honestly just wishes he was given more of a warning sometimes before getting gulped lmao. Dar.uk tho...he was awful about snatching Link up because he thought it was a bit funny. Gor.on eat pretty much exclusively rocks and minerals, so it's possible they might be completely incapable of processing something like a Hyli.an, especially one that's still alive and kicking. Combine that with how much bigger Dar.uk was than Link and....yeah there was really no reason for him not to eat his tiny friend every once in a while lol. Link was pretty fussy about it because he was NEVER given a warning and always grabbed at an inconvenient time, but he never was genuinely mad about it either. Just playfully annoyed and incredibly wiggly. I feel like Link also gets eaten by various monsters he fights like Hinox, Molduga, and other things like that, but it's waaayyyyyy less friendly or fun for either party
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sunnibearr · 1 year
oooh- what about headcanons of what it would be like to have the txt members as your brothers?
TXT members as your brothers.
— txt masterlist | ot5 headcanons | gn!reader
— warnings: language, mention of food, pushing, being ill, (not proofread)
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soobin —
soobin doesn't necessarily go out of his way to check on you in the way you think he would
he keeps a close eye on you discretely though
shares clothes with you,,
if any of his stuff goes missing he immediately assumes you have it
likes making a show out of it sometimes to annoy you
but he really doesn't mind because it's how he shows he care lol
the type of brother to order you food when you're not feeling well
but also the type to be like "don't come near me you GERM" when you're sick
he loves you but he values his health
yeonjun —
jun shows his love and appreciation for you by pulling your hats and hoods over your face
beanie? it's covering your face as soon as you walk past him
cap? he's making a game out of how many times he can hit it until you snap
your hood is up? he is pulling the strings, typing them and running out of the room
honestly i think he just likes annoying you
a lot of funny moments,, especially when you two haven't seen each other in a while
i think your chaotic-accident prone energies would build up and just,, explode together
he will definitely like messing with you but of course he loves you
i feel like he would buy you stuff for valentines,, as an act of appreciation
beomgyu —
there's a lot of petty back and forth with gyu as your brother
always teasing each other
and coming up with the meanest, silliest insults
"stupid fish head looking ass" — neither of you even know what this means
the stupidest comebacks ever, like, they're insanely dumb it's hilarious
but it's never that serious,,
if you get in an argument you usually don't talk it out either
usually one of you will take the other out for food as an apology
you also rarely text, most of ypur messages are in some way about food
taehyun —
hyun is the type of brother to enjoy quality time a lot
i mean,, you guys have a scheduled hang out-catch up session every week
he definitely texts you throughout the week to see if you need anything
likes running errands with you!
in general, you talk a lot as siblings
even with some light teasing he always makes sure you're okay
and looks out for you so much, no matter who is older
he does like to joke around with you though, especially while running errands
hueningkai —
this little shit
he likes to make your life miserable and finds it hilarious
the absolute definition of a menace
even though he loves you,, he doesn't say it out right
he shows it through lighthearted (mean) comments
"you look like a wet poodle lol"
he's the type to get into childishly push you off the pavement while you're walking
lets just say that growing up, kai was definitely the cause of you falling
way more than once,, really,, but that's how he shows his love for you
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— author's note: i'm sorry this took a couple more days than i anticipated anon but i hope this is okay!! i had fun writing these so thank you for requesting <33
— taglist (open): nobody yet,, feel free to dm me / comment / send an ask to be added to the txt taglist! <3
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nyxthejinx · 2 years
hey! i heard your requests were open and this is honestly something ive been wanting to request from someone for a long time but i was never sure if they did sibling dynamics,, until i saw your post haha
could i request some sibling headcanons with childe? preferably one close in age to him (maybe like one year younger)
dont be pressured to do this btw! feel free to delete my ask 💗 hope you have a good day <3
𝐒𝐧𝐞𝐳𝐡𝐧𝐚𝐲𝐚'𝐬 𝐑𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐬
A/N: thank you for asking anon! I'm glad you found what you were looking for, hope you like it. I'm just sorry it took me so long, busy times :')
𝐓𝐖: Spoilers for Childe's past, super tiny bit of angst, one swear word ig, just you and Childe sibling-fighting.
𝐅𝐭.: Childe - GN!Reader (platonic)
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 814
𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨: Treehouse - Alex G, Emily Yacina
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𝐈𝐟 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐤 𝐰𝐚𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐚 𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐬. Side by side through thick and thin, you and Ajax bring both havoc and cute displays of familial love capable of warming up the biting cold of snezhnaya.
You're either two menaces or polar opposites, no in between.
But in the end you share both happy bonding moments and "come here and let me strangle you" situations, yanno, ordinary administration.
Plus your relationship had its ups and downs with Ajax falling into the abyss. But family stays family right?
More under the cut!
As kids you used to venture together in the woods, little sledge in one hand and wooden swords in the other.
In case you don’t share Ajax’s adventurer spirit well, I’m sorry for u he’s dragging you out anyways <3
He’d pretend to be one of the characters from your father’s stories and play the hero, but he won't let you be the mc most of the time. Smack his face with a snowball >:(
Snowball fight -> tickle fight -> one of you gets “seriously” hurt and starts crying.
Cue for the other to shush them in fear of your parents' wrath, even tho they're not around.
But despite these little quarrels you tend to be mutually kind in your everyday life.
Someone broke something? Whoever is innocent tries to take the blame. The other intervenes and in the end you both get away with it.
You’re too cute and wholesome, your parents can’t punish you.
It started as an act of bravery and affection, and now it’s a strategy you always use >:)
Those times when Ajax wakes up because of a nightmare you scoop over and let him hide in your bed.
You'd even come up with bedtime stories of your own, where he's the strongest ever and nothing can hurt him. And of course he does the same for you.
You’re lovely really, But then you'd fight over the silliest shit </3
There was a time when he kept giving you the silent treatment, and you wouldn’t understand why??
After at least ten years of cohabitation you learned the telltale signs of his anger, but why was he mad? You just spent the weekend with your dad while he was stuck in his bed with a cold- oh.
Most of the times you apologise and clarify, you don't like it when silly conflicts put distance in your relationship.
Some other times you get mad in return.
That same day you stomp on the ice during their fishing session and all the fishes they've been waiting for hours swim away.
Ends up in a fight, and another headache for your dad who has to break it up before one of you falls in the water.
Your relationship is just beautiful, but Things change after he disappears into the abyss.
You were having one of your usual adventures and Ajax just disappeared.
Three days later he's back, but it's not the faded scratches on his skin or the rusty sword that worry you. It's his dead eyes.
You try to bring up the subject, tell him that you're here in case he wants to talk about it. But he just shows an empty smile and says that he's fine.
And the more you observe him, the more you don't recognise him.
It will take a long time before things start to resemble the past, between him joining the fatui and you chasing after your own ambitions and dreams.
Once Ajax finally finds courage to tell you what happened in the abyss, you kinda get into this habit of talking at least once a week.
You huddle for warmth in a blanket fort, fire crackling in front of you. Depending on the mood you'd confide your problems or talk about silly stuff. Even share silence sometimes.
He'll also make hot chocolate if you want <3
Ajax's the cook between you two, and for once he's grateful for his mother's unorthodox teachings. He bakes the best snacks ever.
But fatui business forces him to leave at a certain point, so all you can do is exchange pictures, letters and trinkets via mail.
Though you love each other it's inevitable for you to grow distant.
When family reunites from time to time the younger ones want to play board games, or just play in general.
That's when everything goes back to your childhood days, as you two team up and help Teucer, Anthon and Tonia win the game.
Your older siblings can do nothing and honestly they don't even bother to try <3 you're still a menace to society, more dangerous than ever.
A monopoly round once ended up with real money debt.
Your actual meetings are sporadic, but Ajax assures you that he's never forgotten the pinky promise he made you.
You'll see Teyvat together one day, and even conquer it if you'd like ;)
DON'T copy/repost my work. REBLOG instead! ©nyxthejinx
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sing-you-fools · 7 months
I remember reading Anansi Boys as a - uh, hold on, sorry it's just that I almost just said "as a kid" because it was so long ago but no I definitely was not a kid anyway - as a young adult, and absolutely loving the President's Day prank, in which [MINOR SPOILER AHEAD] Anansi convinces his son that it's a secret tradition to dress up as a president for President's Day at school. I remember saying, see, this is why I should never be a parent - I think this is the funniest shit ever and would do it to my children.
I grew up a little more - enough that while I'm still amused at the idea, I would not actually do such a thing, at least - and became a parent anyway.
Last night, my 6 year old's school sent out an email about Read Across America week. The email mentioned that today would be Silly Outfit Day. Now, last time the school sent out a "hey your kid has to wear something special" email literally the night before, I missed it and my daughter was the only one not in pajamas that day. (She was, instead, dressed in her best rock star outfit.)
I was not going to fuck it up again.
She didn't believe me when I told her this morning. I thought of that prank from Anansi Boys and assured her I wouldn't lie.
She still didn't believe me. I had to show her the email. "See? It's from your teacher." And from there, we enthusiastically put together the silliest outfit we could. Her two-tone pink fuzzy (fluffy fuzzy) pants, her mushroom dress that does not go with them at all, and to top it off, her "cat with lasers coming out of its eyes wearing a cowboy hat riding a shark that's puking rainbows through space" t-shirt* over it. She was disappointed that she couldn't wear her fish flops; alas, New England winter is not flip-flop-friendly. She dragged her feet getting ready so I didn't have time to do her hair, but reader, I promise: She looked plenty silly.
Guess who was the only fucking parent to check their fucking email this time.
At least her teacher assured her that I was right. And she's not bothered. Tomorrow is Influential Person Day, and they will be reading a book about "an inventor, celebrity, educator, or more." Despite the fact that I have very clearly stated to her - numerous times, even - that tomorrow is not a dress-up day, she is determined to go to school dressed as I Want To Break Free Freddie Mercury.
All of this is, somehow, Anansi's fault. Or, failing that, Neil's, for having written the book.
*We all have these. It's useful, when we go somewhere crowded and hectic, to wear the most ridiculous matching t-shirts possible. If she gets separated from us, it's very, very obvious to whom she belongs. So far, she even believes that this is fun.
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jiubilant · 2 years
17 and/or 29 for the worldbuilding prompts <3
29. a baffling fashion trend among the youth
4.E. 40
It is not unusual, on the island of Alcaire, for the rain to blow in sideways for a week or more. Two weeks is to be expected. Three, thinks the young clerk squishing up the chateau stairs, is some god’s vendetta against fur coats.
“Excuse me, madam,” he calls to the lady at the stairtop, and holds up the sodden wad of roadkill that had slithered off her shoulders outside. It is, to the best of his knowledge, a sable stole. Or was. “Excuse—ah, pardonnez-moi, madam—”
The lady, a powdery-faced matron whose gown glistens with cabochons, twists in her chaperone’s silk-sleeved arm. She blinks down at him.
Then she laughs. “It’s only mink, poor dear. Keep it.”
The clerk, standing soaked in his thin tabard, squidges his mouth to one side. He slings the stole over one shoulder.
Fredas nights are when the factor, the man who sometimes pays him, throws his soirees. He’s hosting some Colovy merchants tonight, if the clerk remembers right; he opens the drawing-room door to an explosion of clinking cups, laughter, and the sweet strains of someone torturing the spinet. Men in dagged sleeves embroidered with fleurs twirl local women—daughters of Company men, a few wealthy widows—adorned with scrimshaw beads. Someone’s brat runs by with a toy harpoon. The air shimmers with perfume and the deep, fishy smoke of whale-oil lamps.
The clerk slips in minklike, unnoticed. He spots the factor at table, his moustaches glazed with grease, crunching businesslike through a plate of ortolans on toast. On his left, a lady tolerates his hand on her shoulder, shivering when he toys with her necklace of pearls. On his right, a man in a fur-lined houppelande puts his nose in a cup of wine. The clerk arranges his face to look polite and unassuming, then leans between them to murmur the day’s exchange rates in the factor’s ear—
The man with the wine jumps, spilling it. Then he turns to the factor with a laugh. “You employ such sinister sorts.”
“He scares the crows,” the factor says amiably. “Diverting little fellow, too. Je suis ravi—that’s what he says when he introduces himself.” He pats the clerk on the shoulder. “Go on, then, Ravi.”
Polite, the clerk reminds himself. Unassuming. “Monsieur?”
“You’re at a party,” says the factor. “There’s drink. There’s dancing.” He fishes a kerchief from his pocket, shakes it out, and dabs a drib of gristle from his chin with the gold-embroidered corner. “Does Veloth let you dance?”
The clerk tries on a smile. The lady, a long-faced woman in the silliest plumed hat that the clerk has ever seen, stands and curtseys to him.
“You had better ask me,” she says gravely, “now that I am up.”
“Er,” says the clerk, eyeing the hat like a birdwatcher. Its feathers tremble. He half-wonders if it will take flight. “Ah. Yes, um—”
“Um,” the lady agrees with great sobriety, and takes his dripping arm.
She has wobbled him, on wine-sweet nights when the factor is away, through a few giggling steps of a valse. Now the factor is here, watching. The clerk checks that the man is looking, then plays the plouc by stumbling over his partner’s shoes. When the laughter at the factor’s table dies down, he waits for a beat—polite, unassuming—then dares to look the lady in the face.
“I hope,” she says, “he chokes on a bone.”
The clerk raises his eyebrows. He’s holding her at arm’s length, gingerly, like a botellier holding a birdcage; he would like to do otherwise, but he is conscious of his audience. “You’re cross with him.”
“I always am,” says the lady, smiling. “Not least when he treats us like prize puppies.”
The clerk smiles, too. His face is stiff from smiling. “Woof.”
“Arf. Do you like my hat?”
“Is it wise,” says the factor’s clerk, “to do this in front of him—”
“You’re always,” says the factor’s wife, “putting questions to questions.”
The clerk firms his mouth and twirls her. A feather brushes his cheek like a kiss.
“Suppose,” he says under his breath when she’s spun back again, “we run for it.”
“Now?” The lady is breathless from dancing. The lamplight pirouettes in her eyes, in the pearls at her bright throat. “Here?”
“Now,” the clerk agrees, straight-faced. He looks over her shoulder at the factor, who is deep in conversation. “Here.”
She laughs, of course, as usual. Her laugh is like a cool hand on a bruise. “We’d live on stale bread.”
“I would grow old,” says the lady, and tucks the clerk’s hair behind his pointed ear. “And lose all my teeth. You’d have to chew my food for me.”
“Mm.” The clerk smiles. He can’t help it. “Your stale bread, yes. Though we might indulge in some gruel.”
“You don’t even like my hat—”
The music stops. In the busy hush that follows—the rustling of damasks and soft silks, the polite murmurs as their fellow dancers trade partners—the clerk and the factor’s wife stare at each other.
“All right,” says the lady. Beneath her hat, her face is set and pale. “Now.”
“Yes,” says the clerk. He feels as though the rain has washed something out of him. “Now.”
Neither of them move. They look instead to the factor, placing the last ortolan in his mouth, snapping small bones between his teeth.
[33 worldbuilding prompts]
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pocketlad · 2 years
The silliest thing I have ever put thought into, Mario and Luigi playing minecraft: (I haven't really seen or played the new versions so it might be a little outdated)
-Every time it starts turning dark Luigi immediately goes into a panic
-I feel like Mario would be doing his thing and then all of a sudden Luigi's crying and like "MARIO HELP" and he turns around and Luigi's being chased by like 50 monsters and he's covered in arrows. Then they put it on peaceful for a bit so they can relax
-Mario might also do the same thing but its like, he makes a creeper follow him and calls it his "pal" and somehow manages to do this for like 5 hours without it exploding. And then Luigi comes by and accidentally makes it explode and kills both of them
-Luigi finds a cow and can't fucking believe it
-Mario's like "Luigi look its a flower! :D" and he has one of those tulips in his hand, and they're both super excited and happy and then they go out of their way to find those biomes with a bunch of flowers in them. And when they do they're ecstatic
-Like 50 days into playing through the game they finally stumble upon one of the mushroom island things and they're like MUSHROOMS!!! and as you guessed it, they're super excited. The mooshrooms make it even better for them
-I think Mario would be one of those people who digs out a massive square in the middle of some grass biome to mine in, and it goes down for levels upon levels. Luigi constantly falls in it and dies
-They have like 100 dogs and cats, every single time they come across one they start freaking out like "DOGGY! KITTY!" and they have to tame it immediately and they frantically search for a bone or fish in their inventory or nearby
-They feel bad killing animals in game for food so instead they have something like a potato farm and they make mushroom stew all the time. They also have to make a cake every single time they play
-They let Wario into their world ONE TIME and he griefs the entire thing, then they never invite him to their minecraft world again.
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arcadian-vampire · 2 years
Video Game Infodump... 3!! (Disgaea 4, Chapter One Pt. 1)
[LONG post, most of it under a 'readmore' link, RIP to y'all but it's real autism hours again]
There's this tactical rpg called Disgaea 4 that I've had my eye on for a while now, so when it ended up being 60% off on Steam for Black Friday, I snatched it up. Not five minutes into it I found that it 100% would've been worth the full price, I love it So Much. It's like,, Fire Emblem but silly
The protagonist is so, so beautifully stupid. He's a vampire, and he's introduced w a monologue abt drinking blood- or at least, that's what it seems like, until he reveals that his favorite thing in the world... is sardines.
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This man has four (4) traits: being pretty, gullible, sardine-obsessed, and so dead set on keeping promises that it's absolutely absurd.
Oh and he's the instructor for the prisoners of Hades, known as 'prinnies'. They're penguins that apparently are human souls who, to carry out punishment for the crimes they committed while they were alive, have been tucked into the world's saddest fursuits (blubbersuits?)
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Also, the voice acting in this?? Is SO fucking good. I'm usually not a huge fan of English dubs, but this one is fantastic. Valvatorez' VA's passion shines through in every line, and it really brings this character to life, it's so much fun to hear.
[The VA is Troy Baker, who is known for his work in anime and video games, including the second incarnation of Greed in FMA and Excalibur in Soul Eater!! I went to his wiki and there's a section on NFT drama though, sad clown honk]
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The story really kicks off when Val's beloved class of prinnies are 'kidnapped' before he can fulfill his promise of one (1) sardine, and he ends up rebelling against authority just to get those penguins their fish. They're set to be exterminated to deal with overpopulation- a big huge Yikes- but he doesn't care about that. The prinnies can be killed AFTER he gives them each a sardine. They can't die before he's followed through on his word!
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To go with goofy characters, there are goofy items: for healing, I've got a fuckton of sardines, the beginner armor is a garbage bag, and every item description is rather silly (pot lid shield that simply says 'it can protect your body but not your pride' my beloved)
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There are also goofy names. I totally forgot to take screenshots, but my fighter's name is 'National Holiday', and at one point I fought a prinny named 'Contact Lenses'
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Back to discussing the story bc I'm obsessed with it, the first antagonist, kidnapper of the prinnies, is the warden of Hades. He's sort of opposite of Val, and I don't think I'm ever going to get over his design- no shirt, the silliest coat ever, and his EYEBROWS... reminds me a little of Ralphie (ask me abt Ralphie ask me ask me I dare you)
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Even after we kick his ass, he refuses to let Val feed the prinnies, boooo
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The government of the Netherworld is called the 'corrupternment', which is. yeah.
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And Val's loyal servant also does not wear a shirt. Low-rise jeans that expose a man's hip bones are The Trend in the Netherworld, I guess.
This artstyle makes it look like all these guys got grabbed by some giant hand and were squashed around the middle... it's so funky
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The quest for the prinnies continues, with Fenrich pulling some political bullshit, but I am. nearly at the image limit and it probably isn't reasonable to just post most of the entire first chapter of this game, huh.
Anyway TLDR; this is my favorite game now, and I adore Val so so much, he's Pathetic <3
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angioislas · 11 months
“Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!” Season 2 (1970)
Directors: Joseph Barbera, William Hanna
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Technique: “Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!” season 2 was shot in color with a 1.33: 1 aspect ratio in a 35 mm format. It had 8 episodes, each having a run time of about 20 minutes each.
For this blog I watched 3 episodes of the second season of “Scooby-Doo, Where Are You?” that was aired on the 1970s, these episodes being “Nowhere to Hyde”, “Scooby's Night with a Frozen Fright” and “Don't Fool with a Phantom”. Each being in different circumstances but having the same end goal, to solve a mystery regarding a monster or ghost.
1.- “Nowhere to Hyde” starts by showing us Hyde, a ghost who terrorizes the city at night and steals valuable jewels, while running away from the crime he gets on the Mystery Machine leading to the gang finding him out and pursuing him to a mansion where they find the owner Dr. Jekyll and his maid Helga. As the gang investigates, they find a lot of evidence pointing to Helga until they find the most important piece, giving away to Dr. Jekyll guilt, helping them catch the ghost and solve the mystery.
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2.- “Scooby's Night with a Frozen Fright” during a fishing trip Shaggy fishes out a huge block of ice with a caveman on the inside that they take to the local aquarium, Oceanland, where they meet Professor Ingstrom and Professor Wayne to which they give the caveman to. Sometime after leaving Shaggy notices, he had forgotten something in the aquarium making it necessary to return to it, when they arrive, they notice that the caveman had been freed, making the gang take action to find the roaming caveman who ended up being Professor Wayne who was looking to steal Professor Ingstorm´s new invention that allowed for anyone to communicate with sea life.
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3.- “Don’t Fool with a Phantom” presents the gang having a dance contest on TV lead by Johnny Sands when suddenly they are interrupted by a ghost called the Wax Phantom giving an end to the contest destroying everything around and kidnaping Johnny Sands. Leading to an investigation on possible suspects these ones being Johnny Sands, and Mr. Grisby that after an argument with Johnny Sands promised to take his revenge. After a lot of investigation, the gang is able to capture the Wax Phantom who ended up being the TV manager who intended to run away to South America with the money he had stolen from the Johnny Sands Show.
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All these animations depict The Mystery Gang which is conformed by Scooby-Doo, Shaggy Rogers, Velma Dinkley, Fred Jones, and Daphne Blake meanwhile also presenting us new characters every episode to push the narrative forward.
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Scooby-Doo as a whole was a total hit for Hanna-Barbara making for a great steppingstone for the company, it was numbered 49th on the “100 Greatest Cartoons” collection in the UK. The Scooby-Doo saga continues to move forward, growing and expanding in its stories.
Ever since I remember I have always loved Scooby-Doo, so rewatching these episodes gave me a lot of nostalgia together with the laughs I used to have back then about the silliest things.  Looking back on it I found more appreciation and understanding for some of its contents in different ways.
I found the specific episodes on Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! season 2 | Scoobypedia | Fandom and watched them on YouTube after.
References and sources:
Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! season 2 | Scoobypedia | Fandom
Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! | Scoobypedia | Fandom
List of Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! episodes - Wikipedia
Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! (Western Animation) - TV Tropes
Scooby-Doo, ¿dónde estás? (Serie de TV 1969–1978) - IMDb
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